m _ rVv-iT r-iniirrir\'l1lll""t1l'f ' * " * THE DAILY BEE-SATURDAY , JULY , 1885 THE DAILY B3E. Ornoi No. 814 AND 016 FAP..VAU ST. Nw Tout Orrioa , IIoou 55 TBIBONI BCILD- rubtlaht4 my Bornlnf , rtiyet flw/ . 'The calf lloncUj morning fell ? p blWS4 fe the lUt * . nui > n KAm. On * Te r . | l00 l 1 lTir * Uonfe * . & i to Mr Month ! . I.M | On * Hoatb. , . . 1.04 Tbi Weekly B e , Published every W dnet4ny OaeYeu , wllhpremtttia. . . . . , . . . . , , I I CO Ont Year , without premium . . , . . . , . . . , , . . 1 24 Biz Honlhi , without ptimlum . . " 5 Ont Month , on trill . 10 All Communications relating to Newi and Editorial natteri should b * addresitd to th * EmtOB or mi 11 u. menus irrrm. All ButlneM Letter ! and nemltUoeei should b addressed to Tun Dsi Paiuiuixo COMPI.TT , Oxiru. Drafts.Checki and Pott office ord r to b * toad * pay able to tha order of the company. THE BEE PUBLISHING CO , , PfOBS , B. ROSEWATER , EDITOR A. n. Fitch. Mnnwer Dally Circulation. TIII.S la the day we celebrate. THE Anglo-Russian war cloud aooma to have rolled by. a man goes gunning after an other In Omaha it ia called dipsomania. Tin : ulreot car strike leads every paper In Ohloga to remark that walking la Mu. MAOKIN , of Chicago , la out of politics. IIo would prefer , however , to bo out of jail. THE Omaha exposition promises to provo a greater aucocoa than any state fair oror held in Omaha. FORMERLY when a nnu had snakes in his boota U vraa calledlm-jams , but now the classical lawyers call It dlpEomanla. THE Hocking Valley minors are now working steadily , and labor nfTiirs appear to bo In a fairly satisfactory condition in that region. AMONCI the numerous candidates for the goTornorship of Georgia are throe odltors. They would rather bo governor than write. THE telephone companies have always objected to profanity , and It Is intimated that they propose to substitute "shool-o" for "holl-o. " JONAS , of Louisiana , has at last been swallowed by the administration whale. Ho has boon appointed collector of cus toms for the district of Now Orleans. Sioox CITY claims a population of 18,530 , an Increase of over 11,000 alnce 1880. It la snfo to soy that the census takers have not overlooked anybody. THE city council ought at least to order flat-etono cross-walks to bo laid on Far- nnm street. It can bo done at small ex pense , and it ia a much-needed improve ment. ment.MR. MR. ADAMS will not return to Omaha for two or three weeks. This will give the viaduct committee of the city council plenty of time to prepare another prayer ful petition. AN exchange Bays that natural gas ia to be used as an illnmlnant in Kansas City. That city has a big supply of it , and its usefulness has already been dem onstrated in the inflated reports of its population. TIIE Mormons continno to rope in con verts from the ignorant classes of Europe. There are now 514 Swedish and Danish converts on route to Utah. The anti- labor- contract Itw ought to be made to apply to those intentional law breakers , LOGICS QUINTIUS Cumins LAJIAK , JR. , has boon appointed stenographer and private secretary to the secretary of the Interior , who has been intimately acquainted with him slnco his childhood , hud entertains a very high opinion of him. THE president has made a Wisconsin man chief justice of Idaho , and baa gone clear to Mississippi to find an editor to fill the position of receiver of public monevfl at Eranoton , Wyoming. The administration is not paying ranch atten tion to the platform recommendation that territorial appointees should bo cit izens ol the territories. FAIINAM street is disfigured by a most unsightly set of telegraph poles. If these poles cannot bo ditpensed with , It Is to be hoped at least that they will bo inhaled , which will greatly Improve their appearance. There Is nothing orna mental about telegraph poles , but at the esmo time they can bo made to look neat and respectable , and that , too , at very llttlo expense. THE citizens of Niagara Falls are mak ing great preparations for the formal opening of the state rciorvatlon at Niag ara on July 15th. The commissioners of the slate reservation will in behalf of the s'ato ot Now York take possession on that day of the lands selected for the preservation of the scenery of the Falls of Niagara. Invitations are being cent oat to prominent citizens all over the country. Two millions of Cincinnati four per con paving bonds have been negotiated at a premium of.Sl.2G per 81,000 , Omaha owes loss proportionately than Cincinnati , has a better credit , and is moro able to moot her obligations , yet eho has no bonds drawing less than six per cent. Under the circumstances , and pnrtlcnlaily now that money is a drug in the eastern mar ket , the Omaha board of trade ought to Lave no difficulty in negotiating the sale of seven per cent bonds for the money needed in thocomtructlonof thopropoied chamber of commerce building. OMAHA'S POPULATION. Wo cannot understand why certain papers of this state go out of their way on every possible occasion to attempt to bolitlla Omahi , and at the earns time puff outaido cities , and particularly Kan sas City , Wo should think that every paper In Nebraska would take pleasure in assisting to build up the commercial metropolis of this slato. The growth and prosperity of Omaha are indicative of the growth and prosperity of the state. What helps ono helps the other. Wo are led to make thoao remarks by several statements whlh have recently appeared in some of the state papers , Ono of those statements Is as follows ; Omaha has 00,000 population nnd Lincoln 15,000. The first named city has been chim ing from GO.OCO to 70,000 and the latter 20,000. The fact Is that