Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 29, 1885, Page 4, Image 4

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    THE DAILY BEE-M ON DAY ; JUNE 29 , 1885
N w YOJUC Omca , BOOM 5 Tntuum BOILI
Iltin *
mjr tnornlrtf , wtcwrt 3
eolj Uoodiy nornlnr * / ? t > bU * < jM ta Ui ii t .
nuii ITT win , .
On Tear . . . . . . ( IfcOO IThreo MorSfea . 61
BUMonth * . . 0 | On Month . - l.C
Th Weekly 13te , Published every Wedneida
OneTeir , wtlh prtrMira. . . , . . , . . . , , . . . . , . . . . ! S (
Ont Year , without premium. , . , . . , , . . . , . . . . . . 1 i
fill Menthe , without prtmlum . . . J
Ont Month , on trUl . . . . . . . . 1
All Communication ) retittng to Kewi and Editor ! )
mitttri tbould t iddreiied to the EDIIO * or TU
i irmu.
All Builnen L lUr &nd RemltUncei ihonld h
ddr aed to Tn nm ronuinixo Courisr , OM1QJ
Drifts , Checki and Test oflkaordtri tobt mvle pa ;
kbit to tha order of th * company.
_ A. n.Fitch.Mani _ _ rpr D il
TUB Fourth of Jnly Is io bo celebrate
in Omaha. Bailer hlo than novor.
Tun Herald doalo oat a liberal doa
of taffy to certain Unloa Pacific official )
Dr. Miller la at homo particularly 01
that subject.
AMID the confusion of the cablne
criala nnd other local disturbances , th
British lion las temporarily loat sight o
the Russian boar.
who luvo bsoa trying to eot
tlo the question as to which is the boa
college for their boys , noad have no mon
trouble in solving that problem aa Uar
vard has benton Yaln In a boat raco.
Tun country , as usual , draws on Omnt ;
for Fourth of Jnly oratota. About i
dozen of moat dlatlngnishcd citizens nn <
moil eloquent orators will' cat the oagli
loose oa Indepandonco day in various pa
triotic communities in Nebraska ,
MINNEAPOLIS and St. Paul nro con
stantly quarreling and looking Into end
otbor'a back kltchonWo would snggoa
that the tire consolidate and adopt thi
name of Mlnnoapanl. The consolidated
city would contain about 200,000 popula
BY all moans the Sandwich Islands
with their valuable angar plantations
ohonld bo annexed to the United States
They should bo put under the control o
the corporation lobbylsta and wlro-pull-
era , who know BO much about th (
handling of sugar.
OMAHA and West Point and intermc <
dlato places are to have improved rail
toad accommodations , beginning on Mon
day. Under the now arrangement per
Bonn from the lower Elkhorn valley wll
have the opportunity of spending all daj
In Omaha , The now train arrives Ir
Omaha at 10 a. m. and leaves at 5:4 : (
p. ja.
OALCUI.ATIONS on the wheat crop stll
continue , the variations having a wide
jrango. The latest estimate , by a Milwaukee
waukoo grain atatlstician , places the tota'
yield at 331,000,000 buahola. According
to hta figuring the spring wheat ylelc
will bo 121,000,000 bushole. Like al
the other estimates , there ia probably i
great deal of gaesa work in ibis statement
"OFFENSIVE partisanship" was th
charge upon which the internal rovenui
collector at Madison , Wisconsin , was re
moved from office. Ho commanded thi
o&valry that captured Jeff Davis In hoop
nkirt and petticoat. Wo are surprloec
that this offenalvo ratcal was not turnec
out long ago. This Is but another Ulna
tration of the old adage that the whirliglj
of tlmo brings round its revenges.
THE Kansas Oily ZVmessays the people
ple of Kansas City want no stinginess Ic
boundary lines. "Well , wu should SB ]
not. * Kantaa City , not satisfied witl
claiming a population of 140,000 , , inclnd
Ing ita suburbs , proposes to further InHale
Halo Itself by ortonding Its city limits si
aa lo take in the whole state of Missouri
except St. Louis. After this is done i
will endeavor to swallow up the ctato o
WHY should buildora bo permitted ti
blockade the entire width of the aid wall
on badness streets , oven after the side
walk has been exc&vatod ! la there on ;
ozcnco for builders keeping the street ob
ttractod for a whole season ? As a rul
they have & habit of fencing In the side
walk nnd fencing out the public fo
months until their building is completed
Our walks arc twenty feet wide and si :
or eight feat might bo enclosed withon
serious Inconvenience , but the onclotun
of the whole sidewalk is not only a nuls
anca to pedestrians but damaging to thi
business houses In the whole block where
such obstructions exist.
tquara denial , which Mr. KImbali
makes through his editorial mouthpiece
la the Omaha fit-publican , may bo taken
by the publla for what It Is worth , The
Tact that Mr. Klmball years ago imported
BU editor for that paper and had him put
on the Union Pacific pay-roll would in
dicate within Itself that ho Is In the habit
of dabbling In railroad journalism. The
article to which wo referred ns being
written or Inspired by him has nil the
oar-marks [ of Mr. Kimball'a style of
composition. In f ot , acme of the sen.
tonces are almost a reproduction of a
part o ! the composition which ho road to
the inter'stato commerce committee. The
boy who figures aa the editor of the
Republican has a peculiar style of his
own , which any ordinary person can
easily detect. The line Italian hand of
Mr. Klmball may not have hold the pen *
cil that WBB used to wrlto the editorial ,
but hia fertile and ingenious brain un
doubtedly originated the ideas that wore
put on paper ,
The hoodlum press of Nebraska , whic
upon every occasion attempts to bollttl
and traduce Senator Van Wjck , hoi a
hat found nn opportunity for dlsplayln ;
its amall-Bonlcd spite. The senator bn
accepted an Invitation to deliver a Fourt !
