Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1885, Page 3, Image 3

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BUHPLUS MAYI , 1885 . . . . 25.00C
or-riccns :
President. Vlco President
WiViMonai , JNO.S.CotLiNB , Lswia S. RH
W , H , S. Hughe * , Oaahior.
BANKINO orriox :
The Iron Bank ,
A General Banking Busi
ness Transacted.
YOBX , Juno 22 , Mono/ Easy at
per cent.
Prime mercantile paper 4@5 per cont.
Foreign Exchange Dull nnd steady n
$4.851 ; demand $1.861.
Governments Quiet , steady and unchanged
except 4s which are down Jo.
Stock ; The wrek opened on the stock exchange
change with a strong and active market , The
first prices were nearly in all cases Jo to § o
higher than tha closing quotations of lost
Saturday , and although some little feverieh-
nosa was shown In the early transactions the
market soon became steady , then strong , and
so continued until 1 o'clock. It WM simply a
continuation of the strength and activity dis
played last weak , without any spasmodic ad
vances , gains ranging in most cases from go to
Jc , but 8t Foul , Louisville A Nashville and
Lackawunna rose § to 1J per cent , with large
transactions in the stock last mentioned.
3's 103 ?
4J's Coupons 112J
U. S. 4'i 1231
Pacific O's of ' 95 127
Central Pacific 30g
Chicago & Alton 135
do do preferred 150
Chicago , 'Burlington & Qulncy 125
Delaware , Lackawana Western 102
Dflnvor & lUo Grande 4 ?
Erie. 10
do preferred 20
Illinois Central 125J
Indianapolis , Blaoroington & Western. . . S $
Kansas & Texas 17 +
Lake Shore & Michigan Southern : C5l
Louisville & Nashville 31
Michigan Central 52
Missouri PacICo 91
Northern Pacific 1C
do do preferred SO
Northwestern 92 |
do prnforred 127
New York Central SO'g
Oregon Transcontinental 135
Paclfia Mail 538
Peorlo , Decatur & Evnnsville 8i
Pullman Palace Oar Company 116
Rock leland 115J
St. Loulu & Son Francisco 18
do do preferred 31J
Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul 70S
do do do preferred. . 107J
St. Paul & Omaha 21
do do preferred 721
Texas Pacific Ill
Union Pacific 62/j /
Wabash , St. Louis & Pacific 4
do do do preferred. . . 8
Western Union Telegraph G1V
OhiolUverft Nashville 74J
CHICAGO , III , Juno 22. Flonr Dull and
unchanged : winter wheat flour , $4,50@5.25 ;
southern , S4.DOg5.25 ; Wisconsin and Michi
gan , $4.50@5 UO ; soft sprintr , 84 50@4 75 ;
Minnesota bakers' , $3,50@4 60. . ,
Wheat Moderately active , weak and lower ;
opened i@lo lower declined go more , recov
ered jjc , ruled easier , and closed go under Sat
urday ; 88S@89ia ) for cash and June : 891(3S9jjc (
for July ; 911@91go for August ; 931@9Jgo for
September ; No. 2 red , 01 Jo.
Com Quiet and at times unusually slaw ,
but rather iitm , however , considering the
weakness in wheat ; opened | c higher , im
proved | c more , declined gc , rallied jc , and
closed cash and July &c , August } c , and Sep
tember go ever Saturday ; 47ic tor cash and
June ; 40i@4GJo fer July ; 4Gj ; < sHOio for Au
Oats Fairly act ! re , quiet and strong ; ad-
\kncod J ic early , bus reacted later and
closed at about Saturday"4 close ; 32l@32&cfor &
cash ; 321@32gc for June ; 32Jo for Jiily ; 28o
for August.
Rye-Sto&dy at Glc ,
Barley Nominal.
Timothy Nominal.
Flax seed-Quiet and unchanged ; No. 1 ,
$1.22 jr
Pork Fairly active but Irregular within
small range ; declined Dj early , but later ral
lied and closed comparatively steady ; $10.20
@ 10.25 for cash ; S10.ii2i@10.25 for Juno and
July : SlO.30aiO.32J lor August ; $10.40 ®
10.42 } for Suptcmber.
Lard Moderately active , comparatively
steady nod about unchangpd ; SO G2J@G G5 for
cash and June ; SG05@ti.G7i for July ; § 0.72i
@G,75 for August.
Bulk Meats Shoulders , about unchanged ,
93 7503.8' ) ; short clear , about unchanged ,
S5.80@5 85 ; short ribs , S5.30@6.821.
Butter Unchanged ; good fine creamery ,
13ftl7o ( ; goud tonholca dairy 10tal-lc. ,
Cheese Unchanged ; choice full cream cheddars -
dars , OftCJo ; Hits , GJ@7c ; young Americana ,
7@7Jcj skims , 1@ Ic.
Eggs Ky at lUo.
Illdea Unchanged.
Tallow Unchanged.
KeceipU. Uhlp'ts.
Flour , bbls 9.000 12,000
Wheat , bashoU ] 70,003 98.000
Oorn , bushels. . , 25U.OOO ICO,000
Oats , bushels 127,000 122,000
Kyo , bushels. . , 3,000 none
liuloy , tnubelg 4,000 4000
MILWAUKKB. WIs. , June 22. Wheat-
Quiet ; No. a Milwaukee , 880 ; July , 89c ;
August , 911o.
Corn Dull ; No. 2 , J7Jc.
Oats U.oy ; No. 2 , J-24o.
KyeJuiBt ; No. 1 G3/o.
liarley- Higher ; No. 2 , OOc.
Provisions Liower ; meas pork , cash and
July , $10.22 ; August. 810.30@10.31.
CINCINNATI , 0 . Juno 22. Wheat-Heavy ;
No. 2 red , 81.CO1.02.
Corn-Firro ; No. 2 mixed , 48s.
