Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1885, Page 4, Image 4

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OMAHA Orrzca No , 014 AND 916 FAKXAU Si.
If ITT Yittx Omei , ttoou 35 TKIDOK BUILD-
trrrf moraine , raml BenAiy. 'Th
wdj Uondfty Biornlnf * 11pt > Ui4 bitht tUto.
ruin n MIA.
rn * Te r . . .114.00 inimUoBMN . 01 to
Wi Month * . . 8.M I On Mootb . 1.C4
Th WetLlr Bee , Published ov rr Wtdnctdar
ta2 > , roniitx
OniYeu , wUhprtratTrB. . . , . . . . . . . . . . . , .l I M
OtxYetr , without premium. . . , . . , . . . . 1 Z
Six Uontht. without Tirimhua . . . . . . 7S
On. Month , on IrUl . 10
eoxaen-OTDctci :
AH Ccnmnnle&tloni reUtlng to N w § nd EdltorUI
mitten ihaald b iddreuid to tbe Eciioa or TIII
mraui LZTTXU.
AH Darin en fetteri nd RemKUncM ihoold b
t drwood ti Tin KIR Pou8ii o Coxrist , OMAHA.
Ilrifti.Chs kl and Pott office enl r to b mad jay-
nblt to thi order of th company.
X H. Fitch , Manoeer D ily Circulation.
KEIIXY and Kooly arc very much alike.
JNoltlnr Booms able to make n go of It.
TIIF.HF. will to two vacancies in the
Valontiuo land ofllco presently. ( The
placBB , however , Trill not remain vacant
long. It In hoped by n long Buffering
community that the now officers -will bean
an improvement npon the present Incum
SEIIGT. SMART , / of the Canadian
mounted pollco has captured Big Bear.
There was nothing very smart in the cap-
thro , however , as the hungry chief was
on hlaway to surrender. Ho couldn't
boar the prospects of otarvation which
stared him In the face.
Dn. SCUWENK stated to Senator Van
VTyck that the story in regard to hla In-
'tondod affront to the senator nt Norfolk
originated In the Omaha Republican
ofllco , and that there was really no
foundation for it. If the fool-killer had
visited the Republican office a few wcoks
ago the author of the malicious canard
would not have bean able to put it in cir
rowdy west is stirring up the Nut
meg -stale with two wild west shows.
Dr. Carver's and Buffalo Bill's combina
tions have run against each other. The
result Is a llbol suit brought by Buffalo
Bill against Oirvor , and moantlmo Car-
Tor's' cowboys are making Uomo howl.
They celebrated the Fourth of July by a
fight with the Salvation army. The gov
ernor of Connecticut ought to call cut the
THE city council should nofloso any
moxo time , but proceed at oncoto lay out
its irorktfor the year , There are yet a
great many workingmen in this city out
of employment simply bocansa the public
Improvemcnto have boon delayed so long.
Ifwo are going to have any paving ,
Dowering and grading done this year It is
high tiuio that the work should bo began ,
as there are only about thrao months of
good weather before ua.
i needs a boiler inspector. There
are about 250 boilers now in use In this
city .and it Is tlrao that a thorough sys
tem of inspection should bo established.
A practical and competent man could bo
aocurad.asiboilor Inspector at little or no
oxpcnao to-tho city , as the feoa for In
spection could bo medo sufficient to com-
penaul D him. This is a matter that we
hope the city council will take under
, consideration. Nearly every city of the
population of' Omaha hac a boiler Inspect
or , and there Is no gaod reason why we
ohould not have tuch an ollicor.
GEN. 11-cCooK , ox-governor of Colorado -
rado , has boon giving the secretary ot
the Interior some valnablo information
nd sound suggestions npon Indian affairs
in the Indian territory. Hoohowa con
clusively tnat the land-leases obtained by
the cattle men are not worth the paper
they are written on , as the United State
alone can make contracts with any In
dian nation or trlbo ailootlng lauds. Hi
holds also and substantiates his position ,
by citations from the revised statutes
that the president nny employ the mill
tary to remove trespassers from the In
dian lands. Gen. McOook gives th
names of seven of theas trespassers wh
alone hold nearly 4,000,000 acres b ;
vlrtuo of these worthless leases , am
nuerta that the Indian territory is over
run with speculators and adventurers o
every -degree. While the advloo and
oplnlono of Gou. McOook may bo unnoo
esjary , ih'a efforts In bahalf of the Indian
of the Indian territory may possibly havi
the cueal of hastening action on the par
of the gorornmont.
JULY l&i was the day sot by the know
ing politicians for a clean sweep in th
departmental 'Washington , bnt it failed
to put In an appearance on Umo. The
broom may > have broken , but upon the
authority of & senator , who claims to
know what hoas talking about , President
dent Olovolandihu never intimated that
he proposed to.raako a clean swoop on
the 1st of July or any other day. If , ho
statements of lh.ii
orell-posted senator are
tree , and he claJtnc that ho gets his In
formation from a cabinet officer , there
muit have been a pretty lively circus at
the cabinet meeting the other day.
, President Olovoland Unit Inquired of the
members of the cabinet .what foundation
there was for that " .clean sweep story , "
which had been received by the public as
if It had been given oaty authority.