of July oration at Norfolk. This fac
gave mortal cfTanBo to that notorlou
mountebank , Dr. Pater Sohwcnk , and i
few disreputable strikers and land shark )
that have infested the Elkhorn valley
They were seconded by the hoodlno
press , which approvingly applauded th
contemptible conduct of the wretched am
cowardly nobodies who hare undertake !
to insult Senator Van Wyck and proven
him from spanking nt Norfolk. Ono o
those spltofnl hoodlums , who publishes
paper nt Paplllion , goes out of his wa ;
to indulge in the following fling ;
Norfolk , ono of the liveliest and prottioe
towns in this stnto , intended to celebrate th
Fourth of July in grand stylo. Fate , lion
over , nppeara to bo nanat ! the proaperou
and enterprising town , The committee o
arrangements thoughtlessly invited Senate
Van Wyck to deliver the oration. Of coura
the distinguished orator accepted the invltr
tion. The citizens objected , but the commit
tea insisted that the programamo should b
carried out , The people now declare the ]
will have nothing to do with the affair i
Van Wyck Is permitted to apeak , At proa
ent it looks aa thougli the senator and th
committed will celebrate by themselves ,
THE "people" in this instance happei
to bo a gang of political bushwhacker
who have boon dislodged from the publi
crib by the vigilant and vigorous effort
of Senator Yan Wyck against land-grab'
bars and land-offico sharks. For thi
cake of the fair reputation of Norfolk , I
not as n matter of prudence , ( hey shouli
have rcsorvod'thelr venom and vongoanc
for the proper time when Van Wycl
comes before the people as a candldat
Tor ro-oloction. The Fourth of Jul ;
should not bo made the occasion of dls
playing political rancor and an oxhlbi
tlon of malicQ and moannosa. The
Elkhorn valley his repeatedly
been disgraced by miscreants who In thi
3arly days secured a foot-hold in Nobras
kn by ways that are dark and tricks thai
irj vain. The time has gene past , how'
Dvor , when the dog-ln-the-mangpr class
: an play dictator and rnlo communltlei
3von when the hoodlum press is bohinc
their back.
Senator Van Wyck is neb cm obscure
man , or a man whoio conduct has do
prlvod him of popular confidence. He
ias made a national reputation In the
senate , and any city of the conntrj
trould regard him aa worthy of ro-
ipectful attention. By Inviting
lim to deliver a Fourth of July oration ,
; he citizens of Norfolk have conferred nc
loner or favor upon him. On the con-
; rary they ought to fool proud that the
mnator has accepted their Invitation ,
0.1s presence will insure for them a large
ittendance and ' make the occasion or
wont of more than ordinary interest. II
Dr. Schwonk and other hoodlums rmc
roustabouts are displeased they should b ;
politely invited to celebrate the Fonrtt
) f July in some other town.
The pabilc schools are now closed foi
the season and some plain talk concern.
Ing the defects of our system may be
profitable before the course of Instruction
is arranged and the teachers are chosen
lot the coming year. While the
Dnr public schools will compare favorably
with that In other citiea It ia by no meant
peifect. Nobody can attend ono of the
high school commencements wlthoul
reaching tne conclusion that onr system
of education Is superficial and larj-olj
Impractical. The compositions , essays ,
and orations are stilted and lack fresh
ness , originality and vigor of expression.
The awkward gestures and sing-song
declamation afford ample proof that bet
tor talent Is needed among our teachen
of rhetoric. To us the whole system ol
high school exhibitions appears llko the
display of cheap jewelry In a show-win
dow. There Is nothing solid about it ,
and it only impresses npon ns the faci
that onr educators do not comprehend
the mission of the public schools. The
chief aim and object of our public school
system should bo elementary instruction
In all the branches of knowledge which
In our enlightened ago will enable met
and women to grapple with the problem !
of life , and pursue their vocations In
telligently and profitably.
Instead of trying to make great orator-
ont of our boys and actresses and leotur.
ors ont of onr glrla the teachers should
endeavor to make them proficient read
ers and writers of the English language.
It Is too mortifying to hoar the wretched
pronounclatlon nndmonotonous style of
reading of boys and girls whoso tlmo ia
wasted upon attempts at declamation.
Original thoughtahonldbodevelqped by
: ompoaitlons upon. ractloal subjects and
, lmoly latues rather than npon attempts
it high strung , abstruse and theoretical
llsqnlaitlons , which in the main are usually
itolen almost bodily from some author ,
[ n other words the system of permitting
routhful minds to discnsa subjects which
lave racked the mature minds of philoso.
ihors ia too much Ilka trying to build a
IOUBO by beginning at the roof instead of
ho basement.
There Is also a lamentable lack of
horonghnesa In the branches of useful
nd Indispenslblo knowledge , such as
latory , especially the history of onr
auntry and onr own times , and a waste
f time upon the studios that can bo of
o practical use , excepting In very rare
Wo want onr'yonng mon and women to
now a great deal more about steam ,
eotrlcity , miguetlam , plants and mln-
als , and we could tafely dispense with
namental studies.
