Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, July 02, 1885, Image 1

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TUG Sonlli American Commission Re
ports From Lima ,
'isti-essod ' by War to Dependence
1 Upon Pawnbrokers
* ,
A Country Willing to Trade , but What
With ? Tlio Usual Hatch of
Appointments Notes.
WASHINGTON , July 1.1885. The president
this ultornoon made the following appoint
ments : James 13. Hayes , of Wisconsin , to bo
chief justice of the supreme court of the
territory of Idaho , To bo marshal of the
United States , William L. Cibjl , of Texas
for the notthorn district of Texas ; to be
attorneys uf tha United States , Robert L.
Shield ) , of Ohio , for the northern district of
Ohio ; Charles B , Ponrro , of Texas , for the
northern district of Texnr. Benjamin F.
Jonas , of Louisiana , to bo collector of customs
lor tbo district of Now Orleans ,
James B , Unycs , who to-day was appointed
chief justice of the supreme court , Idaho , Is a
lawyer of Macvillc , Wis. , and Is furty y nrs
ofn e. lie has boon n member of the legisla
ture of Wisconsin , also county judgoof Dadgo
county of that state , nnd ono of thu loaders of
the democratio party in Dodge county. He
was prominent In the fight against Congress
man Bragg's nomination two years ago. He
is n , friend of Postmaster-General Vilus ,
John 0. Macgrogor , osjlstnut chief of the
customs division of the treatu.-y , was to-ilay
appointed to bo chief of that division , vice
11 B , Jamoj roatpned.
The commissioner appointed by the presi
dent to visit South American countries in the
interest of the commerce of the United States
has reported under date of April 25th to the
department of state the result of its observa
tions while at Lima , Peru , In n communica
tion to the secretary of state , accompanying
the report , the commission say * , "The po
litical situation in Peru is not such as to
make a mission like that upon which wo had
the honor to come , either satisfactory or con
ducive. But wo are gratified to bo able to
report n cordial reception by the provisional
government and from thopcoplo.notwithatand-
ing the fact they fool somewhat aggrieved at
tha failure of the United States to exerciao its
good ofHcon for their benefit during the recent
war with Chili. This delicate subject was not
alluded to ollisinlly during our visit but in
private conversations tba complications of
three and four years ago were spoken of In
such a manner us to leave the impression
that our government , in their opinion , did
prove moro injury than good. However , there
is still the most friendly eontlmont which has
been stimulated by the attitude of Minister
Phelps nnd a desire to secure moro intimate
international commercial relations between
the two countries. The neoplo privately talk
of annexation to the United States ; news
papers openly advocate a protectorate over
i'eru by our government ni the best
mode of securing Internal peace ,
and there have been many
other Etiggestians advanced in the same spirit.
Our commerce with this country has dwindled
down to almost nothing in comparison with
its former magnitude. This is accounted for
by the enormous decrease In the purchasing
power of Peru , and by tha fact that the steam
ship company which enjoys n monopoly on
the west coast of South America uses its in-
iluence and regulates its freight tariffs so ns to
divert trade to England. It U the opinion
of every merchant in Peru and of the mem
bers of the government that these conditions
can't bo changed until there is direct commu
nication by ( team between tbo ports of this
country and these of the United States , It is
said to bo cheaper to ship goods from Now
York by way of Liverpool and Hamburg
around the horn to Callaa , than by way of tha
ishthmus , while n passengea pays S37B in
American geld for transportation from Now
York to Valparaiso.
"Wo were formerly presented to the presi
dent on April 20th. Mr , Commissioner Thatch
er presented Gen. Iglosias with an autograph
letter from the presdent of the United States ,
and delivered nn address to which the presi
dent replied. At the conclusion of the cere
monies wo were Invited by the president to a
private reception room where we were all
presented to tbo monrbors of the cabinet and
the attendants , and had n few moments con
versation. On the next day wo had on
official conference.
"It showed that while the government o
this republic is not in n position politically to
make any concession at present to encourage
trade Its sentiments nro exceedingly friendly
and its wish is to glvo us the benefits uow
enjoyed by England.
" 1'ho permanency ofthopresontgovernmont
is probable but not assured. The country is
stripped of everything that is valuable. Con
scripts for two armies have left tha farms un
til the people are producing nothing. Trade
is practically suspended nnd the people wno a
few years ago wera in nflluent'circumatancos
ro now living upon what they can borrow o
iawn brokers. Importing merchant ! say thai
; bey cannot buy goods without sending cast :
With the orders and distrust Is so general
jthat credit is obsolete , The government has
ncurod an enormous debt and Its principal
lources of revenue the Guano islands hav <
) oen seized by Chili , but with a few ] rears a.
Wcoand industry , prosperity would return
o Peru , for her natural resources are abuncl
> nt."In an interview between the comtmtto. .
pd the president and mlniater of foreign af-
Jrs of Peru , the ] : ut named officer said :
this government it dlspoted to give all possi
ble facilities for increased trade but think
'iothor line of steamers would be very deslra <
9. The line should ba called an American
e , but we would like shares In it to bo of-
'ed to citizens of Peru so as to allow them
d the government nn Interest and make I
illy an American-Peruvian lino. Coasting
ado is the privilege of each country , but i
[ a been for different reasons Allowed to be
'xen up by foreign traders. But this llni
( puld , If possible , sail under the flags of dlf
, 'j-ent nations and countries on the entlri
jut. This country would give Immediately
.1 right of coasting trade to steamers and
' { ltd finally glvo an exclusive right. '
l'In regard to the question of n reciprocity
jaty'tho presided of Ptiru thought It would
ye to be deliberated before n definite answe
ild be given , "
( The decrearo ol public debt during June , o
wn by the statement issued to-day , i
Che accounts of the coait survey for th
tion of the last fiscal year , which are now
.ore Frst Auditor Cli9nowlthha\o bejn BUS
tided by that official , pendlnc the com pi o
| h of certain investigations which he has in'
luted. The discoveries thus far made are
gi to Indicate thatjtlieru have been many up
ueisary expenditures nnd that In certain
jjuchea of the bureau great oxtravagancu
t prevailed. Chenowith , to whose ntton-
yj certain current rumors on the nubjoc
( re brought , declined to sty anything aboa
> t > nature or extent of the developments un
1 the Investigation wai completed.
