pays taxes on ono hundred and sixty acret of land while the wealthy corporation , absolute owner of millions of acres , p > yi not a dollar on Its princely domain. Still we nmuao ourselves on the 4th cUy of July by boasting of the sovereign- Ity of the pooplo. See for the last six teen years the abject humility and sub * sorvlency whereby the demands of great land grant railroads ware obeyed at the executive department , where attorney generals and secretaries wcra acting as clerks to record docrcoa Infamous to the right ] of the people and the honorable eettlow. Settlers tn this slate and In all the northwest have received wrongs and In- jiutlco at the bands of corporations , more outrageous than thoio inflicted by Eng lish landlords on the Irish pcaanntiy. True , during tbat period , thcro have been faithful , huimno nnd patriotic c Hi- core , bnt tholr successors were cartful to revorto all the good and just things they attempted , no the brief brlghtnoso only Intensified the after darkncjn. At this time there ia PROMISE OP REF01UI in the brooking raya which , wo trust , precedes a bettor dawn , That vigorous efforts are bolng made to rescue nud ro- ntoro nnch portion of the public domain , on which the tentacles ot the tiovilfUh of corporations wera f tjnlng n deadly grasp. Matters of pjraanal liberty , of public honesty , ducuut administration of the public domain are above and beyond politics. Monopolies fir their own galu Ind fastened a death crip upon and ovor- weighted ono great party , bociuso It was dominant nnd cunld bo controlled In their Interest. Corporations are always wlso ta serpents If not lurmlocs as doves. Jay Gould says the principles of a > patty do not disturb them ; that they can leap with qroat agility from ono to the other. If they find they can control the party now In power , they will coon strip their saddles from the party they have temporarily crippled ; and fasten them upon the now , prancing charger. They can perform , with great dexterity , a feat seldom attempted , that of changing hcrsoi while crossing a stream. It la the Interest of honest labor that the hnsbandnion may rocolvo fair reward for his toll ; may not bo mere hewers of wood and drawers of water ; of these who may hope to ralso themselves aud families above want by the bounty of ono hundred and sixty acres of laud. Wo earnestly hope that what appeared to many as u political cahmlty may provo a bloaslng In dlagulao by radically changing the policy which administered tha public domain "r.t tha dictation of the few re gardless of the rights or happiness of the many. Wo also can beast that the lines have fallen to ns In pleasant places , for In a generous neil , In the energy and intelli gence of her population Nebraska la second end to no state iu the Union. Journoy- I' ' Ini 1,500 miles from the capital , over ft mountain and valley , through states IH * ' ; 'larger and wealthier than empires in j KifJCEaropo , yet no where nro the crops so r"H < bountlfnl , the country BO rich in promise ; I mo where the homes , Iho hearts and faces ot the pcoplo indicating moro sf content ment and happiness than within our ecato borders. The pralrio of yesterday is to-day ripe for the harvest , and cities with homes fit fur the abodes of celestials spring up ua If by magic. Foremost among them your own beautiful city , a source of prldo to yourselves and the state. SInoo only two year a ago , It 8\om8 , some Aladdon , with his magic ttnp , had converted tbo pralrio of grass Idto the pralrio of earn and adorned your city with homes that would grace the older civilizations of the oast. But amid the brightness of this day , the songs and shouts and rejoicing , tbo echoes aud rc-schoea of booming cannon , a shadow pasaos over the fseo cf the na tion , its great heart-throb pauses , its great ear Is bonding , and with n hush that la felt nbavo the cannon's roar , to catch the pulse-beat of ono of America's , the world's ' greatest gonorala , grandest soldier , truest citizan. The proudest feature of this day , that gives absorbing trust for the patriot la the thrilling admi ration feel l\ THE DYING 1IERO AND PRESIDENT. Mi All his struggles and sufferings In lifo B. must bo nioru than compensated In his i C contemplation that around hia couch , ' 50,000,000 freemen are gathered and praying that the poisoned arrow may bo averted. Ho can depart In peace with the assurance that a grateful nation accords to him living irhat Is too often dolsyed us n garniture for the tomb. From the broad ocean , the inland sea , the quiet streamlet , iho dashing ; f < om the tunning city and the distant prairie ; from the nusalvo pabco and the dugout on the frontier , from the battlo-nosrrod north and south ; from fields where grais and vine ere hiding perishing forts uad rifle-pits , the name ot Grant ia hoard on the lips above nil otherd , and amid the hush of ellunt prayer , a unlvertal nota of adulation , a oansciaucnacs that ono lifo , ono name has enlarged the lifo and added honor aud 5 brilliancy to the name cf the great republic. It is ono of the privileges of this day * . to glorify ourselves and boast that wo | elect our rnlora ; but you find that sov- 1 I cflilgnly sometimes ends with the closing } of the ballot-box , for too often the con descending , promising servant of the people baoomas the obsequious servant of nn interest la direct conflict with your own. own.YOU YOU ARE ALLOWED TO ELECT RULERS and an oligarchy owns them. Examine for B moment If thla dismal statement bo true. A few millions of acres of laud , 4fcloh corporations claimed , and to which 'Mi/iy had no moro right than the emperor of