Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1885, Image 6

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Thursday Morning , Juno 18
. . . ' week
n. curtti - - - - -
By Sill- - - - - - 110.00 p yen
Great rodustlon In hats at II. Filed
A number of oisos of Bcarlot fovcr nro
reported In the city.
A now pawn shop is Boon to open at
tfo. 225 | Main etroct.
Fred Johnaon has baen added to the
clerical force In the postoffico.
Lidlea can buy hata at their own ptico
nt II. Friedman's ,
No more shown are booked for the
opera homo until September.
Permit t wodwas issued by Clerk Shea
to Frank Giiloid and Stella Chapman.
M. 0. Gregory is taking the plica loft
vacant by the resignation and departure
of Letter Carrier McCabo.
Oao lot of duo blaok and colored cashmere -
more ahawla trill bo sold this week at half
ptico at II. Friedman's.
Sahultz & Hill will soon put a largo
now farnlturo wagon on the streets for
S. S. Kohor & Company.
Peter Johnson , for being drunk , rested
njill last night , having boon lodged
there by Officer J. H. Whoolor.
The consolidated tank line company
hare been making oovoral improvements
At their warehouse on Sixteenth avenue.
Sprjguo & Co.'a union iron worka have
recently put up an addition to their
foundry on Third street and Thirteenth
avenue ,
George Eghort Is to appear before
Justice Fralnoy on a charge of beating ,
or attempting to boat a board bill ho
owed to E. L. Stewart.
A fiuo line of children's white dresses
will bo closed out this week at greatly re
duced prices at H. Friedman's.
Last evening the Rov. McCreary united
In marriage , at the Methodist Episcopal
church In this city , M. W. T. Reed and
lira. Jennie Oarrotherj.
The sleeper . "Boston , " which went
down in the Cromwell wrook , has been
repaired and refitted , and yesterday made
its first trip slnco the disaster.
Yesterday a band of the Raymond or-
curslonlsta returned from the west over
the Union Pacific , and went east In three
Pullman cars over the Rock Island road.
John Wheeler was last evening ar
rested by Marshal Frank Gnanolla and
Officer J. H. Wheeler for being "drunk
or crazy , " as appeared on the police
Harry Nicholson , a llttlo son of Oharlos
Nicholson , had hla leg broken whllo at
play. Dr. Licey sat it for him , and the
llttlo fellow is feeling as comfortably as
The Rov. A. K. Bates seems to feel
the same pleasure In the possession of anew
now boy as if ho was the first. The llttlo
follow appears more Indifferent about his
father than his father does about him.
The time of the district oourt was oc
cupied yesterday by the trial cf Wilson ,
on a charge of burglary of the store of
Cooper & McLeo , on Main street. The
jury found him guilty of the charge.
H. C. Cheney , Southwestern Passen
ger agent of the Great Sioux City route ,
is handing to his friends , and they are
many , handsomely illustrated and printed
llttlo books , describing the beauties of
Spirit Like and some of the Minnesota
lake resorts.
Several complaints of the residents In
the neighborhood of the Third street
school are made in regard to tha number
of tramps that Infest that locality. The
same may be said of those residing near
any of the depots in this city.
The many friends of H. E. Seaman ,
who lately wont out of business hoio to
open up In Now York City , are being
remembered by him by receiving very
attractive cards giving notice that ho has
commenced in that city the manufactur
ing stationery business.
Before Judge Aylesworth yesterday ,
appeared George Halght , and a printer
by the name of Newton M. Myers , They
were charged with being drunk , and the
charpja seemed to bo founded on fact.
They were assessed § 7. CO each. Halght
paid part of his fine , and promised to
zalso the balance. Myora had to dig his
A llttlo excitement was occasioned by
. the report that a novon-yow-old eon of
Louts Bokompor had been lost. His
father sent him from his homo on Broad
way , near Streetsvllle , to the Oreston
homo , on Main street , on some errand ,
The boy did not return and search was
instituted. Ho was not found until the
next day. Ho had ntrayod up into Trn >
ley's glen ,
Themis Wilson , who is charged with
attempting to rob the St. Joe house , on
Main street , on May 1U , and knosking
Henry Hightinin , the proprotor'a wife ,
down in her bod-room in the nttoiipt to
steal , -was brought up before the bar In
the district court yesterday , and when
court adjourned last evening only part
of the testimony for the state was given
Yesterday the grand jury completed
all the buMcota brought before it and
waa discharged. It has been in aetalon
for some time , and Imj disposed of con
siderable work. Forty-seven true bills
wore fcund , and nearly tnreo hundred
wltnccsca cximliiod. The general senti
ment siems to be that the work lies been
hoiocghly and carefully done , though
rt m hearing ex parlo teatimouy it la 1m-
postible that no false conclusions should
bo arrived at.
