THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. THIRTEENTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. , THURSDAY MORNING , JUNE 18 , 1885. JNO 25 HELP IS GALLED Geu , QranW Mc3ical Ailrnflact Scufls ForfllsAss'stant ' , The Old Hero's ' Condition Ao- knowhdced to be Worse , An Ekrly Tcrinlnntlon of tlio Malady la Not Improbable How ywno spout. \VIIH QUANT. AN ALAIW fiOONDSD , B MOUNT McGnEon , N.a Y. Junol7 8 p. m. Dr. Douglas has this evening telegraphed Dr , Sands to como hero by the first tram to-night. MOUNT McGnKGon , June 17. When Gen. Grant sank into hia pillowed chair on the pi azza of the Drexel cottage , soon after his ar rival yesterday , the thermometer marked the temperature at 83 degrees , Mr. Drexel said that was excessive heat for the locality. The clouds and rain at sunset beat the mercury down to overcoat temperature , On through the night until three this morning gusty winds swept the ram in sheets over the moun tain , but the ann came up over the Grren mountains this morning and found no clouds. At ten the thermometer before the general's window marked 15 degrees , Dr , Douglas felt encouraged when ho ciine out nt 0 , nnd thought that the general had slept well , although ho had been culled to attend bim three times during tha night.STho huaki- ncasof his.volcewas considerably relieved , but Its lots was owing to the general weakness rather than fatigue , nnd its recovery would ba alow , Col. Fred Grant said of his father this morning , that he had considerable rest last night nnd thla morning his voice was improved BO that ho could ba understood when ho tried to whisper. "When I went to his room a little while ago ho whlsporod very faintly that he found his voice n little- stronger to-day , but that ho should not try to use it , hoping that with caution it would grow strong enough so that ho could talk again. But , " add ed the colonel , "tho failure of father's voice ia owing to debility , and he grows weaker all the whilo. The change of air he feels just now , but ai I _ said the weakness constantly growa upon bim. " A little tent , with small flairs fluttering from it , is pitched close to the general's cottigo , and is occupied by I. W. Willetts , an old soldier in uniform , who has been employed to protect the general from Intrusion by strangers. Gen Grantwasonthepiazzaof tbo cottage at noon , but after nwhilo returned to his room The swelling on the throat haa not abated to day and his rest last night was aided by morphlLO , without which the doctor said bo could not have slept. During his morning airing upon tha niazza of his cottige , Gen. Grant slowly and with the aid of his cane , walked around the house quite often. Ho paused nt times with his eyes bant to the floor aa though intently thinking , and again gazing away toward the eastward where the Green mountains were within his view. But while out of doors" ho most of the time sat motionless , with one hand pressing a handkerchief to his mouth to pro tect his throat from the cool nir that had fol lowed the rain of Tuesday night , The other hand grasped hia cane , which the general now nt all times carries , The sick man's face was less strained In Its appearance than when ho concluded hia journey. About mid-day the general walked around the corner of the piazza and entered his room. Ho signified a desire to have bis throat treated and the physician compiled with his wish. The general then stretched himself on his bed and the doctor aud the nurse went away to gain needed rest. Af tot his rest , about 3 o'clock , and while his , phyalci ns and nurse were asleep , the general drew his silk hat over his skull cap , signalled Harrison to bis aide and walked down the cottage steps. He walked slowly along the pathway over an easy slope to the brow of the mountain , n hundred yards away. Several times ho paused to rest , and nt length Eat down on a rustic settee. When n chair was placed for bia feet he removed the handker chief from his mouth and essayed to apeak , declining the support for his feet , but his voice waa not audible , nnd the general , recog nizing the fact , shcok hia head. The fact that a mess of frogs had been caught during the morning at one of the little mountain lakes near by was mentioned to the general and ho was nskod If ho would attempt to eat thorn. Again the general tried to speak , but the attempt did not result in words that were audible-and agnln ha de clined by shaking hia head , Ills attention waa directed to tlio monument that mark ) the surrender of Burgoync , twenty miles away , but the elevation of his head to pnza so far away seemed painful , nnd ho bowed his head , his chin dropped to hia breaat nnd hia eyoa rented on nearer objects. The neck and diseased portions nra stalnod add pain comes when ha holds his head erect , Five minutes passed whila tha general Bat on the bluff and ho then arose by steadying himself on the nrm of the eeteo and his cane , and retraced hisitepa to the cottage. No ono was moro surprised at the general's wall : than was Dr. Douglas. He was amazed that tha general should b'avo attempted it , but waa amused by his selecting the time when the doctor was asleep to steal over nnd take a peep from the bluff. Later In tbo afternoon Dr , Doughs , in re ferring to the general's actual condition In connection with hia walk , expressed himself thus : "Tho disease is following Its characteristic tf courao , which li a course of steady Increasing exhaustion. Wo do not look for a cure from this change. Nothing can ba curative , but wo do hope to prolong hia life nnd that la the moat that can bo expected. Under the exhilir- atlnf effect of thla atmosphere and of this coo. day he haa , for instance , walked over there to the knoll. He might do that easily nud not ba able to do the same to-morrow or tha uexl day , The courseof the discasu is , as I said , ono of increasing debility. " When Grant reached hia cottsgo ufter tha walk to the brow of the mountain this after , noon ho was much exhausteed nnd sank into a chair in the parlor of tha cottage. Very soon ho Indicated by signs that hu wanted some writing materials which were procured for Win and bo then wrote for half an hour. The result was two letters or papers. Ono waj headed "Memoranda for my family. " In