Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1885, Image 8

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Thursday Morning , Jnno 18 ,
Three or four steady and reliable printers
' can find work at the Uco office. ,
Mies Gutiio S fleldor ha recovered from
her recent lllncts and Is again at her pUca in
Uospe's art store.
The policemen all donned the regulation
white nummer hat yesterday morniafr. ItUot
pasteboard , with whlto linen covering.
D. C. Ruwell who has boon lying aerious-
ly 111 at the hospital for some daya past , has
recovered , and is ftblo to bo out again.
The stand pipes on tha Paxton building
nt tha corner of Farnatn and Fifteenth streets
wern tested Tuesday and found to bo all
O.K. .
Charlea Hello was the fortunate man who
drew the gold watch and chain at the rallle
which was held Monday for the benefit of
. Mnllettc.
A. gang of men and teams nro breaking
ground on Capitol avenue , bstweon iTittoenth
nnd Fourteenth , for the much-talked-of ex
position building.
The boat club will begin work , It ia ex
pected , on the now boat house , which it to bo
located near Sulphur Sprinpa. Seven boats
ha\o boon already ordered ,
Marriage licenses wore issued Tuesday
to Jacob K. , Hill and Alien M. Timperly ,
Louis J. Hedd and Mabel M. King ; Wra. S.
1'lood and Nellie Filzmorris ,
Mr. Jcromo 1'ontzel has had aomo very
handsome pictures taken of "Kono , " the fire
men's pet. The likeness Is extraordinarily
good , and ICeuu appears to the beat advan
Mr. J. K. Ilyther , a grain buyer for a
Minneapolis and Sioux City firm , was
drowned Sunday while bathing in Logan
creek , near Wakofield , Nob. Up to a late
hour last night his body hd not boon recov
ered ,
In the United States court Tuesday ,
John L , WebaterwAsnppointed guirdlan ad-
litem for Margaret , John nnd William , the
children of Mrs. Taylor who wai hung by the
mob In Clay county a few months ago.
The ladiea of the LuUioran church wilt
hold an Ice cream and strawberry festival at
their church , corner of Sixteenth and Ilarnoy
streets this ovamnR , The public are
cordially invited.
Carl Dolfa , who was Injured by being
struck with a moving car , at Ilia U. P. depot
last Friday evening , ia still in a very bad
condition. The doctor attending him thinks
that his chancoj for recovery are very doubt
Mrs. J. J. Dlckoy gave a very pleasant
afternoon tea party at five o'clock Tuesday
which was attended by a number of invited
friends , among whom wcro Mrs. Col. Henry ,
Mrs. Coftman , Mrs. Bmco , Mrs , llingwalt ,
Mrs. Broatch , Mrs , Mayer.
Persons residing near Victor Park , in the
western part of the city , complain of drunken
brawls and dances at that park Sunday oven-
inga , making the night hideous with their
noise , and threaten to complain to the proper
authorities if the racket is repeated another
Sunday evoting.
The proverbial small boy of Omaha is
having trouble. His youthful pranks greatly
annoy many citizens , and nine of him were ar
raigned before Judge Stenberg Tneiday to
answer various charges of aggravating con
duct , The only punishment , however , was a
Bovoro lecture and positive warning to bo care
ful hereafter.
' 'I think I'll ' just about arrest some of
these loafers who make a habit of hanging
about the police court during the morning
Beaalon , " snid Marshal Oummings yesterday
"They are nearly all of j them vagrants
without anything ; to do. You BOO the same
men every morning. Yea I think I'll pun
ish some of them the next chance I get. " The
polica court loungers had better beware
lest they may become seriously Interested in
one of the early sessions of Judge Stenberg's
[ Hon. E. M. Bartlett returned Tuesday
from Fremont where , during the past few
days , as counsel tor plaintiff , he has been
arguing before Judge Post the motion of
the defendant for a new trial in the case of
Hollmnn et al. va. the she riff of Saunders
county. Yesterday Mr Hartlott received notice
that the motion for now trla had been over
ruled. This has been a hotly contested case ,
and Mr. Dartlott is entitled to great credit as
having scored a brilliant victory.
A committee of Douglas county teachers
has been appointed to select a new text book
which shall treat of the effects of alcoholic
nnd tobacco stimulants upon tbo human sys
tem , in accordant with the re
cently passed law. The body
la composed of Euperlntondont Charles
Brnaer , Frank Whltmoro , of Valley ,
Henry Eiclio , Oaraton Rohmer , of Millard ,
Henry Dtmkor , of Elkhorn , and E. Pol-
don and Dr. Harvy Link , of Omaha.