Inasmuch as the efilclency of our school
atom depends upon the ability of the
achers the board of education in the
lining year should weed out all Inconi-
petunia and drones , and ralso the stand
ard of education by employing none bt
first class teachers , Bight hei
lot ns , say that there has bee
altogether too much favoritism In ot
public schools. The board should hoi
the superintendent responsible for h
totchors , but ho cannot bo mad
accountable as locg as inefficient toachoi
are forced npon the school to please th
or that member of the board. Wo ha\
frequently been told that teachers hav
been employed and kept In onr publ
schools who have failed to secure tt
necessary certificate from the examiner
and In some cases toacheri holding lo
grade certificates have boon employe
higher grades to the dotrlmei
of the schools , This la all wronj
There should bo no preference showi
for any teacher except npon morlt. N
teachers should bo employed merely bi
cause tholr backers are influential or bi
cause they are related to prominent clt
zons. All things being equal , our on
residents should bo given the proforoni
In employment , but it Is notorious thi
good teachers from abroad have been r
jccted and poor teachers from Omni
cmployod en the pretense that it was d
slrablo to glvo homo talent the oppo
tuntty to make a living.
SOME fear is entertained that if tl
Ohoyennos in the Indian territory shoul
go npon the warpath they would make
break for the north and leave a trail i
bloodshedanddovastetion as they dldsoa
years ago. It will bo remembered His
in September 1878 , a party of nlnol
warriors , with their women and chlldret
all under the leadership of Llttlo Wol
Dull Knife and other chiefs , loft the In
dian territory and struck for the nortl
murdering and plundering as they wen
Notwithstanding that they wore followo
by cavalry , they succeeded in rcaohin
northern Nebraska , whore , In the vlcinlt
of Ohadron crooknportlouburrendercdt
a military detachment fromFortlloblnaor
In Kansas alone those redskins murdore
about forty persons. Theao Ohoyeunei
unless tfmely precautions are taken , ca
repeat this raid , and If succcasfc
In reaching the northern reservation
Ihoy might stir up the northern Indian
sufficiently to Induce them to break loose
Et is claimed that the Choyennes ca :
muster from 1,200 to 1,500 warriors. I
will thus bo seen that Immediate action 1
Important. The first atop to ba taken i
to put a sufficient military force in th
Geld to prevent tholr leaving the India :
territory for the north , and the nex
thing to be done Ia to remove the cause
of their present discontent , which can b
easily ascertained. If the -presence o
cattlemen and cowboys has become ob
noxious to thorn they should bo removed
ts they are in reality nothing but trea
passers , as their leases are not worth th
paper they are written on. Further
more , it is claimed that these so-callei
leases have been obtained by questiona
ble methods and that the rent la mcrel ;
nominal , being from two to three cent
per aero per annum.
THE recent decision of the court of ap
peals of Now York in regard to oloomar
jrlno ia to the effect that the lav
prohibiting Us manufacture Is uncoi
itltntlonal. If olemargrlno is man
ufactured and sold aa such
md not palmed off aa gonulno creamer ]
butter , no ono can prevent it. Thi ;
decision Is considered satisfactory to al
parties. The dairy men cannot complah
low that oleomargarine , bnttorlno anc
3ther imitations must ba honestly labelcc
md sold for what they ore not. On thi
ithor hand the oleomargarine mannfao
inrers whoso oporatlono hnc
3ocn entirely stopped. in Neti
fork will resume business al
: ho old standsand onca more supply the do
nsndfor theirproduots. But whatehallbi
lone with boarding house keepers win
put upon their tabloa the imitation com
pounds and palm them off on innocen
boarders as creamery batter "Ought
they not also to be compelled to placi
ipon the butter-dish a label stating
what the substance Is , whether It ii
jrcamcry bntlor or butterlne ? " How
3ver , the patrons of boardlng-houEoa
liotols and restaurauto may take come
: omfort from the statement of a proml
aont manufacturer who assures the pub
lie oleomargarine is not naaty Bluff , as li
lias been called , but purer than a groal
leal cf the butter sold , and It does no !
iced to bo sold as butter as it can stand
> n its own merits , Oleomargarine h
low quoted at cloven and twelve cents
lonnd in New York , where a million
icunds are turned out every week , while
> ntter ia held at eighteen cents , Pas :
ho oleomargarine.
TUB lot of the Mormon older continua
o bo an unhappy ono. The grand jury
t Salt Lake has just Indicted nine
aero of them for polygamy. Evidently
ho Edmunds law Is having the desired
ffcct , and if the authorities continue to
nforce It as vigorously as they are now
olng It may solve the Mormon problem
'ho ' Mormons are no doubt becoming
onvincod that the govornmnnt means
nalnoss and that polygamy must go.
rot lent ; ago It was reported that the
biofs of the Mormons were looking for
new location in Mexico. When they
itnrned , however , they maintained
lat they had not been absent on any
ich mission , but had simply been
[ siting various Mormon Battlements in
10 extreme south , and had
) intention of moving , However ,
o public believed that there was really
mo foundation for the repjrt of the
intomplatod removal. Now comes the
atement that Brigham Young , jr. , and
Ishop Snow have gene to the city of
'exico where they are said to bo In sac.
seful negotiation for largo trasta of
nJ , If this is true , and probably It Ir ,
is eafe ta predict that a gradual Mor
mon emigration will begin at an carl
day , nnd that Mexico will become tli
homo of polygamlstt , if the governmct
of that country will permit the practic
of polygamy. If Brfgham Young nn
Biihop Snow make purchases of land i
Mexico they will of course do so on cot
dition that there shall bo no govorr
mental Interference with their doctrlc
of polygamy.
