Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 06, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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    OH ! MY
Ercr ; ilratn or told nttarlxi tint ireak bock
w and nearly prostrates jon.
Strengthen * tlio JUiurlrn ,
SlcmllcK ( lie Tfrrven ,
] ? niiclicfl < lie Illooil , CJU cs NewVigor.
Dn.J.UMTKM.rtlrfl > 1dIovii.Mni
"Brpwn'H Iron llltlw * In .tho Iwil Iron medicine I
liare known In rny RO ream * prActlcn. I IIATO found
It rpoclallIxriellclil In ncrroiii or phjrlciil etlinns *
lion , , rind ; in nil iMrtllMtlnir ailment * that lioar M
heanlr on the jpitcra.Uno It froolr In my own f rallj. "
Genuine hutrado mark and crop sod ml llutaon
wraplKT. Tnl i ) tin other. Made only by
iinow.N MIKMICAI , vo. , iiAi/riMour , MO.
TiAClPK1 IlAi n nooit nnofnl and Mtrnctlro , c < ln
mining Met nf prlzr * for roclpno.Infnnnatlnn Miout
coin * , etc. , Rlron a < rny by all dxnlrn In modlclno , or
nailed t nny addroes on receipt of So. ctamp.
riHifflbDt BRDAO CUUhi *
Juror nUcreit to the tmblio *
KKorvnut UNonscs
Qnli'1 ! . Sure CuroH , fST 1n
. casn , , , , , r . < m.
JS ? Send to Rtnmpj for Olelirnted Jlcdisal
Works. AJdro < . JLr > . or.Aiuci : , BI. D. ,
ISO Bouth CJark Street , CUICAOO , ILL.
Eoyal Havana Lottery !
Drawn at Havana Cuba ,
Every 10 to 1 Days.
Tickets in Fifths ; wholes S3 ; Fractions pro r ta.
baujocl to no cuaipaiatluu , 1101 controlled by iba
f miles In Intoreit. II lo tlio fairest thine Intb
Mciaof chanooln ezletonoe.
for tickets applv to BUIPSKY ft CO. , 1213 Bro i
w yl.Y. City ; , or U.OCTXNB ft CO.OlOlIiln 81
Kuiaa Cltv. Uo.
For the benefit pf Btiftcilrg humanity , I dtcm .
only my duty to cl\o tlil unsolicited testimony ani
tbo old tluio treatment healed up , but It tuil onl.
been diivcn Into the t ystom by tha uao of potash ani
mercury , nnJ In March. 1882 , It broke out In ra ;
throat , and concentrated Into w In t some ol th doc
tors called cancer , eating through ipy cheek , dc
uJrojlngthoroolcf my mouth and upper lip , the :
attacked my tongue , palate and lower Up , Destroy
lug the palate and under lip entirely and ImKin
tongue , eating out to tbo top of my left cheek bon
onu up totholcft ejo. 1 could not oat any eolli
Jcod , Lut Bubslitcd on liquid * , act ! my tongue wni
so tor gone I cou d not talk gucbvtna mv victchei
helpless condition the flret of last October. 183 * ,
wb on my Iclcnda commenced ghlng ma S wilt a Spc
clflo. In less than a month the eating places steppe
and healing commenced , and I ha fearful apartun
in my cheek bat been cloao and firmly knitted to
Kotbor. A process of a now under lip la progressing
finely , and the tongue which win almont destroyed
la being roco\crcJ , and It stems ttmt nature 13 eup
I If Ing a new tongue. 1 can talk BO that my friend
can readily understand wo , and can oho oat Belli
Joe J afcilp. If any doubt thclo fjctl , Ivtouldrofoi
tbog to Ucn. John II. Traylor , stito tcnator ot thli
dlstilct , and to Dr. T. P. Uradflcld of LaOraugo. Go.
JOHN F. D1UDLKV , M GrlawolclHt.
Detroit , Mich. , Hay 18. IKS. <
For Bale by all druggists
V. Y , , 157 W. 23d St. Drawer 8 , Atlanta , Ua.
Manhood Restored
JlEMtuvl'llEE. Avlctlmof youthfullmrrudcnco
Mmlng 1'remituro Decay , Ner ou Debllltr , Lost
hlanbood. Ac. , having trl d la vain evorr known
remedy.haa discovered A finplemeansof eelf-ouro.
