Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 20, 1885, Image 1

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Cleveland's ' Administration
for One Day ,
Naval Officers Punished for the
"Presence of their Wives ,
Mo HonmciM tn Oklahoma Mnn-
's titttlo A.xo Works on
Oonornl Notes.
WAHIIINOTO.V , Juno 19. The wives of three
B vl ollicois having Joined their husbands in
Japan , the latter have been detached from
duty for violating an order forbidding naval
officers from having their wives with thorn in
foreign states ,
In pursuance of the policy adopted by
Secretary Manning , of cutting down expenses
in the various bureaus of Iho treasury depart
ment wherever possible , without detriment to
Iho public business , 300 persons employed as
store keepers , gangers , etc. , in the internal
revenue service have boon removed since
March 20. The average per diem und pay of
these employes was SI.
The war department has received n tele
gram from Capt. Bennett , of the ninth cav
alry at Fort Heno , Indian territory , utating
that Lieutenant elevens , of the ninth caval-
ry.hns roturnedfrom Oklahoma , after having
thoroughly ncoutod the country. No boomers
were found in Oklahoma ,
The president's appointments to-day were :
United States marshal Herman G , Weber ,
southern district of Illinois.
Associate justice of the supreme court
1. I ) . Fleming , for the territory of New
Second auditor of the treasury , William A.
Day of Illinois , vice Orange Ferris , resigned
by request.
William A. Day , who succeeds Judge For-
tis as second Auditor of the treasury , is n well
known lawyer of Illinois. lie has been mayor
of Champaign nnd n member of the state leg
islature. A ! thi ugh a comparatively young
man , ho has been prominent in the political
affairs of the state for several years , Ho in ono
of llcprusontatiyo Morrisons most ardent
supporters , and it waa mainly through the
efforts of that gentleman that ho received the
II. G. Webber , the newly appointed mar
shal for the southern district of Illinois , was
three times elected sheriff of St. Olair county
and at present holds the otBce of mayor of
Belleville. He was strongly ndorEed for the
marshilship by IleprescnTativo Mormon nnd
The broken roof-atone of the Washington
monument waa placed In position to day with
out much trouble. Copes were stretched
around the top of tha monument and by driv
ing wedges between them nnd thematonryand
tapping the broken atone with a maul , it was
pressed to its place and fitted nicely. This
afternoon three holes were drilled through the
broken piece and it was llrmly boltedjn Its
place. The new olecrical apparatus will ba
here on Monday , and tha entire work of re *
pair will ba completed next Wednesday.
Secretary Bayard has formulated n plan by
which ho proposes to obtain _ for Amnrican
manufacturers through the medium of United
States consuls in Kuropo all the information
they desire regarding manufacturjoa abroad.
Ho has written to a largo number of
manufacturers of nil kinds of articles
throughout the country asking them to
submit to him any questions covering subjects
upon which they desire information regarding
the manufacture of their tespective classes of
good a In foreign countries , and these ques
tions will bo sent to United
States consuls abroad , with instructions
to obtain tbo information sought
Bayard hopes by this plan to procure for our
manufacturers such information ns will show
conclusively whether in the price of rnw ma
terial tbo cost of labor , improved machinery ,
etc. * American or European manu
facturers have the advantage in the
production of manufactured articles.
Secretary Bayard believes that the possession
of such information regarding the coot of. man
ufacture and thepr'.cu of raw materials abroad
will also be of great advantage
to the Unitrtl States government in
the colliction of duty on imported
articles of foreign manufacture Secretary
Manning ia In full co-operation with the
secretary of state in this new project ,
Richard T. Merrick , who has been critically
ill for several days , is so much worae this
evening that his physicians will remain with
him all night.
Comptroller Durham's letter to ex- Com
miaslonor Loriug , asking him to deposit in the
treasury a disallowed balanne , is dated June
1C , ana reads as follows : "Sir : Your account
for payments for the laboratory in the depart
ment of agriculture , from June 1 , 1881. to
April 3 , 1885 , has been adjusted in this office
and a balance found due the United States of
$20,229 , This bular.ce found duo Is a part of
a duallowanco mada on this ac
count nnd Is explained by the
schedule of difference herewith trans
mitted , Aa shown by the schedule re-
erred to , you have paid out from the appro
priation for the laboratory of 1885 , the sum of
$ 39,807 , which should be charged to the ap
propriation for the purchase , propagation and
distribution of valuable seed- , etc The above
sum seema to be due or unpaid for sorgum
seed , for pay-rolls in preparing the same seeder
or other seeds , and for distribution , and none
of it seems to have been paid for chemicals or
apparatus for the use of chemists , or
mlcropscoplsta or for any experiments made
' in the manufacture of sugar made from
sorghum aud other vegetable plants. It
seems very plain to my mind that all of the
above amount as stated In the vouchers pro-
lent ed should have been charged to the fund
appropriated for tha purchase propagation
and distribution of valuable seeds
and not to the labaratory fund.
I find nothing in tha precedents of
thiaoflice to warrant nn allowance of such
account aa now presented , and the nbove no-
count of § 20,807 is Uiereforedis&llowed. The
balance found duo you will please deposit in
the treasury at your earliest convenience Ii
order that your accounts may bo closed or
the books of the dopartment. Very re
apectfully , M , J. DcmiAM , Comptroller.
The Peat to-morrow v ill say It is expactei
there will be a general change In the lorce o
nssiitunt attorneys in the department o
justice on tbo 1st prox ,
The Illinois
SriUNOKiKLU , III , , Juno 19 , In the senati
this morning the governor sent a meisag
that he had signed Clough'a election bill
Ifarpor'a burglary bill , the bill changing th
name of the Illinois industrial school , and th
bill in relation to fencing railroads.
