Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1885, Image 6

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Saturday Morning , July 4.
HT Canlu * . . . . - . . to conis'T * ' week
Bf U il - I . . . . . . M tlO.OO p r year
W. H. Wnro orates at Nooln to-day.
Baeoball nt Glonwood ; Tabor 2 , Glon-
wood 23.
Maj. A. R. Anderson la the orator at
Griswold to-day.
The city council moots in regular BOS-
tion Monday night.
The llev. Dr. McCroary ia act down
lor a Fourth of July oration at Mace
The ovonlng papora akip to-day. The
BEE make its visits with the nowa as
L. Brldonstoln and George Graves of
the "Q. " road giro an oxcnrnlon to-day
to Catr'a lako.
James Bntko hid the dlatlnotion yesterday -
torday , of bolng the only drunk fined in
the superior court.
Col. J. n. Koatloy spreads the caglo at
Carroll to-day , The Carroll folks will
hear a good orator.
Oonatnblo Wesley has lost hla star
Bomowhoro between Krldlor'n and Kiel's
hotel on Main street.
There will bo services aa usual in the
Congtogational church to-morrow , the
pastor having returned.
The Fourth comou forth to-day , and
Council Blnffi gives only n chopped-up
sort of n celebration , hero a llttlo and
there still Icsi.
ft The Danobo'socl.ty will celebrate the
day near Park's mill. Oratory , music ,
dancing , feasting , and fireworks are allen
on the programme.
The Aylosworth-Loofbourow judicial
contest ia to bo decided in Das Molnos
next Wednesday. At least that Is the
next time fixed.
City warrants seem to have dropped
two or throe cunts this . month , they
now being cashed at seventy-five cents on
the dollar by brokers.
Chief Waiters says that ho will hold o
to the chieftainship of the fire department
mont and fight to the bitter end , whlc
ho thinks will provo moro sweet thai
bitter to him.
Services in the Baptist church at 10:3 :
a. m , and 8 p. m. Preaching by thi
pastor. Subject for the evening , "God" ,
hand In our national history. " Seats
freo. All are cordially invltod.
The postoffico 'will bo open for th >
transaction of business this morning from
10 to 11 o'clock , and this evening from '
to 7:30. : Only ono collection and on
delivery will bo made by the carriers.
There will baa shooting match at the
driving park commencing at 8 o'clock
this morning. A sealskin cartridge box
Is the first priza , offered by Dr. Palmer ,
the "Lono Wolf. " The first match will
bo ten birds , twonty-ono yards rise ,
plunge traps , Iowa state rules.
A Washington correspondent says that
Council BluflV mayor is seeking a posi
tion in the secret corvlce. Glvo It to
him , Undo Sam. Put him somewhere
where ho will have to keep his month
buttoned up. Ho Is killing himself and
his friends by his everlasting prattle.
The Rov. J. Fiak will conduct the
services at the mission at the corner of
Third avenue and Fifteenth street to
morrow at 10:30 : a. m. He will address
the children at the homo ot the friendless
at 3 o'clock p. m , , situated at No. 714
Avenno D. Parents and children not
connected with the homo are invited to
Since the refusal of the county to ac
cept the bridge lately built at Seventh
street , the city has put up fences to prevent
vent the bridge bolng used. The fences
wore torn down yesterday , and James
Smith , ono of the former proprietors of
the Ilovoro honso , was complained of as
being tho.oifsnder. Ho says they have
got the wrong man , and proposes to
provo so next Monday.
George Woollver , the contractor who
was lately injured by being thrown from
a wagon and run over , is to BUO the city
for $1,000 dameges. In driving through
an alloy' between Third and Fourth
streets , and between Eighth and Ninth
avenues , the approach was not properly
filled , and the jolt caused him to fall off ,
the wheels passing over him , breaking
several ribs.
The Nonpareil denounces the practice
of honorable newspapers in giving credit
to articles clipped from other papers.
The old grandmother got enough llfo
into her yesterday to really gat a llttlo
vexed and declare it to bo "a beastly
hublt of giving credit to newspaper clip
pings. " Tha old lady cannot bo ncsnaed
of Indulging In thla "beastly" habit , al
though her scrap-book is mainly filled up
with clippings.
