Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 25, 1885, Image 8

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    > Jt i -
Thursday Morning , June 25 ,
The board of equalization will continue in on until July lit.
The Firat Methodist church Is beioR
cleaned and newly carpeted ,
Judge Anderson married , ' , Tuesday
Frederick T chant i and Agnes Dopf ,
McKendrco College , Lebanon , Ills. , haj
conferred npan Jndgo Kevillo the honorable
title of Matter of Art * .
Mr. Mi O. McLeod , who was o seriously
injnraJ in a runaway eomo timosgo is cut on
thn direct again after n threa woeka confine
A literary and musical entertainment will
bo Riven by the Holy Family church nt
Crtighton collcgo hall on Thursday evening ,
commencing nt 8 o'clock ,
Yesterday morning , Mr. James Egan and
ItUj Msgglo Toner were married at St. 1'hllo'
meca cathedral by the llov , Father McCarthy ,
The happy couple will make tholr residence nl
the southeast corner of Twenty-Third and
Iieavonworth atroots ,
A freight car jumped the track and made
n small wreck on the Iowa approach to the
Union Pacific bridge about seven o'clock Tues
day evening. While the track was being cleared
which took several hours , passenger trains
worn blockaded. No one was hurt.
The first own recital of Mr. William T.
Tabor at the Congregational church Tuesday
night was well attended and greatly enjoyed.
Hr.Tabcr Is certainly master of his Instrument ,
and Ilia rendition of the various numbers on
the programme wm finljhod and aitistic , This
recital Is the first of a series of five to bo giv
en every two week ] ,
A letter has been received in Una city
that C. C. Beverldgevhoao experiences have
recently received a good deal of attention
from the local press in which ho says that ho
has effected n reconciliation with his wife
after some trouble , ' and is again living IE
happiness. Ho says that ho has given up
school marms and will have nothing more to
do with them ,
The Musical Uuion orchestra went to
Lincoln yesterday , In full fore ? , to attend
the Sicngerfest. The same music which they
will render at Lincoln will bo played hero at
a grand concert to bo given at Metz * garden ,
Juno 30th. The vocal parts will be suitained
by Miss Lin.i Kindt , soprano , Mrs. Fuls Ahl ,
alto , and Mr. Carl Hartman , an eastern singer
of note , tenor.
W. F. Brown & Co. . the well known live
stock commission merchants at the Union
stock yards , made several good sales yester
day , among which was n fine lot of thirty-
four cattle shipped by Parkhurst & Wells , of
Grand Island. These cattle averaged 1-lSG
pounds , and Messrs. Brown & Co , sold them
at $5. 10 ; another bunch of forty-two head ,
averaging 1,200 pounds , were sold at $5,27.
They also sold a choice bunch of hogs at § 3.70 ,
which were shipped by J. W , Allen , of Tort-
The board of public works met Tuesday
af lunoon and awarded the contract for curbIng -
Ing iJUrnam street with Berea sandstone to
Co r.ractor Buckley for 00 cants per foot.
Th i contract for curbing and guttering Thir-
tcoctli street from the alley south of Leaven-
no 111 to Hickory , curb Colorado sandstone
anil cutter Sioux Falls granite was given to
James Fox for $2 14 per foot. Advertise
ments for bids for paving portions of Six
teenth , Twelfth and Howard streets wore also
ordered ,
The fnnoral of Cornelius R , Schallor was
held Tuesday afternoon at his late residence ,
Twenty-fourth and California streets , at 2:30 :
o'clock. Dean Millspaugh , Canon Paterson
a : d Uov. Williams officiated. The attend
ance of friends and relatives of the deceased
v.tvery large and the floral tributes numer-
OIH and beautiful. The following gentlemen
wno pall baarers : Hon. J. W. Savage , E.
LI omoy , C. W. Hamilton , John H.
( . ' ' s'hton , and Messrs. Harris and Fisher.
