Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1885, Page 2, Image 2

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, Browns Iron
Ballon hAS TrobuMy been a ked IhoHMnd *
WITiD . "HmT can Ilrown'B Iron Bitten core Terr-
'Well.ttdoWt. ' lint It d
rslcl rn reeonnlr * Iron M the beat
nt knmrn to tlio prof onion. Mid Inanlrr of iinjr
idlnK elwmlcM firm will nb Mntl t the MMttlon
hM. there are moro r.rf > p ratlonfi of Irrni than of anj
thor TObnUnOT n cd In rnedlclna This nbowg con-
eloiltelr th t Iron 1 acVnowledinyl to bn ths moil
Important factor in no eeomf ul modlcal pr lc .
Jioweror , arMnnrkalilehel.lhatprlBrlotbe dlfcor- |
ij sU factorT Iron cc mblnatlon hid Tar been loan a.
beidAehe , or produce eonntlpatlon nil nthrrlron
Mnlnrln , Chill * nnil Ferem ,
fTlrcil I < 'cpllnR , < ) c ncrnl I > cbllltyl'nln In ths
BldCtHnrltor JilmtH IIrnitncripimdNrnrriN
( In for all them ullmenta Iron Is prwcrlbed dill/ ,
BROWN'SIRONBinERS.srssfr ! :
rnInnto. TJi allfither thoronch act *
rlowlr. When tftVen bj m n tha flrrt symptom ol
benefit l renewed en rirr. The mnnclei then beeom *
firmer , the dlgmtlon ImproTen , thebowMi are active.
In women the effect In usually more rapid and marked.
Th f yes begin at met to brighten ! tha skin clear *
tin ! IiMllhj color come * to the cheeks ! nerroainiM
nltippAarai functional derangnmenttbccom * mrn *
Jar. anil If & nnnlng mother , abnndant sustenance
li nnpplled for the child. Remember Brown's Iron
Illttera lathe ON1YV Iron medicine that i > not In-
jorlouB. Vhyilctani and l > rvggiiltrtecmmtntHt.
Th Genuine has Trade Mark and emued red line *
on wrapp r.L TAKK NO OTI1EH.
, Citron ! r& > "orvnnn
-SOnlrlr , Siuo Cures.
> " * " ' ' " '
* "
f/1" " '
t' . I : ' , . , . , . , . , , es , , , , , , , re
J5Scaa two slumps for Olebrnted Jledisal
Works Adiro ! < . if. 1) . rrUtKi : , JU. U. ,
IbO bouth Clark Street , Cmcjtcio , ILL.
Hoyal Havana Lottery J
Drawn at Havana Cuba ,
Every 10'to 14 Days.
Tickets la FLUln ; wholes $5 ; Fractions pro rata.
* HDJ GI 10 no uiaoliiuiallOD , aoi coatiolied by ibt
peitioila Interest. It la the hlreat thing In the
atlojoolchincoln existence.
for tickets apply to SaiPSKY & CO. , 1212 Brand
w yH. Y. City ; , or U.OTTEH3 ft CO , 019 M Ia St.
K n e Cltv , Ma.
Ma.s.s.s. .
I am an old man. For 23 yeara I suffered with
ulcers on my right leg oa the result of typhoid ( ever ,
Ainputdtien was euggoatod aa tha only means ol pre
serving life. The doctors could do nothing for me
jtnd thought 1 mint die. For throe years I never ha1
nBhooon. Swift's Specific his mode a permanent
euro and added ten years to my IKo
Wll R. REED , Hall Co. , Gat
I have taken SwlH'fl Specific for blood poison con
tracted at a medical college at D dissection ; while I
waa a medical student. I am grateful to Bay that It
K ve me a epcedy and thorough euro after my pa
rents had spent hundreds of dollari for treatment
AuaustDS WK.SDIL , M. D , Newark , N. J.
Uy wlfo from eaily girlhood haa boon suflerlng
from rheumatism. She haa tried many rcmodloi ,
nil I rnu t frankly Ely hui derived moro benefit
from Swift's SpcclBo than from all the others , af or
Jong and faithful trial. . ,
B V. JAS. Ii , FIERCE , Oxford , a
'Swift's Specific Is entirely vegetable. Treatise on
lood and Skin Diseases mailed free.
