Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1885, Page 8, Image 8

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Pridaj Morningi July 3 ,
Flro Chief Butler preferred a complaint
VMterday Against a , man who WAS putting
up a small woodnn building on the comer o !
Tenth And llsrncy ( tteets , ( or the 1'parposo of
running n fruit stand ,
1 ' " J. W , Honza and Richard O'Kcofo net-
tied nmlcibly Wednesday the dnmaga suit
brought for ejectment , and the former has removed -
moved his honrdlnR hotel and s teen to Thir
teenth and PaciBo streets. The McCord ,
Brady & Co. block will -eovjr the O'Keefe
premises at Thirteenth and X avcnwurth ,
The funeral of Johanna , wlfo of Edward
Guinano , who died Wednesday morning tool
place at 8 o'clock yestcrdayf rom the residoncs
1115 Ooss to St , Phllo-jieaa'a cathedral , The
uorvlces were ftttandsd by n large
number of friends and relatives of the de
ceased. The < ntorrncnt was had In the dlolj
Sepulchre. *
Sumncr Johnson , now of the Cheyenne
Sun , Is well known in Omaha M n formoi
sewapnpcr man. Thus cruelly does the Ohoy
cnno Leader speak of him : "Yesterday Citj
Maniral SchnitRer lightly tapped Sumnei
Johnson o ! the Sun , on the cheek with n stec
screw driver , and ths screw driver fell on th (
'floor broken in places. This is ft fact , and II
ahowi what kind of n cheek Johnion has got. .
Officer John Trumbull hna been butiet
to-day Borvlne appraisal notices on propert )
owners having land adjacent to Nineteenth
atroot in township 10 , range IB , which it li
proposed to widen thia yean The appraise-
'inont takes place next Tuesday ,
The fair commltteo has decided to toai
- , down the amphitheater nt the driving park ,
f and enlarge It to the extent of one-third sc
that a full view of the on tire course will be
obtainable ? from the highest seats. Architoc !
d "Voss la drawing up plans'for the structure ,
which will have tall towers at the cnda and
" ! mlddlo'and will bo ono of substantial and ornate
nato design ,
The council committee In whose handi
have been placed the Improvements of liana-
com park haa just completed its task. A no *
platform has been erected , the culverts re
paired .and water pipes from the water works
will bo put In nt an early date , Tbo park it
now In firat-clasa condition for parties nnc
will soon ba filled with the bounds of music tc
which the "flying foot of the merry dancen
shall keep time. "
The opening of bids for the constructor
of the oxpositlon building was again postponed
yesterday. The plans jvnd specifications have
been constantly out of the oilico of Mendela
sohn & Fisher , tko architects , ever einco thoj
were ready for tha contractors to fifuro upon.
Secretary Minor said to a reporter to-day thai
in all probability the bids would not be
| j ; . opened until Monday night , though there was
possibility that the opening might take place
1'riday night.
A quiet little sensation found a climas
Wednoday night in ono the apartments of t
building between Fifteenth and Sixteenth
atrsets , used by roomers. The prime cause
of a Borioua quarrel was a handsome but frai
woman and two joaloua young men , A fighl
took place last night which was witnessed bj
a largo number of persons , and came vorj
nearly resulting seriously. Capt. Sullivar
arrived on the scene after Iho Bmoke of battle
had blown away , and too late tc arrest the
.principals , who had flee ! .
Next Sunday at 7:30 : p. m. will bo hole ]
the festival of the choir of St. Barnabai
church , which Is composed of men and boys ,
Special muaic haa been prepared , and the
service will bo fully choral. The pastor , llev ,
John Williams , will address the choristers
and road the roll of merit , each of the boyi
boiuR entitled to a prize according to hit
standing , The music has been well rehearsed ,
nnd undoubtedly will ba effectively rendered ,
An organ recital will bo given by the organist
and choir master alter service , and those whc
3i ve hoard Mr. Arthur East play , and know
his devotedness to his art need not be assurec
that ho will acquit himtolf well ,
Mayor Chrlstcnson , of Fremont , accom
panied by Mr , J. F , Unman , a prominenl
.citizen of that bustling little place , arrived in
Omaha yesterday The prime object of' he ,
visit was to consult with Mr , A , L. Straof
with reference to a system of waterworks and
sewerage which they propose to put in this
reason. They alao called upon City Kngineci
Jloaewater to consult him with reference tc
the best plans , probable cost , etc. , of the pro
jected improvements , Mr. Roaewator prom
ised to render them material assistance on
these points if n > plat of the city were for.
warded to him , with a few necessary data if
elevation , Messrs. Chtistenson and Hainan
-wero piloted about the city yo iirday by Mr ,
.Louis Heimrod , and were surprised to sec
the evidences of rapid growth which are
everywhere to ba noted m the metropolis.
Mlas Graca Iitnobauch ; entertained her
-young friends at the residence of her parents ,
IP- * . Air. and Mrs , Himebaugh , No. 320 North
V . Twentieth street , Tuesday evening , from 7
1 to 11 o'clock , and every arrangement was
rnnJo to secure the most perfect enjoyment.
The beautiful and spacious house and grounds
were freely given up to their use , and the
young people enjoyed themselves hugely.
There were present : Misses Mabol Harris ,
Tiolllo Halnes , Maggie Unman , of Ctidar IU-
jilds ) ] ! osilo Yatep , Lila Alexander , Mabol
,1'rntt , Edith and Marion Crandall , Handle
f Ooburn , Dalaey Urownson , May Burns , Jennie
Jloore , Nellie and Mollia Thomas , Mary
/Stephens , Goon-ia Sharp , Daisy Doane ,
'JNellio Meyer , Emily Wakeley and Betaie
aiowurdj Masters Paul Burley , Euaiell Wil
bur , Chat , and Clark Ilodick , HarrvIIoward
Walter and George Mlnor.IIorry McOormick
loxlo Clark , Willlo nnd Ilorbort llogen
'ood Allen , Burley Moore , 1'red and Wilkli
Hifltln \ , aud Guy Stephens Mrs. Samuei
Bu. tna and Mies Nellie Burns and Mis :
Jen. ilo House were present , Riving their ante
to th i perfect enjoyment of the evening.
BIi r Meyer & Co. hand/o / Palmer's a
wl riruwork *
Tlio cifiar factory of West & Frltaohew
114 Worth Fourteenth street , was entered
. , of 0'gara ' TJio burglars ell'acted
nu car \nco through a I4ondtory win
dow la t\o roar of the building , by using
a ladder. TAoro la no clow.
Tlio rvtitctior ahop of A Kanimon , on
ScnUi'KilrUietstn , vriaroblwd Wodsssday
nl , tt. TluJ building ia aouiowlut isolated
from spy ih'olllng , suii tko thtevea
undo bold to uctually batter down
the front doT In > order to get in. They
etole nbont ( ? 15 in moiuy , and aUo made
Rwy with coreral tools , auch a aaw ,
clcarcre , eta.
Seal of North Carolina Tobacco ia the
| < njTi
Firaworks , Fligs , UiHjons , Lsnternr ,
ito , at K at If-yer & ' Oo , .J
The Ballarfl Mcr Case still Run-
Introtitzctlon oCTcstlmony by the DC *
fcnUnnt Tlio Stftto Kcsts Its
Slelo of the OKBO.
