* * " " " * vrt W B r THE DAILY BEE THURSDAY , JUNE 18 , 1885. IRON BITTERS WILL CURE HEADACHE INDIGESTION BILIOUSNESS DYSPEPSIA NERVOUS PROSTRATION MALARIA CHILLS AND FEVERS TIRED FEELING GENERAL DEBILITY PAIN IN THE BACK & SIDES IMPURE BLOOD CONSTIPATION FEMALE INFIRMITIES RHEUMATISM NEURALGIA KIDNEY AND LIVER TROUBLES FOR SALE BY ALL DRUGGISTS The Genuine lias Trade Mark and crossed lied LInei on wrapper. TAKE NO OTHER. % , ttt , Mta BROAD CLAituutuu \ Oiironlo . Nervous Oulclc. Sure Ctirt'K i.sn.iKnoM , . " \ ; i' n y'"v/ / ; ( ; } ; ; , . ! , ' ! l37 Soud" o Blninpi for Olobrnted Jledioai Works AOdros" . 1' . J > . OLAIIKU , M. D. , ISO houth Uurlc Street , CHICAGO , ILL , IS CONDUCTED BY Eoyai Havana Lottery i tA aOVSRNMKHT IHSTITUTION. ) Drawn at Havana Cuba , Every 10 to 14 Days. Ti&staln ? iths ; uholos 83 ; Fractionsfioiita. AQDjucl to ou umnlpanllou , aai coatrolltd by the iMtleiln Interest. It IB the fulreit thing In tbe Atuitof chuooln eilatonoo. Kor tickets apply to BHIPSEY & CO. , 1212 Uroad w 7N. Y. City ; , or IT.OTTENa ft 00 , 010 lf ln St. v. Mo. I am ui old mm. For 23 years I suffered with ul- ccra on uiviiht loira * the result of typhoid ( o\er. Amputation w a suggested aj the only means ot pre serving life. The doctors could do nothlnj for mo , and thought I must dlo For thrco years I never had a shoo on. Swift's Specific ha * made a perma nent euro and added ten > cars to my life. WM . URKD , UallCo. Ga. I have taken Swift's Specific for blooj poison con tracted at a medical college at a dlssactlon , while I was n medical student. I am grateful to say that it RS\O mo ao > eoJy andthorooKh euro after my pa rents liau spent hundreds of dollars for treatment. AU3U3TH3 WlXDEL , JI D. , Nowatk. N. J. My wl'o from early clrlhood baa been BuIIerliig ( rom rUcumatlsm. Mho his tried many rfmodles , and I must frankly siy has derived moro benefit ( rom Swift's peclflo than from all tie ethers , alter long and faithful trial. 11B7. JA3. L. PipacK , Oxford , Oa. Swift's Gpoclflo la outcrely vceetablo , Trcatlso on Bood and dkUi Diseasoa mailed ( roe. The SAUT SracincCo. , Drawers , AtlanU.Oa , , o KOW.ZSdSt.N. Y. Arons LIN&OF TH15 ONLY BXOLU6IV1I IN OMAHA * NED. Town Lots in Denver .Junction Weld County , Colorado. Denver Junction la a new town , of about 200 inhalxiant * , laid out In 1884 , oo the great trunk , railway acoou tbe continent , at the junction of the JuJeabutc Branch , 137 mllei from Denver. Tha town ta on second bottom land of tbo 1'Jatte Elver , the Cno t location between Omaha and Denver , and It lurround- ed by the bait-laying land * we t of iKearnoy Junction , Neb. ; climate hejJthy and-bracing ; altitude SG M ) foot. Denver Junction .bids to become ac important point , M the CT. iF. E. H. Co. , are putting upmauycrf their buildings here , while tha B. & M. It. K.Oo..Bre ; pect. ed aoon to connect at this plaea. The pioaent chcnce for Rood inyostmeata la town Iota will fwrcelv evervbs equaled elsewhere. Poraale Vy the lot or block Io good terani by H. M. WOOLMAN , Agent , Denver Junction Cole , OMAHA .SAVINGS BANK ! Cor. 13th mid Douglas S 0. Capital Stock , - - - . Liability of Stookholdera , 800,000 Five Per CentlDlcre Paifl onDeposi1 ? LOANS MADE ON REAL JMSTA 7 THOS.L. MAX , B u , CTOHE OUT OF SCHOOL. AD Eyil Pfmicions Io Pplar Edu cation , Indecorum Fostered by NclRlibor- 'liooil Comment Tcnchors not Culpable. To the Editor ot the KEE. I have been led to address yon this by certain uUownccs at the court honao at the recent meeting of the County Teach- era1 atsoclatton , On that occasion a pa per trm road on the subject of school attendance , the writer of which II tightly understood , takes the ground that the teacher alone Is responsible foi arrcgular attendance and absonco. The subject is Important and the statement startling , now to secnro regular and punctual attendance