Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 27, 1885, Image 6

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    .t * *
Saturday Morning , Juno 27t
tj eyCarrlei M U , . - - pet y ai
Boo David Bradley & Oo.'a "Important
notice" in this issno.
Matinee to-day at opera house at 3
o'clock. Mother Goose.
Mlsi Ida Bolln will ro.d an esiaf4 W
"Building , " and not Anna Bolln.
Hotyoitorday. The thermoro
Foster's stood 94 yesterday aftc
Matlnco to-day . at 3 o'cl ' # & for
Mother Goose party. Child / Q ae cents.
Yesterday they wore flnr Ing sewers on
Broadway with water fri < vm the water
Mother Gooao mat1 A00today at
o'clock. Admission $ cents. Ohlldran
10 cents.
Roller la offering lgroat "bargains ai his
merchant tallorl1A establishment , No.
310 Broadway. Sea his goods and cot his
The small si iaj Of ton cents admits you
to the opera'fccmao next Tuesday -evening
to witness t&0 rendition of the popular
comedy of' Fanchon. "
Yon ci jiaot enjoy an evening to any
bolter ad .voatago then to secure a scat to
the Bv ichanan dramatic ontartalnmen
Tuesdt , y evening , Juno 30.
The Rov. J. Flok will preach tomorrow
row r it 10.30 a. > m.t at the mhsion rooms ,
at tl 10 corner of Third avonno and Flf-
toot ith atrcot. 'Sunday school at 3 p.
Ijono Woll's medical and surgical insti-
stl .tuto , 004 Broadway , will Idovoto every
IV/cnday from-10 a , m. to-2 p. m. to the
bonoCt of the poor. Consultation ,
lamination and medicine free.
Hay For Bale Ono hundred and fifty
ions of blnotjolnt hay in stack for sale
Last Year's crop. A mile and three
quarters south of the city ; good road
Apply to Ben Marks , Council Bluffs.
By thoeo who should know If any do
It Is assorted that the Oonucll Bluffs post
oflico matter will ' ba finally settled on
Monday. There are several who wll
breathe more freely when the decision Is
Sandy Paint or Oharllo Adams , who 1
In the jail for threatening to kill a yonug
fellow who wont to a dance with Sandy's
girl Is said to bo nearly crazy because h
is shut up there and cannot watch th
girl to see that she does not go with som
other follow.
The opera homo-will ba crowded Mon
day evening-to-witness the exercises o
the graduating class from the high school
Those who desire to BOO and hear wonli
do well to-secure seats at Bushmill's. Th >
program , aa published In the BEE , wll
prove exceedingly Interesting.
When the compositor was setting up
the program of the commencement exor-
cltos of the Council'Bluffa ' high school , to
be held Intho opera house next Monda ;
evening , ho thought ho know more than
the writer. Tho.oasay , "Waiting , " is tc
bo road by Miis ( Roberta Hattonhaue
Instead of tRobert'Hatlpnhauer ' , as it was
The Athlets of this city won the fjam
played wlth > the Avoca club by a score o
23 to 1G.But the boys say that th
Avoca club did not treat them very hand
aomely. When the Ayooa club come
hero next week onrboya propose to toad
them something of the courtesies duo
visiting club.
Jndgo Aylosworth wants the BEE I
call the attention of the boys and the !
parents that it Is a violation of the city
ordinance to fire firecrackers on th
street before the foutth of July , Man
boys are , unknowingly perhaps , vlolatinj
the ordluanco , and making thomaolve
liable to the penalty for the same.
Up at tho-cltyjail they have had con
fined in ono of the cells -for the past fen
days a poor blacksmith by the name
Owen Hart , who has boon crazy wlth > do
llrlum tromons. Ho did not oloso hi
eyes in sleep for three days and fen
nights , but spent his time In walkln
around his cell , and trying to koe.p th
snakes off hi a. At last the medlcin
had its effect , and yesterday afternoon h
Oharlos Hood Is In trouble again. H
was arrested for being drunk and usln
abuslvo language. This makes twlco In
ono week. Monday ho was fined , am
now ho Is up atraln. Ho has notified thi
police that ho c&n't and won't stand it
He says ho has lived hero too long to b
treated so , But It scorns that the hard
ship falls on his poor wlfo more than on
htm. She Is a hard-working woman , siu
when bo Is arrested and fined. Instead o.
