I T13LE DAILY BEE-WEDNESDAY , JULY 1 , 1885. wo ff renewrl Atrrnath , or ivlio MiETer from Inflrmtiles prcullnr to their fthouM try THE BEST TONIC Thin modlclno combines Iron with purBTpffCttb'e lcn , nd In Invaluable for DltmntM peculiar to ninciiinni1 \fliolond enl ntai7llrr . It Ivn- rlclirn > nrl 1'nrlnrn tlm Illnnil , " < lliiiiiliitrs the Appplllo , Mrrnclhrnn thn .1Illi rlrn anil Wrrrrln fact. tliorouemylnTlanrntCfi. Clcare the completion , and m kpa tno tldn urnoot . U doe not blacken Ilio ( cctli , cansa headaclio , or rrodaco constipation nil tikcr Iron ntdtclntt da. llns. I'MZABETII nATnp.74rarwc11 Arn.Mllwau- kpnVI < , rn. nndor ilate nf Dee. SCth , I8Ml "I hare nwd nrown's Iron Hitters , and It ha boon morn than a doctor to mn , having cnntl me of Ilia woMinron ladle * liavn In life. Aho cured mn of Lif er Complaint. and now my complexion is clear and good , H bwn licncflclal to my children. " Genuine h&aMiore trade mark and crowed red lines cm wrapper. Tnl * nn nllirr. Madonnlyby JIHOM'.N CllijIIUAI ! , CI > . , ItAI.TMIOIti : , Mil. IjADrrs' HAND ROOK nupfnl and attract Ire , con- Inlntujt lint of priErn for roclppn. Information about colna. rtc. , RiTon n ay by all dealer * In mcillelno , or null o < ] to any adilrpsn on receipt of Sc fitamp. ( WlCSEST JJ1 orro to ,45.1 , CJlironlc A Nervous Discuses JSS&HSg iSTJaJ"'elc. ' Sure OtiM-H. C5 ? l C f8onu tVo ( Uauipi for Cclelirnti-d Medical Adclro . if. J ) . or.AKKi : , BI. U. , ISO South Clark Street , Cnic-Aoo , ILU 13 CONDUCTED BY Eoyal Havana Lottery ! ( A. OOVKHHUEHT IHSTITOT10N. ) Brawn at Havana Cuba , Every 10 to 14 Days. Tickets In Filth ; ; wholes $5 ; Fractions pro rata. Sabjocl to no Dunlpaiatloa , noi coatroticd by the putlciln InJeiesJ. It laths laliost thing la the Bitnte of ohinoo la oxtaienoo. lei tickets apply to 8HIPSET & CO. , ISIS Broad w y.N. T. City ; , or U.OTTEHa to CO , 810 Ualn SI. K&nsaa Cltv. Mo. J.M.too.&Ca.HoTOo.uc- QUITS 1 am nalng your Fluid Extract Bed Clorer Blossom and Woe CoranrcES for Cancer on the tirciul. 1 am well. I am Bitlsflod 1C I * the beat remedr for , Coneir k nown. Yon ere wrlcomo to uio this for UM IbonoQt of r uirorlni humanltr. f ItMpcctfollj , MH3. L , A. JOHKBOKi . . . . . TOITOO , O. , Jnuorr 17 , MSt 3.M.Loosis&po..JIosiioi ! , Mlcli Bomethln llkoascrofalous dlKfase.and found co fumll h ira\oyourEttr ctoriletilCtov ratrlAi. am IIRPW to Kay aha has oircrlenccd Kreat wllet JWi Is uutntlleht tentmonlnl of my appreciation < 2 7our cBorta In behalf of huraoalty , which you an welcome to use for their benefit , hf * , , , l * . .veiyreejxctfulljn. . Anva. j3Sz ° 3'ri.E5 ' 1si.sf * TOLEDO , 0. , Doc. 1st. 1882 J , U * LOOSB ife Co. , MON&OP , Mlolu O STO-1 oommencod taklne your Ebrt. Hotl Clover. n ago , for EryBlpelas. find tiT not been treubW Unco. It Is ncredltory wita ma. TbinU you bust bloon mealclna known , * our truly. vf. M. BEIDERT. B. n. nyman , of Grand IUnli.i , Jllch. . nayt > After two Doctors adrlied him to use I.OOSO'H r.it. lied Clover Vr R bad cote of l.'czcma , or borer Uoro on the leg. Only used two pounds of yourSolld Extract Hod Clover. Am non irelL A ixKprinK JlMldnoTonlannd trcnfrnl Rlood crV nerltliitsnoinal. rormlobyoll a Loose it Co. , Monroe. Mlcla. Cancer of the Tongue , A Case Resembling lhat ot Gen , Grant. Some ten year a ago I had a scrofulous eoio on my right hand uhlch gave roe great trouble , and under the old tlmo treatment lioaleu up , but Ik hiJ only been driven Into the syetom by the uao ol potash and mercury , nl In March. IBS ) , It bioko out in ay throat , ami concentrated Into what eorro ot the doctors called cancer , eating through my cheek , de- troylDji thoioot ol n.y mouth and uper Up , then attacked my tsnguo , ptlatoand lower lip deetrojlng the pilate and under Jlp entirely and la ( my tongue eating out to the top ol my It I < cheek hone and up to the loll eye. ( could not cat any solid food , but nubs'stud ' on liquids , and my tongue was BO ( ar gone loould not talk , bucbwajrny uiot.liod , hclplesa oonditton tlio IIrat r ( list Octooer (1830 ( , when my friends commenced gh Ing rae Swllt'd bpeclSo. In leei thin a month the eating p'accs eloppod and healing commenced , and ihe leailul api.