it the general bad written that ho thought ho was failing , and for certain Instructions that lie desired carried tut , ho referred hU family to other and moro definite memoranda pre pared by him before leaving New York , The other note he folded and addressed to Dr , Douglas. Ho handed both papers to Col Grout , and that addressed to the physician ii understood to have been of a similar imtnr as that to the family , Tbo afternoon wora away with the genera sitting outtide on the plazzi , after havinj written as stated. Sunset found him still on the piazza , and when duik deepened on th aide of tha m untaln ho waa yet sitting si lently on the porch nt one aide of the fron door of the cottige. When the lamps were lighted inilJe and the light streamed out into growing darkness the sick man was yet out side , though the air war chilly and a f tiff bretza waa swaying the pine tree tops , Gel , Grant and Dr , Douglas were near at hand , At length , attof 8 o'clock , the general went iniido the cottage and Dr. Douglas wrote and sent n message to Dr , Saudi , m New York. Ho naked him to coma here , if possible , to night. At 9 o'clock the general retired , and Dr. Douglas then thought that hia throat and neck appeared better than on Tuesday night. It la possible tha general' * walk this after noon ttstod his waning ttrength too far , and the reaction has brought to him n sense of the woakiwa that ha nimsalf feels li not to be llvhtly dlirtgarded. Whether hU weakness to-night ia the immediate result of undue exertion to-day or whether It is the cactlon after bis journey li a question tha doctors only may presume to answer , At 10 o'clock the general ( earned sleeping n his room. The family at bat hour , as during the entire evening , were tethered In tha parlor and Dr. Douglas was with them. At 11 o'clock they retired nd all was dark. Dr. S nds IOAVOS New York at 11 o clock o-nlght and will reach here in the morning. Midnight A dim lleht Is burning in ono of 10 sleeping rooms. The general's room nnd mt of tbo doctor are dark , with tha house uiot. No change In the general'j condition as been announced. OONDIIION OF THE onoWlNd OIIAI.V3 AND LIVE STOCK , FAinriKLi ) , * la. , Juno 17. Crop reports rom 1,800 special correspondents have been oported and compiled by tbo state agricultu- * 1 society. Nearly every township in the Ute has reported , The area of winter wheat s small. In some sections considerable winter wheat is killed , but in others the plant prom- sea well , The average condition of the crop a reported by133 correspondents at 81 per ant. For spring wheat S09 report an In- reasod area of 81 per cent. The 073 report a eclino and 130 report none grown. The ncroato of aren is a fraction over per cent. A business estimate on 10 figures of 1881 makes tbo total acreage ,7(8.000 with a favorable season and no in- ect damages , The wheat product cannot bo ess than 20,083,000 bushels. The average ondltlon of tha crop is reported by 1,017 cor- espondent1 ! us 101 per cant . There are complaints of damage to the corn rom cut-worms and from early planted seed , tfany fields havn been replanted , some for lie third time. Yet the present outlook is avornblo for a largo crop , An Incroaied ncrnage is roportdd from 1 3CO orrojpoudonti ; 100 report the same area nnd 17 report a decrease. The increase for the tate Is 60 per cent or 070,800 acrus. This ivca a total of 770,800 acres. Assuming that 10 averogd jleld will roach 2G,2o3,8U ) bush- Is , the average condition of the crop reported y 1,782 correspondents is 05 par cant. Ono thousand two hundred and thirty ro- orta place the condition of winter rye nt 93 or cent. The acreage ) decreased 0 per cent. n spring rye there is a slightly decreased creago. Tbo probable total product will ba ,350,000 bushels. The estimated barley product for thu state s placed ot 3 891,000 bushels. Oats show nn increased acreage of nearly per cent. Tha average condition of the rep is 102 per cent , and under favorable cir- umstances , with 2,106,000 acres in oats , the rap will harvest 60,030,030 bushels. Flax shows an increased acreage of G\ \ per ont , with a proepectlvo yield of 2,870,500 ushels , Cholera is reported among the hogs , distera- or among the horsep , and a few report ecab trong the sheep. Cattle are generally tealthy. One thousand , toven hundred and inotoen report the condition of cattle at 101 icr cent. Ono thousand , seven hundred and linoty-elght report the condition of hoza at 9 per cent. Oao thousand , three hundred nd olghty-ono report the condition of sheep t OS per cent , Ono thousand , seven hundred nd fifty-nine report the condition of horses 1 99 . per cent. _ _ NIGaX'S STOIIM. IS PATH STHEWN WITH DEATH IS NORTH WESTERN IOWA. Special Telegram te The BEE. LE MARS , Iowa , Juno 17. Aa the reports rom outlying districts come in , it becomes vident that tha tornado which swept over Plymouth nnd Cherokee counties , wai attend d with great loss of life. The killed , so far i reported , are : Mrs. William Gano and child , at Marcus , wenty miles oaat , on the Illinois Central oad. oad.Nick Nick Mackol , aged G5 years. W. Goetchle , aged 20 , found in a lake , a flank having struck him over the heart. Sixteen are reported killed in Cherokee aunty. Some fifteen persons are known to 10 fatally Injured and fifty severely. Streams lave risen so rapidly that physicians can not visit their patients. There will probably )0 other dcatha and injuries reported as the water subsides. The damages in herokee county will amount to 5200,000 ; in tVoodbury county , § 100,000 ; Plymouth coun- v , 5100.000 : Monona county , 850,000 , and Ida county , $50,000. At this time there are oorts ) of damage in Buena Vista , Sac , Poca- lontas , Calhoun and Webster counties , but nnt enough to form an estimate as to loss. At Bayard and Fort Dodge It was in the form of wind and rain , having epant its fury. Dcpow'd Promotion , Special Telegram to The BEE. NEW YORK , Juno 17. The New York Cen- ral railway directors met this morning and lected Chancey M. Depew president ; Horace i. Hayden , Indiana , vice president , the poet- ; lon formerly occupied by Depov ; the office of bird vice president is abolished. In accepting the presidency of the New York Central Mr. Depow acted against the idvice of