Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 24, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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Combining ItlOJt wltli PtmE VEGKTAHM3
TOXICS , finleUj nnil completely CLEANSES
nnd KXRIcnKS THE 1IIOOI ) . Quickens
Jhe action of the Mter and Kltlncju. Clears the
complexion , nukes the fikln smooth. It does not
Injure theleetlie n elie ilacheorprodnce con-
FnIclans and Drugglits over/where recommend It ,
DR. N. 8. ncooiTR , of Marlon , Mam. MTU ! " 1
Hxsommnnrt Drown' * Iron ntttoni la a Tamable ton o
for enrichln * the bloml , and mmoTtne all dyspeptic
njmirtoms. It d > not hurt the tooth. "
Un. n. M. TnuJMA. nsynoliK Ind. sayst " 1
liaro preMnboil Brown's Iron Bitten In CMOS ol
anromla and blood d ! oiL o . alw when n tonlo wiu
needed , and It has lirored thoroughlr satisfactory , "
MnAVM. H ram , Srt Bt Marj St. . New Orleans , I.a.
B i i "Urown's Iron Hitlers reltarod me In dean
nt blood potscnlna. iind I hovtUjr commend It tc
thorn needing a purifier. "
The Genuine ban Trade Mark and crowed red llnei
on wrapper. Tnko tin nllicr. Mads only by
1 HAND BoOK-niefnlandattractlre.rnn ;
UlnlnR list nf prite * for rwlpon. Information Mmul
colru. f to. , Klron away by all dealer * In medicine , ui
milloa to any addrusa on receipt of So , tump.
WflTOlWfflfffli mm
r ei offcri'rt to tlio uublisi
, tNorvon < DlsPnAfi
, .Sum C'lin-s. f&A
. . , , „ .
t3y 8eod tno Btampi for Olehrr.toil Jlcdisal
Works Addro-c. If. J ) . ) I.AItKU , W. 1) . ,
IM aoutU Clark Street , Cuiwoo , JLL.
EoyrJ. Havana Lottery \
Drawn at Havana Cuba ,
Every 10 to 14 Days.
Tickets In Flttlis ; wholes ? 5 ; Fractions pro ruta.
BaDjod > o DO nunlpuutloa , oat ooalioned Dy ino
parlioain Interest. It li Ibe Wieal Ihlcj ulbo
Btni of chinos to eilatenoo.
toi tickets apply to sniPSET ft CO. , 1212 Broad
W yN. Y. City ; , 01 H.OTTENS ft 00 , BIO Hila St.
y , Uo.
Rornarknblo Ouro of a Horse
In the fall ot 18831 had a valuable horse taken
with the pinkeye , resulting In blood poison. After
nlno months o ! doctoring with all the remedies to bo
found in horse books , I despaired of a cure. Ills
light hind log was as largo as a man's body , and baden
on It over forty running eoroa. Ho was a most pltl-
able looking object At last I thought of Snltt's
Sdoclflc , an commenced to cso It t used fifteen
bottles. In August last all symptoms of tbo disease
disappeared. There hvve been no signs of a return
and ihe horse has dona a mule's work en my farm
over since. JAB L. FLBUINO , Augmta , Go.
January S , 1685.
Swift's Specific Is entirely vegetable. Treatise on
BleedandSkln DUeaeea mailed free.
The Swift SpociOcJCo. , Drawer 3 , Atlanta , Ox or
vr. zs < i8t..K v
Town Lots in Denver Junction ,
Weld County , Colorado.
Dearer Junction IB a now town o ( about 200
InbabitanU , laid out In 1884 , on the great
trunk railway across the continent , at the
junction of the Juleaburg Branch , 107 mllea
from Denver. The town is on second bottom
land of the PJatte lllver , the finest location
between Omaha and Denver , and IB surrounded -
od by the bast-laying lands west of Kearney
Junction , Nob. ; climate healthy and bracing ;
altitude 3,000 feet , Denver Junction bids to
become an Important point , aa the U , P. R ,
II. Co. , are nutting up many of their buildings
here , while the U. & M. It , R. Co. . ore expected -
ed BOOU to connect at thla place. Tha present
chance for good investment in town lota will
scarcely over ba equaled elsewhere. For sale
by the lot or block lu good terms by
Agent , Denver Junction Cole ,
Cor. 13th and Douglas Sts.