ThoSwirrSmaricCo , , Drawer B ] Atlnnta da , , or
9 W. 2Sd St. . N. V.
r > r :
Town Lots in Denver Junction ,
Weld County , Colorado.
Denver Junction Is a new town of about 200
inhabitants , laid out In 1884 , on the great
trunk railway across the continent , at the
junction of the Julesburg Branch , 197 miles
from Denver. Tbo town is on second bottom
land of the 1'Iatte Klver , the finest location
between Omaha and Denver , and Is surround ,
ed by the boat-laying lands west of Kearney
Junction , Neb. ; climate healthy and bracing ;
altitude 3,0 , 30 feet , Denver Junction bids to
become nu Important point , aa tbo U. F. R.
II. Co. , are putting up mauypf their buildings
here , while the B. & H. 11. II. Co. . are expected -
od soon to connect at this place. Iht present
chance for good inTestments in town lots will
scarcely ever ba equaled elsewhere , For sale
by tbe lot or block In good terms by
Agent , Denver Junction Cole ,
Cor. 13th and Douglas Sts.
Capital Stock , - - - 3150,001
liability of Stockholders , 300,000
Fife Per CentlDtereslPaifl OB Deposits
) AUES E. UOTD . , , . , . President
W. A. PAITOH . , . Vo Pr ut
UU. BKNNKTT . , . Uaniglig Director
h JOHN X. WtLBCE . . . . . . . . . . Cuhltr
Incidents of Interest in tbe Old Town
on Missouri ,
Effect of the location oft/He New-
Federal Building.
A. Now Steamboat Initiated Close of
the High Hchool Year
Efcnta In Society.
Correspondence of The BEE.
NEBRASKA Oirr , Nob. , Juno 17,1885.
The oplrlt of improvement or "fix tip
has taken poaaostlon of the pooplo. Th
county folks ere Indulging in the frivol :
ty of a now sidewalk around the court
homo block , The Prosbytorlau end th
Congregational societies bavo just fin
iahod repainting and papering their
church edifices , while now sidewalks
additions and Improvements of all kind
are the order of the day.
The nonr ferry boat has arrived , and
is now making regular trips botiroon
hero and the Iowa shore. She is named
the "Oapltola Butt , " and Is as pretty
boat as the name she calls nndor.
Children's day , a now institution in the
Sunday school hero , was appropriately
obiorved on Sunday by the Bcptlst ,
Methodist and Congregational churches
of this city.
The day of the "sweet girl graduates'
is once moro past , the graduating exor
cises of the High school class having
taken place. The class this year con
sisted of seven of the city's mo st pop
ular young ladles , no representative of
the sterner sex graduating with the class
of 1885 ,
Now is the winter of our discontent
made glorious summer by the other
follows , is the remark of the candidates
for county honors , who are all bobbing
up serenely on every hand. A baker's
dozen or moro are on the string for
each office in the gift of the people , and
the end is not yot.
W. G. R. Davis , ox-justice of the
peace , of Danbsr , who was arrested for
embezzling from the Flano Manufactur
ing company , and a young man who was
under arrest for burglary at Syracuse ,
escaped from the county jail a few days
since and have not slnco boon heard [
from. They succeeded in cutting through
the wall of their cell with a saw made
from an old piece of stove pipe.
Deputy U. S. Marshal A. G. Hastings ,
of Lincoln , arrived In the city Saturday
and caused the arroat of Bernard Brady ,
a prominent and wealthy farmer , charged
with embazzllpg $1100 from the heirs
of the estate George 0. Nester , which
ho manages. It is the opinion that Mr. *
Brady will fully exonerate himself of all
charges when the trial comes ofi.
Garden truck and fruits of all kind are
abnndant now. Peas are retailing at 25c :
per gallon ; cucumbers COc per dozen ;
cauliflowers lOc each ; strawberries $2 50 ;
pet case ; cherries Go per quart , and other
fruits and vegetables likewise as cheap.
Chickens retail at § 2.00 per dozen
Now that the Cincinnati house is to bo
torn down to make way for the now
government building , there Is talk among
capitalists of thin place , of securing either
the oldBarnum homo or the Grand Cen
tral hotel and entirelyremodlelng and re
fitting the same and making a first-class
up town hotel.
