Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 03, 1885, Image 1

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Macniog Forcsfl to Appoint a Repnlili-
caii Clert ,
I Hajti Objects to Paying the
Award to Pellitiori
or Syntcni In tlio N/vvy De
partment llcconimcmlcd "Will
Nut Recall lllcloy.
GENERAL jumns.
Special Telegram to The DEB.
WASHINGTON , July 2. Owen Kellar who
ft A3 crotifiod by the civil service commiusion
for appointment to a clerkship In the Erst
auditor' * oQico but wna rejected by First Aud
itor Chonowcth on the ground that ho was a
republican and was distasteful to Congress
man Warner and ether democrat ! In his
neighborhood , was this morning appointed by
Secretary Manning to the place for which ho
was certified , Keller yesterday brought tbo
Jan's ' In the ciao to thojittcntton of the civil ser
vice commission by which they were last
evening laid before tha president , The com
missioners said the refusal to appoint Kellar
appeared to bo a violation of rule eight which
forbids any discrimination by the ap
pointing officer on political grounds and
they furthsr represented that the
reception of the recommendations
by the auditor from Congressman Warner ,
that Keller bo not appointed , appealed to bo
in plain violation of the tenth section of the
civil Boovlco act , which ays that no recom
mendations shall bo received frrm any mem
ber of the house of representatives except as
to the character of tbo applicant , by any par
son concerned in making any examination or
appointment under tha act. Under this pro
vision the commissioners held that the auditor
had no right to recalvo any euch recomi lend-
ntion from a member ot congress. Karly this
morning as the commission was further consid
ering the subject with a view of its moro
formal present tion to the president , the fol-
lowlof * letter was received from tha secretary
of the treasury :
TnEAsnnv DErAimiENT , 1
WASHINGTON , July 2 , 1835. To tha Elon.
Dorrrmn B. ICaton , united Statesdvil _ service
commission , Sir : I was not until last night
fully informed of the circumstances connected
with the Kellar olfalr. If you have Mr. Kel -
lar's address will you kindly advhn him to
report to me this morning for duty. I Intend
that this department shall strictly obey the
law. Respectfully yours ,
Mr. Kelhr , who eat in Commissioner
Eaton's olHoo when the secretary's letter was
received , went at once to the treasury depart
ment and was immediately appointed and net
at work.
Messrs , J. B , Moorp. Delaware ; J. Wilson
Bayard , Pennsylvania , and Julian Taylor ,
Virginia , have been appointed to clerkships
in the department of stato. Tlieao gentlemen
passed civil service examinations satisfactori
ly , standing at the head of the list ever thirty
applicants , Mr , Bayard i a distant relative
of Secretary Bayard , but was not known by
that gentleman until after he had passed the
examination. He is a recent graduate of
Princeton and stood first in the examination
of applicants for the state department vacan
cies , Mr , Taylor has been professor of Ian
guagea in the university of Virginia ,
It is understood that Mr. Keiley , recently
appointed United States minister to Austria ,
whom appointment has occasioned cDnsidora-
ble comment , will not bo recalled. Ho will
go to Vienna and should the Austrian gov
eminent refuse to receive him it is
Intimated that the United States gov
ernment will remain unrepresented
at Vienna. It is held that Kelley is a capa
ble man and in every way fitted tu fill the po
sition to which ha hag bjen assigned. When
he was appointed United States minister to
Italy he was endorsed by the entire congres
sional delegation of Virginia and
was confirmed by the senate. The
Italian government asked whether or
not Kelley had given utterance in
a public speech in 1871 to sentiments in oppo
sition to tbo occupation of Homo by Victor
Emanual. The former government nftor-
wardi , it Is said , protested against his np-
and Keiley resigned his commission ,
t is held that the Austrian government hu
no grounds to complain of Kolloy.
Some weeks ago the postmaster general ia
sued an order requiring postmasters whose
bonds were executed five or more years ago
to renew them , and to-day 4,201 blank farms
of bonds wore sent out by the bond division ,
in answer to requests ) of postmasters.
The Hon. George S. Boutwell , counsel fo
Ilayti , has filed proper writs with the secretary
tary of state in the nature of a protest agins
the payment by Ilayti of the 837,000 recently
awaided by the arbitrator , the lion. William
Strong , to Antonio Pellitior. Gov. Boutwal
quotes from tha decision of the arbitrate
sundry extracts which show that counclusion
reached wore :
1 That Pellitier was guilty of fittm
the Ibark William at Mobllo in thi
autumn of 18G4 for a slave trading expedition
In violation of the laws of the United States.
2 That ho prosecuted that undertaking
among the islands of the Carribean tea untif
bis arrest at Fort Liberto in April , 1871.
3 Th.t ho was tiled by the judicial author
Itloa of Ilayti and by duo process of law , ac-
corning to the imlitutions of that country ,
upon a charge of an attempt at piracy ntr
slave trading upon the coast of Ilayti.
I That by the Jaws of nations the authori
ties of Haytl hadjurisdictlon of the per
son of 1'ollitor.
It submits Hie nugpostion that the govern
inent of the United dtatos ought not to proceed
coed further in the prosecution of this claim
lie asks whether the United States woul
content to the payment of a penalty for
judicial error In a case whore the claiman
was guilty of n crime for which he Biiffere
punUhmpnt , and whether the United State
can afford to establish ft precedent which ina-
becouio a rule of international lai
that governments uro responsible to othe :
governments for judicial errors that the com'
may commit In cases alfccting fortunes i r
rights of aliens engaged In criminal enter
prises. Ho Bays the invitation extended bj
this government to Ilayti to eubmit this claim
to arbitration was busfd upon the theory tha'
Polletitr was eogtged In a lawful undorlakiti
at the tlmo of liia arrest , which theory th
opinion of the arbitrator absolutely destroy !