Capital Stoofc , - - - $150.000
Liability o Stockholders , 800,000
Fiye Per CentlnterertPaifl on Deposits
JAWK3 U.BOVD „ . , „ . I'rctldent
W. A. . PAITOM . Vto
fVSDl R t. OXC B.
Boys ait Girls Who Improve Their
Time and Opportunities ,
Teachers And Scholars at the Cen
tral School mid 'What They Are
Doing for the "World1 * Ad
" It mast bo very tiresome and monotonous
onous visiting so many schools , " silcl a
teacher to the BEE man as ho passed Into
ono of the lower rooms of the Central
school , Friday. And when the informa
tion was volunteered that It was neither
monotonous nor tiresome there was a
look of surprise on the teacher's face.
In fact , the visits hare boon fall of enjoyment -
joymont as well as Instruction , and
something now baa boon discovered at
every turn. Ono does not tire of watchIng -
Ing blight faces and busy brains , and
these have bcon discovered in all the
rooms of the various schools of the city ;
and the different methods of imparting
Instruction and the diversified ways em
ployed to draw out the talents of the
pupils are constant source of Interest.
building , at the head of Capitol avenue ,
Is , on account of Its elevated location ,
the most prominent odlQco In the city.
It la under the charge of Homer P.
Lewis as principal , and nearly 1OOC
pupils nro given Instruction under HE
roof. About 850 of thoto are in attend
ance at the Central school propar , and
150 are In the high school , which
Is located in the building. Thirty
teachers are employed , there being
twenty-Eva school rooms and uino recita
tion rooms. There has been only a
slight decrease In the attendance since
the beginning of the year , showing a
marked Improvement In this direction
over former years ,
There are thirty-eight scholars of the
1st A and B classes under the charge of
Miss Clara Schlosingor. and when the
reporter for the BEE called great prepar
ations wore being made by the Httlo ones
for a picnic to bo held in the afternoon.
But when tno hour for opening the school
came they wort all In order , and sang
with a gusto , "Hurrah for Vacation. "
Miss Schlcalngcr reports Bessie Mills
and Alex Kennedy in the 1st B , and
Bella Robinson and Ella Brockenridgo in
the 1st A as standing at the head of their
elusion , Miss Ida Johnson Is the teacher
of the 1st 0 and 3d A classes. Warren
Chase and Mao Miller In the former , and
Snslo Loftus and Willie Christlson in the
latter will ba first on the promotion lists.
Mao Miller , Carl Qnarrlnstrom , An
drew Johnson , Clara Green , Mona
Miller , Putor Peterson and
Wllllo Bnrnham have been present
every day during the year. Miss Doclo
Johnston has two classes under her in
struction 2d A and B. Elsie Schwartz
and Annie Quintan , and Will Bolon and
Joseph Leger are the names that head
the promotion lists In those classes. Ono
of the sholars in this room , Charlie
Wyman , a twelve-year old Swede , la a
perfect genius in carving , and a number
of specimens of his skill adorn the room
With his pookot-knlfe ho has constructed
a number of ingenious mechanical de
vices , and the skill which ho exhibits In
dellnlatlng faces and fo&turos In wood
carving la something marvelous for ono
of his ago. With proper training ho will
undoubtedly make his maikin the world.