The marriage of two popular society ;
people occurred last wo ok. Dr. Claude
Watson , our county coroner , being united
In the holy bonds of matrimony to Miss
Lana Powell , daughter of Edward Pow
ell , Esq. , a well known and most attrac
tive young lady. ,
The taking of the census Is now being
carried on by Messrs. McCartney and
Farley. They expect to bo through with
the same by end of this wepk. From
present appearances the city will boast of
over 8,000 inhabitants for 1885.
T , C. Limbeth , of Lambeth brothers ,
and Frank Hochotollor left yesterday
for a summer trip across the plains via
the transportation of the good.old times
The Rev. S. P. Swariz is lying danger
ously ill , of cancer of the stomach , at the
residence cf his grand daughter , Mrs.
Wm. Hawko.
Several marriages of prominent young
people are prospsctlvo.
Dr. A. Bowo who fell through the }
hatchway at the packing house is up and
around again , his injuries not proving so
serious as was at first feared.
The closing exorcises of the institution
for tha blind took place in the building
last Friday evening. There was a large
audience present and the scholars ac
quitted themselves well , refloating great
credit upon the faculty. The blind
asylum was never under bettor suporln-
tendance that that of Prof. Parmaleo ,
and Is progressing finely.
Apropos of the definite location of the
government building lots in tha vicinity
of the now postoflicQ square are begin
ning to advance. Some sales have al
ready boon made and the now building ,
located as It will be off our principal busi
ness street , will have a tendency to draw
business ofl Main street In the direction
of itielf and the railroad depot. This
will bo & welcome diversity to most of
the citizens m the badness of the city at
present stretches out In a line along Main
strootfor over a mile nobnalnets homes
thus far being on any of the other streets.
Mrs. Wells , president of the Indiana :
Woman's Christian Temperance Union ,
delivered a lecture on temperance In
this city last week. She was well re
ceived , and gave splendid tatisfictlon as
a speaker.
The city will not celebrate the fourth
of July this year , lowing to some hitch
among the firemen , who usually manage
the celebrations in this city.
The Barb \Mro Oomnany bualnoas Is
still mixed up. Mr , T. F. Keep , ef this
city , Is receiver though what ho re )
ceives , unless It bo the anathemas of the
stockholders , is not generally known ,
However , ho has a good place at $3 per
day and no expense.
Mr. George L. Woolsey , of the Ne
braska City Distilling Company , is re
fitting and remodeling tbo old Craig
mansion Into a most elegant residence ,
which will ba ono of the finest In the city
when completed.
The pioolo season Is now at hand , and
the lavender pants young man enoaketh ;
home the back way with a Russian war
map sketched with custard pie looming
up on the dome trouserloona. So
Tlio Advcntist Cnmii-Moetlnj ; ,
Correspondence of tbe BEK.
NOKFOLK , Neb. , June 15,1685. The
meetings in the "cotton churches" have
continued In spite of the unruly ele-
monts of the air. Services were hold
last Friday at the hours appointed. Late
In the afternoon a ssvoro storm aroao
and for a while threatened to destroy the
cotton colony. For tents , however ,
were Injured by tha wind , and only a
few were bliwn down. After the storm
Elder J. H. Cook , president of Kansas
S. D , A. conference arrived on the
ground , Ho preached In the evening tea
a goodly number who came out af lor the
storm had passed.
Early Saturday morning , at 5:30 : , nil
gathered in the largo pavilion for prayer
and social meeting. Services were hold
at 8 o'clock In dlfloront tents , Preaching
by Elder A. J. Cudney , president of
Nebraska conference , on conversion ,
Elder Cook spoke In the afternoon , after
which a call was made for unconverted
and backslider to come forward to the
anxious seat. Some over thirty respond *
od to the call. A season of prayer was
hold for them , This was followed by
testimonies from those. Many said they
had received a blessing and desired to
servo God In the futnro , Services wcro
held in the evening ,
On Sunday E.clor Suits spoke on the
second advent. Elder Ondnoy spoke In
the afternoon on the Sabbath. Elder
Johnson took np the subject whore Elder
Cudnoy loft It. Elder Shultz tpoko in
th ) evening , while Elder Jorge prcichod
to the Germans. A fearful storm nroso
just as the evening sermon closed , which
continued several hours. Some tents
were blown down.