many friends , who argue that he has njurod his political prospects , They held ha although Dapew declined the unanimous nomination for United States senator two years ago , ho would accept the nomination for rovernor of the state which was certain to bo ondored him this fall. According S seniority the position was due to 0 , C. Clark , irat vice proildent of the company. Clark was the first to suggest to Yanderbilt the name of .Depew. Depaw was born In Peeks- dll. His ancestors were Huguenots , whc lettled there over two hundred years ago and jought the homestead farm , which has since remained in the family. His mother was a granddaughter of a brother of Itoger Sher man. a signer of the declaration of inde pendence. Tbo Newfoundland Special Telegram to The BEEI OrTAWA , Can , , Juno 17. Negotiations now being carried on between the several gov ernments interested with views of securing arrangements for the final settlement of the iiherloa question , which baa from time to time been agitated by the neoplo of Canada and the United States. Sir John A. MacDonald - Donald will bring the correspondence on the subiect to the notice of parliament before the close of the session , It is understood a propo sltion has been made by the United States government for the president to undertake to bring the whole question of fisheries before congress at the December sitting and to recommend the nppojntment of a joint corn mission charged with the settlement , upon just and equitable terms , of tha entire fishery question. In the meantime the proposition of the United States U that there be no en force ? ent rf the fishery laws , and regulation from July 1 to the closa of the present fulling eeoaou. 'Desperadoes lit Rope's Ends , ST. Louis , Mo. , June 17. Reports from Indian territory state that Bill Willlarca Pete Moore and George Morgan , members o a gang of desperadoes and horse and cattl thieves , wore overtaken by a vigilance committee mitteo yesterday near Heal ton and hanged tea a tree , Other members of the gang are bon ! | pursued and will be lynched if caught , Fruimrlnjj for the Statuo'a Coining ? ! E\V YORK , June 17 , At the oltbe of th Bartholdi italue committee It was aonouncec that tbo formal rojoptlon of the statue woul ( probably take place Friday'or Haturday. N change will bo made la tha programme A already announced. _ Dentil of James A , Noam it I ) . PORTLAND , Ore , June 17.- Jam s A. Ne rnlth died peacefully at his , reeidencn In Pol county to-day. Hu was a pioneer of 18 13 an achieved national f&mq M the great demo era' ic war senator , GIFTS OF HONOR Victoria Passes Laurel Wreatls All Round tue Aisle , SHadstono Eofuses to Accept a Proffered Peerage , lallalmry Concluillnn BIB Arrange ment ! ) tO AS9UIUO tllO Illl- pcrlnl Kosponnlbllitlop , BRITISH POLITICS. A TtTL * TUB CONTlNQKNCr. peciat Telegram to the BEE , LONDON , Juno 17. The ministerial situa- ion is believed to hlngo on the acceptance of peerage by Sir Stafford Nortbcote , who would forego the leadership in the house of ommons. This is supported strongly by jord Randolph Churchill and Sir Michael Hicks Beach. If Sir Stafford takes his coro- ict there Is overv likelihood that Lord Salis- > ury can complete his cabinet by Friday. The queen has offered Gladitono an earldom in recognition of his services to 10 queen and country. Gladstone asked lat bo bo allowed to forego the honor. The Nowsln an editorial on the subject , re- oicea at * GladstonaVi dashion , and says no tie could nld to his fame or onhano the on- insed devotion of his countless admirers. > esido3 , hi ] leadership ii required in the com- ng struggle to secure unity in the liberal ttUBO. The Times says , editorially , that Glad- .one's refusal to accept an earldom makes an ppeal to the imaginations of men that will bt remain unanswered , It Is reported that Attorney General James icll has been elevated to a peerage. It Is lao said that the queen ia determined , If pos- iblo , to induce Gladstone to accapt n peer- go. She will again offer him a title. If ho efusos she will confer ono on Mrs. Gladstone , CHURCHILL IN THE CAlIINKf. Disapproval is expressed of the rumor that Churchill will bo secretary for India It i feared his appointment would lead to the withdrawal of DutTerm. , ANOT1IKH CONSERVATIVE CONFERENCE. Another conference ofconsorvatives was old to-day at the residence of tha Marquis f Salisbury. The purpose of the conier- nco was to endeavor to Bottle uoon he persons to fill the small offices , so that a Complete cabinet may ba presented to parlia ment on 1'riday. Churchill attended the ouncil. CABINET CALCULATIONS. At the conference ot the conservatives 'esterday itissald Churchill made it a con- iitlon of bis acceptance of office that North- : oto should be made leader of the conserva- ivea in the house of commons. Sir Henry ) rummoud Wolffe , member of parliament Portsmouth , will have a posi- iwn In the cabinet. It is said he result of the conference to-day waa that all obstacles to the formation of a cabinet were surmounted. All who attended the : onferonca pledged thcmselvea to secrecy. Vt the conclusion of the conference Churchill emained in private conference with Salts- wry , Conservative leaders will nave another nceting before the decision Is finally taken on ho constitution of the new cabinet. The Pall Mall Gazettn this afternoon ms an editorial , believed to be inspired by M. Les'ar , of the Russian section of the Afghan boundaiy commission , and couched in very angry terms. It says that unless Silis- iury wishes to deepen the convictions of Rus- la that his ministry ia a aenaca of war he will cancel the appointment of Churchill as secretary of state for India , "Russia , " : ontinues the article , "already regards Salia- mry'a cabinet with such suspicion that any ndden hitch may cause such a rupture of ne gotiations now in progress aa will result in Tor. " SALISBURY READY FOB nESPONSIBILTT. The Marquis of Saliabury to-morrow will ; o to Windsor castle and there Inform the uoen in the manner prescribed for the cere- nony and observed for so many years , that le is ready to obey tha commands of his sov- relgn and accept the responsibility for the onduct of the government of her majesty , THE QUEEN ARRIVES , The queenarrived | this morning at