Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1885, Page 8, Image 8

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    8 THE DAILY BEE-MONDAY , JULY 6 , 1885.
The "Glorious Fonrtli" Appropriately
- Observed in Omalia ,
The Boar of the Gannon and the
Oraokof the Firecracker
Heaid in the Land.
Sbo Doinga In Oinalia Tlio Exercises
nt Jefferson Erinnro nnd Goner
er * ! Notes About Iho City.
The "Gloriona Fourth" haa como anc
gene The ono hundred and ninth Bnnlvor
earyof our countryn independence waa
celebrated and all nature smiles upon the
scene , The proud old eagle dipped hla
wings in the waters of the Atlantic and
with a grand awoop nonrod acroaa the con-
tluent until ho alighted upon the sands
of the Pacific coast. All along thn line
ho was urged on by the firing of cannon ,
and waving of digswhile a shout wont np
I from 50,000,000 throata in honor of the
if , land all love BO well.
I It haa been many yoara sluco Omaha
| ( enjoyed what might rightly bo called a
\ celebration , and although tbo celebration
of to-day vrai only talked of n fotv days
since , it hai no far proven a greater ens-
coai than the moat aanguiuo had dared to
hope for. It waa ushered In by the firing
of camions , crack of revolvers and the
peaky iirecrackorH in Iho hauda of small
boya. The day dawned brlfiht nnd clear
and finer weather for the Fourth could
not bo asked for. Tiio dust , which had
become a great uniaanco during the past
few days , had boon laid by the cool and
rofroahlnj ; nhowor last evening making it
morj pleasant than for several days past.
The streets put on a holiday appear-
nnc9. Many of the bualnesa houset were
decorated with stara and stripes , -while
others were almost hidden by boughs gath
ered from the surrounding forests. Every-
body'u face waa decorated with their
DweotoBt omiles , and everybody ssomee
correspondingly happy. And why not'
< Fourth of July only cornoi once n year ,
and io the signal for casting aaida all ciro
and sorrow and entering heartily into the
festivities of the day , undo sacred to the
heart of every true American by the sign
ing of the document 109 years ago , which
said to all nations thla is the land of the
free , the true and the brave.
By 9 o'clock Douglas street began to
assume an animated and interesting ap
pearaioa. Rattle and roar created wile
enthusiasm on all oideo and the small boy
waa In hia most abandon element. Ac
old Sol mounted into tha zenith am
poured forth hla blazing rays , sweltering
* throngs perspiring men , women and chil
dren , rashed hither and thither in quest
of elevation or convenient point from
which to view the grand spectacle , whicl
for proportions , gorgeous splendor anc
successful consumatlon has novcr had its
equal in the ma j esc tic and lovely
gate city. By ton o'clock the
various military and civic bodice
commenced to move about , and complete
preparations for forming the parade
which took up the line ot march , an pro
vlously arranged , promptly on time
Marshal Smytho and hla valliant aides
were active and thorough in the dlschargi
it of their duties and everything vrorket
charmingly. Good fooling , heariy choci
and perfect acquiescence- tha part ol
big , little , old and young , were maikot
features of the early Eceues.
Promptly on the prick of the hour des
ignated , the procession formed. Itmovec
down Douglas street In the lollowinp
order and presented a most magnlflcon
spectacle :
Elut. City Marshal Oumminga and a
platoon of thirty policemen.
Second. Fourth Infantry military bam
from Fort Omaha.
Third. Two companies of the Fourtr
D. S. Infantry from Fort Omaha.
Fourth. Ono section of battery "B1
from Fort Omaha.
Fifth. The mayor , city officials , orator
of. the day and prois representatives , in
Sixth. Musical Union band and Turno
Seventh. Union Pacific band and As
aiatant Ohio ! Fira Marshal Galllgan ir
his vrngon.
Eighth , Fire departments Noa. 1 , 2
3 and 4 and tha hook end ladder com
Ninth. Colored band and Omaha bicycle
clo club.
Tenth , Smyth's dram corps , the mul
brigade and cow boys.
Eleventh. Pla'oou of district telogr&pl
inostongor boya.
' Twelfth , Wagons bearing roprosonla
tlvoa of the various branches of Industry
Thirteenth. Oitizens in carriages anc
on foot ,
The procession moved down Dougln
Btroatto Ninth , on Ninth to Farnam
on Faraam to Sixteenth , on Sixteenth t
Burt , thence counter march to JotTorso
Sqaaro where the oratorical exor
clses wcra held. All along th
line of march fjroat crowd
of people witnessed the grand pigeant
and ovcrywhoro evidences of tno mot
approving nature greeted the varied an
attractive featureo of the procession.
Inumraorablo ihga of the gloriouj old
union , tipped bick in graceful wave
their loyal welcome to both cltlzjn an
soldier , and the smell of burning powder
without which a Fourth of July is mo
notououaly incomplete , added its quota o
enthusiasm to the occasion.
The police , the military and the clvi
nccleths in their Hashing uniforms , pre
ponied n very beautiful sight. At 1
o'clock iho marching was concluded , au
'very quickly Jefferson Sqaaro end th
surrounding streets were & literal so * o
living humanity crowded in to Helen t
the olcqaoQca of thcs * gentlemen wh
1'ni been idocttd us critora of the diy
From the grand stand iu JiiTir.o
rqnaro a tuoet cnlmatoil sight waa pre
eontcd to vlaw. Mayo ? James E Bnj
presided and opeiucl the oratorical floe
gtfoi , Ills spjech , how ver , was short
ua it necessarily had to be , bi'causo all th
speakers were lluiilud to fiva minute
each. Meyer Boyd , tf or a few prelim
innry rereatks , laid ;
"On the 4th ciiy of July , 1770 , th
cdebruted declaration cf icdopundeuc
WBB ndoptoby : all the stitea except Not
York , whbh reftmd to vote , but on tb
9hdBy : of July the Now York convcn
tion adopted it unit it thui bcimo ill
nnafcimoua deehrvtfon of tha thlr os
United States of Amnrlcft. "
It The Fourth of July , 177 < \ was th
Mrth-day of tbo American republic en
iver sicce Hut tlraa this laad has boon
iomo of the oppressed of all nations ,
'here la no other land like unto It , and
t cannot bo better described than it haa
> scn by Hallcck :
"Th a rough land of enrth and stone and
Where breathes no caitlod lord , or cabin'd
alavo ,
vhoro thoughts and tongues , and hands ore
bold and free ,
And friends will find a welcome , foot a
grave ,
And where none kneel save when to heaven
they pr y ,
Not oven then unless in their own way , "
It should have been atatcd that Gen-
iralO. 0. Howard delivered the prayer ,
and aiked for divine bletstng , on all the
leoplcs nnd the institutions of these
United States.
The declaration of Independence wai
eloquently read by Justice Birtlott.
Other short speeches were mndo by
Ex-Mayor 0. S. Chase , Mr. Edward
Hose water , of the BEG and Mr. Allen
[ loot. Mr. Chase devoted hlmrolf to
romlno eccnacs of the Into war and the
great privileges that the people of thla
: oantry have been permitted to on joy , by
reason of the event , which made it
Doislblo for them to celebrate on the
Fourth of July.
