Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 08, 1885, Image 1

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Cleveland's ' Atoinistralion Ltts Its
Jreo Labor Defeated in the Con
test That Was Made ,
Crookedness in the School AfTnlrs ot
thn Capital TVcst Point
Kcstloni-General M ttcra ,
WASHINOIO.V , D. 0. , July 7. 1E83. The
secretary of the trowury decided to-day a
contract ca > o Involving an impotUnt labor
question. Bld were recently opened for the
atone wotk on the postoffice at 1'oorla , 1111-
ooi ) . Messrs. Urftinard itj Iloo , of Joliet 111. ,
were the lowest bidders. A protest WM filed
against their being awarded the contract on
the ground that they were contractors for
labor at the Illinois ttato prison nnd would
employ convict labor on the postoffico. The
matter waa referred to Solicitor McCuo ,
who gave the opinion that the department
ihould not bo expected to dictate the moans
by which contractors perform their work , nnd
that ho did not bellevo the protest a valid
ono. Secretary Manning has sustained the
solicitor and tbo contract will bo awarded to
lirainard & company ,
The patent oliico to-day issued 522 patents ,
ourtoen designs , twenty-four trademarks ,
wcnty labels , and five reissues. Thirty pat-
onta wore awarded to citizens of foreign
countries. Of the domestic patents Issued
New York secured cighly-eipht ; I'ennsylva-
ilia , ilxty-threo ; Maeeachueetts , forty-three ,
nd Illinois forty-two.
Tao president to-day appointed the follow
ng presidential postmasters : Robert W.
Speor , Denver , Col. , vice llobort Morris , sus
pended ; Thomas N , Goodnight , Franklin.
Ky. , vie ) Joseph 13 , Hums , resigned ; Michael
W. Kyan , Medford , Wis. , vica S. II. Keolor ,
uspendud ; A. B. Waller , Tuscorora , Nov. ,
vlco S , F. Parsons , resigned ; Kdwlu S.
Smltli. South Haven , Mich. , vice Charloj Do
Jjamero , commission expired ; John O'Donnell ,
Mitchell , D. T. , vice George See Wood , com
mission expired ; John Pepper , lio-cobel ,
WIs. , vice William Delap , resigned ,
The president this afternoon appointed
Willis G , Clark to bo collector of customs for
Mobile , Ala. .
The president to-day appointed Frederick
Gerder to be collector of internal revenue for
thofirat district of Pennsylvania , vice Wit-
am Pollock , suspended.
Frederick Gerkcr , who was to-day np-
, t > ointed collector of Internal revenue for the
first district of Pennsylvania , Is a prominent
business man of Philadelphia. At tbo outbreak -
break of the war he enlisted as firat lieutenant
of the Ninth Pennsylvania volunteers. He
served throughout the war nnd attained the
rank of mojjr and brevet lieutenant-colonel.
Since then ho bag engaged in the railroad
business , nnd at ono time waa lessee of the
Baltimore & Delaware railway. Ills appointment -
mont waa urged by Representative llandall
and many others.
A fifty dollar compound interest-bearing
note , with the date of the authorizing act
printed on its face , July 2 , 1881 , was nro-
sented at the treasury department to-day for
redemption , The first auditor refused to pay
it on tha ground that there was no such act as
represented , Some little excitement arose in
conaequenco , especially when it was reported
that about 815,000,000 in similar notes was is
sued. Subsequent inquiry developed
the fact that the isauo in ques
tion wan regularly authorized by
mi act ot Juno SO , 1801 , which was made
continuous and probably accounted for the
typographical error in tha date of the uoto in
question , The note V.T.B redeemed , the price
paid being 310.
An acrimonious quarrel between the "mem-
Viuru of th < j bo.ud ut school trustees of the city
baa been under investigation by District Com
missioner West for neveral daj s. Charges no
csa Eorioiu tlmn ' falsification of teachers'
iuy rails anil diversion of public moneys into
unauthorized ch ui''ls , " were cmong the
items iu an indictment brought
by ono triutci ) ngairiHt another , though there
appears to have beuii no intimation in any
quarter that the ponoiial gain of trustee was
ruuong the motives fur any of alleged irregu
lar : tiea.
Geu. West , who wai not authprizod to sit
iu judgmsut upon the matter involved , but
merely to Uko testimony in the case , brought
the Inquiry to au end to-day. The last do-
vdlopment wu oiio which tsoama to touch the
record of U'o district commis-
hionora thema lvcH , Cdpt. Burton llont
Lv of the Incttl inihtiit coniiitiiiiHi. an employe of
Ilia war dapnituient wm ualled as a witnosp ,
r.iul to.itil'ud tliut lia hud received ipuy r.t the
i to of § 25 per month r. ft tactual instructor
of tha high Jchonl pupila nnd held the rank
f lanjor in the jmiillu' battalion. Crtpt. llosa
uudorxtood that lib immo went upon the pay
lolls of tie ! first ; mouth > u that of un iuatruct-
< > r , but npnii uquliy : thin wa t fuund to bo
obnoilom to tliu ) , > v , which forbid thopay-
Jiunit of tworroitjrniiK'iit'kl enlailt * ) totho oarne
uniployt * . It \ > m tluueforo H nrrrtnrred
Mist he received nuaey fruiu the Mior ) of
fho school Ij.vttuliun , Gi-a. West rukaml up
on record Q Mtataniput lo lhn utf ct thut the
high school "mnjor" w.ib barno upun rollo aa
.111 assistant inttrnctor , The ( .oumuoiioners
had dcci lotl that v.-licn it pctfon wa euiployed
io'io n coituEu win ! : , anil Hit work was dotie ,
thn employe * ! > ad a ti .il ' to 111 tko auuh tMj aa
be might cbnano of IIIH money.
A dispatch ie-ct vcd nt tliti ullicn of
the coicmiisary of Indian iilfnir to--di > y
from Inspector Ariuutrung , rrporU
some of tbo Olieyeuned tinilttn
itway from the reservation and gnno iulu the
panhaudlo of Texas ,
The board of viiitota to Went Point
military academy submitted their annual 10
port to the secretary of war. The rcprit
recommends an nppropritiou i > f
$235,000 for ItnprnvrmonU ; nl o recoin-
uiends that tha cbirf of mginci'm In made ui-
rpector of the uiudmuy , and that the nmnhor
of nppoIntuieuU ; .t l.irgH ba tiut''i.d to ten
per year.
