Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1885, Page 7, Image 7

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    THJ8 DAJLY BKE---TUE&DAY , 1885.
Price § 18.00. A liberal discount
will bo made to pn-ties ordering a
half dozen Faucets nb 0:10 timo.
For further particulars inquire o
Council Bluffs , lowi ,
Agent for Western Town nnd .Nob.
In Cciincll UluOs ho\lng a
And nil modern Improvement ? , cnll balls , fire
alarm bolls , etc. , is the
Nos. 215 , 217 and 210 , Alain Street.
No. 607 Broadway Council Blnffa.
Railway Time Table ,
Tbo following tin tba times of the Arrival nil do-
p&rtnrn of tnlns by oontrnl etanJurd time , M the
local depots. Trktna leave transfer dopoi tan tain-
oteg earlier and irrlro ton mlnntos Utor.
9:25 : A u Mall nnd Biprosa Bl'O'r M
12:40 r M Accommodation 4:10 : r M
OJSO I' M Ktpjcea 0:05 : A u
8:18 : A M Mall and Express 6:63 : r M
7:25 : A M Accommodation 6:15 : r M
C30 ; r u Express Boo : A M
0:20 : 'A 11 Hall and Express flfO : r M
& 25 r M Express 0:05 : A n all
CntOAQO , iraUNarOX ADD qniXCY.
D:60 : A Mail and Express 7:10 : r M
30 r Accommodation 2oo : r M up
M5 r Expreus 8:50A : u
, IT. LOUIB AID ricino.
2:1 : B r M Local St. Louis Express Local
3:00 : r n Transfer " " Transfer 8:20 : r u
7:43 : r M Looil Chicago Js St L Exp Looal 8:50 : A M
7:35 : r u Transfer " " " " Transfer 0.06 AH
KAKIUJ ! nir , ST. o AND COUHCIL BLurrs.
I00fi ; A u Mall and Express 6:40 : r n vrh
8:1C : r M ExprcES 0:26 : A M clii
iraux OITT Ann rAomo. tlo
7:20 A M Stall for Sioux City 6:50 : r H dai
7SO : r II Express for St I'iul 0:25 : A M
BMON r-Aeinc.
11:00 A M Dam or Express 4:35 : r H
1:06 : r M Lincoln Po > a O'a & It V 2:35 : r u lahal
7:55 r U Overland repress 8:30 : A M hal
f" Leave Council Bluffs 6:55 : 7:55 : 8:30 : 10SO kill
11:40 : a. m. 1:30 : 2:30-3:30 : : 4:23 : 5:25 : 6:25 : lea
11:15 : p. m. Leave Onmhi 0:25 : 725 e:50 : 10
11:15 : a. m. 12:50-2:00 : : See : * : to 4Sfi : 6:55 : no
Curtains Oil Cloths JnlJ
, ,
Window Shades , KZI
Linoleums vet
, aU
Mattings , one
11 !
les :
Rugs , Etc. , Etc. in
Careful Attention Given to Ou
of Town Orders , 1'ro
Ujrtiolstery and Drapery Work a '
) Specialty. the
Onr stock ia the
Largest in tie best will and If
nnil b being continually replenished by sif
jidl the liuost and choicest novoltloa. Or
5 Br oadway Coun oil B/ufls tohu
TII03. OITiriOER , VT , It , H. rU8E &w
Officer & Pucev. like bo
BANKER Itan va
Counoll Bluffs , lo-wa. aw
Established , - 1865
Dealers in Foreign nntl Domeatlo Bx Live
Home SecurltlM. Liwl
. . Eioa M , D , 10'
ci thic loxin r u st < irttls l tb'
Om thirty TMIC pricti- ; ilcto Kf ar
t , Foul lllPit , OooncUlUufll. arP'i '
III * . P'i
FEU IT , thU
Sixteen Korea , tea In fiult , ilx In garden ami
tlm erland , tU icora hou e , table , well , tUttru , lie.
iJlln gel cJiiJItbu , or will tiaJo ( or Omaha pjuj > -
" " '
County T ( aturct' office , Council Mufls. the
Bo Spciitea to Americans ot Their
Fourth of July Privileges ,
[ Ordinal , ]
FELLOW CITIZHNS : Ono hundred nnd
nlno years have now patted slnco onr
forefathers declared all men to bo free
and equal and began to hold out induce
ments for the oppressed of other climes
to como hero and help na kill off the
Indians ,
It has been a great EUCCSSS. It has
boon thoroughly demonstrated to n dying
world that all men are folly equal to nil
other men , If uot mora BO. Wo point
with prldo to-day to our bread lands , onr
luxuriant national debt nnd onr steadily
increasing Mormons. Wo have only n
few more Indiana to wipe out and then
the oppressed foreigner will h&ra It all
his own way.
