Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 19, 1885, Image 1

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One Omaha Citizw Tells How He am
the Mayor Wore Not Cousnllcfl ,
The Union Pacific Finally Gotf
Its Judgment Entered ,
Mexican Malls Delayed In Trnnslt-
A How Crowing Over tlio Dolphin
phin Notes.
Special Telegram ta The BEE ,
WASHINGTON , Juno 18. General Singleton
Is knocked oat on his last round the Qulncj
postollico. Bio wanted to be commiBsionor ol
agriculture. Falling in that , ho would have
accepted something else if offered , bat as it
was not , bo settled down to tha conclusion
that ho.wonld take the Qulncy postoflico and
say no moro about it. But ho will not take
oven tha postofllce. It was to-day given to
James II. lltchardson , of that place. There
will ba a good many mad people
la Qulncy to-day. There were three
candidates for the pottoffico , Gen.
Singleton , Ed Cleveland and a news
paper editor of loctl fame. Each had his
supporter ? , while Richardson had few. If any.
& > \ Cleveland alone had upward of 2,500 eigna <
mjf uws to his petition , and would probably
- have been successful bad it not been for his
name and hia claim that ho was a cousin of
ho president. These seemed to have ma
terially lessened his chances , as the president
did not relish the fact that ho was making
such claim without foundation , while his ap
pointment would have resulted In a story get
ting afloat that the president had appointed a
relative to un oflico. The appointment of
Richardson to succeed the veteran one-legged
Irish soldier , Capt , M. Piggott , is another one
of the president's surprises.
It was announced that on the 1st o !
Juno the court of claims judg
ment in the Union Pacific railroad
case would bo entered in accordance with the
computations made by the experts pursuant
to the opinion of the court previously rendot-
ed , and that the computation which had just
been completed showed an indebtedness ol
something over ono million two hundred and
fifty thousand dollars. Only HOI miles com
prising the subsidized portion of tha Kansas
Pacific branch , were involved In the case ;
The remaining 215 miles of that part of the
Union Pacific system being ncn subsidized
was exempt from the claims
of the government. Tha earnings
of the Kansas Pacific branch had , however ,
had been kept account of as part of the whole ,
and as the court decided , as a means of as-
cortaingthe amount duo the government as
five per cant of the net earnings of the subsi
dized portion ; that the earnings of the whole
branch should bo divided pro rata upon the
mileage basis. Subsequent to the anouncement
of Juno 1st the attorney-general asked the
court to suspend the entry of judgment to
onab'e the government to consider whether it
would accept the ruling of the court of claims
in respect to the basis upon which the
Kansas Pacific debt was to be com
puted , it having boon suggested
that the actual earnings of the subsidized
road were proportionately greater thaii those
of the other part and that If the actual earn
ings could bo ascertained the government
would bo a gainer. Pursuant to the request
the entry of judgment was suspended.
Agents of the department of justice and of
the Interior department have since investi
gated the subject thoroughly and the con
clusion has been reached to make no further
contest ever this question. Tills conclusion
having been communicated to court , the
judgment has to-day been entered in accord
ance with the opinion previously announced ,
The judgment la in favor of the government
for the sum of $1.577,608.
Pending the trial of this case agnnts of tbo
government and of the Union Pacific entered
together upon an investigation of she account !
to ascertain the indebtedness of the road undei
thoThurman act and on account of the 0 pei
cent net earnings which the company was re
quired under the acts of 1SG2 of 18U1 to paj
into tbo United States treasury. They con
cluded that there was due from the companj
$917,00 , which sum wai paid into the treas
ury and now stands as a partial offset to thi
judgement of the court.
It Is also officially stated that there Is dm
the company on account of earnings of the
various branch roads not Included in thi
recant litigation and on various other account !
of minor importance a considerable additional
sum which , with the amount already paid It
will leave a ballanco of probably not man
than $100,000 duo the government upon the
judgment of the court. This case wai begun
moro than five years ago.
Tha superintendent of foreign nnih has
communicated to the Mexican postal authori
ties a detiro on the part of this government tc
have a transfer of American mails facilitated
at Paso del Norto opposite Elpaso , Texas. II
was represented that piasorgers could react
the City of Mexlcj from New York in eight
days , whereai the mills were nine days cc
route , the additional twenty-four hours being
consumed In the transfer formalities when
crossing the Mexican frontier , At the sug
gestion of the United States postollico the
Mexican authorities have already adopted c
plan of distributing malls for points jn
Mexico this side of the capitol from tha train
instead of carrying the mail untouched to tin
City of Mexico and sending it back for distri
bution , which was the former practice.
Dr , Miller , of the Omaha Herald , and
of Omaha member of tin
( ot Mayor Boyd , , a
I JL democratic national committee- Nebraska ,
' " * have been In the city a couple of days anO
will remain a few days longer. Dr. Mlllei
said to-night that they were not here in thi
interest of any applicant for office In Nebras
ka , lie had juit returned from Wett Point
where , iu a member of the board of visitors
he had been assisting in making the annua
examination of the military academy , Whili
there , ho met Secretary Endlcott , and nle <
law tha prefldent , Secretary Whitney
noy , and Po.tmastor-genorar Vslas
In New York , He met Mayo
Boyd here and they called upon thi
president yesterday and paid their respects
There was no consultation ho enid , rrgardln )
tha distribution of patronage in Nebraska no
had they been inritod to oM on the preeiden
for that purpose. Ho paid if the president o
any ot tha h < ads of departments consultei
tht'in ' In regard to any applicants for office
they were ready to give them any Informatioi
in their possession , but that further than tha
they had no Intention of going. At the !
visit to the white housa yesterday the ques
tion of federal patronage in Nebraska wa
not ditcusied ,
The president to-day appointed Wm. I
Bancroft to be collector of customs , district o
Port Union , Michigan. The followini
pcutmaatera were appointed : J. T
Burns , Dayton , \Yiuhlngton Territory
Henry Hollberg , Jackson , Ohio
J. O. Johnson , Peabody , Kas. ; Job ]
Hortly. Henry , III ; John W. Duncan. Bon-
ham , Tex ; Samuel W. Bhleldi , Mnrrlitown
Tenn. : Mrs. Julia W. Locr , Newcastle
Ind. : Katham Waite , Kingman , Kas. : Jo *
P. Cook , Kenton , Ohio.
Israel Lamton , to bo superintendent of thi
mint of tha United States at San Francisco
Col ; A. L. King , of Arkansas , receiver o
public momea at Harrison , Ark. ; William 1"
Uowlaud , collector of cnitoms for the distrlc' '
of Boinfott , N , 0. , and John A. litclmrdsoi
for the district of Pamlica. N. O.