Oats - Dull and lower ; No. 2 mixed , 35i
llye Fair demand , No. 2 , G9@70o.
Barley Out cf market ,
Pork Dull at 810.75.
Lani-QuUtat 8G40.
Whliky Dull at § 1.13 ; no sales reported.
TOLEDO , 0 , Juno 22 , Wheat-Quiet
and steady ; No. 2 red , cash and June. l/-'ia.
Corn -Dull but steady ; No. 2 cash aud
June , 48o
Oats-Quiet ; No. 2 , 3lio.
Liverpool , June 23 Wheat-Quiet nnd
steady with fair demand.
Corn Quiet and steady with f ir de-
miud ,
N w YOEK , June 22 Whnat Lower ,
closing steady ; rottlpt8 , 1C9.000 bu < h li ; ex
ports , UJ.X ( > < ) btt'hels ; ungraded , $1.01 ; No. 2
red , i 02 } all at , 91.01 elevator ; August
closing at 81 03 ; } .
Corn Lower , closing stronger ; wceiuta , 25-
40J buihel ; t-xporU , 39 000 bndiels ; ut
, , 63C < 965Jc : No. 2 , 63i4@5lc , elevate
- - . , afloat ; 531Wo , c if , August clos
D0ata-Falrly active ; receipt. , 160,000 bush
els ; exports , 37 buthels ; western , 40@42c.
Egg-Dull and dropping ; western. 13
1 ft
p'orfc Dull ani weak ; mess quoted
$11 00@11.DO ,
Lard Ball ; western utosm , spot , 6.o2
< gC.80j August , ? G.94@G,9G.
Batter Dull and heavy ; wealern , 0 18c
Oheose Quiet but firm ; woatern flat , 31 (
ST. Louis , Mo. , Juno 22. Wheat
Unsattlod and hieher ; clo inp about | o unde
top figures , and jo over Saturday § 1.01 lo
caeh : 81.01J for Julys W.C38 ( or Angiut
Oorn-Sl w and lowerj ciosinR iWjo undo
Saturday ; 45o lor cash ; -I5io lor July ; -15j
a ked for August.
O t Batter bnt Inactive ; 33lc for cash
30Jo for .Tiily.
Ryo-DulI ; COjo bid.
Butter-Steady ; creamery , lB@17c ; dnir
12315C. .
Whisky Steady at 81.13 ,
Afternoon Board Wheat-Advanced 1
July , $ l.02ij August , S1.032 ; Scptombo
Oorn-Firm but slow , at15J. .
KANSAS Orrr , Mo. , Juno 22. Wheat-
Weak ; No. 2 red wlntflr , cwb , 78o bid , 78J
asked ; July , 79io bid. 79gc a > kcd ; August
82c.Corn Weak ; June , 37jc ; asked , 36Jo bit
July 38c ; Aagust , 39o.
OntOAOO , III , Juno 22. The Drovers' Jour
nal reports :
Cuttle Kescipts , 7,600 head : natives , , C ©
lOc higher : shipping steers , $5.CO@5.90 ; stock
ers and feeders , S350&4 75 : cows , bull
and mixed , $2.50 ® 1 GO ; slopfod steers , SI.9 ,
@ 5.75.
Hogs Receipts , 30.COO head : firm ; closed
strong : rough nnd mixed , $3.80@4.05 ; packing
and shipping , $4 00@1.10.
Sheep Itecolnti , 2,500 head ; steady ; niv
lives , $2 50@4.25 ; western , $2.75g3.75 ; Iambs ,
per head , $1.25@3 75 ,
Si , Louis , Mo. , Juno 22. Cattle Re
ceipts , 2,300 head ; shipments 1 > 000 head
iteady and fair demand for all good grades ;
ight to heavy shipping steers , $4.80@5.G5t
intlvo butcher steers , § 1.-10@1.8I ; cows and
leilers , $3 25 ® I 25 ; ntockora and feeders ,
S3.50 ® J G5 : corn-fed Texans , S3 75 ® J 50.
Sheep Receipts , 70J head ; shipments , 400
load ; very slow , except high pradea , which
are scarce ; common to choice $2,00@ 115.
KANSAS OUT , Mo. , Jnno 22. Cattle Re
ceipts , 400 head ; shipments , GOO head ;
food to choice fat , steady : grassers , weak ;
exporters , 85.21(25.40 ( ; common to choice ship-
pin ? , 34.CO@5.15 ; feeders , $4.25@4.76 ; cows ,
§ 275@3.75.
Hogs Hecoipts , 10,000 head ; shipments ,
0,000 head ; weaker and 10e lower ; choice ,
83 Go ; mixed , S3.50@S GO.
Sheep Receipts , 252 head ; shipments , 25G
load ; a aiet ; common to good muttons , $1,75
Monday Evening , Juuo 22. |
The following pnces are charged retailers
> y jobbers , wholesale and commission inor-
hants with the exception of grain , which is
noted at the prices furnished by the elova-
ors and other local buyers :
Hogs Receipts were liberal at the Union
took yards to-day , and prices Go to lOc
owpr. Common mixed packing , S3 28 ®
.35 ; good to choice mixed packing , $3.40 ®
.50. Common rough hogs aud skips
msaleable. All sales of stock
i this market are made per cwt
ivo weight unions othorwigo stated.
} ead hogs noli at IJo per pound for weights
t 200 pounds nnd upwards , and lo for under
00 pounds. Pregnant sowa are docked 40
lonnds and stags 80 pounds.
Sheep-$3.2j < 23.75.
Cattle Steady at yesterday's prices.
iutchers' Block , slow at S3.25@3 75 , for good
cows and heifers ; dressed beef steers , averag-
ng 1.100 to 1,200 pounds , $4.65 ® 185 ; peed
° ° rtSiCo' nvera&IDB V00 to M00 pounds ,
Wheat Cash No. 2 , 71c. 1
Barley 45@COc.