Monday last a houso-p&inter by the nome
of Jorgcson , let two boys rob him of his gold
watch , but ho failed to report the theft until
Tuesday ovoning..It eoems that the two little
ecoundroh met Jorgcsou on Douqlas , carrying
three or four cans of pilnt , and they volun
teered to assist him , Arriving at the end of
lita journey , on Nineteenth street , they asked
him the time of day , and whan ho took his
watch out , one of tham grabbed It , nnd both
disappeared Instantly ,
About 53) Tuesda evening Coroner D excl
was summoned by telephone to the water
works , in the vicinity of which a dead babe
had been found burled. When he pot to the
destination he found a policeman standing
over a wretched looking man who it seems
hai just completed the work cf burying the
child. The coroner at ones investigated the
affair ami found that he could not have been
guilty of murder , for the child had never
lived. The man explained that ho could not
affoid to give the child infhiit a regular burial
nnd took this inaans'of disposing of the body.
Ho was relca od and the infant romaiai , wore
bunoi lu the potter'u field to-day.
City Engineer Hosewater hai Mibraitted
plans for the proposed market house. Th ?
plans provide for Its location on Capital ave-
mia between Twelfth and Thirteenth streets.
The building la to be constructed of btick and
in dimensions will be thirty-nix feet wide by
onehuudreJ and sixty-six long and situated in
the center of that thoroughfare , Its height
will be one story and it will have forty stalls
which will be in dimensions eight feet by
tweUe , Owing to Its being located In the
center of the avenue it will be necessary to
change the curb line from twenty-four to
eleven feet from the turb line , The estimated
cost of the structure is § 1,609. The amount
intended to bo appropriated by the couccll is
Smolio Seal of Worth Carolina To
Flowers , Music aid Essays al BoyH's '
Opsra House ,
What the I'Alr Graduates Xhlnk or
"Frill * , " and "Stnroli , " and
" The Diplomas
A very tnteresling programme entertained -
tainod an Imrnoiso andienco at Boyd'a
opera honeo Inat evening , it being the
coavmoncement ozoro'aoo of iirownoll
hall , and was presented ns follows :
Chorui Commencement March. . . .
Uciner Bartlett
Piano duet-Overture "Jubel" Weber
Misses Burgess and Drake.
Sone "Sunset" Dudley Buck
Miss Stella North.
Miss Daisy Ileeso.
Piano solo Impromptu No. 1 ( Op. 20) )
Mies Emma Fried
Vocal duot-"Oh , Beautiful Violet"
, lloinecko
Misses Daisy Korea an J Btolla North.
Piano Bolo ' 'Invitation to the Valso" . . Weber
Mus May Crawford ,
Essay "Starch is the Man"
Miss Hattlo Drew ,
Song-"ThoErlKing" Schubert
Mils Daisy Ileoao.
Piano solo "Polka do Concert" . . . .
Homer Bartlett
Miss Foda Oastoller.
Valedictory "Mirapo"
Miss Leila Shears.
" " W.
Trio-"Majbells" Bargiol
Misses Itoeso , CAsteller and North.
Piano duet "Midsummer Night's
Dream" Mendelssohn
Misses Castoller and Maynard.
The graduates of the school are Mios
Leila Shears , Miss Daisy llooao nnd Miss
Hattie Drew , who form a trio of very
charming , graceful and accomplished
young ladles. Seated In the center of
the fitago , front , wearing dcosaoa of pure
whlto , and largo bouqaota of flowers ,
with their teachers nnd other sshollara of
the school seated around and about them
the sccno presented iras moat delightful
and charming.
The opening chorna was rendered in a
fine burst of melody , so pleasing and
pretty that It put everybody In just the
right hnmar to thoroughly enjoy all that
followed after.
