Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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    2 THE DAILY BEE-FRIDAY , JULY 3 , 1885.
I nten tlio nyalfiu from imltiionik
cntiftCfl , nt nil ftcnfton .
Shatters thn > < TTM. Impair * Digestion , nnil
" Htisclci.
QtHc l7andcomn1efel7cnn > ninlnrlnlindChltM
and fcrrm. Fnrliiirrmltlrnt rvt-rn , I.nn-
Kllndr , I.nrlc nf iiicr y , It lun nn equal. It
enriches nd pntlllmi thn Mood , rtl uUtmi the p-
pwtltn. and trenRthen nd .
II dee not Injure the twjth , canso h < wd ch . or
rrodoce conrtlrnillon-nH ntlier Inn mnll'lnn < ! > . .
FATiren T. .1. UKILI.T , the patriotic and echolarlj
Untliolloblrlnn , ot Ark ns . mys !
"I Imp njod Ilrown'fi Iron Hitter * with the ( treat-
nn PMuhcnon for MalariA , nd a prerentlro nf
Chills and Ilkn dlwium , and will always keen It on
hand an a roadr friend.1'
( lenulno haa nbofo trademark and rr wed red lines
yn wrapper. Tnl < P tin nthrr. Ma < li > only by : : .
I.ABIFB' IlANB HOOK useful and attractlro , con
taining lint nf pnzeg for recipes. Information about
eolns , eto. , ( riren "wajrliynll dnalent In medicine , or
mailed to any addreu ou receipt of Sc. rtamp.
V4 cftq > i "jtt $ < BROAD CUih t
' Ohronlc.t Nervous Discuses
ilrlc , Stiro CurcH. E3S--1
i-ltlcii tt < i ranten ( liven lit
11 " " \ pniiciisn iitiitei'tiikrn ,
. tv o fttampi for Celobrnted jledical
Works. Addro-B. J' " . I ) . OI.AICKU , m. D. ,
ISO South Clark Street , CUICAOO , ILU
" Havana Lottery !
Drawn at Havana Cuba ,
Every 10 to 14 Days.
Tickets la Filths ; wholes $5 ; Fractions pro tata.
feaDjocI to no manipulation , not controlled by Iba
Vuileiln Interest. It Is Ihe Uirtit thing In tha
lulnieotchinooln exlelonoe.
In tickets apply to SQIPSEY & CO. , 1212 Broad
wiy.N. T. City ; , or U.OTTKHS ft 00 , BIS Ualn St.
KansM City. Mo.
Cancer of the Tongue ,
A Case Resembling that ol Gen. Grant.
fomo ten years ago I bad a scrofulous poio on my
light hand which gave me great trouble , and under
the old tlmo treatment liealcu up. bat it had only
been driven Into tlio eyttcmby the use ol potash
and mercury , ami In Match. 188s , It bioko out In
my throat , and conccntrotsd Into what sono ot tbo
doctors called cancer , eating through my cheek , do-
Btroylnf ! the roof of my mouth and opicr Up , then
attacked mytinguo , palate and lower lip destroying
the palate and under lip entirely and ta'f my tooguo
eating out to tbo top of my led chock bone and up
to tbo loll eye. I could not eat any solid food , but
subsisted on liquids , and my tongue w s so far gone
1 could not talk , guchwatmy wretched , helpless
condition tlio first cf last October (1831) ( ) , when my
friends commenced giving me Swllt'e BpccIOc. In
loss than month the eating p'accs stopped and
healing commenced , and the fcatful apaturo In my
check has bean oloeod and flrmly knitted together.
A process Ota. cow unJer lip la progressing finely ,
and the tongue which was nlinoit dnetrofed la be
ing recovered , and It seems that nature Is supplying
anew tongue. I cm talk so that mj friends can
readily understand me , aud can also cat solid food
again , if any doubt those facts I would relcr theme
o lion. John H. Tnvlor , StiteScnatcr ol this dis
trict , aud to Dr , T. . UradOcld , LaOrange , Ga
KaQracge , O > , M.y 14,1885.
Treithoon I ) oed and Bkln dtseaS3S mailed free.
Tun SWIPT SreciHO CO , Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ga.
