8 THE DAILY BEE Monday Morning , Juno 29 : William Hart , accused of stealing from the colored man , Monroe , is held to bail in the ram ot $1,000 to answer lha charge of burglary. Detective Davis has recovered n lot of harness stolen a month ago from the placa of Mr. G. M , lloborts , of the llcrald , 2117 Capitol avenue. The fito department was called to the comer of Thirteenth and Jonca Saturday afternoon , where ft feather-bod had caught fira In MeCorney'd butcher shop , was thrown out-door ? , and ignited a board fence. No damage only to the bed , Max J , Bashr has in his possession n rare relic of great antiquity , In the shape of an illustrated bibto in the Bohemian language , printed in the year 1510 , being lionco 336 years old , It is bound in BWino' leather and ia remarkably well preserved , A good opportunity for investment in Omaha real cstnto will bo ottered tt the pub lic sale of the lloddls & Thrall pasktng homo , with about ton acr a of ground , ia to bi sold ntlOa , m , Monday , the Z9th instant. Bale to bo hold at north door of court houso. Geo. Meyers , accused of robbing the Iowa detective ia still in jail , rvwnitlng trial , Hays , the complainant , is not disposed to pros * ocuto him , but wants to follow up the betray er of his daughter , who ho thinks ia in Hot Springs , Meyer's denies Bny'a story in every essential particular , wbilo 13aya stoutly ns- Eorta that Moyera Is tha man who knocked him down and robbed him. A Now Xrnln. Commencing Monday Juno 2'Jtb , the Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri Valley railway will ran a now train between West Point , Nob. and Omaha , also con necting wltn Blair. Following Is the tlmo for running : "Will leave Omaha at 5:40 : p. m. , will leave Blair at 7:00 : p. m , , will leave Fremont at 8:00 : p , m. Will arrive at Woat Point at 0:15 : p. m , , will Icavo West Point at C:30 : a. m. , will leave Fremont at 7:45 : a. m. , will arrive at Omaha at 10:00 : a. m. Giving all day in Omaha. Whenever a guthing Washington girl sees anything demanding the superlative form of an adjective she exclaims : "Oh , isn't that just dogl" Absolutely Pure. This powder never varies. A marvel o ! poiely strength nd wholosomenooa. More economical th * the ordinary kinds.and cannot be sold In compel ! tlon with the multitude of low teat , short weigh mlnmol physnhrto powdere. Bold only In oan ROYAL PAK1NQ POWDEKICO. . 108 Wall 8 > ; H.Y SPECIAL NOTICES All aiv ertitemmtl in the special columns uil tt charged at the rate of 10 cent ! per line for th frit insertion , and 7 cents per line /or each rulte guent insertion : No advertisement will be intertei for hit than i5 eentt or the first time : I These advertisement will be inserted in loth Morn ny and Etenlnj Edition ? , representing a cireula tlon of over Eight Thousand. Thii clast cf adter titemcnta must positively oe paid in advance. TO LOAN MONEY , Tlf , osnvl MONErllxosETl I ! Money to Loan-0 IVl chattel security by W. R. Croft , room 4 , With ncll building , N. E. corner 15tn and Iltrnoy. Af le years of experience and a careful study of ibo bus ! .ness ot loaning uionoy on personal property , I hav at last pcrfpctod a system vrherehy tbo publicity tuual In such CMOS Is done away wlth.and I am now In a position to meet the demands of all ho bocom temporarily embarrassed and dcslro to raise money without delay and In a quiet manner , Ilousoncep ere , profcsslotul gentlemen , mechanics and others in this city can obtain advincus from 810 to $1,000 on Bud ) security as houxhold tnrnlturo , pianos , ma chinery , horses , wagons , warehouse receipts , eocur od notes of hand , etc. , without removing tame from owners residence or ptaco of business. Ono of th advantages I offer Is that any part of any loaa can be paid at any tlmo which will reduce tha Intorcs pro rata and all loans renewed at tin original rate of Interest. I have no brokers In connection wit ! ray office , but personally superintend all my loin * I nave private ofEctiS connected with my genera otlico so that customers do not como in contact witl each other , consequently making all transaction strictly pilvate. W. R. Croft , room 4 , Wltbnel building , N , E. cor. 15th and Harney. 503-Jly.J MONET TO MAN On roil citato security in an amount from $500 to $25(00 , at rcaionabl vales of Interest Nocommlaslo IB rharg'd borrower C. K. Mav no & Co. 8. W. Cor. 15th and Fatnam. 63-July23 fTV > LOAN 8600 to $700 on freed real estate security JL S73-tf W. Q , SlllllVF.lt , opposite P. 0. MOXF.Y TO LOAN On real estate In sums of $ ! 0 am upwirds , tn any amount Omaha Flnonola EichaDgo , 1603 Farnam St Money to loin On collttcra's In sums of 925 am upwards , to any amount. Oaaha Financial Ex change , 1503 FirnirnSt. Money to loan On chattels In sum * of $5 and up wards to any amount , at low rates. Omaha Flnanciv Exchange , 1503 Farnam St , Uoney to loan On good securities of any lilnd , In any amount , at the Omaha Financial Exchange , 160 ! Farnam St , up-stalra , 228-if Vfo.iBr to loan In sums of $200 and upward , on iTlfirat-olau real eetate security. Potter & Cobb , 3616 Farntm st 849-tf RjfONEY LOANED at 0. F. Hoed &Co' , Loan offlcd J3L on furniture , pianos , horsed , wazoni , personal Iiroporty of all kladj and all otho rutlclea of value , without romrvaU Over lit National Dank.oornerlSth and Farnam. All business strictly confidential 859-tf , Vf ONKV 'IVloan on chattels. Woolitiy & Uatrlion , ITI Itoom 20 , Omaha National bank building 83tl MONEY TO LOAN-Uii real g tate and chattels D. L. Thomas. SSTtf. HffQXKY la\nel on flhattela , cut ratt , R , It JyJLtlSlcetlDousht and sold. A. FormanS13S.lSth 8t 838-tf MOHKr TO LOAM la lumj of WCOtnd upward , 0. F. DivU and Co. , Heal r l ts and Loan Actnts , 1505 Paroain Bt. 8 < 0 If W A N j CO FEMA _ L K (1KLP. ( tdlei and gcotltinKin tj soil iredU and ttatl mny pickagei ami lutUnttnee ) s Ink Eiawrnom'e ' , Urgeprotlt * . jDilln&Sackott , 3JOr rn.ui Oituhii. 