-turo In my check his bcouoljeodand flrioly knitted together. A process ota rowutijor Up U progrceslcg flnely , ndtho ; tongue wliicli was alinojl destroica Is be ing rocoured , > ud It UKCIUS that nature la supplying knew tongue. I oin talk so that in } ( rlondt cau readily undsrstauduo. audcan Uo cat solid tool again , II any aoubt these ( acts I would refer them to Hon. John H. Triflnr , StitoBonator ol this dis trict , ud to Dr. T. u. IlradQclJ , LaQrango , Oa MRS. MARY U tOMEK , taOracgo , Oi.llay 14,1R85. Truillieoii II oed and SUa dlseasti mailed ( roe. Tns Smrr Bricino Co , Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Oa. N. Y , , 167 W , 2 d St. DR. RICE , Imported Beer IN BOTTLES , Hrlanger ! U\nrIa I Culmbacber Ba\arla 1'iUucr , Bohemian I K&Ucr . . . . .llremeo COM - J3ud eber Et , Louis Aubauecr . , , , . .St. Louli Uc t'fl MUwaukoa j Schlltz I' Itnor.Ulliraukce . .Oman * i AIo , 1'ortcr , Donicttloand Hhluo Wtnea. ED MAUEEE , 12J 3 Faruam Bt , ARMY OFFICERS. The Slaff of aai , Howard as Now Coupled , The NumomiiH ClinnRcs Which Hnvt Taken Place Brief Sketches , Dating the past fovr weeks Iho changot In the military hoadquattors have beer many , and the complexion of Gen. How ard's staff la now greatly altered. One of the staff officers has klndlj prepared from the proper registers , a brief outline of the varlons gentlemen o ! the staff nnd their military rocordflwhloh la published as of Interest to the citizens of Omaha , OuvEnO. HOWAIID Born in Maine ; gradnatn of United States military nca- demy ; lieutenant of ordinance ; colonel Mnlno volunteers ; brigadier and major general United States volunteers ; briga dier-general United States army ; brevet- ted major-general United States army , for gallant and meritorious service in the battle of Ezra Church , nnd Unrlng the campaign ogatnat Atlanta , Ga. , wounded twice at battle of Fair Oaks , Vn. , losing right arm. Since the war , commanding departments , and In Indian campaigns ; nnd now commanding the department of the Plalto. GUY HowAnn Born In Maine ; ap pointed from Oregon ] second and first nontenant United States Infantry ; ntdo do camp to Gon. Howard. JOSEPH A. SI.ADHN Born In Encland ; appointed from Maoaachnsotts ; captain 103d Now York volunteers ; first llouten. ont veteran eorvico corps ; on stuff of Gen- Howard In the war of the rebellion : brevet - vet t first lieutenant in United States army and captain in army for gallant and meritorious services in the battle of Jamestown , Georgia ; first lieutenant United States volunteers for gallant and meritorious conduct during tno Atlanta and Carolina campaign ; aide do camp to Gon. Howard. SAUTJEL BKECK Born in Ma'siohusotts ; graduate of the United States Military academy ; lieutenant of artillery , captain and major adjutant general's department major and additional aldc-do-camp. brovotted lieutenant-colonel United tatcs army for meritorious and falthfu services during the war ; brovettod colonel icd brlgadier-genoral United States army 'or diligent , faithful and meritorious ser < rices in the adjutant-general's depart' meut during the war ; nlnco the war has boon adjutant-general of various depart ments and now of the department of thi ' 'Jatto. ROBERT H. HAIL born in Michigan. raduato of the United States military cadomy , lieutenant , captain and major f Infantry ; wounded at battle of Mcldon Railroad , brovotted major United States army for gallant and meritorious cervices at the battle of Lookont Mountain , Tenn. ; brovcttcd lieutenant-colonel fur same at batt'o ' on Melclon Railroad , YD. ; inspector general department of the Platto. HORACE B. BURNHAM Born In New York , appointed from Pennsylvania lieu tenant colonel Pennsylvania volunteers ; brovotted colonel and colonel United States volunteers for faithful and meri torious services during the war ; mojor and lieutenant colonel ; judge advocate's department and of the department of the Platto. GEOKCIK B. " DANDY Born In Georgia , appointed from the army , cadet atVoat Point 3 years. Private , sergeant , first sergeant , second and first lieutenant of artillery , captain and quarter master , colonel N. Y. volunteers , wounded on Folly Island , S. 0. , breretted major United States army for gallant and meri torious services in the siege of Foit Wagner , S. 0. Brevotted lieutenant colonel for same at action of Deep Bottom , V . Brovetted colonel for same in the cap ture of Forb Grigg , Va , Brovettod bregadler general for same In the field during the war. Brigadier conoral U.S [ , volunteers for same at Fort Gregg , Va. Major and chief quarter master de partment of the Platto. OHAS. A. H. MCOAULEY. Born in Maryland , graduate of the U. S. Mili tary academy ; second lieutenant of or- tilery ; fir&t lieutenant of cavalry ; cap tain and assistant quartermaster ; and de partment quartermaster ; Omaha , Neb. JOHN P. HAWKINS , born In Indiana ; graduate of the United States military academy ; second and firat lieutenant of infantry ; captain and major commissary department ; lieutenant colonel and com missary of volunteers ; brigadier general Tnlted States volunteerajbrevotted major general United States volunteers for gallant and meritorious serrlco during the war ; brovotted major United States army for gallant and morltorlons services dur ing the olcgo of Mobile , Alabama ; bro- vetted lieutenant colonel ; coljnel ; briga dier and major general United States army for ga'lant and meritorious services In the field during the war ; chief com missary department of the Platto. JOHN E. SUMMERS born In Virginia ; appointed from Virginia ; assistant sur geon with rank of first lieutenant and captain ; major and enrgoonUnited States army ; lieutenant-colonel and medical ex aminer inspector United States volun teers ; lioutonant'Colonol and colonel and surgeon United States army ; brevet lieutenant-colonel United States army ; medical director department of the Platto. WILLIAM 0. c. SHANNON born In Now Hampshire , appointed from Maine , assistant Inspector United Slates army with rank of iirat lieutenant and captain. Attending surgeon department head quarters. OIIARLES M. TERIIELL. Born in In diana ; appointed from Kentucky ; major and additional paymaster United States volunteers ; brovotted lieutenant-colonel United States voluntodrs for faithful and meritorious tervicoa ; majorand paymaster United Slates army ; chief paymaster de partment of the Platto. OHAKLCS 1. WILSON Born in the Dis trict of Columbia , appointed from Now York ; assistant surgeon United States army , with rank of firit lieutenant and captain fifteenth infantry ; major and paymaster Unilod States army ; brevottcd captain United States army fcr meritorious and distinguished services In the battle of To eld'a and Yellow Saram , Va. ; brovetted major United States at my for services In twelve engagements in t to Shenandoah Valley ; brovetted major ; paymaster in department of the Platto. DAN. 0. KINOMAN , Born in New Hampshire , graduate cf United States military academy ; second and first lieu tenant United States engineers ; chief engineer department of the Platto. Guv V. HENRV. Born in Indian Ter ritory ; graduate cf the United States military academy ; second and firit lieu tenant and captain of artillery ; captain and major of cavavalry ; colonel Massichnsetls volunteera ; brevet captain , major , lloutonant-colonel and colonel United States army for gal lant services at the battles of Pocntillgo S. 0 , , Olualeo , Fla. , In front of Poicrs burg , Va , and during the war brovottet brigadier general U. S. volunteers fo ; gallant