Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 04, 1885, Image 2

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TO.MCS , cinkUjr an.l fompltttlr CM5A > SB
the action of the I.Urrnnd Kltlnrju. Clraratho
romploilnn , mikm the skin smooth. It don not
Injure the ( ccth , r n e headache , nrproilneo ton.
Fhnlctans and Druggists ctcrrnbcro recommend It.
Dn. N , 8 ncaoLFfl. of Marlon , MM . rs ! "I
reoomtnond 11rownii Iron Hittorfl ftfl a TftiaAuie tnoto
JoronrlchlnHtho lilaod.imdromaTlnK Ml djtpcptlo
iwmptomn. It docs not hart tuotoetu , "
Dn. 11. M. VriTrtA. llirnold ; . Iml. MJ ! "I
hayo tirtwcrlbwl llmwn'n Iron Ulttors In ciweii of
nteral find Wood tll8Wi o . iilw when n tonlo w i
needed , nd It Ins proved thoroughljr atl f ctory. "
Mn.WH. Ilrnsd , M 8t ll ry St. , New Otlenna , I.A ,
MrDt MIlrownA Iron IHttan rellnTed me In ftcawt
of Mood jpolftonlnR , nnd 1 he&rtUjr commend It to
tliooe needing a imrlBcr. "
The Oonutno hu Trade Mirk nnd croNiml rod lines
on wrapper , Tnkn nn ntlicr. Klado onlj by
ItltOUN t'HKMlOAI , CO. , IlAI.TIMUUi : , 311 > .
I\nrrs' HAND nooK-d nfnl and attractlro. con-
\Alntnffllstofprizoii for rorlpon. InformMInn Mlraut
cotnn , f to , Rtvcn away hjr all dNilera In medicfno , or
mailed to any addron on receipt of 2o. stamp.
jar pltcreO ( o iJio uulillo
i k 45 , y ° > " > onloANorvoii' '
2i t - ! | Uiilclc , MHO Cur.- . .
) Jlri-Hguaruntin fllun In
. .vrjt , , , iilort < il > r > i.
r57"8onJ ti o plumps for Olebrntcil Jledical
Works. Adclro-o. i' . I ) . Ol.AItKi : , M. 1) . ,
ISO South Clark fcireet , CUICAOO , ILL.
Royal -Havana Lottery 9
Drawn at Havana Cuba ,
Every 10 to 14 Days.
Tlckcta la Fifths ; wholoe 55 ; Fractions pro rota.
BUDJCCI 10 no nutnlpautlcn , not ooatroued by ibe
> iltealn Intoreat. It la the ( ftltesl thing In ( be
B lntoof chinooln ezlatenee ,
lor tlokotg apply to SHIPSET ft CO. , 1212 Broad
w yH. Y. City ; , or H.OTTERS k CO , OlOlIlin St.
KanguCltT. Uo.
For the benefit ol euSerlcg humanity , I deem It
only my duty to slvothii unsolicited toitlmony nnd
the old time treatment holed up , but It hid only
been dilvcn into the r3 stem by tha use of ji-tash and
mercury , and In March , 1832 , It broke out in my
throat , and concentrated Into whiteomo of the doc
tors cilled cancer , eating through my cheek , do.
atrojlng thereof cf my mouth and upper lip , then
Attacked my tongue , palate and lower Up"cslroy. .
Ing the p ate and under lip entirely and half my
tongue , citlngr out to the top of my left cheek bone
ind uutotbolclt ejc. 1 could cot cat any eolld
food , but eubslttcd on I'quld * , and my tongue waa
EO lar gene I oou d cot talk Such wna mv wretched
hdpleea condition the llrst of last October , 1831 ,
when my friends commenced giving me Swilt'a 8po.
olDo. Inlc89 than a month the eating places etoppod
and healing commenced , and Ilia fe-uful aparturo
In my cheek has been clean and firmly knitted tot -
t If ing a new tongue. 1 cau talk go that my friends
can retdliy undoretnnl me , and can also eat solid
focd again. If any doubt tboio facts , I would refer
tliog tollcn , John H. Trajlor , statoeenator ol this
dl8tiictand to Dr. T. B. HradOeld of LaOrange Qa.
JOHN F. BIUDLKY. il Orlswoldat.
Detroit , &llch. , May 16 , IKS.
