Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 25, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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mltted. but that amendment w a
snowed under by n very
largo majority. It would have been sup
posed that when thu people voted that
down and wanted no such machinery ,
whatever their motives might have been , j
they would have had some respect for
the people who elected thorn , but instep
ill of that they wont down there and j , .
duccd n certain amount of regulating .
lalatlon and In the general wra the
same tactics were pursued. Nr fy every
prominent railroad manager M there ,
oipooially the Burlington ' /nwiagers were
particularly prominent c.n < * deliberately
strangled every tffotfc 'la the legis
lature for any bill governing rates ,
though they did't'bllsh a three-cent
pasisengor rate , awl they finally forced
upon the legislature , and I say it delib
erately i this bill creating a bogus railway
comai'alon , 1 aiy bogus for the reason
that the commitslon was not constitu
tional , There has bcon a substitute
created for it in the shape of throa score-
'oirloa who are the secretaries of the state
officers. Tha state oflicdrs are supposed
to bo the commleslonors , but the socrc-
tarloa are really to bo the commiialonorr ,
rind it la certainly not in conformity with
the spirit o ! our constitu
tion and it was in open
defiance to the expressed policy of the
vote given tire yuurs ago this fill. Them
was every effort conceivable made down
there to have this bill put through , but
It was put through at the instance of the
rallroid manager ; , and I defy any ono to
toll mo it Is not true ; and they alone are
rojpontiblo for it. What have wo to
hope or expect from a measure that has
bconorcod upon us by a party opposed
to regulation and who certainly don't
want regulation that will docreaio their
Income ? I fall to nooanything.
Q. Does thla bto net rupoal the former
act ? v
A. It does not.
Q. Does this act of this year require the
commissioners to enforce the former act 1
A , I do not know exactly aj to that.
The commission Is clothed with no par-
tlcnlor'ponor ' except ID inquire into com-
pfalntropart the same frjtn titnototfmo
t o the governor and through him to the 1 eg-
islature for redress. Of course , a person
that is grieved under the Doono law for
discrimination may bring suit. Our con
stitution says charges shall not bo unreasonable
enable , but it is a very difficult thing to
establish what an unreasonable char o is.
That term is very Indefinite. What
might bo regarded as extremely
unreasonable In Massachusetts or
Now York might o reasonable
in Nebraska , and again what would bo
regarded as unreasonable hero would be
regarded &a reasonable in Wyoming and
Nevada * Without n specific maximum
charge or without eomo limitation by law
that would show just what would bo re
garded as unreasonable there Is no chance
to enforce any penalty on any railroad in
Nebraska. My railroad friends claim
there is no discrimination that can bo
just and reasonable and should bo allowed.
Now where can the line bo drawn be
tween just and unjust discrimination.
For oximplo , they say if aman , ships 100
carloads ho In onttt'ed to a bettor rate
than a man who ships ten or ono carload
and that Is It no discrimination ngainat the
shipper of the smaller nuoibar of car
loads to charge the shipper of 100 curs a
leesor rate per car. Now I hold that if
wo should establish & car load as the unit ,
It should moko no difference whether a
man ships 1. 10,100 or 1,000 car loads.
The completlau of Mr , Rosewater's
statement will opp'ar to-morrow morn
The Trans-MDliDBnlal Pool Association
oa Freight Rates ,
Eotcl BIcutions In Hoiviml and Sbcr-
mnu Counties The B , & M.
Nurthwartl Bound Otbcr
HOIIIB of General
Bond elaotions vroto lield Tuesday In
Howard and Sherman counties to aid the
proposed extension of the Union Pacific
m branch throngU both couutias. Dis
patches show that Iho proposition carried
In the former county , but nothing dtfi-
nlto haa yet boon received from Sherman.
The route raappjd out for the properod
llnu'takcaa z'g z g courjo between the
North and Middle Loup rivers. Starting
from St , Paul the line runs northwest to
Loop City , in Sherman county. Thirty-
eight thousand dollars la the prlco of securing -
curing the rend to the latter city , the
company ogreoing'to ' complete It within
fourteen months , j Advance Agent Nich
ols has Informed the people of Velloy
county that for § 22,000 In bonds this toad
will bo oxtondodj'north to Ord , the county
seat , u dlaUnpo of about twenty-Ova
mllee. The Jtonto looks on paper as
crooked a tbc/fatnous Oil Greek ulr line
The B. & M. people bavo surveyed a
route from Grand Island northwestward ,
secured the right of way for a good dls-
tanoa , but the actual work has not yet
begun , Too Grand Island Independent
thus states the position of the rival
builders : "Tho B & M. hai surveyed
a road from Grind Island in n westerly
direction south of the Middle L up , and
has already secured the tight of way for
a good dlttance. When thfa road Is
batlb the U. P. It. 11 will build a road
on tbo north tide of the Middle Loop.
In order to keep even pace with or head
off the B. M. The B. & M. 1-ai to
start from Grand Island , beoanio it hat
no other starting point , and the U. P.
certainly will not start from Grand
Iilsnd , bocauio that would compel this
company to run for n good distance par
allel and vety near to the B. & N. road.
The U. P. has no other starting point
than Sf. PAU ! , and that company
will build that road , and atait from that
poin1as , soon as it is known that the B.
it M. ( s commencing to build from Grand
Island. The U. P. is bound to do thar ,
and will do it , may bonds be voted or
not , and she will not do It nnlosi the B.
& B ) . makes amovebonds or no bondr. '
The B. & fif. proposes to take off
passenger trains between Nebraska City
end lioatrloo unless trafHs picks up ,
Union Pacific engineers are running a
line between Fullerton and St. Paul , am
a bond proposition will soon strike th
porplo of Nanco county.
Engineer John Lambert pulled Nr. 4
recently from Grand Island to North
Platte , a diitanco of 137 miles , in thre
hours and fifty mlnntoi , making < igh
> topg. This beats the tun of the Smith
upeolal , on the oimo road ,
' Mr , F. lltardcu has been appolntoi
siittant divUlon inattar mechanic nf th' '
Nebraska divliion of the Union Pad6
railway , vlco J , II. McOonnvll promoted
The p y car of the Ohlcngo , St PJU !
Minneapolis & Ounlia will arrive her
Ihls rnurnlnt0 mk0 glid the hearts of
the boys nt , & { end of the lino.
/ " ' XtVlnjr of the employes of the
, R department wai held at the
Paclfio headquarters Taoaday
° 'eimlng for the purpose of organizing a
Obictiptlon library lot railroad literature.
Mr. B. 11. Thompson acted as chairman ,
Alter adopting by-laws and rules , ol
Ecora for the ensuing year were elected
an follows : J. 0. Lohmor , president ; J.
0 , Knight , vlco president { EngenoDnval
secretary ; J. R. Lichtorbergor , treasurer
and Mr. Wilson , librarian. It Is pro
posed to keep the Institution running by
taxing Its members 25 cents a month
each , and the membership Is limited .to
Contracts have boon lot tor grading the
entire route cf the Dlick mils branch
nf thp Northwestern roadf rom Ohadron ,
Nebraska , to Rrpld City. The work Is
to bo completed by the 15th of Jnly ,
188G. This Is the moot Important event
In the history of the Black Hills country
and naturally occasioned great rejoicing
In that isolated mineral region. A corps
of engineers ere now anrvoyidg the Black
mils end of the line.
Ramors are current In Nebraska Oily
that a branch of the Missouri Pacific will
bo built to that city. Officials of the
road examined the gronnd recently.
The Trans-continental Pool asiociation ,
after holding sessions at Denver and
Chicago , finally conclnded they would
try the ntmosphero of Omaha and see
whether it wouldn't have the effects of
assisting them to arrive at oomo conclu-
olvo results on the matters under con
sideration. The following members ol
the association are here : L. G.