In Mist Tomlinspn's room , the reporter
listened to exorcises in reading and num
bers by the scholars of the 3d A and 2d
0 classes , In which they proved them
selves especially proficient. At the head
of the promotion list of the 3d A class
are Mabel Kelley and Maurice Clarke ,
and of the 2d 0 , Artie Woodman and
Annlo Crawford. The 4th A and 3d B
classes are in charge of Miss Mack , and
Edith Schwartz and Olara Bubb
in the former , and Ira
Van Camp and Mobtio Kennard In the
latter are at the head of the list of those
recommended for promotion. Pauline
Madson has boon present every day dur
Ing the year. When the BEE man entered
od Miss McOheano's room a boy Immedi
ately brought a chflr and Invited him to
bo seated , which lead the teacher to re
mark that her room was specially noted
for the politeness of its boys. There Is
only one class In this room , the 3dC , and
Us most proficient pupils era May Young
and Belle Adler. Grace Klrnor and
May Young have been perfect In atten
dance during the year. Miss C ashman
haa charge of two clatses 4th 0 and B ,
In the former Jolo Weinberger and
Charlie Towar stand at the head of the
class , and in the latter Norman Shrevo
and Amanda Quarn&trom. Miss Elcock
teaches the 5t B and 5th A classes. The
promotion list of the former is headed by
Margaret Brown and Janet Stevenson ,
and George Tyrrol and Tina Schmidt
lead the latter. George Tyrrol has also
been perfect in attendance during the
year. InthoCthA class under the In
struction of Mra. Points , Minnie. Stull
and Minnie Bechol are the two pupils
loading the promotion list , In the 4th C
class , under the same teacher , Frank
Shelby and Charlie Thompson are the
most proficient in their studios. Bola
Nelson , Minnlo Stull , Charlie No BCD nib
and Maron Madsen hare been perfect In
attendance during the year , Minnie
Bechol and Susie Colpetzor , Mrs. Points
nayi , are the very best girls In that roomer
or any other room. Under the Instruc
tion of Mra. Keysor are the 7th A and
0 classes. In the former Herbert Light
and Maud Church , and In the latter An
drew Sporol and Walter Minor stand at
the head of the promotion list. Wllllo
Qulnlau has been absent but
during the year. Tom Orolgh and Lir-
timer Denlso are the most proficient
scholars in Miss Elder's room , while Kate
l/ddol and Lucy Evans have been per
fect in attendance during the year.
Sohn Nellson , by close attention to his
studies , haa passed from tbo Gth to the
8th grade during the year. Miss Max
well's room la small and very dark , and
Is occupied by the Gib B class , The
scholars who stand at the bead of thg
promotion list are Jfoud Krulll , Emma
Schlich and Howard Llvaoy. Tbo room
occupied by Miss Allen and the Gth B
clasi la also dark , At the head of this
data are Eitcllo Mackey and Julia
Schwartz , and Lena n rtson has been
proient every dey during the you. In
the Oth 0 class , tutgbt by Miss Wilson ,
afsggle Hamilton and George Smith are
most highly recommended for promotion ,
jni Grace Light and Fanny Thomas
have been perfect in attpndanca during
the year , Mlta Nichols is the teacher of
the 7th B clasf , and she reports Arthur
Montmorency and Carey Butlin ea her
most proficient pupils. Ltrzto Llddell
ind Prank Kennedy have been present
ivory ( lay during the year , Lena Bjrno
ud Itcsj Brady have been placed at the
head of the promotion list In Miss
Bolin's 8th A class , whlls Jftlins
Dahlstrom haa been neither absent nor
tardy during the year. In the 8th 0
class under the instruction of Miss Lewis ,
Joe Moraoman and Kate Hemplo outrank
the other pupils. Tire of the class have
not been absent during the year Olar-
enco Myers and Robert Dolhstrom. Miss
Harvey also has an 8th class , and her
most proficient scholars are Max Rolchon *
berg nnd Sylvia Trcmatno , George
Pundt and Walter Dnrnall have boon
perfect in attendance , The third clais of
the 8th 0 grade Is Instructed by Mlsa
Quackonbnshj and the scholars most
highly recommended for promotion are
Eunice Stobbins , George McCagne and
Belle Stull. Martin Nelson , Comfort
Baker and Belle Stnll have boon present
every day during the year.
From the 8.h C grade the scholars
graduate Into the High school , and from
the three last rooms mentioned there will
bo about ono hundred promotions.
Liberal Subscriptions Toward the
Dopiirtmonc Oontoaf 1'ursca
Otlior Mutter * .
Monday Llont. Horrlam complotcd
the sabacriptlona toward the pureoa
which are to bo olldrod ns prizes la the
coming department rlflo compotltlon.
The citizens Jhavo roapondod readily to
the call for subscriptions , and there will
bo a complete list of prizes offering In-
dncomonta such as have never boon
equaled in the history of department
The cash oapscrlptlons taken here
amount to $240 and the special prizes
abont $430 , or , In all , about $ G70. Be
sides this , the oQlcors of the different
posts have offered further prizes which
will tnako the aggregate ono of over
$800. In addition It la expected that the
two railways Interested In the transporta
tion of the ooldlora will provide for special
The following subscriptions were taken
yesterday : Collins , Gordon & Kay ,
special , $25 ; D W. Saxo , dressing case ,
SO ; Bliss & Isaacs , plaquela velvet ,
S7.GO ; W. T. Seaman , net Shakespeare ,
$10 : Kopp , Drelbus & Co. , candy , $2 ; 0.