For sale by all druggUta
N. T , , 157 W. 23dSt Drawer S , Atlanta , Ga.
* . UU > CIIVW M * AtiwA - -
sssnaatsir '
fc = 5c = i
Manhood Restored
ItKBHjyliiKE. Avlctlmof youthfnlim prudence
eauiloK I'reraature Decar , Nervoui Debilltr , Ixut
Manhood , ia .having tried In vain every known
r > medr.hai discovered nulmpleraeanaof ( ell-euro ,
hirh Im. will tend I HKK IP / ' . > * 1 1 ovf-suirererii ,
Imported Beer
Erlangci . Ila\arl I Culmbacher . Ilivarla
riUuvt. , . Bohemian I Kat er . . . . . . Bremen
DudweUer . Et , Louis I Anhauier . St. Louis
llett' . M. . . . Milwaukee | Schlltz V liuer.Mllwaukco
Krug'a . . . . Omaha i Ale , 1'orter , Pouiestlo anil
Ilhlno Wines.
ED MAUBER , 121 3 Farnam St.
I'ri'mnlnro lpolluo fromrrroraorciPfssM ,
1,0 Hi 1'uncr Mttuttol thn KldnrrH , Illlid-
< lnr. and I'rUHtiiiu tJlund CUH lill lthnnt
fcjomurh Mtdicinn liy Ihe Mansion llolus. Vn-
tlnionlnHtrro. All rorrcaix > iidotrici ) > iitldpntlal.
f lu.r l < t H * tr .ar UEVU
Cor. 13 tli and Douglas Sts.
Capitol Stock , - - . 51BO.OUO
Liability of Stockholdorc , 300OOU
riye Per CeatlDtcrePaisl
O toe x0
IAUE E. UOTD. , . . , , . President
< T. A. PASTON . VIM fmiaen >
I.U. BKNKETT . , . . .Hanging Director
Gamblers and Their Ikas Aliont Lncl
and III M ,
Soaio IillosyncrailnH of Snpcrstl
tlon Xlio Gospel of Fnttanc ,
"Yon are at liberty to bolioro It o
not , " remarked n well known iportln ]
man to a reporter ycahr-'ny "but thoroI
no class of people so addicted to super
stltlon as the gambling fraternity , Yoi
may bollovo it or yon may not , bnt lo
mo toll yon there Is a great deal In this
There nro very few gamblers In Omabi
who do not hare their private anporstlt
lens on the questions of luck , and govoti
thomsolvcs accordingly. The gamblers
vocation is so uncertain , nhd his method ;
are so thoroughly Independent oi an ]
fixed laws , that superstition fastcni
easily upon him. Sometimes it cat
bo noticed In ono way , and sometimes ir
another ; occasionally It will hare a firn
hold upon him , and will control hli
every act , while again ho may bo Inclined
to repudiate almost altogether the gospo
of luck.
"Why , BOO hero , " continued the sport ,
"there goes a man across the street whc
Is recognized by everybody as a 'high
roller. Ho plays for big stakes , and ii
always very successful ; and yet ho is the
moat superstitions man In existence , 1
believe. Ono of his greatest fancies IE
that it is always fatal to his luck to play
on the eleventh day of thoinohth.hy'i
I understand that ono night , the llth
day of April , I think it was , some time
within the past ton or twelve yoara , ho
dropped several thousand dollars in a
heavy game of poker. SInce that time
ho has noted the fact that on the eleventh
of the mouth ho is fated to loso. Con
sequence is ho never plays on that day.
'I know gamblers , " nald the speaker ,
"who will never play if they moot the
sarno person twice when going from ono
place to another , say from their lodgings
to meals. They think It la a euro omen of
illlncktobocompoUod to speak to the same
person twice within five or tea minutes.
There nro other men who will always
refuse to play when certain persons nro
in the room. They have an Idea , don't
yon know , that thoao persons 'hoodoo'
them. What docs 'hoodoo' mean ? To
cxorciso an ovll or inauspicious Influence
upon one's playing , to destroy his luck ,
la to hoodco him. No , I don't exactly
know the derivation of the term. I'm
not much of a scholar , yon know. Bo
llovo It comes from some Hindoo word ,
moaning an evil spirit the origin of its
use is probably linked with that of the
negro snporstltion of the "voodoo. "
"Yes , I could talk to you for hours
about gamblers' little superstitions.
There nro players who If jou touch
ono of their chips , or put ono of yours
atop of theirs , will curao you up hill and
down dale for ploying the 'hoodoo' on
them. A great many sporting men think
it's snro death to a night's luck to pick
up or even see a crooked pin In the
street. I nave road soicowhern that old
Thad. Stevonr , who was a great poker
player , would always pick up a pin with
the point toward him so as to insure good
"Ono of the most common su
perstitions Is that which leads a
man to bollovo In lady scats.