Whether any member of the .cabinet ac
knowledged that ho had been telling tales
out of school , we are not tafouacd , but
Mr. Cleveland Iieaid to have fivcn them
all a very rlftcrous hauling over the
coals. Uo gsvo them to understand also
that ho had repeatedly outlined his policy ,
and that ho did not propose to have them
etapo ono for him , In other words , he
Uvlted th m toaUond to their own bati-
peis , ae ftp had a mind ol hk
The now commissioner of the general
land office , Mr. Sparks , la evidently the
right man In the right place. IIo has
found a great many things In his depart
ment that need straightening out , and
his intended raforms will moot with gene
ral approval from the paoplo. This will
bo especially the ciso with reference to
his proposed order in regard to the so-
called railroad Indemnity lands. This
system was inaugurated some years ago ,
through the manipulations of the land
grant railroad lobbyists and cappers , who
succeeded in securing the appointment of
Gen , Williamson as land commissioner ,
who all through the administration of
Grant and Hayes proved n most subsar-
vlcnt tool of the subsidized railways ,
IIo It was who put in force the indemnity
land system which has proved n
great detriment to the settlement of the
western country. According to this sys
tem a land-grant railway company , when ,
for ono reason and another , It could not
find enough available land vlthin the
twenty milo limit of alternate sections to
fill its grant , it was permitted to make up
the deficiency by locating government
lands olsowhcro. In this way the Union
PaciSo and the Burlington & Missouri
took up largo tractj of choicecovernment
lands outsldo of the twonty-mllo limit ,
and disposed of them to Inside rings , who
hold thorn nt high figures , thna prevent
ing the homesteader from locating upon
thorn. For instance , the Burlington
Missouri wont clear np into Boone
county , and there took np im
immense tract , which wai at once
withdrawn from homestead settlement ,
bnt in duo course of time was thrown
upan the market by a land ring at high
prices. The Onion Pacific did the sama
thing In counties far outsldo of the
twenty-mile limit. In Kansas ( he
Atchiion , Topeka & Santa Fo railroad
gobbled up millions of asro ln this way ,
and last year , npon the appeal of the
state of Kansas , It wai compelled to sur
render over 8,000,000 acres that had
boon sot asldo for it as an Indemnity ior
shortage in the amount of lands that had
baau grantad to itOf canrjo whora the
land grant roads have disposed of these
ontiido lauds they will probably not bo
affected , bub the propaaod order of Com
missioner Sparks , which will upset the
entire indemnity system , will hit the
Northern Pacific a hard blow. The
route of this road has several times baon
changed in Washington territory , and It
has immense claims for Indemnity which
a largo number of settlers are Interested
in resisting , It has .boon customary to al
low roads to file maps and then select anew
now route , thus bolng enabled to unjust
ly withhold lands from sottlomanh The
later routes nay run through a region
where settlers hive already located , and
who are threatened with ejectment , while
the roadaclaim Indemnity for all losses
to them caused by the acceptance of set
tlements. The rules followed In the
Kansas case will bo made to apply to
land-grant-rosda generally. No greater
outrage was over perpetrated npon > the
honoit homesteader than this indemnity
system of land-grabbing. Commissioner
Sparks is ta bo commended for his efforts
to undo this great wrong so far as
W. H. H. Llewellyn , agent of the
Moscalero Apaches , makes some valnablo
suggestions In the Albuquerque Journal
In regard to the pravontion of the
Apache outbreaks that occur almost as
regular as the spring timo. In the first
place ho suggests that a term of twenty-
Dvo years Imprisonment should bo pro
vided for any ono who sells or gives an
Indian fire-arms and ammunition olthor
on or off a reservation. Ho next recom
mends the disarming of the Indianp , and
If they need protection at any time from
the aggressions of bad white men the
military should be called to tholr assist
ance. Mr. Llewellyn hits the nail
squarely on the head. The Indian de
partment does not furnish arms or
whisky to the Indians , bnt they
obtain thosa articles from bad white
man. Furthermore , as Mr. Llewellyn
says , fire-arms are sold almost every day
In the weak to Indians by merchant ] in
some of the largest towns of Now
Mexico , yet these man are loudest In
their complaints against the Indian de
partment and the military whenever an
Dutbroak occurs. If the Indians are dis
armed they can do but little or no hirm ,
ind the sooner the disarming is done the
bettor It will bo. It Is to bo hoped that
the suggestions of Llewellyn , who Is ro-
; ardod as ona of the host agents in the
lerrlce , will ba promptly acted upon.
Now that the Indians no longer depend -
pond upon game for subsistence , wo
sannot understand what usa they can
lave for firearms , and it is difficult to un-
loratand why they have not boon dls *
irmod long ago. In commenting upon
jlowollyn'a practical suggestions , the AI-
mqnorquo Journal says ;
Major Llewellyn certainly exerts an extra-
irdlnary influence over hla IBVORO wnrnors ,
nd has given to the Indian problem as much
tutly , probably , aa any othpr man in the
ountry , Ho Ima this great advantage over
iany other theorist ) : ho is right on the
round , in dally assoolation with the people
0 theorizes about , and what ho may eny on
jo subject ta sure to have a practical value
nd a strong element of common
) neo running through It not often found in
ja learned dlteertationi of eattern phllon-
iroplsts. In his letter on the subj ct pub-
ihed In the Journal Major Llewellyn ealc
are In the direction of a satisfactory lolution
1 this Indian problem than all the others
ho have written on tha subject , And hU
medy , that will certainly ha ellicaciom II
iplieJ , involves no injustice to the Indian.
simply draws his fanga without impau-
g hla capacity for development in thn
-lit direction , The remedy is simply a
dijarin the cavarc4 and make it an offense fi
volving impriionmeoc for twenty-five years t !
r any one ta sell them * rms or ammunition , d
ill la ths whole eituation in a nutthell ,
ley fat ? do no injury without firearmi
Without them these bloody annual raids
would bo impossible , and the proper authori
ties ought to make haste to nJopt this simple
and perfect preventive agninit Indian out
breaks. Major Llewellyn has earned a pro
longation of his tenure of office by his wise
and timely snggeition.