The report Iicluilea rnmmunioaUoc * from
the profe seri of thn academy In rrgrtfd to the
time devoted to luathotiulica A m-jjjrUy of
the profeeBora cuy that thu tlmo is not dispro
portionately frit * it. 'J'h' ' ) boar < l cullti tlm at
tention of the BCCrotary uf v/.ir tu Ihm n''j ' ' ot
nud recommend i that tins ncnili mu !
bo usked to lalic iute cnnaideratlpu the rol.'tt
Ivo value cf thit v.iriout aubjbutii now taught
t the ac demy , Thu bo nl of vlsltorH con-
fllstcd of John illqlaw , of New Yori Oily ; 0.
It , Codinau , of Bostan ; Gov. Goorgu llu id-
lev , of ColumbiiD , Ohio ; 1'iof. 0. H. lloldcu ,
of Wlieoualiij Hon. Fitzhuh Lsn , of Mr ;
plnla ; GeortM ] j , Millti , of Uioaha , Aeb. ;
( inn , J , 0 , Tappan , of Arkaunsa ; Senr.tur *
Beck and Hawlny , and Kcprcbenlutivus
Blount , ICelly and Milla.
Lieutenant Commander Nichols , c nmacd :
nt ; the Pinto , reported to the navy dopart-
tuent the arrhal of that vestcl ot Bitka on
JUDO 1 , Ho says tlut the Indian Kiey , wife
murderer , hivi been tried by the district
court nnd sentenced to ton years imprison
ment for manslaughter. This being the firet
trlul of an Indian , it created much interest.
The Chilcots expressed diisatlafactiou at the
result of tbo trial , and threatened to take the
life of a woman. ' There is no thought , how
ever , that the threat will bo executed.
lien. Hazen , chief signal officer , hai rccom-
uiouded to the president that Sergeant Brain-
aid , who was with Liehlenant GroeUy In the
Arctio expedition , be appointed to a hcuten *
aucy in lino.
Paitmaster-Goneral Vilaa has been Investl-
p.iticf ; tha inothodn formerly puriued in the
department In leasing buildings forpoetolHces ,
and has arrived at the conclusion tint in cer
tain cases where leases have been made for a
number of years In some iuttancos for a
period of twtnty years-that tha ptices bid
by the government were exhorbltant ; The
question wai submitted to the attorney-general
as to whuthor the government waj bound by
the leweain euch cata. In hia opinion , tha
tttoiney general held that In the benca of
express authority , conferred by act of con
grcrs , the postmaster general bad no right to
make n lease for any period beyond the time
for which tbo appropriation was made. Un
der this decision , the postmaster general feels
that the Icates nro not obligatory upon the
government , and proposes to terminate them
upon notice In cues where It appears proper
for him to do so ,
A dispatch w s received at the Interior de
partment to-day from tha Indian agent at
Fort Reno , Indian territory , asking thht
moro troops be tent to tlut post to bo In read *
loess thould the Cheyenne Indium go upon
the war-path. The dispatch wai roterrftd to
the tccrotnry of war , who directed Gen. Au
gur at Fort Lenvenwortb , to send all his
avllablo troops to the territory without delay ,
Ex-Delegate Ouray , of Alizonn , to-day
filed with the commissioner of Indian affnlra a
letter upon the general subject of the Indian
troubles In that territory. Ho says : That
the people of Arizona ask the president to is
sue an order requiring that all arms bo taken
from Indians occupying reservations In the
territory and that the only true solution of
the Indian problem is to bo found in their re
moval from Arizona and their snttlemont in
the Indian Territory.
Secretary Manning has appointed Mra
Beorga W. Grois. of this city , widow of
Sergeant Gross of the Greely expedition , to n
[ > lace in his department. At tbo request of
the president the commissioner of gnoulturo
Intoudol to provide for Mrs. Gross , but before
a place could bo provided Secretary Manning
gave her an appointment.
The district commiesionera have sent n
requisition to the first comptroller of thorn
, rn 6Ury for $133,000 , for street improvements ,
office expenses , etc. , etc , , which Air. Durham ,
after consulting with the secretary of the
treasury , has decided not to honor at this
time unless tome bettor reason for BO doing
than now aupeara Is given. The npproptla-
Lion for the whole year ia only 8395,000 , and
tbo comptroller holds that the sum
asked for n very largo to be drawn on the
Srst sovcn days of the year. Moreover , he
says It docs not appear that there Is any raa-
> on for drawing any money nt nil nt this time.
The comptroller thinks that the sum could
scarcely bo due after three days work , and if
tbo work was done before July first it cannot
bo paid for out of this nppropi la-
Lucian Hopjon , of Toxn ; , when the
Into war began , invented and had
patented by the confederate government n
projectile which was used with some nuscesa
in Charleston harbor against the union ves
sels. After the war the patent , of course , be
came worthless. Recently Hopspn filed ap
plication for the same projectile. A letter
bas boon sent to him from tha interior depart
ment informing him that his application has
been granted.
LONDON , July 7. A. dispatch from Tillis by
way ( of St. Petersburg states that Kus
elans are' sending field hospitals to the trans
Caspian territory ,
LONDON. July 7. The policy of the new
government as outlined by Salisbury in the
house of lords yesterday is not regarded In
France and Germany as altogether reossu bg ,
and hia statements had the effect of causing a
weak feeling on both the Paris and the Berlin
bourses to-day.
The Standard prints this morning advices
from reliable sources in India regarding the
recent events in connection with the Afghan
istan frontier troublo. Tbo Standard correspondent
pendent asserts that the ameer of Afghanistan
attaches little value to the friendship of
either Knpland or Russia. The ameer consid
ers Lord Dufferin stingy , He had expected
from the English representatives much
larger subsidies of money and arms
than those which have been given , The cor
respondent says the Ameer In giving arms
and food to his subjects first exacts the con
dition that they will fight if called upon
either Russia or England. A pilgrim fiom
Afghan-Turkestan reports that a feeling of
extremq dissatisfaction against the Ameer's
rule exists among the officials there. He de
clares that these officials nro ready and willing
to join Russia or Tshak Chan. It is also re
ported that the governor of Afghan-Turkestan
has opened direct negotiations with Russia ,
and It is asserted that in this course ho had
tbo permission of thu ameer ; but this is
In the commons this evening , the home
secretary In reply to the question whether the
Pall Mall Ciazette could be criminally prose
cuted for Its scandlous publications said
the Gazette could bo prosecuted
by indictment in the usual way ,
LONDON , July 7. In the house of commons
last night , In the Bradlaugh division , the
Parnellitei supported the government.
Special Telcpram to The BEE.
