mmrttr * m WWBP ffr < wff * r * l r r W W > * l' * * Wl * - -s THE DAIIAr BEE--S5IWDAY , JULY 4 , 1885. iDtHentsoItliBDay at Capiialo tlie Slate , Strange Action of a Lawyer Who Finally Qots Into Trouble , A Site for fho Norfolk Inenno Aaylmn aclcctcrt Oonornl Notcs antl l'crson l Mention , AT THE BTATK OAPITAL. MANV MATTKnS IK BRIEF , luoporttd by The BEE'S Bureau. LINCOLX , Neb. , July 3. Not long slnco a const&blo nt Bennett named Hitchcock made complaint ngatnal Thomas O. Ptlco for shooting at him with Intent to kill. A conplo of Ben nott's foremost lawyers made out the aftidavits , getting the constable to alga thorn. The case was net for trial at 10 o'clock yesterday and continued till 1 , and then when the defendant was herewith with all hia witnesses and ready for ttial , and when the coiutablo fonnd ho bad signed aflidavita ho could not substantiate , ho concluded to withdraw the complaint. Suddenly ono of the nttornejs , Mr. Bhor , appeared'upon the acoua end pro ceeded to toll everybody that ho would make the complaint himself. Tbo defendant - fondant requested the constable to lot his' complaint stnnd , and the caeo was taken to tbo dlattict court , where justice can ho properly dealt out. Bonds were glvon for the defendant's appearance and cool days will coma before the attorneys will bo called upon to vindicate the majesty cf the law. U. D. Stcntiu will Bcrcam for the eagle at Avoca to-dsy. Mm. Jane and Miss Emory Wells , of Stuart , la. , mother nnd slater of Mro. William Orooka , of this city , ara spending a few days visiting their friends hero. Everybody and tholr friends will jellify lify the Fourth In some of the adjacent towns , except a few who may want "to got full" and stay at homo. The political pot is beginning to boll , and anxious want to-bo candidates nro freely circulating themselves nraong the dear people , signifying tholr willingness to bo sacrificed upon the official altars of tholr country. The following Is the mall carriers' work for the month of June : Mall deliv ered 209 registered lottery 03,008 mall letters ; 11,007 postal cards ; 10,400 local letter. ) ; 4,332 Iccil postal carde ; 30.8-10 nowspors ; total delivery , 120,523 plocor , They collected 30,942 lottora ; 7,902 pos tal sards ; 2,307 newspapers ; total , 41,271 places. A recapitulation of the tax levy is being prepared by the clerk , and will bo de livered by the auditor by next Tuesday. Dr. Girth , the veterinary surgeon , who Is on an official tour in this state , will re main only a short tlmo longer. He is as- elated here by 0. M. Druse , and together they have made several discoveries which will ho valuable to stock men If the re port were published so it conld bo dis tributed among the stock men and fir- inors. inors.Mr. . Dales , who waa at the last meok- Ingiof. uo rouont , , appointed eocrotary of the board by thorn , has tendered his resignation as deputy district court clerk , -to take effect the latter put of this month. Thursday night at Cortland a fight took place which resulted In three knock downs and no arrojta. Surveyors were at work on 0 s'.root fixing the grade for.tho now street railrray lino. lino.Major Klontsch has accepted an agency to wholesale boor for Dick Brothers of Qulncy , 111. , and will travel some in the oast. oast.W. W. F. Wllcox , the architect , who has charge of the St. Paul Methodist church And the state university building will upend about ton days In the city. Ho is still suffering soverly with neuralgia. Capt. Winters , representing Dick J3rotnora , of Qaincy , 111. , Is visiting In the city. Mrs. Nightingale , of Alexandria , who has veen visiting her slater , Mrs. S. J. Alexander , for the past week , returned to her homo yesterday. Mr. Eugene Lyons , formerly of Pon- tlac , III. , now ono of the leading bnslneis men of Jnniatta , is In the city visiting -friends. F A , Field , a prominent nunory roan of Kearney , Neb , , will spand the fourth and fifth set ing the boys do battle. J. J. Imhofl took a look at the metrop olis yesterday. D. B. Welpton , a prominot insurance man , pusiod through to Unadilla last evening , where ho went to adjust n loss. J. T. Youngblood , ono ot Lincoln's ulco young man , has gene to vist paranis and friends In