no ono has over claim ed for Omaha a population of 70,000 , nor a population of over GO,000. The estimates have ranged from 60,000 to 00,000 , and the census , which is now about completed and will scon bo given to the public , will , M wo are reliably informed , show that Omaha has fully 00,000 people within her olty limits. This wo believe to bo an honest enumeration. So far as wo are concerned wo have always bean opposed to exaggerating the population and the commerce of Omaha , for If once begun it must bo kept up , Omaha ia to day the largest city in the three atatea of Iowa , Kansas and Nebraska , Iowa , with her 2,200,000 population has no city anywhere - where near as largo as Omiha , and neither has Kansas , The people and press of Nebraska certainly ought to be proud of this growing metropolis , which wo predict will contain moro than a hun dred thousand people in 1800. IN his article on civil service reiorm , in the July number of the Nortli Ameri can llcvicw , Mr. Dorinan B. Eaton , president of the civil service commission , incidentally stated that ho had in his possession a letter written by Charles P. Olson , formerly of Boston but now of London , offering Congressman Leopold Morsa § 1COO to secure for him the ap pointment of consul at Gothenburg , Ger many. This statement has proved a black eye to Mr. Olson's prospects. Olson , it seems , was appointed by the court of Alabama claims as an expert witness to examine the books and records of sundry Insurance companies and Indi vidual insurers , and to make up sched ules therefrom to bo need ai testimony on the adjudication of claims pending be. fore the court. He was to examine the books and records and data of certain in surance companies in this country and other underwriters In Paris , Antwerp and London. Ho made this work secondary tea a general commission business in which ho Is engaged in London. The consulate , which ho is so desirous of obtaining , pays only about § 2,000 a year , but ho could afford to use $1,500 of this sum as a bribe , as ho could , by virtue of the con sulship , make a big profit by introducing Americ&n manufactures in Gothenburg. Unfortunately for Mr. Olson , the article Df Mr. Eaton met the eye of Mr. Cros- troll , the prosecuting attorney of the jourt of Alabama claims , and the result is that an order has been Issued revoking ill commissions issued to Olson. It islet lot very likely that the enterprising Dlsonwlll push his claims any further for the Gothenburg consulship. Mr. Baton did a good work for civil service reform by his incidental reference to Dhon. He killed two birds with ono itono. IN Illinois there is a law providing a heavy punishment for gambling in grain. Under this act if the losing party does lot sue to recover within six months the imonnt lost , then any other party may wring suit to recover thrco times the amount and retain for his own nso one- half of the sum collected , while the bal ance goes to the county. This law Is | | loon to bo tested in qnlto a big case. t . Dno Edwin Partridge lost $150,000 In tc > raln gambling , his agents being a well ] known Chicago commission firm , but ho. 1 Jldn't sue to recover vrlthln the limit of tix months. Another party now comes iorward and sues the commission firm for 450,000 , throe times the amount lost by Partridge , Should ho bo successful in recovering the amount , which Is not very ikoly , ho would receive $225,000 , and , ho county would receive an equal sum , f Mr. Partridge would only bo entitled to its witness fees. If this law were en' orced it would put an end to grain gamb < Ing in Chicago. LADY RANDOOPH CIIUKCUILL , person- t illy conducted the campaign for her t insband'a return to parliament. She I enema a thing or two about politics as G ho is an American woman. Lord | B Jhurchlll made a bargain with her Ba hat she should do all the work of the cam- 1t and have all the glory , if victory 1d lorchod upon her banner. The latest 1 able advices state that she has boon via- 1F 1d orlous. She may bo said to bo the Mrs. F 'ohn A. Logan of English politics. v I I NEW YORK is trying to question there- I [ ability of the Chicago directory census , li rhlch gives that city about 700,000 pop 0 ilation , and yet Now York has the nbllmo cheek to claim a population of ,500,000 when Its directory shows only trifle of over 300,000 narnos. In other rords , Now York runs np a big popula- Ion by multiplying the directory names y 5 , while Chicago has multiplied only y 4 , The f ct is that the usual multiple i 3A , and the lowest 2\ , THAI old fossil , Judge Lambert Tree , I Chicago , was given a new icasa of life ad prominence by being made a candi * ate tgiinst Logan during the lost few allots In the Illinois senatorial conteat. lad it not been for that unexpected In dent he would have remained upon the shelf , where ho was placed years ego. Ho has now been appointed minister to Bel * glum. Incidentally , it strikes us that it Is a llttlo late in the season to transplant such an old Tree. OTHER LANDS THAN OURS. Proceedings in the British parliament during the past week have been commonplace - place and monotonous. The tory min istry is cautiously feeling its way to avoid any serious blunder. Even the proposed bndcot Is being withhold BO far In order to ascertain whether It can bo asked from the liberals. The advantage gained by the latter through the masterly retreat of Gladstone at a moat critical period Is now admitted on all bands , There Is now no doubt that Mr. Gladstone docs not mean to retire at present from public life , and docs mean to lend the liberals in the coming campaign , Moreover , his health is not only good but very good , and