Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1885, Image 2

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    THE DAILY BEE \VEDWESDAY , JULY 8 , 1885. "f !
This medicine , comnlnlng Iron with pure
Vegetable tonic' , rmlrkly imrt cor-1"1-1"
"Itii'nnun'faillnremedy ' , for Dlsenscsof the
Kir.Tn ? ? lu.Wo''for W.MJCI Millar to
Women , and nil vlio lend tcclcntnry lives.
Itdocsnot injure the tcctlicftu olicRdnclicor
produce constlpatlon-o/AT- ncdtclntiilo.
U enriches nnd j.urlfles the Wood , Simulates
thonppctitc.nlds the n lrnllatloii of food , re
lieves llcnrtlnirn nnd Udclilng , mid strength
ens the miKPlc * nnd nerves. , . . .
For Intermittent Tevcrx , Uissltiidc , tore of
Energy , Ac. , It lias no equal. '
Jiff The genuine hns abo\ trndo mark find
crossed red lines on w rapptr. Tnle no other.
i. < oniniionrfan ) ,
> ' f to tlio Vl'1)Uo
Quick. Sum t'urrs fff
KMalillslied 1"J1.P \ , . , , , , tusii tiiKlcrltil rn.
t3 ? Scud to Btnmrn for Cflchrntcd Jledlin
Works ' Adlrot ( ? . 1) OI.AItKU , M. D. ,
IBO'bouth Clark Street , CUICAOO , ILL ,
Eoyal Havana Lottarj I
Drawn at Havana Cuba ,
Every 10 to 14 Days.
Tickets In Filths ; wholes 33 ; Fractions pro r ta
abject lo no nutnlDUUtloa , not controlled ny the
yiilleiln Intereit. It It the fullest thing In the
time of chance In eilatonco.
tor tickets apply to 8HIPSE7 * CO. , 1212 Broad
w rr7. T. City ; , or M.O'ITENa ft 00 , C19 ll ! n SL
y , if o.
For the benefit of suffering humanity , I deem it
only my duly touhe tliliumollciua toitlmony and
the old time treatment healed up , but It hid only
been diUcn into the lystem by tin use of potash and
mercury , and In March , 18S2 , It broke out In my
throat , and concentnted into uh t Bomo of the doc
tors called cincer , eating through my cheek , do-
etrojlng thereof cl my mouth and upper Up , then
attacked my tongue , palate and lower lip , -icstroy-
ing the palate and under lip entirely and half my
tongue , eitlnft out to tbo top of my left cheek bone
and up to the left ejo. I could not cat any solid
Iood , but subsisted on liquid' , atd my tongue Una
eo far gone I cou d not talk Buch was mv wretched
hcli'Iesg ' condition tbo Ilrflt of last October , 1831 ,
when my frlendu commenced Kl\Iog me Stvlft'a Spo-
clflc. In Ics9 than a month the eating places stopped
and healing commenced , and tha fearful aparturo
In my check has been close and firmly knitted to
gether. A process of a now under lip la progressing
finely , and the tongue which waa almost destroyed
Is being roco\croJ , and It seems that nature Is sup
plying a new tongue. 1 ran talk so that my friends
can readily undentanl ine , and can aUo eat solid
food again. If any doubt thcio facts , I would refer
thoQ to lion. John II. Trijlor , etato senator of this
district , and to Dr T. P. Uradflcld of Lndrango Qa
JOHN F DIUPLKY , 11 OrlJwold tit.
Detroit , Mich. , May 10 , IKS.
For sale by all druggists
N. T. , 1B7 W. 23dSt Drawers , Atlanta , da.
JtEJIEUY 1 111 E. Avlctlm of ) outliful linprnclenco
K 1'rematnro Decay , NonousDebillly , Lot
Manhood , > tc.having tried in vain every known
remedyhot dlscovereil n l plomeanaof eelf-cnre.
yiich/he.wiiL ! nij\vnr- \ to/-
It ll > V n i
Imported Beer
Erlanger Bavaria I Culmbaclier Bavaria
Pilsner , . . , , . , Bohemian Kalaer . . . . .Urcmon
Budnelser St. Loula I Anhauter 8t , T.ouli
Ilott'B Milwaukee | Schlltz 1 * Igner.Mllwaukee
Krug'8 . . . .Omaha i Ale , I'ortcr , Domustloand
Khlne Wines.