Marietta , Ohio. Among the day'a arrivals were : W. S. Golden , Nebraska City ; J. II. Poole , Pawnee Oily ; George H. Powers , E , S. Munson , Beatrice ; E. L. Stone , wife and children , F. 0. Morgan , Omaha ; James Spots , Y. F. Yandt , Mllford ; A. B. Colton - ton , Galesburg , Ills , ; J. A. Campbell , L , Rothschild , Seward ; 0. J , Da IT , Nebras ka Olty ; H. E. Goodwin , Ohlo go ; A. H. White , Peoria ; F. Onmby , A. French , Boston ; William H. Wheeler , DIB Molooj ; Mra. V. Whitney , Syracnse ; J. N. Bloall , North Platte ; J. W. Me- Klbban , Adams ; A. W. Crawford , Coun cil Blaih ; W. B. Morrison , Hlokman ; S. W H. Welch , J. R. Perkins , L. A. Bowers , f A. J. Hammond , Omaha ; J. B. Read , York ; A. 0. Owens , Red Oak , la. Mr , Rhea , an attorney from Bennett , w&s arrested hero last evening on a charge of carrying concealed weapons. Ho pleaded guilty to the charge of having the weapon , but claimed that ho was justified In carrying It. Ho then changed his plea to not guilty and became bole , torous. . The case was continued till 1 o clock Monday. The lawyer then demanded - mandod his revolver , bnt Justice Cooh- rano refused to return it to him , when ho became somewhat excited , and the justice Intimated there would bo a commitment If he was not more docile. Ho was re leased upon his own recognizance to ap- paar Monday morning , Articles of Incorporation of the Swed ish mutual fire Insurance company , of Axtell , Kearney county , were filed in the eocrotary of slate's oftice. last ovoniiifr. The state board whioh vltited Noifolk In the Interest of tbo now Insane hospital to bo bnilt there selected , a tito and were much pleased with the ground donated and with the surrounding country. Charley Carter , chief clerk In the land commisoluncr'a cilice , returned homo la l evening from a visit among his friends In Ohio. "Wheat Crop , , KM. , July a. Tha report of the K neas itato board of agriculture for tin month ending June SO ihowa an Increase in tha acreage ot winter wheat over the cat ! mates of correspondents , euch as to mnlco thi area of tha ctato about 2.0CO.OCO ncrcs. Tni ovemgc yield will bo twenty bushels per fieri for the state , which indicate * that thep.-oihic in thn whole stnta will bo 127,000,000 btnheli or 21,72 per cent of the harvest of 1831 nnc ihort of tbo average annual product for fin Tears about 20,000,000 bushels. The corn area is about 1,022 000 acres , an Increaaa of 20,000 over last month and 377,000 over tbo crop planted in 1E84. The condition Is 82 per cent compared with Juno 30 , 1881 Thn prob&bla product is 109.171,000 buihela o' 21,700.000 short of last rear's ' crop. CONNUB1AMT1E3. Mils Daisy Slnwait , granddaughter of Gen David Hunter , U. S. A. , will ba mariied In October to Mr. Liddell , of Florida. A twenty-year old lad Is among these seek ing a divoico in Toccoa , Qa , Ho has been married two years. Two brothers manicd two sisters under a porelmmon tree by the roadside in Banks county last Sunday evening , and nil wont on bridal tour to the cotton patch on Monday morning , [ Columbus ( Ga. ) Enquirer. Walker Blaine , son of Hon. James G , Blaloo , Is to ba married this Summer to Miss Ettis , daughter of Kx-Gov. D. D. T. JTarns- woitb , of Uuckhannon , W. Va. Mlis Salllo Marie , the bride of Senator Pondleton'dson , nt the welding wore a heavy Ivory whtto tatin with full court train , the trout n mass of rare point lacs. The point lace veil was the samn worn by her mother nnil , grandmother. It wai trimmed with dailies and fastened to her hair with diamond pins , Shu carried a touquet "f Nlpliotos A minister nt n recent woddlng came very near being broken up rlqht in the midst of the corcinony , nnd nil by thn bride , n pretty , fragile , young little thing , and ono of hia favorite imrlshoners. Slio had insisted on the most rigid _ of the Episcopal church formp , nd her Unitarian minister had humored her , Crnagiap , then , his surprise ) as ho dictated the Ines : "Promising to love , honor nnd obey , " o bavo her distinctly niter her oath to Tromlslnp to love , honor nnd bo gay. " look up him directly in the face the while , Ho md some dilliculty to control his inclination o , and , not being prepared for the ontlngoccy , let