N. Y.,167 VY. 2 dSU
" *
Manhood Restored
JlIHEUrKliEK. A victim of youthfullmnrudence
cautlnK 1'roraaturo Decay , Nerrous Debility , Ixwt
Uanhood , Ao.havlnir tried In vain every known
, ba9dlioovereilarilrapleni an > oUeU-cur8 ,
whic h will wnd 1'IIBB luWj.tal ow-auirerera ,
4ddr aa J.U.DLKHVKH OOfc mKLJiexMlV-
Imported Beer
Krlanger Ua\arla I Culmbacher Bavaria
lllsncr Ilobcmlan Kalaer . . . . . . .Uremon
Dudnctgor St , Louis I Anhauser Bt. Louis
Eott'u . . . , . , Milwaukee | Bchlltz-1 * laner.Uilwaukoe
Krug' ) . . . , . .Omaha i Ale , 1'ortcr , Douiostloand
Ilbluo Wines.
ED MAUEER , 1213 Farnam St ,
Vrrmntiir'j l > rclluo froraorrorsorcireiiscs ,
IOHt I'owoi * iliteaiei of the KlilnitfH , Iliad-
ter. and 1'ro.lato ( ilnntl ClJUIiI > vltliont
Htomncli Medicines by tbo Mnrulnn llolun. Va-
rlrocplucu red without surgery. Trcntlsq nnd tes ;
tlinonlnlslrPK. All porrcaiiotiili > npocnnlldcntlal.
Cor. 13th and Douglas Sts.
Capital Stock , - - - 91 50,000
liability of Stockholders , 300,000
Fifc.Per Centlntetraii onDopsils
K. 110VD - . ItetlJcnt
H. A. FAXTON . VIM Pruldeni
L.U. BKNNKTT . Uansglo ; Director
JOHN B. WILD UK . , . . . Caahler
Senatorial Timber Taktog Root in the
Wiles of Neyafla ,
U ckcy , Fnlr , Casaldy anil DARRCU
An Editor's Cool Manner of Escap
ing * Whipping MonsiRnoro
Cupel and tlio Ne
vada Senator.
Correspondence Sacramento Beo.
SAN FRANCISCO , Juno 23. Your cor
respondent had the pleasure to-day ol
meeting Hon. R. M. Daggottrrho has
just returned from Honolulu , 'whore ho
has boon stationed for several years as
American minister. His successor is
George W. Merrill , who , previous to becoming
coming an ambassador , was Senator
Fair's private secretary. Time will prob
ably even things np again , for Daggott
intends to become the successor of Fair
In the Senate. Ho does not lay so , pos
itlvoly , just yet , but when questioned
upon the subject gives n diplomatic wink
which , though faint , is full of moaning.
It is going to bo a gorgeous fight.
John W. Mackay is behind Daggott , and
when Mackay goes Into anything it is
with his coat off and his pockets wide
open. It was ho who made the financial
end of Fair's campaign for hira _ four years
ago , but ho and Senator Fair are no
longer friends. The latter will have to
buy about nvcry vote his legislative ticket
gets next year. Ho Is out of the Bonanza
firm now , and must rely upon cold coin
alone. His party in the sage-brush does
not love htm. Nevada democrats who
all come down hero to the Palace hotel to
make their bargains and arrange their
programmes tell mo that but lor him
the state would have been carried for
Cleveland last fall. All the appeals of
the central committee to the national
committee for funds wore met with the
response : "Senator Fair has assured us
that ho trill take care of Nevada. You
coed have no fear ; ho will supply you
with all the fnnda needful. " But never
a dollar of Uncle Jimmy's money did the
state committee sao. A week or two be
fore the election , however , a sack arrived
In Virginia City directed to Col. M. N.
Stone , an ox-confedorato officer. Thobni
is popularly estimated to have contalnei
about $5,000 , and It was used , it is
stated , chiefly for the purposa of defeat
ing the ro-eleotlon cf George W. Caasldy
to congress.
The senator does not love Oassidy , al
though they were once intimate , and the
reasons for the coolness existing now be
tween them illustrate the political meth
ods of the great men of Novada. Cassldy
was running for congress In 188U , when
Fair was up fur the senate. The lattor'a
money was flowing in torrents on election
day. Casaldy telegraphed several times
for more while the voting waa going on.