nt school Is the pressing problem. Irregular and non < attendance is the bane of our public schools. The solution of the problem It made moro urgent by the report that * the attendance at some of the schools In this county is often done almost to the zaro point. Such a state of affairs is certainly suggestive of the necessity of nn Imperative demand foi reform. To this alleged rospouilblllty ol the teacher I did not , at the time , hav ( nn opportunity to respond , and I non wish to go on record. Now , the education of American people plo Is a vast undertaking of absorbing and far reaching interest. It Is ln _ the interest of the people. Including withir the range of its beneficence all the dwellers In the land , the rich and the poor , the great and the lowly , and the united effisits of many people arc neccs * sary to Its nnccosaful accomplishment. Ir this great educational cnterprlto there are three paitles particularly responsible , and that may be said to bo under c covenant in this respect. These parties are the community , the parent , and the teacher. The community is responsible for the beginning of the work , for the building of school houses and the pay ment of the bills , for the opening of the schools , and for subsistence In the cam paign against Ignorance and vice. ; and above all Is the community responsible for a proper public sentiment. For no school can bo elevated much above what public sentiment demands without being dragged downwards. Lot the proper public sentiment pre vail and the success of the educational enterprise is assured. The second of theao contracting parties is the parent. And hero , If anywhere , Is found excess of rosposibillty. For the school is for the child , and by nature the child in in the care of the parent. All that the community and the teacher do In this matter Is done In behalf of the parent. In order that ho bo relieved , it Is his duty to see to the attendance of his child at school. And public sentiment ought to be of a sort to demand of the parent the performance of that duty. The parent should not withhold from the teacher his hearty sympathy and support. This Is a matter of duty and not of pref erence. The third of those contracting parties In the educational enterprise la the teach er , on whom rests very grave resposlblll- tlcs. Ho Is the parent's agent whoso place he takes in the school room. On the teacher , the agent of the parent , de pends the absolute work of the schrol But the appointed place for the perform ing of the agent's duty In this case Is the school room ; and , therefore. In the nature of the case , the teach er's responslb llty for the attendance tondanco of the pupil at school can not bo more than Incidental and voluntary. The teacher has undoubted responsibili ties of sufficient weight without being saddled with that which belongs else where. That writer's ' utterances and Ilia Dear- Ings of this allcgoment under considera tion , on the compulsory attendance topic , Is worthy of notice. That writer favors a compnlsory attendance law. That IB , after declaring that the teacher alone la responiiblo for the attendance of the pupil at school , ho invokes a law compelling the parent to perform that duty. It is submitted that to allow 'that thia alleged responsibility of the teacher Is warranted by the facts in the caao , ef fectually knpcka the bottom out of the compulsory attondanca law Idoa. For a fuller explanation of thb alleged responsibility of the teachers and 'its future bearlnga after Illustrating the com plication of school matters the following narratlvo may serve , the conclusions be ing from apprehensions at the tlmo and subsequent consideration. My earlier years were pasted in a dis tant state then of the "wild west" I lived in the country several miles from the city. My homo was near the neigh borhood hamlet , with itu