0)5.1,1 WAMUD-ImruJUUK tewdglr' , at N , W. ir. Ha cllton and Pier streelj , Aorth Omaha , oa 2'p WiXfrA iocd ; till U 1102 U \ tnportst. r.rey Uouwi 478 If -bilil maVu * at S07 South lUh Kt. W i AtilrilJr K n ral houw tcrl > ; muitte coaipoUut co-iV , 0(4 north 18th. ISMOp -G'rl f r oiM. p and tit general home- TT7AKTKK tlDT Aor.Yrs Novelties In lalles1 an VV children ) ' wear. Orer 40 now designs Woth like them Sell is fast as ihown Over 1,000 agenti make 8703 monthly. Address with stamp a II , Campbell k Co. , 0 South Hay tttett , Chicago - at No 1800 eouth llth St. WANTEB-OIrl 680.80 \1TANTTD Middle agtd woman expetlenced In res ? ? taurant.osokery and manaicment ! good wa gesmuitbeabletoUan00 ; ! which will be ampl secured. Apply "V. " Bee offlco. 6t8-l A'aED-GItl to wait On table 8 times a day fo VV board , Emm.t House. ISMOp TTTANTKD A Oermin plrl for liau-o work ; one wh T V Is a competent washer acd Ironer. Apply 723 } 16th St t > ! 7'28p " 11TAXTRD A first-data nutse girl at M. R. corne V V 23d and Caas street. 437-27 WAATED-Oood girls for 13 prlrato timlllos ; llgh work ; good wages ; call 1120 Farnam Si. 476t WANTitD-Qood dining room girl , 11SO Farnam street. 77lf AXTUD Good eltls for hotels , prlrato families V V kltctcn and laundry wotk. Call at Omaha Em ploymcnt tlurcan , 1110 Farnam Et , 347-tf Girl at 1C40 Sherman avenue. WAXTKD J , M. Countman. Three experienced women canvasiers WANTKD day , guaranteed ; room 7 , Uodick block 870-tf TITAKTHD First-class dining room girl at the Mot- Y V ropolltan hotel ; none otno need apply , 624-tl WANTED MALE HELP. Canvassers. Call let seen B and 12 a m at 1205 Jackson HI , At once man to run woo 1 working ma WANTID chincry , must bo Drst-clata rapablo of takln charge of machines ; none other wanted ; good Addrcsa or apply In person , to Neb. Planing II III Co corner 7th and O sts , Lincoln Neb , 014 SOp TAimiD Immediately , 25 good strong men to VV trace wort , and 10 ttamsters for Iloldrcgp Nob. Good wjgcs ; will chip Jt'nday morning at o'ctosk. Call at IliO Farnim St. 621-27 WAKTKD Thrco agonti , room 20 , Atllngton bloc west otposlotHco 632-lp "TTT'ANTED Llvo agents to work Llfo nnd Accldon Insurance for a strong NowYorK company In every town In Nebraska and Iowa Quod commls slon to workers. Address K C. Wllocx & Co. , Gen cral Agents , Kansas City , Mo , 276.27 VmR ctgarnmkors wanted. Inquire of Oco. B Godfrey , Fremont , Nob. (39-jly 1 SITUATIONS WANTED. WAMTD By a Sncdlsh woman , a first class laun dress , a few places In piltrata families to d wnshlngand Ironing , etc. , 1160 Sherman Ave , car otMrsStleber. 010-27p IJM pcitrous of a situation as trareltni ; salesman Uavo good references and acquainted InUitsour Kanias , Iowa and Nebraska. Address "II" Be otllco , 60l27p A Young actlxo business roan wants situation n Jrxblll or offlco clerk , vholoiale busInoiB preferred Inquire ct Parlln , OrendorCt & martin. C93 tf TT7"ANniD By a mlddla aged woman , a sltuatlo V i as companion t3 a lady ; would aeslat In caeo o sickness , and Is willing to go In the country. Address S. E. B , cara of 0. F. Keen , U. P. Headquarters. CBl'sp WANPKB By middle aged lady , situation al cook. Address "N. N. " Boo olllco. 485-29p MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. WANTBD To rent an old building. Address wit particulars , "J. O. " Ike ctEco. 5EO-27p A aitKTSWAxTKD. Addrens St Louis Elcctrlo Lamp XiCo. , St Louis for circular , cuts and terms of the qindlo power Harsh Klectrle Lamp. 3ll-lyl2 ] WAHTED Kvery tdy In need ot a sowing ma chlno , to sco tha new Improved American No P. E. Flodman b Co. agents ; 220 N 16th. S301f POR KENT HOUSES AND LOTS. FOR r T Cottage 5 rooms , closets , well , clstcra Lcvtonuortb , near 23d. Apply 81S a 20th St. 506 27p fioa riEST-IIouoo 722 south 10th street. 1 6DO 29p FORRF.XI Twostorv and basement , house nln rooms , cast front ; 628 Pleasant street. 654-27p FOR BUST llouao 0 rooms , Davenport street noa 2Mb : 810. Xwo now cottages on south 18th street ; 818. Cottage 4rocms on 13th itreet near Center ; SIS. 0. E. Mayno & Co. , 8. W. Cor. 16th and Farnam. 639-20 TJ oR BUST Cottage 0 rooms , house 10 rooms. J JD Phlppi Roe , Howard and Campbell. SSl-tt FOR BEST F r storage or manufacturing purpose upper floors with oasildo entrance , Apply t John A. Frehan , wholesale UgaiB , No. 1303 Douala FR RENT New 7 roam cottage , 2 blocks from street cars , 3 blacks from high school ; famll without children preferred , it. F. Sears. 4Btf ! FOBBK.XT fhreo story brick store building ; en qulro of Edward Norrls U Co. , room IB Crouns Block. 831.tf IIOOMS row UKST Two ploisant rooms with elocctsml FOR Joining , on 2d floor , modern con\crilciccs , on 20th st.iicar St. ITary a.\\c. inquire 8. W. tornc IGtli and Doilgc. G22tf FOR nr.sr Furnished room comfortably , not ele gantly furnUhcd ; private family. 812 S. avo. 828-S7p TpVjR RINT Altrgo front room nicely furnished J ? suitable far 2 gentlemen 1BU ChicagoS. 01530p KENT A well furnUhed front room suitable FOR for 2 gcnt'cmcn , No 1913 Farnam St. 033 SOp HUNT Nicelv furnlfhcd largo south fron room with boardjflritclasorealdenoaaqdlocatlon modern Inprovemouts , homo comforts , 635 Plcasan Strest. 89Mp Desirable rooms In the Moreo block J ? corner 15th and Capitol Ave. B17-29p FOR liEKt A handsomely furnished room , ball room ; 17 0 Cjltol ) arc. 200-SOji ; OR RIXI Fnrulahcd room 1810 Farnam Et. F CoaSDp OOR BENT A nlotly furnished , good ventilated 1 } room , bith room connoctl.