his intellectual keenness as great as over. So that the contest In the fall will probably bo fully as lively as that in 1870. Gladstone's letter to his old con stituency of Midlothian announcing that ho will again bo a candidate for their suffrages la simply an Inti mation not only that ho la again willing to represent that particular section of his party , but that ho consid ers it an absolute necessity of the con tinued existence of that party that ho should still bo its leader. Soon after his defeat on the tplrlt-dutios question Mr. Gladstone said that ho had permanently retired from public life. And , Indeed , the intimation was not unexpected. It waa known that hla health was seriously undermined ; that at times ho Buffered from an ominous physical depression and prostration ; and that of late his voice in his case a most miraculous organ at times almost whol ly failed him at the critical moment. The reason for Mr. Glad stone's reconsideration of hla denial of further political honors is thereforeobvl - onr. Ho again CDinca to the front at a most critical moment in the history of his party and his country only through the pressure of absolute party necessity. Ho comes forward , if possible , to save his party from the disintegration with which it is threatened. The question , In view of a contingency which involves , per haps , the sacrilico of hla life , Is : Will Mr. Gladstone succeed in probably this the last and rnojt heroic effort of hla po litical history ? The somatlon of the day in England centers in the "feelers" put forth by the tory government In respect to the Irish question , In the shape of a speech and a pamphlet from Arthur James Balfour to his constituents at Hertford. Balfour is Salisbury's son-in-law , and the now chief secretary for Ireland , and his utterances have thus an empliatlc importance in in dicating that the now administration in tend to make a bold attempt to form a majority in parliament by out bidding the liberals for the sup port of the semi-detached radicals and the Parnollltos by a policy of homo rule for Ireland. Ho declared outright that ho desired no less than Chamberlain to BOO Ireland governed by equal law trith England , and all exceptional legislation against the Irish abolished forover. In his pamphlet Mr. Balfonr argues that tbo necessity of Ireland no less than that of England demands ita continuance under ; the Imperial government , but that' ' It should have independent self-govern : ment , and for this purpose ho advocates the substitution of the present vice-regal machinery of an elective central board. Bow far the Salisbury government will ' go in such a scheme depends upon the tray In which these tentative propositions > ra received. But of course coercion i. trill not bo hoard of , and It is acknow- ! ' * jdged on all hands that that hideous an- ithronism , Dublin Oastlo , Is doomed. Oils Is a wonderful change of front for Salisbury , for whom no measure of re pression could be too severe ; and who ias ( pent his bitterest Invective upon Mr. ' Gladstone for his concessions to Ireland. Fho conservatives confess to have great lopes for the coming elections. Mr. Parnoll will probable servo In par- lament of tor the next general oleotion as , s , ho member from a London district In nrhlch the Irish vote predominates. Mr. Fnstin Mo Carthy will probably represent .ho Irish district in Liverpool , and Mr. C. P. O'Connor is likely to bo tent to mrliamont by a Glasgow district. Moan- prhilo Mr. Parnell is busily engaged with .ho people of Ireland selecting candl- lates for various districts Blcgar , the [ ledmonds and other old members will ? > o the candidates in the north of Ireland ind In other districts whlcb are consid ered doubtful. The districts which have in overwhelming or even a safe national- st majority will take candidates from the low men who must bo called into public ifo in consequence of the increased lational power which results from the ate seta extending the franchise and as- Ignlng representation to districts in the leu of the rotten borough aystom , Lord Salisbury's ministry seems dotor- nlned to begin an energetic foreign policy , B soon as possible , The Mahdl is to bo mashed. This is apparently in compll- tnco with the demand ot Sir Garnet rVolasloy , who wishes to have the oppor- unity given him for gaining the laurels hat slipped bis grasp in the boastful ex- icdltlon to Khartoum. But "appir- mtly" only , for the determination to re- tow the Soudan ompilgn by the con- ervativo ministry la in reality brought ' ibont by the attitude cf France , d. Waddington has asked Lord Sails- inrto fix an early data for the with- rawftl of the British trcopj from Egypt , ? ho Engl'sh premier's ' response to this lemand is found in the renewed rap- irochomont between London and Berlin , rhicb , though apparently directed against lusila , is in fact aimed at France. 