8 THE DAILY BEE SATUKDAY , JUJSE 20 , 1885 THE DAILY BEE Saturday Morning , Juno 20 , LOOAL BREVITIES , ' Jj , Sladen ol this city , who was appointed to tba ca jetthlp at tbe military academy West Point has successfully pawed the amtnfttion , In ths police court Yesterday Joe M Donald , Frank Coots , J. V. Sandusky nnd D. Dawell were fined $5 and cost * for Intox icatlon , All but one of them weio from Council Binds , Mr * . Schaab , of Papilllon , Is erecting Ihrso story brick building on the sorthwei corner of Tenth and Jackson streets. It wi have a frontage of GO feet on Tenth shoe and 85 on Jackson nnd be composed of proasc brick and cut stone. Pat McGulrc has applied to the police have his daughter , Annie McGuire , who only 1C years old , taken from a notorious houi * on Jackson street and placed In his charg The police have deferred action until the can hoar Iroiu the girl's mother , as the fatho IIM no suitable plftco or the girl to stay. About ton or a dor.en local Grand Army men went ont Thursday and yesterday to th encampment in Portland , Me. They went i scattering parties , and their names could no ba learned. A largo number of the Nebraska veterans passed through hero Thursday night going cast on the Burlington , Northwestern Jlock Island and Milwaukee roads. The residents in the vicinity of Croighto college very naturally resant the Imputation that their neighborhood Is a bad ono. Whll aa in nil ether legalities there are sorao hard cases , such as tha on < 3 or two that Jmvo boon of late week i arraigned in the police court most of the people in that neighborhood ar honest , hard working nnd reapocUblo. It i not fair that the act of ono or two Individual should ba allowed to give a bad color to the character of tha whole locality. Col. Guy V. Henry has asked Gen. Ho wan to appoint Lieut. Merriam na special financia agent for the shooting contest , which is to came off in August. The appsintmen t wil bo made. Lieut. Morrlam haa already en tered upon his work of soliciting subscrip tions for special prizes to bo offered , and ii meeting with good success. Two gold modal hayo already been offered by local jewelers The list of subscribers to the fund will bo pub llahed In the local papers , Fort Omaha wll subscribe § 00 toward the prize list , The eleventh annual state sportsmon'i convention nnd tournament will bo held n Seward Juno 23 , 2J , 23 and 20. All partiei attending the tournament mu3t pay full fan to Sownrd and take a racelpt from their homo agent for the fare , which will entitle them to one-third faro return , .if properly sipnod by the secretary of the association , Plenty o live birds , Peoria block birds and glass balls will be on hani. Special prizes of one Spen cer repeating shot Run , one silver set and one Peoria black bird trap , will bo shot for. J. A , Williams , the chain lightning de tective from Kansas who was concerned in capture of Beverldgo in Detroit some time ago , is in the city. He expects to go out to Wahoo some time this week to look up some arson casss which are requiring immediate at tention there. In this connection it may b remarked that Marshal Cumminga rocelvec yesterday n letter from the marshal of liar per , Kansas , denouncing Williams in unmeas ured terms , calling him a swindler , etc , , am accusing him of defeating them in the arres of Boveridgo which they wore about to ac complish. It is more than passible that the screed was animated by petty jealousy or Bomethinff of ( bat sort. Prize Awards. The judges , Mr. W. J. Heaaer , Wll Ham Ellsworth and T. J. Allen , hare awarded the