Four empty whisky llasks were found
In the cells at the city jail yeatcnUy ,
showing that oven iron 1ms do not pro
hibit. It seeing that flasks are frequently
passed in through the windows by oat-
fiidt ) friends , and the prisoner * have n
jolly time occasionally In prolonging their
tproea after having fallen into the
clutches of the law. There should be a
fence built about the jail building or
Bomo other practical stops taken to en-
lorco prohibition , at least in the jtil.
Miloi filulUn , who was arrctted at PA-
ciSo Junction for stealing a borso belong ,
ing to 0. H. Mitchell , yesterday had hla
examination before Jattlco Fralney ,
William Forrest Patton appcnroi for the
otalo , and J. 0. Hhccbljck for the de
fense , Tit ) casa was cloicly and tharply
foujhf , inch by ioci ! , but the court decid
ed to l.eld tUo accused to the gra-d jury i
in the mm of $7,000. Doing nnablo tc
( Ire ball , Mnllon want to jail ,
A change has been made In the firm ol
Leaman it Boobo. A few days ago Mr.
Loaman bought Mr. Ucobe's iutorest and
now J , II , Snyder , the Broadway grocer ,
goes Into the commission business with
N. E , Loaman nndor the firm name ol
Snyder & Loaman at ( ho old stand No.
14 Pearl atroot. The now firm are
"rustlers" and arc going to extend their
business and hereafter deal In everything
in the commission business , Mr. Snydoi
Is RODR | out of the grocery business so ho
cau gtvo his whole attention to his now
A wonderful euro has been performed
by Dr. Towns , of Fond du Lac , Wi > .
Mrs. Harris , of .Clinton , Iowa , called on
the doctor for treatment of.canoor of .tho
tongugo , which had eaten ono-quarter of
it off. Towns at once administered hla
remedy , drawing It out In a few hours ,
and healing It In throe weeks. She is
not lacking for tongue now and Is using
it In glowing terms In the doctor's pralso.
Dr. Towns is stopping at the Paclfio
house nntil Wednesday morning , the
18th Inst. Ho will then leave for Sienx
City , where ho will remain for savon
days. Dr. Towns only troata such esses
as are abandoned by ether physicians.
It costs you nothing to step Into his office
and talk with him. Oflico hours , 0 a. m.
to 0 p. m.
The city fathers who are wrestling
with the problem of how to moot $00,000
of expenses with $30,000 of receipts
should go to the homo of the friendless
and got some lessons in financiering.
From the reports of the homo an pub
lished It appears that the receipts are
from forty to fifty dollars a week , and
yet out o ! this amount forty odd persons
are bolng clothed , fed and lodged ; there
are repairs to ba kept up , payments to bo
made on property purchased aomo time
ago , old debts to bo whittled down , and
the running expenses mot of publishing a
paper claiming 1,500 circulation. To
cap the climax the management avoirs its
policy to bo not to got In debt but to
make the expenses conform with the re
ceipts. Just how It cm bo done Is a
puzzle , and a solving of the mystery
might bo a clue to the remedy of the
city'o troubles. If the homo can got
along with loss than a dollar a week for
table board , lodging , washing , etc. , there
must bo big money In boarding houses.
JulyL . 1SS5. J
Notlco Is hereby glvon that the Now
York Plumbing company trill open for
business next Monday July Gth. The
company has secured the services of
killed workmen , and have selected , the
Quest stock of plumbing goods ever
brought Into Council Bluffs. In all work
done by this company special care will bo
bakon , and every uanitiry rule will bo
carefully observed. Thoao wishing work
done will find It to their advantage t
have this company's estimate before con
Manager New York Plumbing company
552 Broadway.
Harry Haworth has returned from th
Mrs , George Richmond is visiting friend
it Madison , Wis.
Mr , Samuel Haas baa returned from nn ex-
ended western trip.
Col. L. W. Tulle ; 8 goes in for n quid
Tourth at Spirit Lake.
L , J , Hutchinson and wife , of Shonandoab
yero at Bechtele's yesterday.
George W , Thompson , of Von Brunt
Thompson & Co. , left last evening for Chi-
Jnmea McMahon , who has been borne on
rieit , from Fremont , Neb. , returned to Fro
aont yesterday.
