Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 07, 1885, Image 1

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lord Salisbury Makes the SiiEccb ol
a Premier ,
The Egyptian and Eussian QUGB-
tions Discussed at Length ,
la Finally
Churchill Denies one of Ills Stir
ring ; Hematics Other Event8.
LONDON , July G. The St , Petersburg cor
respondent of the Unity News says : ' 'The
convention with Russia was already prepared
when Gladstone resigned , therefore it only
requires Salisbury's signature. Thropbies
from the Pulikistl battle arrived at Askabad.
They include eight guns beating English
arms , dated 1830.
In the house oflords this afternoon Salis
bury stated ho would continue the policy of
Gladstone Iu regard to the negotiations with
llussia. In moving an adjournment of the
house ho said : A matter cf gravest importance-
was the recent negotiations with Russia in
regard to the frontier of Afghanistan. Ho
said as far as ho could judge tlio negotiations
between Russia and England had been con
ducted with an earnest desire to arrive at an
adequate settlement , but ho was bound to cay
the negotiations had not gone far enough to
enable him to speak positively. lie must ask
their lordships cot to attach too much im
portance to these negotiations ni final and
conclusive , oven when concluded , 113 the whole
condition of affairs in central Asia was very
uncertain and unsatisfactory. "Wo hope ,
ho continued , "to arrive at an amicable set
tlement of the differences in regird to the
ulfikar pass , which England had
promised the ameer would bo Included in
Afghanistan. What had boon promised
must bo kept. Whatever settlement
might be arrivad at it was nur duty to
skilfully advise and vigorously carry out
measures for the defense oi the Indian Iron-
tier. Furthermore wo should stretch out be
yond so that when the tide of war comes it
will not como near our defenses. These
preparations must bo promptly and ener
getically made , tnd I trust that this policy
will never be abandoned.
In cinctudiog his speech Lord Salisbury
said : "The present difficulty In Egypt ii
perhaos ono of the most complicated problems
that has ever bean submitted to the govern
ment. The difficulties ore enormoui and of
many kinds. Those difficulties now form the
subject of negotiations. It is , perhaps , rather
too early to express an opinion as to the issuo.
liofore deciding upon any remedy the gov
ernment must take counsel of those
best qualified by exporicuoo to guide
them. Their policy , should bo
steady and without osclllialion. One of
the most momentous issues was the defense of
the frontier of Egypt by .Hians , assisted
no doubt in some measure by ourselves ,
against fanaticism and barbarism. It is
pecpseary to establish a state of things so that
if wo eventually withdraw our protecting hand
Egypt would bo left safe. All of those ques
tions require time to settle. One principle
must animate , namely , so to weigh our stops
that , once taken , v > o must not retrace them ,
The military difficulty is a largo one , the po
litical difficulty is a greater ono.
"Still the question was whether the prov
inces in the Soudan , which had lately ceased
to bo practically under the control of Egypt ,
should be abandoned to their fate. The most
impoitant of all the Egyptian questions , how
ever , WAS the financial question , which was as
yet unsettled. Until this question was settled
nothing could be done. There was no alter
native between taking n steady , cautious , and
circumspect policy and in taking n course
which would cover England with shame ,
namely , to abandon Egypt to her fate.
Salisbury then referred to the domestic pol
icy of his government. lie said it was in
tended to avoid contentious legislation and to
promote only mich measures as were neces
sary. These would Include , perhaps , the
secretary for Scotland bill. lie would wind
up the session at the earliest date possible ,
and expressed the hope that the general elec
tions would ba held on November 17 ,
Lord Salisbury's statement lasted half an
hour , lie frequently emphasized the fact
that the khedive had throughout been loyal
to England , The house of lords then
adjourned ,
The earl of Carnarvon , lord lieutenant for
Ireland , eave statistics of crime in Ireland iu
recent years showing an immense decrease
since the passage of the crimes act , "Tha
government , " ho said , "under existing circum
stances , consider it Inadvisable to renew the
net. They trusted that a firm administration
of ordinary law would maintain the
tranquility. "
Mr. Charles Henry Ilopwood , an advanced
liberal , moved an amendment In favor of leg
islating as quickly as possible respecting the
oath of office. Sir Wilfred Lawson , radical ,
seconded the motion , Gladstone said ho held
the stronger views on the question of princi
ple' , behaving that the house had acted
unconstitutionally and illegally [ lib
eral chrors. ] Ho would support Mr , Hop-
wood. It was the duty of tha house
to legislate in the direction of removing an
existing grievance , The present parliament ,
throughout , had grievously wronged tha elec
toral priveleges of Northampton. It was
therefore tha duty of the liuuso to redress
that serious wrong [ cheers ] Gladstone
thought , however , that the scope of the
amendment should be narrower In dealing
with the case before them.
In the house of commons to day Mr. Brad-
laugh , escorted by Labouchere and Burt , both
radicals , advanced to the table with tha pur
pose of taking the oath , To this Hicks
Beach interposed objections and moved that
liradlaugh bo refused permission to swear ,
the ba directed
and that sergoant-at-arms
to exclude him from the precincts of
the house unless he engaged not to disturb the
proceedings , Tha motion was adopted by a
vote of 2U ( < to 219.
After the vote had boon tiken Bradlaiigh
re-advanced to the table and eald he would
obey the speaker's orders and withdraw , lie
appealed to the various constituencies against
the injustice done him , bowed and withdrew
from the house ,
Sir Michael Hicks Beach in reply to La-
bouchere said no communication had been re'
ceived from Russia with rep ard to the exported -
ported utterance cf Sir Randolph Churchil
that , "Russia has tricked , deceived and lied
to us as only Russia can. Sir Randolph , '
Beach added , "does not admit that his speed
was accruatoly quoted. "
The house then entered into commltteo o
Special Telegram to The BEE.