The bill appropriating 82,600 for repair
and sewerage of the Juliet penltoatlar ;
passed. The tnx levy bill appropriating fo
frenoral state purposes and school funi
amounting to f 0,000,000 , paeaed. Resolution
were adopted deploring the death of Vlcto
Hugo , alter which the senate adjourned til
Monday at 6 p. m ,
In the house , tha vote by winch Quinn'
bill abolishing convict lubor was lost
w s reconsidered and after mud
opposition pasted , 80 to 'fl
Uuby'g bill passed , 83 to 29. It provide
that whoever , not having a license to keep
dram "hop or as druggist to tell for medics
purpoaoa only , ihall , within two miles of an
incorporated town , village , ichool home , eto ,
directly or indirectly , sell any Intcxicatm
liquor in lees quantity than live gallons an
in an original package aa put up by the mam
facturer , thall , for each oifeuiB. be fined nc
lets than $60 nor more than $100. or impru
onedln the county jail not lest than twent
nor more than sixty days , or both , as tL
court thtll direct. It alio provides that tt
act shall not affect distillers and other inanu
scturors exercising their calling at their place
f business .
The bill for the relief of the widow ol Onleb
lopklns appropriating the sura of 82.0CO was
ost. Maacn's senate bill to enable the p rk
ointnitsioneH to imprnvij end maintain parks
nd bonlovardf , and Wnch'n bill providlnR
hat the board of appeals In the state Rrain
nipcctlon depnttmcnt In Chicago shall not
ncludo any person interested in a railroad
warehouse or any commission firm were
Chapman's bill regulating moro strloRontly
uardi\n of wants nnd the ndmlnis-
rntion of thor ; estates pined. Keyoo'bill
renting a now judicial circuit of the counties
if Sangamon und Christian fallod to pnai ,
ticking nineteen votes , llumphroy's bill pro *
viding that a township may be formed out of
f ton initoad of as now fifteen sections
ailed to pass. White's senate bill , providing
mt the clerk of the criminal court of Cook
ounty ( hall bo elected at the general election
n November , 1880 , was read n second time.
iIcNnlly moved to strike out the enacting
words nnd a quorum was broken. It was
nally made the special order for Wednesday.
Time of the committee for investigating
iftrucn of bribery and corruption against
members was extended to Tuesday.
ilcMlllnn'a bill , appropriating $5,000 to aid
n continuing the Illinois exhibit now at Now
rioans , was passed. Alulhearn's bill to ox-
mpt lands included within the limits of
ubllc roads , highwas and right-of-ways of
illway companies from assessment and taxn-
on failed to pass ,
.allroad EarnloKH on tlio Decrease.
peclal Telegram to The BEE.
CHICAOO , 111. , June 19. The Hallway Ago
ays : "The depressed condition of railway
rai-lness and the clfect of a general detnoral-
zatlon of rates are painfully evidenced in the
atlstics of tjrosB earnings for the five months
nding May 31. l-'lfty-hve roada report earn-
Dgs aggregating $79,218,880 a decrease of
003,013 over the same period of 1831. This
B not a very alarming falling off , but the fact
mt twenty-seven of those rands have euffer-
d a decrease amounting to § 1,273,817 shows
lat a largo proportion of our roads are run-
ing bshind even last year's record. Returns
or the month of May are still more un-
itisfactory. Of the fifty-six roada
int have reported the gross earnings
mounted to S15,8U1,528. ! against $17,101,31)3 ,
falling otT of 81,293,831) ) , or over eaven per
cent , and that too a a mileage 780 miles
; reater than last soar , aggregating 44,317
nilea , or thirty-five per cent of the total mile-
go of the Uafted states. Of this total , how-
vcr , 4 030 belong to the Canadian t'ncifio
id the Mexican Central. Thirty-four of
10 fifty-six roads show a decrease , and six of
10 twenty-two roods reporting an increase of
aruings show also an incroie in the mileage ,
blch would , In part at least , account for it. "
Tliorcnn Bank Conspiracy ,
PITTBDUKO , June 10. In the Penn bank
onspiraoy case testimony wai taken which
lowed that tbo oil deals were no secret and
ie directors frequently conversed upon the
ubject , Ex-President Kiddle was called and
; nvo a detailed history of his connection with
ie bank and said when he became president
n 1882 the capital of the bank had been im-
uired to the amount of $200,000. They
au n larpo amount of oil on hand and a syn-
icate was proposed iu order to get the bank
n good ehapo again. Ho said the majority
the directors were comulted and all acqul-
sced. Ho also said not a dollar of any prof
ta made were given to outsider ! ) , but all went
o the bank. He was the lareeat stock holder
nd when the bank failed had SOI. 000 of his
> wn fuuda on deposit , none o ! which he got
Cashier Rieber , co-defendant with Riddle ,
ras placed on the stand this afternoon. He
enied having cocspirod to defraud the bank
ad said that he knew nothing of the syn ill-
ate and acted entirely by ( .rders of Riddle.
"o demod having ; any interest whatever in
ny deals cf the syndicate nnd claimed the
ccounts called were fictitious. The court
djournod until next Monday.
Train Robbers Neatly Caught.
CHICAGO , III , , June 19 When a Chicago
; Alton freight train waa stopping at tha
own of Normal , this state yesterday , on ita
way into this city. William Dean , conductor ,
aw a gang of young men break into ono of hla
ara that was loaded with valuable merchan-
iza. Ho had no time to secure their arrest
len , so calling his brakemen they crept
p to the car and before the
naus peeling burglars could escape
closed the door on them and fastened it.
ecurely. The train then started on its way
orth , and when it reached Eighteenth street
ils morning the eleven men who were fonnd
n the freight car were placed under arrest.
Vhen arraigned before Justice Footo to-day
IIB conductor stated that the company were
lotherod by a Rnntr of men who broke into
relght can , and after throwing out aa mneh
merchandise- they could carry away ,
ould jomp off , go back along
lia track and collect the plunder.
'he men under arrest claim they saw the door
f a car open , and intended to steal a ride for
few milea and had no intention of stealing
nythlng else , At their request thn case waa
ontinued to Juno 22 , in order to allow them
chance to prove their innocence. Bonda
ere fixed at ? SOO each.
OH' fur Portland ,
CHICAGO , 111. , Juno 19. Several hundred
rand army excurtioniets on their way to the
atloual encampment at Portland , Me , , ar-
ived from the west this morning , About
f teen thousand old soldiers are expected to
jo from the west , Tbe total number to pass
Iirough Chicago will bo about twenty-five
mndred. Several hundred delegates
rom different posts in this city
vill attend. Tbe Illinois , Iowa ,
j-JIfornlu , Wisconsin , and Minnesota contin
ents start out on special trains over the
Michigan Central and Grand Trunk railways.