services ii | the campaign in from of Petersburg , Vs. , wounded at eeconc bsttloof Rose Bad , Montana ; inspoctoi of ride practice department ot the Pintle UK SQUAMDHUEID MILLIONS. The Itoninr.tlc Career ol ft Man " \Vht lias Just Been Butted in Nashville , A man with a history was burled here Sunday , eaya a Nashville tolrgram. Be fore the war ono of the richoat , if not the richest , planters In the south was "Harry" Hill. Ho was known all along the ilissialppl and Ohio rivers from Now Orleans to Pittsburgh. His plantations extended for miles along the river , and ire tilled by thousands of slaves. When in dlod his estate was worth about ? 3- 300,000. His only BOU Inherited this vast wealth. Llko all young men of that day who had rich fathers ho was ; tvon the benefit of a Earopoaa educa tion , and for years traveled the continent 'with a private tutor. Ho had been boun tifully supplied with money , but when his father's death throw nil his wealth Into his possession. his extrava gance know no bounds , The scion of a rich southerner , ho had carried letters which placed liltn on terms of intimacy with tbo nobility. Few men of title could boast as ample n fortune and none oould excel him in lavishness. It was in the theatrical world , however , that ho attracted tractod most attention. The loading lights of the Parisian stage were eager tc claim his friendship , for tt meant valna bio proionts. Coolly gifts of diamond and jewelry to some favored artiste weri a common thing , while his oxtravngan dinners astonished even the giy Frond capital , Ono supper in particular , whicl ho gave to the art world of Paris , is salt to have csst between $8,000 nnd § 10,000 With Patti and other famous singers hi was on terms of familiarity , and in hi ; later days nothing gave him more pleasure uro than to recount anecdotes of hi social intercourse with them. Few men were more competent as critics in matter of music and art. Even his colosir.il fortune could no stand such drains , nnd when the t came It swept awny the remnants. Frcu a millionaire Maj. Jimmio Dick Bill descended scended to a dependent on his relative for the absolute necemltles of life. In hia wild career of extravagance no mo and married tm actress , an Italian lady The union was not a happy ono. Shi was a Catholic , nnd about three years ago instituted proceedings in Now Yorl for a separation. The case nttxncted great attention at the time , and column after column of the dally press was filloc with accounts of Maj. mil's romantic life. Ho became a writer for the papers particularly those of sporting proclivities His nom do plume"Olhmx" in the Turf , Field and Farm , made him familiar to turfmen oil over the country. Nearly two years ago ho received ono Jay a telegram stating that a gentlemcr tiad died suddenly in Memphis and lefi lim his solo heir. This proved to bo his jld tutor , on whom ho had spent thtus- nd while in Europe. The bequest imountod to § 40,000 in property in this : ountry and in England , and placed him igaln in comfortable circumstances. Maj. Hill was a familiar figure on the itreets of Nashville and was exceedingly nteroating in conversation. He would lover express a regret that ho had equan- lered his millions , but was exceedingly > ltter when speaking of friends in his irospority who had deserted him when ils money was gone. 