The piano effort of Miaa Lnln Bnrgoaa
and Mlaa Kato Drake waa very fine and
elicited n splendid recognition from the
After these musical eolections Mlea
Dilaey Roeeo , a handsome and bright-
faced young lady stopped down to the
footlights , and in clear tones that could
bo hoard all over the house , read her
essay , a vorv " excellently written docu
ment on tho" subject of "Frills. " "On
hearing the word , " she said , "our mind
naturally tnrna to a dross-making estab
lishment , and a painful array of cad-eyed
sewing glrla flash before our mental vis-
Ion. What ondleaa toll and weary ,
monotonous ttUchlng are represented by
the yards of frilling which adorn the gar
ments of some fashionable beauty ;
but little does she rack of
the aching shoulders , burning
eyes and weary head of the poor creatures
who contribute to her adornment. Frills
In pait ages were not confined to the
weaker sex. Oar fathers plead guilty of
many little vanities in their youth which
the stern decree of fashion has now put
out of their reach , and with an evident
regret for the palmy dajo of yore , when
a gentleman conld appear In all the glory
of lace rnllles end diamond buckles.
However , a milled gentleman seems
rather a thing to bo avoided. Oar pres
ent application of the word frills , however -
over , has no reference ta the outer garb
of either the gentler or sterner sexes.
Frills and rufllea are Intended for adorn
ment , and vfo may apply the term to
those Inato graces which do so much to
wards softening the rough outlines of
many a character. The social gracoa
were placed on the head of the list and
what a atlng la removed from the thorns
of life by the humanizing , genial influ
ence of a beautiful manner. How many
a weary heart has been cheered by kind ,
considerate words , dropped like balm on
its aching wounds and still more often
by the sympathetic , tender manner
which , accompanies the words. Lot us
gain aa many frills aa wo cheese of this
description. Oar spiritual garment can
bear them all , Tact Is another grace
which may bo well added to our stock of
frills. Wo do not always realize how ab
solutely nnboarablo the world -would bo
If every ono were utterly destitute of
that virtue , for it Is a virtue , and prevents -
vents moid soroncEB of spirit , more col
lision of temper , and moro unpleas
ant results than any other qual
ity under the sun. " In closing
her excellent essay , the fair graduate
said , "You may do much towards beauti
fying an originally displeasing character ,
and give a glorious example of the good
and charming effects of properly applied
frills. " Mies Reese's effort was highly
appreciated , and at Its close she was the
recipient of several largo and lovely
floral offerings.
The fifth number , an Inpromptu piano
selection famished Miss Emma Frold ,
a handsome brnnott lady , with dark eyes
and blight face , an excellent opportuni
ty to display her skill on that instrument.
Mies Frlod's style ia graceful and oaay ,
conveying confidence to everything she
undertakes , therefero her per
formance created a splendid
Impression on the audience and elicited a
hearty round of applause. She bandies
the Ivory like ono whoso training and in
struction has been carefnlly attended to ,
and showed her aptitude as a pupil.
The vocal duet , "Oh beautiful violet , "
by Hisses Daisy Reese and Stella North ,
was honored with the firat encore of the
evening. These two young ladles poa-
cess very charming voice ? , and in the
selection rendered , tbo fineat kind of an
opportunity was afforded for depth , vol-
nine , compas and melody. They kindly
responded to the oncoio with a second
"Invitation by to the valso , " Miss May
Crawford , was one of the most enjoyable
of 1 ho musical features of the evening.
Not only the difficult muslo Itself , requir
ing extraordinary skill and effort to suc
cessfully bring forth its beauty and
chirm , but the great oarnestnoasaess of
the young lady , called for the lieartlett
ot recognition from her friends.
was a very creditable paper , original in
its production , by Mlea Hattlo Drew.
The yoang lady oirned her honors well ,
and bore away many very handsome
bouquets of flowers. The substance of
her essay Is tint , "Our first thought in
regard to itarch is its appearance &nd uao
in everyday llfo. What a patent
influence ' it sways ; what a
universal iceptor It wields from the
prluoa in his palace to tbo poor laborer
who on the Sabbath appears in all the
glory of a clean and highly stiffened
Ufa in ; what an Immense amount of
d'gnlty ' is Impaited to the moat InetgniQ-
oint individual , by a rigidly starched
collar which compels him to hold hls head
up and assert his Identity. The phil
osophy which teaches tia that a man Is to
ba estimated by tha sot of his collar has
moro In It than may at first boimagined , "
Miss Draw argued her subject ou the
illustrative idea , using starch with which
to compare the oharaotcra of men , and it
waa a very cleverly written document.
The vocal aolo effort of Miss Daisy
RBOSO , 'The Erl King , " which followed
the "Satchy Man , " waa given In good
tlmo and fine voice.