Imported Beer
Erhnger. , 13avatl I Culiubacher Ba\arU
J'ltsner Bohemian Kilter . . . . .llremen
Budwelser St. Louli I Anhauier . . . . . .St.Louis
Bett'i . . . . .UUnaukee | Schlltz V laner.Mllwaukee
Kruif's Ouiah * | Ale , Porter , Domestic and
llhlue Wines.
EDMAUEEB , 1213 Farnam St ,
1'rc'mniiirc llrcllno from errors or CITMSPS ,
Tant 1'nivct * ii aac of tlio UlilnryH , Iliad *
Scr , niul I'roHiutu ( lliiiiil CUIMilMtltlinut
toninrh medlclaei by tbo llarstou Jiolus. Va-
rlcoc lucumtnltlioutsuriery.Treatlsaniidtea *
tlrnonlnlal'ri-n. All ( HirrtMiMjnnpticnciinlldentlBl.
Cor. lUth QudDoaglas Sta.
Capital Stock , - - . 15Q.OQ ( ]
Liability of Btockhglders , 300,000
Pile Per GeBtlDteU'aia ' oHDeposils
JiUKS K.130TU < - . . . . . . I'realdent
IT , A. PAXTOH , . . , . . , . , . Tlet Pieitdtni
& .U. BEMNETT , . , , . Uanagbff Director
3CHK \ftLEUR . Cutler
FortCalhoHD tie Place Wierfi Lewis
anfl Clarke Conferred will tlio
Tlio Trip from Bcllcvno to the Lnttcr
Point The "Mnlm" Trlho and
thoDontli and Ilnrlal of
Blackbird ,
Written for The BKR.
My last letter left the Lorris and
Uhrko patty at the camp cast of the fair
grounds or thereabouts , which plaoo they
left July 28,1804 , , and crossed ever the
Missouri to the bluff on the oaat tide ,
which wns the first high land that np
pcoachcd the rlvor slnco they loft the
Ncsonka , now tlio Nodoway , which
empties Into the Missouri on the Iowa
sldo nway below the mouth of the Flatto.
Pasting a crook hloh they named Knob
ctcok from the man ; bold knobs , on the
north side of the river , they reached a
point eleven miles from their last camp.
On the 20th they moved on , passing
the month of the Boyer , and slopped for
dinner under a ohado near the high land
on the sonth nldo. "Aboyo this hlrh
land , " they wrote , "aro observed the
traces of a great hnrelcano which passed
the river obliquely from northwest to
southeast , and toro up largo trees , sonio
of which wcro perfectly sound and four
feet In diameter , and were snapped ofT
near the ground. " This ntatomont proves
that tornadoes nnd cyclones azo not Insti
tutions of recent growth ; and the fact
that the cyclone snapped off trees fonr
feob through the base proves that the destruct -
struct Ivo power and agencies of the
cjlonos of eighty years ago are fally up
to , If not superior , In force and intensity
to their BUCCCISOIS. Thcso fearful con
vulsions ,
broken loose , seem to bo confined to no
ago or section , and to bo no respecters of
animate or inanimate life. A few years
ago a cltiz3n of Vermont said to the
writer , "your tornados in the west are an
objection to your climate , " "So they
are to yours , " I replied , "foe I have read
accounto of them occurring In Now Eng
land , the middle and southern states. "
Ho did not remember them. Not three
weeks afterwards a tornado struck his
promises , moved his hone from Its foun
dation , utterly demolished all his ont-t
buildings and killed savoral head of'
cattle and she op. Mooting him a few
daya afterwards ha said ha had come to
the conclusion that no section of the
country could claim a monopoly of hurri
canes or exemption from them. One can
recall the fearful cyclone that passed
through Mississippi two or three years
ago , so destructive to life nnd proparty ,
and ono also In Alabama. The moat ter-
iblo tornado of which the writer ever
ead swept down through Now Hamp-
ihiro and across Maaeachusottn more than
: hlrty years ago , leaving a wldo swath of
destruction , cutting right through forests
f heavy timber , laying the trees as com-
jlotoly as the mower lays the grass. I
witnessed some of the devastation
wrought by that visitation of the powers
of the air. And is there any surety that
these sections of the country , which have
not been the victims of those destructive
atjoncies shall always escape their fury ?
