At thin ( mason nnftTlr oi rr ttnn nti-dn t * one fwrtof touts. IKONfnteralnto/JmoneTpry Iihr- elcian'B tmmcrlftlon forthcaowho need LnUdinc up. BR2M5 THD BEST.TONIC ; Ilnrrjrr , en < &ra HAM & KqjJAI. / ! * . . ? ! [ n the only Iron rnfdlrinothat A not Injiirlni It Itnrirlicn llm lllontl , linlporntCH Ilio , ' , , , . . > l rMI Ion BTilciiiHc ( < toro n Aplii'lliPAlml ' - " - - It does not M clPn nr Injure the t th , canro bead. Dn. O. tl. nn KLr.T , leading iihjislcl n of BprlnKOelil. O. . Mr" ! ' "Hrown's Iron Illttons ! thonmelily pojxl irrdl- clno. Inw It In myjinwtlro , n < l ilnd Us action oiecii nil otlior forms nf Iron. In jve knfry , rr a low condition nf tlio Tftcm , BrnWd Iron Illltrn I * tiira II RpOiHlTOTioco , H7. Jtlsnll that la claimed for Ito OonnhiohM trndomirk find rrmrrd ml lines on tmpper. Tulle no otlilT. Mtdo onljr by liiiowN miiMioAi. < : < > . , n.H/minitUMn. Ijcrpn' HAND HOOK nscfnl and nttrarUvo , rpn talolng lift of prlfM for nclpos. Information alnrnt coin * , etc. , Rlvon nwajr liy all < ! c > ] orB In mntlclne , or nulled to nny nddrlBaon rccolut of 2o. rtamp. OPSBAWIMS- a ? S2&LIHS Xcrvnus Dlsrasos , Siiro rur > s. fgr A i.'rlltrn yinn'tintcn i/ircn In imaiiii . . < iuMi ciisa iin < lvrtiili'it. to Ktauipi for Celc'irnt d Medical Works. AclcIrovR , if. I > . ri.AISKK , ai. i . , 188 South Clark SSreot , CHICAGO , li.u 13 CONDUCTED B7 Royal Havana Lottery J ( A OOVKIUniErlT INSTITUTION. ) Drawn at Havana Cuba , Every 10 to 14 Doys. licliots in Fifths ; wholes $5 ; Fraction ) pro rata. Babjccl to no manlpaiiuoii , noi cualiclied hy ihe parliccln Intoicet. It la the ( Mien ! thing In the kutniB of cbinoo In ezletonoe. Vor tickets apply to SIHrSKT A CO. , 121 ! Drotd Way.N. V. City ; , or U.OriENS ft CO , 010 llaln Bt KuuaaCItr. Uo. Uo.ECZEMA. ECZEMA. For tlio benefit bl suHctlcg humanity , I deem It only my duty to Klvo tliliunollcitcd toitlmony and the old time treatment heeled up , but It bad only bcenilrhcn lute the ryetera l > y tlm use of potash and mercury , nnd In March , 1SS2 , It broke out In. my throat , and concentrated Into ulisteomo of the doc tors called cancer , eating through ray chttk , do- Btroi'lnp the root of my mouth and upper lip , then attacked my tongue , palata and lower Up , 'cstrov- lag the palate and under lip entirely and hall my tongue , catlnn out to the top of my left chock bono and up to the left e > o. 1 could not cat nay eolld /ood , but eubsUtcd on I'ljul j , ard my tongue una eo far gone I cou d not talk buchnna mv wretched belflcM condition the first of last October , 1831 , when ny friends commenced gh lag mo Swift's Spc- clfla. In 1089 tban n month tbo eating places stopped and healing commenced , and fho fearful nparturo in my check baa been cloao and fit inly knitted to- Rcthcr. A procoeaof a now under lln la progrcaslii } ; llncly , and the tongue which was almost destroyed ia being rcco\oroJ , and It < oins tnat niturola Bup- rlyliiR a new touguo. 1 can talk ao that my friends cnn readily underetnn-1 mo , and can oho cat eolld food again. Ifnny doubt tbcto facta , I would refer thoS to lion. John II , Triylor , bt&te ot thlj illBtrlct , and to Dr. T. B. BradBeld of LnQrango Ga JOHN F 1I'\ULKY ! , M Orb weld at. Is Detroit , Mich. , May 16,1K5. Yoi ealo by alldruzglits. THE SWIFF SPKCIFIOCO. If. Y. , 167 W. 23d St. Drawer S , Atlanta , da. a Is Maniiood ItEJicuvl'iiKU. Avlctlmof youthful Imnrud ranting I'romttare IJecay. NenrouaUebllltir , Ix t llinlioocl , Jo..liavlnff tried In rain every known tcmcdjr.baa dlsooiereiT n iiluiple meana of eolf-cure. hlph'he.wl.ll.nd.KItEUtat , In Imported Beer IN BOTTLES , to Erlanger lUraitk I Culmbachcr Bavaria lllincr , llolicinlan Kalaer . . . . .Uromcn DOMKSTIO. BudwcUcr St. Loala I Anhauaer fit. LouU ' Uc t' > Mllwaukoo I Schlltz-11 liner.llllwaukco I'- - Krug * ) ) Omaha i Ale , 1'ortor , Domestic and I Uhlne Wluea. EDMAUEEE , 1213 Farnam St , NERVOUS Diiyn to I'ronmturC llrcllnn from orron or OICPSSOS , or To troucr aliieateaottho