Mr. lloaowator complimented and con
gratulated the people of Omaha upon the
.ntorest thay had shown in the celebra
tion and the brilliant success which the
Impromptu effort of the committee to qivo
ua a proper and fitting recognition of tbo
day had mot with. The giand parade
shows their tympathy nnd the
enthusiasm their interest in the
uroat day. Mr. Rosewater related sev
eral past Fourth of July incidents in
Dmaha , ( and especially the BEE
balloon calcbratlon of ten years ago ,
when Prof. John H. Pierce proposed to
strike an upper current of nir and float
away to the Black Hllla. But the bal
loon got stubborn nnd wouldn't go not
even after Plorca and hia wife , who was
oiog with him , had taken farewell leave
of tlielr irlcnda and gotten into the car.
Donglaa street has never sinca it be
came a public thoraughfaro presented
inch a eight ar waa wltnoaood on its
ad smooth Btirfaco , Saturday after
noon. It Doomed that all the 00.000
pcop'o In Omsh were packed , jammed and
icowdod in butwcon Ninth and Fifteenth
strosta on Djuglai. The Musical Union
3and , millions of fire crackora , nnd hosts
of ennll boya furniohod music for the oc
casion. The firat specialty was a greased
polo , fifteen feet high , with several vulu-
iblo presents dangling at its top , which
were offered to whoever should climb up
end get them. Twenty-five or thirty
pcreous , mostly , venturesome boys made
desperate attempts , bat they ell filled
and nt a latohonr the prizes had not been
The greased pig race amounted to very
little. It n.13 utterly impossible to got a
place largo enough in the street for a pig
to run.
Next came the contoat on bicycles ,
with four entries , viz : John Hitchcock
of Omaha , and J. G. Nichols of Minne
apolis , in the first raca ; T. A. Blackmoro
and Perry Badolett in the second race.
The firat was won by Hitchcock , and the
second by Blackmoro. Their prizsa were
gold badges : The sjconda were awarded
Oliver badge ? .
A foot race with six contestants
created considerable interest and oomo
betting. Three prizes of § 5 , § 3 , and § 2
had been offered. They were taken by
Frank Condrons , first ; Harry Wheeler ,
second , and Sam Lewis , third.
Following the foot race came a sack
race , and in that Hariy Pardy won the
first prize cf $3 ; Victor Dncrosa the DOS-
oud of § 2 , and Uharluy Martin the third ,
The sport waa finally closed with a con
test at long dlstanco base ball throwing ,
in which 810 had bson offered In prizes
$5 to the first , $3 to the cccond , and $2
to the third. These prizea were secured
by F. A. Grant , J. Hart and A. 0. Frey.
Aesistant Marshal Butler announced
that ilia fireworks would bo saon at Jef-
feraou Equaro in the ovoniiig , and the
great crowd dlaporaed.
The Fourth of July celebration in
Omaha did wind up in a blaza of glory
and no mistake. A grander , unexpected
and not down on the bills event has sel
dom if over been witnessed. The an
nouncement of fire works waa snfficlonl
to crowd Jefferson square and the streets
around it with thousands of people , anc
from a high stand in the center the pyrotechnics
technics were "let ; oft' . " Mat
ters moved along charmingly
end the fiery tailed rocketa
that coursed their way through hoaven'e
dark dome had created expressions o :
great admiration from these who wit
ncssed the spectacle. In the park people
were seated on the grass thick aa they
could bo , and every inch of the fence wag
occupied , while the oppoalto oldowalke
and housetops were lined. When the
dlaphy was about half through iho wild
cat scone of tha day occurred. The bal
ance of the fireworks , which laid in a pile
on ono corner of the stand , were ignited
by sparks from a splu'whoal , and al
exploded at once. Sky rockets ,
romau candles , balla cf fire , blazing
roaeats , and paraschutos wont whizzing ,
and whirling , and roaring through the
crowd , which by this time was scattering
llko scared sheep in every direction.
Women screamed , children cried , and
men yelled. Imnienso volumes of red ,
white and blue emoko and flame eho
heavenward from tin scaffolding shed
ding a most awfully wlerd and highly
fantastic light o'er the panicky and pin-
demoniac tosno. But fortunately not n
single- person , except Chief Bailer who
had ono hand burned slightly , received
an injury , Many , however , had very
narrow escapes. The band plsyot
"Yankee Doodle , " a mighty yell bura
forth from tbo crowd , and the grca
celebration was brought to au end ,
Firecrackers and torpcdos were at t
premium Saturday.
Who wouldn't bo an American on the
"Glorious Fourth ? "
Col Smytho and his drum corps parad
ed until the last cracker had been fiio :
Many of the siloon fronts were dec :
rated with green boughs from the neigh
boilng forests.
The mayor and clty'councll pioronted n
fico appearance aa they rolled alone ; In
their carnages.
The fire dcpirtmoot boya ct No , i
oogluo hoiiio bed a display of fire works
all to themsalvca , see Ool. Smytho ? Of course
yea diil ; bo was the obsarvoi of all ob
servers and looked like an old veteran.
Four b.-asi bands cud a drum corpa
furnished the wusio for the procession
and it WAS that class in every particular
too ,
Taollv ryman cf the city furnished
the crrrfajoi free of chsr u. Heal clever
Iu them , wsan't it. There ain't any illea
on their bicka.
Tbo Fourth infantry baud la a re&lly
fine musical organization and are to ba
omplimenUd upon the excellent music
urniahcd Saturday.
A large crowd of people gathered at
ho park to hoar the speeches , notwith
standing the fact that the raya of the sun
were almost scorching ,
Ohlcf Butler looked well in a saddle.
3y the way why wouldn't it bo a good
scheme for him to have a aaddl horao ou
which to attend all fires ?
Very few disturbances J occurred
during the day , a fact which Is somewhat
remarkable , -when the largo crowd is
ken into consideration.
Julius Meyer waa the nobbiest looking
marshal of them all. The only Itroublo
with Jullua was hia habit of seeking the
thado whenever an opportunity presented
An empty carriage In the procession
attracted considerable attention on the
nggcstion of somebody that it had been
engaged for the occasion by Smith , the
departed dry goods man.
Moat ol the stores were closed
and the clorkn have boon permitted to
enjoy an old time celebration , They can
loturii to their dntles Monday morning
with light hearts nnd a greater regard for
their employers.
The boor flowed llko water Saturday ,
many a man had his tank full and rtm-
nlng over before noontime. Why are
thcso things thuely ? Because many
pcraona consider this the only way to
show their patriotism ,
The fire boya outdone thomaelvca in
decorating their hose carts and the hook
and ladder wagon * . They all pro-
aoutod a beautiful appearance and the
boys are to bo complimented for their
labor and the excellent taste dltplnyod.
Thobnrlctqno Salvation army in the
parade wns a baao libel upon the old
Salvationists , for who over hoard of a
jaod , true soldier in the Salvation army
drinking boer that is , in broad day
light and in the street nt that. They
don't do it thla season.
Mcesrj. Colpotznr , Troxall , Thurslon ,
Konntao nnd AV. V. Morao gave private
displays of firework a from their resi
dences Saturday tbat ware greatly ad
mired. Several largo paper balloons
were snt up and cailod array through
the air looking like balls of firo.
Ono of the fine feature ! of the par
ade was the artillery and infantry from
the fort. The thanks of the community
are clno Genarala Howard and CUrlln for
permitting the Eoldlers to take part iu
the parade , for this ono thing help 3d aa
much as any other to msko the celebra
tion a success.
If anyone thinks that Onnha ia not
populated with i a fine looking ladle * ,
both young , middle aged and old , as r.ny
city in thii country they should have
been upon the streets Saturday and econ
thousands of Omaha ladles who were oat
to witness the parade. There are many
handflomo ladles herd , a fact which can
not bo denied.