Indian Commissioner Atkins will not go on
s contemplated tour of inspection of the
fferent Indian agencies thli summer. Ha
ids public business will not permit of hi
> sence from the city.
Commieslonrr Black jesterday approve
ver 1'JOO pension cases. Tills is the Urges' '
umb r of pension cues granted on noy
ay in the hlitory of the pension office.
Complaint has boeu lodged with tbo civil
ervice committee by Owen Keller , of Cald-
ell. Ohio , to the effect that having been
ertified by the committee for appointment to
91'JOO potitlou In the treasury department ,
id having been notified by snail
lat the position awaitel tils nr-
val , ba cams to Wellington , and
poii reporting in nerfnn the appointment
ras refuted him. Mr , Keller says the reason
frrfuial WAS none other thin that he Is a ro-
ublican , Judge Thomas , the democratic
! \
member of the commission , is absent ; but the
remaining members have taken the complaint
under consideration nnd it ii probable n let
ter will bo nddrosjcd to the secretary of the
treasury , asking for a settlement of the facts
in the case , This Is the usual course in tuch
Oen. Chenowith , firit auditor of the
treasury , to whom Keller was atsigncd to du
ty , said to-day that ho refuted to accept Kel
ler on the gronnd that ho was personally of-
foniuvo to the democrats In the district where
ho lived. In fact he had received n letter
from Representative Warner prompting
ogainit Mr. Keller's appointment , He , War
ner , described Keller ns a man who had been
nctivo in tupport of Mr. Taylor , who ran
aznlnat Mr. Warner for cqngrets , He also
said Keller had taken every opportunity to
insult the democrats ol the district ,
Special Telegram to The BEE.
NEW ORLEANS , July 1. Andrew Dumont ,
ex-naval ollicor of this port , committed sui
cide this afternoon , Dumont was ono of the
best known men of this state , ono of the or
ganizers of the republican party hero , nnd its
moat earnest , energetic and continuous sup
porters. He was an admirable otganlzar and
canvasser , and had such confidence among
the masses of the party that ho was generally
chosen ns the fi urehrad in convention com
mittees , etc. In 1S70 Dumont was elected as
president of tha republican state con
vention over ox Governor Pinchbeck ,
after a prolonged struggle. He was
chairman of the lepubllcin executive
committee nnd directed the canvass of the
state , aud in ihn late protidcntial election ho
held the pamp ollico. Ho wan ade'.egatoto
every republican state convention and treucr-
nlly chosen na one of the delegates nt largo.
Damon t held various state oflicea nnd repre *
sauted for nine years the fifth district of New
Orleans in the state sonnto. Ho was an inspector
specter in the United States custom house
nnd was appointed by President Hayes naval
ollicer , which position ho hold upto _ within a
few weeks ago , when ho voluntarily resigned
it without waiting for Cleveland to appoint
his successor , announcing hid intention to
settle in Central America and invest tils
money In n fruit plantation , Dumont had
been despondent for some years on account of
domestic troubles and frequently spoke of
committing suicide. To-day ho returned
from n visit to the country , gloomier than
over , and told bis uito ho wna going to kill
himself , She secured his pietol nnd hid it ,
hut ho found It nnd took it out.
She then locked it m a cheat. He assaulted
her nnd by violence wrested the key of the
chest from her. She endeavored to prevnnt
ils carrying out his design , but ho wns too
troug lor her nnd succeeded in opening the
ihost and getting the pistol , Pursued by his
vife , he fled through two bed rooms and par-
or to the sitting room in the front of the
louao. She heard a shot , nnd when she en-
.cred the room a moment later she found him
dead. Ho had placed the pistol in his mouth
nnd fired , blowing out his brains. Dumont
was 41 and n native of Now Orleans , Ho had
crved as lieutenant in the French nrmy nod
ens with Maximillian In Mexico. In appear-
, nco ho was a light octoroon , nnd neither he
lor his wife would have been taken for negro ,
_ Io was highly esteemed by all , his merits bo
ng acdnowledged even by democrats. He
oaycs a comfortable estate.
Ipecial Telegram to The BEE ,
ALIIANT , N. Y. , July 1. Lottie Watson ,
; ho woman with the iron jaw , with Van Am
mrgh's circus , met with an accident yestor-
ay afternoon that will came her retirement
'rom ' the ring , To exhibit her great strength
f jaw , she has been in the habit of holding
impended from her mouth a cannon , which ia
discharged while in mid-air , The daring of
.ho performance Is Increased by the
act that the woman is hoisted from
Jao ground and hangs head down
ward during the feat. Yesterday she
was assisted by Freeman and Rice , her
brothers , athletes , who superintended the
ipparatus , and had raised her to the proper
.ioitlit for firing the cannon , when one of the
pulley's ropes suddenly broke. The heavy
piece of ordnance and Mile Watson were per-
cipitated to the ground , n distance of about
six feet. She struck the cannon head first
with tertifio force and was picked up uncon
scious. For a time the wildest ex
citement prevailed in the circus , but it
quickly subsided , as the injured woman was
removed , and the show went on according to
the programme. When taken to tbo hospital
ihs was found to be seriously injured. Her
orehead was crushed in , the wound taking
the form of a star. Her mouth was cut , and
two teeth knccked out. Her right hand was
badly bruised , and some internal Injuries were
received about the stomach. She will prob
ably be confined to the hospital for some
line ,
Mackin Gets Another Sentence ,
CHICAGO , 111. , July 1. Ths jury in th <
Mackin perjury CKO returned this afternoon
liaviupr been out exactly one hour , with a ver
dict of gulty. Tba punishment fixed was five
years iinprlsnment. As the last words of the
verdict were being pronounced Mtckin turned
slightly pale and clasped his hands together
as if in a spaem of pain , But this lasted only
a moment , nnd he chatted with bis brother.
