THE DAILY BEE-THURSDAY , JUNE 25 , 1885. OH ! MY BACK liTcrjr lit rain or eoM Attack * that weak bad nnd nearly prostrates joo. THE c BESTTONIG ? HtretigthciiH the ( lie Kill-Idle * < lie Illootl , GlimltcwVlgoi Dn. il. Ii. , TVilrfld J. town , IHITBI "Ilrown'n Iron lllHcnln the bout Iron mMlcInn havoknown In my HfljoAnO practice , IhftTofoun It nrwcWIy bcnenelftl m nenom nr pnjulcal cllmu ! lion , find in all ilelillttMInz nllmenfi that ticnr * lienrll/ thn urBtcm.Uw ) It frocljr In mj own family. ( Icnulno lifts trmlo mark nndrropwil red lines o \rrnpprr. Tiiltr nnnllirr. Undo only by r.MiOAi , ro. . IIAI.TIUOKI : , Mr 1/AHirB' HAND HOOK unnfnl m1 attrnctlro , con Ulnlnallnt of prlfM fur rpcltKw. Information nbou coin" , rtc , e1vm aw y liy nil ilxalnrK In inmliclno , o nmllml in * n i nn rwnltit nfgn ftumn i.tjt'ri'tl tn tttt * , . , . , . , . , , cKl , tHHicrtHj-r , , . l57 ; fceuil tun slumin for Ole'-rat-xl ' Jlodfal Wnrki Adlro. . ! ' . 1) . i l.AIsiti ; , ni. I ) . , ISC houtli LUrk t'trcet. CUICACIO , Iu. OONDDOTED B ? Koyai' Havana Lottery I JA ( JOVEUN1IENT 1K8T1TOT10K.1 Drawn at Havana Cuba , Every 10 to 14 : Days. Tickets In FIJthi ; wholes S3 ; Fractions pro r ta. BQbje'.l 10 no numpai&iluu , not ooatroued by ifae fullciln Intoroat. It Ii Iho Uiretl Htluc la ( kg Hare of cbinooln ezlatouoo. ' for tickets apply to SUIPSEY & CO. , 1212 Bioftd irty.I ? . Y. City ; , or U.OTTEN3 ft CO , 010 ll ln St. K ns 8 City. Mo. Mo.PINKEYE. PINKEYE. Remarkable Cure of a Horse In the ( all of 1S83 I had n rahnblo horse t > kea with the plnlieyo , resultlny In llocd poison. After nine months of doctoring with all the remedies to bo found la horse boobs , I despaired of a euro. Ills right hind leg was as largo as a mati'd bed ; , and bad ° P tt over forty running Bores , Uowos a most pM- ftblo looking object. Atlatt I thought of Swllt's Bdeclflo , an commenced to 033 it I used fifteen bottles. In August last all ejinptoms of the disease disappeared Ibore htvo been no signs of a return and tno horeo has dona a mule's work on ray farm over since. JAS L. VUOIIDO , Augusta , Ox January 0 , 1885. Swift's Bpeclflo Is entirely \cgctab'e. Trcatlao on Blood and Skin Diseases mailed free. The Swift SpeclfloJCo. , Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Oa. or ' W. 8Bd8t..V V OCHIS ONLY EXCLUSIVE IN OMAHA NKP. Town Lots in Denver Junction , Weld County , Colorado , Denver Junction la a new town ot about 200 Inhabitants , laid out In 1884 , on the great trunk railway across the continent , at the Junction of the Julesburg Branch , 107 miles from Denver. The town is on second bottom land of the Platte River , the finest location between Omaha and Denver , and la surround ed by the boit-laying lands west of Kearney Junction , Neb. ; climate healthy and bracing ; altitude 3,000 feet. Denver Junction bidi to become an important point , oa the U. P. R. R. Co , , are putting upmanyof their buildings here , while the 1J. & M. R. R. Co. . are expect ed aoon to connect at this place. The present chance for good investments In town Iota will scarcely ever be equaled elsewhere , For sale .by the lot or block In good terms by U , M. WOOLMAN , Agent , Denver Junction Colo. OMAHA AVINGS Cor. 18th and Douglaa Sta. Capital Stock , - - . fl 50,00 ( Liability of Stockholders , SOO.OOO Fire Per CcntlntcmlM on Depots LOANS MADE ON HEAL Ora.osrsu JA.11K3 B.BOID - . , . I'rciUcnt T. A. PAXTOS . Viao P.M.UM. L. U. BENNErr. . llaaiulBg Director JOUH K. WTLBl'B . , . „ Caahler nnin. r.iiArniiKaoir , TIIOS. i. KIMUAU , J. WOAWNKTT , UAX 11KYKU. SUCNKY PDNDT B L BKKE. MILITABY MATTERS , The Indian Trembles IjfirRO Accnin odatlotiB Needed ft the Port Miscellany. Gen. Howftrd , In conversation with reporterycsterdny