In conclusion he says ; "In the presence o
tbega facts It would teem Inconsistent
with the legislation of the country for man e
than throe-fourths of a century , and with th °
known opinions of the people for the executlv
branch of the government of the Unite
States to accept money from another govern
ment at compensation for a judicial errp r
In a cite whore the patty claimant was , a
fact , uilty of a most heinous crime. "
Flirt Assistant Postmaster-General Ha
WM attacked day before ymterday by a seven
dilll and has been confined to hU room eve :
since. He Is improving , however , and hope
to be at his desk again within two or thre
days. lUy's absence from the depa.-tmcn
bos revtvou the rumor that ho reuigned. This
Hay Btys , Is not truo. There 11 good reusoi
for believing , however , that under the advlci
of his physician he seriously thinks of realgc
inr at a very early date.
The following appointments were made by
the president this afteinoon :
Darius H. Ingrabam , of Maine , to be con
sul of the United States at Cadiz ; James Ten
ner , Maeylacd , to be secretary of legation
to Austria-Hungary ! Nathan B. Oatchel , to
be appraiser of merchandise In the district of
Butlalo crrelc , Now York ,
William OalhouQ , of New York , the ae-
countantielected by Secretary Whitney to
investigate the methods of keeping books in
the navy department has made a preliminary
report. Ha recommended an entire change ;
of system. He favors ; tha adoption of the
lyiteio uied la the English navy department.
Calhotin says that under the present methods
in the navy department each bnreau keeps
Its own set of books ; that there is no unifor
mity among the bureaus and that
it is extremely dllTicult to get any Information
about any special item of expenditure. Ho
cites matters concerning which it would ro-
qulro days , weeks or months to elicit the
lactt , such oa the sums already spent on cer
tain cruisers , and how the accounts of this or
that contractor stands , The report adds :
"At present there is no intelligent
system of accounts in existence At the navy
department and no responsibility anywhere
for tha book-keeping done in the department ,
I recommend the total abolition of the sys
tem , In plaso of the present system , or
rather want of system , I propose
the establishment of a system of
account * , which shall keep a detailed account
of every receipt and the disbursement of
money pertaining to the navy department ,
Colhonn estimates the force of this bureau
at one chief and thi es assistant ? . "
Kimball , the now director of tha mint , en
tered on the discharge of duties of that ollico
this morning.
The president to-day appointed Kiward
Duffy postmaster at Ann Arbor. Mich.
The South American commission under
date of Santiago , May 14th , have made a re
port to tharccrtttry of statoof the result of
their visit to Chili , Tbo rcpoit Bays that
Valparaiso la almost nn Kngllih colony. The
English language in used almost exiliuively
in trade nnd the lending merchants are sub
jects of Great Britian , there being but three
distinctively Ameiicau hou'ca in the place ,
The omouut of goods imported from the
United States Is very small beyond what are
bought by those firms , The great obstacle ) ] to
nn extention of this trade Is the
disposition of Englishmen to trade at home
and tbclr ability to do so on account of tbo
high freights between Now York and Valparaiso
raise , which are usually dcublo the cost of
transportation between Valparaiso nnd Lon
don or Hamburg. In fhort no goods are im
ported from the Unl ed States except when
they cannot bo obtained elsewhere , and then
it is found much cheaper to ship them to
Chill from Now York via Hamburg or Liver
pool , At the meeting of the president of Chili
by the commission a serial of propositions
were submitted to him looking to an increase
of trade between Chill and the United States.
President Santa Maria very frankly , and
somewhat bluntly , said his people were at
liberty to sell where they could got the best
prices nnd buy.whera goods were tha cheapest ,
lu hla opinion commerce was not
aided bv commercial treaties. However
ho heartily endorsed ono proposition the ro-
ostablisbment nf a common silver coin of the
value of the United States gold dolhr , to bo
coined by oich of the American republic ? , of
an equal degree of fineness , and to an amrunt
which should bn agreed , to bo legal tender in
all commercial transactions.
Dariiu H , Ingrahm , of Mainq , who was to
day appointed consul at Cadiz is aged forty
and was recommended by many 1 > a liner citi
zens of hi j state as a gentleman of great ability
and hign character ,
James Jerome Lee , of Maryland , appointed
secretary of the United States legation at
Vienna , is forty years of nge , and has been a
member of the Maryland senate , of which
body ho was at ono time speaker pro torn.
He was educated abroad and is an accom
plished linguist.
Nathan B. Galchell appolute appraiser
for the port of Buffalo , Is a preminent demo
cratic politician of Erie county. N. Y. He
resides at Lancaster , near Buffalo , and is en
gaged in the foundry busine6S In the latter
city. Ho ha been supervisor of the town of
Lancaster , and has held several other county
offices including that of deputy short ! ! of Erie
county. Ho was ones a candidate for county
clerk but was defeated ;
Strikers Close ttio Cleveland Mills.
CLEVELAND , O. , July 2. All deportments
in the Cleveland rolling mills are idle now
except the plato mill. The employes of this
mill are not effected by the strike. This mornIng -
Ing the wire mill men hold a mooting and
decided to quit work. They accordingly
marched out , 800 strong largely Bohemians
and Poles. The men in the rail mills and
blacksmith shops also refused to go on and
joined the idlera , At noon over 1,000 men
were out , The excitement of the day began
at 8 o'clock this morning when a large body of
men forced down the gates leading to the
mills. The engineer of tha blooming and rail
mill refused at first to stop the machinery but
gave in eventually and all the men in those
mills joined the strikers. No violence was
threatened to any ono ,
Underground Telegraph System ,
Special Telegram to The BEE.
NEW YOKK , July 2. D. H. Bates , presl
dent of the Baltimore & : Ohio telegraph cam
pany , yesterday signed n contrast with th
Averell insulating conduit company for plac
ing the wires of the company underground
The work will bo done in Washington Imme
diately , The Insulating material in whlcV
naked wires are laid is composed of pun
silica and refined asphaltic cement , lrom
experiments already nmdu it has appeared
that 16,000 , wires con bo laid to a equaro foot
Tha insulation being FO perfect that th
strength of four dynamos was not sufficient ti
drive tin current from one wira to th
General Grant's Condition.
