LINCOLN. luciilGnis of the Day at the Capital ol the State. Musical People Base Great Hopes on the Festival Tlio Session IJVB nt L Bt Cotno Out Thcatrlcnlo fop Chllilrcn Pcreoiml. ATTHK OAVITAU OKNETIAL NOTK3. Ktported by Tlia BEE'S ' Uttreau LINCOLN , Nob. , Jana 19 The Sing- gcrfcat building Is corapletod , and is now being seated and decorated. Font thous and chtira trill bo placed In the building , besides many other Boats. The recent rain fully toated the root and it proved water * proof , There is no donbt this will bo grandest musical festival ever hold in the northwest , The grand mixed ctorua will consist of oovcrnl hundred trained musi cal volocs , and will bo well worth'tho effort and expense it takoa to hoar it , The badges for the different societies have aarlvod and will bo proaontod to the organizations upon their nrrival Tuesday. Several flno arches will bo erected and It Is hoped the business men willtako snfllclcnt Interest to llborally decorate their buildings that the visitors will feel that they are not only wel comed by the societies hero but by the business interests of this enter prising city , remembering that upon this occasion the place will , to a great extent , represent Us grand commonwealth. It is currently reported that no money was appropriated out of any funds with which to pay the votorlnary surgeon , the now officer which the law created. The governor has decided to crcuto no sur geon. geon.Truly loyal and bravo democrats hero are still hopeful that the government wheel of fortune may drop an oflico in ttholr lap , though they are not especially encouraged , AS there do not seem to have been many offonalvo partisans In this statato under President Arthur. J. J. Koun has drawn the plans for an elegant residence for Major Orron , the erection of which will begin in a few days. "Pratty Bobby Shafto , " which is to bo played hero on Monday evening , was written by BIrj. H. D. Pitman and ar ranged by Prof. Jacob A. Mahler , who has charge of the play herd. It is espe cially for children , Is In two nets , com prised of original dances , ballets and tableaux. It Is qulto new , Its first rep resentation being In Pickwick theatre at St. Louis on the 22d of May , 1885 , and was favorably received. It was produced hero once before to a crowded , house. The costumes arc all now and were made In St. Louis. la addition to the cast hero given , about fifty children from the kindergarten school will take part. The following is the principal cast and portion of the programme : Bobby Shafto , Mies Pay Marshall ; Nfda , Bailor's lass , Miss Raahaol Brock ; Gipsy Queen , Jose phine Lattrldge ; Money , Eleanor Raymond mend ; Mother Gooao , Helen Jones. Mlnulo Gaylord will sing " Climbing Up the Golden Stalra , " "Peek-a-boo , " and the soo-saw waltz ; Bertie Burr aong and dance , Bailor's hoinplpe , aond and dance ; Bertie Burr La Favorite ; Graca Burr La Pas Soul ; Rachael Broek Chinese dance ; Oliver and Harry Lansing high land fling ; about tnronty-fivo other chil dren under the Immediate instruction of the professor will take patt , In addition to the kindergarten school. The secretary of state has presented tbo BEK'B correspondent with a cowy of the session laws of 1885. It is full sheep binding , of 472 pages. It is a well printed volume and a credit to the state printer. The cost to the Btato is 55 coots per volume , and the total issue is 3,000 volumes. Now that the attorney-general has in terviewed the chief slnnor among the delinquents to the stito on the Insane tax tbo Douglas county commissioners the smaller delinquents had bettor take notice , and govern themselves accord ingly , and as the attorney-general cer tainly moans to collect that tax It would bo well if they have any doubt about the law to refer to Nebraska Ila- portr , 10th volume , pages 123 and 13G , Burlington & Mitsourl railroad vc. Saundero county , nnd Burlington & MIesouti railroad va. Cass coauly. The notice about the secretaries of the railroad commletion going ii Spirit Ltko rather headed the boys oil' , and a portion of them have returned to Lincoln prepared - pared to do business. The attornoygeneral is the orator of the day nt the grand ledge of free and accepted masons at Omaha next week. The Hon. 8 , J. Alexander otarto for Oztaha this morning to change the date of the appearance of Bobby Simnto to Monday , June 2 ! ) . The secretary of ststo starts fcr Chicago cage this morning on a business trip. Among the days prominent arrivals were William P. Helling , Anrora ; Lieutenant-Governor Shedd , Aihland ; F. G. Simmons , A. 0 , Albright. So ward ; 0. M. Bador , Crete ; J. M. Plumb , York ; F. Hazal- tlne , MUfonl ; J. B. Skinner , Hardy ; B.C. ouch , Charles Couch , Carlos Metz , Ed N. Cook , 0. H. Bernard , Omaha ; Joseph Peabody , Fairmont ; F. T , Ran- torn , Nebraska City ; D. Farrell , Hcmj Kong , Chlui ; Robert R , D y , Pes Moines ; J. J. Nelson , David Clfy. EAILWArllATTEES , JlUt 8 lo ot tlioHpstlneti GrantiUlAland lor $251,000 Other Notes or Interest , The H utlngi & Grand Islandbranch of rho St. Joicph & Western rollroad was aold yesterday In this city , by the matter in ohaunoery , Mr. J. N. Strlchler , of Topeka , and brought the anm of $251- 000. The line Is but twenty-five miles long , and had been appraised at 815,000 per mile. About 10 o'clock yesterday morning a email collection of calm and dlgnlGed looking goatlemen stcod around the north entranca to the poatof- Cce , and when Mr , StrtoVIor aunomiced that _ ho offerd the property in quutiou foe sale , thuro was juit ono bid midu and tbiit bid c > mo from a purolmtiag committee , tent on * from Now York by tbo stockholders ti t ke It In. This aommittea consisted n Moists. Francis K. Peodlaton , Jiraes Q BenediV , nnd Ita o U , Brownie , thelat1 , or gentleman being from Boston. These same gentlemen also bid In the St. Jos eph & Western road at Topeka about ten ? aya ago , thua closing out what has long been an Bggiavatod subject of litigation and trouble. The property now will bo transferred , o on entirely new organization named .ho Grand Island & Me 