crossroads store , postofiico , blacksmith shop and the little red school house In sight on the hill. Hero during a portion of the yea I was accustomed to attend -nchool , thi chief task being In the tpslllng book Time and place considered the schoo ranked fair. The teachers were after themanner thoco of their day , ffroe and easy , of fa ! powora , but without training 'or syste natio plan tor tholr work , and with iardly an exception , wore moro school' ' opow , the greater portion .of them 3elngjjiokleg lawgenwho } "thoy do say1 ifore always willing to discuss tto "pint1 yjth thojireaoher. Well. , tnns time passed on till I hid ache4iay foartectathjyoar , whec. & man rom the city was pat In charge of the chool. ( Ho was a stranger , but con- rtry to > hla prodocesaou , secured the oiltlon , cot on the cooommendation of ho superintendent , bat In splto of this zeelloncy. "Well , tb'u stranger had .ox- olleat qualifications , was , a competent oaobar , .trained nad experienced nd of good .character , free from the suat pedagroe wuinpory And entangling lllance * . Q was saber , Lad good mor- Is and habits , raras on eirncai worker , nd do-votod ts his busiacfle. But hU rays In * ohool wore new then. Ho con- olldated some of the daises and orory. ilng he taught was in the now way , pro- uclng a storm among the fogieq , occa- lonlng an absorbing jiubbub. Well , daring the first week of asbool , 10 Sowing Circle mot In conclave and isumod the high functions of public Minors in manners , morals , and educa- on , The cicrctf o of it * atsumed ofliclal utloj then and there wai to ridicule and mdomn the Innovations In the school id to preach the teacher's funeral , riklng boldly oat en the geography tcket. ( I never knew a teacher before its to bound oven his own state except i a very approximation manner ) . Imn > e < ate remit of that proclamation : One > y's name utriokon from the roll and the ly school correspondingly Increased. The arithmetic crank was the next ckor. Ho took his boy from school b - U80 the boy didn't Ifftrn to cipher Ibe way he did down oatt. ( That boy had winter's skating and rabbit hunting ) . The teacher made war on the old "Blncbaok" spelling book and onited it. Thou the storekeeper's wife , a recent convert In the church and prominent In the sewing circle. , put her ( war ) paint on , hoisted the flag and lead n crusade against thn teacher on the spelling racket. An. other funeral was preached , Then the chncklehoad of the region took his chll < drcn from school because they wore re. quired to take langnrgo lessons which he didn't want , and became his girl wai reprimanded for Idling. The largest girl in school and the loader , said the teacher was mean. She had been roprl < mandod for being inattentive , and dis posed to bo * noiiy and unruly , She finally loft school. With this ltl It may bo added , by waj of extenuation , that "thoy do nay" thai the store clerk was sweet on her. Witt him it was the seventh , with her , hoi Grit mash , and nt morning , noon one night , thrco times a day , they "mot bj chance , the usual way. " Now the Incorrigible and the doacon'i hopeful wore great cronies. The tcachei boarded at the deacon's. Then came tin protracted mooting , with great roligloni excitement and several converts to thi church. But the teacher seldom attended od , and when ho did so , hi neither spoke out * In meeting no : on the "ragged edge. " This waa nion than fanaticism could boar. A corps composed of the deacons , deaconesec and daughters , with the now converts was formed , and a crusade iuaugurato ( ngalnat the teacher on the roliglou racket. Another funeral was preached ( The whole crutado outfit would bavi been obliged to have studied the ! primers before they conld hiwo taugh that party In morAls or In nnythiuf else. ) And to add to the complications , fron the other end of the