MOUNT McGitEQon , N. Y. , July 2. Not
withstanding the apprehensions that Gen
Grant would pats a restless night hu roste
well and slept fully seven hourc , and was no
awake at 0:33 : o'clock. Dr. Douglas sail
when tbo general awoke last night to Ink
food or br.vo his throat treated ho did so will
n clear mind , and tell asleep again readily ,
The night wns a good one , despite themeuta' '
wurk of yesterday.
At 11 o'clock the general expressed him
self as fcelincr better able to work than at an ;
tlmo since hla arrival hsro. Writing mate
rials were brought and ha commenced writ in
ia the line of his work.
Twcnty-1'our ItiilldliiRS Uiirncd.
MILWAUKEE , Wii. , July 2 , It is just
learned that a severe fire at Pesdlgo occurred
early this morning. The fire etaited in the
Daket bouse and spread rapidly to the ad
joining buitdingt , ceatroylng twenty-four of
them before it could bo controlled. Loss ,
§ 75,000 ,
An Old Frcnulicr Kills Himself.
SrmNami.i > , 111. , July 2. The HOY.
Thomas B. Leo , a Methodist clergyman , and
an old and esteemed resident of thi ) city , cut
his throat to-day with a razor , Ho is now dy
ing. Mental aberration from nervous pros
tration is tbo cause ,
lied Men .Join In Festivities ,
Special Telegram to The BKE ,
OIIEIQIITON , iNeb. , July 2. Five hundred
Pouca Indians have fust arrive 1 to lolobrato
the fourth. There will be SOO Sioux to-nior-
row. All will appear In war paint and
The Me.\Icnn ExcurtionUts ,
MINNEAPOLIS , July 2 , The Mexican edi
torial excursion arrived this morning. To
night they will bo pivon a banquet at the
West hotel. The remainder of the week will
be spent in various lake resorts In this vicinity.
Another Miners Strike.
, July 2. The river coal opera
tors ordered a reduction of half-cent per bushel
in tha price of mining to go Into effect imme
diately , The reduction is a surprise to the
miners and will be stubbornly resisted ,
Ilonatton to Harvard.
BOSTON , July 2. Lowell has presented to
the library of Harvard college a rare collec
tion of Kogllsb , Italian and Spanish work j ,
Some are of great value and none are com
monplace ,
British Politicians Appear Before Their
CODStltQGlilS ,
Conservatives Organize , n Mam
moth Literary Bureaut
The HotliBchlUlB will Continue to
Back England Missing Vessel
DC in n ml of Socialists.
Special Telegram to The BEE.
LONDON , July 2 The Standard in an cdl-
toiial says that Mr , Childor's budget propoial ,
as far as they received the sanction of parlia
ment , will be lelt undisturbed , but that the
provision for the remainder of the deficit de
pends upon the attitude of the liberals.
The prospectus of a conservative news
agency , limited , has been issued , Lord Ran
dolph Churchill Is named as chairman of the
company. The capital Is fixed at i'10,000.
The purpose of this now agency is to provide
provinces with cheap conservative newspapers
and to prepare votersfor the general elections.
According to the prospectus It is proposed to
issue cartoons and caricatures , to publish
literary matter of an attractive character on
oiny terms and on the co-operative principle.
The scheme has the support ot leading con
servatives. Articles bearing the signature of
a cabinet minister and others are promised the
now enterprise ,
It is announced tbat the marquis of Salis
bury will very soon introduce into the houie
of lords a bill embodying the chief recommen
dations of the royal commission apuolntod to
enquire into the sanitary condition of the
homo of the poor nnd to report upon the best
means of housing thorn ,
The marquis replying to o letter which he
received from the unemployed workmen of
Wnlverhnmpton , says the cabinet is consider
ing the whole question of trade depressions.
The Daily Telegraph says : "Tho Koths-
chllds will make further advances pending a
tettlement of the Egyptian financial ques
tion. "
The bullion In tha bank of England Is
033,185. During the past week the decrease
in the proportion of the banks reserve to Its
liability wai fromu2i par cent toISg per cent.
The Gordon' memorial committee yes
terday approved the resolution of the
prince of Wales in favor of establishing
n homo for training poor boys for military and
civil life , Gordon'H pet idea. The memorial
fund amount ? to 1SCO.
At a political meeting held hero this after
noon , presided ever by Lord Cjwpsr , it was
resolved to raise a fund for the establishment ,
aid in the maintenance of a torpedo eervico
for tbo coast defense of England.
The inaugural dinner of the imperial and
American club was given this evening. The
object of the now club is to provide a center
in London whern members of the principal
clubs of the United States cm meet per
sons of eocial standing in England , India , and
the British colonies. General Charles P.
Norton , secretary of the American exposition ,
and Albert Van Wagner , of the Alabama
claims commission , made speeches. Colonel
Dollys presided. The guests included the
duke cf Manchester , Lord Napier , Sir Peter
Lumsdon , Mr. Whitely , and other American
and colonial agents ,
Special Telegram Tto ho BEE ,
LIVEBTCOL , July 2. An Irish national
league meeting was hero last evening. Mr ,
Thomas Power O'Connor , member of parlia
ment for Gal way , presided , _ A resolution
was adopted requesting. Justin McCarthy ,
at present a member of parliament for Lang-
ford county , Ireland , to stand for Liverpool
at the next election. It was also resolved
to hold aloof from all English parties ,
The Cunard steamship company has son
the steamer Demarara with provisions In
search of the overdue steamer Gallia. It is
generally tbrught In shipping circles that the
Anchor line steamer Trmacrea , which left
New York on Juno liJth , is towing the
DUULIN , July 2. The national league In
structed the Irish paople to ba wakeful am
vote for the election to parliament of conservative
vativo candidates.
CAIRO , July 2. General Wolsoley and staff
start immediately for England.
MADRID , July 2 , The official cholera re
part for Infected districts of Spain shows
Now cases , 1,127 , deaths , 089. The epidemi
IB decreasing in Murcia and Castellan de 1
Piano , but in Valencia there Is little change. .