The men who declared themselves free
at independent 109 yeara ago nra no
tn . Yielding to the grcnt nervous
strain incident to n rod hot cnmpali ? ! ) ,
they finally pined nway 'nnd died. As
forefathers no can never ouccesifully sup *
ply their places , nod their untimely death
has cast n pall over this otherwise joyous
occasion ,
To day from ccstm to ocean America
rejoices. From the humid Atlantic to
the molut Pacifia the mighty cannon
thundoia forth n nation's exultation , and
the smaller cannon la gathering in Its
hardest of thumbs. This it nn annual
holiday and great n tioiiil thumb carni
Wo rcjo'co that the Idea of freedom
suggested itself to onr f orefathero Other
wise wb wonld all bo in Canada to-dry.
Now only a part of us nro there.
Lst us not speak lightly of Canada , for
aomo : of our largest ; moneyed men are
there. Whllo wo would not care to bo n
part of Canada , It la a good province to
smuggle Into or smuggle out of. It Is a
good place to stroll into nfter banking
ho , while the board of directors are in
BO ! .
Ono hundred and nine years ngo the
king of Great Britain made the great
mistake of his life. 1 only regret that I
ho did not live to BOO It as wo BOO it to
day. ; Had ho been less overbearing to
ward the infant colony , the young men
of America would hnvo been 'drinking
alkali wntor in Egppt to-day. Wo could
bavo fought the heathen all over the
globe | and left our shoulder blades to
bleach In nny cltmato Tthlch wo might
select. Had the royal tyrant softened n
little ! toward the struggling settlements
America ono hundred anct nine years
ago < , ho could have borrowed our navy to
day if ho would cgrao to takcgood care of
the worms nnd return thorn in aa g > od
order as ho fonnd them.
But : ho decided to do differently nnd
to-day ho must take the bitter cense
quences. Kings nro not nlwlys right.
1'hoy frequently get left. Of nil the
many kings whom 1 have known person
ally ; , and with whom I bavo bou thrown
tnoto or less , there are only four or five
npon whoso judgment I cuuld rely dur
ing n great crisis.
That is the roasan 1 very rarely go to a
crowned head when I nm in trouble.
eraJ I J eoek out oomo tender hearted nnd
unselfish pawnbroker nnd toll him nil.
There Is one cloud , fellow-citizens , bo
which I see with my prophetic eye , jnst fill
climbing the distant horizon of onr na tru
tional : existence. Sooner or later It will
darken the brightest day for 115. It is
leprous Chinaman or the * great un- for
laundtied Mormon ? I hear you ask. It mo
the spoils system under which one-- boi
half of our poop'o will always by happy pal
jnd tbe other half accursed ? It is the Na
Idln-driod , fire nnd burglar proof , worm- tai
less : American drlod apple pie which is pai
now : invading onr happy homes ? Is it hii
baleful atmoon'breath of Now Ecg- doi
laud rum which would oat out the vitals yoi
a ; stone quarry nnd go back the next am
Jay ] to inquire for the old nitro.-glycorlno up
ans ?
Ahl no , follow-cltlzant ; n thousand WO
times nay. It Is this : If our republican int
Form of government holds together for Is
ninoty-ono yenra more , wo will have to no'
relobrato ngain , and It mikes my head sir
icho : to think of it. In the feeling of at
romorao which dhows itself * on the suc thn
ceeding day afior a centennial celebration era
becomes Intensified with each succeeding tenth
enlury , I hope that on the 5th day of th
July , 1970,1 shall bo out of town. ton
J cjnnot close thta brief oration , follovr the
itizcnr , without au earnest appeal to you ' ' 0
to ba nobler and bettor men. Of lew
ou o , if yon are women this will notbo ad
expected ; but wo can nil bo good cltizsna km
that time , parhaps , and I earnestly ex- SJhi )
tioit all tkcma within the spund of my rid
colce to bo loyal and law-abiding. By con
means ba Industrious. Do not wnit con :
ioot but farm habits of Industry at pla
3DCO which will cling to you through till
. I am convinced by what I hnvo hid
iaon of its effects that it is n good thing.
