THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. THIRTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA tiSB. , THURSDAY MORNING , JUNE 25 , 1885. NO 265 fiLBlOW'S NEW CREW Iis'.allcfl ' . , Gladstones Oimntcg has not Forsaken sakon Him , Grnnrt Old Man Answer * . Vic toria' * Appeal for Help sunln'n Dentil-roll Notes. TIIAN3PKR OF IBB CEILS. THE NEW AKD THE OLD. LONDON , Juno 21. Mambera of the Glad stone ministry went to Windsor Castle to-day and delivered up the seals of olllco. Soon after they had retired from the Castle members of the now ministry arrived and went through the ceremony of accenting ofBco from the the queen nod receiving the seals , making nets of obeisance by kissing the hand of her majesty. A great crowa assembled at the depot upon the arrival of the train bearing the now nlnistry. Salisbury and. Northcoto were loudly cheered , especially tha latter. Churchill on tbo contrary was received with mingled cheers and groans , OLADBTONEjllKVEALS THE COVENANT. In the house of commons this afternoon Gladstone road the correspondence between himselt and Salisbury relating to the recent dead lock in the cabinet. The letters of Gladitone convey to the new government as surances of general support on the part of the liberals but make no BpeciGo pledges. Sev eral new writs for election were ordered to be issued and the house adjourned. The correspondence which Mr. Gladstone read comprised a ecrios of letters , the dates ranging from June 17 to Juno 21 , In which Lord Salisbury demanded pledges of liberal support to enable the conservatives to finish the absolutely necessary business of the session by giving the now government a precedence on these days fixed for supply or appropria tion hills , and If no other way of meeting the difficulty were leasable , to let the name of the tax remain nt 8d for the remainder of the year , leaving the deficit to be mot by an issue of exchequer bonds on a temporary loan. Lord Salisbury explained that it would be uselota to take the office without the support of the liberal leader , be cause an appeal to the country under the teats bill would ba impossible before Novem ber. Mr. Gladstone , in reply , gave assur ance that the liberals had no wish to embar rass the new government. Alter con sulting his colleagues ha informed the queen that he _ conceived it would be contrary to public duty to compromise the liberty of the house of commons by giving specific pledges not to oppose the remaining business of the session before possessing all the facts bearing upon such business. He can- eluded by assuring the queen that the facili ties for expediting the supply might reasona bly be provided aud there would bo no at tempt to withhold the ways and means re quired for the public service , but ho could give no specific pledges in regard to undefined questions. GENEU.ILi FOREIGN NEWS. TOTAL EXPLOSIONS. HOME , June 24 , A fearful explosion oc- cured to-day in the powder mill at Lucca. Few of those employed in the mill at the time escaped doatb or serious injury. Already the bodies of twelve of the killed have been recovered. LONDON , Juno 24 A dispatch received here says an American who recently passed through Batoum a town In Asiatic Russia on the' ' Black sea coast , states there are many gun factories in full operation there nnd that they are being worked secretly under the names of hospitals , asylums , etc. FORTIFYING HERAT. BOMBAY , Juno 24 , The fortifications around Her\t , designed primarily to protect that city against assault by the Russians , is being rapidly pushed to completion. Ten lacs rupees are to be sent to the'nmoer ot Afghanistan to aid the ameer to place the country in a better state of defense , THE ADAilS-COLEniDOK MAURI AGE. LONDON , Juno 24. Charles Wnrrou Adams and Miss Mildred Cilerldga , daughter of lord chief justice of England , wero'married to-day. The marriage waa private. Lord Coleridge was asked by hia daughter to at tend , but ho refuted , nnd , in consequence , no other members of his family were invited , DELIBERATELY PLANNED. BOMBAY , June 24. Rumora are circulating here that the nrreit by the Russians of the clerk of the British consul at Koahd , Persia , while bearing n note to the Russian com mander at Sarakhs , was deliberately planned by the Rnislans. KA8SAL STILL HOLDS OUT , CAIUO , Juno 24. A rumor has roachol here that Kossal has not fallen , The garrison Btill refuses to currender to the forces of the mahdi. mahdi.TUB TUB CZAn CHOKES Off THE rniBS. Si. PeTilusBuna , Juno 24. The govern ment has iisued an order forbidding news papers to make nny reference whatever to the action of Uuesla In the Afghan affair. ASIVS CURSE. THE CHOLERA DECOItl ) . .ID . , Juno 24 , The official report for ' Monday for the cholera districts of Spain is at follows ; Valencia City , new cases 27 , deaths 15 ; Valencia province , now cases 43 , deaths 198 ; Cutellon De La Piano province , new cases 100 , deaths 20 ; Murcia City , new cases 82 , deaths 29 ; MurciA province , new cases 207 , deaths 73 ; Oorthugena , new cases nono/deatha 1 , Cien Pazuolo , now 01903 8. deaths 4 , In the city of Madrid on Tuesday there was one new cose and three deaths. Tbo minister of the interior in ths cortes stated , owing to the favorable ropoit by the commission appointed to Inquire into thi sub ject of inoculation with cholera microbes aa a prevontatlvo sgainst the spread of chol era , tbo practice of inoculation would bo al lowed to continue , but only as an experiment , THK OLiI ) HOYS JN HLUK , rOBTLAStl AUVB WITH THE CNIFOBM THE annwiii , I'OIITLAND , Me. , June 21-The streets are crowded again to-day with hundreds of thou sands of vliltors , Everywhere tba uniform of the grand army of the republic it conspicu ous. The secret executive cession of the national encampment Cbegin at 11 o'clock The commander in-chief said four yours ego there was a mctnberihip of nearly 40 000 On March SI , 18S5 , thirty-eight departments reported 5,000 potts and 270,100 mumben The question having been raited as to whether the fate comrade , B. F , Stevenson , o Springfield , Ilia , was really tha Cnt mover In the organization of the grand army , it I deemed but liinplu justice to his memory , as well as to his family and comrades , to state that all authentic record * confer upon him that very great honor. Continuing his report the crand commander atkvs : "I am opposed ta tha perpetuation o the grand army , believing tha mission of our great comradeship will hava been fulfille whan the lut comrade his joined tha fina muster out. Knowing there is nothing In tha grand array of the republic Inopniidten -with the most exacting ptrton or strictest re ligion , I deeuud I ( lor tbo interest of th Older to appoint a special committee to lay it nature and workings before the proper cath olio authoritioi ot the United States that they might know our organization ihad nothing to conceal and that ou .purposes wete commended by a ! . * * J * * who understand them. The committee re ported , having fulfilled its mission , that as surances hn ] been given by Archbishop * Rj n and Gibbons that nothing could bo found In the alms of the wand army to prvent any good catholla from becoming a member. " Thocommnnder- . chief deprecated partici pation In politics as rm organization and earn estly advcc&ted the Mexican pcnsionbill _ and n Mil to grunt rihablod unldiers pension from the date cf dlstbllity. Resolutions of sym pathy with Gen. Grant were adopted by n unanimous ilsing vote. amid great cheering. The grand army cf the r public to-day so lectcd nn Frrvccieco as the next place ol meot'ncr. It Is stated that at the secret session of the national encampment to day' Conirado Loring of MauachuiotU , offered a resolution , which vaa referred to A committee , providing that ho grand array of the republic organization avers giving a pension of $3 per month to ivcry soldier now living who took part n the war of the rebellion , whether disabled or not ; that all legislation on the subject of mniiona shall bo cancelled and that the 100,000 applications for pensions now on file shall bo withdrawn. A _ for mal session of the women's national eliof corps ojionod to-day with speeches by ? a t Grand Commander Vandervoor of No- > ratka. and Past Grand Chaplain Foster of few xoik. Mrs. Logan was introduced to be aisombly and in a few words thanked the elonatos for the manner in which they frccted her , After adjournment Mrs. Logan leld a reception , GORDON AT KHAUTOUSI. lEMOIIlS SHOWING THE DESPERATION OF THK ENGLISH OENBItAL , BOSTON , Mass. , June 24. "The Journal of Jen , Gordon at Khartoum" Is the name of a : ook , voluminous extracts from which are [ iven ont to the newspapers to-day. The > ook was to contain n portrait of Gen. Gor- on , two maps and thirty illustrations ropro- uced In fac-iimllo from sketches by himself , 'ha diaries are In six parts , and each one out do has the remark , sometimes repeated three moa , to tLo effect that "It should be pruned own prior to publication , " A irominont feature of the extracts s the condemnation frequent nd bitter which Gordon terras the "Indecision f the BlitUh government , " In this connec- ion he writes : "It is not easy to get over a oollng bitter of the hope of the existence of 10 expedition being necessary owing to our laving fjljou. " Iio believes the Soudan lotikl be given ( o the Turks and incidentally efericg to England says : "Its principles ro party intrigue , If our enemy were do- otod elsewhere it would produce ten fold , udia sways all of our policy to o our detriment " In a similar manner Gor- on touches upon a marvelous variety of top is , but Is constantly recurring them as the tiort-comlugs of the English administration. 'Oh , our government ! Our government ! " bo writes , "what has it not to onswer foi ? Note o mo , but to these poor people. I declare , if thought the town wlehod the mahdi I would ivo it up , BO much do I respect free will , " u another place , n passage of apparently in- icating the tone of the entire book , Is tha ollowing : "I conld , he says , "write volumes f pent up wrath on this subject Jf I did not litnk things are ordained , and all work for he beat" Burchnrd AVill Not Down , NEW YOKK , Jnne 24 A Washington pecial to the Evening Post says : "Burchard , lirector of the mint , according to present in- ormation , has decided to teat the power of ho president to remove him from office. Chere are two offices in the treasury created > y special statute , the tenure of which , it Is assumed , makes It impossible for the president o suspend tha incumbents unless tha senate ball consent. Tha offices are these director if the mint and comptroller of the currency. A. request has been made to Burchard to reIgn - Ign { which he will undoubtedly refuse to do. 3e is net in sympathy with some financial views of the treasurer , and is in Borne reapecto opposed to the secretary's policy. From ths mtaot of the Administration he has interposed egal and other objections to the plan of the new treasury officers. There have been many : onfllcts of opinion and Burchard ia regarded jy the new treasury officers aa an obstruc- ionlst It has been the Intention for some lime to secure his removal. It had been loped he would resign. Three chanrea have been made against him , Ono Is that liv per mitted a defaulting subordinate to resign , others are that bo is guilty of error of judg ment , inefficiency , lack of executive ! ability. and has been carolees in the management of lilver purchases , Burchard'a friends also hold that it is due him not to resign when such charges are made. Confiiuation FoiNwd Rebellion. PANAMA , Juno 24. The now regime In Spania does not seem to share a happier fate than many of Its predecessors did. Loeal opinion , both native and foreign , condemn It as arbitrary and oppressive , and nothing less than a dictatorship , inteniely illiberal and ab solutely irresponsible. A forced loan was the first matter undertaken , the sum being fixed at $100,000. Tbis was assessed In such a man ner that the poor were called on to pay as much as the rich. Only about one