-n. Eaqulro on prcm Ises 809 S. W corner 18th aad Lcaveuvvoitb , or 1613 Farnam Et. eo.29p FOR RKIT-Largo handsomely furnished cool room modem convenience , with excellent board for two gentlemen ; also slnle room,1718 Dodiw. 603 t "Tj OR RI T Furnllhed rooms 13C9 Farnam St. 6s72p I POR RENT Two nlco'y furnlihcd roomawlth board ' cornir 10th ana Harney , (97-23 TJOB kEXT T o unfurnished rooms. Inialra 401 JD Houtn 16th itroet , oppo.ltc Herald olllc , 565-20i ron RI T Two nlco'y furntihed roomj en street cir line. Inquire 2.27 Dodge St. 52S-10p RENT Furnlihcd front room for centlemarj FOR wife ; roioroncci requliod , 111 south 18th St. bettt een Dodge and Douglas. 630-SOp FOR BK.T Elegant newly furnlihcd roorrs 1G16 Capitol ATCUUO , bith room , gas ; no hlll to climb , 615 SOp FOR RENT Furnished fiont rcom 1309 Capitol av e. 6l930p FOIt UENT Several Dno cfficos In Crounso' block , Inquire Xd. Norria , room 10 Crounae block 834.U FOR RIM Furnishedrooirs 1517 Davenport St. us' TCOR RiUiT Furnished room 1818 Jackson , SIS 29p FOR RENT-Plek ant room furulihed , 1423 Hoxard St. 42Mf TX7AMEB A ( riod fuTiilhed room for i ! ger tlemoj , Vt Addres ] "D. O. N. " Iie office. 4 > 2-tf Rt\r T o tnfurnlihoil rooais 1010 Farnaui. FOR 401tf. fJ'OR RE.NT JunuSSth , two oinuected rrvoaa with D board ; front loom , south-out. 1911 Webster. 8 > 7-Jly 18p FOB REST A frut room vltn bay vvti dou ; modern luiproveiiieiitj , eulUtU for 8 fcoutlenion , B "Uth- ait corner 19th aid Farnxmtt , 450 tf BE.NT Two dopant offices In JluKiDiann' * block. FOR SOl-tf W. U. Uudmnn. BUST Furnished room 1817 Chicago S' . FOR 220-tf [ 710B BEXT-FurnUbid rooms , 1810 Dodge itreet. 183-Julyl ) rjVmxEKT FurnUbod and utfuroliheJ rooms at L1 1510 Ilamey Bt. 167.11 rouniNT'-Vo' inanulao'urlog purposes or hall , J.1 luft room 44i75,34fl or , No. 1JO S. lltb tt , nqulro t ItW D ixo tt. Bliuuoa. rron REirr-Oentrally locatid famished rooms a I ? 823 south 15th St. l5-tf l/kiR RUST Furnlihei largo front room with ateov JU grate bath , etc. , 1716 Cass street. 919 tf R BKXT Boom with board suitable for ono or tw gentleman , 1812 Dodge St. 704-U RUNT Lirge front room on flnt floor with o FOR board ; Inquire at 1001 farnam 8t 887-tf T > OOMS With board.dtblrabU lot Bummir. Apr ! Jttat 8t Chail a Hotel 833-tI FOR SALE FAHMS. IT'OR BILK 160 acre ( atm York Co. , Mob. R , al JPBattls , York Neb. B37jlyl6p ! TT < 0 RALB Good ( arm In Washington Co. ; 11 X1 acres ; 80 acres cultivated ; good buildings ; fln orchard ; running water ; nil fenced. Edward Norr Co. , room IB Crounse Block. 835tf T7OR * SAW S3 feet on Cnmlng between 15th and ! OI X1 with house , $2,700. Bedford & Soaer. MO-tl TJV > RBAL8 A 690 acre stock and grain farm , atl Im L proved ; four hours'ride Irom toe Omaha Stoj Yarassevenmllcafrom ; thoolty at Frtmont ; tw railroads within tbroe miles ; SCO acre * under plow the rod In pasture ; board fence , running itream through pasture ; house with tea rooms ; will bo sol cheap It sold Immediately ; on terms to salt. Fo further particulars Inquire of Goo. 0. drodfrov , Fie mont , Neb. 830 tf FOR SALE HOUSES LOTS. SALS No. 174 Two very nice cottages o FOB each , furnaces , gratci , city water , etc. On lowed lot 12 years. (3,8(0 ; very easy terms , o Pleasant 8k C. if. Mayne & Co. 018-27 Ton BALK Lot In Lowe's addition , 9376 ; terms $ ; JL1 cash , $7 CO per month. Two loll In Shlnn's at ] dltlon , $3gO each. Lot and n hall In Patter's ndtlltlo near [ chool house , 81,600. lisrnl ) , llth and Dough GIOi7 "iron situ No 220 Half block.nlce cottage 7 room i1 largo row bnn.ncsr Loavenworth street. G block west ot I'.rk A\O . SC.OwO , easy ttrmt. 0. E. Moyn &Co. 618-27 BALic-HousoandZ lots near IBtn nnd St Man ure , $ GOCO. . House and lot noir 10th an Loav oawoith Bts. , { 3,00) . Bemls , 15th and Doughs 010 87 IR SALB Lota In Munay's addition , T. Murray. 607. tf FOR S LH No 221 10 acres .small house 3 miles N 1 W from P. O. , 82,30) , easy terms. C. E. JIavn it Co. , 15th and Farnam. 018-27 'OR BALK Beautiful acre lot on Cumlng St , fron on three street ) ; \\tll bo cut Into smaller lota $1,200 , o sy terms. Bcmis , 15th and Douglas. ClO-i FOR BALK As first class 03tmen'.a , the best act lots for talc. You can double your inoccy o them at present prices , 816J to 1200 per asic. Amc 1607 FBI nam. 01330 TTORSAtK No 195 Corner Charles and Pier Sts Jc one block oft Saundcrs ; nlca cottage 0 rooms $3,000. C. E. Mayno & Co. 018-27 SALK-Lota In Lo o'a addition , "Prosroe FOR , " "College Place , " only onoand ono half I two miles trim the post olllco ; to bo sold on easy pi } ments. Bunts , 15th and Douglaj. flla-27 houses o ( 4 rooms an i ttiblo with full lot o NEW Hamilton , near SOth and west of Haundoia at $1,200 ; ca y terms to suit purchaser. Bcmls , 16t and Douglas streets. Oi'J-27 FOR SALS Lota In Cll.ton placa cheaper than any bodslotsadjoining ; lots selling for SI 100 t 81,500. Wo cITer 14 lets in Cllftin Trtaco at $150 one SIOOdo\\abilatco 1 , 2 nnd 3 ycirs ; thceo aroboiu tltul lotj and no mlsttko two blocks from Park are joins Hanseom place on the north. If you want beautiful building tight cheap , ice Clifton place. W Intend to sell every lot Inside of 7 days. C. K. Mayn & Co. , Uth ana Fatnam. 018-27 FOR BALE For S3 down and 85 a month , at Ope cent Interest , lots In Spring- Dill addition , $17 to $200 per lot. Ames , 1507 Fatnam. 501 27 FOR BALK No Sll Very flno residence propertj brick house 7 ronrra full lot , Harnoy street- nee 2Uh , So.200. C. E-irajno&Co. 018-27 ° TjV > RBALE New 4 room cottage , with ball , closets J ? good celhraad cistern , on flno lot BO.