Did you over before coo as fine a pro
cession in Omaha as the ono to-day ?
Wasn't it just grand ? Why , Omaha can
get np n bigger celebration in ono week
than moat cities of her sz3 ! can in a
month. Omaha never docs things by
halves , but every parson just goes into it
body and soul and of course it couldn't
be anything short of a grand SUCCESS.
Several small accidents Troro reported.
Mr. Coryell had a piece of torpedo tin
driven into ona of hia lega , and Mr.
Schwalonberg , of the Commercial Na
tional bank , was struck by a rocket.
Waiter Copeland had his face badly
scorched by an explosion of
fire crackers , nnd u lac'y , whoso name
cauld not bo Isarned , oklturfid the agony
oE discovering thut her niu tilk drees
had a largo ho'o burned in it.
Nebraska Cultivator ami Housekeeper
For July ,
Among the contents of thia popular
farm and hnnaehold favorite , the Nc-
bra'ka Cultivator and Housekeeper ,
published at Omaha , are tha following :
The date and location of all Nebraska
district aud county fairs , with name and
address of president and secretary ; dates
claimed for cattle sales in varloua pirta
ol the United States ; best feed for young
pigs ; flatulent cello in horses ; helpful
hints for the housekeeper ; general rules
for canning all kinds of fruits ; recipes
for making cikes , pies and puddings ;
cheap fancy work for country homes ; In
structions to beginners in raising
bees , how to Induce hens to lay , breeds
and families of live stock , how to preserve -
servo TTOrk and carriage harness , causes
of cholera iu fan turn , cutting and curing
graaaoa for hay , the Omaha stcck yards
and general agricultural and llvo stock
notes. The * puzzle , literary nnd miscel
laneous departments are filled with good
things of general interest , including a
historical sketch of public men of the
past , poetry , a short story , etc. In oil
sixteen pages and sixty-four columns.
Wherever read the Cultivator and
Jloiisefcccjicr la pronounced the beat for
the money in the world It pleases the
practical farmer and stock-breeder , the
thoughtful honsorrlfo and all members of
the homo circle. It Is the aim of the
publisher to make each succeeding num
ber bettor than the ono prevloue. The
Cultivator is published monthly nt fifty
cents a year. Correspondence solicitud.
Agenta wanted. Sample copy free.
Remittances by poat&l note or money
order preferred. Addrcec the Cultivator ,
Omaha , Nob.
A cure euro for Blind , Bleeding , Itching
and Ulcerated Piles haa been discovered by
Dr. Williams , [ an Indian remedy ) , called Or ,
Williams' Indian File Ointment , A single
box haa cured the worst chronic catea of 25 or
30 yoara standing. No ono need suffer five
minutes after applying this wonderful sooth
ing medicine , Lotiona and instruments do
rooro harm than good , Williams' Indian
I'ile Ointment absorbs tha tumors , ullnya the
intense itching , ( particularly nt night nftor
getting warm la bed ) , nets as a poultice , Rives
Instant relief , and is prepared only for 1'iles ,
itching of private parta , and for nothing else ,
by Dr. Trailer's Magio Ointment. Cures as
it by magic , Pimple Blaok Heads or Grubs
Blotches and Eruptions on the face , leaving
the skin clear &nd beautiful. Also cures Itch ,
Salt Uhume , S re Nipples , Sere Lips , and
old , Obstinate Ulcers.
Sold by druggist * , or mailed on receipt of
price , 50 cents.
At retail by Kuhn & Co , and Schroeter &
Uecht. At wholesale by 0.1' . Goodman.
On Wednesday last Dr. ColFman and hh
little 83u were in a railroad wreck at Beatrice ,
hut luckily , escaped without injury ,
la police court Saturday morning Judge
fieuberg had several plain drunka and to-
le&eed them all on their good bshaviour to en
joy the Fourth of July ,
Saturday about ono o'clok there waa
a row at tha corner of Twentieth street and
Poppleton avenue , and a policeman wua sent
out to quiet tha dUturbanca.
Saturday Juda ; Stenborg visited the
county jail and relented all the city prisoners
whose terms would expire in three days'
Those who were to serve a longer term were
given a liberal tupply of tobuco by bit honor ,
Dennis Brown Badly Out While In A
Drnnken How on O pltol Aronno
Saturday Morning ,
Shortly after noon , Satnrdfty , Dennis
Brown indulged In an allcrcitlon , on
Capitol twontio , between Ninth nnd
Tenth strceta , with William Davla and
JohnDavica , All thrco men had been
drinking freely and got into a fight over
aomo women of the town Daring the
fracas , Brown waa badly cut on
Iho left wrist and on the head. Ho was
taken in a wagon to the city j H , where
his wounda were dressed by City Physi
cian Lclsonrlng. On the way to the jail
bo bled prcfatcly and fainted twlco from
lots of blocd. Ho la now easy nnd will
donbtlcsa Rot along all right.
His assailants were both nrrcalod and
lodged in jail to await a hearing.
About 1 o'clock Saturday nltornoonOfficcr
Joe llowloa ran nfoul of a mah on Douglas
street , who was flourishing a horse pistol as
long AB hla arm , and declaring that ho was
going to kill some ono with it bcforo night.
Howies relieved him of his gun and lot him
go to have out his preo unarmed.
ThlB powder never vailon. A nairvr. ! ol pnri-ty
Etrongth udwhoos3m ! ne..s. Moro cconomlonlthtn
Iho crdlnary klnds.and cancel be eo'.d In competl-
tlon with the multitude of low test , ehcit wclgM
Rlncv r.t pbycuhrts powders. Kold only in caue
Proposal ] will bo icclevcd at the offlco ot lu'ciulils-
sohu & FI her , Architects , until Jcly 6th , 4 p. m.
for piling fur foundation work of a brick bulldin ,
for tbo Consolidated Tank L'uo Co. at the corner o
9th and Jouca its. July 1-2-3 4-6
The largest Medical institute West of
MISBloslppI Rivor.
Fifty rooms for the nccomodatlon of patients. The
Physician and burgeon In charge of the Institute lisa
had Bixtecn j ears' ot successful practice , and Is nlded
by assistants of rare experience as specialists In
their various depaitmcnts.
WRITE ronoiRCULiiton Derormltles and Traces , DifFis
ES of WOMEN , 1'llos , Tumors , Cancers , Catarrh , Bronchi
tis , Inhalation , Elrctrlclty , rar&lysli , Epllensj , Kldoor ,
fje. Kar.SklD Knd Blood nltoaiios , Wrlto for
on rmvATK , SPKCIAL and NKKTOUS DlsoteeB , bemlnal
VTeaknesa , 8permatorrheft. Syphilis , Glcot , Htrlctnre , Varl-
cocolaanii all dUeasos of the Urinary and Soiual organs.
CisPB treated bycorreipondenco.orrerBonftUy.Confldentltl.
lledlclnoasont by mall or ezproxs without marks to Indi
cate contents or sender. A < lr as all lettorn to
13th Street , Corner of Capitol Avenue , - OMAIIJ" " *
Ml adv crtisetnentB in the special columns will
be charged at the rate of 10 cents per line for the
frst insertion , and 7 ccntt per line for each subse
quent insertion : No advertisement will be inserted
for lest than SS centt or the first time :
Theieadvertisements willbe inserted in loth Horn-
ny and Evening Editions , representing a. circula
tion o/over Kight Thousand. This class of adver
tisements must positively le paid in advance.
rpo LOAN 825,000 ; In Bums of $1,100 to 85 050.