'rlnco Bismarck bas always advised Ingland to " stick to Egypt. " In return ' o wishes free scope for the development f his colonial cchemes in Africa , Franco Is very naturally annojod , M. o Lesiops has made himself the month- Icco of French chagrin , and prophesies bat unlojs England withdraws from the ind of the Pharaohs the Egyptian dls- nto will end In an Anglo-French war , IP : von Mr. Gladstone , at the time of tbo osphore Egypt Ion business , when he U rdered the Guards to disembark at at lox&ndria , aw the danger to Brit- atM h predomlnence in E ypt threat- led by France , and the conserva- m ves are naturally not loth to teLi illow the line marked out by their pro- j Li eceisors In cilice , in guarding British itorests in connection with the safety of up 10 Suez canal. The tens of the EUR- sh press during the recent Suez con- ess In Paris waa not to be mistaken on lis point , England h undoubtedly la un krnoit in her determination to main- Jt ( aln her military footing In Egypt , and France , though she may resent British stubborn- ncs' , has certainly no one to blsnin but herself In not assuming , when eho had the chance , a part of the military control thcro. Lost opportunities seldom return , either to men or n&tlone , and Franco will find It almost impossible to make good the slna of omission committed by M , do Freyclnot In 1882. Lord Salisbury's determination to con test the Inclination of M. do Lotseps to "bestride Iho narrow waterway llko a Colotsus , " and of Franco to reassert any commanding influence in Egypt , has un doubtedly received its inspiration from Berlin ; and the threatened rosumptlouof the campaign in the Soudan by England can only have for Its object the keeping of sufficient troops in Egypt to bo ready for emergencies , in view of "tho anger of Franco. " Russia is continuing her preparations for war. A thousand men are a work on the Trans-Caspian railroad which ex tends from Askabad toward Sarakhs. Eight hundred men are employed In the later place erecting fortifications and building barracks for troops. It is also reported that the Russians are building a bridge over the Mnrghab river , which flows pint Ponjdeh and Morv. This work is not done with a peaceful intent. It is simply part nnd parcel of the design which Russia has followed for the last tivo years or moro. Steadily dur ing all that tlmo aholjaa had her eyes upon the Gatoa of India. Persistently she has pursued ono object in central Asia. Until Russia can so menace India that Enghnd will not dare to protect Turkey and Constantinople , Unsslwn ambition will not bo satisfied , It was for this purpose ) that the Russian army was advanced beyond the Caspian sea. It was with this in view that Askabad , Tijend , Morv , Sarakhs and Pond job were successfully taken. It Is in pursuance of this original purpose that the railroad late to bo extended , the Mnrghab bridged and Sarakhs fortified. The change in the English ministry may alter the policy of England , but it does not affect the policy of Russia. The people - plo of England and America think of the accession of the conservatives to power with reference to its general effect upon England , Russia watches ttoalthily , like a cat , to see ono thing only , and that is how her schema of conquest in Central Asia will bo affootod by the change in England. Lord Salisbury and Lord Randolph Churchill were especially severe in their denunciation of Rnseia during the Glad stone administration. It was therefore ) thought by some parsons that Russia would , after Lord Salisbury had assumed the government , demand an explanation of the remarko made by him and Lord Randolph Churchill. But Russia Is too much in oirneat for that. She Is deter mined , if possible to secure Herat peaceably , if she can ; forcibly , if she must. She Is willing to forgot the in sults which wcro cast upon her by the conservatives when they were out of power , if she can keep them qnlot now that they are In power. Sooner or later , though , the clash in Central Asia will corns. The valiant republic of Hayt' ' , on learning that a single man-of-war was taking our minister to its shores , at once released from confinement the American sltlzsn Mr. Van Bokkelen whom our itato department for a good while back iiad boon trying to get out of confine ment. We rather regret the release. Wo are not anxious for a war of any kind m this continent , but a collision with ; ho republic of Haytl might bo a great hing to the people of that country. This American republic Is nothing moro ban a slice cf Gold Coast aavagory trans- irrod to a West Indian island. From its brmer French masters it got no more 'ban a most superficial varnish of civilt- atlon and Christianity. Yondoolsm , with ill Its attendant cruelties and horrors , s the really established religion of the lountry. The people are sinking steadily o lower and lower degrees of savagery. rVo have great confidence In the future if the negro In contact with the white ace , and none at all In his working out a ivilized future in separation from that 'ace , and this , unhappily , is what Tons- aint 1'Ouvertnro and Independence ichlovedfor Haytl. Germany is determined to get posses- Ion of Zanzibar. There is a petty dis- rlct lying to the north of Sultan Say- rld'e realm ever which Germany claims ho protectlonato. But the proximity of 'anzlbar , wo are naively told"endangers ho peace of Wltu " this Is tbo name of ho protected district and so the danger auat bo removed. Sayyid , the Iamb , Is vidontly destined to bo eaten up by the lorthern wolf. The wolf has Already lain moro African lambs than ho has loon able to digest. LRMY NOrES AMD VKL13OXAL3. Liout. H. J. Gallagher , Sixth U. S. cav- ] ry , is visiting frienda at Council Bluffs. Capt. M. LCourtney , Twenty-fifth U.S. ifantry , is visiting fiienils in Des Molnos , In. Col. 0. II. Carlton , U. S. A , , will leave 'exas ' in a few days to spend a few months I ( n leave , I i Gen. W. B. [ lazen , U. S. A. , will sail for | f luropo early in July , to be gone until Sep : mber , Gen. II. A. Morrow , U , S , A. , and Mrs. [ arrow nro on a brief visit east from Fort Idney , Neb. . Gen , George Crook , U , S , A. , is expected I xst in September to join lire , Crcik , now ' luting in the east , C Col. E. B. Willston , U. S , A , , and Mrs. /illston will spend a portion of the Summer i the White Mountains. Mra. E. W. Very and Mrs. Benet , wife of en. S. V , Benot , U. S , A , will sail for 'ranee