\127J fee $1,300 ; easy terms : S. W. cor. 30th and Charles St. 6Sltf BALE No CIO House 6 roemualf lot Webste FOR , near 17tb , S2.8CO. C. E. Majao & Co. 018.27 EALK-Deelrablo residences from 81,530 up wards , In all parts of ton n. Thcso dpslilng tbl class of properly should call. Amce , 1507 Farnam. C87-27 FOB. SALE No. 237 llouso 10 rooms , good barn full let , furnace , etc , Hurt St. , $5OCO. C E. Mayne & Co. 618-27 n BALE Acre lots splendidly located. These lot can bo had at $150 to $200 each. Such propcrt as near a city jviih 00,000 people , will double In valu In less than twojcars. Amee , 1107 Farntm. 013-3 IJ'ORSALE No 215 Beatul ! residence property JP east front at N W corn . Hansoom Park ; 8 room (3.200 , terms easy. C. E. lUjno &Co. , 15th an Farnam. 018-27 Foa SILK On Sherman Avenue , lot ) in Sulpbn Springs addition , 31COO to $1,500 per lot , one third cash. Amej , 1507 Farnam. 77-27 Tfl OR SALE No. 184-10 acres with house and othe V1 improvements not far fromHanscem P < rk$4,00 ( will divide. This is cnoap. 0. E. Mayne & Co. 618-2 FOR BALK Three quarters ot on aero on Callfornt street , neat Academy of the Sacred Hcart2,6C terms cxay. 13)ml9 , Ibth and Douglas. 619-27 FOR SALE Lotj In Pratt's sub-division ; the ccaree and handsomest ncre lots In thin mtrkct ; only 1 minutes walk from Ilanscom Park. $100 to $700 pe acre. Ames , 1507 Farnam.s 574-27 No. 183 Is a beaut'fal ' place , nleo room cottageeast front lot , anv amount of shad treeu , splendid \Uw. Shlnu'a add , $2,500 ; $500 do ii bclinco to suit. 0. E. Mayne & Co. , 15tn & Farnam 81827 FR SALE. 7 room house , well , cistern , cto , cm Divenpirt street , 4 blocki from High School ono block from street cars , $3,000. W. n. Green overUt National Bank. Cll-tf 1fTVR BALK On Cumlng Street , lot 55x159 , with na- JL' tutal timber , at $700 to ? 1COO. You ehsuld cat and Imoitlgate the merits ot thla cholca property Ames , 1107 Faruam. 50-27 } FORHALK A spcchl bargain ; 7 lots , beautifully lo c.it d within 2 blcc'ia of s'rsct cats , flno ucw North Omaha.SICU each II soil together on\cry easy terms. C. E. Mayno k Co , ; 15th and Farnam. 018.27 TT'on BALI Twaroom house nn 4 yrars leased ground I1 Inquire at Mrs. C. T. Smith , 1033 Clarkmm fit , < S9.20p BALK Eight loti left In I'olhim place , two FOR from atrocious ; those are very nice otu ; flno view. Will sell at 8100 to $50) each , on monthly laymcnts , O.K. Ma ) no A ; Oj.S.V. . corner 16th ind Faruatn. 272-28 TT'ORHAi.s-No. 107 Two story bilek , corner lot , JL1 tttiion's add , line vlow , nloo plac9$3lCOmonth- yraymcnts. C. K. Mayno & Co. a 18-27 170R 8AI.V Dullness his on 16th St. , at prices and JD terms ta eutt. Aincs , 1507 Ftrimmt 570-27 BILK No. 175 Lot BGxl40 , nn SouthI3th St , FOR home4 rooms , 81,000 ; $ ! 00 down ard $ ! 0 leriaontb ; thlsli a gocUinrestmcnt. C. K. Miyno 00. CIS 27 TTOR BALK Until July 1st ; wo will continue to sell V Firoim street lo'.i In Highland place , at $650. Oeromo Park lots * 376 to $400. llallou Bro . , 317 South 13h : St. Sa7-J0 I OB BALI No. 233 6 room homo , half lo * , North F lOlh Ht , $1,600 , terms ouy. L' , H , il yno I : co , F PR BILE . .Lotion Cumlngs and Curt ttreotp.flnolir looiioJ ; covered with natural irrowth ( f trees ; tfromSTou toii.O'Oporlot , These prices cannot e duullvkUd. Ames , 1607 Karnam. 575-27 BILE Veiy One lota In Fhiu Vlow at rcason- Foil able i > rloe , 01 faiy terms. If jou want good prcpetty , on cisy terms , look at tlili. Anao , 1607 /amain. 13 30 r7o iiB No. 200 Two nice cotraios en South L' Avenue , half lot each , 81,600 * nJ 91,700 ; on very lay terms , 0. U. ia > ue & Co , 6I8-S7 FOR BALE -On an ! within one block nt Btrcct can , llnolotjat ? 0)toOJg35dawu ; , gio a iroutn will buy sirno ol them ; cthtra 1-S down , Oill and oikover tbo ground. Amen , 1607 Farnim. OIB3J [ 70RB LE 88 foeton Farnam neir Dth ; also lots I1 In Highland I'.ioi and Jromo Pirk , oil ca y crme. luttla & A.lleoo , 211 ei/uih 18th st. SlOjlr 15 T710R BALI Vo , 232-Now residence a rooms , ba'b , i' hot o4 cell vtor , furnaM , mtnt'et. BM , tewer coiiiicclloun ulootrla app\ratui ; v ittninK com plete. Cots St. , fdS09 U. E. Majne & Co. 618.87 jioBBALE-OnCuinlii ; itreet , Jots with natural 1 growth timber , $70a to tlOO ) per lot. Atveg , If07 * ruiin. 018-30 T'OBBALi-Lotsfor bouies at 1101 to J3o : ; near J can , on eaiy termi CaJ ) and we will bow ( he irorerty. Atneti , 15J7 Farnam. 018-10 TIOBBALE.-Slot/BSxHofeeton Farni-u itteit , 1 touth Inn1 , tiffintk.citloD , mutt be stlJ. W. U , Qrtep , ever 1st Wit lee il Bank. 6C9 tf SAtn-No n3-Bentlul ( lot ni40 with ! FOR homo g'tith ISttj St. , ll.SOO monthly pay * menu. O. E. JI jne tt Co. 6lVi7 FoimMs-Tholirgcst list ot btj , acres , residen ces and farms near Omaha , em pi iced on this rnarloL Call and examlnsj the properties olTtrrd. Amer , 1507 Farnam. MS 27 sitx-No 105-118 feet front on Faroamntar FM Itreet , good hoaia 6tMO ; tills II ft decided bargain. C. K , Mayno & Co , 018-27 SILK targe houio , newly built , 0 rooms , all FOR Improvements with i ot , at 1716 Cass st ; inquire at premises. IZStt T7oR BALE Choicert acre lott In matkct ; beautiful JD aad growing property at 8160 to $230 an acre. Como and sco the properly. Ames , 1607 Farnam. C1S-SO FR BALR. 160 Icet front on Virginia arenne , ono block from head of St. If try'B kvj. S3,0 JO for all , or 31,500 for half. W. II. urecn , over lit Na < tlonal Ilank. 610-tf TTlOR SALS No 01 Gaod house , 81 sts on Lsavcn- JC worth ittott 4 blocks west ot Patk are. , $2.0)0 ; very ouy terms. C. E. Uayno & Oo. 613-27 BALn Flrolots47x180 : together on Leaven. worthstreet ; beautiful location , $1,000 One * fourth cash , balanoa on long time , easy tertnj. Crallofc Jones. 