X Ames , It07 Farnaro. 750-7
TO I/MK At once nnd without dcliv on
Mosiv estate , In lar/e or smalt innunts. on time
to suit. Loans made a'so oo co litrrel ) , clmltclo or
anygi-od oecurlty , promptly , qulctlv and ft the
livvo t possible rat . Avjilr > > t the Omaha ritmn-
clal Kxclunge , 1E03 Fa roam ti , upstairs. 701tf
& io LOAN On real cfta'e security in any
MO&BV fiom SSOi ) tn 825,100 , at rotionable
rates of Interest Nocominliulo .a chaig d borrower.
U. U. Mi. ) no cJcCo. , S. W , Cor. 16th and Farnam.
. ! MOXKY 11 no.NKVl M Honey to Loan -On
chattel secutlty by W. H. Croft , room 4 , With-
ncll building , N , K , corner 15tn aud Harney After
years of experience aid a careful study tit the busl-
nvss cf loaning money on personal pioperty , I have
atl&tt perfected a system whereby the publicity
usual In such cases Is done away withand I am now
In A position to meet tbo demands ot all ho become
temporarily embarrassed and desire to ralso money
without delay and In a quiet manner. Ilousoteen.
ers , prolcetlcnil gentlemen , mechanics and others In
this city on obtain advances from 810 to 81,000 on
tuch Etcurlty as household tnrulturo , pianos , ma
chinery , horses , wagons , warehouse receipts , secur
ed notes of hand , cto. , without removing fame from
owners residence or place of business. Ono &f the
advantages I offer Is tbat any pare of any loan can
bo paid at any time which will reduce tno Interest
pro rata and a'l loans renewed at ths original rates
of Interest. I hatono brokers In connection with
my ofllce , but personally superintend all my loins ,
I ha\o private offices connected with my gsnoral
o 1)1 co BO thai customers do not como In contact with
each other , consequently trailing all transactions
utrlctly pilvate. W. It. Croft , room 1 , Wlthnoll
bgliding , N. K. cor. 15th and Ilarnoy. 603-jly-
UToNirro loan In sums of ? 200 and npard on
iVlOrst-cUjs leal estate security , 1'ottor & Oobb ,
161B Farnam Et 718-tf
lrONUY , LOANED fct 0. F. Bead JiCo's. Loan office
lYl on furniture , plauoo , horses , wagons , personal
property ot all klridj and all othe rtrtiolos of value ,
* Hbcut romcval. Over let National Hunkcorner 13th
ind I'iruun. AU buolncje strictly confidential 720-tf
\ f O.NEY To loan on chattels , Woolluy & Uarrlaon ,
VI Ilnom to , Omaha National bank building
tATONEYTOLOAN On real e.tita and chattel !
IVI D. L. Thomas. 72tf.
UONB7 Loaned on AhMloli , out rats , R. K
i tickets noaghtand soU , A. Fo man,213 8,13th Bt
723 tl
TU MM * In inmt of 4 > d > n < l upwird ,
MOHSf Davla and Co. , Ueil KjItU ud toaa
ietotl , Jt05F ro ra6 . . 74-tf
r/ANTRD-Agood cook In restaurant , oto cop < y
.V bleofiervlrgup orders rapidly and neitlv.
Good wages will lopid. ; Apflv to 1012 IUn oj Si
ANTKD i middle aired woniin ( o cook at 218
W N. Blh street. Mr . Arnold. Bll-Bp
ri7A TKD T o good dining room girls t onfo at
V G te City rettaurant. 8197
p A.Dr tcUMdlaUigrricmglrUttUOfcl.
r denUI , Immsdlately ; DO otherj uted r-1--
good woman cook at 1611 Dodzo St ,
Tt A ( tool girl for Rtncril housework In
V I small family. Apply At 3311 Dodgn St. 786-4p
TAXTFD AeeatQcrmtn girl In n small fimlly.
' IcouiroK9S. 18th St. 735-0
Wfc -A girl lor perietal bouiewcrk , 1016 Cap-
Itol Arc. 7KMp (
W AtTKD Dlnlo ; room Kill and woman cook it
CilltornU ; lloiuo , llth nnd DouglMtt ? 42-.4f >
ITAXtFD Two glrli at Doran House , 013 Farnum
V street. 745H
'ANtitn A woman f or gcccral homoivoik. V419
W Chicago St. 670-4
MET AOP.STS Novelties tn lailei * and
chlklrens' weir. Orcr 40 now designs Noth-
like them Sell t a fast M ehovn Over 1,000
agonti make $701 monthly. Addrcsi with stamp.
K. II. Campbell & Co. , 0 South Uay fcttett , Chicago.
! 8
" Astro flood lrls for hotels , private families ;
V > kitotcn and laundry work. Call at Omaha Em
ployment Burcan , 1120 Farnam Et. S47-K
"ANTKD " Olrlat 1MO Sherman nvcnuo.
IflB-tl J. M. Counsmnn.
D Three ciporlencod women canrasiers ,
i i JO per day , guaranteed ; room 7 , llodiek block.
YXrAXUD First-class dining room girl at the Mct-
17 topolltan hotel ; none otner need apply. 824-11
" \\rAMKn-A flrstclass boiler maker ; ono that Is
capable of taking cha-go of shop. Steady em
ployment will bo given. Nona but sober and tern-
pcnto men need npp'y. Fremont 1'cundrv & Ma
chine Co. , Fremont , Neb , 821.13
A driver aooualuttd wltn the streets In
thocltv ; than luinlturc talesman at Martin's ,
310 S. 16th street. 817-4
W ANTKD A boy about 16 } cars of agt for work
In an ofllcc ; must wrlto a good hand. Addrois
D , caroot Bio ofllcc. 7834
WAMKD Ajourg man of good habits , racra
character , defiles to get work ; night
watching preferred. AddrtsaC. W , Ktllman , 1814 8.
Cth St. 773 Op
For fmall country hotel , one cxpctlcnc-
i od , sober ma'o cock , and ono young active ex.
pcrlcnccdvvDltor , iniloor femnlo ; must Invo good
rccomujcndatlons aud only such will ba noticed ; oil
rnoraddres * . Hlnk'on lrot.aionwociJlo ! a. 7764
-A drstclai'fl barber to take care of a
WfflA } at the Cuzi'ns. 02tf
\T17AMKD Ouocash bay at U. Dohlo & Co's cheap
VV shoo store , 1419 Farnimnc'XT 16th et. 703-4
TS/ANTKD Agcntf In overycounty to solicit fnr
YT tbo Mutual BercQt AK.oclatlon cf OmahaNob.
Call on or address Otto Lob ck , Secretary nnd Hen-
cral Maatgcr , 122. ! fnrna u street. 74Saugl
T1TAMED Ooed agcntl for on article of rare merit ,
i V Just patented tso peddling. Cal1 , examine
and ba convinced. II. G. Stripe & Co. 1511 Farnam
Bt. lloom 4 Redid : Block. 713-tf
Agcnti to take orders for crijon por- ? , room 0 Arlington Block , West of Post-
oilico. OS'-flp
WASTED Five good tin roofers , nnd live goo.1
coirleo maVcrtt Iho Wtatein Cornice AVorke ,
608 and 610 d. 12th St. C94-0
_ . _ . . _ . J. Jl. T. iiurphv , ! 0hand St.
llary'a Avc ; or 1514 North lOtli and Uraco St.