'lotting him go to jail , aha pays tbo fine
and Iota him out ,
TIso Wabaih strikers are to bo paid off
to-dey. The force of men now at week
is said to bo Urge enough to do the absolutely
lutoly .necessary work , bat not so largo as
would be convenient , at this point ,
some of the other points It has been an
nounced ( that they have a full force o
men , that the shops are running , and
that therefore the strike la vlrtorallj
ended. It requires a very thorough or
ganlzitlou .to make a strike successful , a
a tlmo of year when men can most cail/j /
bo dlspciucd wit& .
0. R. Mitchell received hit bay mar <
from Pacific Junction yesterday morn
Jog. It seems th&i before Marsha
Guanella reached there , Mitchell bad
fattened onto Mullens , the thief , and the
horte ; but having more than ho couli
handle , th'e how broke and ran. It was
subsequently captured again by some boyi
who took it to a livery stabla. When
3Jltsht > ! J npnt after It the proprietors re
fused to let him h rO jt uniMS ho p ld
the reward of $25 [ t,0 offered for
it. The thing * - , , „ flnfjy | | aotlied by piy. (
lanc a part of t ) M nwMA , and Iho mare i
nowbwkln e Bluffs.
The mot'tfwflooso party last night was a
decided MOCe9g. The crowd was large
? ml ? Tr * yono was delighted with Iho way
In wh * h Oio little folKs sustained tholr
Par * ' , * . Tie big shoo was made for the
oc ' Aston t t the store of L. N. Phillips.
the entertainment was inch n sun-
oia was dnoalmost.ontlroly ] to the Indtf t-
gable efforts of the rector , the Rav. Mao-
cay , * jrho assumed the responsibility of
hoprogramme and drilled the children
ilmself. It la too good a thing not to bo
repeated. BO 'It will bo given this afternoon -
noon at a matlnco at 2 o'clock.
Ohlldron'a'day at opera honso. Mother
Gooao. Children 10 cents.
returned a verdict declaring the prisoner
nuauo , foatorday. While some of the
neighbors of the accneod think the Insan
ity of tha old man was mostly assumed
for the occasion , perhaps they are not
the beet judges In the matter , for they
are certainly prejudiced against him.
-hnprotslon ocoms to prevail among
thoaa who attended the trial , that the
rr * found a just verdict. The old man
was examined before a commission of In-
wes not doomed ncceaaa.y to Bond htm to
the Insane asylum.
'Yesterday morning as the Kansas City
train was backing out of the transfer , the
sleeping car attached was "kicked" down
and was going at the rate of twelve to
fifteen miles an hour , when It struck a
freight train that was just ; backing down
into the transfer freight yards and was
across the Kansas City track. The engin
eer of the freight train saw that if ho
kept his train moving his engine wonld
bo struck by the Pullman sleeping car ,
so ho stopped his freight train and let the
sleeper crash Into his train. It smashed
the dlo2por badly and crushed In a car of
wagons. No brakcman waa on the sleeper
at the timo.
There Is consldoraplo complaint about
iho amount of dirt which covers the pave
ment on Broadway and Main street.
While the people realize the fact that
the city has no money to hlro those
streets cleaned , yet they do not think
that when a man is arrested for being
drank , or for some other lesser misdemeanor
meaner , and when unable or unwilling to
pay his fine , that Instead of being to-
leased tosklp out , and leave only aprora-
Iso behind him , while the city has to p y
tor his arrest , Imprisonment and trial ,
that he could bo set at work on the
streets. And that instead of being sent
to pound stone they mlghtjmoro profitably
bo employed scraping dirt. The money
collected from fines of these who wonld
rather pay than work , who now skip out
entirely would bo sufficient to hire a man
and team to haul the dirt away.