DUBLIN , July G , The summer assize
opened in Ireland to day , with a remarkabl
decrease In tha number of cases to bo tried
Tha only trial in which the deatli penalty I
liable to bo meted out ia the case of Willlan
Sheehau and his brothor-ln-law. D&vii
Brown , which cornea out at the Cork assize
on July 23. The prisoners are charged witl
the triple murder of the Shechaos rnothot
sister and brother , at Castletown lloche , 01
October 27,1877. The crime u alleged t
bare been committed because Bheehan'a me
thor refused to give her content to the mar
riage of her son William to the daughter c
Brown , until Mrs , Sheehin had recehed
nitmiaje portion of , 300. Tl
former was only willing to pa
170 , Mrs. Sheehan , her daughte
and ion Thomas disappeared a few days aftei
wards and their bodies were found in a we
near Mr , Bheehan'a form in the Utter pa
August , 1881 , Sheehan was nrrwted ;
Auckland , New Zetland , in December , 188
and on hli arrival at Cork in May last li
rotber-ln-law was arrested , The eUden
against the prisoners ie very atiocg as It M
rJt ( '
the feeling of the people of Cork , tha prison
ers being hooted severil times when belnp
taken to end from the magistrate's court dur
ing the preliminary examination.
There are no agrarian crimes on the calen <
dar , and \ery few ordinary cases of crime tc
Special Telegram to The BEK ,
BKIII IN , July 0. The grand duke and ho-
redltary grand duke of Ilossa , the Princesses
Irene and Alice , Prince Alexander of Hesse ,
the princess of Battenbarg and the prince ,
Francis Joseph , of Bftttenberg , will leave for
Darmstadt on the 10th inst , , with Prince
Henry of Battenborg , to bn present at the
marriage of the latter to Princess Beatrice ,
Crown Prince Frederick William and his
family will also attend the ceremony.
Special Telegram to The BEE ,
PARIS , July G. Five hundred legitimists
hold a meeting bare yesterday which was fol
lowed by a banquet. They resolved to support -
port Comtesso de Chambord. Leading fam
ilies of Faubourg are organizing n pilgrimage
to Gratz , where Don Juan , father of Don
Carlos , is staying. The legitimists hail Don
Juanasking , and denounce the OrloanlsU.
Special Telegram to The BEE.
Eus , July C. Emperor William attends
the theatre and takei reeular walba daily ,
He appears to bo completely restored to
PAHIS , July 0. Gen. Oourcy telegraphs
further information in regard to the attack
upon him at the Anamito garrison on the night
after his arrival at the capital. Ho gives the
losses In killed nnd wounded as : French ,
sixty , Anamito , 1,500 , After this engagement
Courcy occupied the citadel which hn found
to contain 1,000 puns , -and ordered reinforce
ments from Hoi Phonu , The press of Paris
balioves the attack was the remit cf a con
spiracy formed by the Chlnose. Defreycinet
has ordered Courcy to exact from the govern *
mcnt at IIuo immediate reparation for tbo at
tack , It Is said Courcy'a position Is critical
and did has been sent from Tonquin , It is
considered probable thai another campaign
will have to bo undertaken by tha French as
the Annmlten are resolved to opposed French
A dispatch received to-niht from Gen ,
Courcy [ fajs the Anamites at Hits nre pre
paring to mike n Iroih attack en his position ,
The general cxpicaeo * canfidcuco in his ability
to bold out until reinforced.
CONSTANTINOPLE , July G. The work of
fortifying the Bosphorous has been stopped
owing to- the conviction that war between
England and Russia has been averted.
LONDON , July 6 , The Pall Mall Gazette ,
this afternoon , devotes four pages of its space
to showing that the trade ia young _ girls for
immoral purposes has increastd rapidly dur
ing late years. It claims that the growth in
thia traffic is due to the utter worthlessness of
the law in relation to tbo matter. The names
of several wealthy men holding prominent
positions in society nro mentioned in connec
tion with the business , The Gazette states it
still bos the details of n large number of other
cases , which were omitted to-day , owing to
lack of space , but they will be given to the
public in the course of a few days.
CODLENZ , July G. The town is decorated
witn flags to-day and the streets are crowded.
Empress Augusta in the presence of tha crown
prince received a deputation of Now York
riflemen and accepted from them a banquet.
The riflemen in fifty carriages decorated with
flags afterwards defiled before tbo empress'
apartments , saluting her as they passed.
Special Telegram to The BEE ,
NEW YORK , July C. The Herald's Valencia
cable says : The cholera is still slaying its
thousands and ten thousands. Nor is it sure
that the epidemic has yet done its worst. The
news from several afflicted districts is bettor ,
but this is partly attributed to the exodus
which has half j emptied Murcia , In Valencia
the mortality instead of diminishing grows
greater , During the days signs of death
are kept carefully out of sight ,
but at night the roada ara filled with
tha muflled sound of hearses rolling and feet
tramping onward to the suburban cemeteries.
All whom business or poverty does not tie to
the city have left to avoid the plague. Those
u'ntblo to flea perforce go about ai usual
but the crowded churches and thrones who
fairly besiege the laboratory of Dr. Ferran tell
their own tale. Cholera is ; on every tongue ;
every paper is full of cholera , Cholera , Asiatic
and sporadic , have been described to death.
