Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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Ill ft dangeron * a * wf II M clMreHnu complaint. If
norleetfid. It tends. liy Impairing nntrltlon , and de-
prrwilnii thn tone of tha rj-storo , to prepare the war
- - - " " - - - -
Jor j---
- - - -
Hrv. .I.T. ilomnrrn , thn hormral pnator of tlio
1 Imt ll fonni > < l Clmrctj. Ilalllmoro , Mcl.wiya !
"llartna n c < l llrown's Iron lilttcrs for Djrf pernu
nnd IndlirMtlon. I take great pli-asum In recommending -
mending It lilghlr. Alto consider It n prilendld tonlo
and IntlicoraUir. and very strengthening "
Genuine ha * Mmvo trauo mark and rrmffou rwl Unfa
onwrnnnor Tnlii * nn oilier. Mmlannlrlijr
llltOU.V Clll M HI A I. CO. . IIAI.'I I MOII 1 % Ml .
' HAND HOOK awful anil attractive , ron <
talninff llct of prirns for recipe * . Information about
rain * , Pto. . Riven away by all ilealerx In mnllcine , or
nailed to any addros * on receipt of ia ttamv.
. Sw
stii mm
.iioulo.t2Tervoiii : . < .w.- . - .
SOulc'Ic. f-uro Cnri-s f37t
z r-rr. T" ' ? . ' 'fittenffuiiraiitirf/tun In
1-sliilillslicJ 1ST.1. ,
- \
, ,
cnsa , ni <
r38ona ti o dtamjn for CclohrnttJ Medical
Works Artilrow. I ? . J > . < I > AI1KIJ , a I. It. ,
ISO botlth Clark Street , CHICAGO , ILL.
Boyal Havana Lottery I
Brawn at Havana Cuba ,
Every 10 to 14 : Days.
Tickets In FlUlnjuholoa S3 ; Fractions pro rata.
tmbjecl la oo manipulation , not controlled by the
parties In Interest. II li iho lilroat Iblnz In Iho
itnrc of chanooln eilnlenco.
for tlokota apply to SIJIPSEY & CO. , 1212 Broad
w yN. Y. City ; , or U.OTIENB ft 00 , BIO Ztaln SI.
. Mo.
Inuci , mob. , Feb. t , ISA
. Looin.tCo..MOmo , llich.
xin 1 am using your Fluid Extract Bed Clorer
Blossom and Wet Compress for Cancer on the breast ,
nnd am well. I am utlsfled 1C Is the best remedy for
iCa ncrr known. Yon wo wrlcomo to xuo tills for U >
Iko inellt : of utttrlnff humanity.
Uespcctfolly , MK3. L. A. JOIIKEOK.
If I
f _ _
TOLEDO , O , January 17,1S31
J. JL IX > OSB & Co. , MONROB , Mich.
GENTLEMCV My wlfohoa for eomo time been aflllet d
vtlth BomcthlnK ULoa ecrofaloua aiieaao , and found no
tvllot until aha gAte your jttrHt of ICed Clorara trial.
1 am happy t < > aay aha has experienced ( Treat r lle ,
Thli la nut a allglit tortimonlnl of my appreciation ot
roar orrorta In tjclmlt of humanity , which you on
.welcome to use for their beneflt ,
1 am , very respectfully , IL ARMS.
- TOLEDO , 0. , Deo. 1st , isaa
J. U. Ixxxa & Co. , MoxnoK , Mich.
OINTR 1 commenced taklntr your Ext. ncd Clorer ,
two ynm ago. for LryaJj > ea f niid JKTP not been
Jr ubU > a dnce. It Is hereditary mm me. Thliill you
Iuxv Wi l ) > 8t blooamoaiauoknenn.
( Ttonri truly. W. M. BEIBEKT.
R. n. Ilyman , of Orand Haplda , Mich. . e y After
two Uoctora ad vised him touso Looao'a hit. Hid Clover
f r a bed caao of 1 czcmo , or lover Sere on the ICK ,
Only mod two pounda of your Solid 1-itract Itod Cloycn
Jin ) iioir well.
JlaaSprtiiB UedlclnsTonlonnd general niood rnrt-
flcrlthaanoequal. I'orfoloby all UrutfiUUtor J. M.
Ixioeo A Co. , tfoaroc. Mich.
Cancer of the Tongue ,
A Case flcsombllng that of Gen , Grant.