premiums as follows in thotho , horticultural exhibition , a fall ac count of which will bo found elsewhere First best collection of plant ? , W. Shotbolt. Second best collection of plants , E. C Eraintf. First best collection of roses in pots , A. Donaghue. Pecond best collection of roses in pots , E C. Ktfling. First best collection of geraniums , E. 0 Erfling. Second beet collection of geraniums , J. Y. Craig. First best collection of fuchlas , E.C. Er- first beat collection of begonias , A Dona hue. hue.Second Second beat collection of begonias , E. 0 , Erfling. First best collection of coleus , W , Shotbolt. Second best collection of colons , E , C. Er- iling.Pint Pint bast collect'on of foliage plants , A , Gordon. First best collection of caladlumi , W.Shot- bolt ' First best collection of ferns and solaglnel- las , E. 0. Erlllng. First best collection of palms , W. Shotbolt , Second best collection of palms , A. Gordon , First beat collection of aloes and cacti , E , 0. Ei fling. First beat filled vase of plants , E. 0 , Eilling. First best pair of hanging baskets , W , Shotbolt Fecond beat pair of banging baskets , E. E , Erfling , First beat display cut flowers and floral designs , { 29 , A. Donahue. Second best display cut ( loners and floral deiipns , E , Lambert , First best baiket cut flowers , A. Donahue. First best display hybild perpetual roses , E , L. Emery , " Second beat display hybrid perpetual roses , "r Mrs. W. Oleburne. Firtt boat display ot tea roses , A , Donahue , Firat best wreath , A. Donahue , A.MA.TEUUS. First belt collection of plants , E. H , Dftvey , First best pair hanging baskets , It , H , Davey , Second best of cut flowers , Mra. II , Mc- Conuell. raum. First beat collection of strawberries , Sam uel Avory. Second beat collection of strawberries , Day & Taylor. First best plate , W. Hair. Second beet plate , Day & Taylor. W. Shotbolt and A. Gordon are the gardeners for Clatk Woodman and Her man Koimfza respectively. A Would-uo Suicide. "I don't want to live I won't Hvol lib's deserted mo and gene ciT with an other girl I I wish yon'd let mo die. " Ella Veinon Is a member of the gilded sisterhood. She retides at 910 Capitol avenue. Yesterday afternoon aho be came very despondent became her solid muldoon , a young cuifeo working for ono of the gambling houses , had deserted her ) and openly announced his preference for another woman. She made op her miad that Hfo f or her had lost every pleasure aho must die. She started for the Big Muddy , de termined to plunge into its dark and trokcbeious waves , and sjek the rfpcsa of dea'h ' , But she didn't plunge , Not at all. On the way down Bbo was stopped by n ftlend who had bjcoino aware of > lier intention , She was taken bick to 1)10 ) Capitol awnno , Sbo li still In the laii'i of the living , and hai abandoned ( all thought of suicide. BARRIERS BURST AWAY , Bovorltlfio IB Arraigned ami No Ono Appears Apnlnst Him Unso Dismissed. Thursday evening 0.0 , Borotld e , the young stock man accused of swindling the Commercial National bank of this city , was discharged. In this wlao did It happen. For Eomo days past the father of yonng Bovcrldgo and his attorney , Mr. 0. A Wootloy , have been making .stronnons efforts to secure his aralgnmont. Bo waste to have been brought bofoio Jnatlco n'Seldoon Wednesday last , but as District Attorney Estello was absent and could not appear , the matter fall through , for that day. Thursday evening a stipulation was signed jointly by Boverldgo's lawyer ana by Messrs. Graff and Montgomery , the at torneys for the Commercial