The report of the Dolphin board of exami
IF- natfoD will ba tent to the attorney genera
by order of Secretary Whitney with a reques
, yf his opinion us to whether the departuicn
V ii obliged to accept the vessel regaidlem o
pecifiBd delecti which the board report the ;
ound in her , Including alleged utructura
weakneii and lack of stipulated power.
Secretaries Whltuoy and Kudicott wer
n'ient ' from the cabinet meeting to-day. Tti
sMtionwai ihort and was mainly devoted t
tha consideration of appointments under th
lecreUrv of the tre&iury.
The Post Mjg ; First Comptroller Durban
has officially requested Dr. Loring , ex-corn
missioner of agriculture , to make good hi
accounts or the business of his departmcn
maybe closed up. The same paper state
that Loriug recently transferred his propert ]
in this city to John A. loring , of Boston , con
nitting nf a house in which tie reildcs and i
lot on K street.
The report ot the agricultural department
giving the condition of various crops ns showt
by the Juno returns is just out and containi
several points concerning wheat not Riven it
the synopsis of the 10th Inat. It is itatec
that the average condition of 02 percent foi
winter wheat is the worst official showing
since 1858 , In 1881 it was 74 and 75 In 188 ; ) ,
while In the great crop years ol
1830 and 1832 it was 02 in Juno ,
allowance ) must ba made for the destruction
ol area by replanting. Future conditions 01
misconceptions of the present appearances , 01
both together , are not likely to change the
total wheat crop of the country more than
10,000,000 bushels above or below the
estimate given of 350,000,000 bushels. Still
disasters prior to harvest or wet weather
afterwards might possibly make n groatoi
reduction ,
The Republican will say to-morrow tint
Gen. Motiitt will ba relieved , M supcrlnten *
dantof We t Point in Anirust , and be suc
ceeded by Gen. Cnrlln of the sixth Infantry ,
It Is contemplated to establish n cavalry
school separafo from the other branches of the
service at Fort Itiloy , Kansas , with Morritt
in command ,
It is rumored that Gen. Alfred Pleasanton
will be appointed governor of the soldiers' '
lomont Hampton , Va , , to succeed the pres
ent incumbent.
The Illinois Legislature.
SmiNQKlKLi ) , III. , Juno 18. In the senate
this morning the house bill providing foi
election and qualification of justices and foi
jurisdiction of the same , passed. Sonatoi
3troator'a bill to prevent tbo solo ol
tobacco In any form to boys under
the ago of 1G years was killed on third
reading. The bill relating to construction
of roads and bridges nnd slightly changing
the present township organization lawgpasod
Senator Hill's bill relating to fire escapes
which was sent back Tuesday for amendment
was taken up and passed. It provides that
on all public buildings over two stories a fire
escape for each fifty persons ocupying or en
gagpd therein.
_ The bill authorizing foreign surety compa
nies to do business in the state was called up
and amended , and after a long discussion it
was sent to third reading. An effort was
made to call up the joint resolution appoint-
in * a ravonuo commission , but it was lost.
A resolution wai offered to purcbass 1,000
copies of Uaines' Township Organized tiaw .
[ or distribution , A lively tilt occurred ba-
Lwoen Senator Higgias and Mason. The
former was opposed to the resolution because
10 accuses Halnos of having threatened to
retard their bills in the house if they
did not vote for this resolution. This brought
Senator Mason to his feet , who denounced
Ellgeins for making such an accusation against
n fellow member. The resolution was
When Mr , Fuller called tha house to ord r
this morning , Taylor , of Cook county , called
up the railroad consolidation bill , which
passed the house but came back from the sen-
ito amended so as not to allow the Illinois
Central to evade the eoven par cent assess
ment of the state. This bad been done to
please the enemies of the bill , since they had
laid that the Illinois Central would evade this.
A motion was made to put the bill on the
order of first reading , ginco it had been
amended. The chair ruled this out of order ,
saying that nothing could ba done but to
cither concur or not concur in tha senate's
amendments. McDonald moved to refer the
bill and amendments to a joint committee of
the judiciary committee and the committee
on judicial department , with Instructions tc
report back to-morrow morning. Lost by a
vote of 92 to 45.
The senate Mnondmonts then concurred in
by a vote of 00 to19. . Moore , of Brown , gave
notice that to-morrow ho would move to re
consider the voio and this notica was enter
tained , but it is eafo to say that it will never
be able to go through.
In the senate this afternoon propositions to
ptint the revised editions ot the statutes
were laid on the table and the revenue com
mittee of the joint session presented a resolu
tion which was mode the special order for
next Tuesday. Severn ! minor appropriation
bills were passed , In the house , as also in the
senate , the general tax levy which appropriates
Si.OOOper year for the school fund , making n
total of § 0,000,000 , was brought up nnd was
referred to tha appropriation committee. In
the senate , it was sent to a third reading.
The houro then took up the consideration ol
the senate appropiiation bill , which occupied
the balance of the afternoon session. The
house then adjourned till 7:30 : p. m.
