Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 23, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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KntciV < Iie ( iT-Mc-m from unknown
cnuncS ) nt nil * cn on .
BhilUn the KcrTM. Impilrn Digestion , Una
I ntetMn the
QnleklandcomptetMrcnre Mnlnrlniind Clilllii
nd Fcrrrn. lorltitorrnlllrnt I < ' < Mer , In -
iiltndc , I/ncl < of I'.nrrar , It lian no oqnul. It
rarlche * nd trarilina the Clew ) , rtlmulatra the up.
. end etronettiem tlm muicM nnd normn
It does not Injure the tooth , cviso hed ehR. or
produce rnnntlpallnn all alhtr Iron mtrUfinn iln. p lriotlo .nd echoUrlj
OMholloDlrlnn.of niuw MJH !
-I h T njod llrmni' * Iron Hitter ) with Iho t-
rt willspirfion for HUUriv nnil M n prPTontlio of
OhllUandIiksdl o w , Rnd will ( ilwjij-j keep It on
h nd M A roadfriend. . "
Genuine hu nhore tmdo nmk i > nd rrnved nvl line ]
on wrapper Tnltn no ntlirr. Made r Ifif
iiH < iwNi'nr.MiAiio.HAI.TMioiii ) : , Mn.
IjADrra' HAND HOOKnnofnl and attrnctlro. eon-
tunlnitllst of pri7M for rxolpon , Infonnatlnn Mmat
orfnr rte Rircn aw r lijr all ilnlen In medicine , ot
nailed to any ftddrcn * on receipt nf go ump _
teat BROAD GLAIh .
Kisr nflorMl to tlio uiiblio
J KUilluini Tr.i | . i- | . , , . , , < fffPCII . , JH
y cso „ „ , / , , / „ / . , „ .
tsy 3ona t o stampj for Celebrated Jlodical
Works ArtilrO' " . K. 1 > . t KAUICi ; , Bf. I ) . ,
160 South U irk Strecr , Cmcjioo , ILL.
Koyal Havana Lottery !
Drawn' Havana Cuba ,
Every 10 to 14 Days.
Tickets In Tilth ) ; wholoa S5 ; Fractions pro rits.
ooojocl 10 no maulpauttOD , noi controlled by Ihe
Btrlltoln Interest. It Is th < filroei thing In the
lime otchinooln existence.
lor ticket * kpply to 8IIIPSKY & CO. , 121 ! Bro d
niy.II. T. City ; , or U.OlTEtfS A 00,019 Ualn St.
BinuaCltr. Uo.
Romarknblo euro of a Horse
In the fall of 1883 I had a valuable horse tikca
with the pinkeye , rcsultln ? In blood poison. Alter
nlno months oldoctorlog with all the remodlos to bo
found In horse books , l despaired of a cure. Ills
right hind log was us largo ns a man'u bed ; , and bid
on It over forty running tores , no was a most piti
able looking1 object. At list I thought of Swlft'8
SdecIQc , an commenced to 030 It I uaed flttoon
bottlca. In August lut all Bjiuptoma ot tbo disease
dUapnoarcd There hvvo been no signs of a return
and the horse his done a mule's work on my turn
eror plnco. Jis L. 1'LKiiisa , Augusta , Oa.
January 0,1885.
Bwllt's Bpcdflo Is entirely % cgotabo. ! Treatise on
BloodandSkln DIseaccs mailed freo.
The SwlItSpe"clflcCo.Dra ; or 3 , Atlanta , Ox or
VI. 8M8L.V Y
Town Lots in Denver Junction ,
Weld County , Colorado.
Denver Junction la a now town of about 200
Inhabitants , laid out In 1881 , on the great
trunk railway ncrosa the continent , at the
junction of tha JulctburR Branch , 197 mllea
from Denver. The town is on second bottom
land pf Uio 1'Iatta River , the finest location
between Omaha and Denver , and la turround-
ed by the bait-laying lands west of Kearney
Junction , Nab. ; climate healthy and bracing ;
altitude 3,030 feet. Denver Junction bids to
become an imjiortant point , as the U. 1' . K.
1C. Co. , ore putting up many of their bulldlmra
here , while the U. & M. H. R. Co. . are expect-
cd noon to connect at tbli [ < laca. The present
chance for good inve ttnenU In town lota will
carpelv over ba equaled elsewhere. Tor sale
by the lot or block In good terms by
Agent , Denver Junction Cole ,
Cor. 18th imd Donglaa Sta.
