Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1885, Page 5, Image 5

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linow on the statno books. Mr. Pepplo
ton , general attorney of the road , who
draw the bill , recognized the right for ns
to do this. They have never Dalit the
wigon bridge. ,
The branches of the Union Pacific
and Burlington & Mltsouri river have
all been constructed by A general act
which authorizes the baildlng of rall-
roads , under which any tot of men may
organize themselves into a company for
the building of a railroad. This outline
only shows you that the original con
struction of these roads begat the charg
ing of a high extortion of tolls. These
tolls continued for years and have been
In o great measure retained. While there
have boon redactions the established
rates have been very arbitrary and In
many cisoi unreasonabloandextortlonato ;
and the paoplo of the state have been
subjected to systematic oppression. I
frill s y this much , that since the new
administration , under Mr Adams , has
como In , the Union Pacific has done
away with a great many obnoxious
abuses. Also a great deal to tone down
the difficulties , but still there is a great
deal yet undone and perhaps Mr. Adams
may not bo awaroofit , Bo that as it
may , there is a great deal of cause for
complaint yet. The general causes of
these complaints are as follows : Of course
this is n prairie state and the greatest
product Is grain and the thing that people
ple hire must have more
than any other commodity outside of
clothinp is fuel. Those two lines , in the
matter of grain purchase and transports ,
the system Inaugurated by predecessors
of Mr. Adams , has created such dissatis
faction and has boon such n monoply
that it alone has caused a great deal of
dissatisfaction. In the first place the
grain elevators are substantially owned
and controlled by the managers of the
railroads. The elevator hero in Omaha
a tar ted out with the U , P. railroad or
Its managers ( Mr. Dillon and others )
investing GO per cent of the amount
Invested and controlling It absolutely ,
nhllo the elevator across the river Is
owned ar.d controlled entirely by tail-
road people , who have put in their pro
rata , and the elevators along the line of
the U. P. are , in the main , under the
control and ownership of the name par
ties. For that reason , those elevators ,
having special fscilities for shipping
grain , are able to fix the price of grain.
They may withhold the adranca to take
place in the eastern markets at
their pletsnre , and they may
at their plcaenro , to iho detriment of
smaller dealers and farmers ont in the
country. Tbo farmer baa no show what
ever in competition with these people in
shipping grain. Ho cannot get an empty
car when ho wants It , neither can ho got
a rebate. Wo will go to coal , and I will
bring np this question of the law. Tbo
coal ueod on the line of tbo U. P. road ,
for the moat part , probably ninety-five
per cent , la brought from Rack Springs ,
Wyoming. The company owns the
mines and has taken forcible possession
of them. Rock Springs la 830 miles went ,
of Omaba That coal Is brought here \ "
and is uaed all along tbo road at diQsront
towns. In the city of Omaba only one
person la allowed to tell that coal. Wo
have baui buying it for § 7 a ton , which
Is very reasonable for the class of caul , It
being & very excellent coal of the variety ,
but they come In competition hero with
coal from Iowa , from tbo cast ,
and from Fort Soott and they sell
It at § 7 a ton. They carry
from Rock Spring * to Omaha , 830 miles.
The coat of the coal , mined and loaded
on the cars , Is $1 25 per ton at Rock
Springs , leaving thorn $5,75 for Its trans
portation to Omaha. At Sidney , 414
miles west of Omaha , they sell the same
coal for $7 CO a ton. In other words ,
they carry coal the 830 miles to Omaha
for $5.75. and charge for the 400 miles to
Sidney $6 50. Down at North Platte Is
291 miles from hero , and all along the
line , excepting at grand Island , the same
prlco prevails , that Is , they charge
a higher r to than at Omaha ;
and at Grand Island they charge
only § 6 50 to $7 , for the reason
that this Is In competition with coal
brought in from Denver by the B , & M.
railroad. This is the complaint. The
people must have the coal , and they BOB
no reason if the railroad company can
afford to curry it for five-eights of a cent
per ton po ; mile from Rock Springs to
Omaha , why they get li cunts per ton
per nillo at Sidney , and at North Platte
IJ conta per ton per mile , and there Is a
very serious caueo for complaint.
And it Is a discrimination.
I have a letter fiom
a party with regard to the transportation
of wool.Tho , wool rate from Evanstonapd
Wasatoh to Omaha is $1.41 per hundred ,
Irom Cheyenne to Ornahn , only 500
miles and 400 mllea less than Evanaton.
they chsrgo $1 CO , nnd from Sidney and
Ledge Po' , this nldo of Ohovoune , they
charge $1.00 per hundrul , BO tbat
actually ns you go towards Omaha the
rate gets higher. This is an exhibit of
discrimination that I regard as eerlous.
From what I can learn the
aamo Irregularity of tariffs Is evi
dent un the Burlington njstom
The grain traflio Is about in iho tame
way. In the earlier days we have bad
ono long contest over the U. P. bridge ,
and It is still a pretty strong source of
complaint , but not as bad as it used to
ho. Returning to tbo coal matter , hard ,
or anthrrclto coal is soiling hero at
$0.50 , and nk Sidney , 414 rnlloa further
west , at $20 per ton. In fact , their
present tariff is prohibitory , as the tariff
from Omaha toSldney IB made so high that
it compels the people there to buy Rock
springs coal , and that smo coal that sells
lor § 7 here sells for § 7.50 at Sidney , 414
miles further west. The anthracite coal
Is brought to Omaha over a thousand
miles and laid down here for $9.50 per
ton , but they charge about § 10 for carry
ing It 400 miles. With regard to our
for transportation , to show that wo hare
good reasons for complaint , the rate
from Now York to Omaha on first-clots
freight was formerly SI.59 , but Is now
31 30. Of this , New York to Chicago ,
000 mlles , forty cents , and Chicago to
Omaha , 500 mil B , ninety cents. The
second-ills ) rate Is ninety three cents ;
from Now York to Chicago , elxty-threo ;
from Chicago to Omaha , thirty. Third-
class , seventy-one cents , of which fory-
elx goes between Chicago and Omnha ,
and twenty-five ftom Chicago to New
York. Lat us compare theaa rates with
the rates charged from hero west : Tbo
first-class rata from Omaha to Oboycnno ,
DIG mllea , Is § 1.00 per hundred. Inothor
words , when yon can carry
from Omaha to Now York , 1,400 , miles ' ,
frelgbt classified ns first clais fnr $1 30
the Union P ciGo charges fcr 510 mllni
Treat of here § 1 90 , and to Denver , 5G'J
mllea wcit of here , the rate Is 82 4G ; and
to Ogdcn , 1,032 miles , the first class ii
$3.00 , whllo to Kvaustou , which h thu
side of Ogdcn , 955 miles from Omaha , thi
firatchsi rite Is $4 25. There is a beau-
Ufulexhlbit of what I call discrimination
Incidents of IhcDayat the Capi'alof '
tlie State ,
Staggering Conundrums Boferrod
to his Honor the Mayor.