Early this morning they mot for wor *
ship as though there had never boon
such a thing as a storm. All appeared
cheerful and happy. Services continued
to-day. Several iroro baptized to-day.
The meetings will likely close to-night.
The Seventh Day Advcntlats are cer
tainly an earnest , Christian people , and
will certainly have success If hard work
and earnestness will Insnro success in
anything. J. A. O.
How It Is Done and "Who Docs It
About an Unknown t
Oass of People. 1t
"I think , " said the proprietor of a 1
well-known down town cafe , in answer to 1b
the question of a reporter , "that I prefer b
negro waiters to glrle. "
"Wliy ? " aakod the man of the noto- °
book. li
"Well , I'll toll yon. As a general lit. lia
thing , a colored waiter Is prompter , fills t.
m order moro olavotly , and does his work
n bettor style than a girl. For those J
reasons I prefer him. On the other 1
band , there are many reasons why
jlrl waiter la tha beat. For Instance , °
they are cleaner , moro economical , and li
ion't break so many dishes as their col lin
ored co-laborers. Another thing is that
they are moro capable of doing side
work than the darkey waiters. You
now that after a girl has finished her ;
regular work in waiting on the tables ,
iho has to perform a certain amount of
xtra work , each as washing diahos ,
leaning castors , otc. Girls take moro
readily to this work , nnd do It better >
han do the colored waiters. "
"What are the average wages received
by an Omaha waitress ? "
"Fifteen dollars a month. Yes , this
Includes board and lodging , ' , ? and lann-
iry service. Negro waiters receive about '
twenty or twenty-five dollars a month ,
providing their ownlodglng. Occasionally
mo of the older waiters will receive
Bore. Head waiters of course receive
nora $30 , $35 , and oven $40 a month ,
Dcsldea board. The stewards receive
oed pay , from $00 to $100 a month. "
"Don't you find that the colored
traitor remembers his orders better than
Jo the girls ? "
"No , not at all. On the contrary , I
think the girl has the advantage of him
n this respect. In the larger hotels , you
know , a waiter rarely takes moro than
two or three orders at the moat , and will !
rory often make serious mistakes
In filling that number. On the other
band , I have frequently seen girls , and
bavo them now In my employ , who can
tuko five or six orders at a tlmo and fill
them all , without making a single mis
take. Calculating that there are six
iishes to each order , this would make a
total of thirty-six names to remember
lomothing that you and I would find ex
tremely difficult. Docs it require any
previous training to wait well and accur
ately on the table ? Yes , sir , decidedly so ,
Everything depends on previous training ,
A. green girl when there is a heavy rush
f guests to her tables , will break down
uid become utterly confused. It la only
ifter long and careful training that a
traitress or a waiter becomes capable of
handling bis or her work thoroughly ,
satisfactorily and In a manner swift
enough to suit all emergencies. "
A Now Episcopal Parian , ?
Wednesday evening thcmembors of the
Episcopal church In North Omaha mot
in Grace Ohapel , according to notice
them two weeks ago for the pur
pose of consolidating Grace and St. John's
Missions , and establishing a parish In
thlaparb of Omaha , which has made such
wonderful progress during the past few
fears. It was decided that the name of '
this new parish should bo St. John's out
regard for St. John Obnrcb , Detroit ,
the church In which Blsbop Worthing- .
ion devoted BO many yearn of ardent
labor , the church in which the rooter of
jtrace and St. John missions was baptized ,
onfirmodand | ordained to the priesthooda ;
ihnroh which la celebrated for Ita noble
loeda of charity. The following well
mown gentlemen were elected wardens
md vestrymen : D. L. Thomas , senior
ivardon ; E. B. Chandler , junior warden.
Vestrymen , John I. Redlck , W. W. Wil- ol
iams , J , U. Rlngwalt , G. 0. Metcalf ,
Fohn HaywardGeo. 0 , HammondHarry pt
ilanvillo. or
This Is the firs1 election In which the Wl
adlea of the church hare voted In ao- Wlwi
iordance with the rotolution recently
assed by the conference of Nebraska. cl
a. Runaway Vflta.