Capital Stock , - - - S100.0GC
Liability of Stockholders , 800,000
Fife Per Cent Interest Pail OD Deposlls
IAWKU B. UOVD . . I'rctlJcut
11 , A. rAITON . . . . . . . . Y10 VI > AK.
I M. 1 < CNKK1T . Uantglo ; Director
JOUN1' . WlUllJE. . Culiler
rraor K L. SKSK ,
Tlio Decision n the C/ispnr COBO-
TIio Barton v * . 1'ntrlck Oaso
The first and most important mattoi
dispoicd of in the district conrt yestordaj
morning WAS the tendoting of the decis
ion , by Judges Neville and Wakoloy , in
the somewhat celebrated Injunction case
of Caspar ot al vs. the city council ,
board of public works , et al , to restrain
them from paving Thirteenth street with
Colorado sandstone.
Judge Novlllo read the opinion , which
was concurred in by Judge Wako
loy. In refusing to Issue this injunction ,
it was hold :
That the owners of a majority ol
front of property on Thirteenth street
in the district which It was proposed tc
pave , had petitioned for Colorado sand'
stone ; that there was no evidence ad'
dnccd to show that fraudulent moans hac
been used to obtain signature !
to the petition , or that thcro was fraud
in the letting of the contract ; and thai
there was no evidence that there was t
better or lower bid than that of Wllllatr
Mack for the proposed paving ; and thai
the city council and board of public
works bad awarded the contract in conformance
formanco with the charter , and it wasno !
the business of the court to.inquire intc
the questions of fact as to the fitness ol
Colorado sand-stone as a paving ma
torlal , but this was a matter to bo sot
tied between the city authorities and
property owner * , according to the formi
prescribed ; consequently , no injnnctlot
conld bo Issued.
In the case of Barton vo. Patrick ,
Judge 'Wakoloy granted the ino
tlon for non-suit , argued Friday
and Saturday , on the ground
that there was no evidence that the con
tract had been made , with reference tc
the alleged oao of land In Nnnco coun
ly. The case , hence , Is thrown out ol
Before Jndgo Neville the criminal
docket was taken up. The case of Clara
Thomas , charged with grand larcenywat
called for trial and a jury ompnnncled.
Thomas Tnffiold filed a suit in the dls <
trlct court yesterday , claiming $1,00 (
from the city for alleged grading dam
ages to property.
A similar suit for a similar amount wat
filed by Francis Burdlck.
Delicacies Afforded by the Local
Marts Prlcoa.
la the fresh water article , white fish ,
trout and 1ms retail nt 15 canto per
pound ; white pickerel la soiling at 10
cents ; cropplo and perch can bo had for
cents ; catfish soil for 15 can's a
ponnd. Blue fish ore very plenti
ful and bring 20 cents a pound.
Fresh Columbia river salmon are worth
25 cents a pound. Fresh mackerel
15 to 20 cents apleco. Halibut Is worth
25 cents. Shad sells from CO to SO cents
each. Codfish tongues are rare , but re
tail for 20 cents.
The beat cuts of sirloin sell for 15
cents , rumps and upper part of round
steak at 12L Roasting rlba , firm end
jalcy , can be bought for 10 to 12i cents.
Veal Is extremely scarce and comes high
from 25 to 20 cents , according to the
cholcanoss of the part. Sweet breads
can be purchased at 25 cents a pair.
era boot Is selling at from 5 to 10 cents ,
according to cuts. Prime leg of muttons
can bo had for 12 contsmutton ; chops
12A to 15 center. Ham U a staple article
In good demand at 12& cents In bulk , 25
cents sliced. Pork 10 to 12 cants.
Sausage 10 to 12cento. . Spring lamb
Is selling for $1 for fore quarter and 81.25
for hind quarto ? . Spring chickens are
woith from 30 to 40 cents apiece.
Early Rose potatoes are In fair demand
at 85 to $1 00 ; the Peerless and White
Elephant bring 75 toSucontsnbushel The
early Ohio , $1 a bushel. The Colorado
and Salt Lake varieties are worth $1 00
to $1 25. Asparagus is worth 4 bunches
'or a quarter Rhubarb can be bought for
3 cents a pound , water cress 5 cents a
bunch. Parsley Is sold at 50 cent ; a
dczan. Homo grown cabbage la bringing
10 cents a head. California cabbage can
still bo bought for G cents a ponnd. Freeh
radishes are selling at 3 bunches for lOo
Spinach Is worth 25 cents a peck , while
cucumbers sell from 5 to 7 cents apiece ,
according to size.