When the returns cimo in it was discov
ered that , although our Insistent George
had received a tremendous majority In
Eureka county , his home , Fair had run
away behind and got loft there. The
cause of this phenomenon was that Cassidy -
sidy had learned that everybody , himself
included , was being traded off in Virginia
City in Fair's behalf , and for self-protec
tion and revenge , he nsed the senator's
own money to beat him In Eureka. It
was a very exciting day all over the state.
Speaking of it recently a democratic
sagebrush journalist said : "Early in the
'oranoonl was informed that Sharon was
paying $5 for votes. Rushing round to
ho polls to give the alarming news to our
workers I learned that onr side had
raised the figure to $7.50 and $10and waa
ready to go to $20 , 1 heaved a great
sigh of relief then , for I know that the
cause of good government was safe. "
? alr apparently forgave Cassldy for his
day's work in Eureka. When the legls-
atnre assembled at Carson they mot and
exchanged assurances of mutual confi
dence and esteem , Adolph Sutro ap-
paared , and some lobbyists out of a job
nado him believe that ho could head off
? air and buy the sonatorshlp for himself. "
The presence of the great tunneler
alarmed Uncle Jimmy a little and ho In-
rusted § 1,200 to Cassldy to spend it
whore it would dj the most good "and
keep the boys happy. " Mr. Oassidy has ,
unhappily , a weakness for cards , and
within an hour the $1,200 had changed
mrfds , and was safely stowed away in
ho cash box of a taro bink. The sona-
or has too much respect for a dollar to
Iko to see any belonging to him wasted ,
and ho never forgave Cassldy. He boat
lira last fall for congress , ho has beaten
ilm since as an applicant for the position
cf federal railroad commissioner , and
also as a candidate for the surroyor-gon
oralshlp of Nevada. President Clove-
and will never give Mr. Cassldy any-
, hlng if Mr. Fair can prevent it.
Mr. Diggett will , In all probability , be
the next senator from Novada. Ho Is in
every way batter fitted for the position
; han Mr. Fair. The latter knows how
to make money , but ho knows nothing
else. Hp can read and write , hut Ms
education does not go much further. "I
done it at ones , but I would have wont I
the day before If I'd hoar toll of it soon
er , " Is ono simple of the sort of English
; o which ho treats the statesmen and ar
istocracy of Washington. Daggett , on
the other hand , Is a man of brains and
acquirements. For years he was the odl-
orof the Virginia Enterprise. Ho has
written a novel not a very good one ,
though a play or two , and a contidero-
bio number of poems of unusual excel
lence. Ho brings back with him from the
islands , I hear , an epic , which has the
mythology of the Kanakas 'or its theme.
Ho served ono term in congress credita
bly. Withal ho is a fair stump speaker ,
while Fair makes frightful work of it
when dire necessity forces him to face on
audience for two or three minutes. But
the ohlof point in Daggett's favor , view
ing his merits from the Nevada stand
point , Is the friendship and support of
As an editor , Mr. Diggett had some
notable peculiarities. Ono of them was
his readiness In giving an authority for
any statement ho might make. Ono day
a particularly ferocious' article appeared
In the enterprise , devoted to scarifying
Gen. Thomas. H. Williams now of this
state , and at the time a candidate for the
Nevada eenatorshlp. The general was
charged In the moat specific way frith
having committed a crime in the east , to
escape the penalty of which ho had fled
to this coast. Daggott Is a short , fat man
of Impassive countenance , and , whnn
necessary , imperturablo manner. Gen.
Williams , with his eyes aflame , and hl >
hand In his pistol pocket , burst into the
editorial room , where ho waa greeted
calmly and cordially by the editor. The
general fiercely demanded why so grots a
falsehood had been published ,
"Well , " said Daggett , "tho informa
tion came to me straight , 1 couldn't
doubt it , considering the source. "
"The source ? ' ' hliscd the J general.
"Who was the scoundrel that gave you
that lie ? I demand his name , Will yon
toll mo , sir ? "
"Certainly , " replied Mr. Daggott ,
promptly , "It was A. B. Elliott. "
In an Instant Gen. Williams was off in
quest of his tradncor.