it Blip. [ Boston Homo "ournal. A matrimonial agent , with n rich heiress m her book ] . Is just tha sort of business lady 0 succeed in Paris. Such n person has turned ip thaio , and hns been largely patronized by jaclielors In quest of wives with fortunes. She ook a room and announced in n copious list of ladies cligtblo and ready to marry that n ich lieirca' , tha owner of 2,000,000 francs , was nnxiom to find a husband. The matri- nonial agent had not less than twenty suitors or the hand of the unknown lady. She re ceived them separately , but would not di- ulga the name to any ono under f 00 francs. ivery ono paid the $100 , and all wcro sent to various parts of France. As might be ex- > ectod , they returned to Paris love lorn , the clover lidy having disappeared with a total of 10,000 franca. A woman in Vermont recently applied fern n divorca on tha ground "that a man In Now York wanted to marry her. " This woman ros undoubtedly honest , nnd stated the real acts in tha case. She did not accusa her husband of infidelity , drunkenness , neglect , iruelty , or oven ill-temper. Sha tacitly nc- mowlodged that ho was n pretty nice sort of 1 man , and n fair average of men as they are pund in Vermont ; had no particular fault to md with him ; but desired to have her mari- , al relations with him sundered , because "n nan in New York wantoJ to marry hor. " Evidently she desired to marry him , or she would not have sought to obtain a divorca rom her present husband. MILWAUKEE , Wis. , Juno 29. Harry Win- torn , a mulatto waiter , and Guatie Giosman , 'nughter ' of n former merchant of this city , wore married Saturday evening by a colored waiter on the West eide. An attempt was made to consummate the marriage Friday ight , but the mother of the girl prevented hia. The girl then agreed to have no moro to o with YVmborn.Thls was only n ruao to pain Imo , as the next evening they were married , Vhilo the fact of tin marriage was denied to night by the mother and daughter , Winborn admitted to an ofllcer that the ceremony had aken place. The ofli-or later confronted ho pair , when Winborn said to his wife : 'There is no use denying , glvo the whole hlng away , and we'll try and make it right with jour parents/1 To this the girl made no eply. Her family are very much excited iver the affair , and threaten vengeance on iVinborn. Mr. Giesman said to-night that 10 had been unaware of the intrigue. The irst he knew of nny _ trouble was Saturday , when his wife told him a detective had been at the house , but did nut tell the reason for us coming. _ To-night ho learned for the first ime that his daughter was married to the legro. Ho sought the assistance of the po- ica to have Winborn arrested , but they de clined to interfere. Giosman says his daugb- er is 1G years old , and , as she had always > een kept at homo , could not imagine where he had become acquainted with Winborn. Che latter is said to bo quite a mhsber. He s a fine looking fellow , and about 25 years old. PERSONAL. Dr. D , L , McLaughlin , of Tecamnh , Is at he Pax ton. C , W. Pool , of the Tecumieh Journal , was n the city yesterday. Mr. Byron D. iijnt will celebrate the fourth nt Glonwood , Mr/ Dave Anderson loft last evening for Dea Moines to spend a few days. II. J. Zemil and E. 0. Zemll , ol Bermuda , iVeat India , are nt the Paxton George M. Hosier , a prominent cattle man of Corllilo , Pa , is at the Paxton. Mr. Josao Lswo has returned from the Troy , N. Y. , Polytechnic school. II. L. Waleh nnd 0. A. Bird , of North ? latto , registered at the Paxton yesterday , Miss Emily Fay , troin St , Louis , Mo , , is n the city , visiting her slater , Mrs , Ilcch- stroaccr , Mr. 11. G. Mncleod , of the Grand Union Tea company , is visiting friends in Plaits- nouth. Mr. 0. M. Bnchnmn , of the U. P. head quarters , will epend the Fourth visiting his folks at Shelton , Neb. Mr. J , J , Imhoff , proprietor of the Com mercial hotel nt Lincoln , was nn Omaha vis- tor yesterday and n guest nt the Paxton , W. A. Paxton , jr. , son of the Hon. William A. Paxton , returned homo from college yes terday , to spend the summer with his parents. Judge George A. Mcecli and family , of Chicago , who have been on an extensive pious ire trip through the