llso early and go about your duties joy- ( XI
nsly , and when the morning meal h pro * Lov
inred and all are g&therod nronnd the
stlvo banrd , como nnd rap gently , and fan
n i low tone of voice , on the door of wh
boudoir. Bur , NYE. wh
.HUDSON , Wij. , July 1. bad
of' f
Harvesting Oats. brl
from the Cleveland Plain-Dealer. pla
A well-known farmer write ) that tbo ilx
tlmo for cutting oa'a is when they arc ad
thoroughly ripe , There Is generally
inough blown over io pay for the thresh
when ont too green. It is always log
to roll your oats ground after sowing
If they should bo down the rospar prc
have a better chance to gather thorn , mu
oats are thoroughly ripe ana dry they llei
ba bound up after the reaper with
sifety ; that is , If bound In email sheaves. pear
Great care should bo taken In shocking wh
sot the sheaves up right and to pat tbe i fee
hudders on properly. It Is better for oats | Bu _ i.
stand In"sh'ock" a week or moro If ' " "
bound np after the reaper. If It Is Put | of
away ImmediatelyBatter It will
Batter cutting , j lw
clover , draw dampness. It should
thoroughly dry before it Is put up , for
- will not dry rot In the mow. When wo luc was
ready to haul wo should select A clear ,
warm day. Wo should set as many syi
shocks , out . in . the . . morning KB wo can pat i set bu
away during the day. I
How to Itfilso young Pigs ,
- Stock Journal. i
There I is probibly not a breeder of ptgs [ QQ .
: has not at some lime or other lost tn'
| , owing to their being crushed by the rai
tow. This ecoms to be moro frequent un it
with the heaviest sows , as is natural , nnd
a man who n Jao well-brod swine the Inj
is a very eonoua ono , A common nora
mode of prevention Is to arrange a shelf non
around the pen , nudir which the young ra
pigs will run when threatened to bo ba
crushed by their mother lying down on go
them. A great abundance of straw litter day
liked by eome and regarded as a help , to
the deep , soft bed will mitigate tbe If
iqueezlng nnd giro piggy A chance tr Ifur
breathe. On' the other hand , those who ra
prefer the shelf plan i egard tha abund- rami
nco of straw , unlois it bo cut , nsan Impediment - tn
pediment to the plg < in getting out ot * i
mother's way. The plan said to bo
used in England , of confining the sow tn
Is cnso within the pen , in which she hat
plenty of room to got up nnd down , hut
not enough to turn around , would nee-
CBsltnto the onjtnnt presence of nn at
tendant until parturition was complete
nnd the sow quieted nnd ready to nurse.
As soon as may bo the young pigs must
bo taught to oat other food ; this will re-
llovo the mother from the burden of
their entire amtennuco.
lUicollo Innocence In Goorftin <
Vnldnstn ( Ga , Now § .
Yesterday afternoon A newly married
cooplo from the rural districts came to
town on their bridal tour , nnd walked
around holding each other's bauds. The
btldo hnd on a yellow calico dress trim
med with red. cutblas , and slashed edge
ways , ornamented with bobtail lace a la
panlor. A pilr of cotton mitt : , of n
slmplo design and of an exquisite rhado
of the popular dogwood color , covered
her Imntle. A largo sunflawor nestled
coyly at her throat. The general effect
was bizarre nnd utrlking , unique and
rojthotle. The groom were n pair of
homeknit wool stockings , aud a trmeslvo
watch , brass watch chain , and his appear
ance waa distinguished for eloquence nnd
simplicity. They hnd evidently , how
ever , been brought up "far from the
daddlng crowd's ignoble strife , " where
the slouching wheels and the din of the
locomotive wlilstlo la not heard , and the
lightning-rod agent troubloth not.
"Valdosty Is-Rlltln' to bo a mlphty big
plaep , ain't It , Mandy ? "
It are that. "
Stopping in front of Crawford's ono of
them oald :
"Mighty heap of buggies in thar. "
Paddling on up the street they came to
Boono's hardware store.
"Lordy 1 juat look nt the atovos , don't
look like they over would sell nil of
them. "
Finally they reached Ashley'a ' store ,
nnd walking in they called for some of
'that 'ar n tuff you call soda water. "
"What syrnp will you have ? " naked
Olnranco Patterson.