17svlllo company , with directors for the cnsning year as 'ollowai James H. Benedict , Francis K , Pen- dloton , S. L. Parish , and0. B. Benedict , of Now York ; Georpo W. Hall , J. W. 3rlflith , and Thomas M. Orr , of Omaha , They are to meet at Now York on the 22d Instant and there elect the officers. The sale was made to satisfy a mort gage or deed of trust for $375,000 hold against the road by Jay Gould and Amos [ I. Oarllf. Of the purchase amount only 3,330.40 was paid Into the court and hla wai ordered to bo divided in the bllowlng fnnds : Appraiser's fees. . . , T. . . . . . S C 00 Advertising 3025 Clerkol court CO IB Solicitor of complninnnt'i ' ) fees 3 000 OC Special master's fees 250 00 The amonnta of deficiency duo are as ollows : ? rlncinal duo by decree $ G3\493 7C interest on same to dnto 2,887 2i Expenses 383010 Total 030,227 37 After all expenses hare boon paid the turn remaining Is to bo applied towardt Iquldatlng the bonded Indebtedness ol .ho road. It Is understood that under its now management the road Is to be operated in connection with the Union Pacific. The North Platte Toleijraph gives J. H. McDonnell , who cornea to Omaha ns master mechanic for the Nebraska divi sion of the Union Pacific road , a very nlco send ofl , and among other thlnga says : Thirteen yearn ago last Friday Mr. McOonnull arrived in North Platte , and 'our days later ho received hla appoint ment as master mechanic of the Union Pacific nhopa here. Though small as compared with their present extent , the shops then worotho biggoat part of North Platto. To-day the shops are the second In extent on the line of the road and the first In economy of doing work , and North Platte Is grown nto a clly so fair that Mr. _ Mc Donnell regrets very much to leave it. In : ho growth of our city , his Influence baa seen aa potent as In the growth of the shops. Always on hand , with a finger In every pie , "Little Joe , " as many like to call him , has been a power in North Plaito. The Telegraph regrets to nee ilm go , and never In the history of the shops waa there a time when more of the men in his employ would join in this regret than now. The cenoral manager's ptirato car , of the Burlington & Missouri in Nebraska , wns oont to Chicago last evening after Mr. Hoadley. P. H. Johnson , passenger agant at the 3urlington & Missouri depot , wont to Davenport yesterday after the Danish taper , which ho will move to thii city. I'EUSONAU. George K. Ford , of Kearney , is at the 'axton. J. S. McClary"and' H. C. 13rown7of"Nor. oik , are at the Pax ton. Thomas Armstrong , of Lincoln , is among esterdny'a arrivals at the Paxton. Chas. H , Godfrey , Tremont , II. W. Cole , Lawrence , Kas. , W. G , Temploton , Culbert- BOD , are at the Arcade. A. T. Large , jr. , left for San Diego , Gal. , ait night. Mr , Large expects to make his uturo home on the coast , Thomas Doan atidhis two daughters , Misses frankie and Carolina , en route to Portland rom Boston , were guests at the Paxton yes- ; erday. H. D. Jones , of the Metropolitan hotel , accompanied by hii wife , loft yesterday for 'ortlond , Malno , to attend the G. A. R. national encampment , D. S. M. Fretwoll , the auctioneer , who used o show the red Rag on Douglas street last 'ear ' , has returned to the city , and his gentle voice is Hablo to be again heard in the land. J. M , Greavy , Bancroft , Neb. ; J. M4 'urnhain and wife , Wymore ; T. Gregory , Denver , Col. ; J , II , Travero , Chicago ; Mies 0. B , Olsen , Miss L , Freornan.C , P. Phillips , Silver City ; Charles Phllpot , \Veepim I : Water ; F. Kestert and wife , A. J. Goodbin and wife , Marysvillo , Kaa. ; J. N. Robinson , tlilwaukoo ; J. I. Condo , Moccosin , 111. ; 0. F. Xoder , Cincinnati ; J. T. Anderson , Albion ; B. F. Morehouso , Cooper ; M. J , Hughes , West Point ; Miss Dora Lillie , To- camali ; are at the Canliold , At the Metropolitan ; C. K. Porterfield , Tromont ; James Chase. Lincoln ; W , G. Mc- 'herson , Schuyler ; O. II , Simpson , Platts- nouthi , Wartman , wife and two children , Crete ; Andy Fleming , Lincoln ; II. H. iVoods , Schuyler ; A , L , Larson , Stroiraburg ; J. B. Skinner , Hardy. Neb. ; II. R. Day , Dos Moines ; Alex. Johnson and family , Still- water , Minn , ; II. Silley , II. S. Warner , F. K. Bluett , Chicago ; L. Sullivan , Council Bluffs ; J. Boggs , Willlamsport ; S , B , Dewey , Cin cinnati ; F W. Wood , Dayton , 0. ; John Wilson , Ottumwa , la , ; Mrs. J. Blackburn. St. George Uthaj and J. A , Rutherford tmc son , of New York , The Weather. WAHHINQTON , June 19. The upper Mississ ippi valley : Local ralna , generally followed by fair weather , slightly warmer , southwest winds , falling barometer. The Missouri valley : Fair weather , station ary barometer. Catherine Cartnlchael will answer to hie honor , Jndgo Btenberg , this morning for hav ing maliciously assaulted and beaten Louisa Kinsley.1 „ / ' TUT S mo Ortatert Medical Triumph of til Ag r " SYMPTOMS OF A TORPID LIVER. Loai of nppellte , HoweU costive , Tain In Ibo beail , with a dull icnsatlon In the incU parti 1'oln under u houlder- blade , I'ullncn after eating , with ndl - Inclination to exertion of bodr ormlnd. Irritability of temper , l.ow plrlu , with mCoellnirariiavlnir. neglected toDiDdutr > SVcurlucii , IJlzzlncss , 1'liuterlnB al tbe Heart , Dots before tbe ere * , Ileadacha over tbe right eye , lleitleunesi , trllu Qtful dreams , lllchly colored Urine , nnd CONSTIPATION. TWITCH JfllttM are especially adapted to such catca , ono ( lese eCTocta eucu u hanBeoffecHngaatoastonlsIitnosufferor They Increase tli Aiipetlte.anJ cau e tbe body to T ke ou rieiilittbuii tha y tem 11 nourisheduml by tnclrToiito Action ou the OlKCitlre OrBnin.Jl rcular H tool * ore product. . . . . l'rl"e aKo.I I , Manny ht..rV.Yj ill I i w rDHi&B iijeia. OlUT lUlit \VUI8KEK8 changea to B GlXS9V 11 LACK by a single ainilloatlon ol this DTK. It Imnarta o nuturuf color. KCI instantaneously , fiolij by Drugglits , 01 ent by exprutii on receipt of 01. 