The same atmospheric conditions which
have caused those wild outbreaks of na
ture in other places , may yet lot loose
these unchained tigers of the air in re.
qlons they hove not hitherto trespassed.
That night the party camped on the
east sldo of the river having made ten
miles that day. The next morning they
moved three miles and a half to a point
on the west side , and wont into camp
to await the arrival of the Otoes and i
otbor tribes to whom they had sent mes
sengers to Invlto the Indians to moot
them. This is the plaoo whcro the
famous council was hold by Lewis and
Clark wlEli those Indians , on the 3d of
August , 1804 , which was down on all the
mapi fifty years ago aa
and indicated by a largo black spot , sev
eral hundred leagues beyond the borders
of civilization. It was then literally in
the wilderness , now it Is in the heart of
civilization. About the year 1820 , a
military post was established there and
oamod Fort Oalhoun , from the then sec
retary of war , John 0. Oalhoun.
It has sometimes been claimed that
this council was hold on the east sldo of
the river , and the writer found it stated
In ono encyclopedia In the congressional
library , In giving a sketch of the city of
Council BluQ'j , that It took its name from
: ho fact that Lewis and Clark held their
: ouucll with the Indians on the sitoi ,
nrhero the city now ttands , and to which' '
; hey pave the name of "Oonnctl Bluffa. " IsS
fills id shown to ba entirely erroneous , Isk
'or the Lewis and Olark patty did not k :
and on the east bank of the rlvor , be-
ween tholr camp oppoalto Bollavuo and Kol
ho paint where the blulFd first approach ol
ho rlvor on thouamo aldo , some distance si
lorth of the present city of Council siki
Their encampment at Oalhonn must
mvo been on the second bonoh of land , inoi
lolow where the Elam Clark flour mill oi
lands , as the journal speaks of Its being ce
icar the end of a woody ridge , which I n (
eparates the lower from.tho higher pral-1
lo , which latter , the eito of the present |
own , extends back about a tnllo to an- to
ithor elevation of nbont eighty or ninety
aet. which la the hilly range In the roar nc
> f Judge Oronnao'a residence. Here fr <
hey waited with much anxiety for the rl <
oturn of tbo messenger sent out to the rlIn
ndlans. Ho reached the village of the Inm
Hoes and Mlasourls , made known to no
hem the object of his coming , and Fief
tailed on his return the next morning , of
ut never reached camp. After waiting ofPJ
hreo days tholr anxiety waa relieved by PJw
lie arrival on the 2i of August of four , w
aen Otoes and Misaouris , accompanied fO !
y a Frenchman as an interpreter. As ed
bis nvent and the place Itself became iy
iitorlo , an extract from the journal will LI
a read with Interest : tu
"Aug. 3d. The Indians with their ml
! x chiefs were assembled under an awn. mlml
ig formed with the mainsail of the boat , ml
i tbo presonca of all our party paraded CO
> r the occwion. , A speech was COwe
iado to them by Captain CO
icnrls announcing the change of COhi
ovornment from Spain and Franco to Isbe
10 United States , and giving thorn our be
remises of protection , and advlso as to jui
leir faturo conduct. All the BX | chiefs on
spiled to our speech , each in turn ac- no
> rditig to rank. They expresiod tholr bu
iy at the change Ia Iho government and roi
lelr hopes that we would recommend ho
lem to tholr great father ; they vrantod rec
ado , necees rie , and ammunition ; and recme
mediation between them and the Manas
( Omahat ) with whom they wcro now at
war.Vo promised lo Interpose In their
behalf when wo should meet the Mahas.
Wo then proceeded to distribute among
them our presents , medals , paint , gar *
tors , and clotb ornaments of drcis. To
cnoh chief wo OAVO ; a nudal , n ciunistor
of powder , and a bottle of whisky , with
which they were entirely satisfied.
"The incidents just related induced na
to give to this pltco
the situation of It is exceedingly favorable
for a fort and trading factory , as the soil
Is well conciliated for bricks and there Is
an abundance of wood In the neighbor *
hood , and the air being pure and healthy.
It Is alto central to the chlol resorts of
the Indiana , and day's journey to the
Otoes , ono and a half to the Great Paw
nees , two days to the Mahas , two and a
quarter to the Pawnee's Loup village ,
convenient to the hunting grounds of the
Sioux , and twenty-five days journey to
Santa Fee. "
The council was concluded , the Indians
departed , and the oxplotors proceeded up
the rlvor.