MR. Hcndrlcks , having failed to BI
euro the distribution of federal patror
ago in Indiana , has been converted I
tbo civil service reform doctrine accorc
ing to the Ideas of President Olovolanc
In his recent speech before the Bay Stal
club of Boston ho was very onthnaiaatl
In favor of civil eorvica reform. " ]
seems a cruel , cruel proscription , " sal
ho. "towards the opposite parly , for
know there are honest mon among then
I would not to-day , If I conld do so , tak
the charge ot this ontlro govornmor.
away from the opposite side. They pa
tholr taxes , they contribute to the BUI
port of the country , they help to figl
the battles when horrid war comes upo
ua , and H is but fair that they ahonl
share in the honors. " Coming froi
Thomas A. Hondricks , who was until n
cently an ardent advocate of the spoil
system , this ia certainly a big conooaalot
It would bo appreciated were It not fc
the fact that with him it is a caao of son
grapoa. It is wonderful what effect Boi
ton baked beans and Now England rui
have on a Hoosicr etatcamau.
THERE is a conaiderablo rivalry amen
aouthorn cities In regard to the oreclio :
of expansive bnlldinga for the Youn
Men's Ohriatian associations , Atlant
heads the list with a building that is t
cost 8100,000 ; Nanhvillo and Ohattanoog
follow with $50,000 each , and Selma
Alabama , proposes to ralso § 25,000. Th
fever la extending northward , havinj
reached Kantos city , which Is making at
effort to secure a fund of S7B,000. Oinahi
ought to fall into line , and erect a Youni
Men's Christian Association building t
cost at least § 30,000. Such a movemon
was agitated hero aomo tlmo ago , but fo
some reason failed. Another effort a
this tlmo might prove successful. Thi
more public buildings a city has the bet
ter , and It strikes ns that there an
enough men In Omaha who can aflbn
to subscribe liberally to such an enter
AIL eorta of devices era resorted to bj
land aockers to get as much as possible
under the various land laws. Perhaps
the most Ingenious plan Is that which It
reported from Kansas. A parson whe
had already proved up on hia claim wlahec'
to secure another ono adjoining his , and
on this he put a building and hid It oc
cupied by his wife , at the same time
announcing that ho had separated frorr
her and had secured a divorce. A mar
rled woman cannot prove up a claim , but
a divorced or single woman can. This
plan isvory suggestive , and will probablj
bo followed by other couples , who cm
Bccuro divorces for the tlmo being and
after the claims have boon proper ! j
proved np they can marry.
IT is high time that John McCullough ,
the actor , should be regarded as a citizen
and not as a footllght favorite. His day
for mlmio tragedy is over , and his friend e
or the proper authorities should promptly
accludo him , lest his appearance in some
genuine tragic scene startle to indignation
thoao who now know him only as unfortu
nate. In his present state he ia a menace
to the ontlro dramatic profession. Phil
adelphia Record ,
It Is high tlmo that i ho telegraphing of
bho dally antics of John McCnllough
should cease. Whether he is confined In
a lunatic asylum or not , It Ia hoped tbat
the aaaoclated press and 'newspaper cor
respondents will glvo the public a rest
with regard to McCullough.
THE members of the present cabinet
ire taking advantage of every opportunity
to keep thomtolven before the public.
Secretary Bayard first took In the weat-
orn circuit , and now Vico-Proaldent Hen-
flrlcka Is doing tlio east. Next , Presi
dent Cleveland proposes to exhibit him
self at the big pumpkiushow at Lawrence ,
Kansas. Meantime , Secretary Whitney
Is making a reputation by his fight on
John Roach and his Dolphin , It la
now about time to hear from Secretary
Endicott , Secretary Manning , Attorney-
General Garland , Secretary Lamar and
Secretary Vilas ,
THAT long promised libel suit agalnat
Tames Crelghton has at last materialized ,
[ t reminds ns of the ndago that fees !
rush in where angels /err to tread. This
mlt will afford a splendid apportnnity
'or ' exposing the knavery and hypocrisy
ffhlch constitute the make-up of railway
> rgan-grlndors In thcso parts.
THE whole number of visitors to the
! Tow Orleans exposition was 1,158,810.
't was open nearly as long aa the conton-
ilal at Philadelphia , which waa vial ted
y 9,910,000 peranna. It Is uot necessary
o look much further for the cause of the
inanclal failure of the Now Orleans on-
erpriae. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _
WORK is progressing on Senator Ed-
lundV new Washington roiidenoa just
a though ho expected to live there at least
Is years more. This loads us to the con-
lusion that he la not worrying much
bout the alleged opposition to hia re-
Now that Mayor Boyd has paid off his
olitlcal debts in compllmontarie * , would
; not ba well for him to send in the
araos of men whom ho personally re-
ards worthy of being confirmed ?
ACCOIIDI.VQ to the St. Louis Qlobc-Dcm
tral , grasshoppers are as thick In the
elds of California RB colonels in a Mis-
iurl bar-room , California mutt be.
uely aill'cted ' , f
WILL Mayor Boyd aeiid In some ne
nominations next Tuesday , or lai 1
about exhausted his lact compllmcntarii
to men of "Inflooonco" who helped I
elect him ?
IF there ia to bo a change , why woul
not A , D. Jonoa mnka agood poatmastc
The only objection that could ba made I
htm ia that his hat is not now larj
IF the Union Paslfio railroad Is take
out of politics , John M , Thuraton's ocoi
patlou aa a bosa nnd leader in politli
will bo gono.
Now that John 0. Santco and M ;
Marklcy , of Niobrara , made a fnvorabl
Impression upon Mr. Cleveland th
country is tnfo.