210-tf FoRBALit-No. 74-ltouse , barn and patt ot lot Jackson ttreet , near llth street $2,800 very easy torim. 0. K. Mayne .V Oo. 018-27 I70R SALR Corner lot , cast front , CO x 140 feet , JP ono block from Park avenue. $1COO. W. II. Urton , over 1st Natlonil Bank. COS-tf 8ALB No 81 Good house 8 rooms , batn &o FOR lot 14th street , near WlllamalCOOmanthlv ! pijmcnU. C. U Miyno&Co. 618-27 BALE Forty lots for ealo on Hurt and Cnmlngs FOR S9th and 81st cheap , Inside propetty edford & aoucr. 7ul-tt FOR RALE No 43 At a birgaln , noit cottage 4 roomi , good lot Ilitney street , near 21st ttrcot $2,000. C. K. Uayno & Oo. 618-17 Bouth 10th street , corner lot COxltO tcoeist front ; 7 room houto , barn , all Improvements , ehrubory cto. , for $2,50) . Must bo sold. W. U Orcon , ov cr Itt Nit'l Uink. 234-tf IT'OR AtE No 401-Bointtful cottage , nice lot 10th JD Btrent nearLeavonwotthS3COO. C. E. tfayno & Co. , S. W. Corner 15th and Fitrnau ) . C18-S7 T7V3R LKASI Best unoccupied ground In the ty for Jt ? warehouse houso,87 feet front on Leavonworth , north bat 10th and llthwlll lease for 09 years. Bod- tor J & Soucr. COS-tt No 2C-Comor ! lot , splendid view , 7 room cottage. West Omaha , $2,103 , $603 down , and $25 per me nth. C. F. Mayno & Co. 018-27 TT cm SUE Furnlturo and ( Ixturc ) o' boirdlng JD house No 418 South 18th St , and house for rent. Oai-29p FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. fjlORBALE 1 good family borso and 1 good driving I ? ho e. In.mlro al Capitol ave. barn ) . C. J. Mcntsr. 652-27P OB BALK Ono dozen restaurant tables Sltx4U , 810 F 8. llth street. 641-20 IT'OR ' BALK OR r.\ciiANOB A two \cirs icneo on a JD two story brick bulldtpg 30xl3i ) ; occupied as a confectionary. 1 hero are nine furnished icoius'bo , sides tool ) and furnishings for a first cliss candy fac tory. The lose , furniture , carpets , tools and machinery will bo B Id cheap. A geed opening tor EOino or o wishing to engage In business A good trade ulready establlihed , Oool reasons glren for wanting to eel' ' . A. P. Cr It tendon , 1217 O street , Lincoln , Nob. 63S-lp F1 10RSALK Good pony to lido or drive. W. J. Wolshana & Co. , City Mills. 570-27 FORflALB-Atabirgaln , a 42 Inch Faello bicycle ( English , ) nearly now. For full particulars , ad- dreas F. C. toss , Red Oalr , low a. G20 SCp on s ALB-Ton first cl at mltch cowj , a nu-nber of F horses , harness and wigons. 1&74 N. 18th St. L P. Prujn. 618-S7p FOR SALB Valuable Chlckerlng grand piano nearly new and little used , at largo discount at 171 Cass street. 049-tf OR BALK Homohold furniture. 619 Pleasant St. F Parties going east. 516-27 TT'OE SALE Flno reside't lot north of Leavenworth J ? street on Virginia ate , , splendid bargain ; price Sl.EOO. For sa'o Ten resident properties , ranging In prloo from 51,600 to $16,000 ; all on easy torts. For Bale Fitly resident lots In d ITeront portions of the city at bed rock prices : easy terms. For sale Cheap and beautiful lota Illmcbiugh and Patterson's bub-division , two miles from cltr ntiflSO and8200 each.onmontblypaymentsof | 5and810. Per- sent buying hero will bo assisted to build right away If desired. To Exchange * J3OCO stock of bran now bard- ware for good Nebraska cr Iowa land. To rent Four splendid offices. 63-tf II. C. PATTERSON , 18th and Farnam St. A LWAV8 on band at a bargain , No 1 second hand Xi- carriage phaeton and eldo bar buggies ; also um brellas and sunshades , at 1409-1411 Dodge St.S93U S93-U F I OR SALB Very cheap , ono pair small mules In working order. Jos. Garncau , Cracker Co , 452-27 FOR BALK Jersey cows at auction. 18 head , nigh class and register d Jersey cows will bo sold at auction , Wednesday , July 1 , 1836 , at 2 o'clock , with out limit or by bid. Having concluded to seil my entire herd cf 18 oowf , and giro my vsbolo attention to breeding high bred trotlng stock and Shetland po nies , la my oauso for selling. Terms cash N I. D. Solomon , Spring Valley Stock farm , Omaha , Neb. Will be sold at Omaha Fair Grounds. S82-July 1 ( TtOR BALI One of the best established cash grocery J ? business ; will take city property In exchange. Address "Grocer" care Ihis olllsc. 303-tf REAL ESTATE. FOB BALK-By PADLSEN& Co.,44 ftet , . front , nea. Idtn and Karntm , 6125 00 ptr foot ; easy terms , S. W. cor , 23d and Lake , on Green Hue ; 85xlCO ft ; ea < t fiont , $1,000.00 , to parties wanting to bulU a good rcildcnce. This Is one of the very finest lets , with shade trees , In North Omaha. Splendid lots In Paulien'g Addition , $703 , Sl.O.'O , on easy tornu to parties ho want t ? build , Choice business lots In Paulson's Addition on Eauii don and Lakettrcctp. 1'jBcru' , ono half mile south of " llayflclJ , " on Dodge btrcct ; a very cnolco ptcco of hud125CO per acre. Corner lot 150\2CO , house 24xrO , stable for 3 horses , cistern , ttc. , near Ilanscom Park , on Georgia avenue , $2,0 OM. due-half lot on Center , ncar'17th , on Kraic , cheap , Cell for trice. ti. W , sorter Cnsto'liraTid 13'hst' . , 75 x 162 ; an o'cpantlociud 1st vvlth Hrat-cUia finished 5 room lento , bnru , canligj house , etc. Will bo sold cheap , Cil for pilot. 1 ot 10x132 on 18th stro t rear Center , e et front , withstood 4 room house , Iir 'j stable , etc. , 'J..IOO 00 easy terms. iFiir Hent-0 worn cjttags well , cUtern , tte , , 20th near CUrx etreot. $10.0) per month ht"m with 6 rooms UiVBtilts' St. Miry'a avenue , nearIcth Well located 8 rujm bouso , CenTCnt street , near it Mar'a aunuc , } 80 per inditb ; cast front. PAIUJE.N i ( o , 1613 farnam street T70RBAj.tf Two Btory hsuso 10 'rooms , city , vvitcr , JL1 furnkiu , biru , etc. IIir al > , ? 