Vfhon the district conrt convened at
l':30 ' : o'clock ' yesterday District Attor
ney Estell announced that In the trial ol
Thomas Ballard the state had oiTared
oil the testimony It desired to and rotted
Its cuo. This was unexpected io tha do.
fondant's attorneys and rather knocked
them n little off of their base , because
they had not prepared themselves to pro.
coed Immediately under such clrcnnv
stancor , After parleying around for some
time , hovovor , the names of their wit
ncsios were road over nnd twc
CL < throe of them answered
present. Attachments were issued foi
the balance and n bailiff started out tc
hunt them up. The court room was ntjaic
filled with spectators. Ballard had
changed his apparel nnd came In thh
morning wearing a black suit of clothes ,
EIo sits just bohlnd his attorneys nnd ap
parently takes very llttlo interest in the
proceedings , but a close observer can
easily tea thnt" ho notes carofally over ;
word thnt Is said.
His attorneys have adopted for tholi
line of defense the plea of insanity , nnd
the first witness called to testify waa Joe
Kubcs , n butcher. But ho proved to bo
nf very llttlo force ; know absolutely
nothing of his own personal knowledge
except that ho had soon Ballard on the
day of the shooting. His examination
amounted to nothing and no cross ques
tions were asked him nt all.
Carl Sherman , a clerk for Knhn it Co. ,
druggists , waa called as the second wit-
nets for defense. Ho know Thomas
Ballard before and up to January , 1883 ;
ho had often given the prisoner medicine ,
largely of a tonic and sodotlvo nature ,
the kind that drinkers called "bracers,11
and when Ballard came for these modi-
clnos ho was badly broken up. Thcao
medicines were given to relieve him ,
between hfa periodical sprees. Witness
was asked by the attorney to state the
mental condition of prisoner as observed
by him , whether sound or unsound. At
torneys for the state objected , but the
objection was overruled , and. witness answered -
sworod that ho couldn't ansnor the ques
tion ; Ballard was subject to periods of
depression and morosouoss ; these gener
ally came on when ho would commence to
sober up.
Cross examined by EstoIIo Ballard
was often on a spree and would frequent
ly say ho was going to swear oil' and
brace up. When asking for 'bracers' ho
alrr&ya knew what ho wanted. Ballard
was capable of observing between right
and wrong. Being drunk didn't seem to
Incapacitate him from doing business.
Andrew Frick testified In substance
have resided In Omaha twenty years ;
have known Ballard since 1871 ; seen him
during that tlmo frequently ; ho was a
man of intemperate habits , and when
under the Influence of liquor was wild
nnd wrdckless ; when drinking ho would
ba drunk four , five , six or seven weeks at
a tlmo , sometimes ho wouldn't ' drink for
three weeks or more. As to Bnllard's
sinlty or insanity irhon under the Influ
ence of liquor the wltnoas could not an-
wor , but ho wouldn't consider him a
wholly insane men ; think too that ol late
years his condition has been getting
worse. On cross examination the wit
ness testified that In 187G Ballard
was in business with him.
When sober , Ballard was always atten
tive to business and was capable of de
ciding between right and irrong. Ho
had been employed as a night clerk and
runner at the St James hotel.
Moses Knntz was the next witness to
testify : Ho know Thomas Ballard , and
bad known him for 13 years ; worked
with and knew him very well ; drank
moro or lees all the tlmo , and very fre
quently would ho on a drunk two or
three weeks at a time ; when under the
Influence , if ho met a man against whom
ho had a grudge ho was always wanting
to have trouble with him ; when drunk
Ballard didn't know what ho was doing ,
ho was whisky insane ; the witness often
drank with Ballard bnt bad been on no
"sprees" with him of late ; last summer
Ballard used to go two and three months
without drinking anything at all ; wit
ness had known of the prisoner being af
flicted with a loathoaomo disease , which
Impared both his physical and mental
On croBs examination the witness testi
fied that Ballaid had recovered from the
diseased mentioned and was ono of the
strongest men for his size in Omaha ;
Ballard was of sound mind when not
Joseph Freitman was calledna the next
witness : Ho Is a butcher now but did
sorao tlmo ego run a meat market with
in throe doors of the St , James hotel on
Tenth street ; was around the hotel about
tha 15th of March last , Ho know Bal
lard , and Yarpoortan , used to see Bal
lard nearly every day. Ho always acted
decent enough through the summer ,
but about a week before
shooting Varpoorton ho bad
been drinking ; up to that'tlmo his charac
ter had been regular ; just before tbo
shooting , however , ho had been drinking
heavily and acted In a wild manno
About an hour before tha shooting wl
nesa heard Ballard say that he was goln ;
to make it hot for somebody. DJdn1
think ho was then In his right senses
saw him in the saloon and ho was drunk
It being noon and plaintiff not dealrin
to proceed with the cross-oxaminatlo :
just then the court took a rocets until
Joseph Froltman was re-called to th
itand , when conrt convened at 2 o'clock
'or cross examination. In referring to
: hu expression used ny prisoner on Sun
lay , March 15 , the day of the murder
vitnesi understood It to bo , "I will make
t hot for some of them ; " prisoner had
leen drinking , and wai very full , bul
ould walk wlthont etugjerlng. Witness
bought that the prisoner was drunker
ba4. day than ho had boon for a long time
rovlouely ,
Redirect examination Witness didn't
jo the bhootlng fake place. All bo know
bout It is what ho hoard other * ( ay.
JohnKnhmjkabuchoronTentljitroer ,
is railed , and In substance testified ;
' 'dn't ' know Tom Ballard very well , but
d know Verpoorttn ; mod to see Bal-
rd every day ; saw him a week before
10 ( hooting ; ho waa drunk , pretty
ank ; ho vr s wild when drunk ; didn't
a Ballard nith anybody previous to the
lootiog. Saturday before the shooting
il.'anl ' wai In isy ibop , and a imtll.
llltlo follow , called Ohtirley , was with
him ; they WMO drunk ; know thnt Bal
lard WAS drank. In the shop , llttlo Char
ley picked tip a knife and wont bick In
the sausage room ; they came in there to
look for nemo other fellows.
Edward O'Oonner was sworn as the
next witness. Had known Ballard since
1879was ; with him three years every
day ; during tb&t three years every time
ho got a llttlo money ahead ho used to
"go on.n tear" and stay on It until ho
was worn out and laid up ; never acted
wild , BO far as I know ; waa never ugly ;
never saw him stagger ; can toll a man
when sober. Witness testified that
about ono month ago ho saw prisoner in
the jail fcnd the prisoner at that tlmo
didn't recognize the wltnoas.
Nothing now came ont on the cross ex
amination ,
William McHno , who has boon living
hero since 1800. was the next witness
called. Ho had known Ballard since
1807. ; ho was In the habit of drinking
every tlmo ho could got It ; some times
was drunk two nnd three weeks nt n
tlmo ; Bomo times ho would ho quiet and
some times would ho wild ; first tlmo wit
ness saw Ballard drunk ho was butting
his head against boxes and barrels down
on Farnam street to ahow what ho could
do ; for the last four or five years his men
tal condition has boon growing worse all
the time.
