THE DAILY BEE-TUESDAY , JUNE 23 , 1885 THE DAILY B3E. OMAHA Omc No. 914 AND 010 FAIISAU Si. NEW TOM Ornoi , ROOM 05 TRIBCHI BUILD * IKNO , robllihcd Terj morning , except Sundiy. Th wily Hond y morning daily pabllihed lnth lute. TIMS RT van , On Tetr..t 110.00 I Thres Monthl t * W RtxHonthl E.OO I On * Month 1.00 Th Weekly Bee , Published every Wednesday nuii , rosiritn. OotTeM , with premium. . . . i . . . . . .I t N On * Ye r , without premium. 1 Btx Monthl , rlthoat premium JJ On Month , on trUl , 10 COHKUrOXDXXCI ! All Oommarlc tlon ยง relating to NewiuidEdllorlM mitten should b ddrraied to the Kciro * or mi Do. itnnrws LKTTIU. All BntJnen t tter nd IlemUUnce * ihould b tadrexed to Tni nn PuBLisirao CoiirAHT , Ojuiu. Unfti.Checkf and Post ofllM order * to b * m&da p y- nble to tbe order ot the company. THE BEE PUBLISHING CO , , Props , B. ROSKWATBR , EDITOB. A. n. Fitch , Manager Daily Circulation , P. O. Box , 483 Omaha , Neb. "Wmi n long pull , n strong pull , nnd a pull altogether , the grade of Harnoy and Sixteenth streets may bo carried through this soison. Is THEnE no law by which men who own property on Farnam street can bo compelled to put their sidewalks in proper condition ? GENERAL GnANx's momolra will receive more gratultona advertising than any ether book over published. The olc commander la welcome to It , as every nowopnper In the land will gladly aid In the good work. THE OhoyennoB , now in the Indian territory , are reported to bo uneasy ant threatening to go upon the war-path. The regular army may yet bo moro uso- than ornamental if those redskins attempt another hair-raising expedition. IP the city council cannot have the sidewalks on Farnam street Improved , II certainly can glvo na batter cross-walks on that thoroughfare. It should Imme diately put down flat atones In place oi the rough granlto blocks , which not only wear out shoe-leather bnt are painful to thin-soled pedestrians.1 IF the visionaries who want to plcnl the city hall on Joffmon tqnaro would exert their energy and Influence towards the grading and improving of Sixteenth street south from Farnam to the city limits , they would contribute a great deal moro toyards increasing the value of Sixteenth street property. "TiiE trouble with Omaha Is that she has scattered her business over too much ground. In Denver , Kansas City , Minneapolis and Si. Paul the public buildings and business blocks are located clona together , thus making a compact business center , and giving business property greater value. From now on Omaha should centralize her business Instead of scattering. MR. GERE , the head of the Nebraska railway commission , officially announces that the commieslon will take no notlco of charges of exorbitant freight rates In any cases prior to the 6th of June. Mr. Gore Is undoubtedly afraid that the com mission would be Btvaraped with work. It remains to bo eoou whether the com mission will take notice of any cises oc curring after the Oth of June. THE public has almost lost sight of Dennis Kearney since ho settled down to the respectable and lucrative business ol looping a pie-stand In San Francisco. Dennis has evidently tired of plea , and ho now aspires to ba a candidate for the governorship of California. With a Bolf-assnrance that la characteristic of the great man , ho predicts his own election in the most magnificent campaign over witnessed In that state. THERE will bo no lack of cotton thla season , If nothing occurs to Injnro the Immense crop , According to department ostlinatoa there are 18,000,000 acres ol cotton planted this year. If there shonlc bo an average crop the product would bo ever 7,000,000 balos. So big a aupply would certainly swamp the marKot. But there are many contingencies between tho'sowlng of the seed and picking the cotton which are yet to bo encountered The heavy acreage shows the undiminished ishod faith of the southern planter In King Cotton , WHILE wo are talking about the no ceaslty of viaducts across the railroad tracks , wo should not forgot that Omaha la largo enough to have a union depot She has paid for the Union Pacific depol grounds and given the railroad comjja nios enough right of way to compensate thorn for the erection of B commodious and modern depot building. If such a building were orootod at the foot of Far- n m , Harney , or Howard street , the an- annoyance and danger to passengers would ba obviated , There Is probably not another city of equal population that has auoh wretched and Inadequate depot and tronster Accommodations as Omaha , KINO ALFONSO , of Spain , in splto of the protests ot hla cabinet and friends , propoaes to follow ( ha example of King Humbert , of Italy , and person. Uy visit the cholera-Infected dlalrlcts of iU domain. His firat visit will bo to the province of Murcia , where the plague la . raging the wont. His ministry has ro- algnod on account of his determination to lima expose himself , bnt ho nevertheless persists In his resolution. Whatever maybe bo the tate of the bravo sovereign ho will oror llro In the hearisof his countrymen KB will also King Humbert ot Italy , irhcse comforting visitations last jcar among the cholera pitlonla won for him the admiration of ( lie world. ELECTION REFORM IN ILLINOIS The election reform bill passed by tha Illinois legislature la Intended arly for the city of Chicago , In which so many frauds h&vo been perpetrated at every election for toveral years