4 Murrnvst. . MOW York. THE COLERIDGE CRIMINALS J A Large Balch of Tta ArreslcJ anil Placed DDfler Bonds. Actlvu Work of Detective .1. J. NcliRli and Ills Dion , of the Western Association , to see that The Oolerldgo postofllco outrage , that attracted BO much attention three or four weeks ngo , ia still one of the greatest ecnsatlonn in Nebraska. The rioters , wheat at that tlmo wore directly counseled with an attack made upou Mr. Pollack , the postmaster , nro now In a fair way to pay a penalty thai juettco will demand of them , To glvo the particulars , the Cedar County Nonparlol , of KCiiit date , toys : Wo have boon nwaro of the fact that for weeks Chief J. J. Noligh , of the Western doteotlvo agency , of Omahn , with from two to six nblo assistants , have boon ouofnlly working over every Inch of the ground. They have worked aa only nhrowd detectives know how to work , and they have accumulated "bash- els" of evidence very bid for all who par ticipated in the riot. _ There are uomo implicated whom wo wish were not , and wo bellovo they were drawn into it through misunderstanding and misrepre sentations List Sunday night a cyelono struck the town of Coleridge and demolished con siderable property , and the people had jcucely got through trembling when on Monday afternoon just before train time a tornado in the ehapo of the Western detective agency , together with Sheriff Asbro and Constable Wallace of this place , sw pt down on the town and gob bled in J , B. Martin , Henry Maxtln , St. , Feed Gurney , Howard Bailey , William Thorp , John Albright , James Biiihfield and H. E. Goodrich on the charge of riot , and John Brlcdonbaugh , George Button , Tom McCoy , Fred Frerichs , Jeff Kirk , Dee Martin , Henry Martin , Sr. , and Henry Martin , Jr. , on the charge of assault with intent to kill. They were brought to Hartington on the evening train and given a hearing before Judge Nlsion. Those arrested for riot were bound ever till the Oth of July In bonds of 8100 each ; thoao arrested on the charge of assault with Intent to kill were bound ever till the Oth of July in bonds af $250 each. It is to bo remembered that our last grand jury found indictments against iavoral of thcso parties , and thrco indict ments against Bridenbacgb , and that Brldenbaugh is nndor an indictment in the United States court at Omaha. Ono evening in May this John Brlden- baugh , followed by a gang of toughs , made a bold and audacious attack on the postoflico building , wlion Mr. Pollock , accompanied by his wife and a gentleman friend who was visiting them from the east , broke all the windows out of It and fired several shots. Their lawless at created the wildest excitement , and everybody expected hourly to hoar of a cold-blooded and diabolical murder be ing committed In tholr midst. A few days after the outbreak Bridonbaugh was arrested , brought to Omaha , indicted and put under $5,000 bonds for his appear ance at the next term of the United States district court. Commenting on the outrage and its effects in Cedar county , the Nonpareil further remarks : The Coleridge riot business still drags along , and while wo immaglno all were sorry that they were mixed up in it wo opine that many will find that their troubles have but just begun. This thing of having riots in a country llko this , whore the people are supposed to be at least half way civilized , should not and will not bo condoned by anyone having ho least regard for our laws or the wel- rare of our country. AD we have before published in these olnmns the whole trouble arises from the 'act that a clique wanted one of its gang ; o have the poatoQico and In spit oof their Bculduggcry could not onet from the po sition & man whom they hated simply Because they could not run him , ana who proposed to paddle his own canoe .0 suit himself , regardless oi the dicta tion of a worthless clique. Wo have held from the start that no matter If every statement made by Mr. Pollock In his communication to this paper were untrno , and that if ell the In- : ornal faleohoods his enemies have told abaut him were true , there waa i.o occa sion for the gathering of a mob and a riot. Mr. Pollock is responsible at law. Brldenbaugh claims to bo an attorney , and ho , abavo all others , should not have been mixed up in an affair of that kind. His propermodoof redress was through the cauris if the charges made against him by Mr. Pollcck were false ; If they were true , ho should have kept quiet. But no , mob law was resorted to , and as wo have raid before , there will bo some mighty tall swearing before the matter is ended. Wo believe there has been some already , and the tallest is yet to como. Wo are reliably Informed that Mr. Nollgb , of the Western detective agency , will keep men engaged in working up evidence against the Coleridge rioters. The county at present is "lousy" with them and they propose pushing things. Mr. Neligh and Mr. Dingman , of the force , have made our office several pleasant visits In the past week. Both are gentlemen and goodfellows and whllo we would llko to aoo them often , we hope Cedar county will keep so straight bore- after that their services will not oltenbe called for here. Several of the de tectives will stay * ln the county , and more will come during the ( rial. Detective Neligh and four of his men returned homo yesterday and ho said tea a reporter for the BEE lait night that nothing will bo loft undone to thoroughly right every particle of wrong that has been committed at Coleridge. BAT 10 O'OLOOK ' MONDAY. The United States Inter-Stnto Ooai- inerco InveBtlKntinK Oommltteo Will Arrive BunilBjr Evening. Senator Manderaon received a tele gram last BveniDR from Senator Callum , who Is In charge of the United Statoi sanato Inttr state commerce Investigation committee , saying that they will arrire hero Hunday night , and at 10 o'clock Monday morning commence taking at Monday morning commence taking testi mony at the 1'axtom hotel. Senator Cullutn sent hla message from Dea Moines , Iowa , where the committee Is at now , and stated that they leave there for this city Sunday morning. A warrant waa Issuedlrom police court esterday fcr tbo arrest of Charles Oder , who s charged with itrikiog and