west , are at tha Paxton , en route hcme. George 0. Sears , wife and daughter , n very mndsome young lady , of Portland , Oregon en route homo from the east , were Paxton ; uests yesterday , The Hon. Alexander Kamsey , ex-United States senator from Minnesota , also ex-secro ary of the interior , but now n member of tha Utah commission , was In the city yesterdiy , en route homo from Salt Lake. . Mr , George Malvia , bx > k-kooper for the Anheuser-Busch Brewing Co. , left yesterday afternoon over Wabaih to St. Louis to spend .ho glorious Fourth among his many friends in that city , It is whispered that when he returns ho will bo accompanied by Mrs. M , At the Metropolitan : J , Bllleter Arm strong , I , p. Kelnssyand wife , Blair : T , J , Uamond , Plattsinonth ; F. W. Prato. How- rdj Gt Borden , Salem ; G , T. Watson and on , Greenwoodj A. J , Caryentor , Chicago ; K. N , Jeukmi , Denver , Cob ; T. W , Burns , Gltaw , III ; D. Brown , St Joe ; II , 0. Cor- baliir , San Francisco , Cal ; M. D. Townsend , Comnount , 0 ; nnd B. B. Nine , bt. Louis. Seal of North Carolina Tobacco Is th best. EVIDENCE ALL IN : Another Batch of Testimony in tbeBal lard Mnrfler Case , The Old BlntT Mntlo nt Reporters Au Expert on the Hulijcct of ItiHAnily. The Ballard murder trial lisa icachoc that point whore the attorneys Trill havi an opportunity to air themselves bofoti the court and jury. The evidence wai all completed at 5 o'clock yoUcrda ; evening , and court adjourned until 9:30 : Monday morning , Much tlmo has boon consnmod In the trial of thlscaso consider Ing the amount of testimony taken on II Yesterday morning Judge Neville secret some ef the attorneys quite sharply for tholr waste of tlmo , upon the strength of which General O'Brien ( oak Oceanian to work off that stnlo old gag about repor ters being thcro to try the case ; to preju dice the minds of jurymen and spectators igalnst the accused , by giving expressions In the proceedings that are partial nnd ono'sldod. lt so happened that only the BEE reporter was present when Gen. O'Brien ' struck hii oxtiotuoly dramatic nttltndo , nnd attnctod the jross , and ho tried to look at that modest , ronng Individual , fiercely. Ho oven rent so far na to move that the reporters > o excluded from the court room , while Mallard Is on trial , but his honor , Jndgo Seville , emphatically declared , that ho would not entertain such an unreasonable and foolish motion for the short , fleeting pace , of an instant. So far as the BEE s concerned , not a line , nor a word of srltictsm or opinions h.ivo been uttered n Us reports. MORNINO SHSSIOX. The murder trial , before Jndgo Novlllo n which the lifo of Thomas Bnllard la at take , was resumed yesterday morning with the usual crowd of interested opoo- .ators on hand. Chris Hartman , a man who had worked with Ballard , moro or JOBD , was called to ho stand as the first witness of the day. Ir. Hartmnn'a testimony followed in about the same line as that given by wit- icsses for defense , Thursday , and was in- ended to show that the murderer had of ate years , by recsou of excessive drink , locomo Insane , and was not responsible 'or his act. Dr. Spalding was recalled to the witness stand for the purpose of proving .ho . development of moral insanity in Mlard as well as mental insanity. His ettlmony however , was virtually a rope- itlon of what ho testified to yoiterdsy. 'ho circumstance related by ono witness yesterday of Ballard having at cno time , rhon beastly fnll.wont about the street Hitting his head against barrels , boxes nd brick walla is what brought nrJ this morning the moral Insanity question. Ohne. B. Borkntt , ono of the attorneys or Ballard was called to the stand. Mr. Jerkett had known the prisoner ever Inca he came to Omaha , about seventeen 'oars ' ago. Ho had never known Ballard o bo what ho considered a sober man ; was always trying to get drunk ; witness witness know Vorpoorton and so far as ila knowledge extended the two men wore n friendly terms ; Verponrton often csr- iod money from the saloon and turned t OTor to Ballard ; didn't think that Bal- ard bad very many mental faculties loft. 0. E. Baldwin , ouo of tbo attorneys for ho etato , was also examined ; ho had ; novm the murderer a