Mr. Ord Curtis , of Cedar Rapids , is visit-
ag his brother , Harry Curtis , secretary of th
iToung Men'd Ceristian association.
Frof , Ilougbton , of Tabor college , has re
igned his position , nad is thinking of going
urthor west to engage in the stock business.
The Rev , T , J. MacKey leit yesterday on
n eastern trip , In Chicago ho expects to
loot Mrs. Marshall Key , and both will take
trip around tbo lakes , visiting Montreal ,
nd other points of interest , returning by
The Rov. G. W , Crofts , pastor of the Con-
regationol church , returned yesterday from
andwich , Ills. , where ho his been after his
'ifo and daughter , Mr , Crofts has secured a
sMdcnco on Seventh street and JSIghth ave-
ue , recently owned and occupied by Mr
lhallin , and will coon proceed with his family
> occupy it.
James Vincent , the veteran editor of the
onerican Nonconformist , is now at Burllng-
> n Junction , Mo. , nt tbo springe , and ! a ro-
ivering from the effects of the late surgical
peration and Illness. He thus writes to his
eadore , Indicating that he is far from losing
Is grip on his grit : "I often feel impelled to
-rite you at length , and try by degrees to get
ack to my work , but when I have tried it ,
ave been swiftly admonished to doeltt by re-
irnlng pains. I am like an old fiddle , or
ko a fiiddla with the strings all loose. But
atlence ! I shall have my nervous system
in0.1 up to a concert pitch after awhile , at
jast I hope eo , end then , 'Well,1 , you say ,
vhat then ! ' Just wait and cool Remember ,
am one leg ehort , but don't forget , that is
ot about to prevent the work going on , the
ork of helping to tear down the systems
irporato and ecclesiastical iniquity which
imblned , are devastating aad enslaving our
atlon , "
Read Judd & Smith's ofibr of $1,000
Jtrard in another column.
There wore thirty-eight doiths in Dav-
uport during Juno ,
The Davenport Cremation society his
ibsoribed $3,375 for an oven ,
The new creamery balldlng at Hock
lipldsis approaching completion ,
The foundations have been laid for the
nltecl Brethren college at Homer.
The damage by the great storm of
ano 11 through tha state ia placed at
1,500,000. ,
One hundred and seventeen ciTendera
' all grades n ore gathered In by the po-
30 of Davouport during Juno.
The ita'o ' census returns indicate &
population for the capital city of Dei
Moines of between 35,000 and 36,000.
The state supreme court recently dectdec
that hotel keepers are liable for damages
to guests who contract contagious diseas
es in their houses.
A damigtng wind and rainstorm swepl
across the country Saturday morning ,
causing great damage in Its path , which
covered the state from LaMars to Du-
Wllloy , the murderer of Charles Evan :
at a camp mooting near RedCold , Dallas
county , August last , was found guilty ol
manslaughter at Davenport , Tuesday ,
Sentence was deferred to July 7.
John Miller , a German twonty-throc
years of ago , deaf and dumb , was ran
over and killed by the Flying Dutchman
train on the Milwaukee it St. Paul road
tovon miles north of Dabnqno Monday ,
The first political convention of colored
voters over hold in this state has jnttbeon
hold in Mahaska county. The attendance
was largo. The session resulted in the
nomination of John Priestly , a colored
man , for representative.
On their arrival homo from the national
turnfost at Newark , N. J. , last ovonlng ,
the Davenport turning class was given a
reception. The class won moro prizes
and made the best record generally of any
class at the tournament.
E. A. Fritz , the absconding rill way
and express agent at Lansing , proves to
have made a clean-up among his friends
and from the companies whose confidence
ho enjoyed , of not less than $3,000.
Ho left n wlfo and two children in desti
tute cnrcnmstanccs.
A largo building In Mono , occupied an
a dwelling and hardware store by Ed
Angel , and belonging to J. P. Farley ,
caught a shock of electricity Saturday
morning. The shaft struck the chimney ,
passed down and entered a bed room ,
where it toro off the window casings and
passed outside. Mr. and Mm. Angel
were away from homo.