line came the superIntendent Intondont grim , like a dark and over banging cloud , shadowing the teachoi throughout. Let a little light on that ihadoircd am muddled affair. Now , I attended that t chool every da ] of the term and I consider myself fortu nate in being privileged to do so. Darin ; that tetm I studied moro and learned moro than over before or since In the same length of tlmo in school , and had neither occasion nor time to Inaugurate r crusade against the teacher. I also con sider It forlunatn that I was not obliged to attend school there after that. Parnei boomed for * hnt echool by that superintendent and approved and indorsed by that sowing circle , didn't suit mo and mine. The following year I attended school In an adjoining county , and then went to an academy in the city. Now that teacher , the opposition nevertheless , was right , and couldn't have done different , and wai a great Im provement on his predecessors , all the fogies , kickers , those ombryotlc censors of the cowing machine circle , and all such superintendents of the pumpkin roller order as that one was , to the con trary notwithstanding. To say that the teacher was the cause of that damaging display , that ho waste to blame for that display of ignorance and fanaticism , tinctured with prejudice and Intemperance , wonld bo the length of absurdity. W. S. ANDEIISON. OMAHA , Juno 1C , 1885. WHISKY AND THE EED SKINS , ' Complaints to tlio Local Federal Au thorities Why the Indian Should Not ' 'Indulge. Tuesday Assistant United States Attorney tornoy Uartlett received a lengthy loiter from Maj. WllkerBon , of the Winnebago Indian agency , complaining of numerous abunes which are being practiced by the natives toward the red men. The chief point of complaint In the letter fa the continued selling of liquor to the Indians , on the part of certain miscreants who are moro anxious to make money than they are to conform to the ( statutes of the United States. Mr. Bartlett has promleed a speedy investigation and ad justment of the grievances , and has sent a special man to the reservation to In- qulro Into the matter and niako any necessary arrests. The complaints which have hitherto been preferred against white men for Belling liquor without a license , have come entirely from tlio southern agencies ; so that thin mat ter la to ba investigated for the first time with reference to the Winnebago agency which Is situated In the northern part cf the stato. The federal la\va against this crime ore very strict. The matter of selling whleky to the red man is not so much a crime per so , as when contidercd In connection rith Its effects. The dueky son of the forest , say these who have control o him , is hard lonough to manag whdn In sober condition. But when th element of "firo water" Is to bo conuid erod In the problem of how to manag him , the question becomes doubly per ploxlng. The Indian , when whisk ; bos strengthened evocy fibre of Intrastl bltity in his being , ( becomes , to use ex presaivo along ) , "a holy terror , " and no Infrequently will endanger the lives o. ; ho white settlers. For these reasons .ha federal authorltleo of Nebraska are ietormtaed to strictly enforce tbo 1m- lortant statutes bearing on this point. TIJOBO Who Will Speak. The High School graduates , who have 'eon ' eoloetod io speak at the commence ment erorolses of that Institution , are Ilnnlo Chambers , Addle Hnrlburt , iarrlo Horlburt , Allca Rustln , Victoria > verallt Minnie Thomas , Carl Johnson , lorrls Hall , and Howard Kennedy. The raduates number nineteen , but , to give hern all aa opportunity of sayli/g their ttlo piecoa , would require nearly a hole ni ht , therefore It was thought bat thoao who were not anxious could 0 left out. Iho wtolo class , however , 111 appear on ihe opera house stage and : toivo their diplomas. Trap Shooting. Ed. Leedor