Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 17, 1885, Image 2

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    - THE z
This medicine , combining Iron with pure
vegetable tonic * , nnlchly nml completely
Cures l y pcp 1n , JmllKeMInn rnlinc ,
Jmiiiir9lIloi > il,3lnlurlnClilll irindFeTcri ,
"TtlJ'an w&'niiiK ' remedy for DUcoscsof the
K lt "iS'lnnSuablo "for Disease * peculiar to
Women , And nil uho lead fedcntnry lives.
I .
produce constlpfitlon-ofArr Iron mcaietntttio.
H enriches nnd purifies the blood , Btlmwntes
the nppotltc , nlds the nsilmllfttlon of
mid strength-
llovcs Hcnrtbum nnd Belching ,
cm the muscles nnd nerves. .
For Intermittent Fevers. Lassitude , LnCVOI
rncrgy , Ac. , It has no equal. f
ff9- The genuine 1ms nbovo trndo nrnrk and
crossed red lines on wrapper. Take no other.
r .a. o ir IT nnoH i en FJiir * t , CD . n rriJioiiKan ,
.lanMti iae BROAD GUIfc. *
If ! ? ? ! !
aiironlr Ncrvnit IlH
_ licit , SIHO Ctirrs.
* * . " ' ,1 ; ' . ' , < llfutJrJ//cii ! amiruntraalien In
ljitalijl liCTl 13ol. 1 . , , . , f/ , . , , so Mii/orM/.eu.
n ? Soaa t o Btnmi > i for Celebmt'-J Jledical
\Vorki Addro-R. ir' . J > . ( ir.AItKK , KJ. ! > . ,
ISO South Clark Street , CHICAGO , In.
Koyal Havana Lottery i
Drawn at Havana Cuba ,
Every 10 to 14 Days.
Tickats in Fifths , Wholes $5. Frac
tions pro rata.
Cabjecl lo no manipulation , not controlled by lha
parties In Interest , It la the Itlreat thing In ( bo
Biltzit ofchinoaln existence.
lor tickets apply o sniPSEY * CO. , 1212 Broad
vr.y.N. Y. City ; SOUNDER & CO. , 108South * th St
BL Louis. Uo , or U. OTTKNB A CO , 819 Main St.
KUBM CitVi Mo.
I am n old man. For 28 years I suffered with ul-
ccrj on myilht lesas the result of typhoid fever.
Amputation waa suggested 09 the only means ol pre
serving llfo. The doctors could do nothing ; ( or mo ,
anil thought I must die. For throe yoare I never
had a shoo on. Swift's Specific has made a perma
nent euro and kdded ten years to my llfo.
Wu. U. KURD , nail Co. , On.
I bavo taken Swift's Specific for blool polton con
tracted at n medical college at a dissection , while I
was a medical student. I am grateful to say that It
gavomoaoteedy and thorough cure after my pa
rents bad spent hundreds of dollars fortroatment-
AuausTUS WKNDPL , It D. , Newark , X. J.
My wlfo from oirly girlhood bas been suffering
from rheumatism. 8ho h a tried many remedies ,
and I must frankly say 1ms dorhed more benefit
from Swift's Vpecldo than from all tto | ethers , after
long and faithful trial.
Itar. JAB. L. PIERCK , Oxford , On.
Swift's Specific la eatcrely \ ccctablo , Treatlto on
DooJ and Skin Olaoasej mailed ( roe.
rh'e BAnrr SrKcmo Co. , Drawer S , Atlantada , , o
HDW.2SdSt.N. Y.
Town Lots in Denver Junction
Weld County , Colorado.
Denver Junction la a now town ol about 200
Inhabitant ) , laid out In 1884 , on the great
trunk railway across tbo continent , at the
junction of the Julesburg Branch , 107 miles
from Denver. Iho town is on second bottom
land of the PJatte lUver , the finest location
between Omaha and Denver , and is eurround-
ed by the bost-laying lands west of Kearney
Junction , Neb. ; climate healthy and bracing ;
altitude 3,0X ) feet. Denver Junction bids to
become an important point , aa tbo U. P. H ,
R. Co. , are putting upmanypf their buildings
here , while the B. & M. U.K. Co. . are expect
ed teen to connect at thli place , Tha present
chance for good investments in town lota will
scarcely ever ba equaled elsewhere. For Bale
by the lot or block In good terms by
Agent , Denver Junction Colo.
Cor. 13th and Douglas Sts.