KldnorH. lllud- Scr. anil J'roHtiilo ( ilund CIIHICH wltlinnt fitoniacb Uediolnci by the Mari > ton llolus. Vn- rfcocolocunMlulihoutsursery.Trfi ' - umonlrlslriM1. All norreaixiDrtonoo conllilcntlal , ttAJlBTON REMEDY 00nor DR. II. TRESKOW , ! . . ld h Utroaf vnuif. Cor. 18th nnd Douglas Sta. Capitnl Stock , - - - CI 50,008 Liability of Stocklioldora , 300,000 FiYG Per Cent lElcroslFaii OH Deposits LOANS MADE ON REAL ESTA3 + , Oinooirss cftt X > iarootox- lAitlS K. I10TD * PrcelJent W. A. PAITON , . . , . . , , . , . , . . , , . . . , Vo rrpim n no L. U. BKHNK1T , . . , „ , . . , lliaagloff Director JOUNE. WILBUR . . . . . , , , Ouhlei Cats. y.MAHDKBflOK , TUOB.L. KIMlJALI.l J. W nAKNKTT , WAI MKYEU. the fUWDT E , IN THE HOUSE OF COMMONS. A Rontine Tiirongli Which All Visitors Must Pass , I'ollcomon at Every Ilnml Admitted By tlio Speaker's Order Pounced Upon It You Xioltcr Absolute OrdCr In tlio Gnllorlcs , * Juno When Am oilcan LONDON , 27. an can wishes to-visit his servants , the members ofCongrois , at their work , ho finds no obstruction in his progress be yond an exceeding number of ttono stops , which are apt to exhaust his wind , un less ho knows where to find the elevators. Ho enters the building from any quarter without challenge , and winds from pillar to post and from lloor to fljor , until ho finds hlmsalf In the doora of the galler ies , from which he can step Into the spaces KBsrvod for the public , the scats thus set apart for his use 'jlTording ac- commodatl on A > r about 2,000 visitors In the house of representatives and 1.200 In the senate. Once ineido bo must take his hat on" and koop&tlll. And when the day's session is over ho can go down stairs and saunter in upon the iloor and sit in the speaker's chair if ho chooeea , or uttlko up an acquaintance with the members who linger around him , or seek miscellaneous information from the clerks and pages. But wo will suppose this person on his travels and bringing up at night bofoio the gates of-the house of parliament. There is a rush of cabs all about him , streams of people are going every way , and a great glare of light la Hooding the splendid structure and the Gothic beauty of Westminster Abbey opposite. The visitor enjoys the scone a few moments and then steers for the principal onttnncc. Ho encounters a policeman at once. Po licemen are innumerable , omnipotent and vigilant. Tory likely they were noticing him ns ho was standing In Idle admiration on the cutbstono. They ask him what ho wants , and ho eaya ho wants to go in. Then they explain in civil but short sentences that ho must find a mem ber , must got a pass from him , and must present It at a particular door at a par ticular time , and If , after investigation by detectives ho Is reported to bean Inollon- sivo person ho can then ba omitted If there Is room. Being a stranger , ho doesn't know any member and certainly has to claim on any ono. Ho Insinuates to the policemen that some flight assis tance would result In an intcr-chango of coin , but Is told to stand aside , and ulti mately slinks o < Hn the darkness , qnito relieved that ho has oecipod without arrenf. But perhaps the next day ho finds some ono who knows a friend who la ac quainted with a member , and eo gradu ally ho works up to an Introduction. That is the first etep. The member is complaisant , and says ho will try. Then bo gets the stranger's full name and ad dress , and finally tells him to go to the member's entrance opposite the roar of Henry VII.'s chopol in the Abbey , show i card , and keep on till ho gets to the lobby of the house , whero. ho will como out and give him the pass. At the pzoper tlmo ho makes his ap pearance at the door. A group of police men and two or three overwhelming doorkeepers In full dress defend it , but armed with his credentials , ho boldly makes known his errand and is motioned In. The first barrier h paessd. Ho goes to the end of a hall , and a second group of pollco ask him his business. Ho ehotvB his card and