EDMAUEEE , 12 J 3 Farnam St ,
Frrmntnrc lU'clluo from errors or dresses ,
T.DBiro'vcijJiieateiof the Uldiier , Hind.
< lcr. anil J'roMiUo ( ilnnd CI1UKII without
btomaoli Medicines liy the Marstnn llolus. Va
rlcocc loci ] \MilioutsurKcri' . Trcnllso and tes
timonials Iri'i1. All rornoiionilencocnnllili'iillnl.
40 lAf.xlt Ctivot NPUtf VHRK.
Cor. f 8th. end Donglaa Sta.
Canitnl Stock S150liUf
, - - - ,
Liability of StocMioldorQ , 300,000
Fiye Per CentlnlereFaid on Deposits
jA.lLCa . HOTD " , . . . . . . . . . . . . . .I'rcslJcnt
f. A. PAXTON , . . . . . , . . . .To ! Pimo-r.
L.U. BENNETT. . UimuUig Director
IDUJiK. WtliBUK . , , . Cuhl r
The Oollooi DficiW Gooil in Varions
Sections of Male ,
Oorn Takes the Lead in Aoreago
aud Condition ,
Outs niul Flax Good Second Wheat
Backward In Condition anil
Iteports from correspondents in the north
outh nnd central counties of the state present
n cheering picture of the condition of growing
gralu in their immediate localities , A vast in-
crcaso .In the ncrengo under cultivation i
shown , due to the rapid settlement of the
country , Corn Is still king by a large ma
jority , both in acreage and condition , muring
[ rora ten to twcnty-fivo per cent , of the for
mcr , while the staud In all cases equals , and
in many places , exceeds , last year. Whoa
acreage haa decreased in the older setttec
counties , but the now ones make up the defi
clency , The outlook Is generally for an eighty
per cent. crop. Oats and flax have an Increas
ed acreage , and the condition of both is excel
lent. Very few complaints of domago b ;
atonna are received , but a superabundance o
rain Is reported , which in some localities wil
delay the harvest :
Special Reports for the BEE.
AHGO , July 0. The condition of the crop
on olovatcd land Is good ; not so on the leland \
land , as there has been an over abundnnco o
water. 2. We have had no hailstorms , bu
wind storms have damaged corn a trifle , 3
The corn ( is it stands now will compare wit !
lost year's crop , except on bottom lands
Wheat never looked bettor , but the ocreng
will bo less , owing to the low prices last year
The storm of the Itthof Juno did a good dea
of damage around AFRO. Windmills , corn
cribs , stables and some buildings were demol
ished. The Swedish Mission church wa
completely destroyed. It was nearly finished
Loss , about $810. Some damage was done t
Mr. S. Samson's buildings , loss amounting t
about $75.
AYR , July 0. The crops are just fair Ii
this county. The wheat is rather small am
thin and not as big an acreage as last year
Oats and barley look well. Corn is small bu
in good condition ,
DONIUR , July G. The condition of crops I
good. No damage done by wind , rain o
nail , The acreage of all crops Is somewlm
larger than last year , think about 10 per cent
AnuNGTON , July C. Crops in Washing
ton county were never better
and ] were not damaged by storms
If nothing happens the crop this yea
will bo the largest we ever had , _ Wheat , oxtr
good ; corn , good stand nnd in good shape
Have Hcen corn larger for this time of th
year ,
BENTOHA , July G. Had a hailstorm which
nearly ruined some of the wheat and oats , bu
corn hardly shows It now and looks splendid
Not more than three-fourths oa much whea
as last year and about four times as much
corn. I believe we have the best corn in the
state as farmers are laying it by. Wo have
hud some hard windstorms , but no damagi
done to amount to anything.
Cheyenne Co. , July 0. The
condition of crops in this part of the county is
very fine , No damage by wind or hailstorms
The acreage of grain and , corn will c.xceec
that of last year by far as this year's ' crops are
the first ever planted In eastern Cheyenne
county. Many now Bottlers have fine sod
ALEXANDRIA. Thayer Co. , Neb. , July C.
The crops of nit kind * aia looking unusually
well ; no wind or hail to damage anything it
ibis county BO far. The acreage of both email
? raln and corn la Increased over last year , but
; o what extent I do not know.