TT7ANTED-Ono salesman In every township , to Fell
T V farm and household ncccsultlee ; ? 76 p r inoiit i
can bo undo , Goods vvaricntcd , ann have no com
petition Address with stunn or oslloa Wayland &
CUybourno SCO State St. Chlcijo. 111. 052Ip
YX/ANTBD Aporltlon aicrganlst by a young gen-
Vr tleman with tbreo jeirs experience ; references.
Addre-s , Organist , Iko ollico. 812-lOp
TX7AMED romlly Eowlng by day or week. Inqulro
VV 1714 California. 754 4p
WAMED Pofitlon ns coachman by a man ; and
by his wife to do homework or laundress , In a
goodfurcly. T. W. Bee OSCce. 016-lp
WANTED Situation as nurse In small family , by a
jounggtrl. Enquire nt 1512 Dodge St. , ne-
twcon the hours of 2:3J : and 5 p. m. ODj-7p
WANTED By a ycung rrnn , a situation In office
or wholesale houxi. Has held pos tlon ni ship-
pint ; clerk with consolidated tunk line Cr. , ot Daven
port for some time. W. B. Wllley , Bee Oll'.o' .
. At once , by Jcs'In & Rickett , HW
WAKTK.n et ,15 more ladies or gentlemen to ftl
our goo Js ; good pay guaranteed. 8(3 4p
. Address SL Louis Electrlo Lamp
AOEKTBWANTKD. for circular , cuts and terms ot the
eindle poaor tla'sh Klectrlc Lamp. Sll-llyl2
Every arty In need ot a Bowing ma
W chine , to see the new Improved Arn3rican No.
P. K. Flodman t Co. aaenUij E20 N Iflth. SSOlf
REST Cottage. 5 rooms , cltfcte , pantrr , well ,
FOR ' n. Leaveuwcrth and:3J. Inqulro 813South
20th street. E06-lp
'OR ' BK\T Small cottago. Inquire at No. 1418
Jackson street 810-7p
on LKASK Largo neftly built house , 0 rooms , all
modern convenience * , furnished or unfurnished.
Apply at promises , 1710 Caaj st. 702tf
TJAOB HINT A ttiblo lor 8 horses ono block eouth
JP o tto U. P. depot. Inquire of M. too , grocer ,
222 Loavcnwortb. 7S4tf
TTloa BUNT A flit ol 8 rooms , pleasanily looitcd. In-
I * quire 17th and St Miry'sAve. 773-0
BUST To ( .mail family , cottage of 8 rioras ,
FOB and cistern , at 1-t'i and Burt Et. 818 per
month Apply atAcrtbcast cor. 10th and California
St. 791-4p
loa REST 018 S. 10th st. Inqulicl523 Jacll
STOBK st. 760tf
Will rent furnished residence for two
FORBKNT , No. 420 N , lth st. Good references re-
qulied. Apply tn prenill.ii. 801-0
HEM Houao cf nine roorce , w'th him. Caldwell -
FOR ana Snujdcrj tts. Inquire 1709 Juckeon St.
788 7p
BENT Six room house. Inqulro 1MO North
FOR Bt , be ! . Nicliclia and Paul. 7b8-7p
0R RUST NlcoSrromoottogoat 813 fo'jth 17tb
F ttrcot. ! 815 per njonth. . 763-lp
-Hcu o cf 0 rooms and cellar , with wash
house , 810 S. 23d st-$20 per month. 760 Op
IIKST ICf eidcnco 1247 Sherman Avenue , nine
FOR , ptada and fruit troesbarn ; fir six horses ,
carriage room , and otory tiling oonv onion t 058-lp
IOREHNT Cottage Brooms , house 10 rooms. J ,
F Phlppi Itoe , Boward and Campbell. 881-tf
BKM Now 7 roam cottage , 2 blocks from
streetcars , S blocks from hUi srbool ; Umlly
without children preferred. M , F. Sears. 40tf !
TpOR RENT Furnished or unfurnished rooms 1518
JD eouthvtcst corner 15th and Jones St 814-llp
BKVT Furnished front room at 1415 Howard
Foit Mrs. A. MoAusland. 7(7 0
RENT Furnished roams 18C9 Farnam St
FOR _ 537 24 p
10 a RENT Desirable furnished rooms halt block
F from street car , 210 Capitol Avo. 782-6p
F I ox BKXT Suite of romi , 1011 California Ft.
_ _ _ _ _ 774-10p _
T\rAMKi' ' Ploisanlly furnished room md board
\ \ In priv ate family by loiitloman and wife ; refer
ences civ on.ddrees O. K. , thli olllce ; Etato Urrne.
I OR BENT FurnlaLod front room , 1303Cipltcl Av ,
F 772-lCp
T Unfii'iilihid : oems In Uoeueru bloeK
Ucr. Bin end Howard. BOCtf
TTIORRKNT Furn'shed ' rooms for light houstopln ? ,
1' to Icemer' block , Cor Eth and llowurd 7031 f
RENT Ono well furnlihcd loom for two gen
tlemen of good titbits , goad location ono block
liom Dovd'i oper&liou e. Unqulroof D. K. turnett ,
218 ISihutre'ct , Meichmta Ntt Uaak I ul'd ny
'iron HKST Furnlthed fri"t room , wltn bav win.
r dow , In a brick hou'c , 803 K. 17th Bt. 605.11
? RMT-Urgo handsomely furnl-hed roora > ,
IIOR < or eu-tulu ; excellent board , 1713 Dodge.
U NT Slcoly furuUhed rocms , 2209 Dodge ,
FOR 781-Sp
Vornl-htd ptilor ind cMnliu room.llKht
FORREST , brltk , bay windowe ; flOJ N. 17th.
T OR RKKT-I lejknt front eouth room with alcove ,
J5 gis , bath etc. S225 Dodf e Sf OiO-tl
RENT With boarJ , nlctly furnl'hed eouth
room , with lite of parlur ] alto g ' , ana bath U03
ioat St 618-tl
TT'o u BENT Furnished roons 1617 DavoopoitSt
jy 4 8tp
T'ORBKNT T o ple > s nt rooms with ilo etsad-
i' jrtnln/4 j on 2d boor , modern coatCDluQccs , 011
. , neirBt. Marj A\e. cnuUlro B , W , torocr
Ci2tl !
TT'OR ' l.vr-rie 9\nt room furnished , 1 < 23 IfOKard
J1 St. Mf
W I ASTRO A peed furnlfhccl room tot t gentlemen
Addreai "n. a N " Be offlco. 4S2-H
FRRKVT Juno SSth , two connected rooms with
board ! front room , south-east 1914 Webster.
837-lly ISn
FOR RETT A front room with bay w Indow ; modern
Improvements , suitable for S gentlemen , South *
east corner 19th and Farnim St. 450 tf
RR\T Two elegant o dices In Busbmann't block.
FR E31-tl
RH.vr-Fnrnlshsd rooms , 1818 Dodge street
IpOR RS3T Foi mamtfAo'urlng pnrocwos or hall ,
1 hrgo room 44x75 , Sdfloor , No. 110 8. llth et ,
enquire at 1409 Dodge tt.A. J , Simpson.
( Ton RICTT-Con trolly located furnished room ] at
'ej3 south ISth M.
_ _ _ _ -
RKXT Furnltlio 1 larjjo front room with alcove
1 grate bath , etc. , 1710 UM9 Direct. 71&-U
FOR RRVTLURO front room on first fleet with or
with board ; luqulra t 1901 farnam St.