Cannon , general agent Trans-Continental
association ; G , W. Rlstlne , general traffic
manager Atlantic & Pacllio ; 0. S. Fee ,
general passenger and ticket agent
Northern Pacifin ; 0. S. Stobblns , gener
al ticket agent , J. W. Morco , general
passenger agent U. P. Ry. ; ' S. K. Hoop
er , general passenger and''ticket agent
Denver & Rio Grande Ry , ; J. 0. Stubbs.
general traffic manager Southern Pacific
Co. ; Richard Gray , general freight agent
S. P. Co. ; T. H. Goodman , gonoial pas-
Bpngor and ticket agent , S , P. Co. , E. S.
Donnlsjn. general freight and passenger
agent Atlantic & Pacific ; T. L. Klmball ,
general traffic manager U. P. Ry. ; S. "W.
Kccles , general freight nnd passenger
agent Denver & Rio Grande Western
Ry. ; J. M. Byrnes , general freight and
paesenger agent Oregon Railway & Navi
gation Co. , and George H. Nichols , assistant -
ant general passenger and ticket agent of
the A. , T. & S. F. Mr. J. F. Goddard ,
gnueral traffic cgont of the Atcbison ,
Topaka & Santa Fe , Is expected to bo
hero this morning. The association was
in session yeatarday afternoon several
hours in rooms 3 and 4 at the Pazton
hotel , but their meeting was devoted
principally to general discussion. The
question under consideration hero Is a
readjustment of the pisaongor rates be
tween Mhsoarl rsvor points and tbo
Paclfio coast. A closer equalization of
the rates on firat-claes and emigrant
faros Is desirad by the roads ,
and In this pool meeting they
nopa to agree on a new schedule.
As It Is now the first-elites faro from Oma
ha to San Francisco costs $01.35. In
addition to that the traveler must pay 814
for sleeping car accommodations , which
makes the expense of travel alone $105 35
to say nothing of the Incidental expenses
ho Is compelled to havo. The emigrant
are from Omaha to Sin Francisco is
1-15. The companies think that this is
oo wide a difference. They don't know ,
hou -whether to reduce the former
.nd . raise the latter simultaneously or
whether tojroduco tbo formi r to $75 with-
nt changing the latter. Inasmuch
as the A. & P. road his already reduced
ho schedule of Its local rates , which also
reatly reduces tbo through rate , and the
Southern Pacific Is contemplating the
ime kind of a move , the association is
orccd to do something. A resolution
was adopted reducing the east bound
rates that were § 90 first class nnd § 75 ,
, nd entirely abolishing the emigrant rate.
? ho change makes tint-class faros $75
and secand class 02 , and IT ill go Into
elFect July first. L , G. Cannon
resided over the mooting as its chair
man. At 5 o'clock they adjourned until
; 30 this morning , when It Is expected
hat moro representatives will bo pzosonr.
Mr. Charles Francis Adnmr , president
of the U. P. , devoted the afternoon yes-
orday to doing some actlvo work In the
jonoral manager's ' office. His labors will
compel him to remain hare for some
Ittlo time , though ho can't say exactly
low long. Mr. Oillaway , the gonor.fl
ninager , is expected to arrive homo thii
vening and for him Mr. Adams Is waiting
The following Misaouti Pacific officials
were in the city yesterday : H. M.
It xio , vlco president and general mana
ger , St. Louis ; F. B. Dako. division
nparlntcndont , Kansas City ; E. R. Sib-
oy , division superintendent , Sedalia , and
1. M. Pock , superintendent of bridges ,
St. Louis. Along with Mr. Gaorgo
onld la his prlvft'o car they left for the
south hat evening. Mr. S. H. H. Clark
Eccompinlod them.
the Wrvbasli.
NKW YORK , Jno 21. The English bond
loldem * committee , after a thorough Investi
gation of W abash affairs , have agreed with
.ho Now York committee upon a plan of re
organization which Ins'met with the approval
of all concerned , Tbo plan will be pat into
effect at once , and Ita nature will soon be
made public.
Judge Wallace of the United States circuit
court to-day handed down a decision tin the
mlc of the Hell Telephone Co , vs. Molecular
Telephone Co , , m favor of the former ,
BMKCZK , until yoai
head seems ready to fly
ofl ; until your ooae and
cyei discharge excessive
quantities at thin , tr
rltatlDg , watery fluid
until your bead aches
mouth and throa
patched , and blood
iuverheit. This la an
Acute Catarrh , and It
Inttantly relieved by a
single das , aud perma
nentl > cured br one bet
o Banford's Radical Cure ( or Catarrh.
Complete Treatment with Inhaler $1 ,
One bottle Radical Cure , one box Catarrbat Sol
vent , and one Improved Inhaler , in one ( paokane
may now be had cf all druggists for 81.00. Aik fo
Sanford's Itadlcal Cure.
"The only abiolute ipedOo we know of. " Med.
Ilmoi. "Tie beat we have found In a lifetime o
suffering. " lUv. 1) : . Wlirgln , Boston. "After a long
struggle with Catarrh , the Ka-Jlcal Cure has ccn
queied.1' llev , B. Vf , Monroe , Lewlabuivh , 1'a
"I have not found a cue that It did not relieve a
oiioe. " Andrew t/oo. llancheater , Uasa.
and Chemical Co , , Beaton.
Fo' the tejl ' nd preveatlui
u" loatant U li appll d , of Uheu
tnatUm , NeuralgU , BcUtlca
Coughs , ColJ , Weak Back. Btom
aoh , aud Bowels , Bnootln
fln . Numbnosa. Hytterla , Fe
male Pains , Plpllatlon , DyiMp
la , Liter Complaint ,
Fever , Malaria , and Epld nJoa
use CcUln's Plutera ( an KJovtil
Battery comblneil lh ! Purt < u
PUstti ) and Uughal piln
7irv ber .
An Interesting Batch From iho Sat !
Capital ,
Tin Singing Societies in tlio
Midst of Eovelry ,
Ocro Astonlshci His Acquaintances
by Ills EqeBtrlnn Ability
Cluirch Howe's Piny.
imported by The BEE'S
LINCOLN , NEU , , Juno 24. Tbo oily
was astir only this morning. Ban-
nora and flags were in profusion
everywhere , and go which way ono might
the lively attains from ono or more bands
conld bo honed. Although the weather
loldn cloudy the crowd Is very largo and
; rowa materially with each Incoming
rain. There nro several hundred spoo-
atora bosldos the regular societies
which number about 700. So far
no dlatntbnnco of any kind baa
occurred to mar the plonuiros of the oo
ens Ion. AUhough on ono of tholr annual
estival occasions and far nway from
lorao many of thorn ate accompanied by
heir wives.
The first grand conceit of the tiungor
est was fully equal in every partlcnhir
o the reception concert , although moro
lolso , not of a musical character , eosmod
o predominate. The broad middle nlalo
was allowed to bo filled up over half way
o the stage , thus ranking unnecessary
noise and inconveniencing many from
ho first. The andlonco seemed Inclined
o encore each performance , thus mater-
ally lengthening the program Intended ,
lowovc.r , the singers irorq entitled to the
ncoro and each time pleasantly rc-
pondod. Those entitled to special
mention are Miss Ethel E. Howe In a
oprana solo her volco WOB blrdliko
nd thrilllngly [ .superb ; Madame
Joker In her solo contralto
emonstratcd not only a clear and very
musical voica but developed a pathos
which Is unusual In solo singers. The
Lincoln festival chorus composed of
many of tbo beat singers , both ladies and
entlomcn , of Lincoln and of the west ,
vas a credit In Its each and several parts ,
ot only to the chorus club but to the
oclety. The Grand Island band proved
int they were not only musicians but
mt much pains and practice had been
lad to develop such sweet and perfect
trains from the horn.
The bidders for building the Insane
lospltal at Norfolk were George H.
ting , Brooklyn , Iowa , § 04.355 ; Oerbe
liothors , Marahaltown , Iowa , § 64,700 ;
? . J. Colton , Rock Island , 111. , 809,800.
o award will bo made till July Gth.