To-night in the bouso was a fiasco so great
as to bo remarkable even in this turbulent
session. The hooting and yelling of the menv
bers could ba beard three blocks away , It
was kept up over two hours. Two or three
bills weio passed , but apparently aot one
member in ton knew what he was votinp
upon ,
Defiant HontU Americans ,
BALTIMORE , Md. , June 18. Tha Sun hoi
the following from Ilagerstown : "Mr. Henrj
Onderdonk , of the college of St , James , hai
received the following from Panama , which ,
ho thinks , demonstrate ) that the Unitot
States are not feared by the South American
States : 'There are ritmora , ' writes Mr , Onder <
donks Informant , 'that ICquador has made ar
alliance with Chili to back up Kquador in tb <
Santor case. To-day Chilian men-of-war are
plying through Kquadorlan seas. The cole
brated JCsmeralda is at Gayaquail with tin
same purpose. They say that they will have
a picnio witii the wooden American men-of-
war , ' "Commenting on these rumora , anothoi
letter received by Mr. Onderdonk says
'Camano has answered Flares , Equadorlat
minister at Washington , that he will not re
lease Julio unless a tormal guarantee is writ
ten down. Of all this the state department
is Informed by to-day's mall. Energetic ac
tion should bo taken.
Tlio lown Sunday Schools ,
NKWTON , la. , June 18 The last day of thi
Iowa Sunday school convention was certain ! :
the best ever experienced in the history o
the state. Henry Plant showed rare skill fo :
an hour In answering all sorts of prntlca
questions. The following officers were reelected -
elected : President , the IUv. W. V , Barclay
Clinton ; fi t vlco-presldent , Dr. J. Morgan
Oakaloosa ; second vice-president , W. Cole
Colfax ; third vica-presldent , Boardthear , Tel
edoj secretary , J. II. Funk , Fairfield ; trea
surer , F. It. aliner , Newton ; executive com
mUteo. F. B. Stacy. Stacyvillej II. M. Mor
g n. Burlington ; 0. A. Crawford , Madrid
J. 0 , W. Coxe , Brooklyn ; Stephen Phelps
Cedar Rapids ; the lion. 11. 0 , Lamb , Denl
son. Secretaries for the twenty-six district
were also elected , as were these for th
ninety-nine counties. Oskaloosa was uelectei
as the place of the next meeting.
Bold HIH Faintly For $100.
CLEVELAND , 0. , June 18. II. Sauerbier
wife and baby , arrived here yesterday fron
Logan , Ohio. To-day a burly Irbhmin , alsi
from Logan , put In an appearance and had :
conference with Hauerbier. The retult wa
the sale of Sauorbler's wife and baby to th
newcomer whose name U MoFarland , Thi
amount paid was. S100. Sauerbier hung ou
at firit and wanted more money and Mcl'ar
land refined to ralai the bid. To-night Me
Fur land , the woman and infant returned ti
Logan , while Saueibler took the train fo
Chicago. The deal was genuine ono and li
vouched for by the landlord who heard th
trade talked over an-1 saw the ivrittei
Got H Hot ma his Urciul.
PEOIIIA , 111. , June 18. Iludolpb Jtohlfo , i
b ker , burned three mcceiiive batches c
bread this morning , Haw Into a passion am
ihot Limiclf dead.
The Eyes ol the Nation Follow tbi
Smitten Chief.
Gen , Grant's ' Condition Bomaim
About Unchanged !
Conscious of JtlH Gradual Dissolution
Ho IB ItcBljjnert nnd.Brnvcly
Meets tlio End ,
MOU.ST McGnKdon , N. Y , , Juno 18. Ocn.
Grant's condition is not materially changed
from that of yesterday. Dr. Sands arrived
this morning , and at noon he and Dr. Dotiglas
were with Uon. Grant ,
After Dr , Douglas had attended General
Grant at 1 o'cloofc this morning the general
fell asleep and slept the greater part of the
time until G o'clock. Then Dr , Douglas again
treated bis throat wlthjcocoalnoandlofthlmto
doze , which ho did until 8 o'clock. lie was
dreseod at 10 , but remained in doora and
at noen had not appeared outside. The phy
sician said the general's condition this mornIng -
Ing was not worse than yesterday , so far as
local trouble was concerned , The , general's
voice , he thought , was somewhat improved ,
The loss of voice has been caused by despond
ency since Srmday last. Yesterday ho could
make himself heard , but when , as the day ad
vanced , his voice again completely failed , he
became very despondent. This , added t * > the
bad losults of too much exercise yesterday ,
and both these supplemented by extreme
menttl agitation late in the afternoon and
evening , furnish an explanation of his note to
bis family.
Drs. Douglas and Sindi finished an exam
ination of the general's throat at 12:15 : , and
lie then appeared on tha piazza , where the
family wore awaiting him to sit with them
and have a picture taken.
Seven hours of refreshing sleep , the usual
taking of liquid food , the absence of unusual
pain , qulot of body and no unequal mental
strain constitute ] the record of Uon , Grant
From D o'clock on Wednesday night to o
o'clock Thursday afternoon. Tbo fatigue that
followed his unwlsp exertion by walking yes
terday was a warning that so good a patient
as Gen. Grant will not let go unheeded.
Mindful of this , ho has passed a
quiet day physically , Ta what
degree his mind has bean active is a knowll
edge held only by the general , though the
doctors would bo glad to share such knowl-
xtee , as his mental and physical condition
last evening were rnnnmg nearly level. So
feeble and trembling was the general's body
Lhat even his sturdy pluck seemed to weaken ,
tlo was distracted in mind , discouraged at
lioart and weal ; in body , and because of this
wrote the letters to his physician
and family , which ho would gladly recall to
day. But while the unusual temporary
weakness may have occasioned the general's
iespondency on 'Wedneiday evening he
knows , and has within a week , expressed to a
near friend his own assurance that he is con
stantly growing weaker and more exhausted.
Ho was not deceived in this , and no effort was
made to lead him to a false hope. Ho
was last week frankly told that he was fading
and that at the end he would probably pass
away peacefully , of heart failure , that when
the mainspring of vitality had uncurled and
when the physical machinery had run down
it would stop. Such Is the general's anticipa
tion of the end , which ho calmly realizes is
not a long way distant and impossible to avert.