returned Suotday ! from Waterloo where he went Monday to ahoot 1 a match with Bahew , at Fremont , on wager of 50.00 a aide. The following the score : LIVE BIBDS. CLAY HQEONS. seder 10 [ ' abew , , 8 If TOTAL Nl'HllKlt Of FOINIb leder , , . . , , , , , , , , .27 r OLD THINGS PASSED AWAY , Tlio Dedication of the W , O. T. U. Rooms Tlio Now Qunitcrs. The dedication of the Buckingham to its now purpose in the hands of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union wnaholdTnesdiy night in connection with the formal reception. The audltorum waa comfortably filled. The exorcises were varied and Interesting , bolng pro- aided over by the president of the local Union , Mrs. Gratton. Rev. W. J. Hnralm delivered the opening normon , noticing the great change that had boon wrought , and pre senting in nn earnest forclblo way , the need of thorough conscientious gospel work in the locality which has b en lu- vnded by the bravo women of the Union. fie was followed by others spcnkots in fivo-mlnuto talks , among them Gen. 0. 0 , Howard , Rov. W. E. Oopoland , A. D. Jones , nnd Col. Ghnib. A. D. Jones' speech , delivered In his own style of unctnoua humor , was greatly enjoyed by the auditors , The music of the evening was rendered by a cpocial choir , under the fklllfnl leadership of Franklin S. Smith , and furnished ono of the moat enjoyable f oa turcs of the dedicatory exorcises. After the speaking nnd singing wore over , the company repaired to the lunch rooms , where nn enjoyable repast was served. The rooms of the once dirty nnd be fouled Buckingham theater have under gone n vast and wonderful change. The transformation Indeed , Is so great that the old and now uoem to have nothing In common. The auditorium part of the building hai been thoroughly cleaned nnd palntod and furnished with chairs which afford a seating capacity of several hundred , The apartments Immediately north of the an- dionco room , which wore 'formerly occu pied by the wlno nnd dressing rooms , have been entirely remodeled and thrown into ono , and carpeted , papered and painted. This Is called the rending room , and is provided with chairs , tables , otc. It is the most coay and homelike department of the establish ment. The next room , once occupied by the bar and office of the theatre , haa been changed into n lunch room , having been cleaned , repainted nnd provided with oil cloth matting. The appointments of nil the rooms are comfortable , convenient and In perfect tasto. The ladles of the Woman's Christian Temperance Union are to bo congratulated upon tholr now quarters , and upon the auspicious man ner In which their bravo work in the de graded part of the city has been opened. THE BAY STATE COMPANY , Tlio Directors Arrive in [ Omaha Their Tour Westward. In the Vermont Cantralapeolal car"Gar field" there arrivodnt ten o'clock yesterday morning the mombora of the directory of the Bay State Land and Cattle company , in all sixteen aontlomon as follows : G. W. Simpson , M. B. Boynton , 0. W. Fierce , J. Q. Lowell , F. Reltonbach , Ohas. A. Viallo , J. 0. Melvln , L. V. Nllos , Goo. F. Blake , N. B. Plnmor , all of Beaten ; J. H. Kimball , Bath , Mo. ; S. S. Kimball , Concord , N. H. ; A. Coimtock , Providence , R. I. ; , T. P. Har ris , Salem , Mass ; J. P. Robinson , S. W. Patlcn , Bangor , Mo. The gentlemen were mot nt the depot by Mr. John A. McShane , the enporm tendont of the company , and escorted t ( to the Hillard hotel. After dinner , under dor the guidance of Mr. McShano an othera the party was driven about th olty and out to the stock yards. Propo efforts were made to Impress the visitor ! with the growing importance ot Omah as n stock centre , and in this direction admirable success was attained. All them express themselves aa nmch pleased not to say astonished , at the growth o the etock Interests of this city , nnd ex preaa