The Hon. G. W. Barnhurr , of Lodge
Dole , ono of the cattle commissioners of
lis atato and a prominent cattle man of
Cheyenne county , Is In the city.
The friends of "Bobby Shafto" have
ccnrcd a largo band wagon and will show
p big In the parade on Friday.
A young man , from Omaha , allppad la
tie back door of Perkins Brothers' shoo
toro and secured a parse on the desk
ontalniog $29 50. Pursuit was made
nd a capture effected. The young man
will have a hearing thi ) morning.
The county commissioners have com-
) Ut3d their equalization and levy Bcaaloo ,
10 that those who know what their aa-
ossmenta wcro may begin to look around
or the wherewith to moot the tax. The
evy is : General fund , nine mills ; bond
und , five mills ; bridge fund , three mills ;
oad fund , three mills ; making n total of
wonty mills. The commissioners esti
mated the expenses for 1885 at $129,420
nd In this estimate ia salaries to the
ommiualcnors of § 2,800 , Of caurse , this
s only estimated , but the levy has boon
made so that amount of tax will bo
ollected and in the event of a
mall surplus being left it
will probably go the way of the
thor $40,000. But who over hoard of
a surplus by the commissioner oystom
ver being available to pay off any bonds ?
About the only wey for thopeoplo to avoid
> eing sold out is to continue to bond
heir indobtodnees and rebond the eame
until seine court will rlso in its dignity
nd declare the bonds veld and glvo the
> ooplo a chaucoto get from under the
> nrdon for a time. In L'ncoln city
axes are : General fund , ton millt ;
rater bond , fivo'aud one-half mills ; bond
und , five mills ; library fund , one mill ;
ehool fund , eight and one-half mills a
otal of thirty mills , This makes a total
ax on property owners In this city of
ive per cent.
J. Burrows and Ospt. Stickles , who
iavo been In attendance on the senate
ntcr-atato commerce committee meeting
n Omahn , spent a few honrj in the city
; oiterday.
Twenty-nine of the Kansas Oily arlon
society are quartered at the Oommer'al.
Among the arrivals hero are : Charles
Bedford , Fairbnry ; M. E. Shnlt , Beat-
rho ; Din W. Fay , Homnton ; L Splltz ,
David City ; Alblnus Nanco , Oajeola ;
Joseph Sllbeck , Schnylcr ; Charles Bed' '
[ ord , Fairbuiy ; 0. E. Stratton and
3eorgo Jeffrey , Omaha ; F. M. Wolcott ,
Weeping Water ; D. O. Dlnan , Hum
jolt ; Bjron Brant , W. H. Mlmer and
Frank Wilson , Beatrice ; Fred IUpp ,
Council Bluffy T. W. Miller and J , H.
Clomenbrlcko , Crete.
A broad grin spread itself all over
Lincoln this morning upon loirnlng that
Striker Gere , of the State Journal , had
teatiQod that he was occasionally an antl
monopolist , at the eoance held by the
Interstate commerce committee. Gere it
recognized as a bold evader of pointed
questions , but ia this case there never
was a suspicion that ho wculd deny his
d and turn granger , as ho seems to
liavo done. Ho hat been on both sides ol
almost every question except the railroad
question. There ho played the monopoly
ely card to win olwsys. Perhaps , llko
Church Howe , having fully glutted the
Burlington & Missouri and Union PA (
clfio as A gigantic capper , he proposes to
posa as an anti-monopolist and rfdo botl
horses towards congress. Church is
great * ' nti" just now
The effect of a larga crowd is beginning
to tol" " . Plain drunkr , robberies ant
slugging are quite common. Yeatorda ;
evening policeman Thompson arrested
party whom ha had been looking for al
day He found him playing the three
sbujl uamo with some vordants to thi
tune of $10. In broad daylight a bold
bad man entered the office of the Brown'
lumber yard during the temporary ab
fence of the clerk and CTlractod from th
till $125. No description conld boob
tsined. benco no arrests. A strauge
was badly slugged on Tuesdaynight , ma
the t wngerfeet building , losing his boot
tnd ? 0 , Almost hourly tome little di
verelon occurs , keeping the entire polic
fcrce on the alert.
All adt trtitemtnti in the tpecial column ! ri
J charged at the rate of 10 eenti per line for th
Itrit initrtlon , and 7 eenttpcr tine /or tae\ ruble
juent iniertionVo adtxrtitttntnt will b imtrtet
for Itu than IS fnti or the fint time *
Thete ailrtrtiitmentt trilj be interted in both Mom
ng and livening Rltttoni , rtpretenting a circula
iono/ovtr JXgKt Thousand. Thit tlati aadvcr
Hicmentt uuutpoiitittlp bepatd in advance.
ii i , / OXRT TO I/us On roll eita'o ' ascurlty In any
1H amount from $500 to 825fOO , at rcttontble
ra'os ot Interest Nocornml9 loT8rh rjrMborrowoT
C. IT. ll yne & Co. , 8. W. Cor. 15th and Putnam ,
rr\o LOAN$500 to ? 700 on ( rorxl real cstato seonrltr ,
J. S78-tf a.SURIVEB , oniiosltol1. 0.
ro LOAN On real estate In unmg of $10 am
upward * , tn any amcunt. Omnta Flnnncln
GiclmDRO , 1603 Farnam St
Money to loan On collateral In sums of $2S
upraiilD , to any amount. Oaalia Financial Ex-
chnnuc , 1503 FarnimSt ,
Uonoy to loan-On chattels In eumi of $5 tnd up-
trarils to any amount , at low rates. Omaha Financial
Exchange , 1D03 Farnam St.
Money to loan On good Bocurltlos of any kind , In
any amount , at the Omaha Financial Exchange. , 1503
fainam&t , up-stalrs. 229-tt
XT0111 * o loin In sums of tlOO and up ard on
lUIUst-clawi-cftl estate security. PotterJc Cobb ,
BIS Farnam et. flO-tf
\f ONKY To loan on chattels , Woolloy & tlatrlton ,
'YL ' Room SO , Omaha National bank buUdln ;
Money to loan -On
iVl chattel Bccuilty by W. K. Croft , room 4 , With-
nell bulldln ? , N. K. corner 16tn and Hunoy After
jcara of oxpotloneo and a careful ntudy nt tbo bust-
ness of loanlni ; money on jicrsinal ptoporty , I hive
at last pirffctod a aystoin whcro'iy the publicity
usual In such casoi Is done ntray wlth.nnd I nm now
n a position to moot the demands of all "ho become
cmporarlaly cinbarraaacd and desire to ratio nvincy
without delay and In a quiet manner. Housoiccn-
rs , professions ! ccntlcmen , mechanics and others In
his city can obtain advances from $10 to gl.OOO on
uch security aa household tornlturo , pianos , ma-
hlnory , horses , WBROIIS , warehouse receipts , sccur-
d notes of hand , etc. , without removing rnmo from
owners residence or plica of business , Ono of the
drontauonlollorlstbat any part of any lota can
10 paid at any tlmo which will reduce the Interest
no rata and nil loans renewed at the original ratns
if Interest. I hare no brokers la connection with
ciyoineo , but personally superintend all my lo n ,
have private offlcos connected with my general
office so thai customers do not come In contact with
ach other , consequently tcaklcg all transactors
trlctly pilrato. W. II. Croft , room t , WIthnell
ullding , N. K. cor. 16th and Uamey. OSI-J-Zl
VfONKY'TOLOAN-On " ' estate and chattels
VI D. L. Thomas. 837tf.
L.fONRY Lmnod on chattels , cut rnt , n. R
VI tickets nought and gold. A. Forman,213 3,13th 8t
It OKni TO LOAN In lumo of WOO and upward.