The jury was unanimous trom the start as to
Mackln's ' guilt , and there was very little dis
cussion over the term of imprisonment. The
delay in reaching a verdict came from the fact
that the jury sent for and tend over a part of
the evidence. Tbo prisoner at once was taken
to the jail where ho remarked to a roportei
who had inquired how ho felt about the vor
diet : "Well , my hey , there are great change !
in many men's lives. But we ain't throng ) :
jet. I'll fight it to the ) end. The last bridg <
isn't croesea yet. "
A lUttlo AVItb the Indians.
TOMBSTONE , Ariz , , July 1 , A. J , Huneke ,
minor , brought the nowa from Fronteras o
an engagement between the Indiana and
whites last Thursday , thirty miles south-east
of Fronteras , In which It was reported thirty-
six Indiana nnd sixteen Americans were killed
and several wounded. Yesterday further In
formation was received through Thomas
Crokor from San Bernardino rancbo , situated
on the trail from Fort Bowie to Sonora , Hi
reports an engagement between the entlr
force under Lieut , Davis and the Apaches ,
Sixteen Indians were killed and fifteen ti
twenty taken prisoners. The loss of whites i
not stated ,
Qon. Gran I'll Condition ,
MT. McGiisoon , Julyl. Between 8 o'clock
last night nnd 8 o'clock this morning , Genera !
Grant , according to Dr. Dougla ? , slept
nbout-ulub bourn. Ho slept profoundly nftei
ncidnight and in the curly morning theio was
a little coughing or effort to clear his throaf
nnd the physician was scarcely called upon t
treat tbo affected parts. The tick man i
spending tba mormncr at case In Ins room
without being dressed , This morning thi
patient remarked the lessened stiffness of hi
tongue ,
Striking Against Reduction.
CLEVELAND , Ohio , July 1. Last night no
tice of a general re dnction of ten percent I :
waeesw&s posted in the iron mills of th
Cleveland rolling mills company at New burr ,
The men were Indignant and struck , and now
fmly 2,5'0 men are idle. The wages of the
workers } n the rail and blooming mills were
afterwards restored and with the exception of
these , all departments of the mill are closed.
Strike uf Htono Masons ,
ST. PAUL , Minn. , Julyl. The stone mas
ons of this city Including these at work nn the
new court home are all on a strike for lets
houri ol labor and moro wages ,
The Deaflly Cholera Smeafliug in All
Directions in Spain ,
Penan Inoculates His Purse with
the Boot of Evil ,
Preparations Tor tlio Tory
In KiiRlninl Tlio New Irish
I'ollcy lclined Notes ,
rnoonEss oi' THE PLAQOE in THE NKiaimon-
Special Telegram to The UEE.
NEW YonK , July 1 , The Herald's Valencia
cable says : There are about l.OCO catcs ol
cholera In this city nnd suburbs. Taera are
sovmal cases on board of vosscla tn the harbor.
Olio fatal case occurred on n ship trading between -
twoen New York and Spain with petroleum ,
staves and orangestTho contaminated
shipa are undergoing nunrantino. Ac
cording to high medical autnor-
ity two cases of genuine cholera
occtirrod lately in Barcelona hospital , but the
news was suppressed for faar of compromising
local interests. Among the latest victims at
Valencia is Ur. 1'fzeln , of tha provincial
board of health. While in tha acute stage
of his Illncai ha was inocculnted throe times
with Dr. Perron's bacilla in the desperate
hope of inducing a reaction , The experi
ment In this CABO failed. In two similar cases
at Alcorn it was successful , Ur , Ferrnn and
his disciples are overwhelmed with applica
tions for Inocculations , and are rapidly amass
ing fortunes , the fees ranging from § 230 up
ward , except to the poor ,
MADIUD , July 1. The official record of
cholery in Spain yesterday shows new cases
1,210 , deaths C1D.
Two now cases of cholqra acd one death
wore reported to-day in this city. Alarming
reports are received of the increase of the
disease at Arnnjucz The inhabitants nro
seeking safety in ll'ght. '
Special Telegram to The BEE.
NEW YORK , July 1. The Sun cablegram
from London says : It la becoming very o\i-
dent that the torioa do not intend to bo easily
dislodged from the ascendency which they ac
cidentally obtained. The party managers
are daily growing moro vigorous and aggres
sive. Their latest enterprise is the formation
if n conservative league , which is to Hood the
ountry with tory paprra. The now organi
zation has n capital of $500,000 and Is sup
ported by 700 of the richest aristocrats of line
and , Lord Randolph Churchill hna
.ccepted . the presidency of the league ,
-t propoaea to tneot the whigs and
adicals on their own cround , to show that
eir panaceas are not only Impracticable but
nro thinly digitised plans of eelf-soeking dema-
; oguea and to convince the newly enfranchised
. .lectors . that the tories are the only politicians
, vho have in the past made the franchise
nluable , and therefore are the only ones to
0 trusted In the future. Newspapers are to
30 established wherever they will aid the tory
propaganda , tracts are to be distributed by
; ho ton , and speakers , brass bands nnd torch
Ight processions are to be provided in very
borough that ia to return a member to the
general election ,
LONDON , July 1. Lady Churchill , daugh-
er of Leonard Jerome , of New York , ia per-
onolly engaged in the Woodstock
.emptiogto . re-elect her husband. Lord lUn
dolph Churchill , to parliament. The liberals
are active In their elTorts to defeat Churchill ,
and the result of the election is considered
doubtful ,
Special Telegram to The BEE.
LONDON , July 1. Lord Arthur William
Hill , member of parliament for Down , Ire
land , and comptroller , appeared in an election
peech at Down to-day , lie is the first mem
ber of the present government who has yel
given any Intimation regarding the policy ol
he government In relation to Irish affairs.