Early Tuesday morning some burglars
catnod an entrance Into the store of
Foster & Rifferty , at Berwick , Iowa , by
way of the cellar , and blow open the safe.
The jar of the explosion shattered the
glass In the windows. The safe con
tained $2,000 in cash , the property of
the express company , which the robbers
carried away. There la no clew to the
burglars ,
Fred Tongol a Dubuqno dispenser of
bnozo and an advocate of personal liberty
made an nnprovockod snd murderous at
tack Saturday evening on an elderly
gentleman named William Meyer , who
la a well known and respected citizen.
Tcngol beat his victim over the head
with a mallet used for a bung-starter ,
fracturing the skull and otherwise injur
ing the unfortunate man.
Hanthorn sells wood at his food store.
Substantial abstracts of title and real
estate loans. J. W. and E. L. Squires ,
101 Pearl street ,
Hummer Normal
At Western Iowa College , commencing
July G , and continuing eight weeks.
Classes of three or raoro in any of the
higher atndlos. Cnrafnl reviews in the
common studies using the text books
you have. W. S. PAULSON ,
Council Blufls.
Auction Sale of Dry Goods ,
Wo will commence selling at audio
Monday , July Gth , afternoon and evenIng
Ing to close out the entire stock , In
eluding the fixtures. The store room 1
is also for rent. Don't miss this oppor
tunlty to got staple goods at your own
prico. Dealers take notice. Soconc *
ioor below postoffico No. 34 Main street
The store of R. L. Skiles , dealer in
soots and shoes at 102 Main street , wll
30 closed to-day and will not bo open
igain until Wednesday morning , July 8 ,
Miss Dovey Jacob ] , of Hamburg , Ia.
a spending the Fourth with Miss Mamii
[ lodefer ,
A fqur-footed bird , the cegana , has been
liscovcred in the Island of Alarsjo , at the
nouth of the Amazon , It resembles a pheas-
tnt , and is only four-footed in early life , as
ifter a few days' existence ono pair of legs do
relopa Into wings.
A floating island about ono hundred feet
: qaare is at present an interesting object in
> hat portion of Lake Marsobic , Maine ,
cnown as the "Black pond. "
Thera boa just been unearthed nt Lancaster ,
? a , perhaps the earliest iron casting made in
hn country , being steve plate cast , at Eli/.v
> eth furnace , by Baron Henry William Stio-
; le , in 1758 , The Baron's name appears upon
he plate ,
Ona of the tallest fish stories on record como
rom Japan. This yarn ia gravely related in
'ho Yokohama Gazette , "An oxtrnordlnarly
ire ( crab has been caught at Nakakubiki-
ori , in Nllgata- ken lately. The width of
te ehell Is about eight feet and the largest of
ts legs the same length , "
An English farmer reports n strange friend
hip between hla feiret and younjr rats nat-
ral enemies ot the fiercest sort. Twice when
Ir ferret has had n litter young rats have
eon given her to food , and ouch time she lus
aved and suckled two of them , with her
oung , until they had matured.
Near Astoria , Ore , there ia n deposit of
lamehella which covers an area of over four
cres , and Is piled in places to the depth of
i'U feet. The amount of shells is incalculable.
) ver 1,000 loads have been hauled away to
lake roads , but the amount ia hardly notico-
blo in the diminution of tha immense heap ,
from time to tlma telics of tbo old clam-
ating trlbo that made that place their head-
tiarters are found. A parly recently found
clam opener , It was made from a whale's
ooth , is about eittht Inches long , and is ground
harp at the end , There are eomo eixteon
iches of soil on top of these clam-beds on
rhlch grow fir trees som < > of them 400 years
Id- [ dan Francisco Alta ,
NO. 2 ,
'a the Highest Achievement in Writing
Machines in the World.