mornlngaald thathodi not anticipate tbnt the soldiora wouli hnro any grent tronblo in quelling th rebellion of the Ohcycnno Indiana whlc ! lisa just broken ont. This dopattmon in nil probability would not bo callei upon to aend any troopa down there Should the Indians become unduly ob utrcparona and carry oat tholr threats o moving northward , the Ninth civalr will aorvo tfTootually to head them eland and bring them to terms. So far us concorni Indian matters ii this department It ia not anticipated thn there will bo any tronblo In adjusting an ; little tllfliculllca tlmt may now exist Gen. Howard hia telegraphed to Col McOook at Fott Douglas to look into th matter of the killing of the four Indian near Fort Hall , as detailed in thcso col umns some days ulnco. It la now undei stood that the killing was dotio by th Indian police themselves and not by th soldiers. Fort Omaha is gradually being shnt ii by the farmers using their land in th riclnlty. It will bo necessary , for th maintenance of artillery drill , to extent the lands beyond the enclosed limits. Si an effort is being made by the oflieor concerned to induce the government ti purchase additions. This wilt doubtloo bo done if the farmers do not hold thol lands too high. It la slid , further , tba a movement n on foot to increase UK garrison to a whole regiment. MISCELLANY. Ileavo of absence for one month ha : been granted Second Lieutenant Willlan P. Barnhnin , Sixth infantry. News has been received hero that the son of Capt. Sladon has passed oxomlna tion BUccceasfnlly at West Point. The leave of absence for twenty-fm day granted First Lieutenant John Box- tor , jr. , Ninth infantry has been extend ed three days. Lieutenant Oolonel James S. Bristle , Fifth cavalry , having reported by tele graph has been assigned to station For ! JSiobrara , Nob. Yesterday Maj. Charles I. Wilson of the Department of the E st , arrived in this city to assume his duties as pay master. Ho is stopping at the Paxton. Maj. Towar nnd Col. Stsnton leave for the west to morrow , to take piymastsr'a positions at Oheyenno and Salt L ko ro- spoBtively. The commanding officer at Fort Sid ney , Nebraska , has been ordered to send nil lecrnlts of the Sixth Infantry ngw at that post to Fort Donplas , Utah , in rlmrgoof First Lieutenant Francis E , Eltonhead , Twonty.first infantry. The sommandlng officer at Fort Sidney will Iso sand in charge of Lieutenant Elton- tiead , all catuals and recruits for posts on bis route. "Tho prizes offered at the rlflo compe tition this year , " said Col. Henry to a ro- lortor for the BEByeatorday "wlllnotonly jo much mere numerous and costly than jver before in this department. They iavo never been equalled in any other Jopartmont. " In addition to the list of ipecial prizes published yesterday , for , ho men who will compote from the de triment of the Piatto , the Union Pacific railway donates a beautiful silver water ot , of $50 as a prize for regimental team natch. AFTER THE WAYWABD , Citizens Complain to tlio Council of Nightly Brawls and Dlsgrnco fill Scenes. As will ba seen ia the reportjof Tuesday light's council procaodlngs , the frail end llezy creatures who inhabit that section if town along Eleventh and Twelfth troots , from Douglas etroot to Capitol iVcnno , must go. The rcspostablo people iving in that section begin to feel that holr respectablHty and decency are being incroachod and imposed upon. They dll not stand 1 ; any longer. If the touncil will not assist thorn to cleau ont ho dives , dona and sink holes of alnthoy ) ropoao then to take the matter in tholr wn hands entirely , and deal directly vith the men who rent their louses to tbh data of poo- ilo. A BEE reporter was pformod yesterday that moro