The Polka do Oancorl , from Ilomor
Bartlett , a piano solo , by Miss Fodn Gas-
tottof.ollclted the greatest onthn if nm and
WM ] mo.t v'&oramly applaud djfcthan
any other number on the programe. Miss
Castottor'a execution is very fine , tlmo ex
cellent , and her artistic skill equal to if
not vastly superior to many professionals
who have boon heard from the same seats
occupied by these who filled the opera
house lalt night ,
Miss Leila Shears was honored with
the privilege of delivering the valedictory ,
and she had selected for her subject
"Mirage. " Mlas Shears' paper was ono
worthy the pen of a much older and
moro experienced mind than hers. Quot
ing from the document , some of her ex
pressions are given below. "Imagine
yourself , " she said , "transformed with
mo into the Soudan , nnd there lot us
join the caravan that wo see winding its
way slowly along the sandy trail , " then
aho spoke of the miles with nothing but
burning sun and scorching sand , and
what suffering , but the great rejoicing
that would follow at seeing green fields
and bright foliage , giving this as
an Illustration of our struggles for
knowledge and a place among
the intelligent people of the nation. But
the picture of fields and flowers aeon at a
distance provo to bo only a mirage , and
the weary wanderer la compelled to
travel on and on , with hopes blasted and
ambition broken. How man lives can
bo compared to the Soudan travelers.
The young girl just ontoiing eosloty sees
baforo her a delightful vista. Gaiety
and careless happlnesi like sparkling
water , and admiration and devotion like
welcome shade. She docs not know
that such water will not
quench thirst , and these trees
will offer no lasting shield. She hurries
on only to have the mlrogo disappear ,
making her way over the burning sand
moro toilsome than before. The journey
those graduates now begin leading acroai
the boundary of youth into the wider
spheres of action and llfo were dwelt
upon at length and most eloquently
Tender and appropriate reference iras
made to the teachers and the love borne
them by all their sshollars , for their uni
versal kindness and solicitude. Miss
Sheare's , floral gifts were numerous ,
elaborate and very beautiful.
The trio , "Maybella , " in which were
heard the sweet and musical voices of
Misses Ileeso , Castottar and North , was
well received , but not moro so than the
piano duet , "Midsummer Night's
Dream , " performed by Misses Flora
CastotUr and Maria Maynard. Theto
young ladles are very clever artists on
the piano , and they enjoyed the satis
faction of knowing that their effort , was
greatly enjoyed by the audience.
The musical part of the programme
being closed , then came the award of
medals and prizes. They wore given out
by Rector Dougherty and the vice-prin
cipal , Mis ] Lyman , as follows.
Collegiate medal , Lulu Shears.
Clnrkson medal , for deportment , Bessie
B. Yates.
Primary scholarship medal , Mlas
Alllva M. Pelle.
Mlllspaugh medal , for English litera
ture , Florence A. Yates.
Rector's medal , In art , Hattlo Drew , o
Slonx City.
Dinsmoro medal , philosophy , Mlaa
Belle Bushworth , of North Platte.
Meyer modal , in music , Mlsa Foda
Oastetter , of Blair.
Woodward prize , higher mathematics ,
Mies Charlotte E. Crawford , of West
ObasQ prize , rhetoric , Miss Kate
Patterson prize , on composition , Miss
Annie Dake , of Carpenter , Illinois.
Kountze , prize , on language , Mils Ida
WIggenhorn , of Ashland.
Dundy , prize , on music , Miss May
Crawford , of West Point.
Yates , prize , on grammar , Mlaa Corne
lia Thomas , of Falls City.
Second Yatoi prize , Oirlotta Djwnoa.
Hawkins , first prize on writing , Clark o
Second on arithmetic , Jennie Yatos.
Then followed the distribution of diplo
mas to the graduates by Bishop "Worth-
ington , and the benediction was pro
The students all acquitted themselves
to the entire satisfaction of their parents
and friends , who wore there to encourage
Mita Armstrong , who has ohargo of the
musical department at Brownoll hall ,
assisted in the exercises , and a line of
praise is duo L , P. Funkhonsor for the
neat manner in which ho carried up and
presented the flowers.
Heal Estate Transfer * .
The following transfers were filed Jnno
1C , with the county clerk and reported
for the BEE by Amos' real estate agency :
Jefferson W. Bedford and wife and
others to Richard Wilde , n 100 feet o.
lot 2 bit 7 , Kirkwood add to Omah < " , '
d , $1,200.
Philip Oascady and wife to Isaac S
Hatcall and others , 21 ] acres ne ] of sw
| see 3,14 , 13 ! E Douglas county w d ,
§ 3,150.