BERLIN , July 7. The contest of the duke
of Cumberland for the throne of the duchy
of Brunswick , in which three members of the
German federal council voted in favor of his
clcirn , has BO alarmed P/iuco Bismarck
tb t the chancellor is preparing a bill which
will provide fortheoxcluiion of forergn born
heirn to tha tight cf succession to German
MADRID July 7. The total number of new
catos of cholera in all points of Spain yester
day waa l.G'JI ; total number of deaths 812.
UoiilKNi ! , July 0 The town is decorated
with fbgs to-day and the streets are crowded ,
Kmprona Augiutn m ( he presence of the crown
priucj received a deputation of New York
riflemen und accepted from thorn a banquet.
The riflemen iu fifty carriages decorated with
flags afterwards defiled baforo the empress'
apartments , saluting her as they passed.
PARIS , Jnly 7. A duel with swords has
bjou fought by M. Duoland , n republican
inembsr of the chamber of deputies , aud M.
Jtulhiere , a journalist connected with Bo.
nuparlst paper. M , Rulhlere was seriously
wounded ,
The officials of the naval and military tfe
ruittiienta are making active preparations for
u herious campaign ia Anam.
DUBLIN , July 7. The Karl of Carnarvon ,
the now lord llautenant for Ireland , arilved
here tu-day to formally assume the duties of
hid oilicd. He was received with great honors
end was cheered by the crowds along the
whol route to the caillo. No demonstration
uf a bosllla character waa ixUomptcd.
XuitlUll , July 7-Cnpt. Sclmair , of the
Salvfitluu army , bus been arrrsttcl and fined
for an infrliieunmnt of the law which prn-
iilhitu mcdtlugd uf the Salvation army and tha
h.twklcg of books by Salvationists , Schaalf
Is a Pru < tbn subject , At Hottingor , inem-
IHTH of the Sulvation anny attempted to hold
a meeting but were dispersed by the police.
A Double Scull UUCP.
BOSTON , July 7 , Articles were slguod yes
terday for a double scull race between Gau
daur and Hoatner , aad Courtney and Oonloy ,
dlstanca three miles with turn , for $503 , open
for31,000aside , If mutually agreeable , the
rnca to take place August Itth or 21th. In
addition the race is for the double ( cull cham
pionship of tbo United Btatce
A HI Iff Kno.
PHILADELPHIA , July 7. Jainea Kaaa wan
hanged In the couuty prison at 10.00 this
Kane was executed for the murder of Iu
brother on the right of January 11 In n pa-
loon. The supposed cause of tbo murder was
nquanel over tlm murderer's mlitxtui.
Opposed tlu * Ulbilllorti' Monopnly.
OrrAWA , Out. , July 7. Ths nenato re
stored the wluo and boor exemption clatiso to
the Scott act nmeudmnnt bill which \vns
, struck out iu the house of coicinom.
Tic Chicago Board of Trade Falls Into
Scalpers' ' Hands.
Cereals Bob Up and Down to the
Purpose of the Dealerst
The First Grass-Fed Cattle of thoHoa .
son are Credited to ifcbrnskn
Hogs Forced to Decline ,
Special Tclf gram to The BEE.
CHICAGO , III. , July 7. The wheat market
fluctuated wildly to-day , having shown signs
of great depression early in the session , with n
strong recovery later in the day. There waa
n steady opening , duo to a decrease of half n
million bushels In the visible supply , but the
offerings coon became very largo and the prevailing -
vailing temper of the market extremely bear-
lib. Large lines of wheat were throwu ontg
the maikot and the weakness appeared very
marked. Iho bears hammered prices vigor
ously , oilcnng CO.OOO and 10 > , CGO lots , under
which the August option touched S7c several
times , while cash No. 2 spring wheat at 0110
time was nominally Sj\c. Timid holders dis
played numerous evidences of their fright ,
and throw their holdings overboard. The
occasion of all this alarm was not
exactly apparent , and It was gener
ally ascribed to an organized bear
raid without any especially depressing news
of any kind at hand. About noon trade
turned slightly and , with a greater number of
outside buying ciders and bad news from the
harvesting sections , prices began to rally
slightly. The market gradually began to dis
play such strength that the shorts became
alarmed and buying gradually bocnino general ,
All the decline of the morning was recovered ,
and the market closed on the regular board [ jo
over yesterday with a still further advance of
Jo at .the afternoon session , As a result of
the harvest in Tennessee it was assorted thot
the yield would not exceed four bushels to the
acre , and reports from Kentucky and Missouri
were not any more liattering ,
Corn sympathized with wheat somewhat
and ruled lower early but reacted and closed
stronger. The receipts were largo but the
shipments continue free and with light stocks
on band there did not apper to bo any strong
Inclination to bear prices.
There was Increased speculation in the near
options for oats , and July closed Jc higher
than yesterday , while the now crop futures
showed no change.
Provisions ruled moderately active. Pork
advanced lOc early , fell back 7i@lCc , rallied
again and closed steady.
Tbo day's sales and prices were :
Wheat July , 85S < ir8Glo ; , closed SGJc ;
August. , doted 88c ; September ,
SOJ&OOJIo , closed'JoSc.
Corn July , 16g@47gc , closed 47J@47c ;
August , 4GJ@47c , closed 4Cfc)47c ) : Septem
ber , 4Cl@47c , closed 4GJ@4UJ8.
Oots July , 3ia@31Je , closed 31c ; August ,
2G@2G c , closed 2Gjjc ; ( September. 25i@23Jc ,
closed 25gc.
The receipts were very light and the ordi"
naty run of fat rattle was scarce , not only in
Chicago but in Kansas City and St. Louis.