Thomas Wortc called ; ho had known
Ballard ten years quite Intimately ; ho has
boon running for the Sb. Jamoa and actIng -
Ing as night clerk ; know Vcrpocrton ;
sometimes Ballard wont on a spree , after
which ho would go to work again , and
wai a good man at his business. In
establishing the bnsinsss relations be
tween Ballard nud Vorpoortcn , witness
testified that Vorpoorton often turned
the night receipts of the saloon ever to
Ballard ; never know thorn to have n
Wyloy Dixon had known Ballard for
seventeen years ; had seen him on a great
many sprees ; witness bad soon him mild
drunk and crazy drunk ; had Been him
attending to business when drank.
On cross-examination witness testified
that ns runner for the hotel Ballard was
able to attend to his business and deter
mine between right and wrong.
Peter Borklesyn , a shoemaker who al
ways made Ballard's boots , had often
BOOH him brutally drank nnd boon abused
by him ; ho didn't know anything when
under the Influence of liquor , and often
abused his host friends.
Dr. Pack was called as the next wit
ness , and was naked if there ia such a
disease known to his profosslon as dl-
phthomanla , and In reply said that there
was , though ho had novtreoen ncato. The
disease is an Irroslstablo .craving , to do
something or being compelled to do
things that they didn't want to do.
Cross examined Insanity Is a loss of
reason ; witness never had much cxpori-
enco with Insane persona ; Insane per-
sonr , very often reason rationally ; the
difference of diphthomanla Is the same
as delirium tremens ; a man may have
dlpthomnnia and still bo able to distin
guish between right nnd wrong.
Dr , Darrow was recalled to the witness
stand to ieatlfy as an expert , as to the
physical status of Ballard. At present
ho la In an enomlc condition , by which Is
meant an absence of a normal amount of
red corpuesles in the blood. This Is
brought about by a want of proper nu
trition , by confinement , anything to damage -
ago the health of the man. Outside of a
few local troubles witness in his examin
ation of Ballard found no reason to believe -
liovo that his system was deranged.
Dr.W.O.Spaldlog took the stand as the
next witness. Ho testified in substance :
Insanity Is marked by a weak and unnat
ural state of the memory , attention and
other Intellectual faculties , such that the
patient is not qualified to act as a free
member of society. There are many
species of insanity ( hero witness enumer
ated some of then )
Cross-examined by Estcllo , with n
view to raising an objection to witness1
testimony ; he said that ho bad no especial
practice in the direction of treating In
sanity , hut had simply treated the few
casoa that came In his way.
Estollo hero objected to witness as not
being an expert in the matter of insanity.
Objection overruled by the court.
Dr. Spalding then continued "Moral
Insanity is that condition in which the
emotions are moro affected than in the
other kind of Insanities. For instance ,
DUO person of a perfectly sane family mny
have n strong destructive tendency , a
dcslro to destroy things , or animals
oven a strong tendency to murder. A man
having this disease may bo aware of
the consequences of the act of murder
may know what ho is doing , and yet may
bo Irresistibly impelled to commit mur
der , There is n disease known to
the profession as dlpthomanla-dosoan
from drunkenness alcoholic Insanity.
This malady Is a kin to delirium tremcns.
A victim of alcoholic insanity would bo
Insane while suffering from the disease ,
at another tlmo not. The disease , in
otbor words , may ho said to ho Inter
mittent. "
"Dlpthomanln1 continued the witness ,
In answer to a question , "may ho defined
to bo an irresistible tendency to drunk
enness either from alcohol or other stim
ulants. A man thus affected cannot con
trol his appetite. When a man Is not
under the influence of a spell of the dis
ease , he mny hnvo lucid moments and bo
potfootly nblo to attend to business. "
At this point , csuinel for defense
asked the witness If from what
ho saw of ths defendant and had hoard
from the witness , ho believed that ho
was Insane during his spells of drunken
ness. This was objected to by the proao-
cntlon on the ground that the expert
would not testify as to his opinion on the
actual insanity of Ballard at the time of
tbo murder , basing his opinion on the
hearing of the facts connected with the
crime as detailed by witnesses. Objection
sustained by the court.
At this point , while the testimony of
Dr , Spalding was yet nnconcluded , tbo
: onrt took an adjournment until 0:30 :
this morning.
OMAHA , July 2 , 1885 ,
The following railroad cilices will ho
ilosod Saturday , July 4th , on account of
lolldny :
M , Scott , agent B. & M. Ry.
0. O. Burdlck , agent 0. Sf. P.M. it O.
J. M. Ouralor , agent U. P.
All members of Gate City Drum Corps
ro requested to watch daily papers for
ime and placa of mooting July 4tb.
Buy Palmer' * Son'd Fireworks for they
ro the larks' ' ; and finest goods for sale
y Mar Meyer & Co.
B. Newman & Co. , are selling clothing
extremely low prices. They have a
rge stock on band which must bo dis-
iiod of. Call and lee them if you want
rgain .
Furniture in Installments at J. }
The A * O , II , Society VTS1I Oololirnto
tbo Fourth t HnficnU'a I'nrk ,
No bolter plsco can bo selected by the
plcasuro seeker to tpand a merry Fourth
of July than with the A. 0. H , ecclotlos
at nnsc&ll's Park. Tha local divisions ,
through their commttloos , havn com
pleted arrngomonts for the a flair , and
ororythiog promises a hrgo nltcndanco
and an enjoyable celebration.
The Htbcrniana will assemble nt tholr
hall at 8 o'clock on the morning of the
Fourth , and headed by tholr excellent
band will march north on Thirteenth
to Farnam , east on Farnam to Tenth ,
north on Tenth to Douglas , west on
Douglas to Flftoonib , south on Fifteenth
to Farnam , east on Farnnm to Thir
teenth , thence on Thirteenth to the park.
Arriving at the park the day will bo
spent In listening to an oration by
Connty Treasurer Hash , Indulging in
dancing and games , and partaking of a
bountlfal supply of refreshments. An
excellent string band will bo on hand for
those who wish to enjoy a merry dance ,
and the A. 0. n. brass band will bo on
the ground all day to reader eomo of
their choice musical selections. Strict
order will he maintained.
Spend the Foutth at HaacaU's Park
with the A , 0. H. nnd you will not re
gret It , Increased street cir foclllioa will
bo provided , convoying those who attend
to the park gate. Tickets admitting
gentlemen fifty cents ; ladles free.
MEYKH. Oscar , son of Axel nnd Antonotto
Meyer , aged C montba and 10 days.
Funeral will take place from residence ,
2211 Cuming street , to-day nt 2 p. m ,
A Now Train.
Commencing Monday Juno 2Hb ! , the
Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley
railway will run a now train between
Went Point , Neb and Omaha , also con
necting wltn Blair. Following is the
time for running : Will leave Omaha at
5:40 : p. m. , will lenvo Blair nt 7:00 : p. m. ,
will leave Fremont at 8:00 p. m. Will
arrive nt Wrst Point nt 9:15 : p. m. , will
leave West Point at 0:30 : a. m. , will
leave Fremont at 7:45 : a. m. , will arrive
at Omaha at 10:00 : a. m. 0 vlng all day
in Omaha ,
Buy your Fireworks of Max Meyer it
Co. , for you will got freah goods only.