past. The operations of ballot-box Bluffers , re peaters , and perjurers have become so frequent , bold and successful that the respectable cltizsns of Chicago , enraged at tbo frauds committed at the last elec tion , resolved to appeal to the legislature for aomo remedial measures. They gave up all hope of over having an honest olec- lion without some vigorous and effective legislation. Their appeal lus been answered by the passage of a law , which , it is hoped , will work a much needed reform. Whether this now law will ac complish the much desired result remains to be soon. It certainly will not unless It Is strictly enforced and a vigilant watch Is kept upon the movements of the "gang , " which seems to bo almost Irre pressible. Naturally enough the "gang" exerted every possible cflbtt to dofuat every election measure towards reform , but happily the election law was carried by n handsome majority. It was a sub stantial victory for the republicans. o democrats did not support it , bnt on the other hand attempted to defeat it by an effort to prevent a quorum. They wore working of course under the influence and direction of the Chicago gang. Thla now law , before it can bo applied to Chicago , must bo submitted to the people - plo at the next regular election , noxl fall. In all probability it will bo adopted , notwithstanding the efforts oi the democrats and their profesnlona' strikers. Howovcr , there Is a possibility of its defeat. It Is rather unfortunate that the bill contained this provision , because it gives the old gang another chance to obstruct and defeat reform In elections. Why thla loop-hole was per mitted to remain in the bill is something wo can hardly understand. If defeated next fall , however , it can bo re-anbmlttcd at csch succeeding general election until It is adopted. This makes it pocsiblo for Us eventual adop tion , as It requires only a majority of the votes cast on the proposition , It is safe to say that It will receive the votes of such democrats as bcllovo In honest elec tions , and there certainly are quite a number of such persons among the dem ocrats. This bill provides for a board ot elec tion commissioners to bo appointed froai both parties by the county judge. The voting precincts are to bo so arranged by the commissioners that each precinct shall contain about three hundred voters , and after each presidential election if any of the precincts shall have moro than 450 votes a redlstiibutlon shall bo made. This In Itself is a commendable feature , for this lltnit'of votes will glvo every veteran an opportunity to got In his ballot , acd enable the judges and clerks to fur nish the count early In the evening and thus prevent frauds. The judges and clerks are to bo taken equally from the two parties , and are to bo appointed by the commissioners , who shall also super vise the registration list of voters. The doing away of voting by affidavit will no doubt put an-end to wholesale perjury. Very strict rules will govern the count of ballots , and a returning board , con sisting of the county judge , city attorney , and election commissions , shall make the final canvass within ono week after election. Severe penalties are provided for violations of the law. In addition to this election reform bill , an other law was passed limiting the number of voters in a precinct to 450 , and re quiring the polls to bo located in respect able places. This is intended to proven ! the holding of elections in or near saloons , and this feature Is also to bo commended. It has rbecomo altogether too common to run a gin mill In connec tion with the ballot-box , and thus not only get the voters drunk , but also the judges and clerks , vrho , while In thai condition , are not able to ooo the frauds that are psrpotrated under their very nose * . Still another law was passed by the legislature to govern the primary elections , this law , of course , depending for its adoption upon the acticn of the executive committees of the political parties. If adopted by the committee , as wo under stand It , It is binding upon the party. It is similar to the Colorado primary elec tion law. With all these safoguirds thrown around the ballot-box , the Illinois elections , especially those In Chicago , ought to be very free from corruption and fraud , It Is to bo hoped that those laws will bo onfor ad to the letter , an everything dopenda npon that. There may bo defects In those laws , but they can bo remedied by legislative amend ments. Experience Will show what Is needed in that direction , The worsl feature Is the closing of the polls at four o'clock In the afternoon. Thli provision was no doubt Inserted be cause election day Is to bo a legal holiday , bnt as it la not to ba a compulsory holi day the result will bo that thousands up on thousands of voters , especially among the working class , will bo disfranchised. The thopj and factories will not bo closed on election day , and hjnco the employes will bo kept at work , and have little erne no opportunity of voting. Worklngmen vote before going to wotk , and at noon , and when they quit work at five or six o'clock in the evening. It will bo found necessary , If the closing hour of 4 p. m , la not changed , to pata a law compelling the suspension of bnalnesi whllo the polls are open , and providing a heavy penalty ? or any violations. The hour of 4 p. m. , f election day is made a compulsory legal