8. Goodrich , special , $10ShlromanBros ; ,
& Co. , valleo , $12 ; Farrotto & Sweeney ,
cigars , $10 ; W. L , Parrotto & Co , , $5 : P.
J. Ramgo , amoklng jacket , $20.
Llont. M. W. Day , Ninth cavalry , of
this department , has been ordered to report -
port to Gon. Crook for duty. Liont. Day
has in his regiment the reputation of
great gallantry. In an Indian fight in
NOTT Mexico , ho went nnder a heavy fire
and carried off from the field a wounded
negro soldier. In addition ho Is a fine
shot and a man of Intellect.
Mr. Jo.1. M. Morse is among the six
who graduate this week from "Gainoi
High School. " Pilor to his achoo
course ho served two voara In the rogiila :
army. Now that ho has completed hi
education ho has again enlisted , taklni
the position of first sergeant troop P
Ninth cavalry.
The Army and Navy Journal is ro
spouaiblo for iho following : "Tho sug
gostlon that Col. Carlin , now command' '
Ing Port Omaha , will bo sent to Wes
Point as ( superior , is probable , but n
order has yet been leaned. "
The 9th cavalry coming to this depart
mcnt , will bo on the railroad teen , and
In case the eouthern Choycnno Indlani
make a break from the Indian Territory
for the north , these troops will be In po >
oltion to head them off Both men and
horses have been In the field for months
and are in fine condition for work.
Catarrh ia a constitutional disease.
Hoed'a ' Sarsaparllla Is a constitutional
remedy. It cures catarrh. Glvo It a
There has been an increase in unemployed
capital In New York city during the past
year of 878,000,010. The individual deposits
are $ 0 OLO.OOO greater than they were a
year ago ,
Rupture , Broach or Hernia ,
permanently cured or no pay. The wors
oases guaranteed . * Pamphlet and ref
erences , two throe cent stamps. World'u
Dlspontary Medical Association. CO :
Main street , Buffalo , N. Y.
There is one express company in America
which has 5,000 offices , ehipa good ) dally over
10,000 mllea of railroad by lightning express ,
and eencfs a package 1,000 miles for 25 cents
For washing clothing , and all laundry
and cleansing purposes , JAMES P VLB'S
PEARLINE Is a favorite compound. It
does not Injure the fabrics , and sms a
great deal of labor. Sold by grocora.
Weasel raising has become an Important In
dustry in some parta of England , now that
a market can be found for weasels In Aus
tralia at from $1 toSL.GO a head ,
The Brutal , England , Mercury and
Daily Peat saya : "rho Australian crick-
stora during their visit to this country
Invariably used St. Jacobs Oil , and they
regard It as an invaluable remedy for
sprains , soroncaa , atiffuoss of the joints
ind contusions. "
New England manufactures 100,000,030
pairs of boots and xhoes annually. The city
> f Lynn alone last season turned out a pro-
luct worth S20.0CO.OOO.
Imdy Physicians for Bombay.
The Bombay merchants recently ap-
) olnted a committee to try to induce
lomo lady physicians to go from England
o practice medicine- Bombay , One
ady haa sailed , and moro are to follow.
n all such warm climates , and portion-
arly In the warm latitudes of thla conn *
ry , the laealtudo which warm weather
irlngs on la iest counteracted by Brown's
ton Blttora which the lady doctors , and
verybody elie ought always to have on
land , Mra. Boswell , of 203 Lexington
treat , Baltimore , was cured of general
iebillty by Brown's Iron Bitten.
The stomach of an ostrich is located in iti
ack , between the wingi.
The national debt of Urett Britain Is about
A furo cure for Blind. Bleeding , Itching
ml Ulcerated Piles haa been discovered by
) r. Williams , ( an Indian remedy ) , called Dr ,
Villiams' Indian Pile Ointment. A single
loz hag cured the worst chronic caiea of 25 or
0 years standing. No one need suffer five
iilnutca after applying this wonderful sooth-
Dg medicine. Lotions and instruments do
1 ore harm than good. Williams' Indian
'ilo Ointment absorbs the tumors , allays the
utenso Itching , ( particularly at night after
titling warm in bed ) , act ) as a poultice , gives
1 letaut relief , and ia prepared only for Piles ,
tilling of private parts , and for nothing clee.
iyUr , Frazier's Mogio Ointment Cares as
[ by magic. Pimplea.Ulaek Heads or Grubs
-lilotcbes and Irruptions on tbo face , leaving
ha skin clear and beautiful , Also cures Itch ,
I alt lUinme , Sore Nipples , Bore Lips , and
Id , Obstinate Ulcers.