Read Jndd & Smith's offer of § 1,000
reward in another column.
Hanthorn sells wood at his food store.
Important to tbe Public.
Wo have concluded to open a mam
moth stock of farm and spring wagona ,
buggies , and carriages , to the retail trade
of Council Binds and vicinity. Our
stock Is the largest opened by any concern -
corn on the Missouri river , comprising
single and double carriages of all de
scriptions , pbtuloDB , sidebars , end-springs ,
road-carts , buckboarec , etc. , etc. , too nu
merous to mention. It will pay you to
examine our stock before purchasing.
1100 to 1116 S. Main St. Council Bluffs.
Citizens' Meeting ,
A mooting of the citizens of Council
Bluffa will bo held In Bajlfas park Sun
day afternoon , at three o'clock , The
financial and other difficulties cf the city
will bo discussed by able speakers. All
are invited. By order of the committee.
The meeting will be under the auspices
of the worklngmon's association , That
hard-handed laborer , John Short , has
been posting himself as to the actual con
dition of the treasury , and may bo ex
pected to electrify the citizens by a start
ling speech , That other horny-handed
son of toll , the "Carter Harrison of the
Missouri slope , " Is absent from the city , ,
soliciting employment in the politics
harvest field , or ho might be expected to
make some startling revelations. When
the workiogmou roilly take hold of any
thing they moan business.
Serious Accident.
An old gentleman , a stranger in this
city , met with a serious accident on lower
Main street by stubbing bis too while
reading the signs on David Bradley &
Co'a mammoth
carriage repository now
open to the rotall trade ,
Real Estate Transfers.
The following are the transfer * of real
estate as recorded In the office of tbe
registrar , and reported to the BEE by
A. J , Stephenson , for Wednesday , June
20 , 1885 :
Dor&L. Haskoll to Elizabeth 0 , Barnes ,
se-J no | and BH \ nw i 35 74 38 ; $2,220.
Hans Ohtlstoltersen to Lars H. Jensen -
son , part of lot 90 original plat ; $1,225.
W. T. WIlcox 10 T. 13. Huff , lot 34 ,
block 1 , Oakland ) $000.
S. S. Jlust to T. E. Huff , lots 7 , 8 and
0 , blook.3 , Arnold's addition to Oakland :
Total tales , $5,0-15.
Tuesday Juno 30tn , the famous Bu
chanan comedy compiny , open a five
nights engagement at Dohanoy's opera
house , This same company came among
us last August and gave us a weeks on-
taiujnent. Everyone who attended their
torltvj of excellent entertainment speak
ia tbo highest praise of thorn , and now
that they return again let us demonstrate
to them that tha people of our city ap
preciate a fine company. Prices has been
reduced to 10 , 16 and 25 coute.
Biiiuiner Nornml
At Western Iowa College , commencing
July 0 , and continuing eight weeks
Classes of three or more in any of the
higher ttudlcs. Careful reviews in the
cote in ) n liudiea os'iig the text books
you have. W. P , PAUISON ,
Council Blulls.
Mysterious Deaih of I. Haw
Jail Bru kcr Suspected of tbo Mnr-
der-llircntB of Liynchlng.
From Noola , la this county , comes the
horrlblonows of the mysterious ditap-
poarnnco and star tllng discovery of the
dead body of Wllliim Hayes , a young lad
elxtoen yo rs of ago. , Ho h d always ro
Ided with hla parents on a farm in the
town of Porela. Tuotday morning ho
started to attend the confirmation oxor
cijenof the catholic church at Neeln.
This Is the last over icen of him allvo.
