* . H THJfi DAILY BKE THURSDAY , JUNE 18 , 1885. Narrow Kscnpo RocimtKR. June 1 , J8SJ. "Ten Yew * RO I M attached wilh the mitt InUnMMHldeittly palm In mr back and Kidney * . "Extending to iho end oftny teen and to my brainl "Which made mo delirious ! From agony 111 "It took three men to hold mo on my bed at timptl "Tho Doctors ttlod In vain to rolioro me , but to no purpose. Morphine and other opiatcsl "Had no cffocll "Aftor two months I waa nlvon up to my wlfo heard n neighbor toll wh\t Hop Bitters had done for her , aho atoncegot and gave mo some. The first doao cneed my brain and Boomed to go hunting through my system for iho pa'n. ' The fccon.l dMo cased mo so ranch tint I lcpl two bourn , BomettilnK 1 li il not done for two inonthi Before I hid used flro bottles , I was will nod at work nshtrdiFi nnym&n could , ( oro\cr thrco weeks , Imt I worked lee h ird ( or my strength , and liking a hard cold ; I M S taken with lliomo-tnciito nml paln- ulrhcumatlsm all torcugh my j tcm tint o\cr was known. "I Mllcd Iho doctors ftfr ln , rind niter neural wcoky thoylcftmon crlpploon crutchoi for life , ns thco said. 1 mot a friend ml told him my case , and hs nald II op Hitters h d cured him nul would euro me. I poohod atlilm , but hovMSBocirncst 1 wag Induced llo uio thorn aoln. Ml In less th n four weeks 1 threw away my crutches Anil wen to w ork lightly and kept on using the Utters brfHowcok" . until I became as ell Many nun 1U- ng , and Im o been no for six j e r since. It haa aho cured my wifewhohnd boon alck for years , and haa kept her and my children well and healthy with from two to throe bottloa per year. There is no need to ba nick at nil If these bitters are uaod , J. J. BEUK. Ex-Supervisor. "That poor invalid wlfojSlstor. Mother , "Ourdoughtcrllll "Can bo made the picture of healthl "With a fow.bottloi of Hop Blttcrsl "Will yon lot them Bufferlllt" Prosecute Iho Swlndlorslll If when you call for Hop Bittera ( see cluster of Hops on the white l bel ) tlio drug- pt t handn out any stuff called 0. 1) . Warner's Gorman Hop BHtera or with other "Hop" name , refuse it and shun that druggist as you would n viper ; and if ho has taken your money for the stuff , indict him for the fraud and sue him for dnmngcs for tlio swindle , nnd wo wit reward you liberally for the ocnviitlon. THE BEST THING OUT FOR Washing & Bleaching In Hard or Soft , Hot or Cold Water. 8AVK8 LABOR , TIIIK and SOAP AMAZI.SOLV , anil gives nnlrorsalsatlsf&ctlou. No family rich or poor should bo without It. Sold by all proccrf. BKIVARR of Imitations well Jo tlgnol to mislead. rxAiuivK Is tbe ONLY BAFR labor ( laving compound and always bears the abo\o eym bclnnJ mtmo ot t JAMES PYLE NEW YORK. JgUar EH JBH MM DSmmaiWU AflCTrcllenl pflUInjtton ! cf rrolilta fl Tor. uowtiiel ortr OlM ficUwotlJ , tnt i PyijjH.JJIi'lna : * ! > ec nul Ainwi , ftnltvll Wwn-aof ctnjnUrWl , A li yonr rroce or drar fit for lia Epufiia * , U jumafMlandby DlC J. Q , a SILOnil'i SO.VS. , w. wupmttAtm , oi r. Hnttctter's Stem nch Blttcrioooqacr ! and jiroicnti ) mail- rialover * , djjpoc- sla , clironlo conatl- pitloii , n tendency to kldnoy and bl Ad der Mimcnta and rheumatlgm , and la In rases of bodily troubleartalntrfiom \\cabnc33. Old poo- rbaicprcatlyaldoj Lylr.anrlitlahUhly fcrvlsuablo to con- valoaconts and ladloi In delicate health. Ic If , mcro < ncr , aiifcful med- Icluo to ttko w th ono on loni ; Jour- 6. un t o acts the uHocti i f mental exhaustion. For ealo by all UrupKisU ar.il doilora generally. H.W.WETHERELL 185 nnd 187 Woba h Avonuu , ItAMFACTVlinllor Hair Cloth and Wi'ro Bustles. Hoop Skirts , Hair Cloth Skirts , f BLACK AND TW cut rcprc cnta Ti tttimtry. the iHO t popula combination ot llustlo ana Hoop hhlrt over made. A lady wbo has worn ono will n e vearmiy other ttylc. Each SUlrt l Btampod iw > n V1,0 liandl 1'ittotril laot ! ! 1 , 1811 No. 110,411. tSrAnyonoeeP fe mo Vtylo or btf ot ' Humped , will bo ilpalt wit . HAIR'S ASTHMA CURE ' Thli Invalunble ineolfla revljly and perminently cureitlllilndiolAgthma. The Pioit otntloato nJ IODK itundlng c * e i lold promptly to Ita wondorfu cuilnK propertloa. It la keown throughout the work for tti unrlvAled cmcocy. J. L OAtDWELU city tlncoln , Neb ; write ) , Jan It , 18SL B no uiloe Dr. Ililr's Asthm * cure , foi more tb a ono ycr , tny wile hu been ontlitly well. and not urea & ) mptem of the dljcieohai ppr red. WILLIAM DENNETT , Ulchland , IowmwrllD Kov , M. 1883. Ihivo been afflicted with Ilay Fever km' Aithmk slnoo IBM. I followed your directions an am htptiy to lay that I never ilrpt