Vl O. F. Darin and Co. , Bcal Eai i uid Loan
Kfintn. 1C05 Farnao St. 8 < U t !
i f ONET LOANED at C. F. Rood &Co'a. Loan office
VI on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal
roporty of all kinds and all otho rartlclos of value ,
Itbotit romrral. Over let National Bank.oorncrlSth
nd Farnam. All business strictly confidential
1 813-tf
W A\-TBD Ctrl to wait ontaolo 3 times a day for
board , Emnut House.
WANTED Oirl far general lion so work ; German
pro'crrod ; treed wages. Call Immediately CCS
OUth 10th. 643-25)1 )
W Axii.D A ghl for general housework , 03 S.
18th Street. c2S-25p
T7"AXTr.D Girl lo do general hcus ] work. Icqulro
rV at Buffctt'8 Grocery , S16 South 14th St. 624-24
Tr7"ANTin ! A German girl for hou o work ; ono nho
ri laacomritent waslicr atdlroner. Apply 723 N
6th St. B27-28p
TTAXTKn Immediately , good girl fer general
IT house wors at flouth-cast corner 20th and Far-
am St. 613 25p
tTAXTKU A first-class nurse girl at K. K. corner
> 23d and Cosa street 437-27
WAKTKD A girl to woik In kitchen at Doian
House , 013 Farnam St. , cpp. lco ! o ill en.
W ANTED A good girl at 1102 Davenport St. Carey
House. - 472 If
W : Airrr.n-Good girls for 13 private fimlllei ; light
work ; good wages ; cjll 1120 Faroam Si. i76tf
WAXTKD- Good alulng room girl , 11(0 Farnam
street. 477tf
WANTED A girl ; must bo good cook aud laun
dress rcfoiences required , M'B CoDman , 28th
nd St. Vary's ave. 411 25 , )
'ANTED A compctoot girl at 421 N. 171 h street
T'ANTRD Good plrls for hotels , prlvato families ;
V > kltcl en and laundry woik. Call at Omaha Em- )
loymentUurcan , 11 iO Farnam St. 347-tf
Oirl at 16-10 Sherman avonue.
WANTED - J. U. Couneman.
Three ozpoilcncod women canvasacra ,
W JO ; per day , guaranteoa ; room 7 , Uedick block.
) First-class dining room girl fit the llct-
WANTBI hotel ; none otneccood apply. 821-tl
W 'ANTKD-Baker 1102 D vciport St.
WAKTKD Kmait ) onpp mm about eighteen as H-
tlitai t book keeper In a wholesale house. Ad-
box 004 , City. 481-25p
WAKTKO Amenta to sell booka and nlljiimp , latest
atylo on installment * : salary or commleelon
Address or call afternoon , SC2 Nojth ] Sth 8t.,0maho.
T"AJ TKD Live agents to work Mfoancl Accident
, . Imuranco for a strosg NewYoric company In
very town In NobrasVr. and Inwa O od comiula-
[ on to workers Address E 0. WllccxiOo. , fon-
nl Agents , Kansas Cty , Ho. 276.27
. Ciood Ocrmai girl who nndcrelacds
A coed oooklrg and general housework wcu'il ' llko
n get work by Gcrnun or English ncoplr. Call nt
117 on Tenth street n ar Joins. Gaiman Employ ,
merit olllco. 6414i ]
WAKTXD At once , by nn educated lady , a peel
tlon ashauseliocp > r In private family or hotel ,
or as oompanlon for a lady. Address 007 Jackson
Btro-t. 617J5P
w 'ANKKD By roldolo aged lady , eltuatloo 01 cnok ,
Address "N. N. " BOB office. 485-29p
TTTANirD A situation as druggist by * man with
W t years experience. Address "W. J. " Hee office.
WANTKD Situation by young lady atenograpber
nho la also an expert operator on the type wri
er at d cibgriph ; Good references. Address box J
701 , Flattsmoutn , Neb. 4B4-25 [
WAKTKD To exchange , county rights In a vilua
ble patent , for a valr of horses and light wigon
Call at Dllrnnco Livery stable , 10th BU , tet Douglas
W 'AstKD-UnturnlBhudraom ; state terms. W. li
N. , Bee office. 62MOp
TTT'ANrrD-Room by young couple about four block
V > from Pott ollloe ; give particulars. Address 4 > B
V. " BeeotBje. 610-21p
n/ANTXU Aqutct.furnlihed room by a gentleman
VY Address ' ( > . O."Beo office. 60S M [ >
WANTED To leale a lot or ptrt of lot within 20 r
ulnutci wa'k ' cf Uth and Douelaa St. Address
living terms and describing lot "F J W" Hee office. "
490 25p
WAKTKD-Boarders , board and nicely lurnlehcc
rooms , { 1.15 tr week : cicau tedi warantod
1918 Capitol ate. 455 J&p
W AKTED A eecond hand wjyon tcale chep fo
caih. Addicss 0 , Vf. Henry , B e office.
W -TObuv ft home cJ B or 7 rooms with lot
will pay cash. Address "G. t' . " Jlej ollior.
SD-2lp [
A OESTSWANTED. Addiess. St. Louis Klcctrlo Lamp
t\Co , Ht Loulifor clrculir , cutand terms ol th
etndla power Ma'eh ZlecUlo Limp. 8ll'1yl2 ]
MTED Kvery ady In need ot a sowing ma
chine , to ace the now Improved Amirlcan No
P. K. Hodm n & Co. amenta ; 20 N ICth. 8SO:1
nvm BENT House 8 rooms , Datenport etreet &ca
r th : 10.
T o new cottajct on south IVh ttrcet ; 110.
I ottige Irounscu ISth itreet ueir reptr ; l3.
a E. JJ ) iieiCoS. ; W. Oor. UthaudFtmam.
F01 BUST-A furnished cotbgi ; call at ruvl cnce
No 103 noi ta Hth St. ] iO 2
TTVm RIM Small house , S room ! , on Harney and
I ? Sid 8) ) . II. O. Malchleu , New Yolk Err Goods
Store 5i9 tCp
TTlOR RSTT Cottage B room * , house 10 room * . J.
i ? fhlppi Hot , Sciratd and Campbell. SSl-tl
FR Ksr A now convenient 8 room homo on
Oaldwell tlrco' , one block West Of Blunders St.
at 1&7 lutrd St. ! 09-24p
tj'OR HIST F r storage or manufacturing purpose *
" upper floors with onj'Mo entrance , Apply to
John A. frehan , wholojala tlgaip , No. 180S Doutlta
St. , Omaha , Nebriskt. 470tf
nv > R RR.NT New 7 roam cottage , 2 blocks from
-I1 streetcar * , 3 Mocks from h | h school ! famlltr
without children prctcired. M. F. Scan. 4'0tt
FOR BRVT A small bilek etnro just ImlU on 10th
street , tctwcon Hirnoy and Howard. 8. Leh
man. 4SO-tf
TJVMRRNT rtireestory brick atora imlMtnir ; en-
V quire ot Edward Norila & 0 . , room 19 Ciounso
BlnoV. 831-tf
POR RKXT Fmnl'hed roonvaultable for tivoKntle <
1 men. 1410 Chicago street. HVi6p
UOR niixT Two nlco'y fiitniihod rooms en slrett
X1 c r lino. Inquire ! 2Z7 Dadgo St. E25-lOi |
17011 RK.IT Furnished front room for ccntlcmi"
Jj and wife ; reicrcnco required , lit south 18th St.
ictwtcnDougo and Douglas. 630-SOp
"p'OR RKXT 2 unhirnlshsl front rooma at 151 ! Don ?
lag street , up-aUlrj. 876-tlp
FOR BR.NT Elegant nowtf ftirnl'hcd roorrn 1016
Capitol ATCUU ; , bath room , gat ; nn hllli to
climb. 616 30p
T A handsomely /utnlshod room , bath
1 room ; 1720 Capital avo. 200-JGp
fern nn.NT Furnished front rcom 1309 Ciuiltnl nvc.