Thnredoy morning , about 10 o'clock ,
hie parents worts surpiiiod by the an-
poaranco of his horao , with the aaddlo
and btidlo still on , at the farm. Imme
diately organising a p rty of neighbor * ,
they started oat to hunt for tbo lad ,
supposing that ho had boon thrown by
his horse and hurt They first went to
Noola and made diligent Inqnlry there
in hopes that the boy had arrived there
and that the horse had broken away and
returned homo. Falling to find him
there , they separated into small groups
and searched all the country between his
homo and Noola. All day long and far
into the night wo a the party out , one
still no traoo could bo found alter the
first few miles. No ono had scon him ,
no ono had mot him. Late at night the
search was abandoned , ouly to bo renewed
nowod this morning at dajbraak.
This moinlng the body ol the boy
was found by his brother , hanging from
the limb of a tree , ton or twelve fee
from the gpund. It was suspended bj
the brldlo rein taken from the hotso. /
spot near by was found all tramplec
by the house where it had been tied foi
some ( time , and a broken strap showec
that it had pulled loose and started for
home. The hands of the boy were tied behind
hind him , and his foot f slunod together
Death had resulted from strangulation
as his nook was not broken. These facts
prove conclusively that the boy was
hung , and that it was no snlcldo.
Tno spot where It rras found wat abon
nlno miles north of Noola , in Harrison
county , in a small thicket of underbrush
about tea or twelve rods from the wagon
road , near the farm of John Honeywell.
The coroner of Harrison county hole
an Inquest , but the jury returned a sealec
verdict , which had not been made public
up to last evening.
The theory ia that the boy was mur
dered by four prisoners who escapee
from | the Harrison county jail last Mon
Two of these same men had once be
fore broken jail and been recaptured
They were follwed by the 16 year old a jn
of Sheriff Garrison , who learned of their
whereabouts near Noola , reported them
and secured .their recapture. William
Hayes , the murdered boy bore i
striking resemblance to young Garrison
and It Is supposed that the jail bird * ,
seeing him. thought It was the sheriff's
son tracking them again , and that they
hilng him to put him out of the way.
Public excitement is running very
high , and it is threatened that if the mot
arc caught they will bo hung withou
judge or jury. The young man was much
liked , being an industrious young man.
It la said ho never aid anything In oppo
aitlon to the wishes of his mother , and
that he had accumulated his earnings
and had purchased for himself a team o"
The following Is a description of tm
men who broke jail :
Henry Leo , burglary , five feet eight
Inches , weight 140 pounds , black eyea
Blonder built , twenty-three years old
William Wood , burglary , five feet five
inches , dark curly hair , black mustache
twenty-five years old , weight 140 pounds.
George Johnson , burglary , alx feet
stoop shouldered , pock-marked , fiftj
years old.
William Matlook , bigamy , dark com
plexlon , very muscular , , freight 225
A liberal reward will bo offered for tin
capture of ono or al byJohn D. Garrison
Sheriff of Harrison County , Iowa ,
J. B. Clnpp , of Boone , put up at the Ogden
J. A. Taylor , of Des Moinei , wai In the
city yesterday.
J. W. Coon , o ! Minden , was at the Bech
tele yesterday.
W. M. Halbert , of Omaha , was at Bech'
tola's yesterday.
D. F. Parcel ] , of the Wabish , was at th
Bechtele yesterday.
Engineer Parnsworth , of the Northwestern
was yesterday ia town ,
0. S. Sanderson , a Milwaukee conductor
put up yesterday at the Ogden ,
P. II. Landy , of Plorre , Dakota , was In th
city yesterday and an Ogden house gueat.
R. I. Scutt , of Des Molces , a conductor on
the Rock Island , was in this city yesterday
and stopped at the Ogden.
II. 0. Cheney , agent of tha Hionx City
route , left last evening for Valentine , Neb ,
and will return Monday nfgbt.
The Rev. G. W. Crofts writes from Sand
wicb , 111. , that it will not be possible for him
to return to Council Bluffa until the latter par
of next week.
Substantial abstracts of tltlo and rea
estate loans. J. W. and E. L , Snulros
101 Pearl street ,
Clfy of Culture Carols.