J , W , MoCario , who has served a long
time and acceptably as a letter carrier ,
has resigned his position and with his
family moved away from the city. His
now legation is neb known , and his cred
itors are axiously inquiring. McCabe has
had a great deal of sickness and other
troubles , which have been crippling him
some financially , and It is thought that
ho has concluded to got away from those
complications by moving into now fields.
Yeitorday afternoon Tom Carl , who
was mangled Monday night on thoNorlh
western track , breathed hla last. When
found ho was unable to speak , so ho was
taken to the office of the coroner , from
which place ho could not bo removed , as
ho was so seriously Injured. His wife ,
not desiring to see him burled in the 00
cent coffins fnrmlshed by the county , enlisted
listed some friends who stated thocasoto
his honor , the mayor , who , as usual in
such cases , headed a subscription , and in
a few minutes an amount was raised suf
ficient to procure for him n decant burial.
Coming events cast their shadows be
fore. And for some time those who
have boon observant hnvo noticed that
R. S. Rawllngs , the genial foreman of
the Herald job rooms , was laying in a
supply of crockery , furniture , otc , , and
seemed to bo fitting up very comfortably
the now house ho has recently erected.
Tuesday evening this was all explained
when ho led to the altar Miss Jennie
Gallagher and the two wore made ono
by the Ruv. Father Haley. The best
Irishes of the fraternity will follow Dick
and his wife.
Every cltezon is invited to attend the
meeting at Masonic hall this evening to
bo hold for the purpose of discussing
ways and moans to help the city raise
money to moot current expanses. A full
and free dissuasion Is Invited. The com
mon council are In a dilemma. They
have no funds with which to meet the
ordinary expenses , aud they do not know
how to raise it. They ask the advlco
and co-operation of the citlzans. Lot
everybody bo there.
The better class of people going on the
qrand army excursion to Portland are gc/
ng via the Chicago & Northwestern
railway for the reason that by securing
.ickots via this route they have the prlv-
lego of visiting the Niagara Falls , going
down the St. Lawrence river by boat or
; hrough Canada by rail to Montreal ,
thence to Portland via Mt. Washington ,
and return via Boston and Now York
state. The Northwestern can sell you
a ticket via any line you may desire east
of Chicago. For tickets or sleeping car
accommodations apply to any agent of
the Union Pacific or Chicago & North *
western railways , or to W. N. Babcook ,
general western agent , 1411 Farnam
Hanthorn sells wood at his food store.
4K.xcurBloii Hates.
General Agent Babcock , of the North
western roads , issued the following invi
tation :
"Pack your trunks and ba ready to
leave Council Bluffs at 5:20 : p. m , , on the
18th Inst. , via the Chicago & North
western railway for Portland or to any
point you may wish to visit in Canada ,
Now England or Now York state. Tick
ets for the round trip $37.50 , good for
thirty days , and will bo sold to any per
son , regardless of sex , color or previous
condition of servitude. By securing your
tickets via the Chicago & Northwestern ,
the best railroad In the world , passengers
will have from two to six hours in Chicago
cage going , with the choice of routes
from there oast. The excursion train
will bo the finest over run from the Mis
souri river to Chicago , and will cost no
more than by Inferior routes.
For sleeping car accommodations and
further information , apply to or address
W. N. Babcock , general western agent ,
Omaha ,
Read Judd & Smith's offer of $1,000
reward in another column.
Kciil Estate Transfers.
The following are the transfer ) of real
eatato as recorded In the office of the
registrar , and reported to the BEE by
A. J. Stephenson , for Thursday , Juno
1C , 1885 :
Wm. Lyman to H. J. Wllcox , part nw
i so J 12 75 40 , $250.
Thomas Parsons to Emma S. Chrisman ,
so i so J and w so and o A sw J and
ae f ww 30-70-42 , $2,400.
John J. Langdon to F. W. Spolnian &
liro. , lots 4 and 12 , block G , Undnrwocd ,
$150.Henry G. Fisher to Mary Ward , lots
7 and 8 , block 3 , Underwood , $182 71.
Mathew L. Hislop to W. T. Wllcox ,
lot 34 , block 1 , Oakland. $540.
James L. Woodhousoto Thomas Kelly ,
part 15 and 1C 77 38 , $850.
Henry Soar to William Orr , n nw \
nw 4ne 1 and part no J no J 9 74 42 ,
Total sales , $7,74C 71.
