Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 18, 1885, Image 5

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li Day at the Capital of
the State ,
Unsatisfactory Census Eo turns
Being Made.
T lie EnnmctMtors CotnpUIn
Ijntlles Ilomumbcr & Friend
Pornonal Notes.
Keportocl br The UEK'S Burenu.
LINCOLN , Neb. , Juno 17 , At the state
'honao all ie quiet. The governor , nftor
appointing Ohuroh IIowo a member of
the educational board of the normal
school at Porn , went to his homo , at
Grata city , to attend the commencement
exorcises of Doano cell ego ,
The Fremont , Elkhorn & Missouri
Yulloy rallroacl has filed amended articles
of Incorporation with the secretary of
Supt. Lane , of the comma department ,
has gene to Omaha to cxpcdtto the census
taking ao that they may get the returns
all In before July 1st. About tire hun
dred portfolios are In , and so far Buffalo
cannty heads the list with the largest
number of portfolios In , As yet the city
of Lincoln has returned none which
were approved. There seems to bo con
siderable dissatisfaction among a largo
pot I ion of the enumerators as the pay Is so
raongro that oven in gopd localities a
good man cannot make to exceed thirty
or thirty-five dollars , and the canac-
.qento Is , that the entire census work Is
liable to bo ucrlously crippled and fall
short of what It was Intended to be , from
the fact that in ovary phase of It the
compensation la Insufficient to make a
firat-olasa job of It ; besides , the time al
lowed to com pie to the work Is not enough.
There are 812 enumerators and the law
only makes provisions for fifteen clerks ,
In thirty days , to revise , compile and
copy a large portion of the work done by
the small army of enumerators.
Brad P. Cook , late adjutant general
of the department of Nebraska , grand
army of the republic , la the recipient of a
handsome badge from the woman's relief
corpse of this department. The badge is
the ehapa of the sixth corpse badge , or a
< 3reok cross. The centre plcco ( s gold
irlth the grand army of the republic
monogram , attached with red silk'to a
gold bar npon which is the word "hon
orary" in blue enamel. The following is
an extract from the loiter accompanying
the present :
"I send you an honorary badge. Your
past devotion to all the beat Interests of
the order which has made yon first hon
orary member In our department , entitles
yon to a badge far more costly and ele
gant than the one sent. * * * From
your Nebraska woman's relief corps ,
slaters In F. , 0. and L. , pr. "
Department President Woman's Relief
The sangcrbund hall will bo lighted with
electric light the entire night during the
week of its festivities
"Pretty Bobby Shafto , " which will bo
played at the opera house Monday night
for the benefit of the homo of the friend
less , la composed entirely of children ,
who are hard at work drilling under the
personal supervision of Prof. Mahler.
The children cf some of the moat promi
nent people in the city take part. Fnll
particulars of the programme and play
will bo given later In the week. Don't
forgot the date , Monday , Juno 19.
Capt. Palmer , pout department com
mandpr of the grand army of the repub
lic , will bo unable to attend the rational
encampment owing to the difficulties he
is laboring under which ho acquired while
serving as an oflontivo partisan savoral
yearn ogo.
The district court will continue on for
a couple cf wooka on equity cases.
i I L. Wosiol has fitted up a nice s'and ' in
the Commercial hotel , where all the
leading dallies can ba procured , besides
good cigars.
0. H. Pratt , Wymoro ; John Painter ,
Dorchester ; J. H Norrls , C. Kaufman ,
H. T. Clark , Omaha ; M. P. Walsh ,
Beatrice ; A. 0. Craalhwuite , David Oily ;
T. L. Norval , So'ward ; Frank Wilson ,
Plftttsmouthj . E Hill , Nebraska City ,
ere nt the Commercial.
N. S. King , Poorlaj E. N. Gronell ,
Fort Oalhonu ; O. W. Thomas , D. N.
Banlgor , Charles Molz , Omaha ; n. F.
IlubbirJ , Ut. Lrmia ; Geoigo A. Oorlotoa ,
Now York , nro at the Gorham.
F. E. Parkiogton , who for the past
year has bkou connected with the Com
mercial houeo , has accepted a position at
the Gorlmm. whore ho can bo found from
11 p. m. to 11 a , m.
The citizeos of Ulysses have deter
mined to colebrito the fourth of July
and to that end have secured J. L. Col-
well , of this city , to deliver an oration.
Mr. Colwoll is a fine orator and will do
them and the eagle justice.
The managers of tha state board of ag
riculture began arriving lait evening ,
with headquarters at the Gorham house ,
The following named gentlemen compose
tbo board : 8 , M. Barker , chairman ,
Platte cDimtyf Measrs. Jensen , Fillmore
county , Kent , Kearney county ; Moln-
tire , Saward county , and Grewell , Wash
ington county , managing beard.
Tha managers of the State fair mot at
the Graham homo this evening. There
were present Chairman Barker , Messrs.
Mclntyro , Dent and Grlnoll , Secretary
Gonfarnas , Treasurer Hartraan and
Messrs. MoForland , Druse and Dinamoro ,
with Auiitant Secretary Wilson. Otrlog
to rm error aud misunderstanding , It was
ordered underrate seventeen that prem
iumswhich were awarded by the commit
tee to Mossri. Pittoraou , DeoherbeW. A.
Paiton and Paxton Brotthers , amounting
in all to $292 , ba paid. Tha resignation
of Oh/of of Police Langhlln was ac
cepted. Under the dairy exhibits it
irai ordered that twenty pounds
packages could bo exhibited Instcai ol
forty pound packages. This was done
for the coitvculonca of exhibitors and Is
applicable iwly to creamery butter. The
board docltfcd to have printed 25,000
tingle aJmistion tickets ; 2,500 of both
lock and oih.'bltors' pastes ; 2,500 quar
ter etretca tickets ; 1,000 live stock do-
p&ttment tickets , good only to remain on
the ground ; 2,000 check pissec , good for
oneadmission only ; > ,000tohool children
tickets ( It ii probable the board will
toleot some ono clay only upon which
) lieio tickets will bo good ) ; 7BOO ampitbe-
ater tickets ; 1,000 nornplimontny
tickets lu addition to what are now in
the luada of the secretary. Seven !
pi in ting bills were otdarod paid and
ufter'issuinjf an order or two al'out the
power the board adjourned t3 meet
n iln this morning.
Fifteen Japanese officers and toldiera
were ( ompylng an cait bound Pallmau
yesterday. They were goinff to the
Philadelphia navy yard and wilt vnlt
other points , remaining In this country
From four to six months.
The putting In of the water works at
the stock yards has baett awarded to A.
L. Strang , of Omaha , for $8,900. The
woiks will have a cipacity of 850,000
gallons. Ho will begin work about the
1st of Jnly. J. 0. McNalr , of Lincoln ,
has the contract for erecting the pens ,
sheds , scales , fancea , oto , at the stock
yords , and has bfgun work.
Importance ol Meeting tlio U. S. aen-
to Committee When It Comes
to Oinnlin.
The United States senate committtoo
on Inter-state commerce' , which will bo
lu Omaha on next Monday , has sent nut
a bundle of circular letters to Sanator
Manderson , setting forth the objects of
the investigations taht are bolng made ,
and Senator Mandorton is mailing these
circulars to all persons who have boon In
vited to appear before the committee.
The oubjoct of regulating transporta
tion of freights and passengers between
the several states by railroads and water
routes , In connection orcompotltion rrith
railroads , is the ono more especially to bo
investigated. In carrying out Its instruc
tions the commission Is compelled to
take testimony so ao to give the repre
sentatives of every Interest effected a
full and fair hearing.
