1 THE OMAHA DAILY BEE. THIRTEEMTH YEAR. OMAHA , NEB. , WEDNESDAY MOR-STING , JUNE 17 , 1885. . NO 258 AWAY FOB HEALTH. Gbneral Grant dulls Nsw Yori for Monet McGregor , A Search for iho Eternal Spring of Youth. Ilia lfcinov l Congtdorcd Illtlinccl niul Suspicious Ulcers Hob Utm at lll Voice. OFF FOIl THE MOUNNA1NS. aiSANT ON HIS JOUllNEr. NEW YOBS , Juno 1C. The Bun this morn ing says : "Many of thoeo Informed ns to General Grant' * actual condition look upon the plan of removing him ( ram a comfortable homo with grave mitirlvlnRS. That his life now bangs upon n very Blonder thread there is vary llttlo doubt auong them. His throat in ono aspect wns worse last night than over before. Col. 1'rod Grant ( old a reporter last evening that his father had totally lust his power of ipeech. Ho is still able to articulate faintly , but oven thoeo moat accustomed to his mode of speech cannot make out what be says , except &t very brief Intervals , when his throat was temporarily clogged with mucus. This is something that has never happened before - fore , and has developed in the last twenty- four hours. It is said that his mouth can no longer bo opened sufficiently wide to enable the physicians to muko ocular examinations , and wlion they feel of the affected parts tbey give the patient such excruciating pnln that they retrain from it aa much ns passible. In outward appearance when clothed and in his easy chair with wraps about him the general baa not very greatly changed. Ilia face ban aged , it is true , and is seamed with wrinkles , but it re tains to a great degree Its natural fullnecs. But aside from this , he is but the shadow of himcelf. His body is wasted almost to a skeleton and the bones of his bands and wristsshow through tha tightly drawn skin with the ghastly distinctness of a caiisump tlve. That which most shocks th"se who of Into have seen the general is the great malignant looking swelling which has appeared on his neck under hia right eat. It has tf late grown with great rapidity and is now as big as a man's two fists put together , It IB kept concealed most of the tiino by wraps about his throat. Of course the general' household are bettor able to judge than anybody else what is pru dent and what is imprudent ( or him to do , but not withstanding their decision that It is safe to make the experiment they are going to make , there is among m any who have closely watched his case from the commencement a fealing of grave anxiety as to the roiult. They doubt whether the mountain oir will suit the general. Tin ; RKMOXAL. Win. II Vanderbllt'i ) private car was the last of the three which insde up the special train which waa to convey Gen , Grant to Mt. McGregor. The general arrived at the depot about 0 o'clock und at once entered Vanuer. bilt's car , took n seat on the sofa , with his own hands adjusted a woolen skull cap and drew closer the neck scarf to as to conceal the uely swelling which filled out the right eido of the neck even with tbo ear. He watched with appa rent interest the movements of Dr. Douglas and Harrison , who were arranging the chairs and bags so that the general could be as com fortable as po siblo during the trip. The heavy drapery was BO arranged as to prevent any draughts from reaching the sick man. 'MM. Grant eat at the general's right hand. Tbo tide through the tunnel In the city was the worst to be experienced during tbo entire trip , The sharp curves shook tha c r a little. Mrs. Fred Grant , Mrs. Ulysses Grant and Mrs Sartorls were also in the car , while the children of the household were under tb& care of Col. Fred Grant , in the forward car. Geuoral Grant passed n restless night This morning he looks much depressed and emaciated. While ho watches everything that Is done he does not speak a word. INCinSNTS OV TUB TRIP. BAnrrowN , N. Y. . June 1C. Col , Fred Grant was naif reclining on a sofa with Dr. Douglnb , and by the General's side when Stony Point woa passed at 0:15 : , "When Anthony Wayne stormed Htony Point. " shouted Col. Grant above the clatter of the train BO that the phjilcian and his patient could hear , ' 'my grand-father , Oapt. Dent , was commaudur of the "Forlorn Hopo. " and when they ro.iched the falls he had his men stand on each others shoulders and then the captain scaled the rampart over their heads and stood on the wall and trailed his men up ono by ono over the human ladder. They then descended and opened the gates of the fortroas and let Wayne's men in. " The general inclined his head and smllnd faintly at the recital of the incident. "Up hero at Tocouderoga , " continued the colonel , "father's great grandfather and his brother were killed in the French-Hnglish war about 17G1. " Too goceral heard and nodded assent. About ten o'clock the general turned a trille in the chair in order that he might com mand a bettor view of the right bank of the river. lie wanted to get ft glimpse of West Point an the train huriied on. The scene was growing faml'lan ' to tbo sick man , ecsnes of bis cadetsliip were corning to view , and nt , length , at 10:10 : , when the quarters of West Point swept into view. The general noddid acrofii the river and Again amiled AS Mis. Grant glanced across at him to see if ho was luting- the point they were parsing , IIu smiled M ho nodded. The Udies hurried to the river lido of the car to watch , and Col. 1'reil. Grant pointed out the pllo of rocks which ho hod hoard his father mention in tell ing of the swimming adventures of student life. Till ) general epoku no word , but fol lowed the sccnea with hU eye , looking rear ward until West Point was that out by the carve of tha road. Once the general pointed to tbo residence on tbo woit b < > iil ; of the liver , imd loaning toward Col , Fax ) , Graut at tempted to ( peak , but could not make himself heard. Dr. Douglas requested him not to make aud effort to speak and made him write what ho had to communicate which the general did. ( Jr. DjiuUa mid : "I have luado no ilFoit to feel hi pulse , could not do vowbllo his brain was in motion. He is showing leas fatigue than was expected. I am anxious to reach tbo mountains so that I naucleuuhls throat of tills chut , which la irylcgtuHui. Hois feeling the heat , but his strength i holding out remarkable. " SAKATonA.N. . Y. , Juno 10.