Ilia lordship referred to the recently proposed
bill for the removal of the crimes at , and said
that such measures were in his opinion need
less , na the ordinary laws were sufficiently
ample for the government of Ireland , Con
tinuing , Lord Arthur eaid the present land
act waa n failure and that he would support
tbo land franchise bill , which the liberal gov
ernment had proposed ,
Tt-o cabinet counsel to-day decided to en
tirely abandon c cr Jon , In Ireland ,
LONDON , July 1 , Lord John Manners ,
postmaster general , addressing the conserva
tive meeting at Leicester la it evening ; said
that without pretending to atitto the policy ol
the government , he was able to say they
would but to biing older ouc of tbo present
chaos and endeavor to terminate the tension on
the Afghan frontiers , which endangers India ,
ROMI , July 1. lima , editor of the Journa
de Home , ultramontaino organ , [ resigned a'
the request of the pope.
PARIR , July 1 , The Gualoh prints n letter
from Editor Houx , announcing that the pub
lication of the Journal de Kama hai been
stopped , nod that the whole stall are coming
to 1'arlj.
FABIH , Juno 1. The republican journalists
association announces it * intention of instltut
ing proceedings in the English courts agnlos
Lord Wolsely for setting a pilce on the heat
of Oliver Paine ,
FRANKFORT , June 1. Anarchist Lieslce
who murdered Ilorr Kumph , the police com-
mlsiioner , in January last w.ti convictei
to-day and sentenced to death ,
VIENNA , July 1 An ollicer committed sui
cide at Cattnrs by placing hlmtelf In front o
n cannon and firing it with a match stick.
CBACOIT , July 1 , General Gonrko's repor
to the c/iron the condition of Poland eay
that all classes of society are animated wltl
haired of Kussla , lie advises tha abolition
o * the Polish bank and Polish theatie a
Warsaw ,
Tlio JJ y on tuo Turf.
CHICAGO , III. , July 1 , At the races to-day
there was an attendance of 8f 00. The tracl
was first-class though eomewbii hard ,
Tirst race In the Cr t race the largest field
that ever faced a fiug in the United State
came to the front , there being twenty-eigh
starters ; sis furlonrs , all ages ; Test won
Sam Powers , second ; Uandy Andy , third
Time , 1:101 ,
Second race Five furlongs , two-year-old
Kiuk of Norfolk won ; Banfox , second ; Silve
Cloudthird. Time , 1:021 ,
Third race Mile , three-jear-old fililes
Lady Wayward woni Goldban , second : Mis
slon Ualle , third. Tlme,1:43. :
Fourth race Mile , three-year-old u.nd up
wards ; Sovereign Pat won ; Burmp , second ;
Charley Lucas , third. Time , 1:43J. :
Fifth race Mile and n furlong , nil ngcs ;
yomnn won ; Iri h Pat , second ; Buchanan ,
bird. Time , 1:5GJ. :
DETROIT , Mich , July 1. At to-day' races
10 attendance was pood.
First lace Class 2:21 : , trotting ; Jerome
\itncr won ; Wnlnut , second ; Loob , third ,
Bent time , 2:19j :
Second race Class 2:11) : ) , pacing ; Tommy
.Inn won ; Silvertntl , stcond ; Jordan , third ,
licst time , L'llC.J.
SIIEKPSIIEAD BAY , L. I , , July a. At to-
ay's meeting the attendance was largo.
First race Seven furlongs , three-year-olds
nd upwards ; Thnckorny won ; Mils Wood-
ord , iccond ; Louisott , third. Time , 1201
Second race Mlle and an eighth ; Emma
ilanley won ; Wallflower , second ; Joe Shelby ,
bird. Time , 1:58. :
Third race Three-quarters of n mllo. two-
oar-olds ; Waddcll lirrnnt won ; Electric ,
econd ; Lansdowne , third. Tlmo , 1:171. :
Fourth race -Mllo nnd quarter , throo-venr-
ldeStaughstino won ; Wanda , second ; Exile ,
bird. Time , 2:11J. :
Fifth race Two mlle nnd eighth ; Drake
barter won ; Wnllon , second ; filua Pete ,
hbd. Time , 3:63j.
Sixth race Two mlle nnd quarter ; hurdle
nee ; Revenge won ; Reho , second ; Sun Star ,
lird. Time , G:3S : Rory O'Moro at the last
ump foil and rolled over injuring his jockey ,
' . Linch , seriously.
CHICAGO , III , , July 1. Filllpo Carnnu's
lurdorers have been awarded ndcathponnlty.
ho jury to-night decided that Azrin Gelnrdi
nd Silvcsttri were the perpetrators , of the
rime while Bovo nnd Mercurio , thotr alleged
nnsplrators , were pronounced not guilty ,
'he jury retired shortly nfterfi p , m , , and
mnj no dillicnlty in arriving nt the verdict
'hich ' they returned shortly after 8 _ o'clock ,
eve nnd Mercurio having been informed
f their probable acquittal awaited the
slum of the jurors with emilmg
aces. Tha others seemed stolid
nd indifferent ns to the fate In store for
loin. About 100 parsons , moitly Italian1 ! ,
nd remained in the court room to hoar the
ordict. Immediately after It had been
lad Bave nnd Mercurio , at n signal from
iclr counsel , took seats to ono side. An In-
crprotcr then translated the verdict to the
onvicted men , and they _ heard
10 words of sentence in their
wu language without the movement
f n muscle and nccompanied tlio bailiff back
o their , cells with Stolid forces apparently
The indictments against Bovo and Mur-
ulo were nolleprceod and the Judge ordered
icm discharged. The trial lasted eight days
nd excited unusual interest orclnc : to the
orrib'o ' details of the crime nnd the manner
u which the murderers were discovered ,
Prohibition State Conventions.
SPRINOFIKLD , O. , July 1. The prohibiton
onvention met this afternoon with a fair nt-
cndance , Many ladies were present. Jay
I'Dell , chairman of the state executive com-
roltteo , called the body order. The Rev. Dr.
\ . U , Lsonnrd , tomp3rary chairman , spoke at
ength. Mrs , Mary Woodbridge was ap-
ointed temporary pecretary and Mrs , E. B.