The whole number of visitors to the Now
Orleans exposition waa 1,158,810. The Cen-
tonmul oxpoaltion at Philadelphia waa at
tended by 7,910,960 people.
Absolutely Pure.
This powder never varies. A marvel of pnrety
strength and wbolesomenoss. Uore economical than
the ordinary kindsand cannot be Bold In competi
tion with the multitude of low test , short Height
alum of physphrto powders. Sold only In cans
All ado ertisemcnts in the special columns uill
be charged at the rate of 10 cents per line for the
frrtt insertion , and 7 centi per line for each subse
quent ituertion : No advertisement will Its inserted
for less than : S centi or the firtt time :
Tf.ue advertisements trill be inserted in both Horn-
njand Eoeniny Editions , representing a circula
tion of over Eight Thousand. This class o/ adver
tisements must positively be paid in advance ,
o LOAN-825,000 ; In suras of Sl.COO to $5,030.
Ames , 1607 Farnam. 750-7
. TO iotx At once and without delay on
MO.VKV estate , In lare or small am .unto , on time
to suit. Loana made also oa collaterals , chattels or
any good security , promptly , qulctlv and at the
li o't possible rnt a. Apply it the Omaha Finan
cial Uxclunge , 1E03 Farnam st , upstairs , 701tf
TO LOIN On real estate security In any
amount from { 500 to $26/00 , at rei'onablo
ratca of Interest Nocommlstlo grnirg'dborrowur ,
3. K. Ma } no fcCo. , 8. W. Cor. 16th and Farnam.
633-July 23
I uo.vRT 11 MOKIT 111 Money to Loan -On
chattel security by W. ll.Creft , room 4 , With-
tell building , N. i : . corner IStnand Harnoy After
years ol evpurlcnco and a careful etudy of the busi
ness of loaning money on personal property , I have
at last perfected a system whereby the publicity
usual In such cases la done away withand I am now
In a position to meet tbo demands of all ho become
thla city can obtain advincca from 810 to $1,000 on
inch security as household furniture , pianos , nu-
: hlnery , horses , wagona , warehouse recelpta , secur
ed notes of hand , etc. , without removing eamo from
) wneia residence or place of business. Uno of the
idvantagcsIoQerls that any part of ny loan can
ie paid at any time which wilt reduce the Intercut
ire rati nud a'l ' loana renewed at ths original rates
if Interest. I have no brokers In connection with
ay oflico , but personally superintend all my loin ? ,
I nave private offices connected with my general
> Hico eo thai customers do not como in contact with
lach other , contenuently rraklrg all transactions
trlctly pilvate. W. It. Crolt , room 4 , Wlthnell
lulldlug , K. K. cor. 16th and Ilarney , M3-Jly-56
ITON T to loan In sums of 8200 and up ard on
llflrat-class real estate security. Potter & Cobb ,
615 Farnam St. 7IB-tf
If ONEV LOANED at 0. F , Reed ACo's. Loan office
Tj. on furniture , pianos , horses , wagona , personal
roperty of all kinds and all othe riitlclea of value ,
Itbout removal. Qvor lot Natlo&jJ Uank.oorncrlSth
od Farnam. All buelneaa strictly confidential
720 tf
if ONEY To loan on chattels , Woolluy & Harrison ,
rl Hoom 20 , Omita National bank building
TO LOAN-Oo real estate and chattoU 1
rl D. L. Thomas. 722tf. J
/fONKY / Loaned on chattels , out rati , R. n
ri tickets oought and gold. A. Forman,213 B , 18th Bt
/TOITC7 TO LOAN In inms cf (300 and upward ,
'I ' 0. r. Dtvia and Co. , Kut KUt ind Lou
rtnU , 1606 FarDiraBl.
ITANTED A neat German girl In a email fun'ly ,
I for housework , JOll UowarJet ! 7Up
VTASTtD-A girl for general boui w < rk , 1016 Cap
itol Ave. IIXMp
[ 7"AXTr.D Dining room girl and woman cook at
T Ct llfornd House , llth and Daulaa it 741-4p
Two glrll t Dri4 > House. 813 rarnam T
etrwt. 7i f I1
WANTXD-Atcooud glil at K. W. cor Hamilton
and Pier st , North Omaba 707-5p
Girl to wait on table S times K day foi
WAVTKD , Kmm.t Houso. (31-Ip
WAXTKD A woman for 'general housenotk. 5 < 1C
Chicago et , 870-4
- AfliHTi Novelties In ladle * ' and
WAXino-LlDT . Over 40 new designs. ! ? oth <
like them. Sell is fast as shown Over 1OOC
agents mtke $70 ] monthly. Address with stamp.
K. II. Campbell jc Co. , 0 South May street , Chicago ,
T\7AXTRD Good tlrla for hotels , private fatnlllctj
Tl kitchen nnd laundry work. Call at Omaha Km <
ploymcntllurcan , lliO Farnam ft , 347-tf
Olrlat 1610 Sherman avenue.
WAXTIID ) - J.t. . Oouniman.
WANTKD Three oiperlcncod women canvassers ,
(0 per day , guaranteed ; room 7 , Iledick block.
WAvmn Flrst-olwa dining room girl at the Met
ropolitan hotel ; none otner need apply. 824-tl
WANTKD Ono cash boy at U , Dohto & Co'a chcif
hoe store , 1419 Farnitnnoar 16th tt < 700-1
\TlfANTKD Agents In every caunty to totlclt foi
V > the Jfntutl Dorcflt Ancoelatloncf Om > h , Ncb ,
Call on or address Otto Lcbick , Secretary and Gen <
cral Mansgtr , 1222 Farna.ii street 74Sangl
TTtT'ANTiiD deed agents for an article of rarotncrlt ,
T > Just patented No paddling. CnP , examine
and lie convlncsd. II , O. Strlpo & Co. 1511 Farnam
St. Hoam 4 Rodlck Itlock. 713-tf
WAXTKD Agents to take onlcra for crayon per
traits , room 0 Atllngton Block , West ot I'osl-
offlco. OS7-6p
WANTKn Five good tin roofers , and five eooj
cornlea mad err , at the Wcstirn Cornlco Work * ,
MS and 610 S. ISth st. C01-0
WANTIH-CJrpontcrn. M. T. Murphy , Hitunml St.
Mary'a Ave ; or 15U North .Dili and Draco St.
VIT'ANTRD-Ono Balrsimn In ever/township , to eell
T \ farm and household necessities ; 876 p r inontli
can lie ttado. Goods vvaricntcd , and have no com.
petition. Addreas with stimp or oill \Vayland &
CUybourno 2CO State St. Chicago. Ill , 612-lp
TTTANTRD Family totvlcg by day or week. Innvilre
V1714 California. 764 p
WASir.D A j-ouiie man of good liablta , mora
character , Industrious and energetic , dcslrea to
got work cf most any character lo earn an honctt
llfcllhood II , J , Ihave-r , 1511 Farnam et , ciro of
II. Q. Strlpo & Co. 703-2
TTT"ANTKD Todtlon us coichmaa by a man ; and
W by his vvlfo todohousowork or laundre 3 , In a
good fiintly. T , W. Bco OXco. 015-lp
WANTKD Situation A3 nurflo In email fimlly , by a
young girl. Enqulro at 1612 Dodge St. , Be
tween the hours of 2:3.1 and 6 p , m. 09j-7p
TT/'ANTPD Byajoungman.a eltuatlon In otBco
f T or wholesale hou'o. lisa hold position ai ship
ping clerk with consolidated tank line Co. , of Daven
port for eomo tlmo. W. B. Wllloy , Dee Olllo * .