619 SOp
F IOR HX.NT At < J15toutlilStblmndBoimlyfurnl hoJl
float parlor , for gentleman and wlfo. BC6p
ijlOH URNT Several One cdices In Cronneo' block ,
D Inquire Ed. Norrls , room 10 Crounso block
T on HUNT-House on Izard street , betacon 10th (
L1 and SOth Stf. Inquire at 1710 OJiiitol nvo. .
? 'OR ' RK.NT Furnished rooms 1617 Darcnpott St.
458 SOp
T'ore RK.ST Furnished room 1318 Jackson.
? 386 29p
FIRST-CLASS bcaid and furnished room nt 85 per
weekat 111 IRth&U , between Dodge and Capitol
uc. 453 215 p
70E RC.NT-rioisant room furnished , 1423 Howard
I1 St. 437-tf
'ORRKNT-Nlccly ' farnlshoa front room 1023 Dodge
bt. < 35.f,0p ;
TJ7ANTRD \ gaod furnldied room for 2 gentlemen.
r > Address "B. 0. N , " Dee office. 432-lf
OR RK.VT Two unfurnUbod rooms 1010 Farnam.
401t ( .
F or. HBNT Newly furnished front room for contk'-
mati and wife , or two gentlemen. Dr Sprague ,
orncr 17th nnd Cipltol avc. 403 26p
3 nice furnlihed rooms at 805 Hirney
St. 41-25p i
U'oiiBRXT ' Juno26th , two connected roona with
board ; front room , south-east. 1014 Webster. Bt
7"OR RUNT A front room with bay window ; modern
" :
Improvements , sultablo tor 2 gentlemen , South-
ast corner 19th and Farnam St. 450 tf
r OR RIINT Two elegant offices In Uushroana'a block.
301-tt W. If. Buihman. Ct !
JToi R RRXT Furnished room 1617 Chicago St.220tf
70RRRXT Furnlnhtd rooms , ISlODoJgo street.
? 183-July B
' T'OR RKXT Furnished and unfurnished rooms at
1510IIarnoySt. 167-tl
r on RENT-Centrally located furnlshtd rooms at
823 south 15th St. 125-tf
JVlR BUNT For manutao'urlng purooscs or hall ,
Urge room 44x75,3d lloor , No. 110 3. 14th tt. ,
nqulro at 1403 Dodge it. Slmpsoa.
TlOR RUNT Large handsomelT furnlihod cool room
J modern oonvenloncn , with excellent board for
wo gentlemen ; alco table board , 1718 Dodirn. 637-tf
LpOR RKNT Furnlslio t large front room with alcove.
1 grate bath , etc. , 1718 Uasa street. 049-tl
IOR RKNT Boom with board sultablo for one or two
F gentleman ; , 1812 Dodge St. 7W-tf
iroit RXNT Lirgo front room on first floor with or
I' with board ; Inquire at 1901 farnam St.
ROOMS With board.dctlrablt far Bummor. Apply foi [
at 81. Charles Hotel. 833-tt foii
T 'ORSALK ' 160 aero farm York Co. , Neb. r. M.
liattls , Ycrk Neb. 837 'yl5p
FOR BALI Good farm In Washington Co. ; 171
acrea ; EO acroa cultivated ; good buildings ; flno bu
rcbard ; running water ; all foacoJ. Edward Norrla
Co. , room 10 Crounso Clock. S35tl
roRSAtu 33 feet OTCnmlnff between JBthandSOth po
: with house , 82,703. Bedford & Soucr. Cfld-tf
710R SALE A 030 aero stock aud grain faroi , all Improved - fri !
} proved ; four hours' rldo Iromtae OnahaStojk
ard8 ; o\eninilc3 from the city cf Fremont ; two
allroads within tbros miles ; 300 acres under plow ,
10 roit In pasture ; board fence , running stream
irough pasture ; house with ten rooms ; will bo s-'ld '
heap if sold immediately ; on terms to suit For 3 1
urther particulars Inquire of Goo. a Grodtrov , I'lo-
Jiont , Nob. 836 tf 631
SALE- New house of 4 rooms , foundation cellar
FOR lot , Blxl27t ( feet , $1,300 , Inquire on
promisee , S. W. corner30th and Charles Btrret.
PAI.K. 7 room houa' , well , clator'1 , cto , on
rR Divcnpirtetriet , 4 block * from High School ,
jna block from street cnra , 3COO. W. II. Green ,
nvcr Ut iNttlonal Baok. 511-tf
T oii BALK Tw J room house on 4 years leased grcuad
J lociulro at Mrs. O. T. Smith , 1030 Claiknon fit.
480SOp |
SALS Eight loti left In 1'olham place , two
FOR from street cms ; t ioae arc very lco ota ;
flnoltw. . Will eell tt SKO to 8W1 each , on month'y '
naymcnta. O. E. Mayno li Oj. , S. W. corner 16th S
and Farnam. 272-28
TTkR ) SALB Un'll July 1st ; wo will contlnuo to ncll
Jf Farnam street loit In lllghUnil place , at 060.
Oeromo P rk lots 376 to ? 100. iJallou Broa ,817
South 13h } St. 807.J9
rT'oftaax 8 feet on Farnam noir Oth ; also lota
H In Highland P/ao / > and Jerome 1'Ark , on ca-y
ermt. Tuttlo& A'llton , 21lBauth 13th at.
BALK.- lots , 83 x HO Jeet on Farnam ttroit ,
FOR front , th pint location , must bo Bold , W.
Q. Green , over let Mitlonal Uank. 6CO tf
[ Ton BALK Four lota on Georgia ava. , in Uansca m
D pUce , good location ; will sell tn a body or foni-
atelyat abarg la. Terms to suit Addreaa "fl A"
ltd Slllie. IM-tt
TJIOR BALK Full lob on 18th itreer , three c tt Rca
? on lot , 3 cisterns , well cto. , would rent for 160
ter monUi : if Bold In 80 days $5,250 , Potter &
'obt > , 1516 Farnam aticet. 286-21
. 150 feet front on Vlrglola avenue , ono
FsSALR. from head of Et. Uar/navj. $3,830 for
all , or $1 , EDO for half. W. II. Green , over lit N -
tlonal llank. 110 tf
N Uouth 10th atrect , comer let 6il40 fee' , oatt
O 'front ' ; 7 room Iioute , barn , all Improvement ) ,
ehrnbery etc. , lor $ Z,603. Must be cold. W. II
Green. o > erl tJ. t'IIUnk. 231-tf .
Large house , newly built , 0 rooms , all
FORBAIB improvements with 1 ot , at 1710 Ca ?
Bt ; Inquire at premises. IXu
Y7VB ) BALi-Flve lots47xlSO : together on Leaven.
L1 worth street ; beautiful location , 81,000 One-
fourth c8b , balanoi on long time , caay terina ,
Crallet Jones. zlO-tf
BALK. Corner lot. east front , (0 x 140 feet ,
F one block from Park avenue. 11,100. W. II.
Green , oyer 1st NatlonU Bank. 508-tt
BALB-K.-rtv Ills for sale on Burt and Cumlnsrs
bttweooSOth and Slat cheap , Inside property
edford & Bouer. 7 > l > tf
T7VR ) LKASX Best unoccupied ground In the ty for
I1 warehouse liouse,87 feet front on I tvenworth ,
north hot 10th and llth.wlll Icaiofor 03 years. lied-
orJ & Souer. CCS-tf
OB BALE fluedcieu reaUuunt tablet 8ft > 4ft,8.0
f. llltistreof. Hl-28
IT'oR BAL -At a l-iusalii , a 42 Inch fidle b'cycle '
I' ( ICtL-llih , ) ncailv IIBW. For full iartltulir , ad
dress P. O. t/oss , lied Oak. low * . C0 0 ] >
OB nAus-Tentir tcl.Bi milch cows , auunbcrof
F horses , htracisand wigoui. 1D7JN IBtb flt.