Under these circumstances there was n sharp
upturn. A few bunches of big fat and fin
ished natives sold nt $5,93@G 25 and then
down to 83CO@5.80 for fair to prime 1,2 0 to
1,300 pound steers. The great advance of to
day was on light handy medium Etiern of
1.1CO and thereabouts. The ndvnnco la en
tirely out of all proportion and will collapse
under fair receipts. Native butcherb stock is
selling fairly well. To the washouts
and floods In south western Kan
sas is laid the non arrival of Texans
Stockers and feeders are dull and neglected
with prices lower than last week. Shipping
steers , 1,350 to 1,500 Ibs , S5.Cd@G,2j ; 1,200 to
1,350 Ibn , $5.23gO.CO ; 930 to 1,200 Ibs , § 4 00 ®
5.10 ; slopped steers , $5 40@6.00 ; through
Texas cattle , 10@10c higher : 930 to 1,033 Ibs ,
S3 S5@4.2S ; 7COto 000 Ibs , S3.20@3.7G , COO to
700 Ibs , S2 8323 30.
R. Walls , Valentino , Nob. , sent in the first
western grass cattle of the season. There
were 101 head in the bunch. They averaged
1,190 Ibs , and brought S5.12J per hundred
Ibs ,
Hogs opened dull and a strong lOc lower on
pecking and shipping sorts and were barely
steady on light. Heavy sorts was entirely
ueglectod. Jjlough and common sold around
about § 3.75@3.bO ; fair to good mixed 390 ®
1 03 and best heavy at1.10(34 ( 20 ; packing
and shipping 2DO&2350 poundt , 1 00@-1 ID ;
light weights 130@170 pounds , 415(211.23 ( ;
180@210 pounds 3.854.CO
Special Tejerrram to The BEE.
NEW YORK , July 7. The Tribune's special
from Troy says : When the city decided aov-
eral months ago to construct newer through
the northern wards , costing § 50,0' 0 , it was
stipulated by the common council that the.
contractor must agree to employ none but
residents as workmen , The contract was
awarded to Patrick Fcely , the mayor's father-
in-law. Two weeks ago it was re
ported that he had n number of Ital
ians working. The common council appointed
an investigating committee. Foely appeared
before the committed and testified that his
Italians were skilled drillers and blasters and
was compelled to emplsy them , Yesterday
morning other laborers demanded the dis
charge of the Italians. Feely was obstinate.
A etilko I allowed. At noon the Urik rs and
their friends ilockod abouc the excavation ,
which at the point where the Italians were
working ia thirty feet deep and
Bought to drive the laborers from
tholr post. A rlnt followed and the
entire nwervo police ft.rc9 was hurried to the
place. The iisllco arrived jmt In tirao to save
the Italians trom being roughly handled , if
not killed. Four atriltern wore arrested. The
Italians , fearful of their lives , quit work , but
their places ware , immediately tilled by a gang
ol Poles and Hungarians , Feeley Days that
the rinpleaders are Iilthmcn wliq hnvo not
been in the country ilx'months.
A. Kttvlalior Neatly Hoped ,
GniAiii ) , Kaa. , July 7. At Baxter Springe ,
Cherokee county , a girl fourteen yeara of ago
was waylaid , ravlihed and terribly maltreated
Saturday afternoon. Jobn Lawrence , colored ,
ogod seventeen , was arrested Cor the crime
and brought to Columbus for safe keening.
Monday morning the colored boy was brought
hero and lodged in jail. When the train
from Baxter Springs reached hora at noon
twenty men got off and scattered through the
town. Half an hour later a cumber of aimed
men mack ) a dash for the jail , broke down the
door , took the prisoner out and hanged him
tou rafter of aa unfinished homo , Oca of
( lit ) crowd , said to be the father of the rav-
UliMl cirl , empiio.1 a revolver into the body.
Tlu mob then loft the town for the homca.
General Grant's Condition'
Mr. MCGREGOR , July 7. Generel Grant
took fooJ three times last night. Dr. Doug
lass ordered that the amount given hereafter
should bo lees on account of the General' * fear
that he could not assimilate the Amount now
being Ukcn. To-day marks the third week
of the patient' * life on the mountains. It Is
undoubtably „ true ] that without almost
constant attendance the pains cf
the dleoseo would Imvn more than
mastered any Improvement that ha * resulted
from the chance , and as the lima progresses
close will be more than ever needed , The
pallatlve measures employed on the painful
parts are loss quickly effectual now than three
weeks ago. Tno cocoalna dooa not rapidly
doiden the pain at the throat , and there is
but little doubt that it has Increased
the paralysis of parts to con-action ,
to which the loss of voice It due. The gen
eral rested well and quietly last night and
wrote to Dr. Douglas this rrorninrr , "I can
feel my strength increasing , and the drain
upon mo is dimlnlihlrjg. "
ELiaNs"oN TOP ,
NEW YORK , July G. Judge Lawrence to
day in the supreme court rendered a decision
in the suit of the land company of New Mexico
ice , limited , against Stephen B. Elkina and
others , denying a motion to continue an In
junction which restrained Elklns from trans
ferring to any other party any portion of the
Mora tract of land in New Mexico , This
suit was brought bj the company to establish
Its title to a one-fifth interest in the laud
known as the Mora c-rant. It alleges that
Elklns , with E. N. Darling , Thomas
B. Citron , Paul Butler , and T. Hush
Spencer , became interested in the Mora tract ,
comprising 827,000 acres. Title was taken in
the name of Elkins to bold for the benefit of
all parties , neither of whom was to cell his in
dividual share except by consent of the others.
The company claims to havq derived title to
ono of the ( hares by advancing $ ( iCCO to ono
Blackmore of London , England , who had
purchi'ed the interest cf ono of the original
five. The company charged that Elkina had ,
by suits in Now Mexico , acquired tltlo to moro
than two thirds of the property , and was seek
ing In the came way to absorb the remainder
and that while these suits were pending ho
had a railroad run through the lands ; had sold
privileges for cutting timber to the extent of
$200,000 and threatened to soil the land at 70
cents an acre , which was far below its real
Elkina claimed to have become rightfully
potsessod of the land and denied any wrong
intent. The court held that a case was not
made out for the granting of an injunction ,
KINQMAN , Kan , , July 7. J. B. Wilson ,
living throe and one-half miles east of Lawn-
dale , and whoso character is vouched for by
the president of the bank of Kingman , ar
rived here this afternovn and saya a man was
killed nine miles west or Lawndalo last
night by a band of Indians.
A 12-year old son of the murdered man , who
escaped aad came Into Lawndale , brought the
first news of his father's death. The boy
states further that he passed four wagon loads
of women and children fleeing in the direction
of this place. The excitement here is very
great. Men are arming and getting ready to
proceed to Lawndalo to-night.
Late this evening three families arrived
from a settlement beyond and they report that
riders ore passing rapidly through the country
warning the rettlers that Indians are moving
swiftly northwestward burning everything
before thorn , The governor has been notified
by telegraph.
The Dry Goods Market.
Naw YORK , July 7. Dry oods were with
out any activity in the demand or seloctiona
of other than a minor character. The markofc
JRtiry quiet in a general way , sl'.ll there if
quilo a feeling btiug nwaifeoted in dark
fancy prints mid nutumu Rlnjrhirow , dres *
gomls uiul fabric ! for hulnn'n WKar.