August llth they halted on the west
side to examine the spot where one of the
great chiefs of the Mahas , named Black
bird , who died about four years before of
small pox. was burled. The mound Is
on a knoll , 300 feet above the water ,
tirolvofott in diameter at the base , and
five foot high. They raised a polo In the
contcr ever the dead chief , eight feet
high , on which they hung n flag. The
Indians were in the habit of placing pro *
visions on his grave to keep him supplied
during his long journey to the happy
hunting grounds.
From that point' a sergeant with fourteen -
teen men were send out to find the 0toon ,
and bring In a party to have a talk with
them , and try to Induce them to stop
their wars with the Otoon and Mlsoourls ,
but they could not find them. Capt.
Lewis says :
"Tho accounts wo'lmvo had of the effects
of the small pox on the nationtho ( Mahas )
are most distressing. It is not known In
what way It was first communicated to
them , though probably by some war
party. They had been a military and
powerful people ; but when those warriors
saw their strength and numbers westing
away before a malady they could not re
sist , their frenzy wai extreme , they
bnrnod their village and many of them
put to death their wives and children to
save them from so cruel an infliction ,
and that all might go together to some
batter country , "
Blackbird was a great and powerful
chief regarded with nwo and veneration
by all of hla own tribe , and with fear by
all other tribes In this region. The for
mer believed him to ba poise-nod of
supernatural powers , and ho cultivated
this impression on their part , in order to
give him greater influence ever them.
When ho saw moro than half of his peo-1
pie swept away by that dreadful disease I
smallpox , and ho and his . .medicine men I
wcro holplesj to stop Its ravages , ho became - '
came well nigh frenzied , and gave him
self np to despair. While In this condi
tion ho hlmsolt was seized with the fatal
malady and died in a few days. Ho
gave directions that ho ehonld bo burled
un the summit of the knoll mentioned by
Dapt. Lewis sitting on his war steed ,
both caparasoned for the battle. His
lirootiona were faithfully carried out.
Fho hone at tor balng killed wai placed
n position with his grim rider , and
cropped np , and then the mound was
jullt up over them. The hill Is pointed
> ut to this day as the place of sepulture
if the great chief , Blackbird.
GKAND ISLAND , July 3 , 1885.
A. Quarter of a Century ,
CLEVELAND , Ohio. Benton Myers &
lo. , wholesale druggists of this qlty say
hat during their experience of a quarter
f a century St. Jacobs Oil has * far out- r
lyallcd In calo and popularity all similar c
- - -
- - | c
rtlcles. cfl
> Bee Man in lie Mining Towns of tbe
Northwest ,
ccnery , Business Chances and Gcn _
crAl Condition of Rising Young
Cities The Tourist's Fnradlso.
? ecinl Correspon Jenco to the BEE.
BOISE CITY , Idaho , July 1. Tha ra-
Ion of country which Ia embodied In the
Ip north and west along the Utah &
'orthorn and the Oregon Short Line , via ,
ocitolla and Shoabono to the Wood I
vor country , Is ono of the most romantic
ctiona of the great northwest. Tbo
appera' trail has been followed by tho.
nlgrants' wagon and both have been bi °
ortaken by the modern railway , biai
etchum , the terminus of the Wood bidi aibi
per branch of the Oregon Short Line , di
distant about sixty-two miles from I
loahono and Is situated on what |
lown aa the Central Wood rlvor region ,
otchum la now a thriving town re
2,000 Inhabitants. The town th
; o was located under what it
town as the old ten-dollar-lot
ir or act of congrcea which allows each
habitant two lots at the minimum price
$10 each , where the elza does not ex- I
ed 4,200 square feet. Many fine bnsi >
as houses and residences h&vo lately hei
en erected , which for architecture and of
auty will compare favorably with old cleiMr
ivns east or west , Water works are a Mr
sslbllity In the near future ; the city Is Zei
w supplied with clear spring water
ira the neighboring mountains by car-
rs , who make their delivery dally ,
eluded In the largo mercantile and
mufacturlng enterprises tbo moat Us
table to bo mentioned is 'tbo
rat National bank , with a capifsl an ;
$50,000 , the oflicera are 1.1. Lewis , arc
esidont ; George U. Moulton , William PO ]
rndman , Joseph Flnkham and Georfio To
, Griffin , directors. It was the good
'tune of the writer to become acqualnt- got
wlth Hr. O. M. Snow , the gentloman- Bit
teller of the First National bank.
r. S. who is also engaged in the furnl-
roand h ? mass business , assisted us ad-
rably In our canvats.