Col. w , W. Uerry , of Quinoy , department
commander , in charge. The Illinois grand
> rmy members are utfirous of seeing one ol
-heir - leaders made corninander-in'-chlef but
.he . report that they have concentrated upon
any ono candidate is denied.
Fragment of the Tweed Kin ? .
NEW YOBK , June 19. The suit brought bj
the mayor against Nathaniel Sands was tried
to-day in the lupreme court , The action wai
tried by default of Sands several months ago
and judgment waa rendered against him fo :
$1-12002. He naked permission to defend thi
action , and this request was grant
ed and the judgment set aside. Dur
ing tha Tweed ring days , Saudi
floated M5CCOtOJ of the city bonds and fo ;
his services waa paid § 70.000. The clt ;
brought this suit to recover the latter amount
claiming that the city authorities had ni
right to employ Sand * . For some time pas
Sands had been under arrest m Connecticut
ocil was not present ot the trial to-day After
tor BOUJO testimony had been taken the cour
directed a verdict in favor of the city fo
8142,002 , and gave the council for Mr , Sand
leave to make a motion for a new trial ,
In tor-Halo Commerce Commlttoc.S
DZH MOIMS , June 19. The senate inter
state commerce committee arrived to-day
The members were met at the train by a dele
gallon representing tha board of trade. Kx
Senator MoDIll , now railroad commlaalonoi
read a paper on "Transportation , and th
rights and rates of shippers , " He was follows. .
by tha lion , Peter A. Dey , of Iowa City , als
railroad ccuimitsioner , who gav
oral t'stiniony on the gain
subject. Dey declared himself In favor c
government control of railroads by means c
a commission similar to tbe state commtmlor
lie stated la aniwer to questions that low
statutes regulating railway commerce with !
the state were tried for fou ; yeari and fouu
noperatlve and ineffectual. A railway com
mission waa then created as a necccdsity to ar *
> itrate in cnsea that could not bo reached. He
nought the same would bo true of federal
ontrol of Inter-state commerce. Several
onUomen representing various interest a ot
ity then testified and gave information on
uestions suggested by the committee. This
voninn an Informal reception was tendered
he committee by the board of trade.
Iho Day nn the Tnrl ,
BniflHTON BZACH , June 19. To-day'a
vents were :
3 ? ! t race Three-quarters o ! a mile , two-
eira-oldsi Comiquowon ; Grand Dufcc , eon-
mi ; Walter II , third. Time , lt .
Second race Milo and ono-elghth , all ages ;
Smmet won ! Warren Lewis , second ; Farra-
gut , third. TimeISSJ. .
Third race Mile and one-eighth , all agt > s ;
.lilllo 1) won ; Shelby Barnes , second ; John
K , third. Time , 1:08. :
Fourth race Mile and a quarter , three-
ear-olds and upwards. ; John Sullivan won ;
Amerlcus , second ; Comanch , third. Time ,
:10i. :
Fifth race Mile , all nges ; Equador , won ;
Gill Sterrit , second ; Belle , thiid. Time ,
:44 ? .
KANSAS CITV , Ma , Juno 10. The weather
was muddy and the track heavy.
First raca Five-eights milo , two year olds ;
iluestone won , Joe Lodge second , Virgio
bird. Tlmo 1.03.
Second race Mile and one-sixteenth ; Pearl
enniagawon ; Valet second , Hosalln third.
Tlmo 1.65.
Third roco-Mile and one-eighth ; nil nges ;
lazams won , Matt Oramer second , Lady
Vinfry third. Time 2.0S.
Fourth race Mile and one-sixteenth , all
ges ; Rod Girl won , Trix second , Cimmerono
Girl third. Tlmo 2.031.
\ m M *
Thrilling Death of nn Aeronaut.
&HARLESTO.V , W. Va , , June 19. This after-
oou a most frightful accident happened at
10 circus grounds just prior to the opening of
10 performance of Richards & Leon's circus ,
.mong other out-door attractions was a bal-
lon nscanslon , nnd just ns the ropeo holding
10 balloon worocait off tha accident occurred
ij- the overturning of the hot air stove used
n inflating the balloon , causing It to catoh
ro , The burning balloon shot up in
10 nir at n very rapid rate
vlth William Patterson , the aeronaut ,
n the basket. When a abort distance up the
roved yelled "Jump ! " but ho didn't ' heed the
warning , and after going several hundred
cot up the baleen collapsed aud Bnttereon
ell tn the earth , crushed into n lifeless mass
i humanity. Patterson was twenty-two
ears old , and resided in Wellsville , Ohio ,
vhere he leaves a wife and family. It was
ila first ascension. Tno baleen was- totally
onsumed by fire.
.Reported cUIIrmco of runic Lines.
NEW YORK , June 19. There has baen
omo talk to-day of a combination between
ie Pennsylvania ri.ilway and the New York
Central. The scheme , it is said ! is for the
'ennsylvania to secure control en the \Vest
hare and then trade it to the New York
Central for the South Pennsylvania and cer-
ain interests in the Reading railway * and thus
arm a Btrong offensive and defensive
Ilianco against the other trunk lines. It ia
Iso said that Gould will favor the scheme ,
nd that bo has an eye direct upon Lacka-
wanna as his ultimate eastern connection for
lo Wabash. It is believed by some persons
mt the strength of New York Central and
f Weat Shore bonds is due to the purchases
ecessary to carry out such a plan ,
Jjnaters Take a Lay off.
BOSTON , Juna 19. One hundred lastera in
10 Bhoemaking establishment of Allen D.
[ owe , in Southboro , struck for higher wages ,
'his throws cut of work 400 operatives.
Dearly the entire force employed at the Para
Lubber Shoe company's works went out ou a
trike this morning in support of- the striking
lootinakorB. A body of strikers numbering
00 men and girls with a. band paraded the
treets. Their conduct waa oi doily.
The Kiiott County TV r.