KOOMS With board , dttliablefjr summer. App
al 8t , Chatlci HoteL 710-tl
FOR BALK That flno farm of 1' . U rccklmn'son
tbo llelleuio raid , 2j miles loutli of Mok jard
Is no ) ROM or trailed ( orct , P. 0. bov707 , Omnh * .
roRBAlu 100 ntro farm York Oo. , Neh. K. M.
Battla , York Nob. 837Jtyl5p :
TjVmsALii 33 foot onCiimlttK between 10thand20th
X1 with house , $2,700. llodford & fioucr. 717-tf
A 030 aero stock and grain farm , n'l ' 1m-
pro\cd ; four hours' rldo frointhr OauhaSlosk
Yards ; doen miles from the city cf Fremont ; two
railroad within tbroa miles ; 300 acres under plow ,
the re t In pastutc ; board fenoo , running ntrcini
through pasture ; house with ten rooms ; will bo Raid
cheap If sold immediately ; on terms to suit. For
further particular Inquire of Qeo. 0. Orolfrov , Kio-
mont. Nob. 718Jnf\
F on sI.K-Acio lot ! In ilcslrab'o locations at 825
An acre , overlooking the city ; \Aluabb procirl ;
for homo , Amos , lE07Karnam. 751-4
FOR SALE Molt ilcslr.iblo lots on Snundcr J am
ISth Bt. o r I1DC9 ixt $519 per lot. fco'llnc fast
good houses botnR bulll ; tbli Is advancing property
Ames , 1507 F raaiu. 7ol-4
" * /OR SAIK A good lot CU\1 0 , fast fiont , tlmdo
X1 trees , 8blookelrom Huneoom Park ; will tell 01
Btrnll monthly pimints and small pajmoit ilnurn
Addrcsi D. D , , llt-o ofllcc. 7CS9p
BALK Good lols in Haofcom 1'laoo nt tfCO to
$500 This part Is very doslriblo fjr tojlilcnccs
Amtr ; , 1507 1'ai M.iui. 751-4
FORS'I , ! ! eOfoetonrirnamr.oir Oth ; also lots
In Iltehhi'd 1'iCCJ and Jcromo 1'irk , on oa > j
tcrme. luttlo & Ailieon , : n south 13th et.
813 JlvlS
? ORSAIR l.iaJllent lotsinJoiomo Park and Kllby
1 Place at $300 to S5CO. You can ilad im bolter
proper jj stra'ght st on Dodge , Davenport and
farnpimts. Ani'f , 1607 Farnaui. 751-4
SALK.- lotp , 00x140 feet on Farnam etrcct
1 south front , elegant location , must bo sold. W
U Grecn , over lat rVutlonnl Bank. _ 509 tf
ourgo houeu , newly built , t ) roiua , nl
4 modern tinprovcmcuta j ot , at 171G Ca 3
et ; Inquire at premises. 727tf
TTlORSALB. lEOlcet froct en Virginia avenue , ono
-T block from head of St Mary's r.v. S3.0JO fo
all , or SISOO for half. W. II. urccu , over lit Ni
tlonol Bank. 510 tf
I70R SAIB Corner lot. east front , fO x 140 feet
JC one block from Park aveuuo. 41,000. , W. II
pen , over M National Bank 5J-H f To tboso desiring to pay a fraull sum
S1 doun and to much per month , we offer lets Ii
JIcliOBO Hill at $175 to $250. Thla ground la only 10
minutes walk from Htn'com l'.ukuud i3 an oxccllrn
1m cstment. Arccj , 1507 Farnam 751-1
If you want lots with natural growth
shade traee , joucan get them on Ciimlng am
Burt bt" . , at $7CO to SI 000. CM and lookat ibla vrry
liaridsoroo properly. Ames , 1C07 Farnam. 761-4
IT < OR BALK-Forty lota for Bale on Hurt and Cumlngs
JP between 20th aud Slst cheap , Inaldo property
cdto.-J & Soucr. 729 tl
"IT'OR ' IEASR Host unooonpled ground In the ty lor
J ? warobouso house , 87 feet front on Iioivonworth ,
north bet 10th and llthwill leaaofor 09 years. lied
ford & Soucr. 73tf
FOHHALE Yale tlncolock , also fro and burglar
prod pafo , s zo 4n inches high , IS Inches deep
0 wldolnelde , burglar cheit In bct'.om ; will ho ajh
trg-ther or rcparate at a bargain , Address Clirk & .
Richardson , Warren , Illinois. S 0 0
SAM A Drst class family curriago horse. A
FOR . 1 traveler. Inquire nt Kdholm &Eilckon'u
opp. postolHca. 813-7
IpORBALK-Stcnm flour mill ; capacity 120 bbls. per
day ; elevator capacity , 20OCO bushels ; good track
( acilitics ; only mill tn Omaha. Will po'l cr tiade fnr
and , SIO.CCO. ( V. IT. Green , over lit National Bank.
705 tf
, tbo tratjrlal of ailrst cits
J job aril newcpiner o.licc. Address John N. Ilass-
Itr , I'awnco City , Neb. 770-10
FOR BAtK-Cheap Good family horse ; drives
double or elodt : ; also good under caddlo. App' }
0. Bell , NW. cor. SOlh & Cits , after 0:80 p m. B97-B |
F. > OR . BALK A good piano , cheap. Mrs. A. Caldcr-
wood , 1018 California at. 712-tf
ALWAYS on hand at a bargain , No 1 Beoond haut
oarrlago phaeton and side bar buggies ; also umbrellas -
brollas and sunshades , at U03-1411 Dodge St.893tf
/ OR HALU Good saddle pony. W. J. Wolehaos
? City Mills. ODZtf
FOR MALB Now twos'ory , Broom louss. hot and
coUuatcr , lath roomBiiilttrywa cr ebs'.t , fur *
nacc , man'lesaiid grates , g& , clcctrio lulls , etc. ,
6 blocks from postofflce ; a splendid bvgaln ; terms
reasonable , J8.EOO.
7 room housr , lot , well , clbtin, connections ,
etc ; 1.2 block eouth ol St. Mary's Avf ; S3.0CO , easy
Nice 6 room cottage , full lot , cast front , shade ,
well , cistern , barn , on South Ave. ; must bo odd :
nulfo an oITer ,
Mco 0 rocni cottigo , on N , ISth Etreot , cast front ,
well , cistern , eta ; $2,200.
Iho best Iniottincnt In the city Is In Leivenworlh
Terraced add. Lota 8J fi to $325 ; 010 dovrn and $5 a
[ north.
"Scholcj lots In Ifanscoin 1'Jacc , 8tO to fl.OCO. SO
good lots In Bhlnn's & Parker's add.
I.6t Iu Georgia Ave , , east front , 76xHO , { 2.0CP ,
Si acre ? , covered with young timber , 1J miles
from postuffice , good for sub-dlv'dlng ; ot cap , 81,1 CO.
Only a few more icio lots left In lllmcbaugh and
Drnokllno additions ; easy piymcntl.
-Money to loin , toueca tu rent , A. G. Slui/r , Op
poslte po6tolHcu. B16-0
TT'oit ' BALK -Comer lot 75x140 , In contr of town.ex-
.f cellcut pltce for lour 8SOO cottages ; would gvo a
net rental of SOuO per 3 tar : a net Income of 17J per
cent on tee luvotrrentnrd will Increase 10per cent
psr yoir In sellli g value , $1,000. J.iS.lU'oy ' & Co.