Fresh homo grown lettuce , n delightful
salad delicacy at this aoenou of the soar ,
* s sold at 35 cents a do.3U. Fresh
tomatoes are In lively demand at 20 cents
opound , whllo green peas sell for 40 cents
a peck ; string beans 10 cents a quart.
Wax beans can ba bought for 12A cents a
quart. New potatoes are worth 50 cents
a pock. Green onlona are selling at 3
bunches for a dlmo.aouthorn onions throe
pounds for a quarter , Bermudas two
pounds for a quarter. Mint is worth 5
lenta a bunch. Homo grown eggplant
ring 12 to 15 conta apiece , Fresh beota
5 cents a bunch ,
The local marko'a are well stocked in
the fruit lino. California oranges bring
from 25 to 35 cents a dozen ; messina
oranges &ro not so plentiful , bring
ing the same prices. Lananai , froth and
rlpo , are very plentiful and can bo bought
for 25 to 35 cents a dozen.
Strawberries arc plentiful , and are
at present bringing from 8 to 10
cents per quart. Nice home-grown
berries , 10 to 12J conta per quart.
California cherries nro an appreciated
delicacy , being worth 25 to 35 cents
pound. Red and black raspberries cell
for 40 and 30 cents respectively. Goose
berries are worth 10 conta a quart , cur
rants 20 conta.
Eggs have a standard prlcoof 12J conls
a dozen , Butter , best dairy aud cream *
ory , is selling for 20 to 25 cents a , pound.
Tlio Turn on * ' Excursion.
Sunday mottling at ( about half-past 0
o'clock , a special tnln of seven coaohoa
pulled out of the Union Pacilio depot
filled with a happy crowd of men , women
and children. The party was made up
of the Omaha ttmurj and their friends
the ciconlon wai the lonq heralded and
eagerly anticipated ono to Fremont. It
la eitlnutod that there wora 500 people
on board the train.
At first there were some grave
fears that a storm wonld snoop down and
Jettroy tbo pleasure of the day , but later
the clouds rolled away and the weather
developed into pctfectlon.
The Musical Union Orchestra regaled
the cxcuialonlsta with sweet music on the
trip out , and added greatly to the joyous
ness of the occasion. Fremont vrai
reached about noon , and after dinner the
athletic exercises at trio grove west of the
city constituted the attraction of the nf >
ternoon. Some very fine work wai done
by the Omaha class , the oxerolses being
of great Interest to all the spectators.
The following prize awards were made
High jump , C. F. Drommo , modal
hop.eklpand jump. Jno. Maglnn , medal
long jump , 0. F Drommo , modal.
At promptly 6:30 : o'clock the oxcnrslor
train left Fremont , filled with a happy ,
withal a tired lot of pooplo. The return
trip was made In splendid time , tindoi
the skillful handling of the special by the
veteran railroad mon , Engineer Jamo
O'Brien , and Fireman William Brazoy.
The perfect sacsces of the excursion 1 (
the icsnlt of the careful management
of Messrs , Lords Heimrod and Jnllni
Mover , who were at the head of affairs.
It is to bo hoped that the excursion and
picnic may bo repeated at an early day ,
Tbo Heavy llnelncsB of tbo Mornlnf
Drunks , Tlilovea nnd Vnfis
There has rarely boon n day when s <
much business wai rushed through it
the police court as this morning. Thir
ty-threo persons ropoiod in the city jal
last night , and most of them wore oallei
for trial yesterday morning.
Ooorgo E. Barker , N. E. Appier
James Dalloy , wcro fined $5 and costi
for disturbing thepoacoandas they could
not produce the necessary wealth ,
were relegated to the mansion on the
Gootge Carson , an old-timo bum ,
upon whoso unlucky hoid the sentence ;
of police conrt judges have many tlmot
descended , was sent up for ton days on
broad and water.
William Wright and John Green paid
a fine of $5 end casts for carrying con
cealed weapons.
G. D. Gibson , who bad boon fighting ,
came to the front with a fine of $5 and
Charles Wilson was arraigned for thoft.