CINCINNATI , June 19. The Knott county ,
Cy. , war between the Hall and Jones factions
; 111 rages. At the last encounter yesterday
aeh party Jest a man. This makes nine
llled in the. last three weeks. One of the
ones party returned from here a day or two
go alter having Invested $100 in sixteen
looters , with which they are constantly ,
A. MinncBpolla Man In Trouble. * <
WORCESTER , Masi. , June 19 , Samuel Hi
Vood , of .Minneapolis , waa brought here lust
ight on a requisition , to answer an indict
ment for swindling two persona named Petcro ,
f lierlin , of whom it la alleged ho obtained
13,000 , by palming off shares in a western
and improvement association which , it ia
laimed , had no existence ,
An Old Actor' * Imnt Effort.
BOSTON , Mau , Juno 19 , James S. Fan-
ing , familiarly known all over the country
a an Impersonator of Uncle Tom , but now a
rokon dowh nao , was , at his own request ,
ont to the bouse of industry to-day for six
months on a charge of vagrancy. The old
ctor aikeJ that his dog bo allowed to go with
lira , and tha request waa granted.
Reports ot Famine Denied.
, W. Va. , June 19. The Wheel ,
ng chamber of commerce recently tent a re-
lorter 03 a tour through seveial counties ID
he southern and central portions of the state
o investigate and report on the alleged destl-
ute condition of the people in theaa sections ,
Ie returned to day and stated that there
VAS no truth in the reports and that the poole -
> le vere in firat rate circumstances.
Every District Represented ,
POINT , N Y. , Juno 19. Tha large
number of new admissions this month to tbe
military academy brings the corps of cadets up
; otbo full standard. There are now not ovoi
, wcnty-fivo vacancies exiiting ia the four
classes , which means that every congiesiional
district In the union la represented , being
something almost without precedent , The
September admissions will fill every vacancy.
A Buckeye Murderer Caught ,
MILWAUKEE , Wis. , Juno 19. A special tc
the Sentinel glves'particulnrB of the arrest ol
Arthur J. Grover , near Menominee , to-day ,
lie being wanted for the murder of G. G
Loomis in Wood county , Ohio , In April last ,
The sheriff of Wood county will start for Ohlc
with Grover to morrow.
C rceres A sits lor Suspension ,
LIMA , Juna 10 , Official telegrams froir
Checln state that Gen. Carccrea aaka for i
suspension of hostilities. There haa beer
tome skirmishing beyond there but little 01
nothing of results is positively known. Semi
of the wounded have been brought to Lima.
Lashed lor Wifefloating. .
BALTisionr , Md , , Juno 19 , George Pyeta
convicted yesterday of wife beating , received
fifteen lathes at tha hands of Sheriff Airoy to
day. He is tbo first white man whipped ii
Maryland for that offense.
Cornell AVliiH K Oiip.
, Pa. , Juno 19. The Cornel
crew beat the Pennsylvania univenity bv i
length and a half Iu the four oared mile aii <
a half lacs this afternoon for the George * W
Childacup. Tlmo. 8:51. :
BuslneM FailureH ,
NEW YOBK , Jaoe 19 , Failures during tb
latt eaveQ days , 226 , against 2G7 | ? , st week an
-223 the. week previous to ' . &stt
Salisbury Aided by the CHECH in bis
Demand for Snpport ,
The Now Premier Explains the
Troublesome Contingency.
Gladstone Confesses that Overtures
livlst Tlio Cholera March
General Notes.
The conservatives mat again this mormnpp
t the hoiiBo of Salisbury. Salisbury , ia > ivn
pen letter , wtltea that the improJMon that
10 conservatives desire war with llnisla it
The Dublin Freeman's Journal , tn an odl-
orial on the now British ministry , cordially
pproves the appointment of tno Karl of
'arnavan ' as lord lieutenant of Ireland. The
onrnal holds that ho will bo a neutral viceroy.
In the house of commons this afternoon
.auoucboro asked if it was true that the
\Iaiquts \ of Salisbury was prevented from
siting office by his failure to obtain assurances
if assistance from the retiring government ,
jabouchqro added that ho himself and many
ther radicals strongly objected to any ns ur-
nco being.glvcn the conservatives in the event
f their taking oilce. ! Gladstone , in reply to
bo question of Labouchero , bald that when ho
was last asked a similar question ho stated
liat ho had not at that time had a conforcnco
with the marquis of Salisbury. Since then
lowover , he had received overtures from the
marquis of Salisbury. Should
lore bo any result of any
orrespondenco between the marquis and him-
elf It would be made public. There would bo
o secret understanding whatever. In that
10 marquis of Salisbury himself concurred ,
'ho houao then , upon motion of Gladstone ,
adjourned until Thurtdtfy next.
In the homo of lords to-day the Marquis
f Salisbury rose amid cheers and asked Lord
Iranville to consent to nn adjournment of the
louse until Tuesday next. Hoeaidtho on-
erencoa of the liberals and conservatives had
ot yet reached the stage to enable either
ide to make o statement , and therefore it
would bo more convenient for all to
lostpono any discussion until Tuesday next
is he had suggested ! He wished , however ,
iO make just ono observationt It was in ro-
nect to a very important order on the paper ,
ie was aware of the importance of pushing
tie redistribution of seats bill to a conclusion ,
mt a very serious question had arisen in con-
lection with the measure. It had become
mown that the redistribution of
eats bill destroyed one set of constituencies ,
'ha Marquis of Salisbury further objected to
: ie redistribution of Boats bill , because when
lassed In its present form it would prevent ,
yen in case of necessity , an appeal to the
ountry before November. The motion
f the Marquis of Salisbury to post-
> one until Tuesday next the consideration
f the distribution of Boats bill was then ad-
pted by a vote of 124-ayes to CG noes. The
* arl of Kimberly , who was secretary for In-
ia in Mr , Gladstone's ministry , voted against
10 motion to adjourn.
The negotiations between the liberals and
lie conservatives are proceeding through the
nedium of the queen. The Marquis of Sali
nity urgca that If the redistribution of seats
lill is finally passed , the conservatives will be
oprived of the constitutional alternative of
ppealing to the country should
ho liberals unfairly hamper the
onducfc of' publia business. Therefore
30 marquis of Salisbury unexpectedly , after
laklnR the best legal advice on the subject ,
eclded not to allow the seats bill to pass into
law until further consideration had been
iod. It Is impossible for the now bill to coma
ito operation before November , hence Lord
Salisbury insists upon having the liberal
iledges not to.wilfully obstruct the conaerva-
ive leaders.