0OCC. Fho 0 num cottage , full lo',2' th & DouKliB.SVM.i , SIirnscD , 7and8room , on H. lctli ft. , J block offbt , Mao'uAvcrontsIJ3UeiIi ; ; $3COO each. Splendid cottige fi rooms , ful , lot ojtt Jro't , Iijilc , tc. , South Avo. ; must bo B Id. Make an offer. 2 goud lioincs , full lots , llansc.nl Place , ? 3OGO and 3.blO. Cottige , lot , lurn , ctc.Elicrman Avu. , 82 , ICO. Lirgo 2 ttory house , 13 rooms , PjrkAvc.o ( > t front 7.COO. Corner lotln Pirkcr'sadd , cany tcrmi , f50. 75 cliolcc lotd In llLiiscoiu I'laiu , $55U to glf OOovch , 25 Iota III l > rUr iHiIiii'siiiIdS503to < jlOOpJ < ! atli. 1-2 lot on Cumin ; ; , bet. 2Ut and 22d bU. , $3,2(0. A A full buslncsD lut on U. P. II. It. track. Good for AcruloUlnIIImebiuli , Ilrooldlacand Helhlr , on a y tirms. 8 0 acres 10 miles west of city , g70 acre f J ncreson Leavcnwcrtb tltwi cheai ] , $8,007 , easy ermc. 0 homes for rent. Money to Ion , W. 0. SHRIVKR , opp. P , 0. 6JI-29 | 70B SAWS Eloeantlots for bulldlnv pnrporoi In L til prom'nent localltltB , at from 430J to 91,200. Amef , 1107 Fainauj. JG5-S7 rToR KALE No. tOS House 7 rooms , beautiful location - [ ' cation out front , Park Avenue , fcl.Ow. u. K iI.aynoS.Co. 018 27 70R BALK lat on Dodico and I'avunpoit btrouta la J Kllby pi 100 at f roui $300 lo 8500 , r < o mcia popu- ar dlricthn than this. Call and tee the property ud III excellent location. Ames , U07 F rntm.60l-27 , vo. 107 Two iot , UrRc liouie 8 rooms , FORBVLr Pierce $10 0,0. K.Ma > ne&Co. ld-17 Ton BALK For an Investment nothing cheaptr and ' tttierpla-o thtn Melro o IIIlllot al $175 to ? 60. iblnk of tbca ) pricts $176 to iiiy a > lot Ames 507 Ftrnam. (73 27 T tUEVi'E. At the annual meeting ol the board of J trmttes of Be'Itvuo ' Dolleju , tbo uoderslgned ere tulborlzed to sell a limited number of 1 > U In lle vue.it too uomlna'prko of FIf TV DOLL i IIS er lot , payatla In monthly InitallaiouU of FIVE jOLL fB ! ptr montb. No reatilctlons ai to build * eg reiU d onttcie lot i ho Piejbyteilan U ) nodlcil Collfge Ii located at tile rue and II It luped ( bat peop'e generally iroughout tb etito wl | , tike iulvant > K of thii IbcfalcBeraif the toirlt truiteti , and not tnlr ocur klo ) for a future home , IVTAIDIIIH CXILLEOI , 1312 UP-STAIRS 1312 STILL IN THE LEAD WITH A4 If ilVJjliUJui Til OUT QIFIE1 , And nothing now rfcmiunabut [ success which rwnitsyour ; consideration , is it economy to pay fancy prices to your tailor for your clothing such us S'25 , $ tfO , § 35 , $10 , 545 , 850 , § 00 and 805 , whou you find the sruno goods in cut. make and fabrics from the loading merchant tntlors throughout the cotmtry for less than half tt > o prica nb the Misfit and Uccalledfor clothing parlors , 1312 Douglas street , up-stairs , " 3TOTT "WILL A $25 00 Merchant Tailor Made suit , to bo aold for 812 ° 0 3000 " " " ' 1400 35 00 " " ' 1C 70 40 00 " " " " 18 80 50 00 " " " 23 35 CO 00 11 " ' " 28 15 65 00 31 40 Special bargains in PANTALOONS at the Original and Only Misfit Clothing Parlor ? , 1312 Doiiclag Stwot , up-stairs. A PAIR 6 G 00 Pair Merchant Tailor Made Pantaloons for S 2 80 7 CO " " " ' 050 850 " " ' 415 1000 " " " " D 00 12 00 " " " " 5 GO 1500 " " " " 1 10 You can also find some most elegant spring over coats even ns your own price ; also separate coats , coats and vests and separate vests at prices less than the material cost , AT THE OSIGINAL AND ONLY Up-stairs. Up-stairs. to tllsoxtcnt In erecting a HOMB MR Youxa LADIES atfcndlcg the ccllcgo. At this low prlca these lots will bo a safe and profitable in\cstment for those who do not with to make a home there. liul.'cvuo la only a half hour's rldo from Omaha on the B. & JI. R. R. , and la one of the most beautiful situations In Nebraska. Make application at once as you may net haio another opportunity at so low a piico. Address , O. F. Da\ls & Co. , 1EOS Farnam St. , Omaha , Nebraska. E14-1 SALB Lots on Farnam street In a beautiful led FOR , reached by a straight drlvo out Farnam Etcoet . Filce$100to S-00. Thssolots ate being , jartlesfor immedlato 1m- „ pro emcnt. Amo > , 1507 Farnam. GS2-27 T7OR SALE-ID Clarendon , elegant lot ] nn Lake St. , JJ one block from street cars at $176 to fflOO on easy tcrmf , no choper lots for the money and eelllngraj idly. Amta , 1507 Farnam. 601-27 SAIK No. ECO Lot 100x140 , house 4 room FOR 16th St , $2,250 ; monthly payment ] . C. E. Mayno & Co. 018-27 fOR BALE BySaunderB&Co. , 1401 Farnam S ilotPaiktr'a addition J block from St Car ? $400 Corner lot in Shlnn's addition $550. Jlot on Leavenworth St. , feucsd , and full of shad trees ; $400 If taken within 5 days. Lot on Harney near 20th St , $2,700. Lots in Sauidcrsnnd Jllaiebiugh's additions from $150 to $276 , andon monthly payments. 4-40 acrotracts ; 4 miles trom city , at 8J5 per acre cheap. Also lota In Highland 1'lico , and Jerome Pak. 6CG-lf SALE Some vary desirable lots In Plalnrlcn FOR Judge Redlok'i residence. Wo can ee these lots on very caav tcrma at 8376 to $476 per lot now la the tlmo to In ; est. Ames , 1507 Firnara. T70R BALI Acre lots for those tthodcslre Suburbai X ) homes aod can appreciate the fact thit acr property SO minutes drlio from the Opera llouso , 1 a sifo and sure investment at $155 to $200 an acre Call and Investigate. Ames , 1607 Farnam , 599-27 F ion BALE By A , Blunders & Co. , 1401 Farnam St 8,600 acres In llnjcr county , 1,100 acres In Antdop county , 0)39 ) Lands In Jefferson county , aljo Lands In Nuckola oounty.also Linda fn Harlan county , a'ao ' Lands In Furnas county , alio Lands In Hauuilera county , also Lands In Platte county , also Lands In Colfax county , alst Lands In Stanton county , also Lands in Cedar county , also Lands In Knox county , also lands \Viyno county , a'eo ' Lands In lilchardson county. COtf TOR BALK Splendid bulldlcc lota In Jerome Park ± 1 vvblchllcaon Dodsro street , and Is offered a $175to SiOO a lot , This property Ij worth jour at tentlon. Call and look at it. Ames , 1507 Farnam 670-27 Sun In Ilanscom place , BO me very cbolo FOR at prices ranging from $500 ti $300 ; this popular direction attracts thoae wishing a line loca tion r.t reasonable prices. Amcj , 1607 Farnam. ' ii'CBSALB No 222 Splendid suburban retldcnco 1" property , two lull lot ) , largo shade trees , now hcuee 10 rooms , bath room tc , , city water , large liarn 3 blrcks ffom Street Cats. Thb ] > lace will be Bold at Mcilflco on lone tlmo. C. E. Mayuo & & } . , 8. W corner 16th and Carnim. 