PARIB , July 2 , Madagascar advices say th
Hovas wore repulsed in an attack upon For
Magunga The intetior of Madagascar i
threatened with a famine. The rico crop ha :
been destroyed.
SAN FRANCISCO , Gal. , July 2. A telecram
was received hero by one of tha Chinese
companies from Hong Kong , which reads
"The eait , west and north river districts o'
Canton provinces ro inundated , There nn
many breaches in the dykes and great Isoa o
life and great distress. " A number of Chines
merchants immediately held a meeting a
which measures were taken to raise a requirei
fund which will bo telegraphed to Chin ;
to morrow.
PARIS , July 2. The French socialists hav
Issued a platform of principles for the comin
electoral campaign. It demands :
1 Abolition of the presidency.
2 Abolition o1 ho senate ,
3 The bestowal upon the assembly
power to dismiss ministers of state ,
1 The nettlemont of all questions of wai
and cucstltutional revisitci by a papula
C A reduction of the number ot public and
official salaries ,
0 The confiiscstlon of church proporty.
7 The separation nf church and state ,
8 Legal equality of Illegitimate and legiti
mate children ,
0 The gradual abolition of standing arm
10 The free education of children at the
public expense and free feeding of children
at the public expense when they ate not
otliFrwIte properly provided for.
11 Political nmnoHy.
12 The abolition of octroi duties ,
13 The establiihmcnt of a progressive in
come tax.
14 The abolition of collateral inheritance ,
ID-The gradual abolition of the public
10 A reduction of hours of labor.
17 The prohibition of employment of chil
dren under 11 years of age ,
IS The reorganization of the bank of
Ill 1'rlson reform ,
20 The maintenance of disabled workmen
at the public ex | ense.
ProhthitlonlstH Name a Ticket.
SPRINGFIELD , O , , Juno 2. The state pro-
hibitlon convention to-day nominated Rev.
A. B , Leonard , D , D , , of Springfield , for
governor ,
The ticket was completed as follow * : Lieu
tenant-governor , Professor W. G , Frost , of
Loraln county ; supreme judge , Gideon Stuart ,
of Huron county ) tieaturer , John II. Danner ,
of Stark county ; attorney-general , A , T ,
Clevinger , of Clinton county : board of publlo
worVe , J , 8. Nei ille , of Hardin county ,
I The platform demands a prohibition amend
ment and oppose * llcsuse , tax , or regulation
of the liquor traffic. It says the friends of
prohibition shnuld notbo controlled by either
of the old parties because both have shown
themselves subservient to the liquor Interest.
It declares the turn power must bo vanquished
by a new party devoted expressly to that pur-
Dose. It describe ; the two wings of the great
liquor party , ono as advocating a license and
the other the taxation and regulation
of the liquor traffic , leaving no loyal
citizens any alternative except to join the
prohibition party. It favors moral suasion
as a moans of reform ; full protection to the
ballot ; wants divorce bated on divine law ;
expresses sympathy with the neero race ; op
poses violent charges in the tariff ; endorses
voters uninn. A resolution of sympathy with
Gta , Grant was adopted ,
N w YODK. July 2 , Amonc the capitalists
nnd business men In this city who who had
hoped that the administration would Infuse a
vigoioua reform element Into the Union
Pacific directory , the appointment of
government directors , made Tues
day , were not received with satisfac
tion , The opinion pro failed tha
the proiiJont had simply contented
himself with delecting men of respectability
without regard for the effect of their selection
unon the affairs of this country. Ono active
Wall street man , who is very familiar with
the affairs of that company , said that
tbo now government directors did
not appear to him to bo the kind
of men they needed to cope with the phrowd
men who bad sn long controlled the
Union Pacific. The government directors
ought to be comparatively young active and
smart enough to comprehend the situation nnd
keep track of what is balng done. Ex-Senator
Francis Kernnn is acknowledged to bo an
eminently respectable nnd honest man ,
Ho Is well advanced in years , however ,
nnd not . equipped either by physical
vigor , or railroad experience , for n steady
contest with the Gould element in the Union
Pacifio directory. Gen. E. P. Alexander ,
whoio appointment Ia credited to Georgia ,
was formerly vice-president of the Loulsvlllo
& Nashville road and was also connected with
the Georgia Central road , Ho has the repu
tation of being a very good railway man , but
ho Is said to bo too good
natured to bo a debtor. Ho is not the kind
of a man to lead in reform measures , which
requires activity and stubbornness , Of Frank
lin McVeagb , but little is known except that
ha is n brother of Wayne McVengh and a
wholesale grocer in Chicago , and established
himself in the business which he has success
fully followed ever since up to the last presi
dent campaign , Mr. McVoagh was a very ar
dent republican , but became a warm supporter
of Cleveland for the presidency. Mr. McVeigh
ha ? always been regarded in Chicago as a
exceedingly level bended man of business
and his uamo if assoiated with mast of
Chicago's enterprises. Ho is peisonally
papular , is bright , a good talker and
thoroughly posted on national questions.
Prominent railroad men expressed sur
prise that Cleveland should have selected
any man from Ohio other than Edgar M ,
John son , the law partner of Governor Hoadly ,
who warmly advocated bid appointment.
The selection of Edmund F. Noyop , ex-gov
ernor of Ohio , excites much curiosity. Of
Jatnoa W. Savage , of Nebraska , an Omiha
dispatch to the Times says ho is ono of the
representative democratic lenders of the state
CHICAGO. 111. , July 2. Up to 2:30 o'clock
this afternoon the street car company had
made no effort to move Its cars , and the situa
tion remained unchanged. SoveVnl employes
of the company , upon attempting to approach
the car barns this afternoon , were chased
away by the crowd , bit beyond jthis no violence
lence of any kind baa been reported.
1 a. m. At this hour the city except In the
worst localities is practically ungardod.