Utter la my life. I am glad that I am among tbo many who can ipeaf 10 favorably of your remedies. A Taluablo M ptga trratlieoontalnlDCitailUiproo from ttery Btato In the U , B , Cantla and Grey liiltaln ; will be mailed upon application. Any dninirtii not ht\ln { It In itock will procured to order. Aak for Pr. Ilalr I Attbma Cure. DIC a W HAllliSON. rroo'aCln'tl. O. PENNYROYAL PILLS "CHICHESTER'S ENGLISH. Tlio OrlKiii" ! "ntl Ftfto ao > lklivtTfcttrtl&bl . Hw ' IuJlipfo bl ta LADIES. > < " UruituM for "fhlrlir.l.T * * ° < > > > " ' ' < > ' Hivlaoe 40. liuL ! IM ir * f rrlurii malL NAME I uriulcul t u. . At Drugglilt. Tiade luprlltdby J. A , Fuller i Co une7 IFEUI'1\ \ AND GARDEN FARM FOR SUE , Hitorn aa ci , ten In tiult , ilx In garden aid tlmlerlaot ! , tlx rxjui kuuie , ttable , wcl1 , clittrn , .Ic. alllu if * U nil lia , ot will tiadofJ > Oiuaba prcp- irty. V , KELLER , Countr 1r ) > > uror'd offlcu , Council UuCj. COUNCIL BLUFFS , ADDITIONAL LOOAL. Bold Uurglnry. Last evening tbo money drawer of the wholesale and retail farnltura store of Jeobo & Son was robbed while . * r. Jcebo was nt supper and his son , Walter Jeebo , was on the second floor showing oods to a lady. An unknown man on erod tbo store , went to the oflico , pried < T the front of the money drawer , htlped linsolf to § G4 25 in cash and skipped nt. Ho pat the front of the drawer ick into Ita place and the burglary was .ot discovered until Mr. Beobo had oc- ision to eo to the drawer. There acorns o bo no clew to the burglar. Skipped From tlio Skating Ulnlc , An attachment has been issued on all 10 Bconory , cartalru , furniture , ate , , of ho akating rink , In favor of Front "ompton and Charles Illddlcmasscr , two inploycs who claim a considerable mount duo as wagoe , It Is reported hat II. EC. Martana haa quietly gene vcr the river to jNobraska. This will robably tcrminato the dime musonru nslneea in CouncllB at leas f r the regent. Flnancaal disaster scorns to ave overtaken the enterprise. A C ARD. To Ml who are guttering from crrora id Indigestions ol jouth , nervous weakness and Iccay , lo a of manhood , eta I will tend a recipe hat will euro you FIIEE OF CUAKGE. Thtsu ( treat emedy wa3 discovered by A mlsslonar to boutli Vmcrlco. Send eclf-addrcneod onvclopo llir. Jo- Kpn T. INUAS Station "D " Now York iOWA li'KaiS. Tbo Sioux Olty fire department cotti I2.0CO a year. The Mormons have rented nhtll In the own of Angus. The ccnsua retnrna just In gives Ottnmwa a population of 10,481. Sunday night's storm domollahod the ilackjmith shop of William Ilcod & Co. , , t Persia.'Jf a A big galena find was atrusk by work men in Dabuqao on Friday , while oxca- ating a collar for William Hartlnger , on Thlra otroot hill. Burglars entered the residence of Thomas Skoa , Oodar Rapids , at an early hour Saturday morning , making away with a gold watch and $11 ? In money. Iowa Olty celebrated the opening up of ho Burlington , Oodar llaplda & .North- rn railway between that point and Olin- on with an excursion yesterday to the ast named city. The civil engineering department of ho agricultural college at Amos requests roprlotors of quarries and brick-yards o send samples of their building materials o that Instltation for testing. A printer named Oolo went to sleep at , n early hour Friday morning on the rack of the Chicago , Milwaukee and St. Paul near Dubuque , was struck by a acomotivo and killed. His homo was in New York. . The Iowa grand Icdgo of Druids , in cseion at Davenport the past week , lected a full corps of ofliclali , and re- lorted the disbursement of $18.000 the tast year , paid to widows and orphans of 'cceascd ' members. The C-yoar old son of H. F. Stevens , of iloux City , was drowned In Potry Creek. The body was carried a distance f eighty miles on the Missouri , and ro- overed by a farmer's dog near Ouowa , ast Saturday. A resident of Delaware county named Dwiiol Catty , had a largo cancer removed Tom his , lower jaw at the Mercer hospital n Dubnque , on Friday. The operation s difficult and dangerous , and traa witnessed by a largo number of physl- lana and surgeons. Mason Long , the reformed gambler , ivho Is engaged in a holy crusade through ho state , travels with the pomp and clr cnmstanco of a conqueror. A fine quar otto of male voices accompanies him , riding in his fancy canopied turnout , drawn by a $1,000 span of high stopper ; . Mr. Simons and Mrs. Arnold , resi dents of Cascade , have scandalized that heretofore qaiot and respectable commu nity by Simons abandoning his wlfo and the Arnold woman