) NEBRASKA OMAHA , NEBRASKA. PAID UP CAPITAL . 5250,000 BURPLUS jrAYl , 1883 25,000 orricEns : B. W , YATES , A. E. TOUZALIN , Prosidcnt. Ylco President. W.V.MonsE , JNO.S.OOLUNS , LEWIS S. W , H. S. llnghes , Cashier. BANKING OFFICE : The Iron Bank , . OOE , 12th AND FABNAM STS , A General Banking Busi ness Transacted. FINANCE AND COMMERCE , NXT ? YOSK , Juno 21. Money Easy ot 1 per cent. Prime mercantile paper 4 per coat , Foreign Exchange Dull and stoidy nt $4.85 ; demand SI.80. Government * Dull , but strong ; 4's and coupon 44's went up Jo and 3's recovered tholr morning loss. Stocks After a decided break in yester day's stock market unusual Intertst was felt this morning in the course of yriccs , but noth ing important occurred until Into this after , noon. First prices were rather heavy , and during the forenoon , on slight fluctuations , there was a decline ranging from lc to lc for active stocks. The lowest prices were made soon after noon , and the market then became steady to strong , but without any material in crease in butineaa until alter 1 o'clock , Wba at first was only a slight advance developed during the last hour Into a general upward movement , the advances in that time amount ing to in some cases na much as lc , and to J@Jc for the whole list. The rally waa ac companied also by increased activity , COUPONS. 's 101 4Vs Coupons 112 ? U. S. 4' 123 $ Pacific G's of ' 95 1271 STOCKS AND BONDS. Central Pacific 30 | Chicago & Alton 130 do do preferred IGO Chicago , iBurlington & Quincy 12GJ Delaware , Lackawaua & Western lOlg Danvor &Rio Grande 4 $ Erie 10 do pi eferred 20 Illinois Central 126 Indlanauolls , Bloomington & Western. . . 8 Kansas & Texaa 17fi Lake Shore & Michigan Southern 56 : Louisville & Nashville 35 : Michigan Central C2i Missouri Pacific 91 Northern Pacific 1C , do do preferred 39 J Northwestern 93" do preferred 128 ; New York Central 80 ; Oregon Transcontinental 13 Pacific Mail 54 , Poorla , Decatur & Evansville 8J Pullman Palace Car Company 115 Rock Inland 117i St. Louis & San Francisco 18 do do preferred 31 Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul 71 do do do preferred. . 108 , St. Paul A Omaha 21 do do preferred 73 Texas Pacific 11 ; Union Pacific 53 , Wabash , St. Louis & Pacific 3 do do do preferred. . . 7 Western Union Telegraph G2J Oregon Railroad & Navigation 72 GENEUALi PKODUCK. CHIOACO. CHICAGO , III , Juno 24. Flour Dull and unchanged : winter wheat flour , S4.50@5.23 ; southern , Sl.EOg5.5 ; Wisconsin and Michi gan , S4.60@5.JO ( ; soft spring , $4,50@4.76 ; Minnesota nakers' , $3,50@4.50. Wheat- Opened a shade higher on firmer foreign advices , but became heavy on better reports from some of the winter wheat dis tricts , and closed Jo under yesterday ; 87ft@ 872o for cash ; 87J87J for Juno ; 88J@88go for July192J@928o ; for August ; 52go for Sep tember ; No. 2 rod , 93Jc ; No. 3 red , 87Jc. Corn Ruled lower but steady on more realizing and closed fjffltfc under yesterday ; 47i@47fio for cash ; 47go lot June47@17io for July ; 4G2@47o for August. Oats Quiet and easier , closing at Inside figures ; 3-'io for cash and June ; 32jj&32ic for July ; 27l@28o for August. Rye Steady at C3c. ' Flax seed-Quiet and unchangoJ ; No. 1 , $1.221. Timothy eeed Poor to good , SI C0.31.-1C. MeesPotk-Quiet and easy , S10.25@10.30 for cash ; S10.2 'i' ol0.25 for Juno and July ; $10.32i@10.S5 for Auguat ; S10.42i@10,45 for September. , Lard-Quiet but steady ; S0.57J@G CO for r cash and June ; SO G2J for July ; S0.70@C,72i for August ; SO,80Z6.82J ( | for September. Bulk Meats Quiet ; dry salted shoulders , $3.75 ( 1.00 ; short ribs $5.32A@5.35 ; short clear , 85.80@5.85. Butter In limited demand ; creamery , 14@ IGJej dairy , 13js4o. JEggs Firm at llo. MILWAUKEE PEODUCSl MILWATJKM , Wls. , June 21. Wheat- Steady ; No. 2 Milwaukee , 87go ; July , SSgc ; August , OOJe. Corn-Steady : No. 2 , 472c. Oats-Dull ; No. 2 , S2JO. Rye Lower ; No. 1 , Clo. Barley-Quiet ; No. 2 , 50c. Provisions Quiet ; mean pork , cash and July , $10.25 ; August , 810.35. NKW T011K PEOUCOI. Nxw YOBK. June 21. Whsat Spot easier ; options opened stronger and later weakened , reacted and closed steady ; re ceipts , 10,000 bushels ; nxports , 120,000 bushels ; ungraded red , 89@9lc : No. 2 red , $1.014 stoic ; $1.01J@1.01i afloat ; August closing at 31.028. Corn Lower ; closing steady ; receipts , Cl- OCO bushels ; exports , 57,000 buihels ; un graded , 50@54o : No. 3 , 62jc ; No. 2 , I3i@ & 3o elevator ; 51i@5'c , afloat ; August clos ing at Clio. Oats Fairly active ; receipts , CO.OOO [ bush els ; exports , WO bushels ; mixed western 3S& 39c ; white , 39@lSc. ' 1'gps fJuil and heavy ; western , 12@13c. Pork Dull ; mess spjt.Sll.SO L.