DONIHIAN , Hall Co , , July G. There has
icon no damage done to crops by wind sterms
> r hail in this , the south part of the county ,
Fho acreage of grain and corn is about ten
> er cent over last year and crops of all kinds
ook ten per cent bettor than lost year ; are
laving plenty of rain really more than is
needed , Farmers are jubilant over prospects ,
BATTLE CHEEK , Neb. , July C. The condl-
; ion of crops In this county Is simply immense.
-\o better prospects m the last five years. No
lamnge byvind or hail. The ncroago of
mall grain and corn will exceed that of last
rear by about twenty-five per cent ,
BAS3ETT , Neb , , July p. The acreage , as
lomparod with Irst year , is about ten to one ,
, nd every kind of crop is in excellent condl-
Ion. Never saw better prospects anywhere.
Invo had no damaging atorma BO far this
eason ,
Asii GROVE , Neb , , July C. There has been
no storms of wind or hail this season , There
vas a larger acreage this season than last.
? here is the best prospect for a general crop
hat I have seen in twelve years ,
ARMADA. July G. Crops are in good con-
jition and looking finely , but some later than
astyear. _ Wo have had three bail storms
ere but did not do any damage In this immo-
iato vicinity , but did considerable damage
orth and wnst of horo.about fifty or Boventy-
ve miles. It injured small grain terribly
nd cut thu corn down to the ground. The
creago Is about one-sixth greater this year
lian last of both wheat and corn , Ha\a had
ain enough ,
BLUE VALLEV , July 0. The crops In this
? cUon _ of the country are very promising and
: nothing happens them we will Imvo the
nrgeat for many yoars-both corn and wheat ,
Vo have had no wind ttorms or hall this sen-
on. Wheat and flax never looked moro
romialng in this section of the country ,
CLAIRKMONT , July 0 , The crops around
Jluiremont have the appearance of an abund-
mt yield. Their condition Is unusually good ,
'ho storms have not Injured any of tbo crops ,
'here is twenty- five per cent more corn and
rain than last season , There are a larger
utnber of Block also. The peopla are enter-
rising aud the country has an air of pios-
LERTON , July G. The condition of
reps in this locality is good now. Dam-
Re by hail and rain severe here. This
'art ' of the country was hailed for miles last
oar , I think the cropa look well. Wheat in
ot aa thick on the ground as I have Been it ,
lut the balance of crops are up to a full stand
t present.
WAYNE , Nob. , July G. Crops in this
ounty are in splendid condition , never looked
otter at this season. Tha recent storm did
iO dam ago to crop ] here , except possibly put
tiem a few days back. All grain has recov-
C d from the effects of it. The acreage of
rtin and corn this year will bo nearly if not
ulto one-third larger than last , "
BltAlNAEn , July G. Have been around over
he county some in the laet two weeks. I
never taw as good a prospect for a crop , The
creage Is larger than ever. All looks epleu-
Id , No damage of any kind has happened
et , Wheat is very heavy etrawed this year ,
lye , oats , flax and corn Is good as can be for
he time of the year , Vegetables good ,
STANTO.V , July 0. The crops of this county .
are in excellent condition , rather above the
average. Acreage of small grain lees this year
han last ; of corn greater ,
CRETE , Saline Co. , July G. Corn , cats ,
wheat and potatoes looking well. Farmers
ire very hopeful. No damage ; none to cropa
iy storm. Bomo tins loosing croni of tlm-
itliy and clover In this vicinity. Tha acrrnge
f corn is ten per cent , greater than last year ;
mall grain U about the same ,
DDXK , July G. Corn is leaking well and '
arraera generally are keeping their crops
lean and in nice condition. The stand gen-
rally is most excellent , seed proving good ,
nd thia most seasonable rain makes ma say
bat Lancaster county will raiee more corn
han over before dna to the increase of acre- It
ace , Pall wheat cot much town in thia
uounty , Spring wheat , rye , barley and o t
re very premising ; acreage good , especially
f oata wluc.h I think it much increased over
ait year. There his been no damage done
by hall or storms of any kind to my knowl
FORT CALIIOCN , Washington Co. , July C.
Condition of crops good , no damage by show-
em , acreage moro than last year and better
corn 15 to 20 per cent ; small grain 20 to 23
per cent.