The circular contains a Use of fifteen
quottiona that will ba asked by the com
mittee to ascertain the best method of
preventing the practice of extortion and
unjust discrimination ; the reasonableness
of rates now charged ; whether publicity
of rates should bo required by law ; the
advisability of establishing a system of
maximum and minimum rates ; the elements -
monts of cost and condition of busi
ness : whether rebates and drawbacks
should bo allowed ; The pooling business
Dolwcon railroads , etc. , etc.
As the general purpose of this Investi
gation is to ascertain what grounds of
: ompaint ! now exist in any pait os the
United Statoo regarding the operations of
.ranaportatlon companies engaged in
ntor-stato commerce , it is desired that
all thoeo who have boon invited to meet
; ho committee on behalf of Nebraska
will do BO.
Tl > o roatofllco Tlitcf Evldontly "Want
ed to Start a Btoro oi HU Own.
Sylns W. Oondrou. the poatofllco thief ,
seems to have been doing a wholesale
buaincBi. Yesterday Deputy Marshal
Allen went to his room , In the Coombs
building , and found there a largo trunk
Oiled -wjlh stolen goods. They were
I akon to the inspector's office and laid out.
The pile contained silk dress patterns ,
gloves , shoos , slippers , trouserj , vests and
an Immense variety of yarns , collars ,
fancy articles , etc. Tha goods for'whloh
Condron gave an order on his sister wore
also recovered. The Inspector desires
that all these who hava lost anything in
this way to either call In parson and
Identify their property or communicate
to him by letter. The stolen goods will bo
delivered to their rightful owners.
Clark Woodman left yesterday for the east.
Charles E. Squires loft yoitor Jay for the
oust ,
Hon. A. S. Paddock , cf Beatrice , is at the
Frank F. Ireland , of Nebraska City , is at
the Paxton.
V. G. Langtry.aprominontcitiien of Blair ,
is in the city.
W. M. Gray and wife , of North Loup , are
gnoala at the 1'axton.
Mra. Walter Towueond , of Beatrice , is via
friends in this city.
W. II. B. Stout , of Lincoln , registered at
the Fasten , last evening.
Judge B. M. Keeso and wife , of Wahoo ,
are In the city , guests at the Millard.
James F. Mathers , n big Btnelttug works
man , of Denver , is at the Fax ton.
Dr. * IrvirR J. Manatt , chancellor of the
etato univertity at Lincoln , is aFaxtonguest-
A. J. Multon , Tekamah , W. W , Wore ,
Duolnp , G. J. Cram , Salt Lake City , nro at
the Arcade.
W , II. Mutter , the grocer , loft for Denver
last evening on business , and will ba absen
about ono week.
Mr. Henry L. Willis , of Chicapo , is witb
the Bay State cattle coirpany , having joined
them at that city.
Mrs , Judge Hull li visiting Mra. J. A.
BuckfltaU at her elegant imburban residence ,
Fairl&wn , near Lincoln.
Adolph Meyer and wife , Mrs , Jloritz Mey
er and Mrs. Fisher , loft for Now York last
evening to spend a couple of months vititlng
friends ,
Mra. A , Caatollor and daughter , Miss II ,
n. C Mitel lor , of Blair , came down to the city
yesterday to attend the commencement exor-
ciies of Brownell hall. They are guests at
the Paxton.
Mlis Bella Hudson , one of the teachers at
the Deaf and Dumb Institute for the past
year return e yesterday afternoon to her homein |
Iowa City , Iowa , to spend her summer vaca
tion ,
Miss Maud Bunows , the young -lady from
Decature , 111. , who has bean visiting Omaha
friends , went over to the Bluffs yesterday and
will ba the guest there of Mrs , B. S , Joeje-
Ira Thompson , Tekamah ; F , B. From and
wife , Pickerel ! ; D , Anderson , Colnmbns ; A.
L , Shearman , J. D , Shearman , Springfield ;
E. Q , Curtis , St. Paul ; S. 0. Custer , Kanios
City ; D. G. Buhl and K. Buhl , Auburn ; A.
W , Lewis , Shoshone , Idaho ; J , B. Burns , L.
1C. Burns , Kansas City ; S. M. Fretwell , F.
F. Fretwell. Detroit ; Walter Tyson , Blair ,
are at the CanGold ,
llobbcry ,
Pate Young and Obnrles Washington ,
two notorious colored men were arrested
about midnight by Officer Donahoo for
highway robbery and lodged in the
city jail , They held up a Swede and
took hli watch from him. While the
officer was en route to the cooler with
them Young tried to throw the watch
away , but didn't succeed.
St. L'iulVlilHky ftlen Fall ,
Sr , PAUL , Minn , , June 17. F/ed DslI &
Co. , liquor merchants , filbd this evening for
$20,000. The creditors ate principally in
Chicago , Cincinnati , Peoria , Loulavtlli atjil
g { . Lou's.
A. Few Matters of I < cinl Importnnnco
Disposed of Ycstenlnjr.
The following orders were made ycater-
day by Jndgo Dandy In the United
States district court :
Julia Gllbort vi. Ooorgo Husor ot nl.
Sale confirmed and deed ordered.
Dnmloo moittjago and trust company
vs. Ellzibolh M , Brown ot ol , Sale confirmed -
firmed and deed ordered ,
J. P. Miller vs. Andrew J. Used ot
al. Defendants given leave to answer
and file cross hill to-day , Other proceed-
inpo under rnlea nnd cite continued.
New England Mortgage Security Co.
va. James M. Glllespio ot al. Defendants
given leave to file cross bill Instantor.
William Vocrhusen v . Kyron ot nl.
Plaintiff given Unvo to answer bill In ten
Jns. G. Miller va. the Chicago , St. Paul
Mindeapolii & Omaha company. Or
dered by the court that an order of de
fault heretofore made bo sot aside.
Following lathe docket call of cases
set for trial to-day In the district court.
Barton vs. Patrick.
MoCord et nl vs. Loggolt & Meyer To
bacco Co.
Estnbrook vs. Halbroth ,
Thomas vs. Forbes.
Edwards vs. Potter , Ainsworth & Co.
Murray ot al vr. Erdman.
Gallnghur vs. Ilart.
Vohrs va. Emmerson.
Krojcl vs , Bat ton , ot al.
Vnmplon ot al. vs. Chambers.
George R. Hondoraon , having passed a
satisfactory cxamimtlou before the court
committee , was admitted to the bar.
Judges Wakoloy and Novlllo consumed
the greater portion of yesterday hearing
arguments , in the application
for an injunction , made
by Casper et al. against the city , in which
they wish to have the council enjoined
From entering Into a contract with Mack
& Company for paving Thirteenth street
with Colorado sand otono.
A motion of demurrer in the Phillips
case was argued before Judge Novlllo
yesterday morning.
Gibson , the conntorfeitor , was con
Judge Stonbcrg ntsessod fines of $1
and casts , yesterday afternoon , on three
different parties , James Cory , A. W.
Seaholm , and Henry Tifus , for leaving
their teams standing in the street with
out being tied.
Tlio Ufiual Morning Business of Jadgo
StcnUcrg's Tribunal.
John Smith , Charlou Lladholm nnd
John Bonnet , a trio of unfortunates , who
had doused themselves in the flowing
howl , were fined $5 and costs by Judge
Stenber * yesterday morning.
Gnstav Mackoli and Max Elhrechtt
two Germans who were arrested Tuesday
night for an alleged attampt to steal a
saddle , weraroleaajd n's tharj was no
convicting ovldenco against them.
Ed Johnson was a young man who has
heon spotted by D. P. and 0. B. & Q.
detectives as a dangerona pickpocket.