Sme buaine i is being done for
later dullvery , Thy Bait's of expert dnmtfttic
cottons continue cf good iworoga quantity.
The total for the past week were 4,760 pack
ages , and for the nix inuntha emleil with JUUH
3D , 108.51U packages , against 93,217 fur tha
same time last year. This Is the Urgent quau-
tityiin any corresponding period , which shows
the handfome increase of 18,320 packages ,
Fusion for Town Grce'nbncUcrs.
DES MOINES , la. , July 7. The greenback
state convention met here to-day. About
five hundred delegates wore in attendance.
The Hon. L. II , Welter was made temporary
chairman , and the Hon. J. B. Weaver per
manent chairman , The convention adopted a
fusion resolution by three-fourth majority ,
nnd nominated the- Eton , I' . II , Gillette , ot
Polk county , for lieutenant-governor , and F.
W. Moore , of Davis county , for euperinton-
df nt of public Instruction leaving the candi
dates for governor and tupremo judge to be
nominated by the democrats. The usual
greenback resolntionswera adopted.
A Girl Mndo CJra/.y By a Snnlco Blto.
Special Telegram to ThoBliK.
CENIRAUA , 111. , July 7. Sophia Allen ,
eighteen years old , daughter of Green Allen ,
a farmer living ten miloa west of this place ,
suddenly rose from the breakfast table nnd
disappeared. Her father and a searching
party found her tearing wildly through the
brush alone a crooked crook. When approached
preached she fought like a tigress. A suako
bite received two years azo ia given aa the
cause of the girl't ) crazy freak.
Arrested lor Xrlnlo Murders.
RALEIGH , N. 0. , July 7. Two negroes ,
Jerry Finch and Leo Tyson have been ar
rested and are in jail , cliirged with the mur
der of Edward Finch and Saliie Finch and a
colored boy , Ephriam .Tone ? , in Chatham
country on Sunday morning , Throe other
negroes are suspected. The crime excites
Kruut Indignation and lynching is thought to
bo probable if moro evidence la secured against
the men In jail. Thus far tliQ evidence Is
very direct ,
Indian Territory Criminal * ! ,
NEW ORLEANS , July 7. The Times Dem-
ocrat'd Fort Smith ( Ark. ) special say : ;
Twenty-nine murderers from Indian territory
are confined in the Uuitod States jail hero
awaiting trial , The court convened yesterday
with the criminal docket of 192 cases , a 1 for
crimes committed in Indian territory. Over
400 Indian witnossts are present end more are
expected to atrivo dally. Tbo jurisdiction
of this court extents o > er about ( ! 2 000 miles ot
territory ,
Kentucky Faction Fights ,
MOIUHEAD , Kv , , July 7. Tiuoa more
arresta were made , yesterday , of members of
the Tollivar faction. Yesterday waa county
court day. Everything passed elf quietly ,
'Iho state militia are standing guard , Every ,
thing is orderly ,
Ttio Odd Fellows' Encampment.
8r. PAUL , Minn. , July 7. Four special
trains , with a total of thirty-nine coaches ,
arrived from Chicago to-night , over the
Omaha road , bring 2,000 delegates to the
gr.ind encampment ot Odd Fellows which
moctn hero to-morrow.
The Union I'oolllo Earnings ,
BOSTON , Mass. , July 7. The gross earn
ings of tha Union Pacific railway for May
were 32,000OCO ; surplus of oarnli'gJ. SGGO-
000 ; irons earnings for tha flro month ; , S'J-
000.000 ; surplus of earnings , $3,009,000 ; In
crease in tbo burplua o ( earnings for five
inoutbs , § 23COO. ,
The Chicago Carmen's TnnWts Re-
feml to Arbitrators ,
The Presidents of the Eivnl I In
terests in Oonferenooi
Communications Pnsa Botwccrt the
Company nnil Strikers Priso
ners lit 111 for Trial.
CHICAGO , July 7 , 0 n. m , Notwithstanding
the riotous demonstration yoitorday afternoon
the West Division Street Railway company
sent out thirty-two cf its cira at 7:30 : thin
morning on Madison , Randolph , Lake and
Van Burcn street linos. The cars nro all
guarded by from sK to eight policemen , rid-
on each car , while streets nro patrolled by n
largo reserve forcn. Early down ( own cars
nro well patronized , ladies nnd wcrking girls
constituting the bulk of passengers.
Outwardly everything is _ quiet tv'ong '
the I several car lines , crowds
not being permitted to assemble. Car-driver
Wallace Chalfee , who was assaulted by n
mob last evening is nt the couuty hospital , In
n precarious condition. Might persons have
baen arrested for participation in the disturb
ance , yesterday aiteruoon. In the meantime
residents o ! tbo weit division depended very
largely upon impress wagons nnd other im-
revised conveyances , by which to reach the
C iismcss portion of the city nnd nro compelled
pellod uniformly to pay ten cents faro.
Noon : Up to this hour no hostile demon
strations by the strikers have boon reported
against nny of tha cars running on the west
side company's linos. The president of the
Conductors nnd Drivers association has been
in secret CDnfercnce with tha superintendent
of the or company , but the remit
cf the mooting is not yet made public , Kiglit
men urrostod for particltation in an attack
upon the street cars yesterday afternoon were
arraigned before n justice of the peace this
forenoon and their case continued until the
15th inBU James Kennedy , who is charged
with making a murderous assault upon the in
jured Conductor Chaffco , was held in
51,000 ball until the llth inst. Up to noon
no vlolecco of any kind bad been reported.
1:33 : P. 21 , At this hour the first indications
have been given of a peaceful ending of the
street car strike. The strikers this morning
nddrosfed a letter to the president of the
West Division Street Car company , stating
their willingness to compromise on n
basis to bo determined by three judges of
the courts. In answer President Jones sent n
written reply , and as n result of this a dele
gation from the strikers wont Into consulta
tion with the officials of the company and It
terminated at noon when President Jones
nnd the president of the Conductors' union
went to attend n meeting of a special
conmttteo of the city council. Jones made a
proposition to the strikers to resume work ,
the exact nature of which is not known.