Windsor rom Balmoral , SUPPRESSING IRISH PAPERS. DUBLIN , Juno 17. The Gazette announces > ho suppression of thu United Irishman and he Irish World of June C , GENERAL FOREIGN MEWS , DESTRUCTIVE FIRE , LONDON , June 17 , The ( jreat establishment devoted to various kinds of business f William Whlteloy , of Westbourne I roves. Queen's road and Ken- ilngton Garden square , took fire this morning , The flames quickly spread from the counttng- louse to the stables in the roar and thenceto iVestbourno Grove , The great iron doors which separata the several departments prevented - vented the destruction of the entire block , Leas , 150,000.HERAT HERAT FORTIFIED. ALLAHABAD , Juno 17. Troops and ouna continue to arrive at Herat , which is now in good defense. HIS COMING FRENCH MINISTER. PARIS , Juno 17. M , Bource Is about to start for Washington to replace M , Koustan as French minister , THE ZANZIBAR QUESTION. BERLIN , Juno 17 , The North German Ga- .etto states it Is prominently intimated thai the tension In regard to tha Zanzibar question no longer exists , DEATH OK BARON VON SIANTBUFFKL. OAHLKSBAD. June 17. Fjeld Marshal Baron Von Mantouffol , the distinguished German commmander and governor of Alsace-Lor raine , died suddenly here this morning of pul monary congestion , Ho was born In 1609 , JIOIIK CONSULS FOR AMERICA , UOME , Juno 1 , In the chamber of deputioa to-day the foreign budget was under discus sion. Slgnor Campanula urged that the num ber of consuls in the United States should be immediately Increased , Ho advocated the appointment of a vlca consul at Baltimore , to bo subordinate to the consul general at New York. Sigcor Cappelll , I ha reporter of the budget committee , supported the proposition contained in the speech of Slgnor Camporoala and advised that the chamber vote the funds required for the establishment of consuls at Chicago and Baltimore Signor Manciui , foreign minister , said that ko fully agreed with tha previous speakers , that there was proseing necessity foran Increase ofltahan consuls In America. Ho would , therefore prepare and submit to the chamber of depn ties at an early day proposals for the mainte nance of now consuls to be appointed , Ho would at the same time , ho said , present a plan for the rearrangement of a consular di vision in ths United States. _ Thn chamber of daputioa adopted the for eign estimates by a vote of 1G3 to 159 , The narrowness of the majority renders it al'/ion Impossible for the foreign minister , Mancine to remain ia otllco. OBZAT DEVATAT10N OF LIFE MADRID , Junel7. InCMellon jegtarday there were fifty-eight new cases of cholera and twenty-eight deaths ; in the city of Va lencia , seventeen new cases and seven deaths ; in the province of Valencia , 140 now cases and eighty-eight deaths ; In the province oi Mar ci , Ulmw cose * and seventy-four deaths n the Ar njnez town of Now Castle , twcn- v-elght miles from Madrid , there was one ISO , THE CHOLERA , MADRID , Juno 17. Four froili cwoa of holera hero yesterday afternoon , two death ) . { etwecn the 20th of May and the 15th of uno'thero wore seventy-five caci of cholcr * icre and forty-fivo death ! . In the city of Valencia during the past twelve hours there wera four now cases of cholera and three caths , Senor Romery Ilebledo. minister of the In- erlor declared , this evening that thn suspi- ious rases In Madrid were beyond all doubt holera and of the Asiatic type , OOI.NO TO 8TUDT THE DISEASE , PARIS , Juno 17 , The government will send A commission , headed by M , Brokardcl , to Ipain to study the origin and progress of the holera epidemic , CUBA NOT FOK SAtjE. EMPHATIC NOTICE THAT THE ISLAND 13 NOT FOR BALE. NKW YORK , Juno 17. The Herald's ' Madrid pccial Barn : "Reports published in America f the Spanish government having sent Senor iatanoro to Washington aa envoy to negott- to the sale of Cub , are utterly without foun- atlon. I have within the lait few days iad a long conversation with prominent men f all parties on the subject , among whom wore Secretary of State Klduayen , Sagosta , ilorot , Cobra and Castclar , all expressed In lie strongest terms the impossibility f such tale and the certainty of ipanish armed resistance to attempts 9 force n sale. Secretary of State Klduayen , n prominent conservative uid intimate personal friend of the < ing , for sevoralyeats m oflico except : urmg a short period of liberal nlnistry , received your correspondent In the tate department , o aald , "Tbo Spanish ; ovoremont has neither official nor private cnowledgo o ! Batonero , baa no agents in the United States except its legation , and boa riven no instructions to negotiate o treaty for ho aalo of Cuba. The prraqnl ministry never ontomplntod such sale. It u certain no min- stry would bo permitted by the Spanish pee la so sell Cuba under any circumstances. " 'I'he continued deficits in Cuba revenue , " ho ontlnued , "furnish no excuse for the sale , as til Spaniards would gladly pay Cuba's debts f necessary to prevent the solo. The roton- ion of Cuba la a matter of national pride , ommon to all citizens and all parties , To piak of Its sale is like talking of soiling the > rovince of Andalusia by Spain , or of Now York by the United States , I can assure 'ou it Is not passible to express in too strong anguaga the utter Impossibility of such a alo. " ENOUGH AND TO SPARK. RESIDENT CLEVELAND OPPOSED TO TERRITO RIAL ACQUISITION , Special Telegram to the BEE , NEW YORK , Juno 17. The Herald's Wash - ngtou [ pedal says : "Your correspondent is tblo to say on the best authority , that Presi- lent Cleveland and his administration are en- Irely and absolutely oppaaod to ollacquisl- ions of territory , whether Cuba or parts of tlexico or elsewhere. The president feels ery strongly and positively on this point , le believes we have now as much territory , nd as large a mass of illiterate and incocgru- ius material In bur population as wo can afely manage. Ho is totally op- iosed to an aggrandizing foreign policy , and believes we have work enough to do at lome In reforming our home administration , le believes that extensive commerce with 3ur neighbors on fair terms of exchange will lenefit us and them , and that the cultivation f such commercic.1 relations will give us all he benefits which wo. could get