It is a disgrace to the city that Hans
com park is BO shamefully neglected.
Other cities spend thousands and thous
ands of dollars annually upon their parks
and place them in charge of competent
keepers. For the present condition of
Ilanscom park the city council is reepon
eiblo. It has boon under the euporvlslon
of keeper ; , who , as a rule , are not only
incompetent but who pay moro attention
to the restaurant and Ic3 cream buslucea
than they do to the care of the park.
Oattlo are allowed to team at will through
the enclosure and food upon the grass ,
while vandale are permitted to tie tholr
horses to ( rocs and commit all sorts of
depredations. What is needed first of all
Is a competent and vigll&nt man for
keeper of the park. Uo should thorough
ly understand landscape gardening and
the park should receive his ontlro atten
tion. The restaurant privilege should bo
loaeod to a person who has nothing what
ever to do with the park.
In the next place all future Improve
ments should bo of n substantial and per
manent character. Wo want no more
frail wooden bridges and other cheap
strutures , that go to decay and ruin in
two or three ydaro. The bridges should
horccftor bo built of Iron and ctonp , and
the park should bo enclosed by olthor an
iron or stone fence. No fence whatever
would bo needed if wo had a pound law.
There are many ways in which the park
can bo materially improved and beauti
fied at comparatively small expense.
The waterworks company Is required to
furnish & supply of water for lakes and
fountains , and wo ought to have several
of these attractive features. It Is hoped
that the city council will immediately
take stops to Improve the condition of
Hanscom park so that It will be a crodlt
to the city. It should no longer bo per
mitted to bo used as a cow pasture.
The efficiency of our school system depends -
ponds almost entirely npon the fitness
and ability of our teachers. While the
board of education Is charged with the
selection of teachers , the responsibility
for their selection should bo entirely with
the superintendent. This responsibility
should not bo divided. Wo are told tnat
Mr. James has been requested to recom
mend the teachers whom ho considers as
fit for employment during the ensuing
yoar. Mr. Oamos very modestly declines
to make any recommendations , but de
sires merely to suggest whom the board
shall employ. Mr. James should not bo
allowed to shirk the responsibility which
very pioporly devolves upon him as su
perintendent. Ho knows better than
any other man who Is and who is not
qualified to teach in our public schools ,
and among ihoso who are qualified he
knows who would bo the most efficient.
The management of tho' schools vary
properly belongs to the board of educa
tion , but the board should not assume
the odium attaching to bad selections of
teachers , or rest nnder the Imputation
that its cholco is influenced by favoritism ,
woreo , perhaps , by nepotism. Aa wo
have already said , there should bo no
divided responsibility In this matter.
The Euporlntondent should bo required
to recommend the teachers , and ho alone
in the future must ba hold responsible for
their competency and efficiency.
MRS. DDDIEY , who shot O'Donovan
Rossa and was acquitted on the ground of
insanity , although not generally believed
to ba insane , In now confined in an asy
lum. Young Sprockets , who shot M. H ,
DsYoung , was also acquitted on tbo plea
of Insanity , but was allowed to go free.
Nobody believes tbr.t ho is insane , bnt
according to the verdict why should ho
not bo confined in an anylnm , the same
as Mrs. Dudley is ? Mrs. Dudley had no
money , but Sprcckcls had hundreds of
thousands of dollars at his back.
Wo have received a o opy of the July
Issue of the Brooklyn.Matjszlno contain
ing a somewhat longhty and explicit ref
utation of the statement that Ex-Presi
dent Hayes was aware of the fact that
his Sixteenth street property , In Omaha
was being used for saloon purposes ,
General BuckUnd , part nor of Mr. Hayes ,
states that the ex-president never know
that there was a ualoon on the promises
until he saw the publication of the fact
in various newspapers. The facts in the
casa are given by the Brooklyn Magazine
aa follows :
In the fall of I860 Mr. Hayes with Gen. R ,
P. Bucldand , a respected resident of Fremont ,
Ohio , and a gentleman of consistent temper-
nice principles , purchased together five vacant
lota in Omaha , through a real estate firm In
.vhoBO charge the landg were left for ealo or
rental. From time to time various parts of
heso vacant lota have been leased to divers
WBODP , the leeeoea themselves erecting the
mildings and retaining the ownership in them ,
md nt no time have either ox-President Hoy-en
ir Gen. Auckland owned one of these huild-
nga , and consequently have never re- !