.owls assistant secretary. Committees wera
ppointod and n number of addresses were d < 3-
JACKSON , Miss. , June 1. The state prohl-
ition convention met to-day in the state
ouso. Three hundred delegates wore pres-
nt , including many negroes. The Rev. C.
S. Galloway called the convention to order.
Ho said the line of policy followed in the past
vould bo pursued m the future. The party
hat openly antagonized prohibition might M
well go into liquidation. Jubt Chrisman , of
jincoln couoty , was elected chairman ,
igoroui efforts wiU be made to elect a
irolubltion legislature. The convention op-
toeod party foaltieu. Local option law by
ounties is their immediate objeqt.
Cleveland's Tenement Crcnmatory.
CLEVELAND , July 1. A destructive fire oc-
nrred at 3 this morning at 847 to 351 Broad
way. Mr. Cohen with his wife and four
hlldren occupied front rooms on the ground
floor. Cohen jumped from the burning building
and bis wife dropped the children on bedding
she had thrown out. Mrs , Cohen was slightly
burned. Mrs. Rosenberg with her three
daughters , and Rosa Meisel occupied the rear
latt , up stairs. Mrs. Rosenbsrg escaped with
icr fourteen year-old daughter , but the two
other children , Fannie and Becky , aged 0
ind 11 , and Miss Meisel , perished
n the flames. Their bodies were recovered
and were taken to Iho mqrgne at four this
norning. Mr. Traw , a traveling man , jumped
rom the window and escaped with a broken
arm and eoma bad bruises. lie and Miss
Meieol were to have boon married next Sun
day. Traw was almost Insane when ho learned
, ho fate of his intended bride. It is currently
reported and believed that the fire was an in
cendiary. Lois on building $25,000. ,
McArIckcr Uotnrns to Stoat Company
CHICAGO , III. , July I , To-night after elaborate
orate alterations and improvements in his
.heatre , Mr , McVicker inaugurated the twen
, y-ninth season of McVlcker'a theatre with
.ho production of John C , Freuend's drama ,
"True Nobility. " Mr. McViskor will try the
experiment of returning to the stock company
system and has engaged a very strong com-
? any including Robert Mantoflo , John Howe-
son , Ida Vennor and Viola Allen for the pro
duction of Frtiend's drama. The latter is a
etrong play nnd was well received by the an'
Hence which completely filhd ihe theatre.
Mr. Freund made his debut as an actor-author
and acquitted himself well in both capacities.
Mr * . James Morris Denies ,
To the Editor of the BEE.
VALENTINE , Neb. , July 1. Accept no lying
dispatch from here reflecting on my hmband
nnd impugning our domestic relations. They
mvo never been more pleasant and satisfac
tory than now. MRS. JAMES MORRIS.
The above telegram is in contradiction of a
message sent out from Valentino on Tuesday
night but which was refused publication in
tbo BEE stating that great excitement had
been caused there by an assault made by
James Mania , receiver of the land ofliuj , upon
Ilia wife. Mrs , Morris' statement indicates
that there was no ground for the report of
domestic discord in her family ,
In Trouble About n Uocelvcr ,
INDIANAPOLIS , Ind , , July l. Jndgo How-
land's refusal to accept the receivership of the
Toledo , Cincinnati & St. Louis railroad leaves
the matter in a somewhat muddled condition ,
Qulply , chairman of the bondholders' com
mittee , is not at all pleased with the situation
and has notified the court that unless D , II ,
Conkhng , of the Illinois Midland railroad , Is
appointed ho will resign and dissolve bis com -
mittee , thereby abandoning the property. It
la therefore poisiblo that Conkllog will receive
the appointment ,
Do YounR'8 Assailant lele seill P !
SANFJIANOISCO , Gal. . July 1. In the case
of Adolph B. Spreckleii , charged with assault -
sault to murder M , II , DeYoungpropnetor of
tbo Chronicle , on trial several weeks past ,
was given to tne jury at 11:30 : this morning.
Late this afternoon the jury returned a ver
dict of not guilty ,
Tlio Utcs Itecuino Pacllled ,
IONACIO , Cole , , June 30 , The bead chief
of the Utes promises no further retaliation for
the assassination of the Indian family of elx
on Friday. Peace is regarded u secure ,
Tramps Collide With Train.
PITTBUURO , July 1. Patrick Blifford and
James Miller , tramps , were struck by a rail
road train near hero tbli morning. Miller
wai loitanUy killed an a IMHford fatally in
jured ,
ombarfliDg Street Cars on the Madison
Lice in Chicago ,
Succession of Mobs Encoun
tered on the Route.
'ho ' Company Forced to "Withdraw
Its Cnrs From tlio Streets
Their Use Obviated.
CMIOAOO , July 1. jfho West Division
treet Car company sent out tlirco cars on
, s Madison street line early this morning , bu
lie drivers compelled them to return to the
nins. Fully 1,000 sttikors and cltlzans were
.ssembled . near the car barns , nnd when the
ars came out they weio met with n volley of
ricks nnd stones which shivered the window
anes and caused other wreckage about tbo
ars , Severn ! of the drivers and conductors
rare struck by flying iiiUtllco. A deputy
iieriff was on the pinttorm > f rnch car , nnd in
ho excitement 01:0 : of the officers drew a ro-
olver aud threatened to 11 ro but desisted. It
s now claimed that the company will en-
leaver to start Its cars under the protection
f the city police , and trouble is feared.