Most poker players do that , and so c"o
a great many Jaro-bank playeH. Another
great thing to bring a man luck , so think
many , Is a four-loafed clovor. I have
met during my life time a good many
sporting men who placed the ntmost re
liance upon some charm or finger ring
which they always wore. If they should
lese the charm they would firmly believe
that they had lost their luck , for a time ,
"Another stranger superstition enter
tiined by some gamblers , " he continued ,
"Is that If they can dream the same thing
two nights in sncceialon it issnro to bring
them good luck. A great many men al
ways bet on the numbers which figure
peculiarly or figure in any way In their
dream : .
"Another phase of superstition with
sporting men , " continued the gambler ,
"is that connecting luck with animals or
their actions. What do I moan ? Let
mo explain to yon. 1 wont homo ono
jay and found a doc ; with a broken leg
In front of my house. I took It ln-doors
fed It and had the log not. The next day
I went down town and made ono of the
biggest winnings in my life. The dog
lias got well acd still remains with mo.
Of course , I still have my 'off days , ' bnt
then you know you can't help that. It
Is no uncommon thing for sports to sea a
mouse run out every day and play around
their chair and they become so wedded to
the idea of playing when the mouse
la around that days when it don't show
np , their luck is broken. Positive fact
that ono of my old pals refused to touch the
cards for seven days after a luck-bringing
mouco of hh had died. Ho USD to inulst
that that mouse bad earned him more
luck than any other charm ho over had.
Some sports are Inclined to bollovo that
change of clothes will bring a change of
Inck , I have known a man to tit down
and loao to the tune of thousands of
dollars , then go homo and change every
cag of clothing ho bad on , come back and
carry off the heaviest kind of stakes.
Well , you see , there's nlmoit an
undless variety of superstition ] Ideas
entertained by gamblers , and I
might go on all day and toll
you about them , Each man , If ho bo at
all under the control of superstition ,
has his own Individual "charm" his
own peculiar Idea of luck. No two men ,
I'll venture to affirm , are exactly alike
on thesa points. "
"I suppose there are a great many npi
and downs of lack In the game , " ventured
the scribe.
"Right you aro. There will bo some
days when a man can't play , to aave him.
The next day ho will "strike the bank "
about tight , and work It for a big pile.
Many a time 1'vo como down town with
25 or CO cents In my pocket and gone
homo with $200 or § 300 , or moro. The
next day fortune would frown on mo , and
I would tarn around and loao every cent
of my previous day's winnings. Yes , sir ,
you can talk all yon please , but you can't '
make mo lore my faith in the gospel of
luck. "
The BovonlVay * of .
There are seven seporato and distinct
wajs In which the nuptial knot may bo
tied , says The Milwaukee Journal , the at
tending oj.ponto of the diUorout modes
varying from § 1 to $1,000. The least ox-
ponalvo and the ono seldom adopted , ex
cept In cases of elopement , Is that ulTord-
OQ by thci justice's cilice , There a couple
can be firmly united in the space ol a
minute for a email num. It Is customary
for a groom to drew as ho may please
when the luirrlaqo is to be performed by
& justice- - , and a dress suit would be tadly
out of place lu the musty law pQioo. The
DUO great advantugo of the justice-shop
marriage Is Its cheapness ,
As some people object to being married
by a justice of the peace , preferring thi
junction of the church in addition to tha
of the law , the young people m y visit i
parsonsgo Instead of a justice's office will
the same preparation. The ceremony
may bo fully M informal when porformoi
at the minister's homo , the only difference
once being that not loss than $3 , am
hotter still $5 , or $10 , should bo paid fo
the service , although there is no fixoi
sum charged. The most popular ceremony
mony among people who do not clot
themselves as In "society1 and alei
among n ny who do , is a quiet homi
wedding , where the brldo is attired In i
suit of plain white or a traveling dress
and the groom In a plain black or browt
business suit , and where only a fev
friends and relatives are present. Thi
affair If informal , perhaps a modes
supper or lunch being served after thi
coiumony Is performed , and the entlri
expense to the groom being covered by i
$20 bill , or oven les ? . This is the mos
popular wedding ceremony , and this li
the way In which fully 75 per cent , ol
younfpaoplo are married ,
Next In point of favor and inexpensive
ness is the Inform&l church wedding , be
Ing similar In all things except that the
service is performed within the portals ol
the church. If the affair is strictly prl-
vato , the brldo and groom may bo runup
ported , or have brldoimsids and grooms
men , as they please. In the latter case
fall dross suits should bo worn , Increasing
the expense. The " /ull-dross wedding , '
as It may bo called when the ceremony k
performed at homo , Is next In favor.