With cnly $9 keys to learn a
operate. It prluta 76 characters
Including capa and small letters ,
punctuation ) , figures , elgna and
tractions. It a the simplest and
inobt raplJ writing machine
made M well oa ne moat durable
for free illustrated pamphlet ,
Wyckoff Seatnans & Benedict ,
Ulilcogo , 111 , , Sole Agentr ,
0. II , SKOLK3 , Council BlulTd ,
Agent for Weatern Iowa
In Council BlufTj having a
nd nil modern ImprovemcntD , call belle , fire
alarm bollr , etc. , ii tlio
No . 215 , 217 ftnd aiP , Main Street ,
X anur ? , - 2
7T 3
Of their Entire Stock of Ladies' and Childrens * Hosiery ,
20 to 50 Per Cent ; Reduction ,
New Lawns just received , andsuitable to wear , Ele
gant Laces and Embroideries at greatly reduced prices
. * ,
Moquette , Body Brussels , Ingrain , Matting , Bugs , Etc. Curtains and Curtain Goads.
s Made and laid by Skilled Workmen.
Keep Horses and Mules constantly on hand which
wo will cell In retail or carload lota
II Stock Warranted as Renresented
Wholos&lo and retail dealers in Oraln and Baled Hay. Prices ro .
aonablo Satisfaction Otmantccd.
Oor. 5th Av. and 4th St. , Council Bluffs.
Sold by the lending dealer in every
city and town ,
! urhorn ,
17 Main St. , Council Bluffs.
For any cuse v of Kidney or liver disease or dyspepsia , rheumatism , or any disease indudcrd
by a lack of native power , that cannot bo cured by the use of Drs. Judd & Smith's Eloctrio
elta and Appliances. 3No. SO , Fourth St. , Council Bluffs.
Horene & Landstrom ,
Suits to order in latest styles at cheapest possible 'prices.No.
No. 205 Main St. , Council Bluff
Regular Dinner 31:30 : to 1:3O , 25 cents.
505 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Ihe only all night house in the city. Everything served in'first closi style and on sbor
notlco , Hot and cold lunches always ready.
Curtains , Oil Clotlis ,
Window Shades ,
Linoleums ,
Mattings ,
Rugs , Etc. , Etc.
Careful Attention Given to On
of Town Orders ,
Upholstery and Drapery Worlt"ma
Oar stock la the
UK ! is being continually replenished by
ill tbo latest and choicest novelties.
05 Br oadway Council Btufls
, Eica M. B.
ci * U rtanori itn.irt trlthctl tfci
Oj kalft ir itiwlai cl bin * .
3HSONIC DISEASES11 ' " * ' . ,
o i IbirtyTiiii praceir-1 "uuiuu OiUi W *
I'c rl tlreef , Cotindl i'ilitlU.
1/ladame / 11 Balcear
Who for tto rait 19 years has been practising
an Francisco li now located at No 18 N. Ctb 8lr
piKulte now Opera House ,
lada'xo Balceir guarantees to restore
r to elvo anyone nhughinufctacbe or bring out a
ne growlh cl btlr orbaard In from four tot Ix wceki.
rlco | reasonable and mtibtirtlon guaranteed ,
Oanoirv , dealnoiaandeapccUlly rhcumathm n1
obronlo cheaws cured by auttuial gift ot he
ctrest.l > r. JE7. Jf. JSaJccar ,
3rtb 6tb St. , - - Council Bluffs , Ia ,
No. 607 Broadway Council Bluffs.
The following are the tlmoa of the arrival tad re
tKrtaro of trains by oentral standard time , at the
( ooxl depots. Trams leave transfer depot ten mlu
atoa earlier csd arrlvo ton mluntoa liter.
D:2S : A M Jtall and Binresa BiSO' r H
12:40 : r u Accommodation 4:10 : r M
G:30 : r M Express B05 ; A 11
0:25 : A M Mall and Kxprcas 0:63 : r u
7:20 : A M Accommodation 6:16 : r H
6SO : r M Kxprces 9co : A u
CmOAdO , U1I.WAUE13 i-ND ST. rAUli ,
0:20 : 'A M Ma'l ' and Exprcsa BCo : r M
525 ; r M Express 0:05 : A K
emoAao , BDiuxarov un > wiser.
0W : A Mall and Express 7:10 : r u
3 If /ccominoJatlou 2:00 : r u
43 r Exprcuj 8:60A ti
2:16 : P M Local St. Louis Express Local
8:00 Transfer " " Transfer 8:20
: r M : TH
7:43 f u Looil Chlogo & fit L Exp Local 8SO : A M
' Transfer " " " " Transfer 0:06
7:36 I'M : Ail
100h ; A M Mall and Express 0:40 : r M
8:16 : r u 0:26 : A Id
7:20 A H Mall for Sioux City flEO : r u
7:30 : r u Kxproea for tit I'u1 0:25 : A u
UNION' I'jtemc.