assaulting hii mother , Charles Weightman , lha man who W , II , Irey was after so dctormldly Thnnday , charging him of having obtained money under false protenies waa arrested yesterday nnc taken to police court. The matter was finally compromised and Weightman was ro'caaed , Charles Schmidt and J. Willis were each fined $1 nnd costs yesterday for distnrbln ; the t > oaco by fighting , TEST YOUR BAKINB POWDER MAY Brandi iLdrtrtliied M abtolnt ly pnra THETESTS n e ran rep down on liot tote until hM > t dlh remote thecov mnd imall. A ctirmlet will not D r - quired to do toot the prti nco of ammonia. DOES NOT CONTAIN ITS lIKALTIIFVWLSa HAS NEVER DEE.1 QIESTIOTCD. In * million hom49 for n qunrter of A century It iui KtOOd the coniumert * reliable teat , THE TESTJMTKE OVEH. PEICE BAKING POWDER CO. , U1KER3 Off Dr , Price's ' SpBDial Flavoring Extracts , The it ronfftttfmoitdetlcloct aa < l natcri ! flavor known , tad Dr. Price's Ltipulln Yeast Gams For Light , llMlthy Dread , The Celt Dry Hop Yeait In the World. FOR SALE BY GROCERS. CHICAGO. - 8T. M3UIB. 5B.OAPITAL PRIZIS , § 75,000. Tiokota Only S5. Shares i Proportion Louisiana State Lottery Company "We do hereby certify that we ettpermte the or rangtmentt for all the Monthly and Semi-Annua Drawings of the Louisiana State Lettery Company and in person manage and control the Drawings themselves , and that the same are conducted with 'lonesty ' , fairness and in good faith toward all par ties , and we authorize the company louse this cer tificate , with foe-similes of our signatures attached in its advertisements. ' COMMISSIONERS. Incorporated In 1803 for25 years by the legislature for educational and charitable purposes with a capital of $1,000,0:0 to which a reserve fundoi over (660 ( 000 has slnco been added. By an overwhelming popular vote Its franchise was made n part of the present Btato constitution adopted December 2cl. A. O. 1870. The only lottery ever voted on and cndorEcd by the people of any state , It never scales or postpones. Its grand tingle number drawings take place monthly. A BriKNDID OPPOBTONITY 19 VT'N A fORTUNE 7th Grand Drawing , Class G , in the Academy of Music , New Orleans , Tuesday , July 14th 1885,182d Monthly Drawing. CAPITAL PRIZE $75',000 100,009 Tickets at Five Dollars Each. Frac tions , iu Fifths in Proportion. LIST OF rnizBfli 1 CAPITAL PRIZC 178,000 1. do do 25,000 1 do do 10,000 2 PRIZES OF 0,000 12,000 B do ,2COO , 10,000 10 do ,1,000 , 10,000 20 do 6CO 10,000 100 do 200 20,000 , 300 do 100CO 80,000 500 do CO 25,000 1000 do 25 26.0CC APmOXTMATION FIUtKS. ft Approximation I'rlzea of 870 0,750 9 do do BOO . _ , 460C 9 do do 250. . . . 2,250 .907 Prizes , amounting to 6285BCD Application for rates to clubs should bo made only to thoofhco of the Company In New Orleans. For further information write clearly giving full tddrcss. POSTAL NOTES , Express Money Orders , 01 tfow York Kxchange In ordinary letter , Currcnoj by KxprcBS ( all Bums of C5 and upwards al our ex pense ) addressed , M. A. DATIP0IH Or II. A. DAUPHIN , New Orleans. I * . 607 Seventh St. , Washington I ) . C. Uako P. O. Money Orders payable and addreet Registered Letters to NEW 011LEANS NATIONAL BANK Mass , Institute of Technology , BOSTON , MASS. IAMISATIONSISCHICAGO. : . Regular four year roimos In CMI Mechanlcil.Mln- ng and Hcctrlal Engineering , Archltect'iic , Clum- stry , IMjnlcs , Natural History , etc. Students are Blao admitted to partial rtr special courffs Next school year begins Sept. 8 , IPS. ' . Kntriuice cxamlna- ions Juno 4 anil C , at 0 a. m. Apply' P'of. Go- ' . loulinJ , lloaul cf Kducatlon rooms City HallCbI- caoo. ' JAMKS P. Ui'snoK , Secretary. FRANCIS A. WALKER , Hrcsldcnt. SPECIAL JNOTICES. All adv ertisementi in the special columns will lie charged at the rate of 10 cents per line for the Unt insertion , and 7 cents per line for each subse quent insertion : A'o advertisement will te inserted for less than ! S centl or the first time ; Then adverttscmcntt Kill tie inserted in loth Morn- ngand Evenlny Editions , rtpresentinj a circula tion of aver Eiyht Thousand. This clan of adver tisements must positively le paid in advance. TO LOAN MONEY. rrM IUNMX ) to ( TOO on trnnd real estate security. X S75-tt W. 0.8HIUVEH , opposite 1' . 0. TO LOAM On real estate In sums of ( SO arjJ upwards , to any mount. Omaha Financial Exchange , IMS Farnam St Honey to loin On colUtcra's In lums of $25 and upward ! , to any amount. On alia , Financial Kx change , 1MJ FirnamBt. Money to loan-On chattel ) In lumi of $5 ind up wards to any amount , t low rates. Omaha Financial Exchange , 1605 Far cam tit. Money to loan On good securities of any kind , In ny amount , tt the Onubk Financial Exchange , 1503 Farnam St. , up-itnlrs , 20-11 TITosir to loan In sums of * 200 and upward * on IVlnnt-cUis real estate security , Potter & Cobb , 1616 Farnam it. CtB-tf \jfONKY To loan on chattels , Woolloy & lUrrlion , 'VI Boom 0 , Omaha National bank building BSfl-tl Tl/fosiTl / uoonTlI JiONitTl II Honey to Loan-On 1U chattel security by W , K. Croft , room i , With nell building , N. E. corner 16tn and Iltrney Aficr years of experience and a careful study of the bus ! ntss of loaning money on personal property , I hart at laet ptrfrcied a system wbcroiy the publicity usual In such caiei II donn away withtnd I im cow In a position to meet the demands of ail ho become temporarlaly embarraued and dctlre to raite money nlthoutdelayandln a qu'.ct ' manner. Housoieep * er , professiontl gentlemen , mechanics and others In this city can obUln advinct * from 810 to f 1,000 on lucli security at houiehold froiture , pianos , ma chinery , hones , wagons , warehouse receipts , secur ed noteiof hand , cto , , without remoung tatne from ownois resldsneo or place of business. Ona el the ad vantages I offer Is that any part of any loaj can be paid at any time which will reduce the Interest pro rata and all loam renewed at the original rat i > of Interest. I hare no brokers In connectlcn with my olllce , but | > enonally superintend all my loin * . I have private otllcca connected with my general olboo eo thai cuitomers do not como In contact with each other , oonienuently nrakloy all transactors itrtctly pihate. W. K. Crolt , room 4 , Wlthnell hulldlng. N. K. for. 16th and llarney. B3T.j. ' TO LOAN Oa real etute tud chattels MONEY Thomas. 