The city council to-night received the report
of the committee appointed last night to as
sist ia effecting a settlement of the differences
existing between the West Division street
railway company and its driven and con
ductors. The chairman of the committee
stated briefly that ha and hm colleaguea were
present at a conference between representa
tives of both sides nnd the mayor ,
nnd came away with the understanding
that nil the differences had brcn arijtintsd : iml
that the cars would bo running tomorrow . ' , j
usual. A motion wan instantly mnde la i-.c-
cept the report tuia dl ° chate ( ; the committee
before any membrn whiiifimghtli&VH bueu PU
di po.od had an opportunity of fciuiring on
vliil ; basis the alleged inljantir.a.'jc hnl : beua
lo. _ The motion waa uurria.l. It iu bUtecl
Lomin ? from nu nldcirimui not on thj cuni-
mitteto that tlm boiiy on mashing thu r > laun
ot coi'f"i > . ncj waa poliwly but firmly ro-
iueatid | by the utriker * lo witbilravrnH itn
borvicea were not rcqnnoil , nnd that uot ou'ii
tS/o / mayor wan prfxeut , at thu Hiibsequcnc
priv.Mo confcrnriCH butwoen ProiU < ut
Jonii nnd th < i crmmitteo of strikers.
At s , meeting of tiui ir.riicimj cir driven ) cud
conductors to-ni lit It W H ugreod to Bcsqit
Prerulcut Jun u' iiropnuilion and ittnrn 10
work Lo-niorrow. In lhi > > way the liutt Lariior
to the Htttlf mor.t cf Iho diirerpucui by orbilrn-
tion U lemnved , ns upon tlui ic turn of tnu
men the cuiupuuy agreed lo uni'ilt the ( jura
tion of leinstutciiii'iitbf tbo ih.LtiKrgsd uu.ii t >
disiuterestad p itiuH for finiil dodeiuc.
COSH'ANY1 ! ) Illul'SHiy.
CLEVELAND , Ohio , , luy ! 7. ( ! ror t oscito-
ment prevails In the eaHoru p irfc of tha city
this morning ; 12.0CO Blii'rir-i ' from tbo Iron
mills nt Nowbiug mnrchtd into the citr , pro
ceeded to the ChisliBlm H'IIVC ' ! waikh , foiffd
the woikmonout and closed down the f.iutory.
This establishment ia owned by thoChitt-
holma , who own n controlling intoicst
In tbo Cleveland rolling mill 'J'hHy
then proceeded to the Union Ecr w
works on Cnse. near Payne Avsnuc.
They were denied admittance , wheie.ipjn
they broke In the windows and forcibly tuuk
possession of the plnco , Thd workmen hero
quit rather than have a riot , and i > t this hour ,
1:30 : p , m , , the entabllthmeut is being closed ,
Several men were badly hurt by stones , but
no intended violence against workmen by
strikers is reported ,
At the screw works , which were partly
owned by tbo Chlsholmea the mob cairled
everything before them , the doors wore bat
tered down by heavy pieces of timber nnd car
pins were dashed through the windows.
Fayotte Brown , president of the company ,
was hit on the head with a club nud seriously
Injured. The girls employed In the packing
rooms fbintcd , and ordt rs were quickly given
to atop the engines mills cease work. The
strikers then left the city and returned to tbo
eighteenth ward. The police wore rapidly
moving toward the ecene ot the riot when tha
hostilities ceased and they returned to their
Striken * lowing Ground.
Special Telegram to The BKE.
BAY CITV , Mich. , July 7. The strike
among the laborers in enw mills in this city
seems losing erouud. The strikers this room-
leer marched to the mills with n band of music
nnd several mills were stopped by their men
leaving to join the striken. The employers
are willing to count leu hours n day'a work ,
but will reduce wiuea proportionately. Many
men will not lake miuccxl pay and are wilting
to work eleven hours. During the day the
crowd of strikers dwindled to email
TIio Day on ( lie Turl
CHICAGO , III. , July 7. At to-day's meeting
the attendance was five thousand , The track
wai in excellent condition.
First race -.llo , three-year-olds and up
wards ; Boot ISlack won , Kxilo second , Anna
Wood Cock tbbd. Time l ! i.
Second race-Six furlongs , two y ar-old
colts : Bunfox won , Tartar second , Knright
third. TlmellDi : ,
Third race Mile and a quarter , nil ngess
Taxgatherer won , Doubt sacond , 0 hady third.
Time 2:10. :
Fourth race-Mile nnd n furlonu : Pearl
Jennings won , Jim Douglas second , Kcecmsko
third. Time ltfi.
Fifth race Mile and n sixteenth , heats ;
firat heat ; IrUh Pat won , Sovereign second ,
Ultimatum third. Tim l501. ; Second host ;
Iri h Pat won , Ultimatum eecond , Sovereign
third. Time 1:604. :
KAHWASOO , Mich. , July 7. At the race *
to-day the attendance wnn fair.
First raw Clasa 2:32 : ; Uttla Joe won ;
Otto K. ) second ; Irene , third. Best time
Second race Class 2:18 : ; Phyllis won ; Hello
P. , second ; Membrino Sparkle , third. Best
time 2:21J. :
NKW YORK , Jnly 7. The attendance nt
Monmouth Park to-day was very largo though
there was threatening weather.
First race Mile ; Pontinc won ; Oonkllncr ,
eecund ; Herbert , third. Tlmo , 1:13. :
Sicond race Three quarters of a mile , two-
yonr-olds ; Lotritla won : Peru Colt , second ;
Forttilu. third. Time , 1:281. :
Third race Mile and n half , thrco-yoar-
olils ; Wnndn won easily ; Pardee , second
end ; Tyrant , third. Time , 2:3i : > .J.
This was a magnificent contest be
tween Par dee nnd Tyrant. It In estimated
that $250,000 changed hands on thin race.
Fourth race Mile and A half : Thackeray
won , Kuclld second , Rtcn third. Time LVS'JJ.
Fifth race Seven-eighths of a mile , throo-
year-old * nnd upwards : Felicia woo. Torpedo
second , Wanderer third. Time 1:29J ,
Sixth race Stecplo chase , short course :
Quebec won , Abraham second , third not
placed. Tlmo 3:10 : } .
Special Telegram to The BEE ,
RICHMOND , Va. , July 7. William Royall ,
counsel for the English holders of Virginia
iioiids , returned hero yesterday from London ,
In relation to his mission ho saya ] that the
council of the foreign bondholders , as well as
the individual holders of the bonds are to n
man unalterably opposed to mnklcg nny
proposition of compromise to tlio state. If
any adjustment is over effected the move
toward it will have to come from the state ,
The creditors have n deep fooling of resent
ment at the treatment they have received.