Th 1 interment took place at Pr jspect Hill
There Is something radically wrong in the
lu tiling of mail between Omaha and No-
bunk * City. The News of the latter city
Bnja : "A package ot letters for Omaha was
sent from the poetolBco in this city on the
15th , which contained drafts and money or
ders amounting to almost $2,003 , and was re
turned again on the 19th , not having bean
taken out of the pouch at Omaha. Post
master Schmlnke , after labeling them with
the proper explanation for their delay , re
turned them to Omaha the same day with a
letter to the division superintendent. Among
the letters were a number of orders from mer
chants of this city , and the reason for their
not being taken out of the pouch at Omaha is
attributed to the gross caroles ness of BOIIIO of
tbo employes in that office , s they were
properly directed and sent. The matter will
be looked into. "
Sraoko 830 ! of North Carolina To
_ _
Will pay 91.50 per dozan until July 3 3.
Wholesale Fresh Fish and Poultry Daalor ,
_ _
A Now And Illoh Discovery Made
Near , Ilantlnuton , Oregon
Great Exclicuionr.
A gold ditcovery excitement has broken
out at IIuntlngtoD , Oregon , and a grand
rush to that point is expected. Officials
of the Union Pacific- raid hero received a
telegram from there yesterday stating
that a vein of Una quarlz gold had been
struck at a point thirty miles from Utmt-
Ington , in the Suako river region of
Idaho , that promieos great reauUs. Mr.
llorsa , of the Union Pao'fio passenger
department , has now specimens cf the
quartz In his poaiesslou which show Urge
quantities of frou gold and tilver.
c is estimated that the gold quartz will
stay 5173 to the ton and ihe silver about
60. Fur a long time tbn railroad
otlichh hcrjhavo bacn in correspondence
once with paitlcs there relative to this
matter , and arrangements wM bo msdu
at once to woik the new dltcoyjr/ for all
it Is worth. A few bads cf ere bavj
already been shipped to this city. The
dl p tai also siys that much cxeltomont
prevail ! and hundreds of people ara get
ting ready to il ck to ( ha new Eldorado.
Seal of North Otiolina Tobacco is the
Dr. Hamilton Warren , Pbya'.cUn ar.d .
Surgeon , 019 Jf , ICih street near Web-
stur Day and mght call * promptly at-
Uudetl to
The Grand Lodge of Netrasta A , F
&A , Min28tliAwnalCowenlion , ,
ALilst or the Grand Officers nd Dele
gates in Attendance Ilio Stand
ing Committees IMnlco Tholr
Annual Ilcporta ,
Etc , , Etc ,
The grand ledge of Free Masons for
Nebraska convened In annual session In
Mason hall/ , this city , Tuesday evening ,
with a largo nnmber of delegates from the
various subordinate ? lodges throughoul
the state present. Mr. J. J. Womplo , o :
Hastings , the grand master , presided ,
Much of the business last evening , aside
from listening to a short talk made by
Gen. Albert K. Pike , of South Carolina ,
who is grand master of the Supreme
ledge , was devoted to hearing and re
ceiving the annual reports of the grnnc
officers. For the past tfro days the Cus
todian's ledge has been In session ,
during which tlmo Grand Custodian
Riwsut , of Fremont , conferred the
grand honois upon the officers of the
Grand Lodgo. W. M. Ireland , of Wash
ington , D. C. , secretary of the Supreme
Council , 33rd degree , is present and at
tends the meetings of the grand lodgo.
General Pike's address was listened to
with great interest. Among other elo
quent and forceful utterances wore those :
' Many years ago , long before the bill
pused the United States congress to ere-
ate the territories of Kansas and Nebras
ka , I passed from Santa Fo , N. M. , to
Miesouri , and during the trip saw no hu
man face , -rrhlta or rod. Slnco
that time the countryjhas steadily advan
ced , until the cattle are on a thousand
hills and. homos dot the green valleys and
plains all over what used to bo the great
American desert , and with it thrco of the
principal btnofita of society the church ,
the school houao and the Mnionlo lodgo.