lollday , would then bo eatlsfactory. It itrlkea ua that the election days in this country are of sufficient Importance to lemand that all business bo suspended during the hours of voting. NEBRASKA CITY feels indignant over , ho effort of Gov. Dawes to delay the erection of a government building Inthat -own with the appropriation scoured by Senator Van Wyck. Under the act ol congress relative to pnbllo buildings It Is necessary that the state , wherein such building Is to bo located , should code Its jurisdiction over the alto. Secretary Manning , who has control over all gov ernment buildings , addressed a loiter to the governor for the purpose of ascer taining whether the state had ceded such jurisdiction in regard to the Ne braska Cltypoatjffico si to. The governor In response stated that it woulc require a special act of the legislature. Inasmuch as that body will not convene until January , 1887 , unless called by the governor In extra session , the inference would bo thnt nothing could bo done towards the orootlon of the poatoflioo until 1887. The Nobroika City Pra calls attention to the fact that the legls latnro passed a general law with rcgan to government buildings by which th state codes jurisdiction ever any of them wherever they may bo located , Thla law was approved by Governor Dawoa him aolf , bnt his memory in this matter , as in the case of the Tom Kcnnard claim , ha boon sadly enfeebled , In his last message sago ho recommended that the k-glsla tnro thonld settle Konnnrd'a swamp land and Indian reservation claims , and abolish ish the claim agency , whereas the pre vious legislature- already repealed th law creating the agency , and Govorno Dawes himself signed the repeal bill His excellency ought to have private secretary who knows less abou military tactics , especially cavalry mov ments , and moro about the laws enactoc during his own administration. THE ARIZONA TROUBLE. The San Francisco Argonaut of a recent cent date assorts that the present troubl in Arizona arises from a plot of thieve and rascally contractors to make mono by the presence of troopn In that torrl tory , that the Indiana have been abused starved , and deprived of their rightsam that the present outbreak Is the attomp of the Chiricuhua Apaches to escap from a prison reservation , as well as from starvation , which latter fact has boon reported from tlmo to time by Genera Crook , The Argonaut claims that sine the organization of Arizona moro whit men have boon murdered by whlto men than have been killed by Indians , tha moro horsea have been stolen by whit thieves than by Indians , that dtunkon ness has led to moro assassinations am killings then have the Indian wars , am that nine-tenths of all the stories of In dlan outrages are unadulterated lies do llberately manufactured by white thieves army contractors , speculators and klndret plunderers , for the purpose of robbing the Indians. In view of this lamentabl otato of affairs the Argonaut oxpresse the hope that the Indians will give General oral Crook's troops a threshing , and thu be enabled to dictate terms of peace b ; which their rights and immunity from persecution will bo guaranteed to them This is certainly taking a very strong stand npon this matter. No aoubt there are two sides to this question , and wo are led to believe that there is a great doa of truth in the charges made wit ! regard to the treatment of the Indians In Arizona. In his annual re port Gen. Crook stated that the Chlrlcn huaa were peaceably inclined and mani fested a disposition to become self-sup parting if the proper onconragemen were given to them. They started In well , and made considerable progress in tilling the Eoll , although poorly provldcc with seed and implements. That they have not been treated fairly by the In dian Department , and that they have been moro or less provoked and plundered b ; whlto thieves and contractors , in order to make them go on the warpath , so tha the maintenance of a largoforro of troop In the territory would continue to bo a necessity , is quite probable. Granting that such Is the fact , the rcsponalbllit ; for the present trouble rests in a largo measure npon the shoulders of mercenary while wretches , whoso tcalps ought to ornament the belts of Goronlmo and hi followers , A NEW departure In railway telegraph ing was dlseutsad at the convention o railway telegraph superintendents In Denver last week. The present system of train dispatching by telegraph Is largely ly responsible for accidents which conic bo avoided If every train on the roac could bo kept under the direct and con stant communication with the train dls patchor'a offico. For moro than twenty years electricians have reeked tholr brain for aomo appliance that would enable them to solve this problem , Various devices vices have been gotten up at dlfferen times , but they have proved failures as they were too complicate or too costly At last , however , u simple and economic device has been perfected for this very purpose , and wo may soon look for revolution In the matter of train dis patching. By this arrangement It la claimed that constant comrannica tlon can bo kept up between moving trains and the dispatcher's office , and also between two or more moving trains on the same track. The new system will of couno necessitate a telegraph operator on each train , and will create a demand for skilled operators. It will also save tbo railroad