lone ; tlmo , and also know the murdered ; Mr. Baldwin was attorney several years for Alex ) amen while he was alive , and haa been ho legal adviaor of 11 H. Damon einco his leath ; he had also been the attorney in hroo or fonr cases for Ballard ; as to Vorpoorton , he waa a strictly honest and reliable man ; Tom Ballard was a good man In his line of business , which waa runner for hotels , and was never in. such londltion that ho could not do business ; 3allard waa discharged from the St. fames hotel on wltnesss' rocommenda- loii , for the reason that they wanted to urtail expenses ; as attorney for Mrs. Damon , witnesa thought that Henry Ver- poorton waa the best man to put in charge of the hotel , oven over Smith , who waa then the lessee. They wore compelled to discharge Homebody , and it was decided to discharge Ballard. At the conclusion of Mr , Baldwin's oatlmony the conit adjourned until 2 o'clock. AFTERNOON SESSION. The court waa called to order at 2 o'clock. Obarlea Olmatead was called to the stand again , this time by tbo defence. 3o testified that Ballard commenced to ; et drunk on Tuesday night before the tilling cf Verpootcn took placa on Sunday. Being cross-oxamlned the witness said .bat . ho saw Ballard on Saturday btforo ho murder , but ho seemed to bo straight ening up then. "On Thursday , " eaid .ho witness , "ho came and snapped a re volver at mo three times , bat I thought 10 was fooling. " The dofenco also called Ira Smith to ho stand. Ho tattlGcd that on Tuesday morning before the murder , Ballard called him out of bed and eald , "I'm Jrinklng , and am going to get drunk. " Sunday morning , however , he acted na if 10 was over the oproe. Mr. Joe Miller , the county jailor , was ; ho next witness. Ho testified ttmt when jroaght to the jail after killing Verpoor- : on , Ballard was under the influence of Iquor , staggered around , and ho gave ilm liquor to sober up on. Continued to glvo htm liquor for ono week. The cross examination brought out nothing now of Intereat , Dr. Spauldlng waa recalled to make Bomo little corrections , or rather to re- atato some of hia previous toatlmony , wherein ho had remarked that the ap- loaranco for a canso for committing aomo irlme , through force of moral insanity , might seem llko pure , unadulterated cuesedness. TUB DEFENSE IlESTS. With thla the defonao reated Ita case , and the prosecution commenced to Intro duce Ita rebuttal testimony. John F. Bllvena was called to toetify ai to the condition of Ballard on Sunday , March 15tb , whether drunk or sober. Witncta thought ho had boon drinking a [ ttlo , but was not drunk. Samuel Stevenson , who saw the shootIng - Ing , thought that Ballard was sober ; ho also felt satisfied that Ballard wai sensible enough to know right from wrong. Dr. E. A , Kelley waa called to the stand na nn expert on the aubjeol of In aanlty , Dr. Kelly had spent three yearn and a half aanphyalcUnln ttoetato Insane asylums of Ohio ; insanity , ho said , con elsts In a derangement of the cerebre&l centers and gray matter of the brain ; he never knew ol intormltant insanity but there la remltant Insanity ; the actions ol Inrano patients of all klnda and classes wcro detcrlbed at considerable length hern la no such thing as insanity on an ; > no "subject , nor is moral Intantty s classified by scientists ; dipsomania la nn uncontrollable nppotlto for strong drink dipsomaniacs are not llablo or llkel ; to commit crlmo or do Injury to others nnloao attempts ara m&do to restrain thorn from doing about as ( hey pletiso. 1 hypothetical question concerning all the facta In the case put to the witness , for the pnrpoao of ascertaining his opinion regarding the canity or Insaalty of Bal lard at the tlmo ho killed vorpooton ratted a lengthy objection and argumon from Gen. O'Brien , but the objection waa overruled and the witness answered substantially as follows : "I should s y that such a man was not Insino. " The cross. examination did not produce anything different from that glvon In the direct examination. It demonstrated , liowovor , the fact that Dr. Kelley la nt nnnaually bright expert on the subject ol Insanity. At the close of Dr. Kolloy'a testimony Lho evidence was announced es being all in , and both sides