Substantial abstracts of title and real
estate loans , J , W. and E. L. Squires ,
101 Pearl street ,
Close of the Council.
Tuesday evening , after enjoying a
bountiful repast spread for them by the
ladles In the chapel of the baptfai church ,
the members of the council of recogni
tion and other visitors were treated to a
rldo all around the city.
At the evening session the following
complimentary resolutions were adopted :
Resolved , That wo tender our sincere
thanks to Mr. John Dohaney , Messrs.
Wheeler & Bennett , Mr , N. Wetherben
and Mr , W. T. Cole for the carriages
gratuitously furnished for our delightful
rldo through the city tula evening. Also
to the ladles and other members of thia
church and friends for all the special at *
tention given to making our visit so
pleasant and enjoyable.
The ladies of the church took special
pains to make the stay of the members of
the council specially Attractive and pleas
ant by prepirii < richly-laden tables in
the chapel to meet their physical wants
at dinner and supper. This afforded a
good opportunity for social intercourse ,
which w&s highly appreciated.
Cobs at Geoiqe Iloaton's , G28 Broad
way ,
T. K , Anderson , of Creston , WAI in the city
0. P , Slaty , of Dea Molnce , stopped nt th
Ogden yetterday.
lion , W , F. Sapp returned yesterday from
n trip to Ida Grove ,
J , A. Powers left yesterday for Atlantic , tc
bo gone anlll Monday ,
Mr , nnd Mrs. 0 , L. Felt are having a vit !
from Miss Mary Felt , of Now Orleans ,
Mr , Jerome McClintcck , of the Hock Islam
road , returned yesterday from a trip to
Chicago ,
E. L. Frary , city passenger agent of the
Chicago k Northwestern railway in Omaha
WAS In this city yesterday.
Fremont Benjamin , A prominent attorney
of Avoca , was in Council Bluffs yesterday.
Ho waa quartered at the Ogden.
George Smith , of Smith & Myers , lias re
turned from ( Jolfax Springs fooling bottoroc
in health and happier in spirit.
N. Vandorpool , traveling agent of the New
York Central & Hudson Illver railroad com
pany , was hero looking up business ycaterdny ,
Dr. H , S. West Intend ) to start , this morn
ing , for an extended trip in the eastern states ,
whore ho will roviiit the homo of his boy
3. C. lloagan has returned from the east
nnd will locate In Omaha for a short time and
attend to his interests in the Thompson-
Houston electric light ,
Frank Leonard , ex-city editor of the Non
[ > arlel , was bidding hla friends good-byo yes
terday and last evening left for Anaconda ,
Montana , where ho will soon start a news
paper of his own.
H. W. Tilton , the Council Bluffs editor of
, ho BEG , left last evening for a short visit to
bis old homo in Wisconsin , During his ab-
senca ho will attend the reunion , after ten
years , of his class of 75 , of Lawrence uni
versity , which will rally from the east ard
jatlior from the west , and tell their tales to
appreciative oars.
Roltor Is offering great bargains at hi
norchant tailoring establishment. No ,
510 Broadway. See his ( goods and got
his prices.
HAY FOR SALE , Ono hundred and
ifty tons of blue-joint hay in stack for
sale. Last year's crop. A mlle and
throe quarters south of the city ; good
road. Apply to Ben Marks , Council
Bluffs. ]
NOTICE. Special vertleomenta , BUO it Loai
Found , To Loan , For Sale , To Kent , Wonto , Board *
log , eta. , will be Inserted in thia column at the low
rate of TEN CENTS PER LINK ( or the first Insertion
and FIVE CKNT3 PER LINK for each Bubeeqntnt In
a rtlon. Leave advertlsementi tt our offioj , Ho ,
'catl Street , near Eioadwav
WANTDD-SItuatlon to run stationary engine ,
Three years experience , p. , DEB ollicc , Coun
cil Bluffs.
FOR SALE A stock of Rcncril merchandise , In
Oakdalo , Neb. Buslnefs well established and a
good.llvo point for trade. Best reasons for selllCR ,
Arply or wiito lo M. E. Smith & Co. , or Mctcalf
Bios. , Council Bluffs.
FOR SALE Lands Improved oad unimproved.
If you want a farm in western Iowa , Kangag
Nebraska or Dakota , Ictus boar from you.
ti > OR SALE nouses. Lots and Land. A. J ,
J ? Hteplcnson , COS First aonuo. .
WANTED Ten good reliable men to sell an article
of genuine merit in towns. Ono used in every
house. Inquire at Qco Heatone , 028 Broadway.
rpo KXCAANO B 6 , b 8 , b 10 , b 13. are hotels in dlB-
X erentlocatlcns for sale or for trade.