lluasla , were , by the last congress , through much tribulation , forfeited and restored to the public domain , For this -the pcoplo were duly thankful nud re joiced as at a great victory , The pcoplo everywhere demanded It , yet the rulers thcyeleotad gave it grudgingly. To-day there are ever ono hundred millions of Acras which should promptly bo rescued. Suppose on this fourth of July the people - plo of the nation , oxcopttng , of course , the financial priesthood , who own water ed stocks and fraudulent bonds , ana n few paid attorney a and subsidized editors , could before heaven glvo an aye and nay vote , who her the prey should bo taken from the spoiler and the land forfeited , what a tremendous aye would roll from the Atlantic to the 1'nclflc. Now watch the progress and BOO what toil and labor _ and anxiety will bo re quired to obtain that which all the people ple , as with ono voice , domaud. Then answer who are the real sovereigns ) Mark again ho IT ( stealthily 0119 oy.rro- r.lon follows another and secures a foot hold. Years ago the most grasping would fxtt'liivo duod defy liwand public sen- llraout. Now they boldly fanco , without protorm of right , millions of acres , Tha aggreaiors presume on the forboiracce of the people , or what la batter to thorn , the forbearance or acquioaonca cf tbo oflicero of tuo government. Many of thesntrea- paiasra ara noblea of England and biron * of Scotland , win , at tholr overpopulated houiej , have largo posnefislotio for deer pastures and hunting grounds , They with the nobles and barons of America presume to do the simo thing in th ! country , shut ont the poor man fron public lands that they may have EMPIRES TO GRAZE proDtable herds. Fortunately caneros at Its lait session paiaod an tot provldlnj for the sntnmary removal of such trcs puscra and the destruction cf fancos. The people are expecting the prosldon to exorcise the power thus granted at as vlgoroiuly aj ha wonld dispoiao a bane of gyplios who ihould camp on tin ground ? , or the east room of the White houio. There la no reason why the do mind of the wealthy and lordly wrong' docrj should bo graciously grantci than the plaintive npptal of the srnal offender. The only doilrablo land accemblo l < tao -rorld'fl weary pilgrimage ia In America , and in the western atatos and territories. Let us husband it well , ant rescue from corporations and trespasser ! tholr illegal holdings and guard I sacredly for the homo-ntoader for thoai who are aooking tor daily fee : and raiment from dally labor \Vo have a right to bo prom of the grandeur aud bentficlonco of tbol government , that its ports nnd pub'lc do main m y over bo open to the opprotssc and teller of other landrVo nsk tboa to como and oharo with ns all a bonntifu soil nnd tbo target liberty guarantees And the only return ia that they ahall ale to keep Una government pure , sj tha' ' liberty may be pcrputual. This and proooodlnc ; generations uavac ! it on the field of battlo. Lot ua and those who como tfter ns proaarvo it against the Insidious and covert designs of those Clasping for great wealth ; who nro effec tually stealing our liberties when stealing from honest labor the fruits of its toil. THE PEOPLE ARE RESPONSIBLE for the evils they Buffer. As a rule man kind enjoy being docelvod , nud rospoal and fear the men who always batray them. A stranger from another planet , with n knowledge of the power In the handa of the paoplo , would marvel that ther tolerate evils nnc continue In tulo their authors ; that they willfully extend nocks , as does the patient ox to the yoke ; that thfy suffer the Sould's and Yandorbllt'a and the men whom they elect ns rnlors to plaso on their necks the saddle on which they rldr majestically into power , nnd than are ex pected t > bo na humble as the war steed who yields to the pigmy who bestrides him. Through these whom yon elect you make laws , Iraposj taxes , make assess ments , create special privileges , class leg islation , organize monopolies , rattle o It poaaiblo for the few to omasa fabuloua wealth by abstracting the earnings of the many end escaping tholr honest aharo of : axatiou ; by oppressive charges of freight tnd transportation ; by dividends on radulont and watered fltoaks and bands. Yon as meekly ask legislatlvo control of railroads ; a roglalratisn of foifeltcd ands ; and axe as powerless as the Hin dee In India or the serf In Ilusala. The monopolies laugh yea to acorn , and the servants whom yon have choaon snap heir fiogoza in yonr facts. And if a representative dare do his duty , and obsy the demands of those vho elect him , the chances nro that the > 3oplo will quietly see monopolies grind lira to plocou , if they da not actively aid .hem . by crying "crucify him ! crucify him ! " Not a week ego notas of exultation proad from ocean to ocean that justice tad been administered. Bnt why this shout of rejoicing ? la not this a country of law ns well as Hborty. : A wealthy criminal , the president of a Now York City bank , had abused his trust and in stealing the fortunes of others nad wrecked hia own. Compared with uomo not yob convicted 1IIS SINS WERE SNOWY WHITENESS , and his bank account pare ES the "ser mon on the mount. " Corporations , rnstooa to a certain extent , violate acred trust , deliberately scheme to ilundor not in tocrot bnt by notorious lolation of honesty. Opproja the bus- ; andman , extort from labor , add In llegal and fictitious stocks nnd bonds an imonnt greater than the mtlonDl debt which ia a mortgage upon the properly ind indnatry of the entire nation , on ivbish interest ia exacted by modes as jriovlona OB thct whereby taxes ore rrnng frm