( Text in Importance Is the Philadelphia tot
nlng and smelting company's works , hot
npartng as third in slzo to any smelting
rks In the country , having cost tbo
npauy ever a quarter of a million do- !
a. The plant cavers 1GO acres
situated on a beautiful
ich of table land at the
ictiou of Wood rlvor and Warm Spring
ek , about three-quarters of a mlla
rlh of Kelchnui , and oonsitts of ton
lldlntjj , including furnaces , machine W
im , barns , offices , scale rooms , coal
1803 and ere bins. The dolly ore
uclng capacity la 180 tons. All the
chinery Is driven by water power.
1 The furnsco Is of the sectional water
jacket pattern , and has a capacity of
thirty tons , which includes ores and
fluxes. Three good churches , a public
school , and a newspaper , the Kotchnm
Kofstono , show tbat life and activity
exist hero on every hand. In plain sight
are the Sawtooth mountains , per
haps the most noted and grand In
Idaho. The name Is derived from the
peculiar way in which its many lofty
peaks are linked along for miles. At a
distance It would really remind the ex
plorer or prospector of saw teeth in hugo
proportions , This range lies to the west
and north of the Wood rlvor country
proper , about sixty-five miles. A number
of very productive mtnoa are situated In
this range , producing oto very rich In
silver and load , the largest percentage
being the former. I was shown a spccl- '
men to-day which assayed GOO ounces
of silver to the too. This metal
being quoted at $1 per ounce
makes it a very doslrablo ttako
largo groups of minoa are situated In the
vicinity , giving employment to an army
of men. Among the largest and most
Important mines may bo mentioned the
Elkhorn , Parker , Carrie Lenard , Ontario ,
Baltimore , Silver Bullion , Black Horse ,
Mountain King , and oihnrs.
Wood , water , and fish abound in
plenty in this region ; the winters are
long ; the mow falls deep , and for iho
first year or two now comers prepare In
summer for winter.
Two miles west of Kotchutn are iho
Guyor hot springs , noted for the medical
effects produced by bath ? .
Alturaa county , in which the towns of
Shoshone , Bellevue , Hally , Bullion ,
Kotclium , and other towns are located ,
has an area of 19,000 equate miles , and
Is larger than Vermont and Now
Hampshire combined , It is 200 miles
long , aud In width varying from 70 to
1GO miles. It Is the banner county of
the territory not only in slzo bub also in
wealth and population , Going south
Hally and Bellevue are passed.Hally Is
a brisk llttlo town of 1,500 Inhabitants
and has a good trade with the adjacent
mining camps of Bullion , Smokey , East
Fork , oto. It is the county seat of this
great county. It la also the seat of the
United States land office. Among the
early ploneera of this place andthoto
who have stood by the in tores ta of the
town it is opportune to make mention of
Messrs , John Hnlloy ( after whom the
town was named , ) and John F. Rllcy ,
ono of the originators of the town.
Bullion is reached by stage from Halley -
ley , It la six miles distant from the last
named town , It Is Mtnated In a narrow
gorge In the celebrated Bullion district
and within a few hundred feet of the
main workings of some of the most popu
lar mines in the vicinity. Besides the
250 miners employed in the adjacent
mines It contains about 500 Inhabitants.
The return stage takes you back to
Halley , where the train Is again boarded
ind the traveller proceeds to Belle-
rno , a town of about 1,300 inhabitants.
1'ho town was laid out in May , 1880 , by
aartios of prospectors from Nevada ,
Utah , Montana and Idaho , who mot at
ibis paint , their farther progress being
mpoded by snow of the former winter
itill remaining In the valley above. Sltu-
ited near the throat grazing valleys below
ind surrounded by many good mines ,
3ellevuo promises to , ad Is destined to
) o quite a city at no fa dlatant day.