It appears that ho had entered the room
of M. J. Hanahan , on Jackson street ,
between Ninth and Tenth , Saturday
night , and stolen a suit of clothes and
811 in money. Ho bad been arrested
afterwards , the clothes being found upon
his person , the money missing. Ho was
cent for thirty days to the connty jail , to
sat tain ezlstenco on a regulation anoak
thief bill of fare broad and water.
Pete O'Dotiahoo. Fred Lovorenco , Dan
Yatcs and Aleck Yatcs and J. Oker paid
lines of $5 and costs each for disturbing
the peaco.
Robert Pollan was fined $10 and costs
for assaulting Charles Groen.
William McLainy had been on a ter
rific spree and wound up in the police
court this morning , where ho was dosed
with several good sized chunks of free ad
vice and a $10 fine.
Hugh Hollonbeck paid a fine of $5 and
cost for carrying concealed weapons.
Tom Marliu was arraigned on a charge
of selling mortgaged property to J. B.
Cox ; he was discharged.
Tom Projsor and Gust Brady , two elegantly -
gantly dressed "dandy dark ? , " wore fined
$10 and costs each , for fighting.
Tom Foley and two of his notorious
_ ang were arraigned on a charge of being
suspicions characters , and given twenty
days on broad and water , which was
suspended on condition that they should
leave town immediately.
B. N..Bond , of Pnpilllon , la in the city.
Robert Armstrong , of York , is registered at
the Paxton.
II , Boatwiok and wife , of Hastings , are
guests at the 1'axton.
H , H , Wilson , of Lincoln , are among Sun
day's arrivals at the Paxton.
B. F. Rawaltand D. M , McEllJHanney , of
Hastings , are at the Paxton ,
G , W. Covoll , of Nebraska City , is among
yesterday's arrivals at the Paxton ,
Dr. J. C. Davis left yesterday for Evanston ,
Pa. , to spend two weeks with his parents in
Hon. Charles Howes , late senator of
Massachusetts , is visiting bis son , Charles H.
Howes , deputy county surveyor.
The O'Reilly boys , who are going to make
a tour of Ireland ana England , are reported
to have reached Queenstown Saturday.
W , O. Campbell , Grand Island ; B. F.
Farmer , Oxford ; E , Ludwig , Arlington A ,
0. Albright , Seward , are at the Arcade.
Miss Marie Griffin , bailer known on the
stage us "Marion Requin , " has relumed to
her borne in Kansas City , after a very pleas
ant visit here.
Mrs. Rosentbal , who has been vititing
Mrs. A Mandelburg , her daughter , for some
time past , left last week for her homo in
Baltimore , Md.
Mrs. Wilson and her daughter , Miss Jennie
Wilson , of Geneva , N. Y. , are in tbo city ,
visiting Mr. and Mrs , Stephen D , Bangs , nl
2322 Farnnm etrcot.
Miss Nettle Ilcndeo , formerly of Smith's
dry goods store , has accepted a position with
Charles II. Patch , ladies' furnishing * , 1517
Douglas street , where she will bo pleased to
see her many friends ,
Andrew Bevins , Esq. , left Sunday evening
for New York. After transacting his bust
ness there he will spend A few d ys vlsrting
the scenes of his boyhood at Lake George and
among the Adirondack mountains , and will
deliver the oration at a grand celebration to
be held July 4th at the ruins of Fort Tison-
doroga. ,
A , B. Clarke , F , 0. Cation , Kearney ; P.
A. Clark Madison , 8. O. Raymond Columbus ,
A. J , Adams Ithaca , N. Y. , II , P , Leachman
Des Moincs , J. A. Itehoo Plotte Centre , F.
N. Dworack Scbuyler , J , ' Hill Btromtburg ,
D. II. Wheeler PJattsny tb , 33. M. Kiston
Wisner , F , M , Klehy U'oronto , George II ,
Byron St. Paul , Mlnn.K. M. Randall Mason
3ity , William Housaworth Bjullnifton , are at
Miss Batdco Henry , daughter of Col
Henry , anhed borne Saturday from St.