-Tho special train btmiug Gen , Grant arrived on time. A Krtnt crowd was at tha depot trying to catch n glimpse of the general , Jlewav vltlblobut a moment as lie steeped from the train whiclt brought him from New York to that which was to convey him to Mount McGregor. Wheeler post of the grand army of the repub lic acted M a enaid to keep the crowd back. MOUNT McGiiitaOH. N , Y. , June 16. The general arrived hero at 2:15 : this afternoon. The last staie of the journey was the wont. The jolting caused the general much palu and fatigue , 'tlio Illinois J > Kl"l 'iire. SpitiNomui , III , , June 1C. Five ropubll cans were absent from the house this morning And the remaining members of tbo party pre vented tha transaction of Luiinessfor an hour , the democrats not voting , and then adjourned to wait for a full attendance to foice the Clough elto'.ion bill to a third raiding. In the een te , thin morning' , after advanc ing n number of liLjioiUut bill * to a third re&dluSenator Mmitt moved to tale up the home truck LID , which li intended for the protection of laborers , but after a lively discussion the senate refused. Amonc other sills sent to a third reading was the house bill known as the "soaked goods bill , " providing agnintt Imposition In the mnnufactuto of canned goods ; Senator Hill's bill , in relation to fire-escapes , which , among other things , urovldos that etch public building two stories in height or over shall have five tire otcaprs Tor nt least each thirty occupants of the build ing ; also that tire escapes ilull bo plated on tenement flats of four stories or more. It was called up on final postage and waa defeated , A bill fixing the qualification of county judges and state * tttorneya waa advanced to third reading , It provides that to qualify [ ho candidate must bo twenty-Quo years and a licensed attorney. Horoloy'n bill giving county boards power to review claims against assersment if disputed by n claimant , after having been reviewed by the town toard. was called u j on third third readingbut was killed. In the house at 4:10 : o'clock _ this afternoon the republicans scsured all their members and and Immediately the general election bill on which the house had been in deal lock for tbo pait eight days was ndvanced to third road- intr. The democrats didn't vote but the ra < publlcini mndo a quorum. Curtis' senate election bill waa then passed almost unani mously , both democrats and republicans favor ing it , The bill provides that precincts shall not contain inoro than 450 voters , and ihnll have two judges , ono from each of the two greatest parties' , and three clerks , from the threi greatest parties. The judges shall make out the returns to the county clrrk , town clerk and secretary of state. Craw ford's bill , regulating primary elections , " also passed , thirteen democrats opposing. It Is only operative when the executive committee of a political patty adopts it. The house nlno unanimously passed Curtiss * eonnto bill , providing for penalties of not more than $509 or both , to bo imposed on election of officers who fttil or neglect to perform their duties no- cording to the law. At the night session n couple of drainage blllsi were rend the third time and made the special order for to-morrow afternoon. The senators In the afternoon were in a tea tive mood and did llttlo of interest and noth ing of Importance , NEAU A JJUOIS1ON. AFi'AIIlS IN PANAMA AITHOACH A CIII3IS 01' GREAT SIGNIFICANCE. PANAMA , Juno 15. Advices from Colon state that affairs in that city are In bad shape. There la no police force and every man has to Riurd hi a own property. About the only buildinga erected since the destruction of the town are little shanties : made from the iron roofs of the burned buildings , These i located on the sidewalks and in the streets in utter disregard of order. The flaw shin Tennessee , bearing the pen nant of Boar Admiral Jouett , left Aspinwall on the 4th for Savanilla Dr. Juste Arosomona sailed on the Tennessee. It ia stated that the visit of that vessel to the coast on the present occiv sion is in connection with efforts to bring about a peaceful undorstsnding between the belligerants in and about Barron-Quilla. Dr. Justi Arosemcna it IB said has received in structions from liagota to treat with thn leaders of the revolutionary party and to give them something more liberal in terms than these proposed to them by General Hayes a few days ago These were the earno as thcso offered to and accepted by Aizputu five weeks ago. The rebel chiefs In Barran Quilla are men of highei standing and heavier calibre than Aizpuru nnc they told Hayes they preferred to light it out. The government forces are gradually approaching preaching the revolutionary fore 33 operat ing on Barren Quilla as headquarters , and lively news may bo expected from that quarter tor soon. Gon. Reyes with the Cauca contin gent is moving to effect a junction with the lorces of Gen. Bricene , nnd Gen. Matthews is corning down the river as rapidly as oossi- ble to join his contirgent with those of the two chiefs just mentioned. Their united de tachment will number about 4,000 men. Gen , Quinten Is reported to be moving down in support of theae forces with 16,000 men , but he Is said to bo too far away to possibly 'arrive in time to assist in a decisive battle. The revo lutionists are reported to bo in strong forca 4,000 men with excellent arms , and the in valuable assistance of eight ormed steamers , Gen Santo Domingo Villa is in Cartagena with a strong garrison , Events and positions indicate an early and decisive battle on iho result of which hangs the question of Immediate success of the public on the return to life and energy of the expiring revolution and another six months of war , turmoil and loss. The revolution is not ended yet and a decisive victory for the rebels at Barren Guilla would re&iudlo tha flames of war. "War's Barbarities Practiced. LA LiDinTAD , Juno 15. Desultory [ firing was heard near this place last night and it is beliaved that the forces of both parties are approaching. The coming Pacific mail steamer is bring ing 10) Nicaraguans. There is no United States war vessel hero. It is said that war is being carried on with the usual barbarities of n civil war. Briosa was butchered by tha Indiana , Montcrosa and Parrilla are both prisoners. Letona still holds Ahnachapau not withstand ing repeated attacks. 