Now , A. B , Elliott was a small gentle
man in feeble health , who enjoyed the
honorable distinction of being the only
lawyer in Nevada who had the happlncsi
to bo a Christian. This meekest and
mildest of men were stricken with clnmt
horror when furiously charged by Genera'
Williams with having invented the wan
ton slander , tbo appearance of which In
the Enterprise had excited the whole
Gomstock that day. After ho had man
aged to protest his innocence , the lion
within him awoke , and ho started In the
direction of the newspaper office , for ox
planatlous and vcngcnco. Mr. Elliott
encountered the stout , healthy and men
daclons editor upon the street.
"flow d'ye do , Elliott ? " cried Mr.
Daggott pleasantly , as the agitated law
yer approached.
" " Elliott "I decline
"Sir ? exclaimed Mr. ,
cline to take your hand. What prompted
you , sir , to assort to General Williams
that I was the authority for that infa
mous libel in your paper ? "
"Well , Elliott , " answered the undis
turbed Daggett , "you see Williams oamo
In with blood in his eye , and wanted to
know who was responsible for the story.
I saw that'ho would shoot If I didn't gel
rid of him and give him a chance to cool
down , so I gave him the name of the first
d d fool that pooped into my head. "
While the pious Mr. Elliott was endeavoring
doavoring to recover from another attack
of dumbness , Mr. Daggott sauntered off ,
humming "Joe Bowers , " and airily twirl
ing his cano.
While upon the subject of Nevada's fa
vorlto sons , I may memtlon the Interest
ing fact that Senator Fair is using what
social Influence ho has to the disadvantage
of Monslgnoro Capol. It appears that
Mr. Fair gave a dinner to the prelate In
Washington , to which a number of public
men wore invltod. The conversation took
a religions and philosophical turn , of
course. The eminent priest is onthn
slastlcilly opposed to onr divorce laws ,
and at this dinner ho spoke freely , con
dcmning in the ssvorost language all who
broke the marriage tlothus unconsciously
commlttin g the error of mentioning n
rope in the family of a man who has had
the misfortune to bo hanged. The senator
suffered deep offense , and withdrew his
favor from this apostle who comes preach
ing the gospel to the rich. Mrs. Fairthe
senator's former wife , who is a devoted
chnrchwoman , has , on the other _ hand ,
taken a warm Interest in Moneignore
Capel , and it is announced that she will
shortly give an entertainment In his
honor. This , on several accounts , Is
wormwood to the senator , who regards
those four millions belonging to Mra.
Fair , as in n manner , still his own.
Every ono of the dollars that slips
through her fingers falls upon the corns
of his soul.
preparation , advertised elsewhere , is
really an excellent article for saving labor
in washing. It takes the place of soap
sal-soda , and other chemical preparu
tions ,
Mnpleson'd ' London Benson.
St James' Gazette , June 4.
The short toason of Italian opera which
Mr. Maploaon has arranged to give at
Covent Garden will probably bo the
shortest on record. Beginning on Tues
day vrock , Juno 1G , it is to last six
weeks. But , as not more than two per
formances are to take place each week ,
the season will consist of only twelve
performances. This setms to have been
the principle on which operatic represen
tations were managed years ago at Her
Majesty's Theater , when as a rale there
were but two opera nights a week , Tues
day and Saturday. Mr. Lumley Intro
duced a third opera night , Thursday ; and
when the Royal Italian Opera had been
some time established a fourth night was
added ; until at last it became the custom ,
] oth at Oovont Garden and at Her
Majesty's , to play every night but
Wednesday \ a non-parliamentary night ,
) nt also a great night for dinner
parties. Now that , in view of recent
failures , people are beginning to ask
.hemsolvos whether Italian opera does
not exutlt is Interesting to note that at
, ho brief season about to take place 'tho
singers will , with the exception of M.
Talezic , the excellent tenor of the opera
comlquo , be all Italian. Mme. Adelina
Patti ( a thoroughly Italian singer If there
sver was ono ) will In ev ry performance
DO the prlma donna ; Mmo. Scalchi , ( an
other Italian of the Italians ) will bo the
contralto ; and there will be a third Ital-
an In the principal baritone a newly
discovered vocalist who has been singing
with Mme. Pattl very successfully In
America , Mmo. Pattl's terms are said
; o have rleon since last year , when she
received only 400 a night. She will
now receive 500. This , however , is less
300 than was paid her during her recent
American tour. It is understood that
she will not appear twice In ono opera ;
and she will undertake two imporsona-
ions Mlrelllo and Carmen which will
DO quite now to her English admirers.