0. Knntson and wife to Carolina S.
Knhn , w A of lot 2 blk 7 , Reed's first
add to Omaha , w d , $1,300.
Sam E. Rogers and wife io Matthew
Schneider , part of lot 2 blk 0 , Improve
ment association add to Omaha , w d , § 00.
Sam E Rogers and wife to Otto Lange
and John Foitick , 95 feet o end of nJ Jof
lots 1 and 2 blk 0 , Improvement associa
tion add to Omaha , w d , $725.
Chicago , St. Paul , Minneapolis A
Omaha R R. Oo. to Eliziboth A. Bird
and husbind , so of no | sec 12 , 10 , 12 ,
E Douglas county , q o , 81.00.
Charles W. Porter to S. I. Peterson ,
lot 41 , Nelson's add to Omaha , w d ,
? 840.
_ _ _ _ _ _
Fine Fixtures.
Nothing adds eo much to the beauty
of an office as the elegant fixtures which
adorn it. Some of thn finest fixtures for
banks drug utoreH , saloons , eto , were
scon yesterday at the establishment of
the B'rnnsirlck , Balke , Collender Co , ,
609 8. 10th St. , which are manufactured
and ready for anlpmout in all the natur
al colors of wocd and at all prices. Mr.
John Oocbstrasior , the manager of the
company's interest at this print , Is the
general weatern ogent f those goods
and ills guarantee , as well cs that of the
company , that these are the best and
finest goods of the very latest designs ,
at thelowest , prices , ia sufficient recom |
mend for their tale. Parties desiring
any of these good * , or billiard and pool
tables , or billiard material will do well to
oxamtno their goods and prices befpte
buying elsewhere. ,
TteDflDghsCflnDlyHorlicnllnral Soci
ety's ' Exhibition ,
A Very Creditable Showing of Flowers
And Flnnts and Fruits.
At the skUing rink on Cipllal avenue
ia now to bo witnecaoi a very lovely and
Interesting scene. There la where the
Douglas county horticultural society , an
organization which has boon In existence
about two years and a half , opened last
evening its first annual display of flowers
planta and fruits. Aa a beginning the
display IB much moro creditable than
those moat directly interested could rea
sonably have hoped for.
The officers of the society are :
A , Donaghue , president.
John Evans , vlco president ,
W. R. Adams , secretary.
John Simmons , treasurer.
Executive committee E. 0. Erfilng ,
E. L. Emory and John T. Boll.
Mr. Charles J. Ryan , a very cfliciont
and courteous gentleman for the position ,
ha > been appointed to aot as superin
tendent during the exhibition. A good
band was present last evening and fur
nished excellent music for the occasion.
The exhibitors whc have displays in the
hall , or had up to a late hour last night ,
together with the quality and quantity
ot their showing , are aa follows :
Mr. A , Dontghuo has a very largo and
fine showing of fuchlaa , begonias , orange
plants , ( ono bearing fruit ) , roses , palms ,
aloea , century plants , and an ondleaa va
riety of small planta
J. Y. Craig hai a splendid display of
geraniums , in blossom ; yuccas , cactus ,
and a very fine specimen of the variegat
ed century plant.
E. 0. Kriliug shows a handsome collec
tion of cactuses , fnclus , rcsoa , begonias ,
and various other varieties , such as lilies ,
Hago palms , ferns , bana plants and
date palm ; ) .
Herman Konnlza has a display similar
in extent and variety to that of Mr.
Tto largest and finest collection , how
ever , is that over which Mr. William R.
Shotbolt presides. His specimens In
clude all varlotiea cf palms and ferns and
flowers , and ia worth going to ace.
Thorp are other exhibitors who are ex
pected in to-day , and when the space has
all boon filled the society will have
every reason to feel proud of its exposi
The largo hall , which ia well adapted
to such purposes , is nicely deco
rated ; the olcctrio lights shed an enchant
ing lustra o'er the Bceno , and cages of
singing birds odd greatly to the pleasure
and attractablllty of tbo placo. It Is
hoped that the peop'o of Omaha will give
the enterprise their patronage.
Messrs. Day & Taylor , and Mr. Raymond
mend have an extensive and very fine dis
play of strawberries.
In Mr. Erflings display is a night
blooming B erics , that burst forth last
evemlng in all its beauty and glory.
The Work of the "Womon'a Christian
Temperance Union In Omaha
Past and Present.