discharging her bus band und taking up with Simons , The parties were heretofore respectable. Weak lungr , spitting of blood , con sumption , and kindred affections , cured without physician. Address for treatise , with two stamp ; , WORLD'S DISPENSARY MEPIOVL ASSOCIATION. Baflalo , N. Y. A OIIAPIBU ON SNAKES. Ned Bunt line Itclfttcs Ills Adventures in Ned Unutllno in New York World. JNot in your boots , or mine , I hope , good reader , for I don't bcliovo in the beverage that hatches that kind. But as the "season" has opened and snakoatorlcs will bo told by and to the summer board ers in the country , it la well to knou something about Satin in ccalos , In the cold and lofty regions of tbo Oatskllls poisonous Eorponts are almost unknown. The hard winters are too ranch for them. The Btiiped or garter snake , and the brown water snakes , which hibernate early and como out only when the days are long and warm , both harmlesp , are tha only reptiles aeon In those sections. Bat in lower altitudes the "rattlor"anc copperhead , ' the hissing adder and the horn-tailed snake , the latter scarce but very deadly , are found In certain sections of this state. Much as I have Hunted and fished In al most all the lakes and trout streamr , and through the foroata of the elate , 1 never w but ono horttsiled snake , though two were killed on the Sohohario crock year or so ago. Last spring I waidrlving down the east brunch of the Delaware , near Margaret- ville , on a treating expedition , and on a dngway near the river I checked my hones as I saw a snake over aix feet long dart down the bank and across the roac In front of mo. It went slow enough for mo to get a good view of it. It bad a small vicious-looking head , a rather large body , and was striped in regular black anc wblto rings the latter I should jadgo to bo two Inches wide. I held my horses in , for 1 felt anxiety to ceo a reptile like that mixed up among their legs. Its tal came out to a sharp bony point. 1 knew In an Instant that it was & horn-tall , anc on describing It to an old citizen in thi village leatned it bad been seen two o. three times In the same vicinity. It via soon after killed , and was the only on ever heard of in that section. Anotho was killed on Alder brook , in Ulate county , the tame seaion. They hav deadly poison in the horned tail , wh they strike into a victim. 1 was fishing ono day en the Btaver kill , and had just thrown a trout out on the bank that would weigh near a quar ter of a pound , and slatted out to pick I upor my basket. Before I reached it brown water-make , full four f0et long id that trent crossways In bis month and ras making off with it pretty fait , when I raw my revolver and sent a ball through s neck , which destroyed his appetite or raw iish. I did not basket the trent , None of the water-sn kes of our north- m streams are venomous , The moccasin nd cottonmoath ot the southern waters re as deadly as the rattlesnake , and In o Tray so chivalrous. The latter almost nvoriably jjivos warning of Its presence efore It strikes. Therefore It Is loss tea a feared than Its almost constant com- snion , the "pilot" or copperhead , utnrnor boarders who chooao cool , lofty , nd anti-malarial sections , If they avoid ad whisky , need have no fear of snakes. Kducntcd iiml Experienced. Hood's Sareaparllla Is prepared by 0.1 , [ ocd & Go , , Apothecaries , Lowell , lass. , who have a thoroughknowlcdgoof harmacy , nnd many years practical ex- oiionco In the business. It is prepared ith the greatest skill and care , under the iKcllon of the men who originated it. [ once Hood's Sareaparllla may bo do- ended upon as n thoroughly pure , hon- at , and reliable medicine. llowlnulloj Should Bide. hilndclplila Time ? . Many ladies who have taken riding .3sons cannot fall to appreciate the aluablo Instructions given in the "Book f the Horao , " which , if follownd , will In ure easa and grico. The lady who boa maitered the first lessons In the eqnoa- rain art and can sit her horse properly t a walk or show cchool center h then In position to dooldo whether she will earn to xula her horse or whether she Is ontent to pass through Ufa dependent or her comfort on the temper of her toed of the c ese , nurse-liko attention of omo groom or gentleman. The horsewoman should sit so that the weight of the body falls exactly in the ontro of the saddle , without heavily oaring on the stirrup , able to grasp the prlght pommel with the rfght knee , and rass against the "hunting-horn" ' with .or loft knee , yet not exerting any mns- nlar action