Whou I was a young man there were only
dozens of FroemaioEs where there arc
now thousands. This bond of fellowship
enables mon to overcome thoeo tcctlonal
differences llko the late war. There was
no trouble iti Battling their differences ,
for In the July following the close of the
war the grand bodies met iu Columbus ,
Ohio , with representatives from all over
the north and south , who shook handa aa
good friends as over. "
The ledge adjourned to meet at 0:3C :
yesterday. Tne committee on cre
dentials held a meeting at 8:30 : yesterday
Promptly on the appointed honr Grand
Master Womple let his gavel fall with a
dull thud on the desk and called for
order. About three hundred and fifty
fraternal friends , with compass and
square , badges and little white sprons on
ceased their roar of conversation and
laughter , and secured seats. The mootIng -
Ing 13 attended by a much larger nnmber
of delegates than ever bafore , which shows
that the order' in this state must ba pros
pering satisfactorily. Mostof the forenoon
asEsion which lasted only an hour" and a
half , was taken up listening to the reading -
ing cf the Grand Master's very excellent
and interesting annual address. The
Grand Secretary also made his annual
report and both documents wore made a
part of the record. The nocretary'a re
port shows that there ara about 6,000
Free Masons in this jurisdiction , which
is the otato of Nebraska. The commit
tee on credentials was busy at work and
made a partial report , but as more dr le
gates were expected in on the d y trains
their labors were continued. At 11
o'clock the lodge took a recess until 2
o'clock ,
Immediately alter the convening at 2
o'clock , the committee on credentials
completed Ita report. This report shows
that the grand officers present are :
John J. Womplo , grand master.
Manoah B. Roeco , depnty grand mas
Charles K. Ooutant , gand senior
Milton J. Hull , grand junior warden.
Christian Hartman , grand treasurer.
William II Bowen , grand secretary.
Jacob A. Hood , grand chaplain.
William Laese , grand orator.
Benjamin F. Itawalt , grand custodian ,
Aeberry Townsend , grand marshal.
James F. Burns , grand senior deacou.
Lewis H. Kent , grand junior deacon.
William J. Mount , grand tiler.
Edwin F. Warren , trustee orphan ed
ucational fund.
The delegates present , by roll of lodges ,
art ) as follows :
Nebraska Ledge No. 1 , Bellovae
Frank E , Caldwell , Joseph M. Whltted ,
and Silas B. Bichelder.
Western Star Ledge No. 2 , Nebraska
City Lewis Dunn , Hen J. Effing , and
Herbert 0. Freeman.
Capitol Ledge No. 3 , Omaha William
R , Bowen , Mlle 0. Wilson , and Jacob
Samlor ,
Nomaha Valley Ledge No 4 , Brown-
villo John J. Mercer , Alfred G. Burnoll ,
and Thomas L. Jones.
Omaha Ledge No. G , Dakota City
William Adalr William Cheney , and N.
E , Cowles.
Plattsmonth Lo Jgo No. G , PJattsmomh
V. V , Leonard , J. G. Richey , and
Auckland Salisbury.
Falls City Ledge No. 9 , Falla City-
James R. Wllblte , George W. Holland
and Clark Shelly.
Solomon Ledge No. 10 , Fort Oilhonn
Edwin G. Grenell , W. 0. Vaughn and
Oirl Myers.
Covert Ledge No. 11 , Omaha Fred
erick B. Loire , John N. Westbrg and
3il S. Anchmcodjr.
Nobiaik * City Ledge No. 12 , Nebraska
City Divld R. Thompson , John Adel
and Oliver D. Waterman.
Peru Ledge No. 14 , Peru Benjamin
W , Kuott , Jtcob Zaulng and Jolm H.
F. Scott. j
Fremont Lcdga NO. 15 , Fremont
William H. Manger. I. M , Goodspead
and Gaorga A , Story.
Tocumeeh Lodge No. 17 , Tocumtoh
Samuel P. D-ivldson , William H. Holmes
and Dnel ( F. O.'gnod.
Lincoln Lodge No. 10 , Lincoln Syl
vester S. Royce , Eitl A. Oooloy and Ed
win 0. Miller.
\ \ ashlngton Lodge No. 21 , Blair F.
W. Kenny , E. 0. Jickson and F. H.
jrothe' .
Fawnoe Lodge Fo. 23 , I'awneo City
Jharlcs E , Pierce , A. E. Hatsler and
Jacob Fulton.
St. John Ledge No. 25 , Omaha J
K Coulter , F. J. Borthwish and Goorga
P. Msyhcod.
Beatrice Lodge No , 20 , Beatrice E.
ET. Danuls , John D fryer and Charles G
.Tordon Lodge No 27 , West Point
3cor e Romberg , Allen D Brunerand
B. J. Romlg.
ilopo Lodge No , 29 , Ntmaha City
James A. Titus , B. C. Stokes and L. M
Blue River Lodge No. 30 , Mllford
John A. Oocklln , Ellsha Conrtwrlght am
Georo W. Hamlin.