Both these parts had long boon waiting
for Mmo. Pattl.
Delicate Diseases
of cither sex , however induced , promptly ,
lioroughly and permanently cured. Send
; hroo letter stamps for largo illustrated
treatise. World's Dispensary Medical
Association , Buffalo , N. Y.
A French Pliyalclan'a Discovery.
A French physician , who seems to for.
get that civilization is a fight against na
ture contends that groaning and crying
are two grand operations by whloa na
ture allays anguish ; that these patients
who give way to their natural feelings
more speedily recover from accidents and
operations than those who suppose it un
worthy in a man to betray such symp
toms of cowardice as either to groan or
cry. Hd tolls of a man who reduced his
pulse from 120 to GO In the conrco of a
fotf hours by giving full vent to his emo
tion. If people are at all unhappy about
anything lot them go into their rooms
and comfort themselves with a loud boohoo -
hoe and they will fool 100 per cent bet
ter afterward. In accordance with this
the crying of children should not bo too
greatly discouraged. What is natural Is
nearly always useful , and nothing can bo
more natural than the crying of children
when anything occurs to glyo them either
physical or mental pain.
Tften Jlaby WM elck , we gare her Caatorto ,
VTlieo elie TTM a Child , ale cried for Caatoria ,
When ebe became MUs , she clung to Caatoria ,
tYtoa alie had Chlldrfu , nho gaye tliem CutorU
An Itwa Sand Batik Changes the Mis
soori Channel at Nebraska City ,
Celebrations In the I'nlrlotlc , Mntrl
monlftl Andotliortilnca Itnllrond
nnil Business Notes ,
Special Correspondence of tbo BEG.
HEIIHASKA CITY , July 1 , Nature la &
last doing with the Missouri tlror wha
the combined labors of many omlnon
tlvor onglnoers and vast appropriations
'of Unolo Sini'a money conkl not do , viz ,
change the channel of the river from the
the lown eldo to the Nebraska ehoro
Soundings which are taken dally at the
head of Nebraska Oily Island Indicate
that the water along the Nebraska ehoro
In what is called the slough Is already
deeper than that of the opposite shore
and Is gaining depth every day. Also a
sand bar is forming nearly opposite the
present river island Thlch is throning
the water toward the west bank of th
river at a rapid rate. This bar which wil
ultimately form an island has already
by Messrs. W. E. Hill and M. Bauers
our two First ward conncllmon. Oar ferry
boat , for the first time tinco the "good
old times , " landed yesterday at the fee
Main street with a heavy load.
It had been intended to let 1885 wit
ness Nebraska city without a Fourth 01
July celebration , but aa our mortal ene
my , Syracuse , was making such a blow
over the celebration it intends holding , a
number of our business men mot together
last Friday and arranged a programme
for an
The evorclses will consist of speeches
by ITon. J. Sterling Morton and Senator
Van \Yvck , reading by Hon. John 0.
Watson , and a parade , fireworks , baao
ball and other foolishness. The parade
is to bo led by an old ntago wagon an
awo-lnsplrlcg vohiclclo of by-gone days.
The Press has again changed editors.
Al Falrbrother having got oil the glory
"ho wanted In Lla'n" out of It , a glory
hunting brother , II. L. Wood by name ,
from Denver happening along ho reluct
antly parted with his interest in the
Press Publishing Co. , for sundry collat
eral and wlllloavo In a few doys for Ohio ,
the land of great men , whore ho has
been offered a lucrative position on a
humorous paper.
At the last regular meeting of the
officers and stock holders of the James
Sweet Banking company , it was
inod to close tbolr banking business in
this city , All depositors are being paid
In full.
Our city has caught the "fix up" dis
ease from the county as mentioned in
my latt letter , and is now busily engaged
In laying new sidewalks all over our city ,
systomatlsing our drainage and causing all
alloys to be cleaned much needed im
provements and ones which gladden the
hearts of all our citizens.