B13S , special bargain ; 400 a Improved farm worth
$18,000 , price for a short time $16,000 , will trade
or low priced Western lands. Swan & Walker.
B201 , saddlery Hardwire manufacturing estab
lishment stok and machinery , \aluc $7,000 , for
western land Swan & Walker , Council Bluffs.
B203 , etock cf dry goods , groceries and hardware ,
\alno , 85,000 , loan good eastern Nebraska town
or land. Swan * Walker.
B20J , stock of general merchandise In a geed
western Iowa town , -value 4,000 , wants an 1m
proved faim In western Iowa. Hw n& . Walker.
B205 , stock of hardware In Etubco Co. . Indiana ,
for land , value about $4,000. Swan & Walker.
B208 , oowstockof nanwaro in a live Nebraska
town for land , value $3,000. Swan & Walker.
B 207 , etock ef igrleoltural Implements and shell
hardware , value about 8,000. wan la a gsod 1m-
proved farm. Swan & Walker. -
B203 , a $10,000 stock ol clothing in a good Wis
consin city , J in lands and bilanoo cash or Im
proved security. Beautiful etore room at low rent.
Iwan & Walker.
B210 , etock of mixed hardware In a ll\e western
Iowa town for cheap lands , % aluo $0,003. , Swan
& Walker.
B211 , line brick block , rents well. In a live central ono ream occupied with general stock of
goods , wants an Improved farm , taluc : building
13,000 , goods 87,003. 8won& fcalker.
B212 stock of boots , shoos bats , cans and clothing
valued $3 000 , in cne of the beet towns In Neb. ,
valued $3,000 lonands. Swun& Wilker.
B213 , a $3,0:0 stock of clotHng , wants land in
North Western Iowa , for $0.000 , and will pay
dlHerence Swan i : Walker.
B214 , an $8,000 Block of drugs in central Iowa for
hn-J. Swan & Walcrr.
B 216another , etock of drugs value from { 500 to $700
withntorc building atd lot value $ SOO In a good
' braslia town wants partly Improved land. Swan &
FOB lull particulars , wrlto to or call upon Swan &
Walker. It you want to sell , buy , or tradoany-
thliiff , tell S. & W. about It. bwau & Walker , Coun
cil Bluffs Iowa.
209 Broadway , - - Council BluffV.
20 jttrclu pilot $ 1 00
0 " dicssgoods i
0 " nubton glngliam , i
4 " good glDcrbam 1
3 " bellcilr chovolts 100
0 " good ehectlnj 100
7 " ouilolk Jeans _ 1 00
iost Jeans ll col , SOo per yard.
Boota and ihoea at prices as 1 iv as any house In the
city ,
UpaundiexO ( uzar $ i 00
8 pounds granu'ated iuar 100
3 pounds confectlouaiy A BUtfur 1 CO
11 Lara white llusdan Buap. Kirks 1 00
OlmnHue Imllaeoap , Kirks 1 00
2 tural'jlmaBoap , UiutzDro'd 1 00
8 lioxea matches , 25
Bestsymp , per ( ? llon 63
'eat Borglum , ptr gallon (0
Jeit KnglUh cunanta 14 pounds 109
10 boxei genuine Lewis Ijo i < o
62-pound cans Itrawberrloi In Bjrup 100
51-paund can ) peaches , lasjrup 1 00
.0 2-pound ctns tomatoes 1 00
0 pounds Mlciigundrlodapples i ( O
Opouopi evaporated arploa i 00
jorllard cllnux tobacco per pcund , , , 60
'avy plug tobacco , psr pound 60
fa'uulleif tobiooo.por round. . , . 40
Flour , all brands from ? MO to $369 per cwt
Lower Than Any Other House
20) Broadway , - - Council Bluffs.
S. A.
0 0 Mam t , , Council Bluffa
Uetvl ! Boot and Shoe etsro htre '
wayi b * 10431.
Of their Entire Stock of Ladies' and Childrens' Hosiery ,
20 to 50 Per Cent EeductioK3 New Lawns just received , and suttable to wear , Ele
gant Laces and Embroideries at greatly reduced prices
. .
dflli JBA HHHfekBnaiin k i ii i ii n m
Jr fc mL m R pH
Moquetfce , Body Brussels , Ingrain , Matting , Bugs , Etc. Curtains and Curtain Goods.
Carpets Made and Laid by Skilled Workmen.
P. DeVOL ,
504 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
Tf7 < oes 7e and ttetail
-T'l N WAR
CharterOak and'-Acorn Stoves neea no comments.