-.rd Very dull ; western steam spot quoted at S0.82J ; August , ? 0.90@0.93. Jluttar ( iuiet. Cheeso-Firmj fair Inquiry. TOLEDO. TOLZDO , O , Juno 24. Wheht-Uasy and quiet ; No. 2 red , cath and June , D2io. Corn-Dull and steady ; No. 2 cash nnd June , 48ic. OAta-Neglected ; no quotations , OWOWNATI. CINCINNATI , O , Juno 24. Wheat Scarce and lirm ; No. 3 red , $1.02. Corn-DulliNo. 2 mixed , 48J@40o. Oata-Qulet ; No. 2 mixed , 35JS ' . Rye Fair demand ; No. 2 , G9ic. Pork-Dull nt 510.75. i > rd-Steadyat 5035@0.40. Whisky Dull and uomlnal nt 81.13 } no ' tales LivmroOL , June 21. Wheat-Steady uud n fair demand : hradera cffer moderutoly , Corn Firm and in fair deniaud. KANSAS cur. KAHOAS CITY , Mo. , Juno 21 , Wheat- Weak ; No. 2 red 'winter , 77jo bid , 781o asked ; September , 83o. Corn No. 2 and CA < h , 37c ; Jan . 87S. July , 38c ; Angunt , 39o bid , 4Cc Hiked , O ti-June , Stio M\tct , or , LOUIS rnonccK. Bt. Louis , Mo. , Juno 24. Wheat- Active and lower ; opened steady and firm and soon declined cloiinp 2@21o under yes terday ; 991(399Jo ( for cash , closing nominally at OSf ; 98g@9SJc for July ; 51.00 for August ; S1.0ll for September. Corn-Dull and lower ; closing J@io under yesterday ; 4l@J43a for cash ; 4Jgo for July ; 44j5o for Augn t. Oats Dull33331c for cash ; 28c , sellers and July ! 34 jo for August. Rye Dull : GOlc. WM kjr Steady nt 81.13. Afternoon Board Wheat Advanced 40 Corn Firm but slow , nt 45J , STOCK , onioAoo. CniOAOO , 111. , .Tune 21. The Drovera' Jour nal reports : Oattlo RojsipUi , 8/01 head ; sblomontr , 2 801 head ; brink and 5 ( ) lOc higher ; shipping steers , $ "i.CO@G.l"i ; ttocketa and feeders , $3.00 ( 1,75 Hoff Receipts , 23 000 head ; shipments , 3,000 head ; toiriy and fairly nctivnrough ; and mixed , SUPS ® 1.10 ! packinir and shipping , 54 00 ® 1.20 ; lightweight , $3.90@4 40 ; skips , $3 00@3 C I. Sheep Receipt ! , 2,000 head ; shipments , none ; steady except Iambs , which were lower ; native * , 82.75@4.20 ; weatern , S2.75 3.GO ; Texnn § , S2.40@3.80 ; lambs , per head , 81.00 ® 3.00. KANSAS CITT LIVE STOCK , KANSAS CITT , Mo. , Juno 24.-0 tUo Re ceipts , 1,300 head ; shipments , 1,500 , head ; strong ; active and 5o higher ; export-era , ? 5.- 25S5.50 ; common to choice shipping , ? l.70@ 5.20 ; feeders , 51.25@4.75 ; cows , ? 2 7C © 3.25. 3.25.Hogs , Receipts , 13,000 head ; shipments , 3,000 head ; firmer and ro higher ; choice , 53,70 ts3.75inixrd ; , $3.00(23.05. ( . Sheep Receipts , 299 head ; no shipments ; quiet ; common to good muttons , SL70@3.10. BT , LOUIQ. Bl , LoDit , Mo. , Juno 21 , Oattlo Re ceipt ? , 2,100 head ; shipment ! , 1SOO head ; active and higher ; good light to choice heavy ehlpplng Bloom , $ -l.G9@5 00 ; mlxod butchers' stock , ? 3.13@ ! l.2r ; stocker * and feeders , $3 CO @ 4 G5 ; corn-fed Texans , § 3 834.75. ( Shoep-Recelpta , 2,700 head ; shipments , 100 ; best , steady and wanted ; poor , dull ; com mon to choice muttons , S2.25@ I 00. Butter Steady ; creamery , 15@17c ; dairy. July , S1.02J ; Auguat , S1.033 ; September , S1.U5J. O&TAHM. OrnoE OP THE OMAHA BB , 1 Monday Evening , June 24 , J The following prices are charged retailers by jobbers , wholesale and commission mer chants u 1th the exception of grain , which ia quoted at tbo prlcna furnished by the eleva tors and other local buyers : IilTO Mrook Iloga Receipta were light at the Union stock yards to-day , nnd thu market was strong at yesterday's prices. All sild to packers and eastern buyers. There being a great many eastern buyers on the ground a considerable competition is manifested ill both hogs and cattle. Common mixed packing , $3 403.50 ( ; good to choice mixed packing , ? 3.GO@3.70 , All sales of stock in thia market are made per cwt live weight unless otherwise atatod. Dead hogs Boll at lc per pound for weights of 100 pounds nnd upwards , ana loss than 100 pounds are valueless. Pregnant sows are docked 40 pounds and stags 80 pounds , Shoep-S3.25'c3.75. Cattle Stsady nt yesterday's prices. Butchers' stock , § 3.25@3.75 , for good -cows and heifers ; dressed beef steers , averag ing 1,100 to 1,200 pounds , $4.70@4 90 ; peed to choice , averaging 1,300 to 1,400 pounds , e5.00@5.30 , Grain Wheat Cash No. 2 , 71o. B rey ! 