'It ia certain that Rivaa took Cojnetepequo on Saturday. If Memendez h beaten there is almoat sure to bo a civil war In Guatemala , The Northwestern luUtati. Special Telegram to The BEE , SALT LAKE CITY , Utah , Juno 10. A certifi cate of incorporation has been issued to the Utah & Wyoming Central railway under tbo laws of the territory , The capital stack is placed at 83,5000,000 , and tha articles of in corporation provide for the construction of n broad gusgo road north from Salt Lake City to tha shore of the great ealt lake in Davis county , there to connect with transfer boati to operate on the l ko. The railway line is to run to a point on the boundary line between Utah and Wyoming , nt or near the mouth of tbo twin creeks. A similar organi zation has benn formed in Wyoming fo : tha extentlon of the line in that territory , One of the corporations declared that the line was proposed to connect with the Chicago & Northwestern which expects to cross the Wyoming line in August , affording it a through connection with the Central PaciQs. It was considered cheaper and more feasible to establish the line of transfer boats across tbo northern part of the groit Salt Lnko than to build around it , Tlio Trial of Kiel. OTTAWA , June 1C. The crown counsel who are to conduct the prosecution in the case of the government agalnat Kiel are here receiv- ng instructions , and up to the present time the date of the trial baa not been fixed , It is understood tha defense will first attempt to prove Illel'd American citizenship , This proven , his counsel think be can only bo tried for waging war ajainst a foreign country , The trial would then have to bo under court martial , but as martial law waa not proclaimed in the dominion ttio trial could not be con ducted in this way , and would have to ba abandoned. If tried ni a CauadiGU citizen , tbn charge must be high treason , Three of tha jurors are to bs half.brood ? , and the jury would disagree. This would involve a new trial , when the tame difficulty would uudoubt edly ba encountered. Tlio American Meutianlor. UAKRISIIDRQ , Pa , Juno 1C.-The National council , jualor order , united American me chanics convened in thli city this morning. The busineii of tha morning was of a routine character. Thelreport of the secretary was read. It showed tbo order to bo ia a caucera- ful condition. To-morrow the delegates will visit Gettjsbury , DEPARTING HOSTS. RepnlilicanOllcs-tiotaCoDtinnotolio Dismissed , . . ' Gen , Smith to bo Tried for the Navy Department Frauds , The Cabinet IloeolvcB to Spread tlio National Wing Over Prisoner Hniitor Notes. THE NATIONAL CtVl'ITOIj , OE.V. SlilTII UNDER A CLOUD , Special Telegram to The BEE , WASHINGTON , D. 0 , , Juna 1C. The court of inquiry in the ciao of Paymaster General J , A. Smith , chief of the bureau of provisions and clothing in the navy department , waa made public to-day , It relates in detail the facts and circumstances In regard to the pur chases of beef nnd pork , of flannel , of butter , etc. , and surnames the conclusions of the court as follows : "That Paymaster General Smith : 1 Hna been derelect and negligent in his duty and culpably Ineffitient in the perform ance thereof , 2 That he has , to the detriment and pecu niary loss to the government , favored Austin F. lirown in Ills orders nnd contract. -That he has violated the laws regulating the duties nnd responsibilities of big office , and that those violations were to the detri ment of the government. 4 That he has been in many wars utifaith fnl to tbo trust imposed upon him in his office. 0 That the mildest interpretation that the o of his neglect inefficiency in tbo performance of them. The secretary of the navv has decided to order n court martial for the trial of Gen. Smith , nnd the detail for the court will bo announced in a few days. There are at present 180 special aponta of the pension bureau whoso terms of office will expire on Juno SO next , but the new appro priation bill allows their reappointment for another year at a reduction of Ealary from $1GOO to $1100. Th-eo appointments come under the clil service rules , and it is not probabla that the entire number will be reap pointed. The treasury has decided that leakages of spirits through worm holes or npruog stnvon are not entitled to the benefits allowed in case of casualty. A number of tobacco dealers havo'com phinfid to the pojtoffio department that a to bacco firm in Ohio is conducting a gift enter prise in offering to distribute S30.CCD among consumers of their tobacco in prizes grade J in proportion to the amount consumed as shown by n numbe , of tin labels that are affixed to each plug. The business has grown BO rapidly that other dealers in tobacco have combined to employ a counsel for the prosecution of a case before the postoffico department with a view of hav ing the advertising , circulars and fhgs of the objectionable concern excluded from the mails. The matter is under consideration at the post office department. The postmaster general has decided that white men who are members of Indian tribes are eligible for appointment ns postmasters. Applicants for the positions of postpffice inspectors specters will ba examined by a committee ap pointed by the postmaster general for the purpose , on the 18th and 