Wnen you have seen a dozen cases you have
seen them all , The Interest of the present
epodemlc lies less in tbo symptoms , curious
though some of them are , than in all
important and absorbing question
"Can wo be protected against
cholera , and if so , how ? " After having vis
ited a few heuses and private dwellings in
fected with the plague , the Herald's corre
spondent devoted more of his attention to
lr , Ferran'a inocculatlon question. Foliow-
ing the example of the medical authorities
sent hero , he has endeavored to ascertain
whether Dr. Ferran's vaccination system Is
safe , and whether it is efficacious , Dr , Fer
ran's name is just now the battle cry , his par
tisans and fees are equally numerous. To
search for truth under thn present circum
stances is almost as difficult as to look for a
needle in a bale of hay. Time and patience
alone can fully settle the points at
issue. Careful inquiry , however , has
convinced you correspondent that whether
the anti-cholera vaccination is to be recom
mended or not , most of the investigators who
have so far vilited Dr , Ferran have been
carried away by generous and perhaps natur
al enthusiism and that the enquiries have lost
much of their value , owing to their not being
impartial. Dr. Ferran claims that by vaccin
ating with graduated virus he protects _ the
people against cholera for a certain time ,
provided five clear days are allowed for the
vaccine to work. As evidence of his success ha
gives you results obtained in fifteen or twenty
thousand cases In different places , but his
chief argument Is the lucce&s of his experi
ments at Aleira , which , out of it population
variously estimated at from 20,000 and
22,000 , 9.1CO persons have submitted to inoc-
culation and 7,500 , to re-lnocculation , Tha re
sults show that tha proportion of recoveries
among tbo Inosculated or ro-tnoccnlated tc
those among the non.inosculated people is ai
GO to 201 , . while the deaths from tbo same
categories compare as well to 120 , In. othoi
words , non-lnocculatod people who feel il
from cholera were four and a half times ai
these who were inocculatod , and the deaths
of non-inoculated people wore twelve timei
as numerous as those who were inoculated ,
Tlio Flew Insulters Squeal.
SALT LAIE , Utah , July G. Indignatioi
over the Mormonfplacing the Hag at half
mast on the Fourth cf July continues ua
abated. Excited groups of Gentiles have dls
cucsod the affair all day. Horace Eldrldge
president of the Desert National bank , th
United States depository here , says hall
mast it the proper placa for flags as "we bav
not more than half our rights. " The Deser
News , tha church organ , to-night In a fiv
column editorial fully endorses ths act , claim
Ing It was right , "because liberty ia dead i
UUh. "
nVi Tlio National Encampment ,
PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , July G , The natloni
encampment in Fairmount Park broke up tc
day. The infantry firat prize goes 1
Houston guards : second prize to the Mon
gomery greys The Zouaves first prize to tl
t Uuichrs.ouares. . of St. Louis. There was i
competition , The artillery fi t prize goan <
Battery B , of tha Washington artillery. , No
Orleans ; second prize to tha Indianapolis ligl
artillery. Ex-Governor Underwood promisi
the prizes would be paid within thirty daj
The Country is Completely Wen Onl
of the Wfisat Mattel ,
In Z , Loiters tha Mugwump Mer-
oliant , Loses Heavily !
Provisions Follow "Whont in * Dowr.-
wnrcl Conrso Sinking a Great
Decline Other Features ,
Special Telegram to Tha BKE.
CHICAGO , 111. , July G. The bulk of tLo
country and n largo portion of the city wcro
shaken out of the wheat deal to-day. After
having hold their purchases for several
months they at last found the load too heavy
for any ordinary shoulders. The talk on the
floor Is that W. T. Baker dumped in
the neighborhood of 3,000COO bushels
of August , of which T. / . . Leitcr was
the unlucky owner of about 1,000,000 bushels.
The fall was only ic as compared with both
the opening prices of to-day and the closing
quotations of 1'riday , but the tone of thomarket
was W3akor in a far greater ratio than the de
cline jn prices. At the opening there wcio
sales in the wheat pit all the way from SSfc to
8'Jo , but the official opening was put at S'Jo.
From this there waa a recovery to 83 c , the
top for the day , when the break began and
kept up quite steadily to the close the weak
conditions being than helped by unusual ac
tivity in the pork pit where prices wore grow
ing steadily cheaper through the effect of a
reported yellow fever outbreak in the seuth.
What might bo called a supporting influence
is the favor yitIl which tha more remote de
liveries are viewed from n speculative stand
point. While everything near is being fairly
sold , there is a good inquiry for long lutures ,
and this alone tends to support the market.
There was n sale of May oats to-day 'it "Dp ,
this transaction inaugurating a speculation in
this article for the now crop ,
There were nothing but baara " to-day in the
provision pit. In view of the "moderate live
hog receipts the market opened steady and
full up to Friday's latest quotations , but from
thence on the course was steadily downward ,
until a decline of 17c had been brought about
in pork for the August delivery. About
every body was a seller , while the buyers
were very scarce.
Corn holds up with considerable firmness ,
all thing * considered. To day's ranee waj
} c against a fluctuation of ic on Friday.
Trading , as may be imagined , was light.
August opened and closed at 42 c , stilling at
4"cin the course of the day.
Fat cattle are in fair demand and the turn in
prices was rather higher. The run was light
not only in Chicago , but at all other points ,
and the percent of fat cattle was rather below
the average. The highest price was § 5.75 for
a fair bunch of natives and from that down to
Sl.SOgG.lO forgraascrs nnd inferior natives ,
Comparing the quality and prices with Fu-
dav. the general market was , as stated above ,
a shade higher. There were only a few lots
of Texans in the market and they were of the
sort wanted by butchers and they sold as
high if not higher than on Friday.
There wore no canning Texans on sale
and none wore wanted. Native _ butchers'
stock , especially fat cows , sold at high prices.
Shipping steers , 1,300 to 1,503 pounds , $5.50 ©
C.OUi 1,200 to 1,350 ponnds , S5.00@5.59j 950 to
1,200 pounds , S1.75@5 20 ; slopped steers ,
S5.35@5.65 ; through Texas cattle , firmer ;
950 to 1,050 pounds , S3.50@4 20j 760 t 000
pounds , $3.10@3.60 ; 600 to 90U pounds , $2.75
@ 3.25.
The market was fairly active and prices
stronger at Sc higher than on Friday and lUc
higher than on Saturday. The receipts were
light and just nbont the number needed for
the wants of packers and snippers. The bulk
of mixed packing ! sorts sold at $ l,10@4.15 ,
best assorted heavy at $4 25@5 25 , with rough
and common at $3 ( U@-l.li5 ; packing and
shipping , 250 to 330 pounds , SI 00 ® 1.20 ;
light freights , 130 to 170 pounds , § 4.20g4.40 ( ;
ISO to 210 pounds , $4 00@4 25.