Bold by druggiita , or mailed on receipt of
irlco , CO cents.
At retail by Kutiu & Co , aad Sctroeter &
lecht. At wholesale by 0 , F , Goodman ,
Seventh Annual Commencement Cele
bration ,
A Good Programme and Ijirgo Au-
cllcnco Last NlRht Exerciser
In Detail.
Crolghton collcgo was filled to Us ut
most capacity Monday nlghlgon the occa-
slonof the seventh annual commencement
and graduating exorcises. It Is esti
mated that there wore at least 1,000 people -
plo in the ball.
Promptly at 8 o'clock the presentation
of the programme commenced. The In
troductory overture was rendered by the
Musical Union orchestra , the selection
being "Pique Dame. "
Charles E. Fnrey then took the plat
form and delivered the prologue , which
was replete with very neat and appropri
ate ecntlmcnts. Mr. Futay fulfilled the
requirements cf his somewhat difficult
part In such a manner as to call forth the
hearty applanto of the audience , upon
The St. Coclllan Society , an organiza
tion composed of the students of the college -
lego , sang a chorus , "Tho Merry Gondo
lier , " in pleasing manner , with orchestral
accompaniment. "
"True Greatness was tho'subject of a
discourse by Henry V. Malono. The
speaker said tha * moral greatness in man
aroused greater fooling of admiration in
the human mind than the magnificent
worka of nature. It la in the nature of
greatness to command our homage. Wo
naturally tend to Imitate the great human
models which wo meet. It la this princi
ple which serves to elevate hnnran lives.
But the greatest and grandest of hu
man cravings la the aspiration
after moral greatness , The history
of ell ages is tilled with great modela ,
yet the trno Christian must look for an
example no further than to Christ , the
groatect of all characters. Examples of
self-sasrlfico are more worthy ot imitation
than the deeds of statesmen , warriors ,
or conqnorors the deeds of an Alexander
or a Caesar. Again , the only test by
which wo can measure the deeds of men
is by that of motive. Wo must aok our
selves -whether a deed is actuated by
by self-interest or tbo general good. A
man who acts habitually for selfish in
terests instead of for the good c
humanity is indeed a charade
to bo despised. But men a
George Washington , nnd other warrior ;
and statesmen who have acted and fought
not for personal aggrandizement , but fo
the good of country such a characte
was that of Ignatius Loyala , the founde :
of the great and noble order of Jeaulte
True grandeur Is then to bo found 1 :
character the character which la un
selfish and noble.
"Tho man who rules his spirit , indeed
is greater than the man who takes
city. "
A string qnartotto , of the Mnslca
Union orchestra , rendered In cxqulsiti
style , Schumann's delicious roverl
"Traumerle. "
William Doran appeared in n , lectors
"Tho Impurltlea of Drinking Water. "
The speaker , arguing from the proba
blllty of cholera visiting this country
soon , stated it as the object of his dls
course to demonstrate the nature , orlgl :
and effects of "Impurities in drinkin
water , " and the way in which they car
bo avoided ; the relation of cholera and
the use of Impure drinking water ] being
It was supposed that of effect and canao
Upon this basis the speaker gave a
series of interesting experiments , prov
Ing the existence in drinking water o
various impurities [ such as lime , carbonli
acid , chloride , ammonia , and the danger
ous impurity of foul organic matter , The
speaker then went on to state the vari
ous sources of Impurities , and tholr dire
results in poisoning the human system
Mr. Doran closed his lecture with i
brief talk on tbo qualities of good drink
Ing water. His experiments were very
neat and well to the point , his deduction
logical and clearly defined.
Tho' Collcgo Glee club appeared on tbi
platform and rendered in so creditable a
mannortho eong"Whllo Sentries Brave,1'
is to gain an encore , which was re
spondcd tp ,
A very Interesting medley-dialogue.