half was collected. Now the iulersproposo [ a new scheme a war contribution of 8300,000. This amount is to be levied on those who favored rebellion"thoso who nuisted in the rebellion and those who have been obdurate in refusing payment of the previous loans , This measure means the confiication of oil properties of revolutionary sympathizers or participants. Tlie Suit to Ject JUn-rleon. CHICAGO , 111. , Juno 21. Attorneys A. W. Green , John Jewott and Norman Williams , acting for the friends of Judge Smith , who some time since decided to contest the elec tion of Carter Harrison for mayor , hnvo fin iahed their bill of particulars , the same being filed with the clerk of the county , The bill if vary lengthy , covering forty-teyen printed octavo pagei , The points presented in the Instrument have all been discussed and pub lished repeatedly since thn election , the prin cipal being charges of fraudulent voting by different means , and many alleged evidences of gross irrffluUrltlM in the making of re turns. _ _ _ _ - - . _ _ _ _ _ Jealousy's Dunulo Funeral. INDIANAPOLIS , June 21. Ewly this morn ing pedestrians on Meridian itroat were horrified rified at soelng the apparently dead bodies o a man and woman lying In un alley a few feet from tha tidewalk with their throats cut , A patrol wagon was called and tha bodies re moved n ) speedily as possibly , They weio found to bo Robert Phillips , a colored laborer and wife. The haebind had cut her throat , and then his own , using a common cate knife The woman wat dead but Phillips Is sttl alive , but cannot recover. He had been mar ried three months , Jealousy Is supposed to bare been the ciuso. I'oUon In Canned Bleats , ROOK ISLAND , 111. , Juno 21. Seven fami lien of thin city have been tick since Sunday with gastro enteritis , caused by oatlnp com pressed beef. None ara seriously ill. The general * ymptoms are vomiting , purging , am chill. Whether the palson Is from the tin In which the meat wo * canoed or the meat itnel the physicians ore unable to determine. Tha sick ara all now doing well. Tlio St. Paul Tones Down. CHICAGO , III. , June 2 1. Tha Bt , Paul road gave uotlca today that It would extend its notice of withdrawal from tha Colorado-Utal pool thirty days from to-morrow in view o the pouibillty that ths approaching meetincr of the general managers may settle the quoa tlon of percentages to ita satisfaction , STRICTLY BUSINESS flu Play in Met Illinois Leiishton Members Charged by a Ooiumitteo With Bad Conduct , Greenbacks Figure Lmrgoly la llio Laws of tlio Sucker State Tbo Report. T11E ILLINOIS CHARGES of connurno.v. SrniNoriKLi ) , 111 , , Juno 24. In the house the general tax levy bill came UD on motion oflCronkrito. The amount was reduced from .wo millions A year to ono million and a half- Tbo bill was then ordered to third reading. The house struck out the senate rider to the normal school bill which provides that no part of the appropriation should be uiod until the loard of trustees deeded to Julia Bakowell orty acres of land given by Bakowell long .cto to the state tor a purpose nevorfulfilled. Clio bill was then sent to _ third reading. Ctvo hours were spent in wrangling over the report of the contingent expense committee. It was finally t-oncurrod in. The onato bill regarding lease and bailment on condition of sale of railway rolling stock vas called up but only received 13 votes. Juinn ross to a question of high personal priv- lega and denied certain charges made by filler , The charges were that Juinn charged thirtr-eight dollars or visiting Joliet penitentiary , when Qalnn'n only visit to that place was to sea "Dutchy" ) 'Keefe. Quinn denied the charge , Baying ho lad not been to Joliet for four weeks. Ho asked Miller to apologize , the latter made no move aud Quinn offered a resolution of 011- uro which llamas would not entertain. This ) rotight about great confusion , during which he speaker declared the IHHHO adjourned , In the senate this morning n number of ipuso bills were advanced , The drainage } ill , nmondiug the old levee law of 1872 , inssod. It is n vn'uminous document , but is atended to simplify the law * on that subject. A number of smalt house appropriation bills vero advanced. The house convict labor bill vas called up and advanced to second road- ng. Tha Chicago park bill was culled up by Senator Mason and passed. It provides that u additional tax of ono mill shall be added or park improvement ! ! In that city. It only fleets those districts in which parks are lo- ated. The store bill was taken up under a uspension of the rules. The bill provides bat employers shall not pay employes in anything but money , and is aimed to do away with what is commonly known aa truck tores. It was strongly opposed b ; Itinehart. iefore the completion of the debate the senate - ate took a recess. In the house in the afternoon Quinn did not prees his motion for a vote of censure against Miller , and the Craft's bill paused en- , bllng park commissioners or corporate an- , horitie& to take , regulate and Improve and control public streets leading to public parBs , and pay for such Improvement by specinl as- essment on contiguous property. The senate illl allowing the clerk of the criminal court of a county to hold office until the November election , 1580 , was advanced to a third read- ng. The senate bill providing that medical colleges , surgeons and physicians ehall have ; he ute of unclaimed dead in penitentiaries , loapitala , bridewells , asylums , etc. , passed. The aanate bill authorizing : ities and villages to convey real estate held 38 them for school purposes to proper schools officers pissed. There were but twentv-threa votes In favor of the bill appropriating 875. 