Nearly the entire police force has been ordered
to report at various stations and will be held
there until day light. It is apparently the
programme of the department to march
the force in a body atI o'clock
this morning to tha car barns of the Wesl
Division street railway , and start a line o
cars down the track , each loaded with polios
men who will be prepared to resist attack. Si
far as has been learned it is the : intention ol
the police department to start the cars an
keep them running , filled with members o
the force until the strikers oeaso to resist am
Impede the business of the company.
Harrison in a Now Rolo.
Special Telegram to The BEE.
CHICAGO , 111. , July 2. Carter H. Harrisoi
has dropped the cares of his contested cas
over the majority long enough to join wit !
Phocion Howard , the Barataria frog pom
fieheiman , in a review of the highway leglsla
tion enacted by the Iat assembly. The review
view is issued under the name of tun permiv
nent read association and sums np the retul
In a statement that hereafter road taxes inus
bo paid in cash instead of labor or cash an
that contracts for highway Improvement wil
bo let ,
Eastern Kates Hestoroil ,
ST Louis , Mo , July Representative !
of the Vandalia , tha Bee Line , the Wabat
and the Ohio & Mississippi railroads met her
this afternoon and agreed to restore paesenge :
rites to the seaboiru ,
BUFI-ALO , N. Y. , July 2. A .meeting o
the Central traffic association having in ham
the problem of restoring eastern bound ratei
from Chicago convened at Niagara Falls to
day and accomplished the desired result wltl
very little friction. East bound freight rate :
were by almost unanimous consent reutom
to the basis cf April Cth which Is 20 cents per
hundred from Chicago to New York.
High Water In Kansas.
YATES CENTRE , Kas , , July 2 , About ton
inches of rain has fallen hero within the past
twenty-four hours , Three bridges are out on
the Foit Scott & Western railroad and two
county bridges are reported gone ;
BDRLINGION. Kan , , July 2. Heavy rains
have swollen the streams to Ihod proportions
causing very snrious damage , The track * of
the Southern Kansas road and a branch of
the Missouri Pacific are under water , pre
venting trains from passing hero , The Neoeha
river is far out of Its bank and is rising ,
The Iowa Knights Tomplnr.
CEDAB Ravins , Ia. , July 2. Grand Emi
nent Commander James Morton , of this city ,
received from the chairman of the locating
committee a full report which settles the per
manent home of tha grand commandery of
Knights Templar of IOWA. Tbo location hat
been made at Spirit Lake. Ground was
donated by people of Spirit Lake and vicinity.
Work will ha commenced upon the ground at
Yticnlt In an
NEW YOIIK , July 2 , The cue of Mre ,
Dudley was up in court again to-day. The
oiut den/ed the motion to transfer the pris
oner to an English aivlura , and/ / determined
that the bo sent to Mlddleton asylum to be
confined indefinitely , Mrs , Dudley said the
was satisfied and undoubtedly needed rent and
seclusion. She will probably bo transferred
the new quarters to-morrow ,
Canadian AVhleky [ IjcRlslntlon.
OTTAWA , Can. , July 2. The government's
bill to amend the consolidated revenue act
which prohibits dlstitteri from felling their !
product until two years after its manufacture.
IIAS been patted thruah the committee and
reported to the houce. Tha bill practically
gives the present distillers a monopoly of the
whisky trade , as it would require a capital of
nearly 51.CO.OOO to establish a new distillery.
Chicago Natt Fall lotolbe Ranks of
Celelirators ,
Deals Postponed and Prices Gen
erally Show a Declinoi
The Iloara Attack the AVho/it Market
and lie dace Values Ic Good
Cnttlo Glut the Market.
Spocltl Telegram to The BEE.
CniCAao , 111. , July 2. Very llttlo interest
was manifested in trading on 'change to-day ,
Tha dullness Was attributed largely to the
approach of the national holiday and the fact
that n majority of the small trades had been
evened up , operators not desiring to keep
them open ever the Fourth of July , Durinp
the middle of the scss'on tha bears , discerning
some signs \voakncn3 in the wheat market ,
raided it , carrying prices down Ic , which de
veloped some activity nnd brought out some
long wheat , but the feeling remained moder
ately steady and the tone In the afternoon
was somewhat stronger , the market closing
for the day about ic under yesterday. Tha
crop news received is generally of a gloomy
turn , the harvesting reports from Kentucky ,
Tennessee , Missouri and Kansas indicating
that the prospects of the yield are no brighter
than reported early In the month. It is
also stated that the returns from
Minnesota nnd Visc tl in indicated on
July 1st that the spring yield would not ex
ceed 85 per cent of that of l st year. The
amount of wheat on passage was reported to
have increased 1,0(0,000 bushels , and the re
port wan also circulated that seventy-two car
goes of Russian wheat had passed the Dar
danelles , which provoked the early weakness.
The receipts have continued fully up to the
uiual average and the shipments are light.
There was a strong demand existing for cash
corn , and this competition caused an advance ,
but prices fell elf with wheat and closed a
ehade under yesterday. The largo freight
engagement of yesterday and the engage
ment of SCO OOJ bushels of frticht room to day
kept the market firm , however ,
The speculative market for oats ruled
weaker , July declining ifc ; rallied a trifle and
closed steady ,
There was n very weak and unsettled feel
ing in provisions. Moss pork declined 23@
303 early , rallied 5@10c and closed moderate
ly steady. Lard declined 5@10c ,
The day's range of pricoi was :
Wheat July , S71' zSSJo. closed STJc ;
August , 8t@'J ! ) lie , closodSOlc ; September ,
018@02jje , closed ! Hgo.
Oorn-Cash , 47i@178c ; July , 474@l8c.
closed 47gj August , -17i@174c , closed 471c
September , 47i@47ic , closed 47 $ .