"Tho Rival Society , " then occupied the
attention of the audlonco , These wh (
took part were Messrs. V/illlam Flanagan
Edward Fttray , Thomaa Swift , William
Qninlan , Bornhardt Hollo.
Mr. Charles F. Fronzor delivered an
interesting dlsconreo on "Voltaic Elec
trlclty and Voltaic Induction , " Illustrat
ing hia talk with the 20-inch spark in-
inctlon coil , and many lumlnoua and
: alorlfio experiments. John A. Cotter
tctcd as assistant experimenter.
After the orchestra had rendered as a
noslcal conclusion to the programme ,
'The Forgo In the Forest , " the award-
ng of the prizes was done by Rev.
father Finncgan , president of the col-
ego , and Rov. Father SshafTol.
The prizes wore silver medals , dlstrlb
ited as follows :
FouitTH YEAH. John Toner , 97.
Next in merit : Thomas J. Russell ,
Lrthur Miles.
THIRD YEAR. John B. Faray , 84
Next in merit : Thomaa Kelly , William
) nran. Charles Frenzer , Francis Franf-
SECOND YEAR , George Moroer , 05 B ,
Next in merit : William Qtilnlan , Joseph
TuOarvlllo , Robert Shannon , John Ryan ,
Id ward Furay.
Fuvsr YKAK. John H. O'Neill , 90.
Next in merit : Hartnott J. Murray ,
ohn Sullivan , Joseph O'Brien , Michael
FIRST YEAR B. William Smith , 85.
Text in merit Thomaa Lyman , George
'rank. ' Jeremiah Glavln.
RUDIMENTS A. William Monaghan ,
5 , Next In merit John O'Donuoll ,
ohn E. Powers , Robert Reed , Horminn
llxon , Andrew Gensler.
RUDIMENTS B. Francis A. Foray , 85 ,
[ ext In merit Lige Conklln , Jntoph P.
Wagner , Jotoph G. Dobry , Samuel
The exercises throughout were of a
Ighly creditable haturo , both to teachers ,
id pupils. The college closes its sev-
jth year moat ausplcioutly , and with
rospucts the brightest.
There were 112 agrarian outrages commlt-
d in Ireland and reported to the police dur-
ij ; the quarter ending In March.
VThen Baby waa sick , we g re Inr Cutorta ,
Wlien elio wu a Child , eho cried tor Caatorlft ,
When she became Miss , elio clang I1) Castoria ,
WTisn the had CUildrtu , she g ro Castorla
Rheumatism , Houralgla , Sciatica.
Lumbago- , Backache , Headache , Toothache ,
Kore ThrnnfStroll liiK , Si > rnl UNItruliic * ,
lltirim.Kriilili , l > nt Idle * .
A\n AH onirn rtnnil.T PAIVS AM Atiir .
BoM ty Dructlltl nil Dmlrri n rrrwlitrt. FUly CfcaU U.11K
Direction ! ID It LAngaftxt * .
( inmiKri u A. TOOILIR ft CO ) fclllnorr , Md. , C. a A.
17 SI. Clinrlcs St. , SI. Lwnis. .Mo.
Irrjcalir nrmlt-eotioMeJie tctiegu , I a * tire laii
It elty t p " ' ' > ' ofl t'lUmti l n r
Nervous Hiosirallon , Dp.bll'li ' , Mint'l tvm
Physical Weakness ; Mercurial and otiio' ( ' > {
lions nt Throat. Skin or Bones , Blood Polfo tir ,
oltl Sores And Ulcers , r trtt'ti hb tatatn'i. ' . *
neeafli , en Uleit lelontlfl ? rrlDtlMei. SCrIT , I'ririttl
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , E < e'e : > ,
Exposure or Indulgence , hich rrodno om or in
Mlovlnc ITcct4l nfnoutgrm , 4eMlil , , dlluDtii er fllU
anilderretlrB nrmiry , flraplfion the fcce , ptijilMl d in
iTertlontotbc oeletof r malticcnriii.a ofjcucvv
rtnderlne MarrUiro Imtirnper or unhappy , IN
. free In nT Jlrri. ComulUUDB '
C4 or y mall fref , n < Hnrlteil. TrtUi forquottloui.
A Positive Written Guarantor
In * In > ll coruilo icj , VMIclnm icnt eTeryvhiro.