passes on , through the great hall where the dynamite explo sion occurred. Foltco are as plentiful as hops , and the visitor la made aware that his person la closely watched for protu berances. Now ho Is in the lobby , with a little assemblage of favored people who have gotten am far as ho has , and ho gives Ms card to a magnificent doorkeeper and subsides Into line with others , all under the inspection of the police. Pretty soon the member issues from clozcly guarded portals and cmiles and says ho will try. And ho dooa try. Ho walks rapidly off to some mysterious part of the building , where .tho speaker baa au office , and In fifteen or twenty minutes returns , bearing an order from to the speaker , en the member's recom mendation and responsibility , for the stranger's admission. So , following in his wake , ho passes tlio third cordon aud in an Inner where if ho lobby , , trios PI to loiter to look about him , ho la instant pounced upon by a policeman and or dered to niovo on. He is nhown a door , h and , opening It , ho begins the accent of ac winding staircase to find himself pro. ci sontly before a turnstile. At this gate a Hi very grave man sits with a lar o opou w book , aud behind him two or three moro poHcerron. The very grave mon hands „ the now thoroughly-cowed visitor a pen , dc and bids him to write his full name , London - H don address , and nationality. The pen dr bid and sputter * , the visitor forgets street and number , and as ho writes United States ho breaks out Into a cold m perspiration under the atony glare of the policemen's oyos. Cut , rather to his sur prise , ho Isn't arrested ; and now the last lie barrier Is panned , and another gorgeous or door-keeper motions him to a scat in a by gallery about as big as a horao car , and lees comfortable. . Nothing surprises an American visitor the homo of commons moro than the small flizo of the chamber and Its limited accommodations for both members and he the public. Architecturally it Is n superb do hall , and Its aooustlo effects ore line , but an American notions It la entirely inado- do rjuato in dimensions. It is smaller , ha moreover than analogous chambers , not th only In our own , but In most other coun- en tries. It la too small to seat the mom- enDi bora on the floor , though packed closely , ng together without desk or elbow room. And the gallery apace la contracted In the extreme , There are In all five galleries 1m which visitors have accois under more ce lees aovoro restrictions , and the five accommodate altogether perhaps 150 per sons , Of this , the three galleries for miscellaneous an Ot cellaneous visitors hold sixty spectators. Then there Is a reporter's gallery accom modating forty , and a latticed gallery for ne ladies holding perhaps fifty or more. offin In these galleries the most abject or fin der prevail * . One must noi talk or hang his overcoat over the bench In front of him , or read , or sloop , or eat , or take notes. And if ho gets tired or hnnqry yean and goes out , ho cannot return. an Imagine the visitor satisfied with his of experience- and once more at the turn ofJr. atllo on his way out. Again ho passes Jr. . under the sharp eyes of the very grave a1 ii man and the police , and now begins a pe eorlea of exhibitions more extraordinary on thstn thoeo ho endured when approaching BlOj tbo hall , for while the visitor pasted four Oj sots of guards when going in ho p&eaea bean leta tban seven before he reaches the an liberty of the street , And even then ho knows that he la under thoaurvollanca of all police , and that detectives may bo allAi shadowing his steps , and will vint his lodgings on the morrow to see if his ac count of himself is truthful , NEW BLEEPING OAIIS. An Improvement Which AvoliU TJglr/R the Hcds ns Bents bv Day. Springfield Republican , The two now parlor sleeping cars that are to bo put on the Connecticut Iliver railroad next week , to run between this city and Quebec , are constructed on anew now and novel plan , and