A. coffee and tea merchant of Chicago , th
Hr , Benjamin Cowley , Is In iho city ,
ionferring with the police and local do-
cctlvea about the arroat of his runaway
vlfe from Chicago.
According to the story of this gentle-
nan , his nlfe loft the Garden City , about
wo months ago , in company with a man
whoao name is known , but cannot be
lubllsbed. She brought with her a silk
Iress bolongiog to Mr. P.'a first wife.
Mr , P. says that his wife is now In
this city , working in a store , under an
UBumed name. Ho docs not care to have
her arrested yet , fcuing that the public
ity would thwart his plans. of
ThoBo who are acquainted with the details - th
tails of the case a ay that rich develop- ti
ncnts maybe expected very soon ,
Omaha swindled ont of Nebraska Trade
by Double-Dealing Bailroafls ,
Stock Shlrmicnta from Saline Comity
Donno College Commence
ment Doings of the
Cretans ,
Special Correspondence of the BEE ,
CRETE , Nob. , Juno 15. In the month
of April there was shipped from this
town to Chicago 300 cars of cattle ; In May
200 cara ; Juno , thus far , over 100 cars.
The number of cars for March I could
not got exact , but with that month's
shipment and the number yet to go for
Juno , ono thousand cars of corn-fed cat
tle will have gone to Chicago from Crete
by the B. & M , Not a car was shipped
to Omaha. A representative of a Chicago
cage commission hous6 , who has boon
watching for those cattle tinco January ,
said there had boon shipped from Crete
since January 1st ono million dollars
worth of llvo stock.
The question occurring in rustic minds
out this way is : "What Is Omaha going
to do about It ? " I understand It la the
same way all along the line of the B. &
M , and Northwestern roads. Nebraska
products that Omaha should handle are
shot through to Chicago direct by these
roads. Will Omaha continue at the
mercy of these two roads to obtain
business , or will she at once proceed
to the tasK of building lines of railway
direct from her own gates into the terri
tory now controlled for Chicago by the
two roads mentioned. With Omaha rests
the problem of her future greatness ,
and to solve It she has only to gather Ne
braska unto herself. All Nebraska will
lend a helping hand to the task.
The city has had submitted a proposi
tion to build a eyateni of water works ,
The question will bo determined at the
next mooting of the city council. The
height obtained for the reservoir will glvo
150 feet presauro.
Donno college commencement week
began yesterday morning. President
A.very delivered the baccalaureate ser
mon. Chancellor Manatt , of the univer
sity , deltvarod an address Sunday oven-
Ing. Monday and Tuesday occur ex
aminations ; Juno 15th , senior prepara
tory . class evening entertainment ; Juno
IGth , 3 p. m , , trustees' meeting ; same
voning , Hesperian society entertainment
Juno 17j dedication of Tachia hall by
Thomas Doano , Etq. , and Rev. W. O.
Weedou \ , same date , exhibition drill of
college cadets ; Juno 18 , graduating class
exorcises. There will bo ono graduate
In the classical course and ten in the
normal conrao.
The Nebraska Sunday school Aesom-
bly association have had a largo force of
nen at work upon their grounds under
ho superintendency of Mr. 0. J.
Bowlby. The 109 acres owned by the
tasociation have been put in splendid
irdor. The beautiful groves by the
iver have been trimmed , walks have
oen laid , the dining hall enlarged , ono
argo brick building for normal purposes
IBS been erected and ono building for
ho use of the teachers who will bo In
attendance. These grounds will bo
he finest In the state of Nebraska
'or park and pleasure purposes. The as-
embly meeting begins July 1st and con-
Inues until July 10th. Dr. Vincent ,
Dr. MeredithDr. Tiffany , Miss Sherwin ,
ilits Holmes and MisaRlchmond , tbo la-
lies of their several departments of
roik. The programme is conducted in
ill respects the same as at Cheutauqua ,
ow York. A large number of tents
lave already been engaged , Indicating a
rery largo attendance. Ton days camp-
rig out on the banks of the Blue Is an
ixcellent July diversion. For the Fourth
if July a special programme Is prepared ,
i is called the national day of the icsslon.
n the evening a naval sham battle by
he river steamer and a land battery is
iroposed. Excursions upon different
lays will arrive from various places.
rVhv can't Omaha visit her Blue river
lolghbor upon ono of the days ?