10th insts. , at the civil service commission. , The president' appointments to-day were. Postmasters W.H. H. Mjlntyar , Gam- bridge , Ohio , vica G. D. Taylor suspended , J. W. Sherman , Otceola , Iowa , vice W. J. Agnew , ( suspended ; C. O. McCreedy , BalUton , N. , Y. , vice E. F. Grose , suspended ; D. W , Krisher. North Manchester , Ind. , vice Shelby Sexton , sua- pended ; Ker ( Boyco , Augusta , Ga. , vice W. F , Holden , suspended ; II. P. Menefee , Boznman , Mont. , vice E , C. Anderson , sus pended ; Baron S. Wesson , Import , la. , vice J. R. Stebblns , suspended ; W. J , Lawrence , Sing Sing. N. Y. : Henry Eldrldgo , Union Springs , N. Y. ; William H. Swan , Mount Morria , N. Y. ; Effinghnm T , Brown , Aurora , N. Y. The postmaster at Bozeman was suspended upon the report of an inspector , showing gross carelessness in tbo management of the office , failure to collect nnd account for box rents , and especially failure to icnke reports of de posits nud quarterly account after notice. The department desires tbo announcement to como to the knowledge of all postmasters that failure to make reports of deposits of accounts , after notice , will bo sufficient ground for re moval without further inquiry. The post masters at Winona , Oeceola , Laporta City , North Manchester , Cambridge , Augusta and Bal'ston wore suspended upon proofs of acts of partisanship while in office. These acts were of various kinds , Some were editors as well as postmasters , aud their news- papere , since as well aa before the election have conttinod scurrilous and in decent attacks upon the officers of the govern ment as well aa malignant political foaling towards adversaries in general. In some cases it has alfo been established that the postmasters kppt banging in the office a polit ical placard of ono paity and refused to per mit those of the other party to bo displayed , thete placards being sometimes indecent pictures or cartaoua unfit for the eyes of respectable ) persona. In other cases the post masters were shown to have beou efficient political tgents of their party , members of ita working committees , its organization , and taking particular part in the conduct of elec tion bminnm , often to the impairment of the duties of office. In several of tbo cases polit ical notices , circulars aud newspapers of the oppoelto political paity Here shown to nave benn detained in the postoffices. Unitad States Marshal-James n. Free manwestern ( district of Tennessee. Supervising inspector of steam vessels Amoricus Warder , for the seventh district. There was a full attendance at the cabinet meeting to-day. The principal topic of dis cussion was the case of Santor , a naturalized American citizen , under arrest In Equudor. The conclusion reached was that Mr. Santor should ba recognized 111 an American citizen , and as such was imtitU'd to tha full protection of this government. It is understood a de mand will ba made for his release. HOG oiJo&Krca. AN INVESTIGATION OF TUB DISEASE IN NE- BIIABKA OHDEHED. WASHINGTON , Juno 10. The prevalence of liog cholera In Nebiaska , the recent outbreak in Wisconsin and the fears entertained of similar outbreaks in other parts of the coun try , have been made the subject of many communications to tha comralteioner of agri culture , who has bsen urged to make a special investigation to determine the nature of the disease , and tha available means for ita miti gation or suppression. In compliance with tha demand , Cnmtr.lasloner Coleinan baa appointed Dr , G. Gerth , a veterinarian of Newark , N , .T. , to proceed first to Nebraika and make a thorough Investigation. Dr. Gerth ia inspector of animals , meats , aud sUuRhter house * for the Newark board of health aud also has been connec'cd with the NOW Jersey stata board of health and h's ' official capacity hud much experience with diseases of awino. Tim inoat ncent statistics place the number of awlue In Ufa United States at over f-,000000 head , valued at more than S220COCCO , ) . IMBPH among these animal * ia very heavy. In 1873 It w i estimated nt $2) , < 00,000 ; in 1882 It was G per cent of the whole numbr ja the country ; In 1881 the loss Increased to 0 per : cnt. llecent investigation indicate the Dates nre mostly the ic'ult of contagious diseases. The losses in Nebraska duiing last Tear have been for the first time very heavy. ileports from fortyx of the eoventy-three counties show that out of 1,303.695 swine 160,4(53 ( were afflicted with tha disease nnd W2/J21 valued nt S2,44t,778 , died. imirisii POLITICS , THE CRIMES ACT. LONDON , Juno 1C Cliurhill is holding con- eronco to-day with Salisbury. It is reported that the subject under consideration is the nececsity 4or extension of the crimes net. At the cloio of confertnco be- een Salisbury nnd Lord Handolpb hurchlll , Lord .Randolph proceeded to his club room whore members were gathered to tear the result of tha conference. Conservatives ire generally disappointed that no progress ias been made since yesterday and fear is ex pressed that the delay to form a cabinet will damage tbo prospects of the Tory party in np- [ ironching general elections , Matters just now nro at n stand still. iConscrvethos ap pear reluctant to take ofllco until the opinion of the wbolo party can bo taken. Salisbury will confer with the queen again to morrow , lu the meantime nothing will bo done regarding foreign , colonial or Indian af fairs without Salisbury having been consulted The queen left Balmoral castle nt 2 tlii. af ternoon for Windsor , accompanied by Prin cess Beatrice. rAHEWELT , TO DUBLIN , Juno 16 The Parnellites nro or ganizing for the purpose of holding a monster demonstration to show their pleasure at the departure of Spencer from Ireland , Saturday. FOUEION NEWS. A FALSE UKrGHT , Si PETHiiSBUito , Junj 16. The Journal do St. Petersburg states there Is no truth in tbo report that Russia hai taken possession of a harbor in Corfu. A D. D. ron nnooKs , LONDON , June 10. Oxford university con vocation