11:03 : A M Dnvor Express 4:35 : r u ;
1:06 r u Lincoln I'asa O'a & U V 2:36 : r u :
7:66 : r H Overland Kxprcsa 8:30 : A u I
teivo Council Bluffa 0.65-7:65-5:30-10:30 : : :
11:40 : a. m. 1:30 : i:30-3:30 ! : : 4:23 : 5:26-6:26 : :
11:15 : p , m , Leave Omaha 8:25 : 7:26 : otO 10
11:15 : a. m. 12:60-2:00 : : 3w : > 4&o : 4:66 : 6:66 :
COOK'S EXCURSION 1'AltTlES sail from New
York In April , May , Jur-o and July by flret class ;
TUAVELRHS at reduced rttes , by tbo boat routes
tor jiloasiiro travel.
COOK'S EXCURSIONIST , with mips , contain
( nil particulars ; by mall for 10 centa.
TIIOS COOK & SON , 01 l'reid r , fS , T.
or HC6 Deaiborn St. , Chicago , Ills.
hlitocn acres , tcu In fiult , six In garden and
tlmberland , bit room house , lUblv , well , Uatern , tc ,
all In go.d condition , or will trade tot Omaha prop
erty ,
County Treasurer's office , Council Bluffa.
grots ,
- at-Law , i
Office , Uiln 8tr t , Rooms 7 aid 8 , Bhngart and
ttuo Uoolc. Will [ rutlce In flUUicn tate covtt
Waves , Langtry and Pompadour Frizzes.Switch . f f
es , etc , , ready made and made to order. Prices
cheaper than ever. Call and see for yourself , (
Formerlv MRS. J. J. GOOBE.
29 Main StreetCouncil Bluff.
Merchant Tailors !
7 and 9 Main St. ,
, - - -
Complete Line of New Goods Always on Hand.
J. < A
Graining , eliding , 1-apcr Hanging and Frescoing. 110 llaln St. . Council Bluff *
* * * * ' ° * My d"lred nnmbo" ' '
WINDOW & CRASVIPTON , Waverly , Iowa.
Btick buildldcs of any kind raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed , Frame hou *
aoved on Llttlo Giant trucks , the best In the world.
1010 ISinth Street , Council Bluffi
NOTICE. Special a vortlsctaentB , sue M Hosl
found , To I/can , For Bale , To Rant , Wants , Board-
lag , eta. , will bo Inserted tn this column kl the Ion
uta of TEN CENTS PER LINK for tha fltcl Incortlou
ted riVC CENTS PER LINK for e&oh cutsoqnonl in-
sirlloD. tioavo nlvcitlsomente M curoHw , Ko.
Pcail Btteal.
.Situation on a Inrraljy jounfinan
eipcrlcncc. Addrets 0. Bee oflko , Counclo
W/KIKU A younKKltlof good family to attend
a child In email trinlly ; add re a J Ileo office.
II Ulugg.
TJTOR BIUA flrst-clMa grocery stojk and flxtii 03
X1 } tt. Bnjilcr , 613 Ilro.uhuj- .
Fort IIKNT A now homo , 0 rooms , dcelrablo loca
tion , all conveniences , rmt inoJerate. Innulro
at Dee ottlcc ,
FOR SALE Landa Improved fcij unimproved.
If you ant Iurm In wodtcrn lovrt , Kansas
Kobruka or Dakota , lotus heir from you.
HWJW i WilKEtt.
U HALE Houses , Lots and Land. A. J
fitophcuson , (03 Klret avenuo.
X'O KXCA4.10-U 8 , U D , I ) 10 , I ) 13 , UIO holda 111 olfl.
crentlocatltno for ealo or for trade.
BUS. epojhl liargalnj 400 a Improved farm wortli
$18,000 , prko for a short time $16,000. will truJo
or low pilccd Weetcrn land * . Hvvau & W lker ,
BS01 , taddlory llardwtro rniuufacturini ; estab
lishment ( took and mtchlneryaluo 67.CCO , for
western land Swan & Walkir , Council Dluffd.