than ikoly ho will have ho privilege of wiit- ng a breezy tar and feather sensation > oforo long. The women and the men ? ho have congregated and taken np their , bode down iu that aeollon are of the pry longboat class , and they do make light hideous , Indeed. With brawls nnd ighta and drunken carousals , it is a con- tant bacchanalian spree from teen after [ ark In the evening until about daylight icxt- morning , Bhok eyes , bloody loses and torn clothes are evidences of iow extensive the hilarity becomes ametimoj. The reporter tarn a lan yesterday whoso face looked 03 hougti It had boon shaved with a cross- at sanr. Ho had been to see the Dodge troot elephant. Those citizens who ave petitioned the council for relief lean business. They declare that these Ightly carryings on greatly disturbs icm fa tholr poioo and rest , and that 10 scenes witnessed there some times : o indeed moat disgraceful. Petty JJurcoules. Mr. Sanford , resident at Seventeenth id Chicago streets , reports that a sneak ildf entered his house about five o'clock oesday eight and stole a gold watch chain ro razors , a pocket book , and a few ther articles. There Is no clue. Sam King , Eleventh and Capitol are- no , had $53 stolen from him , last night , he thief raised a window , and , clsmbor- ig into Iho homo , went through King's ints and abstracted the money , A guest at the St. Charles reported to 10 police yesterday that some ens id entered his room and taken a new lit of clothei valued at $35 , together 1th some valuables. The act was a very aid one , a > the clothes were taken from odor his head. The K B. of N , The annual communication of the rand Chapter order of tko Eastern Star [ Nebmka was bad hero on the afternoon id evening of Juno 23. The attend- ice was larger than for years past , and 10 meeting was characterized by great irmony and interest. The reports of 10 oflicers showed a growing Interest in to order , and that Its forces were rongthenlng , Among the nutters of general Interest receiving attention wt a proposition looking to the establish mout of an orphans' homo. Iho follow ing officers were chosen for the onsnln year llov. n. A , Guild , Ashland , gran patron ; Mrs. Elizabeth Davis , Omaha grand matron ; J. II. Foxworlhy , 0. A patron , Lincoln ; Mrs. 0. Thompson Ashland , G. A. matron ; Edwin Davli Omaha , grand treasurer ; MM. L. M Merrill , St. Pan ) , grand secretary ; Mrf Olurlotto Martin , Central Oily , G. cor ductrossi Mrs , Emma Forbes , St. Paul G. A , conductress ; R. W. Furnas Brownvillo , grand lecturer ; Josnui Barnor , grand warden. Fourth cl July , A movement is on foot among nome c the prominent and patriotic citizens c Omaha ID arrange for a grand calobratlo : of the ' 'Glorious Fourth" this yo r. communication was sent ill lakt night t the council asking them to co-oparat with a citizens' committee in ai ranging for the celebration. In al probability a meeting of the cllizsna wil bo bad to-morrow night to start the b l rolling , and then it is presumed the conn ell committee will bo ready to confci Among the gentlemen who are interest ing themselves are Garllck & Johnson Charles Oouhnt , II. Kountzo , Be : Woo3 , Tootlo & Maul , Poycko Broe. Chris Uartman , Max Meyer & Company 0. B. Rusting , H. W. Yates , W. V Morse , Rood , Jones & Company , L. B Williams , 0. S. Goodrich ; A. L. Strang mi- ; > . SAMLEU In this city Juno 231 p. in. Llllle , daughter of Prod and Darn Samlci ngcd 2 months , . Puneral took place Wadnojdny , Juno 21th from the residence ou William street , nca Saratoga house Interment at Laurel hill , DKE At SilIn ( Grovr , Sarpy county , JUKI 24th at G oVJock o. m. , Catharine , belovcc wife of Jerry Dee , aged 60 years. Funeral will tnko placa Friday , Juno 2Gth at 10 o'clock a. m. from her late residence Interment ( .t St. Mary's cemetery , COOPUR-in this city nt noon , Juno.21,1885 of typhoid dyaonterv , BlargueritoK. , onlj child of George M. and Margaret J. Coopei aged 21 montlifl. Funeral Thursday at 7:30 : p. in. , at tin residence , 709 North Eighteenth , Intormonl private. SICK HEADACHE Thousands whc hava suffered Intensely with sick bond aohosay that Hood'a Saraaparllla hat cured them. Ono gentleman thus re lieved , writes : "Hood'a Saraapatilla h worth its welpht ia gold. " Reader , II you are a sufferer with sick headache , give Hood'a Sarssparllla n trial. It will doyu positive good. Made by 0. I. Hood & Co. , Lowell , Mots Sold by all druggists. 100 doses Ono Dollar. A plan has been devised and Is pronounced practicable for connecting Paris and London by pneumatic tubes , through which telegrams and parcels up to eleven pounds in weight may be transmitted. The tlrao of transmission is guaranteed not to exceed ono hour. How often is the light of the house hold clouded by signs of melancholy 01 irritability on the pwt of the ladies. Yet they are not to be b'amod , for they are the result of all ailments peculiar to that jex which men know not of. Bat the cause may bo removed and joy restored by the use of Dr , Piorco's "Favorite Prescription , " which , as a tonic and aervino for debilitated women , is certain , iafo and pleasant. It ia bayond all com pare the great healer of women. : ent. In Austria , the European country which approaches most nearly to Chill In , his particular , it is less iban 13 per cent. uorsford's Acid Vliospnato. FOll OVEIIWODKED FEMAI.ES Dr. J. P. Cowan , Asbland , 0. , nays , "It proves satisfactory as a nerve tonic ; lso in dyapeptio conditions of the itomach ; with general debility such as TO find in overworked females , with loivous headache and its eccompain- nonts. ' Lmpo-or William is elglity-aicht years of igo ; Uiamarclc Is Beronty-one , Von Moltko vlll be eighty-five in October. Of the historic froup at Versailles in 18"1 , when the empire vas proclaimed , ths crown prlnco ia the only me that scorns to have any considerable lease in life. AnROBtnra Bitters , the world renowned ippotlzor and invigorator. Used now ever ho whole civilized world. Try it , but beware if imitations. Ask your grocer or druggist for jho genuine nrticlo , manufactured by Dr , J i Ii , Hiogort & Song _ The first American nlmantc is believad to iavo been issued In 1037 by William Bradford n Philadelphia. Tde celebrated " I'oor Klch- rd'a Almanac" was published in 1732. and lontinued until 1757 , A GAUD To all who nro suffering from Trors and indigestions of youth , nervous weakness and decay , Joss oE manhood , etc. I rill eend n rcclpo that will euro you FJIEE )1 ) ? CHARGE. This great remedy was dls- overed by a missioner to South America. Send eelf-addressfd emotopo REV. JOSHPH T. NMAN , Station "D" New York. The bicycle is to be officially introduced ate the Bavarian army. A number of the oldiersof the garrison of Munich are at roeent doing orderly service for the purpose I trying the practicability of the "wheel. " "What a Itlg I'llo or Eatables ! In Iho course of a year a healthy man rho has a good appetite swallows about lireo times his own weight of food 1 To laposo of this requires a system of won- orfal and complicated Internal machin- ry , every part of which must bo In per- ict order. When It Is In order onr food Ives us pleasure When It Is out of or- er wo endnre the horrors of dyspepsle. rown's Iron Bitters Is the sworn foe of rspepsia , and has made msny a snffer- ig mortal enjoy his dinner. Among oats of others Mr. Henry Heinrlch , arondelet , Mo. , writes , "Brown's Iron liters cured mo of indigestion , " The Atlanta Constitution has tettlod the ct that Gen , Robert E. Lee's middle name as Edward. Lippincott'a Uographical dic- ocary and Chambers' encyclopedia have it dmund. ILESM PILESI1 PILES ! ! A ture cure for Blind , Bleeding , Itching id Ulcerated Piles has been discovered by T. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called Dr. riUiama1 Indian Pile Ointment. A single 31 has cured the worst chronic cates of 25 or ) years ( landing. No one need suffer fhe ilnutes after applying this wonderful aooth- ig medicine. Lotions and instruments deere ore harm than good. Williams' Indian ilo Ointment absorb ) tba tumors , alUya the itense Itching , ( particularly at nfcht alter ittlng warm In bed ) , acts as n poultice , gives istant relief , and ia prepared only for Piles , chlog of private parts , and for nothing else , SKIN DISI3A8K3 CUBED f Dr. Frazler'a M gio Ointment. Cures as by magic. Piraples.Black Head * or Grubs Blotches and Eruptions ou the face , leaving ie akin clear and beautiful , Also cured Itch , tit Hlmme , Sore Nipples. Bore Lips , and d. Obstinate Ulcers. Sold by drugglits , or mailed on receipt of Ice , CO cents. At retail by Kuhn k Co , and Sehroeter & echt. At wholesale by 0. F , Goodman , ALL ABOUT A OOW , An Interesting Trial In Follco Com Yesterday Mornlnji I Business , The principal event In the police com yesterday morning was the ttlal of Bin Carmlchaol oa a complalntof assault sivor out by Mrs. Klnsoy. The defendant I acorjsad of catllt'g Lira. K. with a knife The circumstances ta developed by teat ! tnony are those : The Kinsey famll ; hnvo a half acre garden which is no fenced In and has bean open to such cattle tlo end other animals as might ohooso t extend their depredations thoro. Amoni other cows irhoto attentions to thn garden don have been pittienlarly marked wa a bovine owned by Mrs. Carmichael , i neighbor. A plan trai adjusted botwoci the different members of the Klncc ; household that the next time this cot was caught In the garden they woult eeiza it and plaoo it in private Impound Accordingly when the Carmlohao cow chanced to agaiu stray thither , the Kinaay family rashed out , put a rep around its horns , aad started to load 1 away. At this Interesting crisis MM Ouralchaol , the owner of the CDW , ap poured upon the tccno. The cow wa pulling ono way upan the rope , and tin Kinseys were pulling another. Mrs. 0 rushed Into the crowd , and It ia supposed was slashing at the rope when aho ou Mrs. Kinsey. Upon hearing all iho testimony Judgt Stouborg discharged the defendant , a the element of malice in the act was noi proven. Thom s Allen who attempted to brcal the safe on Douglan otreot Toccdiy after noon , was discharged , as no ono cared t ( against him , Two drunks wcro arraigned and finoc the usual amount. One wan saut up Ir default. ' x rEUSONAIj , G. S. Niholeon , Topaka , is a Paxton gncat W. R. Winter , Baltiicoro , is a Millart gucet. G. II. Thummel , Grand Island , is at llu Millard. Mayor Boyd returned from the east to yes terday , Messrs. P. E. and J. D. Her wont era Tuoadfty. Walter II , .FosF , of Washington , ia atoppins at the Millard. II. Gibbons and R. A. Moore , Kearney , are at the Paxton. y Charles McDonald , of North Tlatte , was at the Paxton yesterday. The Hon. William A. Paxton left for the woat last evening1 , H. H. Longsdorf , of Bicghamton , N. Y , , la at the Millard. V. V. Leon and J. G , Richay , of Platts- myutb , are at the Paxton. Mrs. Bartlett Russell has returned from a pleasant vieit to her old home in Monmouth , Ills. Ills.A. A. n. McGee , Brownvillo , Neb , ; A. G Hastings , Lincoln ; J. W. BORIS , Blair , are at the Arcade. William King , James Booth , Cbas , Gar- dalner and William