Bye Cash No. 8 , 51c.
Com No. 3 , 33o.
Oats No. 2 , SOc ,
Floor and Millstuflfc ,
Winter Wheat Finn jbest quality patent at
Second anality-82.7C@3.00.
Spring Wheat Best quality patentjat 83.10. 2
Second quality -82. ' 40 ® 3. 00.
BranCOopcr cwt.
Chopped Food Per 100 Ibs. , 90o@81.00
Cora Meal $1 00@1,10 per cwt.
Boreenlng-No. 1 , 60o per cwt ; No 2 , 50c.
Hominy ? 1.60 per cwt
Shorts 70o per cwt.
Rrabam 82.00 per cwt.
Hay-$7.00@9.00 per ton.S [
Goncro ) Prodnoo
Butter The choice out of all receipt * of
rosh grass butter is still golnj at I OB , with
air qualiMei at 7@8c , and Inferior at 3(2Gc. (
tggsCandling Is now neceesiry , and ship- "
> ers would find it to their advantage to do it .
efore shipping , instead of paying freight on
otten fgas.
Poultry-Old chickens , $3.00@3 50 , accord-
ng to quality. Lanre sizes of spring ; chickens
re in strong request atS3GJ@400 , while
mall sizes nro rather slow sale at $3 00.
Potatoes Receipts are very light but nearly
qual to demand , which to some extent now
tins fur new potatoes. Choice old ones ore
oiling at GOs , nnd now southern at 83,50 per
arrel ,
Onions Now southern sell at 85.00 per
arrel. California choice at 5o per Ib.
Beans In moderate request ; navy , per
JushBl , S1.60@1.CO > medium , per bushel ,
L 30.6140.
Fish Marftct.
FISH-NO. 1 shor mackerel half bbls. ,
J 60 ; family J bbls. , 4 00 ; No. 1 shore , kits.
> 3 : fat family , kitf S5o : No , 1 whitefish , half
W. , 7 00 ; No. 1 bits , OOo ) family hall bbls. ,
50 ; family , kits , Me ; No. 1 trout , half bbls. ,
CO ; medium No 1 thorn mackeral , ? 8,00@
0.50 ; California salmon , rils , $7.00 ;
moke ,
Grocer n' Uot
BUQABS Powdered , 7Je ; cut loaf , 7o ; gran-
' .uted , 7o ; confectioners' A , 7io ; btandard
xlra 0 , CJc ; extra 0 , Gjjg ; medium yellow , 5j ;
ark yellow. 5Jo. L
STABOH Pearl , 4c Silver Gloss , 80 ; Oorn
larch , 80 ; Excoliior Qlogs , 7oi Oorn , 7Jc. Ib
OANNKO GOODS. Oysteis ; ( Btandard ) per Ib
BO. 3 90 ; strawberries , 2 Ib per case. 3.40 ; 3o
aspoorrloa , 2 Ib , nor case , 2 40 ; California
oars per case , 5 80 ; apricots , per case , 5 00 ;
leachoa per case , 5 80 ; white cherries per
: ao , G 76 ; plums per case , 4 50 ; whortleber-
IM per case , S 00 ; oga plums , 2 Ib , per coao ,
90 ; greengages , alb.per case , 2 90 ; pine
pies , 5 Ib , per case , S 205 50. '
RICH Louisiana , prime to choice , 61@7e.
Oorrita Ordinary gradei , lOoi fair , 12 ;
oed , 11W120) ) prime , 12@18o ; choice.
6@17oj fancy green and yellow , IGQlCJc ; old
ovornment Java , 20@2Cc ; Arbnckle's roast-
od. 141c ; MoLaughlln'a XXXX roasted , 141o ; 5
mltation Java , ief@18io.
PIOKLKS Medium m barrels , 6 00 ; do In
islf barrels , 3 00 ; small , in barrels , G 00 ; do In
mlf barrels , 3 50 ; gherkins in barrels , 7 COde
do in half barrels , 4 00.
Dnr Fnoira No 1 , quarter apples , bbls
iojN 0 sliced , boxes , GJc : evaporated , boxes ,
c ; blackberries , boxea lljc ; peaches , \ .
boxes , ejoj pcactino , evaporated , nouo in the
market ! raspberries , 80c ,
OANDT Mixed , 10@11 ; stick , 0@llc ; twist
tick , 9e.
OKACKKRS-Garnoau'a soda , butter and pic
nic. 4i : cream ? , 7i ; ginger snaps , 7i ; City
Odu , 6J.
RopB-Sisal , i inch and larger , 80 i Inch ,
8Jo ; i Inch , 'Jj.
SALT Dray loads , per bbl , 1 80 1 Ashtou ,
n sacks H 60) ) i sacks Ashton , 1 00 ; bbla dairy
SPICK Pepper , 18cj iploe , 14o : cloves , 20o
wiia , 15s.
BIBUP Htandaru .o . 2Se , bbls ; tt ) ja rd
do 4 gallon kegs , , SC
SODA In Ib papeu 8 16 OMOJ kegper
ft ) , . i
/INBJAB New Toik apple , IGot Ohio ap
ple , 15o
OAK DLE9 Boxes , 40 Ibs , 16 , 12o. 8 . 17).o
boxof 401bs , 18 01 , Gs , 12ic ; half box , 201bi.
8s , 12 jo.
MATcnca Per o&ddie , 35c ; ronndrl.caso
265tsqaaro , CMOS , 170 ; Oshkosh , CMOS grl.20
TEAS Gunpowder , good 45@55oi oholee ,
607Go ; good Imperial , < 0@43o : choice , 60 ©
65c ; Young Hyson , good , 850o ; cholco , 66
@ 1 00 ; Japan , natural loaf , 75o ; Japan cholco ,
G03975o ; Oolon/ good , 8540o5 Oolong cholco
40@55ct Souchong , good , 8040c ; cholco , 86
WOODENWABH Two hoop palU , 1 85 ; three
hoop pail , 2 10. Tubs , No. 1 , 8 50 : pioneer
washboards , 1 76 ; Donblo Crown , 1 90 ; well-
buckets , 3 76.