THE fiscal year begins next Thursday
and about that tlmo the offensive partlaa
all along the line will bo given a vaoj
Grand Island hna clchty-flvo holloa ,
Albion's population reaches the 1)03 notcl
Sarpj tmtj's population haa roachc
Hora accs'nro Sabbath milestones at Yu
The assessed valuation of Ainsworlh
§ 170.000.
Long Tina populates at 310 , with great o :
The liny harvest la nbout to begin in tl
1'latto bottoms.
1'onca ncil Dlxon counties lose 510.0031
the i.ito hurricane.
North Bond will distribute $75 in prizes
hose teams on the 4th ,
The otorm ot the 10th demolished a grov
of 100 trees near Duncan ,
The O'Neill ' llepubllcan hna joined th
procession up Salt creek.
General Thayer will curry the eagle c
North liond on the Fourth.
The Box Bntto country , Dawes county , i
rapidly filling with settlers ,
The Bidory ofl ihe Fremont postoflico hn
eeu increased § 101) ) per year.
Bcatrico talks of harming up $15,000 ii
purses ( or races in September.
Chndron and Rushvillo will liquidate th
debt of patriotism on the Fourth.
Lightening killed five head of cattle ii
Anton Bartosh'a herd nt Glencoo.
The coruor at ono or the now M , E , churcl
at Arapahoe was laid last Monday ,
A 390-foot brldeo spans the Itspublicar
river at Strntton , Hitchcock county.
"A Httlo over six thousand ia the way th <
census panned out" at Grand Island.
A wagon train drawn by 130 oxou was oni
o ! the Bights in Hushville recently.
Kearney is building two largo publii
echooh , one on either cido of the track ,
The commissioners of So ward have con
traded for eight iron and combination bridges
Frost blisters were discovered in some parti
of Sarpy county after the cold wave of las
The present population of Ainswotth i ;
SCO , not counting merchants holding dowi
Blair votes to-day on n proposition to bone
the city for water works. Intimated cost
The new M. E. church at Scotia was dedicated
cated on Sunday last with appropriate core-
Cedar county's corn crop is estimated a
thirty par ceut in acreage nnd ten per cant it
Springviow , Kcyapalia county , although bul
three months old , baa eighteen business hoiuei
md COO inhabitants.
The apple crop has been 'damaged by frosti
in the southern part of tha state , and not ovei
lialf a crop is expected.
There is nothing small about Ouster county ,
jvon hail atones , the home product , reach a
1'ameter of eight inches.
A bridge over the Republican is ono of the
resting needs of Hod Cloud , but the natives
ef used to tax themselves for it.
The town of Hughes is the latest and now-
ist magic city of the plains staked oft for fu-
uro greatness in Dawes county.
lied Cloud estimates an increase of four
mndred in population in ten months , making
be total now -,000 , without enthusiasm.
Nebraska prohibitionists will resolute at
jincoln on July 23d , They should have taken
n the Siungerf st and secured froth for tbo
: ampalgn.
Thq Juno rise on tha Missouri carried out
if sight a farm of 700 acroe , mostly timber ,
lear Granger's mill. The land WDS owned bt
3. T. Hedges.
Eloctilc lights are talkedo m Plattsmcuth
Vn Omaha agent of a plant it thawing the res-
dents what could be done with $5OOJ invcst-
d in illuminators ,
Tajo , the thief who robbed his roommata
, t the palace hotel , Hastings , Sunday night ,
ros captured nt Fairchild Wednesday , He
idmits his guilt.
Judge Johnathan F. Gardner , of Falls City ,
ia9 bean uotifud to forward his bond pte-
larntory to assuming the duties of surveyor
; enurnl of the state.
Heaves , a somewhat notorious insurance
igeiit who hibomatcd at Fremont , has gone
in a summer excursion to Canada with $1,110
licked up in the course of business.
A slick swindler sailing under the nnrna of
1. U.Uawson , struck Grand Island lately
ind picked up several dollars by selling dreBs
latterns to be delivered in the hereafter ,
The Plattsinouth Jcurnal says the Iowa ex-
ursionists who recently visited Lincoln paid
uenty.fiva cents each to secure admission to
ho penitentiary , The warden looks out for
Jo , 1 ,
Loup City , after an exciting campaign , car-
led the proposition voting a bonus of $38,000
lends to aid in the construction of the Bt ,
'nul railway extension to that point by a
oteof I ) 12 to 280 ,
The editor of the Johnson County Journal
njoys life to the utmost. Having knocked
ut the county sheriff in ono round be went
omo and banqueted on grten peas raised and
ultivatcd by hfa motier-lu-Iaw ! ,
Tortured with a mind diseased , and during
ho absence of her family , Mra , lirinclle. of
louthLoup , Ouster county , ended her troubles
y tutting her throat with a raior. Her ro-
mins wera taken to Bradshaw , York county ,
: > r burial ,
The city council of Hastings has granted a
anchise for gas works , to be completed 1'eb-
nary 1,1861 ! . The city agrees to use fifteen
imp * , to be located outside the electno light
elt. There will be throe miles of mams ,
tTater works are next in order ,
Borcher , the Scribner brute who seduced a
iirtoen year old girl and permitted her to
ie In the agonies of maternity , refusing to
rocura medical attendance , escaped with a
> ntence of fifteen days in jail and a fine of
100. The blind goddess is entitled to
iromo ,
"During a residence of eleven years in Ne-
raska , " says the Howard Reporter , "we have
jvemeen better prospects for all kinds of
ops than there Is nt present , " Corn is get *
ng ahead of tbo woods and small grain never
eked finer , The acreage of flax is much
rger this year than ever before.