rested. The case ivas then adjourned until ! > :00 : o'clock Monday morning , when , ho arguments will commence. RUSTLING FOR"DM. . A Desperate Slroggle Between Tp Railway Corporations , Tlio OK , & V. , Seeks to Enjoin the O. St. 1' . W. . & O. , From Fatting Down a Track. That old fight between the Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy nnd the Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis & Omaha railroad ompnnlcs , toe ecu re and occupy the right f way from Farnam to Chicago streets long tha river bank , broke out in now liapo yesterday. Thcao two corpora- Ions have long boon disputing and shak- ng their fists at each other as to which lad the best right and should occupy the round mentioned. At first the Bnr- ngton & Missouri River concluded that It would go ahead and put down a track uywoy , but was enjoyed by the hlcago , Milwaukee , St. Paul & Omaha , lien It laid before the council an ordl- ance , which If passed would give it the tear right of way to run across F.ircam ; reor. , Douglas street , Dodge street , npitol avenue , Davenport street , Eighth : roct , Ninth street and Tenth street. iiilto recently the other company haa ) eon making a few moves , as though it ntanded to commonca putting down rack Immediately. To prevent them op so doing however , the hicago , Burlington & Quincy people wont before Judge Neville in the district ourt yesterday , with a petition praying im to grant an injunction ogalnet any nch proceeding ! ) . Jndgo Neville issued restraining order which stands good un- 1 Monday , wnon ho will hoar the argn- nonta fora permanent injunction. Plain- tti petition alleges that they need moro rack privileges nnd facilities for 10 transaction of tholr business ere , and that having taken roper stops to eocuro the same , they casonably expect , and are led to believe , iat the ordinance will ba passed and bc- orao a law at the next mooting of the ouncil. Rumors iroro afloat last even- ng that the Chicago , St. Paul Mlnneap- lia & Omaha railroad would put a gang of men to work during the night , to aying track , apd aa there nra twb days ogsthor now , in which court will Jnot be n session , they can have plenty of time ; o cover all the ground under dispute. A BEE reporter looked over the scene bout midnight , bnt everything waa quiet bcrn , and nobody seemed to bo atlring bout , " \VbAsh Strikers Arrested. KKOKDK , la , , June 3. Three men named TcKenn , Collins and Burkley , from Council llnfla , wore brought in to-day by Deputy Tnitod States Marshal Fulton charged with oing ring leaders of the strike on the Wnbash oad at Council Bluffs on June Hlth and 20th nd obstructing trains. They will be arraigned n the federal court to-morrow. The suspension of Officer Hinchey from uty has created quite a commotion in pellco ircles and may be the means of instituting an muually interesting series of investigations. Officer Hinchey is charged with violating the rder wh < ch prohibits policemen from going nto saloons and drinking when on duty. His aso will bo attended to next week by the ouncil committee on police. 25 Cho Greatest MedlealJTriumph of the Ago ! SYMPTOMS OF A jO of appetite , Ilaweli cuotlvo , 1'aln In bo licnil , Vflfh n dull ennnllon In the ach part. 1'aln under tbo handler * ilado , irullne niter eating , wlthmlli- iicllnntlon fo exertion of badr armlnil , rrlmblllty of tamper , loir spirits , with a foollna of Imvlna neglected sonio duty , V'enrlucs.i , Dizziness , I'lutterlna at the Icarl. Dots before the oyci , HoadacliD ver the right cro , Itestloisnoivllb tful dronrna , Hlsblr colored Urine , an J CONSTIPATION. TDTT'H I il < t.8 nro especially adapted o oucb cases , ono close olTecta Ducli a JmnKnoffeullnnnatonBlonlsIitiiosiitroror They Increase tl > \iuetUe.acil cause the ody to Take uu FK-nli. thin tbo Bjstem II iiourlihcil.nii'l ' by tntlr Tunic Action on ba Ulieeitl ve OrgaiiB.Ttcuu lar H tools ore irodnciMl. l'rl"o'J5c. SIiirravH . .N.Y. 1 URAT IlAin or WHISKERS changed to a QI.OSSV BLACK by a aiiiRlo application ol his Dm. Jt imparts n nuturul color , nets nstantanoously. Bold by Druggists , or press on receipt of Ol < MurrnvSt. . Now York. UMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC Veterinary Specifics CuToDlacuciot ' Horses , Cattle , Sheep DOGS , noas , POULTRY , In nso for over 20 years by Farmers , Stockbreeders , Ilorso It. It , , &o. Used by U. S. Covornmont. ffT STABLE CHART'S * Mounted on Boilers & Eook Mailed Free. Humphrey'Med , Co. , 100 I'ullou 61. , N. Y. HumphreysJ Homeopathic Jl IXTT | | , orivliL nd Urt rltl powder , for f 5. 