Cnpitol Stock , - - - 015Q.OU (
Liability of Stockholders , 300,01 ! 0
Fjyc For Cept Interest M on Deposlis
7A.UKS E. UO1D . . . President
W. A. PAXTON . , , . , , . VIM WMIM
L. U DKNNKrr. , . , . Uaoiglcff Director
J UH K. WILBUtt . , . . . ! . CasLltr
How Omaha's ' Bising Generalion is
.Prcpaiig for life's ' Battle ,
Our Educational Institutions ami
the Vouth They nro IrAlning
For Honored and
Useful Lives.
The hope of the nation is her youth ,
and on the proper training of the rising
generation depends the weal or woo
which 'will ' befall our country's lt Utu >
lions. States , cities and communities
are to bo affected In the same manner.
That the youth may bo trained in the
way they ahould go,1 that they may become -
como intelligent men and women , fitted
to occupy the highest and most honored
positions obtainable , hat boon the supreme -
promo object of the lives of oomo of onr
noblest mon , encouraged by the expendi
ture of vast amounts of wealth , Omaha
has not been slow to appreciate thovalao
to the city of an educated youth , and has
laid a foundation for future greatness In
the numerous public schools which she
has creeled , and the liberal manner In
which they are supported. But dosplto
the weighty Importance of thcso Institu
tions the public Interest In them seems to
flag unless something of special import
ance occurs which for a time may at
tract attention. Parents often fail
to realize that the chil
dren of to-day are to bo
the men and women of to-morrow , and
become lax in fifty impressing upon their
minds the necessity of school attendance.
General attention will , however , bo
brought to the schools In the next few
days , when the year's work will bo com-
plnted and the schools closed for the
summer vacation.
In starting upon a round of the city's
schools to see what bad been done and
was being accomplished , a BEE reporter
It was just at the close of the noon
recess , and the children came trooping
Into the building ready for their after
noon work. Everything was done In an
orderly manner , their hats hung up and
their scats token without confusion. The
cchool is under the management of Mies
Grace H. Wilbur , as principal , and has
310 pupils , n decrease In attendance of
about 150 since the beginning of the
school year. The building contains olght
rooms , each under the supervision of a
lady teacher. The pupils are about
equally divided among the different
grades. The highest or sixth grade is
under the charge of Mies Bennett as
teacher , and the two pupils who have
shown iho most proficiency in their
studies are Grace Bomen and Nicholas
Backus. The next lower room is in
charge of Miss Crane , who has two
classes In her grade " 5th 0" and " 5th
A. " William Thortoa leads In the
Sth 0. claaa , and Mattlo Klrby In the Oth
A. Miss Kendall instructs the scholars
In the 4th B. and 4th 0. classes , and Ma
tilda Olson and Chris. Backus are at the
head of their respective classes. Mies
Littleflold , who has charge of the 3d 0.
and 4th A. classes , reports Ida Hammond
and J onnlo Hnltman as her brightest
pupils. The teacher of the 3d B. and 3d
A. classes ( s Miss Robinson. Charley
Braman and Mabel Ohoenoy stand at the
head of the 3d B. class , and Stella Kirch-
er and Henry Hnbermann hold a slml-
* ar position In the 3d A. Ralph Dodge ,
n 2d A. , and Hattie Graham , in 1st O. ,
are the best students under the care and
instruction of Mrs. Perkins. Miss Wil
bur , the principal , has charge of the second
end grade , and she reports her four beet
scholars to bo Matilda Carlson , Miller
Wood , Anna Kallsh and Olga Mohr. The
'baby ' room" Is in charge of Mrs. Lemon ,
and the children are divided Into two
classes 1st A. and B. Edith Cheney
"eads the former , and Nellie M. Day the
"Lovo is the governing power in this
school , " said Miss Wilbur , "there having
been only ono case of corporal punish
ment during the year , and yet the chil
dren are under splendid control. " Twen
ty-five special promotions have been
made from the various grades during the
year for special proficiency. The roanu
In the building are bright and pleasant ,
and the blackboards upon the walls show
excellent work by the pupils In drawing.
Daring last winter it was very difficult
to keep the building warm , as It Is only
heated by stoves. But preparations are
now being made to put In furnaces be
fore the beginning of the nsxt term.
at the corn er of Dodge and Eleventh
streets , is under the charge of Mias Jen
nie Mclvoon as principal. When the
BEE man arrived ho found 240 scholars
busy with their lessons and examinations ,
The number of pupils is about 100 icsa
than at the beginning of the school year ,
the Pattondanre having decreased ma
terially during the present term. There
are eight rooms in this building , each
presided over by a teacher , and the
scholars are divided into six grades.