Ho was arrested Tuesday night at suspici
ous character. Yestorday.momnghoputon
a very Innocent air , and claimed that ho
was a "candy butch" a paanut fiend
on the NorthWestern road , only that
and nothing mora. Ho was told to leave
Omaha on the Brat train.
Andy Morrison , another suspect told
the judge n long and painful story of
how ho had been a oteam boat maker in
Now Oreleana for the past fifteen
yoira had helped to make the
"Uharlos P. Chotean , the
largest boat on the Mississippi river to
day , air , " and had como north oa the
Missouri river to look for work , otc.
Jndgo Stcnborg was not greatly Impress
ed with the truth of his story , but nev
ertheless gave him until four o'clock to
leave tbo oily.
John Bell , a small bul. wicked colored
bsy , arrested for throwing rocks , was released -
leased , cs thrio wan no ono to appear
against him.
Seal of North Carolina Tobacco ia tbo
scr A cntH Ranch Conclusions.
OHIOAGO , 111. , Juno 17. The local eastern
pasBongrr agents to-day ngrecd to abolish oil
commissions andj all outside ticket offices
and maintain but one general oflico and one
depot ticket office f cr each line , also to have
Commissioner Moore immediately formulate
a plan for a money pool to which all butinesa
must bo reprrted , the percentages to bo ar
ranged by arbitrators ,
The central patecoger association to-day
decided to restore all rates on buiiness be
tween interior points east and west within
the territory of the association. Only twenty-
two of the fifty-six members were present ,
and the decision was adopted eubject to rati
A OhnnKo of I'rcbltluntH at Cornell ,
ITHACA , N. Y. , Juoo 17. President White
of Cornell university , presented his resigna
tion to the board of trustees this afternoon ,
A largo oxcursitn party of motuodist
church people from Marysville , Kansas , will
bo in this city to-day ,
The locality of Ninth and Do4go streets
has become to notoriously bad lately that the
respectable people living there are making
terribly bitter complaint , and say that they
propose to drive tha rough element out of it.
livery nlcht ; tbo most disgraceful of scenes
are enacted by tough men and low down
Hie Greatest Medical Triumph of tha Ago'
I.oiiofnppetlle , lloweUcoitlvc , 1'aln In
the bead , wlfi a dull ensallon lu the
tack part , 1'sln under the ibonlrler *
blade , 1'ullncaa nflcr catlnn , vrlth a dl .
Inclination to exertion of bodr or mind ,
frrltubllltTof temper/.o r plrlt , TrltU
ifccllueofhaTlnencBlcctcd louodutr ,
IVearlucii , Ulzzlneaa , 1'lulterlnir at the
Heart. lol ) beforotho eye * , Headache
over Ibo right eye , Ileallessnesi , wllb
Otful Urenraa , Illclily colored Urine , and
TBTT'S lULr.8 ara especially adapted
to aucU cnsca , ono iloso ctfecta such u
Jmnirn offcoliiifrna to natonlshtno sufferer
They Incrtme Hi n Appetiteand cause tbo
flfnly 1o Tuko 011 l-'le lii tlma Ilia s/Btem 11
noiirUliciI.aml Uy Inelr Toiilo Action on
thal > l etIveOrKanslteitiilarS oolaar.i
nroduci'd. ITlM afSe. 44 Murray Nt..N.V.
( inAT JlAiu \Vu\sicuua changed to a
Oiasar UI.ACIC by a B.'uglo application of
this BTE. It Imparts a natural color , acts
instantaneously. Bold fcv IJrugglsU , or
nt by express on receipt of 81 ,
Murray St , . Now York.
All ado ertitemcntt in the tpecial column * will
be charged at the rate of 10 tenti per line for the
/Int / intertion , andJtenttper line for each , nibie-
qvent insertion : Vo airtrtitement will be interted
for leu than ! S centt or the frit time ,
Thete adtertiteinenti will be interted in bo\ Morn
ng and Evening Edition ! , reprtientiny a eireuta.
rt no/over Eight THotitand. Thit elan of odrer.
tirementi muttpotitirelii le paid in advance.
WAS ? 500 to (700 on rnrxl real ( dtato security.
S73-tf W. 0. SUR1VKB , opposlto P. O.
. TO LOAS On real estate In stuns of ? ! 0 and
upwards , tn any amount. Omaba Financial
Exchange , It03 Farnam St
Money to loan On collatcrn's tn sums of $25 and
upward * , to nay amount Oaaha Financial Ex-
chince , 1501 FirnamEt.
Money to loan On ( batted In sum * of $5 and tin-
wards to anr amount , at low rates. Omaha Flnancltl
Exchange , 1503 Farnam St.
Money to loan On good securities ol any kind , In
any amount , lit the Omaba Financial Exchange , 150 $
Farnam St. , up-stalra , 229-tf
IVl oniTto loan at lowest rates vl Interest by llciuls
1V1 13th and Douglas sts. 07811
VfosRT to lo n In sums ot $200 and upxardt on
IVlflret-olas ) real ostatosecurity. Pottir & Cobb ,
1615 Farnam et. 015-tf
< \JTOKEY Tolonn on chattels , Woolloy , & Hairlaon ,
'VI ' Koom 20 , Omaha National bank building
1TONEV TO LOAN Oa real estate anil chattels
itl D. L. Thomas. 837tl.
TlToMiTl NOSP.T 11 MONur I M Money to toan-On
1V1 chattel security by W. lUCrolt , room 4 , With-
neil building , N. K , corner 15tn and Hirnoy After
years ol cxporlcnco and a careful study of the busi
ness ol loaning money on personal property , I have
at last perfected A system whcrohy the publicity
usual In such casoi Is done away wlth.and I am now
In a position to meet the demands ol all ho become
temporarily embarrassed tnd dcslro to raleo money
without delay and In a quiet manner , llousonccp-
en , protcselonil pontlcmcn , mechanics and others In
this city can obtain advances from S10 to $1,000 on
such security as household tnrnlturc , pianos , ma
chinery , horses , wagons , warehouse receipts , secur
ed notci of hand , etc. . without rcmivmp eame from
owners residence or place of builnts . Ono et the
advantages I olfer Is that any part ot anv loai can
bo paid at any tlmo which will reduce the Interest
pro rata and all loans rononrod at the original ratca
of Interest. I ha\ono brokers In connection with
ray olllce , but personally superintend nil my louif ,
I have private olllcca connected with my general
office eo that customers do not corno In contact with
each other , consequently making all transactions
strictly private. W. a Crolt , room 4 , Wtthnell
building , N. K. cor. 15th and Harney. 837-J-U
Loaned on chattels , cut rats , 11. II
MONET nought and sold. A. Forman.213 S , 13th Bt
/JOKET TO LOAN ID lums of ISOOand upward.
LT.1 0. F. Davta and Oc. , Keal KcUto and Loan
Agento , 16C5 Faroam St. 810 If
\/f / ONEY LCTANED at a F. Rood & 0o'e. Loan office
1YJL on furniture , piano ? , horses , wagons , personal
property of all kinds and all otho mtlclos of value ,
without romrval. Over 1st National I3 nkcorner 18th
tnd Farnam. All buslnoea ettlctly confidential819tf
Good girl for general homo work In a
WAMKD family. Inquire S. W. cor. 18th and Chicago
cage St. R77-M
WANTED A girl or mldlo ncd wouati for general
house work. Aoply this opening at 8:0 CoMcgo
Street. Mra JohnWIdenor. 353-17p
W 'ANTED A ccmpctcnt girl at 421 N. 17th street.
WANTID Oocd girl for general houecnork , good
uagcs , 113 it. Ith between JDcuubs and
Dcilgc. CSS.lSp
AMED Qoodclrlsfor hotels , private families ;
Kite1 en and laundry wotk. Call at Omaha Em-
Iiloj mcnt Bureau , 1120 Farnam t. 347-tf
TV7"ASTKD A good second girl 1517 Ilarncv.