The conservatives are alarmed at the tonO
f Chamberlain's recent speeches , which denote -
note an intention on bis part to harrass the
onservatives to his utmost , The conserva
ives insist that the liberals will yet be com-
ellod to accept Lord Salisbury's terms ,
In consequence of the political deadlock the
Sari of Spencer boa-postponed his departure
rom Ireland , . Ths Standard believes Glad-
tone is willing to resume office If the Marquis
f Salisbury declines , and In that event the
oerclon act will be accepted and the Karl of
Spencer and Marquis of Hartington will not-
nter the cabinet ,
LONDON June 10. It is now known that :
40 were killed by the explosion in the Pen-
leburg colliery near Manchester yesterday.
? he chamber in which the explosion occurred
vaa BO filled with debris that only 45 bodtaa
lave been recovered ,
PARIS , Juno 19. A grand banquet was
iven lost evening to the retiring U. S. min
ster , Morton , The former consul-general ,
Valkor , presided. Morton was loudly cheered
n the course of hia speech. The successor to
tlortun , Minister McLane , followed in a
hort address.
LONDON , June 10. At the ascott heath to
day the race for the Alexander plate , 1,000
ovoreign , was won by Hammond's four-year-
old bay colt , St. Gatieo , winner of the gold
nip yesterday ; Cfvor's four-year-old bay colt ,
Hermitage , second ; Gebhoart'aagod bay hone ,
Sole , second to St. Gatlen yesterday , third.
There were four starters ,
A Dre in the native quarter of Lagas , a
; ownof woat Africa , destroyed over IOC
10U30P ,
SfADHin June 19. The official returns foi
rosterday from the cholera districts are as fol
lows : Madlid , 4 new cases , no deaths ; Va
lencia City , 30 cases , 12 deaths ; Valencia
jirorlnce , 251 caeei. 103 deaths ; MurclaClty ,
J5 cases , 25 deaths ; Murcla province , 220
cases , 5 deaths ! OaUellon de la Piano prov
ince , 85 cases , 4H deaths ,
King Alfonso has informed Premier Cono- -
vas of bis intention to visit the cholera Infest
ed province. The premier tried to rtissuadt
the king but without success , The king wil
l > e accompanied by the premier and M.
Robeldo , minister of the Interior. The date
of his departure is not yet fixed. It is re
ported the queen desirea to go too ,
To-day a mob of women with a black flag
formed a proceision and marched through the
streets protesting against tbo official declara
tion of cholera in Madrid ,
SALONICA , Juno 19 , Turkish traopi havi
optured eighty Bulgarian bngaad inaur-
gents , Including the leader , a former Russian -
sian major and several Kutsisas. Fifteei
we re killed. Similar bands elsewhere havi
been dispersed. Their object h Ibclievod t
have been to raise a rebellion.
Ohaticew of AII AmcrUxan Kniiloinlc
Special Telegram to The Bus.
CHICAGO , III. , June 11"I think we tha
h ve plenty of cholwa scares before lous
said Commitsionoc of Health DeWolf to-da ;
"It U not iinpon\lej ! that cholera may mai
ts appearance in the United States thii turn-
mor , but thtro la greater danger ot Itsbreak -
ig out in the interior of the couatty rather
tbrni nt cities on the seaboard , because tbo
quarantine regulations will effectually exclude
cholera in persons , nnd thus the maritime
cities will bo shielded , but it will bo vrry
nucli harder to keep out chests of clothing
irought over by emigrants , nnd they tnr > y DO
nlivo with cholera germs , ready to break out
with fnartul virulence In the smaller towns
rhoro they were sent. The publio has been
horouehly aroused , however , and I don't
really think there will bo much danger of mi
pidemic , because everyone fears it and will
omplaln of his careless neighbor.
The Tnrncin' Ditndfcst.
NEWARK , N. J. , Jnno 19. Newark turnora-
ro making extensive preparations for the
timers' bundfest , which opens hero to-mor-
ow night. Over 3,009 tumors are expected
o participate In the parade. Members from
11 over the United States have boon arriving
11 the evening , The street to-
Iglit nra full of people , and com-
aniea of turnara headed by bands
f musio are . marching- all directions.
i.mong tbo arrivals this evening were the
Inclnnati turn veroiaj na hundred nnd fifty
trong , and the turn verfina from Poorla ,
> ea Moinoa , Oavenprrt , Omaha , Chicago ,
nd other western cities.
Mr , U. ileutcrk , corrosp indent of tbo Turn
cltung , of Germany , nnd n roprosontatlvo of
10 tnrnora of Germany havoarrived. .
Hold for MtirdorliiK H5aVlfo. .
pedal Telegram to The Hen.
BSATIUCE , Neb. , Juno 19j A. 13. Morse , n
nrmcr of this county , living south of hero ,
waa arrested last night on a verdict of n coro-
or'djury , charging him -with poisoning his
ifowho _ died suddenly latt Tuesday noon.
uspicion was arousnd nnd n post mortem cx-
minatlon made , The stomaolfv/as analyzed
ad found to contain strychnia poison , which
ho doctor certified caused the death. The
iqneat elicited that Morio had given her a
ese of salts just before eho dledl ITour or five
eighbors were present. Morse is seventy-
ireo years old and bis wife wnn- not quite
hirty-four. An examination will be made
o-morrow nftornoon.
Austria Objects to Jo nun.
Wls. , June 19. Word has boon
eceived from the department of' stnto nn
ouncing that the appointment of Carl Jonas
s consul to Prague mint ba revoked , the
lUatrinn government objecting to the np-
ointmcnt. Whan Jonas was n young stu-
ent nt Prague his liberal views ozcitod the
re of the Austrian government to such an
\tent it appears that time has failed to erase
ie memorlea of the imagined
An Overhauling i'nrly Gvorhnulca.