companies a ; reat deal of money that Is now paid out In compensation for damages arising from .ccldenls to life , limb and property. SEVERAL emigrant girls have been dis covered in Castle Garden who were brought over from Belfast under con tract to worklnuflix mill In this country for starvation wajos. They h&vo been detained , and will no doubt bo used as wilneises In the proeecnlion of tbelr con tract employers. The law provides n fine of $1,000 for each person thus Im ported under contract. It will bo seen that the law prohibiting the Importation of laborers under contract Is productive of good results after all , and If strictly enforced will not only protect American labor bnt will prevent much suffering on the part of the victims of cheap con tractors who are endeavoring to continue the villainous system of whlto slavery , THE Portland people threaten tu solzo all the whisky cons'gnod to the Gram Army of the Republic In that city. While the Portland prohibitionists might posal bly capture enough corn-julco to start a wholesale liquor house , wo venture to nay that the men who have sipped the llquic from the same canteen will not suffer any sot-back in tholr enjoyment , owing to the enforcement of the Maine liquor law. They will find'"forty-rod" liquor lying around aomowhoro on thopremlsos. It isa notorious fact that there never waaa tlmo when liquor could not bo obtained in some way in Portland. Ono thing I certain , and that la that there never wl ! bo another grand army reunion in tha city. TUB latest rumqr concerning "Chinese Gordon , whe was generally supposed t have boon killed nt Khartoum , Is that h fs a prisoner in the hands of the mahdi who is keeping him in a secret place This is welcome news to the hosts of ad mirers of the bravo man. It is hopoc that It Is hue , for if such is really th case his release Is only a question of tim and money , aa the mahdl is no deub holding him for a big ransom. Th mahdl , so say the dispatches , dlscovorec Gordon in a wounded condition , and now that ho is recovered it la but very natura for the mahdl to lot the fact out , as ho I anxious to get the heavy ransom whio ho well knows the English governmon will bo willing to pay for his release No positive proof has ever boon prescntoi that Gordon iras killed. It was eimpl taken for granted that ho was among th fallen. Th o story of hla capture and do tentlon la very plausible. CI.A.Y AND BhtVINU. Remarkable Btnillarlty of their Oft rcor m Politics , A Washington correspondent writes : A friend of Mr. Elaine's eald to-day : "You may bo euro that Mr. Blalno will neve again bo a candidate. Hn believes tha his chances are exhausted. Do you know , said he , "that Elaine has a queer belie about his future based npon the market similarity In the career of Henry Clay and hia own ? Early In llfo both wont from their native States to Kentucky. Both entered public llfo as members of thol State Legislatures. Mr. Clay was Speaker or of the Lower House in Kentucky Mr. Elaine filled a similar position in th Maine legislature. Mr. Clay was a member ber of congress afterwords and served a Speaker sixteen years. Mr. Blalno wai also a member of the House and servec as Its Speaker six years. Mr. Clay was first elected to the Senate from Kentucky to fill a vacancy. Mr. Elaine was ap painted to the Senate , but also to fill a vacancy. Mr. Clay resigned his seat In In the Senate to accept the Secretaryship of State from John Quincy Adams. Mr Blalno resigned the Senatorshlp to become como Secretary of State under Gaifield Mr. Clay waa three times the candidate for the Whig nomination. Ho was twice defeated in convention. Ho waa finall ; nominated in 1844 , but was defeated b ; James K. Polk. M. Blaine was beaten twice in the National Conventions , nominated natod in the third ono , and was defeate < by Grover Cleveland. Mr. Clay's loiters on the Texas question are held to bo a parallel In their evil effects npon tb writer to some of Mr. Elaine's letters The Abolitionists in New York in 184 < threw their vote to BIrney and thereby gave the State to the Democracy. It Is claimed that last year , If U had not been for the votes given to St. John , Blalm would have carried New York. The voti of No ir York decided the election In f vor of the Democrats in 1844 , and again in 1884. " Mr. Clay was never n candl date after his final defeat , and Is believed by Mr. Elaine's friends that ho will nevei again bo proscntod to the pnbllo as a can didate. The parallel between his caree and that of Clay's will probably remain unbroken. ' Convict vs. Free Labor. ShrevepcrtLtt. ( ) Times. No sane person will contend that state should not use the labor of its con vlcts to produce at lout sufficient rev enno to prevent actual loss , provided the system does not operate to reduce the wages of free labar. The question ia how can thla bo accomplished ? The only method by which it is possible to ntlliza the convict so that ho will not compote directly with free labor is for the state Itself to assume direct control of the work , to bo responsible for its expenses , and to receive the direct benefit of what ever profits accrue. If convicts are to be worked cuteldo of the penitentiary they should not bo worked for a loss sum per day than the same class of fret labor can bo employed. The leasing ol convicts la wren ? , both in principle one practice , and at no distant day this and other ! states will