Opening of the Sangorlmml ft nil tlio
tlioTcck' FrORrftmmo Gcn-
orkl nud 1'orsonn.I Notes ,
Ileportod by The BEE'S Bureau ,
LINCOLN , Neb , , Juno 22. Early Sun
day morning Policeman Oarnahan dlecov-
orod a crook taking n window light oat
of the roar of Charles Damrow'8 tailor
shop , As aoon ns discovered the crook
began * looking for a place of rofngo , and
Oarnahan garo pnranit , unripping his re
volver tnlco. The weapon refused to go ,
The crook -wan finally captnrcd at the
university grounds , When caught ho
had a chisel , ecrowdriver , candle , and a
tube used for blowing powder into safce ,
and garo hla nnmo aa Jack Connor , nliaa
Jake McDowell , alias William B. Wins-
low. Ho had a hearing bof ere Justice
Oochranc , and was bonnd over to the
district conrt in $300 , and having no
friends went to jail.
If the worthy mayor of this city had
made n Httlo inquiry about the where
abouts of eorno of his policemen the other
day when the alarm rang at least five
minutes for them and none conld bo
found , ho would probably have heard of
ono being in a saloon pulling sticks or
something of that kind with a noted pu
gilist of this city. Thus the dignity of
the city is allowed to suffer when only
ono policeman is to blamo. Roughs nud
saloon bammors have no basinets on the
Sunday evening a Httlo eloven-joar
old boy , answering to the name of Floyd
Hajs , was picked up on the strooto. Ho
claimed to have como here about two
weeks olnco from Slater , Mo. The boy's
parents are both dead , though ho has a
brother hero about sixteen years old.
Ho had neither coat or shoes nor place to
stay , and was hungry. Policeman
Thompson picked him up , provided him
with supper , a coat , lodging and break
fast , and willmako an effort to gut him
nto the homo of the friendless.
It Is believed among the knowing ones
that there is a gang of safe-blowers in
the city , besides several hard characters ,
who.expect to live off the great crowd
which will be hero this woek. Look well
to your doors and windows.
The question is being asked : "Why
it la that only one saloon is allowed to bo
open and run full blast on Sunday ? " The
question Is roforrodtto his honor , Mayor
Bnnn , who can learn fuller particulars by
inquiring at the St. Charles hotel.
Among the Nebraskans at oar leadlrg
hotels araE. H. Landis , Milford ; S 0.
Jtturllngame , Howard ; J. L. Mitchell ,
Nebraska City : Gecrgo Furnus , Nebraska
City ; George B. Franco , York ; L. B.
Krauas , Beatrice ; J. O. Chase , Fair
mont. Will Cloasion and Andy Borden ,
Omaha ; W. A. Remick , St. Paul ; A.
Wait , Syracuse ; Mrs. and Mits Roths
child , Sowaid.
Prominent arrivals :
J. J. Kuhn , Central City ; P. Veckler ,
Columbus ; J. R Harvty , Omaha ; Arthur
T. Scott , Geneva ; S. Dion , Omaha ; M.
H. Wilson and James F. Caaey , Falls
City ; L. 0. Norton , Wahoo ; James F.
Kcidekor , Falrbury ; 0. Sprecht. W. P.
Saonders , and E. W. Blair , M. D. , Om
aha ; George H. Hastings , Crete ; A.
Dewey , Wichita , Kan. ; G , W. Rsndall ,
J. Burrows , ono of the prominent anti-
monopolists of the state , went through
to Omoha last evening , where ho will ap
pear before the United States senate
railroad committee.
Now that our three line churches arc
approaching completion , church socials
and festivals are the order , aa the ladles
are desirous to assast all they can in fur
nishing tha same.
On Saturday last a party named Roth-
worth stole a shoulder of meat. He was
arrested , convicted and sentenced to sixty
days in jail within one hoar from the
time of committing the theft.
All persons having rooms to rent to
parties attending the sangerfost , and oil
parties desiring to secure rooms during
the week will bo accommodated by in
quiring at headquarters In the building.
No charges will bo made for information.
The following is a synopsis of the pro-
ceodlega of the eangerbund which opened
hero to-day :
First day Reception concert.
Second day First grand concert.
Third day Second grand concert.
Fourth day Grand parade ; evening ,
grand ball.
Fifth day Grand picnic ,
The societies comprising the bund are :
The Omaha "rmunnechor , Columbus ream-
nerchor , Council Bluffs miunnorchor ,
Leavenworth mtonnor-geaangvorelu ,
Plattsmouth Hedcrkranz , Seward tout-
onla rmuunerchor , Lincoln germanla
mcunnorchor , Kansas City arlon , St.
Joseph rmuanerchor , Grand Island Hod-
erkranz , Topeka nrlon , Atchlson llodor-
kranz , Omaha concordia , Marysvlllo
concordia. Schnyler etungerbund , Omaha
sohwoi'zer rmunncrchor.
Cno Greatest Medical Triumph of the Age
Losof rtppetlie. Uowels costive , 1'aln ID
the bend , vrlfi a dull icnsBtlon in Ibs
irtcU part , I'nln under the boulder ,
blade , l'ulluo after eullnc , with udli-
lacllnnllonto exertion of liodr orrntnd ,
Irritabilitynftcinpcr , f.owcplrllB , with
afoclluBofiaiivlninrBlectcd orue < lulf ,
\Vtmrluc s , Dlzilucas , IMullerlnKni Ibe
Heart , lo before tbo ores , Hoadacbo
over the rleht eye , ICestlessness , ivilh
Otful dreams , Ulcblr colored Urine , and
TCTT'S I'IJUI.8 are especially adapted
to suoU cases , one dose elfects Biioli a
haiiRt ) of feallne Ha to ustonlsh tno sulTorer
They Increa ( tliaAppetltcandcauaa the
tKidy 1o T Ue ou fleiU.tliu * thu mtera K
iionrlsltcil.ana bytoalrToulo Aciiou on
IUaJ lfftttveOrgai sleiulai-HtooU r
. . . , .
rroduo-il. l'rt"aa5c.'IHHriirrayNt.r .yj
| |
UiUT JIAIU or WlllBKEiia changed to a
RLOSST JILACK l > r a slnglo ixppucatlon ol
this DTK. It imparts a imturiu color , acts
instantaneously. SoM by Uruggtsts , or
nt by express on receipt of 1.