837tf , * Loaned oa Ahatteli , out ffttt , U. II MONEY told. A , rornuDH8 8.13th Bt 538-tf \romcTTOtOAN In turns ol tSOOand nrward tVL 0. F. Davis and Co. , Real Ellali and tioan agents , 1CC6 FarDtm 81 810 If \rONET LOANED at a F. Rood A Oo' . Loan offlw iVJL on furniture , piano * , hones , watcons , persona property of all klndt and all othe rirttclos of rahic without removal. Over lit National Dank.eorncr ISth ind Farnam. All business strictly confidential fl.13.4f WANTKD FEMALE HELP. -Dining room ghl 1803 Capitol are. 415-20 j > \X7ASTKD-A glil to do goner * ! houto work In Tl ( inill family. Apply to tcom 11 , Millard hotel 409-20 WAXTKD A glrlmutt ; bo good cook and laun chesrofemiccsrequired. ; . Mrs. , 29th &nd St. liarj'8 vo. 411 ! 5 ; A girl In mull family 1003 Farnam. 40MD AMRD A good girl 1517 llarncy. S3J tf WANTBD Twodlnlnjroamglilsatonco , At Ifth Street Ilcstaurant , S22 10th St. 89D-1Pp V\7"ASIED A competent gill at 424 N. 17fli B'rcct. ' 36t-tt WAJSTRD Oooilplrls for hotels , prtrito lanlllct kltct-cnnmllnundrrvtoik , Call at Omaha Km plojmcntIlurcan , 11(0 ( tarnam Et. 317-tf WANTED Two good glrli nt the Occldonttl. 31S-tf WANiRD-Nurso girl. Apply lira F. M. lloward CunUfcld House. 251-tf WASTED Nurse girl who lUes In the city to como In dajtlmo and tike care of infant. Apply 119 South S4th St. 210-tf Olrlat 1610 Sherman avenue. WANTKD 169-tt J. il. Counsman , TX/AXTKD Thrco experienced women cinvasters , V t fO per day , guarantccC ; room 7 , lledick h'ock. 870-11 WANTED First-class dining room girl nt the Met ropolitan hotel ; none otncr need apply. 624-ti WANTED MALE HELP. WANTKD Agents to sell books and album * , latest style on Installment * ! salary or commission Address or call afternoon,302 Noith ISth Rt.,0maha. 410-Dp TTT'AXTKU A barber COO north 10th St. 405-19p TTfANTRD Live agents to work Ltfoand Accident T T Insurance for a strong New YorK company in every town In Nebraska and Iowa deed commis sion to workers Address E C. Wllccx & Co. , Gen eral Agents , Kansas C.ty , JIo. 27C.27 "TjV > UR clgarraakors wanted. Inqulro of Oca It. J ? Godfrey , Ficmont , Nub. 830-Jly 1 SITUATIONS WANTED. ri7"ANTiiu lly a responsible colored man , situation VV In private family to take care of horses and m ko himself uonerally useful. Address "Drlvof" Use offlco. 410-lOp WANTED A position as house Impcr or nurrc , Inquire corner Grant > nl Pier , Patrick's add , 335-50p WAxruD-SHuatlon In grocery as dellvory clerk ; 11 tors experience : good references. Ailtcaa 'A. B. " Use office. 3S2.10p WAXTED-Sltuattnnrr.Iddloagcd ; man , anrthlng honorable ; bonds and goou icfcrcncCT'.aiJrcsss Van , 510 S 14tn St. 230-20p MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. V work ; npplp at 10i2'llari y Btreotj F. E. Irwln WAifTUD A Urat class fresh young milch cow , not over 4 years old ; glvo breeding and price , lock Box 517 , Omaha. 21D tf WANTED Sound reliable horse weighing 8 0Ibs Ap ply 90 Cent itoro. 383-If ji WAMKD To buv a houto of 0 or 7 rooms with lot ; will pay cash. Address "G. C. " Bee office. WANTED 25 boarders at 83.75 per week , at Undo Ilou-e , 210 South 10th SU E II. Dow , Prop. 390-2Cp D Two horses to board , S. E. comer 20th and Webster. 305-lOp WANTKD Acouplo of nlceyoncgmon ai boarders In private finilly ; best of reference required. Jf , P. " Bee ottlco. S G 18p BOT baby eighteen months old ; a eocd party can havo. ( Parents dead. ) ' ' 0. 0. " Bee ollloo. 32S-t2p WANTKD To buy on established rct ll grocry or commission bus'nesi In Omaha. Address "M. " Lock box 29 , Brownsville j\eb. 229-lOp TTTANTKD 3 unfurnl shcil rooms sultablo for light V V house keeping la a private house by a man and wife. Address "T B G. " lleo office. 130-17p A GENTS WANTED. Address St. Louis Electric Lamp /XCo . St Louis for circular , cuts and term ? ol the candle - Marsh Electric . poa-or Lamp. 311-Jlyl2 TTTANTED Every kdy In need of a sotting- maT - T T chine , to see the new Improved American No. P. E. Flodman ft Co. agents ; 220 N 10th. 830tf ffOJi xvENT HOUSES AND I.OT3. "Ei'OR KENT Cottage & roorrs , closets , well , cistern ; f1 Leaveuwortb , near 22d. Apply 813 South 20th troet. 115-20i ) FOR itKXT-Julv Utnlco 0 room co'tago with barn , c t- cclient locution. $25 per month. D. II Qood- lob , Water Works ofllce , 1513 Farnam St. 371-10 A new ronvcnlent 0 room house on FOUBKNT OaMwcll streo' , one block West of Saunders St. Apply at 1607 Izard St 200-13p BINT Now four roomed cottage , fn'l lit near FOB car , at $16. lUllou Bros. , 317 S 13th St. 303-J3 FOR RUNT Ilousa of live room' , will and cistern. Inqulro cf Dr. PauI.DcntlEt , Wlllhms Uhck. 315.19 FOR RENT-From July 1st , residence R W. corner 10th and California ttrcets. A. U. VanKuran , U. P. Headquarters. 832-2Cp RENT Cottage roems and house rooms. J FOR Fhlppiltoe , 15128. Ctli fit. 381-tf fjiORRXXT rnrcoetory brick store Duiluing ; en- r qulro of Edward Morris U Co. , room IB Crounso Block. 831 tf 1100MS FOR RENT. Y7oa RXNT Tno ucfurnlibed rooms 1610 Farnam. 401U. RiNT-Lirio nicely furnished front room ; de lightful location ; flno view. Inquire 723 18th. South Bt Iftry'save. < 03-20p FOR RUNT Newly furnished front room for gentle man and wife , or two gtntiemen. Dr Sprague , corner 17th and Cipltol ave. 408-2p TTlon BKST A handsomely furnished room , batb r room ; 1720 Capitol ave 200-SCp RB.ST S nlco furnlihed rooms at 805 U rn y FOR Ht. 41-25p F ° ISRINT June25th , two connected rooms with board ; front room , couth-east. 1914 Webster. 357-Jly 18p TjlOB kurr Elegantly newly fnralshed room ) , i ? and bath room , J5 Dodge Ht. 3)2-tf s B.NT Two elegant offices In Buinmann'a block , Fa 801-tf W , U. BuilimiD , . RKMT-Lartre furnished room tulUble for two gentlemen ! , 1817 Chicago Bt. { 01-lBp T A nlco'yturnlthed ' room at COS north 17th Bt . 870 lOp FOB HUNT 2 unlurmahai front rooms at 1 BIZ Doug las street , up-tUlrj. 