a belief in the coming importanci of this point as the gro&i catilo mart for the northwest , They awaited the arrival of Mr. Goorgi H. Hammond hero last night , desiring ea pecially to see and confer with him. Thi journey westward will be continued to day by special coaitoiy of tbo com psny on the Union Pacific lines. They will go to the ranches of the company , near Autelopevlllo , arriving there In titn to witness the grand annual round-up am " . " "oilf-brandlng. From Mr. Arthnr E. Spronl , a gentle manly representative of the Beaten Herald , who is traveling with 1 he party It was learned that the directors had lef I Boston ou the llth ! nsttravoling westvia Montreal , and over the Grand Trnnk , arriving In Chicago Sunday. There they spent the day , and left Monday morning for Monticello , Iowa , where Mr , Simp son , the president of the company has extensive creamery interests. Thence they proceeded Omahaward , on a special over the 0. M. St. P. & 0. Their trip westward Is solely ono of pleasure. Many of the directors have never seen the ranches of the company , and , of ; onrso , fool a natural interest in the In spection , which will bo tha main object ) f the trip. The Bay Slnto company Is ono of the argoat institutions of its kind In the Torld , owning extensive ranges in No- jrasko , Colorado and Wyoming. They lave on their ranches this year about )5,000 ) head of stock. It la this inmo sompiny that has had during tbe'past vlnter on feed at the Willow Springs llstlllory 1,000 head of cattle , from rhlch were taken the tint cattle killed by ho beef-packing establishment cf Earn- aond & Co. The oflicora of the company are George V. Simpson , President ; M. B. Boynton , IcQ.prcsldent ; G. R. Chamberlain , too- etary and treasurer , and J. A. McSbane , oneral superintendent. Military Notes. In addition to hLi duties as acting as- iatant quartermaster at those hoadqnar- ors , Fi t Lieutenant Joseph A. Sladon , 'ourtoenth infantry , ald-do-camp , will kko charge of the cfiica of the inspector eneral cf the department nntil the ar- ival of Major Robert n. Hall , Tvvcnty- jcond Infantry. The contributions to the prizes tr tbe earning rlflo conlost re slowly but surely coming In. 5 P. [ otsB his signified his Intention of rafs ig a pnisa of $50 , Kaufman Bros will mtrlbute a $15 box of imported clgare , bile other prizes have been oftdrod. en. Cowin and Judge Savage have alao ified their willlngnois to acalst in the ork of riitinjj a pnrso representing 10 prize offer of too locil bar. It is obablo that most of tbo post * cf the tpartmcnt will offut prizes. Fort 'ashakle has been hoirdrom , and will jsp a puree of f 20 , Tree from Oi > t lii , l.'itiftlci nnd l'o\ion \ . A PROMPT , SAFE , SURE CURE Fcr Conch * , Sere TJiront , Ilnnr ciiM" Influence , Cold * * HronehtMs C'rmip , \ \ linoptnff Conffht Aptlinm * Qulii ay i t'fitnt In Clict an ! other Afcctlont cf th Th rent n 11.nnc ; * . lYIco 50 cent * i hottlp. Sold br DrneelMR nthl PcRl- CTC , JMrtlea nnat It to tnarce their itfnltr by muting one ilollar to THE nuntrs A. oc.rtrn conr.m , &ria Owner * an I MtnnfActiirfr * . llalllmorc. 3l rjUnJ , C.P. JU 017 SI. Charles S , . , St. i-oiiis Aturairir > 1oi e M V < ile iC ir huhcc if | fedn ! lteBpetlnU * * > MiifHof 01. i Nat 3 Htc > t > i n iMt&uci tor af i tyi'c'tn ' fcifllj fMftl b wMii' ' * * J r ldfltit t ir Nervous Pnisiratliin , Ockllltf , Mont" ' > . ' 'i 'hjf.lcal Weakness ; Mercurial and otiui i- e Cions nt Throat. Skin or Rones , Olovd PoL. . \ ' . old Sores aH Ulcers. r crtv t iiii nj > - . . rrrrcn.onutmi-l-nua- ? ii t\pn tt.'tt'rltud. \ . Diseases Arising fro PI Indiscretion , t > m > , < p < Hure or Indulgence , ubict tolc ICKI < u < HHoalor ffe m crrtomen , d Mlu , ] | c.r i < or > lj > icadcfccllro ronwrftMplet on * h r , tt jtlcOdKri , > T > icnlolb < loclei ; o ( ItnmUi ccaintift atll ; , < ( . % rendering Mnrrlntro Improper or tinhanpy. i pcruactiiljeurrd , I imphlftut parnlrnUo % ixitttti4 U Ital I fttr ! pHj , rreolo unv t.J rf . Coniultalicettt . . . A Positive Written Guarantee f lrt In ll con&lo cuci. Mtdlel&ri lent eTerjvhctr Vimliot , Kn ll li er Oorrcan , ui > icrlbtue above rtiiteA o , la laelnor fem MARRPUSEOUIID l James Medical Insti Wo Chartered by tlicStntcof Illi nois for the express ) purpose of givinglmmcdlate relielin all chronic , urinary and pri vate diseases. Gonorrhoea , QlcetandSyphillsinall their complicated forms , also all diseases of the Skin and Bloodpromptly relieved anil pcrmanentlycured by reme dies , testedin a l'i tyYcars bjicciall'ractice. faemlnal Weakness , - , , ht Losses by Dreams , Pimples on the FaceLost Manhood , positively cnuil.Tlieto tanocxi > criinc ttmi' The appropriate remedy is nt once used In each case. Consultations , per. sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on package to indicate contents or sender. Address DR.JAniESNo.204WashingtonSI.Chcagolll. ! r-irlfr ( hr tu tin LIUEf ! Ji.il KIDNEYS , vail HIC TOIIJ. rill , ULALTM und VIGOR of YOUTH , Hin. oen-'l t U'atitol mu'tlto \ It 'k-t sllon , I ui * . nr St-tnptn null 111- ' " ' ' UK absolutely -nreil. bone" , miistlesr.ru : jei \ f s iCbClx o IILW lorct I'll livens tlie nilnij if > i/ siiiu.lioj Uralu i'owcj ncoLlI lo Iliolr lf T7' ( ) lEOJf TONIC n rule , M , its i < k i , In'jiUiy compltilo i" c'luonl k rniithul | &At < up only u j lieiiopulirityni tin cuu'li. , Uo < oiert.i.fd .snl L'LttlicO/ai is vi INU IIFbi adrvui nililnMtolhulir llartft Attnl us J.0ttl , ili > fenOJI 'DIIKAM HOOlt , . . . IrntOA , Mich. , Feb. 8 , 16SS , . M. LOOSE * Co . MOITBOI , Mich. OEMS 1 am using your Fluid Extract Bed Clorci Blossom and Wet Compress for Cancer on the breast , nnd am well. I am eitistlod it In the best remedy fa Cancer known. You are welcome to ujo this tor th honeQt of rutrcrinir humanity. llespLCttully , J1I13. L. A. JOHNSON. _ Toinx ) , O , January 17 , 1SS3. 3. „ . loose & Co , MO-.JIOK , Mich. OnxTLZBEV Sly vrlfa boo for eomo tlmo boon aflllcted with Bomctblng llkoa wrof ulous illaonao , nnd found no relict until cbe traroyour hxtract of lied Cloreratrlal. I am happy to nay she has oipcrlonccil cro relief. Tbli la Dut a plight testimonial of my appreciation of your efforts In behalf of humanity , which you are welcome to use for their benefit. I am , lery respectfully , II. AEJIB , , . . TOLEDO , O. , Boo , 1st , issa I.K. Loons & Co. , llounon. Mich. uXNra i oomnienced taklnfr your Ext. nod ClOTCr , Vo f * ra EO , for l.ryelnolM. and to Te not been tr * bir unco. It Is liere < lltary * ltn me. Think you Save tb wstbloooinMlc4ne known. Yoni truly. W. M. SLIDERT. It n. flyman , of Grand Rapids , Mich. . ay After Iwo Doctors idt Isul lilin to use Looso'8 1 xt. lit d Cloicr Car A luul cofte of 1 tzcma , or > eTer bore on the ] e& oulr usedtwp poundflot yourSolld txtract Jtod Cloyeo Am now well. ABASpnng Medicine Tonlo nnd general Illfxxl rurV acrltnasnoeqnal. torealobrall drutrghti , orj. M , Uiote & Co. , Monroe , Jllch. Manhood Restored KEMI DYl'iuiE. A victim of yauthfnlininradpnca cauilntr I'remature Pecor. Nervous Debility , Lost Manhood , do , having tried In vain over/ known nmedy.hag discovered A tlrapl oraeaniof self-euro , which he will Bond 1 ItKli Io his ( eltow-eutT Stallion , Jack , Sheppard Jr , Will Bland ( or ( took at Omaha fair grounds the asonof 1885. UelilOJ hanlshlgb. Height 1285 , bis lire JACK SuBrriRD U full brother In blood k SITUS. 