Miss McKoon lias charge of
the highest grade , her two
classes , being " 5th B1 and"CthA. "
Willie Buohler and Willie Henn are the
most proficient in ( heir studies In the
former class , and Joseph Hlrsbstein and
Julius Taylor in the Utter. A largo
number of original designs in drawing by
the pupils were shown , which are of a
high order and show marked Improve
ment. In fact , the Information was
quietly Imparted that thodrawlngteaeher
admitted that the scholars of this school
wore becoming more proficient than their
instructor. In the 5th A class , under
the charge of Miss Bntterfield , Maggie
Spoorl and Charlie Willo excel in their
studies. The scholars In this room alio
show a special proficiency in drawing.
Obailio Willo has not bean out of school
for a day during the past year , and Aug- 1
nit Uhtof , Willie Travis , Maggie Clifton , i
Henry Lolgsl and Maggie Spoorl have
only miaeed ono half a day in the same
time. Mies Hartley has charge of the
echolara In the 4th B class , and Hannah
Uockstr'oBsor and 01do Spann are her
two best scholars. Dudley Wlgington
and Louts Motz rank the highest
in attendance , having been present
every diy during the year. The scholars
in this room have made remarkable ad :
vancement In reading muslo , and their
muuio teacher is proud of them. Miss
Cave's beat tcholara in the 3d B and 3d :
0 classes are Olif Olson and Charles
Bartlett , while Katie and Anna Winslow
have been praeent every day during the
year. In the 2d 0 class , under Mlsi
BrlgRi , Jets'o ' Merrill and Fred Uorton
are the leading pupils , and in the 3d B
class , under the same teacher , Minnie
Jorgeimn and Frank Winglngton excel. n
Mary Llvtcy has been present every day
during the year. Anns Bozowitz and
Nathan Notznor are the two most pro
ficient pupils In the 2d 0 class under
Mlia Buchanan , and Willie Shnnmeber
and Minnie Goldstein lead the 2d' B
clnia. Charlie Anderson has been pre
sent every day during the year. Mies
Noedham has charge of 1st 0 and 2d A
clatsos , and when the BCE reporter vis
ited her room it was almost time for re
cess , nnd the llttlo folks were beginning
to bo uneasy and restless. But when
they were asked to sing , the expression
of their faces changed , and all were im
mediately on the alert , and
with ovldont pleasure sang
ovoral versos of "Sweetly Glide , " after
which they were dismissed. Thcro are
fourteen scholars in the 2d A. class , and
they are all to bo promoted. Hans
Nicholson and Laura Schlank have shown
the most proficiency in their studies in
this class , and in the 1st 0. Blanche
llcrnstoln and Trosa Harris are the boat
scholars. Joseph Adnlr has not missed
a day from school during the year. The
"baby room" Is In charge of Miss Eddy ,
and some of the pupils are almost babies ,
hardly old enough to attend school. In
the 1st U. class in this room Cora Mitch
ell and Joseph Flynn are the infant
prodigies , and in the 1st A. Anna Ander
son and Birdlo Shcfiol load all the others
In their studies.
Tlio Growth ot UiinllnRtoii , on tlio
Oregon Short Iilno Cclcbrntlnfc
the Fourth ,
Correspondence of The BEE.
HtJMTiNOTOif , Oro. , Juno 14. Thla
town is located in the Burnt Rlvor
canyon , three miles from the Idabo
line , and la tbo tormlnna of tbo Oregon
Short line nnd the 0. R. & N. road.
Everything la tranaforrod cxcopt full
carloads of freight , which go throaqh ,
Pullman sleeping cars ran through from
Omaha to Portland. The companies are
putting up a now frame depot , 40 by 220
foot , two stories high , The depot hotel
will occupy a portion of it. It will cost
There ia a mluo hero called the Jamoa
G. Blaine , atartlng in the hill from ono
of the stroota. Some sooip to think
that it will ntrlko n fair silver lodgo.
There ia considerable prospecting for
gold along the Burnt and Snake rlrera.
Several good placer and quartz locations
are bolng worked.
Omaha gota a fair trade from this part
of the country.
"Our Country Forever , " is the flaming
headline of the Fourth of July pro
gramme at thia point. Wo never do
things by halves , and as this la the first
celebration of Independence day in thia
city wo propose to do it on a grand ecalo.