I'amphleti , Knellah or Qertnsn , < 34 race * , O
. U rblhaalrllHtvl
, mpn y l roi . . . . . . " . - " , 200. r-
tr.t lai Ml tbg , lubCvl or UccfilUrn
kooir. A b t I ' StUJi )
James Helical Institute
K Chartered by thcStatcof 1111-
ynois fop thccxprcsa purpose
/of ( jiving Immediate reilclln
nll chronic , urmarynmlprl-
tvate diseases. Gonorrhoea ,
} GleetandSyphitis in nil their
complicated forms , also nil
discuses of the Skin and
Blood promptly rclievcdnnd
pcrmanentlycurcd by rcme-
. dlestcstedinn ' ' > < iylcaf5
_ _ - - * bjiirlall'racttce. Seminal
Weakness , ight Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
theFace , Lost Manhood , j/osJrc/j/circ ( < J.37jcro
Isnocjciicrttneiittnil * The appropriate remedy
ts nt once used in each case. Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on
package to indicate contents or sender. Address
{ "TlSg in/fyrin > m.uot . " .pfw
fcwft. S4 < i --Sl" ' LiVc'3 KIDNBYK.
Er .43 M' | ui-loi.a TDK Lii.a.t.'j'tf
x.i0(1 VJKnu of votlTrl. l > <
vVl , ' | > 1''tt Uui trtl AdiK'lilo IA
XV > A 'li'ntl/t ' ! , Jjlf Ol btll.nQtuh
yfflV HIM Tlr"'IJ' -inxnbMilulcl | >
> ' ' * w\Ai /"n-il , iJ-jiif1 ! . luiisolciati'
VjyV.x5rvo - . . LJ JVO ntH iorci
. . - . , rr-T ? % lf > t 'I1"1' ' ' " " " ' "iln'J , I0 < f
f J V 113 8 f" * * S ! - ' " ) ' ' ' " : comulHlnlt
-i.l InDK. hi * MJ'ER' ' MWV TOW1C nKtiPaoLl
" > idy curt < < Uv(3UvU u , U'jiiir.y ( uaipkxloj
/Vt'ijtu'iu attruij l * * ft * c " ' * " ' ' t' ip oiih awii
Ou vO * txt ?
crt youi nldrHuto'tliti IT. Hnrt i IUM 03
Mo. , (01 Ortl 'UKEAM HOOil
Tlio Original IIIK ! Only dcniiiiic.
Rafc and Rlwajra Itellablf It wsrc of irorthlrHfl Itultatlonf.
Itidl'mntialila to LADIES. Auk ) ur llruinrliit tot
'CMi'hcuterV lTiitll"h ' u 1 tnkt ni utlur , or iuclo o < o.
CftainiiH ) to un for | iartlnitiun Irtter 117 return mulU
NAME PAPER. C'lilrhcutor tlicnilrul Co. ,
UUlli ili.dl.uii iviuurr , IM.IUcla. , ! .
U Dru gtste. Trade f upj Mid by J. A. Fuller & Co
° * "
t. M. I/XJSB A Co. . Moimoi. UchJ' ' '
OKKTI 1 am tufncr your Fluid Ertrnct Bed Clorer
Dlossom and Wet Compress for Cancer on the breast ,
and am veil. I am satisfied It ! the but remedr for
Cancer kno-wn. You ere welcome to ute thla ( or th
oneQt of MUflerlnfr humanity.
lirapccUiilly , MI13.1 , A. JOHNSOH.
° ' " " *
J. JL LOOSK ftCo. . " '
pttXTLKMK-i-Jly wlfo Jias f or some tlmo been nffllctod
mtb comc-lhlnKllkonBcrofaloua dbraae.nnd found na
r Jlot until sbt g voyeur Extr'i.'t of Uod UUnraratrlal.
lam _ happy to ay ibo haa experienced prreac r llet
Thli la but a flight testimonial of raj appreciation ot
your effort ] In behalf of humanity , which you ara
welcome to use for their benent.
1 am , > ery respectfully , n. ARM&
. . . , . . . , TOIEDO , O , . Deo. J t , ItKS.
r. H. I/x > fHitOo.lIONnoi , lllch.
OaNTft 1 commenced taklnir your En. Bed Clorer ,
Vo r " ago. lor Lryslpelos , niul have not been
: r ublo * ataco. , It Is hereditary with me. Think you
lisa * Uii boat blona medlclno known.
Vourt truly , W. It. BEIDEBT.