His courage rank to the ebb , and realizing
the powerful influence upon the mind of the
physical conditions , such as obtain now in
Lien. Grant's case , Dr. Donglas summoned
Dr , Sands. The latter came , found no alarmIng -
Ing symptoms , saw the cencral In better
spirits , and at 5:30 : o'clock this evening started
back to Now York.
Temporary influences may render the gen
eral aain at any time apprehensive and the
following day may see his spirits recqvod , but
all the while tbo vicious sore upon his tongue
is deepening and as it progresses so does the
goneral's vitality wane. He has full knowledge
of this and that knowledge will at all times
be the background against which
may appear temporary changes for the better
or worse to arouse nubile interest , but such
changes cannot at any time deceive the sick ,
nor obviate the certainty that dissolution Is
drawing nearer.
While on the piazza this afternoon Gen.
Grant shook hands with Dr. M. Babcock ,
brother of the late Gen. 0. E , Babcook , and
with a wave of his hand presented him to
Drs. Douglas and Sands , to whom the visitor
further Ineroduced himself.
Dr. Newman and Jesse Grant arrived this
Gen. Grant spent the evening In-doore
with his family and Dr. Douglas and the
llev. Newman , Daring the evening ho wrote
the following upon a card and handed it tc
Dr. Newman : "It is just ono week to-daj
since-1 have spoken and my suffering is con
tinuous. The doctors Sands and Douglat
say my ailment is Improving. "
The general retired early and at midnight
his condition was unchanged ,
Special Telegram to The BEE , '
MONTREAL , Can , , Juno 18 John Bignall
late head of the goyevernment exploring ex
pedition to lake Mistasslnl , who has just re
turned to Quebec , states that hia son in nc
way exaggerated the facts in regard to the hip
lake of Mittasalni , the great unknown inlanc
sea of northeastern Canada. He eays thai
some of the numerous Islands which it con
tain appear to him ta bo over ten miles it
length , and were found to embrace large lakei
In their interior , Quo result of his observa
tions was to see that tbo height of land form
Ing the northern boundary of thai
province and the situation of both tha Greal
and Little Hlstassinl , ns laid down on the
maps , is altogether erroneous. The latitude
of the Hudson Day company's post is at least
half a degree from that heretofore accepted ai
correct , imd Llttlo Mistassini , instead of be
ing a mere arm of a big lake , is in reality i
distinct part of water 109 to 120 miles longb )
eight wide. Among other natural curioeitlet
of the region Mr. Bignell visited Is an extra
ordinary Give , known among the Local In
titans as tbn "Cave of the Greal
Spirit , " In It are stored a quantltj
of expedition supplies , Bignall reports thai
the cold of last winter at Mistasaint was In
tense , marking 50 degrees below zero In De
cember and D2 on March 27. But he bellovei
that the soil of the region will ba found well
fitted for the growth ot hardy cereals. Wher
he started on bin return to Quebec , on Slay 28
the Ice in the berg was breaking up but In tbi
body of the lake still held firm.
Now Canadian
OTTAWA , Can. , June 18. In the comtnoni
loday the following amendments made by thi
senate to the Scott act were agreed to : Km
powering druggists to sell liqours for medico
purpotes ; authorizing druggists to sell paten
medicines and other preparations conUInini
alcohol ; authorizing druggltta to prestrlb
eight ounces of liquor at one time.
TlioIlllnuU Oat Crop.
SnuKariKLi ) , III , , Juno 18. Tbo depart
ment of agriculture will soon issue A repor
concerning the prospects for growing crop o
eaU nhlch next to corn is entitled tu pre
cedence in extent of yield and the value o
the product. The annual production of oat
in Illinois of Into years exceeded one hundrec
million ! huiheU. The area of oat
, ii much larger than last leaioi
nud the proapecti are favorable fo ;
an average yield per aero. The oat/i crop o
the stuto in 1881 WAI 50.000,000 bushels ; ii
1882 , 70,000,000 bmhels ; in 1883.101,000,001
bushels ; In 84,100,000,000 bushels , Itetliin
for Juno make the present urea ot oati nhou
the same an last tcason in the northern divi
sion , and 22 psr cent larger in the southeri
division of the state than In 1881.
The lny on the Turf ,
KANSAS CITV , Mo. , June 18. At to-day'i
races the weather was good and the attend
ance largo.
First race Five-eights mile boats ; Field
Taylor won ; Nelson , second ; Onr Friend ,
third. Time , 1:04 : $ .
Second race Mile and one-eighth ; Modest ;
won ; Lycurgu , second. Time , 2:23J. :
Third race Mlle and five-slrtoontht : Irish
Pat won ; Slocum second ; Gold Dollar ,
third. Time , 2:45 : } .
Fnurth race Mile and ono-slxteonth ; Vir-
gtl Hearne won ; Trlx , second ; Chabtilly ,
third- Time , 1:54 : .
CHICAGO , 111. , Juno 18. The field waa one
of the largest over known at the driving park ,
The attendance was very good nnd tha track
First race Class 2:23 : , trotting ; Mobrtno
Sparkle won ; Hex , second ; Unolola , third ,
Host trmo , 2:19 : } .
Second race Glass 2:24 : , pacing ; Nowhopo
won ; Nellie J3 , second ; Benny , third. Best
tlmo , 2:10 : } .
Third race-Class 2:28 : , trotting ; left unfln-
shed till to-morrcw.
Tlio Champion Soldiers' Konnlon.
FORT MAfHsov , la , , Juno 18. The largest
soldiers' reunion over held In this portion oi
the state was the ono of to-dav. Fully 7,000
persons were present from Illinois , Missouri
ind Iowa , Ma ] , A. C , Roberts was president
if the day. An address of welcome was de-
Iveredby J. D. M. Hamilton and orations
jy Gen. B. M. Prentlis and Col , J. A. T.
[ lull , Letters of regret were read from Gens
Ciogan. Sherman and other prominent sol
diers. The afternoonwas , enjoyed In listen-
ngtotoasti from loading soldiers and with
other amusements.