333 tl
( fANTKD Good pints maker. Address ST. Gold-
> helm , DcnUoii , Iowa. 831-17p
'ANTED Two good glrla at the Occidental.
WANTED A coed ilrl Immediately. Mrs. J. II ,
Cornee , No 2813 Charles street , bctwoin Irene
and James 263-17p
W ANTED Girl in small family , 1013 Chlcaeo st.
WANTED A competent girl to cook , wash and Iron
In family of three , no cnlldren. Wat 8 95. ( er
week. Apply 1824 Douglis St. 312 17 ] )
WASTED Work by a firtt-clasj laundress by the
day or week In ] > Ivato family. Address Cen-
ralDlnlng Hall , corner of 16th and Dcdgo. 97-17p
WANTED A goad competent German uliI for
Ctncral housework ; none otter need apply ,
1017 Chlcago.strect. 283tf
WANTED Nurse girl. Apply lira F. IT. Howard ,
Uanfleld UOUEO. SBl-tf
WANTFD Nurse girl who lives In the city to como
In daytime and tike care of Infant. Apply 110
South 24th St. 248-tf
Olrlat 1540 Sherman avenue.
ie9-tf J. U. Couneman.
TT/'ANTED Three czpoilenccd women canvassers ,
TV JO per day , guaranteed : room 7 , Hodick b'ock.
W 'ANTID Flrat-class dining room girl at the Met
ropolitan ; betel ; none otner need applv. 824-tl
WANTED A ehlpplrg clerk , tne falcfinan , ono
more delhcry driver , kt Martin's Installment
stem , 303-18
W ANTED A bather , C1C S 13th tt.
307 18p
T17ANTKD 10 coed carpenters. Inqulro Jamfs
Vatovonp , thl3c\Dnluf. ( 24)7Cumlig t. 378 17p
Ihreo Hvj men to to'lthe ' Head } FIre
ExtlngnUher In Nobrccka ard louu. Call
Hoom 13,124 N. I It'eente etrcct , at ilxt'i eight thla
p. m. SO17p
WLNTKD A good lean stcr Immrdlat'Ip ; li.qulro
on DougUsncsr SSd. Ure. Ju.ncon.
"ITITANTPD A boy who cm speak O.'rman , for gcn-
VV oral kttehtn work it 21B . mil Strict. S34-18p
j-A watch maker and clock prcpnicr at
Kdbolm k. Kilckson'g. 310-17
WANTED One or two good canvassers wanted for
Shinnon Muslo Binder. John H , Cornon , 2813
Cbarlck itrect , between Irene aad Jamo ] it S07,17p
'T\RANTED Live agents to wcrk Life and Accident
TT Insurance for a strong New Yoric company In
every town In Nebraska and Iowa dod commls *
slon to workers Address K. U. Wllccx & Co. , Gen
eral Agents , Kansas C.ty , Mo. 276.27
FOUR dgarmakers wanted. Inquire of Gco. B.
Godfrey , Ficmont , Nob. C33-JI/
WANTEO-BituatlonmlddIeiged ; man , anything
honorable ; bonds and good referenccsaddr ; s9S
Van , 610 8 14tD st 230.20p
WANTED Position as ihlpplni clerk In wholesile-
house ; IS years exp rlence ; Satisfaction guiran-
teed ; references or bonds. Address "J. K. " Dee
offlct. S6G-18p
TTTANTED Situation as house keeper by a lady ,
T T Address N , K. corner Itth and Pacific. 38l-17p
WANTSD-A situation by a young mm who li not
afraid ol work ; God reference ! furnished , Ad
dress "M. L. B. " Bee otllcc. 370-17p
WASTio-Situatlnn by a colored waiter ; belt ot
leferenoej. Address Walter , lioe office.
WANTED Sltuttlon by au active man of gond ad-
drees and butlneu expeilenoe , Addresd "T D"
Bee office. 821,18p
FOK a reliable family teanutrcs , call on or addreis
0 , W , corner llib and Pacific Bt. , Omaha , Neb ,
TX7ANTID-/TWO horses to board , H. E. corter 2Ctb
Vl and Webiter. sas-lOp
WANTED A couple of nice yonririnen ai boirr'vrs
.In prhtta ( imlh ; tett of reference required.
"M , P. " Bee office. 810 lg
lorbaby elgtte < nm6ctbiiold ; a ice < d party can
) ha\e. ( Patents de d , ) " 0. 0. " Bee oflioe.
WANTED A good icllalle f.mily horaei tnqulie
1818 Farnam tt. 34 17
T\7AaT D To buy in established retill grocery or
T T coaimlaalon bus'nes ) la Omika. Adnresi M , "
Lock box 29 , Brov list llle A eb. 20-10p
WA TED-8omeone lo adopt a boy liibr. Inquire
if mother , at Poor House. 2W-17i |
WAXTRD-TO bny a ( rood horse and phaeton ; par
ca h and bilsncw In monthly InsUllments. Ad
drrn with full raitlculais , K. C , D.Tieo ofTlco.
WAXTRD One irsponslble and well known person
In each county North , West and South , lo man-
IRO the Agenrv far the sals ot the house hold Pbar <
macy.a family Drug ( tore and M < HlcU Institute com
blned. Price ocly 10dollars. A household nc l'y
and best selling article e\er In th market. No com *
petition ; steady employment all the year round For
particulars aid clrcultrs address "The Sun Chemical
Co. , " Incorporated , 249 W. 4th St. , Cincinnati , 0 ,
S nnfurnlihed rooms suitable tor light
home kcerlnt la a private house by a mm and
wife. Addict "T U O. " Uee offleo. 130-17p
A OUSTS WAXTHD. Addrciis St. Louis Elcctrlo Lamp
Co , St Louis for circular , cut * and terms ot the
fl camllo tie or Marsh illcctrlc I mp. 811-jlyli
- ady In need of a sowing ma <
chine , to see the new Improved American No.
P. K. Flodman fc Co. agents : 220 N 18th. 8301f
FOR RUNT Tlvoll Ice cream and lunch ronn , Opp.
Be onico , 3S7-17p
FOR RKNT Eight-room building , 1203 Dfxtie St.
Alf. D. Jonct. 853 ISp
REST House office roomc. well and cistern.
FOR of Dr. Pan ) , Dentist , WHIIinu Block ,
TJioR RKNT-From July let , resiliences , W. corner
' 19th and Callfonila Itretts. A. S. VanKurtnU.
P. Headquarters. 332-20p
REXT Cottage ro ms and house rooms. J
PhlpplUoc , 15123.6th St. 331-tf
FOR RKNT rhreo story brick Ftoro building ; en *
nulro ot Edward Norrls Is 03. , room IB Crounso
Blcck. 831-tf
foa RK.vr-L rpo furnlshol room lultablo for two
1 gentlemen , 1317 Chicago St. ROl-lPp
RUNT A handsomely fuinlthcd room , bath
room J1720 Capltel ao. . 200-18p
KRxr A nlco'y furnished rooai at 605 north
FOR ht 370 lOp
: * OR BKsr 2 unturnislioJ front rooms atl51Ioug-
F las street , up-stalrj. b'0-tt
FOR RUNT Elcz.nt . no ly furnished rooms'wlth
board , 1016 Capitol ncnuo , bath room , gas ; no
lillla lo climb ; Drst class day board S3 week.
"nR > RRNI Furnished front to gtntlcmcn only , at
JL } 1013 Farnam fit. 352-lSp
RRXT Furnished pirlor , dlnln ; room for
FOR houto keeping , bay window , brl.kj 603 N.