5frice4 Murray St. . How York. .
TO 1 > , OAN MONEY ,
TlTcOAGUE BROTHERS. Investment banker * , op-
iVJ.posite.postofflcc , ; negotiate mortgage
loans on flr t-clau ( ccuritylkt ruling rate of Interest
Part'es desiring to borrow mcn. y , on Improved city
or country real eiUte for from eco to five years , can
be occon modated promptly , JtcCijruo Brotbera ,
banker' , opposite Post ofllcc. 425-J3
TV > l/oAM-1500 to ( TOO on ( rood real estate security.
JL 373-tf W. 0. StJIUYER , opposite P. 0.
TO WAS On real estate In turns of $ ! 0 and
upward * , to any amount. Omaba , Financial
Exchange , 1603 Farntm St
Money to loan On collateral In lumg of $25 and
upward * , ta any amount. Oxaba Flnancltl Ex
change , 1503 FirnamBt.
Honey to loan On chattel ! In uml of $5 and up
wards to any amount , at low rates. Omaha Flnancltl
Exchange , 1E03 Farnam St.
Money to loin On good securities of any kind , In
any amount , at the Omaha Financial Exchange , 1503
Farnam SI. , up-statrs , 28-tf
Vf OSKT to loan In sums of (200 and upwards on
ITJL first-class real oiUte security. Potter & Oobb ,
1615 Farrmm nt. 84B-tf
V/TONKY / To loan on chattels , Woollcy & Harrison ,
'VI ' Room 0 , Omaha National bank building
838 tt
TV fl'OJrar I MOUST 11 MOSKT 111 Money to Loan -On
iVl chattel security by W. R.Crolt , room 4 , With-
cell building , N. E. corner 16tn and llirney After
yean of ex | > orlenoe aid a careful study of the busi
ness of loaning money on personal property , I have
at last perfrcted a 8) item whereby the publicity
usual In such caeei Is tlono away with.and I am now
In a position to meet the demand ! of all ho become
temporarily ombarrastcd and desire to ralso money
without deity and In a quiet manner. Housoteep'
ers , profession * ! gentlemen , mechanics and others In
this city can obtain advances from 810 to 1,000 on
such security as household tnrnlluro , pianos , ma
chinery , horses , wagons , warehouao receipts , secur
ed notes of hand , etc. , without removing came from
owners residence or place of business. One et the
advantages I offer Is that any part of any loan can
bo paid at any time which will reduce the Interest
pro rata and all loans renewed at ths original rates
of Intcrcs ) . 1 have no brokers In connection with
ray office , but personally superintend all my losn ,
I have private offices connected with my general
office so thai customers do not come In contact with
each other , consequently making all transactions
strictly pilvato. W. R. Crott , room 4 , Wlthncll
building , N. E. cor. 15th and narnoy. 637-J-ri
TO LOAN On real estate and chattels
MONEY Thomas. 837U.
V/fONEY toinoJ on chattels , cut rate , H. R
aitlokoU nought and told. A. Forman.SIS 8. 13th Bt
1 romrr 70 W.1H In numo of CKf > and upward.
ill 0. F. D vls and Co. , Heal Kstat * nd Loan
iftuats. 1605 Farnam B . 810 tf
\/fONET / LOANED at C. F. Rood fcCo's. Loan offlco
vVJL on furniture , pianos , horses , wagons , personal
property of all kinds and all otho rtrtloloa of value ,
without rcmrval. Over 1st National Bank.corncrlSth
tad Farnam. All buslaesa strictly oonDdoctlalRUM
A competent girl lor general housi-
WAXTKD ; best of wages given , at N. W. corner
Hamilton and Pier Sts.N. Om ha. 403-22p
A girl about 14 years old to do light
house work In a small family , 923 north Center
Street. 485-2p
'ANTED Olrl wanted 1015 ChlcigoSt
\TTA\-TKD-A good girl at 1102 DavcnportSt. Corey
House. 472 tf
Oood girls for 13 prl\ato fimlllesj light
work ; good wages ; call 1120 FarDaro 85. 47 < Jtf
ANTED - Good olLlng room girl , 1150 Farnam
street. 7
Immediately , girl for kitchen work at
Wi 04 North ICtn St. 445 23p
\I7ANTED A good girl to help in kitchen at Ar-
VV cado Hotel , 1215 Douglas St. 439 23p
TTT'ANTED A kitchen girl , 1513 TJow rd.
A kitchen ttlrl ; must know how to cook
WANTED we. 428 23p
TXTANTi-D-alrl fcr general house work atN E , oor.
VV ! 6th and Uarney , 22-9p
TVANTBD-Astrongmtddleagedwoman fora ro-
spon.lble position at the Paxton Hotel. 433-2p
A git ) ; musk be good cook and lann-
WANTED ; refeiencesroqulrod. Mrs. Coffman , 20th
and St. Mary's av . HI 5p
ANTED A competent girl ai 421 N. 17th street.
Good ulrls for hotels , private families ;
WANTED and laundry work. Call at Omaha Km.
ploymont Buroan , IliO Farnim St. 347-tf
Girl at 1640 Sherman avenue.
WANTED - J. M. Counsman.
ANTED Three exporleneed women canvasaors ,
W go per day , guaranteed ; room 7 , Redick block.
870 t"
XTrANTBD Kirnt-oIaBS dining room girl at the Mct-
VV ropolitun hotel ; none otner need apply. 824-tt
Immediately , 25 trackmen for Talon-
WAvraD , Nob. Will ship Tuesday morning , Juno
2gd , at 8 a , m. Free transportation ; 1120 Famam
ttreet. < 7J-22
WANTKD Agents to sell books and albums ,
stile on installment * : salary or comm
Address or call afternoon , 302 North 1 Sth fit. ,0
- ngonta to work Life and Accident
WANTED-LIve for a strong NewVorK company in
every town In Nebraska and Iowa O-od commis
sion to workers Address E 0. Wllocx & Co. , Gen
eral Agents , Kansas C ty , Mo. 276.27
I OOR clgarmaliora wanted. Icquiro of Goo. B.