TTTANTUD By a middle aged woman , a eltuatlon
V T oa companion to a lady ; would assist In case of
sickness , and la willing to go In the country. Addrcsa
S , K. 8 , card of 0. F. Keen , U. P. llcadrnmtcra.
W ANTKDBy n lidy , an unfurnished room In nlco
private familr. Addrcas N. . Bco olllce. 701-Sp
A OKKTSWANTBD. Addresa SL Loula Hectrlo Lamp
XlCo. , St Louia for circtilar , cuts and terms of the
candle power Uatah Kloctrlo Lamp. 811-lyl'2 ]
rjirANTKD Every ady In need ot * sowing maT -
T T chine , to BOO the now Improved American No ,
P. K. Flodman & Co. agents ; 220 N 16th. 830-f
RKN' A neat , clean houco with 6 roomo , Kn-
1 quire at 1120 Mason st. 7C7-2p
FOK RENT Nice 6 room cottogo at 843 South 17th
street. $16 per month. 703-tp
ton RK.VT 018 S. 10th st. luqulic 1523 Jack
son St. 7COtf
FOR BKXTHcu'o cf 0 rooms and cellar , with wash
bouse , 810 S. 23d st820 rcr month. 750 6p
on. RUNT Six room house. Inquire 1140North
10th St. , bet. Nicholas and Paul. 7t > S-Op
FOR HINT New bouse , 5 rooms. 3 closets nnd pan
try , aoft water $10. 8nicely furnlihed rcoms
% 8 each. U. E. Cepson , South ISth St. , bet. Center
and Dorcas. 748-Sp
FOR RBNT A 3 room cottage at 2120 California
Knqulre on prcmleos. CSO-3p
F I OR REST Four room house , cor 10th and Pacific ,
one block from depot. Owen Whalen. C85-Sp
FOR HUNT Residence ) 1247 Sherman Avenue , nine
loome , ebado and fruit trecabarn ; for blx horses ,
carrlsgo room , and every thin.convenient. 05S-lp
FORRKKT Cottage 0 rooms , bouse 10 rooma. J.
Phlppi Roe , Seward and Campbell. 831-tt
FOR RS.NT-F r storage or manufaoturlng purposes
upper floora with onasido entrance , Apply to
John A. Frehan , wholojalo ulgaie , No. 1309 Douslaa
3t , Omaha , Nebraska. 470tf
FR HUNT New 7 room cottage , 2 blocka from
streetcars , 3 blocks from high school ; fimlly
without children preferred. M. F. Sears. 46tf
17 < OR Riwr Large handsomely furnl'hed rooma ,
JD. single or cn-tuite ; excellent board , 1718 Dodgr ,
FOR RKNT Two ujfutnlshcd rooms , 1617 Chlotgc.
FOR RENT Nlcelv furnished rocrna , 2209 Dodeo.
FOR RRNT Furnished or unfurnished room > ; good
locality Api If 23 College et. , Omaha. 743 3p
fan RENT llouso with 3 rooms. Applr" at 013
Jones Bt. 744-3p
RENT Two furnished front rooms at Treit-
( Chkc's Hcstaurant. 72tj-3p
FOR RKNT Two nicely f urnlshcd roomswlth hoard
corner Iflth ana Harney. 7202
FOR RVNT 7ornlfhed pallor and dlnmjr room.llght
housekeeping , brick , bay windows ; 003 N. 17th.
705. tf
FOR RB > T IIcgant front couth room with alcove ,
gas , bath etc. 2220 Dodge St- 0.0-tf
ni OR HKST-Ilooma. 1212 Howard St.
FOR IIKNT Two stilta of rooms , three rooma each
ault , 1410 Dodge St. , ouo ml/mte'a walk from
lostolllcc. 078 2o
[ J < ORRKST Furnlshudfrintroom , with bay win
I1 dovv , In a brick houio , 003 N. 17th St. G'6.2p
[ TOR RK\T A splendid eults cf rooms , 1612 Haven-
U poit Ht. O31.p
[ OR RK.vr With board , nicely furnHhod aouth
J room , with use of parlor ; oho gap , and bath 1100
ones St. 01841
T < OR RKNT Four chamber ! convenient for IH-UBS-
' k09t > lng , to mm and wife wlthont children ; thico
locks from postolllee , 810 N 17th St. 017-tf
7011 RUNT Furnished roorrs 1517 Divonpoit St
TiORBKNT Two ploiaint rooms with rlocvtsail-
Jinnt. \ \ . onZdlloor , inodiru conienluncB , on
tlibt.noir St. MaryBAvu. ilmjuiru a. Vf. < urocr
.tlianilDod . e- , Ci2tf
Ttoa RKNT T arge htndeomelr furnlibod cool room
. ' modern oonvonlonco , with excellent board ferro
ro gentlemen ; alto alula room,171H Dadirn 603 tf
TIOR KK.VT-Furnlihed rooms 18,0 Farnam Bt.
5fl 2p
r OR RKNT-Pleisint room furnUhod , 1423 Howard
Ht. 42Mf
VANTKD A good furnl'hed room for 2 gentlemen ,
Address "D. 0. N " Uco otllce. 452-tf
PORBKST June 25th , two connected roorta with
1 board ; front room , aouth-east. 1014.Webster ,
[ 'on RKNT A front room wHti lay window ; modern
1 Improvements , suitable lor ! gentlemen , H5Utli
lt corner 10th aad Farnam St. 450 tf
OR RKNT Two elegant olflcea In Uuthmanu'a block , v
SOI-tt P
roR EKKT-FurnUbcd rooma , 1810 Dodge street.
It < 3-July
Via KS-ST Fet manufco'urlog parposea or hail ,
Urge room 44x79 , Sd floor , No. 110 a. lith it ,
julro at 1403 Dodge tt. Simpaon.
OR REST-Centrally located furuUhed rooma at
eta > outh 16th fit. 713-tf
VR ) RENT Furnlihel largo front room with alcove
grate bath , etc. , 1718 CMS itreet. 716-tf
OR RESIT Ltrge front room on first floor with or
with board ; inquire it 1841 f amain St
i OOlia-Wlth boartJ.deilnbU t ) t eutr mil. Apply T
, t HI. ChulM Hotel 7lMl t
FOR ftUs-lOO acre farm Tork Co. . Neb. K. It.