Some tou j'carango I bad it scrofulous roio on my
ilgUt hand which Ka > o me great trouble , and under
the old tlruo treatment hcaleu up. but It ha4 only
been drhcn Into ( ho syktcmby the ute of potash
and mercury , and In March. I88a , It broke out In
Boy throat , and concentrated Into what orro ot the
doctors called cancer , cntlrg through my check , do-
Btrojln ? tlio loot ol my mouth and nnpor Up , then
attacked toy tinguo , nilateand loner lip deoirojIuR
tbo | ul to and under lip entirely and ta t iny tongue
eating out to tbo top of my lelt check bone and up
to tbo loll eye. I could not cat any eolld lead , but
eubslstcd on liquid ) , and my tongue was BO far gone
looald not talk , bilBhwatmy wrotchid , holplesa
condition the first cf list Octowr (1831) ( ) , nhou my
frUndi coraroonccj giving TOO Swllt'a bpeclflo. In
leu than a month the eating p'ucca etoppod and
healing coratnenccd , and the fearful apaturo In my
check has boon olcwod and firmly knitted together.
Aprocojs ot a tow under lip U progrtsalng Unely ,
* nu the tongue which wasalmolt dtstrofou la bo-
Ine reoo\ered , and It seems tbal nature la eupplylng
new tongue. I am talk so that m > friends can
readily understand ice. and cm also eat eolld tool
again. It any doubt these facta I would refer them
to Hon. John II. Traylor , State Senator ol thld dis
trict , aud to Dr. T. u. UraJBelJ , LaQrangc , Ou
MRS. UA11V L. COMElt ,
Laara9ReOaM.y 14 , 1885.
Tr itluon 11 oed and Skin distaste mailed ( roe.
Tin buirr Hrscifio Co , Drawer 3 , Atlanta , On.
N. Y. , 167 W , Kd 8U
Imported Beer
Frlangcr lla\nrla I CulmbaJirr lUtarla
lllsncr Bohemian I Kaiser . . .Bremen
Hudnclacr. Bt. [ x > uli I Aiilmuicr St. Louli
llctt'd MllHiukco j Schlitz 1 > Iwer.UllHaukce
Krug'i . . .Omaha i Ale , 1'ortor , Douiestlound
Itblno Wlnca.
JBD MAUEER , J213 Farnam St ,
How ConurcsstnonVork Their IlnrAl
Oorrecpondcnco Cleveland ( Ohio )
Leader ,
The agricultural department has been
83 ranch discussed in the pipers of late
that a description of H will not bo out of
place. Its building is located on n hill
at the left of the monument , within half
a mlle of the Whlto House , and just
across the way from the rod pressed buck
factory in whloh the greenbacks nro
mado. On the other nldo the medffoval
towers of tlio Smithsonian , looking llko
some old castle of the twelfth cantnry ,
and directly In front of it , across the
lawn , can ha scon the dazzling whiteness
of the Ebbltt house , with a muUltndo of
big and llttlo building , around it. The
agricultural building ifaolf is of rod brick
with terracotta trimmings. It Is for nil
the world llko a crosa between n Sira-
toga trunk and n sarcophagus of some
noble Roman. Bountiful grounds anrt
round It. A drlvo of Trinidad asphalt
loads up to It , and troea and shrubs of
almost every variety known fill ita lawn.
The building stands upon n plateau , nnd
In front of it arc ( lowers cf all the colors
of the rainbow , arranged In all the var
iety passible by the gardener's art. At
the right , as you go up , nonront the bank
note factory , there is a long greenhouse
In which flowers and plants are growing.
I strolled through Us various rooms , and
in ono I saw luclous grapes hanging In
cluetcra from its glass celling , ripe and
ready to cat. I asked my guide whom
they were grown for , and ho replied :
"Tho congressmen send ordora for
them and wo send them oil to thorn. "
"They don't ask to have them sent out
of the city ? " cald I In surprise.
"Oh , don't they 1" was his emphatic
"Well , I should nay they do , nnd they
got them , too. "
The agricultural department , just here ,
Is moro of an electioneering bureau for
congressmen than It Is n department for
tbo good of the farmers. Many n man
sits In the halls of congress to-day who
holds his place largely by the seeds and
documents which ho souks out from this
bureau at government expense. Ben La
Fovrc , for instance , has a complete
bureau hero by which ho roaches every
farmer in hlo district , and through thoeo
thoeo speds ho maintains his hold upon
his constituents. Each congressman has
5,000 packages of eceda to send out
through his district every year. Ho can
procure moro seeds it ho wants them , and
every farmer who reads thla letter ,
whether bo bo democrat or republican ,
should write to his congressman and de
mand his quota. Ho should not bo put
iff with excuses. The congressman has
ho needs and ought to furnish thorn. Ho
ranat not forgot , also , that there nro both
flower seeds and vegetable seeds , as well
is potatoes nnd grass. The country pays
in taxes over 5000,000 n year for this
rory purpose , nnd the people have the
Ight to demand that they receive the re
mits of the expenditure.