F Godfrey , Ficmont , Nob. S33-J1/
AMKn A situation aa druggist by a roan will :
jcara experience. Addieia "W. J. " Bee office
W ANTKD Situation by young lady stenographer
vho Is also an export cperator on the typo wri
ter aidcubgraph ; Good references. Addiesa box
7B1 , riattBinouth. Nth. 464-261
WANTED-Posit Ion by a short hand man and typo
writer nh i has a No 8 Improved Hcnrinntin
typewriter ; can give good referencescan ; begin work
it once. Adarcsa No 60 , Dee offlce. 476-23p
A iltuatlan by a No 1 rrlnterrcfcrencc9 ;
WANTID . Addresa "Printer , " box8l7.Greenfield
lo q. 430-2Zp
A BSTRACTKRS Situation wanted by 0.1 cxporltnced
/Vabstrictsr ; best of references. Addresa box 31 *
GroenHcH , IO B. 4Sl-22p
- Jets , board and nicely furnlshei
WASTED-Hoar p r wick ; clean boda warantcd
1B18 Capitol M\O. 455 6p
TTTANTBD Comfortable room with board by a een
VV tlenum and wife with one child. "F K C" Be <
olllce. 471-2'p
W ANTXD To rent by a family cf two , fix room
cottage within 7 blocka of poetofllce. Addresi
Edwin Davlli , 3600 Farnam. 448-iS ,
WAHTXD A gentleman room mate , and two fur
nl'bed rooms for light housekeeping , 151
California street. 443 2Fp
AMHD A second hind wtpon ecalo cbeip foi
W cash , AddiesaG.W. Ileory , Dee office , 4 < 4-i
\TTAMBD-To buv a homo cf 6 or 7rooms with lot ;
VV will pay cash. Addrtes " 0. C. " Bos office.
Dor biby eighteen moith ) old ; a toed party car
Dhave. ( Parents dead. ) " 0. 0."Be8offlo .
* axiiTBWANiED. Addiess St. Louis Kectrio Lamp
2\Ca. , St Louli for ulrcuhr , cuti and terma of th e
candle po er Matnh Wectrlo Ltmp. 8ll-jlyl2
Every atly In ncoa ol a eonln ; ma
chine , to se the new Improved Amirlcan Nq ,
P. K. Hodman & Co. agenti ; 22Q N ICth. S30it
" " "
A now ronvenlent 8 room house OL
FORIXNT stree * , oue tlock Heat of Blunders fit
Apply at IM Icard Bt. 83-:4p :
F'on RSNT f t storage manufacturing purpose !
upper floors with oneiUe entrance , Apply ti
John & . r'rtlun , whole mi e ulgaii , No. 1205 Doujla
St. , Oiiana , Ncbriska. 70t (
HEAT New 7 room cottage , 2 blocks from
Fu roe tear * , S blocks from b h school ; family
wlthoutchltdrtn prcferrrd. M F. iiea . 4'Otl
| ? OR R xr A small briok store Just built ou 10th
L1 siriet , tvtwceu lUrnt/j and tlowarj , B. leh-
mar. 4SO-tl
New ( our roomed oottaje. fuUUt near
FOKRIXT car , at $18. Uillcu Broj. , 3l7 B. 13th St.
BEST Cottare ro mi and house rooms.
FOB . Roe. 15' ' It. Wl-tl
TTloii Mji thrwi story trick atore DuiUiug ; en-
JL1 qulro of Edirard Norrls & 0 > . , rcoa 19 CrounM
Block. 831 tl
F A handsomely fuinlihed room. bAth
room ; 1720 Caplt laro WO-JSp
T7iiwir-cUti board and furnished room at to per
J.1 we k , t 111 inhtr. , between Dodge iJ Ctpltol
are , 453 2fip
> nii'.T A plensaitly situated and fnrnlihcj
JD front room , 715 S. MthSt 4Cl-23p
FOR REST Tire nicely furnished rostts , N , W.
corner 12th and Howard. For gentlemen only.
ljVR RRXT. Furnished or unfurnished roomi within
X1 ono block of i'pera homo , inferences required
and given. A U. W. , Bte ofllce. 443-23
In RittT-l'loMant room fnrnlthed , 142S Hontrd
Bt. 27-tt
Nicely furnlsho-l ( rent roomlRtS bodga
St. ! 35-20p
TX7AXTKD \ good fu'nbhod room forgentlemen ,
W Addresi "B. 0. N , " Bco office. 4S2-f
rVR HIST A n Icoly furnished room at 60Jl north
1 17th St. 370 2Sp
FS NT Elcfjint newly furnlahcd rooms 1G16
Capitol n ODUO , bath room , gn ; no hills to climb.
roR REST Tro unfurnlthcd rooms 1010 Futnarn.
RrKT A hougo ot 5 rooms nnd him for 4 hor-
BCI In North Omaha ; 816 per month. Addresi
"A. U. W. " Bet offlco. 410-23
FOR RRXT Newly furnished front room for gentle
man and wlfe , or two Rtntlerncn. Dr Sprague ,
corner 17th and Oopltol avo. 403 25p
FOR RUST 3 nlco ( urnlthed rooms at 801 Ilarney
St. 41-25p
"IjV > R rutxT JunoSBth , two connected rooir.8 with
JU board : front room , south-east. 1914 Webster.
\ 8 7-jlyl8p
TJ OR RUST A front room with bay window ; modern
-P Improvements , suitable for a gentlemen , South-
cast corner 10th nnd KarnimSt. 450 tf
F I OR RUNT Klcir nUy newly fnralshoil rooms , gas
and bath room , 2S55 Dodge 8t. 392-tf
TTlOR nuNT Two clczant offices In Buibmann's block.
JC SDMI W. M. Bujhnwn.
FOR BZMT 2 unfurnished front rooms atl5tDoug-
las street , up > st > lra. S76-tf
FOR BEST Furnished pulor , dining room for
light lioutc keeping , bay window , biLk ; 603 N.
17th. 3G-tt
FR RKiT Furnished room 1318 Jackson ,
"C Ott RENT Furnished room 1017 Chicago St.220tf
17on RUST Furnlahed rooms , 1816 Dodge street.
I1 183-Julyt
URXT Furnished and unfurnished rooms at
1510HarnoySt. 107-tf
JTonRKM1- Centrally located furnlahed rooms at
I1 023 south JB'.hfrt. ' 125-tf
TjVm KKXT For manulno'utlug purnoses or hall ,
JL ? llrgo room 44x75 , Sillloor , No. 110 S. 14th et. ,
enquire at 1409 Dodge it. Slmcson.
I POR RRVT TjiirRO htndsomelv furnished cool room
1 modern oanronloacn , with excellent board for
two gentlemen ; alco table board , 1718 Dodgrn 637-tf
IOOR RSXT Farnhho'l largo front room with alcove
J ? grate bath , etc. , 1710 Cats street. 819-tf
I OR RRXT Room \rith board sultahlo for ono or two
F gentleman , 1812 Dodge St. 704-tt
rOR REvr Liigo front room on flrsti floor with or
with board ; inquire at 1001 Farnam St.