100 to establish a training cchool above llock Island. The nenato geni-ral appropriation rill passed. The senate bill appropriating $100,000 $ for erecting in Chicago or Cook county an industrial school for the blind was not ordered to third reading and is dead. In the senate this afternoon consideration ; f the truck bill was continued , Senator Ham- Iton taking n stand in favor of it. At 3:20 : , others wishing to discuss the bill , it was de cided to make it tbo epecial order for to morrow at 11am. A good deal of amusement va > offered the senators by the speech mrde jy Senator Southworth on tbo bill , declaring Lusk creek not a navigable stream. He baa drawn a map showing the courua of the stream , its tributaries , etc , , which were , of course all ictltloua and his speech explaining was quite udicrous. The bill passed. A large number of house bills were advanced in order of their reading , this being the last day that bills on "iret reading can possibly get through. The tiouso bill providing that members of th * board of appeals of the board of trade aha ? ivo a bond of 85.0 TO , and farther that no per son interested in either the buying or selling of Train shall be arnomber of the board was passed. Senator Ainsworth called up the house bill restricting the sale of liquors by certain per sons In less quantities than five gallons to persons within n radius of two miles ont of any incorporated city , town ur village , and its opponents tiled to keep It back by continued motions to adjourn. The bill was advanced to Bscond reading , after which the senate ad journed , ' The long lookod'for report of the investigat ing committee was received in the house this evening. The report , after stating what the committee considered its duty , went on to say regarding the charges Bade by Speaker Haines and the affidavit ho flourished on tha Boar of tbo house , that when the committee , called for the document Haines had sent it buck to its maker , Tubbs , district superin tendent of the Western Union telegraph com pany , and the committee had great difficulty In obtaining information. The Tubbi affida vit , the committee says , sets forth that Rep resentative Baker bad offered for S2,60Jto defeat the telegraph bills thn one intro duced by Singer. Tubbi was finally got before tha committee and testified that Baker had madoauch n proposition to him , On the other hand they have the di rect denial of Mr. Baker , As to the tiuth or falsity of the charges , the committee leaves it for the house to decide. In regard to the charge that Odmpball of Hamilton , h&d bon purchased In tbo interest of certain butter bills by a committee from Elgin , tha reports gave tha testimony of Bartholomew of the commission , wliicu states that HItze , treat- urer of the Elgin company told him that he had pai'l In all t > Hamilton $1,100 for influecca in this butter bill. Uitze could not be pot before the com mittee , but the committee are of the opinion that enough testimony IB in their possession to ciuse the indictment of said Ilitza for At- temptlntr to corrupt members of the legisla ture. The committee does not make any comment on Campbell's conduct , but leaves it to the house. In regard to the charges egaluet Bruce Kennedy ard his connection with the canal claims bill , they state that evi dence damaging to that gentleman was offered , but that the report that he had been influenced in the interest of the bill , arose only through a thoughtless joke. When the report was read Speaker Haines took the floor and defended LIB petition , at the Bame tiino arraigning the committee f er putting inch u report into the house , which ha claimed was Intended to smirch the honor of members of the housu. He spoke for nearly two hours and wai followed by Baker , who , in Very caustic remarki , characterized District Manager Tubba , ol the \Vestern Union telegraph company , who accused him of having tried to Bell himself out , an in famous liar and perjurer. Mr , Campbell , cf Hamilton , also denied to the house the charges that had been preferred cgaintt him. He averred that to far as he was concerned there was never n cent of money p id out in the Interest * of the butter bill , Mr , Meisick moved that tha report of tU committee be received and placed on the table , tbu committee discharged , and no record of It spread upon tha journal of tbo bonne. At 10 p , m. the house adjourand. Cloao of Commencement HCHSOII. IOWA OUT Ia. June 24. The quarter centen nial celebration and regular commencement exercises of tha itate university doted to-day aim' tte closing was n btilltaw most compk tent judges it li princunotd r o greatest Jltew. ; ? 6TCnt 5n tl10 hl toiy of" low * . Nearly 1,000 K'ra'n' ' ' ftct former student' ' roro prciont. Ov10 * ln" scjjo ° 1 graduated twenty-two yorniff ttfn > xho B duating classes for seven jw h vo numbered over ono hundred each yew , , > ? no.w Ijwof the BUto requiring n two JC.M mle * * of ft , ono year courBo largely rnltk ced the number. The orations of the gradnsU . ere practical nnd well received , Judge Ro.htook admitted them to practice in the suprrmtp.uJ . -The nlnmnl elected the Hon. W.V , Baldwin of Burlington , cln s of 18G7 , preside.11 { ot 'ho ensuing year and W. I. Evans , orals' " ' The annual alumni oration was delivered by the Rev. W. E , Brush of Auimosa , clnsi ok ° ' ' It was n masterly argument in favor of the power of mind nnd too necetstty of religion in directing the course of the mind. President Pickard gave n reception lasV night , and this morning the collegiate class was graduated. There were sixteen orations > nd thirty-six graduates , a number of them being ladies. The board of regents relieved Prof. Hlnrichs of nil connection with the academic faculty , leaving him professor in the medical nnd ptmrmaceullcnl departments , The board also passed n resolution expressing their disapprobation of n profouor of the uni versity eignlng pormlta for persons to tell liquors aud of taking part In the prosecution of liquor suits. HORlUBIjE ATUOCiriBS. INS WllEAK BKVKNOS ON TUB QXNTHEIV FAMILY. . DENVER , Col. , Juno 21. The following imt- iculars of the Indian trouble in the southern tart of the state are just received : Saturday evening a party of Indians camped on Beaver rook , n tributary of the Dolores river , sixty nllos west rf Durango , They got Into an altercation with cowboys about horses which bo