Elaborate trousseau , full-drees suits ,
brldocmalds and groomsmen , flowers In
abundance , and a host of invited guests
are the requisites , followed by a recep
tion , feast , or lunch as the contracting
parties may desire.
The seventh , and last , and mo&t popu
lar is the fnll-dresj affair performed in
church. Among poonlo who desire to
create a stir In society thin lathe favorite.
It is expensive , and In many cases unsat
It la Baid that the iivoraza npa of students
entering western colleges Is higher than it
formerly was.
Prof. John Tyndall , of London , has given
810,700 to Columbia college na a foundation
for a fellowship in Physics.
Miss Brown , of Concord , Mass. , n graduate
of the Harvanl Annex thla year , hns aston
ished the faculty by her hlc-h grada in the
classics. Her average In higher than that
reached by any of the young mon in college.
At the recent commencement of the uni
versity of Mississippi Miss Victoria Hill took
the valedictory and won the first modal in n
large claes of competitors , The university
was only opened to women three years ago.
Lieut. M , 1 > . Cooly , who has been at Anu
Arbor several years under government ap
pointment , has resigned from the United
States navy and accepted the professorship of
mechanical cnplnconne in the Michigan uni
versity. " .
Mr. Masataka Yamannkapf Japan , for six
years a student of Franklin and Marshall
college , nt Lancaster , Po. ( a college belonging
to the Reformed church } , graduated last week
and was immediately engaged by the Japan
ese legation in Washington City , D. O. , as
The University ol Berlin ia attended by
4,403 matriculated students , besides 1,203 un-
matnculated "hearera. " The philosophic fac
ulty embraces 1,850 studenls , the medical
1,072 , the juristic 037 , and the theological COO.
Gireat Britain contributes 11 and America 89
to the total.
Fifteen states in the union contain univer
sity and college property to the value of § 1-
DOO.OOO or over. The states in this respect
rank aa follows : Now York , § 7,88,103 ;
L'ennsylvanm , S4,838,099j Ohio , S2,8G9,23J ;
Missouri , S2.794.000 ; Illinois , § 2,501,000 ;
Massachusetts , $2,261,027 ; California , 81.921.-
)00 ; Virginia. 5l.C50.COO ; Tennessee , $1,508-
r49 ; Connecticut , S1.409.C30 ; Michigan , Sl-
iSO.OSl ; Iowa , $1,378,000 ; Khode laland , $1-
250,000 ; District of Columbia , $1,200,000 ,
md Indiana , $1,120,000. The state having
; ho lowest ia Delaware , which has but 830,000
nvestod in schools of a high grade ,
In his address to the students of tha Wor-
seater Free institute recently , Gov , Robinson
aid that the teaching of handicraft should
> egin at home. Boys should learn girls'
work. " "I thank my mother , " said ho ,
'that she taught me both to sew and to knit.
Vlthough my domeatto life has always been
elicitous , I have at times found this knowl-
idge very convenient. A man who knows
low to do these thing ? , at all times honorable
ind sometimes absolutely necessary to pre-
ervo one's Integrity , ia ten times moro pa-
lent when calamity befalls than one who haslet
lot these accomplishments. "
Wo are gratified to note the fact that the
mbllo schools cf Alabama are mixing tome
ndustry with science and literature , some
hysical training with intellectual culture ,
'n female colleges young ladies receive valuo-
, blo inatruction in the art and handiwork of
louiowlfery ; and in the schoolrooms young
nen are taught that labor , whether of head or
if hand , of brain or of muscle , is always
lignified , manly and honorable. It will boa
iroud day of promise for Alabama when
ivory public school within her boundaries
hall establish an industrial department ,
Selma ( Ala ) Times.
norsforrt'a Acid Pliospliatc ,
DR. MoiiRiR Gir.iiS , Howard Cily ,
kllch. , says : " 1 am groally pleased with
t os a tonic ; it is an agreeable and good
ppetizer. "
Ssvoral live * specimens of a queer little Ans-
raiian animal -upon which the formidable
laice 'ornithorynchua'1 has been inflicted
ave been brought to this country by Dr. H.
i. Ward , It is claimed that this creature
orma a perfect connecting link between birds
nd mammals. It looks like the beaver , but
nstead of having Imlr on its back it has scales ,
nd inplnco of ecalcfl on its tail it has hair ;
rhilo long investigation has shown that It lays
n egg like a bird , but suckles its young like a
"That tired feeling" from which you
uffer EO much , particularly in the morn-
ng , h entirely thrown off by Hood's
At a parish church in Surrey , England , the
ther dry , a widower of eighty-four was marled -
led to a widow of eighty seven. The bride-
room was attended byj a grandson and the
ride by a couple of great-granddaughters.