The museum of the agricultural depart
ment is ono of the interesting eights at
Washington. It is a room covering the
space of n good-sized city benne , filled
with fruit and vegetables of all kinds in
plaster of Paris , so painted as to look like
the original. Case after caao of orange * ,
strawberries , of watermelons and pump
kins are here displayed , together with all
kinds of nuts , grasses nnd woods. Wheats
and grains of nil kinds are put in bottles ;
cotton and cano are shown In their vari
ous varieties , and American sugar , with
its prccois of making , ftoin the cano to
the completed product , may be hero
studied. The rooms of the entomologist
nro rapidly increasing , and hero you may
aee all kinds of bugs and worms which
afflict the farmer. A number of silk
worma nt work stand npon ono of the
tables nt the museum , and the student ol
3anld spend hours here studying botany
ind bugology. 01ftl
The seed department usad to bo kept ftlnt
n tbo basement. It la now In the bulld- fete
ng devoted to the civil service commls- fem
iton. Its rooms look llko those of a big toN
louring mill or warehouse , and in the nl N
oason of distribution they are piled full nlpa
if two-bushel bags of various kinds of
coda. The long hall from which the
ceds are sent away Is full of tables , and sclwl
n flush tlmoj n bevy of pretty girls are wl
ngjged in putting them up and direct- wlW
og them to those poraons whom the con-
rejsmen designate. The vegetable W
eoda are put up in pint or quart pack- H
gos. They are sewed np in llttlo bags.
Blower Eceda are in small papers , and
otntocs nro generally sent away In pack-
gea of two or three. List year , I am
aid , three million packages wore aent off ,
nt the f nnds of the department are now
xhaustod It is said and Hi
, , the only seed
hich the department has in excess la an
bout n ton of red beet , which , I sup- tlr
ese , Mr. Loring got at n bargain.
ThoXmto ferry Davis , th
'rovidenco ' Journal. thpo
The Now York Tribune , innccantly poi i
allowed by ether pipers , published ro- th
ently an alleged dispatch from Pltteburg thpa
'ennsylvanla , of the most sensational paWJ
nd wholly untruthful character in regard dr
o Perry Davis , representing him as still
live and in an almshouao , with olaborn- foi
tona of style and statement calculated to foiml
round the feelings of his frlonda. Why
uch falao allegations should have boon
inbliahodlt Is Impossible to conceive. pc
Ir. Davis died yoara ago ; bo was a well * ca
nowu nnd highly esteemed citizen of or <
'rovidonco ; ho acquired n fortune by his orDl
idustry , nnd tbo intrinsic value of tbo DlM
ledlolno ho sold ; be was kind hearted ;
o gave the Stewart Street church which
o built and paid for , to the Baptist so- sot poi ;
loty ; his liberality vras as continuous as
; was modest. A good'citizen , an eieni-
hry Christian , n man who need his for
ilents as the Now Testament prescribes , " 1
Is memory remains here whore he dwelt
nd died precious to thosn who wore
enefitted by his bounties , as to his
imlly having so much reason to love and
Bspoct htm. All
It scorns the very irony of fate that one It i
rho parsed away with the esteem of all
rho know him , should'now after so long
time bo held up as living as an object
f pity or contempt ; that In order to tel
roato n sensation regardless alike of .
ruth and of decency , wholly Indifferent col
a the tenderost sensibilities of the living , ttfl
paper llko the Tribune should invade
rich coareo libel the precincts of the
imlly and Insult the sentiment of a com- if )
luulty. In BO far as such a paper U con- wl
orned there would appear to bo no tnfo-
aards whatever ; bat In thla city and 1
tate , the life and benoliconco of Mr. at
hyls are too well understood for any In- exl
utious remit from such ignorant cr ma- 1
clous publication , Perry Davis per- COE
) rmcd tils dntloj sa a man In such wlao I
s to command the regard cf the who and 000 I
rorthy cltizsn. Ho has left wealth and
good mine. The only effect , eave a
toinentary annoyanceto his dpssond. oxi
iU , of tbo reckless story of the Tribune , Fo
ill ba to rosall to those who may sea or It.
ear of it , the virtues of ono who was jl > It.He
istrloui , prudent , cbarltablo and a Chris- He
aa , The moro the nemo of Perry ant
Davis Is recalled hero the moro will all
peed ; citizenship , as by him exemplified ,
bo praised.