Corn Is a fine stand , looks well and Is
naklng great progress these warm days ,
rho small grain prospect was never bet-
The great wish of the business men t
md all our people Is to bavo another rail-
oad communication with your city.
Snocil's Explanation.
Some time ago , it may bo romom- "
icrcd , J. L. Snecd was arrested at
Yeeplng Water , on a charge of selling
nortgagod property. It seems that the
lomplatnt was sworn out In Justice
3artlett'a court , at the instance of J. J.
hllbln , who bought Snosd out. It was
lalmed that Snoed had sold out aorno of
ho fixtures which did not belong to
Urn.A latter has just been received at this
ifiice from Snood , in which ho denies
ivor having sold anything which did not
lolong to him , especially any mortgaged
roporty , He admits having paid
ho arresting constable $37 In settlement
or his alleged crooked work , but says ,
'The only reason I settled Pnllbln'a un-
nat bill was because I had bnalncaa In
St. Louis which needed my immediate
.ttontlon and which was moro money tone :
no than the $37. " Snood furthermore >
lalms that he expects to return to this
ity and pay off the debts ho baa loft :
Changing O/IlccH / ,
Wednesday City Engineer Roaowater G
nd his assistants began removing their GW
fllces from Orolp-hton block to their now W /
uartora In the court house , The do-
artment will occupy the two light rooms
n either aide of tbo south corridor , the
roit room bolng reserved for Mr. Rose *
rater's private ofilce.
It Is not known yet exactly when the
Ity clerk and auditor will remove their
natters. It has been suggested that
tiey will occupy the sonthoaat room and
bat north of U.
When Baby ITM lick , ITO gave tier Cutorla ,
When Blio ma * 5 Child , she cried for CoetorLv , lie
WTien bo became Mls , eho clunc to Castoria ,
RTfon iho bad Children , ohs gate them Cutori *
Members of Omaha Lodge No , 2G K.
P. aroreqneated to meet at C&atlo hall
bis evening to arrange for the funeral ot
heir late brother , Caraton Delps.
H. HOUNBZKOEH , 0. 0 ,
* i Miii i H
n li trig o
Rheumatism , neuralgia , Sciatica ,
Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache ,
Bo ro Tli fontSncltliiKii. < < | > nil tin.Ilruliic * .
Hum * , SriiliU , I'l-imt Illlo ,
o n " AM' OTIIFH nnnii.Y TAINS jun ACHFS.
WM 171'mtjlitj nd I lf r emr litre , t inOtuU Ujllls.
Tiin ciiAui.r.s A. > o iiiu : : co.
( S , l riloA.tOailUBCOJ lUlltmor * , 31 J. , f. 3. A.
1 7 SI . fJlmrlc. St. . St. LiniJs , a
tKO' r ir l3 > dM l Vtt.lleaiL'ctltirfi , l | , .r |
I92trello ) tfnr < . < ttti ( trointcf CMpa i Xtt
and Btoto 1 > % iiiuthic mli r I't jilclio ta
li city ifcicrMhnw and it olJ rriUf > DttB9i *
Nervous Prostration , Onblllt ; , Mcni-1 ttd
Physical Weakness j Mercurial and oln * ' 'f- , < s
( ions nl Throat , Skin or 3"nps , Blood Polc- * < ( t < i ,
old Sores and Ulcers. r > tru'd viib nartik' ' ) .
vaCMion Utc tR ( < lcntlfl frloelplei ff&f lTrrlrVtil
Diseases Arising from indiscretion , xc't ,
Exposure or Indulgence , nhloi froluca icmecf til
Mlo lrr tCcetll M-rroiisril , dcMlilf , dlur i > of .IfJ
uddifMtlre irr , Hiinlcion the foct , ptj l l Jeoj ,
Mcnlonlolhj mcltij or retn l , coiiruii nfUcAieu.
rcndcrlni : Mnrrlngo Improper or unhappy , m
permnnntljeDroa , rAmphlct(5A ( pneinnth0 ( ; ) tnoTf , fteij
Uinlxl enrclepfrtoto iDr ] lrc i. Coaiulwllon , f
Bfleorbfmuirrcoaudlarltfil. Write forqucilloDi.