In the way of
wo might mention that Nebraska City
has a newly-organized baseball club
yclept "The Otoes , " who are now pre
pared to "wrasalo" for the championship
with any of the clubs In the state. They
have accepted a cnallengo to play the
Unadllla Reds for a purse of $100 at the
Syracuse fair grounds on the Fourth of
July. The club la named after the old
Otoes of this city , who hold the cham
pionship of the state for several years.
The Young Men's Christian Associa
tion , assisted by ladles from each of the
various churches , gave ono of the most
mccessful festivals last Thursday evenIng -
Ing ever given In Nebraska City. Each
church furnished a table and all vied
with each other as to who could turn
over to the young men the most money
as a result of their table.
Son. John 0. Watson , our eminent at-
; ornoy and for several years protccntlng
attorney for the Second judicial district ,
lurprised his many friends last Tuesday
by taking unto himself a wife. The
young lady who joined bands with him
vas Miss Lou Hatnlin , ono of our host-
mown and highly-respected young ladles.
Mr. Frank Eccloston , engineer of our
steam fire engine , was the next on the
1st of newly married ones , ho having
ast Sunday united his fate with Mies
Wary Goflroy , ono of our well-known
ronng ladies.
Mr. F. I. McKlnnon was also joined
n marriage last Wednesday to Miss Mary
Pondloton , daughter of Henry Pendletou ,
3t ( ] . , ono of Otoa county's wealthiest
armors. Lastly Mr. Frank P. Boyd , cf
Turlington , Iowa , cnmo to our city Tues
day last and claimed for his bride Miss
Dora Tomplln , ono of our city's moet
> opnlar and attractive young Jadfep.
Chns the good work goes on and our hy-
menomotor says the end is not yot.
At an early hour Sunday morning a
small fire was discovered in the Grand
Central hotel but which was extinguished
before any great damage was
done. The fire waa caused by a bucket
of ashes which was allowed to set on the
leer of the kitchen , the heat of which
sot fire to the floor under it , burning a
of tome two feet or more.
Miss Hattle Hershey of the city re
ceived the first prize at the annual oxhl-
sltlon of the Chicago Art Institute for
water color , still-life work. There wore
over two hundred competitors.
The B & M transfer boat , the Vice
President having gone to St Louis to bo
overhauled , tbo Bertram has been sent
down from Blair to do the transferlng at
his point until the return of the Vice
President ,
W , H. Bishop , of the Consolidated
Tank Line company , was in tha city last
week , making arrangements to open a
cooperage In connection with the com
pany's business at this place. Work is to
DO begun on the building at once. Ton
lands will bo employed ,
Again the horizon it darkened with
railroad clouds , and knowing ones say the B
Missouri Pacific railway folks have It
about fixed up to run a branch of their (
road to the city.
The oir Is heavy to suffocation nearly
with rumors , and well authenticated
ones at that , of several great things In
store for Nebraska City , and which , if
they develop , will give our city a boom
the like of which she has not enjoyed
since the good old days of 1858 0.
The Louisville , Ky. , Courier-Journal
states that the well known plonror , Prof.
Donaldson , after having suffered with
rheumatism over twenty years , was cured
by St. Jacobs Oil. ,
While digging holes for telegraph poles on
the plains , seven inllrs from Merced , Cal. , the
workmen ttruck a atrtua. of water within
three feet ot the surface.
Rheumatism Sciatica
, neuralgia , ,
Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache ,
lluriix.Sriil < U ,
, A\n AH , oTiirn nomi.Y rtm jt > n AIHI * .
BoM I J Urufilili ind Pfnler fr rrirlitre. KinCeull foul * .
lUrtrtlonl In 11 L tun nM.
( SomiKri lo A. TPOILin * CO.J IklUnort , Bd. , V. a A.
(117 SI. Charles St. , Kf.
4renl r r ln > " eft aMt.ll LlCeiif i , ml)503t ' 'St >
lDxieillD thenpecUHlti.tnit.itef Or.9 t.'v Nstwi rita
Ac ] BLOO Diin.utbin o adrr it jilkn ta nt , Me.A
Ijeltyptperiihow nla foMrr'nttftro ' ' *
Nertous Prostration , debllltf. Mcr.1'1 tisj
physical Wcakntsv ; Mercurial and otho , ' woo
llens ol Throat , Skin or Sonet , H'nod ' PultiK'i ' ?
old Sores and Ulcers , r truttinth i > ita | > . . -
IB3CUI , CD liTCflt isIfDtlUc vrlQSlpVt. Pftfrlr , ? rlMl J.