John Ktint ? Renting His \V y Acruea
tlio Continent ,
PiTTsntrno , Juno 27 , John Kunlz ,
who Is travelling on a wogor of $2OOU
from New York to San Francisco , nr-
rlved hero to-night. Ho lias undertaken
to deadhead his nay across the continent
in six weeks without walking a mlle or-
spending a cent of his own money.
William J. Strains accompanies him. Ho
was selected by both parties to see tint
the conditions of the wager are faithfully
carried out. Knntzeald ho bo&t his nay
from Mnino to San Francisco once before.
Knntz ( pent n groacl deal of his tlmo at
tlio stock yards In Now York , where ho
frequently entertained the drovers with
recitals of his travels. Ono of them ,
John Bcnzlnger , seemed to take especial
delight In listening to them. John
Holmc.s , another drover , offered to bet
hat Knntz could not travel deadhead
to San Francisco In six weeks , and n
wager of $2,000 waa made between the
'The conditions wore , " said Kunlz ,
"that I waa to start on Monday night ,
and that I waa to have neither food nor
money. If I accepted any from strangers
I was to hand It to Mr. Slmms , who
would buy a for mo a olnglo meal
from the sum I received , no matter if
it was $10. I have tn hunt for every
meal I oat , I must ride the whole dia-
Unco , deadheading it , and cannot walk
moro than a mlle from the station at any
place whera wo happen to atop. Mr.
Sinnns follows mo constantly , and if I
got put off begets off to. If I win half
the money is mine.
Tlio Fun in Cliurcli ,
The report of tbo sermon delivered by
the llov. Henry Ward Boechor Sunday
evening , says that the d stlngulshed di
vine lectured the ladies humorously upon
the ueo of the fan , "reminding them that
a small fan waa suitable to a handsome
face , while ita violent motion would not
annoy invalids and nervous people so
much as a largo ono , nor would it create
so ranch draft to she poaslble diacomfort
of one's neighbors , and especially to the
detriment of the man who catches cold
easily trom a draught on the back of his
neck. " A correspondent In the Christian
Ilegtstcr speaks on the same subject as
follows :
Lsdtos , why will you , why must you ,
fan , fan , fin ? Through the Scripture
reading , throngii the singing , through the
sermon , goes on the Incoesant arringlng
of the fan. Do yon not know that , as
commonly used , three-fourths of all the
power of the fan Is expended npon the
head , nock , and shoulders of the sitter in
the pew in front of yon ? The writer has J
suffered long In silence , making the
while , as occasion offered , a study of the
subject , and Is prepared to atsort and
maintain that the use of the fpn at church
and In other public place ) is olmply a ;
habit , which , as a rule , results In no
benefit to the user , but ia often the causa
3f great diacomfort to her neigbors.
No FT , this is really a serious matter , in
; hoaodayp , when you ladies BO far out-
lumber the men at church. Who can
ay that the fan nuisance ia not responsl-
jle for a part of the absenteeism ? You
lo not moan to ba otherwise than thought-
ul and considerate of othorr , but Well ,
lerhaps you have never thought of it
mtll now. Remember , wo who sit in
rnnt of you bavo neither bonnota nor
iack hair.
It ia said that the average yield ot petrolo-
m wells in Caucasia ii sixteen times as good
s that of American wells ,
THE VOLTAIC BELT Co , , of MarshallMidi. ,
Her to send their celebrated ELECTHO-VOL-
\ trial for thirty days , to men { young or old )
Illcted with nervous debility , loss of vitallt"
id manhood , and all kindred troubles. A tfb
r rheumatism , neuralgia , paralysis , nuu
any other diseases , Complete restoration
health , vigor and manhood guaranteed
o riek ia incurred , ns thirty days' trial ib
lowed. Write them at once for illustrated
imphlet free. co
inn til
Mrs. Bayard , after the manner of the old he
bool , wears a head-dress of lace from under In
nch peep rows of little Rnny curls. jjj
" * " * "
od .
Tlireo llnngotifl
hy every ono needs , and should take
ood'o Sareaparilla In the spring : rlcy
1st : Because tha 8jstm ia now In its y
oatctt need. Hood's ' Sareaparilla gives sf >
2d : Bo aueo tha blood Is sluggish and foi
ipnro Hood's Sarsaparilla purifies.