T ) 00MB With bo&rd.dobtrablof summer. Apply
Jttat SI. Chuiles Hotel. " 833-tt
_ . ,011UENT Sovera flnooffices In Crounse' block ,
JTJ Inquire Ed. Norrla , room Crounse blook
IfiOacTO farm York Co. , Neb. K. M.
FORSAL8 Terk Nob. 837jlyl5p :
SALB Good farm In Washington Co. ; 171
FOR ; 80 acres cultivated ; good buildings ; flno
irchard ; running wato > ; all fouced. Edward Norrls
Co. , room 19 Oiounse Block. 8S5tf
ii'ORSALB-33feet onCumlngbe weenIBthandSOth
JC wltb house , 82,700. Bedford & Soner. 600-tf
70R SALH A. 6)0 aero stock and grain tarn , a'l 1m
C prove J ; four hours' ride from tne Onaha Steak
farus ; sot en miles from the olty cf Fremont ; two
railroads nltbln tnree miles ; 300 ncres under plow ,
ho re > t In pasture ; board fence , runnlne Btream
.brough pasture ; houao with ton rooms ; 111 bo sold
iheaplf sold tmmediatclv ; on terms to salt. For
urther particulars Inquire of Goo. C. Qrodfrer , Fre-
:0nt. : Neb 880 tf
HAW Eight lots left In Pelham place , two
FOR from street oira ; these are very nice ots ;
luo view. Will sell at 8iOO to 850,1 each , on monthly
mymcnta. C. E. Mayno 4t Co , S. W. corner 15th
, nd Farnam. 27J-28
BALB Un l July 1st ; wa will continue to sell
FOR iticet lota In Highland place , at 050.
Qernine Park lots $375 to ? 400. Ballou Bros. , 817
louthlSthSt. 807-fO
, to those seeking ; lots for deelrab'o homos
NOTICE to invest In for future rise
The property on West Farnam and Dodge streets ,
one held ry Hon. A. S. Paddock , Is row offered for
ule. The two additions , Illghlind Place and Jerome
: > k , which He Immediately west of tuo business
jortien of the city , corers the property now offered
ly us Lo8 In these valuable additions are offered
.t from S375 ta $700 , with small payment down and
nl&rca on tiieard at moderate rate of interist.
Too undcra'gncd will be ploued tothow thla prop
erty to anv one wlshlnir to purchase , or will give In-
ormatlon by mail to all Inquirer/ .
InquirerA. . SAUNDKRS&CO. ,
. A GARDNER , 1404 Farnam Btreet. 889tf
' 68 feet on Farnam no r Oth ; also lots
In Highland Placs and Jerome 1'irk , on ea.y
erme. luttle & Allison , 211 aouth 13th st.
810 jly 15
TJiOR BALK four lota on OeorgU vj. , in Uansoom
JP plico , good Iocatln ; will sell In a body or sepa
rately at ft bargilj. Terms to suit Address "DA"
BALK Full 1 it on 1Fth etieol , three cdt'
oiilot,3cisterns , welloU , wou'd rent ffr | 00
er man h ; if sold in 80 duja 85,250 , 1'ottcr
ebb , 1615 Fainam sticet , 2S5-2 *
youth 10th street , comer lot COxllO foe1 , east
front ; 7 room homo , barn , all improvement ! ! ,
Bhruhery eto. , for § 2.60) . Mot bo BoV. W. II
Green , over 1st Nat'l liaok. 23tt
BALK f/argo houBo , newly built , 0 rooms , all
FOR Implements with 11 ot , at 1710 Ca&s
it ; Inquire at premises. 128tf
TP OR BAIK A choice lot In nanscom Place on
f OcorKia Avenue ; will sell at a bargain on term
o < ult ; address D C. A. , Bao olllce. 123tf
TTlOR Bits-Five lots 17x130 ; together oa teav-
1 ? worth street ; beautiful locution , 31,000 One-
fourth cash , balance on Ion ; tlmo , eaay torin
Crallo & Jones. 210-tf
BALK Forty lots for ea'o on Burt and Cumlnns
FOR ! 9tli and 81st cheap , inside property
edford & Bouor. 7ul tf
J.KASI Best uaooauplodgrouadIn the ty for
FOR house , 87 feet front on Le tvenworth ,
north bet 10b and llth.wlll lease for 99 years. Bed
'ord & Souer. e 5-tf
ORSAW-Vory cheap , one pair snail mules In
F working order , Joa. Uarueau , Crocker Co ,
T710 JRSALK ! A pastfoturyeir o'dpony. Inquire at
Jt ? Brodeilck't 1 , 010 Boutb 10th. 410-28p
A LWAVS on hand at a bargalo. No 1 second hand
2cirrlajo phaeton and side bar buggies ; a'uo urn-
r.llas and eunthadci , at 1407-1411 Dodge Bt.
ITOR8AM A nloely matched team 6 and fl years
I ? old , sound and rellaUo ; weigh about 950 Jbs a
> Ieoo , Good i t of light doucla liarneis and good
jprlng nagon. Apply to Juhu P , gchinlnfee , room3 ,
liedhk block , 383 If
SAW Houaa furniture at Battis , lUnscorn
FOR , 8S8-2ip
( TiOR SAix Onu of the hestenabliahed cash grocery
JL1 busincM ; will take city property In ex.hanKv.
Address "Grocer" care thii ottlM , SC8-tf
SALE Jersey cowi at auction. 18 bead , High
FOR and regUterd Jersey cows will be sold tt
auction , Wodiosday , July 1 , 18i5 , at 2 o'clock , without -
out limit or tv bid Havlog concluded to sell my
tmtlie herd ( f 18 oowjand glee my whole attention
o nitlve stock tnd ehitland po-
nlea , la my cauie tor tellln ? . Terms cash N I. D.
bolomon , tjptlrg Valley fatock farm , Omaha , Nub.
28J-July 1
BALI-Valuable Chlckerlng nd plaoo nearly
Fox and Httlo used , at luga oouat at 1710
Lais street. 013-tf
17OB.HUI Cvrntr lot CG132 farnaui and 2Jlh St. ,
Jj | jwo.