At 11:30 : nor with eight policemen nnd n
cpotter as pnssongcra started from the barn
in Westernnvenuo down town on thoMndl.
ion street track. The car got through with-
ut any dilliculty. This car wnj fol-
atvod by two other * , also with police
, nd deputy shorllls , No passengers were
akon nnd went over the route without
nolefttatiou. On the return , however , the
ars were met by n mob of four or five thou-
and nt Jefferson ettTOt. They followed the
nrs with yells nnd hoots to Union street ,
'rom there on to Hnlstead street
lie econo was of the most rio-
oua description , The crowd hurled beer
larrels , stones nnd nil sorts of iniceeli nt the
; .trs , smashing tlio windows nnd nearly break :
: ig them. Several arrests were made but
nlico were poworlots to handle the nub , At
Jnion street all sorts of obstruc-
inns were placed on the track ,
The ring loaders nf the mob were arrested
.nd . a shot wni fired by ono supposed to be a
ader , Missiles were thrown from buildings
; the cars. The cars nro now moving slowly
Ith a great nnd demonstrative crowd
allowing , uttering throats , Proceeding
urther west an enormous crowd of
lireatenlng men had gathered near
Inn strnet nnd the air wns filled with
itones as the cars tried to make their way
> hrough. Policemen were hit and injured
nd the cars badly wrecked , resulting in their
nally being thrown off the track and over-
urnod ,
The authorities are now massing the entire
eservo police force along Madison street nnd
are making n number of arrests , The police
"lavo been patient and with the exception of
no shot tired nt the corner of Union street
evolvera have not been usod.
Aa the street car company made uo further
ifTort to start cars out nil is quiet about the
arna. The principal thorouanfarea loading
? C3t hpwovor contain plenty of evidences that
; be strike is still on , Tha street car tracks are
: ept warm by an endless stream of express
wagons and other vehicles all loaded with
> assengera to the fullest capacity. The ex-
> ress wagons are popular conveyances. Each
s conspicuously labeled , "ten cents to
Western avenue , " and tha drivers confess to
} olng coining money ; At 11 o'clock to-night
there were no reports in circulation indicating
iny likelihood of a change in the situation
lefore morning.
infj tlio Telephones.
iNDiANArons.lND. , July 1. The telephone
war hero IB grown ? hot. Tha last legislature
inssed a law placing the rental of telophonea
t S3 per month , The telephone company
ecently sent ont circulars quoting the rate of
the same heretofore paid § 5 a month , A
meeting of subscribers to-day refused to cora-
iromiso , a"nd appointed a committee to Insist
lathe legal rate.
Hanlnii "Walks on "Water.
TOBOSIO , Ont. , July 1. The exhibition
ace between Ilanlan , ex-champion oarsman ,
and Leo , of New York , here this evening was
won by by Hanlan by two tenths , Incident
the race Ilanlan gave an exhibition ol
walking on the water witli galvanized iron
hoes of his own invention. His trait ro-
embled that of a man walking through deep
now ,
Damaged by a Uelngc.
DKNVEB , Col. , July 1. A message from
Blackhawk says the damage by last night' *
itorm to that vicinity was greater that al
Irst supposed , The Public sampling works ,
mile from town , were greatly damaged , The
MoFarland foundry was nearly washed away ,
At ono time the water was three feet deep In
ho streets , Trains will not bo running fa r
nree days , No loss of life has been reported ,
The "Weather ,
WASHINGTON. July 1. The upper Miss *
ssippl valley : Local rains , variable winds ,
becoming southerly , nearly stationary temperature
aturo except in northern portion , higher tern
pernture , lower barometer.
The Missouri t alley : Local rainr , southerly
winds , stationary' followed by A slight rise in
" .omperaturo.
Absorbed by tlio Milwaukee.
OnTONVliXB , Minn , , July , President
Sarpent of the Fargo Southern 'announces
that the road will henceforth bo operated by
the Milwaukee & St. Faul. The old direct
ors are to remain in office for the present
I'lie road to Flandern will not be extendei
as contemplated , which may load to trouble
with woctern lines.
Threw up on a involuted Thumb.
FALL KIVKII , Mas. , July 1. A hotly con
tested prize fight , hard gloves , ton finish , tool
place this afternoon in the outskirts , between
John Kelly , of Full River , and Jim Gorman
of I'Dgland. Gorman dislocated his thumb In
the sixth round , and the allair terminated ,
Changes In the Mexican Central ,
CITV oi- MEXICO , July 1 , It Is generally
understood that Manager Robinson , of tli
Mexican Central road , has resigned and tha
Albion G , Brndstreet , formerly chief engtnee
of the Tobuantepeo railroad and of the East
ern & Maine road , is to bo his successor ,
An Ii at Kansas City ,
KANSAS CITY , Mo , , July 1 , Work wa
commenced to-day on the elevated railroac
which is to be built between this city ant
Wyandotte , Kas , , about two miles in lengt
to connect with a now cable street railway ,
How Grant Out the lied Tape.
KEOKUK , lows , June 23. [ Editor o
The Tribune , ] Early In the war wet
out aa a private from the city of Keoku
on the Mlsalsjlppl a sturdy youth ivh
who wa well known to everyone In that
city for his pluck , bravery , and , above
all , for notions of honesty , which , hit
friends said , was so old-faslitoncc } as to
canto him to rather loan backward. Saur
had the usual experience of ou ? soldiers ,
and was brought hcma with ft mimic-ball
through him , but upon recovering
promptly joined his regiment , He be-
: nio captain of a civnlry company , wis
u the tignal corps , and on account of his
poclsl energy nnd brAVery WAS nosrGen.
Grant's headquarters , In this way ho
lad a slight personal ncqtisintnnco t iih
3rnnt. Ho rode nt fall gallop between
Ihorman and Grant at Vicksbnrg , and
wss known to bo kcqnal to any emcr-
In time Grant wont to other fields , and
ur captain plodded through the war
with Sherman , Logan , Blair , and Belk >
sp , the latter having lived next door to
Ini In his native tawn all his life , and ,
f course , know him Intimately.