tho' toilers in India and E < jypt. Ilenumber , the prlca of liberty la .vatchfnlnesa to chock tl.ofhstag rcsslon. niK TOLERATION Or ONE IS\MTES [ ANOT1IER ind another inroad. Lot us bo warned > y tbo fttto of modern ropubltcj aj well a ancient who were cajoled Into cub- nlsaion until they enw thalr Megna 3harta glvon to the winds ; end above ho ruins of free InsUtutious r sa the oncHvcs cf wotltby aristocraciea , "Tia liberty alone givoa the flower of ootiug llfo its Itutre and perfume , " No irlco or labor is too costly far its preser vation. Lot it pass from the hands of his generation as iroo and pnre > as wo ecolvo it. Then wo can indulge the lopes that the world will oontlnuo to joint to Atnoiloi as "Tho land of the reo and the homo of the bravo. " A Rang of COO Mormon emigrants from Jurope , enrouto to Salt Lake , wont out over ho "Union Pacific yesterday , im YOUR BAKIK8 FOY/BER / TO-DAY ! nl ai biolnt IjTnr * THE TESTr PUe * ctn fsp down on a hot tOTe until heituJ. them tmoT tlia oarer and imelh Ji chemtkt will not D r- ulrcd to d t ct tlia prMtnco or ainmonU. 3DOES NOT C05TAIN A3I3IOSIA. IB uuiTiircisrss ma NEVER DUX qmnosro , In million homn for quart r ct Cfntorr It til t cd tb coniumera' rollKblo tot , THE TESTJFJHE OVEH. PPJCE BAKING POWDER CO. , DP , Price's ' Special Flavoring Extracts , lit ilr iciluoit drUcloui inj utertlDaigr lu , ui Or , Price's Lupulln Veast Oem J'cr Llsbt , Uf lttir Brc dTh BciS Err Hop Yeut In tbe World. FOR SALE BY GROCERS. CHICAGO. . ' BT. M5UIB. laments of the Day atths Capital o the State , Chunks of Patriotism Displayed in Various Forms , The Sinnll Boy on tlio Top " \Vnvo Tno Now InsurAnce Company Personal Mention. AT TH53 STATE ITSM3 AI10DT TOWN. Reported by The BEE'S Bureau , LINCOLN , Neb. , Jnly 0. Lincoln was ex ceedingly nutet from the fact that nearly all the smaller towns , including Omaha , were reached by mil from this point , and had the advantage of excursion ratca and were liber ally patronized. IJvon the eporta were gene , Lnough Eimnll tioja were left to keep up a ccn- ttnunl pop with the abominable firecracker , and when the excursionists returned It made lively work for the policemen loekicgup foi- ogn ! Inulgo. It la said the trains brought in the latgeet number of plain drunks that has boon unloaded In this city foe mtny days. Considering the day and the larpo number of fireworks and combust tblo material disposed of the pcoplo were oxcacdingly fortunate there being but two cases of Injury. Oarl Godman , son of a prominent hardware mnn waa trying to blow n blaze into some powder and was hccusatul , acd will probably lose an eye. His face and head were badly burnoil , A son of Mr. Jocrs ROt Ilia facn badly burned by catt ing too close to a bunch of tire crackers about thu time they were ready to o'ebrato. ' The candy kitchen had quite a flue line of fireworks exposed to view upon tha sidewalk for the purpose of selling them to the enthus iastic and n wicked little boy dropped n Iifflit- od firecracker among them when a furiou slzzing and popping began which ( o nlarmct the people that the fire companies were callot out. Before they arrived however , the dis play was over and a bucket of water had dis patched the tiro. In the ovenicg a grand display of fire works were visible from nil portions of the city , the fmoat porhaoa being from Punka's opera house and the school houeo on O and Eleventh streets , where balloons and sorno of the liner grades of disolaya wore disposed of to the imueement of hundreds of childrenaid grown people. The inmates of tbo penitentiary enjoyed a holiday ou the Fourth. In the morning they were assembled in the chapel room , whore ; hey took part in and witnessed an entertain ment consisting of soup ? , dances and ballads , and wore permitted to hear ono of Mi3 Ethel Howe's choicest eolos. After that they were ; urncd loofo in the yard and allowed to run races and play like free American ? , At the insane asylum the inmates were iborntly treated to ica cream , lemonade and other delicacies , and allowed as much freedom is pcoplo in their unfortunate condition could 10 permitted to onjoy. In thn evening a lib eral display of fire works was given , which could ba plainly seen from the city. The eccngerfest building wan lighted up and i largo number enjoyed a festive dance keep- nx it up till the clock slopped a few minutes ) oforo midnight. An unfortunate farmer named Wentel liv- ng nour Denton was brought in on the 4th and three fingois of hlarteht hand were atn- mtated. Ho wns n little too carelesn with as shot gun and has a bad hand , Isaac Johnson and family have bought their tents and will pitch them this week on ho banks of Spirit Lake. Lund , a bad man who wants to burn out its neighbors and shoot for fun , waa taken out of n church yesterday morning and carried o j / 11 for want of bail. He will hao a hear- nrf to-morrow raornlDg. Mr. Kelly , the popular clerk at the Com mercial house , starts to-day for Atchiaon where ho will lusticato a few days , this being iia first absence for two years , The Btato house ofllcials were disposed of r.a ollows during the Fourth : Governor Dawes , at Omaha ; secretary of State Roggen , at nine ; Auditor Bibcock , at Grand Island ; Cieasurcr Willard , at home ; Land Commis- ioner Scott , at home ; Deputy Secretary of State Winteratfen , at Geneva ; Attorney Seneral Lese , at Seward. It is a matter of no little pride to the citi zens of the South I'latte country- that the nsuranco company organized ia this city last voek is composed of BO strong a body of men , , ho stockholders being not only of atato repu- ; ation bnt thorough going busincea