bank , em powering Judge Soldon to order Bovor- edge to DO brought Into court. Some re monstrance was offered by Mr. Groff bo- canto Mr. Hopkins , caihlcr of the Com * mcrcisl National bank , was not in court and the proeocutlon was wholly without witness. It is said that Mr , Hopkins was unaware that Bevorldgo ] waste to bo arraigned. Mr. M. A. Rogers , president of the Fremont bank , appeared as wltnoes for the de fense. This gentleman was sworn and testified that the firm of Richards &Bever < Idgo , atock dealer ; , Fremont , of which the prisoner was junior member , was a good and sound Institution with wldo irodit. That it had boon the prisoner's habit to draw on the firm's account and the paper was always honored. That prior to the circumstances , for whoso ap pearance of crime Bovorldgo was on trial ho ( Bovoridge ) had made a draft on his partner , Richards , for $2,000 , half of which had boon paid Immediately and the draft presented to Richards. That when Bovorldgo checked on this draft through the Commercial National , the draft had not been returned and the check was protested. The witness far ther said that had It not happened that at the tlmo money was light , so great was his confidence In Bevoridgo and Richards , ho would have honored the check , as ho had frequently carried the firm before. No evidence was Introduced for the prosecution , and hence Judge Selden dis missed the prisoner. Young Boverldgo has made unlimited promises of reform , and thinks that hereafter ho will try to make no more raises , and will not attempt to woo any more Wolverine school teachers. Ho left last night for Fremont , and will there renew hla business and family relations. THE EIVEB FALLING , The Juno Klso IB Over Maximum Height Over Sixteen Foot. The Juno rise has come. It Is now going. It has weathered the stormy pre dictions of brainy Beers , defying all wise vaticinations and persistently refusing to go down when so ordered by the river re porters of those journals so unfortunate as to possess snch appendages. Its Inva sions this year tavo not been extended. A few cottages on the bank have suffered trifling damages , but no harm has been done. The river Is slowly falling at this and points higher up , the fall hero sine j Wsdnesday being over ono foot. The highest point attained was 1C.G feet on Wednesday. The following table will show the tlmo when the maximum helghth of the Juno rise was reached , during a period reach ing back ten years. It will bo noted that the time varies considerably each year , in ono or two Instances occurring In May and July Instead of Juno. For the sake of convenience , the annual swell of the water Is called the Jnno rise : 1875-June 27 and 28 15 ft. 2 Inches 1876-Jnne20" 10 1877 June 12 17 0 1878-June 25 17 10 1879-June28 17 " 1880-JulyO 17 "I 1881 June 10 14 2 1882-Juno28 14 7 1883-May 18 12 1 1881-Jnne22 14 HGHT ABOUT A STEAMBOAT An Intoroatlnc Question About the Gen. Ituckor Ztirco Olaliu- nnts. A ciso has jaat arisen in the oflica of Surveyor of Customs Campbell which is as curious as it is novel and Interesting. The Gen. Ruckor is a steamboat which has been on the Missouri river trade for many years although of late seasons it has nocboon running. The original owner was W. H. Adams , of Louisville , Ky. Ho sold one-third interest In the boat to R. F. Woolfolk , of Sioux City , and another ether third to T. F. Evans , of the same place , retaining a third interest to him * self. Adams had given to a lawyer named W. J. Koontzo , of Slour City , power of attorney to represent htm in the matter. Koonlza on last