I'ilo Tumors
owover large , speedily and painlessly
nred without knife , caustic , powder qr
intment. Consultation free , Write for
amphlet and references , enclosing two
jtter stamps for reply. World's Dls-
ensary Medical Association , GG3 Main
Itreet , Buffalo , N. Y.
In CapoColony. . South Africa , there are
aw 116 postal savings banks , which have a
Dial of 27,401 depositors , with balances due
bem of $934,180 , The system hsti been iu
porotlou there only eighteen months ,
But law articles have reached such world-
wlo reputation as AncosturH Bliters.
for overBO years that they have been the ac-
nowlojgod standard regulators of thedi-
eatlre organs. Their success has incited im-
atorf. Be sure you get tha genuine article
ianuf ctured only by Dr. J. O , B. Siegort i
| in [ |
Don't drink cider through n lead pipe ,
lalf a dcien men in a Massachuietts town
jot their cider from n barrel in this manner
nd aio now guttering from lead poisoning ,
If yon feel nervous as to your kidneys ,
Ivor or urinary organs , nso Hunt's
lomedy ,
Many a man who had lest nerve , vigor
nd energy , has boon cured by Hunt's
Joshua Tuthill , Sigln&w , Mich , , bad
trlght'fl Disease , and rras cniod by
luut'a Remedy ,
Brio's A Daisy ,
She has a roeulih cyo ,
And a mouth for cmtsul-plo ,
Bnt olio's the loveliest girl I've ever seen ;
She wears n pig-tall curl ,
And is A modest girl ,
For she only oats n gallon of ice croanr I
[ Newman Independent ,
Hummock : Hong ,
Now the hatnmcck swlnpcth ,
Swlnfreth In the breeze ,
Like A filmy cob-wob
Twlxt the trees.
Hal the thlnp collapsoth ,
Collapecth with a snap ,
And the ono within it
Takes a drop.
[ Cincinnati Merchant Traveller ,
Tlio Inslilo Track ,
n. J , 11DIUJKTTK ,
lie came to the bower of her I love-
Twanging his sweet guitar ;
He called her In song his snow-white dove ,
Ilia lily , his fair , bright star ,
While I sat close by the brown eyed maid
And helped her enjoy her serenade.
lie Rang that his love was beyond compare
( Ilia voice was sweet as his song ) ;
lie said she was pure and gentle and fair ,
And I told her bo wasn't far wroni ? .
I don't know whether ho heard mo or not ,
For his D string snapped like n plitol shot ,
lie told how ho loved her o'er and o'er ,
With passion in every word ,
In Bonus that I never know before ,
And awootor onoa no'cr were heard,1
But the night down loosened his guitar atrlnq
And they buzzed out of tuna like crazy thing !
lie sang and ha played till the moon wa
high ,
Oh , sweet was the love-born strain :
And the nlpht caught up each tremulous uigl
And echoed ouch sweet refrain :
Bnt I laughed when n beetle flew down hi
throat ,
And choked in a snort his highest note ,
She liked it , and I did just so-so ;
I was glad to hear his lav ;
I oven echoed him , soft and low ,
When ho sang what I wanted to pay ,
Till at last I leaned from the window , ant
I thanked him , and asked him to call again
And then ho wont nwny.
[ From the Brooklyn Eagle ,
A Ittullcal GhnuKO 1" Women's Dress
Boston Herald ,
I think that venerable and highly ro
epsctod article of female dress , the che
mise , may advantageously bo wholly dis
pensed with. Every ono is supposed tc
have a choniije "to her back , " but thai
thla supposition is not wholly true was
proved to mo some time ago. When at
the seaside last autumn two girls , mutual
frlenda of mine , and whom I introduced
to each other , went ono warm day with
mo to bathe.
Ono said to the other : "I am afraid
you will be awfully chocked when you
BOO mo undress. " "Shocked ! Whj ? "
"Well , I hardly like to tell you ; bnt the
fact Is , that 1 have so little on. " "I
don't wear much , " sold the other. "All
I have is combination ? , stays and oca
petticoat under my drocs. " Curiously
onoagb , both these girls
wore dressed in precisely the same
way , in woolen combinations ,
stays ( well shaped and not tight ) , ono
petticoat and a dress , which , from its el
egance , gave no suspicion of the state of
affairs underneath. As I had an oppor
tunity of observing , there young ladies
ivore dressed in perfectly sanitary style ,
although none but myself had any idea
) f the fact ; and , In splto of it , they
passed for two of the best dressed girls
it the fashionable watering place where
TO wore slaying.