for that purpose. For this nd the otlrrup leather must bo neither oo long ncr too short. The Ideal of a 'no horsewoman is to bo erect without islng rigid , square to the front , and un- 11 qulto nt home In the eaddlo looking oligionsly between her horse's oars , but hrown back a little , so as to expand the best and make a hollow waist , "such as s observed in waltzing , " but always flext- ily. On the flexibility of the person bovo tbo waist and on the firmness bo- ow all the grace of equestrianism , all the afoly depends. Nervousness makes both men and women poke their heads for ward a stupid trick in a man , unpard- nablo In a woman. A lady should bond ike a willow in a storm , alwajs return- ng to an easy yet nearly upright position , 'his seat should bo acquired while the ady'u horse Is led , first by hand , then witha leading stick and finally with a unglcg rein , which will tjlvo room for antering in circles. Bnt where the pu ll is encumbered with reins , a whip acd ircctlons for guiding her horse she may io excused for forgetting all about her eat or her position. The arms down to ho elbows should hang loosely near but not fixed to the sides , and the hands , In he absence of reins , may rest in front if the waiet. For all diseases of the kidneys , and tver. Physicians proscribe Hunt's Rem- idy.Tho The medicine that can search and root out every part of kidneys o.- liver , is lunt's Remedy. Hunt's Remedy cures bilious head ache , oostivenoBS , and dyspepsia , and purifies the blood. J. O. Sykea recently appointed interoa ovenuo collector for Bliisiasippi to succeed Tames Hill , baa tendered resignation , saying 10 is convinced that efficient discharge of the lutles of the office would causa continued , baenco from home and neglect of his private and professional internals. Angostura Bitters is known as the great emulator of the digestive organs all over the wcrld. Have it in your house. Ask your ; rocer or druggist for the genuine article , man ifactured by lr. ) J. G. 15. Siegert & Sons. Cnn'tlloto Careful. Wall Street News. The general superintendent of a Michi gan railroad was on the train the other day when the conductor stopped it to pu man oil' because ho had no money to iay his faro. When tbo train started on , galn the superintendent anxiously In quired. "Aro you sure ho wasn't a member ol the legislature , " "Morally sure. " "And that ho didn't belong to the "I don't think ho did. " "And that ho wasn't a workineman'i advocate ? " "Ho didti'fc look like ono. " "Well , bo very carcfol. The only people wo can afford to offend in thesa ; fokliah times are local passengers , who liavo got to rldo on this road cr toke the ilghway. " YOUNOMKNl-IvBAD THIS. TnB VOLTAIO BELT Co. , of Marshall , Mich. , offer to Bond their celebrated ELKOTHO-VOL T.uo BELT and other ELECTRIC APPLIANCES on trial for thirty days , to men ( young or old olllicted with nervous debility , loss of vitality ind manhood , and all kindred troubles. AJflc for rheumatism , neuralgia , paralysis , anc nany other diseases , Complete restoration to liealth , vigor an-1 manhood guaranteed. No risk ia Incurred aa thirty days trial is allowed Write them at onoo for Illustrated pamphlci free. Patrick WAS Awake , as Usual. Wall Street News. "Fat , " ho called to the man who was levelling down at the far end of th dumpscow , "why don't you bring your father ever from Ireland ? " " < Wt fiord It , your honor. " "But the ateamshlps and railroads an low carrying piseongera for nothing ant ; hrowlDg la a Turkish bath as a prom lum. " "True , air , as mo old woman waa say tng lait night , but the stage fara from tbo old man'a home to tbe nearest port Is a Batter of fifteen oantr , and thut'd what mothers ma and keeps him out of this bless ed country. " Watt Till ttio Clouds Koll By.JLove. Bnt the clouds won't "roll by" as long as dyspepsia holds ita crnel grip. Dyt popiia beclouds the mind , confutes th understanding and darkens the domosti circle. Brown's Iron Blttora makes shor work of dyspepri * . Mrs. H. L Taylor Lynchburg , S. 0. , Bays , "I have used Brown's Iron Bitters for dyspepsia , with favorable results. I believe It Is all It i represented to be. " Ask any druggls what is the txperiencu of his patrons wh have 3sed this great tonic. The demand for cattle ranges in Nevada I duly Inrrcating , IloraCord'a Acid 1'liospuato , INVALUABLE A3 A TO.N'IO. Dr. J. L. Pratt , Greenfield 111. , ssjs "It Is all that It claims to.be Invaluabl as a tonic in any case where an acl tonic Is Indicated , AFTER THE BATTLE. How tbe Time