No 183. UoutocfBrjomsfull lot , city water , ent
front.fine view , shade and fruit tietn ; a very biautl-
lul ilice , alllna'aaddltloa 2,000 , 5XIdown ( , balans
to tult.
fw j H H HMB H
Original anh" only Misfib Clothing.Pnriors , 1312 Douglns street , up-slnirs , wish to impress iipon the minds
of their patrol3 tlint tlloy n the
lily emporium in Onji nJ1Qndlingmercliaut tailor misfit nud uncalled for clothing n * n specialty , nud nil
others who represent t. hem nro imitations , nud to demonstrate more fully the 0. M. C , I ? , nro the only people
holding contracts with -"io
orchnnt tailors throughout the .country to purchase nil garments loft upon their hands , consequently none
other cnn hold the snme. The a
ontracte nre legal and read ns follovrj :
"We , the undersigned , do hereby provnHe nud agrae to buy for cwh nil garni ml ? of clothin j left upon
the hand of by his customer , on'd pay said his cost of tna'tiu siid ffarmeutar less the
amount of deposit paid upon them by the customer. Witness our hand this "day of A. DI885'n
eople of Omaha and vicinity who have patronized the 0. M. C. P. ara nctjtwinted with1 Miese1 fnctej , and
show their eagerness to keep it in the minds of their friends , fmd do not hesitate to nunouuethe - Trutfo ihat
if there is a pluc3 on earth'for genuine bargains ib
lfi JLJL
Open Evenings until 9 o'clock Saturdays until 10 o'clock
21 lots in a body at 8200 < ach on easy terms ; thla is
a bargain and no mistake.
34. House 7 rooms on 18th street , ono block
eouth of St Mary's ave. $3,100 ; eiuy terms.
S3t. House 8 rooms on 10th ttreet , ono block eouth
St Mary's a\o. , f3lMoasy ; terma.
ISO. Three beautiful south front lota on Michigan
street , ono block west of Park avo. , S1.3IO each ; easy
terms. 0. E. Mayno&Co. , S. W. corner 16th ana
Farnam. 459 24
SALB-90xlSO In LOWO'B 1st addition , good
S room nou'e , cemented cellar.well , cisternbarn
eta , ? l,60i ; t800 down , balance $15 p r month. C.
E. Uayne& Co. , S. W. corner 15tnand Farnam.
OR BALE Lot 40x140 Arbor place , 4 rooms , house ,
F stable , well eta , 81,100 easy terms ,
lot 60x125 Kountzo Un add , , east f iont.
House 20x28 , brick basement , cistern and well ,
Corner 18th and CastiHar,75xl82 , 6 room flrat-chtss
house , barn , carriage house , large cistern , etc. Call
Coolco'lots In Barlott'e , O'Nell'i , Paulscn's , Denlse
and Burr Oak additions.
Lot 93x132 , east front , 4 rooms , now house , largo
( table , well , etc. ; south 18th near Center , 32ICO.
tot 130x150 PMkrlice , $1,100.
Lot B3xUO , Barker's Sub-dixlelon ? 350.
For rent or sale Two lota near Cumlng , 1 square
from Bed car line ; elegant house , 87,000.
4 lota In Burr Oak add , one rf the most desirable
lUilding places near cl y ; call for price.
For rent-fl room cottage , wellcistern , stable eta ,
Mb Btreet , between Clark aod Grace , eait front , 0
per mouth.
S'oro and 6 rooms upstairsSt Mary't avo. near 17th
ureet. Call Or prlc ? .
Good 7-8room house , Convent street , & cquaro
Irom St , Car line , $30 per nionts Eaf t front.
460 tf PAULSEN & CO. , 1518FarnainSt.
CTOCKMKV contsmfhtlng purchasing Block ranches
Om northern or wosternNebraska , or peed farms
jt feeding purposes near Omaha.should eooVcCaguo
opp. pest offlco Any number of aoics , tmpro\oii or
unlmpro\ol lands la any port of the state , negdtla-
cd quickly end at ieaouablo figures. Note tnefol-
owing : a splindld ranch ol 2,800 acres In northern
Nebraska , under fence , tlrabsr , all stocked with cat-
lo anu homes ready fnr buslncst , $28,000.
One ot the best stock farms In Douglas county , ad-
mlribly tltuitort for feeding purposes , U. P. It. II.
iis'es through It , good Improvements , ample fenced
> astur go good Darn , sheds and corral" , only $17 per
ere. MoCague , opp. I'ost otllce.
To Exchange For c'ty property , wild land In small
.riets in Northern Nebraslto. McCAdUE , opp. Post
office. tzt.22
maDDiTOx has been the beet Belling property
. .u Omaha this spring , itbjsbeen a constant
fourco of surpr'so to every real estate agent In the
city , that any addition , during thoioinowhat quiet
condition of Iho real estate market this spring ,
thou'dstll ' to rcadilr. BUitlsuot surprising to any
one n ho > lilts this flno propertylcc ted east of Saun
deistud north of Lake street. U is but two decks
from both the red and urcen car lines , giving the
sirno itreot oir tot\lce as Is bad at the postofflce. It
la a high plateau with a fine view of the city. It af-
fordt excellent rrainsgo and lll never need grading.
Denleoaddition has tnen so'd to the ory bset class
of people and will soon bo dotted with cosy cottages
and handsome reslden > cs. llut twenty-tour loti lire
left out oldility In this addltUn put on sate U-t
[ all Iho price tai net been raised on tho-e remain-
ina lots , bnt 'hey ore still offdrol on easy terms at
from 8525 to SKO. For sals bvMcCiODH , opp. 1'oit
olllce. ooU agent. Cill and get 11 it. 4SD 22
RKNT 9 room hou'e and good bira on green
FOR lloi > ,112 per month.
For rent 11 room tense and large barn on rod line ,
850 per month ,
- * 3(00 ( 2xB2 , on Dodge ; andbrlok building.
Lot 44x120 ad 3 ttoiy brick block oa Dodge
a bargain , I .
182 feet on N 18th to loue for a term of years.
8U feet f jr ula an Farnam.
180 feet ( or ralo on Farntm.
4 ( feet tit sale on Farn m.
Livery for ale , cheap , oed trade and will my
Horn the itar . M. F , Sears , Wi.Iiami blook. 16th
'andDoagoHt. J 4"7-tf
SALK 7 room cottage , wo'l. barn and cistern ,
FOR I8ih street 8 blocka from hops 82,600 , on easy
termi. Potter & CobV > , 1515 Farnam 81 662-tf
'I7VR BiiK-No23Z ) elegant realdeno ) property on
Jj Cua street , 9 roomi , vath : all modern fmprove-
rnenUj all hard finis1 ! ; hot and cold water ; furnace ;
ctatei ; tlco'rlo apparatuwi ; sewer connections so.
new home , south frott W.6CO. O. E. Mayne & Oo.