3d : Because , from the above facts ,
ood's Sarsaparilla will do a greater tnhi
lonnt of good now than at any ether
no. Take it now. cihi
It is assorted within Hying memory the
ath of no foreigner has excited BUCU nympa
y iu Homo as that o fyoung Kihvard 1'ierro
nt , _ _ _ -fc _ _ _ _
The moat efficacious Is
stimulants to excite
onppetitaare A.n OHtiira Hltturi , pre- ay
rod by Dr. J. G. B , Siegort & Sons , Bo- br
ire of counterfeits. Ask your grocer or dr
uggUt for the genuine article. If
The army ot tbo United States , on a war
otlng , numbers : t,700,000 , men the largest nr f
ilitary establishment m the world , ' °
mm de
Ilupturo , Broach or Hernia. foi
irmanontly cured or no pay. The wont
sea guaranteed . * Pamphlet ; and rof-
cnces , tv70 throe cent stamps.
Isponeary Medical Association , GC3
aln street , Buffalo. N. Y.
rhe highest priza nt tha New Orleans ex- Mi
sltion for oranges was won by Massuchu-
ta men.
3en. Logan will continue to be known to
ne ; a trade mark baa been granted for
Hack Jack " chewing gum.
Horsford'a Aclil EMiospImte , vrW
Dn. RIouiiiH Gin 113 , Howard City , 17
lob , , says : "I am greatly pleased with
aa a tonlo ; it is an agreeable and gocd
petizer. "
fho next orange crop of Florida ia expected
bo woith $2,000,000.
Vn Indiana farmer bta a twelve pound
t , which is perfectly formed and doing
Children need not ha kepi from school
: ougha and colds are promptly treated
th Ited Star Ojogh Cure.
t said that thn paper inlll now being built
Kaukoana ( Wii. ) , will ba the largest in
rho northern ( Ind ) penitentiary hag 700
IV'C'8' ' '
Decatur claims a population between 13-
and 14,039. yv
Hunt's ( Kidney and Liver ) Remedy ia
: ollent in all of the dicoues o ! females , SAT
r delicate women , no medicine equals \ \
i celebrated doctor ays tnat "Hunt's ' fisj
mody la a sure euro for heart disease , i ,
ithera ia no substitute
Tlio Ono Girl AmonR Allefilicnj's
Pittsburg Commercial Garettc ,
In the Unlondalo comotry there I ; ,
among the many soldiers' graves , ono that
for twenty years baa remained unmarked ,
except for the planting of flowers now nnd
then by the hands of friends who still re
member with love nnd affection the mem
ory of the onn resting thoro. Yesterday
the last arrangments were macloand soon
that mound will bo marked with n monument
ment erected by Posla 88 , 1 8 , and 1G2
of the G. A. . R. It is the grave of Miss
Mary E , Humbert , who gave her Hfo to
her country during the civil war.
For years it has been the custom of the
Grand Army of the Republic to decorate
this grave on Memorial day with as many
and aa beautiful llowors as any of the
graves of the other soldlors buried here.
It has boon a custom , too , to deliver the
orations from near Misi Humbert's rest
ing-place , the old veterans seeming to
think this ouo woman's grave a fitting
place to recall the memories of the con-
tcet.Mies Humbert was a nnrao during the
last year of the war nnd died from camp
fever contracted while in active service
at the Louisville , Ky. , hoipltal. She
entered the service in February , 1801 ,
and served till the auminor of 1805 , and
was the youngest nursa In the service.
She wai the daughter of the late George
Humbert , of Sandnaky street , Allegheny.
When the irar broke out and the call for
mines was made , she wanted to go , but
the entreaties of her frlonda prevailed
nnd oho remained at homo.
But she could not stay. She felt it to
ba as much her duty to aorvo her country
In this way as it waa for n man Ito take
up hia musket. At last when the sani
tary comrnialon made its urgent call dur
ing the winter of 18 ( ) ; ! 1 , oho obtained
the consent of her friends and Trent to
Washington and waa assigned to duty in
the Emery hospital In the diet depart
ment. At the same tlmo Mlsa Emily
Hunnlngs , Miaa Fowler , Mlas Llttlo , and
Miss Murdock wont with her and all
served in the same hospital.
She was then In her 21st year , and is
described as a stately and beautiful
woman , highly accomplished and of most
tender and winning disposition. She
made friends wherever the wont , and it
was not long till Mija Humbert waa a
favorlto throughout the entire hospltd.