: elved any rental from their occupants ,
Concerning tbo particular lot upon which the
aloon is located , and which it ii reported Mr ,
layes caused to be Bold at once when the oo-
upancy of the saloon became public , we . permission , the following extract
rein a personal letter received from Gen.
luckland In answer to an icquiry regarding
ils matter : "On May 18 , 1E85 , tht real
itato agoiita wrote to me that they thought
ley could sell the lot for 812,000 or 813.000.
n receipt of this letter , Mr. Hayes being ab-
int from home , I immediately answered ,
Jthoriziog them to eell the lot at the latter
rurd if that was the best they could do. On
IB 2Mb of Hay they wrota me lucloelog a
) eci of execution , coniideration of $13,000.
r , Hayei haJ nothing to do with the nego-
nothing of them until efter
I had Authorized the sale , I never knew
that there was a saloon on the lot until I taw
tbo publications on the subject In the news
paper * , which was not until after I had
authorized the sale of tbo lot. " General
Bucklnnd also write * that Air , Hnyoa ntsver
had tbo slightest intimation that there was
a liquor-saloon upon the grounds in question ,
and that thn building was never owned by
tha cx-prciidcnt , thus elTectnally disposing of
the statements that Mr. Hayca was "well
nwaro of the nature of the business being
canted on there , " nnd that he "several times
increased the rent of hla tenant. "
Bismarck believes in bald-headed men.
Gail Hamilton Is throwing cold water on
the prohibitionists.
Millionaire John W. Mncfcey wears blue
flannel shirts nnd slouch hat when travel'
Thomas Glnrs , a Brooklyn siUoon keeper , IE
all broken up over a fine of 5500 for pool soi
Kx-i'reBldont Unycs IB serving KB n grand
juror. Some men have honor thtust upon
HOEO Coglan has sold her horses. Sim can1
not support a stable nnd a lioaton husband ,
Kivto Field will gtvo the Mormons n res )
nnd spend the early summer at Like Skano
Uoorgca Hugo , n grandson of the groal
poet , la ouo of tha moat stylish of 1'ariaiat
swells ,
When Cleveland was n llttlo boy ho "coulii
oat hla weight In bcckwheat calces , " Now hi
Is president.
Mrs. Barrloa , the widow of the late pros !
dent , baa block eyca nnd glossy hair , nnd i
only twenty-six ,
The King of Belgium has such n long flov
ing beard that the little Bcleinns imagine ho
is old Santn C'aua ,
Apnos M , Cannon , the Utah 1'olygamiat
who has been convicted , does not Hko to bi
called "a son of n gun.n
Mark Twain's brother , Orion Clemens , Is at
Iowa farmer , happier , healthier , and mon
contented than Mark.
Mllo. Corltn , who won the prize .it the Iat <
beauty show in Paris , la twento years of ag <
nnd o nntlvo of that city.
Mrs. Mary Bonemann , sister of Commodore
I'erry , is living in Iowa , aged 112 years. It
is n moan thing to give nway a woman's oge ,
Kwsell Fagowaa a member of congress from
1S53 to 1857. Before that ha was an alder
man of the city of Troy for about BOVOC
The Countess Mngri ( Mrs. Tom Thumb ]
wears a No. 0 child's shoo. Chicago girls
think that she must have been brought up In
Ctiinn ,
_ Miss Becky Jones la at Long Branch , She
listens respectfully to what the wild wavoe
nro saying , but she wont bstray their confi
Dr. Mary Walker never tolls what size
boots she weara. They must bo corapartivoly
email , else she would not bo on exhibition at
_ Tne dnuuhtera of Becrotarioa Bayard , Man
ning , Kndicott , and Garland who have
not yet made their debut in society , are folic-
Itouily designated "cabinet rosebuds. "
While Miss Sweat doesn't exactly run tha
government , the fact that oho owna the Chicago
cage pension otfico begins to stick out like a
sheriff's notice on a barn door , says M , Quad.
A man by the unmo of Hellwig ia a can-
didnta for n West Virginia postoflicc , But
before ho ran hope for success ho must chicgo
his name to accord with the revised version ,
"Is the country rid of Iloach ? " inquires the
Chicago News at the top of a ecrced on the
Dolphin failure. 1'aris green is tha great
roach exterminator and it hasn't been ap
Mrs. Eddy , the Boston "mind curist , " is
described as black-haired and Intenno. " "Tho
common impression Jabout hair and character
if ) red-haired and intense. " remarks M.
Mahone weighs 110 'pounds. His linen ia
always frayed at the edges , his cuffs broken
and one of them turned back over his coat
sleeve. He believes that dress does not make
a man.
Mr. Lothrop , the nowly-appointed minis
ter to Russia , is a graduate of Brown univer
sity. He is over six feet in height , and hi *
name stands high among the lawyers of
Salitbury , the now premier of England , ia
said to be a nice man , but an admirer asserts
that the newspaper portraits of him give him
nn expression HEO that which a man acquires
from biting on a tack in a ieco of mince pie ,
L. Q. 0. Latnar , Jr. , the son of the great
est of nil southerners , la a drummer , strictly
a shoo drumruor. He says ho la satisfied to
lot his father go into politics , but as for htm ,
Iio Ia more than e.itlilied to sell solid and fine
shoes to the people of his native south.
The pay of the Indian police ia to bo raised
from § 5 to 68 a month. Their names remain
unchanged. White Calf is tha captain of the
Blackfeet police ; White Buffalo is lieutenant ;
Running Crane , Wolf-Comlng-up-tho-Hill
nnd Red Bird Tnil are Borgeants. Wolf
Asleep , Crow Foot , Bull Shoo , Tearing Wolf
nnd Thin-Robo Inside-Cut are ovory-day po
licemen. Man-Who Carries-tho-Sword ia the
captain nt I'ino Rldgo. He Ima n choice lot
of privates , rejoicing in such nnmon as
Standing Soldier , Bonr-lluna-in-Woods , Kills
Hundred , Man-Above , Wnlka-Under-Ground ,
Big-Bellied Sorrel Horse , Afraid-of-Nothiug
and Bob-Tail Dog , while tbo Fort Hall men
answer aa follows : Jackass No , 1 , Billy Gib
son , Weller Jack , Buck , Ape , Jnckoas No , 2 ,
Charley Daep-Wnter.