On the afteinoon board wheat was firmer
and Ic higher ; corn and oats steady and un <
changed ; pork 2&5s & higher , and lard un
changed ,
The receipts are largely on the in
crease , especially in Texans and
grassy native stock. Among the fresh
arrivals to day were about 3,000 Texans ,
twenty cars of glucose , and ten or eleven cars
of B till era. The market was dull and slow
from tha start to the finish , and prices a strong
10@lGo lower on the ordinary run of fat cat
tle. Such aa sold for SO.lOigG 23 on Monday
would not sell for'over § 5,93@0,10 to-day ,
and all other corn- fed cattle ate down to thi
same proportion. Stillers sold at a decllno ol
15c as compared with last week's sales. _ Na
tive prassers are about the most desirable
stock now arriving , and values have dropped
nearly EOc@Sl.00 ina few days : 20@25c of that
decline takincr place to-day. There is only a
half dollar difference now between low grade
native grassera and good Texans. Canning
Texans are down to very low figures , tbr
poorest at $2 005)3.10 ) , and a few choice a *
I3.87J@ ( 1.25. Stackers and feeders contlnu
dull . : 1,350 : to 1,500 pounds , S5.60@0.23 ; 1,20
to 1,350 pound * , S5.23gD.85 ; 050 to 1,2CK
pounds , S C5g0.20.
The large increase in the receipts was
genulno surprise ta all concerned. With th
fresh receipts and the number carried eve
lost night there were at least 40,000 on s le
In a general way there was a sharp down tur
of ICo. Hough and common sold down t
83.80@3'JO , and fair to good mixed S 1.00 ®
4.05 ; and best assorted heavy at Sl.10 4,15
packing and shipping , 250 to SOU pounds
Sl.00@4.17i ; light weights , 130 to 170 pounds
SI.20 ® 1.35 ; ISO to 210 pounds , $3. < J9@4.1f .
Noimi7EHNON , Ind. , July 2. Great excitement
citemont was occasioned hera this morning b
the capture of a will mat named Samue
Melvln , of Kentucky , who became sudden !
ferocious and at a place on Greeneburgh strce
held nt bay all farm wagons that were comin
into town. Ho had n long bowlo bnifo nn
threatened to kill all who attompte
to pass. Some twenty-five wagons wer
stopped by the desperate man. He nttacke
Tony Gasper's waeon nnd turned the horse
nnd wagon ever , nearly killing the herat ' *
Ho then attacked Gasper with his gleamin
knife , inflicting wounds upon him , but no
seriously injuring him , 3''or three hour.3 b
held scores of people in the natrow lane am
in the most vicious manner yelled and at
tacked every one near him. Ho is a powerfully
fully- built man nnd no one felt like tackling
him. Finally I.on King , Andy Muster
and Tom McAdams closed In on
him , and a desperate struggle ensued. For a
time it seemed that the desperate man would
kill thorn all , but ho waa brought to the
ground by a powerful blow by Andy Mueser.
They tied him with a rope and carried him
a-vny In a spring wagon , Fully 600 persons
witnessed the exciting scene.
The ly nn the Turf.
CHICAGO , III. , July 2 , At to-day's races
the attendance was 10,000 , the weather
pleasant , the track smooth , but a trifle too
First race Five furlongs , two-year olds ;
Tartar won ; Kjlrolla , second ; Jim Qroy ,
third. Time , 1.03.
Second rocs Mile , all agsa ; Modesty won ;
Jim Douglas , second ; Katie Fletcher , third.
Time , 1.41J.
Third race Mile and a quarter , all ages ;
Frceland won ; Volatile , second ; Troubadour ,
third , Time , 2.CU.
Fourth race Mile and a furlong ; Ilozaras
won ; Handy Andy , second ; Ultimatum third ,
Time , .
Fifth raco-Mile heata , hurdle ; first heat ,
Talleyrand won ; Wimbledon , sccand ; Klixor ,
third. Time , 160J. Second heat , tame as
the first , Time. 1.5 } .
DETROIT , Mich. , JnlyS. At the race * to
day there was a good attendance.
First race-Clam 2:28 : , trotting ; Gilbird'a
SpraRiio won ; Myrtle , second ; Lady Bonner ,
third. Betttima , U:22J : ,
Second rac Free for all , trotting ; Clem-
mie-G won ; Phyliis , second ; Wilson , > third.
Bo t time , 2:17tf. :
Third race-Class 2:21 : , pacing ; Little Km
won ; Georgetown , second ; Uncle Ned , third ,
Best time , 2:19J. :
BniaiiTON BJCACH , July 2 , This was" a
splendid day. The attendance was Urge and
the tr ck good.
First we Three-qu rter of a inile , all
nger ; Brongton won ; EVA K , iccondj Lucy
Lewis , third. Time , 1.17 | .
Second race Three quarter * of a mile ;
Wandering and Inconstant , dead heat ; Joe
S. , third. Timo.l.l" . In the runoff In-
conitantwon , Time , 1.17 ,
Third racs Throe-quarters of a mile , nil
ages : Joe Sawvor won ; Ubcrto , second ; Bos <
ilo B , third , Time , 1:18. :
Fourth rACe Two miles
, three-year-olds
nnd Howards ; ForosUl won ; Gen. Monroe ,
second ; Royal Arch , third. Time , 2:3CJ. :
Fifth raca-Milo , threo-voar-olds ; Flor-
enca M won ; Byron Cross , second ; Three
Cheers , third. Time , 1:101.
Sixth race Mile and n half , six lmrdlo ;
Jersey Maid won ; Ktnir Tom , second ; Pope
Leo , third , Time , 1GJ. ! :
BOSTON , Ma s , July 3. In the race bo-
Lween Harry Wllkes nnd Trinket to iky for
S',000 Wllke * cftsilv ouUrottcd the mare ,
Tlmo , ZilOi , 2:10 : , 2:24 : j.
Don't Play with I'lillttdclplila AVomon
PHILADELPHIA , Pa. , July a In the national -
al military encampment hero last night some
of the soldiers were enjoying themselves with
the tport of toising in a blanket when n
woman cnmo along and took part in the ( port
and was tossed in her turn , In rough and tum
ble fashion , This morning the came to camp
with a constable and picked out Captain
Curtis , of the Indiana artillery , ni ono of the
men who aistited to toss her , Captain Cur
tis drew his sword ntm refused io bo araostod.