conferred the degree of doctor of divinity upon llov. Philip Brooks , of Boston , United States. RAILROAD MATERIAL BURPED. ST. PETERSBURG , Juno 10 A fire nt Kizi- larvnt destroyed nil the ruatorial for tlmTrans Caspian railway. The workmen are return ing to Baku , on the west shore of tha Caspian sea. THE CHOLERA. RAVAGES AND SPREAD OK TUB PLAQUE. MADRID , Juno 1C , Five new cases of cholera in this city yesterday and ono death. In the province of Valencia , outside the city , there were forty-eight new cases , nnd twenty- seven deaths. The city of Murcla reports forty new cases , and twenty-seven deaths. Other parts of the protinco of Murcia return 102 fresh cases and four deaths. Wlioro tlio Pool Abuse Begins. Special Telegram to the BEE. CHICAGO , 111. , Juno 15. Before the inter state commerce committee to-day a repre sentative of P. D. Armour & Company said : When you come to spcial articles , tbo trans portation of which was'confined to one or two roads , the abuses of the pool began. Atbitra tion invariably went against the shipper. Live hogs wore carried to the seaboard at the same tariff rate as provisions. Shippers claimed that this should not be , as they had to pay freight on packages amounting to twenty-five per cent. This placed tuo Chicago packers at a disadvantage , as nsmpared with Boston and southern packers. He had preeentetl a petition' ) the pool set ting forth these wrongs , but it was ( helved , Dressed sheep rates were ninety-five cants against fifty cents for live sheep. The ro.vJs did this because they knew they would get the business any way. Meats shipped In re frigerator cars were confined to particular roads because tbey bad to have ice stations for refilling the cars at different stages along the roads. Roads claimed thattha ; excessive weight of tha refrigerator cars made it neces sary for them to make extra charges , The companies were perfectly free to use the re' frigerator cars for return freight. Jackson Marlon Gets to Live Longer , Special Telegram to The BEE. BEATRICE , NBB. , Juno 15. A writ of error has been filed in the supreme court of the state in the casa of Jackson Marion convicted of murder and sentenced to bo hung on Juno 26tb , and a stay of proceedino hna bosn or dered. Marion has been twice convicted and sentenced for n murder committed thirteen years ago , and now has a now lease of life. Ho killed John Cameron in this county In 1872. The time- for bis execution was draw ing near , but he probably has a year longer to live. Events In a Kentucky Neighborhood. LOUISVILLE , Ky. , June 1C. A gentleman just returned from Knctt county , Kentucky , reports that the Hall and Jones factions are under arms , and an engagement between them is imminent at any moment. The Hall party number thirty-one aud the Jones gang eighteen , and all are armed with Winchester rilles , nnd defy arrest from any and every HOUIC9 , Monday of list week on Beaver Creek , Perry Sherwood and Bill Hawk , the latter ono of the most noted and blood-thirsty desperadoes In I ho mountains were waylaid , shot , and billed by ambushed enemies. Tbey both belonged totlia-Hall fee tion , Grain In Sight. CHICAGO , ILL , Juno ID. The following [ iguroa taken from the official statement of the board of trade , to ba posted on 'change to-morrow , show the amount of grain Tn sight in the United States aud Canada , on Saturday , Juno 13th , and the amount of in. creasa or decrease over the proceeding week : Wheat 10.877,070 ; decrease , 393,302. Corn 4GCl,44l ; decrease. 300,403 , Oats 2,430,501 ; increase , 214,162 , Rye 225,015 ; increase , 2,878. Barley 208,611 ; increase , 102,838 * The amount of grain In Uore in Chicago on the date named was : Wbeat,14,685.10l ; corn , 724.011 ; oats , 819,785 ; rye , 3/.720 / ; barley , 539. TIIiEOHAPH NOTES. Senators Sherman and Logon are billed for speeches nt Woodstock , Conn. , on the Fourth Of July. Tha leased lines of the Illinois Central In [ jwa caused a not loss of $91,454 to the com pany for the five months ending May 31 , L885. L885.Tho The Iroquois Olub of Chicago hae declared n favor of the election bill now before the legislature nnd urges democrats to secure its msaago , ' The Colorado Cattle Growers' association in convention nt Denver tabled the proposition to establish a cattle trail through the state , from Texas to Wvomlnc. Joseph Cottringer , charged with over-issn * Jng § 160,000 of Central Transportation com. > any stock , has been captured , He confessed il guilt and ask no mercy , The Indianapolis base ball club has eold out bodily to the Detroits , and will lake a > lace iu the national league. Tha Milwaukee mil Kansas City clubs are now the onlyjiiem bera of tha western league. Postmaster-General VJlas points to the fact , aa an evidence of Cleveland's f irness , that commissions were given to eighteen ap pointments made by President Arthur in the cloilng day * of his term , A Mis. Dubois of Quebec , makes n public itatcment that Big Boar , thn Northw it icalper , is nH an Indian but a French Can i- dlau named Lambert. Tim itory is that tha noted scalper waa captured by the Green when young and aubatquently muricd the chiflJ- talu'i daughter , | ALL AT SEA. Chicago Swlatirs l/st as to the Supply of M , Now York and Chicago at Vari ance as to tlio Supply , Good Oattlo Command Good Prices , but Tcxans Unit Low Grades UORS Como Up. TUB MAUKETS. WIIKAT TALK AND BALES , Special Telegram to The BEE. CHICAGO , III , Juno 1C. Traders in wheat were pretty thoroughly at sen to-day , owing to the wide diversity in the estimaocs mndo respectively by Chicago nnd New York stat isticians regarding the visible supply state ment. Operators had very generally calcu lated upon an increase , but Instead the Chicago cage statement showed a decrease of nearly four hundred thousand bushels. This , to gether with the estimate by the Ohio agricul tural bureau that the next crop would not exceed 270,000,000 bushels influenced free buying early and the market opened Jo