Frightened by Mad Dogs.
MILWAUKEE , Wis. , Juno 18 , Great alarm
las been occasioned among the farmers of
llacine county by recent mad dog attacks and
j number of hunting parties are being organ-
zed for the purpose of killing animals known
; o bo bitten. A large number of dogs , several
lorses and cattle were attacked by a rabid
log to-day , All the dogs are still at large ,
The Nursery nnd Seed Men.
CHICAGO , 111. , Juno 18. At to-day's meet-
ng of the American association of nurserymen
ind seodtnen , Norman Coleman , United States
: ommisaioner of agriculture , waschosan presi
dent ; D. W. Scott , of Galena , III. , secretary ;
A. . R. Whitney , of Franklin Grove , 111. ,
ireasurer ; and after the transaction of routine
justness the association adjourned to meet In
Washington next year.
The uniilnn-Tcomor Races ,
BUFFALO , N. Y. , Juno 18. Hanlan and
Teemer met here to-night and arranged to
row five races of two , throe , three and a half ,
bur and five miles for $500 a side , with the
privilege of increasing it to $1,000 a side.
The first race Is to be on August 8 , Two
ivoeks are to elapss between each of the suc-
: eeding races. The place hai not yet been
igreed upon
A. Vessel Sank by Cureless Firemen ,
NEW YORK , June 18. The steamer Guay-
indotto was sunk at the pier to-day by two
iremen carelessly pulling a plug a foot in
diameter from the bottom of the vessel.
W ater rushed In so rapidly the crew barely
escaped. Tt-o furniture and cargo will be
damaged § 10,000.
Backed His tiovo With Bullets.
TASLKV , Va. , June 18. William Freeman ,
aged 18 , this morning shot Timothy Hills and
the latter'u wife and daughter and then killed
limtelf. Freeman had courted the daughter ,
who at the instance of her mother declined his
offer of marriage. It is feared that all three
of the Hills family will die. They are among
the most prominent citizens.
The Weather ,
WASHINGTON , D. C , , June 18. The upper
Miesippi valley : Fair weather , followed in
the northern portion by local rains , warmer
southerly winds , falling barometer.
The Missouri valley : Warmer weather ,
with local rains , southerly winds , falling bar
Deatli or an American Editor.
BRCMERUAVEN , June 18. John Rlttig , edi
tor of the Sunday edition of the New Yorl
Staats Zeltung , and one of the most promi
nent German journalists inthellnited States ,
died suddenly on board the steamer Neckai
while en route hero from Southampton.
The American Train Dispatchers ,
DENVER , Col , , June IS. Tbo America :
train dispatchers association to-day elected
J , W , Lynabam , of Coming , N. Y. , president ,
The executive committee Includeo J , W ,
Stapleton , of Chicago , and A , G , Hartigan ,
Che Hostile Apaches ,
WASHINGTON , June 18. Col , Bradloj
stationed at Santa Fo , telegraphs that there
are now no hostile Indiana In New Mexico ,
It Is the Impression at the war dopartmenl
that the hostile Indians have also left Ari
zona ,
The Ilccoptlon ot Lilborty.
SANDY HOOK , Juno 18 , The French
frigate "Laftore , " from Newport , which takes
part in the ceremonies attending the recep
tion of the Bartholdl statue , arrived off light
ship at 7:55 : this morning.
A Criminal Contractor.
NEW YORK , June 18 Buddensik , the con
tractor whose row of tenant bouses recently
collapsed killing bis employes , was to-nlghl
found guilty of iranslaughter in the second
degreo. Ho moved for a new trial ,
Inter-Stato Commerce Committee
Br. Louis , Mo. , June 18. Before the dil-
lom committee to-day Vice-l'resident P. lei
of the Cairo Short Line , advocated a national
railroad board of arbitration. The cominittof
this evening left for Des Molnes ,
Goal Miners' Convention Postponed
SrniNafiELD , 111. , Juno 18. It is announcei
hero that the inter-state coal miners' conven
tion to have been held at Indianapolis on Julj
C has been postponed by order of the execu
tive committee ,
Ferdinand Ward Called for Trial.
Nisw YOBK , June 18.-Ferdinand Ward
ex-banker and financier , wts brought fron
the Ludlow street jail to-day to the court o
oy r and terminer for trial upon ono of thi
numerous indictments found against him b'
the grand jury , charging Win with gram
larceny In having stolen the funds of th
Marine bank. By agreement tha trial wa
pottponed until Monday next.
The Pueblo Explosion ,
PUKBIO , Juno 18 A more careful exam
( nation shows that the datnaga to buildings ii
the vicinity of the explosion was only slight
When found the bodlei of both the men wen
almost denuded of clothing , the limbs brokei
and anna blown off. Tha plaou where th
magazine stood It indicated byablackenei
hole in the ground twenty by thirty feet am
ten feet deep ,
Salisbury Announces the New Cabine
Selections ,
Cholera Clausing Trouble and In
creasing at Madrid ,
Frightful Mlno Disinter la
The Italian Ministry Forced
to Ilcalgn.
LONDON , Juno 18. The new cabinet hat
been partially settled as follows :
Marqu'sof Salisbury , prlmo minister nnd
secretary of state for foreign department ,
Sir Michael Hic'ts-Boach , chancellor ol
the exchequer ,
Lord Randolph Churchill , secretary of
state for India ,
Sir Richard Asshoton Cross , secretary of
state for home department.
Edward Gibson , lord chancellor of Ire
land ,
William Henry Smith will probably bo sec
retary for war.
Ool , F. Redrich Stanley , secretary foi
colonies ,
Karl of Carnarwan , or Viscount Cranbrook ,
lord lieutenant of Ireland.
Sir Stafford Northcoto , president of th c
In accordance with the decision of the meet
ing of the Marquis of Salisbury and other
conservatives , Sir Stafford Northola has
jcon appointed first lord of the treasury with
a peerage , the premiership remaining m the
sands of Salisbury , For the premier not to
iraaumo tbo duties of the first lord of the
treasury is unusual , but there Is a precedent.