B.vzTtiE OP HiOi E jnivrat ,
Inoiilonls of the Great Mid Winter
Struggle in Tennessee
O ! the Orleans Light Horao ( Confederate. )
Wo had coruo down from Knoxvllle
by the bountiful Scqnatchio Valley over
Waldrnn'a ridge to ilorfreosboro , whcro
wo found the army resting , taking a
breathing spoil , after a continuous and
barrasslng march of many months , The
Light Horeo was the body guard of Gen.
Leonldaa Polk , and Hko the rest of the
: onfederato army had n faculty of inak
log itiolf comfortable nndor almost any
iircumstanccs and In a short space of
.Imo. The month of December , 18G2 ,
tras spout by us in comparative poaoo and
ilenty , and in higher military circles
.hero was gayety and revelry. The town
md vicinity of Mnrfreeaboro was strongly
louthorn in feeling , and an unusual op-
lortnnlty was afforded our oflicora lor
octal pleasures , which they die * not fall
o improve. The great cavalry general ,
ilorgan , was married , our own beloved
'oik performing the ceremony. P/otl-
ent Davis held a levee of all the prmi-
ent cfiicors , and wo had a grand review
f the army. General Joseph Johnston
'ss for a time with us , and our hopes
ere raised and our hearts boat high In
atlclpation of a new order of affaire and
f success. Bo wo cat down In the fair
> wn of Mnrfreosboro to spend ( ho win-
ir , certainly not intending to advance
id apparently not expecting to be mo-
On Monday evening , the 29th of Do-
imber , th'ero was a rain , accompanied by
Hinder in the north. Sorao of us ,
tought wo could distinguished the sound
' cannon. Tuesday morning news came
.at the federal army was coming down
om Nashville. All day long a line of
ay clad men marched tlowly , bat
eadlly , through the town , pasting on by
e Nmlivillo pike towards the sound of
nnou. There were no cheers aa they
sjod headquarter ; , there waa not a
und of a drum nor blast of bugle , but
o little bittlo fliga to the contra of ( ho
glments showed that the ranks were
II , the rides were bright and the car-
dge-boiea filled. The men who had
ightat Shllob , Richmond , Ky , , and
Pcrryvlllo Jworo there. Confederate
soldiers loved a battle , and the mon who
thlrktd cunp duties , played tick , avoid *
od everything that had the semblance of
work were always to bo found In the line
of battle ,
On Tuesday evening before night the
nrmlca were facing cacti other in parallel
lines about three miles from Murfrcos-
boro. Our cavalry , or part of it , came
dashing down the Wilkinson plko with
moro hurry than grace , driven in by the
federals. Ono prisoner , a moro boy ,
wai brought in behind a big Texan ,
General Polk ordered him to dismount ,
and after many questions , bolng nnablo
to extract any Information and ( getting
only insolence from the llttlo Yankee ,
ordered him to the rear , That night onr
generals determined to attack at dtyllght
next morning. As BOOH aa wo could see
the light horeo attended General Polk
out on the Wilkinson plko to a largo
white house in full vlow of the centra of
both armies. This house , from the pre
sence of horsemen around it , soon became -
came the target of a rifled battery over a
inllo to- our right , and wo , wcro ordered
nndor cover of the hill bordering Stone
river. General Polk , with a part of his
Blair , remained on foot on the plko run
ning In front of the house.
The Jefferson artillery wai
on n hill in a cornfield just above us
in the roar of the white house. The
men of the battery had loft tholr pieces
and battle flag in full vlow and drawn
a fire from a battery In our front that
made our poclt'on ' vndor the gently elop
ing hill very comfortable. Holding my
horeo by the eng hitch ruin I crouched
dorm among the Infantry of the reserve ,
who were sheltering themselves along the
abrupt atone binka of the small , muddy
river. Next to mo under the bank waa
a young Tcnnea&eian , imooth-faccd and
bright-eyed. Wo talked of the battle
which vraa raging now nearer to the front
where wo were I , knowing that I conld
take no actlvo pnit In It , ho knowing that
In a few minutes ho would bo called to
use his Enfield rillo , which ho carefully
examined and from which with experi
enced hand ho wiped the heavy morning
Directly the order came , and clamber
ing up the bank and quickly forming the
line of gray marched forward through the
forest In front , now filled with hissing
shells aud balls. I had hardly retaken
my position bahlud the bank , when a
small piece of atone falling near mo
caused mo to look up , and there waa my
young eoldlcr trying to get down to
whom I was , holding in his right haid
his rifle , while his lott arm dangling by
hla aide , broken botvfoen wrist and olbopr
by a ploco of shell or part of an oak trco
torn out by a passing ball. While bathIng -
Ing the broken arm and tying a wet
h&ndkerehiof around It , the call cirno for
us to mount.
Behind the white house wo found Gen ,
Dragg and Gen. Polk in earnest conversa
tion. Around them clustered , listening
dagorly , tha fine company of Captain Gay
Bronx and our company nndor the gal
lant Greonloaf , who , emoothlng with hla
right hand the raano of his beautiful
black marc , was the picture of a cavalier.