by day parfoot parlor cars , with no indication about them that they are Bleeping cara , and by night they ore complete sleeping cars , with nioro convenient arrangements for sleeping than the exclusive ( looping cara have. Each car contains twenty chairs , covered with the finest of damask and revolving after the manner of parlor-car obalrs. The berths and bedding by day are placed in perpendicular cabinets , that are folded back against the sides of the car botweon.tho window , giving the oilbct of claborato'finttb. At night the chairs ore taken apart and folded down near the iloor and are not mod at all In arranging the berths , and ono advantage that will occur to everybody is that the same upholstery - holstory does not do service both by day and night , as Is the case In sleeping cars , The lower berths are not as high as the lower berths in Bleeping cars , because the height Is not determined by the height of the scat , and the upper berths are also lower and easier to got into. Each berth in each of the ton sections has a light from a window and is furnished with bovel-edgcd mirrora , and the beds are hair mattresses upon steel springs. Each car has a hrgo wash room , smoking room , cloaot and bullet , and the ventilation is believed to bo as near perfect as it can bo. Each section Is furnished with a child's seat , which let's down from the side of the car , and no arrangement has been spared that will add to the conven ience and comfort of travelers. The cara are finished In mahogany inside and out , and are very handsome , besides being solid and substantial. The overhead Interior is beautifully , decorated. MONTANA CLASSICS , A Walter In a Bujto City Kcstaurant Frightens Customers by Hia Startling Orders. . Butte City Intor-Monntaln. Ono morning recently a hungry pil grim wont into Pat Oonlon's restaurant and ordered some toast , boiled potatoes , poached egg a , n rare steak and some hot cakes. Tno waiter , "Professor" Harris , wont to the kitchen and roared out to the Chinaman : "Gimme a graveyard stow , potatoes in the dark , two men a-horse- back , a moonlight on the lake and a llambean. " "When the pilgrim hoard this remarkable order ho incontinently fled from the house , forgetting his hat and muttering that he'd be gel darned If ho proposed to tackle that kind of a break fast , and that if the people lived on such things in this country ho proposed to re turn to Missouri. " A reporter of the Inter-Mountain , who happened to bo in the restaurant at the time , approached the waiter and asked for an explanation of the order , and the professor gave the following vewlon : "You Bio , " ho Eaid , "wo got tired of common fJacea and besides , wo try to a teach the Chinamen the language. A graveyard Blow moans milk toast ; pota toes In the dark Is boiled potatoes ; egga circus style means scrambled ccrgc ; rough and ready means pork and beau a , a flam beau Is light , hot cakor , and moonlight on the lake is rare beefsteak. The waiters a all have pot names for those things and wo throw potatoes at the China cooks till they know what wo mean. " Another boarder carne in and the pro fessor roared out with the voice of a sena tor , "Gimme a saddle bags and a spring i\ er , apuda on the side , ton-penny nails and a single to come a-runnln' . " Then the reporter followed In the wako of iho Mlssourlan. ar SP * YOUNG MEM KBAIJ THIS/ CO THE VOLTAIC BELT Co. , of MarshallMich. , , offer to send their celebrated ELECTBO-VOL- yc TAIO BELT and other ELEOTBIO APPLIANCES be on trial for thirty dixys , to men ( young or old ) bePI allllctcd with nervous debility , IOBB of vitality PI and manhood , and nil kindred troubles. Al for rheumatism , neuralgia , paralysis , and many other diseases , Complete restoration un health , vigor and manhood guaranteed , CO ; No risk ia incurred , nn thirty days' trial U allowed. Write them at once for illustrated of > pamphlet free , There is moro drunkenness in Now York at fo ' present than waa over known there. no SICK HEADACHE. Thousands who M hava suffered intensely with nick head nckooay that Hood's Saraaparllla has wl cured them. Ono gentleman thus re tr lieved , writes : "Hood's Sareaparllla Is worth Its wefoht in gold. " Reader , if InI foil are a sufferer with sick headache , InBr Ivo Hood's Sarsaparllh a trial. It will Br ioyn positive good. Made by C. I. ISI Hood & Co. , Lowell , Mats. Sold by all lee Irugglsts. 