15@50c. Rye Cosh No. 8 , Sic. Com No. 3 , S3o. o. 2 , SOo. Flour and Mlllstuffs , SEILINQ PRICES. Winter Wheat Firmbost ; quality patent at 53.0003.30. Second iinality 82.70@3.00. Spring Wheat Best quality patent at 83.10. Second quality $2.40@3 00. Bran CUe per cwt. Chopped Feed Per 100 Ibs. , 90o@81.00 Corn Meal 31 00@1.10 per owt. Screening No. 1 , GOo per cwt ; No1 2 , 50c. Hominy $1.50 per owt. Shorts 70o per cwt. Graham S2.00 per cwt. Hay 87.00@9.00 per ton.3 General Prodnoo Butter The choice out of all receipts of fresh grass butter fs still going at lOc , with fair qualities at 78c ( , nnd Inferior at 3@Go. Eggs-Candling is now neceesftry , and ship pers would find it to their advantage to do it before shipping , Instead of paying freight on rotten egea. Poultry Old chickens , $3.00@3 50 , accord ing to quality. Laree sizes of sprint ; chickens are In strong request at S3 53 ® 100 , while small sizes ore rather slow sale at 83 00. Potatoes-Receipts are very light but nearly equal to demand , which to some extent now runs fur new potatoes. Choice old ones are selling at GOc , and new southern at $3.50 per barrel. Onions-New southern sell at 85.00 per barrel. California choice at 5o per Ib. Beans In moderate request ; navy , per bushel , $1.50@l.COj medium , per bushel ol 80 l 40 , Fioli Maricct , FISH No. 1 shor maciere half bbls. 10 50 ; family 1 bbls. , t 00 ; No. 1 shore , kits 95 : fat family , kitf EOe : No. 1 whitefish , half bbl. , 7 CO ; No. 1 kits , 90oj family halt bbls. 3 50 ; family , kits , 65c ; No. 1 trout , half bbls. 4 60 ; medium No , 1 shore mackernl , 88 OD(5 ( 10.50 ; Oalifor > bls ( 87.00 smoke Grocers' List BooABS-Powdorod , 7fc : cut loaf , 7iogran ulated , 74o ; confectioners' A , 7aoj Standard extra 0 , 630 ; extra 0 , Gjo ; medium yellow , 65 dark yellow , 6Jo. STABOH Pearl , 4oj Silver Gloss , 801 Corn Starch , So ; Excelsior Gloss , 7o ; Corn , 74c , OANNID Gooca , Oystois ; ( Btandard ) per owe , S 90 ; strawberries , 2 Ib per cose , 2 40 raspberries , 2 Ib , per cose , 2 40 ; California pears per case , 5 80 ; apricots , per case , 5 00 poaches per case , fi 80 ; white cherries pe case , 0 76 ; plums per case , 4 50 ; whortleber rieo per caao , 3 00 ; egg plums , 2 Ib , per case 390 ; greengages , 2lb.per case , 2SHpin ) ; < aples , 2 Ib , per case , S 205 CO. PioKLia Medium In barrels , 6 00 ; do In half barrels , 3 00 ; small , in barrels , G 00 ; do In half barrels , 3 50 ; gherkins in barrels , 7 0 do in half barrels , 4 00 , Riou Louisiana , prime to choice , 67K Oorwa Ordinary grades , lOci tair , 12 good , ll 12o ; prime , 1213ci choice i6@17o ; fancy green and yellow , IGQlGJo ; o government Java , 20@26o ; Arbuckle'a rooat- od , 14jc ; MoLaughlin'g XXXX roasted , 14o Java , 16c@181c. ! DRT KBCITS No 1 , quarter apples , bbh t Ole ; N 0 sliced , boxes , 6o : evaporated , boxes i , 8c ; blackberries , boica 11 Jc ; peachoa , } boif , OJo ; poacbe * , evaporated , noua in tin jnarket ; raspberries , 0 . OAKDt Mixed , 10@11 ; stick , 9@llc ; wis stick , Do. CiiACKEBa Garnoau g soda , butter and pic - nic. 4J ; creams , 74 ; ginger snaps , 74 ; Cit toda , Ci. ROPB Sieiil , 4 inch and Urger , So g Inch 8'e ' ; 4 lucli , 9o. SALT Dray loada , per bbl , 1 BOi Ashton , In ( acVi , 3 60 ; J tacks Ashton , 1 00 ; bbh dairy Snow Pepper , 18c | iplce , 14o ; clovea , 20 asila , l&c. BIBUP Standard O 2Sa , bbli ; Stajdnn do 4 gallon kogi , .3 SODA In Ib papers 326 oui | keg per Ib , VINMAB Now York appla , I6o ; Ohio ap ple. 15) , OAJ.DLEJ Boxei , 40 lb . ifa , 12 o , 61. Vi\o \ boxe-B401b , 16 oz , Gs , 124c ; half box , SOlbi. 8a , 12Jo. MATcnes Per caddie. 85c ; round.rl.caaei 2B5iqaaro ; , casea , 170 ; Oshkoeh. caaea grl.20 TEAS--Gunpowder , good 4&55c ; choice 6076o ; good Imperial , 40@4So ; choice , GO ® ' G5oj Young Hyiton , good , af@60o ; choice , b& © 100 ; Japan , natural leaf , 76c ; Japan choice , fO ( 76o ; Oolonp good , 85@40o | Oolong choice 4T@65o ; Sanohong , good , S0(3l40c ; choice , Si ® 4fia. 4fia.WOODSivAUK Two hoop pall § , 185 ; three hoop pa'l'i ' 2 10. Tub * , No. 1 , B 60 ; pioneer wuhboards , 175 > Donbl8 Crown , 180 ; Trail- buckets , S 75 , Soars Klrk'a Savon Imperial ; 8 IB ; Klrk'i Minrt , 830 ; Kirs' * standard , 8 65 ; Kirks White Rnaitan , 4 85 , POTASH Pennsylvania cin , 4 cans in case 3 85 tBabbitt'i ball , 2 doz. In case , 1 BO ; An tnor'bftll , 2 doz. in MSB , 150 , Fine cut Hard to Beat , 70e ; Charm of the West , COc : Fount iln , 74o ! Golden Thread > 7c ; Favorite , COc ; Duds , 50c ; Rocky Moun tain , COai Fancy , 45c ; Daisy , 40o. Plug tobacco-Climax , 44c per Ib , ; Horseshoe - shoo , 40c ! Star , 40c ; Spearhead , 4Gc ; Oor Rope , 50cj Piper llcidslck , GOo ; Punch , 40a Smoking tobacco -O. . , 22o | Meerschaum , BOc ; Long Tom SOc. Blackwell's Durham , 16 oi. , 51o ; 8 oz. , C5c ; 4 oz , , 67cj 3 ot , , GOo. Seal of North , Carolina , IB oz. , 42o ; 8 oz. , 45c ; 4 oz. , 48c : 3 oz. , 50c. Navy Clippings , 20c. Killlkinlck , 4 oz. , 27c ; 2 oz. , 28o. JOtucd. DBUOS AND OiiiMiOAts Aold , oarbollo , 4fo acid , taitario , 55c ; baliara copaiba , per Ib. CBc ; bark , sassafras , per Ib , We ; calomel , per Ib , COoj cinchonidla , per oz. , 80 60 ; chloro form , per Ib , 81 00 ; Dovors powders , per Ib , 81 25 ; opnom sMtsj per Ib , 8jcj glycerine , pure , per Ib , 25c ; load ncotato , per Ib , 20c ; ol castor , No. 1 per gal. . 