176-tl FOB BUST Klcifint newly furnlihed rooma'wllh board , 1016 Capitol iienue , bath room , Kit ; no bills to climb ; flrst-clast city board $5 cer week. 350-8p _ FOB RF.NT-J-'urn'Bhed ' ptrlor , Jlnlnjr room for light houio kcenlnrf , bay window , brl V ; 603 N. 17th. 3C-tl 1TV ) IR MUTT -Furnished room 1818 Jackeon. foil RKNT Furilsbed front room 1S09 Capitol are. 1 291-iOp FOR BI.NT Desk room , In a nicely furnished office. Inquire rcom 1 ! , Crelghton block. 2JQ-20 FOB BINT Handsomely furnished rooms for uentlvoiati and uifa cr two gcntlomtn at 8209 Podge It. _ 101-lPp Fit KK.ST-Furnished room 1017 Chicago St. 220-11 T7V > B B8.VT One large front alcove , room , ( , ' , and JL' meiy convenience , 1(2) Farnam bt. iBJ-tl | 71jKK NT-Kuraljn a iooam , Isid Ucxltjo street. TTV5R RKVT Fiunshed ! and unfurnished roomi JL1 lotOIIatncySt. 107-11 F OR RRNT-Centrally located tarnished rooms nt DM outh 15th ft. 125-tf IpOR RRVTFor rrmnufia'urlnR purposes or hall , 1 liriro room 44x75 , Sd floor , tfo. 110 8. Uth it , enquire at MOD J ) dse it Simmon , . Itl-tf I pott RfAT latte himlsotnrlr furnl l > ei1 cool room 1 modern convenience , with excellent bontil fp two gentlemen ; nl > o table board , 1718 Pi'ro ' 637 t | /0tt nn < iT-Furnllio I largo Iront room with alcove 1C Rrnlo bath , etc. , 1718 Umg street. 919 tf tpoii RF.ST Room Itli hoiril suitable ( or one or two ' ( onlleraan , 1812 Dodge St. 704-tf [ , 'OR nnSr lArfto front room on fint floor with or L' with board ; tnqulro at 1901 farnun St. S87-tf ROOMS With bOftrd.debtublcfH suraratr. Arrt > , at B . ChMlci Hotel. 833-tf f 0\\ \ KENT Sever * flno offices In Cronnio1 bleak C Inquire Ed. Norrls , room 19 Croun e Mvv FOR SALE FAUMo IpOR SMK-\VO odor four choice l.uuis In Cass Co. I ? Kcb. No. 63 , S22 acre ? highly lmi > ro\oJ , 93) licr ncrc " 627 , IBS " " " (30 " " 6SS , SS2 " " " 835 " " S201400 " several hunilrod ncrcs Hitler cultivation , floely watered with Ihlng brooklet * beautiful Rrous of natUo timber , protection for stock In wlnt r , nocbjinri : orchard SO joirs old The whole In onoboi'yi thlsh ococf the floc slock fiums In the 3 ate. Jolnn South Hoiul on D , & Jr. 11 II. ? 2 > ricrncro tl C-Majno &Co. 16th and Far- tmm rtrcct , Umaha Kcb. 369 tf ronmtn-lCOni-ro farm Vork Co. , Neb. V , V. KM\a \ , Yf rfc Nub. E37JI. : ( 16p Tea SALn-Gocx.1 farm In naahliiRton Co. ; 171 JjecrcajSO dciM onlllM ( oilj prool bulldlnti ; fine orchard ; running watot ; all fojcod. Edward Korrla Co. , room 19 Crounio lllock. 835tf OR8ALR-S3 feet oiCumlng bo'wccn ' IDthDiidlOtl O , $2,70 3. Bedford & Soucr. CSO-tf T70R 9AtR \ flio aero 9t < > ok nnd grain fir n , a'l ' liu I ! ) iroicdfo\ir ; \ hiiiM1 rlclo lrmt.1c OtinrnSlojk Yards ; POen miles from the c'tv ct Frttr.'mt ; two railroads ulthln three mllca ; HOI ) acica under plow , the ro t In pustuio ; b.anl fence , ruunlne strosm throuRh j'Bsturohou80Blthlcd ; rooms ; will bo sold chcnplf sold luimodlatelv ; on icrina to milt. Vet further particular ) Inqulro of ( loo. C. Urodfrov , Fie mnnt , Nob. 830 1 FOR SALE HODSES LOTS. Fen SAI.R Klght loti left In 1'ellwm place , two blocks ( roniBtrost om ; these ro very nlco lots ; flnolew. . Will sell at $100 to ? 503 each , on monthly payments. 0. K. Mojno & GJ. , S. W. corner 16th ndFarnam , 272-23 FOR HALE Until July 1st ; wo will contlnuo to fell Parnatn Ettcct Iota In Highland place , nt 050. Ocromo l'arklota 376 to ? 130. liiliou Ilros. , 317 South 13ih St. 397-SO NOTICE , tothoiosecklnit lolsfcr dcslrah'o homes' or aplaco to Iiucat In for fututo rise The property on West Farnarn and Dodge Btrctt' , ongheUty Hon. A. S. Paddock , U now offercl for null ) . The two additions , llltbUud I'lico and Jcroino I'ark , which Ho Immediately west of tto bu lncs3 lortlon of the cltv , corers the property now offered jyui IiO's In these valuiblo additions nro oHeicJ at from S37S to S700 , with small payment down nnd licci ) on tine and at moderate rate of lntcrnt. The unders'cned will bo ploitcd tothow this rrop- erly t > anv one wishing t ) purchase , or will glvo In- ormatlon by mail to all inquirer' . A. SATODKBS&CO. W. A OAnnxKii , HOI Farnam Street. S89tf FOB s ILK 60 fuel on Furnam new Oth ; also Iota In Highland Place and Jerome IVrk , on caty tcrme. luttlo & AiUeoo , 211 gouth 13th st. 319-jly 15 [ T'OR ' BALK Four Iota on Georgia avj. , in Hanscom 1 ? phco , jooJ locatian ; will ecll in a botlv or sepa- rate'yat ' bargiln. Tcrmatosult AddrepB"OA' ' XcoolIUo. 128-tf FOB SALE FullIotonlSth street , thrco on lot , 3 cisterns , well eta. , would rent for | 60 : > cr mon'h ; if sold in 80 days 5,250 , Totter & Jobb , 1616 Farnam sticct. 235-21 TJ'OR ' BALK -Cheap Iota on 21st tlreet in Mlllard JT1 nice , oatt front , otly 81,200. Potter and Cobb. 1616 Farnam St. 234-10 ON youth 10th street , corner lot CBxUO fee > , etst front ; 7 room homo , barn , ell Improvements , shrubery cto. , for SJ.BOJ. Must bo sold W. II Green , over 1st Nat'l Bink. 231-tf For. mLK I-argo house , newly built , 9 rooms , all modern Improvements with i lot , at 1710 Casa st ; Inquire at premises. 128tf J7on BALK A rholco lot in Hnnscom Place on n' Ocort'ia A\enue ; will sell at a birgain on term to cult ; address D O. A. , Ilao olflce. 120tf FOR BALK Five lots 47x130 ; together on Lcarcn- worth street ; beautiful location , SiCOO Ono- ourth cash , balance oa long time , easy turma. /rallo & Jones. 210-tf F'ou BALK-Fortv lots for sa'o on Burt and Cumlnes between 29th and 31st cheap , Inside property cdford & Souer. 7i > l-tf TT'OR LKASS Best unoosuplod ground In the ty for A1 warohou9ahousi,87fectfrontoa Loavenwjrth , north bet 10th and llth.wlll Icaso for 09 years. Bed. ord & Souer. C05-U FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. ALWAYS on hand at a bargain , No 1 second hand cirrlago phaolon and nldu bar buggies ; a'so ' um brellas and eunEhadc ; , ai 1403-1411 Dodge St. 803-tf irottSiLK A nicely matched team 5 and 6 years uld , sound and relhfclc ; weigh about 050 1 1)3 a ilcco. Good Et of II flit doualu harness and good prlng wagon. Apply to John P. b'chuilnbo , room 3 , ledick block. 