cowboys claimed the Indians were trying osteal. Ono Indian ran ton tepee , where here were three other bucks , ono * quaw , ono lapooso and boy. The cowboys followed nnd iponod fire on the Indians In the tepee , kill- ug four bucks , a squaw nnd the papoose and vounding the boy , who got away. Tim night at 10 o'clock in Montezuma valley wenty miles distant e man named Genther at roadldg while his wife was preparing for icd. Their childrrn were asleep. The wife icard noise and ran out to find the homo on firo. Genthor hastened out to put out the fire md waa shot receiving seven bullet wounds , Us wife ran to assist him and was shot in ho shoulder. Before ho died Genther told lis wife to got the children out of the house which ( he did hiding herself in the brush .ill the Indians departed. Secreted by the larkncss , with four small children , carrying an Infant In her arms and leading another , ho wandered all night through the nago brush , bart footed and in her night clothes , finally eachltu a noighbor'd house about morning. ? ho Indians helped themselves to whatever hay wanted biforo they departed. Mrs. Genther at last accounts was in n very critical condition. The body of Genthor waa found , burned to a crisp. 'J A Times special says : "It ia reported that > .0 Indians are ready to make war if tha ro- ult of the inveBtlgation now being made by Stoltstoimer is unsatisfactory , Indians were een moving westward on Monday. On ? uoaday they were followed by two compan- ec of cavalry. The whole country Is terribly xcited , " \V1TH GJUANN. THE OLD HSnOK's CONDITION ViniDALLY UN CHANGED. - MOUNT MCGREGOR , June St. Gen. Grant mssed another restful night fast night , sleep- ng from the time ha retired until 2 this morning , when the doctor cleared his throat. Vhen hia throat bad besu washed , the general aid in a comparatively clear voice : I feel > etter than I have sinca I oame up here. " He , hen slept till 4. when the doctor attended lim again. From then he slept until between I and 0 , when he was aroused. Dr. Sbrady : vill arrive here to-day to prepare the official inlletln of the patient's condition for the Medical Record. So far as from being prostrated by his un wonted work of yesterday , Gen. Grant , after sight hours sleep lost night and this morning , iaa resumed his work to-day. He sat during the forenoon in the parlor nnd wrote nearly in hour and revised some proof sheets of bis jook , { Grant spent much of the afternoon on the itazza. At 3:30 Dr. Shrapy arrived from Mew York and was greeted very warmly by , ho general , and Itelber Acquitted. PiiTsnuno , Juno 24 The jury in the Rid dle and Reibor conspiracy case renpered a ver dict of "not guilty , " and it placed the costs o Directors Oavitt and Carroll , the rosecut- ore , The greatest interest was manifested by the crowd which filled the court room and corridors leading thereto , when , tha jury announced - nounced the verdict in the Riddle-Relbor case this morning. Lively applause followed the announcement of the verdict , but it wes euppreisod by the court. Aft-r tha defendants had been conRraatulat- cdlliildlo knowing there was a writ for his ar. redt on a judgment obtained by C. 0. Stew art & Bros , went into court and gave bail in 810,030. Amount of judgment against him waa $5,00) , He was released from custody , nnd was again the recipient of congratula tions. The attorneys for the depositors say .ho result of the trial will undoubtedly win 'or them civil suits now pending against the directors for negligence. Mistaken Defectives. KINGSTON , Ont. , June 2J. F. L. Thorpe , of Chicago , arrived at Rideau Lake recently to enjoy some fishing. He noticed two men watcbiag him closely , end ho subsequently became acquainted with them and they wont fishing together. Landing on on Island to partake of some refreshment ; , Thorpe was drugged nnd spirited away. When he came to his sensed ho wai told he was Scott , the Manhattan bank embezzler , who decamped with $100,000. The strangers were detectives who were after the § 5,000 reward offered for Scott , Thorpe soon proved hia identity and released , the detectives bearing all ex penses. A Hogufl Butter Bull , NEW YOBK , Juna 21. Tbo dairymen of the atato ara not satisfied with the recent decision of the court of appeals in the test oleomargarine garine case , Tooy state that the case was not a test caia at nil , but a bogus suit gotten up by theqloomargarlne manufacturers against ono of their own number , and puehed on to the court of appeals upon n pretended state ment of facts which did not exist in the casa at all and with no evldenco on the part bf the people to contradict it. Tlio First Colored Blsliop. NEW YOBK , June 31. The Rev. Dr. Bam uel Ferguson wai consecrated , this morning , bishop of the Protestant Episcopal church , al GrAce cnurch. Ho is the first colored membe of the American house of bhhopi. He will go to Cape Palmas in about two weeks , where ho will remain permanently. for Epidemics. CHICAGO , June 24 , The executive committee - too of the International Medical association I holding a secret session here. About fifty delegates wen present. Tlio conference ii stated to have reference to some united courro 'of actlou in event of any general epidemic in the United States. Hcnditoku AC Harvard , BOSTON , Mass. , Juno 21. Vice Protideu Htndricku arrived here early thU morning He was met by the governor and escorted to Harvard college to participate In the coin mencement exercises. OFFICESJJN TOP. s fif tto People in the Southwest No Efforts Taken to Freyont tlio Oteyeune Outbroalr , Donth of Minister I'll dps nt him * InclaontR of Reform GOT- crnmonr , THE DAY AX' WASHING tOW , CltBrfiXIOM JN COLORS , WASIUJKHON , June 24 , The outbtoak of the Cheyenne Indians which WAS threatonoa an Saturday Tnstbas beca brewing for a yenr ar longer. Army olliclalj hcko attribute it tea a dissatisfaction on ilia pajt of the Indians at the lowing of tfceir rtwervntlcn to tbo cattle- tnon. The Cheyctiuo irtervntlon is ono of the argoat In Indlita tatritiry. It comprntn