Her special duties wcro in the diet-de
partment , preparing proper food for the
sick and wounded , hut she found time
for duty In the hospital wards. Her let
ters shows that a largo part of hoc tlmo
waa epcnt in corresponding for the
wounded soldiers.
In the late spring of 18G5 aho was
Diderod to report for duty at the Lonla-
I'lllo hospital along with Misa Emma
ETawcctt. She waa only there a short
tlmo when she waa taken tick. Her
'rlends brought her home , but she only
Ivod sixteen days and was unconscious
luring that tlmo. Her discharge from
ho volunteer service arrived jnst a short
imo before her death.
The custom of decorating her grave by
ho veterans was overlooked this year.
Jer sisters have been in the habit of
narking her grave with the customary
lig , but slcknoas prevented thorn from
loing so this time. It was discovered
ate In the evening of Memorial day by
ome members of the Grand Army that
tor grave hid been neglected. They
roro out of flowers by that time , but the
text day her grave waa literally covered
rith the cbolsoat plant * , and the duty
f marking tha grave which had boon no
ang neglected waa talked over.
Poet 38 took the Initial stop and &p-
olnted a committee to purchase a sulta-
lo stone. Post 1C2 followed , nnd ycs >
jrday the committee of Poet 128 waaap-
olnted. The committees have not yet
ecided of what the monument shall
msiat but they are determined that the
rave cf the only Allegheny girl who en-
atcd In the volunteer service si all bo
roporly marked.
ho Artful Dodger.
Sawor , gas dodges past Imperfect traps
mfnslng the sanitary engineer. b&filing
o doctor , taking possession of your
luae and killing you , or making you an
valid. If you are dead that clotca the
isines ; . If yon are crippled or poison- >
Brown's Iron Bitters can .do wonders
r you. Dodge the artful dodger by on-
jhlng your blood , invigorating your
stem and enjoying good health , Mrs
tier , 83 Decatur street , Beaten , eayj
Jrown'a Iron Bltrers is juat the thing
r building ono up. "
The sheriff of Cerro Gordo county ro-
rned to Mason city Friday , having In
s charge Roger MeDevltt , whom ho
ptured in Wyoming. MoDovllt j umped
a bonds eomo weeks ago while waiting
fal on the charge of attempted rape on
Mfaa Rhodes of that county.
very prevalent at this season , the
mptnms being bitter taste , offensive
oath , coated tongue , nick headache ,
owsinesa , dizziness , loan of appetite , dl
this condition ia allowed to continue , dlH
rloua consequences may follow. By
omptly taking Hood's Sarsaparilla , n tin
for may bo avoided or premature
ath prevented. It Is a positive euro
c bllllouaneas. Sold by all druggists.
Mary Anderson la on expert rower.
fhero are no Sunday nowspapera in Vienna , i' '
Americans have 8125,000.000 invested in
axlcan railways.
I !
8/i /
ten B by nu sick , we g TO her Castorl * , I tin
lien she waa Child , ibe cried for Castor ! * ,
hen aha became Miss , aho clang to Caitorla ,
Inn the had Children , the E TO them CMtori *
FOB . < * (
Cashing & Bleaching
In Hard or Soft , Hot or Cold Water ,
us tapOR , TIMS anil SOAP AUAIINOI.T , and gU s
'erBalwtitlictlcu. No Umlly rich or poor ihould
> U by all croccrf. Bun-AKB of ImlUtlont well dee - U
o I to ralilcaii. ruRUMi U the OSLT KAri lubor 1
ng compound and alu ) i bear * the aboio jrm-
uid nanio o !
Tree front Optntcii Hmtllci nixt I'otsoiis ,
I'cr Cough * , Pore Tlirnnl , ) lnnr cn < , Influcncot
Uoltln. Ilronclilll * . Croup , Wtionplnff Cough ,
Afillitnn , tuln j * , 1'ultmln L'limt , And other
1'rlco no cent * n 1'Pttlc Sold hy IirncgkH nnd TKr 1
cm. J\irtlf < unaMt tn imlnfe ttirlnlculer
f ttfilVty ftn'Mnig one tioilai' to
THKrimim iMnnnrn rnnrir ,
fol Ow ir n 1 M mir4ctirorn ! ,
llalllmorr. 2Urlan < 1lM
(517 SI , Clinrlps St. f. To it i0 fo.