General Bragg was In glorious oplrits and
told great norra. Our left had swept
everything , batteries were oura and pris
oners by the hundreds. Slowly the two
generals redo to the top of the hill , The
horrible din of strife was ncarlng the
Wilkinson plko , coming from the left to
wards our center. In a few momenta , It
was now 10 o'clock , the battle reached
the plko and crossed It.
Between the diverging Wilkinson and
Nashville turnpikes , hero about half a
mile apart and occupying about two-
thirds of the epace , was a thicket. The
federal line waa originally through this
or on our eldo of it , and Into it were now
driven those who were fleeing from their
rlghr , and in It were brave men deter
mined to stop the onrush of onr army.
Covered with smoke , fairly rocking with
with the thunder of cannon , musketry
and tha howls of frenzied men for hour * ,
this was the focus of the battlo. Into the
ccdarj brigades plnngod and disappeared ,
while from it , down the Wilklnnon pike ,
poured a ghastly stream of wounded mon ,
confederate and federal , walking tide by
eido quietly with nil haste possible , look
ing for relief and attention. For hours
the sad procession moved by of mon ahot
through heads , arms and bodies , moro
lucky than the broken legged ones lying
atill in the fire of bittlo.
The bittlo now slowly swnnj towards
the Nashvillepike. . The desperate federals -
orals were raluctantly forced from the
cedar thicket into the opening ncroco the
Nashville plko and the railroad to n hill
where the river , after running went ,
makoa a sharp turn to the north , and
where our rcsarvoa would have to make
a right wheel to meet them In tbo charge ,
A Isrgo brick honso now is burning
brightly just between the two lines , and
back and foith.aronnd regiments ran for
ward and then back , fr m both aides ,
and men died by hundreds.
Across the open field , between the
white honso , on the Wilkinson plko , and
straggles in the cedars &ni cronnd the
burning house were brigades hurrying
forward and hundreds of fugitives and
wounded seeking the protecting banks of
iho rivor. Unheeded mounted ofliccH ,
waving flsgs and swordv , attempt to turn
jack and rally these going to the roar.
Jnhoedlng , brigade after brigade march
> y and through them going to the front
0 add their quota to the list of the dead
md without avail to attempt to move the
cderals from the hill.
OonsplcnouB among the horseman on
ho bloody pUin was Col. Grenfal.
lonnted on a largo gray horse ho gal
oped aimlessly and wildly to and fro ,
ockless of life. lie carried no gun nor
word. Ho was attached to no command
ior staff , and called himself an English
olonel. Ho muat have been devoted to
bo southern cause , for leaving onr army
ftorwards ho went west , and in an at-
ampt to liberate the prisoners from 0mp
longlas was captured and sent to tflo
) ry Tortugts , and shortly after lost bis
fo , being drowned in en attempt to ea-
Night found Rosecrans with his bleed-
> g army huddled np In a compact mass
1 front of what had been our tight wing.
he next day was pissed In perfect qulor ,
n the evening alter this Brccklnrldfto
iado his bravo bnt mcav unfortunate
large , and the me raing after wo cadly
lok the road south to Shelby villo. As I
ido slowly along In the morning tun-
jht I saw over the hllli the tops of the
idara and of the oaka on the hill further
i the right where onr men hid fought
id died , I did not know why we had ai
unlit , but I know that wo were leaving
. the ohadoir of tbo cedars and around
iat fatal hill hundreds of our noblest ,
I 111 white faces ai
turned in rnuto reproach
wards the winter sky.
sky.Mies. ai
Apricot ahippera from the Sacramento val-1 aa
t are said to have cleared $1,000 , a carload '
fruit sent to Chicago. 'I *
Regular Monthly Meetiog of ibc
Board of Etelia
Principals ml Assistant * for the
Various Schools Elected Much
Other ItuMiiRSB TrAtifmctoil.
The board of education mot last even
ing In regular monthly toeaion , with all
members present and President Points in
the chair. The minutes of last meeting
were read and approved.
Trnmon Back , the city treasurer , made
n report to the board of the financial do <
parlmont , showing the receipts for the
month of Juno to bo $51)010.71 ) nnd the
amount of expenditures § 5 1,540 71 ,
Amount in ( Inking fund $10,005.8 ! ) and
bondo on dopcslt $70,500.
Applications for positions to teach Ii
the city schools were received from Emmc
L. Nelrcoutt , Christie B. Ohlson , Kate
Paul , L. Q. A. Copoloy , Miss Anne
Dobba , of Greenfield , Iowa.
John L. McCoguo sant k
a communication staling thai
if the board desires to retain the
room at the corner of Fourteenth am
Cuming streets , ho Trill mnko the rout
for thn next two months S25 per month
II. M. Stone filed n long protest against
the board employing Miss Stnll as i
teacher for another year.
James Gardner put In an npplicatlor
for the position of janitor.
Lulu Shallonberger asks for the use ol
a room in the Central school building tc
teach a summer cchool.
City Treasurer Buck reported thai
$1,030 of bonds have been redeemed.
Hattto H. Jones made application foi
the nso of a room in the Long schoo !
building in which to hold a summoi
school. Granted.
Blru. K. M. Koan makes application
for the position of principal ot'tha pub
Ho schools.
An application from James B. Brunor ,
the county superintendent , asking for the
UBO of rooms In the High School building
In which to hold the Douglas Countj
Institute , from August ID to 22 , was
J. F. Hanthun petitioned the boird
for permission to open a'summer school
in the Central school building to give in
struction in the German language. Filed.