The women's Christian temperance
union of Omaha , haa been organized
about eight years. It has seen many
dark days between that date and this ,
owing to limited members and financial
embarrassment. Daring the winter of
1881 a very interesting series of tem
perance meetings were held ono evening
in the week at the Tenth street mission.
Short addresses by a pastor or bualncss
men , with singing and recitations , mad
the entertainments very profitable and
pleasant. A temperance pledge waa
always handy , thouch no urging was al
lowed , and a large number signed the
pledge , one convert bolnc now a very
actl vo member in ono of our churches \
From the winter of 1881 until 1884
the union kept up a weekly prayer mootIng -
Ing , and feel that their prosperous con
dition at present ia the answer to their
prayers , as their number is still small.
In April , 1884 , the present lunch room
on Fifteenth street was opened with a
donation reception , the receipts of the
evening paying the first month's rent.
From the first the lunch room has cov
ered all expenses , with a little over ,
which is used in different kinds of temper
ance work. In February of this year the
Union enlarged their headquarters by
renting the room above the lunch rooma ,
where they have a pleasant front room
for their weekly prayec meeting ; the
band of hope , the Indian association and
a gentlemen's temperance ledge , hold
meetings there alao. Their branch house
Is at the Buckingham , whore they hope
to do a good work In furnishing a homelike -
like resort for young men. The reading
room will be inviting and the lunch cheap
and wholojomb. The purpose Is to have
a mission Sunday school and religious
services on Sunday , and lectures or en
tertainments as often aa their means
JlrandifidTBrtl eda &liout ! lrrnr
Flacaaeantcpdownon a liot ttovo until heated , tb
rtmore tbeoorurand smell. A chemist will uol ot ro-
qolrt d to detect the preienco ot ammonia.
m liKil.Tllrl.UES3 IUS NEVER B .t ( JtESTlOTTO.
In a million homes tor m. quarter or a century It till
ItOQd the consumers' reliable test ,
Br , Price's ' Special Flavoring Extracts ,
ThOktronfettitaoitiltllcloui R&dntlsrtlBitMT keowa.ud
N Price's lupolln Yeast Gems
For Light , Health ; Dread , The Beat Prr Uop
yea.Ua tbe
j ST
will allow. Tho/ hope Oai&ha'a cltlzsna
will appreciate their labors and help
them in every w y to connlotact the
baneful atmoephcro that haa poisoned
tbo minds and souls of hundreds of our
young men. They hftvo been told by
newspaper reportota and others that no
respectable person could oven imagine
the depth of degradation that waa nightly
exhibited within these walla.
There are thrta organizations among
the children of the city called Bands of
Hope , total membership 280. The
\V. 0. T. U. all over the world observes
Floral Pay once a year , tthen bonqnots
with sciipturo texta attached are given
to Inmates of hcspttth , jiila and asy >
In mi.
The lunch room at the Buckingham is
now open for gneet ; . Give the ladies
help by patronizing their effort ] to bo
self-supporting. They have boon at an
expense of over $500 in refitting the
Buckingham. Money donations will
cheer their licartr , and they certainly
dcsorvo your help ,
Many cosmetics for the oomploxion
have from tlmo to titna boon upon the
market. But none have stood the test
as has Pozzont's medicated complo ion
powder. It Is an absolute curative for
blotches , discoloration , freckles , etc. For
sale by druggists.
Knllwny MattcrH ,
111 a reception speech at Portland , the
other day , Charles Francis Adhms , presi
dent of the Union Pacific railway compa
ny , ia reported as saying , that it is no
part of the policy of tbo Union Pacific , as
ow managed , to seek to build up Port
land , or Omaha , or Salt Lake , or 0den ,
or Kansas City. Its policy la to leave
those cltlea to build themselves up , fully
believing that If loft to tholr own devices ,
under the working of even-handed justice
in transportation , cDuld that once bo se
cured , they will build themselves up
raorj effectually than under any artificial
A fosoS ytey ! Pwre.
Ttila powner Dover voiles. A marvel ot purely
strength and wholcaomencss. More economical than
the ordinary ktnds , nd cannot be Bold In competi
tion with the multitude ol low test , ebort weight
alum of phyaphrto powdora. Bold only In cana
OVER 400,000 am. IN USE.
l'.nntfnt ICldlntr Vehicle mnilc. Hides as easy
with one parson w two JThe S | > rhis : Iciutllirti ana
Hliort CM according to the n eight they carry. Equally
well mlniittil to rmifjli country rondi nnd
flnc driven of citiua. Aliiiiiirnrtiirvd mill Mold by
all leading t/'iirrliiec ItnilcterN uiiil Honlcm.