100 doses Ono Dollar. on BO Chinamen on the Columbia river put up ial < non ( at12 cents a case. tw If you suffer from looseness of the bowcla , will surely euro you. iowuro of counterfeits and nak your grocer cot druggist for tlio genuine article , prepared wh ' yDr.J.G. B. Slegoit & Sona. Sal The number of degrees conferred at Yale .his year was JJ7B ; at Harvard , 280. wh fro A. Lovely Complexion , pol "What a lovely complexion , " wo often 1 iear persons say. "I rronder what aho wlf toes for it ? " In every case the purity chn ind real loveliness of the complexion wai loponds upon the blood. These who wai lave sallow , blotchy facoi may make 1 heir tkln smooth and healthy by taking Gn inough of Dr , PJorco's "Golden Medical out discovery" to drlvo out the humora lurk- roe > ln > the system. Hoi we Three tons of oardlnea were caught In one J laul of a eelue at Santa Barbara , Cfil. , ro. gul ently. : the Young and old , the strong and weak , promptly cured by lied Star Cough Jure , bac Hawkers of cheap literature in country lelphbarhoods are selling a small biography Gen. Grant for , the new autobiography JEa iniehed during his distressing Illness , JEa 1'ho Crazy Quilt. I Tills new and fashionable device of the froi 'oung ladies for uting up old bits of allk nvi nd tatln is ono of the most popular moans cponding ap&ro evening * . The quilt is moro colors than over appeared In InBoph'a qoat , The proper way of using "crazy quilt" Is to throw it over every lereon who suO'ora With debility and lies a lounge. Administer Brown's Iron 3ltten and his joy will bo complete. n zy quills have to bo made to order , vw ypn can buy Brown'a Iron Bittera of w my druggltt. ( Hay made from wild grass ii prefeired to ilfalfa , wheat , or barley by how-owners in \iizona , FAMILY MARKET BASKET Xho Delicacies to bo Fontul in tlio Loc/il Marts. nsii. In iho fresh water article , whlto fish , trent and bacs retail at 15 cents per pound ; whlto pickerel la soiling at 10 cents ; cropplo and perch cm bo had for 12 $ cents ; catfish toll for 15 cants a ponnd. Blno fish sto very plantl- fnl and bring 20 cants a pound. Fresh Colombia river salmon are worth 25 cents a pound. Fresh maokorol 15 to 20 conla aploco. Hallbat Is worth 25 cents. Codfish tongues nro rare , but re- toil for 20 cents. MEAT9. The best cats of sirloin sell for 15 cents , rumps and upper part of round ttoak at 12J. Roosting ribs , firm and juicy , can bo bought for 10 to 12 J cents. Vcnl U extremely scarce and comes high from 25 to 20 cents , According to the cholconoaa of the part. Sweet broads cnn bo purchased at 25 cents n pair. Corn beef Is selling at from 5 to 10 cents , according to cuts. Prime leg of muttons can bo had for 12 contamutton ; chops 12i to 15 cents , Ilara in n ataplo article in good demand at 12i cents In bulk , 25 cents sliced , Pork 10 to 12J conta. Sausage 10 to 12i conta. Spring lamb Is aolliug for $1 for fore quarter and $1.25 for hind quarter. Spring chickens are worth from 30 to 40 cents apiece. FUUITS AND VEGETABLES. . Old potatoes nro worth from 85 to $100 a bushel. The Colorado and Salt Lake varieties nro worth $110 to $1 25. Rhubarb can bo bought for 3 cants n pound , Parsley is sold at 50 conic a dozen. Homo grown cabbaga is bringing from 5 to 10 cents a head. Fresh radishes are selling at 3 bunches for lOc. Cucumbers sell for 5 cents apicco. Fresh homo grown lettuce , nearly oat of market , Is sold at 35 cents a dozen' . Fresh tomatoes are In lively demand at from 15 to 20 cents a ponnd , while green peas sell for 45 cents a pock ; Marrowfat peas bring 45 