inon who .ransact their business on business principles and have no snap games or llghtaing-rod cbcmea to work upon the people. The uamea of the officers alone arn a sufficient guarantee hat the company will do exactly as they agree. Their capital is bona fide , and in this into , including their eecurities. They have no connection with any other company , nor have they any hail attachment vith which to gull the people on air promises , The secretary , tba Hon. S , J , Alexander , is well and favorably known , Uroughout the slate , 11. J. Johnson , the upariutondcnt of agencies is a man of many ears experience in the field and for the past W3 years a resident of Omaha. This com- > any is n credit to the state and by the or ganization of these homo companies of rhlch there are two now. many hundreds of liousands of dollars which have heretofore nd now are going into Iowa and other astern companies can bo retained at homo. Late Friday night a man named Nottl waa rres'.sd for aeaaulting Dr. Dunn , and at 12 'clock , midnight , Justice Cechrano finoi Mr , Neal $20 and costs , II , 1) , llhea , a candidate for county judge nd prominent attorney of Bennett , who was nentioued in this letter of Saturday , was ound by Policeman Uarnalun Friday night meandering in an alloy , lest. Ho waa placed n the cooler for the biilince of the night and will again appear before Jintica Gochrano this morning. Saturday evening Policemen Thompson , rlooro and Ooruahan nil arrived at tha cooler t tbo same time with their man , who had too much liquid celebration. Among tbo day's prominent arrivals are : V. U. Maynanl , Western ; S. H. Welch , E. , Buseoy. 1C. E. Zimmerman , B , J , Scnnnell , ) maha ; Fred L. Biker , Hebron ; A ,7. Up- mm , Syracuse ; W. 11 , A'dnms , Falla City ; J. V. Dlckson and wife , JowelljJ. O. riotchfr , 3eatrice : A. O. Crum , Lincoln : W. 11 Adalr , Omaha ; S. A. Cooper , Louisville , The Joctuio lostoveniog at the masonic tern. > lo by the Hov , Naomi Tamurn of Tokio , apan , was a treat to the people of this city , lo is a young man 21 ! years of ago , a grada te of the university at Tokio , Japan , aud last mnth gradutod from thoaomiD&ry at Auhurn , STowYork. and Ims been regularly ord lined as a minister of the Presbyterian chuich. He epeaka Cughsh quite well and ia an Intoreetin ? anverratlonist as well aa lecturer. Next ( Inter ho will travel through the south and n the spring will return to hia home ia Japan rhero he will write a book concerning tha re- giouB. political and everyday lifo of Amer- ca , He will go to * Omaha to-day to spend he day there and the balance of next week will lecture. elm Clancrrl , a switchman in the Burlington : Missouri Hiver railroad yards was killed ia bis city last night about 0 o'clock , Ho was oupling fiat cara loaded with steel rail ? , and nust havn Btumbled and become caucht > 9tneen the bumpera in some manner. His ight tide waa crushed , and his face ut. Ho has lived hero about two years and worked in the yard as a night man about four nontbe. He la fcbout 21 years old nnd ban a notuer end sisters living in Mount Sterling , ATEIPTO KANSAS. lUlixt with Col Dorsoy n , Hoticlc on Ills Litre Trip , Col , Donoy B , Ilouok has just roturn- d from Leaveimorth , Kausas , where ho pout a f aw daya visiting with an old rlend and comrade In the Mexican war , Ir , 0-ildwell. Mr , ilouck wcs seen by BEE reporter Frldcy and during 10 course of the conversation the follow- ng Interesting points were picked up. Mr. Honck aald ho was driven to Mr. Caldncll'e farm , about twelve miles front Lcavcnworlh and ho declares tbat h never saw a rnoro handscma farm. 1 consists of 10COO acres with a aufliclen number of living tprlngs to sittsfy th demands of all stock. There are thrci hundred acres of heavy timber lend am three hundred acres under cultivatlonthc remaining four hundred acres being In meadow aud pasture land , In the pis turcs nro the very highest grades o blocdod atock and It a sight to ruako wol sere eyes to gnzo upon tbo sleek , Ut an imals , camples of nature's most pcrfoc work. work.Mr. Mr. Ilonck siid : "Wo remained hero until the nox morning , returning to the sight of the soldiers home. The western branch o the hania fo ; disabled soldiers is locitoc at thia point. The act of congress csiab Itshinp thla homo providing that it might bo located In olthor of the otalos of Ar- knntas , Missouri , Iowa , Minnesota , Ne braska , Kansio or Colorado , h required that the sight for the homo should con slst of neb Ions than thrco hundred acres and that this land might bo obtained by purchase or by donation , A number o ; cities In the states nnmcd Interested in the contest to sccnro tbo homo , the slate of Iowa , by an act of Its legislature , offered fifty thousand dollars Coring if ii was located anywhere In Iowa , and sov cral other cities of the tame atato tffjrcc a. donation of ono thousand acres of land. Other offers were made by the cltlca ol other states. The board of managers ol the homo met at Dayton , Ohio , and thcro gave a hearing to the several contestant ; , after which the managers visited the several - oral otatoo and leokod ever the silos offered. The cltizjus of Lo.weuworth jfforcd six hundred and twenty acres of [ and and In addition , fifty thousand dollars lars for the embellishment of the grounds. This offer was accepted and .hohoino was located at Lcavonwortb. The olto selected Is jast south of the city and has a river frontage of moro than a mllo. It is a place of great natural boauty. A portion of the grounds Is a natural for'ost , well sot In blue grass , and shaded by tbo stately elm and oak. The plan of the