6314 SALE No. SIS Corner lot on North IStb.wltn FOR , (4000 ; 81,00) ) down , balinco 4 year ) . Tbls Is * goad chance for investment , 0. K. Vav no Jt Co. j 818-47 BALE At $101 Lota In Arllogton , oae block FOR Btrect cars ; property Ilea Inndsomcly 235 lown inn a imall monthly fa > ment If desired , will buy thcao choice lots , Amee , 1C07 Farnam , 671-27 " | 7oR8ALs-No. ] fi3 Nlc Cottage a n , . . . J.1 ginl Avenue , In Hanccom Phce , $3(000 U llavne&Co. 61E-27 REST 0 rcom hou'e and good barn en green FOR llnetJ2 per montb. ' For rent 11 room eouso and largo barn on r o J line , (50 per montb , 83too 22x82 , on Dodze ; and brisk building. Lot 44x120 aad 3 etoiy brick block on Dodge St , at a bargain , 182 feet on N 16th to lease for a term of jcsre. 80feutfrsle n Firnam. IBO feet for iilo on Farnim. 44 feet fir sale on F rn m. Llv ery for sale , < -hep , good trade and will pay l/oni the Mar * . M , F , deal ) , Williams blank. 15th ind Dojgo fit. 407-tl BALE 7 room coitajte , wo'l , barn anl cistern , FOB Ibth street B blocks from shops 82,600 , on tasy terms. Potter & Cobb , 1516 Farnam St. OJMf ITIOB BiiB-Onsouth22Jet. one 4 room aad ono 6 i ? roomotl go , barn , well , cU ern , & ? , on came lot , root for J3i permonth , only 83,100 ; would tell sepuatei ) , I'Jttoii , Oobb , 1516 Farnam St. 660 tf OR BALE No. 183 Full lot , 3 new houses on ISIh F M.eplcndid renting property , fS.OOO tt B [ 518-57 OR BAM -Three choicest lotl In Uaniaam pUo . Patter it Cobb. ruci-6 good Iota In this addition with. MARION ol street can , can be had on easy rms. W U Green , over lit Nat'l Bank. B27-tf 170R8ALE-A few cholca acre pUcei ; ( No 16) ) , In 1' South Omab , tl.JO1 , monthly pavmeuta. ( No,135) , neir taurdcrs bt , Glie'aftdd , $1,100. ( Mo , 148) ) , South 13th SL , noir Ilascall'e , $1COO monthly payments. One acre , Mjer , Richards & Tildcn'fc add , S1.2CO. Four acres , West OmahagA,000. Five acns , Wo = t California St SZ.eoO. C. E. Ma > uo & Co. , 15th and Farnam. 618-27 TTtOR BALK. A full corner lot , two blocics west of JD red car line $550. This la positively a bargain. J. E. lllloy & Co. , 216 D. 13th St. For Sale Lot 60x140 , 22d St. , near Grace , $000. Tbls Is also a bargain. J. E. Riley & Co.,215 S 13th St For Sale Three lots 60x140 , south front. 4 blocks from street cirp. $350 each ; bargains. J. E. Ulloy & Co. , 216313thSt. For Sale Twolots On Georgia ar.RodlokV.add.cast front , no { Trading , near Faruam , 76x140 $2000 each , These nro reasonable. J. E. Rlley & Co,216 R 13th SI. ForSale Nine lots on Virginia ave. , 8800 to $950 each. J. K. Rlley & Co , ! 15 S 13th 6t. For Sole Ten lots on Cumlng st. , and nine on Burt st. , four blocks from military bridge. J , E. III- ley&Co..216S13thst ForSale Eighteen lots on VInton it , ono block from terminus 13th street car line. Positively cheap. J. E. IUl-y 4s Co. , 216313th tt. Wo dcslro to say to our patrons that In the above list wo oan give assurance of safe and profitable In vestment. ( Vo also have property In almost every quarter of the city worthy of inrcttlgitlon. J. E. RILE ? & CO , , 216 S 18th 6t. 823-tf TT/ / x OJTEB ron BALK East half of block 3 Smith' VV add. , 600 feet front , two aero lots , nicest In Omaha , full vlow of city nd Blufla , making 10 lota 1C5 feet oich , will sell half or all. Lots 44 and 00 , Nelson's add , , $700 each or wl sell naif of cither ; Lots 60x146 Kouctz's 2d ftdd. nea 9th and Center , $100 each. Lot 6 , block 1 , Kountz'a 4th add , being store on 10th Bt , full lot.S2.SCO , also lot 9 simo block $1,350. Two lots In South Omaha , by Goodman's , with house , orchard , cUtern , and well , all $100. 10 Uvo sera lota In Vlnolancl , 6 miles north city limits overlooking city and UluDs , $55 per acre. Lots 10 and 11 , block 19 , Ilanscom placa very sightly , 81,203 for both. Half acre 150 fact front block 6 , Park place , with house , barn , well , and cistern , Corner , 2 lots in Hawthorne on Cass tt , OCO fo both cto etc. Call and see us , Dexter L. Thomas ' & Bro. , Hca Eitato ; Boom B Crelghton block. 673-tf "IjlOR BALK Lots n Hillside add chcntiest and best Jj Inside Iota in the city , 8760 to $350 exclusive rents. Putter & Cobb. 051-tl fTTOR BALK-By 0. F , Davis & Co. , 1505 Farnam Bt JP Omaha House and lot on south Eighteenth St. , $1,000. " " " ' 1 Twentieth " $1,400. 2 houses Dodge near loth St , $2,200. 8 ott ) In Hanscom Piece , each , $ 625. House and lot on Park avenue , $4COO. DavencortSt,8l2000 , u u n it u g 2C00. south 18th " ? 4.000. 15,001 acres of land In Boone county , $7 to $10. 20,000 " ' " Stanton " $7 to $12. Land In Madison , Wajno , Platte and Hall countlc on easy termr. Monov nancil on long time. 6C6 tf BUSINESS CHANGES. K fULB. A well cstabllaboj talcrvln good loco- tlon , at a birzalu. Addicaa "L"Beo Ofllco , 030-Jp TJlORSALE Pno of the best located meat markets. JT Inqulro at Obem Hooslck k Co. , office BIS South 18th St. FOR BALS At n bargain , on account of my health Ulllng. 