I have since had saveral opportunities
if observation , and I find that quite a
lumber of the best dreiaed women of
ny acquaintance have renounced the
iso of chemise in favor of woven combi-
latlons. The majority , however , I ba-
love , are not induced to do to by innl-
ary considerations , but simply because
ho chemise la a bulky article and makes
hem look stouter than Is natural to them ;
rheroas , the combinations being made In
t stretchy material , fit somewhat closely
nd show the symmetry of the figure.
' THE VOLTAIC BELT Co. , of Marshall , Mich , ,
Her to send their celebrated ELECTEO-VOL-
n trial for thirty days , to men ( young or old )
filleted with nervous debility , loss of vitality
nd manhood , and all kindred troubles , AI
or rheumatism , neuralgia , paralysis , and
riany other diseases , Complete restoration
0 health , vigor and manhood guaranteed.
? o riek in incurred , an thirty days' trial Is
llowed. Write them at once for illustrated
lamphlet free.
Hub Manners and Military Training ;
It is always amusing , smllea the gossip
f the Brooklyn Eagle , to note the yonng
nan who has just been elected a member
f a good club and who starts In as a
cgular club men. Take him at an 1m-
aatnro ago and confer upon him the dig.
ilty of a club member , and ho either be-
ornes n loud boor or the most proper
nd reserved of men , As a rule ho picks
ut some time worn and blaco club man
nr a model and apes him in everything.
lo assumes a stolid and Indifferent air ,
its as his model sits , cats as his model
ati , and emokos the same brand of cigars
hat his model affects. Ho is tlorr , lan-
uld , bnt not lazy , and his attlro Is of the
lost fashionable cut. Another sort of
lab member Is the ono who
iskcs np his mind to feel por-
: ctly at homo nt all hazirds. Ho cul-
[ vates nn easy and careless oir. He
jams tbo Christian names of all the
jombers , jokes with the porters , npravfb
vor two or three chairs In the smoklng-
jom , converse at the top of their lungs
t dinner , and has his club printed on
Is vititlng'Card moro prominently than
is own name. The effect of club life on
onng mon of all dispositions Is good , how
vor. The rough edges are soon worn
fF by the sharp comments of the older
lub mon and a raw youngster Is turned
ito a polished man In less time at n good
lub than anywhere else on earth , except
b West Point. It has always astonished
10 to observe the eflect of military train-
iK npon the boys who go up the river to
tarn to bo soldier ? . The uncouth , clumsy ,
ad stumbling louts who enter the first
a S3 are turned out models of deport-
tent at the end of the term , of whom
iron a Turveydrop might bo proud.
MjBtcrluiiH Disappearance.
Last week a well-known merchant was
ilajed , and has not since been heard
om. The mystoiy shrouds his friends
1 anxiety and gloom. But If your dys-
epsia , your rheumatism or your liver
jmolaint happens to disappear mystor-
> usly , you are happy , To make them
liappear use Brown's Iron Bitters , tho' '
rinco of tonlca , which you can bay at
ny drug store for ono dollar.
Strawberries on which parts green had been
lown from a neighboring potato held , hat a
: caulonnl several coses of eerloua Illness in
id near Kaston , Pa. , witbiu a week past.
Then JUbj waa alck , wo j vo her Cutoria ,
Yben ills WM Cullil , slie cried for Caatoria ,
Hien oho became Mla , ike clan ; to Cutoria ,
ltti n the had Culldrtn , olio gate thorn Cattorla
Tree from , Jlinitlci < imt I'oliotis
Cer Couch * , Bore Thronl , llcmr citc , Indnrnn.
Coltlft * ItronrhtlU , Croup , Wlionptnff CougH ,
AMlintm Uulmr , l'nln In Chcit , nJcth r
irtctloni pf tli Thront in 1 l.nnjru.