L , P , Irujo. f3-i7p
ALWAT8 on band at a bargtlo. No 1 second hand
orrlage pba loa and side bar buggies ; a'uo ' urn-
tir.Ilai unl sucibaetf , ut 14U3-H11 DoJ 'e St.
I T7V5R 8 u Floe rcsldcit lot north of Leavenrorth
I L'at ret ton Virginia avc , , rplendid bargain ; price
Forsa'e Ten resident propertlec , rargtng In price
from 9tE03 to $16,001) ; all rn emr t M .
For sale Fitly resident lets In d ffercnt pottlonl
ol thec'ly ' at l < t roalf price * ! P V tir.n .
For ' Clicip and toautlfal lots Illmelnush anil
Pitttrnon'a Miili.dltlslon , twi miles frf > m c'tt ' atl60
aad$200Achonm n hl'njrrentsot6andIO. ] | I'er *
rom bnj Ing here will be assisted to build right away
K dcalrid ,
To ExdunKO JSJ.OCO a'cci ' ot bran n w hard
ware for ; ord Nebraska i r Iowa Und.
To trnt Fonrfplendld olltfcs. n. C. l-ATTKHSON , ISth and Farnim Et.
I POR SAtu Jerwy cows at auction. 19 head. High
1 class Rcil rcgUttrd Jersey cis will bo soU at
auction. Wcdicday , July 1 , 1R'6 , at 2 o'clock , with
out limit or IIT Mil Having concluded to ( fil my
cntlio r" rd tf IScowj , and cl'einy whole atlentlon
tobrccdlDRhljhbrciltrotlngatockaud fhetUnd pO'
riles , li ray came for tolling. Terms cash. N I. D.
Solomon , Sprltp Valley Stock farm , Oimrn , Nob.
Will be told at Unmha Fair Grounds. 182-Joly 1
fORSUS-Vory cheap , ono pilr am * ) ! inuloi In
1 working order. Jot. Oarnoau , Cracker C' .
filORSALH Onoofthobfstes'ablls . imh grocery
J.1 buslncm ; will take city prcporl in ix haocc.
Ad.lrcts . t'aroccr"carothli ( olilw. 8CO-tf
FOR 8AI.R Valuable r.hlckerlng piano ncarl
new and lltt'o us. d , at Urge count at 171
Cats street. 019-tf
BnURVfp. At the antnnl meeting ol the board of
tniMccicI Polltxuo Collcire , the undersigned
ncro iiitl.oilzoj to soil a limited number of 1'ts In the nrinlnn'prico of riFIYDOLUHH
per lot , pajal loin msutlily Installments pf FIVK
DOtiLftll.H per month. No rcs'.ilctlons in to build *
Ing aroi hard on tfaoto lota
ihol'iclrtorlan ) bjnodlcilCollege Is locitoi ) nt
Itcllimio. ninl It li liopt'd that peop'e generally
throughout the eUto wli t ko advanugo cf this
liberal olTor of the bo r.l ft tru tcca , n\d not rnlr
iccuronlot for a'uturo homo , TOT AI tnr. COLI.KOII ,
to ttlsextontlnireeling a HONK WR Vof.vo LAIUKS
atlcndlDgtho colKgo. At thltlaw prlco tliCEW lots
VIII bo ipafo and praQtablo ln\cittnont for tlioao
who do not Ml h to nnto nhomo there.
Ilcl'cvuo la only n hitf hour's rldo trom Omalia on
tliu ] P. & Jr. It It. , t.ud la one cf the most beautiful
Blliutlcuslu ! Nobiaskk. Make Application at oncon
you rcaT oct ha\o ancthcr oppoiiunlty at 60 low a
pilco. AdJriss , 0. t' L'n\ll kCa , 1505 Fitrnam
St. , Omalia , Nebraska , 5114
FORSALK No 114-Renulful : lot ROxIOZ feet on
C33-JO C JiUajno&Co. !
OR BALK BySaundBrJ&Co. , 1401 Fnrnam Bt.
I lot IMrkcr'a addition i bloc < t from St Car , 8400.
Corner lot In Shlnu's tdjltton $ CCO.
i lot nn Lonena'oith Et. , fcncid , and full cf shade
trees ; $4CO U taken u-lthln 6 dare.
Lot on Harnev near 20th St. , 82,700.
Lo'sn ) Eauiuersand llljicbiugh'a additions fem
UOto76 ! , andcnmciithlvpaxmcnts.
4-40 are tracta 4 miles fiom city , ai $35 per aero ,
Aleolota Ia Highland I'licc , and Jerome Tatk. p
- (
| ? OR SAI.K Corner tut CCxl32 Farnam nnd 27th St. ,
I1 S2.6CO.
No 183. Homo cf B rooms full lot , city water , cast
FrontSno new , shade and trult trees ; a vo-y boautl-
rul i lice , Shinn'd adUItlon82,500Jj500 ; down , balauu
to mlt
21 lets In abodyat $200 tahon easy terms ; this Is
birga'n ' and no mistake. :
(31. Home 7 rooms on 18th street , one block
louth ' of St llarj'B avo. 83,100 ; ea'y toims.
33 * . Hoiiao U roomsn 10th itrcctono blccksouth
Mary's a\o. , $3HO ; easy term * .
138. Thrro beautiful south trout loti on Michigan
trcct , ono block west of P.vrk avo. , SI,3fO each ; easy
crma. O. B. M > VDO &Co. , S. W. corner 16th ana
fArnim 4(9 24
SALK-OOilSO In Lono's 1st addition , good
3 room DOII-C , cemented cc'lar.woll , cisternbarn
to.t5l,60' ; fJCO down , balanuj 8H p r month. C.
Itajua& Co , S. W. corner lE'.n and Farnam.
FOR SAI.K No 218 Large house full lot , liar
ncy street , near25to , $5SOO. 0. E. ilaynaA Co.
Saunders&Co.,110I Farnam St.
3,600 acres In Tlujcr county.
ltCO nccs In Antilop county , Mao
Lands In Jetlotsori county , also
Land i In Nuckols county , algo
Lindo fn Hailan county , a'ai
lards In Furnas county , nl > eLands
Lands In faundcrs county , alaa
Lands In Datto county , also
Lands In Colfax county , nisi
Lands in Ftanton county , also
Lands In Cedar co inty , also
Lands In Kncx county , also
Lands In Wrync ceuntr , a'sa
Lards In Illcbardeon county. 607-tf
FOR HALE Lot 40x140 Arbor place , 4 roonuj , house ,
stable , well tt3 , $1,100 easy terms.
tot 60x125 Kountzo 4th add. , cast f ost.
House 20x2 * , brick basement , cistern and well ,
Corner 13th and Ca9t'lbr,75xl62 , D room Dret-clasi
liouee , barn , carriage houic , Urge cistern , Uc. Caller
or price.
Choice i lots In BatlottV , O'Nell'D , I'iulscn'g , Dcnlso
ind liurr Oak addlllons.
Lot MxlSi , east front , 4 room ? , now house , largo
stable t ) , well , etc. ; eouth 18th near Center , $2ICO.
Lot 130x1601'Jrkflaco , $1,500.
Lot C3xUO , Barkci's Sub-ulxlelon $350.
For rent or sale Two lots coir Cumlng , ! equate
from Bed car line ; clrgant hougn , $ rGOO. at
4 lotalnllurr Oakndd , onocf the most desirable to
Liulldlng places near city ; call for price.
For 1 rent-0 room cottage , wellcistern , stable eta ,
Lth street , bet ween Clarliasd Gtac ? , east front , 820
per moutb.
Btora and G rooms upstalrs.St Uary'a ave. near 17lh
iirect. Call fir price.