Diseases Arising Iron Indiscretion , Excsli.
"Exposure " or Indulgence , nhics troJccj tea * or t : .
itllowliiK eHretil , 4tMUf , dllanct r. ! I't t
tail defeetlTft ra-nmjr , fl-nplci on thA fae , rbjalrMdattr ,
% Tfrtlou to the toeletor ( fiAalti , eonfunn oM3cAt , a
rendering Marriage Improper or tinhappr , "
ftrrmftntitlyonrrd , liinipblet < J& V ? * ' ientL lKiTe , * >
la ittlftl eorrtepe , free to at > fc'Jtlren. ConaultAllo&tttf
leoorb millrrcejtndlnlllnl. Wxlto ForqudUoLl.
A Positive Written Guarantee
give * In * 11 curable ejea , lieJIclaei ie-i * ereryirhirf.
AmphloU , ng.JBli or O onr an , ( H v c' ' * * d
* c rib lug Abovodintaeebtla m Rio or f m9lirl"llEP-
lMr.ptj.rceH.Ui. Illaitrmtfrl la ( loll
> 0fluouf/ pa < i tiual lr eoi"i , .
vjr.ltlni ill l uilm , cr Uvali'.Uri
Lnow. i t > ) C I great U'-yn ) to i'iILU2
i > W Uv w * Ttea
James Meal Inslitiiio
, j > Chartered by theStateof lilt-
finoia for thccxpresjpjrpose
yof Elvltifjlrmncdiatc rclielln
I nil chronic , urinary and pri-
Svato diseases. Gonorrhoea ,
I Gleet nndSyjihills in all their
'complicated forms , also all
diseases of the Skin and
Blood promptly rclicvedand
permanently cured by reme-
diestestedinaIor//lCir (
s . . ) tijM'ctttll.'racttcr * Seminal
Weakness , _ JiRht Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
the FaceLost Manhood , jiusltivcljjciircil.Tlicro
ts no experimenting. The appropriate remedy
is at once used in each case. Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines sent by Mail and Express. No marks on
package to Indicate contents or sender. Address
DR.JAMES.No. 204Washinglon SI.Chcagolll. !
i nrfyiho
nlu t'ne LIVERanil KIDNEYS.
vraon of YOUTH.
-pslav Wuntnt Apnullle ,
tHuustlnii , Lack ol Strtil
mil Tire- ' " * absolutely
cured. Horn's ,
Kr.llvuns ( liu mind and
mipnllea Jiralu 1'owcii
nlk'rltiKlrorri complaint !
uaau * - u uui ? iiauultar to Iliflr si-r T/tSI
nd In Dll. Ef : BrEK'S IKON TONIC a n > f nw
wcily euro ( l x iicar , liuullliy coniplpjloi
Jfreiiiient utteniptH al c' t * f"ltiR ; " 1V ttdc
i the popularity ol the Do aot eiE .
i2 ° nt Re
Irruci , Mich. , Feb. * . ISO.
I. M. LOOM * Co. . MOKBO , Mich.
QINTI 1 am using your Fluid Extract Bed Otorer
BloHBomand Wet Compress for Cancer on tbo breast *
and am well. I am eatlifiod It Is the belt remedy for
Cancer known. Yon are wrlcomo to tuo this for th *
toneat of julTerlnpr humanity.
IteipvcUalljr , UIIS. L , A. JOUKSOIt , '
" *
J. M. Lees * & 00. . Jtanl " '
OKHTLKMKX .My wlfo him for gome tlmo been afflicted
with Bomethlng llkea&crof ulous disease , and found no
tllot until lie gave jour Extract oC lied Clovtratriol.
am happy to say aha has experienced irrcaG relief ,
lili IB hutapllffht testimonial of my appreciation of
your efforts In behalf of humanity , which you an
welcome to use for their benefit.
lain , very rcepcctfully , II. AMIS. J
TOLEDO , O. , DCC. 1st , 1883.