bo forced by public opinion and the demands of honest free laborers to cancel their contracts with the leosoca. If men con grow immensely rich in a short while by leasing from the itato the labor of ita convicts , it certain ly stands to rosson that the atato can manage and opeiate that labor BO thai It will bo no burden to the taxpayer * . Dtcs Threaten Trouble for Itevougo , Fonr LEWIS , Ool. , June 21. It is rumored .hla evening that BIZ Ute Indians were killed y whites In the Dolores valley , Tbe chief ol ue tribe to which they belonged la very much onrsfied and demands satisfaction. If the umor proves true there will probably bo rouble iu southern Colorado with tbe Utes , Joe MBCfcln Oantlmii'H In CHICAGO , 111. , Juno 22. According to an afternoon paper considerable indignation has > e n expreited by reptuabld dunocraU hero ver tbe published call for primaries to select ouuty cormnltt emcn winch is signed by oseuh 0 , Mackm , as secretary of the Cook 9uaty central committee , In Teheran. I'erela , the tea licuics are all PBU to the public , and oven the tchools are xpoaed like tbe shops , olten having shops on ach tide The boya tit on their heels in rowu ud repeat tbe leeson after the matter , tppar- otly undisturbed by lbu continual hubbu olog on around them. RELATIVE TO RATES , TUeiate Committee on Inirtatc Commerce at foil , Homo of the GrlcvnncCB TrnnRportrxtion Gornp nlca JL'ro- innlgAtotl by Cltlr.ons oi Ne braska BnbBtanco of their Testimony , The United States senate Inter-state commerce Invest gating committee are having a pleasant tlmo in Omaha. At the close of their afternoon session yes * tcrday Senator Handcrson had carriages at the hotel and took them out driving through the city. They were much do * lighted at the beautiful sights presented everywhere and greatly surprised to find Omtha such an Important metropolis. A reporter for the BEE met Senator Oullom yesterday morning and had a short but very pleasant talk with him. Said bo , In response to an inquiry , "Wo shall remain - main in Omaha taking the testimony wo need until to-morrow night , when wo will go to Minneapolis , and thence to St. Paul. After that , wo shall , for a time discon tinue the work. Yes , wo hope to have the results of the Investigation In tucli shape tint they can bo laid before con gress at its next re-assembling. "Tho committee has mot with good success thus far In Its labors , " continued Senator Oullom. "In ono sentence , the object wo hope to attain by this work Is that enabling congress to regulate the laws which control Inter-state commerce In auoh a manner as to remove , as far as possible , all grievances which may now exist , nndor present relations. To this end wo seek the expression of representa tive business men , professional men and formora in all sections of the coun try. " The committee commenced the work of taking testimony yesterday morning. TAKING TESTIMONY. The committee mot at 10 o'clock in the parlord of the { ] Paxton Hotel , Nearly an hour was devoted to reading tbo Monday morning BEG and waiting for somebody to put In an ap pearance who could tell them something about Inter-state transportation and the relation sustained between the transpor tation companlca and the people. In the moan time Senator Ll&ndorson , and two or three others , busied themselves hunting up vitncssos , and a few visitors called. Senator Onllom cbatted pleas antly with the reporters nnd gave abort accounts of tbo meetings held at Chica go , St. Louis , Springfield Missouri , and Dca Moines , Iowa. Finally about 11 o'clock , Senator Man- derson appeared , bringing with him Mr , N. B. Falconer , of thls clty , who was In troduced and given an opportunity ol rotating his experience with railroads tc the committee. Senator Cullom stated to him the ob jects desired for hearing any complaint ho had to mako. Mr. Falconer , said in substance , tha1 the great trouble in Omaha was cause' by the pooling system among railroads. "Wo think Omaha h s been worse use by the railroads than any other town In the country. Wo are a city of GO.COO people , but are practically cut off from the outside world. This is partly cause by the bridge. Until very recently w haven't had a single/ line run ning into Omaha. Ono reason for this Is that some the directors own a largo amount land in Council Bluffs. The 0 , B. Q. built a bridge at 'PJattsmonth bit didn't have to ran trains Into Omaha foi two or three years , and it would seem seem that this alone- was causa for inter ferenco. Eecently the 0 , B. & Q. ha made pome arrangements to get htrabu they make neither bettor time nor rates on account of the pool. This brings up another subject and that is the fas froltrht line business. It seems to bi nothing bnt an arrangement for the di rectors of the company to blond thi public and the railroad compan les. If any company want to start a fast freight lini from Now York they can't do I without permission from some railroad , The river biidgo at. this point Is owned and controlled by a company on the in side of the U. P. railroad company. Mer chants xparlenco great inconvenience with the shipments over the alleged fas' freight lines which Is owing entirely ti tbo affiliations existing between them Another trouble is the undue length o tlmo ccnsnmed in transporting goods from New York to Omaha , often nqulr ing fourteen days to get a bill ol goods through. To biing eults for dainu ies