Gardalnor , four of Scrlb- ner'a prominent citizens , were in Omaha yes terday on a businois and plsasuro trip. J. C. Stubba , traffic manager , and T. H. joodraau , general passenger and ticket agent 3 ! the Central Pacific road , arrived in the city yesterday in a special car from the west. Judge McCulloch returned homo yesterday ' .com an eight days' stay in Moumouth , Ills. Elis eister , Alias Mary McCullocb , who has iuat gra'la itod at Monmouth college , re- ; urned with him , and will make a short vieit lero , Messrs. George Gould , 8. H. H. Clark , H. SI , lloxio , third vice president nnd general nanagor , and Assistant Superintendent Drake , of the Mi'iourl PaciBc , left the city fcaterday mornlog in a M. P. special and will naka a tour of inspection cf the company's Ines. Ines.At At the Annual sheop-ehoiring iu Vermont > ho heaviest ram's fleecs weighed twenty-eight lounds thirteen ounces , nnd the heaviest iwe's fleece twenty-ono pounds nine ounces , nils , H ia claimed , exceeds the record at any niblic shearing. Don't disturb the house by coughing ill night. lied /Star Cough cure will rc- tovo you , The first publisher to whom "Called Back" -Hugh Conwny'ii successful novel was pre- ontecl , went to sleep over it , Iho next da ? la found beauties in it nnd at once took it , a ! ho tame time arranging for its dramatization , YOUNG MEN-HKAI ! > THIS. THE VOLTAIC BELT Co. , of BrarehalUI. , iffcr to send their celebrated 1'tECino-VoL- AIO BELT and other KLECTKIO AFFLIANCEU n trial for thirty divy , to men ( younc or old ) illlcted with nervous debility , lots of vitality nd manhood , and all kindred troubles. Also or rheumatism , neuralgia , parallels , and iany other ( ] ineasee. Oompleto restoration a health , vigor aud manhood guaranteed io rwk ia incurred , as thirty doya' trial In llowed , Write them at once for illustrated amphlet free. The shoo question has come to the front in lurmab , the king having refused ta receive ie new French consul in his boots. The 3nsul declined to attend unbootcd , and the udienca was consequently put off. TThen I ) by tru tick , ire E TB lier Cutorl * , Whan ( he WM a Child , she cried for Cutorla , When ilie became Mill , the clung to CtetorU , Wli a the U d Cliildrtn , he g yo them Cwtorl * Fnitod States Depository. OF OMAHA. 'lie Oldest Banking Establishment in Omaha. SUCCESSORS TO KOUNTZB BKOTirKUa , tablhhcd In 1857 , Organized as Nitloo l lUnk AugUJt 26tb , 16CS. A.PITAL 8500,000 URPLUS and PROFITS. . . . lOoJoOO OrlClR8 AND DIBICTOB8 : iRUaN KOPMI , President. JUUN A. CKRIOIITO.V , Vice Prfuldent. Auousifa UouhTin , 2J Vice 1'rcildeot. Y. II. Iiv , Cathler. W II. MEOqviax , AealtUnt C&ihlor. A. J. I'omcros. . General Banking BusinesaTr ns- ncted. luuea time certlBraUa bearing Interact. Iraw drafti n the principal cltleeln the United ttei : alto Londou , Dublin. KJInbura , and tirlaclp * Ua ol the continent and Europe. frte from , J nivltti nnil I'otsoni A PROMPT , SAFE , SURE OURI for Couch * , Pcro Thront , | [ nnrcnr * , InflnctiKi ColdA. IlronrliltN , Croup , Mlinuptnff Consli Attlimn , QutliHrf I'uln lit ( lirnt , Dlotlit ? nfTecllonK f lh Tli rant * i)1 1.nnB lrlco SO PC nl * n rtottlc. Gold by Prnscldts rind He t ore. JMrtlti unaHt to tnditrt thrlr dealer ta > > rmnpll Ut i ttfor t/if nt teill ri etlr * dra bottlttErpritc/iargt ( nidi , I'if n nitng one dollar la HIE ciiiiiLrs i ntirirn rn1I A r. S > 10 Owtif r. an I MAntiriclnreni , ll lllmorp. J1 rjl na.r.B. i 17 SI. Clinrlos S. . . St. r nls , ! . . lrnuUr r ani > i.M i M iie\C mu , tMviip ; loati CoiltrjIn Ihoir'KUIIrgl.tlne ' lcr O K .c N. < .Hi I Ktoc I Ncrtous Prosiralion , PMillltf , Menl' ! l VVcaknoss , { Mercurial and oln , ' rlonsot Throat , Skin Or Bones , DlooilfnU ii n'ri ' Sores and UlCCru ; - > tm'rl Tllb tL.r " . ' Uccu > , cnlucitt * [ U eu < elM-i. 