A aslato will wako the natives at early
morning , to bo followed at 11 a. m. with
orations , declamations and apostrophes to
the eagle ; music by'tho glee club and brass
band , an excursion on tbo Oregon Short
Line to the new stool bridge over the
river ; several fat purses will bo hung up
for fast horses , the whole to conclude with
a pyrotechnic and terpslchoroan display in
the evening. The small boy will not be
last nor least in the procession.
ly indorsed by housekeepers and others
who have tried it. No soap is required ,
and cleaning is done with a saving of
much time and labor. All housekeepers
honld nse it.
Examinations for Admission to the
Frcsbman Class.
Thursday , Juno 18,11 a , m. , Greek.
" " " 3 p. HJ. , Latin.
Friday , " 19 , 0 o. m. , English.
" " " 2 . . .
p. ra. , Mathematics.
Thursday , June 18 , 11 a. m. . Latin ,
" " " 3 p. m , , Arithmetic nnd
Friday , June 10 , 9 a , m , , English.
" " " 2 . , .
p. m , Alcebra.
All examinations will be held In the Dodge
street Preabyteiion church.
an Opportunity for a Fortune Lost.
On the 12th May , the Drawing of The
Louisiana State Lottery Oompany showed the
following results : Ticket No. 21,258drew the
First Capital Prize of $70,000. It was sold
in fifths at SI each one to Harry Dutton ,
Melrose , Hasa. ; one to Gee , Williams , of
Washington City , D. 0. ; ono to Orsini Zapp ,
of Hound Top , Texas , collected through
Messrs. Jan , II , Raymond & Co. , of Austin ,
Texas ; ona to S. F. Spencer , Greansburg ,
Ky. , collected through National Bunk of
Lebanon , Ivy , nnd the rest elsewhere.
Ticket No 51,1)35 ) drew the Second Capital
Prize of $25,000 , sold In fifths-one to J. D.
LeDRsfield , clerk of Heathman , Smith & Co. ,
of Greenville , Mies , collected through the
hank there ; ono toll. N. Calderwood , Otta
wa , Kas. ; ono to P. G , Sexton , 13tuton. Stewart -
art Co , , Tenn , collected through the North
ern Bank of Tenn. , at Clarksville , Teen , ; one
to Jno. P. Jewell , of OaUarruieiia , N. Y ;
the remainder sold elsewhere. No. 02,001
drew the Third Capital Prize of $1.0,000 , sold
also in fifths ; ono to John Godloy , No. C7 S.
Cth St. , Columbus , O. ; others to parties In
Son Franciaco , Oal , ; La Oygne , Kansas , and
ohewhere. Tickets No. b,26U and 18,807 ,
drew the two Fourth Capital Prizes of § 0.000
oacli , and the eatiro Bum of $205,500 was like
wise broadcast throughout the land , The
whole thing will be repeated on Tuesday ,
July 14. of which ell information can be baden
on application to M. A. Dauphin , New Or
leans , La. Let not tht opportunity slip by you ,
as you have hitherto dune ,
Almost a Fatal Mistake.
Arkansaw Traveler.
In an ArkBusaw town several nlghta
ago , a mob , ioid by a dcsperato man ,
tnarohod to the jail , dragged a murderer
From a cell and harried with him to the
Dutsklrts of the town. Each man were ;
an expression of determination features
hardened with awful reaolro. The priso
ner attomptnd tonpoak , to bg for his
llfo , but butly hands closed aronnd hU )
threat acd the prayer be would have uttered -
torod went out in an insrticul&to purgle.
When Iho infuriated men reached a )
largo oak they halted. Ono of them threw
rope over a limb.
"Goutlomen"sald thopmoner. "pleaso
jlva mo a chance to ear a word , "
"I3o quick about it , " some ono shouted.
"Gi ntleinen , I admit that the evidence s
a ngolnst mo , but as trnely as wo atand
aero , I killed that man in self-defense. "
"Killed what man ? " wan asked.
"Bill Bottlcford. "
"Say , you ain't the man that killed
:3oltleford , are you ? "
"Yes unfortunately , I am iho man , "
"Men , " shouted the leader , "we have
omo within ono of making a terrible mi -
akc. " Then tarnlng to tbo piieonertlio
etder added , "We thoupht , sir , thatyou
rer the man that etolo Nat Bcyd'a uih
rap. Dop down oilon the box. Yon are
Scrofula diseases manifest themrolvef I
the spriug , Flood's Saraaporllla I
loanecs tbo blood , and removes over ; j
aint of eciof na.