81 GO ; oil castor , No. per gal. , 81 40 ; oil , olive , per gal , . 81 40) ) oi origanum , 50c ; opium , 84 50 : quinine , 1' . W. , and R. & H. , par oz. , 8100 potassium ; Iodide , per Ib. . 83 50 ; salicin , per oz. , 40c ; iol hate morphine , per oz , , 83 50 ; lulphnr , pi b. 4o ; strychnine , per oz. , 81 80 , Palnto Oil * tuul V rnlnho . OILS 110 carbon , par gallon , lie ; 160 headlight , per gallon , llo ; 176 ° headlight per gallon , IGc ; 150 ° water white , IBcj lin seed raw , per gallon , 2o ; linseed boiled , per gallon , 55cLnrd ; , winter str'd , per gallon , 70 ; ; No. 1 , GOc ; No. 2 , BO ; castor XXX. per gal. Ion , 150c ; No. 3,140 ; sweet , per gallon , 100j sperm W. B. , per gallon , 1 GO ; fish W. B. , per gallon , 65 ; noatsfoot extra , per gallon , 90c ; No. 1 , 76c : lubricating , zero , per gallon , 30o ; summer , 16o ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gal lon , 85o ; No. 3,28o ; sperm , signal , per gallon 90c ; turpentine per gallon , DOe ! naptba , 74c , per gallon , IGc. BBOWK SHEETINGS Atlantic A , 7io ) Atlan tic P , So ; Atlantic LL , 6io ; Bnmawlok , 74o ; Beaver Dam LL,51c ; Lawronoo LL , 6ip ; Pa- clfio H , 7Jo ; Royal Standard , GJoj Indian Head A , 7c ; Wauchusott A , GJo. FINE BBOWK SHEKTINQS Argyle , Go ; Pop- peroll R , 6Jo ; Salisbury R , Co. BLKAOHKD COTTONS Ballon. 4-4 , 6ici Bal Ion , 7-8 , 540 ; Cumberland , 4-4,74o ; Davoll DD , 8o ; Fairmonnt , 4o ; Fruit of the Loom 4 , 8Jc ; Glory of the West , 8jcj Golden Gate.SJc ; HiU 7-8. 7c ; Hill 4-4. 7Jo ; Lonsdale , 7 c ; Now York Mills , lOJc : Wamautta , lOio. DCOKB ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz , , lljei Beaten ton , 10 or , lOlc ; Boston , 9 or. , 124o ; FallRivor DUCKS ( Gray ) West Polnt,8 oz. , lie ; Woat Point 10 oz. , 12Jc ; Point Bear , 8 oz. , llo. TICKINQS Amoskoaft. 13o Continental Fancy , 9Bo ; Oordls 13o ; Pearl River , 21o ; York , 124c ; Hamloton Awnlugs , 124c. DENIMS Amoakefg , ISc ; Beaver Creek AA lie ; Beaver Crook BB , 10c ; Beaver Creek CO , 9o ; Havmakoro , 80 ; Jaff rey D & T , 12 c ; Jeffrey XXX , 124o ; Pearl River , 13c ; Warren - ron AXA ( brown ) , lie ; Warren BB ( brown ) , llo : Warren CO ( brown ) , lOo. OAIIBBICSFifth avenue glove finish , 4Jo ; Keystone glove finish , 60. 1 COBSET JEANS Amory , 74c ; Hancock , Be ; Kearsargo. 7Jo ; Rockport , GJo. PBINTS Aliens , 540 ; American , 64 ° J Arn old's Go ; Cochoco , Go ; Harmony , 44c ; Indigo. 7c ; Indigo 7-8,114c ; Indigo 4-4,144o > Steel River , 64c : Charter Oak , 44c. PBINTB SHIBTINQB American , 44o ; Cocheco , 440 Gloucester. 44o ; Sonthbrdge , 44o ; Waver- leya 44o ; Roaedale , 4Jo. Spirits , COLOONK SPIBITS 188 proof , 119 ; do , 101 nof , 120 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , ) : do , 188 proof. 118. ALCOUOL 188 pooof alcohol 2 SO per wine BaWnisKiKS Redistilled whiskies , 1 OOfal 60 ; Fine blended , 150i5S ( 00 ; Kentucky bourbons bens 200@600 ; Kentucky and Pennaylva- nla ryes , 2 00(26 ( 60. BRANDIES Imported , G 00@10 00 ; domes tic , 160.3 ( CO. GINS Imported , 450@600j domestic , 150 © 300 : Runs Imported , 4 50@8 00 ; Now England , 2 00@4 00 ; domestic , 160@3 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported , per case , 28 00 © 34 00 ; American , per case , 10 C0@16 00. Dry Paints White lead 88c ; French BO , So ) Fiulj whiting , 24o ; whiting frildors , l o ; whiting com'l , llo ; lampblack , Germantown , 1455 lampblack , ordinary , lOo ; Prussian blue , a nntromarlne , 18c ; Vandyke , brown , 8cumbe burnt , 4c ; umber , row. 4a ; elomia , bnrn4ctr sienna , raw , 4c : Pans green , genuine , 25o Paris greencommon.20c ; chromo green , N. Y 20o ; chrome green. K. , 12o ; vonnlllion , Eng 7Cc ; vormilllon , American , 18c ; Indian , rod lOo ; rose pink , 14c ; Vonetaan , red , Oookson'a 2o ; Venetian , red , American , lc ; red lead 7jo ; chrome yellow , genuine , 20o ; chromo yellow - low , K. , 12o : ochre rochello. So ; ochre , Frenh 2Jo ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winter B mineral , 2o ; lohigh brown , 240 ; Spanish brown 24o ; Prince's mineral , 8c. VABNISHKS Barrels , per gallon : Furniture , extra , 81 10 ; furnituro. No. 1 , 81 ; coach , ex tra , 81 40 : coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar , extra , 81 76 ; Japan , 70c ; nspholtum , extra , 85o , ahellac. 