Leonard's colebrntcd cleanable Dry-air Refrigerator. Theeo Ilofrigorntora excel ! all otho
n clonnljneaa. A refrigerator which cannot bo cleaned becomes useless , it becomes a cut
anco instead of a benefit.
With this washer \ve do not ask you to risk confidence or money.
We know that aU that is necessary is a trial. TAKE ONE , and if after
one or two fair tests you are not pleased return it and we will relund
your money.
These ttanyes ore a
complete departure
from the regular Vapor
per Stove , and possess
inany new and val
uable features that
vill be appreciated.
We have the exclusive agency of the celebrated
Two Point Steel
n this city. Do not be deceiv MISKEPUESENTATIONS.
t bottom prices , Mall ordora solicited.
Pfi T5TR 50l Broadway ,
And other wares. Attend the
At 23 Mam St. . Council Blufl'u.
Ono eot handled caps and sauccra 38c
Ono aot kniroa and forks , , 683
Ono bowl and pitcher , 98o
One 5-bottlo triple plated castor 1 08
Ono sot Rogeratriple plated knlvoa 1 08
Ono decorated tea Bet (50 ( pieces ) 4 08
One decorated dinner set (08 ( plocon ) 13 08
Ono decorated dinner tet , [ 131 pieces ] , 17 08
Call aud see : Youra very respectfully ,
Keep Horned and Mules constantly on hand which
wo will cull In retail or carload lota
All Stock Warranted as Rep/resented
WhoIrteJU knd retail dealers In Orala and P.cJtJ lUy , Prices iei <
looablo Sktlafaction Qu / jt d.
Cor. Dth AY , and 4th S < . , Council BluiFs.
Waves , Langtry and Pompadour Frizzes.Switch . 1
es , etc , , ready made and made to order. Prices
cheaper than ever. Call and see for yourself ,
Formerly MRS. J. J. GOOBE.
29 Main Street , Council Bluff.
Holfera and cows ol all &BC3 luralsbod In any desired numbers ; ranchmen should correspond with ui
ucfcro jiurcha ung clsenhorr.
WINDOW & ORAMPTON , Waverly , Iowa.
For any case of Kidney or liver disease or dyspepsia rheumatism , or any disease indudced
, by a lack of native power , that carftoot bo cured by the use of Drs. Judd & Smith' * Electric
Belts nnd Appliances. No. 30 , Fourth St. . Council Bluffs. 1
Brick buildings of any kind raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed. Frame fcouk
moved on Littjo Giant trucks , the best In the world.
1010 Ninth Street , Council BluBa
Norene & Landstrom ,
Suits to order In latest styles at cheapest possible [ prices ,
No. 205 Main St. , Council Bluffa.
Merchant Tailors !
7 and 9 Main St. ,
A Complete Line of New Goods Always on Hand.
606 Broad-way , - - Council.Bluffs. . .
The only all night house in the city. Everything served in first ( less itylo and on shor
notice , Uot and cold lunches always ready.
NO. 2 ,
la the JTlffhcat Achievement in Writing
Machines in the World ,
With only S3 koj-a to learn an
operate. It prints 76 character *
Including caps and small letters ,
punctuations , figures , tlgn and
tractions It Btbe simplest and
most rapid writing m&cblne
made as ell ast ne most durable
tSFSmd for free illustrated pamphlet.
Wyckoff ST ans & Benedict ,
Chicago , 111 , , Bole Agents.
0. II. SIIOLK3 ,
Agent for Western lo
201 nnporBroadwav.ConnollBluff
In Couno Illutfs ha\ lug a
And all modern Improvements , call tolls , fiio
bolln , etc. , U the
No * 210 , 217 nnd 210 , Main Street ,
Madame 1 1 Balcear , ;
Who for the pail 10 years lias been practising i
San Francisco li now located at No 18 N. Otb Street ,
opposite new Opera House i
Madairo llalceir guarantee ! to rostont , , ,
Or to give anyone a Hugh mustncho or bring out a '
flno growth tf bitr ur board In from four totlx wtek * . ,
Frlcoi reasonable and futtlstVtion guaranteed ,
Otucjrn , deafness and cHprcUlly rhiumatltui ml
all clironio diseases cured \ > j n natural gilt ol the
doctreis ,
/ " . Jalcearf
28 North Cth St. , - - Council BJulfa , fa
H. 80HUR2 ,
rvrrvnn. HT.T7FW8. TOW1.
Office , Ualu Street , noom ' 7 and ByShugart and I
Iltuo block. Wlllprartlecln Biateana tate oouiU. i
E , Eics 1
w t k i tsuon seraon-i rtlkstl m
fcalli ct Oiairloj cl bl.fri.