Tekamah Lodge No 31 , Tvkanuh
James P. Lnltf > , James R. Reed and Q
M. Crngger.
Platte Valley Lodge No. 32 , North
Platte Charles Macdonald , John I Nes
bill and T. H. Longley.
Ashler Ledge No. 32 , Gracd Island
Ohttles F. Rollins , George D. Hctzslam
John W. West.
Awcia Lodge Ne .34Schuylor , Charles
J. Phclp , Jamea Hughes and B. F , Ar
nold. ,
Fahbnry Ledge No. 35 , Fairbury B
S. Baktr , P. H , Hanchot and S. S
Lone Tree Ledge No. 30 , Central City
J. B. White , John Patterson and John
H. Wright.
Crete Ledge No. 37 , Crolc H. S
Fuller and George H. Hastings.
Oliver Lodge No. 38 , Seward William
Laeso , A , J Williams and E. K. Dam
Papilllon Lodge No. 39 , P pllllon N
W. Wllcox. J. W. Thompson and A. L
Hnmboldt Ledge No. 40 , Humbolclt
Joseph Strb&ck , William W. Turk and
William Barngrover.
North Light Ledge No. 41 , Stanton
John E. Erhardt , Francis McGlvcrln am
H. W. Clark.
Juniata Ledge No. 42 , Jnnlata E. M
Allen , W. D. Sowoll and G. N. McGonl
Hebron Ledge No. 43 , Hebron
William J. Hanna , Thomas D. Bristo
and J. Addison Bowdlo.
Harvard Ledge No. 44 , Harvard
George H. Washburn , Ezra Brown am
L. G. Hurd.
Palmyra Ledge No. 45 , Palmjri
John O. Moore , William L. Sopor am
Robert O. Self.
Rob Morris Ledge No. 40 , Kearney
F. J. Swllz , Rjbt. E. French and George
Salem Ledge No. 47 , Salem Joshua
Vandervoort and Henry H. Pierce.
Fairmont Lodge No. 48 , Fairmont
J. 0. Cluse , "William A , Putney and
William E. Smith.
Fvonlng Star Codgo No. ,49 , Sutton
F. M. Brown , Houry Lshrmon and 0.
H , Parsons
Fidelity Ledge No. 51 , David City
Uonry Splher , James Evana and William
H. Fuller.
Hiram Ledge No. 52 , Arlington John
Hammiug and William J. Harris.
Chari'y ' Lodge No. 53 , Red Cloud-
William H. Strohm , J.R. . Wi'cox and
William Letson.
Lincistor Ledge No. 54 , Lincoln-
William L. Falrbrothor , John C. Stire
and George R Anderaon.
Mosaic Ledge No. 55 , Norfolk "Wil
liam Gerecke. George N. Beels and Wil
liam H. McKeo.
York Ledge No. 50 , York E. H.
Dow , John Zolglor and Robert Arm
Mount Mnrlah Ledge No. 57 , Syra
case Goo. W. McKee , Othmal Holmes
and J. K. Griffiths
Lebanon Ledge No. 58 , Columbus
J. D. Brewer , Charles B. Stillman and
James E. North.
Wahoo Lodge No. 59 , Wahoo J. 0.
Pfilsley , J. N. Davis and William H.
Melroao Ledge No. 60 , Orleans L. H.
Kent , H. F. Furglaon and T , H. Man
Tbistle Ledge No. 01 , Plum Creek
J. F. Kntz , H. M. Sinclair and William
F. R'co.
Keystone Ledge No. 02 , St. Joe J.
. Brcck , A. L. Pearce , and Edwaic
Rlverton Ledge No. G3 , Rlverton J.
G. Childa , A. B. Stevens , and W. P.
Blue Valley Ledge No. 04 , Wllbor
W. G. Hastings , J. A. Paddock , and J.
N. Van Duyn.
Osceola Ledge No. 05 , Osooola T. H.
Saunders , H. W. Kenuard , and L , L.
Livingston Lodge N. 66 , Firth L R.
Horrnm , I. M. Hill , and Charles R.