1 wish to dlposo of my billiard ball. It a In the beat location In tbo cltv , nnd doing a good iijlng bualncga at all times. For fail particulars iddresa C , L. Herman , Plattimouth. fob. Q35.Jnly2p A halt Interest In well cstabllbhed real WANTED citato Dcslncis In Onulm b ; a man who can urnlsh beat of rcfcrenooaas to buslucjaio. Address 'R. II. " lloe olllce. 630-27p HOTKL FOR BiLB-Tbo only hot * I In Clay Confer , Nobriaka ; canbo bought cheap ; the register or tliy ehuvvsfour hundrel tranaientu ; correepond- enco solicited. Addtcsa Trimble & Chapman , Clay CenlorNeb. 492-29p TTTANTKO To oichango 4 lota In Omaha f ) r ernill VV hotel or buslneis property in country town , west or noith prcterreJ. Address "Exchange , " Omaha Bee. I5727i | FORHALR Oa account of poor health , a well < tiblUbed oicrcantre buslneia In Omaha. Cash capital required , $5Q03 to 110,0.0. For further rar- Iculars addresj A , this olllco , 4C7.27p fjlOR BALK Old establlibnU piyint ' , buslnosa wliolo. D sale and retail ; sales list year { 103,000 ; goods Uplo and known , no remuinte : business Krovvlng , na can be largely Increased ; capital neceeairy about 20,000 Pattlc * who have the inooeyandmetn bits- uesa , will find this aa opnoriunl'y teldarn offered , to others nesd address ' 'Johnson' lleo olllco. 478 tf RENT A hotel and siloon known aa tbo Ucn- IfVOR 1 House , looitod In Fremont , Neb , with- n forty fe t of the U. P. Iraok , Will rent for one to ve Tear Ban rcaaontblo tenns. Houio 1s unfur- Ishod and Is tbo be t etind in Dodge county. In- ulro of Holt. GrcKg or Mrj , llrldget Ilinlon , Fro > loot , Neb. Z5929p TOR BAL Eataollihed ocmal'eion builncti ; imall J capital rtquiied ; good reisons for soiling , Ad- rew' Commlulon" card lloe otllce. 102-11 Tloa BALI Driut itor in a , desirable looallt nil luvoloo about (1.600 n 0 Patterson , M B cornet Sth and Farnam. CJ-tl jtOlt SALB Or exohango ft full itock of clothing ? boots anj shoes , gent1 tiupUhlnrgoodi , will en ianr for Nebraska Lands. 0 , U.VtUnto.Wt a , Otb til , Omaha , Mob. 8JO-W PERSONAL. Miss LOOMis will take a few puplla for summer , hours D n. m. , to 12 m. , 1914 Webster St. 029-3 FOR BALK Restaurant central SIOO , meat market at a bargain : houio ani [ u 1 lot monthly pay ments , $1,400. Bxllou Broa , 3173 13th Bt. 026-S LADigstfyouVant your plumes or tips cleaned , dyed and curled ; liret-olats work guaranteed , go to Ilonry Sincere , 1810 Jackson st. 493-Jly 22 PERSONAL Mrs. E. U. Hooper , tranoo clairvoyant , and healing medium , over 710 North IflthSt. 662-J21 MRS. BciiRODBR 0 alrvoyant and Magnetic healer. > Locates all pain and diaeaso , 707 N , 10th St. 437-July 19 D In. A ciiRSTimmLD ihgnello physician , test and developing medium , 01 or 619 north 16th St , _ _ _ 668-J21 IOE OREAM. Tun purest , rhhcat and best Ice cream always froth on hand ; order ] for prlyato and boarding houses promptly delivered. Carl Schmld , 03 South 16th trcet above Farnam. , 1B3-JI7-9 BOARDING. Man M no\ovAff h s opened a flr > t class boardlntr hou-cat 1611 Dodge Kt , , and will * -e glad to too her old patrons and many now oribB. C24-20 W Day boarders 1E03 Farnim SL6S3 6S3 2j ) MILLINERY. MRS. ATVVOOD , next to John llussfo's Hardware- store , Ii etlllnp ; out her entlio stock of millinery at and below coat. The ealo lasts two weeks weeks653.S9 653.S9 LOST AND FOUND. QTRAMiD OR SIOLKX A lorrell mare with a white O star In the forcheaj. Finder trill receive a liber al renard by returning her to Cumln'a & Oulnn , era * ccrg,13th and Cnlvago ttrcct. OST If ths party who fcund ladlei , gold witch Jw II return tame to Ivlholm & Krlckson , they will ba liberally rewarded. WatchJUIghly prlciid by owner. 012,27 on Ono Kly'j gold wa'.ch. Liavo at Edholm J ErlcksonV and receive renard. 631-27 STKATKU Ablackmtro about 12 years olfh vhlto ipotlntho foichcadaml Itft front foot ; wXiWanil blind In the right oyo. FIrdcrHlIl be rewarded by returning her ta J. A. Peterson , 28th and Ca'ifornlA Street. M.29p _ - b y horaj , white faoo. weighs 1400 1 STRAYKD-Ono Ilor'4 browcry , any Information as to whorcabjuti will bo suitably rewarded. Storz & Itr. 417-27 _ CHIROPODIST. H All aliments of the foot , B iccoasfallr treat- V od by Dr. Uirry , ' 1612 Douglas street. Offlco for ladles. 792-jlyS RUPTURE GURED. No Operation , or uselesx trusira Dr. II , M. Moore 243 Wabasb arc. , ChlcaKO , Ills. , at Omaha every COdays. Bend Btamp for clrculir. 493Jly.22 MISCELLANEOUS , FORSAls-Goodnew luy , Wwmcr'u firra.Hurv Co. , near Jiellevue. MlrounSclinack , 657'29p y rOETi.va and peculiar bookj for Rontlemen. Lit O for stamp. Lock box 80 , Capo Miy , N. J , jSS TUB U , P , Park looitod 1 ! miles B. W. on U. P. reid , U now open to tha publlo and cun bo rented or plvulci and eoclal githorlnga. SpecUl rates for arc Klren. For terms , cell or addresjll. C. Scbwcnck Papllllon , Neb. 092-tl Ik ROOD U4n aI'artlM nUnlng to purchaia brood Dmaros for ranch purpitos please call at Uoxan's , lvcry itlble , 413 with 18th street , Omahv to2-tt , doosj not glvo you heart-burn. Tags icdecined at cue cent , each by tbo dealers 'cycko tiros. , Ageo ta. Oii3-U Pisrunu Ou I3khorn and i'hite , T. Hurray. SOO-U A HAMJOMD uouKariuiM. Na/Uw , 1'enons wco - xtook homttteids In Western Kaniu previous to June 16tb , I8SO , and abaadonvd them without mak ing final croot , will learn Bouiuthliif to their odrui- tajre by atldreMla ; mo by Utttrat ouoa. Isaao Ua | . holltud , land attorney , Uonnotb , BBorlJan Co. , Kan * X IDXWBII.TIK TAd , Its fruit flavored , UKS redeemed " _ y t ono cent each by the dealers , Peycke Urot , S\ [ \ gents. OSS-tl _ _ KSTKDcnox on banjo given by G E Dellea . beck , at Ilia Oanltol aye. 4SQ.U B , It does not taint tha breath , tui Jredotmedat oooc xt ath Uy the dealers. r > ex roi , Agents. J-tt