nbout 4,270,000 ncrw. Of thli uinouat more than SOO.CCO acres M cvitrtiltal by cattle men , who ar ertzlng vast herd * . The Indi- > na are divided ou tlm question cf leming the nnd. a majority nppurintly being opposed to t. It ia find hero by clllclsla that' the cattloinon hnvo tesorted to question able methods in securing control of ha ranches. _ Reports on file at the olllco of ho commiaMoner of Indian affairs indicate but tlio leasing of the lands was the original sause of the trouble among the Indians. Im- nediately after assuming- his duties as ageut ) jer informed tha interior dorartmcnt that rouble was threatened and Unit unless pre cautionary measures were tikon an outbreak vould be inevitable , lie naked thiit 1 000 : avnlrymen bo eent to the icservalion. As a i reason foe his statement , the agent said lili predecessor had not exercised strict control iverthe Indians ; that they had been allowed p do as they wished Dyer , on assuming du- ies at the agency , endeavored to control the Indians. Ho reported to the commissioner > f Indian affairs that they laughed at hia ittempta , and boasted that the government ould do nothing with thorn. Agent l > yer was n Washington some weeks pincc. He urged hat 3,000 cavalrymen be sent to the raserva- Ion aa soon as possible to scare tha Indians nd show them that the government had suf * iclent force to punish them if neoessary. Ho bought if this method of influencing them was adopted , they would bo controlled with- ut bloodshed ou either side. Ho said the 3hoyonnes worn as warlike a * the Apaches ; bat they were well armed and could put from ,2CO to 1,500 warriors on the warpatb at any imo. Secretary Manning has requested the resit ; atlon of Horatio C. Burcliatd , of Illinois , aa Irector of tha mint. The department of state ha ; received notice , hroueh , the Belgian legation at Washington , hat an international congress of commercial aw will ba held at Antwerp in September. \.n invitation is extended to this government o send a representative to tbo congress. As hero Is no provision of law or appropriation wallablo for sending a delegate to represent he government , the secretary of state has in cited the Now York chamber of commerce to lame a delegate , to be endorsed by the de partment. The programme to be considered > v the congress comprises two subject ) , viz. : Maritime law and bills of exchange. Col. Donby , United States minister to Ohina had an interview with the president nd the secretary of etato to-day prior to hia leparturo for China. A dispatch his been received at the state 1 lepartment announcing the death of T. ti 'helps , United States minister to Peru. Mr. Phelps died at Limn. Ho was abiub 30 years of age and entered the navy in 1641 , ontinuing In its service till 18G4 and serving with distinction as lieutenant commander under Admirals Kogera and Pooto during the war of the rebellion. After reiiqnlng he ba- Damn interested in private enterprises nnd was connected with the Pacific Vlail steamship company for several reara. He also served as commissioner of ho District of Columbia. President Arthur appointed him minister to Peru on June 2Gth , .883 , which post ha was occupying at the . .imo of bis death. lie wns to hnvo been re- ieve ; ) , however , in a few days , n , W. Buck , if Kentucky , appointed to that position by [ President Cleveland , having but recently sailed from New York to Lima to assume the duties of his office. Mr. 1'helns loaves a wife and one daughter , The latter is the wife of Mr. Levellon A. tirown , chief clerk of the department of state. George L. Howes of Charleston , S. C. , has ! jeen appointed a special agent ol the bureau of labor , vice William L , Trenholm , who de clined his appointment. Andrew S. Caldwell of Boise City , Idaho , has been appointed special agent of the general land oilice to ex- ' imlno'fraudulent land entries , and Joshua C. Spscr of Indiana , has been appointed special timber agent of the same office. An order has been issued establishing a jally , except Sundays , exchange of through registered pouches between the postmmtors at A-tchlaon and Omaha , to go Into operation an July G , The pouches leave Atchlson at 11:20 a. m , and leave Omaha at 10:35 a. m , ) A UTE OUfDUE.lK. t. TEIUIIDLE STORT ov INHUMAN MASSACRE BV TUB INDIANS IN fcA MATA COUNTY , Special to the Denver Trlbune-IlepubllcaD. DOBANGO , Col. , June 22. The air has * > eonfull of rumors all day , and stories ol ndian matsacrea and troubles. Out of the mndred wild stories your correspondent has mcceeded in learning the following as facts : A messenger came from the Dolores , near Great Bend , this morning with a note from bounty Commissioner William May ask- ng Dr. Winters to come down imme diately , as the Indians had killed his neigh bor , by the name of Gouthner , and had badly wounded his wlfo Mrs. Geuthner , The mes senger , nlao stated that the Indians had jurnod Geuthnor's house , barns and h&y- itacks. It Is olio reported from the Indian agency that the cowboys had killed a family of [ ndlanaconiisting of BX , that one young buck who belonged to the same family was wounded , but got away and came to the agency at Ignacio - nacio and told hia story , and at once 250 war- 1 rioM came to the agency and demanded re venge. Agent Stollsteimer pacified tham by agreeing to go to-day witutwenty five of their number to Fort Iiiwlr , there to get an oicort of soldiers and go with them to the scene of the trouble on the Dolores and Investigate the whole matter , oeo who commenced the trouble and get the bodies of their six dead Indians. Accordingly the Indiana passed through the city to-day with the agent on their way to Fort 'Lawis. Another mesienger arrived this evening , who brings the report that a party of Indiana mot Mr. Joe Dougherty , the brother of Cap tain Daugherty , of the twenty-second United States infantry , now stationed ut Fort Lenrii , while on his way from here to his home near Mitchell's Spring * , and killed him and have taken his wife Into captivity. Capt. Perilne , who w&s la camp