early in July. C pt. W. H. Vinal , Sixteenth U. S. infnn- y , is spending a portion of the summer at Lognotic Springs , Union county , O , Lieut. Benjamin Alvorcl , Twentieth U , 8 , ifantry , will spend a portion of the summer ith hla friends In tha east , Lieut. N. Wolfe , Second U , S. Artillery , id family , are vitlting in the south befoio inlng at St. Francis Barracks , Flo , Lieut L. P. Brant , First U. S. Infantry , ill open n recruiting rendezvous In Geneva , . Y , , early in July. Assistant Surgeon Ezra Woodruff , U. S. , , has rejoined at Fort Maplnnta , M , T , , om a visit to Fort Leavenwortb , Capt. Robert McDonald , Fifth United ifantry , on tick leave from Fort Keogh , is lending the summer at Aebovllle , N , C , Oapt. F. B. Hamilton , Second U. S. Artil- I f0 ry , left Little Hock last week to Inspect iBelBsippi militia in camp at Greenville. . Lieutenant B. W. Laavell , Twenly-fouith M . S. infantry , and bride , recently marrried Cardington , Ohio , are viiitfng at Cameron , d. issourl , d.B Lieutenant 0. W , MBBOH , Fourth U. S. B : fantry , has been visiting bis brother , Lieu Sc nant J , S. Mason , first infantry at Fort avenwcrth. to Paymaster W. It , Gibson , U , S. A. , will IE end seven or eight weeka In the east before IESc Ining hii new etttion In the department of Sc , ucas ScT Mra. Augur and daughter hare gone to T ] , 'aiibtou , Illinois , where they will remain iti ) Gen , Augur retires from active eervico ilylO. Licntennnt H. C. CarUuRli , Fifth TJ. S. artillery , nnd Mri. CArbangb , now nt Wlllot's Point , will join At Fort Columbus , Now York harbor , about July 20. Gen. S. D. Sttugis , U , S , A. , arrived nt Fort Monde , Dakota , laet week , and as sumed control of that post and his regiment the 7th cavalry , Mnj. George II , Burton , inspector general , United States army , was to join lajt week At Fort Lsavcnworth for duty in the depart ment of the Mijeouti. Gen. George D. Ilug Icn , U. S. A , , hin cot comfortably settled nt San Antonio , nnd has taken charge of the A , G , O , headquar ters , department of Ft , Leavenworth In n few day * will lose thrco valued ofliccru , Mni S. B. M. Young , J , J > Upham , nnd Copt , ( i , I } , liusacll , who join their regiments. Col , II. 1' . Hughes , U. S. A , , waa expected in Sin Francisco last , -week to report to Gen , Fopo for duty ( inspector general of the di- vltlon of the 1'nciQc. Capt. Clmloj Morris , Fifth United States nrtlllrry , returned to Fort , Columbus , N , Y , H. , the /alter / part of last week from a visit to friends at Charleatown , Mass , Assistant Surgeons It. G. Ebcrt , U. J , Gibson , It , B , Bonhom , W. 0 , Gorgas and N. Strong , U , S , A. , ench attained the grade of captain Juno 1C , by length of icrvico. Limit. 0. P. Mlllor , 4th U. S. artillery loft Fort 1'roble , Mo , last week to enter upon his duties ns professor of military pcienco nnd tactics at the university of Vermont nt Bur lington. Liout. T. P. Powell , 9lh U. S. cavalry , whoso service In the field with his troop in tha Indian territory last year had somewhat undermined his health , Is recuperating at Danville , Va. Cnpt. G. F. Footo , 8th U. S , cavalry , who nuived with great credit during the war m the Michigan voluntoeri , nnd was breretted fur gallantry nt Stone Kivor nnd Jouesboro , ia to nppoar before n retiring board , iu session at San Antonio , Tex , MUSICAL AND 1 > UA.MATIO. Clnrn Morris will open the now Chicago opern house Auff 17 , Mnry Anderson is enjoying herself at Glen- tjhotn , Ambleeidp , England , Luander Kicharilson has gene to Palis to sea Sardou about n play for Mmo. Jnnish , Mr , Lawrence Barrett Is to play next sea - son that old English comedy " 1'ho Wonder , " Flptow's "Martha" was sung in the city of Mexico Juno 11) ) , with tha text translated into Sp intah verse. The Willamette university nt Salem , Ore , , has n full Hedged conservatory of music with 160 pupils during the voar. Miss Lillian Spancer will star next scnion in "Article . " " . " " .17 , "Uamlllo. "Tho Now Mag- dalcn , " and "An Unequal Match. " Ludovic Halvey , who bait not written for the stage In too many years , is working on a comedy in four acts "Les Provincialcs" for the Vnnotcs theater , Paris , A large theatre and club house ia to bo erected in Chicago for tha production of Ger man drama nnd opora. Mr. Atnberg of the Now York Thalia theatre Is engineering the scheme , Mme , Sarah Boinhardt will begin her South American and Mexican tour nt llio Janlero on Way 10 , 18SG. From tha City of Mexico she will ( jo to San Francisco , the first stand of her tour m this cumtry. In the Albart hall , London , may now bo seen the finest collection of old violins ever got together. Ono of tbb mo it interesting of the instruments on exhibition is a Stradl- vatius of 1GS9 , lent by Sig , Arditi. Carleton , tbo baiitone , is diligently rehear sing the New York Cniluo company in "Nan- on , of which ho expects great things. After the Casino run of "Nanoa" is completed C'arletou will star through the country with it. Herr William Candidus , Gerrnan-Amorl can tenor , returns in October , to ting in Eng lieh opera under Theodore Thomas , Other members of this company ara Emma Juch Sarah Barton , John Gilbert , Alonzo Stoddart and George Sweet. Stanton , secretary of the New York Metro politan opera house , now In Europe , has en gaged for the coming season of Uerman opera tlorr Albert Stritt , toner , of the Frankfort ipera house , iu place of Herr Schottj Uorr jeidel Leipslg , conductor ; and Mme Lillie dohman , ono of the light sopranos of Ger- nany. Mile. Rbaa's repertoire for next season in- sludes "A Dangerous Game" and "The Power if Love , " by