Dcncrlptloti of a Rich nnd 1'rollllo II o
glen In Washington Territory.
Correspondence of the BEE.
BUOWN , Yakima County , Washington
Territory , Juno G , As 1 am a farmer in
the country known as the Horse Heaven
flat , I will give yon an idea of onr coun
try. This scope of country is situated
between the Columbia and Yakima
rivers and in a fine rolling prairie mostly
adapted to wheat raising. I settled in
this country September 20 , 1883 , 1 am
ono among the first settlors. As to cli
mate , this cannot bo excelled , and for
wheat raising this country Is ahead of all
others. For this reason a man can put
out anah a largo crop and got it harvested
without difficulty , as wheat will'stand
hero throe months after it gets rlpo with
out danger of straw falling or the wheat
shelling out , nnd can thresh and iako
care of the grain without going to the
expense of making bins for the grain , as
It does not rain hero from the mtddlo of
Juno until the middle of September.
The ranchers thresh their grain
and sack it up and pile it tip in the field
and throw a llttlo straw over It and it Is
all right. It Trill lay out that way all
winter without much damaging. When
the Cascade divltion of the Northern Pa
cific is completed to the Papit Sound
it will afford us the boat market in the
world. This country is also handy to the
0. R. & R. R. Horse Heaven is between
the 0. R. & R. R. and the U. P. It is
twenty-flour miles from the 0. R. & N.
R. R. to the N. P. R. R. Our winters
am mild. Wo have not to exceed seven
or olght weeks of winter. By the 30th
of March the grass was from six to
twelve inches high , Horses live through
the winter hero without any feed except
what they got on the pralrlo and como
out In the spring fat , owing to the grass
coming up on the ground. Wo have no
timber nearer than thirty-five miles , ex
cept sago brush. Lumber is worth from
§ 7 to § 8 per M , and fence posts from
two to five cents a plcco. Crops look
good hero ; the wheat is estimated to
range from fifteen to thirty-five bnsho'
per acre. The potato crop is excellent
barley and oats , good.
This Is also a great stock country. Th
greatest draw-back is the neat-city
water , although thcrs has boon a tintube
of wells dug hero , affording a great abnn
dance of water , at a depth of from 5
40 feet , and some have went to the dept !
of 75 foot without striking water. Tha
is owing to digging in the wrong plac
The nlghti are always cool hero. Wi
have aomo very picturesque vions of th
Cascade mountains from hero. Wo cai
see Mt. Hood , Mt. Adams , and Mt. S
Helena. They are covered the yea :
round with snow. Wo can also BOO th
Blue mountain range.
There Is yet same government lam
to bo taken up and a vast amount of rail
road land. J. M. B.
Police Court.
Andrew Anderson , a belligerent Swcd
was arrested by the police Monday nlgli
in a boiling etito of intoxication , was
fined $5 and costs yesterday morning.
Albert Lick had likewise committo
the indiscretion of filling himself up ti
the throat with corn juice. Ho plaade
not guilty , however , and itj wae
only 'after an officer testified lha
he had bean taken in a beastly state o
intoxication thab Lick would acknowledge
lodge the truth of the charge.
Mattie Forrest was arraigned on a
charge of " "intoxication and at ono
pleaded guilty. "I suppose that if ]
was the man who has the charg
of the jail and had to hear yoi
'carry on * la'tt night I would fine yon
about $100 and costs , " remarked th
judge , as ho deliberated on the question
how to punish the offender. "Yon are
about the worst I over saw. However , I
will lot yon off with a fine of § 5 and
costs. "
A. W Wood was arrested Monday nigh
about ono o'clock as a suspicions charac
ter. Ho bad a pocketful of rocks will :
him. and locked dangerously warlike ,
Wood claimed In police court that ho wai
a Kansas City telegraph operator lookinu
for work bore. His case was continued
for evidence ,
Lucky Mori.
The 2'imw scribe had an Interview with W ,
C. Parker , of Windfall , last weolf. Mr ,
Parker held a one-fifth ticket in the Louis
iana State Lottery No. 5'J,075 ' , which drew
815,000 , one-fifth of the first capital prize of
575,000. 13. Pfrry held n hnlf interest In the
ticket purchased by Mr , Parker. The two
named fjentlomen in company with tlieir at
torney , It. 15. Deauchamp , went to Now Or
leans to draw the money. When they ar
rived there the ; bad no trouble at all in pro
curing the $15,000 , They speak very highly
of the company and say. the people of New
Orleans say that it is an honest , fair and re
liable institution. It ia recommended by tbo
State Legislature , and that ita check is Rood
for a million dollars.Tipton [ ( Ind. ) Times
May 7.