Passed tbo Bull m Fight , Two Annies SnnubblltiR Tor Green Apples A. Balloonist' * Ex perience. Vaihington Republican. Gen , J. E. Johnston's late article In oply to the strictures of Jefferson ) AVB on hlo osndoct after the first i ttlo of Bull Ilnn , shows pretty plainly hat the confederate army was n no condition to make an Immediate dvanco upon the national capital , and hnt oven If It had advanced promptly It wonld hnvo boon mot by a strong force of veil-organised troops , who retreated torn the Hold In good order on that memorable 2ht of July. Shortly after the battle the bnlk of the onfoderato army nas thrown forward to Controvillo , and Lingatrcot'u brigade , umbering about 3GOOmon for duty , was dvanood to Fairfax courthouse. fjongstroet'a troops while posted at 'alrfaxhad ' their first Usto of that most Isagrooablocf all the duties of a soldier Ickot duty in the presence of the enemy resenting us It does ell the moro dloa- reenblo features of skirmishing , without tie excitement of actual fighting. Dut ; was a good school , for the strictest dU- Iplino was maintained by the officers ommandlng the picket lino. The brigade Ickota extended from Annondalo , on the Jexandtia pike , In n cordon across tend nd beyond Munson's hill , opposlto Vaehlngtou , and nt the latter point they wcro within speaking distance of the ickota of the enemy. The Seventeenth Virginia Infantry , to which tbo writer elonged , had charge of'tho line In front EMuneon'a hill , and , springing above ho mass of intervening forests , tbo white omo of the cipltol was plainly visible , nd seemingly very near , from that olc- atlon. When the picketing first began , nd before the regular cordon won ostab- Isbcd , two companies ol the regiment were sant down to Falls church , the ro- orvo being posted In the outskirts of tlio Hlage , and the outposts thrown ont own the turnpike toward Washington , Now , there Is a splendid apple and each orchard situated at the foot of iluusou'a hill , the fruit of which was only rlpo enough for the tomachs of school boys and oldlors , which van a bono of ontentlon for the opposing picket ? , as it was between the lines , The conscquenco was that It became a regular battle ; ronnd , and a number of both eidos In ho struggle for possession got pains oth- irwiso than these occasioned by munchi ng green fruit. I have said in a previ ous article that this firing on pickets was Ittlo better than murder , and what ex cited angry fooling still further was that -hero were a number of Independent scouts from the far south , not regularly connected with any organization , who voro accustomed to stalk the federal tickets as a hunter docs a stag , and shoot .hem down from ambush , Such warfare md no earthly hearing on the result of ho campaign , for It was , In the opinion of the most of us , nothing but nsiasslna- ion , legalized though It might bo by cir cumstances. Gen. Longstroet , In order to put a stop to this desultory firing , marched out 'rom Fairfax courthouse ono afternoon pith two regiments of infantry and a mattery of the Washington artillery , and , nklng position In front of Muneon'o hill , all oiled the federal pickets from oat the orchard , advanced bis Infantry and took loaeotslon of the hill. A line of pickets was then established to the loft , beyond Fobroy'a farm , and to the right in front of and beyond Mason's hill , which was occupied by the enemy. It was then strictly enjoined upon the mon not to answer the fire of the federal picketo anleas they advanced from their position to assail our line. After this both sides quit their foolishness , and the pickets walked unconcernedly on their polls in full rifle range without molestation. About this tlmo a captive baleen was sent up dally In the direction from us to wards the Chain bridge , and with a epy- glnss the aeronaut and his Associates were plainly in view aa they stood up In their basket to take up their observations of our position , for the purpoio , as wo supposed , of ascertaining our reserve Force- prior to forcing the picket lino. Ono day It was seen that the baleen had broken loose from ita cable , and il floated about a half mtlo high er toward oar lines , and was soon directly above them. The riflemen began to make n target of the air-ship , and Ita governor , findiug things growing warm , throw over ballast , telescope , chair.1 , etc , and immediately roa ? higher. z'ly the balloou drifted bjckward ana vcrd for an hour or so , and wo hopoJ It would ba finally carried within our linec , and all the cavalry