A Positive Written Guarantee
c. icrcrTi
wirnphlcn , Xntll ( h or Oencan. Dl fnc
Jirlblng above di. coses , la muoor f in U ,
9me . taff'f'tt. Illtitmttd la ntstli icj ( III H JM
Kt , won 7 r pa Kit naM'ipcr tttctl. Ix. Til. Ktt
tofilai til ih urlici , doabircl cr InJrMtl' ) Mt W
ICSOW. A UJOI 1 5-Vdt IcterMt SO Z1 HMlUl U"y *
Inois for theexprcsspurpose
'ofBlvinRimmcdintc ' reliclin
nil chronic , urinary and pri
vate diseases. Gonorrhoea ,
wiGlect nndSyplulia In all their
Cr complicated forms , also nil
diseases of the Skin nnd
Blood promptly relievednnd
pcrmanentlycured by reme-
dicstcstcdlnnJ'orl"Crtrj (
, „ . , ft * " " Ainelall'rartlcet Seminal
weakness , Night Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
IheFacc.Lost Manhood , jiosltivttycinnt.Tliero
Isnocxiitrlmcntlnq * The appropriate remedy
is nt once used In each case. Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on
package to Indicate contents or sender. Address
DR.JAMES.No. 204Washinglon St.Chicagolll.
ill. f'n-'l.lVER KIDME s !
, ni rnKiiia niiL Hi.At.Ti *
t * i 'psta IViniol Apptlitq
. .
Owrei I am using your Jfluld Ertmct tted Olorer
Blossom and Wet Compreu ( or Cancer on tbe breast ,
and am veil. I am utlsflod It Ii tbe belt remedy for
Cancer known. You are welcome to uis thl tor th
honeflt of nuilerlnir humanity.
IlesptcUaUy , MRS. L. A. JOIINSOK.
OE.VTLIMPS Sly wife tua lor eomo time been nffllctM
vrlth Bomethln ? like a scrof aloua disease , and round no
relict until he gavoyour Extract of Red CloT ratrUU
om bJPPT to "ay "he hta experienced ( rreat relief ,
rhli Is but a Blight testimonial of my appreciation o2
rour oirorta In behalf of humanity , wlUoh you ore
welcome to ueefor tbclr benefit.
lam , very respectfully , n. ARMS.
r.K.I > S.& ' " ° ° - 8'
O NT 1 oomraencod uklnir your Ext. Bed Clorer.
"wo .rnvs ago , for Erysipelas , iind b e not been
irwiblo * lnce. It la hereditary wltn mo. Think you
JOT * tb * best hlooc medlctno known.
Vooji truly , W. M. SEIDEHT.
R. II. Tlyman , of Grand Haplda , Midi , tny Afttr
Iwo Dpctora nlvlscd him to UBO IXKMU'S tot. lied Clover
r a hatl caao of > czema , or Fever bore on the lei ; .
nly used two pounds of your Solid Extract lied Cloycr.
Vm now well.
A a Spring Medicine Tonlo and general Dlood Port-
lcrltia no qail. Korsalobyall drugt'l'tB , or J , M ,
ioose < S Co , , Monroe. Slich.
IlEMEIiy FliEE. A victim of joutbfnlliuprudenco
„ Premature Decay , Nervous Debility , Lost
.ilanhood , Jo..having tried In vain every known
remedybaadlscovero < ( a lrap ) meanaofBolf-cura ,
which be will nnnd MIKK to bis fel ow-BUtlf/ers.
Stallion , Jack , Sheppard Jr ,
Will stand ( or stock t Omaha Pair grounds the
asonoflBS5. Uel8 18J hands hiRh , weight 1285
a , bis lire JACK SIIEFI-ARD la full brother In blood to
IXXTIIR 2:17 : ] , also to UiCTATonthe lira ot JAY.KTR-BBI
:10 , FALLAH , 2:18 : } and DIRKCTOR 2:17. : Call at th
air Kieunda and Bee him and get bis pedigree
ttfuU terms VJir the reason. A. TUOW-'ON.