BOIFS Klrk'a Savon Imperial ! 3 16 ; Kirk's
fttinot , 3 30 ; Kirk's standard , 8 55 ; Kirk a
White Russian , 4 85.
POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 cans In ease
3 35 sBabbiit'i ball , 2 dor. In oiss , 1 90 ; An
toor'ball , 2 dor. In ease , 1 50.
Fine cut Hard to Beat , 70c ; Charm of the
West , GOc : Fount ln , 74o : Golden Thread
G7c ; Favorite , GOc ; Buds , GOc ; Rocky Moun
tain. 50ot Fancy , 45c ; Daisy , 40o.
Plug tobacco Climax. 44o per lb , ; Horseshoe -
shoo , 4Go : Star , 4Gc ; Spearhead , 4Gc ; Our
Rope , 50c ; Piper Uoidslck , GOi ; Punch , 40a
Smoking tobacco -U. a , , 22o ; Aixirschanm.
SOo ; Long Tom 80s. Blackwell's Dnrhitm , 1G
oz. , 51c ; 8 oz , , 55c ; 4 oz. , 57c ; 2 or. . , COo.
Seal of North Carolina , 10 oz. , 42o ; 8 oz. , 45o ;
4 oz. , 48o : 2 or , , 600 , Navy Clippings , 26c.
ICilllkinlck , 4 oz. , 27c ; 2 oz. , 28o.
Dnoas AND OHBMIOALS Acid , carbolic , 4lo
acid , tartaric , 55o ; balsam copaiba , per lb.
G5c ; bark , sassafras , per lb , 12o ; c lomoi , per
lb , 90o ; cinchonidla , per or. , $0 50 ; chloro
form ) per lb , 81 00 ; Dovors powders , per Ib ,
81 25 ; epsom salts ) per lb , SJo ; glycerine ,
pure , per lb , 25o ; load acetate , per lb , 20c ; ol
castor , No. 1 per geL , 81 GO ; oil castor , No.
per gal , , 81 40 ; oil , olive , per gal. . 81 40 ; oi '
origanum , 50o ; opium , 84 CO ; quinine , P. ft
W. , and R. &S. , per oz. , 8100 ; potassium ;
Iodide , per lb. . $3 50 ; salicin , per oz. , 40c ;
sol halo morphine , per oz. , 33 50 ; inlphnr ,
po b , 4c ; strychnine , per oz , , 81 80 ,
Faints Oils And Vnrnlshoa.
OILS 110 carbon , per gallon , lie ; ICO
headlight , per gallon , lie ; 175 ° headlight
per gallon , IGo ; 160 ° water white , 16c ; lin
seed raw , per gallon , 2o ; linseed boiled , per
gallon , 55c ; Lard , winter fltr'd , per gallon , 70c ;
No. 1 , GOo ; No. 2 , 50 ; castor XXX. per gal.
Ion , 1 50c ; No. 3 , 1 40 ; sweet , per gallon. 1 00 ;
sperm W. B. , per gallon , 1 GO ; fish W. B. ,
per gallon , G5 ; noatsfoot extra , per gallon , 90c ;
No. 1 , 75c ; Inbrisating , zero , per gallon , SOc ;
summer , 15o ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gal *
Ion , 35c ; No. 2 , 28o ; sperm , signal , per gallon
90o ; turpentine per gallon. GOo ; naptho , 74c ,
per gallon , IGc ,
Dry Goods )
BnowN SHEETINGS Atlantic A , 7Jc ; Allan-
tlo P , Bo ; Atlantic LL , 6c ; Brnnawick , 7jo ;
Beaver DamLL,51c ; Lawrence LL , 51c ; Pn-
clfio H , 7 c ; Royal Standard , GJo ; Indian
Head A , 7o ; Wauchusott A , Go ,
FINE BSOWN SnEBTiNas Argyle , Go ; Pep-
perell R , 61o ; Salisbury R , Go.
BLEACHED COTTONS Ballon. 4-4 , 6Jci Bal'
Ion , 7-8 , file ; Cumberland , 4-4 , 7 jc : Davoll DD ,
8)0 ; Falrmount , 4o ; Fruit of the Loom 4 ,
8o ; Glory of the Wont , 8Jc ; Golden Gato.SJc ;
Hill 7-8 , 7c ; Hill 4-4 , 7Jo ; Lonsdalo , 7Jo ; Now
York Mills , lOJc ; Wamautta , 10 0.
DDOES ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , lljo ; Beaten
ton , 10 oz , lOJoBoston ; , 9 oz. , ISJoi FauRiver
DDOEB ( Gray ) Weat Folnt,8 oz. , lloj West
Point 10 oz. , 12Jc ; Point Bear , 8 oz. , lie.
TICKINGS Amoskeaft , 13o Continental
Fancy , 9foi Gordis 13o | Pearl Elver , 21o ;
York , 124e | Hamloton AwnlngB , 12Jc.
DENIMS Amoskesg , 13o ) Beaver Orcoh AA
lie ; Beaver Greek BB , lOc ; Beaver Creek
CO. 9c ; Haymakers , 80 ; Jeffrey D & T , 12 o ;
Jaffroy XXX , 12io | Poail River , 13e ; Warren -
ren AXA ( brown ) . Ho ; Warren BB ( brovrn ) ,
lie : Warren CO ( brown ) , lOo.
OAMBBIOSFifth avenue glovs finish , 4o ;
Keystone glove finish , 5o.