cents also ; string beans 10 conta a quart. Wax beans can ba bought for 10 cento a quart. Now potatoes are worth 20 to 30 cents a pock. Green onions are selling at 3 bunches fora dlmosouthcrn onions three pounds for a quarter. Mint Is worth 5 cents a bunch. Fresh boots 5 conta a bunch. Noi ? turnips retail at 25 cents a peck. FRUITS. The local rnarko's are well stocked in the fruit line. California oranges bring from 25 to 50 cents a dozen ; Bananas , fresh and rlpo , nro very plentiful and can bo bought for 25 to 40 cents a dozen. Strawberries are not very plentiful , and nro at present bringing 12A to 15 " cents per quart. Homo-grown "cherries are an appreciated delicacy , being worth 15 conta a quart. Black raspberries toll for 20 cents a quart. Gooseberries are worth 12i conta a quart , currants 12 to 15 cents , lied raspberries 30 cents a quart ; blueberries 25 cents a quart. California fruits are in the market , apricots 15 cents a ponnd , poaches 15 to 20 cents a nound , plums andgraon gages 15 cents a pound , apricots 15 to 20 cento ponnd. Bartlctt pears 15 cents n pound. Watermelons are coming in , soiling from 40 to 50 cents apiece. They nro of good quality. EGGS AND BUTTER. Eggs have a standard prlco of 12& cents dozen. Butter , best dairy and cream- ry , is celling for 20 to 25 cents a pound. POLICE OOUET , iBig IJatch of Holiday Morning Business. la cormoquonco of the repairs which ire being made in the regular pollco sourt room , Judge Stenborg held Beneion morning In the council cham- Dcr. A heavy business was disposed of. W. A. Linton for assaulting A. F. Plorco waa fined $5 nnd costs. Jake Hart , L. 0. Gibson John Mornn ind Leo Hanover wore eachfincd § 5 and osls. John Doe , ho of legal fame , paid a fine $5 nnd coats fordriinkormcoa. Mnttio Smith was fined a olmllar sum 'or : ondo&vorlng to carminato the town. Charles Whitney , accused of drunKon- 1031 , waa dlecharged , an were also John Vlaloncy and John Dutchoy. Henry Holmes , a great negro brute ho had moat eoveroly bca'.on hia mis- rcB3 < , Wattle Forrest , a whlto woman , 7ua fined $10 and aontencod to ton days th o county jail , Thorn I ae and John Davis nnd Dennis la tv irown , who had been Implicated in the Ja 01 llnth street row Sunday night , were ro- eascd , as they agreed to settle all differ- ncos between themselves irithout re- orting ! to blows. Joseph Loftus and Charles Crawford , STO worthless vags , were ordered to leave " awn at once. , Thomas Harris paid a fine of $5 and Kt : oats for rofualog to obey a police officer InJ . . , 'hen ordered to stand asldo at the races rmHi atnrday. HiM Weasel Fiitsoh nnd Frank Freeman , M ho had boon acting "In a manner qnlto osb , you know , " In talking with the olico , were discharged. The unfortunate Gns Schullz and his Ifo were once moro arraigned on a largo of disturbing the peace. Schullz fined $20 and costa , while his wife released. Two peace disturbers , Jack Jnrall and roen Wiley , were released upon cleaning the old jill and the old policq court om. Judge Stonber evidently be eves In making the prisoners useful as ell ! as ornamental. John Hteveneon and Joseph Gninan , allty of Intoxication , were released after icy had promised to leave town. , t Smoke Seal of North Carolina To- icco. DIED , UNSEN Anna , daughter of Mayaretba and Henry Joueen , July 6tb , aged 'J months and 2 days Funeral will take place July 7th at 2 p , in. omTnlrd and Fierce streets , friends are r vitcd , nli tru jun IIO ! ind bet ed Jui alti VThen Ilabj iru sick , wo gave bar CMtorlo , . bee R. When aho waa a Child , ah cried for Coitorla , bet IVhcn ahe became Ulas , lie clang to Castorla , ed' Titii ibo bad Cblldrtfi , ebc garo them Cutoria ChE tea ; by Absolut fJa I'rco from Oplnics'nii < ic. rtii < f l'oaon.l , rt PROMPT , SAFE , SURE CURE for Coii h , Sere Tliront , llonr cnc , InflncniR , C'olil" . IlronclitltK , Croup , Wlinoplntc Cough , Attlimn , Uiilnir , l'iiln ln Clint , injothtr f fl ° c < "tloti * < > f tlieTtirnat * i"l ItinfJ * Price SO c ntsnliottlp. Sold by Drapclitunnd BtU. yet It for ( Arm ictltrecrti * lira bottlee , xi > r < ncAurcti /HIM , tu tending onettollar to 1HK ( A.Kici.i.rn rnir.i.vr , e ol Uvuers an 1 . Untirictiir tii. lltttlraorr. BIarjiAfl < l , C. 8. Lt ' SJuMLwi' ' ' ' ' ' . 