'What syrup ? "
"Yes , what syrup ? "
"Gosh durn you , who nskcd for syrup ?
want soda water. "
"Well , what syrnp do yon -want in It ? "
"I don't want no syrup In it. I want
sugar | in mine. Wo nro uot caring for
expenses to-day. "
"How many glasses do you want ? "
"Hero you are. " ;
"Lordy , don't It foam ? "
"Raising It to his lips ho tasted it ,
smacked his lips , tasted it again , aud
said : ,
"Mandy , this nro Rood sluff shore's pat
you born. Try eomo. " woi
Mandy Tried it. cul :
'That's the best stuff I over did drink , "
she said. the
After looking around a while like n Thl
pair of young goslings Mandy Mowed oho Ion
wa hungry. lun
"Durned of I ain't too. " Lesj go and
gel a glngorcako. " exp
They were last seen going ont on the son
eastern end of Paticrjon Direct munch sun
ing thoglngorcake , and wore heard speak Ho
ing of the big tlmo they had. ofc
Trunks ivltli False Bottoms. ted
Sun Francisco Chronicle : "Yon would exc
surprised nt the number of ordera wo ten
for trunks with false bottom ! , " said a int
trunk manufacturer. aski
"For thieves , oh ? " The ?
"Sometimes , yes , but moro frequently COIL
high-toned people. A man came tome mat
ono day with an oil painting of a will
beautiful woman , and asked to bavo the hea
painting built In the bottom of a trunk. whl
Naturally I was cnrlouj , and , as ho was utei
talkative : , I S3on found ont that the thai
painting was of his first wife , nnd that bale
now wife was awfully jealous. 'I
don't like to burn np the old picture , ho
see , ' ho said , 'as she la not dead , alar's a sign of mighty bad luck to burn coin
the picture of n living person. I wo
suspect if she was dead my present nlfe unll
wouldn't care. ' Well , I built the picture and
Into the trunk , aont It homo to him , and
suppose everything IB lovely , and the ball
now wife thinks the phturo has been de the
stroyed. A woman came once and wanted exp
trunk with a falsa bottom arranged co and
that oho could get nt it easily. We gen- plaj
orallymakn the openings to false bottoms adji
toms from the underside , butane wanted and
this ! through the upper oldo of the bet mid
tom. I asked her how deep che wanted of
false bottom , and she said , abjontly , ban
, big enough to hold n paksgo of let- froc
. and n photograph. ' Now , that was the
definite order , wasn't it ? Juetns if I tien
ittovr how thick n package of letters was ! nori
ho was the handsome young wlfo of a ncte
old husband. Butof course , the nnd
iommonost order for secret compartments becc
omos from women who waiit oomo ssfo doct
jlaco to hide their money in. A woman
ihlnks ! there is no place like a trunk for
ildlng money. "
Hnppy-Go-Iiuclcy Yankee Farmer. Mlc
jowoll Courier.
it ; &
We ran acrss on old Now Hampshire
'aimer last week in ono of our rambles appi
had lived G5 yean on the form
where ho was horn. Ho "guessed" ho
about COO acres of land , n largo sluro Nev
which la mountain paatnra. A small
brick cottage nnd two barns were on the
place , arid ho wintered last year twenty-
head of cattle. Ho Bella milk to the Fro
Whltlngj , at present f arulehlng five cms boa
day. ; But ha could not say exactly how cor
many cows ho has , how many ho la milk wet
, or jest how much ha is getting for twe
milk. Nor could ho say , mete than ap war
proximately , how much land bo has , how At
much hay ho cuts , or how much it costs aid
to mike his milk. Ho did not bo- tbo
llovd ho was getting what it cost him tbe The
through , but just at this time , tell
when pasturage is at its height , and ho ors.
feeds no grain , ho thought ho was making groi ;
something. . Ho said ho thought the
whole place was worth $0,000. Ho had She
raised n family of ton boys and girls , all
whom nro still living , and ho had >
twice served in the general court , and
always voted the domocratio ticket. It
n fair illustration of the happy-go- t
luck Yankee firmer , who seldom has any s
system or indulges in any plans , and pos non
sesses only such an indefinite idea of his
bntincflj as would ruin n manufacturer or
merchant. j ; hey
The Valtio of a Horse-Fork.