DILLUR , July G. The condition of crops Is
me , Have had no storms to do damage ret ,
The acreage ot corn Is in advance of last year
3 rain about the sixmo ,
CoLtsincs , Platte Co. , July G , Wheat is a
full average crop. Oata above the vernge
Corn Is backward and Will require pooi
weather late in the fall to mature , Tin
average increase compared with last year I
about ten p'r cent There has been no clam
ago by wind or hall to the crop ) , but there
lias boon some damage by lightning ,
I'RAHA , Colfax Co , , July G. Condition o
crops 100 acreage , wheat , 80 ; oats. 110 ; corn
ICO , IN o damage by wind or hall storms a
yet , Hoes dying hero very fast ,
ARAPAHOE , Furnas Co. , July G Have bac
no wind or hail storms In this vicinity tha
has done any damage and crops of all kind
are first rate , Corn is extra good. Whoa
began to show the effect of dry woalhcr bu
wo have just had two days rain which wil
mature thu wheat without any moro , Vege
tables are nice. Crops of oil kinds will com
pare favorably with last year's ,
PENDEB , Dakota county , July 7. Corn
the leading crop in this section , Is somowhn
late on acount of a wet spring , but the warm
weather of the past few weeks has done much
to bring it foiward. Flax probably rank
next to corn In acrcrgo this year and prom
It03 a big crop. Wheat is somewhat smtitt
because of the wet weather during the sprin
months , but good weather for the rest of th
season will probably co..cct this evil ,
ALHION. Boone Co , , July 7. Crop pros
pccts in this county are very favorable. Th
ncroago of wheat Is perhaps 23 per cont. lea
than last year and the average yield will b
hardly as good as then , but oats and corn ar
a larger nren and bolter prospects than las
season. Theio has been no damage whatovo
yet from storms of any kind to the growin
crops , The rye harvest will begin thia wool
The acreage lefnot v ery largo but the grai
generally looks well ,
COKCORD. DIxon county , July 7. The crop
in thU locality have advanced in growth rap
idly since the heavy storm ot Juno 14 , The
are as far advanced at present as they wor
last year at this time. Corn promises a
average crop , Wheat was damaged some b
the storm , but will average two-thirds of
crop. Flax is doing well , and Is about thro
weeks earlier than last season at this timo.
ANDBCSVILLE , Nob. , July G. Small grai.
la about the same as last year. Corn is large
in its growth than last year at this time , on
there is a greater ncroago. In some portion
of the county the wind and hail storms hav
done Bomo dainago. The rain of last Frida
and Saturday nights was the first for fou
weeks. Rye is being cut , and Is not quito a
good as lost yoar.
RED OLODD , Webster Co. , July G.
There is no damage done , by wind or hail t
crops in this county.Tho acreage of wheat :
about the same laa last year ; corn Increasec
oats , rye , barley and potatoes about like las
yoar. Wheat will probably average abou
two bushels losa per acre ; oats will probabl
average about two and n half bushels less po
acre ; rye and barley will ylold about like las
year ; potatoes are fully as good as last year
corn is not as far as last year , but abou
eight or ten days back , but there Is a goo
stand , and good weather will produce a goo
MOHAN , Wheeler Co , July G. The acreag
of corn and email grain is in the south an
east portions of the county nearly double laa
years crop. This is owing to a largo acreag
that was broke last year. All crops , ( espec
ially corn ) , are splendid and will increase las
years yield , In the north and west parts o
the county crops look poor and backward
conditions of a very wet spring and summer
There has been no bail to damage crops ; som
heavy winds but no damage except to unroo
a few houses. Last years crop of corn j
mostly fed out and scarce now &t forty centg
local price ; oats thirty and thirty-hve cents ,
The Mate Agent's Keporr.
Daniel H , Wheeler , state statistical agent
reports crops for July as follows , his estimate
being based on comparisons with the corresponding
pending period of 16S4 :
Corn Condition , 97iarea ; , 13IJ.
Winter wheat Condition , § 78 ; spring
wheat , condition , 101 ; ; ,
( Winter rye Condition , 92 5-Gj spring rye ,
condition , 97 1-5.
Oats Condition , 100. } .
Barley Condition , 98.
Irish potatoes Acreage , 11-1 ; condition ,
Sweet potatoes Area , llOi ; condition , 95t
Sorghum Area , 103 4-5 ; condition , 91 7-9 ,
Wool Amount , lOGJ.
Clover Condition , HG 3 5.
Timothy Condition , 107J.
Pasture Condition , ICGi.
Apples Condition , 75.