'Ob ' , Sleep , it is Blessed Thing , The weary sufferer from sleepless lights and dyspeptic pains knows from iltter experience the wretchedness caused y lack of sleep. But Mr. E. K. Me- lonsky , of Hellam , Pa. , pleasantly rrltes , "Brown's Iron Bitters relieved 10 of dyspeptic symptoms , and gave me efreahlng sleep. " A sleepless sufferer r anybody elko can buy Brown's Iron Sitters for a dollar a bottle at any good rugglst. A llaby hea Lion. The happy family of sea-lions at Ath- } tlc park were made all the happier Wednesday by an addition to their num- or. dipt. Eastman had been expecting ho new arrival for some days , and was ot surprised when ho noticed the little ub for the first time yesterday morning. t is the first sea-lion born In the Atlantic tatea. The little fellow lilmtelf took ory kindly to his now surroundings , nd was much satisfied with the cool rasa on which ho was lying as if he had eon among the Icebergs of the Arctic one , with the thermometer GO degrees elow zero. Fifteen minutes after his irth he was quietly Inking his break fist , rhllo his mother lazily brushed the 11 lea rom him with her front fin. Ho Is about wo feet long , with n well-proportioned ody. Ho displays a remarkable degree f vitality , nnd makes the most frantic ( Torts to amuse himself. Hopping around u the ground , rolling over and going hroughnnumberof antlcj with wonderful apldily. Ho has a remarkable appo- Ito for one so young , and is almost con- tantly nourishing at her mother's breast , it the time of his birth his mother's ,01110 was a pen of limited dimensions , nd the captain determined to move her nto a larger ono which bo had just con tracted , Ho attempted to accomplish his by making friends fflth the cub- rho seemed equally desirous of extend eg his acquaint an co and came willingly it the captain's cill. The molhor , how- iver , objected , and each time the little cllow advanced she would take him up : entlyby the neck and carry him back igain. The captain finally ncoomplluhed its pnrpoto by placing the cages between ho mother and himself and pushing hem gently forward. Last night mother ind child were doing well , and when 'lowed by the light of a lantern looked ip in mild surprise. The cub was at his ivorlajtlng meal , which ho did not allow bo intruders to interrupt for any length , { time , and which * nly cenied when ho ell into a sound sleep. The captain ex acts another addition to his fimlly vltbintho next few days. Oild Onso ol' Mistaken Monti I y , An extraordinary case of mistaken dontity occurred in Paris last month , A foman caw at the morgue a body which ho thought she recognized as the father if n girl working near her at a pjrf umer'e. Che girl came , recogniztd her lather , and lis clothing also , and srrooned away , Joining to she fetched B brother and tire iletors , who all worked In Paris , They ill signed the formal declaration as to dcntlty. The body had been found at ilendon , near which their father often Torked. The children started for ( Jiotell , ils homo , to learn when ho had been ut seen. Arriving there they found lira outside his door , and gnatly aaton- shed to learn that ha had been found ! cad at the morgue , A MAN OF MONEY , The Individual Arrested by Ofllcci Bnrdlsh Xho Ohio Defaulter. Monday night Officer Burdlsh , act- In upon n pointer given him by an out alder , arrested a man by the ntmo of A J. Collins , who had considerable mono ; on hla person. It appears that Collins is n stronger here , having arrived Ir Omaha but a short tlmo since and having fallen Into the corapiny of n fair bnt frail young lady who halls from Dot Moinos. They worn out buggy riding and having n Rood tlmo during the day , and the yonng lady soon become cogni sant of the fact that Oollins had plenty of money about his person , Ho gave her $500 and shortly after she left him to go , as is nlhgod , to Des Moines , About this tlmo Officer Dick Burdlsh arrested Collins , partly for the good of the person himself , and partly because lie bollovcd the man to bo a crook .who is wanted In Ohio. A circular had been re ceived from Cincinnati , Ohio , asking for the arroat of ono J. F. Collins , who IB a defaulting agent for the Adams Expresi company and the Plttsburg , Cincinnati & St. Louis railroad. Ho left Cadiz , Ohio , in last December and has not boon soon since. The likeuees of the man arrested latt night is very similar to that of th man who is wanted lu Ohio , but the age of the two Individuals are vary ovlacntl. not the same. This man , A. J. Colling who by the way had § 1.372 GO on hi pcrjou when arrested , is evidently eve 40 years of ago , whllo the Ohio man la 2 years old. Yesterday morning the representative of the Adams Express company called n the jiil , and after n brief Inspection decided that ho was not the man wante by the company. Collins wai released and allowed to spend the blanco ; anco of his money In riotous living If ho ao choocoa. Lhtning Hod Agents In Wash Ington. Chicago Herald , It was an unhappy day for the Unltoi States government when the grant menu rnont to Washington's memory received stroke of lightning. The intelligence < the sad disaster was promptly convoyed tc all parts of the country by telegraph , am' In hour not less than ten thonsana light nine ; rod agents were on the way to tin capital. Several hundred of them an already on the ground , and others maki us good tlmo ss the condition of the roads will permit. Ono man , now In tbi northern part of New Mexico with hi wagon , has telegraphed ahead that ho I joining with the only lightning destroyc ; an earth , and demanding that nothing be lone until ho arrives , and the probabil ity Is that If they wait for him all tin Dther peddlers In the country will bi there by that tlmo. The crisis IB ono which makes the Httli llfQcnlty that Mr. Gladstone baa been laving seem insignificant In comparison. \n office seeker , when thrown down the : rent steps throe or four times , Is gener ally in a subdued frame cf mind , bnt the ( gaining rod agent Is so hardened to ; reatmont of that kind that ho only be- ; omen the more persistent. Ono or two iabinet meetings have been hold to con- idor the subject and Mr. Garland has > een asked for an opinion on the legality if the government putting up a rod with- > nt advertising for proposals Althougl : .hero . is no authority for such an act in ho constitution , it la believed that the imorgency itf ono justifying war , and that Hr. Manning or General Endicott will ako the law in their own hands , declare i state of slego and buy a rod in the open aarket as a military necessity , ordering i few companies of regulars to the capital 0 protect themselves from the couse nonces. No more unfortunate circumstance ould have occurred just at this juncture , 'no officoBcokors have been appeased in art , and such as have not received what boy wanted have been given "stand oQV' ntll after the close of the summer resort oa on. All these lightning rod men will ow have to bo provided for. If they annor. sell a rod and get a note for rrenty dollars in payment , which they an easily raise to two hundred and nogo- ate in Baltimore , they will want offices. f they cannot got offices they will be bo- evil the treasury clerks , and no man can : o the end. Under this double inulc- on of officeBcokor and lightning rod gent the now administration will need 10 connidotato forbearance of the Amer- san people. Mr. Adolpho Brand , of Carrier's imous Cincinnati Brass Band , was , while k the World's Fair , prostrated with so- ere rheumatism , A few applications of t. Jacobs Oil restored him to his onted health. Forakcr'a Caffee-Suck Trousers , Mrs. Forakor , the judge's mother , ires the following as a tiuo version of ; en Foraker's coffee-sack trousers , whioh ere made and worn at about the same me ho raised this Hag. The Foraker lannion was at a distance from any town , ad young Ben , in some of hU wild ad- entnrce , tore his pantaloons to such an dent os necessitated a now pair at ace. The men about the place were ulldlng a dam , and there was no ono > go for the cloth. Mrs. Foraker says , 1 did not know what to do about the oy for a fall hour. I wanted him to go > school , and ho bad to havn some othcs. All at onoo I thought of a coffee tck that was In the house , and I undo 10 trousers out of It. When I showed lorn to Ben ho looked rather crestfallen nd said : 'I don't want to wear them ; 10 boys will make fun of mo. ' " 'Never mind , ' ealdl , "If you m ko smart man people will no or ask what Ind of trousers you were when a oy.1 Young Forakor wore the trousers and supposed the boys laughed , but , as hla lothor said , it does not matter now. 