Price i SO cent ntiottp. | Bold byPrneBlitdnnrtDfal'
cr . J\irtlf unnblt ( o Induce their Amur to iiromptt *
get UJor thtm trill rcctlft litn l > otlttih'tpren cfiarfti
pa fit , by ttndlny vnt dollar to
THE minim A.TonRirn ronp r ,
fiole Owners ftn < l Munurnctnrtri ,
Uilllmon. fflirjilnd , C. B. JU
CI7 St. Charles S ? . , Sf. Lonis. 3Io.
al lace * uuiiitnlbin toy * ibir
eltyr t n ih w aadu 'outildn
Nervous Prosiratlun , Ofbtlltr. Mor.tO PHI
Physical Wcnkncts ; Mercurial and ntn * ; * 'j i
lions nl Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Pelt uliif ,
old Sores jnd ulcers , ITS in.tti * us mptu" .
I2eouion uieitptfoilU4 [ prfnelp'ei GirtlrrrtT tcl
Diseases Arlslnct from Indiscretion , Exclir ,
tfposurc or Indulgence , t < uh irojcet > on of ivi
l.llo ln eftcelal iirnouiitM , < KIHJluntri ! ot tl'i '
Dd4 < f < ctlr romwrflnplri on th tree.i &jil"\l ilttf ? ,
erMon to tbi .ooltl ; of lemnUl , ctnlumt oflloii , c' .
rendering ; Unrringo Improper or iinhtip7 , ftf *
mMitiujtniroA , l'Ar.iplil.l < ; r ftrnlti < i nlmrt.
tilrd rnrrlejo , frteio > .ir , iMtt.i. ConinluMtn % > . f
Cssot rjlnMlrrcc , n.llntlt a Tfllo rorfLciUtu.
A Positive Written Guarantea
. . .
Vimphleti , > .nll > h or Ocrrcsn. 01 r.itn. iJl
JcrlbinirmjovodiaeBtos , In ! ! > ; < > or rora l > ' 2.U.K
James Heiioal Institute
i > Chartered by theStateof 1111-
rrj nol j fop the express purpose
/of Hiving Immediate reliciln
nll clironlc.urmarynnd prl.
Jvnte diseases. Gonorrhoea ,
tQlectandSyphilisinall their
complicated forms , also nil
diseases of the Skin nnd
Blood promptly relicvcdnnd
permanentlycured by rcme-
dleateatcdmnJ'o tyfean
- - . , i > l > fiiirrnrlice. ! beminal
Weakness , Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
he Facc.Lost Manhood,7 > DflUclj/riernJ.J7f o
( iilopfpcr/mpiid'iit/ / nppropriate remedy
ts nt once used In each case. Consultntljns , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines sent by Mall nnd Express. No marks on
package to Indicate contents or sender. Address
DR. JAMES.HO. 204Washinglon SI.CMcagolll.
_ Ji.TiTciDrJEYSr
Mill 111 f6lh Tllli. Hi-Ami
and VIOOll of YOUTH Uj
VVantnt Apnctitc , v
! .UC < C 01 SIICIIKlt
Mil'I lie ' " ' " "UiiKalisiiliilci ;
urcil , Bonn , musclesaui !
F.illvcui llrj iiiliiU auc
onppllcs Uriln J'owdi ,
fcuITi rliiRlroiM cumpU'ntt
n.ctillirto thclrai'T wt ,
. . CTCCTie u >
loeily cuif , ircsn oloar , bexllliyconi | > litto.
/f'uijnciit attrtuiitsat o"'fp iiij' cmlv ar
I ) lie | ) onlirit | > nl thoonuiui'
Sjant petliie OititivAi VNO IUS1
ffUfoA murivldrcM lo'llinllr. II irlnt Al l Oo
H ' I Ix5uj | , ito .for onr "DHIiAM DOOIC. "
p m I ain u fnR your 'fluid Extract Bed Clorer
Blossom and Wet Comprwa ( or Cancer on the ,
and am well. I am utlsQod It I. the but nmnly far
Canecr known. ou are wrlcomo to uie tblfl tor tbc
koncnt of luirerlnfrhumuiltT.
lte > [ Hcl3ull7 , MH3. L. A. JOttKSON.
pt-mJiiiKH-Sly wlfo has for omo time been affllrtKl
mth nomctblnff like a ecrof ulous dlwaw. and found no
r ltof. until ahegaroyourtxtru-t of ICodCkiytrntrlsl.
I em happy to nay the has experienced irreac r lief-
roll Is but a Blight te tlraontnl oC 017 appreciation oc
rour efforts In Ijohaic of humanity , which you are
welcome to use for their bcnollt.
\otyrcepocUulljr. . II. AK113.
jftft * VI
. . . , . TotEoo , o. , Boa 1st , less.
r. W. Loosi & Co. , ltoifno , Mich.