American-Bred Horses ,
Fifteen million of horsoa are cow
wned In America and
, moro than a
million a year must bo bred to keep up
ho supply. The largest portion of these
are used for agricultural and heavy draft
inrpoaeo , and such horses bring from
? 1T5 to 8250 each. It would bo Impos-
Iblo to breed them if It were not for the
mportatlona of Forcheron horses. Five
mndred stallions are now annually 1m-
ortod from Franco to the United States.
? ho Immense wealth they are adding to
ho nation will bo better understood
when It Is known that the first cross of a
'orcharon ' stallion with n native mare
doubles the colling valno of the colt when
inaturo. Largo numbers of Porcheron
talllons are exported from tha United
States by Canadian breeders to renew
ho old French blood BO highly prized ,
nd also to give quality , style and action
o the largo English draft and Clydesdale
tock which has boon bred there so long.
early ono hundred Perchoron stallions
lave boon sold to Canada during the past
wo years by M. W. Dunham , Oakland
? arm , Wayne , Ills. , the greatest im-
ortor of the French race , who has 1m-
ortod from -Franco nearly two thousand
oad. Ho now has on hand several
lundrod of tbo finest Pcrchorons to be
onnd in France , nearly all recorded
1th thelc pedigrees in the Porchorou
tnd bosk of franco.
The Poor Llttlo Ones.
Wo often BOB children with rod orup-
lens on face and hands , rough , scaly
kia , and often sores on the head. These
hiags indicate a depraved condition of
he blood. In the growing period chll-
Iren have need of pare blood by which
o build np strong and healthy bodies
f Dr. Plorco's 'Golden Medical Dlscov-
iry" Is given , the blood is purged of its
> ad elements , and the child's develop *
raent will bo healthyand as it should bo.
"crofulons affections , rickets , foyer sores
lip joint disease or other grave maladies
nd sufferings ara sure to result from >
neglect and lack of proper attention to
uch cases.
A convict at n French penal settlement , >
ho was undergoing a life tentence , desired
.0 marry a female convict , such marriages
eing of frequent occuirence. The governor
f the colony had no objection , bat the priest
jroc-eded to cross-examine the prisoner : 9
'Did you not marry in France ? " asked the
lorgynun , "Yfs , " And your wife is dead ? "
'She ' is , " "Have you any documents to enow
hat she u dead ? " "No. " "Then I must re
use to marry you. You must brint ? proof of
ha death of your wife. " There was a pause ,
urlng which the prospective bride looked at
be would-be bridegroom. Finally he said :
'I can prove that my fonner wife is dead. "
'How con you i > to\o it ? " "I was sent here for
illing her. "
The Favorite Washing Compound of \
cIcanBCBfabrlcj without Injuryinnd with
out the laborious scrubbing necesrnry
with ordinary soap. For ealo by
grocers. .
The Imerican Woman Who Conducts
Her Hnsbanfl's ' Campaigns ,
The Brilliant Daughter of Leonard
W.Jcroinonml Her Union With
an English Iiord How She
Proposes to Some Dny
Rule England.
A few ycara ago Miss Jonnlo Jerome ,
the eocond dnn hter of Leonard Jerome ,
attended a swell dinner party in Paris.
Among the distinguished guests w s Lord
Randolph Churchill. Hla attention was
attracted to her by her beauty nnd the
flnoncy nnd brilliancy with which eho
carried on conversation In French. Ho
addressed her , and noon the lord confined
his conversation to her. These who sat
near them stopped talking , and listened
to them with undisguised admiration.
Miss Jerome was noted for her conversa
tional powers , but they had never seemed
to her friends as brilliant as on this occa
sion. Lord Randolph proved n match
for her. Ilor satire was met with spark
ling repartee ; her wit and humor for
once found fair exchange. When the
ladles had \vitbdrown , Lord Randolph
turned to a friend and said , enthusiasti
cally : "That's the brightest woman I
over mot , " and added , with the serious
ness of a fatalist : "I mean to mnr.yhor. "
Singularly enough , while ho was saving
this , Miss Jerome was making almost the
Identical remark concerning him to her
slater. Perhaps that evening she played
her favorite Chopin nocturne moro
tenderly and woolngly than over. At all
events , Lord Randolph was not slow In
discovering that ho had made a deep Im
pression upon her as she had on him.