Trouble seemed imminent , but finally Curtis
submitted and was held for assault with in
tent to kill. Ths affair has created a
sensation ,
Everything In Roaillncaa Tor the
Great Colouration Xo-Morrow.
Thcro Is no USD talking , the people of
Omaha propose to throw rod * lines into
the sky on Independence Day. The
vnriona committees held a meeting last
evening nt Col. Smyth's ofllco , nnd ar
ranged the programme , and following is
the order in which the procession will
Marshal of the Day and Aides.
Platoon of Police ,
Fourth Infantry Band.
( Ion. W. P. Carlin and Staff.
Detail of Infantry , Seven Companion ,
Battery of Artllery ,
Governor Dawos and Staff.
Mayor , City OfhcUls and Press.
A. 0. II. Band.
A. O. II. Societies.
A. O. H. Illllcs.
Musical Union Band.
Omaha Turnvercin and other German Societies
Union Pacific Band ,
Omaha Light Guards.
I'ire Department ,
Excelsior Band ,
Omaha Wheel Club Mounted on Bicycles.
Grand Army of the Republic ,
Old Vetaran Corps ,
Trades Assemblies.
Citizens Generally in Carriages nnd on Foot.
Mule Brigade.
Cowboys and Broncoes ,
The line of march will bo made out
this morning and given good circulation ,
The parade will start promptly nt 10
o'clock and end , about 11:30 : , at Jefferson
square. The following gentleman have
been invited to make fivomlnuto speeches ,
and it Is expected they will all bo there :
Mayor Boyd , Gov. Diwcs , Gen. J. C.
Cowln , The Hon. Edward Rosowotor , The
Hon. J. M. Thurston , Judge Walcoloy ,
Judge Neville , ' Dr. J. W. Miller , Hon.
A. J. Popploton , Fred Nye , Cant. Slay-
den , G. W. Frost and W. A. Gniro.
Ool. Edwin F. Smyth has been se
lected for marshal of the day , with John
U.tyJBntler , Julias Meyers and Capt.
O'Malloy as his asustants.
The prcgrammo will include apaaking
at the park first , and for the afternoon
Djuglas street is to bo roped iu and
used for a race track , and thoraces
races come off from 5 to 7 o'clock. They
Trill include the hoae team , blcyclo club ,
greased pig , wheelbarrow , and fat men's
race. There will also bo a greased polo
and ball throwing. Prizes of $25 and a
silver trumpet ere offered for the
hose teams , and two medals , ono gold ,
the other silver , for the bicycle club.
Who ovar captures the greased pig is to
have It.
There will bo four prizes placed on top
of the greased polo.
In the evening , at 0 o'clock the pyrno-
tecrlo display is to take place on Jeffer
son square and will be the grandest thing
of the kind ever soon in Omaha.
At 8 o'clock to-morrow morning a bat
tery of artllery from Fort Omaha will
fire a national salute at the corner of
Twentieth street and Capital avenue.
Let ovorybcdy turn out on the great
Ho\v Marylrbjr Brought Perry John
son to Time , and BlndoIIIni
Marry Her.
It became tha oulclal duty yesterday
afternoon of Judge Barndes to.ring the
curtain down on the conclusion of quito .
an intcrettlng and somewhat ecnaatioiml
llttlo drama. It was a drama in two acts
and four pcencs , but utterly devoid of all 1
orchestral , red light or stage thunder ac
companiments , It was a drama of real I
life , and depleted two very distinct , well-
drawn characters. The first two ecenes
are laid In Dos Moincc , Iowa , and the
last two in Omaha. Briefly statad , the
plot , the story and the action are told 0i 0a
follows : Trfo yoats ago Perry Johnson
and Mary Irby , both then living at Dos
Molnos , mot and boomo acquainted with
each other. This acquaintance soon
grow Into warm friendship nnd the '
friendship Into rod-hot love , Bat , ' as will 1
bo seen further along , this1 love , espe
cially on Perry's part , was not of that
pure , holy and sacred character which
tends to elevate , enlighten
and refine , and Mary's love
was of entirely too confiding a nature.
The result vras they loved unwisely and
far too well. Criminal iiltimicjr followed
and , after having cocured the girl's ' vruin ,
Potry suddenly , unexpectedly , and with
out letting it bo generally known , packed
his baggage , deserted his duped victim I ,
and caina to Omaha. There the curtain
went downou ( a scene of agony. Bat
M ry Irby was not a girl to be thrown off.
in that manner. She determined to
make It warm for that young man unless
ho made her his wife , therefore two days
ago ebo arrived In Ocqahaalso. Yesterday
the had Perry Johnson arrested on a
charge of bastardy and arraigned , befpre
Juttlca Barndvs to glvo an account of hla
conduct. Ralhor , liowever , than h vo
aqy further ( .trouble iho relented and
agreed to do the handsome by making
Mary his wife. Soon as the necessary
papers could bo procured Judge Barndes
performed the ceremony and tbo 'young
counJo went away apparently happy with
each. *
ID Colorado ,
Gims nnd Ammuuitioii Eoquostoil
by the Natives ,
Gov , Baton IVantR Tlmo to Consider
nn l investigate The Vlfiht In
Arl/.imn ,
DENVER , Col. , July 2 , Uov. Katonreceived
the following telegram from n ranchman liv
ing no or Vurango : "Settlements on Mancos
and Dalares are threatened by the Ute In
dians , The people are very much alarmed.
Some families are moving out for greater
safety , nnd others who are unable to move are
sleeping out In the sago brush for fear their
houses will bo burned and their families mas
sacred. Tha citizens rue not sufliciently
armed. Neither have they ammunition. "
Yesterday the detail * guarding the horsas
saw An Indian scout within two miles of the
valley. The people have no confidence in the
United States military. Wo demand state
protection , arms and ammunition. I was in
structed by the cltlr.ns of Msncos to make
this demand. " M. T. Mourns.