COSSET JEANS Amory , Tie ; Hanoock , 8c ;
Kearsarge. 7ic ; Rookport , 6Jo. :
PBINTS Aliens , Die ; American , 5oj Arn
old's Gc ; Cochoco , 60 ; Harmony , 4Jo ; Indigo.
7o ; Indigo 7-8 , Ilc : Indigo 4-4 , l-ljo ; Steel
River , Cic : Charter Oak , 4Jo. fl
PBINTS SHIBTINOS American , 4lo0ochoco ,
4Jo Gloucester. 4Jc ; Sonthbr'dgo , 4Joi Wavor-
leya 4Jcj Roaedalo , 4jo.
Spirits ,
COLOQNS Srinira 188 proof , 119 ; do , 101
proof , 120 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof ,
9 : do , 188 proof. 118.
ALCOHOL 188 pooof alcohol I SO per wine
WHISKIES Redistilled whiskies , 1 00150 ;
Fine blended , 1600200 ; Kentucky bourbons
bens 2 00@G OOt Kentucky and Pennsylva
nia ryes , 2 00(20 ( 0.
BBANDIES Imported , 6 00@16 00 ; domes
tic , 160 ( t 3 00.
GINS Imported , 4 506 00 ; domestic , 150
® 300.
RUMS Imported , 4 60@8 00 ; Now England , 5
00@4 00 ; domestic , 160@3 00. 5
CHAMPAGNES Imported , per case , 28 00@ !
5-1 00 ; American , per case , 10 C0@16 00. J
Dry Palnta
White lead 88c ; French no , Da ] Fails
whiting , 2Jc ; whiting gilder * , ljc | whiting
som'l , ljc ; lampblack , Germantown , 1455 .
Atnpblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , o i
ultramarine , 18c ; vandyke , brown , 80 ; umbe
Durnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4o ; elonna , burn 4ctr
ilenna , raw , 4c : Pans green , genuine , 25o
Paris preoncommon.2Cc , ; chromo green , N. Y
20c ; chroma green , K. , 12o ; vormtlllon , Eng
Ida ; vonnilllon , American , 18c ; Indian , red !
LOo ; roae pink , lie ; Venetian , rod , Oookson'a b
" ; Venetian , red. American , IJc ; red lead b
. ; chromo yellow , genuine , 20o ; chromo yol- .
ow , K. , 12c : ochre rochelle , So ; ochre , Frenh b
2c ; ochre , American , 2c ; Winters mineral ,
lie ; lehigh brown , 2&c & ; Spanish brown 2)c ) ;
Prince's mineral , So ,
VABNISHKB Bajroln , per gallon : Furniture ,
ixtra , 81 10 ; furniture , No , 1 , SI ; coach , ex
Ira , 81 40 ; coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar , extra , .
II 75 ; Japan , 70c ; aaphaltum , extra , 85o ,
ihollac , 93 GO ; bard oil finish ol 50.
PAINTB IN OIL White lend , Omaha , P. P.
5Jo ; white load , St. Louis , pure , 6 CO ; Marsoil
loa creen , 1 to 5 It > cans , 20o ; French zinc ;
jrrcen seal , 1-c ; French zinc , red seal , lie ,
tfraneh zlno , in varnish wist , , 20o ; French zino ,
Inoilaut , 15c ; raw and burnt nmber , 1 'b '
liaaj , lOo ; raw and burnt Sienna lOo ; vandyke
brown , 13o ; refined lampblack , 12o ; coach
black and Ivory black , IGo ; drop black , 16c ;
Prussian blue , 40ci ultramarine blue , 18o ;
chrome green , TJ. M & .D. , IGo ; blind and
ihntt > ween , L M. & D , , 16c ; Paris greeo ,
L8c ; Indian red , 15o ; Venetian red , 9c ; Tua-
can red , 22c ; American vermillion , I. & P.-
; yellow ochre , Ocj li. M , , O , & P. 0 , , 18o ;
yellow ochro. Oo ; golden ochre , ICoj patent
Jryor , 80 ; graining colon , light oak , dark oak ,
walnut , chestnut and tab , ICe
Heavy List ,
Iron , rates , 2 10 ; plow steel , special eaat , 4c ;
erncible , So ; cast tools do , 15a20cj wagon
ipokeo , per set , 2 25o3 00 ; hubs per sot ,
25 ; telloet sawed dry , 140 ; tongues ,
sach , 70c ; axlei , each , 75c ; square nuts per
, 7allc | washers , per lb , BalSo ; rivets , per
, lie ; coil chain , per Ib , 6al2o ; malleable ,
| Iron wedges , Co ; crowbars , 6ui barrow
teeth , 4e ; spring steel , 7a8o ; Burden i hone
iboes , 4 05 ; Burden's muieshoes , 6 (0 ,
BABDEO WIBE In car lots , 4 00 per 100.
NAILS Rates , 10 to 60 ; iron , 2 , CO ; steel ,
SHOT Shot , 160 ; buckshot , 1 85 ; oriental
'owder , kege , S 60a4 00 ; do , half kega , 200 ; do
nnartcr kege , 1 50 bloating , kegs , 8 85 ; fusel
per 100 feet , 60o.
LEAD Bar , 165.
COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00) ) Mor.
ris run Bloesburg , 10 00 ; Whitebreast lump ,
00 ; Whitebroast nut , C 00) ) Iowa lump , 5 00 ;
Iowa nut , & 00 ; Rock Spring , 7 00 ; Anthra-
det , 111511 50 ; Canon City , 7 00 per on.