higher. The Now York statement indicated an Increase of somewhat more than half n million bushels In the visible supply , and this held the market down and oausod an early decline of Jc Under moderate buyinf the market rose again advancing i@Jc ; eased off J@SJc ; , and closed on the regular board Jo over yesterday. The close on tbo afternoon board showed no appreciable change. Liver pool advices quoted spot wheat firmly hold. CORN. There waa a decidedly stronger feeling de veloped in coin. The visible supply state ment showed a material decrease both by the New York and the Chicago statements. The market opened gc higher and ruled strong in early trading ; then advanced S@gc additional , fluctuated , and closed Jo over yesterday , Light receipts estimacd for to-morrow aided the advance. OAT3 , The trading In oats was on a large scale vnd the temper was strong with higher prices prevailing. Near futures advanced j@Jc while deferred futures ranged l@Jc higher , rnonsioxB. Provisions ruled strong. mes pork advan cing 10@15c , while lard was 0@7ja higher. THE DAt'S SALSS , The sales of the day ranged : Wheat-Juno , 88@S8c , closed , 88io ; Ju ly , 691@9c , closed. 89jo ; August , Ul@)2e ! ) , closed , Oljc ; September , 031@94c , closed. 93J Corn June , -1748Jc , closed , 48c ; July , 4Ci@-17Jc , closed , 47ioj August , 4Gi@47Jc , closed , 3iSc. ( Oats-June , 331@33jc , closed , 33 $ ; July , 33J@33g. closed , S3ic ; August , 28@284. Mess Pork -July. S1035@10.42J , closed , S10.-10@10.42J ; August , S10.4iJ4@10.DO , closed , S10.47i@10.DO ; September , S10.60@10.CD , closed , ? 10.B7J@10.CO. Lard-July , SGG24@G.G5 ; August 50.70 ® G.75 , closed § G.724@6.75. Afternoon board Wheat Steady and un changed. Corn Firm ; July } c higher. Oats Firm ; June Jo higher , Pork 2jo lower. Lard 2Jo higher. CATTLE. The receipts are greatly In excess of this time last week , but the increase is largelv in Texans and low grade native ] . Of the Tex ana there were about 100 cars to-day , and for the past two days tbo runhaa equalled 200 cars about a quarter of fresh receipts and they are selling 25@30o lower than a week ago , and 80g99o ( lower than a month ago. Uood grass Texans are now down to S3.40 ® 3.60 , and common S3.25@4 35. For corn fed Texans there Is a wide range say 84 to S4.80r Solid , finished corn fed natives were wanted , and sold at S5,10@5.40. Tlio above ore 1C ® 2oc higher than a week ago and are 10@15c higher than yesterday. Steers sold for the highest fitruroa for the season at S5.20@0,55 , Low grade steers , bulls ; oxen and common cows in fact all sort of natives that have to compete with Texans are 80@25c lower than last week Such will continue to make low prices until after the run of Texans. 'Good to choica fat cows and heifers are selling fairly well and compote successfully against Texaos. Stockera and feeders continue m light supply. The sales were : Shipping steers , 1,350 to 1,500 pounds $5.EO@5.85j 1,200 to 1,310 , pounds , S5.20jH5 6.GO ; 850 to 1,200 pounds , SI 90@0 20. etockera and feeders. $3.25@5.00 , cows , bulls and mixed , $2.40@4 50 ; bulk , S3.50@3.75 ; slopped steers , S4.90g5.55 ; through Texas cattle 75 cars car loads -corn-fed , $4.25 ® 4.00 ; graisers , 950 to 1,050 pounds , Sl.00@4'35 ; 760 to 900 pounds , $3,59@3,75 ; GOO to 800 pounds , S3,25@8.00. HOGS. The receipts were liberal , demand fair , and prices substantially higher than yesterday , yet values are 10@15o lower than a week ago. The great break of last week was on Thurs day. To-day rough and common eold down toS3.90@l,05 , and fair to good S1.10@4.16 ; with best heavy at $4.20. Llpht sorts sold at Si.00@l.20 , The prime cauae of tbo strength to-day was the falling off in receipt ? . Hough and mixed , Si.09@4 10 ; paching and ship ping , 250 to 320 pounds , S4.10@120 ; light weights , 130 to 170 pounds ? 3,0jro-1.30 ; 180 to 210 ouuda. S3.90@4.15 ; skips , $3.09@4.75. AFFAIKS ON THE iril'HMUS. INVOLUTIONS AND YELLOW JACK DEVASTATING THE ISTII11U8 , PANAMA , Juno G , A battle is reported to have boon fought at Yucal , between the fore03 of Bernal and Mnthena. Much loss was suffered on both aides in what seems to have tieon a most stubbornly contested fight , Tlio advantage , it 11 believed , was on the govern ment eido. Later advices state that the gov jrDinout forces have concentrated in tbo neigh borhood of Carthagena to tbo number 4,560 men , They are reported to bo in moet distressing condition , without chocs and in rags. It will be a month before they can move on Gaitan'a force * , who are encamped at Savant. Largais nearBarranqntlla , Gen , Mas was last heard from en bis way to Juaja with bis division of 300 men , Oallao is still tufferlug from yellow fever , New and fatal cases ore constantly appear ing , Physiciona aUo report tha presence of smpullpox of a virulent character. Wind Disturbs a Itnco Mooting , Sr , Looia , June 15 , Between the second and third races to-day a very heavy storm occurred. The wind unroofed ono of the stables and made fragmenta of the awning stretched from the roof of tbo betting stand to the fence on the tontb side. The betting ground was full , The crowd stampeded In terror over fences and across the track to the Beld where many laid flat on the ground untsl the wind snbjided , Ilats , bookmaker's sheets and some money from the mutual stand preceded the crowd , Tlio Blnrk Ji no Itevlow. LONDON , Juno 1C , The Mark Lone Kx- pros ? , In review of the British grain trade during the past week , says : A heavy rain fall during the week has generally benefitted spring town grain which was BO backward that the nemi'tropicil weather which prevailed in the first week of June injured It couilderably. The beat wheat helda look exr edldgly well and ara growing fast. Trale ueems to have collapsed , The sales of Knglith wheat during the week weie 30 733 qurrterg , at 33i 8f. ligalrut 4pOSJ quarterr , at 37s H during he corresponding week of last year. Foreign wheat is further depressed. Quotations are