Special Telegram to The BEE ,
NEW YOHK , July G , From a careful analy
sis of over 3,500 special crop reports from its
subscribers , practical farmers in every state
nnd territory in the Union , the Rural New
Yorker concludes that the winter wheat crop
will aggregate 210,000,000 bmhols , and the
spring wheat crop 155,000,000 bushels , making
an aggregate CTOD of 301,000,030 bushels , n
falling oft of 147,000,000 bushels from last
year's crop , Oats will be the largest crop
ever harvested , llye and barley will be fair
crops. The corn area is larger than ever before
and the outlook is good for an average yield
per acre. There will ba an average crop of
potatoes and a considerable increase in the
acreage of tobacco. The cotton prospects are
highly promising , despite the injury from in-
eects in Texas and other places. Of apples
there will be a fair crop for an off year.
Many trees are dying , especially in the west.
Peaches are a failure in northern latitudes ,
and there is but a poor outlook for pears.
There will bo fair crops in New Jersey , Dela
ware and Maryland.
The Mark Lmno Review.
LONDON , July G. The Mark Lane Ex-
proas , in its review of the British grain trade
during the past week , Bays : Easterly winds
with accompanying drought , which have
prevailed during the summer , make the out
look serious for spring sown crops , The
wheat acreage is in good form , The sales of
English wheat during the week wore 33,837
Barters a 33 * 3d per quarter , against 28,294
it 37s Id , during the corresponding week of
as c year. Foreign tellers were firm , InjolF-
: east trade six now cargoes ar
ved , two were sold , two were
withdrawn and seven remained , including
three of California and one of Oregon. To-
ay fine weather and heavy stocks tended to
leprteti values , but the market remained un-
.hanged and little business was dene , Flour
is dull and in the buyer's faAor. Maiza wag
cheaper , Barley was unchanged. Oats tended
iu the buyer's favor , lians ; and peas were
unchanged ,
Tlio Chicago Statomnnt
CHICAGO , 111. , July G. The following Cg
ures taken from the official statement of th <
trade to be posted on change to-morrow , shov
the amount of grain In sight in the United
States and Canada on Saturday , July 4 , anc
the amount of increase or decrease over thi
preceedlng week ;
Whaat-In sight 40,764,21 ? buihels ; da
create 508,337 buthels.
Corn In sight 3,043,311 bushels ; iucreasi
350,152 buthels.
Oats In sight 3,038,505 buthels : decreas
100.273 buihels.
live In ( ight 220,748 buthels ; decrease 13 ,
8tf buthels.
Barley-In sight 110,835 bushels ; incraos
1,015 bushels.
Tbo amount of gaain in store in Chicago o :
the date named was i wheat 14,055,822 bush
e's ' ; corn 631,092 bushels ; oita 469,963 bush
els ; 41,517 buihels ; barley none ,
HtouKhton's Illg Blnzo.
MADISON , Wis. , July 0 , A most ditaatrot
fire occurred at Stoughton early yestcrde
i , | morning , burning tea out ol the thirteen lar )
tobacco wareho se3"lho Ht , 1'aul depot am
about twenty freight cars loaded with Jwho. %
and merchandise , c&ujlng a loss estimatm
anywhere form a half million to a million del
larg. The fire originated In an old hay prod
ucd as a box factory. It is thought the fin
was started either by tramps known to havi
slept there or by an Incendiary. The Stough
ton Chemical fire engine wo unable to cope
with the flamw , aid was asked from this place
which was immediately sent. The Mndiion
steamer was of little aid , there being no watoi
near the scene of the firo. The Warehouses
S.ich contained from 1,000 to 3,400 cases of to
bacco , valued at $50 a case. The loia is
partly covered by insurance though to what
extent is not known. The loss of tovcn cim *
panics reported bv W. II.'Maln , of this city ,
amounts to fifty-cipht thousand del
lars. Individual losses fall mostly
upon eastern buyers , though some nf S tough-
ton's buyers lose from $2,000 to S7COO and
will bo ruined. The disaster throws about
Cvn hundred persons nut of employment.
The total amount of Insuranca is § 4J5f GO ,
The insurance on the depot Is not known ,
Tha loss on warehouses Is $75OCO , about one-
half of which Is covered br insurance , There
were about 12,000 cases of tobacco stored m
the warehouse ? , worth $50 each , which makes
the loss on that article aoout 8000,030.
Special Telegram to The BEE.
CnEioiiTON , Neb. , July 5. The natal day
was very generally observed by the citizens of
this place , Business houses were closed and
the shops wore silent while the strootg.llawns ,
yards nnd private parks wcro radiant with
the mingling hues of highly colored emblems
and costumes duting the day and with the
firo-worka at night.
At 10 o'clock in the morning a cannon was
fired signaling the procession to move , The
long line which had fanned on one of the
principal streets advanced , headed by a dele
gation of citizens. Following the citizens
wore SOO Santcc and JL'onca Indians In war
paint and bright colored raiment. The In
dians had come to the city to participate in
the celebration. After marching for some
time the procession disbanded to hoar the ad
dress of the day which WAS delivered by the
Kev. A , P. Mend , and at the close of which
there was an intermission for dinner. In the
afternoon the people collected in a sort of
park called the bowery , where the Indians
gave a grand war danca. This exercise was one
of the features of the day being in
strict harmony with the rites of tha tribe.
All the implements of war were taken into
the dance ; the hideous-sounding drum was
beaten and witli gruff grunt ? , or clear and
wait-like barks , tbo warriors kept npico with
the discord. The dance was a''stag" affair ,
and had not the intoxicating influence of the
waltz which was conducted by tha grand
army boys at an adjacent plattorm , and in
which the pale-faced squaws participated.
At a late hour at night the exercises closed ,
the white people returned to their residences
and the red men mounting their horses de
parted fur their homes in the country.
Special Telegram to The BEE.
WILLEMANTIO , Conn. , July G. Dr. Carver's
Wild West show , which is really the property
of McCaffrey Brothers. of Texas , was
attached for libel by the agents of Baffalo
Bill , after the exhibition here Saturday. Suit
was also brought against the body of Dr ,
Carver , and has been unable to secure
bonds , and is held hero by officers.