8ou > BY UEUG < usT8or neat po tp > id on receipt ol prto * AdilrMi.lIuinliliroyi' llaiiiuuimllila McilUluu Co , , lU'J Vultoubt. , IVitw\orlu FORSYTH DECK. Messrs. D. M.STEELE & CO Omaha , , July 26th. 1886. Gcutlomnn Having rend the different testimonials in behalf of your celebrated V cigar , wo feel that wo- cannot refrain from adding our testimony to the already long Hat , would be doing an injustice to the manu- fncturor of , not onij the best cigar in the marhot but to the smokers , especially m North Omalm where wo are located. Every day we hear complimentary remarks , and as our cigar trade has largely increased since the introduction of the invincible 7" . Wo feel under obligations to say that the cigar is all that has been represented and we take recommending the V to every smoker , Yours very truly , FIELD & FAIINSWORTEI. What is known as cumulative evidence can as a general thing be ac cepted as a clinching argument either for or against. Our V cannon is loaded to the muzzle with cumulative , and while we are getting ready to fire our broadside on the glorious Fourth , suppose - YOU FIRE the fin est cigar you will ever get hold of for the money.the 'one ' Oenuine Without Vallencia Cigar Factory's ' Name on Label. A T1 ZB 5T - _ _ LJL. . Kuhn & Co , John W. Bell , 15th and Douglas ? t. 820 S. 10th Street. Jas , Forsythe , Field & Farnsworth , N. W. Cor. IGtlurad Capitol Av. 2115 Cuming Street. W , J. Whitehouse , Foster & Bro , , N. W. Ccr. 16th & Webster. Council Bluffs AND DEALERS GENERALLY. DEALERS will receive GIUTIS with First order for 1000 "V" Cigaraono beautiful 7 x13 advertising pho iograph in stylish hardwood frame , retail value $2.25 ; and one striking street sign , SEND your order , put out the sign we furnish and if the "V" does not prove the best selling cigar you lave ever had , you can return within 30 days all unbroken and clean packages. PLEASE MENTION THIS PAPEIf. Write for prices and terms. Orders by letter ; postal , telegraph or TELEPHONE NO. 304 , will re ceive prompt attention. IUPIEXJES. Bishop Sharpe , a Mormon dignitary , always lens his letters to bis wives , "Youra , frae- 'onally. ' " Sam Jones , the revivalist , observes : "God won't keep a young lady pious who has her waist encircled seven times a week by tbo Arms of n spider-legged dudu. " A lady addressing a company of Sunday chool officers and teachers and giving a remi niscence o ! her experience as a Sunday toach- r , said that one of the inducements held out rO her to take charge of a class ol boys waa hat one of them was ' 'catcher of the nine. " She thought if the nine were all like him nbo lid not wish him to catch them for her , Boston Journal , "There is something that has preyed toavily on my mind over since our engage ment , dear , " he said , "but I am almost afraid o tell you of It. " "What is it , George ? " the oung woman allied , nnxioutly. "I am a omnarabnKst. " "Oh , is that alll" she ex claimed , with a tigh of relief , "I have always been a Umversalist myself , but of course when we are made one I eball expect to at- end to your church " Freddy went to Sunday school. He was in he infant class.- Ono day his father said to him : "How is this , Froddy'i You have boon ; oing to Sunday school for some time , and mve never yet brought home a good ticket. ' . am really ashamed ot you. " "Papa , " said ho little culprit , swelling up like a toad , "I . ' 11 bring home a good ticket next Sunday , if if I have to hook it. " Teacher to class In architecture "Gentle- mc .1 , you have examined tbo designs for to. day' * Icssonst" Class "Wo have. " Teacher "Well , then , Mr. Brown , will you kindly toll me what the nave of a church It ? " Brown "Certainly , sir. It is the Sunday school superintendent who is cashier of a bank. " "Your Mr. Brown is a queer kind of are > ro cher , " said a Methodiit layman to a L'resbyterian of the same standing , "Why , " queried the Presbyterian , "Because ho sweara when it is necessary , 'or he told mo so himself. " "It'ii true , too , but there's nothing wrong in that. " "Thero isn't ? Well , that's strange doctrine for a Christian. I'd like to know how you ex- ' It. " pla'n . "Simplest thing In the world , He swears when it is necosiary ; but , my duir brother it s never necessary to swear except on the wit ness-Hand , " There is a moral to this ttory , which you can have , if you tindit. - [ Merchant Traveler At a small social gathering in Kallamozoo list week , one of tbo guetto , a eomewhat noted D. D , , who his traveled much both at home and abroad , related the followlcg incident concerning hia vitit to the church of the Holy Sephulcher at Jerusalem. Slid he : "We , too , visited this place , claimed to be the de pository of so many sacred relics , and after being shown all tha others , finally cama to 'tho dust out of which was created , ' and which was left over after hia creation was finished. I at once Raid to the exhibitor : 'Now I bollevo you , I have had some diffi culty in crediting all you hava told me about the identity of many other relics shown me , but In this case there can bo no doubt what ever , This must have bosn left over after Adam was created. But I sea there la a con siderable quantity of this dust quito enough out of which to form Kvo. Why waa she then not created ? ' 'Sir , ' was the solemn reply of our puidc , 'for a very good reason : eho was not there to bo made. " ' PILES ! ! HLESI1 PILES ! ! A Mire cure for Blind , Bleeding , Itching and Ulcerated Tiles has been discovered by Dr. 'Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called Dr. Williams' Indian Tile Ointment. A single box has cured the worst chronic caeca of 25 or 30 years standing , No ono need Buffer five minutes after applying this wonderful sooth ing medicine , lotions and instruments do more harm than good. Williams' Indian 1'ile Ointment absorbs the tumors , allays the intense itching , ( particularly at night alter getting warm in bed ) , acts as a poultice , givea Instant relief , and is prepared only for I'ilee , itching of private parts , and for nothing else. BIUN U1SI3A.SU9 CUHKI ) by Lr. 1'razler'a Magio Ointment. Curea aa if by magic , I'imples.Black Heads or Grubs Blotches and Kruptiona on the face , leaving tbo skin clear end beautiful. Also euros Itch , Salt Uhume , Bore Nipples , Sere Lips , and old. Obstinate Ulcers. Sold by drugRlits , or mailed on receipt of price , 50 cents. At retail by Kuhn & Co , nnd Schrootor & Becht. At wholesale by 0 , F. Goodman , Huso 1U1I. CHICAGO , 111. , July 3. Chicago , L' ; New York , 0. DETROIT , Mich , , July 3. Detroit , Gj Bos ton , 1. ST. Louis , Mo. , July 3. St. Louis , 2 ; Buf falo , 1. _ „ " BUFFALO , N. Y. , July 3.-Buffaloj Oj I'hil- adelphla , C. ST. Louis , Mo , , July I ! . St , Louis , 2 ; Pioyidence , 3 , ! JolinMcOulluuti ] .Doomed.i" ) MVI NEW YoBK.Ouly 3. W , JF. ; Johnson , attorney - torney for John McCullough'a wifofla quoted to-night as Bavin * tint the physician ) at ISIootnlngdalo informed Mra , McCulloughtbat her husband might have periods of apparent improvements , yet bis disease ii progresiivo pualyils of the brain and U absolutely Incur- nba ! , ending in one or two years In utter im becility and death , Booking Satisfaction. About three weika ago It waa , that M. G. MoLood made aa uruucoossful at tempt to catch and atop a runaway horao at the earner of Douglas nnd Fifteenth S < streets. Ho was thrown into a pllo of paving material , and badly injured. The I1 Vunawny borae belonged to Sir. A. ' Dlx- / on. Yesterday MoLood Instituted a ault for damages against Dixon In the dlacrlcb * . court , fixing the extent of his Injuries at. r § 5,000. IN THE PASTRY IF 'ti i Vnnlllu.r,7in < iii , ( > i-iinio , ( flavor ' * Cr nm > , l > iulillii | [ < . .l > civa dellcnlcly u iwl un 4 urnllyu * ( he fruit fr < nil which tbeyui viiiude. FOK STKENUTJI AND Ycntl.'t riAYOU THEY STAND AL'JJiE. , "M ! , FKlftnio IY TH Price Baking Powclor Co. , Chicago , III. Bt. Louis , Mo. tiiviiu or Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder MO Dr. Price's ImpuUn Toast Gems , Ilett Dry Hop Ycntl. WE JUUE IIUT we qviuiy ,