'f r r-li i l Diseases Arising from indiscretion , Etciti b'tposure or Indulgence. ii.ichrotam , on , i D. Ciilo lfiK Ccct l ti rtotiaf ? l ' JH * . tllTantK o ( lit it J .1tf ( lr retmiTy , flayicj o x J t , | tj iinl lco ; iTeiiloQtotbt 9 < ! let7 orf uo , ei-atusiAii or2v ) utel4 r > ndcrlnii Marrlnjo tmi. roper or iinlnpp ; , : prmip iti/rtirr(1 , TiicirbU iJA pftt > eiU > Dl > i' ' ) u > v < , h IvltiTrtl rt > relftp , t Iu Anv llivi ! ) . Comfillntl9fi tit C * or b in&ll trim , D < tlorltril Htltc roxqueitlom. A Positive Written Guaranlej ( Iv m In * ll cnrsMc cutj. U'llclgcucol efcrBtire. X'irnphon ! , A.tiall b or Oerrran , et p - )7 ss , cf i > l t t , lltuitMtcl ta rliti & , money r pa * i e nctpa cr cic' % Cao. 7/ti uuii U t&e crlttt , JatiLtrrj or UjatilUre wws & KoX 1 TOJt ICMti. ] ) U ) Cfl Uu t AM .Chartered by thcStatcofllll gnota for thcexprcsapurpoE /of clvlnglmmcdiatc rcliclli Kail chronic , urinary and prl gvnto diseases. Gonorrhoea WjGleetandSyphilislnallthei ' " complicated forms , also nl diseases of the Skin am Blood promptly relieved am permanently cured by rcmc . dics.testedinni'oi < irj „ _ - . „ „ _ - > l > l > cclall'ractirr. Scmlna Weakness , Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples ot the FaceLost Manhood , Jiosltlitlijciircil. TJien Istiocfiicrtmciitltuit The appropriate rcmedj is at once used In each case. ConsultotUus , per sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med icines sent by Mail and Express. No marks or package to Indicate contents or Bender. Address DR.JAMESNo.204WashinglonSt.Chicagolll , . Urilu 1'opct Htnlci IIK dorji rooiplalnf nctt ius fiju'GS ' iici.illartu : tlielrsi r / ) u < l la Bit. tk'-JlTEK'B IHOM TONIC inlo au , "it'Cily curt ullicaatlcur , liuClli" fninploio /r 'tiunt | ! Atifniptxal c" * * 1"1' f"1 'w. on'v * i < j li ( ! | < ui < ! iU llv olthc Do0t _ ' ) . fa- , * nl Kit tliu ( inn i a Sent ] jnuriJ'lJriBJto'llin Pr lltr i .11 * . ) u : "v iuLouh. ilo.or ni "DitrAM HOOK El . \.Vlleiit > l * lrt\aur " " < v- fi1 ijnfn rnnlJA ) ( > .i-wvZ , ' "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. " Tlio Original ami Only CJcniilnc. Fife nntlaltrftjii HcllaMi' Ilcivircof n-ortljr ) * Imttatloni. JollniHMisaUo to LADIES * Atk our UruiiclAt for "i'lilchenterV ITurJI ( tt 'nnl tnki no ot'trr or iiiUo c , f tanin' ) to us tor lurilLuinr * in * Irtt'-r lijr return nmlL NAME PAPER. tliUl.f iir tlicmlfiilC. , . , UU1U ] ludl un S'liiuris t'lillndu. , I'o. U Druggists. Tiado eupplUdby J. A. Fuller & Co IQ017 . . , IrniCA , lllch. , Feb. I. M. LooiB & Co. , Moiraos , Mich. OEVTI 1 am using your Jluld Eitmct Bed Olorer Dlossom and Wet Compress far Cancer on the breast , and am irelk I am eatlsHod It It tlio beat remedy for Cunerr known. You are welcome to mo thin lor the fconcQt of nutrerinir humanity. JteJptctfuUy , MKS. L. A. JOHKSO.t o..ONBOK EHTtmrv-Jly wife haifornomotlmo been nflllctea wltn BomctlilDB llkon fcrofulous alicaso.and found no Nltef until ilie gave your Kxtroof of ltc.lClnv ratrtfll. Jam hnppy to * iy the has ciporiencw ! ( rreac rtllet Ihli la butaellght te-'timonlal of mj apprecuitlon ot your efforts In behalf of humanity , wtlcli you on welcome to uw for their benefit. \eiyreepcctfuli7 , H. A ng your En. lied Clover , Swo , ytru ago , for LrygJreloa , and b > not Lcea ; rubi > Unco. It Is hereditary Trltb me. Think you mt th * best blooc mealcltia known , Votm truly. . vt. H. SE3DERT. R. D. nynun , of Ornncl ItapMi , Mich. . > ay After two upctoraulvlicd him to USD I ose'eLxtlted Clover : > r a bad cue of Kczomo , or Fovcr Sore on the let ! . July used two poundi of your Solid Struct Hod