Country Home. ) .
.la a barn of nny dimension , allowing
Ingress | of n two-horso load , proper ar
rangements should bo made to expedite *
unloading and mowing away hay. True
Is that most penons farming on a large
icalo have the proper appliances for sav
time and labor , but there are many
who d& not go bayond a pitchfork
kill both tlmi and themselves in the
really ; fiitllo effort to sivo money , or per
haps from lack cf progreesivoncrs , A
gooi hoise hay-fork will unload In ono
what it wonld take half n dozen men
handle with commcn forks ; and this , .505
being run on a track running along
under the peak cf the barn , can bo BO ar o
ranged as to dump enormous forkfuls al
most at the place desired. A herse-fork , 'lattc
the face of a coming rain or shower , is T
powerful aid In dropping hay out of
Ight ,
tloii Hi at Did Not Work.
Philadelphia limes.
. A party of men sat In the wino room of
the ' [ Continental hotel last night , telling
stories. ' Ono of the number wns n young
doctor ' , who is n resident physician at the
Penns/lvanln hospital , and had jnst re
turned from n vacation trip to the oavca
of Lurny. When it came his turn to
toll n story , which was supposed to ba
founded on incidents In his own exper
ience , ho said :
'I nm too young In the profession to
give you nny stilling experience of my
own , bat I can relate n cutioua incident
that occurcd in Virginia during my visit
there. It happened in Ilockbrldgo
county , not many miles from Lexington ,
and wss told to mo by a thoroughly re-
patablo nnd voracious citizen. 'A
fey weeks ego , ' ho Bald , 'a long
haired Individual drove Into town
nnd engaged two rooms In the loading
hotel. That night ho visited the local
printing oflice , and the next morning the
town was flooded with dodgem announc
ing , the arrival of Dr. Snrecuro , who
guaranteed to euro all cites of consump
tion by his great nnd improved com
pressed nir treatment. I was curiono to
know what the treatment consisted of
and called on the doctor the next dny.
In the meantime ho had constructed n
email air-tight compartment In n corner
of his oflico. When I arrived ho
wa adjusting n pump-Ilka ar
rangement to a brass-bound hole in ono
ofWl the partitions of the compartment.
When ho had fmiehod his work ho turned
to tno Mid said : "Now , sir , I am ready
for work. "
"I explained to him that I wan not n x
consumptive , but bad simply callot ! to In
vestigate his method of treatment out of
curiosity. Ho was very urbane ana ac
commodating. Ho explained to mo in
scientific language that consumption was of
simply a collapse nnd drying up of the or
air cells of the lungs , and that the only
thing needed to restore the br nthlng ap >
paratus to its normal state wau the open
ing of these colls.
" This sounded reasonable enough tone
mo nnd I aikod him how ho was going to
bring nbout this result. "By comprotsed
air , , " ho said , slapping his palm ngalnat
bis cheat. "Comprcescd air is the only
iovcroigu remedy for consumption. " Ho
hon ehowed mo the nir. tight compart-
nont which rrns lined with plates of tin ,
ind explained that the apparatus on the or
nttsldo TTSS nn air pump. His treatment
vas almplo and consisted of placing the
patient In tha compartment , Into which
Tonld ba Injected a certain number of
ubio feet of air. The air would force its if d.
ray into the cells of the lungs nnd inflate m
hem as a bladder Is inlUtod by a quill. o
I'hls treatment , ho nrguod , If continued
eng enough , would restore the diseased
ungs to their normal condition.
' 'Tho doctor had hardly fiDished his D
ixposltlon before n young man , with the
oal of the fell dlsonso stamped In his
unken cheeks and hollow eyes , entered.
told the doctor that ho wantad n dose
compressed air. The doctor conducted
to the adjoining room nnd told him
divoat himself of everything with the
xceptloti of his undershirt. lu the In-
eral the doctor threw up every r indotr
the room to admit the fresh nir , nnd
sked mo to v/alt to BOO the thing work.