A pair of Plumb Creek Innocent ? , hand in
md took In the circus ot Grand Island last
eek , They bad seen the anlmil at Bt. Paul ,
) explained to the Times man , but "hu'd bo
ml darned if he and M ry Jane over saw
ich cattle ai them elephants was , and they
AS bound to see tha show agin , "
IVmaa Pilco , of Bennett , Lai been arrest-
I , charged with attempting to kill Minor L ,
itchcjck , Hitchcock , as constable , was
ymg tu arrest one Cuutield for drunkenness ,
lieu Price opunek fiio on the constable , ( ho
illet cutting its way through hia clothing ,
it fortunately lowing the officer uninjured ,
Charley Kinter and Looii Smith , a brace of
Itt'Btnoath thus ; * , had a rrgular ff for all
io k Iowa and dragoutthe other day , Whenthe
ooa and dirt of battle waa washed away and
nn Inventory ol the damages Inkcn , Kins
found his noes chewed off , n finger gene tl
tAttio wny , nud both ovcs closing. Ho w g h
in the brush till darknea tempered hia wotin
to a gaping public ,
Heinslcy Putney stopped long enough
Arnpahoo to tftko four ounces of laudnnun
When medical assistance was secured he w
too far gene to bo revived , Ho nnd his wl
nnd sona were going westward , having cor
from Canada at ono lima but recently fro
Sioux county , Iow. % , The Putney a had bo
married over thirty year * . They weropo
scsscd of n number of cattle nnd ponies. Th
had not lived mnconblo together ho boin ;
man of a most violent temper nnd nome dll
cultica with hla family nro said to have cans
him to commit this rash net which so sudde
ly terminated Ills career ,
Two Interesting Sermons Deliver !
by the Hov MAX Moecs.
Friday evening the Synngcguo was crowd
with n largo nudlonco on Iho event of the fii
appearance hero of the Itev. Dr. Max Moat
of Jacksonville , Florida. The reverend goi
tlcman preached a very excellent seiino
short nnd to the paint. The subject of 1
discourse was "Righteousness , " Ho clear
defined righteousness , and said that pooj
who affected piety out of fear of God \ve
not righteous ; or for any selfish object or
gain any point ; but from n pure love of Gi
nil righteousness sprang , Tlio music of t
occasion wai splendidly rendered by a chosi
choir composed of Mra , M. Altclmnlg , noprnn
Mra. F. M. Day , nltoj Mr. AVnltor B , Wl
kins , tenor ; Mr. Kovol Franca , basso. Tl
organ accompaniment waa played with goc
effect by Mr , Will T. Tebor , of the Uougn
gattannl church ,
Saturday n goodly number 4nssembl (
at 10 o'clock to hear Dr. Moses discourco <
"Tho Stranger , " The speaker epoko of tl
stranger In a strange land nnd suggested tl
aid and compassion which should be axtendc
to him by the tru follower of God , No Ino
dlnato Rrced for gain should deter us from d
veloping the noble trait of companion for tl
helplesa the strangers in the strange lat
Arguing from this standpoint the epoaki
told of the folly of living n life of which th
gain of money is the motive , earing. ' 'Doat
will soon come , nnd then we will have to loa\
all. "
Next Tuesday another preacher from th
east will ba here , and will deliver two sormo :
on trial. Fromthess two reverend gentlomo
the congregation will sslcct n pastor.
A You n K Genius Who Sliaiva Remarkable
markablo Ability in Wood
Owing to the length of the article on th
Central school which tbo BEK published th ;
week , only a short mention was made of
youthful scholar who will make his mark ii
the world , Thia scholar is Charley Wymar
the twelve-year-old Swede who has exhibite
a decided genius as n jncK-knifo eculpto :
and whose excellent work deserves espoci :
mention. Charley has bean in this countr
only a short time , ho having been born an
and reared on a small island in the Baltic sei
In his short residence here ho baaprovedhiir
self a , bright end quick scholar , in addition t
acquiring the language. His first work i
wood carving was a number of design
which had been given by the teacher for slat
drawing. These were very nicely executed
and were followed by the inakin ;
in wood of a full set of miniatur
carpenter's tools and a chest to hold them
He also constructed wheelbarrows , boats , otc.
in perfect form , Then his attention wa
called by his teacher to tha more dellcati
woik of carving leaves , flowers and fruits
Ilia etforti in this direction , with only a pint
board and a knife , were true to nature
From a small piece of black walnut bo carvoc
a man's head , nnd those who are ncquainto (
with the individual represented eay _ it is at
excellent likeness. The finest specimen of hii
work seen is a carving from a picture of a boj
with his arms clasp lovingly around the necli
] f a dog. It ia almost perfectly executed , the
Features nnd expression being marvelous ! ;
dear , showing that the artist baa an apprecia
tion of tha emotions represented by the pic
ture as w U as the outlines. A number of
nechanical devices have also been carved
'rom wood by young Wyman , evincing con-
ilderable genlua in tbat direction. Chtrllc
ays bo is going i to be n sculptor , nnd he
bould be encouraged in his de&ito , for ho
certainly possesses marked ability ,
Smoke Seal of North Carolina To-
Academy of the Sacred Heart.