Within a fortnight of their first mooting
they were engaged and very soon after
wards married. By his union with Miss
Jerome Lord Randolph secured a wife
whoso fiery and ambitious temperament
has spurred him on In hlspolltlcal career ,
and whoso Income Is sufficient to form a
welcome addition to his small annuity ,
for , being & younger son , ho Is not rollIng -
Ing in wealth , nor is his older brother ,
the duke of Harlborougb , generously in
clined toward him. Indeed It Is well
known that the two brothers hate each
other cordially , and It Is to this hatred
rather than to any enthusiasm in behalf
of the liberal cause that the duke's sup
port of a liberal candidate In opposition
to Lord Randolph Is credited. That the
duko'a opposition has Inspired Lidy
Randolph to take part in
of Woodstock for parliament , to the extent -
tent of making speeches to his constitu
ents at opon-alr meetings , haa not sur
prised her host of friends hero , who know
her to bo as dashing and Intrepid as she
la accomplished.Vhilo they remember
that she can play Chopin divinely , they
also remember that when she follows the
hounds she Is In at the death. Indeed It
lias long been maintained hero that a
largo share of Lord Randolph's political
mccess should be accredited to her ; that
his rise into promincnco datoa from the
time when she began to coach him , and
that his brilliant guerilla tactics are the
inspiration of her fiery and fearless tem
per. It la possible that her friends oxag-
geratorand that Lord Randolph's unpop
ularity hero leads her American friends
to underestimate his ability. Daring
the visit of the Churchllls hero , some
winters ago , the noble lord was rather
snobbish. Ho stalked through New York
society , with his hands clasped behind j
his back , looking down upon his snr- |
ronndlngs with a snpercllllous air of sn-1
poriority. But , however that way be , ho J
no doubt owes much of his success to his
wife. For , though ho is nominally a
conservative , he is in some respects more
democratic in his ideas than the average
liberal. His views on the Irish question
show strong traces of American influence
and his political methods often have an
element of American dash to them. His
wife Is very popular in Ireland , she hav-
ng won the hearts of the Irish people
luring her sojourn there with her hua-
) and at the time his father resided among
the Irish. Ho is essentially progressive
another American characteristic. Ho
latos to have old fcgles around , and ho
itorally "kicked old Sir Stafford Nortb-
cote up stairs,1' Into the honso of lords.
In these 'opinions and methods the strong
niluonco of his wife may bo felt. She Is
n fact his political mentor.
Should Lord Rindolph over become
iremior , not an unlikely event , think of
t Britons I an American woman , with
ho blood of freedom conraing in her
may guide the affairs of your na
Ion I It is almost certain that she will
omo day bo Dnchesj of Maryborough ,
or the present duko'a only son , the Mar- '
[ nis of Blandford , Is a very sickly little
ioy , and there is llttlo doubt that the
uku'a titles and possessions will fall to
ord Randolph ,
Lady Randolph Churchill is the second
f Leonard Jerome's three daughters.
? ho oldest , Chrit , la the wlfo of Moroton
"rowen , an Englishman who owns a
arge cattle ranch , which ho visits about
wlce a year , Mrs. Frowon coming over
with him and remaining In New York.
"ho youngest daughter also married an
Englishman , Sir John Lsslio. Lady
Randolph is generally considered the
rightcst of the three. Her friends say
ho Is so full of life and magnetism that
touch of her hand thrills you and
makes yon tingle. She owns the Uni-
orslty club hero and the fine property on
rlilch it stands , it having been conveyed
o her before her marrlago by her father ,
Iho Fnrincr'a Blunder.
At the county fair he wont to tbo man
n charge of the animal department and
aid , "Enter me also for a jackass. " The
man looked at him and conclndod In a
noment that ha was ono of the sort of
non who , when sick , take almost every-
hlng except Brown's Iron Bitten , and
sen wonder why they don't get well ,
The Iron In this medicine is a wonderful
reparatlon , the only iron preparation , In
act , that can bo taken without injury to
eeth or stomach. The cures of then-
uatitm , dyspepsia , and liver complaint
y using Brown's Iron Bitters are num.
lerod by thousands. .
13y means of a tunnel the Sacramento river
to bo turned from Its course at o point
ilrty miles above Iteddlng. Two miles of
ver bed will be laid barn , and rich diggings
re expected to be foilocl.
TTben B byITU ilckwo , g To Ler Cutorlo ,
\Ybtn the w a Child , abe cried for Caitoria ,
Vlien tlie became Iflu , ghe clouf to Castorla , ed
Wluu i lie had Childrta , elie g Te ticra CutorU
Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica.
Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache ,
Ilurii * . .Nralil * . rrimt llllco
J n jit , OTIIFR imnttY ruvs AMI A.
Solil by lirtiff lit * unit ppM r wr rrnlitr * . liftX utt toltlo ,
Ulrectlctifl la 11 Lttigu * f * .
( SomiKil lo A. VOQIUn * CO J U ltlnorr , Jli , V. B. J
017 St. ChnrlPS St. , St. Tions ? 3lo ,
inriCKllD thetptcUltrtftimmief O * * " 'i Nn.eril ,
jlod HLOO I > i , ii. U. tinr ' . ! i r rtj-i'rliala ' Oi. J
11 filj r r"i > ! > r 1 il fid reildonti o .
Nervous Prosit&tfon , Debility , Mcnlt !
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial mid oln < : * 'no
tions ol Throat , Skin or Bones , Kloix ) PolJt.rhs ,
old Sores and Ulcers , r > tr uct * itb nipt' * "
f.eraion Intent ncltntlDa rtln-lpVi gifdr , prlrrtih.
Dlseasct Arising from Indiscretion , Excctr ,
Exposure or Indulgent u , iaict > rroitce t rg cr t
jllooltn effect * ) htrtoviBtir , Ocbllur , eimnnr crrltt
And defective roMnory , fltiplra on ton face , ftJjJltfcJdfi
UTenlon tolt society or FetniUr * , cconiittB of litu , 4'a ,
rendering Marriage ) Improper or unhappy , AJ
FcratACftUjrourcl , run pbietfiR rReaPn tfce htxiie M *
i itilnl tnrMepe , freqto unj luMrcii. Conaclutlo&ttef
CfteorbjnifilirreeBQillnvlie.1. IFxltii f rqueslioni.
A Positive ? Written Guarantee
tlrralQ ktl ebrable cfnes , fardlcl&FSMcnl everyvlicr-
r uJ > Hlot , Xtvllnh or Otrtr.nn , 04 l > * Kti , if
lorlblnz iliova dir i ; B , la cialo ot remain , rAXH
iWr ? "i.CnepltUi , IllnitritrJ tr clothio4tl"Mfcilas
Mewone-7 ri > a ol ikme.jujw Kitn , SM. nil bJni
utuici > H inc. itltui , dfubiral or n
test i f'o' Inbjru ) Jo tli Quia ? < c ;
James Medical hsiitul
Chartered by thcStateofllll
'nois ' Tor the express purpos
of glvinclmmedlate rcllclln
all chronic , urinary and prl
vnto diseases. Gonorrhoea
Gleet nndSyphilis In all thcl
complicated forms , also al
diseases of the Skin am
Blood promptly relievedand
permanentlycured by reme
diestestedlnai''or/f/l"c r
_ _ . _ . t > i > cctalJ.'racticc , bemlna
Weakness , Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
the Face.Lost Manhood , jioiltii'elycifretl.Tlicr
la no cxicrtnifntlnti. The appropriate remedy
is at once used in each case. Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , Eacredly confidential. Med
Iclnes sent by Mail and Express. No marks on
package to indicate contents or sender. Address
DR.JAI\IESNo.204WashinglonSI.Chicagolll \
SfnTirs tllfc Kl.OOU. '
Uie tlie LI VER and KIDNE
\ '
inU VIQOK of YOUTlt Ilin-
yrprlu Want of Apjictltei fo >
lKOMInii , Lac < i ol Slmiptt.
tnilTlr < " * " ' " "Un alJsolHlcii
cuted. Bones , musclcsauv
: n > r us recede iiovlorcp
KnllMJiis tlio tiitml jn-
EUn | > llcs liralii I'uwti
ii JfA H H HP"StiffiTliiKlroin compiling
ZntfQoJ !
0 p.'Liillarlo iliclrecr 17111
Jnd InDB. El/tBrEB'SIROH TOHIC o enfo aw
T > ec < ly cure , ijllvesai-lcar , healllii completion
ffeiiuent nKciuptB nt oivirn it 'ltig only < SJ |
Otlicpopularll ) uftlieuilKlni ! Do cot ezte/2-
usnt pettlia ( HtioivAL , AM > Utsr
< * Bendruura'tdre atoTbBlJr UnrturMml tXJ.Sl ,
il ULoil , Bio , for onr "DKIiAM SOOK * " D
Ail f * * l ' fc'nne * " n * * wf t l r < o'-n * Vft * TAs ff '
The Great Blood Purifier.