would be a very cxpemivo master a : the companies all belong in Now York. ' Mr. Falconer thought that he would cs inblloh a rate for freights , of so much per hundred over all dittances long or ah or and put railroads as much under government mont control as tbo malls. In addition to the sohodu'o price of hauling ho would make a pilce that could bo agreed on for handling at depots. Ho would not allow the shipper to load and unload his own : ; ooda , because the greatest expense Is : roated by stopping cars too long. Ho would make the same rates for frd 'ut apply to all roads In the country. Wher asked whether this would not effect i serious discrimination against reads that est two .or three times as much to build as other roads , Mr. Falconer answered that In almost every such case , ho expensive road had three or four ; imes as much trtflio to carry as the cheaper roads and by reaton of having so much moro freight to move , moro han overbalance thbir profits , In com * : arlton with cost of construction as gainst the cheaper lino. Mr. Falconer testified that Omaha , In his opinion , is not what can bo termed a very extentive dlitrlbntlpg center , aa compared , for in stance , with St. Joe , Mo. Mr. Falconer stated to the committee that he favored , ho publication of rates , the simplicity if rebates and a ptovlslon for clssaifici- ion of trains for hauling the different classes of goods. There is no redresser or the wrongs done to smillahippoiB > y reason of any Injustices leapud upon them , for tbo reason that all the freight lines arc oontroled meat- nrably , by the pool , therefore every ship- tor 1s in the hinds of this stupendous nonopoly. A wholesale shipper is de- erred from suing for redress , because by eo doing ho would make a mortal enemy of the railroads , and forever be shut cO' rom receiving any special favors , The a-.t freight line system , ho believed , la ho worst monopoly In the country , and hould not ba recognized in any way. And , by reason of the pools , there is no competition between Omaha nnd Chi- ago. Owing to the war between rail- rada east of Chicago the meiohanta hero eo ive a great benefit from the low iatca : tus incurred. At the close of Mr. Falconer's ( alk the oramittco took a recess until 2 o'clock , AFTEUNOOJf BKSSION , , The committee met at 2 o'clock , but we ro compelled to wait half an hour for Witnesses. Charles F. Goodman , w a tli9 first man to appear. Mr. Goodnun had noticed recently the nuttor of claaii * CcMion between eastern and western line * . On account of the changes made In tlieno classifications nt Uhlcago it Is not possible to secure through ratoa on many classes of gooda. Especially is this so in the matter of glassware purchased at Plttsbnrg and destined for Omaha. Ho believed that this existing state of auAlta Is an < 3vll that should bo remedied by government legislation , acd that no tilt- ftronco should bo allowed to control various sections of the country. The unit of rate thought Mr. Goodman ougbt to bo made on the car load. Whether variations in rates should bo made on the number of car loads shipped , ho hardly felt Inclined to glvo an opinion , In answer to Senator Onlloms Inquiry re garding the system of rebates , and whether It should bo allowed to exist or bo abolished , the witness replied that ho believed it would bo bettor for the whole country to have the rebate system abel ished. The transportation companlca ought to make rates that would nut ro * qnlro giving rebates , As between the re- tall and wholesale merchant i , Mr. Good man could aoo no reason why ono should bo favored moro than the other when their amount of shipments are equal. Mr. Goodman had heard some com plaints from people in Nebraska that they were not being as well treated by the rail * roads aa other states. This , ho thought , oimo principally from morcoants through * out the interior who are compelled to pay higher rates on goods shipped to thorn from Omaha than they oin got from Chicago. This friction between the railroads and people , however , ho be lieved to bo much less than it was a few years ago. Tbo prinaipal ironblo about this change In the schedule of rates again causing a raise nt Omaha for points west arises from the jaclonay existing between two roada which Invade the country , against transferring from ono to the otbor. The syatom of pools ho thonght not a very bad evil. " Should a railroad company bo allowed to charge as much or moro for delivering a carload of goods at other than competitive- points 3" was asked by Mr. Cullom , to which the witness answered that ho thought they ought to charge as much. The greatest trouble nilsing from the bridge at this city is the delay it causes some times to receiving gcods. A IUNKE11 TALKS. Capt. J. H. Stickle , a banker from Hebron , was the next gentleman inter viewed. Mr. Stlcklchad his suggestions and complaints prepared in manuscript to the printed questions sent him a week ago by Senator Mandorson. The wit ness in substance answered as follows : 1 The people cf this state at th polls last fall rejected the commlssiono : syatom as the best method of provontln [ extortion and cnjust discrimination , be cause It does not work to thu advantagi of the prudncoiB. 2 West of the Missouri river , loca rates charged for freight are simply ex tortlonato. There is not so much com plaint regarding through freights. 