ArcKuUr RtaAaa * ( * f twoitfJlem t i t ; s MM ) t H < i >
iajrf3ln ) tl.pc < .ln trcitinttct Ci i Nn * n *
* d Blcfifr ltsiti ( tiiti * tif ftii ! > s rtyn'i-f ' n ji 91. L . /
t-ifity rrct | ! ' ' a i i < * 4 cojftoi vt- "
Nervous Hrosiratlon , MrbHIty < MenEt mt.
Physical Weakness ; Mbrcnrlni and otn- u ?
lions A ! Throat , Shin or Tones , fl'rotl ' PolU
eld Sores and Ulcers , tr > u.n s ttbit i-i' . *
. 'ct ice 'itcilseieDtlflsi rinsl. ft B'i * , ? -iriitt
Diseases Arising tro Indlscrouo.ii Exsctt'-
Uvposuro nr Indnlguncei vfcich crcice * nn At c v
Vlo lDC * ff * t l b rtOLttKFI , cHllt dlUQ I Of Hij t
2vl defteUrr mmTy piracies en * > * Iwf.rtji O fiet'y ,
f-tttilonto ( It wrletj ' f raii f&ntu itt oHJetf O'l *
rndcrlng Marrlotfd iinliropcr or unli up * , * J
/ 1'itnpblft 5f > | Afntlio ; ) ii vrt atiA
tealecl < nf4tAi L frrtMn nDTfcJIrr ConivUftUcD * . ft *
CeecrbftiMlfrtrr * nilla ltciS T'llo fcrqucittcci *
A Positive Vi/rillen / Guarantas
filveft to ! ! caribla eiaes. BfMlMars notl ef iyirbtrA.
fttnphlotil.nell U or Gcrmxn , ul
i > ' . ririttjicJ is rio
ra c ! ivur.fl" cortrs ,
uTi'ir. L
Chartered by theStatcofllll-
noia fop tliccxpresa purpose
orglvinglmmcdlotc rcllclln
nil chronic , unnarynnd prl-
Vate diseases. Gonorrhoea ,
GlcetnndSyphitls In all their
compllcaled forms , also all
diseases of the Skin nnd
Blood promptly relieved and
permanentlycured by reme-
. _ _ . _ - Seminal
Weakness , Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
the Tacc.Lost Manhood , jioalttivti/ciirctl. There
f MO cjtiicrlmcntlnq. The appropriate remedy
is at once used In each case. Consultatbns , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines cent by Mail and Express. No marks on
package to Indicate contents or sender. Address
DR. JAMES.No. 204Washinglon SL.Chicago.lll.
, ari-7iru U.H'
11.1 tiie F-lVCR anil UIDWEV3
% ml HrsToiia TMh
eel VIOOU of YOUTH Uso-
i-plT Wumnr Appi'llle I
< -l'C5lll | ( ! , , ) < ac'i ' Ol HlHIIRU
' " '
cured. !
lencsiecUvo iicwlorce
. J.rllvciis Ilia iiilnil ana
Duppllun llrsln 1'of'ei.
LADI ' KMilorlnclrol ) ; complaint'
* | > L-ciliart lliclrerr w'lt
) nd laDK. fcl/JHE3m'Efi OWa'OilC a > a'e -
ticcdjr cure * lives j cleai. licaltlis1 complczlo
Jr'cqnciit attf mpts at. irvrttcflMlliit' oii'v 11
' > lie popularity of the origins" Uo voi erpe/o.
nt gctilii ) OKICIIAI. AND Iti'Si
Si > nil join < ldrc3tolli Dr. Ilp't r M" l 01V
it Ixus ! , Wo.lor aoi "DKKflJ.-i BOOK ' H i
Venal titausr uk r fi < ! . ! nrc < 'OiavO3. Isfj ff J
Lots in Denver Junction ,
Weld County , Colorado.
Denver Junction ia a now town o ! about 200
ibabitnnte , laid out In 1881 , on the great
unk railway across tbo continent , at the
mctlon of tbo Julosburpr Branch , 197 miles
om Denver , lha town is on second bottom
-nd of tbo Pintle River , the finest location
3twcon Omaha and Denver , and is surround-
1 by the bast-laying lands west of Kearney
unction , Neb. ; cllmato liealthy and bracing ;
titude 3,000 fcot. Denver Junction bids to
: corao an important point , as the U. P. K.