HKXT Furnished room 1318 Jackson.
FOR Jackson.32522p
TTViR RKVT-A well futnhhcd front rsom.two blocks
JD fiom I'icinj depot , S. W. corner llth anil Pacific.
800-17 _
roR RENT Fun Ishcd front room 1309 Capitol nvc.
I OR RRXT Desk room , In a nicely furnlthcd office.
F Uqulro ream 1 ! , Ciclghton block. 220-20
° RENT Handsomely furnlstod rooms suitable
F for gentleman and wife cr two gentlemen at
2209 Dodgoit 101-lOp
IOR RRXT Newly furnlthcd rooms 1701 Capitol
F avcnuo , corner 17tb. 215-17p
OR RIOT Furnished room 1017 Chicago St.J20II
REM Ono large front alcove , room , gi , and
FOR convenience , lt'23 Furnnin at. S03-tf
FORRKST-KurnlsheJ rooms , 1810 Dodge street.
183-July 8
Ion RK > T Furnished and unfurnished rooms at
F ISlOHafnoySt 107-tf
Von RENT-Centrally located fcrnlahtd rooms at
_ Tj)23Boutin5th ) St. 125-tj
Tf/oR REXT For manut o'urlng ' purooses or hall ,
1 ? lirgo room 41x70,3dlloor , No. 110 S. 14th et.
enquire at 1403 Dodge * t. Slmoson.
RENT LurKO humlsomelv furnlihod cool room
modern conrcnlooce , with excellent board for
two Ktntlemcn ; also lablo board , 1718 Dodge 637-1 (
IOR REST Nicely furnished room suitable for two
gentlemen , gaa and bath , 2225 Dodge. 954-tt
1/OR RKNT Furnlihol largo front room with Icovo
JL1 grate bath , etc. , 1713 Uas street. 849-tf
IOR RKNT Itoom with board suitable for ono or two
gentleman , 1812 Dodge St. 704-tf
TJ"OR RENT Large front room on first floor with or
JD with board ; inqulro at 1001 farnam St.
With board.dotliable for eummtr. Apply
ROOMS Charles Hotel. 833-tt
FOR KENT Sever * fine offices In Crouneo' block ,
Inquire Ed. Norrls , room 19 Crounse block
FORSALK We offer four choice farms In Casa Co. ,
Neb. x
No. 690 , 22 acrei highly lmpro\oJ , 83J per acre.
" 627 , 188 " " " 530 "
" 62S , 232 " " " ? 35 "
" 5201400 " jcvoral hundred acres under
cultivation , flnely watered with Ihlng brooklets ,
beautiful groves of native timber , prctectlon for
stock In wlnt r , finobiancg orchard 20 jeirs old.
The whole In one body , this la ODO of the QLCU stock
farms In the s'ato. ' Joins South Bend on 11 , & if. It.
It. t20 per aero. C. K' ilayno & Co. 16th and Far
nam street , Omaha Nob. SSO-tf
roRBti.E 160 acre farm York Co. , Neb. K. W ,
Battls , Ycrk Neb. 837Jlyl5p
I70R B .K-fmpro > ed frrm 240 acres ; Caw Co.Neb.
JL' / > liOtcn acres within 3 blocki ef Pott office ,
Wecplnc Water. ; will pell er trade for Omaha ] ir p-
eity. W. H. Green , Omaha Neb. 233-tf
FOR BALK Good farm In Washington Co. ; 171
acres ; EO acres cultivated ; good buildings ; line
orchard ; running water ; all foaced. Edward Norrls
Co. , room 10 Urounso Ulock. 835H
- feet onCumlng between 18tnond0lh
FOR8AIR-33 , $2,703. Bedford & Souer. 000-tf
HTOR BALK \ 0)U aero stock and grain farm , o'l ' Im
1 ; jiro\cdfour ; hnurs1 ride Iroin tne O naha Btok
Yardssevenmllea ; from the city cf Fremont ; t o
railroads within three inllca ; 300 acres under plow ,
tharoit In putuio ; bJard fenoa , runnlnir strcim
through pasture ; house with ten rooms ; will bOB'dd '
chcaplf sold immedlatelv ; on terms to suit. For
further particulars Inqulro of Quo. C. Grodfrcv , Fio-
inont. Koh. B80t'
-8 story brick block on Farnam , tuo
FOUSALII , ; rents for $3,000.
For eale Farnam street property near DOW Court
House ; will double In value In itto ytars.
For sib Four residence lots on UoorgU avenue ,
desirable propaty.
Foriale Iwe'ty lots on Vinton street , ono block
from end cf IStb ttreet oar line ; this property Is do.
slrablo for realdenco.oncl Is only twenty mlnutr ride
from Parnam ; will be sold obcap and on easy tormi
Fcr sale Nineteen lots on Cumlng and o'ghteenth
on Hurt streets , B blocks west of Military brldgr.
This Is excellent prrpeity.
Forea'o Ilesldenoo fet , fl tlocks from Eel Car
line , $550.
Forsile Uosldence lot threa blocks from Green
Car Hned50.
For sa'e House aid lot , ( house D W and cost $700
near street cu line , { 1,200 , very cheap.
351-20 J. K. Hlley & Co. , 215 8. 18th St.
SALS-A lot on lUrney street neir 25th street ,
FOR feet $2.50) . This Is a hirgaln for any
one. O , K. Mayno&Co , B , W , corner 16th nnd
Ftrnam. 410-13
T OR B ILK C6 feet on Firnam ne ir Oth ; ilio lots
I1 In Highland 1'ltcs tnd Jerome l'rk , on ea-y
tcrmf. Tuttle & AlUion , 211 south ISth et.
849-jly IS
T70B SALE Four lota on Georgia avj. , In Hanrcom
f pi ice , good location ; will sell In a body or tepm-
rately at a bargain. Terms to suit Address " 0 A"
FOR BALK Full lot on 16th street , three
on lot , 3cisterns , well eta. , would rent fir 160
per won h ; if sold In 80 dajs (5,260 , , Potter &
Cobb , 1C16 Carnam itieet. 2SD-24
? BALE-Cheap lots on Slst ilreet to Ullltrd
' Plice , eatt front , OLlyl,20a I'otter andCobb ,
1616 Farnam St. 281-10
ON South 10th street , corner lot (6x140 fee , edit
front ; 7 room houtc , barn , ill improvement * ,
shruhery etc. , for 8,80J. , Mutt be sold W. H
Green , over lit Nat'l Iliok. 234.11
FOR BALK Large house , newly built , 9 rooms , all
modern Improvements with \ lot , at 1710 Cess
st ; Inquire at premises. 12SU
FOR BALK A choice lot In Hinicom I'laro on
Goorina Avenue ; will so'l at a bir aln on tetm
to suit ; address D 0. A. , llieolllce. 129tf
TTOR 8iM-F1velotl4'zl80 ; tozcthor on Learen-
i' worthetreet ; beautiful location , 9I.COO One-
fourth cash , bolanoi on long time , easy terms.
Cralle & Jonts. ! IO-tf
K Taico K'aullful icsideaco Shlnn's
Sdadd. Sp'.cndU view , $2.760. cml > , 16th
and Doujlaf. 978-11
T7 > OR8ALB 7h cbe > nrt lots In the c ty only H
J1 mile * luith west of th I'ott office , frlces ranslog
frou 8'55to Jl,000each ; terms Ueult. Ucmli , itth
nt S4W Lots In Credit Fflncler add , and grind
. view etc , vt\r H. I . > oa n. ft Jt , d [ ot , aad
upwards Uemls , llth and Douglas. B' | i lotou ISth Itreet 123 feet east
'frontnge.JU.SCO : Hso w.\r hini' , lot near
Nal ! works f2 Wa Ilemlf , IB.h an j Douilas 073-11
f70R Al.n tot and a half In Pirlcer's add ( It04 or
I1 $609 lor half lots ; two lots In Shlnn's 2 < 1 aiUI.I
eocb. nctn'd ' , 15th and Done a n 078.t
IiVm mtn-Two lots In Ltkn'a nd.i SIWound Si.scO
1 each ; three lots on tltrolUon , WMI ( f Saundcri
xtrcct. f550 , (001 and $003 each. Il mU , tMh and
Douglas ( U.