Tno next large town ' . Interest , and I
nay say of Importance , Is Iho chy of Sho-
hone , the starting poinb of the Wood
Ivor branch and the terminal poiiit of
ho toll road to the ' 'Great Shoshone
"alls , " ( In which our neighbor and
rlend , Mr. Charles Dewey , has taken
uch a great intarost. ) f hoao falls have
icon properly named the ' 'Niagara of
ho west. " The present population of
Ihoahono is about one thousand , and con-
Innally Increasing. It Is pleasantly situ-
led on the Little Wood river , and snr-
ounded by a largo tract of land which
nly needs irrigation to make it pro-
uclivo of as fine crops as
ay portion of the territory ,
'he ' Oregon Short LInohas In good work-
ig order extensive machine shops and
jundhouacB. Those bulldinga ore con-
tructed of natural lava rock , of which
trgo quantities are found In the vicinity ,
ho construction of buildings of this ma-
irlal makes them both durable and artis-
o In appearance. A walk through the
irloua buildings impresses ono with the
ctont of the company's work here ,
vor 200 mechanics are employed , among
horn are a number of former Omahans.
The Darroy house , the largest hotel In
10 city , Is ably conducted by Messrs.
nderfion & Flower who always lake
roat pleasure in making a sojourn at
ilu well known hostelry agreeable and
Dmoliko. Owing to their increasing
ado and popularity there Is now under
instruction an addition , giving the
) usa fuidiciont room to ajcommodato a
rge number of visitors.
Shoshone being the end of the passen -
ir and freight divisions , gives the trav-
ar ample tlmo to view the grand scenery
served at a glance of the great lava
ids but a short distance to the north
.d oast. The weather Is all that could
desired by the most fastidious ; tbo
ys are pleasant and evenings cool dur-
y the summer months. Space and tlmo
cupola the writer to refrain from fur-
mmont regarding this admirable locality.
The visitor leaves the sntrounding very
[ nctantly , suffice it to eay that a trip tea
a great county of Altnras and the re-
wnod Shoshone Falls Is ono long to bo
nembered by the tourist. At
Bound For tit. Louis.
IT , Louis , July 4. A cablegram from
ckland announces the arrival their of the
lea department's messengers sent from
e n month acjo , and the acknowledgemept
the requisition for Maxwell , who mur
ed Proller. The officers will return with
xwoll , by etoamor , which soils from New
.land . July 21st. ,
Artificial Oyster * ,
rheso are eald to bo manufactured in
rls. They look like reel oysters , nnd
to something like them. But they are
1 things to eat , and will give almost
body an attack of dyspepsia. There
legions of people who suffer from dya-
iaia who never ate an artificial oyster ,
have such excellent digestion as to bo
a to enjoy real oysters , and the other
d things of life , take Brown's Iron
tors , the best Iron tonlo over made ,
Is for a dollar a bottle. Tc
Big Bcar'u Fourth ,
'APPELLE , July 4 , Big Bear is reported
a at C&rleton and the troops returning i
10 , nfa
ben Bib7 wu tick , wo gave ter Cutorb , bee
ben the TTM a Child , eho cried fur CaitorU , her
lien ilia became lilts , gbo dun j to Castorie , edi
liia the h&d Chlldrta , nhe g TO them CutorU tea
Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica ,
Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache ,
KoroTli rontStroll Iriiri.Mi'-iilim.Hi-uUo * ,
Ilurtm , hrnliU. Front 111 leu ,
nn AH oTinn ronii.T rms AM > Anir < > .
Sold tj DrnciUti And Droltra evtrrnlitre. Firtjr GeuUft LottlN
Directions tall Lanf in ( W .
( SiKtiHti . A. TPOtUB t CO. ) Dtttlmorr , JIJ. , V. 3. A.
Si. Clinrlps St. , Sf. Louis. J Ie.
r r Jn > ftT > MMl MOeutf < . iMbtc "
Drifted lu tlwtpclnlfrtm ! .itof CNri c . . .
a * i lILoer I > i.iatbc rv tr tftyt sits t
11 r HJ f p i * i J 'l oil rMlJomi ow
Nenous Prostration , Orbllllf , Mcnt-J uJ
Phislcnl Weakness ! MorcurlAl and utiu/1 * i ,
Honi ot Throat , Skin ot Rones , Blond Pod , , ' \ ;
9ld.Sor s and Ulcers , nr > trrntci.nb n pui" ,
r. iicnlitnti'ltDtiac'i ° tl > ' ' " - P V' r.-lil.