Now to the beach or mountains there to rere
In summer joys , his vigor to restore ,
The weary pastor takes his way. The devi
Keeps at his business just M before.
The sealskin Bacque , that erst with pride il
wore ,
Is now in camphor safely laid away ,
And from the sultry city to tbe chore
With pleasure haites the maiden fair and
In linun , lawn , or muslin or pique.
And ribbons at her throat , a vision fair ,
Along the yellow sands where wavelet
She passes ( lowly , with a pensive air ,
Crcat'ng havoc 'monsr the hearts ol maihen
Again tbe eun'a fierce heat amaze * ,
And makes him swarthy as a Creole ;
lie uied to grumble. "Cold as blazei ! "
And now he lays 'tis hot as eheol I"
The small boy boundp ! o'er the lea.
With cap in hand aid nhtmts of glee ,
Pumiea tbo nimble bumble-bee ,
lie catches it. tben to the pool
Ho ipecdi , his burning hand to cool ,
And wiihca be bad gone to school ,
And now the watermelon green
In market stall
attracts the eye !
The doctor , with a smiling mien.
Rrerards it as be pastes by.
- ( Boston Courier.
And other wares. Attend the
At 23 Main St. . Council Bluffs.
One sot handled cups and saucers 38c
Ono sot knives and forks > 58o
Ono bowl and pitcher , t)8c )
Ono C-bottlo triple plated castor. 1 98
Ono sot Rogerstriplo plated knives , 1 98
Ono decorated tea sot ( CG pieces ) 4 98
Ono decorated dinner sot (98 ( pieces ) 13 98
Ono decorated dinner tot , [ 131 pieces ] . 17 98
Call niid see : Yours very respectfully ,
< 3 . A T 1 ?
SS.fiLir ]
Keep Horses and Muloa constantly on hand whlcl :
wo will tell In retail or carload lolS
Stock Warranted as Represented
Wholetata and retail dealers In Grain and Baled Hay. Prices rea
sonable eatlsfaction Guaranteed.
Got. Bth Av. and 4th St. , Council Bluffs.
Sold by the leading denier in every
city and town ,
Burhorn ,
17 Main St. , Council Bluffs.
Merchant Tailors !
7 and 9 Main St. ,
omplete Line of New Goods Always on Hand ,
Norene & Landstrom ,
Suits to order In latoat styles at cheapeet possible [ prices.No.
No. 205 Main St. , Council Bluff
505 Broadway , - - Council Bluffs.
The only all night bouse in tbe city. Everything served in first clui style and on eho
notice , Hot and cold lunches always ready.
iseman , Rodda & Go
The Leading Store in the City , the Grand
est and Greatest Dry Goods Stock
in the West ,
P rices neyer before so much in favor o th epur
chaser. Late grand arrivals AT DEPRESSED
prices from the manufacturingdistricts.
Big purchases just opened up in
Silks , Dress Goods ,
Cloaks , Linens , Domestics ,
Hsiery , Gloves , Fans ,
Parasols , Laces and Embroideries ,
In all the above departments during this
week. Goods to be sold for less than halt
the regular retail prices.
To the leading and largest Retail House
in the eitv. You MO ill alwavs get more than
value for vour monev.
Peoples' Store , 318 and 320 Broadway ,
Council Bluffs. Iowa.
Waves , Langtry and Pompadour Frizzes.Switch .
es , etc , , ready made and made to order. Prices
cheaper than ever. Call and see for yourself ,
Formerly MRS. J. J. GO ODE.
29 Main Street , Council Bluff.
litick buildings of nny kind raised or moved nod BAlltfnction guaranteed. Frama hoe *
moved on Little ultint truck P , tbo boat In the world.
1010 Ninth Street , Council Blufl *
Oralnlnp , OlMlns , l' l > or lUnglne anil Frcseolnj ; 110 MUn StCouncil Blufls.