ho young man was nahorcd lute the
ompartmont nnd the doctor and mvsslf
annned tha pump. Wo worked with n
for about flvo minutes , and could
ear the wind rash in with a shrill
rhlstlo , Then wo waltoi for two mln-
tea , nnd the doctor said : 'You can bet
the nir ia inflating his lungs Ilka n
aloon.1 "
i. Then ho tried to open the door , but
couldn't budge It. Then ho looked
larmod end got mo to help him , bub onr
oinblnod strength didn't phnza it. Then
cillod > In a colored porter , nnd our
nltod efforts opaued the door withn rush
landed us In a heap in the corner ,
josklng into the compartment , wo saw a
alloon-liko , ileah colored object lying on
floor I looked at the doctor for nn
xplanntlon. Ho waa as white as n sheet
looked like ono stricken with the
lague. "My God ? " ho gasped , "I have
djuatcd the pump to exhaust the air , "
, clamming the door shut , ha hastily
ndo same altaratlon in the mechanism
the pump and together wo worked the
nndlo until wo were compelled to stop
rom sheer exhaustion. When ho opened
door ( this tlmo with case ) the pa is
int's body had recovered to about its I
orrrial slza nnd he recovered conscious-
cis. Ho Tsaa tent homo in n ciirhgo
died n few days later. The affair
uMiuo noised about , however , and the
octor left tawn between two days. "
Ilorsford'a Acid Phospliftto ,
A3 AN Ari'ETIZEll.
Dis. Mbnnis GIBUS , Howard City ,
Ilch. , eays : " 1 am giootly pleased with
BE a tonic ; it is nn agraonblo and good
ppetizer. "
York Bonril of Health Appoints
a lindy riiyslulnn.
NEW YORK , July 1. Dr. Marah S.
'rodorlckn has been appointed by the SAVE
oatd of health ns ono of the summer unlvi
orps of physicians , She was the only > Bold
roman ) physician appointed in n corps of llgne
weiity-fllr. : Dr. Fredericks Is the third belli larln I
reman who has served in this capacity.
the cflico of tbo board to-day It w&s
: "Tho women who have torvcd on
bonrd have dona excellent service ,
women of the tenement housed won't
their real condition to men inapect-
. It is work where a woman can do
roatgood. "
Dr. Fredericks was aeon nt her house.
said : "I nm a regular graduate of a
chool of medicine. I applied for this
osltlon and pitted the civil service ox-
imlnatlon and have been'appointed ; I
inter open my work to-morrow ; I think
ia oesantlally a position for women. It
work that women cm do better than
: , and I think mora women eliould bo
ippolntcd , There nro nbout 800 women
irectlalng medicine In this ountry , and
nro succeeding admirably. "
Nebraska Land Agency ,
till I
The :
( ran
ral l
Beat Estate Mortgages 'undt s
Hive lor tMo 00,000 aero curtrully * oltct l liudl .
Battern Nobiula , at loir price ind on easy term
Iinprotel f rm forejlo In Doujlu , DoJg , Oolfas ,
, Hurt , , , keulck
Cumins Harpy Wuhlnytoc , , To
Uundcrs , ad Duller oouatlei ,
i 11 juld la til put ol the elite. K \t
NoUry iublla JWBJI la otE . CotrotpoodcBM owa. ;
Money lo aed on Improve J firm i tnd city prope
Listen to Your \Vlfe.
Tbo Manchester OIARDIAI , Juno tb , 1853 , MJS
At one of the
' Looking on the woodland ways ! With
clumps of rhododendron and great mass
I es of May bbsjoimll ! "Thoro was aa in-
| tercstlnp ; group.
It included onowhohadboona"0otton
spinner , " but was now so
That ho could only bear to Ho In a re
clining position.
This refers to my cnso.
I was first Attacked twelve years ago
with "Locomotor AUy"
( A. paralytic disease of nctvo Obro rarely ever enrol
and wni for several years barely able ot
got about.
And for the last Flvo years not able to
attend to my business , although
Many ! things hare been done for ire.
The act cxpctlmcnt being N'mo Mrctching
Jni Two years ago 1 was toted Into the
Homo for Incurables ! Near Manchester ,
in May , 1832.
I Bin no "Advocate" ; "For anything In
the shape of patent" Medicines ?
And : made many objections to my dear
wi o's constant urging to try IIop liittors ,
but finally to pacify her
Oonccutcdll I
I ] hud not quite finished the first botllo
when I felt a ckougo como over me. This
wa Saturday , November 3d. On Sunday
morning I felt so strong I eaid to my room
companions , "I was sure I could
"Walk !