GALSNA , 111. , June 19. Three hud char-
ctors , who robbed n store at Blnok Earth ,
7is , , a few nighta ago , were tracked by
rmed citizens t the railroad cut near Cross
? lains. Suddenly the mob pounced upjn
lem ifvnd ordered them lo hold > up tbeir
lands. The robbers obeyed promptly , but
vhllo being disarmed and relieved of their
looty two of their companions appeared and
rdered up the hands of the captors. The
tizeno , after paying tribute to the extent of
11 tha valuables about their persons , were
[ lowed to depart.
Fraudulent Assignment Defeated.
NEW YORK , June 19. The assignment of
o art & Company , bankers , xho failed for
2OCO,000 , was to-day set oaido by Judge
) onohue na fraudulent. The members of
no firm , it appears , drew largo sums to pnv
heir individual debts , regardless the firm's
reditors , A receiver will be appointed.
Brauontbs to the Btnrg ,
BOOTON , Mnsa. , June 19. The will of Rob-
rt Treat Paine bequeaths ? 6EO,000 to Har-
ard college for the maintenance oi pro-
essora of astronomy. Tha remainder of
Paino's property la made n tmst , the income
f which will be expended in the support of
ie Harvard observatory.
Trying to Aid Parnoll.
ROCHESTER , N. Y , , Jane 19. Monroe
branch of the Irish land league established In
America , took active mouures to-night to
ward raising a fund to send to Ireland for the
upport of an Irish member of Parliament
; o act with Pnrnell.
Tno Mczlcnu Editors Depart.
CITV OF MEXICO , June 19 ; ' The press ex-
ourelon party started for the various cities of
he United States to-day. The Monito r Ro-
ublicano , the leading dally paper of the city ,
a- not represented ,
Giving the Brothorn a Ij st Ohniico.
MONTREAL , Can. , May 19. The general
issembly of the presbytorfan church to-day ,
i/ 30 to 23 decided , after a long discussion to
efer to the next assembly the question of
marriage with a deceased wife's sister ,
ana Laborers toHtjiko.
TORONTO , Can , , Juno 19 , A crowded meet.
ng of the builders nnd labarers to-night
unanimously decided to strike to-morrow for
ncreasod wages. Three thousand men are
ixpectod to go out ,
TVabKBh Shops Reopen ,
Sl'RlNamLD , III. , June 19 The Wabash
hapa hero were reopened to-day. The super-
ntendent declares- that he has enough .men to
keep the road running and declares the strike
.Senator i'ayno Is Fated.
LIVERPOOL , Juno 19. A banquet In honor
of United St.oten Senator Payne was
his evening by Mr , Gillfg , A brilliant comr-
pany was present including the now American
: onsul Air. Kussell and many prominent
nercbanta of Liverpool.
W. A. Croffutt ,
A new railroad IB being built around
StatonleUnd , and eovornV wllca of l aze
already finlahod and mounted with roll-
.Dgttock. Upon this eectlon exporl-
inenta have been going on during thu
past week for the verification of the Lab
oratory results In tlio aation of EdUon'a
railroad signal between moving trains ,
and botwaon a train and the ihgmea and
stations along the lino. A board , coated
with tin foil , la set upon tta edge ou thereof
roof of each car , and this bcitd la nblo ,
aid of a delicate battery , to catch a
dispatch from a wire twenty-five oi
thirty feet distantBupporiod by the or
dinary poles. I hava soon experiment-
In the ehopj that sootna to. justify the
Inventor's anticipation that every raovlnp
train will soon be a station connected
with every other train a ad station in the
country. With this dovloo oolllsiont
should become hnpoealble. The sams
arrangomentt of tolegraphlog through tbt
air without , a wire Is BOOU to bo applied be
steamship ) , as a means not only of hall
lug other sMpg , bat holding verbal cou <
veraatlonr with them by telegraph ,
A cir.'cepondont of the PhlUdalphit
Protrvriinouncea that Ediion baa iiadonc
morv y and U pretty hard up. This Is i
mr ch to the other report that he had loa
'several hundred tbousaud dollars ii
Vf7all Rtreot , " where ho never lost or In
vetted a cent In his life. Tbo fr.ot Ii , a
I happen penonalty to know , tint Mi
Edison Is tn-dty what most people woul
call a rich man. lie could cueglc tens ' .
honsrods of dollars out of the banks
Io hai bough ) stock : In the oloolrlo
Icht companies' and paid cash lot It
Ike others $80,000 worth In the
llumlnating company here , and $60,000
n the isolated light ; company , Ho uiutt
> o receiving to-day from the Western
Jnlon tolcgiaph comptnlcs In old royal-
its not lcssthon _ $20,000 n year ; and ho
a the principal owner of five manufac
turing companies which are paying largo
Ivldends on fOO.OCO lathe aggregate
ho Edison lamp company , the Edison
ilnchlno works , the eloctilo tube com-
ompany , JJoryr nan & Oovt and another
t\n Increase in tlio Attondiknco Chil
dren Vtoo ToMlny Open To
horticultural exhibition > fc Capital
venue skating rink' received several
ow and valuable additions to the- display
estorday , and the nthmdnnco waa much
arga ; than nt any otlior tlrao ulnae the
iow commouced , Po'oplo don't seem to
calico that the display is wortby.xjf ro-
elving their patronage , but ono visit to
10 hall will certainly cominco them that
oir If any western cities can malco na
oed a showing.
To-day until noon school children -sill
> o admitted to the exposition free of
bargo. It haa nlao been- decided thnt
lie hall will bo opened Ibr visitors at
S o'clock to-morrow. A consultation was
itld yesterday with several prominent
ministers regarding the feasibility-
poning on Sunday. As the object ot
10 entorpriao ia ono Intended to cducato ,
nlighton and elevate humanity , It waa
oclded-to bo worthy na a Sunday oUr-ic-
on The premiums that have been
iwatdod c n bo econ elaowhoro iu this
'resented to St. Joseph's Hospital by
tha Editor ot the " Boo. "
On Friday afternoon a check r for one
lundred dollars , In payment of [ the dam-
gcs recovared against the Omaha Re-
jnbllcin In iho recent libel suit , was re-
civod at > this office. The check -was at
nco presented to St. Joseph's hospital ,
ind the following acknowledgment has
jeen received.