0/ ? ? 1 ° * ir < Nut - .t i It tlt7 ( tfcri ftbaw AM ! K I oil rciJint I R ( w. Nervous Hrnsuntlon , Pebllitjf , ManirtJ'j fh ) < ; lcnl Wcnkncss ; Mcrc'irlnl anrf nthK ; fc'ons ' nl throat , Skin or Uonrs , Hloqii pnljv ; : ' ; Cld SutOS and IJICOf S. M9 trctul > Uh innrV' ' . . - isrseai , on litc'l Bfl ntlUc TrlQelni" ! Pi' * ! , I'rtvttcl Dlscasct Arising ( roni Indlscriilloii , Excsti Exposure or Indulgence , - M5i' troluo ecne ci > Mlowlnr tScctll uirTotueii ictllitf. < Hnl < ri or tls'i L&ddcrectIrA ro njorj. rlmrlei n tin rare , rbyiictl detir , aTer ltntollit ideletx of I > > mfc1 < 9 , roniutita or livif.t : rendcrlnB Marring * improper or unhappy. * " f ntlpi tntrVpf , frento an , 0 lmi , Cinmlutlr& t < ' CB orb7a\llrrcr , > nillniltril. VrlK * fcriutilloi , A Positive Written Guarantee t- tlrr , * , In . , _ ill . - conblf > _ - ! cues . _ . , lr.o | ! > , oniiwliirc , or ( j j-jjan $ ) Jamss Medical Institute Chartered by theStatcofllll- Inois for the express purpose of giving Immediate rcllclin [ Kail chronic , urinary and prl- J vatc diseases. Qonorrlicca , GleetandSyphillain all their complicated forms , also alt diseases of the Skin and Blood promptly rcllevednnd permanently cured by rcmc- dicslcstedinn'ortlY < irs _ „ . Special 1'ractlee. bemlnal Weakness , Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples on the FaceLost Manhood , jioslHvcly cured.Tltcro Is tie experimentl < i. The appropriate remedy is at once used In each case. Consultations , per sonal or by letter ? sacredly confidential. Med icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on package to Indicate contents or sender. Address DR.MMES.No. 204Wasliington St.Cncagolll. ! Sg ' V * r4nne Ol.OCJb'frf > S atu tlic LIVER iitd KIDNEV8 , hcsroiiX TIM. UJuALiTW nnd VIGOR of YOUTIf JDjv Wantnt Appetite. I- lon , l.iicit l blrontslhv ml. Boner. , imierlos an- jv rvci raccl > u new lorct . .a. Krllvcns Ilic mind a o "f/TfiTI " fe n r iMrom'comVSnU &r i ) l8U' 8&i't , 'jic jl.irtu ! Ilinlr rv T/MJ > nd InDE. JJI/iJIl'EB.'SIKO , ' ! TOIIIC n fnl * nu , leody cure , lives n clear , liuJuiy complc rte .frequent &tietiipli at , < 'iirlJ" > Ili > * only aa ' i i 'lie popularity nl tlio oiljUnV. . Doitoiwxpe sjenl Kcttlu ; OmniN.tL AM > HBHT / Hprd joufiulilriMtolBoDr. lliirtpr ofe < l Ol-.S Snuixwie , 3Io.foi our "DM5A.MI HOOIC. ' * . - " . , . , . . . . Irruai. Ulch. , Feb. , I8S3 , 3. M. IXDOIK < t Co. . Moimon , Mich. GENTS I am uslnt- your fluid Extract Dod Clorcr Blossom and woe Compress tor Cancer on the brcas and am welL 1 am eatls&od It Is the boit rcmadr toe Cancer known. Yon nro welcome to u e tlilj for UK benefit of Batrerlrifr hunuuiltr. Itcapcctfally , MRS. L. A , JOHKSOX. EH-Jly wlfo Jiaa foreomotlmobccn affllrtwl C with om ( thin ? like a scrofulous unwise , and found no rtllctnntll u ea > oyour Kxtr ct of lied Clevuratrial. tam bopuy to tay aha has erpcrlencwl crrat rtllct Thli Is Imtftdlcla testimonial of my appreciation of P your efforM in balialt ot humanity. Juch you or * welcome to use for their benefit. lun v' > iy respectfully. II. AHMS. ii .n UINTB 1 oommencod taklntr your Ext ncd Clover. iwo rears ago , far Kryelpclna , nnd Ixve not been tiwiibioi slncu. It is hereditary witto mo. TlUnt you DAT * th * coat blood medlclno known. Venn truly , \f , IS , BEIBEHt R. n. Oyman , of Grand naplds , Jllch.iy.Aftef two Uoctora adrlncd him louse I.oo3i"n ixt. : Kcd Clover far a bad CABO of IVzcmi. or Fever Koro on the le . onlj- used two pounds of your Solid Kitract ] ted Clorca Am now wclL ABaSprinif lledtolneTonlonnd ( rcneral Itlood PoiV flerltliaano oaal. For nalo tir all dnjKfc'UU , or J. it Loose & Co. . Monroe. Mich. "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " ' .Vim