'oraker ' Is said to have boon a great olp to his mother when a boy. Ho could ra h and iron , milk the cows , cook din ers , epin cloth , and pick geese. TThen B by waa lck , wo g volierCMtoi ! When ehn WM a Child , elie cried for Castoria , Wlien she became Miss , bo clang t Castoria , WTign lie Uwl Children , Uo gaio them CutorU H , S , ATWOOD , Plattsmouth , Neb. Breeder of tborougkbrod and high grade Hereford and Jersey Cattle , And Puree end Jenev lied Swine , . u Rheumatism , neuralgia , Sciatica , Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache , t3nrcTlirnnlS olllttr .S | > riilii , ltriili > c , Hum * . hrnliU , I'ront Iiiir * . AMI AM , OTimi notllLT VmS AMI AlltrS. Sold If UrujjliU n.l IMlm n rrr litrn. t mr Outi Will * Dlmtlonilnll fanjcuicfi. THE cii.\itus A. vouni.Kit on. ( Snwttml to A. TOOIUB * CO. ) D.IUraorr , Xt. , V. 3. A. 017 SI. Chnrlpf , Sf , , SJ > ft TCKUtftf * rfc < l iVeOf lft V dlC * l Ud.iC.ITf 4 , Nervous nosiratiun , DoblHty Mont1 VM Physical Weakness i Mercurial * nd nth * * ? > * * # t nnsn ? Throat , Skin or floncs , Blond P ( ) } . < . . < t . OM Sori'S and Ulcers trtfc'tl * * M Tltb n ni : 1- n9euiODitt t * l ntlttefrln2lp ei dif < lTPtlrtut. Diseases Arlfilny frurt 'ndlscreuon. ExccM , iMposure or Mdutgcncv * * hi i odnfo ron c' t , * i\UoirlnK effectbrvoiitifai detlhty , dlrabeflt of flU afier llre rawnirjflnplfs ttn Lc , rtielfal ! e/.7 fcrcrMcnto the iciclrt * of Mm tis raniua'tt of iJctirt , pndcrlnc Marrlnco Improper or tinhapp * ' J p tmiartBlijreurcvi , I'atnpblfttJA PRH nn tbe ntnjrf ( nrj I . Write f IA A Positive Written Guarantee , ) i-ll3llnient rrrj hiic , mnpet * , nsni or ( > Brm\nril tujisi. if 'iTtiln ) Above ctitranf a , tn nt-'e or fouinlVHI - Chartered by theStatcofllll- nola for thccxprcsspurpose > ' : nil chronic , urinary and prl- Ivatc diseases , Gonorrhoea , i Gleet andSypnilis In all their ' complicated farms , also all diseases of the Skin and Ulood promptly relieved and pcrmancntlycured by reme. . dicstestcdinal'oi't/l"cri , ' . . _ _ _ - . - - - ' sl'ce ' ' " ' - ' * ' " < " " Seminal Weakness , Night f < Losses by Dreams , Pimples on the Face , Lost Manhood , jios/ficefyciircil.T/iei'o / laiincfi > crlincntlnih The appropriate remedy is at once used in each case. Consultations , per sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on package to indicate contents or sender. Address DR. JAMES.No. 204WasIiington St.Chicagolll. A' I'uruy , rc BtOOto.'fefv * te Hie LIVECJ aitd KIDHCVD. Mill IlKsTutuf run , Hi.AI/J' * nd VXQOK uf YOUTH ! > o psla Vantnf Amplltf | > l > s tionI.ack < > f JjfLiipie > | 3ITVC3 ICCCiVU 1ICW lori'C Kr.lUena tlm nilim it 1 siijuillca Jtr.ilii 1'ov/ci. n P'M Tl H t > a flsi riofturlnjfroi ! coniplant > HjaA' K i' HOB < . < ) peculiar to Iliolrai-r 7U tncl lu DIt Ll'-IirUR'S 1HOM TONIC a rat * HL.U " wedy cuicullrcsn clear , tiu.ttlliy i-umplcxtoc Jf'cqucnt it" runts at eivMfcrf'o'tliiir oiiv ) ai f < hup I > iilciltyof tlioorl lu Du ? ot Tt / sisnt-cttliuiuoiNAr. AND ItusT jye3dyimfttfldreB3to'rii Dr. llnrt rAi i3 vj V i ' Mo.foi oniDREfiil BOOir-'Bi TriJ inrwtn U)0.fos * , * ' J Fown Lots in Denver Junction , Weld County , Colorado. Denver Junction la a new town o ! nbout200 ahabitnnte , laid out in 1884 , on the great cunk railway across the continent , at the unction of the Julesburg Branch , 107 miles rom Denver. Tbo town is on second bottom ind of the Platte River , the finest location etween Omaha and Denver , and ia surround- d by the bast-laying lands west of Kearney unction , Neb. ; climate healthy and bracing ; Ititude 3,000 feet , Denver Junction bids to ecoma an important point , as the IT. P. II. . ' . Co. , ore putting up many of their buildings ere , while the B. & M. K. R , Co. . are expect- i soon to connect at this placo. The preaant banrtfor good investments In town lota will : arrVLover ha equaled elsewhere. For Bale y thuTot or block in good terms by H. M. WOOLMAN , Agent , Denver Junction Cole , mnli Ineannco Co. , IJondon , AeeotB. . . . . . 