3 Publicity of raloi should bo require by law ; changes of rates without publl notlco should bo prohibited. As to th best method of securing uniformity one stability of rates , the witness had n definite suggestions to mako. 4 The advleiblllty of maximum o minimum rates are unquestionably do slr.ible. 5 The elements of cost should novo include ono mill of watered stock. Rebates and drawbacks should b entirely prohibited. 7 Pooling should bo entirely prohibited - hibitod by law. 8 Provisions rhould by all means mady by law for securing to shippers ih right to select the lines over which to make their shipments. 9 I do not know what method can bo adopted to secure a uniform system o. rates for transportation , bnt doubt th efficiency of the commissioner system , 10 Living so far from tide water we could not stand pro Tata charges as 1 would reduce our farms to $2 per acre. 11 Certainly no concessions in rate should bo allowed to largo shippers. The poor man should never bo discriminated agr.inst nor the rich man favored. 12 Cannot say whether corporations engaged in inter-stato commerce ahoulc" be required to adopt a uniform system o : accounts. 13 It is dealrablo that corporation make annual reports to the government , 14. It is Important to have a Hjatom ol water mutes for securing cheap transpor tation. 15 Inter-stato commerce should b regulated by law and not by a commia aion. aion.When When asked by Senator Cullom to giv < dtgatt of the Nebraska law , Air , Stickles stld that it waa called the Doati or the Tnb law , so oiled in illustration o throwing a tub at the monopoly whale The law , ho conolderml , wascf no benefit , There hai never been any prosecutions for violations under it. The committee was furnished by Sena tor Mandoraon with a copy of the Tub aw to examine at their leisure. The now comniitalonor law not having been publlslu d yet , Mr. Stickles could not toll what results will bo obtained. The railroads , said Mr. Stickles , run this atato and have for seventeen years. They have run It through legislation In their favor. The rates charged are sim ply extortionate and the common peonlo are heartily alck of It. From Omaha to Grand Island the shippers pay & and C cents per ton per mtlo. The rates In this state , ho thought , ought to bo In proportion tion to the ratoi between Omaha and Chicago. One great trouble and Impcsltlon tbo people experience la a refusal on the part of all railroads to transfer freight from ono to the other without back charges are first paid. Mr. Stickles believed that the bill , Introduced In congress , would satisfy the peuple of this state , Mr. Stickles la decidedly in favor of all prol and rebito systems being abolished , and that public notice ehould bo given when any chances are to bo made In freight rates. The corporations In this ettte , declared Mr , Stickles , are moro powerful than the peoplo. If the law of this state was in the hands of three men , unequivocally In favor of enforcing It , It would give eatls factory relief. With a tribunal that wou'd hoar com plaints from anybody and then prosecute such complaints honestly and vlgornuly , some good results might boaoosinplluhod. In answer to a question as to whether congress should iix maximum > atos and lot them ttand , Mr. Siioklea thought that the shippers nnd producers could atand It better as the a ate cf affairs are now. Win ther the qu ( athn of regulation should ba delegated to congress or the people , the witness thought that senators and representatives were engaged too mno x In looking after their own comfort. Maximum and minimum jates would probably bo of such olcaticlty that tatlr- factory changes might bo made on any olats cf nnd , whether expensive orchoi- ] , In Its oon.mullon. 3 SOUK IIIBTOHIOAL FA OTH , Mr , Eiwnrd Ilosawater , of the followed. In aubst nio , ho raid ; "E h vo given the question a good many yovra * etucly , bnt the progress of the country naturally has brought about rjcnhy new phiitcr , and perhaps tome changes , in my own opinions with regard to the proper couno which should bo miriucd toireliovo the patrons of transportation companies , and particularly the railroads , from the many abuses Hint nro nnw existing and r have existed. I take it for granted that cocgrota hns jurisdiction over nil lailr.wls In the United Stntoi , nholhor located within or without iho bound aries of a atato , for the reason thnt any railroad , no matter how ahott , will assnmo to bo n pnbllo carrier for other railroadn tnd do an intrratato busi ness. To that extent congress will have jurisdiction , In aa much ns railroads all pretend to carry on that kind of traffic , and do not confine themselves to the builnosa within their termini , oongroaa has jumdlatlon ever them , There Are two classes of railroads In the country. The land grant roads , constructed with the aid of congress and by Its authority ; and ordinary railroads which have boon - chartered by the states , The right of congress to regulate rates has been par tially exercised over the laud grant rail roads. Wo hnho a great deal moro to do hero with the land grant railroads than the other * , The two principal railroads in Nebraska , the U. P. and B. & M. are both land grant rail roads In reply to a question from Sen ator Platt , asking what the Burlington & Missouri river railroad was , Mr. Rosewater - water replied : "It was chartered by congress as ono of the branches to inter sect with the U. P. at or about the 100th meridian , running from some point In the western boundry of Iowa , across the territory of Nebraska , and the right of way was granted by congress , and the road was built from Plattomouth , twenty miles belotr herd , to Kearney , where it Intersected with the U. P. , but the latter road denied its right to prorata and to the privileges accorded nndor the orig inal aat , as interpreted by that railroad. The Chicago , Burlington & Qalncy built this syatom from hero and when they found they could not got proper regula tion In congress to compoll the Union Pacific to give them justice thty finally constructed fiolr road into Colorado and connected at Denver with the Den ver it Rio Grande railway and other roada to Salt Lko. Now these two r.