The scholastic year ended at this 'excellent
nslitution yesterday afternoon at 3:30 , The
losing exorcises were interesting ia the
ghost degree , The programme was varied
tid highly entertaining , The salutatory by
lisa K , Maine was a composition of refined
H9te , and woa delivered in a touching man-
er. Miss J , Gregg recited "Calpuenia"
1 artistic style , and gave In-
Ication of tha possession of more than
rdinary elocutionary powers. "The Singing
issiou , " by Misses M , Nash and Pauline
jowo , wna highly amusing. Theao two young
liesea ere perfectly self-possessed and very
iquaut in their delivery , Mies Clara Croi h -
on deserves great credit foritor finished ron-
ition of "Joan of AraM The "piece
o resistance" cf the c Mcbea waa the
'Trial ' by Jury. " The Jj * was called
pou In this important casoto render a ver-
1st of guilty or not guilty in reforenca to the
onduct of tlio Echool bell. Mlaa B. Stephen-
on by her grave deportment proved herself
rorthy of the judicial ermfne.
Mies May McNamara was counsel
or the defence. Miss W. Lowe appeared
at the prceecution , Parents will ba dmmny-
d to iourn that a verdict was brought in
gainst the bell for having- frequently nnd
fantonly Interfered with the sports and pas-
iraoof the students. Below Is a list of a few
f the students who carried cff tha honors of
istitutlon ,
Exemplary conduct :
MIsa Mary Barnes , Fremont , Neb ,
'remium ' Sncces ,
Miia Belle Jones , Howard , Neb.
Distinguished , Miss Clara Breighton , Oma-
hristian Doctrine.
First diviilon , Premium Clara Creightou ,
Second division , Premium May McNa-
tThird division , Premium Stella Hamilton'
2 Class Miss Belle Jonca Premium ,
3 " Miss Bessie Stephenson "
4 " Miss Kusrenlo Ayera "
5 " Mlsa Wilhelminn Lowe "
0 " Mlaa Louisa Vernon "
1st Premium , Miaa Belle Jonea ,
Premium Miss Minnlo Bowres.
rioting in Water Colin * :
Premium Miss Anna Keliey ,
The next scholastic year will begin on the
rat week in September , .
Seal of North Carolina Tobacco ia the
< | |
The marshal's report show that there nro
, this city 110 fallen women paying monthly
lea and nine gambling establishments , five
tying a fine of S27.W , and four one of
255 , The total monthly collection from
i ie two sources baa bsen S950.CO ,
The Iowa editors' excursion arrived from
e west at 9.30 Saturday , ono hour nnd
rtyfive minutes late , on account of a broken
gine. A goodly number of them remained
this city during the day and tbey report
vmg had a delightful time on their trip
rough the west ,
"I have BO appetite , " complalni many
sufferer. Hood's Banapariib gives an
petite and enables the stomach to por-
rm Its duty ,
Drlcf Horns AljoittOnmlml'coptonna
AfTAlra llio Uynicnoniotcr.r
Society was extremely dull hut week
there is nothing of aurpnsslng Interoat to
cbrontclo , The hot weather has swooped
down upon the community In full force , and
iU demoralizing cdcct upon social movement *
is as marked ns upon business activity ,
MM. Howard B. Smith Is vIMttng her 4
tor , MM. President Smith , t Mt. Vorn
Sirs. A. U. Wyinsn hng joined her hits
band hero , and with her children in stopping
atthoMlla ! d ,
Sir , Samuel Shoara nnd daughters expect
to leave the city , July Did , to occupy thole
cottage nt North Lake , Wla.
Tuoidny evening n very tnjoyahlo organ
recital WM given nt llio 1'irst Congregational
church by Mr. Will T. Tnber.
Mrs. J , M. Wool worth Is in Chicago , at 14
Harrison street , where her daughter , Mi a
Menio , is patting the summer.
Miis Bessie Hatch , dnuphtor of Gen ,
Hatch , colonel Ninth cavalry , has arrived
from Fort Lenvonworth , and is visiting at
Col. Henry's.
The ladies of the 1'irst ConffToaational ;
church pnvo n very pleasant social nttbohouao
of Mrs. Tukoy , 241 Chicago strict last night ,
which was ( really enjoyed.
Miss Clam Cooper , one of the accom
plished belles of Oaweeo , N. Y. . is In the
city , visiting Mr. and Mrs. T. W , Spafford ,
with some intention of remaining hero
Mies Eva Allot ) , of 1910 Webster street ,
gave n high tea ThurwUy afternoon , her
Kiiosts being the Misses llonglnnd , the Misses
Dixon , Mrs. Vail and Mlfs liurtnu , of Den
ver ; Misses Coots , Bonnolt , Id Sharp , Drown
and Dewey ,
The "onnnal tea" of the Locke club was
given Tuesday evening nt the tciidence of Mr.
nnd Mrs. W. J. Council on St. Mary's nvo-
trao. There was a ( roueral attend tcco of club
members A very creditable impromptu pro
gram was arranged , to which Mra. Kitabrook ,
Mrs. Nye , Mrs. Sqairo , MM. Hitchcock and
Mr ] b tnbrook contributed musical number ? ,
and Miss Jordan , Mre. Dickey , Mr , Jnrvia
and Mr , Wllbor roeltntlona. It was in all ro-
tpccls , a pleasant affair.
Mr. and Mra. John A. Ilorbach ontor-
tertainod n pleasant party of aocloty people
Tuesday oveninir , on the occasion of the de
parture of Bpvdral army people , Col , nnd
Mrs. Stnntou , Mrs. Hawkins and Captain
Bourkc. The arrivals In army circles , Gen
eral nnd Mrs. Urcck and Colonel and Mrs.