Well , Oapt. Saur under the Inw rcgn-
athig snoh matters , wag responsible to
lie government for alt the property of
ils company. It had been receipted for
> y htm Btidj when ho TTOJ dntnchod or
arnod over his command to another ho
liocld hnvo taken a voucher that all the
roporty clurgecl against him might bo
uly credited him In the quartermaster's
opartmont , For sumo rensan , In the
xigoncles of an active command this was
ot done and after Capt , Sntir was inns-
orod out ho had duo him $2,000 back
iiy. After some tlmo ho wns
: onfrontcd with a largo account
5 lnst him for property un-
ecanutod for. Ho called on Quarter-
nnstcr-Conoral Mofgs , who fucnlahcd
dm a bill of particular * , saying : "Cap-
ain , there nro two ways yon can got
redit for this account. Furnish mo to-
olpts for such propotiy aa yon may have
urnod over , or file your oath , on on
Ilicer , that It was lost or destroyed in
ctlon. The latter way is very common
otv , In settlements of euch accounts , I
m powerless under the law to help you
therwls ; . "
Inncannlng the Items standing charged
'ninst him , Oapt. Sane noticed n lot
E picket ropoa and stakes , about which
10 well remembered , and ho said : "Gen.
lolgo , when In chase of Hood and his
rmy , ono day a contractor came to mo
ith a paromptory order to resolva end
occipt for a picket rope and atako for
very horse In my command. My men
were old soldiers , wera mod to hard work
nd much fighting , and worn loaded
own frith all they could carry. They
coded only plenty of hard-tack , bacon ,
ofToe , and ammunition , bat had no use
or a rope and stake , weighing twenty cr
ilrty pounds , and openly said so , But
my orders were to take the ropes. I did
0 and distributed them , At the end of
bo first mlle not a ropa conld bo found ,
uvory man had thrown his into the
) rush. Now , no living man could pro-
rent this. I have no receipt , nor was
ho property lost In battlo. You cay If
" swear It was so lost I can h&vo proper
rodlt. The law apparently gives n
iromium for lying. 1 won't do It. If
he facts arc not enough I will go with-
mt my pay. " And so ho left It and came
lomo to condor over the injustice of
, rmy regulations.
In time , however , Gen. Graut made
Bolknap secretary of war. Grant and
Belknap know how such things came
about , and Captain Saur again wont to
Washington to Uy his case before his
rlend , Secretary Belknap. The secretly
aid : "Captain , Gen. Molgs is right , it
s the law. I know of no way to help
ron-out , save as ho suggests. t But possi-
jy the president can help you out. Lot
1 go over to-morrow before business
lours and hear what he aiya. Ho will bo
nterested and will listen to yon. " This
was dono. The president reviewed his
recollection of the young captain and
aid : "Captain , I will sand for the pa
> ers In your case to-day. Come In again
o-morrow morning and 1 will see what
can bo done. " When Captain Saur again
called Grant handed him his papers , say
ng : "Tako those to Gen , Melgs , and 1
; hink ho will settle your accounts satls-
'actorlly. " The papers were endorsed.
Quartermaster - General uleiga Sir :
you will at once adjust this account of
3apt. Saur , giving him credit for all prop
erty now charged him in your depart
ment , so ho may draw his pay and go
lomo without delay.
President United States. "
Capt. Saur took his papers and pre
sented them to the grizzly West Pointer ,
Gen. Molgs , who after adjusting his
glasses and reading the order , turned to
Oapt. Saur and smilingly said : "Well
this Is auflicient law for mo. I will have
? our account ready for settlement so yon
: an take an early train to-morrow. " So
3apt. Saur got his pay , and so President
Grant cut the red tape of army regain
lions. CHARLES P. Binau.
President Newell on Speed.
Sew York Mall and Express.
"Was there ever any such fast train as
; ho 'Chicago limited * before the conooll
datlon of tbo lines which now make tli
Now York Central & Lake Shore ? " I In
"There was a train which ran between
Now York and Chicago in twenty-six
lours , but it was not continued very
long. The advantage of consolidation
ii.ia boon more in the reduction of tin
cost of operation and an Increasi
of safety than In a chaugo of speed
of trains. Through freight trains from
Chicago to Now York began to run in
1804 , end through passenger trains were
started a year later. In 1805 Oommodoro
Yandorbllt negotiated tlio purchase o
the Oloxoland & Toledo railway , and my
acquaintance with him began with tha
trausBctlon. Since the beginning of the
consolidation movement the manage
ment of railways has been , greatly im
proved. "
"Do yon not expect that the epjod of
railway trains will ba still furthoa In-
No. I do not. It does not pay to run
very fast trains , The people are not
willing to pay the extra fare required to
meet the extra exponco , When a train
Is driven beyond a certain rate of speed
tbo wear and tear rapidly increase and
the cost of operation Is so much greater
that more fare must bo charged than entrains
trains of average speed , This train
is fast enough for mo , Us average
rate bolng exactly thirty-five mtlea
an hour , Including stops , and there
are not travelers enough who
ate willing to pay an extra price
for riding at the r to of forty miles an
honr to make our 'Chicago Limited' a
profitable train. Wo run It because the
Pennsylvania railway runs a similar
train , and with four tracks and a level , [
country the New York Central and Lake
Shore system can run very fast trains be
tween Now York and Chicago as advant
ageously as any rival , but I favor a train
to make more than thiiiy-fivo miles an
hour only to meet competition. "
Now is the time to build , Got Ion
prices on lumber from Qeo , A. Qoagland ,
Chicago Prices Flnciaalc Rapidly
Scalpers smile ,
Wheat Passes Beyond tbo Influ-
onoo of Drop Reports.
Corn mill Oats U coo mo Fnntiirca cl
thoMnrkct l.tvo Stock Kulcs
At About ita Old Ilntos.
S Ol ? TIIADI3 ,
Special Telegram to The Bur ,
CHICACIO , HLJuly , I. Thotradloffln wheat }
was active at the opening to-day , nnd the
temper wnn very strong , hut the market lapsed
into dullness , followed by spasms of activity.
Foreign ndvicoa quoted dull and Inactive
markets , probably duo to the reported in-
cro.ipo of stocks abroad , which were reported
to bo ' . ' .SOD.COO bushels larger nt Liverpool
than on April first. The weather In the west
woa reported iiuu for crop ? , hut ns deliveries
for July appeared tn bo well cured for , the
"aborts" appeared to bo anxious to cover , nnd
tha market opened ifSJo higher , advancing
Jc additional. At this point cousidorablo
"loiiR" wheat came on the innrltet which
caused n bronk of Jc. but under fnir demand -
mand prices rallied jjc anil finally cloiod Jo
higher than yesterday.