Battla , Tcrk Neb. S37jlylp :
17 > ORWLii-SS feet onCnmlng between Uth ndJOth
J with house. .7QJ. Bedford & Soncr. 717-tf
FOR SAW A OX ) acre stock and grain farm , all Im
proved ; four hours' ride from tbe Omtha Steak
Tardiaevenmilea ; from the city f Fremont ; two
railroad wllhln threa miles ; SOO acres under plow ,
the rett In pasture ; b.vard fence , running tream
through pasture ; house with tea rooms ; will be sold
cheap If sold immodlatclv ; on terms to suit. For
further partlrulari Inquire ot Qeo. 0. Oro-lfrov , Fro-
rnnnt , Neh. _ 71SIul } l
Fox8it.K-Acrelntsln destrah'o toutlons at $ ti. "
an aero , overlooking Iho city ; valunUj pronrl.v
for homo ! . Ames , 1607 Farnim. 761-4
FOR ( IAI.R Moit ilesirtble lots on Saundrri ant !
18th at or lines at & 500 per lot. f-c'llng fast
good houses being bulll ; this Is advancing proper ty
Ames , 1607 Fir mm. 761.4
F OR flU.K A eood store In n coed location ; wll
tell icMontblo. Enquire 1110 Diuglis. ! 55-Ip
FOR s.un A Rood lot MK1EO , rMt ( rent , > hiul (
trees. 8 blocks from lUnscom r rkj Kill teller
STUM monthly immerits tul small pajmont down.
Addrtta 1) . D. , Uco olllco. 7C3-9p
ITIORMl.ii Flno lot nlllihouir , on Jscknon St.
JL'second lot from 17th H. , lo:0 ( S3-2p
Fen Sar 7 room house , neil , cistern , etc. , ot
Dtvrnptrt street , 4 block * from lllph School ,
ono block horn street car * , V,000. W. II , ( Irccn ,
ever lit iNttlontt Batk. Dll-tt
[ 70R KAtK-Qocxl lot ! In Hanacom Dace at ICCO tc
? $500 This putt Is very doalr blo fjr rcildenect.
Amor , 15C7 Kain&m. 751-4
FORSILK Cflteeton Karnamnoir Oth ; also lot-
In Highland 1'lncs and Jcrorao 1'irk , on ca.J
terms , luttlo & Allison , 211 south ISth nt.
I FOR SALR-IUcallonl lots In Joiomo ratk and Kllb )
1 1'lnoa nt 8300 to $500. Von can find no bcttci
projicr yj stra'pht west on DoOgc , Davenport anO
farnani ttg. Ainep , 1607 Karnain. 751-4
1/OR 8AtK.-21ot , 60x140 feet on rarnam Urcet ,
1 eotith front , elcpuit locUlon , mutt bo sold. W.
II. Green , o\or lit Kttlonal Dank. 109 tt
I/OR R.Ur. Lar o house' , newly built , 0 fooms Tni
1 ? modern Improvements with J ot , at 171G Cass
st ; Inquire at premises. 72711
] 7iOR8A.K. 160 leet front en Virginia aronuc , ono
1 block from heatl of St Mary's tvj. $3OX > for
all , or 81,800 for half. W. II. Green , o\cr lit Ni.
ttonal Hank. 610-tl
SAW -Five lots 47x130 ; together on Lcaccn-
' worth street ; beautiful location , $1,000 One-
fourth cash , balance on long tlmo , cosy toims.
Crallo & Jones. 723 tt
F70R SALE Corner lot. oust front , CO x HO feet ,
D ono block from Park avenue. tl,600. W. 11 ,
en , o\cr 1st National Bank j | 41
FOR To these doElrlni ; to pay a ftnall sum
donn and to much per month , we offer lots In
Molroeo Hill at $175 to $260 , This gru'jnd Is only 10
iLlnutcsnalk from lltn < com 1'jrkaud lain excellent
Investment. Amcj , 1507 Farnam 761-1
FOR BALK If you want bts with natural gronth
ehado trefs , you can pet them on Cumins and
Burttt" . , atS7iOtogl 000. Call and lock tt this \ cry
hindjoino properly. AU.IS , U07 tarnani. " 51-4
FOR BALK FcrtvJots for sale on Burt and Ctimlngs
between 28th an J Slat cheap , Ineldo property
cdford & Soticr. 729-tl
ON Houth 10th street , corner ot CflxUO tee , o > Bt
front ; 7 room houco , barn , all Improvements ,
shriibory etc. , for $2,50J. Must bo sold. W. II
Green , over let Not'l Bank. 231-tt
FOR HUSH Best unoccuplod ground In the ty for
nnrehouso house,87 feet fronton Loavonwortli ,
nottli bat 10h and llth.wlll leasafor 99 years. Bed-
forJ & Souor. 73Uf !
TjV > R BALE Cheap Good family horse ; drives
JL ? double or Blude ; alao coed under ra4dlo. App'y '
G. Boll , NW. cor. 20th & Cats , after 00 : p m. C97-6p
FORBM.K At a bariralr , a auction of Rood land In
Howard county , Neb. Addrois 0. N. II , P.O.
box BOO , Omaha. 753-2p
FOR BALK-A eound and reliable seven year old
fnmll } horao. Qeo. Shelter , 17th , bet. Center and
Dorcn ? . 741-8p
JPvvm : BALK A good piano , cheap. Mrs. A. Caldor-
wood , 1818 California at. 712-tf
FOR SAiR Yearling stcoia Capt. W. M. Flanigan ,
Union Stock Yards. 711-S | >
FOR8AIB Uoree , wngon and lurncas , cheap. En
quire 1318 Farnam. Sim'l Burns. 703-2
TTIon BALK The household furniture and carpets ell
_ l ; afi room cottage , neatly now. Call on or addrcsj
A. O. Inghram , care H. T , Clarke Drug Co. , Omaha.
6DO Sp
A Z.WATS on hand at a bargain. No 1 second hand
XX carriage phaeton and eldo bar buggies ; also um
brellas and sunshades , at 1409-1411 Dodge St.
. 893-U
1/OHHALii Good saddle pony. W. J. Welshaes
J ? City Wills. 092 tf
T0tt BALK Valuable Checkering grand piano nearly
J ? new and llttlo used , at large discount at 171
Cats Btioet. 731-tf
Fa SALr.-Threo choicest lot ! In Hanso m place.
735-tf Potter & Cobb.
FARM TO KXCHANOB fur city property , a good
stock farm.CO acre ] In 4 rooms ,
food well , 12 ft wind mill , feed grinder , water plio
leading to 8 corrals , 4 acroB grove , 40) waluit trees
-f.0 bearing , t } ares orchard bearing , 65 acres corn
and oats , bog nasiuro storage for 3000 buthcli of
? nln. Inquire B. & if. M. freight depot , Omaha.
70 flp
FOR BALK $160 ; seven year old horse , harness and
top burgy ; horeo has Icon used aa a family hoi BO
and Is ircrftctlv site ,
$050 ; lot 40x175 , InMillard k CaMtrail's addition ;
; 2CO ci6l > tnd 2 yens' tlmo on balance.
$5,100 ; five acres on Blunders st. . and largo house
ind barn. A very largo bargain for some one.
8l , i 0 ; Two stsry dwelllcg on full tot , on car lino.
$5.200 ; a 7 room house on let 89x180 ; good barn ,
ind a very complete place , on easy terms ; l blook
from car line.
100 ft on Ponpleton Avo. , only2 blka from car line ,
iml near the park ; ? 7CO cash and UO per month.
$1,800 ; new 9 room house on full lot , ono block
'roin ' BaundcrsEt. , and ono block from green line
an ; good barn and nnlcobouto for some ono.