S. W. corner 16th and F rnam. 414-84
n > OR t ALB-On south 221st , one i room and one 5
I1 roomo > ttage , barn , well , ols'ern , &o , on ame
lot , rent for ? 35 permouth , on'y ' 83,100 ; would kell
separate ! ) . 1'otterit Oohb. 1515 Farnirn St. 850-tf
BILK -Tlirse cbolcett lotl In Uanao m plico.
FOR 054.11 Potter & Cobb ,
riiACB a good lota In UiU addition withIn -
MARION ( .oka of street cars , can be had on easy
Urms. WII Orcen. over M Ntt'l Bank. 827-tf
'ORSALB-Lot nlUlWde aJdohtaneit and best
F Insldn Iota In the city , tltO to | 9 0 dxcluUre
eenU Putter ft Cobh 8M-H
T ORSALK. Afullooriiur lot , wu loc wett of
1 ; redo rlmB-8550. This li poaltlvcly a bargain.
J. E. lliley & Co. , lib . HHi Bt.
KorSalo-Lot 60x110 , 2M St. , near Once , ? eCO.
Tbla IB also a baigab. J. K. lliley & Oo,216 S 13th Bt
Fcr Sa'.e Tlireo loti 60sl40 , eouth front , 4 blocki
from ttrtot or2iOoiclj ; bargitns. J. H lUley &
Co 216813th St.
For Bale Twoloti on OeorgU krBedlok'tdd.ea8t
front , no uridlrir , nearFaruam , 7txUO-iOOO ach.
Iheli are rOMoJible. J. E. I l.y 0 Co.216 8 18th Bt.
For Bale Nine lot * on VlriflnU a\e. , ( :00 to tOiO
eioh. J , K. Rtlov & Co i S 13th It ,
For Solo Ten lota on Cumlng St. , and nlno on
Burt et. , four blocks Irom military bridge. J. K. Hl-
loy &Co.,215SlSthet
For Stlo Eighteen lots on Vlnton St. , one block
from terminus 13th street car Hue. Positively cheap.
J. E. Rll y & Co. , 216 S 13th tt.
Wo desire ta Bay to our patrons that In the above
list we am give assurance cf eifo and profitable In
vestment , ft'o also have property in almost every
quarter ot tbo city worlhy of Investigation.
J. E. KILE ! & CO. , 215 S 13th bt.
\Tfi B OFFER FOR SiLn East half of block 3 Smith's
VV add. , 600 feet front , two acre lots , nicest in
Omaha , full view of city nd Bluffs , making 10 lota
1G5 foot each , will sell half or all.
Lots 44 and 60 , Nnlson'andd , $700 each or will
ell bait of either ; T/ota 50x145 Eountz's 2d add. near
9th and Center , $400 each.
Lot 6 , block 1 , Kountz's 4th add , being : store on.
10th st , full lot$2ZCO , , also lot 0 suno block 81,350.
Two lota In S lUth Omaha , by Goodman's , with
louse , orchard , cistern , and well , alt 8100.
18 nvo tore lets In Vlneland , 6 mllea north city
units overlooking city and Bluffs , 835 per acre.
Loti 10 and 11 , block 19 , Honscom plaoo very
sightly , 81,200 for both.
Half acre ISO feet front block 6 , Park place , with
louse , barn , well , and cistern.
Corner , S lota In Hawthorne oa Casa Bt , OCO far
both etc eta.
Call and see us , Dexter L. Thomas ; * Bro. , Ecal
Estate ; Room 8 Crelghton block. 678-tf
TpOA BALK 75 choice lots in nanscom place at 8550
JP tolOCO. ,
201otsInP rttraand Shlnn'sadd , $5:0 ta $1,000
2 lota on Saunders street , cast front $1,50) .
10 lots on turning Street , near streetcars , $1,009
2 lotsou Fernam street $1,200 c > ch ; a bargain.
2 lota In lledlck'sISub-dlv. 75x140 , cast frontcheap.
2 Iota on Leavenworth street $650 , a rare bargain.
Btrgtlns In Leavenworth Terrace , Iota at 8310 to
J325 tacb ; $10 down and $5 a incnth ,
Good 7 room house S. 18th i blook from 6t llarv's
are.$3irociiay terms , and a bargain ,
Cottage 5 rooms on N. 19th street , near PtuUtrcct
monthly r a ) menta S2COO.
8 room house , Uansoom place , $3,000 ,
CntUtre 5 room ? , barn , shade , fruit cto. Lot
76x155 , Park Wilde nvo , $2 6CO.
6 room hors * , barn , and } lot on California street
nojr ICtli , 83,500. ,
HoueoS rooms south 18thEtrcotmonthIy payments
Cottage D rooms , full lot on South avo. , 83.001. .
3 1 8 aires on Lcavoiiworth ct , llmlle from P. O.
40 to 100 acres 1 m'Jes from clly , $05 ,
S 1-3 acres on Saunders street 5,000
320 acio farm 10 n lies wo t of city 8J7.CO. acre.
Cheap acre property In Himobaugh 4 : Brookllco
Homoi , lots and busln'83 property In all parts ot
tbo city forsalaou cssyterms-8 luuscs for rent
money to loan W. O. SHRIVKB , opp. P. < > .
4lt 3J
TTtoR 8ALK-Uy 0 , F , Davia & Co. , 1605 Firnam St.
J * Omaha.
House and lot on south Eighteenth Bt , $1,000.
" " " 'i Twentieth " I,400.
Z haucoa " Dodgt near 2Cth SI , f2EOO ,
B oU lu Hanscom Place , each , 1625.
Iloueo and lot on Park avenue , ft.COO.
n i. n DavenfortSt.,812000 ,
n n M n ii 8 2,000.
" ' south 13th " 8 * ,0 < X > .
16,003 sores of land In Boone county , S7 to 810.
20,000 " " " Btanton " 8T to 8.12.
Land In Madison , Waj no , 1'UtU and Hall counties
on easy termr ,
Mono v oancd on long time , 6DO-tf
-A good saleiman Hh a few
15 hundred dolltrs desires an opening in some
bualn s where smill capital could bo utcd to ad
vantage , AddresaN.O. N. , Bje offlco.