nominal. GI ( the c ast five cargoes were Bold , nine- wore withdrawn And five remained including two of California. About fifly- Boven cargoes are duo. At to-day's rrmrkpt there was no domind for whout and vnlue * were nominal , Flour was depressed and flat. Corn WAI steady at G ) Id. Barleys were cheaper and oats dull , The Ottmimn Itcfinttn , OriCMWA , Ia. , Juno 10. The first of the series of races between the Junior Fours , of Cedar llipids nnd the OttumwA club ? , ono nillo aud a half with turn , was rowed this af ternoon on thoDca Moinea river near this city. The race was won by the Cedar Knpids club by two boat lengths in 11:20 : , Gon. Morrow Offfor Portland. Special TolrgrAta to the BER , SIUNKT , Ntb. , Juno 1C , Gen. Henry A. Morrow , grand commander of the grand ntmy of the republic of Oregon and Washington territory , leavoa here to-morrow with the California delegation to attend the reunion nt Portland , Mo. Tlio Uanlnn-Xcomor Meeting. TOBOKTO , Can. , Juno 1C. Edward llanlan received a telegram from Teemor to meet him at Buffalo to-morrow night to nrrango the terms fcr n rnca between thorn. It Is doubt ful if llanlan will bo abla to go then , but ho will meet Tocraer thcro some time this week. Clmndlcr IJoatcii for tlio Senate. Coxconn , N. H. , Juno 1C. In Iho assem bly to-day W. U. Chandler received ono vote for United States senator ; Henry W. Blair received 179 , and llarry Dinphstn 117. Blair was declared to bo the choica of the assembly. In the senate KIngham received seven v tea and Blair fifteen. A Gambler's Gorgeous "Chapol. " Special Dispatch to the Globe-Democrat. 3 NEW YOUK , Jnno 13. Long Branch baa something to talk about la advance of the real opening of the summer season. Phil Daley , the loading professional gambler blor of the pines , whoso Pennsylvania Olub la the meat gorgeous g-imlug hell tn America , has to-day moved into the villa which ho lisa added to hh belong' ings. His neighbors hara for years boon accustomed to the openness and splen dors of his business , and aomo of them had watched the erection of the real donco ; but the embodiment of a cbapol in the premises is a revelation whloh ex cites them considerably. The honsn la much bigger than the average of the aoa- tide dwollingo , and ita architecture is ornate in the extreme. Eccantrlc gables , Irrovolcnt pieces of roof , and other dc- vlcoa , break the lines in all parts , and atone ono corner rises a round turret somewhat like the splro of a church. A solid wall of brick , with an ornamental iron fence and gate , surround the plot , The exter ior curfaco of the honso la polished and etained hard wood , In n semblance of tiles. At each side of the front door is a panel of carved wood , leading the observ er to suppose at the first gllmpso that thereon ho would find the naino of aomo public Institution. Bat on ono is let- tared "Tootuey" and on the other "Ma gie" the names of Daley's two children. The Interior ta decorated In a most costly and showy siyU' Handsome natural woods , exquisite fretcj , art tiles and elab orated wall paper make the rooms quite resplendent. ' The cost of the honso , aaldo from the beautiful furnitnro put into It , Is said to hava baen § 100,000. The apsitmeat which Is more curious to Long Branchern than waa the blno chamber to Bluebeard's fflveais a chapel ; bnt no maglo key has locked Ita door against intruders , and during the week , until to-day'a arrival of the dwellers , visitors have baen numerous. The fur nishers were finishing their work and a man had been deputized to explain , the place of worship to all ocqulrora. The chapel in mlnaturo Is twelve feet cquare. The floor Is polished wood , with an ori ental rug on it. The walls are frescoed in an imitation of dark drapery , the pat' ' tern being copied from the hangings in the Pope'a private chapel at Rome. The coiling Is painted like eky , in shading blno and gray , and at the center ia a whlto dove on the wing , bearing an olive branch. The ouo window is a piece of extensive work in etiincd glass , cathedral fashion. The altar is a structnrn fash ioned like these in Roman Catholic churches , but smaller , being about six feet long and eight feet high. It Is made of carved and finely decorated wood , the prevailing eDiors balng maroon and gilt. Two heads of angoh are em bellishing features. The draperies are specimens of flno embroidery. The rorodos , or back p'uco ' , la ornamented with carvings nnd Kuiig with cloths. A solid gold crocn , ( i.id ! tohavo cost $4,000 , Is kept in a safe at night , but by day Is to stand on the altar. The receptacle for the host , wafers representing the blood ot Christ in the ceremony of com munion , is provided E3 tn a regular church altar. The story goes that Daley hopes t3 atone for hla professional aina iu a gamb ler by tblo attention to religion , but these who know him well drchro that ho has built the chapel in deference to Iho \vhtiua of his wife , \ybo ia u notably piona woman. Tjoro Is likely ( o bo eorao difll- cully in the project to far oa the services nro concerned. Dileywhuea to engage tlio ItiV. Father MoFoy , pastor of the Star of the ISoa Ohurou , directly asrosj the ctrout , to celebrate a maaa in the Daley chapel every morning throughout ; the season , The priest Is willing to no > cept the offer , which contemplate * a sep arate ealary of § 500 per year ) but his application to hla bishop for permission IIOH not yet bsen acted on , and the im pression is that it will meet with a refu sal , on account of Daley's connection with gambling. If BO , the request will bo renewed by Mrs. Daley , In any cage , Iho chapl will bo need. Jlata half dollar less at Frederick's than elsewhere. Largest slooti , Furniture , stoves , crockery nnd glate- ware at Banner's. The Chicago. Milwaukee & St. Paul announce , commencing Wednesday , the tenth , they will make through passen ger rates from the Missouri river by add ing twelve fifty to tha present cut rates in force from Chlcigo to New York and other eastern cities. This will make the through rate from Council Bluffr to No * York twenty-nine fifty ( § 29.50) ) , fiwt- class , and twenty-six fifty ( $20.50) ) see onU-class , and other polnti in proportion. HAMS. Ohoica engar cared hama lie per pound nt Washington Market , 904 N. IClh St. DEATH IH THE WINDS Somiay Nigut's ' Cyclone Snaps Up Lift and Properly , i Iowa , Dakota and Nebraska Bent With Great Euin , Many People llcnortoil Klllcil nnd n Vast Amount or IVoporty < Destroyed. AH XJNPAttAIjljEIiEI ) bTOUM. THE TIIA1L OF DEVASTATION. SIODX CITV. IA , , Juno 15. A sovcro wind storm f truck this city about midnight. The ppstollico was umojloj at n loss of $1,500. The wholosilo dry goods store of Tootle , Livingston & Company was unroofed nnd the end wall blown in. The loss ou the building is 33,500 , and the damage to goods § 1.000. 