83 60 : hard oil finish 81 50. PAINTS IN OIL White load , Omaha , r. P. 5Jo ; whlto lead , St. Louis , pure , 6 60Marseil ; loa green , 1 to 5 Ib cana , 20c ; French zlno ; green aeal , 12o ; French zlno , red seal , llo , French zinc , In varnish nast. , 20o ; French zins , In oil asat , 15c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 'b ' ban- , lOc ; raw and burnt Sienna lOo ; Vandyke fcrown , 13o ; refined lampblack , 12c : coach black and ivory black , IGc ; drop black , 16c ; Prussian blue , 40o ; ultramarine blue , 18o ; chrome green , L. M & D. . IGo ; blind and ahntfr < rreen , L.M. &D. , IGo ; Paris green , 18o ; In d Ian red , 15c ; Venetian red , Oo ; Tus can red , 32c ; American vermilhon , I. a r.- I yellow ochre , 9c ; L. M. , O. & P. 0. , 18o ; yellow ochre. 9o ; golden ochre , IGo ; patent dryer , 80 ; groining colors , light oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and nab. 16o Heavy Hardware lilst. Iron , ralea , 210 ; plow steel , special cast , 4o ; crnciblo , Co ; cast tools do , 16a20c ) wagon spoken , per set , 2 2Ga3 00 ; hubs per Bet , 125 ; telloei sawed dry , 140 ; tongnoa , each , 70o ; tolev , eaoh , 75c ; square nuts per Ib , 7allc ; washers , per Ib , 8al8o ; rivets , per Ib , lie ; coil chain , per Ib , 6al2o ; malleable , 80 ; Iron wedges , Go : crowbars , Cc : harrow teeth , 4o ; spring steel , 7a8o ; Burden' * horae shoes , 4 05 ; Burden's mnleshoos , 5 05 , BABBEO WIBE In cor lots , 4 00 per 100. NAILS Rates , 10 to 60 ; iron , 2 60 ; steel , 2.G5. 2.G5.SHOT Shot , 160 ; buckshot , 1 85 ; oriental owder , kegs , 3 60a4 00 ; do , half koga , 200 ; do quarter kegs , 1'50 blatting , kegJ , 8 35 ; fuse per 100 feet , 60c. LEAD Bar , 165. COAL-Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor ris run Bloesburg , 10 00 ; Whltebreast lump , 6 00 ; Whitobreast nut , 5 00 ; Iowa lump , 6 00 ; lown nut , 6 OOi Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra- del , 11 xoall 60 ; Canon City , 7 00 per on. Dry Immbor. Wholesale On Board Oars at Omaha. DIMENSIONS AND TISlBKnS , 12 It. lilt latt. 18 20 It 22 It. 21 I txf 10.60 ia co ie.0017.00 is.oo 19 00 20.00 2x8 , 1600 16.00 16.00 16.00 17,00 19.60 19.60 2x8 10.00 10.00 16 0 < 17.00 18:00 : 19,00 20.00 2x10 1600 160016.0 ; le.ou 17.00 IB 00 19.00 2x12 1600 10.00 16 CO 17.00 18.00 20. OC 21.1)0 ) < xl-Sx& 1660 16.60 1660 17.60 18.60 19.60 10 60 BUIP LAP. No. 1 , Plain , 8 or 10 Inch. . $18 00 No. 2 , Plain , 10 inch . 16(0 ( Nc.1 , 0 , O. li v UNO , > Ut Com. 9 inch , Norway . . . , 1 50. 2d Com. fl inch. Norway . 14 nil No. 1 , 6 iucb , 12 and 14 feet , rough. . . .817 CO No. 1 , Cinch , 10 fool , rough . 1750 No , 2 , G Inch , 12 end 14 feet , rough. . . . 14 CO No. 2 , C Inch , 10 feet , rough . IB 50W No. 1 , 4 inch , 12 and 14 feet rough. . . . 17 5f No. 1 , 4 inch , 10 feel , rough . , , 1750 No , 2 , 4 inch , 12 and 14 faet , rough. . . . 14 50 No. 2 , 4 inch , 10 feet , rough . 1550 BOAnDS. Ko. 1 boards , IS , 14 and 16 ( t $1675 No , 2 boards , 12,14 ftnd 16 ( t 14 75 No. S boards , 13,14 And 16 It , 12 75 No. 4 boards , 13,14 and 16t. ( shipping cull ) 10 75 FINISHING. lit , 2 < 1 and 3d Clear , 1 ] Inch , , Zs $50 00 lit , 2d , and 3d Clour. 14 nnd 2 inch , s. 2s W ) 00 B Select , U , li and 2 inch , e. 2 8G 00 lit , 2d and 3d , Clear , 1 Inch , . 2 4500 AHolcct , 1 Inch , i. 2s. , , 40 00 B Select , 1 Inch , R. 2s 30 00 1st Com. , 12,14 and 1C foot 822 00 2d Com. . 14 nnd 1C feet. . . . 10 00 8dGom. , 14 and 10 feet 15 00 Fence , 14 and 1C foot 1100 VLOORINO. 1st Com. Glnch , white pina 833 00 2d Com. G inch , whlto pine 3500 3d Com. 6 Inch , whlto pino. 28 00 Sol. Fence G Inch , white pine 19 50 1st and 2d Clear yellow pine , 4-6 inch , 21 50 STOCK BOAHD3 , A12 inch , e. IB. 12,14 and 1C feet 45 00 B 12 Inch , B. 1 s. 12 , 14 and 10 f cot 41 00 0 12 Inch , s , Is. 12 , 14 and 16 foot 36 00 D12 inch , B. 1 B. 12 , 14 and 16 feet 23 00 No. 1 Com. 12 in. , s. 1 s. 12,14 and 16 ft 18 00 No. 1 Com.12in. , s. 1 s. 10,18 and 20 ft21 00 No. 2 Com. 12 in.s. 1 s. 12. 14 nnd 10 It.lG 00 BATMNB , WELL TUBING , riCKKTS. O.G. Batg,3lnch 8 ,85 O. G. Bat * . 2&lnch 75 4 Inch Bats , s. 1 a 40 3 Inch well tubing , D. & M 23 00 3 inch well tubing , Bov 23 00 Pickets : D. & H. Flat , 822 00 ; D & U. Square 2 00 8IINOLE3 AND LATH. 16 Inch , Clear 83 25 AStnndnrd 2 GO 6 inch , Clear 1 G ) No. 1. 