In the Montezuma valley with three coinptnies , tent Oapt. Daugherty with his company to tbo scene of the murder , and it Is stated to day that the commander at Fort uowls , hear ing of the action of Capt , Perrine , ut onoe sent out a company of cavalry to intercept Oipt. Daughorty , fearing that ha may lose his discretion and seek revenge for the death of Ills brother. His brother' * wile wen the daughter of Mr. Mitchell , of Mitchell's Springe. Tneiu ate a great inaiy conuicuncr stories an to who commenced the trouble. The cow boys claim that the Indians did It. And en tha other h&nd the Indians and the Agent clilm that the cowboy , have carried out their threat to kill All the Indians l th ° y fmd off their reservation. It does no , ? .mltcr M fnr as Ilia roMilt l concerned. I , ' 0 nre four valuable lives lost that ore wort * . ln"ro than all the Indians in America. Mr , Joe DawRhorty's little family of children , whoa8 nt their grandfather's at Mitchell Springs , ar to-day made fatherless , while their mother I probably being ca-rled nway catitlve , to tub mlt to Insult nnd the ravages of the tnvng Indian * , T1U5 TWO OlloailOS , norn AND iiiUKn TALK wimonovKit ON NK J1IUSKA I'ATnONAGZ Special TelegrAm to the BEK. CHICAGO , June 21. JI yor Uoyd was aV th Grand Pacific Init nfsht on his way hem from Washington whore ho fctlll persists Id sttjlrg , ho and Doctor Miller were invited t < confer on the distribution of olHcea for the gaod of the party. "Everything was plcnsan nnd harmonious , " said Mayor lloyd. " 'am ' vacancies in Nebraska offices will aaon begin to bo filled. I do not wpcct many removals will bo made , I am opposed to this mothoc of the secretary preferring charger against n rauu and then having him removed without jriviog him ft clwncu to defend hhra-lf , An indictment should not bn n cnnvlctijn. It Is unfair and unmanly. I was surprised at the number of removal : * that hnvo already been mtdo. For example , over one-half the inter nal revenue collector.- who held their office fur no fixed term , hive been chancre ! ! It ioeins to have been the president's idea to- rlvo the collectors about four years , and ivlifro they hava had more than that they were to go. A nnw policy hai been inacqu- ated , which , I bclievor will bo continued icncefortb , whether democrats ate successful n'ST ! or not. Itis to ccntinne men In ofliee Or their fnll term where thsy have given up ill other business to enter the nubile service , 11 case they have satisfactorily performed heir duties. "Who is like to be the nowlnternal revenue ollottor In Nebraska ? " "I do not care to say , as it might arouse n onnict. " "And who is going to bo the United Status aarshal in the place of Biorbower ! " "Garland told Dr. Miller and me that Bier- lower had acceptably filled the oilice , nnd hat he would not bo removed. Ho will prob- bly resign , however , in the COUMO ol time. " VAN WTCK AND TUB OmcttS. The Daily News has tha following from Vnshington ; "Senator VanWyck , who has virtually con- rol of nil appointments in Nebraska , said to ny that tne senate would not hesitate to con- rtn the president'e nominations next winter , xcopt in oases where the man nnpolnted was leraonally objectionable. Van Wyck thinks ho democrats make mistakes in trumping up barges against republican incumbents and es pecially in dismissing office holders on the round of offensive partisanship. Ho Bays ha republicans ought not to bold iifiico under democratic administration , In removing hem he believes the fact that they are re iublicans nnd that democrat ) want their lacca is sufficient. "Walloping Wlfa-Beatcrs. BALTIMORE , JJune 24 , Henry A. Myers , onvicted of cruelly baating his wife , received wenty lashes to-day nt the bands of tbo heriff. Since tbo conviction of Pyers nnd dyera there is much loss wife-beating in ilnryland. Ke I Estnto TrmiBforn. The following transfers were Bled Juno 13 , with the county clerk and reported or the BEE by Amen' real estate agency : ; Jane M. Porter and husband to Edwin Inney , lot 37 Porter'a add to Oinaha , w , $2,000. Jacob Rice ( o Simon J. Rico nw | sco 3-10 9 o Douglas conr-ty , q c $450. laaao S. Hnacall and wtfo to Henrietta lascall MoMahon , lots 13 and 1C Hoses ! ! nd Rogers aab division of lots 50 , 57 and 18 Okahoma , w d $1,400. Wenzel Woleuenskyand wl'o to L. W. ) olby , a 155 ft of e& of lot 15 Djuglas iounty , w d , $1,500. Charles W. Hamilton and wf < o 0 frill Hamilton and Frank S , w d , lots .4 and 15. Sunnyeidu add to Omaha. 51,300. Alfred D. Jones to Philander H Reed , o , t& of lot 8 , blk 140 , Omaha § 2 00. Philander H. Rood ( lingU ) to Sophro- lia Jones , q o , s cf lot 8 , blk 140 , ) maha. § 2.00. Alfred R. Duprono and wf to John P. lawklns , w d , o 75 foot of subdivision 1 of lot 3 , Capltcl add to Omaha. JO.OOO. Mary A. Elliott and hatband and ithers to Henry Croft , w d , lot 11 , blk 2 , SbulU' 2d add to Omaha. $800. Bids will be received for stands in Jascill's Park on the occasion of tbo A. X H , plcnio , July 4 , up to noon on Sat- irdny , the 27th lint. The committee r < ; - lorrep the right to reject any bid they lnaao. EICIIAHD O'KEEFK. Chairman. AHIUVAliS. At the Metropolitan , J. L. Ward , J. G , Prossen , Edgar ; WalterJII. Toss , Weeping Vnter ; W. E. Smith , St , Poulj J. S. Young , Slk Creek ; Porter Field , Pramont ; T , R. eiebton , Plnttsmouth ; J. H , Hamilton , fork ; Robert Council , Friend ; Fred Lavin , Lincoln ; J , G. Glazier , Udgar ; B , P. Har- nan , Fullerton ; J T. Smith and s'ster , Plattsmouth ; H. A. Spihor , David City ; H. Doty , Oakland ; 0. ] ) Pitch , Fullerton ; J. 0. ICuhl , Bchuylor ; F. Davis , J. 0. Fleming , Lincoln ; J , H. Marsh , Greenwood , Neb , ; 3v. F. Tnft , Ke. > ne , N. II. ; J , W. Latimor , H. iV. Darnell , Milwaukee ; Mrs. W. Y , Right- noier , G run-old , In. ; G. 3. Careen , Cnlcago ; rbomas A. Hartuian , Wheeling , W , Va. , md B. J. Collinf , of Itock Island 111. 