So started across the floor and back ,
Ilurdlyknow how to contain inysjlt. 1 was
Ml over the houss. I nm gaining mrcrjgth each
iUy , nnd can walk qulto info without nn >
"Stick ! "
1Mi niu now nt my own hou'c , aid hope Boon to b )
Mime to earn my own taring a aln. 1 huvo been a
member of the Manchester
"Koyal Exchange"
For nearly thirty > oit , anil w a most heartily
> Dgriitulifc.l i on KOing Into the room on ThiitBJky
aitM . Very gratefully jours , Jous IJMCKIIUHN ,
MANCIUSTKR ( Kng ) Dee , SI , 13:3.
Twc years later RID prrfoctly v.M.
Prosocnto the Swindlers.
Ithcn you cill for lion lllttcra ( see Krccn c'ustor
bops ou thoMlilto bbc'llho ) druggltt hanils out
any etuff railed U. D. Warner's German Hop Blttori
irwlth other bop name , refuse It nnd ehun that
Irug-glst | ason would \lper ; amllt ho his taken
our money for the ( tuff , Indict tim for the fraud
aud sue lilm'or ilamigtn for the sn In die , aud will
otvard } ou liberally lor the com Ictlon ,
This Inraluiblo epccifla readily nnd permanently
urea & 11 kinds of Asthma. The most objtlnato and
anc standing ca091 leld promptly to Its wonderful
urine ; properties. It la Koovtn throughout the uorld
Us uurlralod efficacy.
J L. CAIJDWELL. city Tlncoln , Neb. ; wrltos , J n
V.ISSL yinco using Dr. Ililr's Asthuu euro , for
aero than ono ) car , < ny wlfo han hccn entirely well , N
nd cot even a symptom of the discasohaaapuearcd.
WItiUAM BENNETT , Rlchland , loxva.writeaNov.
. 18S3. Ihaxohocn nflllctcdlth Uay Fever and A
thma B'lico 1S53. I folio wed your directions and
happy to say that I no ; cr olept better In my llfo.
am glad I hit I am among the many who can speak G
favorably of your remedies.
A yaluablo 04 pngo trrtitlso containing similar proof
rom o cry State in the U. S , CanaJa and ( treat
irlt&ln ; will bo mailed up6n application.
Any UrugrgUt not hi\ln ? It In stock will procured.
order. Ask for Dr. Ilatr a Asthma euro.
DR B W HAIR A SON. Prao's Cln'tl. 0.
. Ai
t , k&d tft ill tmDniti ildola. Try U , put
nr far Uu rr" " '
your cmcer dracgui i
Hostctter's Stom-
aohBittcra conquers
and i > re\ cuts mala-
rlal/e\cr ? , djepcp-
sla , chronic consti
pation , a tendency
to kidney nnd blad
der ailments am ]
rhaumatUm , nnd Is
In caeca cf bodily
trouble arising ( rom
weakness. Old pco-
pi jaicgrcatly aided
fcrvleeaWo to con-
valeacenta and lots ;
ladioi In delicate
health. It If , ruoru-
o\cr , a useful med devi
icine to take wHli
cno on Ions jour buil
ney. It counter
the effect ; < t mental exhaustion. For by
Druggist ) and doilora generally.
hashing & Bleaching ncn
In Hard or Soft , Hot or Gold Water. the
LABOR , Tnin and BOAT AMJUINOLT , and gives
ilvcrealeatlsfactlon. Ho family rich or poor should bio
without It.
by all trrooerp. BEWARR cf Imltatlona well do- adj
to mislead. I'EAiaiNH Is tbe ONLY BAFK Ubor beal
\1nccompoundaadal\\aysbcara the above ejm-
and name ol
18S and 187 Wabafh Avrnuo , F
llth :
Hair Cloth and Wire
Btistlcs , Hoop Skirts ,
Hair Cloth Skirts.f
< * ' guniJUi fl prorFi
TMa cut rcri * " " " ' The :
T antrlry. the most popular 18thFi
rointlnaVlim of Iluttla' and Fi
Hoonbliirt over made. Aliuy
vSo lie worn ono will never tree
other . tacn
wear any etylo.
ci.i.r I. it.linn ll uron tllO
irect Line for England , F/ance
nnd Germany.