Tbo Cotton Clmrclice ,
Oorrospondonco of The BEE.
NOKFOLK , rTeb , , Juno 15. TITO meet
ings were held last evening , one in En-
; Iish , and cne In Gorman. The speaker *
loem earnest for the spiritual good of the
There was quite a storm last night , but
10 tents were blown down , and this
uoralng there was a good representation
it the early morning meeting , which was :
iod ) at 8 o'clock. Elder Shultz spoke
it 10:30 : , when ho tried to impress the
jeoplo with the importance of being no-
lvo and earnest Christians.
A Bible reading was held In the after-
won on the "Spirit of God. " Some
mportant and practical thoughts wore
resented showing how the spirit of God
vlll help Christians to overcome sins ,
nid help thorn love God and their fellow .
olngs. Others are coming to the moot-
ng , and anticipate a good time.
J , R. Brawnell , of the boiler manufactur-
ng firm of Urownell & Co , of Dayton , Ohio ,
In the city , and ii about to consummate ar-
tenements to establish a branch houao here ,
le has been canvassing the situation very
arefully hero and is greatly pleased with the
ive progressive spirit of this city. The firm
f which Mr , U. Is a member IB the largest in j ; :
he United States.
I )
Yflen JUbywaa ilck , we gtve her Castoria ,
Wlen elio waj a Child , she cried for CostorU ,
When BUB became , MUs , she clung to CastorU ,
Wtiu ilie had Children , ihe gare them CutorU
. .
Rheumatism , Neuralgia , Sciatica ,
Lumbago , Backache , Headache , Toothache ,
BoroTlirnnfNn-rl1ltiipiNirnlti , Itrnlftc * .
Hum * , Nciilil * , Trout Illlrn ,
, .n AII , oTiirn nonii.Y
Bold I j l > rnUU n < l Pnlm tmrwljtw . Findou ktottle.
Direction * In 11 LAngaiictB.
run OIIAUI.KS A.iooii.iu : : en.
( Sammn to A. TOOtLM k CO. ) Blltlmorr , Ml. , I . X i.
fil ? Si. Clnirif" . S ? . , S ? . Ijoals. > lo.
tCKolirnrAilQ'eofi MtlieMd'e iu , tmbtraffi ti
ri ji'
Nervous Prostration , Onblllt ) .' M {
Physical Weakness i Mercurial ami oln < uc
lions ot Throat , Skin or Sones , Blond polt. . ] < ,
old Sores and Ulcers. r > ( . - > < t i .uh nir : i . . -
I5ecojionlitct ckn'-13r j > rlnlnl ! > . P 'elrl'rlr ! tt
Diseases Arising from indiscretion , Cxcctr ,
t'iposuro or Indulgence , fUth rr < "Jn < - imi of tin
VlonlDit ifftetil fcrrroiinei , , flehll U. rjlmae < i of nit' *
taJJcfcclIro mcmor/ Ixploi on I hi fnfc , | tjilril dt : j.
rerilontotht neltij ot lemilti , ccntuil.i of llew.e'o ,
rrndorlnil Marriage Improper or unhappy ,
pcrmiMj.itiyctirM , rxmphletif ( > riicijnnlbi Kbove.rnP
\m \ lettM tnrclopo. ( reMo unr & 4 Irrs * . CjotaUallcnile
Cgeort > ; mitirrroinilluTllcl. Trlto for quci'Jom.
A Positive Written Guarantor
MTC In ll eorshlo ei j. l' lInc ttnl ntnrbm.