Henry were pa-tent , nnd Miss Hatch , of Fort
Leiwenworth There woraalso present Gou-
orot D ndy. General Uawkiua , Col. Stauton ,
Capt. Bourke , Mr. Cowin. Mr. L. M. Bnn-
natt , Mr. Broatcb , Mr Watson. M. Lacy ,
accompanied by their wives , Mrs. Snowden ,
of Allegheny , Pa , Miss Shears , Miss Jessie
Mtllord , Dr. Shannon , Mr. OgdenMr , Ohnae ,
After n week's inoporotion , the instrument
which delineates so cleverly the matrimonial
events of the future is once more in running'
Tlio Index hands ore moving. They stop.
Glancing at the Illuminated dial of the hyme-
iiometer , it is noted that two names are llnkod
in sweet conjunction. Ono of them Is that of
n young lady who is a prominent member of
the U. P. headquarters bloomer nine ; the
eccond is that of one of the chief bill clerks in
the freight house- . Just to what stage this
case has arrived at , is uncertain. That it is
genuine there can be no doubt.
Another prediction is made by
the instrument. This time its
hands point to two _ now names which are il
lumined on the dial. The one is of a young
clerk employed in a great dry goods store oa
Parnam street , between Thirteenth and Four
teenth , the other that of n young lady resi
dent on Douglas street. The iui-truir out does
not indicate the oiacc future date cf the hap
py climax , but preparations are said to be
already in progress for the compounding of
the wedding cake.
Ones more , and for the last time the idex
hands revolve. Looking closely at the phos-
phpreecent di l , ono notices that they are
pointing at the names of the two young ;
people , ono the clerk of ono of the local
tribunals , not far away from Sixteenth and
Fnnmm , the other that of a young lady con
nected with a dressmaking- establishment
ttnar Sixteenth and Douglas. The happy
jronm-to-bo is already preparing for the
trand event which will take place some tlmo
jeforo the close of this century.
A Small Burglary ,
Burgle broke into and raided the grocery
tore of Dickenion & Benson , cnrnnr ot Nino-
eenth and at. Mary's avenue Friday night ,
hey failed to gat away with very much stuff ,
intranco was clfectad through n rear window
) y first bre.ikmp the Gutters elf nnd then re-
noving the lower sash. The money drawer ,
vhlch contained forty cents , was taken out of
ts place nnd laid on the floor but only twenty
: ents of the money was gone. Evidently the
Moves wore not old hands at tnat business
lecauso several valuable articles laid whera
hey could easily have been taken.
Mies Taylor , of Washpoton , Dak. , has
aken , at the county fair , the first prize for
miter and the last medal for pumpkins. She
an ride horseback , ahoot gophers and isn't
fratd of cither mice or men ,
A young lady out in Indiana has inverted
i piano strol that will rest the back. It Isn't
ho back that Buffers most from piano play inc.
-Buffalo Express.
, until your
bead ecorns ready to lly
off ; until your nose and
oyea discharge ojcouslvo
quantities oj thin , Ir
ritating , wntoryl fluid ;
utj til your heailVcncs ,
mouth and throat
parched , and Wood at
fovojhoit. Tiilj Tsan
Acute Catarrh , and la
Instantly rollood
slnglo dose , aud pe
cured bvouo bo
o Banford'a Iladlcal Cure for Catarrh.
Joinplcto Treatment with Inhaler SI ,
Ono bottle Uedlcal Cure , ono Rex Catarrhs ! Sol
snt , and ono Improved Inhaler , la ono [ raokazo
iay now bo had of all Uruirslsta for 81.00. Ask Jo
inford a llomcal Cure.
"Iho only absolute spcrino wo know of.lfed.
Irace. 'Too best we have found In a lifetime oJ
iHcrlnB.-R.ev. DWiirgln. . Boston. "After a long
niggle with Catarrh , the Radical Cure hai con-
acred.11 ev. 8.V , Monroe , Lcwlsburgh , Pa.
I have not found a case that It did not relieve at
ice. " Andrew Loe. Manchester , Mass.
PotterDrup and Chemical Co , , Boston.
pv'fil I fMn < For " " > rc"l ! nti prevent on
y T > rf ! rl , , ! the Inatant la applied , ol Uherj.
\ti'J ° fS ma"8m Neuralgia , Bdatica ,
C * $ \ ' MAfr ' doughs , Colds , WoakBaok , Btom.
SAV'n - aob , and Bowels , Shooting
: X.R _ - / > - = i. Pains , Numbness , Hysteria , JTe.
male Pains , Palpitation , Dyspep
sia , Liter Complaint , IHUooe
Kevcr , Malaria , and Ei.Womlcs ,
use Uolllu'e Plasters ( an Eloclilo
Itattery combined with a Porous
Plaster ) and laugh at pain M
' 'own Lota in Denver Junction ,
Weld County , Colorado.
Denver Junction Is a DOW town ot nbout 200
[ habitants , laid out in 1881 , on the great
unk railway acrosa the continent , nt tha
motion of tha Julesburg Branch , JU7 mllea
om Denver. Tbo town is on second bottom
nd of the P/atte / Illver , the finest location
stwoen Omaha and Denver , and ia surround-
I by the bait-laying lands west of Kearney
itictlon , Neb. ; climate healthy nnd bracing ;
titude 3,0 H ) feat. Denver Junction bida to
icorne an Important point , aa t&e U. P. 11 ,
, Co. , nro putting up many of their buildings
ire , while tha B. k M. 1C , Ji. Co. . are expect-
I soon to connect nt this placa. Tin proasut
lance for good investments In town lota will
arcelv ever ba equaled elsewhere. Ifor aala
r the lot or block in good terms by
Agent , Denver Junction Cole ,
U ihe old kUtJ U17 JTMDUB flt Olden by ! '
kpu IOllClftdUidDri > EQDU kUa&dbd iA 41'jJn'Yn