* * ntl dul Inm
oad Pipe and Sheet Load ,
Plumbers' Gas amhteam Fitters'
[ mported Beer
rlangor. Bavaria I Culmbachcr Ilavarla
timer. . . , . Bohemian Kalaer , . . .liremim
uJueleer St LouU Auhauaor St , Louis
cat's : .illlw ukoo I Schlltz 1 * Iiner.Ullwaukco
rug'a Omaha i Ale , 1'orter , nomestloand
Khiae Wlnea ,
3D MAUEER , 12) ) 3 Farnam St ,
( auooEsaoBs TO iomt a. JAOOBIJ
At thi old stand HIT F rnna BL Crden by UU
Real Estate
213 S. 14th STREET ,
Have a large list of Inside business and resi
dence property , and some of the finest suburban
property in and around the city.
Wo have business property on Capitol Avenue , Dodge ,
Douglas , Farnniu , Harney , Howard , 9th , 10th , 13th and
10th sreets.
We have fine residence property on Farnnm , Douglas ,
Dodge , Davenport , Chicago , Cuss , California streets , Sher
man , St . "Marys and Park A.venues , in fact on all the best
residence streets. We have property in the following ad
MiUardflfc Caldwell' s
Lakes ,
Elizabetli-Plac ©
E. V. Smith's , '
Horbacli's ,
Patrick's *
Parker's ,
Shinn's ,
Gise's ,
Nelson's ,
Armstrong's !
Godfrev's ,
Lowe's ,
J irkwood ,
College Place ,
Park Place ,
West End ,
Capitol ,
Reed's First ,
McCormick's ,
Kountz & Rutli's ,
Impr'nt Association
Wilcox ,
Burr Oak ,
Isaac < & Seldon's-
West Omaha ,
Grand "View ,
Credit Foncier ,
Kountz' First
Kountz' Second ,
Kountz' Third ,
Kountz' Fourth ,
Syndicate Hill ,
Plainview ,
Hill Side ,
Tukev & ! lcvsors ,
Thornburg ,
Clark Place , T
E&Lgers & Richards ,
Bovds ,
And all the other Additionsjto the |
yndicate Hill
Adjoins the stockyards property in South Omaha
These lots are aold at $100. They are nicely lo
cated and will make convenint , cheap , and de
sirable homes for the employes of the stock
fards and packing honses.
Tukey & Keysors Sub-division.
Located in West Omaba , two Mocks south of Leavenworth street , w
ine location a&d the cheapest lots in Omaha ; $125 for inside lota and
? 1501or corners ; terms $10 down , balance 85 per month ; dent fail to
ice those if you waut a bargain.
We have a few lota left in Kirkwood addition , which we offer at low
prices , terms 25 down balance § 10 per month. These lots are on high
level ground and are desirable.
Hawthorne. V
This addition is more centrally located than any other now addition
icar the best Schools in the city. All the streets are being put to grade
he grades have neon established by the city council , and is very desira-
) le residence property , only 15 blocks from Post office , prices lower than
idjoininc edditions for n home or investment. These lota cannot be
> eaten.
FonSALB-Lot on Davenport with fine
louse. 52,000.
FOB BAUC Full lot 21et and Clark street , 6
com house , $2,300 ,
FOR BALE Beautiful acre lot in Glae's add ,
FOB SitK-1 lot on Chicago street between
3th and Uth , $2,500.
UKADTIFDL lots corner F rnam and 20th
itreet cheap ,
FOB SALE-Lots InWalnut hill , 8200 ,
FOB BALE-4 lot with 0 room house 21st
treat easy payments , $2,000 ,
FOB BALE Lot 28th and Farnam street ,
Rood property , $1,600 ,
FOB BALE- } aero on California , east ol
Sacred Heart : house , barn , nnl cistern , cheap
FOB BALK Lota In Uanscom place each ,
FOB SALE 100 feet front on 15th streetwith
small house just south of Uartman Schoolon
ly 81,700.
FOB BALE Full lot nnd 5 room house corner
llth and Castellar , $2'100.
FOB BALE Lot nnd 2 houses 18th and Nlch.
oUs $5.000 ,
We will jfurnishgconveyance Jree to anyl
mrtloftJie city to show property to ourJrieMla\ \
millcnstomers , anil cJtcerJully gi'
ion reganlin OnwJw Property.
Those who'Jiave lutrgaina to offer or wish
troperty at iMaryain ,
Bedford & Souel
Real Estate Agents
213 S. 13th St , , bet. Farnam ! & Douglas