"Ipoa SALE-Acre lot on Cjmlag slieet fronts on
JL1 throsltrcot'.tJ.tOQ.
Three quarters of an aero on California trcernctr
Stcrcd Heart Academy , 52,603. Bcim > , inth and
Douglas. OTfutf
tots on Blunders Street , $1,030 each ;
caiy teims. IHmlj , ISth and Douglas. 078-tt
TJioa SALE Bcmls' new traps ol Omaha. . * > rach
41 licmU , I6th andjoniihs. 878 tf
HOCTr.of 4 Mims and sttblo ntth full tot on
Hamilton , near30th and west of Saund t r-rt ,
$1,200 ; c y terms to suit purahasor. 11KMH , lOlli
and Douglis streets. tfH-U
ri OC8M nd lots In any | > art ol Oiahi , $1,100 to
LJLSU.IOO. and DoiuUs. ti78-tf
7on SALE Good 6 room liouni , lot 60x13 ] fcet.eait
1 front , $1100 ; S100 cash , balance g6 per month ,
W. H GIOOD , over lit National bank. 8&4tf
FOR BAH House full tot , neil , cittern , birn , nil In
good condition , ono block from street cars f 1 000
easy terms.V U Croon , o\or Ut Natlllaok. 853-tl
FOR SALR-l' Ttv his for tut'o on Hurt nnd Cumtngs
bttw con roth and 31st cheap , Ineltlo property
edford & Koucr. 7i 1-tl
FOR LKASX Best unooiupiod ground In the ty for
warohnu o hoos8,87 feet fronton txjavonwjrth ,
north bet 10th and lllli.wlll lease for 09 years. Itcd-
ford .V Soucr. COS'tf
K Twenty-two feet on F rn m street
bargain tf taken invmedlatolr , W It Green
P' OR BALK A nlcclv matched team 6 and 0 years
old , sound and reliable ; weigh about UiO Ibs a
piece. Good tct cf lljht ilcuole harnots and good
spring wagon. Apply lo John P. hchialnlo , room3 ,
llodlck blo.-k. 383 tf
IT OR BALK Cheapfurnltuio , , llxturos and machines
J1 of tailor khop , SOS .South luth street ; and houne
furclturo cui | > Ieto , at S05 Uartuy street. Apply at
cither place. 322-18p
TT OR SALE House tutmturo at Battts , Hanscom
A ? I'ark. 8SS-22p
FOR SALE A One Jersey call cheap ; enquire 1313
Fainam st. 310-17
roe. 8tLK Horec , wagon and harncs at a bargain ;
enquire 1318 Farnam st. 310-17
f7 < OR SALK Ono of the best established cash grocery
J ? buelncBallltakoclty ; preportr In cx-hanco.
Address "Grocer" care this olllcc , 3CO-tf
FOB BALK C oap , ftunlturo ka. , ol boarding liouto
1012 1'aclQc sited ; geol location , two blocks S ,
of U. P. dipot. Address " -X Y Z" Bco office.
T0 ] SALB A flrsVclass ftmlly horeo. Inquire at
JjKJR & Erlckson , opp. p. O. 30J-17
FOR BALK At M ] r Cr oil's St-ck yard * , a car
load cf flno graded cowfi with young ctvl\03. Or
ders taken far graded and full blooded young bulls
and hclfcis. 273-lOp
FOR BALE Jersey con's at auction , 18 head. High
class and rcglstcrd Jersey cows will bo sold at
auction , WedLCjday , July 1 , 18:6 , at 2 o'clock , with *
out limit or bv bid. Having concluded to sell my
entlio herd ( f 18 cowand giro my whole attention
lo brcedloghljthbred natlvoBtock and ehttland po
nies , Is my came for Eclllng. Terms cosh , N I. D.
Solomon , Spring Valley Stock farm , Omaha , Nub.
282-July 1
FOR BUB A good hone suitable or a ady to
drive , cheap , as owner has no use for him. U. J.
Monters , 1411 Capitol a e. 243-18
TXTASTED A flrst class fresh young milch cow , not
TT ner 4 lears eld ; give breeding and price , lock
Box 617 , Omaha. 210 tf
FOR BALK Valuable Chtckerlng grand piano nearly
nowandllttlo used , at Urge disjoint at 1718
Cass street. 049-tf
TTlo IRSALK : Wagon umbrcllaj , Qno now stock at
J ? 140) I and 1411 Dodge st. 672 tf
FOR SALTwo No 1 second hand bug
gy. Auplyl09 nd 1411 Dodge et. E25-U
Cottage of 6 rooms on South 19th
street , near Poet olllee , and i block
from car Hue , cai > y tcini ) .
160 ( ftt on Fainam , on ca'y term ?
S1.R50 Cottage ol 4 -011,3 on 1 lot In Shlnn'a add ,
on monthly payments ; 2 tlocss Irom cir line and
near school.
$4,600. Nlco 3 room houec on full lot in Idlowlld , }
cash and time.
4,600. Nice house ard him on } lot on Capitol
[ IIP , on easy term ; ono block from car line.
$4tOO. Two houses on largo lot In Johnson's a Jd.
for sale as a bargain. U F. HKARS , 16th and DoJgo
streets. 324 17
TJOR BALK Choice lots In Piulsen's odd , on btrect
JL ? carllce , on city terms for parties Mho want to ini
pr e.
2 ton crolot,2 1-2 miles from city , SI2G per acre.
10 acres adjul .Ing fort , $3,600.
4 croUtiaNcwilroukIyn , 11-2 miles frm city ,
SSf > 0.
6 tcres 11-2 miles from fort , ? GOO.
80acrcs4 mllesfroincity.uclllmproied.JI.Sll1. '
110 acre Improved farm , good orchard , bearing , 2
nilcs from city , $45 per acre.
6 crcs oiiSttiicdersut. , ncll iini > ro\ed , licirlntr or
chard , ? 3,00j.
3,500acres , meetly cuHhatcd Ian < ' , flno ha > land
with tnmo gros < , tlnibor , good pasture , 10 miles fence
, \u > tenant hcaics , two inllas from Klvor Sioux
ttitlou In ritrrhon aid Mcnona county , Iowa , $25
per acre. Best ituck ( arm in loua.
53OCO acres wild land la Central , Western Neb. ,
from 83 to S7.CO per acre on easy terras.
A Urge n umber ol improved farn s In Sirpy , Douj ,
Us and Washington Co.atlnw ptlcos.
An excellent firm jolnlcg Dcaver croeslng , a thriv
ing countiy town In Howard Co. , containing240ecrc9
well timbered and watered and highly Improved ,
(7,000. (
For runt Doik room ) No 1613 Farnam St , and a G
room houeo. Paulsen & Co. , 1613 Farnam S > .
FOR BALK U ; Ilillou Bios , 317 S 18th St.
Tomer lot with boueoon Davenport et. . $3C50.
Corner lot with housi on Hurt st , 83BOO.
House and lot nojr Tiong School , $1,600
House and lot on Division et.$1,000.
House and tat near 23d and Lcaven'th , $1 000.