Dry Lumber ,
Wholesale On Board Cars at Omaha ,
lit Com. S inch , Norway 15 CO
SdOom , fl Inch , Norway 14 CC
No , 1 , G inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough..817 6 <
No. 1 , Cinch , 1G feet , rough 17 CC
No , 2 , 6 Inch , 12and It feet , rough. . . . 14 CONe
No 2 , G inch , 10 feet , rough. 16 "
No , 1 , 4 inch , 12 and 14 feet rough. . . . 17
No , I , 4 inch , 1G fooi , rough , . . . 17 CO
No. 2 , 4inch , 12and 14 feet , rough. . . . 14 50
No. 2 , 4 inch , 10 foot , rough 15 CO
No , 1 boards , 12,14 , and 16 ft 915 75
No , 2 boards , 12,14 and 16 ft 14 75
No. 8 boards , 12,14 and 16 ft 1275
No. 4 boards , 12,14 , and 16 ft. ( shipping
cull ) ' . 1075
1st Com. , 12,14 and 16 foot $22 00
2d Com. . 14and 10 feet. . , , 10 00
8d Com. , 14 and 10 feet 1500
Fence , 14 and 1C feet 1100
1st Com. Olnch , white plno . $33 CC
2d Com. G inch , white plno 8500
3d Com. G inch , white pine 28 00
Sol , Fence 6 Inch , white pine 19 CO
1st and 2d Clear yellow pine , 4-G inch. 21 CO
let , 2d and 3d Clear , 1 } Inch , s , 2s $50 00
1st , 2d , nnd 3d Clear. 14 and 2 inch , s , 2a 50 00
B Select , 1 } . 14 nnd 2 inch , B. 2s 8G 00
1st , 2d and 3d , Clear , 1 inch , s. 2 45 00
A Select , 1 inch , e. 2a 4000
B Select , llnch , s. 2s 30 00
A13 inch , B. Is , 12,14 and 1C foot 45 00
B 12Inch , B. Is. 12 , 14amilGfoot 41 00
0 12 Inch , s. Is , 12 , 14 and 10 foot 30 00
D 12 inch , B. 1 B. 12,14 and 1C feet 23 00
No. 1 Com. 12 in. , s. 1 s , 12,14 and 16 ft 18 00
No. 1 Com. 12in , , s. 1 s. 10,18 and 20 ft21 00
No. 2 Com. 12 in.B. 1 s. 12,14 and 1C ft.lG 00
O.G. Bats,8lnch 5 ,85
) . G. Bat' , 2J Inch 75
1 inch Bats , s , 1 s 40
llnch well tubing , D. & M 23 00
3 inch well tubing.Bov 23 00
Pickets : D. & H , Flat , $22 00 ; D & H.
Square 2400
1C Inch , Clear 83 25
* AStandard. 2 60
6inch , Olear ' . 1 GD
No.l ISO
Lath 2 tO
roars ,
White Cedar , G inch , halvon 11 o
White Cedar , 5J Inch , halvea 9Jo
White Cedar , 8 mchoa , quarters OJs
White Cedar , 4 inch , round 12 o
Qulncy white lime ( beat ) 90c
Cement $1.85
Plaster ( Michigan ) 2.40
Tarred felt , per cwt 1,85
Straw board , per cwt 1.70
Steady ; green botchers' 60 ; green cured ,
7Jcdry flint , 12@14o , dry salt , 10@llc : dam
aerod hidea two-thirds pnce.
Tallow 41@5c.
Oroaso Prime while , 34o ,
Sheep Pelta 2fic@75 ,
FtOUB Colorado , 100 Ibs , 2 15(32 ( 20) ) pat
ent , 100 Ibs. , 2 75@3 00 ; Kansas , 100 Ibs , 2 75 :
© 3 00 ; graham , 100 Iba , 1 GJ ; rye , 1 00 Ibs.
GRAIN , FEED , Em Wheat' 100 Iba , fjl 35
corn , 100 Ibs , 115@1 SOioats , Nebraska
mixed , 100 Ibs 1 G0@l G5 ; Nebraska oats white ,
G5@l 701 bran , ton , 17 00 ; chop , corn , 100
Ibs , 1 2012575 ; ; chop mixed , 100 Ibs , 1 60
@ 1 60 ; corn meal , 100 Ibi. 1 40(31 ( BO.
HAT-Looee , per ton , 10 00@12 CO ; baled ,
second bottom , 10 5011 00 ; baled , nplnnri ,
12 00@14 00 ; alfalfa , loose , ton , 12 00@15 00 ;
itrsir. ton , C 00@7 00.
BumzB Creamery , finest , Ib , 27@28s ; _
sroamory pud , lb , 24S25o ; Illinois and p-
Iowa , dairv lb I8@29j , ; Kansas and Ne
braska dairy , Ib , 1G@1 Jo ; common , lb,6@8o ; .
buttcrino creamery , Ib , 2022c ; butterlno
ialry , lb , 16@lo.
CHEESE Full cream. Ib , 1315o ; half
ream , lb , 10@llc ; skim , lb , So ; Swiss , Im
ported , 82o ; Swiss , domestic , lb , 20@22 ; Llm-
burger , 20o.
EGGS State , fresh candled , * doz , 14@15c ;
fresh ranch , doz , 15@lCc.
PODLTBT Live old chickens , doz , 5EOgC ( 00 ;
Iressed chickens , Ib , ! C@lGc ; dressed turkeys ,
Ib. , 20 22c ,
POTATOES 100 Ibi. 1 GJ@195 ; Salt Lake ,
100 Iba , 2 00 ; new California , 100 Ibs , 2 753
VEGETABLES Onions , 100 Ibs , 400@l25j
turnips , 100 Ibs , 1 75 ; cabbage , new Collfor-
aia , 100 Ibt , 3 C03 25 ; lettuce , doz , SOc ; 10
raddishes , doz. 40c ; young enlons , doz , 20c ;
parsley , doz , 40c ; pie plant , doz , SOc ; oyster
plant , doz , EOc ; spinach , doz , 80 ; asparagus ,
ib , 40e , raiifloner , lb , 18c ; cucumbers , doz ,
GBEES FBUTTS Apples , bbl , 850 ; Messina
omona , extra , box , G 00@G 00 ; cranberries ,
Dbl , 12 00 ; Messina enrages , box , 6 76@GOO ;
California oaanges , box , 2 25@2 75 ; bananas ,
ranch. 2 00@4 00 ; pina apples , doz , 4.00@
50 ; Strawberries , California , 15o qt , 300 ,
25 box ; strawberries , eastern , crate , 3fiL@
GO ; cherries , California , 10 lb box , 2 25 ©
00 ; plums , bor , 2 25 ; apricots , box , 3 25.