Ygues1 school , Albany , N , Y , At the mua-
ca ! soiree , in connexion with the comraouco-
uont exerciser , Mins Henry rendered on the
ilano , Italnecke's Concerto in K minor Andan >
.ino . , in presence of an audience of some 800
> eope ! , receiving much applause and some
ilcgjiit floral tributes. Tha Instrumental ac-
lomp nimoat was for the most patt composed
f Thomas' orchestra ,
Tito be t rcau'ator ' ol dlgestno organs and
ho bebt appetizer knoun in AiiKOBturu Hit-
( TH Try it but beware of imitations , Get
rin , your grocer or druggist the genuine artl-
le , manufactured by Dr , J , G , B , Sicgert &
Col Report. Tlio JLittoern.
SnUBcrlptlona to tlio Dupnrt-
mciitlllllo Contest ,
Col. Henry baa submitted the follow
ing topott of the standing of the vntlou
forla companies with rcferonco to rifli
shooting :
The following la the figure andordoro
merit of peats and regiments in this do
partmcnt , ending Mny Slat :
F. M , Order
FottBriJpor . 44 8
FortDougla . 67 G
Fort Lnrnmlo . 48 1
Fort McKinney . 17 10
FoitNiobrara . 24 8
1'oitOmnhn . 8G 0
FortHobinion . 10 11
FortUuisell . 31 7
FortSteelo . 41 4
Fork Sidney . 20 0
Fort WashsWo . 4(5 ( 2
Fourth Infantry . < . 32 4
Flfthlnfantry . 37 2
Seventh Infantry. . . . 46 1
Ninth Infantry . 3G 3
Twenty- first Infantry . ZS 5
Ninth Cavalry Enrouto to department ,
Thu nbo'o for two weeks practlco IP ,
with but few exceptions , A line showing ,
With the Incentive of prizes being giver
by the citizens of Omaha , amounting tc
Bovornl hundred dollars , a great cflbr
will be made by the sharp shooters of the
department to como to Omaha and cntoi
the competition , in order to gain , placoi
on the department team.
The following are some of thoaubiorlp
( ions already received :
Max Meysr & Co , , gold watch . 555 01
0. S. Raymond , gold medal . 20 01
S. P. MOIBO k Co . 10W
I , . L. Smith . 10 0 (
Her&Oo . 10 0 (
Joseph Gnrneau Cracker Co . 1001
Dewey b Stone . 10 OC
N. B. Faleonor . 10 OC
Milton Ropers , tSona . 10 OC
Tootlo , Maul &Co . 10 OC
Shrove , Jarvis & Co . 1000
Lee Friend & Co . 10(0
J. T. Clarke . 1000
Millard Hotel . 10 00
1'axton Hot'l . 10 00
A Follicle ( one suit of clothes ) . 15 00
Kdkolm & Erickson ( gold watch ) . 50 00
Kauffinnn Uro ? . , ( lOO Imported cieare ) . 15 00
A , 1) , Morse , ( one calr shoes ) . 5 CO
Sam'l Burns , ( art lamp ) . 0 00
Jno Baum-r ( silver cup ) , . . , . 5 CO
CahnBros , ( suit of clothing ) . 15 00
U. 13. Chapman & Co. , (200 ( cigars ) . 9 00
James Stophonaou . 5 00
A. L. Strnng . 10 00
Storz&Iler , brewers , ( epecial prize ) . . J5 00
O.S.HiffginB . 10 00
K.G Vloyd . 500
Chas Metz . 10 00
Will King . 10 OD
Herald . G 00
Republican . GOO
Pokrok Xnpadu . 2 CO
Post and Telegraph . 3 Cp
"Windy Bob" In Trouble.
The air was full y eatorday of rumors of a
.errlblo . shooting scrape on Capitol avcnuo.
la which a darkey and white man had
been quarreling over the affections of a
female and had resorted to the revolver
to settle the risputo. lliere asoma to be
no truth In the rumors , however. The
probable oonrco is the disgraceful scrape
Into which Bob Pollan , alias "Windy
Bob , " becauio Involved Sunday after
noon. It appears that ho wan Blagging a
fellow for some trivial caruo , and when
Officers Donovan , and Bloom tried to ar
rest him , ho ran away and hid himslf In
house on Capitol avenue , , between
Eleventh and Twelfth. Officer 'Donovan
burst Into the house and arretted Pollan ,
taking him up to jail. The shots were
fired by Officer Bloom into the a'r ' to
acaro away a crowd of people who weto
congregating in the vicinity.
Itcnl Estate Trnnsforn.