were put upon the alerr , but finally it entered a stratum of air. which wafted It back swiftly tow- aid tha Potomac , where It descended. The next c'ay It was at Its old tricks again. The officer ccmmnndlnp ; the line then brought up an EapHah Blakely rifled field piece to Munson'd hill to take a shot at a balloon , which was not moro than two and a half miles cd. A hole was dog In the ground to sink the trail , that the gun might bo given a proper ele vation , and It was carefully sighted. The first and eoond shots did not seem to discompose the balloonlets , but tbo tblrt shot told , for the air-shlp was hastily drawn down. It wai afterword learned that the aeronaut , whoso name , I believe , was Lowe , declared that the last thol ' passed'BO near the basket that ho felt the wIndago of the ball. No more balloot ascents were made in front of us , one the monotony of the picket vigil was no longer relieved by the lively aerial visi tor. tor.Gen Gen , Johnson having determined to withdraw his forces Into winter quarters at Controvillo , ordered Longstroet to march his entire brigade to Falls church and In connection with the cavalry to make a diversion to matk the withdrawal A federal force comprising Infantry , ar tillery and cavalry , bad about this time advanced from the lineaj.'at Chain bridRi up the turnpike to Lewlnsvlllo partly , perhaps , on a foraging ana reconnoiter ing expedition , and partly to threaten the confederate communications In tha quarter. They Icgsn to throw np earth works which seemed to Indicate they In tended to make a permanent post of It although the force being thiust forward from the main line was somewhat iao latcd. The ecouts soon brought in in formation of this advance and Longstreo laid a trap to ciptura the whole lot. lie ordered the Seventeenth and Sevontl regiments witha squadron of cavalry n < a section of artillery to march up the pike until they struck the country rca < leading to Lewinsvillo , when they were to turn to the right and'attack the feeler al petition in front with iceming rehe menco , but on being stoutly resljtcd , a they undoubtedly would ba on account of inferior numbers to the enemy known- to bo there , they wcro to fall back rapidly , as if In confusion , co as to In dnce the enemy to puritto if potilblo , Meanwhile , the general , with the bulk of hii forces under cover of the woods , was to cut off the pnriulng force from their army. The Seventeenth and Sev enth regiments mads too attack , as di reeled , beyond Lowlnsvlllo , and on being resitted , broke and ran in C3nfu lon , but iho federal commander evidently "smelted mice , " for Instead of pnrsnolng the enemy poured their eharpnol from a el.x- qnn battery Into the living mssa , and would not stir from their Intrenchmonts nntll Longstreot aseallod their flank , whereupon they retreated in good order. Longitroot WAS much discomposed by his blocking of what promised to bo for hit period of the war n brilliant exploit. Clio night following , the pickets , s vo a ow cavalry , were quietly withdrawn , and ho confcdorAttm took up the line of march for winter quarters at Ctntrovlllo , without having struck a blow tiuco the Bull Run battlo. Prompt and plcataut. safe and suro. ? heto are the features of lied Star Cough Cure. A Card From P. O. Jlnwcs. To the Editor of The lice : In Mon day night's Issue of The Br.o , yon stated tt substance that " 1 considered mytolf [ Fronted that it should bo stated , that Senator Van Wyck had been associated n any way with mo In the matter of the Nebraska state claim , " I siid nothing bat could bo tortured Into any euchcon- truclion. When your paper published oomo tlmo jgo that Senator Van Wyck hnd secured o the state about $20,000 ont of thcso Id Indian hostility claims , and that I red rendered no service , had no busincis with this matter , and that our delegation n congresi should attend to It without ompcnsation , and when I had a letter rom the Interior of the state with a clipping fron a lo- al paper saying tint the onator had caused the allowance , then stated what the senator had done to siat mo to obtiln a rehearing upon the Poarman vouchers. " I have had al- owed for the state up to last December about § 1,000 ! ) of claims , running from .801 to 1809 , when the last claim accrued or which voucher * were Issued by the state , about $0,000 were suspended , and iho "Pearman vouchers" were disallowed secretary of war , Hon. Robert K. Lincoln. I prepared a now brief , and ircoented additional oxpartl aflidavlts yith the request , that the papers