2S YEARS IPJ USE. fhe Qreatoat Medical Triumph of the Agei SYMPTOMS OF A J.ojnofnppctlte , llinveli coitlvc , 1'nlii In lUo bead , vvlih a dull neniiatlan In tb * tacli pnrt , i'uln under the tiaulrtor- blade , I'ulluMH after eating , with * UU Inclination tn exertion of liodr ormlmt , IrrltiUUUyorioinpcril.o r plrUivrlth a foollneof tiavlna noclnctod HODIO dutr. \Vcarlue5i , Illzzlneai , IMutlerlna nt tbn Heart. Don before the ert > , Iloudncbo over lUo right eye , ltc tlBs nci , with Otful droums , Illchlr colored Urine , ana CONSTIPATION. TTJTT'H 1'JI.I.H are especially adaptoo to such cases , ono tloso Directs ouoli o JinngooffoollniTiiHtoiutonUlitiiosufferer Tlicy IncrMxie the Anuctlte.aml cauiw tlio ftodyto 'i'nUo 011 Fle U. thu tu 7 teiu U nou H1ici > , Bncl bytnclr Vuiilo Action on j' i I UBAT HAIR or WIUHKCICB chanuod ta u QLOSST IJI.ACIC hy a single ujniUcutloa ol this 1 > TE. It linynrta n natural color , ncU mstantancout'.y. Bolil by Urugfc'Uf I , ot * cnt by exprf n on receipt of 91 , ? ( TIo9,4 * Wlurmy3t , H0W York , GOQDJJEALS , ttonoy MaJc in Wh al ani Fjrst-class Gaillo. I''ho Ooronl Advances and the Stock TouoliB its Highest Mark , JInnily Nobrnska CattleOlln HioTop ofl't-'rlccs Other Kfnturcs of MAKKKTS. IS TK' " WHEAT 1'IT. Special TeloRTam VoTho BKB. OHICAOO , III. , Jnu o 21. There was greater acthlty in the ufcout market to-day , together with a lower raogs of prices. Liverpool ca bles reported ou odvanc * of one shllllrg per quarter for Kngllsh who t ftiJ Uiis suslalaed llio ma 3tet hero at tba op k DK nd caused prices to rnlo a shade hinhcr during the first lour. Offerings then grew hn vvlor on reports sf improved prospocti in th-s winter wheat belt , though uono of the rvporttfl'idlcatod any imtir al chungo in tbo itnntlon , There were : ouuter telegrmns oantendbg , thn * Jpo Kanias : rep would not exceed six 101 lilons of Mishels , and that Hie ( t 'ilifornin nrop vould' not cxcord oncf-lk 'rd of ha jieldof laBtyoar. The dbolino- . 'ought ' ut cousldnrnllQ ! ( , ng property , but' nl'tir a loelinaof IJo the-oBterinirs apixitrod ! o hava > eon absorbed ntul n Btaadior ferllng fcilo"ocf , ho tnarkit cloting for the day { b nbovo the lottom and IJc undtr yotterdr y. The an- louDcemont that rail freights vnmld bo nQ- anoBcl ou July 1st , had aoino ifFect upon the narltot. The rioelpta hero were small , but nrgor receipt ] weru promised for tu-morrow , "he export cleanups ware fair. There was a fairly active tnidoo earn but iio advance of y vcturdny was alinoct ontirtly > at. Speculiitlvo olTenngs wore l.'xrgp , aad ticrp-wr a steady decHnn of 3 to Ic ; Larger ocoiptBere ostlm ted for tu-morrovr , which elped to weaken the market. Ducrag the ist half of the sosslouitho feeling was ctfeadicr , nd prices closed Ju to go under yesterday. OAT9 , Oats r.iled dull , und' ' in oxprctation o { ' in- reasid receipts closed J @ | c lower. Provicicns nuiet and a shade easier. THK DAY'aPMCHS. . The prices and sales of the day rangod'aa- ' allows : Wheat June , 87SSOc , closed 87o ; Jbly , SJ@89Jc , closed 88 Jo ; August , Sui < clic ! ) , c ; September , t 2i@94c , closed . Cora - Jane178 ® WJe. cloeed17Scj. . uly , 4G3@47Jc , cloaeUi7ct ; August 40 @ 7Jc. closed -15 0 , OatH Juno 321@32 2 : closed : t2JJulji. : . ii@32Jj. closed SS SSaio ; August , i7J LSv-t loaed i72c. On the afternoon board wheat was firm , t Jo higher ; cirn , Jchighcj ; oats , uuchangidp. orK , 2 0 higher ; lard , unchanged. CATTLE. Aiiiong the fresh arrivals were nbcut 100 > ars of Bteer4. Tnero wa * it brmk demand for rst class lot 1-KO tg 1 500 pound beeve ? , and- rices ruled a Htmng ICc higher , making an dvanc * of 2.ig3 c ai : oiipuied with last eek. Premium corn-fed eteers Rold for 10 highest Morn January aad February , araely nt Sf 9 : < 51 > .17J , and ulcers at $0 OTfa DO. The litter piico IB an advance of 20c nee Monday. Light liacdy 1,100 pounds nd upwards Nebrakas continue to command le outside figures , outselling the heavier reighte , and on this clnta the ndvnnce is close p to 30c from n week ago. Texans wore gain quoted Oo higher , 'i'lio advance is cu ) und lot ] of suitable canning stock more lan ou any other. Low grade natives ore sell- ig at low lipures , but the bottom has not been Bached. BtocWers aud feeders are dull. Tba ecelpts were light , but few ( peculators oner- 5.50@5.75 ; D30@l,000 pounds S5 00@5.0U ; . irough Texas cattle 100 carloads corn- 3d , S4,60@5 00 ; eratBeif , 'J50 < rl,050 pounds , 3 , U@4.25 ; 7 0@900 piundi S3.4'3.GO ; COO 700 pounds , Si75@3 ! ; DO. II003 , Trade o pened rather week and slow and la ome instances at lower prices , but as the artuoon were away tbo demand became more ctive. At t ho close values were equally ae igh as at tun close of yeotcrday Hough and ommon sold around about § 3 90 % 4 00 ; faire o good mixed , S .05@410 and best heavy , HGIH2) ; packing and shipping , 250 to CO pounds , 84 OIO4 20 ; light wol elite , 130 to- 70 pounds , SI lc@-V 40 ; 180 to 210 pounds , 3 90@4 10. Klllod in a Co'.IMon , ST. LODIS , Mo , Juno 24. A collision oc-i urrod between n freight aud an nccummoda- ion train on the Wabash at Wood. loci ; , eight r nine miles from this city , about noon to- ay , caused by llio wa'.ch of ouo of tha con r- uctois being behind time. Engineer Stow- rt , of the freight , and Conductor Mann , of ho accommodation , were killed. Time puc- engers were wimudod , but rot seriously , aud he engines of both trains badly wrecked , D.'crco AKB'IIBC ' UioMoknl 1'lAic , CLEVELAND/ . , Juno r-1. The couit ilc- Ided to-day that the receiver of tha Kiclito ? late railroad tlmiild uuy Blielher : Me- Jourkcy of New York SiiOO.OOO per voar for entals of the SO.lO OfO worth of rolling stosk nedpn the road. Kbotlier & MtUuurkry ued for § 400,000 , the sum named in u c-jutract node threu years ago. IN. THE PASTRY IF VnnIllnt < cmc iOi-itiiue , treumi.liiilillatri.V : ( liriillyiialhufviill l'r \vhlcU they liroiintile , FOU STUBSOTII AM ) TRUE I'HUIT PLAVUU THEY STAND ALONE. Murtnto or THI Price Baking Powder Co. , Rhlccjjo , III. at , Loulo , Ma. Bi-.Prlca'e Cream Baking Powder 4M3 Dr. Price's LiipuUn Yeast Gems , licit Dry IIui Ycuit. WE UAKIS UUT < WR ( JVAUW.