, R. n. Hyraan , of Grand Haplds , Mich. , saya After
Iwo Doctors adrlxcd Mm to HBO loosu's I.j t. lied Clover
: r a bed cue of Kezcma , or i'erer Bore on the ltr.
Italy used two poundj ot your Solid Kit roct lied Uloren
Un now well
AB a Spring- Medicine Tonlo and ccnrml Blcxxl rnrf-
IcrlthunotqaaL Foraalobyall clrutuUU , or J. M.
U > ow Co. . Monroe , lllcu.
Manhood Restored
IlKMKDYl'IiKE. Avlctlm of youthful Imprudence
cauiiue Premature Decay , Nervous Debility , Ix > et
Manhood , do.bavlnR tried In rain every known
remedy.liasdlacoveren a gfraplomeanaof eeir-ouro.
which he.wlll ncnd KItKIC In 111 a follow-sullmirj.
f Mn-
jovarua IN
( UllnMnnJU.Unm
3ad Plpo and Sheet Load ,
uoimiiM.To * mun nxi-s ,
MimiLiMiiiunK ILI. wars ,
'NGIHEERS' SUf" > i.lES ,
th A Dodae SU.-OMAHA.NEB.
Imported Beer
lancer , . Bavaria I Culinbachcr . Havarla
Uiicr , . . IJohemlan I Kaltcr . , Uremcn
jdwchcr . St. I.ouis I Aulmuser . Rt , Louts
ut'a . UUwaukoe | Bchlltz I * Uuer.Ullwaukce
rug's . Omaha i Ale , 1'ortcr , Domestic and
Hhln Wineu.
ID MAUEEE , 12J 3 Farnam St ,
At the Did ( Und 1U7 Varuvn M. Crilon bI I I
tVhscllclteJAndpiODpil aitcotJ&i to.
Large Lots at Reason
able Prices.
Good Investment
South Omaha
Since the completion of the new packing
and slaughter houses , South Omaha is mak
ing a wonderful ane rapid growth. Besides
the large pork and beef house erected for
Hammond & Co. , other dealers have com
menced the erection of similar institutions
and still others are contemplated for the
near future. "Several dwellings have been
b ult and twenty or thirty are now building.
Employment is now furnished to about one
liundred and fifty families , and conservative
sstimates place the figure at eight liundred
o one thousand iamilies that will find em
ployment there a year hence. This offers
great inducements to laboring men to secure
homes now while they are che'ap. Specula
tors will also find it to their advantage to buy
at present prices. The company have made
no change from the original prices , but some
parties who first purchased lots have resold
them at splendid profits , in some cases at
double the purchase price. If in so short a
time handsome profits are made , what will
be the result when everything is fully devel
oped ? In the few other cities that are favor
ed with a first class cattle market , fortunes
have been made by investors in real estate ,
and the same is certain to follow in South
Omaha. While the whole city of Omaha
will be greatly benefitted by the growth and
development of the cattle interest , South
Omaha lots will enhance in value Bmore ra
pidly than any other by reason of its prox
imity to the works.
Manufacturers of nil kinds w 11 iind it to their aavantag-j
to inspect thirf properly : good location , level grounds , track
JaciliLins and plenty nf geol pure water furui-ihcd ) > y fcha
South OrauhiiWater Works , [ n fact , over ? faciliU to inalra
desirable for manufacturers , including cheap ground. X-
It *
Will find it profitable to select property now , as a year or
two hence with a population of 5UUU to 10,000 p3)ple ,
this will become a desirable place for all kinds of business ,
and lot ? bought now , can be had /it vary reasonable prices
which will double in price many times in the next two years.
Kich or poo-- , will find it profitable to make in/pstmonts
in this pr-iperty. i'Yoa ' conveyance at nil times will bo fur
nished by us to par lies wishing to see this wonderful new
town and learn , of its advantages. Wo have nntiro charge
of , and are the pxclusiva agents for thn sale of all flits
property from Q streets south. Splendid lots from $285
Wo have desirable husino-s nnd rosiJoiice propirty for sifo in all
wrts of Oinaliu arid do a Kcueral real cstnto business. Wo solicit bi yrs -
; rs and Boilers to call on us , Wo will give Ihcm all poss bin information
: rce. Hid keep conveyance .free to show property in any part oi : the city ,
Bedford fe Souerr n ;