Sardou ; "Itsgina , " by Francois Mons ; "Lady Ashley , " by E. A. Barren , of ho Chic IRQ later-Ocean ; "The American 3ountesB , " by Howard Carroll , and "Ebb and now , " by Mile. Khoj horsalf. "An Uunequat tlatch"and "Frou-Frou" will also be given. The performance of the new opera "Sigurd" n Paris was attended by n great spectacular lisplay. The tale is taken from the old Teu- onlc NIbelungenlied , and In one passage rep- esents Sigurd , nfter being alternately opposed iy the terrors of demons nnd the blandish- " dents of nymphs , in the act of reaching the lime-encircled castle in which Bruuehild is onfined. The burning gates nnd walls sur- , ounding tbia castle are probably the greatest Ugo conflagration ever attempted , and at the ehsarsal fairly terrified a portion of the audi- ory , It was a very effusive tlms at Wallack's few York theater when "The Black Hussar" raa played for the entertainment of the 'rcnch admiral and oflicers. The Herald ays that Ml s Marie Jonsen'a pretty and aivo rendition of "O ! hey mamma" pleased tia visitors beyond measure , and they de- landed recall. When Mmo. Cottrelly ap- enrerl just before the trio in the la t act with mimaturo stars and stripes and tricolor on ha siimm't of her headdress , nt was fully a limits before the storm of applause allowed er to say a word. Than when at the finale ' .in shown a roprcecntation of the Bartholdi tatue , and choruses and _ orchestra united In bo soul "Marseillaise " stirring , the audience 330 to its feet on masso. It joined iu thn horus. To crown the whole It ia on record hat Mies Emma Abbott ran up to Mauagor IcCaul and said ehu had waxed BO entlum- etic tlmt she hud joined in the "Marseillaise" nd "Hail Columbia" and could not help it , NEWfll'APIJU OUTFITS. TO The Western Newspaper Union , at Oranha , in addition to furnishing all sizes and styles of the best ready printed ihcots in the counU * ) ' , makes a specialty } f outfitting country publishers , both ivith now or second-hand material , sell ing at prices that cannot bo discounted in any of the eastern cities. Wo handla ibout everything needed in n moderate li/.cd printing establishment , nnd are lolo western agents for some of the best nakes of Paper Cutters , Presses , Hand ind Power , before the public. Parties ibout to establish journals in Nebraska > r elsewhere are invited to correspond vith us before making final nrrango- nents , us wo generally have on hand iecond-hand material in the way of ypo , presses , rules , chases , etc. , which ian bo secured at genuine bargains. > cnd for the Printer Auxiliary , a biG Qonthly publication , Issued by the bict Vestorn Newspaper Union , which gives ctm , list of prices of printer's and pub- m Isher's supplies and publicly proclaims 111 rom time to time extraordinary bar- revl ; ains In second-hand supplies for news- vl lapormen. 8' ' WESTEKH NEWSPAPER UNION , Omaha , Nob. trhi hi Heal Estate Transfers. hiot The following tranafora were filed July i , with the county clerk , and reported tu r the BEE by Amos' Real Estate agency : tl John A. Fleming and wlfo to G. Ed- und Poycke and others ; It 4 , blk 9 , it cOnrmlck's add to Omaha ; w , all $2,150. , hi J. 0. Wilcox and wife tn Caroline If Inmle ; Ita 21 and 22 , blk 25 , YVIIcox'a in scond add to Omaha ; w , d , $1,400. 01 Edwin D vlB and wife to L. H. Proo. 01wi r ; It 24 , ForbcV aubdiv aw } aoo 31-10- wi ! ; q o 8280 90 , on Isanc S , Llascall nnd wlfo to Frederick th ! h fj r4 of U 0 , blk 12 , Kiuntza'a aird add to Omaha ; w. d. § 1,500. A. GregK loghram and wife to Emma , fllggluboltom ; U 14 , blk 7 , Shull'a frc icond add to Omaha ; w , d , § 3,500 , to THE NATIONU GALA-DAY , HofflheOiie Hnndrfifl and Niulli An- DiForsarywilllioCelfiliralGiliD ArrntiKOiticnlH Completed for To- Day's K\crciecs TIio I'nrmle , Speeches , Contest ? , And n Gen eral Good 'JUnie. To-dny , the ono hundred and ninth anniversary of Amorlcna Inde pendence , la to bo royally celebrated in Omaha. All prapnntlons have boon made for a great a ay of oport a celebra tion probably unltko anything ever BOOH hero , will mark the day. The proposed arrangements h&vo been heralded near and far , and without doubt numbers of people will coma from the country to spend Iho day in the matropolla. A mooting of the various committees wni hold last night In Col. Srnytho'a oflico to nrrnngo the order In which the various bodlos taking part in the parade are to move. The following Is the order : Marshal of the DAY and Aides , Platoon of 1'ollco. Fourth Infantry Band , Gen. W. P. Carlin and Stiff. Detail of Infantry , Seven Companion , Battery of Artllery , Governor Dftweg and din IT. Mayor , City Officials nnd Press , A. O. U. Bond. A , 0. II. Societies , A , 0. II. Rlllee. Musical Union Band , Omaha Turnverolnnnd other German Societies Union Pacific Band , Omnlm Light Guards. Viro Department , Excelsior Band , Omah > Wheel Club Mounted on Bicycles Grand Army of the Republic , Old Veteran Corps. Citiruns Generally in Carriages nnd on Foot , Mule Brigade , Cowboys nnd Bronchors , The committee oil arrangement for the Fourth of July met yesterday after noon and determined upon tholr line of march an follows : First Division Marshal nnd Airtos , Police , Fourth U. S. Infantry Bind , Gen. Carlin nnd Staff nnd U. S , Infantry nnd Artillery , which will form at 10 o'clock sharp on Six teenth street , right resting on Djuglns. Second Division Gov. Dawoa nnd Staff , Mayor nud City Officials and the Press , A. O , H. Band , A. O H. Division , A O. U. Rlllw , will form on Fifteanth street , right resting 011 Douglas street. Third Division Musical Union Band , Omaha Turavercin , and other German socie ties will form