TTTAKTSD To eitbangd 4 lota In Omaha for small
W hottl or buslaois property lo country town ,
wcit or noith ineforred. Addruaa "Exchange , "
Omiba Bee. fS727p
\TTAKTED To trade flret-clus farm 1 0 avei , good
W house , 1 ariis. gralnerles. wellfsrid living water ;
o\er J03areg under cultivationHilts Co. , near Col.
umbna ; will trade fir home and lot In Omaba. U , K
Mayne & Co , , Sf , owner IHb and Varnum ,
TOOK SILK A well establlihed bakery In good loca-
J ? ttor , , Address "F. " Be offlce. 39J-2 n
4LB Oa account cf pooi health , a well 01-
FOE D-orcantl'e ' buslneaa In Omaha. Cash
capital required , J5.003 to | 10 , a Forlurthcr tor-
tlcuhrs addrcil A , this otllco , 4G7,07p
BiLK Old establUhed p ylrg business whole-
FOR and rctillj sales last ttar I09,000 ; noc.U
ttiple and known , no rcmnintp ; busluces croulng ,
ainl PAU bo largely Increased ; capital nccetsary about
120,000 Parties who have tlis tnoroyandmein bus-
Inuts , will Qnd this aa opoortunl'y eoldam oBcrcJ.
Ku others need address ' Jchuion1' Bee oHlcs.
T7WK RIU > T \ hottl and s looa known ss the Den-
P > cr HOUM , lootted In Fiorrout , Neb. with-
la forty fett of the U. V , trao . Will rer-t for one to
fl > e io tson reasonable terms. Home U ncitly fur-
nUlnjd and U the bait etiit'l ' In I > o < lg county. In-
oulre cf Hobt. ( Jrettf or Mn. Brldgtl llanlon. Fro-
. HALS Eslatillshed ocmalidOn t > u lnoii ; iwall
FOB. al r iul'cd ; gccxl roisous lor lelluig. Ad
' Uoininljilcu" cure lies oltlc . 302-11
WANTKD To exchange 000 tores good farm land
In Custer Co. , Nob. , fnr stock of troncral mot- '
chandlse. For full particulars , address- W n'
lock box Ho 3 Nob.
, Wymore , 231-22p <
FORSALK At a bargain , on account of my health
falling. 1 wish to dlposo of my billiard hall. It
Is In the bast location In the city , nnd doing a good
pi } Ing business at all times. For fail particulars
address 0. L. Herman , I'lattnnouth. Nob.
_ B35-July2p
T710R BALI Drua : store In a desirable locality , wll
Jj Invoice about $1.500 It O Patterson , N E corner
13th and Farnam. 439-tf
TjlOll SALE Or exchange a full stock of clothing
J ? boots anj shoos , gent' furnlshlnggoods , will ox *
change for Nebraska Lands. G. H.Poteraon.BOi S.
10th St. , Omaha , Nob. 940-tf
. U. Hooper , traneo clairvoyant ,
JL and healing medium , over 710 North. 18lh St.
_ 652-J21
M ns. scimonRH Clairvoyant ondMlDrno > Ic hcalcr ;
Locates all pain and disease , 707 N.lOth1 Bt.
437 July 10
DR. A cma3TKimKM > Mngncllo phytlclan , teat and
developing medium , over GIB north 16th St ,
riliin puroetT rKGest and uolitTleTeTelmTaiwIiyTfreah
JLon hand ; orders ( or private and boirdln ; houses
promptly delivered. Carl'Scnmlci ; 80S South IGth
treei , above Farnam. ! B3-Jly-9
Coass All nllments of the feet , successfully treat
ed by Dr. Barry , 1512 Douglas street. Offlco for
ladlfn. 782-Jly 3
ORRIS' Parlor Keetaura t.
N Board by the week , J3.2fi.
Meal tickets , $3.60.
Binrlomeali , 26 conti > .
107 N. 16th street , near Dodge. 713-J2G
FOUND A sum of money ; owner can h vo sorao
by proving property. Mrs , Green , Oth and
Jackson St. 174-22 ] > .
f" OBT On Thursday , a rod heifer coif ; cny peuon
XjOudlngeamo and IcaTlnglnfO'inatlanat Ed-Fear-
on'tcorner 12tb and Farnam , will be roiptctfully re
warded 4S3-SCp
- > > , whltefaco. wclglm. 1400
from Htorz & Ilur'a bro ffcry , any Information M
to whereabout ! will bo suitably rewarded. Storz &
Her. 117-22
LOST Dog rod and white ; setter , ( l'ck. ) Reward
for Information leadlig to hU woereabouta
1 In ell & Cook , 1303 Farnam tit.
vv A bright bay horot , hind feet white , a
SAKIK In foretoead. Owocr.caa have the ame by
Ing and pajlrg costs at Dennis O'lllell/s , half
mil * welt of Uulon Block yards. 871-20p
1-auTiNU and roculUr books fur Ront'uiiiir. LU
O for stamp. Lock box 80j Cape May , N.J. J26wltp
8Am New rrapa ol Omaha , JJ each. Bomlu' '
l th and DougUs. 51-20
U. I * . Park looitod 12 mllea a W. ou U. P.
TUB , la now open to the public and cin bo rented
or plc-nlci and social pttherlntri. Special rated for
fare given. For terre , , oill or addreesu. C. Bchwenck
Tapllllon , Neb. 803 U .
UAR Parties wishing to purohaje brood J
BROOD fur ranch purpoeoa plcaaa call at Iloaian'a
Livery stable , 413 sotitli 13th street , Omaha. S8-tt
/ IIIBW SII.VIIR TAO , does nt give you heart-hum.
v logaredecmodat ono cent , each by the dealers.
PeyokoBros. , Ascnti. 883-tl
A ruNnoviu IiDUBSTKttis _ Now l w. Persons who
xxtook honucl i)8 ) In WeaUru Kajiias prevloui to
Juno 16ti ) , 18S ( , and abandoned them without mak
ing final pr > ol , will learn soraetbiuz to their advan
tage by addres ln 4 inn by letter U oil en , Isa > o Mul.
liollaid , Itnd attorney , Kenneth , Dfterldi.n Co. , Kan-
las. 033-JIJ8
iAHTUiui Ou Elkhora and tUtto. ' ; , Murray.
IIIBW SILYBR TAO , ltd fruit tUvorcj , tigii redeemed
atruj ooutoacliby the dealers. I'eycke Bros.
ftgonts , B33-tf
YNBTBUC-IIO.N on binjo glyor. by O E ( lellen
JL btck , nt 1118 Capitol avo. 4SO-H
/Ins * HLVKR TAO , It Ucesno'4 taint the breath , tags
V redeenMxJ it ono Mat s.a'a l > j the dealers. Peyck
Broil. A runt *
L > lllt , taulu , sluts nd coanpuols cl auea at tn
shoitc * ' . notloo and lVictlon | euartutotd by Jt.
AbcJ.l' . a IDtlld , iJJ-aVif ;