Arthur Balfonr will bo a member of the local
jovornment board without a seat in the cabi-
let. Edward S'auhopo will be vice presi
dent of the council.
Sir Stafford Northcoto has accepted a
peerage. His title will bo Lord Iddoslight.
His acceptance is generally regretted as it will
leave tbo conesrvativo leadership in tbo house
of commons uader the Influence of Churchill ,
COLOGNE , Juno IS , The Kolniscbo Zei-
tung says : The now English cabinet will bo
nailed In political circles hero with cordiality
md confidence Salisbury has always been a
friend of Germany and an advocate of closer
union with Germany and Austria , presenting
i strong contrast to Gladstone who has borne
limsolf a thorough antagonist to both
countries ,
Gladstone delivered UD to the queen to day
the seals of the office of primp minister. The
queen gave an audience at Windsor to North-
Gladstone still witli holds his assurance that
, ho liberals will asiist the Salisbury govern
ment and the Marquis of Salisbury persists
.a his refusal to take the office in the absence
of such assurance , The result Is a complete
Unexpected developments to-day in the
march of events render it quite possible in the
opinion of many liberals that Gladstone , how
ever much he may bo disinclined , will be
compelled to return to office. It is reported
that the marquis of Salisbury demanded from
the retiring ministry a more comprehensive
promise of support than they were prepared
to give. It is believed by many liberals also
that the visit to-day of Gladstone to the
queen at Windsor Castle had connection with
this subject of return to office. Conservatives ,
on the other hand , however , have not a doubt
but that the marquis of Salisbury will accept
It is reported that Sir Henry Drummonod
Wolff will succeed Sackville West as ministei
at Washington.
MADRID , Juno 18. There are C32 now
cases of cholera and Id deaths reported in
the cities of Mutcia , Valencia , and Castelloc
De La Piano during the twenty-four houn
ending at mid night last night. At Madrid ,
one new case and six doaths.
The inhabitants of populous quarters ol
this city strenuously oppose all measures ta
ken by the authorities to disinfect tbo dwell
ings. The resistance of the people his become -
come so passionate and persistent that the
authorities abandoned the enforcement of all
sanitary regulations which hsd been adopted
to prevent cbolora Rotting a hold In Madrid
The official report of cholera In Spalr
yesterday was as follows :
Valencia , city New cases , fifteen ; deaths
Valencia , province Cases , 109 ; deathr
Murcla City Cases , ninety-four ; deaths
Villages adjacent to the city of Mnrcia
New cases , 121 ; deaths fifty-six.
Provinc of Murcia New coses , sixty-four
deaths , twenty-eight.
Caitellou do la Plata province Oases , 103 ,
deaths , forty-five ,
A meeting of tradesmen was held to-daj
In the rooms of the merchantllo club for the
purpo'o of giving expression to the Indigna
tion of the merchants ot this city at the course
of the government In making public a proc
tarnation that cholera bad appeared In Mad
rid. The meeting adopted a resolution that
a deputation bo sent to King Alfonzo tc
explain to him the very serious injury
done to the trade of the capital
by tlie official declaration that cholera existed
there. Members of the mercantile club have
decided to close their several shops for twenty
four hours and to drape the club houao anc
to curtain the windows at a protest agatnsi
what the members consider the extraordinary
action of the government in declaring thi
presence of cholera in Madrid.
I'AIIIB , Juno 18. Official information ha'
been received that the French dispatch boa1
"Itenatd , " : reported lost in the India ocean
foundered in a cyclone , and the whole crow
numbering 1-7 , wese drowned.
LONDON , June 18 , At the Ascot hcatl
to-duy the race for the St , James palaci
stakes , for three-year olds , was won by Lore
Uradford's brown colt , Sheraton ; 0 , J , Leforo'i
brown colt , Ducat , second ; Manton'g chestnu
colt. Willie , third. There were sivstarters.
The race for the gold cup was won by J. II
Hammond's four-year old cold , St , Galien
Mr. F. Gebhardt'u aged bay horse , Eole , see
end ; Mr. Jeesamond's five-rear old blacl
hone , The Dutchman , a bad third ; Mr. J
Fay'd four-year old brown colt , Boott Free
fourth. These were the only starters ,
occnrred to-day in the Pendlobury collier ;
near Manchester. Sixty persons wore rescuei
alive , seven dead bodies have been recovered
Ono hundred miners are still below and ther
is only a faint hope that any of these will b
saved , The ctges In which the volunteer
were proceeding to the bottom pit got stud
In the shaft and it was two hours before tb
party could explore the mine for th
misting men , Those rescued atut
that when the explosion occurrei
they fled to the botton of tha shaft am
were ignorant of the fate of their companion !
Another account of the colliery explosioi
neat Manchester js it occurred in the Clif
ton colliery. There wore .150 men at worl
t the time ; 130 were taken out but 2S (
are still Imprisoned. It Is feared that most
if not all , will perish ,
Later dispatches ftom Manchester suy the
explosion was caused by fire damp and at I
o'clock eighteen dead bodies had been re
covered from the Pendlobury colliery. Om
hundred more mon have boon rescued but
it Is probable 100 have boon killed. Greal
excitement prevails in the vicinity.
The latokt from Manchester says that 20 !
miners have been recovered rvlivo , twontytwc
taken out dead , and 122 are still unaccounted
York was visited this afternoon by a shock
of earthquake which lasted several second !
and cauicd qreat alarm among the people.
The Pnrnelllts visit America on Invitation
of Egau and others.