government Is to build fifty buildings , with a capacity to accomo- d&te 0.000 soldiers , the grounds to bo ar- tlctlsally laid out in fiao drives , gravel walks and miniature lakes. Throa hund red thousand dollars has already boon appropriated by the United States , and tbo work of building has began. It is estimated that moro than $2,000,000 will bo ixponclcd , and will , when dona , af ford this city a park unsnpasscd by auy in the west. On the north of Loavon- worth la the reservation of Fort Leaven- worth , consisting of 0,000 acres , upon which moro than $3,000,000 has been ex pended In building ; . The United States Military prison Is lo cated on those grounds and at this time contains eight hundred prisoners. The grounds of Fort Leaven worth ere of great natural beauty , and , without a doubt , It Is the most attractive military post in the United States. With the Soldiers' homo on the eonth , and Fort Loavonworth on the north the city has the advantage ia romanlio and picturesque - quo drives. Ono of the most interesting features of this place is Shorldan's road , which extends over a high ridge along tbo whole reservation. A natural forest of trees growing along either eido from an arch the entire length making the drlvo most delightful In the cool'shndo and only now and then the sun peeps through tholr branches. This road Is on an elevation of over thrco hundred foot above r tba valley , overlooking Fort Leavenworth and Leavonworth Olty , it waa laid ont and constructed under the management of Gau. Sheridan and is called Sheridan's drlvo. Returning homo from Fort Leaven- worth wo arrived at Mr. Caldwoll's resi dence , which Is ono of the finest In that state. A brlof description could not con voy TO the mind of tbe reader bnt a faint Idea of its elegance and gunduer. Again sea'od in the carriage wo were driven to the works of thn Kansas Wagon Manu facturing Co. , of which Mr. Caldwell is president , it already being known as ono of the largest of its kind in the woat. Iho next morning found us aboard of the train for Kansas City , Mo , , ono of the liveliest towns along the Missouri river , twelve railroads running Into the inlon depot. Wo took n carriage md were driven ever the onttro 31ty. The cable road being ono of the mtprprlees of that placo. Wo had tbe mricslty to board the trjln across the : able line , having jast como from Kansas , i prohibition state , Iu which there are inly three hundred suloons. In Leaven- yorth I saw a sign on cither side of the leer of a saloon reading aa follows : "Wo sro hero to relieve Kansas Huffererj ; " the ithor , "What ia the nizo of your hip pockets , pinto orqnartai" PERSONAL. C , A , Brant , of Las Vegas , N , M , , is at tbo ? nxton. F. J. P. Canulln , of South Wallis , is regis- oiod at the Millard. J. II. Boiler , a prominent stock manf Carlisle , Pa , , is at the Paxton. H. 0. Chamberain [ and wife , of Salt Lake : ity , are guests of the Paxton. 0. J. Stowoll and W. II. Killigar , of Au- lurn , registered at the Millard to-day , Con , James S. Briabin , of the United ! tatoa army , trad family nro guests at the L'jxtoii , John D. Howe , counsel for the Clitcago , Minneapolis , St. Paul & Omaha railroad , ia a the city nt the Paxton , The Millard hotel register was decorated reaterday with a large number names of r r- ona who came in from the rural districts to pend the Fourth , Mr. Samuel Shears , of ( be Millard hotel , , nd hia two daughters , Misiea Minnie and .els , left last evening for North Lake , WIs , Ur , Shears will return In a few days , but tha oung ladlea expeci to remain there all sum- tier. tier.At At tha Metropolitan : James Chase , A. L , lall nnd wife , nnd John Winter , Lincoln , leb. ; I. Phillipc , New York ; John Smith , > lnclnnatl , 0 , ; J , M , Strahan nnd ton , Mnl- rern ; George Klngsworth nnd William Liv ngston , Sioux City , lo.j P. HolhrooU , Bos on ; W. G. Thornton , 0. E , Lullenberger , jlenwood , Iowa ; John Brown , Hamburg ; Jharlea S. Madden , Des Molnes ; J , K , Smith , Washington , D. 0 , Base null. The two games of base ball on Satur- Uy draw largo crowds of apaotatora , and voro Intonating ovonta of tbo days do- ngs. The forenoon fjaino resulted In n rlctary for Omaha over St. Louli , of four x ) one. At the afternoon game , howev- > r , the contrast waa much closer , and nmo very fine playing WES obtorvcd. \t the end of nlno Innings the Eooro itcod eight tn seven in favor of tha visit- pg _ clnb. Dagan ana Fpy , of tbo St jouijteam , were iho only players- who nado'threobsaa ' hits. The game lasted , mo hour and fifty minutes. j RAILWAY RUMBLINGS , Rcjolniions of TteDte to Bravo Men- Oilier N les of interest , The U. P , llnllroncl Accident. On the mcrntag succeeding Iho smash up which occurred on the Union PaclG railroad near Valley station , the ptssan gets on the wrecked lr\in adopted th following rcsDlationo , which were signet * by as many 03 the limited time wonli permit : VALIEY STATION , U. P. R. II. , July 4 1883 : Wo , the undersigned , pateongor of Union Pacific train No. X , which lef Omaha on July 3 , and which met with ai accident so nearly of fatal result lo man ] HVOJ , dcslro hereby to express to Mr Joseph Bay , the bravo engineer In charge of tald Iraiu , our sincere admiration o hia conduct at the time of the accident That hia coal prespnco of mine and calm coat ago In Iho fnco o almost certain death to hinuolf were the mcaca of saving many lives wo have no doubt , nor can any ono doubt who wlt- ncoscd the torrlblo wreck from which ho was so miraculously caved. Wo extend to him our slncoro aj-mpa thy for his euO'crlng , nnd repeat the expression of