off Fourteenth street , right resting on Douglas street , Fourth Division Union Pacific Band , Omaha Guards , Fire Department , Excelsior Band , Omaha Whocl Club mounted on Bicy cles , will form on Thirteenth street , right resting on Douglas street. Fifth Division Omaha Drum Corps.Grani Army ot the Republic , Old Veteran Corps , Citizens generally m carriage and on foot , Trades Assemblies , Mule Brigade , Cowboys on Bronchos , etc. , will will form on Twelfth street , right resting on Douglas street ; will from there march down Dauglas street to Ninth , from Ninth to Farnam , up Farnam to Sixteenth , out Sixtbonth tolzird , where there will bo n countermarch to Jefferson Square and disband , Edwin F. Stnytho JIM baen BO- lectod for marshal of the day , with John H. Butler , Jnllna Meyer and Capt. O'Malloy aa hla assistants. The pando will itart promptly nt 10 o'clock and will cease marching about half past 11 at Jefferson square. The following gentleman have bson invited to make five mlnnto speeches , ind it is expected they will all ba there : Mayor Boyd , Gov. DAWOB , Gen. J. C. Qowln , Mr. Edward Rosawator , \ . M. Thurston , Judge Wakelop , Judge Novlllo , Dr. G. L. Miller , Hon. & . J. Poppleton , Fred Nye , Capt. Sin- ion , G. W. Frost and W. A. Guiro. Upon Mayor Boyd's ' request Gen. Oar- In will fire the salato of thirty-eight guns it 8 o'clock at the corner of Seventeenth ind Capitol avenue , opposite the high ichool gronuaa. The programme will inclndo epaaking | it thn park first , and for the afternoon j Djug'as street Is to be roped in and ) laed for n race track , and the aces como off from 5 to 7 o'clock. They rill inolndo the hose team , bicycle club , ; reaaod pig , wheelbarrow , and fat mon'a ace. There will also bo a greased polo , nd ball throning. Prize * ot $25 and a liver trumpet era offered for the lose teams , and two medals , ono gold , ho other silver , for the b'cyclo club , "ho contestant lacky enough to capture ho greased pig Ia entitled to it and may arry it off with him. Two prizes are to IB placed on top of the greased polo. After the racoa , the pyrotechnic display fc Jefferson park will bo the attraction. ? ho firoworka comprise some boautllul ileces , Including buuie never before soon a Omaha. The otlootlon inoludoa mot- ooa , Pyrrhic cascade ? , Japineso fane , attorlcB , fountalna and other brilliant rlnmphs of the pyrotechnic art , Sl'OUTINO EVENTS OP THE DAY. Inthointorvalbetwcontho closing of the arado , and the opening of the contests game of ball will bo played in the N fternoon at the Athletic Park , between tie Union Pacific and St. Loula nines. Ino game will also bo played in the lornlng between the name clubs. A bicycle race has boon arranged bo- weon Nicholson of Minneapolis , and tltchcock of Omaha , for the champion- lip of the northwest and will bo wheeled o'clock p. in. , at the Sherman ave- uo park , Nicholson ia ox-champion of awa and Minnesota. Arrangomonta have alao been made for grand p'goon ' shooting on the gronnda pposlto the Athletic parkplonty of birda alng provided , Shooting will commence t 8 o'clock. It la understood that om 800 to 1,000 bhda will bo on hand ir the eportumen. NGTE3 OF THE DAY. Since the arrangements have been roi DOU made with tbo military authorities iu ha en. Howard has returned and will oo > ipy ono of the carriages in the line of .arch. Aa during hla absence Gen. Car- n made all arrangements for military [ presentation , ho will remain in tuper- slon of that portion of the day's pro- rammr , Every livery ntablo In the city has con- Ibatod ono or more carrlagoa and enough \vo been provided for the clly's oIHclali , o. All the racrshnnls are requested to irn out to-day and have repreeonta- on in the parade , The committee of arrangements dealro understood that they have intentionally Ighted no society or organization , in ' irrlodly making the order of parade any aooloty has bson overlooked , the embera should not heeltato to speak it. Everybody li praying for good aather to-day. Speaking from pree- it appearances the tignal prophet thlnka at Omaha will bo BO favored , The Iowa ( VudltorBlilp KEOKOK , July 3 The Constitution' * special imDes Moinea suya the evening papers will night publish a column letter from Audi- tor Grown to Gor. Shcrmtn chiming that thi governor' * latest demands wcro Adroitly and dlshontfttly framed nud tlmt it Is impossible to comply without leaving the governor n pro text to refuse to reinstate Brown , STATE oorriNus PlAttumotith Is laying down a supply o eidewAlks. Thn rovUcd n'ccssoJ valuation of Dotga ? county Is $3,17" . 1 9 Biillillntf Improvcmrn's ' in Kearney nro numerous nnd subttntitfnl. HfwlipR'j new hotel hv bccu completed , Thn cost approaches 500,000 , Tha first nntionnl bank of West Point with n capital of ? 50COO , bai bcou organized. The authorities ofjMlnden jerked a tiger lay out recently nnd caged seven of the keepers. A post of the Grnnd Army of Iho Republic , will ho organized nt Sidney on the Fourth of J uly. The consul jrivos Plnttsmoulh a population of 5.SOO , nnd Cass county , in round numbers , 21OGO The colored soldier who wns shot nt Hast ings Inst week , is recovering , nnd will soon bo moved to Omfthn , The contract for the Sisters' hospital at Grnnd Inland has been lot , The building will cost S8 000. Twelve hundred Wnhoosiers pledpod thom solves to reform from nose painting nt tha recant cold water revival. Tha Vnlontlna postoflico has bseti made n presidential ollico of the third class with a salary of Sl.OUO per annum , The North Bend Flail says when the Fremont - mont llille club goes out to practice the pco- ! > lo of that persecuted town tnko to their