CUBED MEATS Hams , sugar cured , ID , 10 }
L0c ; bacon , breakfast , Ib , lOftsmjc ; salt
ildos. Lb , 727 o ; Urd in palls , 9JO9o ] lard
n tierces , 80.
Vstsn MEATS Dressed beef , Colorado , per
.00 Its. 7 Oo@7 25 ; hogs , dressed , 100 Ibs ,
25@G 75 ; mutton , 100 Ibs , 6 10@G 60.
LIVE STOCK Beef grasa cattle , I00"lbo , 4 00
34 50 ; hogs , 100 Ibs , 4 C04 75 ; sheep , 100
ba , sheared , 2 75@3 50.
Hides. Dry Flint No. 1 , per lb , llJOWo ;
? o , 2. lb , 9@10c ; green steers and cows ,
, 4@5c ; green calf , lb , G@8c ; preen : kip ,
, 5rift6o ; branded call , Ib. Ga ; shearlings , Ib ,
.05e 16cf Bheop skins , dry , lb , OgGj ; dosr skins
, 12@lGo ; ftntolopa ekins , lo. 1215 | oik
ikins , lb , 2@10c ; tallow lb , 4 < 34Jo 1
WOOL Ooiorado chelce , per lb. 1416ci
loavy , 12@lScj ; New Mexican , averoco , 7
C)10o. )
FIHH Mackerel , No. 1. 1 40 , kit , 116 ©
35 ; rnsBn. 1G002 00 ; California salmon ,
islt hbl , 9 50r Holland burring , keg , 1 25 ;
rcsh lake trout , bbl , 15@lGc , '
iear Creek Lime , Louisville Cement'
Portland Oaraent.Iowa and Mithipr n I'l '
tor , Hair , Etc , Etc.
Cor. 6th & Douglas St
Plntls mouth , Nob.
Breeder ot thoroughbred and high grade
B' '
Eereford and Jersey Cattle ,
And Puroc and Jersey lied Bwino. I
HOBT. L. QAituciia , r , n. JOHNSON /
516 N 16th St.
, . , Omaha.Nob
pe cenb Interest Allowed on time
Investment Securities , Mortgage
Loans Negotiated on City Property
ana Improved Farms ,
Council Bluffs
and Chicago.
Tha on y to Uko for Dei Molnw , Unhal | .
( own , Cedar lUplJs , Clinton , Otil , Chicago , Mil
rauiee and til polnti cut. To the people ol No-
iratka , Colorado , WjromlnfT , Utah , Idaho , Nevada
Oregon , Waihlnpton and California It offers tupcrlor
advantages not possible by any othft line.
Among a few ot the numerous points of raperlor-
ty enjoi ed by the patrons ol this road between
) raaha and Chicago , are Its two ttaloi day of DAT
30AGHES whleu are the flnott lh t human Mt and
nccnulty can create ; Its PA LACK SI.KKriNQ OARS
which ar models of comfort and eleRanoo ; Its PAH
LOU DRAWIKO ROOM OAUS , uniurpaned by any
and Its widely oelebratod PALATIAL DINING CABS
the equal ot which cannot ba founl elsewhere.
At Council Bluffs the trains of the Union Pacific
Ry. connect In Union Depot with those of the Chlca
to & Northwestern Ry In Chicago the trains of thlj
Ino make close connection with thoeo ot all eastern
For Detroit , Oolnmbns , Indianapolis , Cincinnati.
fligara Falli. BuHalo , PilUburg , Toronto , Montreal
Boston , Now York , Philadelphia , Baltimore , Wash-
nston and all points In the East , Mk the Uokel
gent for ticket * vlix the
f von wlsn the b st accommodation ! , All ticket
eonta Boll tickets i la thla lino.
M. nuaniTT. n. s nun ,
QoneralUanagcr , Oei. Pea. Agent.
Ocn 141S FarnamSt , Omaha , No
Chicago , Minneapolis , Milwaukee ,
St. Paul , Cedar Rapids , Davenport ,
Clinton , Dubuque , Rockford ,
Rock Island Freeport Janesvillo ,
Elgin , Madison , La Crosse ,
Boloit. Winona ,
And all other Important points East , North-
east and Southeast
Ticket office nt 1401 Farnam street ( In Paxton Ilo
Id ) , and at Union Pacific Depot.
Pullman Sleepers and the Finest Dining Curs In
the World ara run on tnotrmln lines of the CmcAoo
UILWAUKEII & ST. I'ADLU'TnnJ every attention Is pitd
o pieaenstcra by courteous cincloyc of thooompany.
General Manager , Ocn'l I'aoaenucr Acont.
Aas't Qcn'l Manager. Aea't Ocn'l Pasi Agent
J. T. OLAIIK , Qcn'l SuperintcnJont
Railway Time Tatole ,
In Effect April 6th. 1886 ,
Tht attention of the iravelluis pnbllo Is called to
bo ( Mt that this Is tha only complete- and aloolatoly
rcrreci tlmo-tablo publlehoa In the city ,
All trains arrlie at and depart from Omaha by
Central Btandard Time.