our deep gratitude for the heroic faithfulness with rthich ho atooc at his post of duty. To his associatca olio , the conductors Mesora. Arthur Blakosley and J. B. Gray and to Mr. George Fullmer , fireman , wo ; lvo thla testimonial of out gratitude one : hanks for their prompt end efliclcnt action. Wo hereby commend thojo above named to the officials of tholr company as worthy of any reward or promotion they can give. Wo further rcsolvo that copies of thoto resolutions bo furnished for publication o Omaha , Denver end Oregon papers. G. M. Hitchcock , Omaha ; M. L Horn- ruodien , Oclorido ; M. H. BIcGuiro , North Platte ; W. H. Lane , Omaha j D. | I. Egan , Omsha ; N. T. Smith , St. jouis ; Perry Hoazlit , Omoha ; F. J. I ye , Omaha ; George Hulst , Oolumbusj Ura. H. Hulat , Omaha ; Miss Miriam Jhaso , Omaha ; E. 0. Wilbur , Omaha ; X E. Tyler , Omaha ; B. B. Hoywood , ) rogon ; George 0. Sears , Oregon ; Wal- or II. Holmes , San Francisco , and others. Mr. Frank Birkenahaw Barrowclough , of the Burlington & Missouri Load- ; narters , left fur Deliver Friday. Not icing convlncai without ocular demon- tratton of the cstatonco cf snow in the uountalns at the present time , ho ro- olved to investigate the matter , hence MB trip. Ho Bxpecto to return this voning. S. S. Smith and J. G. Burnoss , of the ( eight auditing department of the Bnr- ngtcn & .His30url , are enjoying a tripe o Denver. Mr. Joseph Hay , the Union Pacific ntjinear who received Injuries in the vrock at Mercer siding Friday night , is kt h(3 ( homo In thla city recovering nicely nd will bo ready for duty again in a ow d ys. NOTES FUOM THE COUNTKY. Union Pacific surveyors are cross sea- boning the country between St. Paul aud Tnlletton. The Fremont & Elkhorn Valley-rall- oad have increased their capital stock rom 810,000,000 to $15,000,000and have led a certificate to that cfiect. Union Pacific passenger No. 4 , duo ore from the west afc 4:10 : p. m. , was wo hours behind time yesterday. Eist ound trains at the transfer walled for or. Falibnry , in Jefferson county , has great opes of securing an early extension of lie Union Pacific system from Beatrice. President Adams smiled approvingly on fie shemo when brought to his notice. A construction train on the northeast- rn road jumped a switch at Valentine , 'ho engine dug a hole In the ditch and en earn of Iron and ties piled on top of er. The engineer and fireman jumped n timo. Jacob Wolf , a biick moulder at Grand eland , awoopsd down a cargo of beer nd laid down with his burden on the allrood track. The Incomtncr train irew him Into the ditch bnt could not 111 him. Ho will wear a eoro head for omo Mrae. Grand Islanders calculates that the iops iho people there taxed themselves , o construct for tha Union Pacific , will icon bo utilized , now that the company ias poesssElon of the St. Joseph & West- trn. It is time they were started up and ccomponso propoity owners for their ) onus of § 50,000. Articles of incorporation of the Grand "aland & Maryevllle railroad company ted the St. Josnph & Marysvlllo railway lompany , hero boon riled with the sccro- ary o ! etato. The now name Into which ho others have merged is the St. Josnph t Grand Island railway company , and is o have a corporate existence of uiuoty- ilno years. Brakeman Mallory was robbed and hrown from B Q train by tramps at doming , Iowa , Wednesday , sustaining erlona injuries. The boys should heed ho words of a B , & M. wheel twister : 'Whenever I tee a tramp on the train I irdor him off at once , and If ho won't ump , by the eternal ho can stay. Wages ire just the same. " The Pluttsmouth Journal tells a good .lory . of a prominent under officer who ias been In the service of the B. & M , lalf a dcziii years. Ho waa recently glv- ng ont official directions while on an ifiiclal udt at Pacific Junction , whoa a athor commonplace looking railroad man iflorrd a suggestion omlr ary to the offi- or'a directions. Turning haughtily oward the presumptions speaker tbo iffiierwlthan air of great dignity end inthori y , "How long have you bosn allroadlng , sir ? " as much as to say , 'What In the d 1 do you know about t ? " The old man placidly stopped a foot ir two closer and replied , "Well , I don't enow exactly hour long , but both Tom ? otter and George Holdrogo broke fur no twenty-five years * g3. " The official nd nothing more to say , LOCAL BREVITIES , Mr. M. Donovan la the owner of ten iciee of laud just outside the southern city hints , not far from the Thirteenth ttreet car armlnus , This laud is under cultivation and s extensively planted with fruits of variom tiiiJa , but Mr , Donovan being engaged in justness in the city , has not been able to give t that attention It deserves. Ilo accordingly cnted it lait spring to Mr , Spoerl for seven- eeu dollnra a month , ns htf wanted some ono olook after H. Mr , Snocrl gava him to nn- leritand that ho wanted it for a garden , A ew d ys ago Mr , Donovan happened to be iu he south i > irt of the city , and ma attracted o hia property by the music of a brata bn d nd tbe noise incidental to thu bllnrity 'A ' ( tlcnic. What was his surprise to find an ta- sembln of lovcrM hundred persons gAthtrtc upon n shady grnis plat , listening to tha de lightful muslo and qunffing froth ) l ? er beer. Ho could hardly b < - lleva it. Was It only a Sundry picnic or was it n permanent beer garden. ' SeeTtlrp out Mr , Spcorl ho dcmindoil nn tx- plnnallon. "Didn't I rent this land to yon for a garden * ' InqolroJ Mr. Donovau livid with wgo. ' Yes sir , I rented it for n garden .1 beer pardon , " replied Mr , Spocrl. This was too much for Mr , Donovan , who would have annihilated