O cod 7-8 room bnuao , Convent street , i [ quaro
rom St. Car line , S30 per monts Fast front.
4 fl tf 1-AUL8KN ft CO. , 1618 Fatuam St.
OK BALK-No 222 Splendid eubarban reeldcnco
F property , tire full lots largo Bhado tree. ' , new
iciiBu loroonis , bath roorat ; , , city water , large barn
tlccks I from Stwct Ca-B. Thla ploco will be so'd at a
ucriflcoon longtime. U E. Mayne .tCa. , SV. .
orner 15th nid F < rntm. 631-1
FOR KVNT-D room houm and good tara en green
car Ilnptl2 per month. Ti
For rent 11 room fcouso and brgo barn on tcJ line ,
50 per month ,
83,100 22xS2 , on Dodje ; aad brhk balldtng.
Lot 44x120 ana 3 ( tory brick blolc oa Dodge St , at
182 feet on N 16th tn lc o far a term of years.
80 feet for Bile HH Farnam , EO
100 feet for pale on Firnim.
41 feet lit silo on Farntm.
Livery for ( ale , rhoip , good trade and will p y
tiom the tttuH , F. dears , Wlllamj block. 16111
and Do. go 8t _ 407-tf
70RSAi.K-No ( 232) ) elegant resldenoa property on
JP G'lsa sticet , 0 room" , vnth ; all modern fmpro"o-
mcnte ; all hard finish ; hot and cold water ; furn&co ;
gratoi ; clcc'rla apparatus * ; sewer connections & 3 ,
ntw hou'e , south front ? 8,5CO. O R. ilajnoctCo.
, W. corner )6lh and FarnMn. _ 414-84
BALR 7 room cottage , wo 1. born on ! cistern ,
FOR iBtli direct 6 blocks from shops $2,600 , on easy
torme. Potter & Cobb. 1515 Fftrrmm St 852-tt
HALE-On south 22 j nt , one 1 room aad one 6
roomojttngo , barn , will , cU'crn , &c , on eamo
lot , root for f35 pormonth , cn'y ' $3,100 ; would toll /
separate ! ! . I'ottor&Oohb , ISlSFitrnam St. OSO-tt \
foe. Situ -Three choicest lots In H n80 in place.
I BM-tl Totter & Cobb.
ruci 0 f3od Iota In thla addition with
in 8 blocks of street cara , can bo had on easy
terms. WII Green , over lit Nat'l Bank. 827-tf tih
BALK No lie Ileautlful corner lot near Bl
Leavenworth etrect , 6 Mocks from street cara ;
houae 7 rooma 82.101 , $500 down and $25 per month ,
0. K. Mayne &Co. , 8. W. corner 15th and .Farnam. J
gALB Lota n Hillside add chtarcst and beat
FOR lo's In the city , | 7CO to $950 txduslye
airenta , Putter & Cobb. 651-tf
BALI. A ( all corner lot , two tlocss west ]
FOR car Ime-tSSO. This li positively a bargai n.
J. E. niley & Co. , 115 P. 13th St.
For Sale-Lot 0x1(0. 22J St. , near Graoe , J800.
Tula la alto a bat gain. J. E. Itlley kOo.flUB 18th St
for Sale Three lota 60x140 , eouth front. 1 blocki
rom strict c ri. fJSOeaohb ; rgilns. J. K. lUley &
Co. , SlBBlSthBt.
For Bale Tieolotj on Oeorgla 7nodlck' , add.eaat
'ront ' , no gnding , near Kamam , 7tJtUO-82000 each.
These are reuonaMt. i. E. Itlley < c Co.216 a 13th Bt.
KorSalo Nine lot * on Virginia ve. ,1800 to ft)50 )
each. J. E. Illley li Co , JIB 8 13th tt
For Sale Ten lota on Darning at , and nlno on
Hurt at. , fourblocka trom military bridge. J. E. Kl-
ley & Co. , 216 S 19th at
ForS le Wfc'hUen lota on Vlnton tt , one block
from terminus 18th street car line. Positively cheap.
J. K. HU y & Co. , 216 S 13th tt
We deilre to aay to our patrons tint In the above
list wo can Rive aisuranoo of Bate and profitable In-
tcstmcct. Wo also bavt property In almost every
ntuittsrof the city worthy of Inveitliritlon.
J. K. 11ILU7 & CO. , S16 B 13lh it
82S.f |
< OR SALE No 12J Beautiful lot , 2 rooms , houio
_ 8. 12th St , 81,500,8100 down and 816 per rnontl- .
AlioKo 20V , full lot and I roam houeo on south Utl
Bt , $1,025 tame term * . 0. E. Mayno & Co. 637-11
SAI Ka t half of block 3 Smith'
WBorriEroR feet front , two acre lots , nicest I
Omaha , full view of city i nd Bluflu , malting 10 lot.
105 feet eich , will sell Bait or all.
Lota 41 andfio , Nnlson'aadd , J700 each or wll
sell half of dther : lots 6Cxl46 KouuU's 2d tdd. Ota
9th and Culler , $100 each.
l.otB , block l , Keuntz'dJth add , being store ri
10th tit , full lot * 2. < (0 , also lot S s me block 81,350
Two loti In 8 .utli Omaha , by Goodman's , wit )
house , orchard , cistern , and well , all } 100.
IB nvo acre lets In Vlncland , 6 miles north clt
Itrnltfv/iveilooUog city and Bluffs , ? 35 per acre.
Lot * 10 and 11 block 18 , Hauncoui place te >
ilgbtlv , * l,203 for both.
Half acre 110 feet front block 6 , Park r < lare , will
house , btrn , "ell , nd cistern.
Corner , slots In HaHthoiue on Cats tt , 9CO fci
both ito elo.
Call and see us , Dex'cr L. Triointi't Bro. , Itc *
E titt ; Boom 6 Cielgbtou Hock. (7B-tt
I TTton iALK-By 0. F , Dirlj A Co , 1505 FArnaui St
) r Omaha
HOUM and lot on imuth F.lthtt nth St. , f 1,000. *
" " " ' ! Twentieth "
fl , M.
S hou'n " Podge nfat " h S , Ji.SWX .
8 otii In Han com n co , ach , $ . . * ( .
H iue and lot on Park nv ntic , ft.'tO.
11 " 8 2,100.
smith Uth " f l oOvi.
] R,00) ac M of land In Doono count } , 7 to JIP. .
W.OW ! ' Slsitnn f7tJU
Land In Madison , Wnj nc , 1'litto aud 1UI1 couallct
on easy trrm .
n.\n d nn lone llmo. KWtf
TA fn lobuyawho'eorhalt Internt In Kail
Howl Lunch oounter. Oi-oJ foiinlrv tonnrrt-
fcrtol , Adtres" , "iunchCounter"o r > 0m lm D - .
\ \ A\Tf.D-t' itner vilth $0000 for g > cil t > } lng
wholo.a'o buslncfj , Addrow " 0 M H" Onnha
10. .
HontLFORSlLN-Tboonlrhot I In fhy Center ,
NoirisV ; c nbo bO"ght rho nj the remitter
for Hay thonafutir hundrct trtnsicnt * ; rdrrenpond-
enc Bpllcltoi. AddiessTtlniblo & Chapimi , Clay
CcnlorNeb. 412-tflp
WAXTKD To otchangs 4 lot ln Onnhi fir m ill
hotel or bunlne's propoity la coun'ry town ,
west or naitb ptcforrcd. AdilroH "Kscnungc , "
OmVia Bee. ISfSTp
WANTltD To trade Drit-chu farm 1'On'rM , good
houjc , barns. crAlncrlcs , w lh and llvlrg water ;
o\er 10)nrr8 undfrcu1tlratlnn.htt3o. ( ! , nc.irCcl.
timbns : lll trade fjr homo and lot In "until. UK
Itnjnu & Co , 9 , W. corner Uth and Fain'Mn.