Edgar Lodge No. 07 , Edgar Georeo
M. Murdock , J. G. Presser , and O. E.
Aurora Ledge No. 08 , Aurora F. J.
Brickor , E J. Hauler , and Samuel S.
Fortitude Ledge No. 08 , Ulysses
Snmnor Darnell , A. C. Barrett , and
Samuel 0. Oiks.
Sterllcg Ledge No. 70 , Sterling Val
entino Zink , D. D. , Mclntyro and N. F.
Trowel Ledge No. 71 , Neligh J. J.
Roach , William 0. Eites and J. H. Gur-
Hooper Ledge No. 72 , Hooper Henry
Schwab , J , F. Briggs and William H.
Friend Lodge No. 73 , Friend Robert
Ccnnell , William Burk and Mathew Mc >
Alexandria Ledge No. 74 , Alexandria
George W. Enslow , James H. Euslow
and E. M. Jenkins.
Frank Welch Ledge No. 75 , Sidney-
Peter Smith , L. O. Fowler and Cbrls
Joppa Ledge No. 70 , Bloomlngton
James P. A. Black , E. H. Marshal and
Samuel Hlxey.
Nelson Lodge No. 77 , Nelson. E. H.
Dawland , D. A. Gibson and Joe Van
Albion Ledge No. 78 , Albion H. H.
Gillett , F. C. Hawks and F. H. Smith.
Geneva Lodge No. 79 , Geneva James
E. Deropjtor . 0. Scott and F. H.
Waco Ledge No. 80 , Waoc J. 0.
Dawey and W. J. Wells.
Composlt Lodge No. 81 , Rlting F. E
Wilson , Aurclins Roberta and J. O
Sint Paul Lodjo ; No. 82 , St. Paul
0. E , Forbs , E. R. Fletcher and Z. T.
Corinthian Ledge No. 83 , Wakcfiold
7. E , Hunter , William Bockenhaiur and
John W. Cook.
Falrfiold Ledge No. 84 , FBlrfield
Jeorga W. Noble , John 0. Hedge and
A. A. Rindall.
Tyro Ledge No. 85 , Blue Springs
0 , A. WttsBl , William N. Spellman and
latnud S , Barton.
Donlphan Ledge No. 8G , Doniphan
. M. Cole , Samuel Beldolman and 0. S ,
luilo Lg3 < ? N < > . 87 , Niobrara Solo ,
nan Draper , S > lvinus Harden and H , L ,
Jo Glnnltio
St r L-.dgo No. 88 , Dccatur Jsmes
Athley , R. G , Ljttiglry and M , N ,
3nyd r.
C..daRiver Lodga No 89 , Fullerlon
B. D SlaU's'ht3r , GeorKo D. Micklejohn
and 0 H. Gil more ,
EU Creek Ldgo No. 90 , Elk Creek
' . 8. Yonng , George W. Woolaey ucd
D H McOluro.
Oakland Ledge No. 91 , Oikhnd
Henry Newman , William H , Hopkins
and Alfred Laudvall.
Hnbbell Lodge No. 92 , Bnbbell
WiUitro H. Conklin , A. F. Agnevr and
George Coltim.
Bennett Lodge No. 94 , Bencolt
D. H , Harris and W. M , Self.
GaiBeld Ledge No. 93 , O'Noll N. T.
Hoxlr , C. 0. MilUrd And A. J. Hund-
Ulica Ledge No. 90 , Utica E. J.
Porter , Lvruan Calder and L A. Smith.
Euclid Ledge Po , 97 , Woep'ng ' Water
E. A. Klrkpatrlck , George Hatch and
J. M. Robinson.
Republican Lodge No. 98 , Republican
City J. B. Forbes , L. G. Ooon and
C. A. Lace.
Shelton Ledge No. 99 , Shollon
Goorga L. Gardner , Rodney Becchor and
M. G. Lor.
Crolghton Lodge No. 100 , Crolghton
II. M. Peyton , G. L , Jamison , and Will
iam L Turner.
Ponca Lodge No. 101 , Ponc J. B.
Dames , E , J , Berry , and D. W. llasson.
Waterloo Ledge No. 102 , Waterloo
I. A , Arnold , Frank Wbitmoro , and
George Johnson. .