Cloven Is a Spring Uedldn Tonlaond Kenerat niood PurV ler It ha < no ( noal. For Rale by ail druggMi. or J , M. loot o * Co. . Monroe. Mlcu. IlKllEDY I'lLKE , ATlctlm ol youthful Iraprui famine I'rematnre Decay , Nurroiu Debility , Latt Uanbood , Ac.baring tried In vain crcry known " J ) ' ' * " ' rt aBlmplomeansof cell-euro , "hlph'howm' ru RV.l : to bl > ( ellow-iutfonra : j.iA.itmfi - iSOluUkiaBBUNiW OWING & GO , BOUGHT IRON PIPE , > ll bl and Cut In * IT X r.l ? O ? X XV GS , iad Pipe and Sheet HOuTIIIHOTOX BTIJM s1 Gas anil iteani Fitters' ' IRON & BRASS GOODS. NGINEERS' SUPPLIES , th & Dodao SUOMAHA.NEB. imported Beer IN BOTTLES. l&nger DararU I Culmbacbcr Baxirla ener llobemlan Kalaer . . . . .Urerccn UOME8TIO. idweleer Bt. LouU I Aubaueer fit. Loula M..MUwaukeo | Scklltz 1' Isner.Ullwnukee ' Ale J'ortcr. Uomcstloand uz'g Omaha i , . Wiiuo Winea. D MAUEER , 12) ) 3 Farnam St. JACOB : JNDERTAKERS I U the old Bland HIT Farnam Bt. Oiflm by M ipheolldi d and prompt ! aUtudedlo , Tclrpboo- Since the completion of the new packing and slaughter houses , South Omaha is mak ing a wonderful ane rapid growth. Besides the large pork and beef house erected for Hammond & Co. , other dealers have com menced the erection of similar institutions and still others are contemplated for the near future.FSeveral dwellings haye been bu It and twenty or thirty are now building. Employment is now furnished to abont one hundred and fifty families , and conservative estimates place the figure at eight hundred to one thousand families that will find em ployment there a year hence. This offers great inducements to laboring men to secure homes now while they are cheap. Specula tors will also find it to their advantage to buy at present prices. The company iiave made no change from the original prices , but some parties who first purchased lots have resold them at splendid profits , in some cases at double the purchase price. If in so short a time handsome profits are made , what will be the result when everything is fully devel oped ? In the few other cities that are favor ed with a first class cattle marketr fortunes have been made by investors in real estate , aud the same is certain to follow in South Omaha. While the whole city of Omaha will be greatly beiiefitted by the growth and development of the cattle interest , South Omaha lots will enhance in value smore ra pidly than any other by reason of its prox imity to the works. Manufacturers of all kinds w 11 iind it tcv their ativ.'intaga i fo inspect thisproperty ; geol ; location , luvel gr.uads , traclc Incilities nnd plenty of < oed pure water furnished hy ths South Omaha Water Works. In fact , every facility to in.ike desirable for manufacturer ? , including cheap ground. Will find it profitable to select property now , as a year or two hence with a population of 6000 to 10,000 pajple , this will become a desirable place for nil kinds o business , and lots bought now , can be had At very reasonable prices which will double in price many times in the next two yenrs. < EVERYBODY , Rich or poor , will find it profitable to make in this property. Free conveyance at all times will be fur nished by us to parties wishing to see this wonderful new town and learn of its advantage ! . We have entire charge of , and are the exclusive agents for tin sale of all this property from (3 ( streets south. Splendid lots from $225 up ward s , SOUER .213 8.14th STREET , We have desirable business and residence proparty for sale in all iarts of Omaha and do a general real estate business. Wo solicit buy rs and sellers to cail on us. Wo will give lliem all poss bin information ree , and Jjeop conveyance free to show property in any part o the city , Bedford & Souer 9