Ucltors ted cows of all BROS furnished any desired numbers ; nnchmon should correspond \\ith a
bctcro purchtulEgelseuhcin
WINDOW & CRAMPTON , Waverly , Iowa.
For any case of Kidney or liver disease or dyjpepsi * rheumatism , or any disown indudcojl
by a lack of native power , that cannot bo cured by the use of Drs. Judil & Smith s liloctnc
ells oud AppHntcen. Ho , 30 , Fourth St. . Council Uluffs.
NOTICE. Special Tortiecments , euo Lost
found , To Loon , For S/iIo , To Rent , Wnnta , Board-
togi eto. , will be Inserted In this column at the low
rate of TEN CENTS PER LINK ( or iho flnt Insertion
md FIVE CKNT3 PER LINE lor each robsoqaent la.
fl.'rUon. Lcavo kdvortleomontt it oni office , Ho.
Pearl Street , netr Eroadvrav
\T17ANTED By a small family , njoung girl to look
V T attar a child In return far ter bead during
school vocation .Gill at No , 000 Third street , corner
Tenth A\o
W 'ANTED Wanted a Brat-olftfs cook , male or
female , ajply otCrcston House , CouncilBlutlr.
FOR B4LK Landa Improved uul unimproved.
If you ant a farm In western JOWB , Kansn
Nobr eka or Dakota , letus ho r from you.
ii'OR SALE Houses. Lota and Land. A. J ,
JD Stephcnson , 503 First a\enue.
TT17ANTED Ten good reliable men to Bell an article
T T of genuine merit in towns. Ono used In every
bouse. Inquire at Qeo Hcatons , 028 Broadway.
rTV > KXCAAKO B 0 , b 9 , b 10 , b 13 are hotels In dlff-
_ L orontlocatltns for sale or for trado.
BISS , special bargain ; 400 a Improved farm worth
818,000 , prlro ( or a short tlma 810,000. will trade
lor low priced Western lands. Swan k Walker.
B201 , saddlery Hardware manufacturing estab
lishment tojk and michlnoryalue 87,000 , for
western land Swan & Walker , Council Bluffs.
B203 , stock cf dry goods , groceries and hardware
\alue , ? 5,000 , loan good eajtern Nebraska town
for land. Swan ft Walker.
BSOJ , stock of general merchandise In a good
western Iowa town , \alue 4,003 , wants an Im
oved farm In western Iowa. sw n k Walker.
05 , stock of hardware 111 fitubo i Co . Indiana ,
for land , value about 91,000. Swan k Walker.
00 , ncwstockof bar-waro In a ll\o Nebraska
town lor land , value $3,000. Swan k Walker.
237. stock el igrlovltural Implements and shell
hardware , \alue about 8.00J. wants a g : > od Ira
proved farm. Swan k Walker.
T > 209 , a $10,009 stock of clothing In a good Win
JLj cousin cltr , 3 In lands and bilanoo cash or 1m
proved security. Beautiful store room at low rent.
Swan & Walker.
210 , Btock of mixed harduaro In a Ihe western
Iowa town for cheap lands , value $0,007. Swan
& Walker.
ill , Una brick block , rents well , In a live centra !
Ia.tjun ono room occupied with general tock ot
goods , wants an Improved farm , \aluc ; building
18,000 , goods 87,003. B an& fealker.
B212 stock of boots , shoes bats , caps and clothing
\alued $3.000 , In one of the beet townaln Neb , ,
valued $3,000 for lands. Swan & Wtl kcr.
213 , a $3,030 Btock of clotMng , wants land In
North Western Iowa , for $0,009 , and uill pay
dlflercnce. Swan & Walker.
214 , an 8,000 stick of drugs In central Iowa for
Ian4 , 8 au Is Wtlerr.