303 tf FOR SALE Hous3 furmturo lit BaltlJ , llanscom Park , S28-2Jp FOR SALE One of the bestoa'&bllsVcd cosh grocery business ; will take city prcparty In cx haniru. Addrcts "Grocer" care this ollle. 3C6-lf fj'ORSALK-AtW8j r Croft'a Sfck jard , a car L1 load cf flno graded cows with young rah03. Or crs taken for graded and full blooded young bulls nd heifers. 273-lGp FOR BALK Jersey cows at auction. 13 head , High class and rcglstcrd Jersey COWH will bo Bold at uctlon , WodLC'day , July 1 , 186 , at 2 o'clock , with out limit or bv hid Having concluded to Boll my ntlio tcrd cf IScowe , and giro my whole attention o breeding high bred native stock and Shetland po nies , Is my cause for selling. Terras cash N I. D. Solomon , Spring Valley Stock farm. Omahi , Nob. 282-July 1 FOR HALK Valuable Chlckorlng grand place nearly now and llttlo used , at largo discount at 1716 049-tf REAL ESTATE. FOR BENT D room liou'e and good born en green car llne,142 per mouth. For rent 11 room bouse and large barn on le J line , 50 per month , 83too 2Zx62 , on Dodo ; and brlok balldlng. Lot 44x120 and 3 Btojy brick block on Dodge Stat a bargain , 182 feet on N 16th to ICKO for a term of yean. 80 feet f ) r s lie en Farnam. 160 feet for ralo on Farnam. 44 feet for sale on Farntm. Livery for eale , cheap , good trade and will pty torn the itart. M. F , Sears , Williams block. 16th andDogoSt. 407-tt TT'oa siLK Obolco lots In PauUen'eadd. , on street F car line , on ouy termi for parties who want to Im > rj\e , 2 ten i ere lots , 21-2 miles from city , $125 per acre. 10 acres iiljolulng fort. $3,600. tacrelotlaKcwJlroukiyn , 11-2 miles frjni city , 5 ncres 11-2 miles from fort , tCOO. 80 acres 4 miles from city , will Improved , * ( ,330. 110 icre Improved farm , good orchard , bearing , 2 nlles from city , 8I& per it-re , fiicres ontiaundcra eh , wtUImproved , bcirlng or chard , $3,00 } . 8.100 acres , mostly cultivated Un < 4 , fine htyland with tame gru < , timber , good pasture , 10 miles fence iwo tenant hcaies , two mllei from Blver Sioux Btttlon la Htrrlion and Uenona county , Iowa , { 26 per acre. Beat itock farm In Iowa. 63,000 acres wild UnJ la Cantral , Western Neb. , roai (3 to $7,50 per acrt on easy termi. A Urge number of improved farrra In Harpy , Doug , is and Waihlncton Co. , at low pilc 9. An excellent firm joining Beaver crowing , a thrlv ng country town In Seward Co. , containing S40 tccoi roll timbered and watered and highly Improved , For rent De k roomi No 1613 Farnam St , and a C oam houte. Paulien & Co. , 1513 Farnam St. 277.10 FOR8ALS-B itory brlok block on Farnam , two stores , S2&.OCO ; rents for 83,000. For Bile Firnair otrtct property near now Court Hrtise ; will double In talueln tuoyiari' . For s la Four itsldtacu lots on ticorgli avenue , dc > lrablo propsty , Foria'o-lwe tylota on Vinton street , ono block romemltf ISth lireet car line ; this property II do. Irablo for resldrnca.and U only twenty minute. ilJr ra-n Kanuii : will bo Bold otvap and oa easy termi Frr silo Nmcton lots on Cumlnji and eighteenth 'n ' Burt Itreetn 8 blocks wett of illlltaiy brldgr , 'lila | ) excellent prrpeitVi Forra'e-Itcsldentafbt , ? l tlocki from ItoJ Car lee , tsso , For le Residence lot thrco kloaks from Green Cir Ilnu.WiO. For sa'o ' House and lot , ( house new one ] cost $700 near ttreet tar line , $1 2X ) , very cbcip. 331-20 J K. Hlltv ft Co. , 815 8. UthJBt FT'OK 81U-1 room cottage , ue'l t rn an 1 cittern , f' oa ISih trr t 0 blocki fromthopi $2,600. ooeaay rat. Potter SCobV.lBJSrMiuita fit. 6.W-U IJV > R 8itK ( No 23i ) eleiMit roUtncs property on CaM street , P room , vath ; all rnoJern Improve * tntnt * ; all h rd finis1 ! ! hut and coM wttcr ; fnrn oi ; giato ; leclrl3appv tm ; cncr ronnfotlon \ \ new hou c , south frorta.6tO. C K. JUuic.t S , W. coaor Uth and Kirntm. 414-14 FOR suit-By Billou Hro , 317 S ISlhSt. rorncr lot with htti-oon tiavcntort t. W.9SO. Corner io with lioo i on Bi-rt L. 81 fOO. llou o ml lot no r Lorgfrhorl , S',600 ' House aid lot on IKi lon nt. $1,000. House and'ot tinrC3doiul Lcfuet.'lli , $1,000. lloiiso and corner lot In Prwpoct Place , 81,000 Fifteen lots near Leavcnwoith and Park AT.cich Fine cut front Han'o Pl loU m cc , ? 000. v Dcsliahlo Kits Hurl Mid Io o At , M0\ For rent. 7 hornet from ST.tO lo SiC.00. 178-19 tfOR SAW -On south 22 J st , ane 4 room Ami ono 5 ' roomojttaicc , barn , wall , cli'Mn. &c , on mo lot , rcatfarMSpcrmmlh , cn'y ' J3.100 ; wouM cll separate ! ) , Potter * Ojhb , ISUFarnim St , 650 tf . A fulloorncr lot , two bbcm went of rod cir line -S50. This Is positively bargain. J. E. Illlcy & Co. , tt5 . ISth St. For Salo-Lot 50x110. 22d Bt. , Once , SOW. This isalto a htignln. J. K. Itllcy & Co.,215S 1.1th St fcr Sale Threu lots 60x140 , south front , 4 blocks fromMMolciw. $350oachj bvrgilns. J. K. Hllcy Js Oa,215fll3thSt. For Sale T olotsonaeorslaivKo < 'laV' < , < ilJ.caft front , no gridlrg , near Kamam , 7 xl40-SoOOo ch. lho e nro rowonablf. J. B. Illlcv ft Co,215 < 13th St. For Sale Nine lots on Virgin ! * avc.00 to $350 each. J. If. niloy & Co , H6 S 13th St. For Sale Ten lots on Cumlng st. , and nlno on Burt Bt. , four blocks from military brlJoc. J. E. Ill- ley & Co. , 215 S 15th et ForSalo K'ghtcon lotion Vlnton t , , one block from tsrmtnus 13th ntrcct car line. l' < nthily ; cbcan. J. K. llll y& Co. , 2168 1.1th It. Wo dotlro to pay to our patrons thvt In thi fttwvo list wo can glvo nwurjiico of fatj ami prnl1t\blj In- vcstm-nt. tVo ixlso have property In almost every quaiterof the cltv ' worthy of linti tli.'it'o' ) . J.'K. U1LKV & CO. , ! 16 S ISth tt 8S3H TTK OFFRR TOR BAt.R Halt half of block 3 Smith's TV nilil. , f.oo fret front , two acMl > t , r.lcssjln Omaha , fu'l ' vioiv of city Mid Blurts , malln.r. 10 lots 1C1 feet etch , ulll soil half or all. Lots 44 and 00 , NMjon'nadd , { 700 cadi or will tcllhnlf of either ; tots 60x145 Kountz's 2d add. near Oth and Center , $100 each. Lot 6 , block 1 , ICountz's 4th ndd , being ntoro on 10th st , full lot f..flO , also lot 0 stmo block $1,350 Two lots In 8 uth Omaha , by Gnodmin'd , with hcu o , orchard , cistern , and well , all $100. 