It IB rumored the queen dislikes Churchill
in the now cabinet ,
ROME , Juno 18. Owing to the closeness ol
the vote last evening in the chamber of dov-
utics , Mnncini , foroiguministor , and the other
ministers , have declared tholr intention of re-
In the clumber of deputies to-day DoProlis ,
prime minister , announced the resignation of
the cabinet , and begged that the bouse in the
meantime would continuo the debate on the
budget. King Humbert has not yet accepted
Iho resignation ,
PORT SAID , Juno 18. The Suez canal will
aot be cleared of the sunken dredge before
Sunday night. Meanwhile the trailo ! of the
cinal is at a standstill. Not less than 100
steamers are at anchor off the entrance to the
canal awaiting passage. The IOBS _ entailed
upon shipping by the accidental sinking of
the dredge is said to bo enormous ,
Real Estate Trarmfcrn.
The following transfers were filed Jnno
17 , with the county clerk and reported
[ or the BEE by Amen' real osttito agency :
James E. Riley and wf to Mrs. Mary
Nolan , w d , lot 0 , J. E. Ililoy'a sub
division of lots 54 and 55 , Oklahoma.
Augustus Konntza and wf and others
; o Louis EL Summorltamp , w d , lot 3 ,
block 2 , Plalnvlow. $250.
Hattlo 0. Wren and husb. to Thomas
Dugdalo , w d , B 64 95-100 feet of lot 91 ,
Johnson's add to Omaha. $2,000.
Charles 0. Housol and wf to Hattlo 0.
Wran , wd , B G4 fact of lot 9 , Johnson's
addtoOmoba. $300.
James E. Riley and wife to Michael J.
Murray ; Its 5 and G , blk L , Lowe's add to
Omaha ; w. d. $800.
Mary McP. Millspaugh and husband
and others to George M. Darrow ; It G ,
blk 3 , Capitol Hill add to Omaha ; q. c.
$1.Mollora Clarltaonwldoirto ( George M.
Darrow ; It G , blk 3. Capitol Hill add to
Omaha ; w. d. $1,800.
J. C. Rafferty to John A. Horbach ; Its
23 , 35 , 30 and 37 , Horbach's Flrat add to
Omaha ; w. d. $2,000.
Ella E. Latson to Theodore Williams
ana wife ; It 10 , blk 1 , Plainvlotr add to
Omaha ; IT. d. $300.
A. Fair Distiller.
Arkansaw Traveler.
Miss Bottle Smith , of Fenttess county ,
Tcnn. , has been arrested on a charge of
lllcit distilling and baa been taken to
Nashville. She Is eald to bo handsome
md accomplished , and la supposed to
aavo written that wild and stirring ro
mance "Tho Blno Headed Sap-Sucker or
The Rock Where the Jnlco Ran Oat. "
Col. Harvey Matbcs , editor of the Memphis -
phis Leader , says that Mias Smith la un-
ioubtedly the author of the story. This
la a etartling revelation in Tennessee. Atone
ono time Oolonol Mathos offered $3,000
for the dlicovory of the author.
When Mlsa Smith was arraigned before -
fore the United States court , she con
ducted herself with such grace and dig
nity that the polite old judge , deeply 1m-
presied , arose aud made her a profound
bow."Misa Smith , " said the judge , "to see
yon in thla awful predicament seriously
touches mo. "
'It does me , too , judge. "
"How old are yon ? "
"Judgo , you should not aak such a
question , bat I will tell yon. I am two
years older than my married slater , who
was married before she waa as old as 1
am. She baa been married eighteen
months and still speaks well of her hu-
band. Now how old am I ? '
"I cannot tell. "
"I am not to blama for your mathe
matical Inefficiency , "
"Why did you go into the builncsa o !
illlct dlttllllngr
"BecBuao I wanted to make whiskey. "
"I euppoao so. How long have you
been a distilled"
"Evor slnco I was aixtcon yoara old. "
"When were you eiitoon years old ? '
"Tho year my father died. "
"What year waa that ? "
"Tho year my undo Henry moved tc
Texas. "
"Mica Smith , you are a woman , bull
Insist that you shall answer my questions.
Remember that If convicted of this awful
charge , yon will bo cent to the peniten
tiary. WLat did you do with the
whlikey you made ? "
"Sold it. "
"Who bought U ? "
"Well , judge , It would ba rather hard
to toll who bought It all. Some tltno ago ,
a party of gentlemen came out into raj
neighborhood to hunt deer , The party
got out of whiskey , but fqnnd It diulcull
to buy any. After whllo I told a man il
ho would put his jog down on a dollai
and go away ho might , when ho came
back , find the jug full of whiskey. He
did so. "
"Would yon know the man ? "
"Oh , yes , air , I recognized him In t
momnnt , You are the man , judge. "
The Turners' excursion will leavi
Omaha for Fremont on Sunday , Jnm
21st , at 8:30 : a. m. , and return at G:3 : (
p. m ,
Best assortment of baby buggloaatJ
Bonnor's ,
Dr. Hamilton Warren , Physician ant
Surgeon , 019 N. 10th street near Web
ater. Day and night calU promptly at
tended to.
Hoop ? Bells organs from $25,00 upward
on monthly payment8.
Buy gaaolino end oil from Omaha Ol
Co. Cans furnished end delivered. Of
Ceo 1400 Douglaa &t. A.M. Kitchen.Mgr
Only complete line of Artist * ' .vumt
IAL-J at Hoepe'u.