OaNTS 1 commenced taUnir your Ext. Red Cloyer ,
nro * m BBO , for Lrytlpelta , nnd h Tt not been
: rwibie dnce. It la hereditary with ma. Think you
IAT. ii Best blooa medicine knovt iu
Youn truly , W. M. SEIBEni.
R , I ) , ftyra&n , of Grand KaplcX Mich. . nay > Aftrr
two Docton advlficil him to u&e JMQSO'II hxt. IU-d Clover
r & boil caw oC Iczcmo , nr Fever Bora on tha lc-k' .
Im now well.
AiaSprlnK Medicine Tonlo and general Tllood Purl *
ler 1 1 hu no equal , For nolo by all druggists , or J. it
-ootc & Co. , Monroe , illclu
Tlio Original mill Only < Jcntilnp.
lift , an Ift1w Ti IlfllittlA ltpw repf w i-tllp | Imltttloni.
nillil > en bla tu LADIES. A k ) < " " HriiUBUt fore
o u r > r'i Artkular. < n Irffcr tivrttlirn inMlt.
PAPER. < 'lillli ttr < < > . ,
, t DrugglslB. TjaJo eupnlltdby J , A , Fuller b Co
Nebraska Land Agency ,
) . F. & co. ,
Ind Heal Estate Mortgages
Have foi sale 100,000 acrei carefully selected landi
i Eastern Nebraska , at low prlco and on easy term *
Improved farms for tile In Doughs , Dodge , Colfaz ,
latte , Hurt , Oumlng , Barpy , Washington , Iferrlck ,
aunders , and liatlor countlfe ,
Taxes paid In all parts of the stite.
Notary 1'Qbllo always lo office. Concspondcnct
Uoner loaned on lmprnve < l farm * and city proper.
517 Dodge St. , - Omaha
TCT.KPHON1 ! WO , 144
Inanrinoo Co. , London , Catli
Atsets. . . . , . . . | 5 , 8I,0 > *
reetchester.N. Y. , Assets 1,100,0.X
heUerohant * of NewarkN. J. , Assets , . , , 1.S75.0H
llrardWi , PhlladelphU.AMeM , IIIIK
icw Uamrshlic , Caib Aawta. . . , _ _ . . 1.018.9X
Large Lots at Reason-
Since the completion of the new packing
and slaughter houses , South Omaha is mak
ing a wonderful ane rapid growth. Besides
the large pork and beef house erected for
Hammond & Co. , other dealers have com
menced the erection of similar institutions
and still others are contemplated for the
near future.rSeveral dwellings have been
built and twenty or thirty are now building.
Employment is now furnished to about one
hundred and fifty families , and conservative
estimates place the figure at eight hundred
to one thousand families that will find em
ployment there a year hence. This offers
great inducements to laboring men to secure
homes now while they are cheap. Specula
tors will also find it to their advantage to buy
at present prices. The company have made
no change from the original prices , but some
parties who first purchased lots have resold
them at splendid profits , in some cases at
double the purchase price. If in so short a
ime handsome profits are made , what will
be the result when everything is fully devel
oped ? In the few other cities that are favor
ed with a first class cattle market , fortunes
have been made by investors in real estate ,
and the same is certain to follow in South
Omaha. While the whole city of Omaha
will be greatly benefitted by the growth and
development of the cattle interest , South
Omaha lots will enhance in value more ra
pidly than any other by reason of the prox
imity to the works.
Manufacturers of all kinds w'll iiml it to their advantage
to inspect this property ; gooii location , level grounds , track
facilities and plenty of coed ; pure water furnished by the
South Omaha Water Works. In fact , every facility to raalro
desirable for manufacturers , including cheap ground.
Will find it profitahlo to Boloct property now , as a year or
two hence with a population of 501)0 ) to 10,000 people ,
this will become a desirable place for all kinds of business ,
and lots bought now , can bo had at vary reasonable prices
which will double in price many times in the next two years.
Kich or poor , will find it profitable to make myestmenta
in this property. Free conveyance at all times will bo fur-w
nished by us to parties wishing to see this wonderful now
town and learu of its advantages. Wo have entire charge
of , and uro the exclusive ngouts for the Halo of all this
property from G streets south. Splendid lots from § 225
213 S.M4lli STREET ,
We Imvo desirable business nnd residence propsrty for sate in nil
ls of Omnlm nnd do a general real estate business. We solicit bi'y '
irs and sellers to call on us. Wo will give themjall possible information
: ree , and keep conveyance free to sbow property in any part of tbe city ,
Bedford & Souer ,