bo re erred to the judge advocate general of iho army ( Gou. Llobor ) for decision upon ; ho second section of the act Juno 27th. 1882 , as to whether the "Poarman vouchers" were contemplated and covered 3y that act. When I assisted In prepar ing that act , I knew of the condition of the Ncbmka clalms for I have had them For nearly 15 years , and woo notified that any ordinary barrister could not dccldo otherwise than that the disallowed vouch ers were covered by the act. When I waa in Washington In May I wanted aomo ono of influence to present the brief to the secretary of war. I went to Sena tor Van Wyck and ho read the brief care fully , and ho did not tnlnk that I bad iiroperly sot up the point at Issue , madu > omo suggestions and that day I corrected it in accordance with the senator's views. The next morning I gave him the brioi and ho presented it to the secretary of war , with the request aa above stated. It was referred to the ] ndgo advocate gener al on tbo 10th of May , on the llth of May 1 had an interview/with that officer who said , "Ho would take up the brief at loon as possible , " after I had explained the whole case. This Is the whole transaction eo far ae Senator Van Wyck is concerned ; . but il you think that 1 am disposed to ignore ; ho influence and general usefulness cf Senator Van Wyck to the people of this otato , I desire that you should undeceive youreolf. I have bpcn on toims with ev cry representative of Nebraska in both sides of the national capital since the state was admitted Into the union , no ono of whom wa3 over moro coutteou ? , obliging , and moro willing to servo any public or private interest than Senator Van Wyck. What ho undertakes to do , ho neither neglects an opportunity , nor docs ho permit a favorabln circumstance to present Itself without taking advsn taga of It. I esteem the senator too highly to have your papsr or any Individ' ' ual undertake to create any other im pression. In my business he has be on oi valuable asalelanca to mo , and often Union has given mo information aboul locil and general matters which hive placed mo under obligations to him , anc abuvo all thlnpa I detest an ingrat ? . Yours truly , PATIUOK O. HAWES. Gov. Ross , of Nex Mexico , was sworn in at tumho Monday morning nt Santa Ve The unusual hour for the ceremony was chosen as a compliment to his earliest prcdcc easer , the first Moutezuma , Whoso followers daily ntccnd to the housetops to look for his return with the king of day. TTBon B l > y iru sick , we ve her Cutorla , When aba WM a Child , aho cried for Coitorio , When elio became ifi , aho clone to Castor ! * , WU n ah * bid Children , aho garo them CutorU HAMBUBB-AMERICAN PACKET COMPAKY. Direct Line for Eugland , France and Germany. The ietm hlpa of this well known line are ball of Iron , In water-tight oompartmeot * , and are far clihed with every reaalglta to make the puwge bath safe and agreeable. They carry the United fititoa and European mills , and Icav * Her York Tnnadaya and Saturdayo for Plymouth ( LONDON Obeiboug , ( PARIS and HAMBURG , Itatca , Klrlt Cabin , { 010Q. . Steerage , to o , from Hamburg , 10. 0 , U. RIOIIAUD & CO.Gen cral rasa. Agents , 61 Broadway , New Korlc and Waehlneton * nil La Belle itreeti , Chicago , or Ilenrv Pundt , uaik Uauien , F , E. Moorei , Harry Deuol In Omaha ; Oren wlw * Rnhoenciren , la Council H , S. ATWOOD , Plattsmoutli , Neb. Breeder of thoroughbred and high grade Hereford and Jersey Cattle And Puroc and Jersey lied Hwino. I bftveapoiUlio reu d/fortb abort dli AKfbilrl ; oie tlioatftnJiof cateiui tb HOIK kliidniiUiil foil u illDrti > ltrucur il. Indftil. o "onjIirert.lt lalll > mcicr.th > tlnlll MnJT" ' llOITl.Ka flIKO tOJttl.tr m'lltiaYALI'AIJI.ETilEATlSUonJblxJ altrer. ulrixin , , , , > na ! ( l. Ar u. fit < * < Mw | | M ) , < .p- ' t * vf - TBE CHEAPEST PLAOE IN OMAHA TO BUY Ono of ho Best and Largest Stocks in tbo United To Select From : NO STAIRS TO OLIMR EI. . CANT PASSENftEB ELEVATOR Pneumonia , Consumption * Dyspepsia . ni Wasting Disease. ' .Relieved anil Katnrt _ THIS WHISKEY SHOULD SB POUND ON THE SIDEBOARD OP EVEET IT IS ABSOLUTELY PURE. . ENTIRELY FREE FROM FUSEL OIL. BO NOT BE DECmvnD.