-ads nro our prlnclpjl thoroughfarco. With the cxcsption of ono other , all the other reads are branches of these two rondc that It ! the Elk Horn & Misnonrl Valley , owned by iho North western. They come cross the river at Blair and run to Fremont. Really , there are in Nebraska only three railroads , viz : the U. P. , B. &M. and Northwestern , the Missouri Pacific being a part of tha Gould eystom. The others nro all the branches of the otbor system and they are all controlled by ono of the companies named , so wo are dealing principally with railroads subject to the regulation of congress. When they were constructed originally there were no railroads in Iowa within ISOmlles of the terminus of Union Pacific at Omaha , and of course the change from the staging system and overland traffic at twenty-five cents a pound to the rilltoid system was a desirable ono. Though the rates were extrivogantly high seven cents per mile for passengers It seemed to the people who lived hero a great relief , it used to take us a month to drive to Fort Kearney in wagons , and ncmotimos required two nnd tbrao months to reach the coast , hence when the Union Pacific was constructed it waa a great blessing to the country , even with the rates they charged. Bat SB the yoara wont by people began to think about this matter and compare the rates with rates paid elsewhere , and as the state began to ba settled and travel and traffic kept in creasing , there was a proat deal of talk from time to tlmo about getting some re lief. Another thing , the U. P. road , after ita first establishment , being the only road to California , was managed by set of autocrats. They ruled this country , not only by controlling trans portation rates , but otherwise. There was no ono dared to go to congress , or any other office from constable up , that they did not direct. Wo have had con siderable reduction from tlmo to tlmo on the U. P. , both freight and passenger , but these reductlona have only coma through agitation and through conflict. The queatlon has been carried irom year to year fiom ono legislation to another , and from ono convention to an other , until at last , on the fiiat day of this month , wo got down to the three cent rate on passengers between Omaha acd the 100th meridian on the lino. Be yond that It Is four and five cents , and some of the local rates are as high aa soveti cents. But up to two years ago wo had ihe'five-cant rate , and it was only dcnnndlngjjloglalatlva reduction that wo have reduced tbotn. This reduc tion to three cents was made by the last legislature. Nebraska vras n territory wnon the B. & M. road wag begun to bo built. Then they had so tan little legisla tion regarding the otale'a c'cnating to them an additional subsidy. They orig inally gvo them MONEY SUBSIDY ' ii and the state has 5CO.OCO acres of lands donated for publio Improvement. That land was legislated by tbo legislature of the state then as a anbildy for the last railroad to bo built , or under construc tion at that time. The Burlington was not entirely completed then and they secured tholr prorata of it. The early railway from here to Plattsmcuth was called the Omaha & Southwestern and another from hero north called the Omaha & North western. All received 3,000 acres pir mile , and then , Indepoud. out of that , almost every county through which they passad was induced and bnll- dczjd Into voting them bonds in tddi- tlon. " "Tho charters are from the United States g vornment , so Nebraska has no power to alter them , " suggested a member of the committee. "No , " continued Mr. Rozowater , "bnt phon wo adopted the now constitution In 1885 we adopted a gocd many of tl.o 111 features as to railways , and no railway waa accorded the right to operate In the state of Nebraska without enbj\ctlng itrolf to all the laws of the etato. Tbo Union Pacific railway , or Its attoriioya at least , bollovod wo had fnll jorlidloUon. In 1871 , aa manager of the Atlantic & Pa cific telegraph lines , which at that time WAS controlled < r owned in part by the Un'on ' Pacific , I was elected to the legislature , and tbclr gner ( ieuper ; Intendent Gou. Stlckto aikod mete to introduce a bill authorizing tbo Union PaciQu road to collect nud ruccivo to ] over Its railway biHge at Omaha , and Its wagcn bridge , as at that tlmo they thought it would ba a wagon as well aa a rillroad bridge. That bill was intodnccd and vt o made It under ono provlco , The or'glnal ' proviso waa that the company ihuuld charge ajoh toll as they from tlmu to Hmu ( hould fix. I put In that thu mpany should dur o Buch tolls as tha mayor and the citv coano 1 of Omiha ilojld from tlmo t < 2tirae fix , 'That bill