The following transfers wcro filed June
20 , with the county clerk and reported
for the BEE by Ames * real oatato agency :
John Rush to Catharine Gentleman , e
150 ft of n G7 ft of lot C , Horbach'a lit
add to Omaha , treasurers tax deed ,
Fred Mochla and wife to Carroll S.
Montgomery , lots 1 and 2 blk 1 , West
Onwha , w d , 34,500.
Samuel W. Ballengor and wife to B.
F. Bell , aw ± of BW sou 4 , 15 , 10 , o 40
acre ? , Douglas county , w d , § 1,000.
SlmrtJeir College ,
A catalogue of this institution , located
at Alton , Illinois , has just been received.
The exhibit made , In point of attendance ,
la a good one , aud attoata the growing
worth and popularity of the college. The
curriculum is a thorough and comprehon-
alve one , f r nbovo the standard of west
ern institutions. The college Is the old-
oat ono In the alato of Illinois , having
been founded In 1827 , In the midst
of unfilled prairies and howling wllder-
nesacs , while yet the present greatness of
the at to was but a dream , As furnish
ing a Brat-clats education nt reasonable
rates , there Is no better inst tut o in the
west.Alton , the location college , la a
beautiful city on ho Mlea aalppi
river , twenty-five milts above St. Louis.
It h memorable as the scone of martyr
dom nearly fifty years ago of the aboli
tionist editor Love joy , who was killed by
the ozclted southern mobs for dating to
advocate in the columns of his paper the
abolition of slavery ,
A man has exhibited in London a now sys
tem of gaa lighting for private houses by
moans of recuperative lamps. By a ventilat
ing arrangement the lamps consume their
own smoke , and the burners ore so formed
that the requiiita air is heated to a high tem
perature and admitted into the lamps at the
point of ignition ,
Fig trees flourlsn everywhere In Cali
fornia except up In the mountains , and
the cultivation of them is an exceedingly
profitable Industry.
A CARD To all who are suffering from
errors and indigestions of youth , nervous
weakness and decay , Ions of manhood , etc. I
will tend a recipe that will cure you PHEK
OF CHARGE. 'J his great remedy was dl -
covered by a missioner to South America ,
Send seU-addresird envelope lUv. JOSEPH T ,
tf , Station "D" New York.
There are 30,000 blind persons in
France who are without other means of
iupportthan begging.
In Switzerland the highest point at-
; alncd by fishes , according to M. V.
Fatlo , is that of the minnow , which as-
: ends 7,000 feet above the sen level ,
With the exception of tbo perch , which
caches 0,500 feet , and one or two others ,
2,000 fcot Is the limit of tbo ascension.
When Baby tils lick , wo 'are tier Caitoria ,
Vn > tn alie wa a Child , ebe cried for tfastoria ,
When aba became Mix , aba clang to Castoria ,
\rUia \ iUe bid Children , sbo g ro them QattorU
I'rre from Opiatci , Jitnttlca anil I'oliotm ,
l' r Cough * , Pore Tlironl , llonntenrns Influent * ,
Coliln. Ilronchtll * . Croup , M hooping Conijli ,
Althma. UnlitPnlnnln Ch rut , J other
irwiloni of i Throat n 1 Lnns .
1'rlcp no cents ft bottle- . Sold by Drneclrti nfl Dt | .
er . J\irtte unable tn tnrttife thrlr dealer to iirotnfitlt
pel It for themiclll recelrf tico tiotile , tii > rtti cAormi
paU , lv "ending enl dollar to
TUB nuntrsji.vonmrt COHPIM ;
Sol * Owner ! and Minuftetnrf r ,
IliUlmor * . n.rjltnl , C. B. JU
017 St. Clinrlcs S ? , , SI. Lniils , a
A ronuUr trulun of t o Vr4lM.l Veiitcci , h > t rn
ta ttfdlD thoif > eclfcltrc.ln ! < ulorOi > CFtrl > tire J
3 Bto IiwinnlbtB ni albef i'rj > < Mtt > li at
li fit ? r-tpFtnl > * w n < 1 lloA [ reildtithk 4w.