I ) 21fi , another etick of dru s viluo fromtMO toSTOC
JD nlthstoro bclldlng acillotolno ( 00 In a gcot
> ebraika tonn wants pirtly lmpro\ed Und. Uwan &
FOR full particulars , \\rito to or call upon Swan &
Walker. K ) ou want to Bull , buy , or tradeanr-
thlng , tell S. k W. about It. bwan k Walker , Conn
ell Illuffg Iowa.
row A
In Council lllufuhiIng a
And all modern Improvements , call bells , fira 14
alarm bells , etc. , is tbo 13
Nos. 21D , 217 and 210 , Main Btro t.
T1IOS. omOSK , W , II , II , 1'UBB 2
Officer & Pusev. )
Counoll Bluffs , Iowa. 10 6
Established , - 1865 |
Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Exchang
i d Homn Securities.
! j
00 Main tit. , Council Uluffs
Kctall Boot nodBboj etcrj wtere Vis tirgilosoaa
aj t/e lounj.
NO. 2 ,
Is the Highest Achievement in Writing
Machines in ihc World.
With only 89 keys to learn an
operate. It prints 70 characters
Including caps and email letters ,
punctuations , Dpurea , tlgnt and
tractions. It etho simplest and
most rapid writing machlna
madoasncllas ao most duraVIo
illustrated pamphlet.
Wyckoff Seamans & Benedict ,
Chicago , III. , Solo AgenUs.
0. H. SIIOLES , Council "Bluff * .
Ageat for Western Iowa.
Sixteen acres , ten In fruit , six in garden and
tlmtcrland , six room house , ttable , well , clatern , &c.
all In good cindlilon , or will trade for Omaha proj > -
County Treasurer's office , Council DluOe.
Madame E , J , Balceari
Who for the part 19 years baa bcon practising i
San Francisco la now located at No 28 N. Oth Sire .
opposite new Opera IIouso ,
lladaxe Balcear guarantees to restore
Or to gho anyone a faugh mustachs or bring out a
Una growth of hair or b jard In from four toslz weeks.
Prices reasonable and satlsftrtlon guaranteed ,
Canorx , doifnewandespeolilly rheumathm and
all rhronlo dUcasea cured by a natural gift of he
. JE7. JT. JBalcear ,
Nortb Gth St. , - - Council Blude , Ia.
Office , Main Stmt , Rooms 7 and 8 , bhugart and
tieuo block. Will practice In Slut etna tate coarte. !
of etfcn tuiaori rcueT4i wltlcr
Orei l&irij yt r practical U ai CAM K * .
Peirl street , Council IUuBfc
20 ! ) Broadway , - - Council Bluffs.
1)RT QOOD3. '
20 yard * print t I 00
20 dreis goods , . . , 1
10 publan gingham 1
good gingham. . . , . , . * * * . , . . . . . . . , . 1
Cclle lr cherolti 100
0 good ruetliij 109
7 ' Suffolk Jeans 1 00
Rest leans til wool , SOo per yari ,
Uoots and shoes at prices as I > w at any house In tbe
IflpCUndiexO sugar $ I 00
pounds granu'ated iuar 100
pounds oonfectlonaty A sugar 100
* bars whlto Huedaii soap. Kirks , 100
)0bar > tlue India soap , Klika , . , . . 10 ]
tZWllMcnasoap , Laulr Kto'i 1 OJO
boxes matchei , , . , . 6
llenttyrun , perKdlon 69
I'uat Bor lniu , ftr gallon , , . . , , , (0
t Kufjllih currants | 4 pounds ICO
noxei genuine Iwii lye , , , 100
62-pound cans itrawbtrrlei In syrup , . , , . . 1 00
61-pound lanspcachei , In ejrup 1 00
108-pound OIUB tomato < s 1 09
IQpounds allcblgandrlelappies , , . 1 00
10pounni evaporated apv ; < , , 1 03
Lorllarii dloiax tohio.'o ] icr pound 45
Navy plug tobacco , pir poui d M
Na'urillotf tobtoou , [ r round , , . . W
Flour , all brands from S..IO tu 83 69 per cut.
Lower Than Any Other
roadw 0 - - Council Jiluffi.
! * '
/Asa /
' HMill. H
213 North 16th