120 Lath 2 10 POSTS. White Cedar , 6 inch , halves 11 o Whlto Cedar , 04 Inch , halves 9jo White Cedar , 8 inches , quarters 9J3 White Cedar , 4 Inch , round 12 o LIMB , ETC , Qulhcy white lime ( best ) OPo Cement $1.85 Plaster ( Michigan ) 2.4Q Tarred felt , per cwt 1.85 Straw board , per cwt 1.70 HUlct. Steady ; green butchers' 60 ; green cured , 7jcdry flint , 1214o , dry salt , 10@llc : dam. need hides two-third : ) price. Tallow lj@5c. Grease Prime whlto , 3J@4o , Bhoop Pelts 25c@75. IJENVKU fll.VKKET. Fioun Colorado , 100 Ibs , 2 15(22 ( 20) ) patent - ont , 100 Ibs. , 2 75@3 00 ; Kansas , 100 Ibs , 2 75 @ 3 00 ; graham , 100 Ibs , 1 CD ; rye , 1 00 Ibs. 235. 235.GBAIN GBAIN , FEED , ETC. Wheat' 100 Iba , 8135 corn , 100 Ibs , 115(31 ( 20onts | , Nebraska mixedTOO Ibsl6010j ; Nebraska oats white , 1 G51 701 brnu , ton , 17 00 > chop , corn , 100 Iba , 1 20gl2B75 ; ; chop mixed , 100 Ibs , 150 @ 1 GO ; corn meal , 100 Ib * . 1 40(2150 ( , HAI Loose , nor ton , 10 C0@12 CO ; holed , second bottom , 10 5011 00 ; baled , npland , 12 00@14 00 ; alfalfa , loose , ton , 12 C0@15 00) ) straw , ton , G 007 00. BUTTEB Creamery , finest , Ib , 27@28c ; creamery pt > < d Ib , 2425o ; Illinois and Iowa dair. Ib " 18@29o ; Kansas nnd Ne braska dairy , Ib , 15@ljo ; common , lb,68c ; butterino creamery , Ib , 20@22c ; butterina dairy , Ib , lG@Uc. CHEESE Full cream , ib. 1315o ; half cream , Ib , 10@llo ; skim , Ib , 9o : Swiss , Im ported , 82c ; Swiss , domestic , Ib , I0@22 ; LImburger - burger , 20o. Eaas State , freah candled , doz , 14@15o ; fresh ranch , doz , 15@lGc. POULTBT Live old chickens , doz , 5CO@G 00 ; dressed chickens , Ib , 15@lCc ; dressed turkeys , Ib. , 2022c , POTATOES 100 Itm. 1 6t@l 35 : Salt Lake , 100 Ibs , 2 00 ; new California , 103 Ibs , 2 75JJ 300. 300.VEQETABLKaOnions VEQETABLKa-Onions , 100 Ibs , 400@t25 ; turnips , 100 lb , 1 75 ; cabbage , new Califor nia , 100 Ibr , 8COS55 ; lettuce , do , SOc ; raddlshes , doz , 40c ; yonng onions , doz , 29c ; parsley , doz , 40c ; pie plant , doz , 20s ; oyster plant , doz , f Oc ; spinach , doz , 8c ; asparagus , Ib. 40c. rnllfloKer , Ib , 18c ; cucumbers , doz , 1 50@1 75. GREEN FB.UITS Apples , bbl. 850 ; Messina lemons , extra , box , 5 00@G 00 ; cranberries , bbl , 12 00 ; Messina cranges. box. .5 7S@GOO ; Culifomia osanges , box , 2 25@2 75 ; banana ? , bunch , 2 00 ® 100 ; pine opplea , doz , 4 00@ 5 50 ; Strawberries , California , 16c qt , 3 00 * > 3 25 box ; strawberiies , eastern , crate , 3 Go © G 50 ; cherries , California , 10 Ib box , 2 25@ 3 00 ; plums , box , 2 25 ; apricots , box , 3 25 , CUBED MKATB Hums , sogar cured , ID , 104 lOJc ; bacon , breakfast , Ib , ICJfflllioj salt sides , ib , 7i@7fo ; lard In polls , 929cj lard In tierces , 80 , Fiusu MKATS Dressed beef , Colorado , par 100 Us , 7CQS725 ; hotrs , dressed. 100 Ibs , 6 25@6 75 ; mutton , 100 Ibs , G 10@6 CO. LIVB STOCK Beef grats cattle , 100 Ibs , 4 00 @ 4 50 ; hogs , 100 Ibs , 4 50g4 75 ; sheep , 100 Ibs , sheared , 2 75@3 CO. Hides. Dry Flint No. 1 , per Ib , 11413oj No. 2. Ib , 9@10o ; green steers and cows , Ib , 4@5c ; grcon calf , Ib , 08c ; preen , kin , Ib , 5' 5Go ; brandei calf , Ib , C : : shearlings , Ib , 10@15ci sheep skins , dry , Ib , 5gGs ; deer skins Ib , 12@lGc : antelope skins , lo. 1215 ; elk skins , Ib , 9@10c ; t&Ilnw Ib , 444a WOOL Uolorudo choice , per Ib , KG&lGci heavy , 12@lSc4 ; Now Mexican , nveratro , 7 @ 10o. Fisa-MockeroI , No. 1. I 40 kit , 115 ® 135 ; ram * . 100(22 ( 00 ; Cnllfornla salmon , belt btl , 9 50r Holland herring , keg , 1 25 ; fresh lake trout , bbl , 15@16c , B ( SOCCESSOB TO ) FOSTER < C GRAY , LUM WHITE 1'INE , YELLOW PINE , CALL FOftNIA REDWOOD ASH , QAIC , BLACK WALNUT , SPANISH CEDAR. Bear Creek Lime , Louisville Cement Portland Cement , Iowa and Michigan Plas ter , Hair , Etc. Etc. Cor. 6tn & Douglas 0. P. DAVJH. T. A. Nebraska Land Agency. o. F. DAVIS & GO And JBeal Estate Mortgages 1605 FARNAM BTRF.ET , . OMAHA. Hare lor tile 200,000 cro i c refnlly se ! etad Iftailt In Kutern Nebrukt. , l low mice nd on easy terms Improtedtrms lor tale la Don jlas , Dodge , Collm , PUtto , Burt , Uumln ; , Hiniy , Wtjhlo ton , Ucrrlok , Blunders , ted Duller oountlee , Taxot paid lu 11 puts ol the sUta. Notary 1'abHo ( Jw yt In office. Corresponduno * Bollolte. ) Money lomcJ on Improved l rmt and city proper- OMAHA KNTKIPRISE l on Works Cor. Pierce and Patrick Av , , N , Om&ha. We am niopired to da founJrv wjrk of kinds , We cast every day , KJga tuul ob grinding. Take red oar Una stroat cara MEBVOUS DEBILiTY I'rrmntur' Hocllrio from errors or ci reuses , l.oMt l'o\KT iliteases u ( Ilio 1C | IIK > TM , Iliad * dcr , and 1'ruHtalu f ! In nil < HI1M'I > ulthnut btomarh Medicines by tlio Jlttmton llolus , Vi jj , fcocele"cure3JvUiTdu't [ surVery. 