Old Ledge No. 103 , Ord A. D Robin
son , D. S. BarUolto , and B. E. Jolcs.
Wjraoro Ledge No. 104 , Wymoro E.
0. Wllcox , J. B. Linlngor , and H. D.
Oral ? .
Stella Lodgi No. 105 , Stella M. F.
Mahln , H. M. Oonover , and L. H.
Porter Ledge No. 106 , Loup City-
John E Blackmail , Willum H. Morris
and J. F. Simpson.
Hteolo City Ledge No. 107 , Steele City
John Gerardy , Jolm M. Mlllhollaud
and Joshua Robertson ,
Table Rock Ledge No. 108 , Tahlo
Rock J. O. Cirlock , 0. H. Norrls and
J. B. Phillips.
Arapihoo Lidga No 109. Arapihoo
Goo. J. Bargees , B. S. Chambers and L.
T. Rjborts.
Pomegranate Ledge No. 110 , Ashland
George \V. Meredith , J. C. Railsboch
and Alexander Lavorty.
Do Witt Ledge No. Ill , Do Witt L
J. Cross , Enoch Hastings , and Joseph
SptingQcld Ledge No 112 , Springfield
0. S , Fisher , B. S. Brawnor , and
James T. Hints.
Valentino Lodge , U. D. Madleon
William T. Sotrles , Sylyoitar J. Brldon-
atlno and Louia R. Bickloy.
Wiicor Ledge , U. D. , Wiener Clark
0. MoNlab , Onarlos M. Htllllef , and Jos
eph N. Kay.
Brainard Lodge , U. ' . D. ' . , Bralnard
John T. MoNight , Albert H. Aahold , and
William 0. Jones ,
Harlnu Lodge , U. ' . D. . , Almi James
Bradford , George Deans , and Ed. L.
Hardy Lodge , U. ' . D. ' . , Hardy Na
thaniel M. Ay era , William Hayus , and
Sslmo Lodge , U. ' . D . , Dorchester
John 0. Thuts'on , William R. Balding ,
and John Barton ,
North Bend Lodge , U ' . D . , North
Bend John Y. Smith , Mlchaul Dawllng ,
and Milton May.
Wayne Lodge , U. ' . D. ' . , Wojne
Cyrus E. Hunter , John T , Brcsiler and
James Brltton.
Superior Lodge , U. ' . D. ' , , Superior
F. Park Coin , Frederick J. Pdddon and
Abnor W. Johnson.
OdellLodce , U. ' . D. ' . , Odell John
W. Bowcn , George L. Roe and Josephua
Indlanola Lodge , U. D. , Indianola
S. V. Stilgobebiusr , J. W. Molkin and
Henry Crablree.
Auburn Lodge , U. D. , Auburn
Charles S. Willard , Thomas S. Horn and
Jeremiah Taylor.
Genoa Ledge , U ' . D. ' . , . Genoa Oak
ley E Green , Olaf Notzsll , and James
M. Kennedy.
StromsburgiLodge , U. * . D. ' . , SI rams-
burg Hiram Sapp , George H. Butler ,
and Dj er Ford.
Mlcden Lodge , U. ' . D. , Miaden
Byron W. Marsh , John A. Shickols , and
F. R Kingsley.
Guide Rock Lodge , U. ' . D. ' . , Guide
Rock Isaiah B. Hampton , Edwin L.
Grnbb , and John B. Wish.
Blue Hill Ledge , D ' . D. ' . , Blue Hill
Ir& 0. Martin , Albert Frame , and Timothy
thy BIgelow.
Tuscan Lodge , U. ' . D. . , Surprise
George Miller , Madison Rogers and
George H. Miller.
The committees , as selected by Grand
master Wemple , during tbo year , and
who make reports at this meeting are
as follows :
Committee on Visiting Brethren J.
"Issues from a spring deeply
embedded in a rock , and is therefort
Oscar Liebrelcli ,
Kcgius Professot , University pf Berlin.
"The only n'aJer safe for the
traveller to drink is a NATURAL
Sir Henry Thompson , F.R.C.S. l-ond.
O/all Grocers , Drugs i'tt , & Mm. It'ai , DeakrS.