Lota In Klrkwood to sell cr lease.
$2,5(0 ; full lot on Capitol IJIII addition.
88\80on N. 18th St. , with 3 b < > U303 nizr depot , at
t bargain.
lO'l feet on Farnam , near court home. M F , Hears.
M. K. Scars , Williams Block , 16th nndDodiost.
Foa SALK-By PAULMB.V& Co.,14 feet , B. front , near
10th and i-ornara , ftl'J5 00 pir foot ; eisy terms.
P. W , cor , 22d and Lake , on Orcon Hue ; 85x180 ft ;
ia't front , $1,000.00 , to parties wanting to build a
; oed rcildcnce. This Is ono of the very flues ) lots ,
kith shade trccu , In North Omtha.
Splendid lots In 1'aulien'n Addition , $70J , SI.OCO ,
n ea y termi to parties who want to ImllJ.
Cbolco Ijiulncpa lots In 1'aulscn'u Addition on Euuii-
eriand l.akettreele.
l Jaoro , one halt mlle south of " Wajflcld , " on
> edge street ; a very choice piece of land$ per
ore ,
Corner lot 150x2CO , house 2-1x 0 , ( table for 3
orscs , cistern , etc. , near IlaAoom 1'ark , on Georgia
venue , $2,0 0.03.
f'n'lialf ' lot on Center , ncirl7tli , on graic , cheap ,
all for j rice.
b. > V. corner Caeto'hr nnd ISth st ? . , 75 x 192 ; an
epantlooud lot with llrtt-cliiR finished C loom
onto , , carriage bouse , etc. Will bo Bola cheap.
il forpiloi ,
lot 10x132on 18th ifroitnear Center , east front ,
IthJxooil 4 room house , hrgo etablc , etc. , f..lOO 00
ly terms.
or ltcnt-0 room cotfago , well , cistern , ( to , ,
linear Clark street. 810.0) per month
torn with 6 rooms up BtilfB'HL Miry's avenue
Well lotatcd 8 roim house , Canront BtrecL nea
. Mary's nyrnue' , (30 ( per month ; cast front.
23 3 I'iiiuiN Si Co , 1D13 Farnam strict ,
. At the annual mcotlug ot the board of
3 trmtees of Bellevue Colleze , thu undersigned
ere authorized to sell a limited number ot Ms In
jlloruo.atthenoinlna'prloo of FJPTVDOLMItH
ir lot , iiayable In monthly Installments of FJVK
3I > ttll.Sp > r month. No restilctlona ai to build-
f are tluxd on these Inta
iho I'leabytorlan Bynodlcil College Is looted at
Movue , and It Is honed that poojj'o generally
rouL'hnut the state Mil tike advantage ol thh
icral otTer of thu board of trustees , and not oily
euro a lot for a future homo , JIUTAIDTIIK CGLU.UH ,
ttlsoxtent In ercc-tlng a HOIIK MB You.-u Lu > ir.n
tending iho cclligu. At tilllow price- these lots
II be a iaf0 and profitable Investment for these
in do not wl'h tomilioahoina there.
Itd.'cvue ' li only a half hour's ride from Omaha on
o K , li a. 11 II. , and Is cne of tbo most beautiful
uitlonslri Nobraik * . Make application at onoe ui
u may net have another opportunity at so low &
loo. AdJreaj. 0. V. Davit & Co. , 110 } Farnatu
, Omaha , N br sk .
' 'OR BKNT-9 room home and good barn on green
car llne.Ul ! per month ,
for rent 11 room touso and largo barn on I ej line ,
' per month ,
' 30022x82 , on Podge ; and Irlok bidding ,
/ot 11x120 and 3 itoiy brick block oa Dodgu H t.,1
52 feet on N letb to loaie for a term of jeari.
0 foot lit sila * q Farnam ,
00 feet for rale on Farutm.
4 feet fir tale on Far aim.
.ivory for talc , cheip , good trade and will p y
m the itar > . , U. F. tiekie , Williams block , Ut1i
1 DO.KO at 407-tf
'o ' sin 7 room cottage , we'l , barn and olitcrn ,
oa 18th street 0 block * fromibopi I2.5W , oneut
nu. Fotttr&OotV.lMOraroatDSt. 733 tt
FoRSJLM-Ka SZ2 Splendid mbarbin ruidence
prorerly , tire fall lot ) . Urge thadt ireai , new
hODM lOrixurid , bath room A o , , city water , large barn
$ fclrcks from Street Cain. This place * 111 txssoM at
McrlfUe on Ions tlmo. C , tiiiajne &CO. , S. W
corner 15th and F rn m. (314
MAMOX M.ACI 8 K3o > \ lots In thl a < lilltliin with-
In 8 bUck * of street car < , can be had on e iy
terms , W II Orcon , over 1st Nal'l Bank. 827-tf
77V3R HAIR. A full corner lot , two blocict west ot
JL1 red cir Une-fSSO. This li positively a bargain.
J. K. Rlley & Co. , tlrj . IStli St.
For 8 lo-l/3t tOiMO. 22d St. , ne\t Ortot , $4
This II also k btlgalo. i. B , Riley & C0..21SS 13th
For Sale Three lot * & 0xl40 , south trnnt. 4 bio
fromdreetcirf. fJiOoaohJbargilni. J , K. Kilo
Co. , 816813th St.
For gale Tolotl on Oeorgla v'Rcilgk ) > fkil J.east
front , no prvdlnfr , near Ftrtiam , 76x110 $2000 each.
lhee are re onabl > . J. K. Rlley ft Co,2t ( 8 13th St.
For Sale-Nino lot * on Virginia ve. , ( 00 to W60
cash. J. K. Klley & Co , 116 8 ISth ( t ,
For Silo-Ten lots on Cuming st. , and nine on
Burt t. , four blocks from mlllUry bridge. J. K. Kl-
. ,
For Bale Eighteen lota on Vlnton st , ono Uoofc
from terminus 13th street ear lino. Positively cheap.
S. K. Itll.y ft Co. , 2163 ISth it
wo dcalro to ( ay to our patrons thtt In the above
lls wo cnn give amurance of safe and profltableln-
VM n.snt. Wo alto have property In almost every
quitter of the city worthy of Inveittg tlon.
J. K. IlILKr & CO. , 116 8 ISth ct.
_ _
I.IOR AUOn south 22d t , jne t room nd one 6
i1 roomojttanc. barn , wtll , clj'Ta , &e , oc < iui
lot , rent forSMpermsalh , only $3,100 ; would ell
icparatcli. I'ottor&Oobb , 1&16 Farnam Sti 734-tt
Lota nnillslde add cheapest and best
FORBAU lots In the city , | 7f > 0 to 9950 vtclusho
arcnta. Puttcr&Cobb , ,3Mf
rpox\cinxoit 13,000 stock of bran now h td-
X ware , dlreci from the factory , lor good Nebraska
or Iowa land.
For sale Cheap and beautiful loin Hlmeb ughand
I'itterdon'a Sub-division , two miles from cltr at SlfiO
andJ200cach onmonthlypayrreiitsoflSand lO. Per-
eoni buj Ing heto will be assisted to build right away
If desired.