They say they liavo had two settlements with
the state , in each of which they greatly reduced
their just claims , nud tha only return they
have received is n denial of their rights nud
such nbuso as Is bestowed upon n pickpocket ,
Iloyall believes that If the fatal policy
that has baen adhered to , of war upon bond
holders , were changed Into n pacific policy ,
consultation nnd friendly negotiations ,
tome adjustment could be arrived nt ,
but so loner ns the authorities of
the state maintain their attitude of defiance
nnd pillage , the state will got deeper aud
deeper into the mire. The state creditors are
determined to test to its final conclusion the
question whether the institutions of this
country are equal to sustaining themselves.
"It makes n Virginian hang his head in
ehame ; " said Mr. Hoyall , "to BOO how this
atatn is thought of In England , It Is enough
to kill nny measure dond in London to lot the
name of Virginia appear to bo connected
with it. "
Special Telrgram to The BEE.
NEW YORK , July 7. The Herald's Dublin
cable says : "John Dillon , who was ono of
the belated passengers on the Gallia , arrived
to-nipht and was met by n large concourse of
people headed by the lord mayor. The procession -
cession was accompanied by several bands of
music. Many American and Irish banners
were carried. Dillotlvca driven at firat in the
lord ; , mayor's carriage , but soon the crowd
took out the horses nnd dragged the carriage
to the Imperial hotel , where coztainly five
thousand cheering1 , enthusiastic poopio awaited
him. From the hotel balcony Dillon con
gratulated tha Irish people on having by the
votco of their home rulsrs struck down the
c icrcion government. Throughout his speech
Gladstone vna strongly hhsod and Earl Spon-
cur's name greeted with groano. Ho lauded the
democracy IK eau-u abuses under the democracy
r/orojutterly iuei u'.licmjt , compared with those
committed uud r the "flyctcm of tyrannical
defcpotiain. " Dillon wml ho hod come from
America with thu ir.sro intantion of transact
ing private bnamf-j ar > J not as a candidate
Tor parliament Nevertheless , ho added , aa
regards the Jnttor contingency , he would re
main in the liAiui i of hia fneude.
Soalliww i ITU Iltcs lltnto-cd .
UHICAOO , til. , July 7. At . - . meeting here
to-day of the ropn ioutstlvo-i of the southern
nnd Bouthwouisrw rratfa , tthoso territory lies
north ef the 0)iii ) > river , it resolution was
adopted toadvimco . .ho tariff < to the basis
11 freed upon Ht. thn Niagara fills mooting , to
Uko effect on July ISth. A slight difficulty
n.L'urdiof ; certain tobacco Mill cotton contracts
wan referred to a uoimnitteu which w&3 ordered
tu report at tha next luvnMtjg
fjaudnrram ni , I'innic SiMlativo.
NEwALBUT , Ii2dJuly 7 Lint night two
girls abort 10 yuara of uc" , M rthr Hotlcdga
tvad Tiacy Wright , pro , uitda bottle of lauda
num each and crtnU ! ; fnrt i f thn contents ,
Mlfs lIutloiU : < 5 ciiiiuot r.0"vi < r. MI Wright
tonk but uptiiull il'.itd ami bur csmliliou Is not
forious. Both g'rlH nro cf ronpectfil l milina.
They nffroetl t uic\du beeau a rifl"fl Hot-
leilgo'a ninthw tefubr-d tj lot her dau.jbtof (50 (
/inotnor KtAuft I'MmnJ '
TuiNiik , 1VK , July 7. - J. . IJ.ithoir.u ,
colored , who attempted n siiiniuul u nuU
tipon thn fuur year-old ( laiiKhtnrnf | r 'ini ' -
neutcltizm , F.i.lay , waH u. > | itur d ii''tr l w-
land Sunday , and plirad iu jul. At ni li' '
fuaring the negro would bo lynched iliH < illi
cers secreted him in the woidj uuit tl'nl ' linn
to n treo. While they were ( jonn for w-itcr
the prisoner was discovero ) . taken by the
mob and hanged near the jail.
CIIATKCH 5 alnKr , the Oninlm JloniT ,
ST. PAUL , M icn. , July 7. It waa asserted
to-day that the Omaha road has bcon nllnw-
Inf passengers holding second cltoi lickrtii to
ride in first class uoatiiea b tecu thii t".y
end Chicago/ VIM U'.H fuM tint the Northwestern -
western road has brou doing the onmn. 'I iio
officials of the Milwaukee uml the Alb"it J/J
lines lease for 01 iuago to lay the CA'C tiUuit >
the coinmusioncT.
I'rolilliltlonfhtii Ailaolt Wltn-onnln.
EAUCLAIRB , Wi . , Julj 7.lixCov. . ! H.
John , ncaonipantcd by ' . K.C ! ( ' | { iii , O W ,
T. 0. of Wieconaui , aud J , C. Kichmt'iul ,
chairman of the plate pruhibition cominitU ? ,
arrived bcre thin morning , and thin itf teri.non
and to-niuht gri'nt iu.ii-8 meolln ; o ware hold ,
nddreede-d by the nbuvu-iiMned zer.tlemmi.
St , Jolio delivered a npcou.h , cluu j to [ .rov
ing prohibiti
ST. Louis , Mo , , July 7. The utnto bo nl
of cgriculturo'H Juno report obtlroatud ttu :
yield of wheat in Missouri nt 7 IMO budula
per acre , or a total of 11,23 1,410 bushels. Tha
condition of earn is given at 85 D 10 ; cata ,
1120-10 ; hay , 887-10 ; spring wheat , U17-10.
Wheat is generally well fided and of good
qnalily , though Injured somewhat by cxcest-
ivo rain and tuct ,
a Hoard of Trailo.
KANSAS Crry , Mo , , July 7. Momhora of
the board of trade of this city to-day voted to
change their location. They will erect a now
building to bo bounded on tbreo sides b/ Wyandotte -
andotte , l.letb and Central streets to cost
§ 300 , OCO. The work will commence within
three months. The vote stood ninety-three
for the proposed change to forty-three ugaluat ,
\Vrcclc nt HCJ.
LONDON. July 7. Advicei fron Port Stan
ley , Falkland Island * , vtato the wreckage
wathed ashore indicates the Ion * with her
crow of tha British ship , Yarra Yarrr , Cap
tain Karle , which left Port'aud , Oregmi , Vft
juary eecond , for Queoostowu.
NecKof CiFil Service ,
High and Mighty Physicians Sit
on the Oaso of Hitrgius ,
In n Uood Position to Get
" \Vnli > sA\vod in the Action Ho
Slmll Tftko.