10 tiva aero lots In Vlnchnd , 6 miles north city limits overlooking city and Bluffs , 215 per cre. Lots 10 ami 11 , block IV , Hanscom plaoocry slghtlv , l,203 for both. Half aero ISO foot front block 6 , Park place , with house , barn , ncll , tnd cistern. Corner , 2 lota In Uawthorno on Cass it , DSO for both etc oto. Call and sco us , Dexter L. Thomas' & lro. , Real Eitttc ; lloom 8 Crolghton Llock. 678-tf BALK Lots n Hillside 'add cheanc t and best FOR lots In the city , $750 to 8050 xcluslvo agents Potter & Cobb. 051-tf FOR BALK cilRAr Good familyhors > ; drlvoj doubb or single , and Is also good under oaddlo. Apply to a. Hell , North Wcbt corner 20th and Cass. 344-lDii TTlou BALE-By 0. F , Davis & Co. , 1605 FArnam St. _ T Omaha. IIouso and lot on south Eighteenth St. , 81,000. ' 1 Twentieth " 81,400. ! houses " Doduo near ? 6th St , 82,200. H old In ITanscomPIico. each , $ 525 , Iloueo and lot on Park avenue , 81COO. DavcnfortSt , 812000 , i < " g 2,000. " " " south 13th " 8 4.000. 15,003 icf.i of land in Boone county. 87 to ? 10. 20,000 " " " Stanton " ? 7to12. Land In Madison , Wa ] no , PUtlo acd Hall counties on easy termr. Money oancd on long time , 606 tf F I OR eAtK-Tlireo cholccet lota In Ilansmm place. 654-tf Potter & Cobb. MARION rtACB 8 good lota In this addition with in 3 blocks of street cars , can bo had on easy terms. W II Orccn , over 1st Nat'l Bank. 827-tf BUSINESS CHANGES. TusiSFH8 CIIAMK-A. good saloeman with a tew JL ) a few hundred dolItrFdcelrc&nncpeulcglnsomu busln cs where snull capital could bo used to ad vantage , Address N. C. N.Bo ofBcs. iie-0p F I OR HALF A well cstabllthed bakery In goad loca tion. Address "F. " Eeo oinco. 393-2lp ORRKXT A hotel and saloon known aa the Den ver IInuc , located In Frcrrnnt , Nob. with in forty foct of the U. P. Irac'r. Will rent for ono to five Teats on rcasonablo terms. Homo la neatly fur- 1 nishcd and I ? the bolt Btiinl In Dodge county. In- ( quite of Ltobt. Greg or Mrs. Bridget Ilanlon , Fre mont , Nob. 59 20p FOR SALE Established ccmiri-elon business ; small Kipl'nl requited : good reisons for soiling. Ad- dress' Commission" euro Bee ofllce. 302-1 f i LAW r-ARTNitiumir A liwyer of several years poo- ? tlco In Prnn9yIvanU , and fam'Ilar ' with the bus iness In Washington U. C , wsuld like to form a partnership a lawyer In Nebraska , whoso prac tice requires additional help. D st of rcf arenca giv en as to ability and character. Address "J. D " 4 * D. street , Washington , D.C. 25119p TJl/TASTHD / To exchange 060 lorcjcood farm laud ' T In Ouster Ca. , Neb. , for stock of general mcr-1 chandlse. For full particular ? , address "J W II' Icck box So 8. Wj mf re , Nob. 211-iHp FOR BAtK-At a bargain , on account of my health falling , luishtodlpoaoof my billiard hall , It is In the bast location In tbe cltv , nod doing a good piying business at all times. For fail particular ! ) address O. L. Herman , Platt irnouth. fob. 035-JnIy2p BALK uruFstoro in a drelrablo locality , wil * HIOR iuvoloo about fl.COO K 0 Patterson , NK corner 13th and Farnam. 186-tf 'IjlOR SALE Or exchr.BKO a full stock of clothing JL1 boots and shuos , ( rent1 furnlehlncuoods , will ci- change for Nebraska Lands , d. U.l'ctoraon.601 B , 10th St. , Omaha , Nob. 010-tC T70R BALK-In Oakland Nob. llrst-clasimeat market r also the fdrnl'uro ' ol the St Paul hotel. For par- tioulors , inquire or write WlggeiH & UchllugOakland Neb. 071-mlv PEESONAL. PKHBONAL Mrs U M. Hooror. trance clilrvoyant , and healing medium , ever 710 North ISihSt. S52-J21 DR. A CIIBSTRRPIKLD Uifrnellophytlclin , test and developing medium , over 019 north llitli Fit , IOE CREAM. TlliK purest , ilrhest and beat Ice cr JLon hand ; ordfrifor private and bonding houtei iromptly delivered , Ctrl Schmld , 08 Routh 16th rcct , above Farnam. IDJ-jIyP CHIROPODIST. B All ailments of the foot , successfully trent- o/ed by Dr. Jiirry , 1512 Douglas street. Ollloo for adits. 702-jly S BOARDING. ORRIS' Parlor Restaurant. N Board ! by tbe week , $3.26. Mcaltlckets , $3.50. Slnclemetis , 25 cent ; . 107 N , 10th street , near Dodge. 7I3-J2C LOST AND FOUND. 1 , D-Ono bay horse , white face , weighs 1400 I 0 from Store & liar's brewery , any InformatfQn a * to whereabouts will be suitably rewarded. Store & Her. 417-22 LOST Do ; red and white ; getter. ( D'ek. ) Reward 'J | for Information leading to his woereabouts * | 1 In ell & Cook , 1803 Farnam St. 403-U : TIAKIM w-rA bright bay horse , hind feet white , a .L star in torebctd. Owntr can bav the > ame br , calling and paylrg costs at Dennis O'ltlelly's. ha'f mile wen of Union Ntock yards. oa < ' " 874'ZOp T osT-Btventy'tlve ' dollarIn atobioooslcV ; Onder J4 will be rewarded by to Thomw Qearo at Tank Line office , 830-10 T OST Large red cow , T. Murray , U. I' . I'ark locttod 12 miles a W. on U. 1' . TUB , Isnow open to tbe publlo and can bo rented or plc-nlci and social t' > therings. Bpeclal rates for are iilven. For terms , call or audretall. U. Hcliw enck raplUton , Neb. 092-U i > iuxu ARta I'artlus nltnlni ; to puroruie brood fj mares for ranch purpaios pleasa call at Uoman'i f.lvery table,413BOith ISUigtreat , Omaht. Mj-tf riiuwBiLVKaiia , docs nal give you iieari-hurn. L/Tags redeemed at one cent , each by the dealers. Vercko Bros. , Agents. 833-tf A HAN1XJ.VIIU IIOUKIitHtUH. No * I W , VlttOtH WHO ixtook hoinf Bteidn In Wettern Kansts prtvloui to JUDO Uth , I860 , and abandoned them without mak- ng flntl rrjol , will learn something to their a/lrtn- aeo | jyaildfo3 lnj mo byletterat once. Innc ilul. lolUid , land attorney , Kenneth , Snerl-Jan Co. , Kaa < xs. I JUIURK On Klkboru ana i'lAito. T , iluiray. L SOO-tf _ riiiiw HILVRR Tid , Its fruit flavored , tagi redeemed Wat cne cent each by thv dcalem. I'eycko Bro . < e&ts , rUB-tf fNSTRUCTiOf on banjo given by Q K Oellcn L beck , at 1110 Capitol at e. ISU-tf rtimw EiLVitu lid , It iloes not taint the breath , tagi kjredfemed at ouo ctzt aiU by tbo dealers. I'ujck ( ros , Aircata _ _ WS-t t > lllVy , auJui , UIUHI ua TOiiyol oicauou * c tu tbortttt notice and aatlsIacUoo eunantoed by Jt , UKjP.O Bnaj tJJ-mJ !