from possess- on of their territorieswithout gross burdens and costly responsibilities which territorial intension would bring upon us , It is certain herefore , that no schemes for the purchase or annexation of Cuba , or for other territorial extension will find favor with President Cleveland , He understands the nature and object of such claims and U opposed to them as injurious and dangerous to toe welfare of his country and the perpetuity of our form of povermnout. MILIjEK WANTS -HE CANATi. THE CALIFORNIA SENATOU URGES AGailESlVE ACTION AT NICAHADQA. SAN FRANCISCO , Oal. , June 17. John F , Miller , of California , chairman of the United States senate committee on foreign relations , addressed a largo meeting of representative justness men in the chamber of commerca .his afternoon relative to tha proposed Nicaraguan - araguan canal. Ha strongly emphasized the rieht of the United Statas under prerent cir cumstances to control the isthmus transit. " "Tha United States has need. " ha said , "of a canal of her own for uses of her own com merce and for her own defense. The French canal at Panama is n menace to the interests and safety of our Pacific coaat possessions. " Ilefering to the Olayton-Bulwer treaty Mr. Miller said it did not seem to him that any of tha existing engagements witli Great Britain were violated by the proposed arrangement , and there could bo no misunderstanding which was not to bo susceptible of honorable settlement - ment by negotiation between Great Britain and the United States. " "Shall we , " ho exclaimed , "ask the consent of Great Britain before wo proceed to tlio ex ecution of this great design , or shall wo go forward without fear , witn n firm and steady step in the grand murch of progress , toward the fulfillment of American destiny ? ' Tbo Sonata Commerce Committee. St. Louis , Mo , , Juno 17. The inter-state commerca committee met hero yesterday. George 0 , Pratt , president of the Missouri board of rail way commissioner ] , waa examined and explained the working of the state laws. He declared himself in favor of a separation of the terminal charge ] from the mileage making the former a fixed charge , while the latter would depend on the distnuco , Mr. Harding , another of the board , was in favor of n national commission. Gen. John U. Devereaux , president of the Cleveland , Col umbus , Cincinnati & Indianapolis railway , and of the Indianapolis & . St , Louis railway , was heard. Ho doubted the constitutionality of the proposed commission , but was in favor nf making it n criminal offense to cut rates secretly , CJoao of the Transcontinental Moot ing. CHICAGO , III , , June 10. The Transcontin ental association adjourned its present ses sion , having practically accomplished the ob ject of tha meeting. It w a agreed to accepi the award of the arbitrators for the period commencing January 1 , andendiug JuneSOtJl and to baio percentage * from July 1st V September 30th on tha actual earnings o April , May nnd June. The Plymouth Pli uo , Special Telegram to The BSK. WH.KSBABIIB , Pa. , Juno 17. Affairs * nt Plymouth are slowly improving. The relief committee wport for the past week show * the total number seriously 111 nt 3CIS , destitute farolljes 220 , deaths 1 , recovered 111. This ia a decidedly better showing than that for tha week previous. The commitU-fl states It U in need of moro money , The Now Minister to Rtifsltx NEW YOKK , June 17. Hon. G , V. N. Lathrop , United fttatei minister to Ituiaia , accompanied by till family , i&iled for Kurope thi uiorning. A number ot frlsodj | ' Bee them elf , THE NATION'S URN Fields of Labor for the Big Tinkers at Olevolaiid Changes Soiuo Minor Department Hules , Manning Giving Attention to tlio Quilting Budnots nnil Cnllu for Pieces , AT THE OAPITAD. G EN Kit A L NOTES , WASHINGTON , Juno 17. Tha secretary of the treasury has written to the ap praisers at Now York , Boston , Philadelphia and Baltimore , instructing them with a view of securing uniformity of Appraisements , and classification of impnrt'd merchandise to re quire appraisers to daily forward to them samples of all textile and other goods ot which pamplea can be taken , which have boon examined and appraised by them beginning on July 1 , each with a labjl attached show ing the pi-ca of manufacture nnd ex portation ; 'hu mama of the manufacturer , if possibi ; thit shipper , and im porter , the vtBdul'd ilato and the number of the Invoice , the Invoice value , the entered value , the appraised value , the discounts , charge , classifications , widths of goods and the rate of duty , with such other particulars as may bo deemed useful in relation to the subject. When n millicient number of samples ore collected , it la contemplated that there shall bo n meeting of the board of general appraisers with other oflicers to be designated , for the purposeof comparing values and class ifications at the several ports and correcting any irregularities that may be found , I'rof. O. V. Rlley , entomologist of the de partment of agriculture , also holds the office of curator of Injects at the national museum. The question as to his rlsht to draw the sala ry of both olliccs was referred to the first omntroller ot the treasury , who has given the iplnion that ho can legally draw but ono ilary. The president has amended rule 9 , of thn ivil service commissions , so as to Include eputy naval officers and deputy surveyors of ustoms on the class of officers exempt frcm ixamination. Secretary Whitney received the following i-day from Koar Admiral. Jouctt at Colon : 'My ' attempts at mediation supported by lommissloners Gusto , Arosemlna and Daniel lermandez resulted in a treaty of peace which assigned _ by the cmmis8ioners both larties. This was not unproved by the revo- utionists as previously reported. The gov- rnmont forces are now marching on Barran- uilln. The health of the Tennessee and "anticnis good. " The president made the following appoint- .onts to-day : John P. Stallo , of Ohio , to be mvoy extraordinary and minister plonipoten- iaryof the United States to Italy : Bailiss iV. Hiinnn of Indiana , minister resident nnd ; onsul general of the United States to the Argentine republic ; Charles A. Dougherty , if Pennsylvania , lecretory of legation of the Jnited States at Borne , To bo consuls gene- al of the United States : William L. Alden , f New York , at Home ; Pieras M. B. Young , f Georgia , at St. Petersburg , To be consuls if the United States : George W. Savage , of Jew Jersey , at Belfast ; Edward Camphaueen , * Pennsylvania , at Naples ; Francis B. Gal ry , of New York , at Kingston. Jamaica ; J. -I. - Birch , of West Virginia , at Nagaski ; Ojoar lischoffe , of Kenais , at Sonnoburg ; Klchard rl. Stoddard , of New York , at Athens ; Theo- "ore Downs , of Connecticut , at Quebec ; M. ' . Newark , of California , at Lyons ; Wm. H. loffett , of New Jersey , at Biernt ; J. O. of lUiode Island , at Mantheim : IrVallaco Johns , at Messina ; John H. Lem. lerton , to be commander In the navy ; W. H. leisiuger , lieutenant commander ; Albert Coutz , captain ; John F. Crawford , lieutenant : , nd surgeon. It Is understood ex-Congressman George , Jenks , of Pennsylvania who was tendered assistant secretaryship of the Interior de- lartment several days ago , has decided to ccept. Charles A. Dougherty , of Pennsylvania , who wa to-day appointed secretary of lega- on at Rome , is a resident of Philadelphia nd ton of Hon. Daniel Dougherty. He is a ery young man and never has been active in iclitics , William L. Alden , appointed con- ul general at Rome , is aged forty and it a on of William Alden , formerly principal of he Albany normal school. He is a journal- at and Is at present on the editorial staff of , he Now York Times , He Is a highly edu- ; atod gentleman and speaks Italian luently. He hai visited Italy twice , .nd . has written several newspaper nnd magazine articles on the religious and politi cal affairs of that kingdom for which he lias cceived the thanks of both Victor Kmanuol > nd the Vatican. Pierce II , Y. Young , of Georgia , appointed consul-general at St. etersburg , is a native of South Carolinla , brty-fivo years old. Ho graduated at the Georgia military institute In 1807was n cadet , t West Point and was within n month of raduation when thcjrebelhon commenced. He resigned and entered the confederate array , rose by promotions to the rank of major-general , and was twice wounded. He "ms served lour terms In congress as the rep- esBntatlvo of the seventh Georgia * , district , and was one of the commissioners to the Pans ixhibitlon of 1878. George W , Savage , of tfew Jersey , appointed counsel at Belfast , is resident nnd prominent lawyer of Kahway , . J. Edward Camphausen , appointed lonsul at Naples , is a leading lawyer of Krle , a. Prancls Gallery appointed council at lingston , Jamaica , is a physician in. Iloches- ter , N. Y. John M. Birchj of West Virginia , appointed counsel at Nagasaki , 's ' a native of Pennsylvania , He is now su erintendent of schools at Wheeling , W , Va. D. J. Ernest Meier was appointed to this losltion about two months ago , but his com- nission was withheld. Richard H , Stoddard , if New York , appointed consul at Athens , Is , ho well known poet and author , He served fteen years in the customhouse. Theodore W. Downs , of Connecticut , con- lat Quebec , is a resident of Bridgeport , onnecticut Ho was secretary of the demo ratio state committee during the late preoi- lential campaign. J , C. Monaghan. if Rhode Island , appointed oruvui , t Mannheim , is aged 21 and is a graduate of Brown university. Ho itutnped West "Virginia and other states last 'all for Cleveland and Ilcudrlcks , Wollhca 'ones , of Florida , contnl at Messina , is a ilanter and business man. William Molfat , f Now Jersey , appointed coniul at Beirut , is an Episcopal clergyman. Judge TV , Bartley , proprietor of the American Register , and for many years prominently identified with thci democratic party , is seriously ill at his reuldcnsa In tills city , and tonight is believed to bo dying from an abscess , Ue Is a brother-in-law of General Sherman and Senator Shomwj. Deaths from Bamloy'a Cyclone , Sioux CITY , lows , June 1 Deaths in lierokeo county coused by Sunday 'd storm are reported to number tea. A Bohemian farsaer named Paulo war Kbwu into a slough and killed. A woman mated Erlqgsby was also killed. Mr , Gauotod child were killed near Marcus , Oheroker , Bounty. Ono child is reported killed four iu\es ) northeast of Rein- en , while its father id said to be fatally njured. The narr.ojwere not ascertained , i'nree deaths are lso reported in Mitcher .onnthip , The names are not known and nothlngtias beau received to verify the repaid The report thatleventeoa llvea were lost in that comnty v/.i probably exaggerated a& the reports fall ' .o confirm them. Thoto ki\Ud by tornado in Plymouth count } were Wi'jiarn ' Got'cha and Nichols * . Mocke ! andar.'m'ldof a Holland familyt Anotliei Hell _ nd child had Its leg broken nnd near ) ] every one ot a large family recalled aoroe Undo injury , D. 15. Hayes was badly hurt on the head. Adam Gotich la hurt In thn splno nod internally , Mrs. August Mureke hud her leg terribly lasccratcd ami her dauthtcri , Maty And Lltzie , RIO Injun d Internally and the for mer has her arm broken. The mother and aunt of D. K , Hayes had their collar bonoa broken. A young man named Swain , who took i-eftiRo from the storm In the house of Mr. Cramer WAS seriously injured , as also VIM Mrs. Cramer. Mrs Silas Forbes wai cirricd off in her housa while the rest of the family reimincd tafa in the collar , whcro she had been , but remembering her pet dog up stairs had gone back after it , nnd WAS carried nwny with the houeo nud sorerclv > liutt , but she saved the dog , Nicholas Goodard had an arm broken and was otherwise Injured. There were many miraculous escapes from death nnd Injury , There was n good deal of stock killed. Chickens were eUin. by hundreds , while hall beat the growing crops Into the pround In various p its of the country. The injury to orchard * and groves i some thing the country cannot recover from in years , Mr * , W. Gnno and child , of Marcus , Cher okee county , were killed , and Mr , Gnno badly hurt , In Cherokee as in Plymouth there were many exaggerated statements of death nnd Injury which , when hunted down , had no foundation except In the imagination of per sons frightened by the storm , The wonder Is that there were uotmoro killed and woundfd. Over COO claims for damages hayo been tiled with agents