MATISM , and nil blood nnd skin discuses.
ache , Djepepsla , Indigestion , and Constipation.
Uoxen of S6 pills 26 cents ; & boxes Si. LOOSI-'H HKD
C'io\Ea I'ILK HFMKLH , 6uro euro , fiCc per boFor
silo by all druggists , or ai'Jress J If. LOOSE i. CO.
Monroe , Mich , ijciii tat testimonial" .
Thu Original nnit Only ( Jcnuliio.
Faro an.1 tlwuji llcllal Ic l' > n aru ur M ortlllf " " Imllatlonf.
InUiixntaUu to LADIES. Anl. jour ] > rutcUt for
"ChulltotirV fii Tl li 'mil lake no ell ir r r luiloHc la.
ritftnii. ) to tia for i irtli.ulir8 in Utter liv rfttmi inulL
HAME PAPER. l.l.l- l.r < lc..laCa !
At Diugglels. Trade eupplUd by J , A , Fuller li Co
Town Lots in Denver Junction
Weld County , Colorado.
Denver Junction IB a new town ol about 200
nlmbitanta , laid out In 1881 , on tlio great
trunk railway across the continent , at the
junction of the Julesburg Brunch , 107 miles
from Denver. The town is on second bottom
land of the Platte River , the finest location
between Omaha and Denver , and is surround
by the boat-laying landa west of Kearney
Junction , Neb. ; climate healthy and bracing ;
altitude 3,0JO feet , Denver Junction bids to
become an Important point , as the U. P. R ,
, Co. , are putting up many of their buildings
here , while the B , & M. R. R , Co. , are expect.
goon to connect at thia place , Tlio preint
chance for good investments In town lots will
icarcely ever bo equaled elsewhere , 1'or sal ;
the lot or block In good terms by
Agent , Denver Junction. Cole ,
Large Lots at Reason-
outh Omaha
Since the completion of the new packing
and slaughter houses , South Omaha is mak
ing a wonderful ane rapid growth. Besides
the large pork and heef house erected for
Hammond & Co. , other dealers have com
menced the erection of similar institutions
and still others are contemplated for the
near future. Several dwellings have been
built and twenty or thirty are now building.
Employment is now furnished to about one
hundred and fifty families , and conservative
estimates place the figure at eight hundred
to one thousand families that will find em
ployment there a year hence. This offers
great inducements to laboring men to secure
homes now while they are cheap. Specula
tors will also find it to their advantage to buy
at present prices. The company have made
no change from the original prices , but some
parties who first purchased lots have resold
them at splendid profits , in some cases at
double the purchase price. If in so short a
ime handsome profits are made , what will
be the result when everything is fully devel
oped ? In the few other cities that are favor
ed with a first class cattle market , fortunes
have been made by investors in real estate ,
and the same is certain to follow in South
Omaha. While the whole city of Omaha
will be greatly benefitted by the growth and
development of the cattle interest , South
Omaha lots will enhance in value more ra
pidly than any other by reason of 'the prox
imity to the works.
Manufacturers of all kinds w 11 iind ibto their advantage
to inspect this property ; good location , level grounds , trade
facilities and plenty of coed ; pure water furnished by tha
South Omaha Water Works. In fact , every facility to make
desirable for manufacturers , including cheap ground.
Will find it profitable to select
property now , n < ? a year or
two hence with a population of 50UO to 10,001) ) pgjplo ,
this will become n desirable place for all kinds of businessg
and lots bought now , can bo had nt very reasonable prices
which will double in price many times in the next two years.
Hich or poor , will find it profitable to make investments
in this properly. Free conveyance at all times will be fur.ff I'l
nished by us to parties wishing to see this wonderful new
town and learn of its advantages. Wo have entire charges
of , and are the exclusive agents for the sale of all this' '
property from G streets south. Splendid lots from § 225
.213 S,44th STREET ,
"We have desirable business and residence propsrty 'for Bnle\in < all
arts of Omaha and do a general real estate business. We solicit br > y
ra and sellers to call on us. We will give themall | possible information
ree , and keep conveyance free to show property in any part of the city ,
Bedford < fe Souer ,