1 } 20J , dock rf dry good * , groceries and Jurdwrarc ,
J value , Si.OOO , In an goou eastern Ncbra k town l
[ or land , Swan k Walker ,
B 01 , stock of general merchandise In a good
western Iowa town , > aluo l.ooj , wanta an Im
proved farm In western Iowa , rsw.n .V WnlKtr ,
5 05 , stock of hardware ) In Ftubcn Co , Indiana
5B for land , value about $1 OCO. Swan & Walker
100 , nowstoekcfhari ware In a Iliu Nebraska
town forUnd , volae ? 3,010. 8 A an , V Walker.
I D 207 , stock of Igrlcultural Implements > nd she !
J hardware , \olua about 8.00J. wauls a good 1m
raved farm. H n fc W lkcr.
T > 203 , . $10,000 Etoolc of clolliini ; In a [ rood Wid
13 oonsln city , 3 In lands and bilsnoo oinli or Im
iroted security. Uoautiful store room at low rent.
anValVer. .
210 , ttock of mixed hardware Inn llro vtestorn
B Io a town for cheap Huiln , value ( (1,00 ( } . S aa
Si ! Walker.
iVB 211 , line brick blockrents ell , la a llva centra !
B li.t nn onorcoTi occupied With gejerflftockol
roods , wants an Improved farm , value ; building
8,030goodsrC03. bwaafc alker.
" ' Zit etorknf liooU , thooa I'Micaps and clothing
IB valued ? 3 000 , lu cue of tbc bttt towns lu Nub. ,
lued 83,000 lor.amls. Swunt Wtlkcr.
tieB 213 , ttJ3.00 block of clotUnt' . wants l nd In
B North Wcitorti Iowa , for $0,000 , and will pay
llflerenco Hnan & Wtlkcr.
milB 214. en $8,000 etrck of druxs In central fotva for
milB lan-i. Swan & Walerr ,
2I6anotherktooV of druiravtluo IromJMO to$700
B ' with "tore bulldluj ; and lot value t'.Oo lu a KC01
ebraika town vtanta iiartly Improved lind. Bwao &
rpoR full particulars , wilte to or ciltupcn Bnao &
I11 Walker , If vou want to Bell , buy , or tradeanr-
h\ns \ , tell a , & W. about It. bvvan & Walker , Coun-
II lilufJs Iowa.
H. 80HURZ.
ornra OTEH AiinaioAH nxraixi
roit RALE nr
r . * ,
100 Main St. , Council Bluffa
Ketall Hoot undtfiioo store vhero big b rjfaln can
f I w BJ a to found.
20 ! ) Broadway , - - Council Bluff * .
lioota and bhoia at prices as 1 jw at any home la tbo
C'ty ' <
IflpOUudjoTC ( UCir .8 1
IS pounda granu'ated nu r . . . . .M. . 1
IS round * co"fortloriaTy A sugn 1
2i lura white Huselan uoan. Kirki , . 1
0 bars > luo liidU soap. Klika 1
2 biral'jlmnaaap , Lautr Uro'j. . . , , , , , , 1
ISboxtainatclioi t
IlcatBjinp , pergtllon - . .
I'est Horslum , ptr gallon
lle.t ( h currants 14 pounds. . 1
10 hoiCJCcnulne U H lye 1
G 2-pound cans ttrawberrlci In ijrup l
D 3-pound ciiDpcarhea , In eyrup I
103-pound etna tomatoea 103
lOpuunda Mlchlandrlodapplei ( ; , . . , , 1 00
10 pounp" evaporated afplus , , , , 1 03
Lorllanl rlinux tobioto per pound 46
faty plug tobacco , par pourd CO
Na'Urilloil ' tolj-.oco , per pound . . 00
Flour , all braudalrom $ . ' .10 to 63 83 per cut.
Lower Than Any Other HOUBO
IN TJIK am ,
. . ,
6 Iroadvv0 ! - - Council Bluffi
. ormam , w , H , u.
Officer & Pusev.
Council Bluffs , Iowa.
Established , - 1865
Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Kxchftu
Home Securllicd ,