ThoniBB A. Murray presented a well-
signed petition , asking his appointment
to the position of janitor.
Matthew Brady put In n request for
damages to hio property next to the Hartman -
man school hullding , caused by grading.
The same was filed.
F. A , Johnson asks to bo appointed
Timothy Burstaics also aks to bo ap
pointed janitor.
Andrew Anderson came in with a well
signed petition asking to bo oppolntod
A proposition from the National school
fnrnlturo csmpaoy to furnish black
boards was receive I and referred.
Propositions were received from
Shaw & Field and fem Wolsh&ns &
McEwan to put water works Into
the Elgtoanth and Caatoller street school
building. Referred.
Several billa were presented and re
The committee on claims presented
bills from Mendlesjn & Fisher , architocs ,
adding $585 to the pay role , and the secretary -
rotary and treasurer were ordered to draw
warrants for all amounts reported by the
commltte o.
The committee on teachers and text
books recommended an amendment to
section 2-1 , of the school laws , so as to
make the sessions of the high school com
mence at 0 a. m. and continue nntll 2
p. m , with an hour's recess at noon , thus
having only one session a day in the high
school , which has become the custom in
all largo cities. The amendment was
paseed. The comvltteo else recom
mended that the application of Miss
Shelby fur a pooltlon as teacher be placed
an file. The recommendation was
Mr. Copeland , the special committee
appointed to correspond with the St.
Lonlu Industrial school to aecort&in who
can bo secured as a competent teacher ,
ind also cscortaln what It will cott to
open such n branch of training In the
schools hoio , reported that Mr. Bumonn ,
Df Bunker Hill , 111 , , can
bo hired cs n teacher at
3000 a year , and ihatit would cost about
J180 to fit up a room for twenty pupllo ,
ivith benches , und § 780 for tools for sixty
On motion the report was accepted ,
ixcopt that portion recommending the
imployment of Mr. Bumann as teacher.
fho report appropriates ? 2,000 to carry
int the arrangements for the introduction
if the now department.
The Brennan claim , which has been a
natter of issue between him and the
toard , about receiving payment for
rails around the high school building ,
ras brought up again. The trouble
corns to arlso on the matter of measure
ments. On motion It was referred to a
pedal commlttoo , composed of Mossra.
jivuoy , Gibbon and Clark. They are to
ct as a oommlttoo of arbitration.
The commlttoo further reported that it
acommendcd the employment of the fol-
) wing teachers for the high school , and
rlnclpala of all the other schools , and
xing tholr salaries at the amounts named
pposlto each name ;
Homer P , Lewis , ptinolpil High and
ontral sciools ; salary , $2,200.
Alonz ? N. Henshaw , teacher In High
id assistant principal In Central school :
ilary , $1,300.
MaryR. Harris , principal teacher of
lences , salary , $1,600.
B , D. Beals , assistant teacher and assis-
nt prlnclpil High and Central Bchoolj
lary , § 1,100.
Villa B. Shlppoy , assistant teacher
lull school ; salary , $1,100 ,
Margaret R. Molntyro , teacher high
Uoolj salary , $1,100.
Mary E. Quaokenbneb , salary $800.
Florence M. Harvey , salary § 800.
rou rniNcii'ALs.
Izard shool , Anna Tees , salary $1-
10.Do3ge Hchool , Jennie McKoon , sahry
Cass echool ; Grasa H. Wilbur , salary
Long school. SKAU M. McChcatn. sal-
r § 1,100.
Lavenworlh school. Minnie J. Wood.
lary 81,000.
Ilartman school , Ellen M , White , sal-
Y $1,100.
Pficlfio schoo ] , Moggie McCarthy , sal- i
j § 1,100.
Center school , Ada E. Schoonmakcr ,
ary $000.
Djugl&a tclio } ] , Ada M , Hairii , talary
Pleasant school , H. Evft LOTTO ,
Ltko school , Stella M. Cbamplln , !
aty § 800.
Jnckson school , Kato M. Kcan , salary
To bo assigned ta tholr positions hero *
after :
Hello II I.owl , Alton V lon ? ! ! ,
Jpnnio Stull Minnie U Wilton ,
Idft 12 Muck- , Anna K McC.'ieatic ' ,
L'oclo -'nhcpton , Clam Kchllfingei.
Jonnia K Key cr , AdoliA A Nichols ,
Anna 1 * Towlund , At KUzAueth Allison ,
Vanmo A Maxwell , O ] < : thnl Kldor ,
Nellie Bonnott. Kftto K Crnno ,
Kmm % A Kendall , Lillian A Littlofield ,
Kmlly A lloblnson , Llzzlo n PorkluP ,
Norn II l.cmcn , Laura Atkinson ,
Annie IJulRloy , Mary H Lomnx ,
Kannlo lUittctliold , Cnrrlo M Hartley ,
Kmma 1" Cave , 1'rancj M liilrgt ,
Mary I Buchanan , Llrzio H Nocdliftin ,
Irene llarrln , Alary L Alter ,
Lidn Slmllcnbcrgcr , Mary W Hay ,
Mary A 1'rnzior , Hmmn J Carney ,
Annie V Wilson , Sndio liunlter ,
Italia K Schnllor , Almnto 3 Dye ,
Kromat Whitmoro , Ktntna 1) Ltttlefield.