The tieanuhlpe of this well known line uo balll
lion , In water-tight oorupirtmeuto , and are fur. pi
, Mtb oicry roiulalto to m > ko tbo jiifusifc
lOtheile and tgneablo , They ciny tbo United
and European milU , and le o Kcw York
hQ3dayiand 8atuidiy for I' ] } mouth ( LONDON )
IberboOjf.d'AlUd and IIAUOUHK )
llatoikit Cablu(0).91oO Htcerago to or
Hamburg810. G 1) HIUaAUDt CO , , Ocn-
t'aea. Ah'ont , 611 roadway , Now York nnd
ashlngt n aud La Lello itroet , Chicago cr Ifcnry
Mark Union , K. K. llooin , Harry Da < \ lu
, Uroncule & Hchuorfu 'i' ' " Council UluHi
work Life and Accident In'uranoo for ftitronz
Yurk company , in every town in Nebiaika anu
. Qood cctmalaolonto workers. Addrtea
E. o. wacox k co.
t LculAK " ' 'tt Ku : j
213 South 14tli Street ,
Have a large list of inside business and resi
dence property , and some of the finest suburban
property in and around the city.
Wo have Vusiness property on Cnpitol Avenue , Dodge ,
Douglnu , Fanmui , llnrney , Howard , 9th , 10th , 13th nnil
16th greets ,
We have fiuo residence property on Fnrnam , Doug'ns ' ,
Dodge , Davenport , Chicago , Cagg , Californin streets , Sher
man , St .Marys oud Park Avenues , in fact on all the best
residence streets. We have property in the following ad
Lakes ,
Slizabetli Place ]
S. V..Smith's ,
Parker's ,
Rise's ,
kelson's ,
5rod sev's ,
lirkwood ,
v 11 > ! r"'B n *
College Placoi : ,
Park Place ,
Talzaia i ? 3SilL
West End ,
jrapitol , "
Seed's First ,
md all the other Additions to the
City. :
We have the agency fo me syndicate lands in South Omaha. These
s sell from $226 upwards , and are very desirable property. The
relopment of the packing house and othnr interests there , are rapidly
up that portion of the city.
We have a few lota left in Kirkwood addition , which wo offer at low \ i
ices , terms $25 down balance $10 per mouth. t These lots are on high \
rel ( ground and are desirable. s
st t
Hawthornel \
This addition is more centrally located than any other now addition j
ar the best Schools in the city. All the afreets are being put to grade \
grades have neon established by the city council , and is very desira- ' }
residence property , only 16 blocks from Post office , prices lower than
joining ( additions for a homo or investment. Those lots cannot bo
'on BALE Houee nnd Jot on 21st St. Easy
'on ' ( SAIE 22 foot on Fnrnnm St. , near
St. , 88,000.
'on SALK-Lot in Walnut bill , $200.
'ou SALE Lots on 20th , $550 each.
'on SALE 22 aerea with elegant residence ,
d bain , fine trees , nhrubery , fruit , hot and
1 water and All conveniences ; first claea
porty in every reep ct.
'OUDALE CO feet on 1'ornam street , near
i. Good busineaa property cheap.
'on KENT lloom 44x76 , M floor , on 14th
McCorxnick's ,
Kountz Sc Ruth's ,
Impr'nt Association
Wilcox ,
Burr Oak ,
Isaac & Seldon's ;
Grand View ,
Credit Fancier ,
Kountz' First
Hlountz' Second ,
JCountz' Third , <
Kounts' Fourth , 5
Svndicate Mill , I
Plaimriew , i
Hill Side , J
Clark Place ,
Mvers § s Richards/t' "
Fen SALE-HOUSO and lot , 25th and Ohio *
go street ; splendid corner , § 3,000.
Fen SALE-First class business block , $ -15 , '
Fen SALE-i lot on WLeaton St. ? good
house , 81,500. ,
1'on HALE Fine corner lot in Shinn'a nddl
tion , $760 ,
FOR SALE Lot in Hillard Place , epecial
1 oil LEASE Fine business property on ICtli
St. , nnd St. Mary's Avenuo.
Fen SALE 1 lot on Chicago St , between
13th and II , with good house , $3,000 ,
TFe will jfurnish conveyance free to any
urtjof the city to sftoivjproperty to ourjf fiends
nd customers , and cheerfully give informa-
on rcf/ardiny Omaha Property.
Those who have Itaryains to offer or wish
roperty'atjiCJbaryainjjiire"invited to see us.
Real JjEotate Agents
13 S. 14th St. , bet. Farnam & Douelas