Tuesday came down to Omaha , and- going to Mr. Campbell endeavored ( o have the boat "ro enrolled1' according io law , and a ccrliQcato of enrollment la. sued. Mr , Campbell had none of the proper blanks at the moment , and the milter was postponed , On Thursday a man by the name of E Angebine , who claims to bo master of the boat , and who Is now in possession of the craft , came to Mr , Campbell , alleging that ho had power of attorney from Woolfolk , as well ns from Evans. Ho desired , ho said , to secure - cure the certificate of enrollment Instead of Koonlze , who , he averred , had pre vailed upan Evans to give him the power of attorney in the matter , by false repre sentation ) . IIo said that K'Hintza did not represent the majority of Interest in Iho least , and have had no power to act In selling the certlGcato which was neces sary before the boat would bo allowed to jrnlso in the waters of any river of the United States. Mr Campbell desires to settle the matter In accordance with equity and has o announced his Intention. He has lelegrapbod all parties , including Mr. idams , of Kentucky , to bo present next week , and the matter will bo the object. Hchool 1 Out. The closing exorcises of Mies Loom ! * ' lelect echool on Webjtor ttreot wore hold restorday and were attended by a num * er of patrons of Iho echool and others ntcratted , The main features of the zeroises were cnl examinations in Bt rations branches and recitations bya | § ! number of pupils. This echool has a capacity for twenty-fivo tcholnrs , and only those who are studious and anxious to learn are admitted. There has boon during the past nchool year nlnotoon paplli In attendance , and the efficiency of the instruction was manifest yesterday In the excellent manner in which the children conducted themselves. In the morning two classes in arithmetic were examined , the higher class going from simple ) interest to cubic root , In the atternoon the examinations covered his tory and grammar , In addition to several recitations. The pupils acquitted them selves nobly and are deserving of high pralto. The school will open again Sep tember 1st. LKTTEH LIST. List of letters remaining In the Omaha postoflico Jnno 18 , 1885. GENTLEMAN'S LIST. LADIES LIST. I'OUBTlt OIASS , 10 Chambers J II Abel I Kennedy K . 1'jnkLam Ira J Kitc-ila Poatmaiter , Special Sale to morrow of French taibrlggau underwear and /iosi'ery at . John Brot. , 1313 Farnatn St. Fancy trlped per cult , $1,75 ; Solid colors , ; 2.00 and $2.50. A BASE DEOEIVEB , Jerry Collins KngagcH Illtnalf to YonnR lifttly Jor llio Sake of Her Money nnil l cls Into Trouble , Yesterday morning Detective Emory arrived Inthe city , bringing with htm ono Jerry Collins , who ia accused of ob taining money under false pretenses. The story of his crime Is not a novel one , but , in f ct , is the old , old tale of love and deception. On the luth day of April Collins brought to the point of propotal a suit which ho , had boon pressing for the hand of a hard-working and honest young lady , Miss Johanna Enrlght , upon whoso pathway of Hfo the shadows of twenty- fonr years had fallen. Ho told her that ho loved her loved her passionately desired above al things else to make her his wife , etc. Would she bo his ? Johanna thought and pondered , and finally blnshlngly said that she thought she would. Everything wont lovingly and smoothly , and very soon the bans of marriage were proclaim ed in the St. Fhilomona cathedral. The marriage was to take place on the 12tb day of May. Shortly before the happy crisis was to bo expected , Jerry came