2:17 : } , also to DiCTATonthe sire ol Jir.iTi SB 10 , KAU.AS , iii : } and DIRECTOR 2:17. Call at tb klr Kicundi and leo him and get nls peolgree ttuU terms tJir the teuon. A.TUOU-'ON. IOWING & GO , r jonnina ix 'BOUGHT ' IRON PIPE , illriLU od Cut Ire. Dad Plpo and Sheet Load , UOIUHISUTOX BTKiB rial's , 'IraliEis'Qasanil ' steam ntteis' IRON & BRASS GOODS , SNOINEERS' SUPPLIES , 4h&DodoeSs OMAHA. EB. imported Beer IN BOTTLES. langer Dai at la I Culmbachcr Iarl ener IJobemlan Kalier .Ilremeii DOMK8TIO. idnelser St Louis I Auhauior St. Louis st'a . . . . . . . .Milwaukee | Bchlltz I' lener.Ull auke ' Ale 1'orter nomestloand ug'a Ouuha i , , Ilhlne Wines. DMAUEEE , 12)3FarnamSt ) , SJ , (300CES80HS ( 10 fOUS 0. JAOOES ) JNDERTAKERS ii Ibo old tUnd HIT JTurotm 8L Crdert by Ml < ph ( pUcltod and prcmpW ktUodod to. Iefp ! < JOO- Real Estate 213 S , 14th STREE' BET , FARETAM AND DOUGLAS. Have a large list of inside business and resi dence property , and some of the finest suburban property in and around the city , We have business property on Cnpitol Avenue , Dodge , Douglas , Farnnni , ITnriiey , Howard , 9th , lOlh , 13th imd 16th sreets. Wo Imvo fine residence property on Fnrnain , Douglas , Dodge , Dnvenport , Chicago , Cuss , California streets , Sher- mnn , St .Marys and Park Avenues , in fact on all the best residence streets. We have property in the following ad ditions. Hawthorne- MiUardifc CaldwelTs Lakes. ElizabetliPlace E.V. Smith's , Horbach's , Patrick's * Parker's , Shinn's , ( rise's , Nelson's , Godfrev's , Loire's. Kirkwood , College Place , Park Place , WalnutfffilL West End , Capitol , Reed's First , McCormick's , Kountz & ; Ruth's , Inipr'ut Association Wilcos , Burr Oak , Isaac & Seldon's > Hanscom's West Omaha , Grand View , Credit Foncier , Kountz' First Kountz' Second , Kountz' Third , Kountz' Fourth , Svndicate.Hill , Plainview , Hill Side , Tukev &Kevsors , Thornburg , Clark Place , Msers. & ; Richards , 1 Bovds , And all the other Additionsto : the City. Adjoins the stockyards property in South Omaha These lots are aold at $100. They are nicely lo cated and will make convening cheap , and de fJK sirable homes for the employes of the stock yards and packing honses. Tukey & Keysors Sub-divisioru Located in West Omaha , two blocks south of Leavouworth street , w fine location and the cheapest lots in Omaha$125 ; for inside lots an < 3 150 lor corners ; terms § 10 down , balance 85 per mouth ; dent fail to see these if you want a bargain. Kirkwood. Wo have a few lots left in Kirkwood addition , which we offer afc low I.rices , terms 25 down balance $10 per month. These lots are on high level ground and are desirable. Hawthorn en This addition is more centrally located than any other new addition near the best Schools m the city. All the streets are being put to grade the grades have oeen established by the city council , and is very desira ble residence property , only 16 blocks from Post office , prices lower than adjoinine additions for a home or investment. These lota cannot bo beaten. 3onSAW-Lot on Davenport with fine house. $2,000 , FOB BALE Full lot 21 t and Clark street , 6 room house , 82,800. Ton SALE Beautiful aero lot in Gise's add. 81,200. Ton SALE- ! lot on Chicago ( treat between 18th and 140) , $2,500. BEAUTIKCL lots corner F mam and 20th street cheap , FOB SAiK-LoU In Walnut bill , 8200. FOB SALE- ! lot withC room house 210t street caty payments , 82,000 , FOB BALE Lot 28th and Farnam street , good property , $1,000. FOB BALB-i acre on California , east of Sacred Heart ; house , barn , anl cistern , cheap only $1.600 FOB BALK LoU la Hanscom place each , 8600. 8600.FOB BALE-100 feet front on KthatrpeLwitb email hou o imt south of llaitman School , on ly 11,700. FOB BALI Full lot and 5 room boose corne * llth nnd Caatollar , $2'100. FOB BALK Lot and 2 honaea 18th and Nlch. olat $5,000. TTe will jfurnisJtfcconveyience free to iny part'ofthe city to show property to our jrientls mnVciistvniet-8 , anil cheerfully ffive\in/orma- tionlreyardin Omaha Property. Tliose wholltave l > aryains to offer or property at aWaryain , are Bedford & Souer , Real Estate Agents JI3S , 13th St , , bet. Farnam'&Doiielas