Original nml Only ( Joiiuliic. ! anAalwar * ItrtUtile , lti > naroof worth If * Imitation ! . mllit ui > blo I" LADIES. A k Juur HruL'slit I r 'ClilrlicnttVii riicll-l ' " 1" ! "k" ' " ' other , or ( udoio ( o. ftampui ) in f > r piirtlcuUra fu Ittltr l y rt'dirn nmll. . < 'lililicwtirClirnil < iil Cu. , DrugglslB. Tcado euppllcd by J. A , Fuller & Co ne7 THE ONLY BXOLUblVE 'I n i M [ < s I IN OMAHA' NEB , Lots in Denver Junction Weld Count if , Colorado. Denver Junction Is n new town ot about 200 ihibit&nte ) , laid out In 1SS4 , on the gieat runk railway ncroea the continent , at the motion of the Juleaburg Branch , lit ? mlles om Denver. The town is on eecood bottom of the 1'Iatto Klver , the fiocet looatlon etwsen Omaha and Denver , ncd IB eurround- by the bast-laying lands west of Kearney pa unction , Neb. ; climate healthy and bracing ; en Ititude 3.G.K ) feet. Denver Junction bids to fn ecorao an important point , OH tbo U. 1 * . It , Co , , are putting up many of their buildings , whila the 1) . & M. It. H , Co. . nro expect- i'Boon to connect at thin flaca. Tin jueajnt banco for good investments In town lota will arcely ever be equaled elsewhere , l oruale the lot or block In good terms by H. M , WOOLMAN , Agent , Denver Junction Cole , DJJSTJ Since the completion of the new packing and slaughter houses , South Omaha is mak ing a wonderful ane rapid growth. Besides the large pork and beef house erected for Hammond & Co. , other dealers have com menced the erection of similar institutions and still others are contemplated for the near future.rSeveral dwellings have been built and twenty or thirty are now buildingo Employment is now furnished to about one hundred and fifty families , and conservative estimates place the figure at eight hundred to one thousand families that will find em- ployruent there a year hence. This offers great inducements to laboring men to secure homes now while they are cheap. Specula tors will also find it to their advantage to buy at present prices. The company have made no change from the original prices , but some parties who first purchased lots have resold them at splendid profits , in some cases at double the purchase price. If in so shorfc a ime handsome profits are made , what will be the result when everything is fully devel oped ? In the few other cities that are favor ed with a first class cattle marketr fortunes have been made by investors in real estate , and the same is certain to follow in South Omaha. While the whole city of Omaha will be greatly benefitted by the growth and development of the cattle interest , South Omaha lots will enhance in value more ra pidly than any other by reason of the prox imity to the works. Manufacturers of all kinds w'll ' iind ifcto their advantage to inspect this property ; gooil location , level grounds , track facilities and plenty of good pure water furnished by the South Omaha Water Works. In , fact , every facility to make desirable for manufacturers , including cheap ground. Will find it profitable to select property now , ns a year or two hence with a population of 601)0 ) to 10,001) people , this will become a desirable place for nil kinds of business , and lots bought now , can bo had t vary reasonable prices which will double in price many times in the next two vears. 9 Rich or poor , will find ifc profitable to make investments ' in this property. Free conveyance at all times will bo fur- ' . mshed by ua to parties wishing to see this wonderful new town and learn of its advantages. Wo have entire charge of , and are the exclusive agents for the sale of all this property from Q streets south. Splendid lots from § 225 upwards. S l4th STREET , We have desirable business nnd residence property for salo'Jn ; nil arts of Omaha nnd do a general real estate business. Wo solicit bpy- and sellers to call on us. We will give theiuflill possible inl'orraation ree , and keep conveyance free to show property in any part of the city , Bedford fe Scuer ,