Olscasuj Arising froci Indiscretion , rxct : > \ ,
tipoMite or Indulgence , * i.ioh ( ] < Kxieo-
i llo lnc ff t l n t.oo.itai , J'Mlltf , Olmtii-t tf rlt i
and dtfectlr * mraiirr plajnltt oa tb face , rtjletl tu.y ,
trttl nlotb < iecl i of tcwilHcoaiomi of l-Jiili ,
rtndcrlne W rrl R imi > roper or nnhtfiiy , BH
ntnmic.itlrmircil , l' > nhinJ l' t ) fnltj nl > o ? , i rt
liiKfclrd turi-lop * , freqlfi njvJilrpst. CaoiuUAtloaM i
ie orl > 7n&lirreeinillnrliti : . tlM forqueitlcni.
A Positive Written Guarantes
ti all eatable eaits. Mf Ilelce"icnt mrv1iir * *
3Mmphet , > .nzllih or ( lorrusn , 61
iarlblne above rtlfPtnes , la ruJe or f n
James Medical Inslituts
Chartered by theStateofllll.
nois for the express purpose
ofglvlnglmmediate rellciin
nil chronic , urinary and prl-
; vatc diseases. Gonorrhcca ,
GlcetnndSyphlllslnall their
complicated forms , also all
diseases of the Skin and
Blood promptly relieved and
permanently-cured by reme-
' '
_ . f > ] > ectatrracttcc. Seminal
Weakness , Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
iheFace.LostManhood.fosHd ' * . "
Is 110 experiment in < l- The appropriate remedy
is at once used In each case. Consultatbns , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential , MedV
Iclnes sent by Mall and Express. No marks on
package to Indicate contents or sender. Address
DR. JAMES.No. 204VVasiinglon ! SI.ChIcagolll.
Will pruiAr ( nn QLOOIB"IPr- >
lute ti ! < - LI VER KIDNEYS.
kill ] It ) sioiih. TMh UJiAIjTif.
encl VIQOV. of YODTII. ; ) ?
iislaVinto ( Apiietlte ,
Inc < . of
cured. Horrc. n
ai ri c-t i ccelvc new lorce
D livens tlio ml ml ana
Mipiilltd iiraln rowet.
J ! 2uOcrliM from rouii'lalntc
' nicur.irto Illflr SflC w il
> nd lu BJJ. lA'OnrEE.'S IIcON TOne it t.nlo ow
iiceiiy cure.tlUcsa clear , benllliy comploxlo-
rcqucnt * n mpts rl cnvztdUnK only Ada
I > f.UoriopiilarltyortliuorlBin % ! . Uo lot CTj-era *
li t KCltllO OlltClNAlj AM > 1JES T.
tolrJoDr. Jlnrtiriiml oo V
J.or "D1U5ASI HOOKtwB ) ,
l - fnl Inf , 7nutr4in frivs Xf I
Irnioi , Uleli. , Feb. S , im.
I. M. Loots A Co. ifosmoi , Mich.
OSSTS I am adng your Fluid Extract Bed Olerer
Dlossom and Woe Cora press for Cancer on tbo trout ,
ind amirclL I am utlsQod It I * tbo but romedr for
Danerr known , You are wrlcomo to uio tliU lor tb
. _ , TOLBDO , O. , Janmuy Ot MSI
r. M.IxxiaB&Oo. . JfovnOE , Midi. '
OE TLZHKN Sly wife tua foreomo tlmo been offljeted
irith eomothinfT like a ficrof aloua dL coae. And found no
ellet until me faro your bxtract of Jtod Clovtrn trial.
I nra happy Co nay Bto boa experienced irrcat relief
[ Till Is hutafilltrbt testimonial or my appreclAUon oc
'our efforts in belmlC oC humanity , wlUou you or *
relcamo to use for tholr btnodt.
lam.ieryreepectfully. H. ARMS.
rwuuir * Miti-a. tb w uurooiuiry inui zno. Mjiinu yc
AT * Wit best blood medicine taown.
Voars tmlfc W. M. BEIDEHT.