"Pure water should be available at
all timesi but this is especially necessary
in warm weather ? Lancet.
Of alt Grecers , Drti gislt , & flfin. Wat. Dealers.
TO coMRtcioHS Waterloo , Nob. , Juno 6
NOTicK tor the erection of a uhool building nt
WaterlJo , Douglas couiilj , Neb , will ho receleved by
the unders pncd at his olllco at Waterloo , en or before -
fore Juno 22d at th'co p. m. , Plans and epecIOca-
tionBOin ho seen at thoofllco of Uciny Vos ? , archi
tect , Omtha , or G zctt Vfllco In Waterloo after
Juno 12 Hlght la reiorveil tt reject ai'j or all bldS.
W. II. Clark , director sbool d stilct Mo , 11.
July )7-18
ETAIK FAIR , ISfcj , Lisc < .L.NPep , 11-18 Inclualre ,
I'resldcnt'd OUloi , Suiton , Neb. ; 1
Scaled prnpoBtli 'cr the leasing of the booth rrlv-
llegcs upon tba ground ] cf the Hel raska State Fair ,
to bo iidd at Line Ia , Nbrn'ko , Srptcinbcr llth to
18th'nclutlre ' , will hd recchcd uutli 0 o'clock p. m , ,
Ju y4tli , 165.
I'ropotaUto bo lor the exclusho toilli prtvllezes.
l9 > for booth prhlegea txceptlng dlnbg balls
where arm meala re cr oJ. The board of mam-
ccrs reserve the rlgVt to except from aald kaio cot
to exceed Jo jr booth ttinds to be dUpocd of at their
Ono half of the prlna bid ti accomp : ny each bid ,
the balance to 1 c paid before 0 o'clock a , m. , goptem
bsr llth , U85. Tl o ilRht If teiovcd f > lojcct any or
oil LIJJ. BiJs to bo addrcfscii J , II , IMnsinoro ,
Sutton , Neb. , ana cnloieej "proposala for leasing
booth privileges Nenraaka State Fair , 1885 , " Funds
accompinymf rejected bid ) returned on Ictllcgof
coutract. J. B UINSMOIIE ,
Free. Neb. State Board of Agriculture
Button , Neb. , May 28 1835. jl-3.8-10-lG-17.20
I'remntiiro Tlcclliio from orrora or MCCSSPS ,
TiONt I'nwer , Diseases of the H liliirys. Hind *
. . . .
riCOCI'nu'ini-'U > nuumuii-.J. * * - " - -
tlmorilalsfrri' . All eorroapoinlcneo confidential.
d6 West 14th Street. NEW YORK.
The largest Medical Ipatltuto Weat of
MlsBlaalppI River.
? Iftjr rooms for the ncromodatlon of r&llenti. Tha
i'hyslclan untl hurgeon In chnrcu vt thu luktltuto haa
nad eliticn jlovjor sucroesful Macllcvunil li allied
by asblstonta'cf rure"rxpcricnc'o 0. &
their vailoundepartmtnti.
WBITC > ouGtncui.Aiioi ! Deformities sod Urares , T SKig
KiOftto K-i , nlui , Tumom , Cancers , ( ' Itrrh , llronctx-
Us , Inhalation , Hictrlcllr , r.ralj.U , EiUf | s , Kldoc ) ,
Kt. ar.Skln anil Wood IlWws Urltnfor
on 1'KintK. Srtcui. auJ Mturai'i rlieaics , binlm !
VeaknesH , tipermatorrucva , BrphtlU , Qleei , Hirlcltire.Yarl.
cocelv and all diseases eftlia V'loarr and goiusl
. '
Uaulclneiseat by null or vipreit ulthoiu marks 10 luJl-
cilo content ! or uuder. Adr all Ivtlun 10
Sixteenth Street Directory.
Finest B ltcUoni of
Merchant Tailor ,
Kth and Datenport Els.
Catorora ,
' OenU'
And Ladlei' and
leittslraitM. & ( Mctloimy
Bpoctal attention glTen to
y mlll s , I'Mtlei , Wed-
dlngt , Dances , ricnlcn , JLe.
Cor.Ulhind Cipllol ve.
F. M. Schadell fa Co. ,
213 N. 16th St. ,
Ltfltro and Kensington
taught nt OOc. n I.c on.