J. If. Looei & Co. . IKwnoi , Mich.
UINTO 1 commenced taklntt your Ext. Red Clorer ,
no yuan ago , for Lrynirwlas. nnd h is > not been
twuble * Unco. It is hereditary with me. Think you
iav Uii best blooa mealctoo known. _
Yean truly , W. M. SEIBEBT.
It. H. flyman , of Grand Itapldt , Mich. . lmy Aftrr
wo Doctors ad\ Iced htm to utio Ixxnu'ii Kit. Ited ClOTcr
r a boil cato of Kczcmo , or yorcr Bore nn the leg.
rely UBod two pounds of your Solid Kztract Ked Cloves
Aaa , Spring Medicine Tontonnd general Blood r rl >
ler It has no .Qnal. For solo by all driiKtfltts , or J. Si.
Xo o < Co. , Monroe. Mich.
Tlio Oriel" " ! anil Only Orniiliio.
fe andalnui HelltlU. ll'w.reof wurthli-M lullMloai.
udl. | ui blc W I.APIES. A U > ur HriiBuUt Tor
ChUllc.tlT' . I i.ull.l . ? "l Uk " " " " ' ' f' "aitoM to.
i.mi"W ) ui for iSrilcuUr. Wl r lr ; rrlurn nmlL
l'lilfUc ttr ' Oo. ,
. J'hcmlyal
NAMb /J'Mud.lllhuuurci'ill / , | | du.i > .
At Druggists. Trade Buprllcd by J , A. Fuller k Co
unelTH. . S. ATWOOD ,
Plattsmouth , Neb.
Breeder of thoroughbred and high grade
Hereford and Jersey Oattle ,
And Puree and Jersey Red Bwino ,
I bare a poiltUo romeil r for Ilia abore < llie > i ; br III
nitthouiaudiofcateiut tbe wont kind ndof long
Uadln liav twen cured. luile ) . ; lili
ID I win euUTwo uorTi.J.a ritKB ,
t cc'ber UnuVA.UAUI.ETliATIiili : : > > uthUdll llta
* ddr' f. . .
.T. A , BllW , . , Wow y A '
Large Lots at Reason
able Prices.
Since the completion of the new packing
and slaughter houses , South Omaha is mak
ing a wonderful ane rapid growth. Besides
the large pork and heef house erected for
Hammond & Co. , other dealers have com
menced the erection of similar institutions
and still others are contemplated for the
near future. "Several dwellings have heen
built and twenty or thirty are now building.
Employment is now furnished to about one
hundred and fifty families , and conservative
estimates place the figure at eight hundred
to one thousand families that will find em
ployment there a year hence. This offers V
great inducements to laboring men to secure
homes now while they are cheap. Specula
tors will also find it to their advantage to buy
at present prices. The company have made
no change from the original prices , but some
parties who first purchased lots have resold
bhem at splendid profits , in some cases at
double the purchase price. If in so short a
ime handsome profits are made , what will
be the result when everything is fully devel
oped ? In the few other cities that are favor
ed with a first class cattle market * fortunes
liave been made by investors in real estate ,
and the same is certain to follow in South
Omaha. While the whole city of Omaha
will be greatly benefitted by the growth and
development of the cattle interest , South
Omaha lots will enhance in value more ra
pidly than any other by reason of the prox-
mity to the works.
Manufacturers ofall kinds will iind it to their advantage
to inspect this property ; good location , level grounds , track
facilities and plenty of cjood pure water furnished by the
South Omnha Water Works. In fact , every facility to make
desirable for manufacturers , including cheap ground.
Will find it profitable to select property now , as a year or
two hence with a population o 50UO to 10,001) people ,
this will become a desirable place for all kinds of business ,
and lots hought now , can be had at very reasonable prices
which will double in price many times in the next two years.
Rich or poor , will find it profitable to moke investments
in this property. Free conveyance at all times will bo furnished -
nished by us to parties wishing to see this wonderful now
lown and learn of its advantages. Wo have entire charge
of , and are the exclusive agents for the sale of all this
property from G streets south. Splendid lots from § 225
.2138.14th ' STREET
. . ,
Wo have desirable businow and residence property for sale in , all
parts of Omaha and do a general real estate business. Wo solicit bijy-
jrs and sellers to call on us. Wo will give themlall possible information
free , and keep conveyance free to Miow property in any part of the city ,
Bedford & Souer ,