R. n , nyman , of Grand lUpIiin , Jrleli. . ny After
ivo Doctorsadvlned lilm touso r/ooso'a Kit. Hcd Clover
ir a bad eau of t czema , or rarer Bora on the ICK.
Ely used two pounds of jour Solid Uitract lied Cloren
m jiow well *
As a Sprtntr Uedleloe Tonlo and ecnrral Illood PnrV
IT 11 ) i s no qnal. ror ealo by all druggists , or J. M ,
0060 & Co.Monroe. Mich.
riio OrlKlnnl and Only Uciiuiiio.
'e ao4lwft7 Krllalilf. n var t > rHurthl < | ii ImltttloDt.
i.t niablo to LADIES. A * ! * } our ItrujceUt for
hlclimter' riiitll-l ? ' iil t > k un oUicror luUoieO.
iiunit4 ) ui for iartlcuUri in tttter tij rtturn itiulL *
ftME PAPER. Ohlcbiwtrr < 'liFmlrul Cu. ,
Silllludlwii biauun1'lilUda. . , ! .
Drujglste. Trade euppllid by J. A. Fuller li Co
wn' Lots in Denver Junction
Weld County , Colorado.
'enver ' Junction IB B now town ol a bout 200
ibitnnts , laid out in 188-1 , on the great
ik railway ncross the continent , at tlie
stlon of the Juleiburg lirancli , 107 miles
a Denver , Tha town ia on second bottom
i of the 1'latto liiver , tbo finest location
ween Omaha and Denver , and It eurroun J.
jy the bo t-layinp ; lands west of Kearney
.otlon , Neb , ; climate healtliy and bracinKi er
tuclu 3,090 feet , Denver Junction blda to fr
imo an important point , as tbe U. 1' . It ,
Do , , are putting upmanyof their buildings
3 , while the V. & M. It , It. Co. . are expect-
.oon to connect at this { -lace. The prensnt
ace for good investments In town lots will
c ly ev r bq equaled elsewhere. l"or Bale
; li8 lot or block In good terms by
A ent , Denver Junction Cole ,
, Since the completion of the new packing
and slaughter houses , South Omaha is mak
ing a wonderful ane rapid growth. ' Besides
the large pork and beef house erected for
Hammond & Co. , other dealers have com
menced the erection of similar institutions
and still others are contemplated for the
near future. Several dwellings have been
built and twenty or thirty are now building.
Employment is now furnished to about one
hundred and fifty families , and conservative
estimates place the figure at eight hundred
to one thousand families that will find em
ployment there a year hence. This offers
great inducements to laboring men to secure
homes now while they are cheap. Specula
tors will also find it to their advantage to buy
at present prices. The company have made
no change from the original prices , but some
parties who first purchased lots have resold
them at splendid profits , in some cases at
double the purchase price. If in so shorfc a
ime handsome profits are made , what will
be the result when everything is fully devel
oped ? In the few other cities that are favor
ed with a first class cattle market , fortunes
have been made by investors in real estate ,
aud the same is certain to follow in South
Omaha. While the whole city of Omaha
svill be greatly benefitted by the growth and
levelopment of the cattle interest , South
3maha lots will enhance in value more ra
bidly than any other by reason of the prox-
mity to the works.
Manufacturers o'f all kinds will lind ittd their advantage
to inspect thiaproperty ; good location , level grounds , track
facilities nnd plenty of jood pure water furnished by the
South Omaha Water Works. In fact , every f acilit7 to moke
desirable for manufacturers , including cheap ground.
Will find it profUablo to select proinrty now , as a year or
two hence with a population of 501)0 ) to 10,001) people ,
this will become a desirable place for all kinds of business ,
and lota bought now , can bo had nt very reasonable pricea
which will double in price many times in the next two years.
Eich or poor , will find it profitable to make investments
in this property. Free conveyance af ; all times will bo fur
nished by us to parties wishing to BCO this wonderful now
town ana learn of its advantages. Wo have entire charge
of , and are the exclusive agents for the sale of all this
property from G streets south , Splendid lots from $225
,213 Sdtih STREET ,
Wo have desirable business and residence proparty for sale" in [ all
rts of Omaha and do a general real estate business. Wo solicit bny-
3 and sellers to call on us. Wo will give them Jill possible information
30 , and keep conveyance free to show property m any parb of the city ,
Bedford & Souer.