col- ars. ars.A A young pnn of n farmer named J. Knor , living near Palmyrn , wni run ovnr n few days ago by n harrow , Injuring the child In n her rible manner. B. S. 1'amsey , of Plnttsmoulh , mourns the loss of n valuable mate. Mlko Williams bor rowed her Saturday to take him to a country dance , and neither the mnro no ; Mlko has yet turned up. _ A Plattsmoulh pound-maitnr Impounded hu fnther-lu law'd cow nnd made the old man whaclc up with him bpforo ho could take the cow homo.nud milk her for the benefit of hia hungry children. The mntirwcrs of the Omaha exposition will offer § 10OCO In premiums , beside n largo number of spectnla offend by the business men. The Oninhi exposition will ba n pretty "fnir" exhibition. [ Fromoiit Tribune. Two handsome young ladies , evidently democrats , have laid siege to the Hustings pnstoflico. They hive opened a small skntintr rink over tha office , nnd expect by this racket to drive the postmaster Into tha oblivion of private life. There are in the state 233.-175 persons of school ngo , and the amount to bo appropriated by the state is 8231,013 IS. This will give to each scholar $10.05 , The number uf scholars thoiva an lucrcaso over last year of 24,08 ! ) . Si\ty-thrco counties in Nebraska will hold tpachcrs' institutes during the summer of 1835. Three will ba of six weeks duration , two of four ivcoks , thirty-five of two weeks , seven of one week , and in five counties the length of time is nut yet determined. While n gang of fourteen railway bridge builders weio bathing in the Logan , near tha town of Oakland , Monday evening , ono of the number , Chris Dalil , by name , was taken with.cramps , and before euccor reached him y was drowned , His body was recovered about yI an hour after the accident. I , * * A mass meeting was hold at Fremont Mon * day night to consider plans for n system of V drainage of the Platte nnd Blkhorn bottoms , and to establish roads that will bo passable in wet weather , A committee was appointed to secure funds for a preliminary Eunoy. The Johnson County Journal says : "Tho prospect fur an abundant corn crop was never more promising in this part of the county at this stage of the sea on than at present. The recent rains nnd warm nights have been n ? reat benefit to the growing crops , and the farmers have boon employing every available means to stir the ground and keep tha weeds jown. A larger ucrengo than usual haa boon planted. " Corn is humplncr itself lively in Dedge Bounty just now. The crop is in good condi- ; iou , with the exception of n few pieces on tbo ow lauds where It has been top wut most of the time for cultivation. It is farther nd- ranced than for tha corresponding period last rear , and under the inuil favorable * condition rom this time on , it will make a splendid irop , [ E'remont Tribune. A Summer Sonj ; hi HoctionH , JUST AS IT IH. Now the wealthy merchant wearoth On his head n common etraw , While his junior clerk nppearoth In a nobby mackinaw , HIT HIM WITH A BBICK. Now tbo sua hla surface fireth , Causiue human flesh to stow , And the summer fiend inqnireth "la this hot enough for you ! " HE NEVKIt HLEEPH , Now the patent mower waketh Sleepers from their peaceful rest , E'ra the golden morning breaketh Or the robin leaves his nest. THKHOSK FIEND. Now tha Idiot who getteth Twenty feet of garden hose , Squits from morn till night and wettoth Skillfully each pajser'a clothes. [ Boston Courier. A AVlTo Murtlorcr Sentenced. NEW YOIIK , July 3. John Carpenter , the- ifo murderer , was sentenced to ba hanged n the : ! Ut of August , low is the Time to Cleanse the Blood and Beautify the skin. \Vm. T. Totton. 672 North Tenth Street , PlilU- ilpbla , reports tlmt onoofliln customers etaUd t m inclJcntallythttt he win feeling so well and bed .Inoj twenty-seven I'OiinUj ' in tlio last year , all ot ilcli lie attributed to a nyetrmatlo court o ol the itlcura Resolvent , whlcb hiaiuoted effectual when I ether remedies ( ailed , SORES ON NECK. Chan. lirady , Sonwrvllle , Mass , who refers to Dr. J , Wood , diugijlst , ol this city.certifies to a won- tful cure ot running sere > , on Iho uock wlilch hod en treated by hospital iilijelclans without cure , d which jleldod completely to tha Cutlcuia mim ics. CURED BY OUTIOUIIA. Uyskln disease , which rothtod several popula medics and other remedial idvlsed by uhyslaing , s been cured liy your Cutlcura Homodlei. They rpawod my moat laoguliio expectations and rapid- effected a cure. J , C. AUBNTIIUK. Vluceui.es , Ind. KNOW IT3 VALUE , til ot your Cutlcurk Ilpinedies k'lvo very good e t ictlon , TAO Cutlcura I ( especially reocmmeud ( or 3 diseases ( or which It Is lued. I know from eiper- ica Ita Y Muo. DR. H. J 1'IIATT , llontollo , Wle. \ ( eollns ot gratitude Impo's mo to acknowledge > meat merits of your Cutlcura , arid I cordla lv reo- iiuond It to the public aa a ( cry laluiule remedy. II , tl. rOWKUS , Urldgupcrt , Conn "or f 'o en cry where. FrlCb Cutlcura , the great In Cure , ( .Oo , Cutlcura Uotp , an rxiul | > lto Hklu autlllir , 25o , Cullcura l.tBolvcnt , thu raw Ulood rlfler , tl. 'TTKIt DnUO AND CHEMICAL CO. , H08TONI i Send ( or "IIow to Cure Skin Dlseawg : ' CUBA SOAP an ex lulnlto Toilet o p and Nuriery 8anatl u "WOKNOVV WITH I'AIN" * "but still compelled by stern necessity . .to ttand up to the w oik I * tote tin. " IIow ilko oil onj wluo to the famlshuJ of old , 1) a Cullcura I'laster to tbo achlct' Hides k , iuo vuak and piluful muic'ca , tbeioro it adu iuulni:0'iutih : , wl oicry lain audoacbo loll ) toll Waiuiittd and o rgaut aud p rett ( nn jtu to pain and iLfliUimatloo. At ( Jrufc'fUtii. t > c. i ( or vi iv , mailed ( ree. l'omn UKCU M > Cuix iiCo. , Uoitoo , .