OMAHA , Nob. , Juno 19,1885k
Hon. Et , ROBOwater , Dear Sir I take a
ively pleasure in acknowledging the ro-
oipt of your note of thla - date
nclosing a check for one hnn-
red dollars , which you geno-
naly request shall bo applied to tha-ben-
fit of patients at this hospital. Your re-
ucst shall bo faithfully compiled with ,
nd pormh mo to cordially thank yon
for your charitable gift.
Raapootfally SISTER ALFONSA- , !
Snpoaloross St. Jeseph'a Hospital.
A Xjamenrablo Accident.
Avery unfortunate and lamoutablo
accident occurred at the Mlllard hoto
bout 10'o'clock last evening. , Mr. and
Mrs , S.D. . Barkalow , who live there ,
have a .bright llltlo boy , one year and a
mlf old , and by mistake the nureo gave
ilm a bottle to play with whichcon -
alned caibollc acid. Directly tho-little
ollow vaa noticed to be in tha > act of
irlnklng the deadly medicine , aad the
mraoqalckly jerked It away from him ,
mt she was too late. About ono
rahm.TTont doTfii his throat. Of'course
b burned the tender flesh Into white
illstors and produced terrible pains. Dr.
joifoiin was immodlataly called In and
verythlng was done to give the Infant
afleror relief , but at 1 o'clock tha doctor
ixpreaaed grave doubta as to his ro-
Court Ghlpv.
Aim Gilmore , the little- blonde
roro. Plattsmouth , who has been laying
n jail three or four mcntha for stealing
a watch , was yoaterdcy acquitted by
Judge Neville and diiolurged *
The case of Drv Barton vs. Patrick
was argued during the afternoon yostor-
lay before Judge Neville on a motion tc
William O'Koofo institutedproceed -
ngs In the district court yosterdry
gainat the city ior SIO.QOO damages.
Jn the night of February 8j so It is nl-
egod in plaintiffs petition , on account ol
a defective sidewalk , ho auiialned sitf ere
icnonal injuries , tbo oatont cf which an
ilacod at 810,000.
Olara Thomas/ case willibo called fci
rial to-day.
Kja.1 EHt to. TrJiawfom.
The following transfers ware fiLur
18 , with the county , clerk and ujportoi
'or ' the Bzz by Ames' real eataU > agency
Jamoa 3) < Rlley and wife to. Isaao S
Hascallw d , lota ILand M , J. ' . Riloy'i
ubdivlslon of lots 5 > and DO , Okla
loma. $1,050.
Andrew J. Hansconxand vrlfo to Jobr
. McOagne , w d , loU15 and 10'oik , 8
lanacom place , Omaha. $700.
John A , Hoi bach and wifeto John J
ilackodon , w dw ild ft of 'lot 53 , lior
lach'i first addition to Omaha. $850 ,
Henry Berthold ( sing ) * ) to Ann ;
[ lelshert , cj c , part oJ lot 8 , blk 149
Omaha , and part , of lot. 7 , blk 149
Omha. 200.
Anna Lls to Henry Barthold , q a
41 ft of n D oor lot 8 , blk 140 * and ht c
lot ? , blk HO , Omaha. $2.
John T. Pontoon anc7. rrlfoto Willlaa
Gentleman , w d , a hf of lot 18 , PaulscnV
additlca to Omaha. § 502- .
for Basilicas.
The committee appointed Thimdaj
nlgkt to look after the matter of gradinj
eitain portions of Sixteenth and Ear
ney streets , held a moating yestordaj
afternoon and organized for biulnoea
In addition to coDsldoiablo detail worl
mnpp'.d out the commltteo drafted i
subsuriptlon petition , -nhich will bo clr-
oulntod at once , and also , decided tha
they will ask the county commlulonur
to aulat them with an approprlatloi
II which shall bo applUd tOffor4 tUa PiJ
fjmentof damagog ,
Brnin Jlpimrs in the Grain1 Markets
Will Eirccl.
Corn Attacked and Through Jt
.the Otli r Oeroah ,
Nc-Kraskn Catilb Oontinno to Ixrad
t the Union Stock Varda > -
Moncy In HRS ,
pociol Telegram to The LKK.
Giuo.y,0) ) 111 , , Jnno 13Tho whest niarkot
was nctlTO and strong dining the Cist half ot
10 Bosslowto-tlay , but nnder free rotlizing
noko off had' closed i@Jo lower than yestcr-
ay. The -shorts 'II splayed n ncrvotiiness
nd n number ccrered at Iho tap prlMs-oi'tho
ay but when aotno of the iMgcr beanvawovi-
oncca of realizing , they proceeded toinorjaao
heir short lines , and prices fell off Jc ; but
allied quicklyronrrylng- * up ngata'to ' the
: cst figuroa of to-d y. Towrds the cloea of
10 regular board , in expectation of larger
ccolpts to-morrow , selling VM moro freely
ndulgod in , nud'prlcos fell off to W\b \ tct
.ugiist , There wai nnothor ! : reak ofc. . in
10 afternoon. The cables were stronger mill
d higher. Hecelpta nt primary points ludi-
: atod n falling oil Vessel roo-n was taken
cro to-day for lOiJCOO butheU. The T7hcat
narket wes in a mnanro depressed by the
vcaknoss In corn developed during the O.xy.
Tha market opened firm but tiickly sold
IT jc. and afterwards declined go ! upon ootl-
matcd largo recolpto'for to-morrow. In tie- !
itcruoon there wai another raid on the mar
cel which carried prices down another ic , and'
10 market closed nt about the Itnveat point ) ,
ovrs ,
O.itn ruled dull nud slow and tl.ero was n.
ull decline of $ o on the regular board for the
oar future , and io additional on tho' aftor-
eon board , duo Irrgoly to the dopresslon in <
orn ,
MCBS pork ruled slow but firm and 10@lCo
ilghor with a partial reaction on the after-
eon board. Lard ruled a shade higher.
The salea and prices of the day ranged :
Wheat June , SOgSOJJc , closed , 88Z@SOo :
nly , 90i@914c , closed. WJc : August , 9 © <
3Jc , raosed , 921c ; September , 9ij@93SJ ( ,
losed , 9 lie.