9,8C < , COO OBtchcetor.N.T. , Assets 1,000,000 18Merchants of Nowark.N. J. , Assets . . . . lS7fCCW [ raid Fire , Phlladolphln.ABScts ! ! ) , ) ) / ow Hampshire , Caen Aeoata. . . _ . 1.018 out 'ot/ce ' ! Notice ! Notice ! TIIK MAGNETIC IIKALKU , To all who aio dleoecd or ollllctcJ , no mittcr how ng the standing ! ccmo and ba healed , Feamalo dla- sea wliero medicines have ( ailed to give teller , pneclalty ; ccmo one , come all and bo healed by the ngnetlo healer , the only sure escape ( < om anydls- M. for examination , our cha-gos ere $1. lor each calmer. t , or > laltatlcns $2 ; terms ntrlctly cash. J. H. PA GEL A. ft , North Slat o St. , ODO mill west ol Fair a round B maha , Heb. I1. 0. Bax 633. 633.LINES LINES OF THE ONLY EXOMJblVB OMAHA NKI ? . IOWING & GO , JOUDEK5IV /BOUGHT / IRON PIPE , .cad Pipe and Shoot noitTiiiiUTi > > stun ri rn PlnmtieiE' Gas as ! steam ntieis IRON &DRASS GOODS. ENGINEERS' SUSIES , IthADodaoSts-.OMAHA.lir.Q. Beers , Clawson & Beers , LICENSED i , Mary's Ave. , Cer. 18th St. lobUng 1'iomptljr Attended flniflhfl Nfill UlllUllU ItUU iatl&IaUlon GuuintlfJ. AUTiFDL TOW Large Lots at Eeasi Since the completion of the new pack and slaughter houses , South Omaha is m ing a wonderful ane rapid growth. Bcsi the large pork and -beef house erected Hammond & Co. , other dealers have c menced the erection of similar instituti and still others are contemplated for near future. Several dwellings have Tb built and twenty or thirty are now build Employment is now furnished to about hundred and fifty families , and conserv ; estimates place the figure at eight hun to one thousand families that will find ployment there a year hence. This o great inducements to laboring men to se homes now while they are cheap. Spe tors will also find it to their advantage teat at present prices. The company liave no change from the original prices , but s parties who first purchased lots have r them at splendid profits , in some/ca double the purchase price. If in so ime handsome profits are made , what be the result when everything is fully oped ? In the few other cities that are ed with a first class cattle market , fo have been made by investors in real and the same is certain to follow in Omaha. While tthe whole city of O will be greatly bcnefitted by the growth development of the cattle interest , Omaha lots will enhance in value mor pidly than any other by reason of the imity to the works. Manufacturers of all kinds w'lliind itto their ad vnutal to inspect thisprop rty ; good location , level grounds , trad facilities and plenty o seed pure water furnished by tl South Omaha Water Works , fii fact , every facility to muj desirable for manufacturers , including cheap ground. Will find it profitable to select property now , a ? a year two hence with a population of 501)0 to 10,001) p83pl | this will become a desirable place for oil kinds of busines and lots bought , now , can bo had at very reasonable pnr which will double in price many times in the next two yen Rich or poor , will find it , profitable to make inyeatmc in tliia property. Free conveyance at all tunes will bo < nished by us to parties wishing to see this wonderful : town and learn of its advantages. Wo have entire cut of , and are the exclusive agents for the sale of all property from G streets south. Splendid lots from ? upwards. (2I3 S. 14th STREET , We have desirable business nnd residence properly for parts of Omaha and do a general real estate business. Wo ( , ers and sellers to call on us. We will give them'all possible free , and keep conveyance free to show property in any part edford ; < & " ' ! f * m