In Lomars Mono , and it is thought the number will reach 1,000 In the county. It falU heavily upon several of the state com panies , A GUOST 8TOIIY. OIlAVBTAnD INSUBANOE ANO OALLOWH ORNA MENTS , LEBANON , Pa , , Juno 17 , Several years ngo , during the speculative insurant ) mania , Joseph Kobor was found drowned in Indlnntown creek , in n desolate portion of this county , and it afterwards developed that ha was drowned for the Insurance on his life , which was several hundred thousand dollars. Five neighbors were hanged for killing the old man. It is now alleged that the usuallyquiet people between Swatorn and Indlantown gaps nre nightly arouccd by unearthly screams along the creek , and trustworthy citirens declare that n Btrance figure is continually pacing up and down the pathway where the crime was committed/ flees when the people approach , but just before it disappears , as in mist , shakes its head , points to the quiet waters of the creek , and utters a strange sound like death rattling , Tiioso who claim to have teen it say It is tbo figureot n man , dressed In gray , Several hundred _ persons say they have seen ghosts. Some insist it is the spirit of old mtn Reber , while others think it is one of five innocent men who were hanged coming back to earth to trouble his persecutors and the neoplo who perjured themselves in bringing him to the gallows. REMEDYING KUKOTION BVILS. THE NEW LAW PASSED DV THE ILLINOIS LldlS- LATOnK , SriNQflKLD , Ills. Juno 17 , The citi/.ans' committee election bill was rend the third time and passed , without debate by n vote of 78 to El , Linegar voting with the republi cans , The bill becomes a law if signed by the governor , of which there now appears to bo no doubt , Tbo law can be adopted by any incorporated town , if approved' by popular vote. The law provides that the county court shall superin tend all elections. The election precincts shall not contain more than. 45 J voters. No man can vote who la not upon the registry. A canvass is to bo made ot each precinct by ofliclal canvassers prior to each election. Triplicate returns and dupli cate tallies arc to ba returned. The polls are to close at 4 o'clock in the afternoon. The bill provides penalties for all infractions of the law. Tha bill was framed largely upon Srecedents of Massachusetts ! New York and alifornla laws , Tbo Ioiv Sunday School Convention. NEWTON , Iowa , June 17 ; The second ses sion of the state Sunday echool convention began at 9 o'clock a , m. Reports from the executive committee and from the state , dis trict and county secretaries were made , mdi-i eating n fine degree of prosperity and pro gress. In the afternoon the annual address was given by the Rev. D < J , Burrell , of Du- buquo. The subject of organization was dls cussed by Henry Dlant. of Minnesota , C. N. Cadwoll , of Logan , and A. M. Sheldon , of Tipton. Mrs. Stacy gave a character study on Elijah , the day sessions were so largely attended that many people could not get inside the largo church. At night two arreat meetings wern held In the methodlst and the congregational churches , and several hundred people enough to fill another church wore turned away. At the rcothodiat church addresses on the bible were given by the Rev. Dr. Cox , of Brooklyn , and the Rev. Kldridgo , of'Des Moines , The tem perance question. in its relation to the Sunday school work was discussed by the Hon. I. Clark , of Clarinda. At the congregational church , the tonic was the bible. The speakers were Dr. Burrell , ' Henry Plant , and President G. I. Carpenter , of Dos Moines , Illinois Corn SrniKQWELD , , 111. , Juno 17. Advance. ehects of the ropoit upon the corn crop of Illinois , soon to b u > ued by ihe department of agriculture , shows that the area planted in corn is much largsr than last year , especially in wheat sections. Ineocta have damaged the growing earn loriously In t-any portions o 'i the state and' ' the cold , dry season has. been unfavorable Lv planting and growth. Corn in the northern division of the utato Is usually nearly half than nf the entire corn ar > a of' the state , and In 1SS1 exceeded it hv aOCO)00 ( ) acres. The uvtirago condition of th growing crop on June 1st , was 81 per ceni , ogaiust IU last your. There has been an increase ot one- lull per ceut in the corn area of the central division M compared with 1834 , when 206,000 acres wore planted. To condition Is 83 per cent us f&aiQtt 03 last year. The nroa in eon them Illinois is l per cent larger than last year. The condition Is Wi.'ngninat 81 last year. In the bouse this afternoon the Joint resoliv Lion providing for the appointment of a reve nue commisalonrr was called up and the reso lution adopted.Tjo senatorial appropriation bill wta next tikcn up and read section by section , but baforo the completion of the Ull the house tooV. a recess till 7:20 p. in , The Havana augir HAVANA , Jnaa 17. According to the state ment of a roUob'o euaar hwaao thri crop tllii year , up to Jane 1 , amounted to D07COO tons againt K10OCO , tons tothjesame dr.tolait year The weather la atill unsettled. Oo the soutr coast of tlio Itlncdb however , Blinding ; hai commenced ngain. The BtiU in thu tialdi is estimated at 100,000 , tons. Con , Jackson PrcBeuta IlUPapora , ] CaOK M-s.ico Juna 17. Gen. Jackson tha yevr American mmist / , presented hii credentials the. palacfi ypaterday. Ho wai cordially received by President Diaz and mu tiual compJiraenta were paiied. The Ameri jan colony here will givuGen. Jackson a ban quet on July 4 , Manning n AValxHli Dratioti. POIUA , Ills , , June 17. Tbo fol.bwn elUcerj of the Toledo , 1'cotia & Woattrn rai way were appointed to-day : K. X. Am strong , general superintendent ; 1L D. Gouli pf ueral fr6ieht 8U.J tuuenger Id.n Uuner , A MISTY VIEW. ffheat an Uncertain Chinee OwiD. to the Rcpor's. Prices Fluctuate According to the " > ' ' Ourrout Yam , Texan C ttlo Continue to Glut' tlio Markets Coxva ntiri HcKcrs nt m Premium. CHICAGO MAUKEIS. TUB DAY IN WHEAT. Special Telegram to Tha BKK CltlCAUO , III , . Juno 17. There was vary limited trading in wheat to-day , and the mar * kot rested thia afternoon at fractionally the same figures current at the closing last night. The prevailing temper was moderately strong and tbo August option touched 92Jc govern ! times , but did not hold , and cloeod for the day nt medium figures. The ruoeipta were somewhat smallorjat all prlmaty points , but tha shipping Inriilry | was light. Foreign ad vices were somewhat firmer In tone but with no appreciable advance In prices. The state ment that harvesting hod commenced in southern Illinois nud that tha outlook was moro favorable for the yield than had been expected , caused a feeling of woak- noRS fora time and the market fell oft to the lowest point of the day , but rallied utilckly when it was learned that the Information was incorrect. The general tenor of crops was very blue , with reports of ravages of Insects In Michigan ; nnd very gloomy nsw cornea . from Tennessee , Kentucky , Kansas and Mis souri. Tha inclination of tha oparatorv , however , nptieara to bo to nwait the practical outcome oi the harvest or n movement of the present stocks In store , before tnking nuydu- cidod stand regarding the future of prices , CO UN. Tha market developed strength owing to smaller receipts nud the promise of still lighter receipts to-rcorrow. Stocks hero nro light nud the "shorts" displayed aa nnxioty to cover when the market bigan to advance. Prices rosa ono cent early , but toward tha close fell back somewhat and clcsed for the day jj@ic over yesterday. OATS. Trading was brisk in oat ? , owing tn n falling elf in tha rccolptx , nnd prices rose l@Jc , fell back again and closed Jo over yestarday. PKOVISIONS. There was loss doing m provisions , nnd the market closed for the day a ohado under yesterday. TUB DAY'S SALES The sales nud prices of thr day rlotted : Wheat-Juno , SSgSSJe , closed8SJo ; Ju ly. 891@9ic ! , closed. S'JJe ' ; August , 91i@ 92Jo , closed , Olgc ; Septemba 93j91Jo | , closed , 939c. Corn June , 4ftJ@49s , closed , . 18 < jc { July , . 17i@18.ic , closed , 47tfc | August , 47@47Jc , closed , 47c. Oats-Juno. 3334io. } closed3333Jc ; . July , 333@332. closed , SSJc ; August , 2SJ@ 283c , cloned , 2Sl@2SjJc. Mess Pork -July. S10 30@10.42J , doeed , S10.SO@10.32J : August , $10.374@10.62S , closed , S10,374@m.40 , Lird-July , SG5@G.G7i ( ; August , $ G.72i@ 0.7G. . if On the afternoon board , wheat waa quiet ft and unchanged ; corn irregular , Junu Jo la higher , July nnd Aueust Jo lower ; oats unchanged - U changed ; pork 2i@5j lower * nnd lard 2JC , A lower , > f CATTLE. 4 Among .tha fresh reciipts were about 2,000 , Toxans. The general market was fairly active and prices in n general way underwent little or no change us compared with yester day. Big. heavy beeves , fully maturad nnd finished , sold at $5 50@5.S74 , nnd stlllcrs nt S5,25@5 05 the latter ICb higher than ves - terday. Light , handy steers sold r.t , 85.00 @ 6.50 ; low grade native etiers' mid , common gratay stock $1.GB@4.80. Tat cows and. heifers are scarce nnd command good prices. Qfaaii Texana nror-selllngfrom $3.50 CgS.CQ ; corn-fed. SI.2Q@G:25 : ; Toxi * cowa , bulls and oaex $3.25@3.CO. The stooker and < feeder trade remains dull , more on account of the small number on sale than for any other . causa. Shipping steers , 1350 | to 1,5CO pounds. S5.50@5.S i ; 1,200 to Ip 0 pounds. S5.30 w5.50 ; 950 to 1,200 pounds , ei'JO@550 ; . through Texas cattle 100 car loads-corn- fed Sl.2D@5.00 : grassers , 60 to 1,050 pounds , SaGO@4 07CO to 9CO.pounds S.l.23.50. uoos. Trade was rather slow and prices- irregular , , yet on the whole unchanged. The quality wai up to a good averaga and the provision- market was not lower. I ow grato-rouh and comm-nsa'd at 83-90 ® 105 ; fair to good , 34 10@ < < } 10 and Lent , S-l 20 ; necking and Bhipping , 2oO to 3iO ! < pounds , 34 00@4i.15 ; light weiflhts , 130 to UOipounds , .34 00 ® 12S ; ISO to ilO poimde.S3 flO@l 10 , A nnfntmitr < l I'j.y n. I'loxvman , SraiifQKiEti ) , 11 , , June , lf.--To-d y. a youriff man eicbtoen yturu ot ago , named WaltorS. Amo ; , . , ntt > npttd , to walk , across 'n , field belonging to Hi h & Hrt/thcr adjoining' this city whtDvit mm namedi Jehu Moaier , aged 50 , who V7wj plowing , civlli-d to him to slop. The young nutn did ea when tho. plow man , dulibatufily walknil within liv * feet of him aud uhot hlui with a shot , (11:4 ( in the back ] ulli tiog mic'iW. wc and aa viill probably < cau to death Tlio wouad ia Aaa a' aldo is Inrge anuugh for a uwn's closed ImndL Mcsier went ou wl& > hU Rowing until arnoUdi this altdrncou , The old man uppotrii to be per- Efctly eano and SAVR that ho wnaja tiliod In sbuolini ; bcCJiUbB the boys .had ro business t'J cross the liod. The hey WAH tha naly support. oi n wldf.wod mother , Ho l/u | . till . aaornlng. "JVi-nvor lilt lie Pt'KiitfinC > ) l , June T.-ToIa. aftosnoon a magazine south of hero belonglr.fcto the Col orado Coal & Iron company , contnlnia 37CCO < pounds of blru'i. powder and a larRD , quantity of dynamite , blowup , . Tiae explo sion waa oamed by John Wea.ver , an employe of the company , shooting at n rsark on the door of .tho magazine with a. Winchester rifle. Weaver wai instantly killed , his. companion , Charles Nelson , fatally lajureil , and the b.tUdlngs within . .radius of two milo nil more or.leis . injured , Aiiicrluiui Huc ) Urnivera. CHICAGO , 111. , June 17. Ths Amerlcaq s- aocntlon of nurserymen , florists , and seed men commenced their annual convention hero this morning with an attendance nf 'iOO , dalo- gates , including a number of ladioi , Ono of Uie features to-day wo3 an tddreas by "ormuu Colornan , United Utatta couunUeioatr of Mnjplica nnd rhlla n NKW YORK , Juno-17 , Tlis owners of the fast etrjlions , Majolloi and Phalliu , Imvo ar ranged for a mated race between them to ba trotted over the tr rk of the New York driving club , onthoS4th , for 32tOO n tide and the gate recolpU. Pli/tllos.waa provigualjr matehed to trot ag.tust Maxio.Cobl ) . The Wonthor , WASIIINCVON , Juna 17. Tbo upper Miss- latlppl yolley : Fair aud winner weather , va riable winds , generally Bhlltlng to southerly. The Miitourt valley- Fair and warmer weather , followed by fecal man toutherly winds , falling barometer. 1'ho tiluorty Ucll nt Homo Aunln , PHILADELPHIA , Pa , Jme 17 , Tha special * train from New Orleans baarinp the liberty Id. bell and the Kow Orleans municipal doliga- , tion arrived bora this afternoon. The visitors ? nd the relic were given A Ijiilllnrrt repeptttm.