Cathorlno I ) Tees , Jeiuiia L Hcdfiold ,
Tanny M Wood , Anna L Uloor ,
Lucy K Loodc , Alary U Newton ,
Htaola Crowley , Sarch J'l Tluimpsoti ,
MagRln J Latoy , Sarah K Brown ,
Mary K Lucat , Jennie O Solomon ,
Abhio C Lelghlon , Florence U Held ,
gnes McDonald , IdaL llominglon ,
lUttio II Jones , Hattie S ] : ddy ,
Huldnh V lanncion , Sadie P Pittman ,
Keno K Hamilton , Cora M Howes ,
Tannin B Hurlbut , AI Joicphino Kgan ,
Mnry K Thompson , Alary It Goodman ,
lloso 0 Kddy , Helen ] : Hunt ,
Alice M Unrmon , Addt'o Gladetono ,
Vunnio M Noviua , Alnrthn Parrott ,
Dora llnrnoy , Alary 1'itcb ,
Kithcr Jacobs.
This report of the committee WAB ro-
ccivod by the boatd cud on motion of
Air. Long the board proceeded to ballot
for the election of teachers.
President points called attention to
the law which says that after the 28'.h ol
August there shall bo no principal em
ployed in any of the schcplo who dooa
not hold an "A" grade coitiGcato.
This rule was by veto suspended last
year for ono yonr , and there ooema to bean
an almost unanimous feeling In the board
now that when the time comoi to take
action on It again that it shall bo abolished
ished entirely.
On motion of Mr. Crawford the rules
were suspended last evening , nnd the
rule , which Is No. 91 , was expunged
entirely from the rules of the board. A
ballot was then taken , tho'result being
that all the teachers recommended by
the commlttoo were elected.
The report in respect to the amount of
salaries recommended , except that of
Mrs. Qaackonbush , was adopted. On
motion of Mr. Oopoland Mica Quacken-
busho's salary waa raised tC$850.
The following resolution ! ) were road :
By Ltvsey Instructing the secretary
tc advertise for the grading of the lot
on 28th and F rnham strcot.echool alto.
By Llvfoy Instructing the board to
pay J. S. n ask oil $500 on ccccnnt of.
grading on the Seventeenth and Castel-
lar ttroot school nltp. Adopted.
By LIvsey Empowsrlng the commit
tee on bnilalngs and property to have a
100 bairoll cistern bnllt at the Ilartman
ochoo ) , the cost not to exceed gGO.
By Llvaoy Resolved that the school
lot at Twenty-eighth and Farnhamatrcct
bo connected with the city water warks
main. Adopted.
By Co pel and Resolved that the sec
retary advertise for faol , stationary and
lumber needed during the next year.
Mr. Long road n communication from
Superintendent Jamep , recommending
the employment as teachers tbo follow
ing parties who have made opp'ication :
Misses Mary E. Simons , Davenport , Ia. ;
Snsio E. Kvelotio. Cleveland , Ohio ; Ada
B. Salsbury , Wiuons , Minn , ; Llzzla Mc
Aleese , Mnrlngo , Ia. ; Emma-
Wheatloy , Normal , HI , ; Franceo
E. Liello , Kalamazao , Mich. ; Ida
K. Wilson , Sidney , Ohio ; Emma P.
Stratford , Mollno , 111. ; Kato E. Barrett ,
Niles , Mich ; Carolina Heemlnp , Geneva ,
N. Y. ; Mettle L. Powell , Rochelle , 111. ;
and Kato L. Blair , of Mansfield , Ohio.
In connection with this the following
resolution waa adopted :
That wo recommend that the superin
tendent bo authrlzod to secure the above
teachers if possible.
Resolutions were offered by Mr. Cono-
yer authorizing the committee on hcatlug
to have on additional boiler placed in the
high school bntldlng ; instructing the
president of the board and high school
principal to glvo Master Fred W. Sladon
diploma , and authorizing the committee
an buildings to have nil nocesiry repairs
undo during vacation. The resolutions
( rore all adopted.
The board adjourned until next Mon-
lay night.
Jenntor Heck on tuo Administration
Louisville Ccurlar-Journnl.
"I am not going to quarrel with the
( resident or the administration because
ny special friends or favorites are not
ppolnted to office. That would bo
lilldish and ubiurd. I have stood by
ay psrty in defeat and battled for Ita
irluclples for twenty four years and I am
ermlnly not going to oppjeo the first
lemocratio administration wo have had
n that timo. limply because the mon I
ocommond for office are not appointed.
Vhcn I tpllt or oppose the admlnistra-
lon it will bo on a question ujicro eom
nportant principle la Involved and no
n a question of patronage. "
Tbo pneumatic postal service In Paris ,
itoly completed , cost over 8200,000. nnd tho-
ingth of pi pea ia over thirty-four miles , Tbo
targe of trnntmitting a letter to any place
ithin the fortification IB three cents. Tbo
irvlce covers extreme points , about BON ou
lies apart.
" Jlll 1 *
The moat extraordinary representation of
Uomlet" was one recently given at Btock-
ilm. in which Krneato Itoaai played the title
trt in Italian , Frauleln Albogn the role of
pheha in Vinniab and the reet ot the actors
loke Swedish.
Everv Sunday
' a complete military band , Conveyances
ive Western Brewery from oud alter 1
lock p , m , A pleasant and dojirable place
lerchant Tailor
BU.Bouth 18th Street ,
tailoring ia all Iti branches.