0. Shenkberit's building , occupied by n whole sale grocery lost a portion of its side wall. The damage to the building Is put nt $0OGO to the Keck of $1,000. A largo barn and res idence damaged 85.0CO. J. D. Farr & Company's butter nud rgg homo was un roofed. Loaf , $1,000. The Standard oil company's warehome lost ita roof and n portion tion of the wall. The St. Paul & Omaha lost on a pile barge , and boilers , aud engineering appliances 81,600. The ferry boat Bennett lost her noko stacks nnd pilot house. Alexander - ander Blair's dwelling was demolished ; Slough and Nikosell's store unroofed ; the mntbodlnt nud the baptist churches blown down. At Jnckson , Nob. , Douor & Barri's state was blown down. At Elk Point , D. T. , a number of buildings are down. The railway coal house and wind mill were demolished. No ono was hurt. At Coleridge , Neb. , sixteen buildingR are down. A , Hudson's general store was blown to pieces , Two , children were killed and three people seriously in the country near town. At Hartington , Neb , n rink nnd n number of small buildings were blown down. At Wakefiold , Neb , , Anderson & Company's store waa unrooted. In nil the country within a radiua of twenty-five mlloa of the city much damage was dona to trees , fences , wind mills nnd buildings. A number C farm homes were demoralized , At 11:30 : o'clock to night only ono wire is working out ct tmvir. Amour' the los ers in this city nre : I * K. Peck , residence de 1 molished , SI,000 ; J. H , Rivers , house down. $500 , Itivors had threoribs broken. A omall housa of Phil Jennings waa blown into the creek , All over the city- smaller buildings , trees and windmills are down. Glass was qrnken aud numerous residence unrooted. Word is received from Lemars that tbo St. James catholic church was torn down , tbo steeple of another church carried nway , the Plymouth mills unroofed nnd the arnoku stack blown down , gas works leveled , the opera house unroofed , tbo St. Paul & Omaha depot wrecked , a now school house unroofed and several rmidencea blown down. DUBOQCK , Iowa , Juno 15. Specials to the Herald give the following particulars of the destructive storm of Sunday night inuorthcm and northwestern Iowa , The meat damcgo was dona at Cherokee , Mansion and Storm Lako. All tha wires on the Illinois Control between Fort Dodge nnd Sioux City are down , At Aurelia fences acd buildings were levelled in all directions and several persona killed. At Bemson a school bouse and the catholic church were entirely demolished.1 At Willow Creek the water tank was moved out of place. Marcus appears to have Buffered t to most. The west end of the station house is gone , tbo freight homo entirely destroyed nnd the freight blown to atoms an cannot bo found. Nearly every building in town was damaged. Thomethodiet epis copal cburch was completely luincd and tbo Jackson lumber yard scattered in every di rection , M. Y. Aime's bouso is gone and two of the occupants found dead. Reports indicate great damage of Hfo and property. At Meridian the freight depot was badly damaged. At Cherokee the new Shoot house waa un rooted and damaged to the extent of S7.000. Cars were blown off the track , At presort it is almost impossible to compile tbo total losses sustained ortoglvo the number oft buildings damaged , but at a rough guecd it is estimated that more than 200 buildinga suffered to a greater or loss ex tent. tent.LEMARB LEMARB , In , Juno 1C. This section was visited by the most destructive storm last night over known In this part of the country. Kain fell In torrents accompanied by fierce electric storms. The gas bouso hero wai com pletely demolished. The epiro of St. John's citholic church , 1C5 feet high was. blown down aud the building otherwise damaged. St. James' catholic church was totally wrecked , at a loss of 810,000. Many honsoa and barns in ( .town and in the country were uurcofcd and damaged iu & great variety of ways. The loss in Lemnrg is esti mated nt 3100,003 , wi'h an equal amount lu LIio countiy. No iivt-e xvero lost in town , but two men nnd two chililion were killed In the country. The w. uncled Lumber seven or eight and several of them nta dunforously ; hurt. A Fugitive I'oBtmnsiov Caught , SAN FKANCIBCO , 0&1. , Juno 111. Postal Inspector specter Seybolt , of tliid city , itcaivod a die- patch to d y that Isnnc N. Hubs , ex-post master of Lewiston , Idaho , who Issued money orders to himaelt for over twenty thousand ilnllarp , wng arrested today tit Han is ton River , British Colombia , The Day On iho ' nrf. . BAY , Juno 10Pardeo and Joa Cotton ran a dtad heal , nnd divided money lu the third race to day. The raca was one mile ; liter , 111 | , IN THE PASTRY IF V < inllln.I.cmoiiOniniie , etc. , flavor Caket , t'reiim , l'iiillliiif , .Vi' . , ( , delicately nud nut- urnlly in the fruit from which Ibcy iiru umde. FOU STRENGTH MI ) TRUE FRUIT FLAVOR THEY : STAND ALONE. pncrmro ti THI Price Baking Powder Co. , Chlccso , III. 01. Louie , Mo. umcM or Dr. Price's Cream Baking Powder -iNO Dr. Price's Lupulin Yeast Gems , licit Dry IIot Ycuit. aroxt C-A.T/E : ZJ-ST o-xtocsxte. WE IUKK BUT ONE QUALITY ,