Nervous Prostration , Dpbilltr. Men ! * ! ) .n (
rhjslcal Weakness t Mercurial aiidotnr. < > Kfi
( Ions of Throat , Skin or Bones , Blood Tout. ' ; > ? :
old Sores and Ulcers , * trutM tut ooiir 'i ' _
loeeexioclttct nelFDttSei rlcctplea P 'tlr Zrlrt * l
Diseases Arising from Indiscretion , E > ccr ,
t'iposuro or Inriulgencti , i > hi > 'i rrodnor tong of IIK
llo lm < Oeetii tvcnoecici , , dcMlltr , Almnxi r UU
uiddefcellre ttoiiMry , f Imnlei on thA raw , ptriUal do y.
* mon totkt loelet ; or ffiDAlfi , ec&hi.i orlieu.cto ,
rtndcrlnK Atarrlneo Improper or unhappy , m
Perm > neitl7cnrtd , rnnpblfi ( . < r".eifntbg ) iboienrA
i ittltd CDf 1epe , rrcttft unjr aiMrru. Co&iulUllon *
letorbj m Ufroo , nIlaillfl. ' "tin for ijtrlUcci.
A Positive Written Guarantor
tire ID til corthlo cut ; , h-llclntj cnl ercr vhtrn
Psinphloti , Xncliiih or fJcrman , Ot J > ngro , t't-
crlbtni obOTB altoaees , la nnlo or f mal , rHZA
Chartered by tlieStatcofllll.
nois for thccxjircss purpose
of elvmnlmmediatc rcllclln
all chronicurmnryand prl-
, vate diseases. Gonorrhoea ,
complicated formi , also all
diseases of the Skin nnd
Bloodpromptly relieved and
pcnnancmlycured by reme-
dics.testccllnn-I-'oi . tiil'cnn
bl > ccti > ll'racttfe. Seminal
weakness , Nichl Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
Ihe PaceLost Manhood , tmstttvclyciircd. There
is 110 experimenting. The appropriate remedy
is at once used In enchcase. Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on
package to indicate contents or sender. Address
OR.JAMES.No. 204Washinglon SI.Chicagolll.
iii VIGOI : or room ,
nsi V.'mtoi Appetite ij
't .Minu , l ii" i ot Mierplb
euruil. honi * . ini'sclfSCiK
L K rus rtf-Uc IILU loic
IllllXOIIJ III ! ' . Hllnil UUj
up i 1 < ! 3 Hraln Powcj.
iiltun mlroiiM uuiplalnll
f pnu .ai to lliPli'sc Y T'1- .
: mi ioi > : i. J. tD l HUT ; tun w TOIOC m.v l
" -e'lutnt s.iiirl ] ] > at f" ' "f" * 'lit1 onlvi ( . '
o tliciiop'ilatllyoftliootizlnv Up jsler i ;
Kerd rourtttldrvfstorhw nr- . Hurt r l vie
i , Mo.foi onr "DltEAU
Tbo OrlRinnI and Only Ucmiinc.
Rtfe toil Blw&js Jlfll&blf llfw&rcnf worlhli MN Imitation ! .
Indinci ! bli ! la LADIES. Auk jour llrucel't for
'ChIchcKterf * rnclUli 'mil Ukp no other , or ( iiclono4o.
( itaraiito IMor | rliiultr in letter Ty rolurn tiinlL
NAME PAPER. l.lcJicM.r Co ,
UiS I li AIuilUuii Mquuri. , 1'lilUJu. , I'm
At Djugglato. Trade fuprlledty J. A. Fuller & Co
UMS J am tulni ; your Fluid Iitroct Bed Clorer
Closooin and Wet Compresa tar Cancer on the brcait ,
And am well. I am satisfied It la tbo best remedy roc
Cancer known. You are welcome to Una this ( or to *
benefit or taireiinir hum&altT.
ItMpcctfulljr. 'UH3. L. A. JOnKSOR
J. M.u.iiLE
u.iiLE ry lywiatiosorBomotlroobecnafllletM ]
with aoiuctlilinrllkoarerofuJoua UlsoAso , nnd found no
ttllet ontil the ijavo your hztnu.t ot lied Clovtr * . trtat
I am happr to ay jh ; ha * experienced jrroat relict ,
Thli la liut a plight testimonial of mj apprrcUtlon ol
your efforts In behalf of humanity , which you on
welcome to use for their benefit.
1 am , very respectfully , n. AKJIB.
. .
( Jurra 1 commenced Uklnir your En. tied Clorer ,
Vo ra BO , for Jry li ) la , nnd h. r not been
trubiul CticB. It la hereditary wlta m . Think you
bar * ( lit best blooa msaiona known ,
X onn truly. W. M. BEIDEnT.