House and corner lot In Prospect Place , $1,000
Fifteen lets near Leavenwoith and Park Av.cich
$ < 300Flno
Flno cast front Uantoom Place lots , 000.
Deelrable lots Hurt and Lo o Avc , $30. .
For rent , 7 houecs from 87.60 to $26.00. 178-19
fron * ALK-Onsouth 22dst , one t room nad ono 6
1 ? room cottage , barn , will , clj'ern , &e , on same
lot , rent for 35 per month , only 83,100 ; would sell
separate ) } . l'ottor& Ojhb , IBlSfarnim St. 05041
TjVm BALK. A. full corner lot , two Ibcuu west of
JL' red cu lino-5SO. This Is positively a bargain.
J. K. Hlley & Co. , t6 . 13th St.
For Sale-Lot 60x110 , 22J St. , near Or o , 8600.
This 19 also a In alo. J. K. Klley & Co.,215 S ISth St
for Sale Throe lota GOxUO , south ( rant , i blocks
from ttr et oar ; . $350 each ; bargilns. J. E. Ulley &
Co. , ! 16H13tliBt ,
For Sale Twolots on Georgia trRedlok' , ad < l.eaBt
front , no griding , n r Ftrtiam , 76xt < 0-82000 each.
IhcBB are reuouablt. J. E. Itlloy & Co,21S 8 ISth Bt.
For Sale Nine Iota on Virginia aye. , tSOO to $960
each. J. K. lllloy & Co , SIC S 13tb tt.
For Sale Ten lota on Cumins Bt. , and nine on
Hurt st. , four blocks Irom military bridge. J , K. Ul
ley & Co. . Z15 S 18th st
For Bale Eighteen lotgon Vinton it. , one block
from terminus 13th etreet oar line. Positively cheap.
J. E. 1111 y & Co. , 2168 13th it
We doilre to uy to our patrona that la the above
list we can give aaauranoe of tafe and profitable In-
Tcatment. We alio have property In almost every
quarter of the city worthy of Inrettlgttlon.
J. K. RILUr tl CO. , S15 S 18th it.
FOR BALI 7 room cottage , we'l , bain and olstern ,
on ISih street 6 blocks from shops 82,600 , on easy
terms. Fetter & Cobb , 1516 Farnam Bt BSE-tf
OFFER roa BALI Eatt half of block B Smith's
WK add. , (00 fe < t front , two nore lota , nicest la
Omaha , full vie wet city nJEIuffa. making 10 Iota
105 feet each , will sell naif or all.
Lots li and 60 , Nxlion'i add , ( TOO each or will
tell bait ot cither ; f.ots 60xl < a Kouctr/i 2d add. near
Oth and Center , S'OO ' each.
lot 6 , blook ) , Kbuntz'a-ith add , being store tn
10th st , full , also lot 9 stme block 81,350
Two lots la B < uth Omaha , by Qoodmiu'e , with
bouse , orchard , clatern , and well , all 9100.
Id two acre leta In Vlneland , 6 mllea noith city
limlta overlooking city aad llluds , f 36 per acre.
Lots 10and 11 , block ID , llanscorn plaoa > u y
nightly , l,203 for both.
Half acre ISO l-iet ( < ont block 6 , Park place , with
bouse , barn , well , ind cistern ,
Corner , 2 lots tn LUwttorno on Caaj it , OCO f r
both eto etc.
Call and see us , Dexter I * . Thomas ' & Bro , Tr.\ \
Estite ; Itooiu 8 Cielghton tlock. 678-tf
TTViR aim-By O. F , Davlj t Co. , 1605 Firnam S'
J' Omaha.
House and lot oa eeuth Ucliteonth Bt. , 1,000.
" " " " . Twentieth " MOO.
S homes " DodKi near SCth St , f2,200.
8 oUlnllaoscomPlsce , each , $626.
House and lot oa Park avenue , tl , < 00.
> < i. ii
DivtufOit 8t,8I2000 ,
" ' 9 2 , < 00.
" ' * ' south 18th " 8 000.
15,00 } aorea of land In Uoouo county , 7 to 810.
20.000 " " " Btanton " 7 to (12.
Land In Madlsoo , Wa ) ue , 1'UtUi and Ilall countlci
on easy term' ,
iloney oancd on long tirco , (09 tf
FOR ALK-Tx > ta nllllMitt add chtnrcst and bcrt
Inside tots In tlo city , 7(0 ( to $950 exclusive )
etntg ratter ft Tobi. 8S1-U
IJ'OR ' 8AtT.-Thrso choicest loti In lUn o > m iiUcr.ll
i1 K' r.vtrr A Cobb ,
KALK cimAr Oxil t mlyhotii | ! ; < 'r'vei lonbls
i ulng'c , anii \ nl o oed under ld'c. ' Apply
Bell , North Wt tt coracr 20th end C * .
3 4-IPp
iron nut-Ily n K. M jno Jt Oa.
JL1 SIB UornerlotflioDlocksfromslraiteitii.wost
Omnha , cottage , 7 room , bevitltnl location
nlco Tiow ; J 1,100 , SOO down mid 815 remould ,
t27 t < ol 145x138 on ISth strict n r Ha cill'a ; gootl
l.otiff ; $2,7'0 , thl * Is a bargain
228 Ileuses town birr , cl' . cistern ; ewt front.
N. W. Cor. Ilansaimpirk , $ Sca
Now pottftjr , vrry nice. OeogU Avc , near teav
tnwortb , beaulKui lot , $3,700. K sy terms ,
! 22 New hou e , JO r.vms , two Io' , Jnrn.rlty water i
etc , tbror blocks from Vatic luontis street c ri ; f"
S'.oOi ) , $ ? tdonn ) and balance In ca < y paymrnts.
Thl lia cfj flco phcoand north much were
trmti tliopilcosskid.
S2J Hou'o 7 room , ground 132vfll , west Omaba ,
nice low , new lam worth S',500 , shade tr cs
nnd shrubbery , SJ.OOD. Kanyttririi
210-Oottdgo rt roonif , westOnnln , Hno ilcnnlco
locatloo , $2fCO.
So2 Corner let In Shlrn's addition. Brlk homo of
0 room * , h do and fruit tree View ol iln city
a dillligoacroMtho rhcrj SljtOO ; ? 300 do n
and 826 p < r month.
lOS-CottatoOrooirs. earner lot Chiulcs slrect ono i
block from S undrr , S',000 'I
S-Nlco cotUto , 0 rooms , 10h : street , near Leaven * siv
worthS3,800 ,
Slfl Homo Crooff , burn , OIM'O t-eo , ulcu ii'aco I
Webster itrco' , nc r 17th itcct$2SOJ
C. K , MAT.sp , a W. Car. IBth and rarnun.
IVOR s UR 133-135x140 ft ot opposite Jti tgo Utin-
clj's , $ IBO. ; ow rerun.
133-3 vi iy nlco lots on MIchlRtn anil fo'fux trats ,
tliaco.ttocs ; ronth front , jl.SStouli. Kiwv terns.
l-Acrelotln CH'ciaJdltlor , 8ltro.
I/ti In lUnncim rhcs at # TO to S1.7CO. 0. K.
Mnjuc , S'W. Cor. ISthmul F rnaa.