'i'reatlso and tes- ondilslri-p. AllmrroaiJOUileiiracnnndenttal. SflTOH KEMEDY 00 or DR. H. TEE8KOW , 00 West Nth Street , NEW YORK. < E CHICAGO * ND ORfH- WESTERN RAILWAY. THE BEST ROUTK AND Omaha Council Bluffs and Chicago. The on y to take ( of Dt XfoltiM. Mmliall. town , CctUi ItApldg , Clinton , Dixie , Chicane , Mil waukce nfl nil point ! e sl. To the people of Ne- brt ki , Colorado , Wyomlnif , Utah , IdMio , N'ettuU Orrgon , Washington uml CtUfornU It ofSatt gupvtlot adT tit Rcs not posolblo by any other line , Among ft tow ol the numerous p < Ints nl tnjwrloi * lly oc jot oil lij thepntroniof thl ) ro d botweuti Omaha and Chicago , M Its two trains d y ol DAY COACI1KS which urethoflnpfltthM human alt ml Ingenuity CAII orcatoj Its PALACK SLKKnNO UAH3 which ate models ol comfort and cIcRMiCo ; Its PAH LOU DRAWINd ROOM OARS , unsurpassed by any and It9 widely colcbrntcd 1'AI.A.TIAL DININQ CAH1 the equal of which cannot bt fourul elsewhere. At Council BluBa the trains ot the Union Puclflo Ry. connect In Union Depot with those ot the Oh'ra ' ( to & Northwestern Ry In Chicago the trains ol tulr line make cloeo connection with these ot all eastern line ) . ForDottolt , Oolnmbus , Indianapolis , Cincinnati. Nligata Falls. BuHalo , Plltfburg , Toronto , Montreal Boston , Now York , Phlladolphln , Baltimore , Wash ington and all points In the E 5t , ask the ticket agent ( or tlckota iln tti > > -NOUT't WESTERN , ' llrottwtsntho boat ncoominodallonj. All tloket agents Boll tickets vl thl < line M . uuanirr. n s turn , Qenotalltacagot , Oe VIM. Agent. 01110110 W.N. lUllCOOK , Don 14H "irnamSt Ounha , l o CHICAGO , Hoe & St. THE J SHOET LIN And BEST BOUTS. . rllOlt OMAHA TO THE EAST , TWO TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN OMAHA AND Chicago , Minneapolis , Milwaukee , St. Paul , Cedar Rapida , Davenport , Clinton , Dubuque , Rockford , Rock Island , Freeport Janesvillo , Elgin , Madison , La Crosao , Bolott. Winona , And all other Important points East , North east and Southeast. Ticket ofllco nt 1401 Furnim street ( In Paxton Ho tcl ) . and at Union Pacllla Depot. IMltoan Sleepora and the Finest Dining Cars In the World are run on tnom&ln llnca of the CHICAGO MILWAUKBII & Sr. PAUI.Il'rand everyattcntlon Ispilil to nissonecra bvcouitoouaomplovoi ol thocomimDV. 3. S. MEHltlLL , A. V. U. CAUPKNTEU , Gene ml Manager , Ocn'l PassoDBcr AR It. MILLER , GEO. P. HEAFFOUD , Ass't Gcn'I Manager. Asa't Oon'l Puj Agent J. T. CLA11K , Qcn'l Superintendent Railway Time Tatole. In Effeot April Gth. 1885. Tht ttentlon ot the travelling pnbllo li ntl d lo tba tact that this la the onlv complete and Absolaltl ; conocl time-table published In the citjv All trains arrlto at and deptrt ( ram Omaha bj Central Standard Time. Trtlnj ol the O. St. P. II. b 0. arrlT * at and de part frem theli depot , corner ol Uih and Wobatei etrcotstralna ; oi Ihofl. AH. , 0. a * Q.and K , 0 St. J. A C. B. from the B. b U , depot ; all others tioa IhoUnlonPaclflc depot. a , DaUy ; b , except Bitruday ; o , except Sandan d , except uonday. _ WB81TVAKD&R1UVK &R1UVK , A. II. union pacific. . H. P. M. Pacmo . . SJto Express " ' flloa . . Denver Exproes. . . "tic's O. &Rop.Valloy. 1801 . . lialland Kxprees _ 310 * Q.A.IV1. In Nab. 8 lOa . . Uall and Express. . . t ( ft 8 OOa . . . . Night Express. _ . . 1C (0 * SOOTHWAKD , Missouri Pacific 13 BBC . Day Express . fl 101 8ESa . . . . Night Expres . a io K.CSt. J..C. B. 9 1C * T 15b . . . .VlaPlattemoutb . 7 OOd T 15s 8 BOa 7 COb _ .Vla Council BlunV. . . 7 50d Wabash Routo. 7 COb Olid ' 1 OOa . . . .St.Iiomi Kxprets 7j i'wi O. ffl. < 5fcSt. Paul. B Uc .Day Exproee. r IK i lOb . . . .Nigh * Expresa. . . . 9 lit C. R.-l. A Pacific- 8 ISO Day Express. . . , TBJC l0b Night Expresi. . 9 aSd ' ' 'a'MO . Accommodation „ . C , & N-W. a . . .Day Expiosa. . . 7 SCO t0b . .Night Express B 5d C B. & O. 9 lOa 6I ForOhlcagovl& PUtsm'th D iOa 7 16. 8 lla I SO Pot Chicago via O. Blud 9 451 7 8fi > HOUTHWAKD. C. Ct. 5 . M. & Q. . .Qloux City Expreoo. . . fi lit 8 COO Oakland Accoinmoditlon 10 COca Iowa EJIv. 3-C.&P. . .St. Panl Day Expros * . . 7 til fl 861 SI. Paal Night Kip/ess. a sa OMAHA DRIDCE TRAINS DummvTrnln O JJeavo Omaba at Q 25.7 25 8 OC , 10 CO , 11 IB B mlZ60 , ! 00 , 8 00. i 00 , i 65 , E (0 1110pm , On Sundays the 760 ind 1000 a tn and 100 and i 00 p m trains do not ran. Arrlvo at trtus. ( or depot IS minutes later : Broadway depot SO mla- Dteslater. Leave Conncll Blafls ( Droadway depot ) at 6 66T 65 , B SO , 10 80,11 iO a m ; 1 SO , J 80 , S So. i 28 , 6 2 ( and 1116 p m. On Hondays the B SO and 11 40 a ro and 8 SO and 6 25 p m trains will not rnn. Arrive at Transfer 7 minutes later , Omaha to mtnntoo later. TrnnaforTraln8-Iave Omaha at 8 IB , 811 am , IS 6 , 220,1 20a 10 nd 1 00n m , dally. Arilva at 0 30 and H CO a m , 1 00 , 8 U , 7 20 and 7 65 p. m. SUNDAY TRAINS To and from Chicago via the Tripartite Alliance Line * . I MIL i u-i. I N.W i w.w i n-i i m Februtry. . 