to bis lady love with a tale of woo. Ho told her that ho wanted to make her a present of a handsome wedding ring , ho had to pay tno priest's fee , ho had to give the hard cold cash for the marriage foe , and for the other Incidental expenses of the marriage ho would want a certain amount of lucro. His own exchequer chequer was empty ; would she loan him the trifling sum of $52 ? Apain Johanna thought and pondered , and finally blueh- logly said she thought she would , On the llth of May , ono day before the anticipated nuptials , Jerry skipped out from Omaha , leaving behind him Mis Enright , but not forgetting to take with him the $52. As soon as the truth dawned upon the minds of the deceived ono , aho at once placed the case In the hands of De tective Emory and Attorney Wllcox. A complaint was sworn ont In the police court. The man of marvellous cunning soon succeeded in locating Collins In Kansas City and Wednesday wont thither to procure him , returning with him yes terday morning. Ho has been placed In the county jail awaiting trial. Seal of North Carolina Tobacco is the host. A CROWDED JAIL , Tbo Arrests Mndo ly the Police Yes terday Morning Rusliingtbo Unfortunates , There has not been a morning for these many months when the police court was so crowded with complainants as yratcrday. Seven warrants were Issued and as many arroats made. Patrick Rockbud was apprehended on a warrant sworn ont by Mrs. Lnclnda Jones , who accuses him of committing an assault upon her on account of some trivial dls puto about a house. Catherine Carmiohaol was complained of by Louisa.Killjoy , who accuses her of trying to cut her with a knife. A warrant was Issued for the arrest of Charles Welghtman , who swindled the real estate man , Irey , as detailed in an other column. Officer Cormick took the warrant , set ont to do a little skirmish ing , and within two hours the gay and festive confidence man was behind the bam. bam.R. R. McDonald was run In by the police for beating Catharine Maurice. John Urban was the subject of a com plaint by Manrtlz Santer , who alleges that Urban committed upon him a griev ous and unprovoked assault. Thereasa , Lederer had Blonde Clark arrested for ualng profane and obicono language in her presence. Theodore Hartman was arrested for the commission of a nuisance. Ho had left his swill wagon standing for two hours yesterday afternoon in front of Kay- mond'a jewelry store.1 ; Hospo sells PAINTINGS , 2 feet by 3 feet , for $3.00 and upwards. Mrs. Sorol & Co. , 1519 Dodge street , now store , Is closing ont at cost all switches , wares and millinery. Wo know Goo. A. Hoagland sells lum ber at the lowest prices in Omaha. St. Barnabas School. The exercises of the closing of the scholastic year were held yesterday at St. Barnabas' parish school , and wore very creditable and Interesting. The bishop's medal for echolarahlp and de portment was awarded to Sarah Coburn ; the Mead medal for scholarship and de portment to Alice Tracy ; the rector's modal for boys to Augustus Kounlzo , and the prfzs for writing to Franklo Dake. In addition , a largo number of pupila received especial mention for do * portmont and scholarship. It his been decided to close the school on account of lack of funds , and In all probability It will not bo reopened with in the next two or throe years at least , ' Absolutely Pure. Hilt powder never ranea , A marvel ol paiotj .trontfth and wboleaomeneat. afore economical than he jrJIn&ry klndj.and cannot be eold la compctl- lon with Uio multitude ol low toet , chart wtlghl dam ot iihyeohrte powders. Bold only In cam ItOYAli ilAKWQ I'OWDEH CO. . 