M ARION rwcu-O jjcMHTlots In'thi. aartltlon with-
la 3 Mocks of street cvup , can ba h J an easy
terras. W U Orcco , over 1st Jf t'l Bank. 82Mf
I PORRKNThotclnnlBaloon kmnnaitho Pen-
1 vcr Homo , looUoil In ft en out , Nob. ttlth-
In forty feet ol the U. P. trno * . Will rctt for ono to
flvo \ ous on roisoniblo termi. Homo la neatly fur-
nlshoJ anil li the bo't stiml In DoJtfo county. In-
lulto cl Holt. flr.'Ci ; or Jlrj. llrIJct | Hanlon , Fro.
inont , Met ) . _ t5i-20p )
Foil BALK H tabllshril ocim I'pion business ; trnall
capital nqul'CiliKCol reasons tor pclllnf. Ad
dress ' Oominluloir cara Ilco olllco. 302-I f
FORHHDR 210 Nlcocottaro , liovill'ul location ,
west Omiha. Will trailo for ftim In Dounlat or
Washing ! n oiuntlos. 0. E. Itayno &Co , & W. Cor.
10th ami Farnam. 311,18
LAW I'ARTMtusinp A Uwycr cf several years piao-
tied la Pcnnsjlvanla , and ftm'llar ' with the business -
inoss In Washington I ) . C , wmitil llko to form a
srtncrshlp a lawyer In Nebraska , \\hoio ] ir e-
.Ico requires additional help. 1) * t ot icfjrenco K'V *
on as to ability and character. Aililross "J. D."iU !
D. Btrcot , Washington , D. 0. 2J1 19p
T7VR8UK-.Onoof the best locitod moat markets.
J' Inquire at Obcrp , lloosick & Co. , olllco CIS Ssuth
13th St. M0-18p
WAMKD To cxclungo 000 toroicooil farm land
HCusttrCo. , Nob. , forstoikot qcnoidl mcr- '
chandlso. For full iiirtlctiltre , address "J W II1
look box No S , Wym&re , Neb. 2JI 22p
Fen SAI.K At ft bargain , on account of my health
faUlni ; . Iwishtodlposoofmy billiard hill. It
is In the boat location In tbo cltv , nnil ilolnf a Rood
ptjlns buslncs ) at all times. For full particular !
address 0. L. Herman , 1'lattjmouth. Nob.
_ _ _ 035Jnl } 2p
FOR BAM Druzstorolnadoslrablo locality , wll
Involco about $1.600 110 Patterson , NE corner
13th and Farnam. 4 8-tf
Ti OK SALE Or exchange a full stock of clothing
X1 boots an J ehoos , front' furnlshlnfciroods , will ox.
change for Nebraska Lands. Q. H.fctcraon.BOl S.
10th St. , Oinaha.Nob. giC-tf
F 'OR BALK In Oakland Nob. llrot-cloDsmcat market
. ho the furnl'uro ' of the St Paul hotel. Foi par *
tlculars , Inquire or wrlto Wt gorn k Uehlluc'.Oakland
Nob. C71-m5
PxitsoNAL John Ilamlln , formirly Nebrnka City ,
Las opened roil csta'.o olllco at 311 S. llth St.
T > r.RSONAL Mra. E. U. Hoapor. trance clttrvoyunt ,
JL .and healing medium , over 710 North lOihSt.
D . A CHESTERF1KLD Mignctlo phytlclan , test and
dovelojiIng medium , over 010 north 16th St ,
TNsnTUTE Hotel , formerly Crelffhton house , newly
JL furnlahod ; term ] moiorate , 13th aud Capitol avc.
8-l7p |
rniiB purest , richest and best tea cream always fresh
JLcn hand ; ordfrj for private anil hoarding liousca
[ iromptly delivered. C rl Scdmld , 03 South 15th
tr cot , above Farnam. 183-jly-D
ORRIS' Parlor Ilcstaurai t.
N : Board by tbo wcok , f 3.26.
Moil tickets , $3.60.
Slnrlc nnilj , 25 contr.
107 N. 10th street , noir DoJgo. 713- ]
/10RNS All ailments of the feet , Bicceislullv treot-
\yod hy Dr. IJirry , 1612 Douglas street. Olllco for
ladles. 702-jly 3
IOIT Sevctty fl\o dollars In a tobaccosjcV ; Under
J will ba rewarded by returning It to ThrmaH
Goaro at Tank Line office. 380-10
S'TBAMD OH fcTOtEN From 2215 Chlcaio ft , , biy
bronct"Y-tIth 11 on thn lolt Ho of neclt.T cross
ed In mldol on Jcttfroct leg. 7 and T on lilt lilnd
le ; : . 870-18p
From Otb and Dorcas a rr\v , red wltli
8TRAYKD H ! Ito spot ? , bradcd O nn the I ft ha'icch ,
stialitht homed , Finder rewarded by retiming to
H. H. Ucn. . neO-18p
TPAKIN ui1 A bright hay botni , hind feetnhlto. a
.1 star In for or end. Owner cinhaio the amo by
calling and pajlvg costs at Dennis O'Klclly'e , half
mile west of Union Stock jardj. S74-19p
STRAvrn Ono llEht bay boreo with white hind feet
and nblto star In the head ; was lott or stolen last
Saturday , In the vicinity of llojd's Packing houpe.
Any Information will bo receded at P. Smltbii , 21st
and CumlngstrecUanilbo rewarded. 311-17p
. LT * . young Iron grav rnaro , 2 whlto hind
TAKF.V ; enquire of Christian Thomissn , milkman ,
P. IBth St. , Just ontalae city limits. S05-17p
TAKEN w A pilr of bay work horsci. The o ner
can have the laroo by calling at James P. Docley's
ono mile west cl the roiervolr , on the Military road ,
nnd paying charges. 80M7p
OST targe red cow , T , Murray , 004-tl
"OORSALE Handsome housohcld furniture of 10
_ ! ' room bouso before July 1st Parties going ctst ,
610 Pleasant Bt.
U. P. Park iocitod 12 miles B W. on V. P.
rotd , Is now open to the public and can bo rented
for plc-nlci and loclal gatherings. BpecKI rates for
fare given. For terms , palloraddretau. C. Bcbwenck
Paplfilon , Neb. 9S2-U
TROOD M4RI8 Parties wishing to purchuo brood
Omares for ranch purpaies pleasa call at Uoman's
Livery stable , 413 south lath street , Onuha. M2-tf
fMitvr BILVKH TAO , docs no ! giro you heart-burp.
V/Tags ledeemed at ene cent , each by the dealers.
Pevclie Uroa. , Agents. B83-tl
iioMESTKiiiH Nov law , 1'trsons who
took homesteads In Western Kansas previous to
Juno 16th , 1880 , and abandoned them without mak
ing IInil r-raot , will learn something to their advan
tage by addresdng ma by letterat onoe. laaao Mul-
hollaid , land attorney , Kenneth , BfiorlJan Co. , Kan.
sat. W3-l\S \
PA IU On Klkhoro ana flaite. T. Murray.
f \utv SILVSR TAO , Ita frult.HavoreJ , taga redeemed
\Jatoneoenteachbytha dealoiB. I'eycke Uroa.
agents. flSS-tt
on banjo given by Q K Qellen
INSTRUCTION Capitol aye. tSOtt
/"liiBW SiLvr.H TAO , It does cot taint the breath , taga
vyredeemed at one text acu by the dealers. 1'eyck
Bros , Alfents. 8 < 8-tl _
' , vault ) , tint a and coaapoola oleanod at the
shortest uotlco aud sitlsfactlon gu iantoed by 9 ,
Abel , 1' . n. UK Hi OMIIU t
I will rot br roiponslble fcr any deDU
NOTICK ,1'y my wife. A , A. IhomMtoo.
Omah , June 17.1885 881.IHp
ALI3T. SCO r-snth strott , between Faruim and Uat >
uoywill , wt.h thofcld ol KUiij : t irlilts. obUlclaz
for anyone irliaw la th past aud pieaenl , arid oa
c rtilnoondltlODSlnlh futurs. Uootj and l
made to order feiteoi ntlaliotlon iruiranVo/3