Mr. Spoorl hml it not boon for tlio Intervention of the bjstnnJcrs , among whom were some well known citizens nnd a prominent brewer. Mr. Donovan finally con cluded to rniso the rent to $35 per month , not wtpactiDcr that Spoorl would bo able to pay it , lie being n poor mnn , bu4 Spocrl , who was backed by the brewer , acceutoil tha proposi tion at once , nod remalucd the lessee. Mr , Donovan , howi er ( a constdoribly put oit about the affair , nnd mny soil the p.'npArly , for which wo undcrttnud ha can get $35,000 from the brewer nlroaily referred to , na ho wonts to convert It into a baaultfnl park , for the snlo ot hia beer. Col. U. Hooker , who ia well known In Jmali.i , where ho hns many friends , is in Now York on n visit , nnd the Tribune of tlmt city ias the following bit of plenEnnt goaaip con cerning him ; Col. K. P. Hooker , ol Dfs Moinxa , lown , n abort , stout mnu , with n HowiiiR whlto licnrd , n ruddy face nm1 n black elouch Imt. sat ill the 1'lfth Avenue hotel the other night , waiting 'or n stago. Ho wns once n etngo owner himself - self , Jironrlctor of the Western atngo compnny , which sent stngca across Iowa before thoto were any railroads. In connection with the stage ? wns nn express eervlco , nnd it la ono of 3of. Uooker'a ploasurcF , now that ho bus re tired from nctlro business nnd injwonlthy , to watch ho fortunes cf tha young inon who vero his rncscongera in tlmt scrvico. Ho da- iRhts in the record thnt only ono hns gene to , ho bid , nnd most cf them have become wealthy. But he ia the proudest of D. U. iroffatt , of Dourer , president of the llrat National bank nnd of the Denver & lUo Srnntlo r.illroad. Moffntt hnd chnrgo of ono if his strong boxea for eighteen month ? . Then ho drifted on to Denver , lie opened a lookstoro , and when ho hrtd bought nu 81- iOO stock , for part of which ho wont in daht , 10 thought ho hud conquered the world. It vns only n short time before ho had § 70,000 n stock , and when ho divided with hia pnrt- ner to become treasurer of the bank , hia ahare waa n cool $100,000. Ho ia worth his mil- ous to-day , nnd Col. Hooker crcdita it nil to lie old express line experience , Near dnvllglit Saturday morning some irninleas youth , nnxious to bo celebrating efore nny body wns up , Crcd n pistol bnll into window In Henry 1'nndt's residence on the orner of Klovonth nnd Douglass stroota. A cnrriago with four gentlemen in It was tin ngninst on Sixteenth street , opposite efferson equare , Saturdny night by n cab , nd turned over on its aide. Fortunately no n juries resulted. A splendid rain cooled Iho atmcephero eslorday afternoon. DISSATISFIED'KEGULAKS , Elio Following Complaint Froai Foit Omaha Explains Itself. Fo the Editor of the BEE. Sir : Knowing that you are a friend o soldiers as well aa to citizen ? , wo ask on to glvo jus"j space In your valuable olumni to cxpresi onr'dissatisfactlon at ia treatment wo received on the 4ih while in your city. The day was rather warm for our men to march from the ort , and through your streets simply to muco the citizens. Wo would gladly do nythlng in our power to show ur respact for thorn , ani for ila end mostly ovcry man n our garrison turned ont by ordoc of iolr commanding gensral. But what espoct did the citizens show ns in return ? 'hoy did not oven offer us a drink of cod watsr to alloy our tbint. Wo would at argue the worth of anything , but wo ook into the principle. Of coarsa some f us were treated with respect privately iy citizens , anl no blame rests upon any f them excepting thono who were the ) rnclrals ! In drawing us from ou ; onjoy- nents In the garr spn to show us off in 10 city. Some citizens remarked that yo were to bo treated cordially but nally wo found U to bo the roverjo. hlany of them may imagine iat wo are under obligations to them ecauso wo are paid by thorn through the ovornment. But wo glvo them to nn- orstand that aoldlom were tholr advance card in all their difficulties during their attlcmont In this atato at an earlier crlod , therefore wo OTTO them nothing. ; is our dualro to bo In frloridihlp with 1 , bnt wo cannot help showing our dls- lo&anro at present. Our treatment on 10 occasion must ba cither through eglect or contempt. Wo can appreciate ouoroslty , and wo give the hint ere to all whom It may oncorn , cover again call upon us on the 'ourth of July , to form the main por- on of the parade without proving to na iat you are citizens worthy of our at- endanco. Wo , na soldiers do not under aluo ourselves in the least , therefore wo o not much care about taking part In ny proceedings where wo may bo at a Iscount. It ia not our intention to ro- oct on citlzsna as a body , for wo know iat miny o ! them are \vtrm frionda to ur boys. But wo reflect upon these who ailed upon ua and allowed us to depart com the city fn the heat of a scorching an without cffsrlng us a oup of old rater. PIUVATE JONES , Batcillcn D. Smoke Seal of North Carolina To- acco. A STIIANGE DEATH , In Unknown DlAn Found In tbo River anil TaUon to tlio Hospital Wlicro ilo Died. Saturday evening a etrango msn was ound near the river bridge , without lothca of any kind on him , Hnffalng rrith spams. Ho was then almost boyonil ! io power cf speech , but managed to loll fiat whlb In the river bathing Setnrday morning , two tramps uame along , tole bis clothes , and carried them away , lo had laid In tlio water all day welting or somebody to como alovg and jilvo lira nsiistancc , aad became ro chilled liat the effect j thro r him Into npajms , lo win tikon ta polho headquarters ud from thcro sent to St. Joeepho loiplta1 , wbcrn ho died yoetcrdey morn- ng. The body was taken to Drexel & laul'a uid piosovod , eo as to ba kept ntil the unfortuualu'a frlendn can be onnd , if ho Los any. The rnau'a uaruo s not Ltionn. Sevornl persona looked at lie body yuotorday , hut none of them onld idoulify it. Thrco orpar , how- vef , vroro satisfied that they had seen 10 man about Omaha. Ho is fire feet 'ght ' inshcs till ; has reddish hslr , cut tort , and a heavy red mouatacho. it's ' teek boneu are high , his choeko aankon , nd l-o looks to bo 35 years of cge. BUCKED HER EYE , iDmtsticErnplionatValoiitiiie That Has Created Great Excitement , tinmen Hlorrip , ItCRlBtcr- tlio U. B , ' Xjaml Olllco , Striken Mrs. Morrln III the Uyo With Mis Fist Vnt- tlculnrs of the /ItTatr. The llltlo town of Valentino Is just now revelling in the scandalous details of a domestic eruption , thcro , which has since Ita occurrence created considerable excitement , and fnrniahcd an unlimited supply of sonsaticnal matter for the pco. plo to gossip upon. Lait Wednesday night a spoatal dispatch was received at this cllioo otatlug tbat Jamra Mcrrir , register of the United States laud olfico at Valentine , had chuck his wife in the eye wltb bis fiat , and bridly'gavo the details - tails of Iho affair. That dltpatch , how ever , waa not published , became It came from au cmmy of Morris , and aho because the 15EI : Is loath to print no ITS of this kind without first bslng sure of its truthfulness , and cob oven then unless It bucomus a mat i or of court record. Since then , however , several letters have boon received from reliable parties who verify the report and also give extended state ments of the facts , Amoug the letters -received is one from Mr ? . Morris deny ing that any trouble had existed between herself and her husband , but , no doubt Lor only doslro was to shield him from exposure. Morris Is a publla man , holding a responsible government posi tion , and It has boon charged by sev eral citizens of the upper Elkhorn coun try , that the BEE would not publish any thing about him , because ho was at ouo time the private secrete ry of Sonotor Saundcrs , nnd through that pontlcinon'n influence , assisted by Senator Van Wyck , received bis appointment , therefore tbo allalr is given publicity In these co- * umns as a matter of now ? . The fasts tin they ha\o bcon detailed miy bo noted us follows : On the afternoon cf Juno 29 , Mr. Mor- lis aald his wife wautcd to coo Judge Tucker , In his ( Morrh1) ) private oflico. On entering , Mro. Morris stated that she had corno tboro to protest rgainst her husband employing a certain man from Alnaworth , charging as her reasons therefore , undue iutimacy between her husband and thiu man's wife. By way of paronthecls it is asserted th&fc Mrs. Morris has been driven almott to distraction , by rcaeou of her huaband'a intimacy with other women , bnt the BBC'S informant declares that she Is entirely mistaken in her accu sation against the lady referred to , bo- caneo aho is looked upon as being en tirely above roproacb. It seems that matters were temporarily settled at the office , but when Morris wont homo in the evening , BO the story goes , ho procoadod to chastisehia wlfa by striking her in the face aud eyes 'I with hln fiet. After being ' Uiua assaulted , Mrs. Morris went down town , ihroe-quartora cf a mile , nfler the shorriQ' to arrest her husband , I but she was followed by her son Alfred , who , with his pleadings and tears , finally succeeded "In inducing her to return home , without having Morris arrested. At the time Morris strnckhis | wife their daughter , Mrs. W. E. Walto , waa.pres ent , and remonstrated with him foe the disgraceful act , whereupon , In his anger , ho ordered her to leave the house. Mr. Walto , who is a cattle man , was out at his ranch when all this occurred. On returning the next day and learning the situation ho took his wife and baby , and through a drenching rain , rather thin live In the Morris house any longer , moved tn another homo. It Is tald that the pDpnlaco of Valentino tine la very indignant at Morris , and denounce him in unmeasured terms. Mr , Walto arrived in Oaiaha Saturday av.d ia Iho gunet of Mr. Truman Buck thu city treasurer. They partners In the cattle bnalnt s. A BEE nportor called on Mr. Watte last night aud aaked bhn for a statement of thla affair , bnt bavins glvou his promise befora leaving homo not to do eo , ho refused to say a word , either to confirm what hta been re lated above or to deny it. Thceo are the plain , unvarnished facts \a they have been furnished to the Ben , \nd on account of the social and political prominence of the parties , the ail'alr has : reatedtho greatest excitement in Valentino tine of any thing that over occurred ; hero before. Annual I'icnlc. The Anclont Order of Hibernians held holr annual picnic Saturday at Haacall'a iark , and had an Immeneo time. All dnda of games and other features noces- lary for tbo complete enjoymnnt and inccoHsfal consummation of an nlLilr like : hat were everywhere.'I iports contests for prizes were hod. seven deputy sheriff * preserved good jrd er. without Shoulder Urace , $1.CO aicw , v/lili Bhoulder Jiraco , iwulu of JlnoCoulll ( loublQEtltched U.OO Niir lntr , without ChouWtrJJracu , 1.75 Abcloniliiiil , " " 2.00 IUUhvh > . JOloHycar * . J.fiO 1'ouin ; I.iuIJt'u' , n 10 18 yenra i.0l > Highly rpoommcridccl by the loadliiE MoOIstwJ , the l'i"lliii.l'lo : ( : DicBKinakeruanu tlio most eminent l'hyf lelaiiu In the United States and Laroj ) , . Circulars Tree , LEWIS BOHIELE & CO. , Cole Oircrn of I'aUut nud llanufirturtrt , 300 JJHOAVAV , NEW YOHK. CHARLES HAT6H. . 151 ? Douglas Street , Omaha , > nd leading lioutcs everywhere.