The show was billed for Woonsocket to day.
The trouble is a personal ono between Cody
and Carver , who each recently issued what is
alleged to ba libellous circulars about the oth
er. Carver claims he was thn originator of
the Wild West show idea , but ho divided his
success with Cody until the latter'a personal
conduct became unbearable , and that since
they separated Cody has tried to ruin him , It
is considered a mistake that Carver took any
notice , of Cody's circulars , but Carver main
tains be acted in self defense , and baa told
only the truth about Cody , which he
holds is not libel. _ Carver's
troupe are in camp here and making the town
lively. The cowboys had two scrimmages
thus for , one Saturday night after the show ,
in which one cowboy fired at Charles Wilson ,
of this place , an ! pummelled Wilson and
John Elliott with his pistol , the cowboy also
getting b dly punished himself. The other
fight was with the Salvation army lust night ,
but no blood was spilled ,
Loft a Corpse Without Protection , ! ]
Special Telegram to The BEE.
NEOLA , la. , July 6. The body of the En
glishman wbo was killed on the Hock Island
road near Under wood was brought here Sat
urday evening and the coroner's inquest held
at the depot. Tha body was left on the plat
form for at least an hour or more , while the
coroner had gone for his eupper. Nobody was
left in charge of the corpse to guard it from
being mutilated by animals. The citizens
Teel indignant over this affair. Altnough the
Englishman had been a stranger in a strange
country , penniless and poorly clad , humanity
requires a little more respect for the dead
than was shown by the coroner in th c use ,
A Srniu Wrecker Caught ,
Special Telegram to The BEE.
NORFOLK , Neb. , July ( ! A tramp named
James Cram induced two boys to misplace a
switch hero on the Elkhorn valley road this
evening , and spike the same , but fortunately
tlio discovery was made in time to prevent an
accident to moving trains. The tramp says
ho placed obstructions on the track of
the Omaha rosd at Florence , and at
another time at Tekamah. Ho eaya his pa
rents live at Herman , Cram was arrested
and will have his trial to-morrow.
The Mcxlcnu JuiilcotuerB.
DETROIT , Mich. , July 0 , The Mexican
journalists arrived in this city at six this
morning nnd were met at the depot by tbo
reception committee , After breakfast they
were formally welcomed at the city ball by
Mayor Gummond and Senator Palmer. To
night Governor Algers tenders them a recep
tion at his hcmo iu this city ,
Teenier "Wants an Answer ,
rmsBuna , Pa. , July 6 , John Toeraer , the
aisman , has addressed a letter to the Non
York Clipper , m which he states that unloaf
his deposit of $1,250 is covered by Jlauloi
on or before the 15th inst , ho will claim tin
championship of America nnd wIH stand read ]
' , o defend thu tltla against all comers
The "Woftthor.
WASHINGTON. July G. The upper Miss
esippl valley ; Generally fair weather , excep
local rains in the northern portion , westerl ;
winds , stationary temperature.
The Missouri \alley : Fair weather , westerl ;
winds , stationary temperature ,
General Uatlromd Agent ,
KIOKOK , Iowa , July 6. Receiver Thatche
to-day appointed W. 8. Spiers , latw divisio
freight agent of tha Wabash & Peoria , a
general freight and ticket agent of the Mie
touri , Iowa & , Nebraska railway.
Tbo KUo in Oil ,
NEW YORK , June G-Crudo oil touched $
shortly before noon to-day. The long co\
eted figures wera hulled with shouts , touclm
of hats and general rejoicing on all sides.
The number of travelers who alghtcd :
Vionneae hotels during Inet year was 183,00
or 17,000 Ittps than in 1833. The number
theaters in Ylena ia on the decline , for iu 18
theta were twelve , ami tu 1834 only leyen ,
The Chicago Street Car Drivers Quiet-
cfl by a Stow of Clubs ,
The Sand Lot Spoutera Tight
Bravely With Their Mouths ,
Now Men Toke tlio Plaoo of the
Strikers , "Who OUVsr Uoslslnnoo
Fntthot Trouble Expected
roLicK rnoTEcr THE COMI-ANT.
CHICAGO , July C , 8.45 n. m. Great crowds
hung about the barns of the car company on
Western avenue all morning , but the largo
force of policD was sufficient to suppress qij ,
signs of incipient disorder. Under the pro
tection of the officers five c rs were placed
upon the Randolph street line and in ado the
journey down town without encountering nny
serious opposition and have now started on
the return trip , carrying , however , only
policemen ,
11 n. m. The cars are now running on Lake
and Randolph streets. Two trips down have
boon made. The second trip up Is now being
made Everything was quiet on the second
trip down. Cars wcro run n block and a half
apart and police piotection furnished. Pas
sengers crowded the cars and fares were
taken , The strikers oonpregated in groups of
three and four along the route and looked
threateningly at the conductors and
drivers. Tenons along the route stared nt
the carfl as if they wore a now invention
and horsns insomo caies wcro frightened at
them. Trouble is still fenrod and it is thought
as soon as tha cars are left unguarded by the
police the drivers and conductors may bo se-
\ ercly dealt with.