Pitnphleu , English or German , 64 paeri ,
. -rlbincnbovorlnoniiOB.luicoJoor fomalt ,
atfb'tt. lllcitnte * ID rbthuJtlltllhl' ' ;
rjx f i o iaf.itr ci/tri , 3 > * ttu t 3j
or UoalilUrt 'MA' t.
tao . ttett J lo
Jam Meal Ututo
Chartered by tlicStatcofllH-
itiois for theexprcss purpose
ofnivinRimmedlate rellclln
all chronic , urinary and pri
vate diseases. Gonorrhcca ,
ClectandSyplnlls In all their
complicated forms , also all
diseases of the Skin nnd
Blood promptly relieved and
permancntlycured by remc-
dics.lcstcdin a/'or//l'onM ;
l > l > cciall'riictlcc , bemlnal
Weakness Kht Losses by Dreams , Pimples on
Ihe Facc.Lost Manhood , liosttli'di/CHtcil.Thcro
Is no cjcpirlincittliHl * The appropriate remedy
is at once used In each case. Consultations , per
sonal or by letter , sacredly confidential. Med
icines sent by Mall and Express. No marks on
package to Indicate contents or sender. Address
DR.JAMESNo.204WashinglonSI.Chicago > lll.
( ttrltt , l.o
oil ! tlib LIVER KIDNEVS.
cp'hi S\'atitn > Appttllc
Jlvjcsticih , IJL , < il Htrt
h rccclto ncivlorcis
iliu inliiil a no
lrjlu ! lo\\ei.
i'lIf'rlii l "iconiplalnti
jKLaliir ! to tliflrsAt v/t /
. nd In DM. IJjrZK'S IRON TONIC u rafo < ii.w
"wcrty ciiio 'slircaa ' clesu , licalliiy fotnpkxloa
r ' | lieill AftCOJptB M ci.-lo"T'.illV Ulllj Ht-O
) tln > popularity ci ( Uio ciJIM' \ \ Uo uol
i SIlt KUtlllcDllIOINAT. > NU UI T
ii iiildn MtoUjc llr. llnrtfr-M l Oo.
. . Mo , for nur"DKF.AM BOOl
jrdnf lifuasr n > *
_ „ , . , Iiiuci. Mich. , Feb. 1,188.
J. M. Ixx > IE&Co..MOmoiiMlch.
QINTJ 1 amulng your Fluid Extract Bed Clorer
Blossom and Wet Compress for Cancer on tlie breast ,
and am well. I am EUlsflod It li the best remedy tor
Cancer known. You are welcome to use this for too
oneflt of eutrerlnir humanity.
IlespccttuUy , MR3. L. A. JOHNSON.
J. M. .
V-JIy wlfo ho for eoroo tlmo be
with something likoa scrofulous dUroee. and found no
relict until ehe eave your Extract of lied Cloy r u trtil.
I am hnpmr to say oho haa experienced creai relief.
Ibli la hut a , slight to.-Mmonlal of my appreciation oC
your cfforta In behalf of humanity , which you nxo
welcome to use for tholr benefit.
Jam , very respectfully , II. ARMS.
. . . . .
Uurn I oommoncod taklntc your Kit. Red Clover.
nwn ago , for Lryalnelos , Rnrt n e not been
ea unce H Is hereditary -wltli mo. Think you
bav tbo Cost blooa medlcmo known.
VOQM trulj , W. JI. SEIDERT.
B. n. Hyman , of Orand naplda , JIlcli. . Baya-After
Iwo Doctor ! ad > Iscd him to UEO IXKJSO'B Kit. Ilcd Clo-vcr
t r ft bail caw of 1'czema , or Kurrr Here on thn IIR.
Only used two pounds ot yourSolld Litract Uod Clover.
Am now well.
As n Spring Medicine Tonlo and eenernl niood rnrl >
ncrlthajnoeqoaj. lornalobyall drugsl t3 , or J. M.
Loose * Co. , Monroe. Mlcli.
riifcE. A victim of youtlifnl Imprudence
j 1'remature , . ervousDebility , Lost
Jlonhood. , to.liavlnK triei In vain every Known
Stallion , Jack , Sheppard Jr ,
Will stand ( or etock at Omaha Fair grounds the
eaeonoflRSS. UoialOi handshlsh , weight 1266
bs , bla lire JACK SunrrARD ti lull brother In blood to
JIXTRR 2:17 : } , also to DicTATORthe olro of JAT.ITI sin
:10 : , FALLis , 2ll : > 3 and DIRECTOR ! ; 1T. Call at tb
ralr Kttunaa and BCO him and got nls poclgrre '
tefull teimsSirthe leuon. A. TUOU'-ON ,
} OWING & GO ,
ar X " ! X 0\T O(3 ,
.cad Plpo and Sheet Lead ,
Plom&eis1 & Gas amj iiieani niters'
illi A Dodoe SU-OMAHA.NEB.