F Ion sax A welt cstiWl'lml I > n1iory In citd loca-
tl.'ii. Address "F. " llej oinso aiVSlp
F on RAIK Oa account rf p or hcaltl' ' , < \ well cj-
_ tablhbcd trcreantl'o bu'lnoji In < buhi. Ca h
capital required , $ , % ro ) to 110,0 0. Fui iiulhor tar-
t'calnis adilrcal A , tills tililco. U7 27p
Foil SILK Old ostrvbllh-d p jlr ( * buslnon whole-
ealo and retail ; sales list tiar $103,000 ; poula
ittplo ami known , on remnants ; business growing , '
and ran bolargelylncrca > oO ; cipitil ncceistry about
* CO,000 Paitlcs who have the monoyandmotn bus
iness , will flnd thh ai opjoriunl'y teUbm oUcrcJ.
Ko others ued address "Johnson ' Dee olllca.
478 If
on HUNT \ hotel nti I silooi known as tbo Den-
r1 vcr Ileiifo , looted In Fremont , Neb. with
in forty feet of the U. I * , traok. Will rttt for nno to
nto oirnon reson blo terms. Homo Is ncilly fur
nished and h the best Blind In Dodge county. In-
quite cf Robt Or-'ffK or Mrs , UrUget llanlon , Fro-
moot , Mob.
FOR SALi Eotabllshcd ccmnlftion Duslnoat ; small
cajiltal rpqnlrcd ; good romons tor selling. Ad-
drcai ' ( Joininlsalon" cara Hoe olHco. _
F OR BALK -At n bargain , on account of my ho
filling. 1 wish to dlpose of my billiard hill.
la In tbo beet location In the cltv , nnd doing a jr
> ) -lng buslncsi at nil times. For fall partlcul
uldrcsa 0 , L. Ilcrman , Plntttmouth , Pob.
IT OR BALI Dru ; store In a desirable tooallt wll
I ? Invoice about 31.600 UOPattcrcon , Nil corner
13th and Farnam. ISO-It
TilOlt SALE Or oxohango full stock of clothing
1 ? boots and shoes , gen ' furnishing ciodf , wlllci" '
hango for Nebraska Lands. O. U. Vctorson.E'Jl ' 0.
ICth Hi. , Omaha , Neb. Olfi-tf
LAEir.altyouwant your plumes or t'ps ' domed ,
ilycJ nnd cuilod ; llnt-clacs work guaranteed go
Henry Sincere. 433-Jly22
a. E. M. Hoorcr. trance clairvoyant ,
and healing medium , over 713 North Ifllh St.
_ _ B62.H1
R8. sciiRODKR Cialrvoj-ant and MatrucHc heater.
Lccatca all pain and dlseaco , 707 N , 10th St.
437 July 10
D IR , A CIIKSTERFIKI.D Mignollo phytlrjan , teat and
developing medium , over 61V north 10th St ,
. - .
: purcet , > -host 1 and licit Ice cream tlnnya f rcah
rin hand ; ordiri for private and bonding hou'CJ
promptly dcl cred. Carl Schmld , 03 South 16th
trcoS , r.bovo Karnam. 193-jly-D
* u All allmonta of the fee * , nicccssfnlltf treat
ed by Dr. Birry , 1512 Douglas utrtot. Office for
bdlfa. 702-jlyS
ORRIS' Parlor Keataura-1.
N Board by the week , 83.26.
MoilticketB , 83.00.
Slnplo mills , 25 cents.
107 N. 16th street , near Dodge. 713-J20
T OST Jucc 23J , between St Mary'a Convent and
Lj Tlie COZZBIB , n pocket book , contalnlrg a sum
money. A liberal ro ard will \ > a paid for It * return
31)0 Uczicni. 520tf
Losr On Juno J2d , a black setting out ot ring ,
with Initial "O. " Liberal reward will bo paid If
returned to the MIsQt Clothing Parlor. , 1312 Douglas
itreot. 407-13
STRAtKD-One bay horaj , nhlto face , neighs 1400
from Storz&lbr'ibrownry , any Information aa
towhcrcab.utiwillboeultab'y rowarded. Storz Sc.
Her. 417-27
LOST On Thursday , a icJ heifer calf ; any person
Qudlngsamo and HavingInloimitlonat I'd. Fear-
on'ecoiner , 12tb anl Farnam , nlll bs roipctfully re
warded 483-2Cp
LOST Dog red and whlto ; setter. ( Dck. : ) Reward
for Inforiratlon Icadlcg to his whcretbout ]
rirroll & Cook , 1390 Farnam Bt. 403-tf
No Operation , or uiclcai trusies Dr. M. M. Moore
243 rVabas'a > c , , Chicago , Ills. , at Omaha in cry
days. Eend stamp for circular. 403 jly-22
and nocullu looks for qcnt'cmsr. ' Lin
for eloinp. Lbck box 80 , Capo M > y , N.I , J2Cwltp
U. P. Park looitod 12 miles S. W. on U. P.
TIIK , la now open to tbo public- and cm bo rented
for plc-ulci and social g ithorlnga. Epool&l ratca for
faro given. For terms , caller address II. C. Schwenck
Papllllon , Nob. 032-tl
OROOD > < AR < S Parties T.lahl"1 to purchase liroo 1
IJmarcs for ranch purpoeer ptuaso call at Iloman'a
Livery ttable , 413 Boatli 13 n atreot , Omaha. DOJ-tt
1iiEW 81LVXR TAO , cloca not give you heart-burn.
\/Taga redeemed at ono cent , each by tha doalcra
Peycke llroa. , Agenta. 083-tf
A BANDOSID HOMBSTKAus New law. Persons ho
! Vtook homcateada In Western Kansas previous to
Juno 16th , 1880 , and abandoned them without mak
ing final proof , will learn something to their advan
tage byoddresslng mo by letter at onco. Isaac Mai-
hollaed , land attorney , Kenneth , Sheridan Co. , Kan
sas. " 093-Jlyfl
JLBIUKE On Elkhorn and Plutto. T. Murray.
/ ' 1UEW BiLVXR TAO , Its fruit Savored , tagl redeemed ,
V ateno cent each by the duilom. Peycke Bros. -
on banjo given by Q IS OeHen
X beck , at 1118 Capitol ave. ISO-tf
ltw BILVXK TAO , It does not taint the breath , tagi
V-/rede medat onee it ach by the dealers. 1'eyck
Bros , Agen ta. 888-tf
PHIVy , vaults , Blnai and cesspools cleaned at the
ibortwt notice and satisfaction guaranteed by f ,
Abel , P. O. B3 * an 4JJ-mJo
Ineoranos Co. , London , Caoh
. . . . . IS.Mi.OCO
Tyeatchostor.N. Y.A eU . 1,030,000
TheUerchanta of NewarkN. J. , AMet . 1.S76.005
Glrard Flie , I'hUadelphlaAsseU . ill , 111
New Hampshire , CasQ Ataeta. . . . _ - . 1.018.K :
irect Line for England , Franco
and Germany.
The iieamihlpi of this well known line are lutlt
el lion , In water-tight compartments , and are tar.
libed with every ro < | ulelta to mile tbo panis g
bitheafe and agreeable. They cariy thu United
titea and Kuropcan rnilU , and Imo New Yoik
Ttauidayaand fiatuidtya for I'ljmcu'h ' ( LiONDDN )
Oi rbougll'ARIS aid HAUBUhP )
lU'c , flrtt CablotOMIOO Steerage to or
from Hamburg 810. O. U IUUUAUU& CO. . Oeo-
i-r l ! ' . Agent , flliroadaay , New York and
VathlogtuD and Li Lcllestrreti , Chicago or I'niry
1'urrJt Mirk Ila.oi.ou , K , i : . Moom , lUriy Dii'l It
Qmaba ; Gronewlg & Scboongcr , In Counc'J