The Bpeculatuo demand for corn waa li ht
but the inarkot WAR firm nnd closed Jc liiglior
than ycBterdny. Kecdots wera smaller and
the estimated receipts wcio Icia than the
arrivals to-day ,
Tliero was fair trading in oats , with a
steady feeling and uo appreciable change in
rnovisioxs ,
Provisions ruled steady and prices exhibited
little chunRQ.
Tlio recorded Rftlfs and prices were :
Wheat July S"J@S8ic , closed SSs ; August
00@9lgc , cloiud ! )0ic ) ; S'pteinborU.JJg'JJJc ,
closed U2ic ; No. 2 spring SSc.
Corn , luly-J7i@l"Sc , closed-l 3c : August
and September -17i@ JTJc , closed 4 | i474c.
Afternoon board Wheat was Btoady at Jc
higher ; corn was firm nt & @jc higher ; oats
was c lower ; pork 2Jc lower , and lard
Trade was slow nnd prices again weak on
the ordinary run of fat cattle and 2D@30c
lower than last week , on medium and grnssera.
On the latter the decline has not yet touched
bottom although they are realizing extremely
low prices. There ware few loads of fancy
and fully finished beeves that made Si.00@ (
( i.20 , and prime to choice § 3.BO@D90 , and
from that down to § 4.70531.9J for grasnos and
inferior natives , The fresh receipts oE Texnne ,
included about eighty cars. There WAB
little or no chnngoin values and prices are
now down to a low range.
There were twenty-seven or twenty-eight
loads of stoukora on the market
of which BQven or eight were to-day's ' arrivals.
The market was slow on everything except
choice graded yearlings and choice graded
feeders. The range of prices wae : Shipplcg-
1,350 to 1,500 pounds. S5.80@G.20 : 1,200 to
1,350 pounds , 55 50@0 CO , .130 to 1,200 pounds ,
S5.00@15.50 ; slop-fed steers , § 3005.GO ;
through Texas cattle ; firm for good 05J to
1,050 pounds ; 84 CO(2M ( CO ; 760 to 900 pounds ,
S3.CO@3.75 ; 60U to 700 pounds , S2.GU@3.25.
Trade was slow and prices rather weak yet
there was llttlaorno chaugo aa compared with
yesterday. Wa .izain quote rough and com
mon atS.00@J.05 ! ; best mIxedatSl.lO@4.1G ,
nnd beat assorted heavy -1.174@4i20.
Little light pigs of 120 pounds and down are
making extraordinary high prices. One lot
sold to-day , averaging only 89 pounds ,
brought Si 35.
Los Angeles has a 3,000-acre vineyard.
There are 1,397 , patients In the Nnpainsane *
There was shipped 100.009 pounds of cher
ries from Rancho Chico this season ,
A co-oporntive establishment , embracing : ,
eight different industries , is in successful operation -
oration in San Jose.
It is thought nho total valuation of Napa ,
county property wi'l this year foot up 912-
000,000. Last year it reached 811,000,000.
A. gentleman in San Bernardino county
marketed 4,000 pounds of blackberries grown
on n single patch. They brought $322 , being ,
at the rate of 81.000 per acre.
One hundred bales of cotton have been re
cently shipped to San Francisco as tba pro
duct of the Upton farm , on the Morcer-
river , The bales overage 300 pounds each.
The bullion output of Storey county is
given at 822,300 daily , or nt the rate of
§ 8,000,000 per annum , bix mills run out 850
to 000 tons of ore every twenty-four hours ,
and eight other mills handle CGO tons of tail
ings dally ,
A Panaoa Equaw attempted suicide on <
Thursday night. She had boeu over to Bui-
llonvlllo , where she chanced to sea a young
white girl with moro red paint on her face'
than she ( the o'uaw ) hud on. This to discour
aged the poor Indian maiden Mint she returned. ;
to Panaca and took ft dose of poison ,
McLaughlin , George Washington Tyler's *
clerk , who secured $25,000 of ex-Senator-
Sharon's coin for tlio nllcgod-to-be-bogus contract -
tract between Messrs. Tyler and Gumpol , is J
living in good style nt Honolulu , He has bis- ' '
family with him , nnd among other luxuries
supports n couple of fast horsoi , and declines ,
to say anything about his transaction with
Gen. Barnes and Capt. Lees ,
The story of a marriage ceremony per
formed under romantic circumstances comes
from Crescent City. An eloping couple wont
out thrba miles from suoro on iillfe boot with
n justice of the peace nnd a case ol champagne
and were wedded on the briny wave , The
bride waJ under suvonteon , nnd could sot ba
legally married within the limits of the state ,
Ono hundred and fifty tlioutand dollars in
bullion went cut of Now Mexico by the Santa
Fo road one day lust weeli ,
The Indian war volunteers of Oregon have
formed an organization for tha purpose of
teeming some l,5 < ? 0,000 duo them lor ser
vices m the war of IfjW 0.
Portland capitalists , realizing the Importance
of the establishment of u tilver aud load re
duction works there , bnvo gone to Ghowholn ,
Cu'ur d'Aleno and Wood River , to arrange for
the purchase of 010.
Stockmen in Nevada say the late rains have
been of great benefit to the ranges , and will
materially increase the quantity of feed m
the mountains and foothills. The rams bavo.
also been very beneficial to the growing crops ,
besides saving the farmers tlio expense o
Inigation ,
" " " "
"j j
RobertEasson , who baa boon Identl- , f\\ \
Ced with oar firm from the time wo or-
ganlzed , was admitted as a partner Jana-
ory 1,1885 , Hereafter the style of tha
Cim will bo Pnxton , Gallagher < S < Com
Tbo firm now consists of W. A. Paxton -
ton , Gen Gallagher , and Robert Kaagon.
July 1 , 1885 ,
Foil RENT. Furnished or unfurnished
residence , norlh-woat c-orn.ei ; Twentieth ,
and St. Marys avonno ,