Some days ngo Gov , Kiton eont Irsprator
General Koardou and Adjutant Gen
eral Taylor to the scene of the trouble
to investigate and report. This mornlne the
governor received the following telegram from
Koardon :
"I think you out-lit to send , to-morrow by
express to Durango 20015 calibro rlflas , also
ammunition. Have jnit got In from Rico
where they have 3,000 rounds and forty rlllos
nnd are ready to start without dolayllf called.
There is ovciy indication of war. 1 think n
city company ought to be directed to hold it
self ready for oiueis. Tbo Hico company will
have to coma mounted. I have scon the agent ,
ho is afraid of trouble , ( juick , decided
action may save the state a largo expense nnd
many lives. Signal fires lira reported on the
mountains on Dolores and Manco. The
bucks ara alone and mountoJ with spare an
imals and they are off the reservation.
The governor also received the following :
Durango , July 2 , To Gov , Eaton : Jast
arrived at midnight : find trouble may occur at
any moment ; telegraph immediately to presi
dent ; will write you in the morning.
(3lgncd ( ) F. A. TAYLOR , Adjt. Gen.
Tha governor says bo will make further in
vestigation before telegraphing the president.
The governor this e\enlng received a dis
patch from Adjutant General Taylor at Durango
range , In which Taylor repeats his predictions
that a Ute Indians' outbreak Is imminent.
The adjutant general ndda : "I will have nn
interview with A cnt Stollstcimer to night
and start for Denver to-morrow. " The gover
nor will take no action until Taylor's arrival.
TOCSON , A , T. July 2 The Star's corros-
potdent , who baa just returned from Sonora ,
confirms the report of the death of General
Garcia , commander of the Mexican forces in
the recent battle with the Yaqm Indians , and
the killing of 400 Mexicans. The Yaquia ro-
peodedly defeated ttio soldiers , but the Mexi
can officials suppress the fact , The Sonora
hospitals are full of wounded soldiers. The
Vanuls wore well armnd and had boon pro-
pat ing for the war for seven years. After fir.
ing ono or two volleys they charged the
troops and used short heavy clubs. A majorIty - , _ ,
Ity of the people of Sonora are said to bo. In
sympathy with the Indians ,
The Battle At Onuto.
TOMBSTONE , Ariz , , July 2. William Penn
Howland , who arrived last night from the
San Bernardino ranch , gives the following ac- J :
count of the fight previously reported bet ween ; '
the whites and Indians at Onuto. Capt. :
Crawford , with the main body of troops and t
scouts , went directly towards the Torria j
mountains , while Lieutenant Davis' command ,
passed around the eait end of the mountains , ] ,
ilanking the Indians. Davis surprised their 'jj
camp , comprising seventeen bucks and four
teen women and children. In the attack two
bucks were killed and one wounded. The
Indian women and children and the wounded
were made prisoners. Tha fourteen remaln-i
ing backs escaped. Lieutenant Davis sent
Lieutenant Henry with a detail of six men In
charge of the prisoners and three mutinous
Indian scouts to San Bardlno ranch ,
At the Bamo tlmo ho sent a cpurrier to Fort
Dowio asking Crook for reinforcements to
meet Hanna at San Bernardino to reltovo
him. When Howland loft San Bernardino
yesterday Hauna had not arrived there , al
though on the wny clx days. Lieut. McGrew ,
who had been dUpat. bed as a relief to Hanna ,
arrived at the ranch Monday. Scouts have
been sunt out from McGrow'n command to ob
tain news of Hanna , The belief exists that
the fourteen bucks who escaped in the Oputo
fight , seeing prisoners leave the main com
mand guarded by but six men , followed , am
bushed , massacred them and rescued the
prisoners ,
A Stronger DOHO Quieted Him.
CLEVELAND , O. , July 2 , It was learned
this morning that Charley Kilpatrlck , tha
only aon of' Thomas Kllpatrick , a ICuclid
avenue dry goods merchant , wai killed through
a druggist's mistake. Tim boy wag suffering
with diphtheria and tbo prescription taken tea
a loading ditmgist , , who ordered a stronger
dose , which killed the child.
Still Hunting , itccolvcr ,
INDIANAPOLIS , Ind , , July 2 , A telegram
was received from Judge Grcslmm to-day
recommending the appointment nf General
John McNult , of Bloomington , 111. , as re-
coiver of the Cincinnati , Toledo & Western
tAllppy to ucceed.W. J. Craig. The ap7
pointment will be formally made to-morrow ,
Knocked Out ly a Negro ,
SPIUNOKIELD , Mass. , July 2 , A fight
occurred hero to-day In which there were
sixty-seven rauud > , bare knuckles , bstwoen a
white man named Murphy nnd a negro
named Kelly , The latter knocked his oppo
nent unconetioua and won SGSO. John L.
Sullivan was referee. * '
- * = *
Clio "Weather ,
WAsniN < nON , July 2. The upper Mls .
iibippl valley : Fair weather , slightly warmer ,
variable winds , generally southerly ,
The Missouri \alley : Generally fair weather ,
except preceded in tha southern portion by ' " >
local rains , variable winds , generally toutherly ,
withstatlonary temperature.
A Blow at ihu I'uljllc Bcrvlce ,
Nnw OIUEANH , La , , July 2. Surveyor of
the Port Pinchback recently asked for n leave
of absence , which was refused. It Is now
stated that ho to-day tendered his resignation
and left for the ncrthweet.
Buiclilo of a flrldo.
UTICA , N , Y. , July 2 Mrs. Lewis Steele ,
married only two weeks , was found dead in
her bedroom at lliou with a bullet wound In
her temple. Suicide Is nuppoced to bo the
cause ,
Jlojdlng the Contra ! to the Uno.
Cirv of MEXICO , July 2. The railway com.
mlssiocers have made the report that the
Central road has plainly and unequivocally
forfeited its conceaiiont by making diacrlra-
inating rates ,
BhlnKh ) Allll Itnrncd. '
. MAlNHTfK , Mich , , July 2 , Bkbcock'o
ihioele mill and 00,000 feet of lumber burned
last'night , LOM , 915,000 ; iniurnuce , un