100 Wall 81 ; N.Y THE Original nnd only Mwfib Clothing Parlors , 1812 Douglas street , up-stnira , wish to impress upon the iniudg ot their patrons that they are the O nly emporium in Omaha handling merchant tailor misfit and uncalled for clothing a ? a specialty , nud t.11 holdhi cratrncSCn't ] 8m * luutatlon9' aud to d n" " trata more fully the 0. DJL C , P. arc the only paoplo 3KE orchant tailors throughout the country "to purchase all garments left upon , their hands , consequently none- otlior can hold the same. Iheso ontrncta are legal and read as follows : copleof Omaha aud vicinUy who have patronized fcho 0. M. C. P. are acqumuted with theao facts , nad show their engcruess to keep ifc m the minds of tlieir frieuds , and douot hesitate to announce the Truth that it there is a place on earth for genuine bargains it IS 1312 DOUGLAS STEEET-UP-SfAIRS , 1312. Open Evenings until 9 o'clock Saturdays until 10 o'clock HUMPHREYS' HOMEOPATHIC A ICS Care Diseases ol Horses , Cattle , Sheep DOGS , HOGS , POULTRY , In nso for over 20 years by Farmers , Stockbreeders , Horse II. It. , &c. Used by U. S. Covernmont. 43-STABLE CHART-6 * Mounted on Rollers & Book Mailed Free. Itumplircva'Mc.1. Co. . 109 Fulton St. . N. Y. Humphreys' Homeopathic THE LEADING GAR BIAGE FACTORY Specif icNo.E8 4D9 and 1411 Douglas St } < htoagsfflft < t Omaha Nebraska In Jl nso 30 yn&nr. The onlr successful remedy for Nervous Debility , Vital Weakness , and Prostration , from * over-work or other causes. ( M Porvial.orSvialaiind large vial powder , forts. bOLD . IIT DauoolHTS , or sent postpaid on receipt of Sixteenth price. Addreos , Humphrey * ' llomeonntlilo Street Directory. WoUlcluo Co. . lU'J Fultun St. , ftoiv Yor . TIMKEN SPRING VEHICLES. OVER 400,000 xno. IN USE. READ IT ! READ IT I ! ill Ulilliia Vclilcln mnilc. Killed with ono perBountttito Tlio SprinuH Icnulbon anc nhorlun according to the ivoluht the } curry. Kquallr well ndupti il i rnii-ili coiinlry ronrlH inn' fln o/lriveiotvitie. ull lcadlur Ciirrluitr nnil | ) culern. Apollinaris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS. " "Apollinaris Water is an article which is produced by Nature and is not the handiwork of man ; it is a Natural , and not an artificial Water" U.S. Treasury , 28 Jan. , 1882. ANNUAL SALE , 10 MILLIONS. Q/allCrixin , BrHffttt'lirin. ll'at. Dtaftrr. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS- OMAHA INSTITUTE MEDICAL AND SURGICAL. The largest Modlcnl Instltuto West of MlasiBBlppI Rivor. Ifty rooms for tlio accomodatlou of patlonti. The lirtlclan and burgeon in cliuruu of thu liutltute hai ad uitrcn yeanof cuccwuful priu-tlcc. nnd If aided r auiitttiiU of rare cxi rlcnco na ci > ocuuuU la aelr varlouH dtpartinentn. WurnroBCiKCULiKon Deformities an J Bracoi. DIBKII ' , I'lloi. Tumori ) C ncer , C tarlh. Jironchl. l , InbalatlOD , ElKlrleltr , r r lj li , Epllepnj , KldDor , le. Kur.akln anil blood nloaiei \ \ rll fur PRIVATE CIRCULAR TO MEM n ruiriTK. BricciAi. and NKKTocii PuDaiei , tiiinlnal 'eaknim , Sperroatnrrlura. Siphlllii. ( Jlcol , tilrlclure , V tl- K l and all dli < a > e oflhe Ifrlnar/ and Hmuil uixaai uei treated by correipoiideDCe.orremonaUj ConQdviitlal. tdlclDDtaunt ti/roallor ipr > ulthoul toarki to ludl- Itu coiittntl or tender , a < lr all Iftlcri lo OUillA MEUIUAI. iNI > BUIIOIUAI. INHTITUTB. ithblreut , Corner oC pttol Av ouo , . Oklllli , NEB LYON tiHEALY , Blouron HIM. , Clilrnco. " ' UlllM Jjoallitlr BAND CATALOGUE / ( or lest , 110 | " ? M. SCO euT lop [ K btilu , Cal * . liclli.l\ PemloDi. rraiiUU , Clp-Umi * . % EUuJ. , Ilruul M > JMI * SUtf , aoj * ll.u , buiiliy ! > < i'd ' OutbU. Hcpatrlu . alto fix Flout Belecttoni of SUITINGS Merchant Tailor , 18th nd Dtrenport Eti M , WALTHER 4 CO. Caterers , And Ladlca' and Gcnta' ICE CREAM , Eeneslment & ( MectlODcr ? PARLORS. Special attention glren to Families , 1'artlfs , Wed- dlngi , Dances , I'lcnlcs , itc Cor.ttthind Capitol Ave. F. M. Schadell & Co. , 218 N. 16th St. , Liltro and Kensington PAINTING taught at 50c. n I.c un 'f he romjilcto Course taught for $1.W , 1'alnti free to practice while learning. Alao cleaning of real and Imitation lace Cleaning of lace curtalni a ipeclaltj. Ttie l > est wort at reasonable price * , Mrs , T , E , McNally , DRESSMAKING PARLORS , DuanuiS's liLOcr , 1699 Douglas Street , Corner Sixteenth. Dr. Haughawout , 211 S. ICth StT D ENTI8T. Teeth without r.lale. OoU Crowns amU/oM 1'lata Work a gpeclalljr , at Iteasonablo Itatvi. Leslie & Worrell , Central Pharmacy Prcicrlptlons a Specialty Socln anil Mineral tVATBIta. 3W.Cor.l6thADo < lgeSti C. H. HARRIS , 'HOTOGRAPHINS YlKTTIita , EHLARaiM nd Copylne Iloano 702-704 N. 10th St. Flrst-Class Work done In le latest styles ol the art 'Inlihod In India Ink or rajron , lu deilred. CMBIAHTHD Practice limited to DISEASES OFTHE 8KIPJ. uperfloui Hair Kemore. ! Criiunso lllock , 10th SU Itoom 17. MRS. E. KICHT , MILLINERY AND Fancy Goods , CBOUMSB niocir , 10 Xo , 10th Ktreet. Also , Flrst-CU" Dress aVIng. General Agent r NetJruVa for the Acme atlorB/item of Cuttluf. Tlio Old Kcllal.lo atia EmpltuineDl Bureau , 217 K. l h fit. , Are always ready to fill rdcmpromptly for help , nd girls can always nnd oed situation * by apply- Ug'j.W.MOKKISOX. In conncctloa with the tabllshment , we keep a no stock of Btatlonery nd Kews matter , Fashion ooks , I'.lc. ICHI QAM. HIissKatoR.KGnne Dealer In t'iccy Goods. Art Needle Work Taught und Executed. nplnjra r-pc- . cialty. SUtcrUli fur fancy U'ut. ' 219 No. IQIh btrtot , OMAHA , NEB. It . HUNT & RYLEY , HOUSE , SIGN AND Onamenlil PAINTERS , Decorafon , Paper Htnger Etc. , Etc. ze Trillin a spiclaity. No. fill North lOthS Central Dining Hall 104 South 16tb SU. Hr1 Ticket ) , $4.00 FOEMS11ED BOOHS , Mcali at all Uosra Washington Market , 10th and Camlotr , s the place to bay your leat cheap for Cuh. d - vcrcd to anr iiart of the Itjr. Meats of all yarlctlea licapor hero than at any ther uitikct. K. A. MAUSII , Prop. Dr. LANE , U.B.OJ i .L.X.Q ap.r , Physician ani Office , BusiiuiB's BLOCK , blzteenlh A Douglaa Sta , T. CLARK , DIEVCJGO-IST SIlN.lCthBt. , Cor , ICth and Chicago. HDGS.PAIHIJ , OILS , ETC , rrorapt atUotlon jlren .0 I'reicrljjtlooi. OMAHA 117 N. 10th St. CEOONSE BLOCK. SPECIALTHS ! Seoond-hmd School Boki Fin * Stationery. Bellgtoni QUl Bookx. Seydel & Ahlqulst , Dealers 1 * HARDWARE , Jewel Store * nnd Ilangei Crowi lewil Tip HUH , N.W.Cor.Wlh and Call/oral * Street * . Iloforo Ilnjrlnsr EU - where , Iteinembey tUJS NBW Milliners and Dress Makers , F. M. SCHADELLftCO. 918 N. Idlest. J. L. ROY & CO. jmebniiteri anil Kwilni , BllTcrware , Muilcil Initrumcnla , Watches , Clock * , and Jowelry. Vatchcj Kepalnd B ( HcancJ and work Quf- inteod for Ono Year , Olt 'awelry repaired it otii irer to ult. 1'lnt QoU md Sllrer Coloring. B07 N. 10th St. ilJ.O'Ronrte.ED ' . , OFl'IOESl ' BOSHMAlf ULOCK , ; or. 10th A DoDcUt , AMD 13th A Centre SU * Bouth Omaha. lluitrtted Catalan * a Klectrlcltjr , I'ree. .W , Wolfe &CB , ELKCTKICUNS , and Dealer , la "leotrloal Supplies Hectrlo Helli , Annuncla- ori , IJurelar Alarmi , Md > cal Ilattorlu , Xtlcgrafh Lpparatiu , Ac. , 900 lOtli St. , Kortii.