Noon The street car company has sent out
fear cars on Van Buren street which made
tha down trip unmolested. The company declare -
clare it will not start its Madison street line
until it can man all its cars , The men In
charge of the cars ara nearly all new men ,
none.of the strikers having as yet shown any
signs of entering the company's employ. io
crowds are reported at nny point , the police
believe the evidences of disorder are disap
poarintr ,
2:15 : p. m. The street railway cimpany ,
under the protection of the police is hourly
enlarging Its service , and up to this time
without any outwatd signs of violence. Four
to six policemen are to be found on each car ,
but the number of passengers being carried is
increasing , The company put a large number
of cars on the Madison street line at 1:20 :
o'clock this afternoon which are being operated
without molestation. The policoj do not
allow any great crowds to occumulate at any
points along the four routes now covered by
2:20 : p. m. A slight demonstration was
made near tbo corner of Jefferson and Ran
dolph streets shortly before 1 o'clock , but the
police wagon coming up dispersed the gather
ing. One of the new drivers was struck by a
flying stone about noon , but the perpetrator
was not seen or arrested. Beyond those oc
currence ? , nothing of a disturbing natureihaH
been reported , 8 < 8 w3 HCZ
Towards 4 o'clock the crowds in the streets
began to grow larger and bolder At Roby
and Van Buren streets over 300 men and
b ya bad congregated. They were in sym
pathy with the strikers , and at the approach
of a car began hooting at the ' 'scab" driver
and conductor , The police alighted to dis
perse the crowd when a portion of it , making
a detour , attacked , the cqnductor and driver ,
beating them severely , and overturned the
car into a ditch. The horses were cut loose
and turned adrift. A second attack was soon
mode upon a Madison street car and the same
scenes were repeated. Half an hour later two
cars on Lake street were thrown fromthe
track by ahowling mob , but nobody was hurt ,
rhe cars are all ordered back to the barns ,
and no further attempt will be inado to run
them before morning.
The secretary of the car drivers' and con
ductors' association told a reporter to-night
that the strikers bad purposely kept away
from the barns and streets to-day. Their ob
ject was to avoid a disturbance and to ascer
tain how many men the company could pro
cure to run Its cars. The events of the day
bad shown that the force was only sufficient
to man twenty cars. The secretary added
that to-morrow there might bo trouble. The
prosUent of the association to night addressed
a letter to President Jono ? , of tha West Divi
sion company , notifying him of the willingness
of the strikers to arbitrate ; of their choice for
an arbitrator , and requesting early informa
tion as to the company's proposed action con
cerning the matter ,
The city council , after devoting consider
able time to a discussion of the strike to-night ,
appointed a committee of five of its members
to hold an early conference with the mayor ,
the street car company , and the strikers , with
the object in view of bringing about peace
ful settlement of the existing difference.
Special Telegram to The BKB ,
ATLANTA , GA , , July 0. Great interest is
exhibited in the will of the late David Dick
son , a farmer millionaire , who died leaving all
his property , excepting n small pittance , to
Amanda Eabanks , a negress , As Dickson
left liberal fees to several lawyers and ad
minlstrotors , to see that his will was enforced
they ere making a strong fight. The
white heirs of Dickson who are scat
tered throughout GoorglaNewYorkandTexas
also employed able counsel and propose to
attack the dead man's sanity , The will is to
bo probated Tuesday , when n great fight will
open. An intimate friend of Dickson has
just told the inside story of the will. Aman
da Enbanks , the boneficary , Is the result of an
early indiscretion of Dickson with ono of his
laves. It is asserted that ever since the birth
f this child Dlckeon took to reading the bible
d prayer book and declared It took a man
. grit to take care of his offspring
, 'hen ' faced by society and preju-
ico. Hence his will was Intended to secure
0 his own child , regress though she was , all
.is money could accomplish. In the will tha
awers are directed to see that its provisions
1 to her property are carried out.but that the
oinan la protected in all her rights nan clti-
> en wherever eho may choose to live. Such
wills heretofore have been easily upaet in
Georgia , but under the new condition of
.hlngsand Dlokeon's recognition of the child
it ie not believed thia can bo upset.
Assailing tha IMaGovcrmcnt ,
CITY or MEXICO , July ( i , A proclamation
ignod by several students wao found pla
carded on dead walls here tbU morning , de
claring the recent decree for the conversion o
public debt is humilating , and protesting tha
the law is ono of the most tyrannical eve :
registered in the history of an arbitrary gov
ernment. Attention ia called to the protes
against the recognition of the English deb
during the Gonzalo administration , Jt-pro
test written in the blood of the people call
for a popular demonstration of disapproval t
conclude the document. Tbo governmeo
took Immediate measures to guard apalnst a :
outbreak. All the troops In the city wer
ordered to remain in their barracks , Severe
editors have been arrested and will ba lent t
Yucatan ,
Gen. Grniii'u Condition.
MOUNT McGiiEaon , N. Y , , July C.A 1
o'clock last nleht Gen. Grant was asleei
Ha awoke partially at 2 , and fully at 2:1 :
o'clock , when food was administered and I
throat cleaned , after which , in reply to.
question , he wrote : " 1 felt quite well , whor
1 awoke half'an hour ngo ; did not feel in Uc
slightest drgrco sleepy. I feared the nlght'i
* leen was over , but now I ivm sleepy and car
hardly keep aw ko. "
1'rcin then until G:30 : the general slept , and
also nfter that time , awakening at Intervals.
Dr. Douglas was asked if the amount of sleep
now secured by the general was evidence of
weakness or whether it was restful and useful.
The doctor said : 'Tho sleep is restful. HP
is c.itchiog up strength lost in the two dny& '
woaitiiDis induced la < t week by causes not Ir-
cnUnUo the disease. "
ON XOl' .
NEW YORK , July C. Judge Lawrence to
day in tha supreme court rendered a decision
In the suit of the land company of New Mexico
ice , limited , against Stephen B. Elkins and
othcrv , denying a motion to continue- in
junction which restrained Klkins from trans
ferring to any other party any portion of the
Mont * tract of land iu Now Mexico. This
suit was brought by the company to establish
Its title to a one-fifth interest in the land
known as the Mora want. It alleges that
Klkins , with 13. N , Darling , Thomas
B. Citron , Paul Butler , nnd T. Rush
Spencer , became interested in the Mora tract ,
comprising 827.000 acres. Title was taken iu
the name of Klkins to hold for the benefit of
all parties , neither of whom was to sell hia in
dividual share except by consent of the others.