The Complete Course
Uoght for $200. 1'slnji
fre to practlcejwlill *
learning , Also cleaning
of real and Imitation laces
Cleaning of lace curtains
upeclttlty. The best work
ai rouonable price * .
Mrs , T , E. McNally ,
BcsniiAM's DLOcr ,
1833 BoURlai Street ,
Corner Sixteenth.
Dr , Hauglmwout ,
211 S. 15th
Teeth without plate. Gold
Crowns and Gold Plate
Work a Specialty ,
at Reasonable Kates
Leslie & Worrell ,
Central Pharmacy ,
Prescription * n Specially ,
Soiln nnil Mineral
3.W. Cor. 10th A DoJgeSVs.
VKWIMO , Esukwiixo ,
nnil Copying JIoiuc.
703-704 N. Irtth Ot.
Flrst-Cl Work done In
the latent styles ol the art
Flulshcil In Iritis * Ink or
Crayon , na dctlrvd.
Practice limited to
SuperflousHnlr HomotoJ
Crounio lllnclt ,
ICth St. Room K.
Fancy Goods ,
Cnotmx BLOCK ,
110 No. 10th Street.
Also , First-Class Dress
making. General Agent
for NebrnsVn for the Acme
TnllorSjstcm of Culling
The Old llellablo
,0ialia , Employment Bureau ,
217 N. IGth St. ,
Are always ready to fill
orders promptly for help ,
and girls can always Qua
seed situations by apply-
luc :
In connection wllh the
( stabllshment , wo keep a
fins stock of Stationery
land News matter , F&shlon
Hooks ,
Dealer In I'ancy Goods.
Art Noccllo Work
Taught and Executed.
Indelible Slaroplnz B Spe
cialty. Mnlerlftls for
Fancy Work.
310 > 'o. IGlh Street ,
Oteoralen.Piptr Htngeri
Etc. , Etc.
Hn miinz a Jpiclaiti ,
Xo , 511 North 10th St ,
Central Dining Hall
101 Bnth ISth Sis.
Mc l Tlckols , 94.00.
BlcitU at all Honro.
10th and Cnmlufr ,
I ths place to buy your
Meat cheap for Cash , do-
llvorol to any part of the
city. Meats of all Tarlctles
cheaper hero than at any
other market.
E. A. MAKSU , Prop ,
Dr. LANE ,
( n.B.c.5 r , iit.Q.c.r.r.t.u. , ]
Flyslclaa eti
OQce ,
BcsintAH'3 BLOCK ,
Sixteenth & Douglas Sis.
! 34N.lCthSt ,
Cor. 10th and CU ago.
Prompt attention given
to Prescriptions.
Publishing Company ,
J17 M. 10th St.
Second-hand School Bok >
Fln Stationery ,
nelljtocu GUI Boob.
Scydcl & AhlquUt ,
Dealera U
Jewel Stovei and
Crowi lewil Tacoi JtiTH ,
N.W. Cor. ICth
and California SlrwU.
llcforo Itnylne Eli-
nliora , lUmembtr
Milliners and
Dress Makers ,
am N ,
J. L. ROY & CO ,
ffatcliniiaCH ut lewUd ,
Bllrarware , Moatfttl
Instrument * ,
WntchoB , Clocks ,
and Jewelry.
Watches Repaired mt
Cleaned nd work QV ;
untood for One Year. OW
Jewclrr repaired A raadfl "
over to suit. Tin * Qol * \
and Sllior Coloring.
007 N. lOUi fit.
MJ.O'Ronrle.HsD. ' .
Cor. Iflth. A
13th A Contre SS-t ,
South Omaha.
Dlustrtied Catalogn * eft
Kleotrlclty , 1/rce.
Wolfe & Co.
1. W. .
oTi In
Ehctrical Supplies
Qtctrlo Belb , Annnnel * .
tors , Burglar Alarms , Med
ical Datterlts , Xelccrafb
Apparatus , ie. ,
800 IClla St. , North.
1409 and 1411 Douglas } Omaha Nebraska
Eel ho 1m & Ericksoii * l
Steinway , Weber and Habit's
'ackard ' Orchestral Organs.
Fdholm < fe Erieksoii
Corner 16th anil Doilpo. Opp. PostoHifio.
Mtnufacturtni ol Ornamental
. , . ,
Pormtr Wlndowi , Window Capi UetillloB'iy.IJhts to. Tin Iron and il&ti Rooferi ,