OVER 400,000naJN USE.
nnblmt ItlilliiK Vvlilrln iniule. Kldta u eur
witbonBpornouastwo. The tirhiKH li'nullicn nd
Nbortcn according to the weight thuy carry. KquuJly
well nitaiitti ! in roiiwli country roaijH nnd
UnudriycKuiLltiex. illniiiiriirtiiri'dniiilHnlilby
all Ifudlns t/'iirrliicn Unililurx mid llrnler * .
The largest Medical Institute West of
Mississippi Rlvor.
Fifty roomi for tlio nccomodatton of patlcnti. Th
' " " ' ' > of the Institute h&a
lactlrc , nd li alaed
iiS ftpCClAl t4 lU
WKiTBr'aRCiRCULiiiDii i > eformltle < ftnd Ertres , DlfEil
XIof Woxtv , fliti < i Turanr , Cinctri , c > t > rrli. Bruoibl.
il , Inhautlon. FlKtrlrltr. Prl ) li , L'rlU kT , Kld&er ,
K'C. r r Skluand Blood Write for
on I'uirtTic , BrtcUL and MKTOC * , t-Binlcal
U eulneif , 8iwrmi\tnrrbra , giphllli , CJliei , KtrlciuK. Yuri-
coieto > nialldlieai i > ni Vrlnirr tnU txiuil prg n >
Cftk itre teilbycorrepoDtlince.ori'ertoniilly CuufldiutUli
) > l < 3lclQei Dl by mAllor exprtil without mtrkt tu ludt *
cat * eostealtnr Qder < Adri alllfttt-ri to
lUbbtreetComrot Capitol ATcaue , OMill'H
If. Oonltor , John D. Brewer ana Peter
On Crodontlftli Benjamin S. B t < or ,
Jotoph B. White and George \V.
On oiotmU John J. Mcroor , n. S.
Fuller , E. J. Porter , N. T. IIoslu and J.
On Charters nnd Dispensations
Qoorpo B. Franco , S , Draper , J. R. Wll-
hlto , 0. E. Pierce and George W. Noble.
On By-laws from Oharlrrcd Lodges
William G. H stinj ? , B. D. Slaughter ,
S' S. Iloj-ce , James Satbich and F , J.
On Woya and Mean a Daniel MoEl-
hennoy , J. B. Dhumoro , William II.
Mungor , J. P. A. Black and 0. F. Rol
On Charity Louis Dunn , J. 0. Ohaso ,
F. J. Baicker , H. H. Gillett and J. A.
On Grievances R. II. Oakly , William
8 , Falrbrothcr , Qoor o J. Burgees , 0. E.
Forbes and George W. Enslow. '
On Unfinished Business J. F. Kortz ,
J. R. Wilobx , 0. A. Wowal , John 0.
Moore , and E. A. Allen.
On Pay Roll F. E , White , S. P ,
Davidson , J , P. Latin , W , J , Hanna ,
and George H. Washburn.
On Jurisprudence S imuel W. Uiiys ,
chairman ; James R. Cain , Edwin F.
Warren , James A. Tulloys , and R. Q.
On Iloturns E. K. Long , F. II.
Young , F. B. Lowe , A. P. Nccdhara , and
I. 0. Polnloy.nEOULAH
The above named committees all trmdo
their annual reports which consumed the
whole of the afternoon aocelon until 5:30 :
o'clock , Just before adjourning for sup
per , however , the appeal case of 0. Ohaao
was taken up for consideration on two
motions , one to ozpol and the other to
suspend. The latter motion prevailed.
The ledge then adjourned until 8 o'clock.
The grand lodge began its evening
actsion at 8 o'clock. Election of grand
ofliccrs for the ensuing year wna an
nounced as being the h'ret business before -
fore the lodgo. Candidates for all the
oflices were numerous. The election
finally resulted in the following ticket
being chosen :
W. 3M. G. Judge U. B. Reese , of
R. W. D. G. M. 0. K. Contant ,
of Omaha.
R. W. S. W. W. J. Hull , Edgar.
R. W. G. J. W George B. France ot
R W. G. R Charles Hartman of
R. W. G. S W. R. Bowen of Omaha.
Omaha was selected as the place to
hold the next annual meeting.
After transacting some legislative bnel-
ness the ledge adjourned until 0:30 :
o'clock this morning.