The company claims to ha\o derived tltla to
ono of the ( hares by advancing § ( ! , COO to ono
Blackmoro of London , England , who had
purchved the interest of ono of tbo original
five , The company charged that Elkins had ,
by suits in Now Mexico , acquired title to more
than two thirds cf the property , and wns ( cok
ing In the same way to absorb the remainder
and that while these suits were penditg ho
had a railroad run through tha lauds ; had sold
privileges for cutting timber to the extent of
$200,000 and threatened to soil the Itnd nt 70
cents an acre , which was for below its real
Klkius claimed to have beccmo rightfully
possessed of the land and dented any wrong
intent. The court held that n case wns not
Hindu out for the granting of un Injunction ,
Special Telegram to The -BuB
FREMONT , Nob. , July 6. The Hon. George
W , E. Darsey , congressmen for the third
district , has issued a circular to candidates
for appointment to the United States military
academy at West Point , in which ho says :
"Having been requested by the honorable
secretary of war to noinlnita ujfcandidate for
appointment as cadet to the military academy
it West Point , I respectfully invite all can
didates for this appointment to appear for examination
amination before a commltteo that will
meet In Fremont on Wednesday , Au
gust 12,1885. Candidates must bo over 17
and under 22 years of ago and physically
Eound in every respect. Only those who have
been actual bona fide residents of the third
congressional district of Nebraska for over
one year are eligible for appointment.
"An alternate will alfo be appojntodlwho
will be admitted to the academy in _ case ho
should pass a patlsfactory examination and
the candidate should fail. Cadets must re
port at West Point on the SSthday of August ,
"Information regarding qualifications , etc , ,
Till bo given on application to those who in-
, end to appear before the committoa. "
Special Telegram to The Bee.
DALTON , Ga , , July G. News has just been
ecoived'from Union county of a bloody en-
ounter which resulted in the death of throe
nen. The Hunter and Cole families , bo-
ween whom long existed intense rivalry , dis-
luted over a fence line last summer , and a
lonsequent law suit resulted adversely to the
Joles. The latter swore vengeance against
he Hunters , who ever since went armed.
Friday evening throe of the Hunters were
forking in a field , when Jesto Cole and three
ions rushed upon them with knives , The
luntera drew their knives and a desperate
ight ensued , The throe Coles fell mortally
rounded , and the fourth fled , The Hunters
tay that they acted in self-defense , and will
neet their trial.
Result of Editorial Mention.
LABEDO , Tex , , July 0 , Twenty shots in
acid succession were heard last night across
; be Rio Grande , in New Laredo , It was
generally known that Montalbo , editor of the
Elorizonte , a Mexican paper published in
Laredo , had gone to the other side of the river
ibout sundown for the purpose of engaging
In a moitil combat with yountr Arguindlqui ,
jditor of El Bravo.published in Lirdo. Mont-
ilbo was shot seven times and died within
two hours. Argulndiqui was slightly wound
ed once across the abdomen , and once through
the right thigh. It is impossible to obtain
the particulars of the duel. It seems , how-
aver , that Montalbo was assaulted by several
parti OB during tlio fight. The editors had1
boon indulging In violent personalities
through the columns of their papers for sever
al months ,
Want Undo Sam , to Buy Mexico ,
SANTA FK , N. M. , July G , A call for a
mass meeting to favor tlio purchase and an
nexation of the northern tier of Mexican
states appears in to day's Ileview over the
signature of about one hundred representa
tive Spauish-Araericons of both countries.
The plan contemplates the sending by the
American government of n commission of
lead ing etatosmoa to treat with the govern
ment of Mexico for the "purchase of Chihua
hua , Sonora , Durango , and Coahuila , It is
claimed the idle millions of the United States
treasury can ba pnt to no better use as these
states are among the most valuable in the
republic of Mexico and can ba had on very
favorable terms ,
FriKlitful Xreblo Murder.
MONCDBS , N. 0 , , July 0 , Edward Finch
red 75 , and his sister , aged SO , both white
ud a negro boy aged 16 , wore murdered neai
ere , Saturday night. The throats of all
vere cut. It was evident that all bad beef
necked In the head with an ax. It is re-
orted that several hundred dollars in monej
were etolen from the house. It is though'
irobablo the robbers became the murderers t <
creen themselves from detection , It is re
orted this morning that one of the inur
liters was caught witii his hands still rei
with blood of the victims. Great excitemen
irevalla in lliifl section ,
Three Young Men Drowned ,
MILWAUKEE , Wls.vJulyG. At Viola yea
erday , three young men , Elsa Sbamburf
> evi McFarland and Henry Fiihor , wet
Irowned while bathing in the Kickapoo rivai
ilcFarland saved ono of his comrades an
while rescuing another was himself lost ,
Failure orStRtloncrw , '
BURLINGTON , Ia , , July G. E , fcV , ft
Oiborna & Company , stationers , faiVxl to-di
for 8J7.COO ; assets , 833,600. Thft Btato n
tional bank holds preferences sggtegatu
825.QCO ,
Dr. Hamilton Warren , Physician ai
Snrgoon , 019 N. 16th itreot near We
ater. Day and night calls promptly a
tended to
Cleveland Appeases the Deinocralic
Tiirst With Sacrifices ,
Scores of Eoptiblioans told to
Vaoato Their Offices ,
Gon. Sclioflclit Complains for Starving
ImluiiB T/io / now Aoslstjint ol
Vllns Qitnllllos General News ,
> n3CKIt.ANKOfH .MATTER 1. '
dent to-day appointed postmasters in eight
cities to fill vacancies occurring by expiration
of commissions. Thirty-nine cases for remo
val wore considered this morning , of which
twenty- two suspensions wore made > ( and In
seventeen cases the alleged causa
was not doomoil sufllclont. The
suspension at St. Paul , Nob. , was
nado bi-camo the postmaster used ? 800
of the public money in private business. The
suspensions in ono or two cases wore for por-
onal misconduct and unfituess and in others
or partisanship. Following is the list of ap
pointments : F. M. Ila\itt , Mc-
Carmel , WnbMh county , Illinois :
Annlo Wronnock , Dimlap. lown. vice
J. F. Friondltch , suspended ; W. F.
Sharpe , Brooklyn , lown , vlca Goo. Philips ,
uspendod ; Win. Jlouga. Ft Way no , lucl. ,
Ice 1. W. Jvella. sujoendcd ; .tamos It.