Xur Mile fwo 1MB on Georgia Ave ,2 blocks touth
of Leavennorth 8tvrtrydefirablotujldorc5property ; ,
825 each. J. K. Ivlley & Co , , 215 H. 18th El.
For Bale-Eight lota on Virginia Ave , 2 birds
scutliof Luaveuvvorthst , oaet front 88 Ota 950
each , desirable residence priporty. J. K. I'lloyfc ' Co. ,
21BB. ISthSt.
IVr Bdls Ono lot facing on Hanecom Park near
main on'ranoo ; beatiful location for residence , 8360.
J. E. Illley & W. , 215 S. ISth St.
KorHnIi Farnanutrect | roperty nrar now court
home , at a bargain. J. K. Blloy & Co , 315 H. 13th Bt ,
For Sale Farnam atiect block , rcnta for $3000 ,
pllco 825,000 , easy terms.
For Sale-Corner lot In blooV on red street cir
line , MtO , this la positively a birfiln. J. 1 > . Ill ley &
Co. , 215 a , 13lh fc't
For Silo Nineteen lots on Cumingt aid Burt , 4
block sfroin mllltuy bridge. J. K. lUley & Co. . 116
S. 13tb ht
For Palo Eighteen lots on Vlnton St. between
17th nnd ISthHH , SllOto $1000 eaclij there are bar
gtlns In resldenco aud bualniMH propcity among
thtee , They aieonly cto bkci ircm 13th eticui
car line ; teniis easy.
Wo desire to etate to our petrous that wo ercnd
no tluu nor trlttir'u li k on high p'lccd propirty ,
out con vouch for tlio rcasooabUncddIn price vt all
ftbovo meutloncti. J. K. lltley It Co. , 215 S. 18th bt.
IouflALK-Ttireo oholoiotlotjInHanso-m phoo.
F 73I-tt 1'ottur It ( Jobb.
JI'ARM TO riciuxoH for city property , &Kn ° d
HocU acre ) In cultivationhouso i rooms ,
; oed well , 12 ft wind mil , feed grinder , water plo
lading to 8 corralf , 4acreiigrove , 401 waUut trees
CO bearlrg , ( S ares orchard bearltie , 05 acres corn
ann cats , hog pas lire toraie for RttOO butholt of
ln , Inqulru II. & If. U , freight depot , Omiha.
710 ( | >
OB HALB 81KO ; seven i ear lid hors , httruets and
I ; top bujtry ; hoao baj been used oa a laa-liy horse
and la rtrftctlv 8ifo.
f830lot ; < OiI76 , Inlllllbrd & CoMwcll's addition ;
$2(0 $ cash aid 2 joins' ( lie en balance.
85,100 ; Svc Acres ou B undoisbt. . and I'rgo house
aud barn. A very Urge bargain for tome one.
34iO ; Twouturr dnelliiijGii full lot , on car line.
85 Wi 7r cinbousoonlot 9x188 ; good barn ,
andatcry complete place , on cosy term * ; 1 block
rom car liar.
ICO ft an I'oppleton Avo. , onljS biles from car line ,
and ocir the prk ; ? 7CO cath aud < t 0 per month.
$1,600 ; new 0 room houte on lull lot , one block
from Blunders it. , nod one block from green Hue
car ; good barn aud a nice bauto for some one.
liO In Klrkwood to tell cr lease.
82.6CO ; full lot on Capital Hill addition.
Sotje.cuH. 13tb it.wltb 3 homes near depot , at
a bargain ,
1& > fdet on Farnam , near court houw. U } ' , Boars ,
U. K. Heara , Wlllnras DUck , UtQ nd Do'i uU
IDntlRvTit At the annul meeting otlho board of
15 tnmcesct Bolhvno OollfM , the undersigned
were authorized to Mil k limited number ol lew In *
IloIlenio.U the nominal prlw ol FIF1T DOLLAIUJ J
per lot , payable In monthly Installments ot FIVE
DOLLARS per month. No restrictions M to build
ing nrot U < * d On thcje lot )
iho r/osbvterlan Synodlcal College Is locitcd at
Rcllenio. nml It I ) hoped that people generally
throughout the tto will t ko d nUgo ot this > , ,
liberal offer of the boirJ of trwtees , aed not only , | >
tccurs a lot for ft future homo , ICTAIDTHX coLMini , '
to this extent In erecting n HOUR MR LAPIM
attending the colligo. At Ihfoltw prlco thfss lota
will bo n rate and profitable Investment lor thcto
who do not wl h to make A home there.
Hellenic It only ft halt hour's ride Iroin Omaha on
the n. k it , U It. , and l me tf tro most beautiful
ilUutlonsIn Nobia k . Make application Rt once M
you may ntt bMe another opportunity nt ts low a
pilco. Ad.lrfss , O. F. Uavls &Co. , 150 } Farnam
St. , Omaha , Nebrsska. 514-4
RRNT-9 rcom boii'o and good burn en green \
FOR l\ntW \ per month. * XI
For rent H room house tnd largo barn on joJ line ,
$50 per month ,
83tOO S2\S1 ! , on o.lzc ! and brisk liulldlng.
I < ot 44x120 'U S itory brick blok on Dculgo S t.t !
1S2 fctt on N 10th to lo o for a term of yo rs.
ROfeetf Jrsvlo * n Farnam.
100 feet for pale on Farnira ,
41 feet foi Pile on FArntra ,
Livery for talc , i > ho p , KnoJ trvlo n.l will pay
fiom the ftart. M , T. Seats , \Vllliams block , litli
and Do } go Kt 407-tl
FOR RAtK 7 room cottage , wo I , barn and cistern ,
on 18th street 0 blocks from shops $2eOO , on easy
terms. Potter &CobblS15 Farnam St. T33 tf
-No S2 Splendid suburban residence
I' property , to full loti , largo shade tree' , new
house 10 rooms , btth roomie , , city nater , largo barn
3 bltcks from Street Carn. This place will bo sold at
stcrlflco on lonir time. O.K. Ma } no & Co. , S. Vf
corner 16th and Farntm. 534-4
rtAcn 8 good lots In this addition with *
MARION ol street cars , can bo had on easy
terms. W H Oioon. over lut Nat'l lUnk. 857-tt
POR flAi.n. A full corner lot , two MOCKS west ol
I 1 red car Imo-SSW. This la posltlroly bargain.
J. K. ntley & Co. , ? 15 . 13th St.
For Salc-Ixit 60x1(0 , Z2J St. , near Ortcj , MOO.
This Is also n bxgaln. J. 1C. llllcy & Co.,2163 13th st.
For Sale Throe lots 60x140 , south frnnt , i block )
f rom street cars. $350 each ; bargains. J. K. Itlleyb
For Sale Two lots on Georgia * vUoiMok'fl ,
front , no griding , near Tarnam , 76x140-32000 o ch.
lho o ara unsellable. J , K Itllcy & Co,216 8 ISth St.
For.Salo Nine lots ou Virginia avc. , fSOO to $010
each. J. E. Illloy & Co , ilo 8 13th t
For Sale Ton lots ouCumlng st , and nine on
Hurt St. , fourblocks from military brtdgo. J. E. Ul-
ley &Co. , 215 S 13th st
For Sale FJpbtecn lots on Vlnton st , ono block
from terminus 13th street c-vr line. Positively cheap.