Special TolpgrAtn to the BEE ,
NKW YORK , July 7. The Tribune Wash-
ngton special says : It was stated lait night
.hat the resignation of Appointment Clerk
nigging would shortly bo called for. The
ls for this statement seems to bo the fact
, hat Illgglna was sent for by the president
; o-day and after spending about half an hour
at the white hcuie , was seen to go away ap
parently much subdued in manner. There
las boon mi impression atloat for aomo tlmo
hat Secretary Manning had come to rocog-
ilzo the presence of Hlggma iti tbo
treasury department as too great
k load for the administration
, o carry. The fact that Gorman tvas lltgpius
jackor , scorned to demand cncU'ju. It would
lot do to oflond him. On the other hand
\fi\nning did not wish to discharge him
'Uiggine ) without cause. Ho is in the do-
artmont. Ho ia represented as arguing nnd
a ; long as ho behaves hlmiclf , attends to busi-
ices imd thorn is no complaint made about
ilm , ho shall remain. Secretly , though ,
\Ianuiug \ Is believed to hu\o winhod fortmop-
lortuutty to arise which would justify 11 Ig-
tins' discharge in the oyoa of Senator Ctormnn.
The Keller case eecmoil to jirojont the much
wished opportunity. The difficulty hero was ,
' : iq\vever , that if Illgglna merited dis-
jniainl , First Auditor Chenowith de
served it as much , and perhaps more ao.
To that extent Mannincr waa not prepared to
go. If ho dismissed Hltrgina alone , or dis
missed him without assigning any reason
other than this act , ho would undoubtedly
nnko a martyr out of lltgglns in the oyoa of
Iho spoils democracy. It would also august
and estrange from the administration many
southern democrats. A solution of the dilB-
culty It is hinted is found in the transfer of
Illgglna to some other field of usefulness. Bo-
Lwoon this and outright dismissal Manning is
lioMcved to hesitate now. The most curious
phase of the whole business is the
ivident desire of the administration to
find some scapegoat on whom to
throw the sins and omissions of Its members.
Illgglna ia thought to possosa muny disagree
able traits. Ho is no worse in his oxpresslona
and demonstrations of partisanship than is
either Senator Gorman or Judga Chonowtth.
His energy and bnslncss-likehabita have been
commented on by those who are now so
anxious to demonstrate to the public that bis
appointment was forced upon them and that
tboy recognize in it one conspicuous mistake
of Cleveland's administration.
WASHINGTON , July 7. First Auditor
Dhouowith said to-day in speaking of
the Hollar case that the ntwa-
pcra wore wrong in blaming Appointment
Lilerk Higglns for the original rejection of.
[ Cellar , alter ho had been togularly certified
'or appointment by the civil service commis
sioner. All that Hlggina bad to do with thn
cao was to introduce Kollar to him. The
iirat auditor said that he wanted it understood
: hat ho atone was responsible for what tad
jcen done in the case ,
Chinese tisindlnlfj in Armies.
EAN FRANCISCO , Cal. , July 7. ThoBulle
; in this evening prints a atatomont that 0,700
Ililneso landed here from August 1 , 1882 ,
when the restriction net went into effect , to
July G , 18H4 , when the amended rcstiictioa
act passed. From the latter dnto
until July 0 , 18S5. over 8,100 Chinese landed ,
or fourteen more in unu year under the
amended act than during the twouty-thioe
montba under the original act. This the Bul
letin accounts for by the increase of fraudu
lently obtained certiGci'tcB.
Salvation Uchind Bars.
WILICES BARRK , Pa , , JYily 7. The four
leading men of the Salvation Army arrested
it Plymouth were to-Uoy each fined two dol-
'ars ' nnd cpata and the magistrate said he
would continue to do likewise unless they
abandoned noisy parades through the streets.
The Salvationists refusnd to pay fines and.
wore committed to jail for five days ,
A Very C.jutly Kaclcet.
UTICA , N. Y. , July 7. A rocket struck in
the loading department , of the Remington
arms department at Illon yontcrdav aftor-
uoon , causing a fire which destroyed § 100,000
worth of property ,
Koal Eutaio Transfer * .
The following transform were filed JnJy
G , with the county clerk , and reported
for the 13KK by Amos' Roil Eitato agency : .
Jccoph 31. HUPS ( single ) to Th&nms 0.
Brunnor , lot 31 , Roea' place , Omaha , w d.
John T. Dillon and wJfo to II. M. Gal-
bmlih , lot G , blk 4 , Kllby place , add to
Oiitabn , w d. 8000.
A. Leonard Btrgquist nnd viifn to Lir-
nior P. Pruyno , si of lot 3 , blk 2 , Lake's
add to Omaha , w d. ? 000.
W < > are now ready to take ordori for
Cuuiiots Bnos' . Canned Fruitst Vcffda-
Mai , f'rescrvca , Jellies , Jams , Ketch-
M , ti'iucas , Meat Delicacies , do , etc.
Wo will znako wpcclal inducamenta to
ilio fi-.auly tr&do by the case oc dozan.
Th ) j.t gcodn arc equalled by few nud
iidllc-tl by none , nnd nro fully gnarun-
toatl h ? Cuttlco J3roj. Oar UBunl guar-
nnteo also iiccotnpr.ulea thoao goods. Oar
agent will cull to KollcIL ordura and far-
ulsh clrculara , prlcra , oto. I' Ioatiecill at
oar oti ni , No. 1-101 Douglas , for circu-
lorn aud information.
WM. FMiriNG & CO.
' /'ho f-\mon ooap umnufactnrlng honso
of Oborne , IJojick & Oo. aucccsiora of
( J. A. Wresloy & Oo. , Ohlojgo , nro lo-
cited iu OrnaSa nnd intend burcaftcr to
inaka their western depot here for the
aalu of tholr Laundry nud toilet ocapa ,
which will bo sold to tha tr&do at Chica-
Ki prlcoa. Tha rrhlto Prucainn , German
Family and Linen old brands are otlll
up to the atandard and ere guaranteed.
Addroea 513 13th St. , OniBh * . Neb.
ilo.SHJK & CO.
A Correction oorreutotl. '
If any ono labors under the * f > uprt.vlr-n
that S. D. KIcrcor , M , D , or lua
aesittint , Dr. Dyairt , Is Iu cny w y
couneoted with the Omaha Medical arul
Surgical Institute , wo hasten to correct
such Impretbion. No bonl of Intort-aU
tympathy , contldenoe , or ftdmlratlou ,
oxUta botwccii u ? , " \Vo removed from
the northesat corner of 12th itid Howard
eta. , Intt apriny , to the coruor of 13th at.
and Capitol nvtmue.