R. 11. rtyman , of Grand Hapldi , Mich . iu > y > After
two Doctors nlvlsul Win to use IXWBO'B Lit. Ked Clover
rtr o > Lui cow of J cr.rmn , or Forcr bore on the h'lt.
JUn now welL
Ai&SpncK tIcdlclo Tonlonnd ( fin r ml Ulcod Part-
flerlt bu no enaiL for iilo by J1 druegUU , or J , U.
too & Co , , Monroe , JUch ,
. Avlctlm of J outhfnl lmnrnd nc
cin ins Premature Decay , Nervous Utbllltr , Ix t
llinhood , fto..having tried In Tula every known
rtmtily.haB discovered a * lmplorn inBof > elr-cure ,
vbich he will tend VllKK tolilifellovr nff
Addrtz * . J.U-lUatVKS. 43 OhxJiiotSLJ > '
Hallr > ll uJ ( l Iron
Load Pipe and Sheet
Imported Beer
: ] . . . . . . . . ) I Culuibachcr . Ba\arla
'ilancr , , . , . Uoliomlin Katter . . , , , , , , Uromeu
1)011 KBT10.
DudueUcr . St. LouU I Antnuscr . St. Loua !
Dett'ii . . . . Mllwsukco | Schlltz 1 * Itnor.Ullwaukeo
{ rug'a . , . . .Omaha i Ale , 1'ortor , romestlooud
' Ulilno Winea.
ED MAUSER , 12) ) 3 Farnam St ,
At tbt cTd stand 1(17 Parrum BL Crdeil by bl
rnjih ioUcflcdandprotopU itttndixl to.
Large Lots at Reason
able Prices.
Good Investment
outh Omaha.
Since the completion of the new packing
and slaughter houses , South Omaha is mak
ing a wonderful ane rapid growth. Besides
the large pork and beef house erected for
Hammond & Co. , other dealers have com
menced the erection of similar institutions
and still others are contemplated for the
near future.l Several dwellings have been
bult and twenty or thirty are now building.
Employment is now furnished to about one
hundred and fifty families , and conservative
estimates place the figure at eight hundred
to one thousand iamilies that will find em
ployment there a year hence. This offers
reat inducements to laboring men to secure
homes now while they are cheap. Specula
tors will also find it to their advantage to buy
at present prices. The company Ziave made
no change from the original prices , but some
parties who first purchased lots have resold
them at splendid profits , in some cases at
double the purchase price. If in so short a
time handsome profits are made , what will
be the result when evei'v thing is fully devel
oped ? In the few other cities that are favor
ed with a first class cattle market , fortunes
tiave been made by investors in real estate ,
aud the same is certain to follow in South
Omaha. While the whole city of Omaha
will be greatly benefitted by the growth and
development of the cattle interest , South
Omaha lots will enhance in value Bmore ra-
> idly than any other by reason of its prox- '
mity to the works.
Manufacturers of nil kinds w 11 find ibto their an vsintaga
fo inspect this property ; good location , level grounds , track
J ncihb'cs nnd plenty of good pure \Tator fiii-mnlied liy the
South Omaha Water Works. In fact , every facility to niuke
it desirable for mauufacturorp , including cheap ground.
Will find it profitable to select prorwty now , as a year or
two hecco with a population of 60UO to 10,001) paiple ,
this will become a desirable place for all kinds of business ,
and lots bought now , can bo hud nt vary reasonable prices
which will double in price minv times in the next two years.
KBTf'Ki'T ' "XT 15 / "ffV y *
llich or poo- , will find it profitable to make iiuesLmonts
in this property. Free conyoyanco at oil times will bo fur
nished by us to parties wishing to see this wonderful now
town and learn of its advantages. We have entire charge
of , nnd ure the excliisivd agents for tin unlo of all this
property from 0 streets south. Splendid lots from $225
,213 S. 14th STREET ,
Wo Imvo tlcsirnblo business nnd residence property for n all
parts of Onmlin ni.d dn a generhl real estate business. Wo solicit b iy-
crs and Hollers Jo call on us. Wo will RIVO Uicm all poss bla information
free , aid lieop conveyance free to 6hop/'pr ° Perty in any part of the city ,
ledford < fc Souer ,