JcConnol , Dodge City , Kansas , vice N. B.
vllup. suspended.
l7U. Martin , Lamed , Kansas , vica Time
thy McCarty , uujpondad ) Jamoa Ilussell ,
Mnrquetto. Mich , vice S. M. Billings , sus-
dendods . Thomas Uyan , Sault St. Mario.
Mlchi\,0 ! M > WHcranton , suspended , Tim
othy Millinn , Kscanaba , Mich. , vice 13. P.
Barnes , suspended : . J. U. Gee , Norway ,
Mich. , vicoL. J. Kunball , suspended : Joshua.
Spalgor , Portland. Mo. , vice T. K. Barrs ,
suspended ; C. 1 , . Forbes , St. Paul , Xob. , vice
A. A. Kendall , suspended ; 8. C. lloag , Na
poleon , Ohio , uco U. G. Kendall , suspended ?
Jeptha M. 1'owlkos. Momphlf , Tenn , , vice J .
U. Smith , suspended ; L. D. Palmer , Yank-
ton , Dak , , vica W. S Bowen , suspended ; C.
W. Button , Lynchburg , Va. , vice 11. W. P.
Morris , suspended.
A. 13 , Stoveiiepn to-day qualified and en
tered upon the discharge ol the duties of first
assistant postmaster general , The oath of
olRco was administered by the venerable
Judge Lawreuson , the octogenarian employe
who has sworn lu nearly every prominent offi
cial of the nostoilico department for fifty
years past , lleprisentatlvos Morrison , Town-
abend and Lowroy were intereated spectators
at the ceremony.
ben. Schoheld hns forwarded to the war
department a dispatch from Col. Bradley , in
which the latter says the Moscalnro Apachea
in the vicinity ot South Katoti , Now Mexico ,
are becoming restless because their suppliea
are giving out At present they have nothing-
but beef and short rations. Gen , Schofield1
was directed by Laraar to issue rations from
the military stores nt the pokt where
Vice President Hondrlcks arrived hero this-
morning from Atlantic City.
The commissioner of agriculture has ap
pointed Prof. M. S. Kern to bo forestry ogent
For the agricultural department. Kern is a-
listinguisbod landscape gardener of Columbia ,
Mo. , and author of several works on rural
gardening. Commissioner Colman , at the ro-
luest of the president , will appoint Mr * ,
LJeorge W. Gross , widow of Sergeant Gross ,
pf the Greeloy arctic expedition , to a position.
in the agricultural department.
The United States consul at Marseilles has
nformed the state department that cholera.
ias again appeared in that city and in T6a-
on , A general otodus from Marseilles ban
The Post says that in order to facilitate !
public business requiring his personal atten-
; Ion , the president will , in addition to Sat.
irdayBand bgginnlng with tomorrow , reserve
Cuesdays and Thursdays during ; the summer
; o tha consideration of matters submitted by
nembois of the cabinet and will sea only
: abinot officers on these days.
Injured by tlio Wlntl btorm.
Jpociol Telegram to The BEE ,
BEATBIOE , Neb. , July 6. Reports arxj. re-
; eivod bore that the storm of Saturday did
; onsiderable damage in the vicinity of > Dlllor.
The skating rink at Dlllor was blown down ,
ind in the country numerous barns , cribo. and
Hher farm buildings were dismantled. No
reports have boon received of injuries to per
sons. Barnoston , in the southern part of the
Bounty suffered some damage.
Striking for Ton Hours for Work.
BAY Oirr , Mich. , July 0 , Tim employes
if nearly all the taw mills in the city struck
this morning for ten hours at a day's work.
The men paraded the streota about CGOstrong ,
parrying banners with the words : "Ton hours
is a day's work. " The mill owners claim tb
liavo more lumber on tha dooks now than
they wont , and advise the strikers to appoint
a commltteo and Dave the matter settled by
arbitration. The employes are mostly Pol-
Strikers' Dcmamlu Refused.
CHEVKLAND , 0. , July C. Twelve hundred
striking iron workers marched this morning
to the general offices of the Cleveland rolling
mills company , demanding a return to th oold
wages nnd eeml-monthly pay days , The
manager of the mills replied that the wages
decided upon on July It would bo adhered to go
long as buslnoas continued In the present de
pressed condition and that a settlement Ia
full for wages every two weeks was aot post IT
W t > a8li8rikcrB Found Guilty ,
KANSAS Cur , Mo , , . July 0. In the United
States circuit court to-day Judge Krekoljen.
dered A judgment giving Thomas Selby one
month and 0 , M , Berry two months In jail.
They werochargod with leading the strikers
who entered the round house at Mobery ] dur
ing the etrlko last winter and prevented
trains being run out , A motion ILJ a re
hearing was granted and both were released
on ball. _ _ _
I5uno Ball ,
CHICAGO , 111. , July 0. Chicsgp 4 ; Now
York 7.
PiTTsruno , Pa. , July ( i , Pittsburg a
Attethio S.
BT Louis , Mo. , July 0. St. Louu 5 ;
Providence 1. Eleven innings.
ItoBOiT , Mich. , July C. No game rain.
UraiMLCvN. Y , , July ( I. Bnltalo O L'hUa-
delphia 3.
Jail Broakr rs Captured ,
pcolal Ttletrram to The BKE ,
CKXIJUL CITY , Neb. , July 0 , Two. prlson-
ra confined in the jail here for burglary made
iieir escape this evening , but were pursued
nd captured aa they were about to cross tbo
'latta rivrr ,
Dyniunlto Kills Three Men ,
. P , July 0 , A dyna
mite blast at the South Pennsylvania railway
tunnel tMs morning killed John O'Brien ,
Ohrlstla'a McOormlck and John White , Four
others -were seriously Injured , two of whom ,
an Italian and a negro , will probably die ,
Oarson Ktully Scorched ,
CARSON , Nev. , July G. The Cro of yester
day raged hero several hours owing to a lack
ol water supply , destroying ( lie greater portion
tion of the lower part of the city , The lots
} estimated at 850,000) ) insurance , ? VJW.