Corn Cash. 473c ; June , 471@-l81c , closed ,
7Jo ; July , 47i@47jjc , closed , 47Jo ) August ,
G @ 47ic , closed , -IGJo
UatsJune , 32j@333c , closed , 3Uo ;
233gc. ? closed , 32Jc ; August ,
Mcea Pork-July. S1B30@10.42J ; , closed ,
$10.a5@10 87J ; August , Slfl.421@10.iO , plowed ,
310.-12J@1D.45 ; September , $10.52i@10,51J ,
closed , S10.52J
Lard July. SG.G7J ; August , SG.tXXSG.Fri ; .
September , G 824@0 85.
On the afternoon board , wheat was cotter
at go lower ; corn , c lower ; oats , Jc lower : .
pork , Cc lower ; lard , 2Jo lower.
The mark t waa active nnd prices utrcug ,
Jig export beeves , 1,400 to ltOO and up
ward sold nt § 5.60 to $5 00 > a d Nebrasltas-of
,200 to 1,300 pounds , at S630@6.03 , . nnd
tillers at S5.25 , G CO. Light , handy stoeraof.
,200t' thofftvorita3and,3uch aa are mater di
n Nebraska outeell all others , weight conaid *
-red. - Grassy stock or anything baring the
ippearance of graescrs iagiven the gci-by un.
ess at a discount that will satisfy tha buyer ,
'ho run or Texans included around about 100'
are , the market was active and prices n eha-'o
trongor. Best native butchers' ' stock
ontmuea to sell fairly well but
ountrymen shipping- low grade
owa to this market must buy at ot-
remely low figures if they expect to get out
ven. There is a slight revival in tl io-eto3k-
ra and feeders trade , with the su'pplyrin- '
rcasing. Pricea for good stock ar a conild-
red high at present Shipping steo ra , 1350 |
o 1,000 , pounds , S5.CO5.'JJ ; 1,200 to l',3IO
xniiids , 85,20 5.50 ; OjOto 1,200 pounds ,
i.90@530 ; slop fed steers , § H.85@5.X ! ) ;
iirough Texas cattle 81 ears recel1od ; . corn
ed , § 3.90(3-1 ( 90 ; grnsaore , SCO to 1,0 50 pounds ,
3.70 420 ; 760 to 900 pounds S l.OflaS.SO ;
00 to 700 pounds , S2.7G@S.10.
iioaa ,
The demaad is nrain active and the prices
@ 10c higher ; rough nnd common ) J3,90@4.00 ;
air to good mixed , 'Jl.t5@-l.10 , and best
icavy & 1.15@1 20. leather weic Jits , o y UGO
.own to 100 , continue to command a premium ,
plllnjj a long way ahead of any other'sort.
'nckin ? and ahippin ! > 25Q@350 pounds , S4,0fi
@ 4 25 ; liaht weight. I3un 171) ) nounda , 54.15
@ 4. 0 ; 1802IO pounds , 3393 © ! 10. ,
I" " " ' A Ir.
NBW ORLEANS. La , , Juna 19Oharlea
Campbell , nlins Kgl , vas hangt d. vto-day at
'ciat ' a la liecho for llio murder TlieoJorn (
uvlmich on lAiignst 21 , 18.81. Oamplell
was a negro The villaga was croTvilrd with
itjople from the surrouuding count : yftlthcigh
the hanging was pilvuto.
FAKMIHSVILLE , . La. , Juno 19. . B rry and
iVilllam Meltt n , Jollier i.iul son , -auio ti.'Mi'ed
n the jail encluciue , for the munierof'iui old
'armer near here in April , 1381.
Henry Howiud , tiPirrp who atcaultecj Mils
linclier nnd MlfB Phillipi ycateidu , waa
ranged from a tree In the court hou u ird to
night in tbo ] ijo enco of l.COJ ; uiiln by 103
masked men orho forced open the How
ard contested , and w 3 swung np , v lllo the
crowd gave cheer utter cheer. MUi JBacher it
not oxpecUxl to recover.
IlAMlLlOU ) Ohio , June 19. - Spores Schnei
der , convicted of having killed his rxthar Oc
tober last , was hangej thb morning , He had
prnviously confesBod thu crirao ,
ClIILTO.V , ( In , , Junel9.-Henry Ktheridge ,
a negro , was hanged to-day for tb * murder of
Tom Clement ) wt Juna. ] llw > iidgo CDH-
fessed on the tcaflold , Tha uxocution was.
That Tired Feeling'
Ilin warm weather hnsa debilitating effcc
especially upon those who are within doors
must of. the llrno , The peculiar , yet common ,
wmplalnt known nn "that tired feeling , "
M the result , This feeling can bo entirely
ovcicume by taking Iluoil's Harsanarllla ,
nhlch glrcs new lUo uuU strength to , ull
tlio fuiictlona of tlio body.
"I could lint sleep j hail no appetite. I
took Hood's Harsnp.irllUi and soon began to
lvcp soundly ; could gt-t up without that
llrecl And laiiiUU ) ; fct'lLog j and my 3 | > j > ctlto
unproved. " It. A. SANroiii ) , Kent , Ohio.
the S
Hood's B.irs.-ipurllla Is characterized iff
three peculiarities : 1st , the combination i' < t
rcmcillal agents ; 3d , the jiiojwitUm ; Sit , t' - '
process of Bccurinc the active mcdlclu
( Miallllcs. The result Is amcdUluo ot unucj ;
hlrcnth | ; , cflcctln ) ; cures hltjiurto miknuvu
Send for book containing ailittlonal evIiVenan ,
"HiM > d'H ' Barsaiiarllla tni g up my wslein.
1'iirlllM my Mood , sliarpo' a my iipix-'tlto , nuu
nfiiiin to inakb mo over. " J. r. Til&iirBd.s' ,
Jtugliitvr of Dueda , LcnvUl , Mass.
ilooil's Barsapavlllrt neats all ethers nrui
! s worth Its wvlijlit In yold. " I. HAiyiuaTo : ( ,
1 ) luuk Btrctt , Ntu Voik City.
Bold by all druggists. $1 ; sic for t& MatJ |
only by 0. 't. HOOD & CO. , Lowell , Mus.