Wheat Rises on the Strength of Fordan
Complications ,
Oorn Being Hold to Repeat Last
Year's ' Becorcl of Ono Dollar ,
Cattle llulo According to the CUbH ,
Note aB.imll Ocn
crnl Decline ,
Special Telegram to The BKE ,
CHICAGO , III. , Juno 18.-Owing to higher
cables and fears of further foreign complica
tions arising from n change of ministry in
England , wheat opened J@je higher In this
market and advanced about jo | moro , As the
feeling yesterday afternoon at the close of
trading WAS very heavy , n largo number of
"calls" sold close the
were very to market ,
and this morning it did not take over fifteen
minutes to put the market above the call
tirlce. Thi ? , of course , brought out a great
deal of selling from call holders , which selling
eased the market off some , but there was n
strong and decided feeling all through the
session , A majority of traders seem to bo-
I'evo that prices are going much higher In the
near future , and the fear of being "lotfis to
great that at every signal of strength
thov all rush In n body to get
some wheat. This fooling and action on the
part of the operators causes tbo market to go
up a great deal faster than it goes down , and
also causes a very nervous and unsettled stata
of things among all speculators in all markets
of the country. Liverpool reported an tip-
ward tendency with California wheat 1 penny
per contal higher. Cargoes off coast were
lirmly hold nnd California quoted 0 pence per
ijuarter higher. New York opened * 84c
lilgher and advanced a trillo moro , but fol
lowed our market later on and the same was i >
true of St. Louis. Reports from the growing |
: reps In the great northwestern bolt of states
: amo Tin favorable and the same was true
from California , but the temper of the publia 1
mind at present ii decidedly bullish ana it | j
takes only a little stimulus to send prices up- '
, vard. After the first whirl was over tlio
market became steady and dull ,
Corn maintained to a good degree the firm
ness it developed yesterday , opening % c high-
) r for July which placed it equare against the
: all price 48c. This , of course , produced
lame free soiling which lowered the figures a
little , but corn looks and acts very stout and
firm , no matter how the other markets go ,
Liverpool reported an upward tendency , but
with no change In the quotations. It Is said
that but for the free Danublan supplies at
present foreign markets on corn would be
much higher and stronger , There is now on
passage to the United Kingdom 40,000 quar
ters of corn less than a week ago. Juno
steadily holds its premium over July , nnd
July over August , but Auguit and Septem
ber keep along to-gether pretty well at pres-
snt. Receipts fall to increase as everybody
hoped they would , and some parties say that
[ armors now have an idea that corn sometime
this fall will ba badly cornered and go up
toward n dollar a did last year
for a short time , TtaMRH&.toc. hurry about
Bending it for ward ; * To-day the full advance
ivfts Cot sustained.
Oats opened with a fair degree ol strength ,
ind a shade higner. The movement all
through the session was light , and at the close
iullness and weakness prevailed , and the ad-
ran co waa entirely lost ,
The rebelpts were larger than for any day
For a week past and there was a greater per
: ont of natives among the arrivals than for
my day this week , as Texans numbered only
about fifty-five care. The general market
was rather slow , and the ordinary run of fat
iteers were quoted easier. Medium and all
jradea of _ natives oxtept fancyt , sorts wore
quoted easier. Light , handy , fat and finished
steers of 1,100 and thereabouts , especially
Nebraska , also sold equally well as any day
this week , making § > 5.40@6.GO and along
there. The Texans wore of a superior style
and quality and gold fully as high ai yester
day. Ono of the largest droves made $3,50 ,
a price equal to the last sale of the same
brand and about the same average. Thin
grassers are selling down to $3,00 ; bulls and
cows at $2.50. The spread on Eo-callea corn
fed is wide , all the way from Sl.OU to $5.25.
A large number of scrubs from Arkansas and
Indian territory are passed off for Texans ,
A big bunch of the latter , probably three-
year-olds , averaging a trifle over 000 were sold
hero yestoreay. During the week a
bunch of improved Indian territory
corn fed Hteera , averaging a little over 1,100
sold for 85 35 The sales wore : Shipping
steers , 1,350 to 1,500 pounds , ? 5.CO@D.D ! ) ;
1,200 to l.iro pound * , S5.30.g6.50 . ; J50 to
1,200 , pound ? , S100@5-5 ; etockeri and feed
ers S310@ I ! )0 ) ; cowr , bull' nnd mixed , 32.50
@l-10 ; slop fed stcew , 81.8rt < ? 5.55 ; through
Texas cattle fair supply- market steady ;
corn-fed , Sl.00@4 70 : grasses , 030 to 1,050
pounds , 83 75g 1 00 ; 750 to 900 pounds 83.00 ©
3,7ii ; COO to 700 pounds , S2.50@3 L'u.
There was a drop of 5@10o on nil torts this ,
morning Plenty of packing so > ta sold be
tween i$3 ! )0gd ) DJ , aud SI.00 got the best
mixed on sale , wlnlo $110 was the top ; pack
ing and shipping , 2oO to 3lOj pounds , 8400
@ 4 lo ; light weights , 150 to 170 pounds , 84 10
© I L'5 ; 180 to210 pounds , S3 004 10.
The Cltl/'im
ROCHESTER , N. Y. , Juno 18. The Inde
pendent citlzent association of Now York
state held a meeting hero to-day , About 400
delegates were In attendance. A state com
nltteo was selected and ermeches were made
n favor of Kosewall P. Slower , Joseph B.
3arr , Congressman John Livingburn , Joseph
Drexcl and others for governor , It wai
decided to support no candidates for any office
who is not In sympathy with the principles of
the party. The conference was composed of
republicans , democrats , grcenbackers aud
latora reform.
A Final StrugKlo Expected Soon ,
LIMA , Jnno 18. Gen , Caceres , with 3 000
mon is now In the neighborhood of Lima ,
liavlng dodged the column of Oolemus. A
final struggle Is expected to take place in
Lima within the next few days. The result
cannot bo foreeen as Gen , Caceres Is the ideal
of the lower classes , and is generally popular ,
but tbo organization of his men is bad , The
government have 3,000 well organized troops
hero , and are preparing a warm reception lor
Gen. Caceres , Gattling guns have been
placed on the roof of the palace and the presi
dential house.
1305 Farnnm etrcct.
Wo are now busily engaged marking
down our stock , ana propoao to have a
bifj CLEARING OUTSA.LE at prlcea
unheard of. Wo want our stock re
duced , as wo propOBo adding B line of
' ' Children's Boots
Ladles' , Misses' and
and Shoes , and need tha room. We
shall Hell our Boots and Shoea , when re-
celvo'l , at prices which will make tbo
old fogy , high prlcid boot and shoo men
"hiiitlo Homo. "
Grand bargains , olectrlo light and a
chance to pet ono of our beautiful diamond
mend rlng free. Open until 9 o'clock
every night.