16 1-22 8 I 11 7-28 11 March . . . . S-29 15 1-22 I 14 21 7-28 April ID 6-29 IS I 1-26 11 18 llay 10-81 17 8-21 I 10 1-28 B-EO Sunday evening and Monday morning tratni Mil In oorrecpondlng order. C. U. i Q. trains ran eve day. STOCKYARDS TRAINS. teave Union Paclflo depot at B 40 a m and B ti m. Arrive from Stock Yards at 7 SB a in and a 25 r rn. Seventeen years Experience , DR.G.W.PANGLE . . . Bolder ot Diseases cf Ucn anl Women. Electric Magnetic and Ilcrballit Physician Now located at 1210 DoutiUs 6t Oinaba , Neb , up etalta. A correct dlasnosla given without any explanation fromthopatlcul. Consultation free at otuoe. / Treat the Following Diseases. Catarrh of the Hei'l. Diseases of the Kjo and Kar. Heart Dlseaic , Liter Oem | > Ultt , Kidney Com- rlaint.NeriouaDebllltv , Mental Depression. Losicf Manhood , Diabetes , lrht's ! Disease , Bt Vltuo Dance Itheumat'em ' l' ralfl < ViMto , , } ) , SuUllogii Scrolula , Four Sorts. Cancers and Tumors remote elullhnuttbe knife , or the drawing of a drop of food. Wotn nltu her delicate organ * , Itcstoredto Health. Dropsy Cured W.thout Tapplri ; , SpcUi ! Attention Qivun to 1'ilvato and Vtaereal Dlsctaei of 11 Hindu , Ttpo Worro Hcmcted In two or three tioutsor NoVay , Hommorrholdior Tiles Cured or . Tliosewboare allllotod will save the and Imn- ireda ol dollars by ca'llnir on or usinit Dli. 0. W. I'ANGLE'a Herbal Medicinal. S Nfr u UcblUIr oMsuhood < uilP T A ( trorltt preicrlplloo or a noted ip cUUit ( DOW tft * 6c d , ) DrugKliU c n fill It. Addroo SCHAS. SHIVERICK , FTJRMITURE UPHOLSTERY AND DRAPERIEP , rawonger Elevator to nil floor" . 11200 , J208 nnd 1210 Fatnatn Street IOMA1IA , . X.3ES3ES SZARDWOM DLMBEfi ' o T " " ' ottn ? > ent0rMt ftnd " ' ' " V"11 " "i" " ' , Cherry , A h , Butternut , Yellow Foplw nedwocxj.eto. Hardwood nnd Ponlar Panel , Hardwood Flooring , W gen StooV fiull Dnllden Material , Rod 3ednr Posts , Common O k Dimension And Brldgt Timber . O J r Boards for moth proofclosets.Eto. " Vanson , Fancy Woods for Scroll 8 wInfKto.Kt ! T Douglas. - - Omaha. Nob. ( ESTAULISHED 1805. ) Onlylraportersan Omaha oi SMOKERS' ARTICLES , Guns , Sporting Goods and Notions ; ! Base Balls , Fishing Tackle , ROLLER SKATES. SIEIDTID : FOE& : KIOEJ HLISTS. J&faoo Meyer Co. . - - Omaha , Neb. And Poultry Commission House. P. H. ALLEN , Omaha : Solicited. tg SKRY T.\.CLAnKK , Prest. and Treat. A. CLARKR ice Prendm JOUN T. CLARKE , Secretary. 11 H. T. CLARKE BRUG COMPANY , SUCCRKDINQ LEIG-HTON & CLARKE T ARQEST Jobtlng Drag homo between Chlotg' nJ Sin Francisco CAPIT4L STOCK , 8209,000. , W JL/ shall bo tthe bottom oltberaiiket at all tlmfn. Will dapllc teChici o and St. Louis pncm with Irolcht added. Our spoo'alty will bo Pure Drugs , JPaints , Oils and wimlow Grlasf Es ImatoBzKcn pU . Ti thaw nbou4 to oinbatk li the drugbislnans will do well to 9) 11 your Interest . by oa or soud lot our prloo lut wilcn will noponr < ) ) U6 January . . . . . . n 6th m. , - Mill . . . ord . SOllCltOd. Ill IIA11NKV SdlCBT. G. B. GKEEN. GEO. BCTUK ( Will pay customers Draft with Bill of Lading attached , for two-thirds value of Block. ) GREEN & BURKE. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MEECHTS UNION STOCK YARDS , Merchants & Furmor'a REFERENCES Bank.David : CityNob. Omaha , Neb. Kearney National Bank , Kearney , Neb. Columbus S'ato Bank , Columbus , Neb. McDonald's Bank , North Flntto , Neb , Omaha National Bank , Omaha , Nob. SPECIAL NOTIOK TO Growers of Live Stock and Others , 5 [ WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO B It Is I ho best and cheapest food for stock of any kind. One pound lo oqnal to three pounds of corn. Stook fed with Gronnd Oil Gako In the Fall ud Winter Inotoad of running down , will increase In weight and bo In good mnrkuluhlo condi tion In the uprinc ; . Dairymen , us well as others , who use It , can testify to lea mer its. Try It end judga for yonrselvoa. Price $24.00 per ton. No charge fur eaoks. Addreaa WOOD8IAN LtNMEED OIL WORKS , Omh , DEALERS IN FIRE AKD BUEOLAR PBOOP THE a , L , STRANG COMPANY ; Ooublo and Single Acting Power and Hand 8 Trimmings , Mining Mftohlnerjr , Boltluv , JLfusis , Wvoit ud Iron at wholesale or retail. HALLADA.Y WTND.MJWy8 [ , " AND HOHOOL BELTA Corner 10th and Farnam St. , Oinalia Neb , OMAHA , NEB. K , HELLMAN & CO , , [ 1 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET , COR , 13TH ,