-Manr Drugglsta and Grocers who do not have HulTy' * i1 * Halt IVMnUcj- Block , attempt to pnlm off on customers , wliIsUeyorUielrovniisotUInB.whlcU > clniof on Inferior erode end adulterated , pays them n larger profit. ASK FOR DUFFY'S PURE HALT WHISKEYAND' TAKE NO OTHE § ' SOLD BY ALL FIRST-CLASS DRUGGISTS AND CROOKftS. end us your address end wo will mall book contalnlnc valuable Information. Sample Quart liottut entto ony address In Uio United States ( Eastot the Rocky Mountains ) , securely packed < n plain ate , Expreta charges prepaid on receipt of J3..2G , orBlx Bottles sent for JtJG.OO BHFFY MALT.WmSHEfGO. , Baltimore , . Md.U.J.J , | Sellinff Af/ents. Omaha , II. T. Clarlte Drug Co. WHEN SOLICITED TO INSUKE IN OTHKIl COMPANIES , Remember These Bmoortant Facts CONCERNING The Ifutua ! Life Insurance Company , OF NEW YORK. 1. It a the OLDEST actho Llfo Irmiraneo Company li tbla country. 2. It lalho LAItUKST Life Insurance Company by many millions of dollars In the world. a Ita rates ol premiums are LOW KK than those of any other company. L It lus no " * tocktoldora"toclalm any part of It ) profits. 5 , It offers no SCIIHXIE3 under the naino of Insurance lor speculation by special cll3 C8 upon tha nglfoitunca of each otfcr. 6. Ita present available CASH HESOEIICES exceed those ol any other Life Inturanco Company In the world. world.It has received In cash from nil sources , from February , 1843 , to January , ISFf , f " 0B2r.5J.CC. ( It lias returned to the people , In cash , from February , 1843 , to January , 1SE5 , $210.094,211,00. Its cash Aeaetaontho 1st ot January , 1885 , amount to moro than W. T. ALLEN , MERRILL & FERGUSON , GenorM Agent for Gen. Agts. for obrnskn , Dakota , Colorado , Wyoming and Michigan , Indiana , Illinois , Wisconsin , Iowa Utah. and Minnesota , Office Cor.irarnnm nnd 13th St-Ovcr 1st Nal'l. ' Detroit , Michigan , Bauk , Omaha , Neb M. P. ROHRER , Special Agent for lown , Council Bluffs , Iowa A TDLLOCK , 1'npf. & Supt. G. f , N. SADLEIt , Asst. Eng It. W. BIAJIOND , Asst. Socy MISSOTTEI VALLEY BEID&E AND IRON WORKS OFFICE AXD WORKS LUAYEXWORTIT , KANSAS. Man'fg'a anil nullilara ol Wronglit Iron , Sled , Howe Truss and Combination BRIDGES For Ballroads and Highways Turn Tables , Draw Spans , Itoo Tiujsor , I'icra anil Sub structures. | hs'ey ' , Sfilre Tullock PUOPRILTORS A. McLouth , Aeont. II. A. Wise , " Please to-d us nstlco of all brldRO work to lot. Correspondence eclldtcd from orjgiiKcrj and bridga contr'ctora. JAB , A.EDNET. W. A L. GIBBON Stoch antl Hurdwood JLuiiiber , JL2l and JL2JL ® JLeavemvorth St. Solicit the attention ot cash and prompt time buyers. Will duplicate eastern wholesale prices , paying freight to Omaha , TH03. OmOEB , W. II , M. 1'USE Officer e& Fusev. Gounoll fluffs , Iowa. Established , - 1865 Dealers in Foreign and Domestic Exchange cd Homo Securities. J. L. DuBEVOISE , No. 507 Broadway Council Bluff * . Railway Time Table , COUNCIL BLUFFS. Iho following are the tlmei of the arrival and de parture ot trami by central itandud time , al tbe local depot ! . Tralno leave tranifer depot lee mlo otei earUerand arrive tea minutes later , CBFiRT. ABBOT. fnuooknd HOKTHinamv , 8:25 : A M Mall and Eipreea t'M't U 1IO : r H Accommodation ltO : r H 6:30 : r M Hupress 9.00 A M CHIOAOO ADD MO IBIOKP. 0:26 : > u Mall and Expreea 8:53 : r u 7:85 : A u Accommodation 6:16 : r u 6:20 : r M Excreta P:00 : A ti nnoAoo , IOLWAUKH AMD IT. MDL. 0:00 : > u Ha'l and Enprests B:60 : r u C26 ; r il Expreoi 0.05 A M BOBUnaroi A B 401x01 , 0:00 : A Mall and Kxpreaj 7:10 : r u Sir Accommodation 2.00 r * : J5 t Kxpreyj 6:60A : u WABAUJ , t. IX > DII AID rAoino. S:16 : v M Ixic \ Bt. louli Exprcea Local - 8.00 rM Tranifer " " Tracefer 8:20 : r M 748 ; m LooilChlcigoi ; 8t LKxp Local 8:80 : A u 7:55 : r u Tranifer " " " " Tranifer 0:11 : A u KAMA ! CITT , IT , 101 AID OOOROIIi > LUr7I. I0,0h A u Mall and Eipreu 6:40 : r u 8:16 : r 11 Exprtca 0:2S : A u glOOI 01TT AND r ACintf. 7:20 : A M Mall lor Sioux City 8M : ) r M 7:80 r M Express lor Bt I' ul 9U : . u en ION rAeiric. 1100 ; A H Djnver Kxfttn 4:3 : * p u 1:06 : f u Lincoln I'aki O'ft & U V 2SL : r u 7:65 : f it OrerUod Kxprted 8SO : A u IfMldl TRAINS TO OklADA. Leave Couocll Bluff * - 0 M-7:65-9SO-lCW : : llW : a. m. l:80-M-8SO-4:2S-B:25-o. : : : : : : : 11:15 : p. m. Leave Omihi 0:25 : 7:25 : e:50 : 10 -11:15 : a. to , UW-2:00-3w-4soij,5-.55 ; : ; : ; , Curtains Oil , Cloths , Window Shades , Linoleums , Mattings. Rugs. Etc. , Etc. Careful Attention Given to On of Town Orders. . UpJtolslery and Drapery Work a Specialty , Our etock la the Largest in llie lest and is being continually replenished by all tbe latest and choicest ; novoltlea , 405 Broadway Council Biufls . AGEIWS WANTJED LIVK To ork Mlo oJ Accident Ipsuranco for aitroog Now York oomu&by , in every town m NobiaikaanJ Iowa. Osod ccmroUilonto noikeri. Adiiiusj E. 0. WILCOXiCO. , Oincial Ate II , KinuCl Mu