, Co. , nro putting up many of their buildings
; ro , while tbo B. & , M. II. R. Co. . ore expect-
1 soon to connect at this placo. Tlio prosjnt
mnca for good investments in town lota will
arcelv ever bo equaled elsewhere , i'or eals
7 the lot or block in good terms by
Agent , Denver Junction Cole ,
* * r tf 0 0 i br itjr H V a a W * ! Bi7 H VV El
I hfl.7onp03ltlvornmcdyfortIioabovoJleoftsobylta ;
so thousandsof caseaol the worst khiU JUitlof fotiff
tttodlnicliavobeencuretl. Indeed.fosteringamrfilth !
[ iHscniCrtry.tlmt I will ncn.lTWO HO1T11H IltiC. :
' - - ulftircr ill ooxprensunil 1 * t ) nddnsa
1)11. T. A
Tlio Original nnil Only C/loiiiiIiic. /
rdanlalvftji Itcl&Ui [ > I WBrcnruurtlilrMM ImUUlonl.
Itipcnnablo to LADIES.A"U ) our ItrllKfflkt for
JiutiratcrV I'nitlUh 'uuii taLv no other or lucloiio 40.
ainpH ) u > u r r | urtli-uUra tn litter lirrdiirn mall.
AME PAPER. . t'M lit.lir I liri.l < - l fo.
. .
UUlil Muill uiil'qiiur > ' , rijlln <
Druggists. Trade EuprlUJby J. A. roller & Co
EMUiYl Jit E. A victim of youthful imnrudonco
asmg 1'retnaturo Deca r , ftervousDobility , Lost
inliood. do.having tried In vain every unowa
nedr.hasdliicoverea nnimplorueansof eetf-ouro ,
ilcli he will KiMiil mi'.Ii I
rrmnturc Hccllno from errors or ex crises ,
, Ht 1'invci1jlsea < eel tlin KlilnnrH , Illrtd-
r. nnd lroNao | CJIiind OllUlil ) wlthnut
omnch Medlclnej liy tbo Maretnu llolcia. Vn
Tocolu cured without surgery. Trentlsnnnil ten-
lonlnlBfrri' . AllrarrcaponnpnrncnnllilpntliU.
4Q W f Idth Rtrp t. NPVW VOKK. /
L ,
a. u COBBJ
I the old stind 1 < 17 T rn m 81. Crduu bjr lilt
> hicllclltdBndpioapU ilttadedlo.
Since the completion of the new packing
and slaughter houses , South Omaha is mak
ing a wonderful ane rapid growth. Besides
the large pork and beef house erected for
Hammond & Co. , other dealers have com
menced the erection of similar institutions
and still others are contemplated for the
near future , Several dwellings have heen
huilt and twenty or thirty are now buDding.
Employment is now furnished to about one
hundred and fifty families , and conservative
estimates place the figure at eight hundred
to one thousand families that will find em
ployment there a year hence. This offers
great inducements to laboring men to secure
homes now while they are cheap. Specula
tors will also find it to their advantage to buy
at present prices. The company liave made
no change from the original prices , but some
parties who first purchased lots have resold
them at splendid profits , in some cases at
double the purchase price. If in so short a
ime handsome profits are made , what will
be the result when everything is fully devel
oped ? In the few other cities that are favor
ed with a first class cattle market , fortunes
have been made by investors in real estate ,
and the same is certain to follow in South
Dmaha. While the whole city of Omaha
fvill be greatly benefitted by the growth and
levelopment of the cattle interest , South
3maha lots will enhance in value more ra
pidly than any other by reason of the prox-
mity to the works.
Manufacturers of all kinds will find it to their advantage
to inspect this property ; good location , level grounds , track
facilities and plenty of good pure water furnished by the
South Omaha Water Works. In fact , every facility to make
desirable for manufacturers , including cheap ground.
IU ,
Will find it profitable to select property now , n < ) a year or
two hence with a population of 601)0 ) to 10,001) people ,
this will become a desirable place for all kinds of business ,
and lots bought now , can bo had nfc very reasonable prices
which will double in price many times in the next two years.
Rich or poor , will find it profitable to make investments
in this property. Free conveyance at all times will bo furnished -
nished by us to parties wishing to see this wonderful now
town and learn of its advantages. Wo have entire charge
of , and are the exclusive agents for the sale of nil this
property from G streets south. Splendid lots from
> tijuu OTnrTT
> , I4tn STREET ,
Wo have desirable business and residence property for sale in all
irts of Omaha and do n general real estate business. Wo solicit bijy-
s and sellers to call on us. We will give themjfall possible information
ee , and keep conveyance free to shoir property in any part of the city ,
Bedford & Souer. .