[ mported Beer
rlangcr.M.l > atnrla I Culmbathcr Ilatarla
iiuncr , , Bohemian | Kaiser Bremen
ludwelscr Et Louis I Anhauier fit. I.ouli
lc fi H..MUwaukea | Sclilltz I' hiier.Ullwaukeo
.lUi'a . . . . .Ouinlis i Ale , 1'ortor , Poine Uoand
Uhlns Wines.
3D MATJEEE , 12 ? 3 Farnam St ,
, ,
Al the old itand KIT farcam SI. Ciden bjr Uli
ph eollciUd and prompt ! attended to. Tdephoci t
Real Estate > i
213 8.14th STREET ,
Have a large list of inside business and resi
dence property , and some of the finest suburban
property in and around the city.
We linvo business property on Cnpitol Avenue , Dodge ,
Douglnp , Fmnnra , JJnrney , Howard , Oth , 10th , 13th nud
IGth srcets.
We Imve line residence property on Fnrimm , Douglns ,
Dodge , Davenport , Chicago , Cass , California streets , Sher
man , St , M arys and Park Avenues , in fact on all the best
residence sheets. Wo have property in the following ad
Millard& Caldwell's
Lakes ,
Elizabeth Place
E.Y. Smith's ,
Horbacli's ,
Patrick's ?
Parker's ,
Sliixm's ,
Gise's ,
Nelson's ,
Godfrev's ,
Lowe's ,
Kirkwood ,
College Place ,
Park Place *
West End ,
Capitol ,
Reed's First ,
McCormick's ,
Koimtz § & Ruth's ,
Impr'nt Association
Wilcozt ,
Burr Oak ,
Isaac < & ; Seldon's *
Manscom's i !
West Omaha ,
Grand View ,
Credit JFoncier ,
Kountz' First
Kountz' Second ,
Kountz' Third ,
l&ountz' Fourth ,
Syndicate Hill ,
Plainview ,
Hill Side ,
Tukev &l evsors ,
Thornburg ,
Clark Place , V *
Myers & Richards ,
Bovds ,
And all the other Additions-ito the
City :
yndicate Hill
Adjoins the stockyards property in South Omaha
These lots are aold at $100. They are nicely lo
cated and will make convenint , cheap , and de
sirable homes for the employes of the stock
yards and packing honses.
Tukey & Keysors Sub-division.
Located in West Omabn , two blocks south of LetwcuwortU street , . .
fine location atdtlie cheapest lots in Omaha ; 5125 for inside lots and
5150 for corners ; terms $10 down , balance 85 per month ; dent fail to
see these i you want a bargain.
We have a few lots left in Kirkwood addition , which we ofl'or at low
prices , terms 525 down balance $10 per mouth. These lots are on high
level giound and are detirablo.
This addition is more centrally located than any other now addition
near the best Schools in the city. All the streets are being put to grade
the grades have neon eslabHshed by the city council , and is very desira
ble residence property , only 15 blocks from Post office , prices lower tliari
adjoiniuc additions for a home or investment. These lots cannot be
FonSALB Lot on Davenport with fine Fen SALE Lot 28th and Farnam street ,
house. $2,000. good property , 81,000.
Ton BALE Full lot 2ht and Clark atreet , 6 FOB SALK-1 aero on California , east o !
room bouse , 82,800. Sacred Heart ; house , barn , anl cistern , cheap
lot In Giso'a ' add , onlySLGOU
Fen SALE aero
Ifou BALE Lota In Itanscoin place oaoh ,
81,200. 8500.
Fen SALE- ! lot on Chicago street between 8500.Fon
Fen BALE 109 feet front on 15th Btroet.with
13th and 14tb , 02,600. , email house lust south of Ilartman School , only -
liKAOTiFDii lota corner F roam and 20th ly 81,700.
Btreet cheap. Fen BALE Full lot and 5 room housecorner
Fen SALK-Lots InWalnut bill , 8200. llth and Oa tfelar,82'100. !
Foil SALE-i lot with 0 room house 21 t Fou BALE Lot and 2houuesl8th anJNich.
itroot easy p&ymenU , $2.000 , ol < w 85,000 ,
IFe will JurnifiJtg conveyance free to any
part.oftJte city to show property to our'friends '
tmdicnstouters , and cheerfully giue\informa-
tionlrcyardin Omaha Property.
TJtose wJnfJiave Itaryains to offer or wish
property at a'ltaryain , are invited to
Bedford < fe Souer ,
Real Estate Agents
213 S , 13th St. , bet. Farnam & Douelas