J. K.UII y&Co.,21Gi ! ISthft ,
Wo desire to cny to our patrons that In the above
list no can give tuMumioo of sale nml profitable In-
vcatintnt. A'u also hive property In almost every
nuaiterof the cliy worthy ot Invcttlgitlun.
J. K. HILKV & CO. , SIS D 13th et
| POR BAI.r.-On south 22 J st , one 4 room nnd ono 5
L1 roomcottago , barn , will , cistern , &o , on Bauio
lot , for$35permonth , cn'y ' 83,100 ; would eoll
eoparatrl ) . I'otter&Cobb , ISlSFnrnim Sti 734-tt
{ jlon RALR Lots n Illllslde mid ohcaooit and boil
ij Insldo la's In the city , $760 to $320 oxclnslvo
accnla Potter & Cobb. 73S-tf
" ] 3l'si\K83 CIIANCK-About SSOO will buy an ostab-
JLjilshcd tuslnots , togotbir vvlth lat for one 5car
of building. This It a gosd ba gain for com ) one
Address fc. 1' . , llo otllco. SlStl
rpvvo or 4 lot' Marion l'lacoilll ; tidi fir residence
.Land pay dlilcroncoln c-isb. W. II. Otccn , over
lt National lUult. . 793tf
FOR SALS A half partnership In troodpajlng
huslutsi ; only a eaall capital inquired. Adnrcsa
A , 1)50 ) office. 703 Op
rro E\CIIANOR i S3COO stock of bran now hard-
JL warp , direct from the factory , for good Nebraska
or Iowa land.
For sale Cheap and beautiful lots nimobiugh and
Patterson's Hub-dUlsInn , two mHeafrom cltv at S160
nnd200 cach.onmonlhly payments of IS and 810. Per'
son ! buying here will bo assisted to build right away
K desired.
To rent Four tphndld offices.
E3' . 1' . 0.1'ArrKUSON , 18th and Farnam Ft. / / 'j |
. _ . . . . ' * i
TT OR BALK The furniture and lease ot a small ho-
J ? tel In Bnuthvvist Iowa. A good point and no op
position. Address U. Al , ciru llo ollico. ( S2-4p
F10R BAM Drue store in a desirable looollt wll
J ? Involoo about 81.600 11 C Patterson , NE corner
13th and Farnam. ISS-tf
nplllt OltRMAK BHI'MIMEST 1IORBAU , fltT N. 10th St. ,
JL haj a largo number of girls seeking all klni'n ot
employment. 811 > 4p
PxBBONS having Infants or children under pLt
years , to board out , can find a good horro at 107
North 10th St. 767-lCp
PERSONAL Will bo found at 16C9 Davenport street ,
an experienced nur < c ; beet city reference. 70S 16p
aw. rANdLK.M. D , the rtnomicd reader cf iliEe
i of men and women , will opfn up his Worlds
Herbal Dispensary of Medici no for the benefit of
h'spitrone ' , at .No. 1210 Doughs et , Omaha , Nob.
Agents wanted. 752-4
M IBS : LooMia wl'l tak a few pupils for summer ,
bourn 9 a. in. , to 12 in. , 1014 Webster St.
LADiKsllyou vvtnt your plumes or tips cleaned ,
ilyod and curle'l ' ; llrct-cloin work guaranteed , go
to Henry Sincere , 1810 Jackrou at. 493-J'y ' 22
T > BnsoNAt Mrs. E. IT , Ilom or. tnnco clilrvoyan
JL and hoalln ; medium , over 710 North 10th S
M us. HClinooKR Clairvoyant iindMizncUo hcalo .
Locates a'l ' pain and dlsDaso , 707 N , 16th St.
437-JuIy 10
VB , A ciiRarnRmLD Uignetlo physician , test anil
/ developing uiodlum , over 613 r.ortn 10th St ,
Tim purist , il'hott nnd best Ice cream ilwaysfrosh
on hand ; crJtrt for private and hoarding houioa
promptly dcllvcroj. Curl SchmlJ , 03 South 15th
trect , above Farnam. 103-jly-9
W A lew day bo r.tcrs nt 082 , 17th SL , bet.
California aid Wo utcr , 690-Op
LOST AND Vn\l \ N l > .
Losr T.nI > 'Brold | wat It , tlilifuruuoo , nmr uor-
nvr 15th and rauitm. Liberalro vinlulll be paid
Kr return cf tunio luollltu of C. t. Mtjno &Uo.,8\V
cor. Uth and Farnam. B'22-l
LOHT Ilundlo rubber cat and 1 ortf , Thurnday ,
on or near 18th St. , bet. CspltelandSt Mary 8
Ave. Will reward person returning them to floss at
D. M. Htoole & C'o'a , Ittb and Harnry. 781-lp
T OBT Auout 8 weeks ago , a Urcobla-k New-
J foundlanl dog , A reward will be given II return
ed to 1410 Douglas Bt , 7tD 4p
Low A satchel containing papers cf no value ox *
cnptto tno owner ; ptpers marked L. I. Martin *
red iiuckttbookinaikodL. I. Sidwtll , Address Mar-
tln llros. , Stock Yards , Chicago , or Kitchen I'ros , ,
Oniaht. OSO %
OTKAYKD OR HTOI.KV A tuiretl nnru with a whit a
O etar In the forehead , rintor < jll receive a liberal -
al reward by ra'urnlog her to Cumin' * & Qulnn , gro.
ers.lSth and Cnicago street. G17 > tf
s All aliments of tbo loot , Huccotsfully treat - K > "
WudbyUr. liirry , 1512 Douglas street Ollico foA.s
laillm 702-ly ) B
No Operation , or uteloei trusicn Dr. M. M. Jlooro
243 WabasU avc. , Chicago , Ilia. , cb , Omalu uvory
eo days. Send Btamp for circular , 409 jly.2 !
fioa HUNT OR HALH-PUno 618 H 20th St.
' U. P. Park locitod 12 miles H. W. on U. 1 * .
T'lltt , la now open to tha publloand can bo rented
lor ( lic-ulci and social irktheilngs. KpccUl rates for
fare given. For terms , call or oddreuli. C. Schvvcnelc
Papllilon. Nob. 09 Ml ,
HARM Parties wUhlng to purctnio broodmares
BROOD fur ranch purposes pleasa call at llojian'i
Livery etable , 418 soith 13tb street , Omaha. 802-tf
/"tuxvr sii/vim TAO , doe not give you heart-burn ,
v l'aggivdeeinedat ' ono cent , each by the dealeri
1'cycke Bros. , Agents. 033-tl
Ou Elkborn and PUtto , T. Hurray.
PAUTOaB 740-t (
A BiNiHJSBD iiontsTBiDa Now Uw. Persoui who
zxtook hoin teid > In Western Kansu prevloui to
Iuool5th , 1BSO , and abandoned them without uak-
lug flii&l pr ol , will learn something to their advan
tage by addrewlni mo by latter it oaoo. Isaac Hal.
liolbbd , laud fctto/ncy , Kenneth , Qoerldan Co. , K n.
rioiw BILVKS Tie , Iti fruit flavored , Ugi redeemed
V/atcno cent each by the dealers , Poycki Ujcj. .
rsaiuuonoM on binio given by G K Uellen
L beck , at 1118 Capitol ave. 430-tl
pluiw BII.TU TAO , It do * ) not taint th breath , Ugl
V/redoemedaoaow | > t ah Vy ttw lt&l9r . Peyak
Uros , AKeati , KJ-U