To rent Four iplondld offices.
_ iJlI JL. PATTKHaON , IFth and Farnum St.
ITiortsun-Tlio tuinlturoandlcuoot a Ranll Ii3-
JL' tel In enuthwiet Iowa. A good jmlnt and no op
position. Address S. II. , cue lleo otllce. eS2-4p
Fen BAMc-At a bargain , on account ot ray health
falling , 1 wish to dlpnsoot my billiard hall , It
Is In the best location In the citv , nnd doing a gn > d
ptjlng business at all times. For fad particulars
oddreai C , L. Uermau , Plattimouth , Kob.
F on BALK llostaurant central $100 , meat market
al a ba'galn ; housnanl tu I lot monthly pay
ments , 81,400. lUllou Droa , 317S 13th st. 0 5-3
F Ion HAI.K. A wrll cstabll tleJbft crv lngood loca.
tlon , at a bargain. Addioa "I. " Boo Ulllcc ,
"IT'ORBAi.R l'no of the best located moat nmrkota.
JT Ingulro tt Obciti Ilooslck it Co. , ounce513 South
13th St. C50-2p
I710R SALit uruK store In a deslratilo loaallt wll
J ? Invoice aboutSl.tiOO U C Patterson , HE cornel
13th and Farnam. 180-tf
havlmr Infanta or children tinder six
yenra , to board out , can find a good homo nt 107
North st. 767-16p
w. I'AMiLK.M. u .thorenVwnedrcadcrcf dUoMOs
i of men acd women , will open up his World
IlerbalDispensary of Mcdlcluo for the benefit of
his pitrons , nt No. 1210Douglis bt , Omah , Xcb.
Agcnti wanted. 7D2-4
will take a few pupils for summer ,
hours 9 a. m. , to 12m. , 1911 Webster St
LADiralfyouwant your plumou or tlpi cleaned ,
dyed and curled ; Unt-cUts wok gutiantccd , go
to Henry Sincere , 1310 Jackson at. 493-J'y ' 22
Pr.iusoyAL Mra. K. M. Hooper , trance cltlrvoyan
nnd healing medium , over 710 North I Bill S
M us. BCimoDKa Clairvoyant and Magnetic healer.
. Locates ail pain and Jlsnaso , 707 N , 10th St.
437 July 10
Dn , A CIIKSIKIIFIKU ) Magnetic physician , teat and
developing medium , over 818 north I6th St ,
, { 63-JSI
mim purest , ihhcat and best Ice cream always fresh
JLon hand ; orderi for prlvato and boudln ; houses
promptly delivered. Ctrl Sea mid , 80S South 16th
trcot above Farnam.
, lB3-jly-9
WANT8D & few day boarders at 682,17th bt. , bet.
California anil VV'obater. CW-Op
W 'AKTKI > Day boarderj U03 Farnim St
LOST Bold pen with gold and pearl ho'dcr ; en
Farnim street" , between U. P. headquarters an
J4tn. Iteward given if returned to R. A. Flnhy , U.
P. freight auditor ) office. 771-Sp
LOST A satcbei containing papers of no value ex
cept to tbo owner ; pipers marked L. I. Martin ;
red cocketliook marked L. I. Sidwcll. Addresa Martin -
tin Bros. , Stock Yards , Chicago , or Kitchen Broa. ,
Dmaha. CSO-2
CJTRAVKDORBTOLKS A ( Hircll mare with n whlto
O etar In the forehead. Fin Jar nrlll receive a llbor-
1 reward by ra'urnlng her to Cumtn'd & Qulnn , fjro-
Xra,13th ) and Chicago street . CW-tf
noRits All allmenta of the feet , g-icoosafnllv treat-
Wed by Dr , Barry , 1512 Dou jlaa strtot OIHce for
adieu. _ 7B2-jlr8
VTo Opiritlon , or useless trusiea Dr. M. If , Moore
LN 243Vabaah avc. , Chicago , Ilia , at Oinahu uv cry
10 days. Send Btamp for circular. 493 Jly-22
nion RS.ST OR SAtK-ri mo 618 N 20th St.
091-1 ] )
U. P. 1 'ark 1 10. to 1 11 mlles S. W. on U. P.
rmd , lanowoptncntao imhll-j and can IM > rented
or plc-nlci and uncial gttliiiritigj , HpccUl ratoa for
are given. For terms , call or adJrvUlL C , SchwoncL
apllllon , Neb. 032-tf
HAR a Parties tvlshln ? to purolivo brood
BROOD for ranch piirpi'es ple.tio cill at liemn'j
.Ivory stable , 413 aoath 13th street , O.iiilu. S02-tf
"tuitw SILVKR TAO , dooa nit give you heart-burn.
I'ags redeemed a\ one cent , each by tlio dealers
'eyckefJros. , AgentJ. 883-tl
PASTUJIK On Ulkhorn and 1'Utto. T. Murray.
_ _ _ 7 < 0-tf
_ _ _ _ _
A ntNDOMii ) iioMKarxADi Now l w. Persona who
. Xtook herm stcaiJa In Western Ivixaita prcvtoui to
uno 15th , 1830 , aid nbandonol them without mak-
ig flrul pr > ol , will learn something to their n'lv D-
ebyaildresslrumti bv lettar it onoe. Isaac Ual-
olhid , Iind attorney , Kenneth , Sheridan Co. . Kan-
is. SH-Jljfl
IIIRV BILYKR TAO , Us fruit flavored , tafa rodvornvd
_ /at tna cent each by the dualoro , Povcke Hroe.
N8TRUcnox on banjo given by 0 E Oellen
: beck , at Ilia Capitol avo. 4iO-tf
O , It dooauot taint the breath , tagg
redeemed at emu cext th by tbo dealers. Peyck
roa , Agents. 638-tf
J'OIt THE TttfUTOUtT Uf Alt ,
rho ( orgeat Medlcol inatltuto Woot of
MIsBlaslppI nivor ,
rtr roomi for tha aceomodatlon of pallrnti. The
yilcJan and burgeon In clmriru cf the liifctltut JIAH
< a tlxtoi'n year * ' ot Bt-cccavful practice , rul In ulUbd
auliiantt of rare eipcrliaiu ua tiMx-lallab la
lr varloua dcraitmrnt * .
rmiironCmcuuuon Peformltlts loJ FJrirei.Drrvit.
orwontrl , I'll" , Tumim , Canctri , CiHrrlJ , JSioncM.
, Inflation , Klwlrlcli ? , r > ml } > li Erll | r , KUiicr ,
( . Ear.Bkln .ml UlooJ ll 9 i. Wtlla fur
FHivrir. , firkCUL > nr NKKIOCS plioiiri , bViuIntl
knesiBporin torrbuBjpMlls.UlMi , Huleiure , V rl.
eleand alt dliauoi of tl Urlnarjr and Kuiual urirarji ,
ie treitOltiycarreipondiDceorr ritonHUr. CnuflOvutlal.
llclnoiieut bj mall or iiireni wkihout niarkt lo luJI
ocoiittulior i ud r , idr . all letter ) la
OldlllA VBU1CA1 , 1N > bUUCHCAL INlTITU7 , >
1 Blrwt , t-orosr cf CipltU ireuui , . _ OMiUi V0