" Royal" the only Baking Powder free
from Lime and Absolutely Pure ,
Limo is the serious defect found iu most o tlie crenm of. tnrtnr bnk-
iug powders. As n matter of fact , chemical analysis has found ib in all
such powders except the "Iloynl. " Its presence is caused by tlio use of
adulterated cream of iartar in the effort to reduce their cost of produc
tion. %
Lime adds to the weight , while it detracts from the strength oE the
baking powder. It also renders the food less wholesome , giving rise to
dyspepsia and kindred ailments. Baking powders containing lime pro
duce less leavening gas , and therefore m use are more expensive than a
first class pure article.
The Royal Ba'ting ' Powder is made from cream of tartar that is
first specially refined and made chemically pure. No tarrate : of lime or
othcDj impurity con find its way into the "Royal,11 and to this fact its
great superiority in strength , wholesomeness , and keeping quality i
All this adds greatly to the cost of manufacturing the Royal Baking
Powdir , but as all its iugredionts are selected and prepared with the
same precise care and regardless oil labor or expense , an article is pro
duced that is free from every extraneous substance "absolutely pure. '
Nor does it contain any ingredients except those necessary to make u
pure , whoiesorne and perfect baking powder.
Professor McMurtrie , late chemist in chief to the U. S. Department
of Agriculture , after analyzing the various baking powders' the mar
ket , testifies to the absolute purity of that used in the Royal Baking
Powder as follows :
"I have examined the cream of tartar manufactured by the New
York Tartar Company and used by-tee Royal Baking Powder Company
in the manufacture of their baking powder , and find it to be perfectly
pure , and free from lime in any form.
WM. McMURTRIE , E.M. , Ph.D. ,
' 'Chemist in Chief , U. S , Dcpt. of Agriculture. ' '
Original and only Misfit Clothing Parlors , 1312 Douglas street , up-stairs , wish to impress upon the miirTs
o their patrons that they are the
nly emporium in Omaha handling merchant tailor misfit and uncalled for clothing a * a specialty , and "all
others who represent them are imitations , and to demonstrate more fully the 0. M. C , P. are the only people
holding contracts with the
, '
erchant tailors throughout ttie country to purchase all garments left upon their hands , consequently none
other can hold the same.
ontracfa are legal and read as follows :
"We , the undersigned'do heraby promise and agrae to buy for cash all garments oc clothing lefo upon
the hand of by his customer , and pay said his cost of making s iid garments , loss the
amount of deposit paid upon them by the customer. Witness our hand this 'day ' of A. D.1885 , "
eopleof 0 uaha and vicinity who have paHroiiixsi the 0. M. C. P. an acquainted with these facts , and
show their eagerness to keep it in the minds oE their friends , and do not hesitata to auuouu.ce the Truth that
it there is a pluc 3 on earth for genuine bargains it / ( .
Open Evenings until 9 o'clock Saturdays until 10 o'clock
Mass , Institute of Technology.
Regular lour year counei In Civil llechanloal.Mln.
Architect-lie , Chein.
rg and KUctrl l EcKlnoerini ,
atry , I'niBics , Natural UUtory , etc. Btudcuti i are
niu uJmlltud to pirtlnl or tpeclal courtcs Noit
school year bojlm Bept 28. W ) . Eptranca enmln *
tlcus June 4 and 8. at 9 a. m. Apply to Viol. aco.
ilowlind , lloaid cl Kducition room * City Hall Chi
cago. JiMKHl' . MUNROB , Secrctarj.
. WALSEB , rrenldoot.
H , S , ATWOOD ,
Plnttsmoutb , Neb.
Breeder of thoroughbred and high grade
Hereford and Jersey Cattle ,
Duroowid Jersey Ked Bwine ,
TULL03K , K R. & Supt. o. r. N , BADLBH , A Bt. Kag , w , m.iuosn , Asat , Secy
Uan'fg't and Iull ) < ! is ol
fronglit Inn , Sled , Howe
liusi and Combln&tlou
For Kullfo&dfl and Highway *
Turn Tall * * , Duw Bpaoi , Boo
A. Uclutb. . Agent.
U. A. Wlw ,
_ _ _
d us nsll-e cl all brlJuo woik tg ! ' . Ccir r ° d"M wUcUwHrom cgln in
CLtr ctorn ,
aJBfl H