Tralne of the 0. St. P. U. ft 0. anlv > l and de
art from their depot , corner oi lith and Webitet
itroett ; trains oi the IS. & If. , O , B. A Q. , and K , 0
It. J. & O. B. from tha B. A U. depot ; all othora fioa
.lie Union Pacific depot.
a , Dally ; b , except Saturday ; o , except Sunday ) d ,
ixcepl Monday.
nummv Trains I * * " omaM at 025,7 2s
00 , 10 00 , 11 IB a m,1160 , 2 00 , S 00. 4 00 , 4 66 , 6 60
10 p m. On Sandaystha 7 60 and 10 00 a m and
00 and i 00 p m tralni do not run. Arrive at trans-
sr depot IS mlnntei later : Broadway depot S3 mln-
itea later *
Iioave Conncll Blcifla ( Droadwiy depot ) at 0 B6T CS ,
CO , 10 0 , 11 13 a in ; 1 80 , S BO , B BQ. a 28 , 6 2f .
nd II 46 p m. On Hundiys tba Q 80 and It 40 a re
nd 1 80 and 6 25 p m trains 111 not run. Arrive at
'ransler ? mlnutea later , Omaha io ! mlnutei later.
m , 18 B6 , 2 20 , i 20 , fl CO and 7 00 n m , dally.
Arrive at 0 SO and 11 00 a ru , 1 OS , 3 go , J 20 and
5 p. m. _
andfrom Chicago via the Trlpirtlto Alllinoe Llnei.
I SPSPAT Momma. I lurumur vi.
DDDdky cvcnlDi { nl ( llonil v morntnir tltlm rrl
oorretpondlnz order. 0. B. b Q. trains run eve
Leave Union I'aclflo depot at B 40 a m and S Si
Arrive . from Stock Yards at 7 25 a m and 8 25 r to.
Seventeen years Experience ,
ieadtr ol Ulaeaeoi cf Men anl Women. Electric ,
ilaguotlo and Ilcrballtt I'hyel-Jin Now located at
1210 Uouiftis Bt Oniaba , Neb , up stairs.
correct dUenoeli jjlven Mlthout any eiplnnatlon
torn the patient. Consultation Iroo at obce ,
Treat the Following Diseases.
Catlrrh at the Head. Diseases o ! the Eye and
Ear. Heart Disease , Lucr OoupUInt , Kidney Com-
K'amtJ 'crtoua Debility , Mental Digression , Loaiol
anbood , DlabeUa , llrlght's Disease , lit Vltue
Uance , Hbeumat'am ' , I' riljlU , Hhlto Hwclllrgg
ScroluU , Foer Bores. Unoceri and Tumors remote
iJvllhnuttbe knife , or the draw 1 % ot a drop ol
blood. Woman , u Ith tier delicate organ * , Itcttored to
Health , Dropsy Cured W.thout Tapplre , Special
Attention Giveti to i'lhato and Venereal Dlsoaneii ol
Kinds , Tape Uorins Kemoveil In two or three
iour or Ko l' y , Hcmmorrbolds or 1'Uet Cnred or
tlo ChuKOi Made.
The a who aw ttllllctod will ia > e Hvt and liun-
'rede ol dollars by colllug on or U ! DK
Ilurbal Uodlcmtii.
. tisms
AfnotlU preicrlptloa of a noted wdllln ( LOHIO-
fired. ) Drugcliu c a fill It. Addreu
liR , V/ArtD 4 CA , , . .i , .5I1Wa * i9
Passenger Eloyator to all floort , [ 1206 , 1208 and 1210 Farnam Street
An30rtS'nlr0LAt ! Vld ? ! ! ? Dried Walnut , Gharry , A.h , Bntternut. T.How Poplmr
| ,
fl W ; ± Q 0111 P'Sf'S ' } ? 18 * * V n" . TW5S ! foTsowll SawlS.ESBt }
B.w,0or.9fch an l Douglas. - . Omolia. Nel ) .
Only Importers in Omaha ot
Guns , Sporting Goods and Notions
Base Balls - Tackle
, FishingTackle ,
Sfaoc Meyer Co. , Omaha , Neb.
And Poultry Commission House.
P. H. ALLEN , Omaha :
Consit fitments Solicited.
' /ir T.iCLARKKPrett. and Treat. OURKBViet Pretidtn
JOUN T. CLARKK , Secretary.
_ „ _ . _ „ _ „ _ OAPlTAt GTOCK , 8200,000. W
_ I shall be at the bDttom of thorn kot at all tlmoa. Will daplloato Chicago and St. Loula prices with
freight added . Our specialty will bo
Pure Drugs , Paints , Oils and Window Cflastf
Eailmates ( riven on pi to glass. It thow about to embark la the drug baalnoaa will do well tonn
four Interest by c on us or send for ourprloo list which will appear bout January 6th , Mill ord
lollclted. 1 3 11 * HARHEr aTUKET.e
( Will pay customers Draft with Bill of Lading attached , for two-thirds value of stock. )
KKPKBKNOKS : f\ . _ _ _ l _ -
Merchants & farmer's Bank , David City.Neb. \Jl\\Ci\\Oi \ \ \ ,
Kearney National Bank , Kearney , Neb.
Columbus Slnto Bank , Oolumbus , Neb.
McDonald's Bank , North Platte , Nob.
3maha National Bank , Omaha , Neb.
B Bale
' 3
Growers of Live Stock and Others.
, ke
It Is f bo host and ohonpoat food fet otook of any kind. Ono pound la equal to
hroo non < da of orn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Gako In the Fall and Winter
natead of down , will Inoreano in weight and bo In good marketable oondl-
ion in the Dairymen , as well 03 othora , who nso It , can toatlfy to Its mor-
IB. Try It and d e f or yourselves. Frlcn $24.00 per ton. No charge for sacks.
Double and Singfo Acting Power- and Hand
Itaglne Trimmings , Mining Machtaorr , Belling , If ODD , ISrttj and Iron FIUlni (
-wholossla or roUll , HALLADAY Y/IND-MILL8 , OHDKOH
Corner 10th and Farnam St. , Omaha Neb ,
( C. 'F. GOODRftAN.
1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET , COR , 13TE ,