" " Deputy Marshal Allan went to Nebraska City yesterday moimng , The "Knights of Labor , under the anipices ef L. II. 2,8 J5 , have their Br t annual picnic at Ilascall' * pmk Saturday , July llth , Friendship Lodge No. 802 K. & D. of H. will have a rpocial mooting Tnotday evening Juno ICth , at 8 p. m , 1C1C Capitol avenue. ' -Annual meeting ofthol. O.O. F Pro tective Auciallon Tuesday evening , Juno 10 at 8 o'clock , for election of officers and other important business. John Graves. Secretary. An old man by the name of Bullock had hi ) pocketpicked of $70 Sunday | nl htin one of tha Thirteenth street cars. Some of the nimble lingered gang who had been working at the picnic probably did the Job. The services of Thomas Harriion , the noted evangelist , have been secured for the Bennet camp-meeting , which Is to bo held at Bennot , Lancaster county , Neb. , July 31 to August 1C The progratnmo of the meeting will bo published soon. t Mr. Boverldgn , of Chicago , and father of the young stockman , 0. 0 , Beverldgo , recent ly arrested for obtaining money under fatso pretenses , is In the city , and has for a long time been cloiotod with his son. There are no now developments in the case. The fl. A M. road is riltraffing the banks of the river at points between the city and Plattsmouth. The banks have been slowly washing nway and some such measures as these ara nooossary to prevent n dangerous Increasing undermining of the tracks. Saturday afternoon a very exciting and Interesting game of base ball was played on the old U. P. grounds , between the clerks In the offices of tno auditor of passenger accounts and the freight auditor , of the IT. P. head quarters. The score resulted in favor of the former , 20 to 12. On Saturday evening a pleasant surprise party was tendered to the lloafey brothers , at Eleventh and Pacific streets. There were thirty couples in attendance. Dancing was kept up until midnight , when an enjoyable repast was served. Every one left , having had a good time , and wishing tha Heafoy brothers success in their new homo. Sunday n number of small children were ploying with a bumnn skull , near the corner of Thirteenth and Davenport streets. When questioned by a passer-by as to how they had came into possession of the ghostly toy they said that they had "found It an alley. " The top of the skull had been sawed off , and it was evidently once the possession of eome medical Institute. George Linde , who lives on the Biendorff farm fifteen miles northwest of the city , re ports that his place was qulto severely visited by the storm Sunday morning. His corn cribs wore blown dovrn , his fruit trees demol ished , and things generally torn up , The house w a not blown down , though the famil took to the collar expecting such a catas trophe. The Baptist Oouncil.'of Recognition will take place this morning at Council Bluffs , on the occasion of the ro-organizatlon of the new church In that place , the pastorate of which is to bo assumed by the talented Dr. Opoley. The Rev. Mr. Harris of this city will give the charge to the chnrch , while Dr. Hnrlbert , of Chicago , will preach in the eve ning. A large attendance from Omaha is expected. Smote Seal of North Carolina To bacco. A TUSSLE Wll'fl A TOUGH , I James Iieo Arrested After a Hard Ficbt Sunday. ] James Lee , ono of the dangerous young criminals who infest the vicinity of Grelghton college , wns nrreated by the police Sunday and lodged In jail , after a terrible tussle. It Booms that Loa cam a np behind Special Policeman Jainoa and wi thout provocation hit him on the back of hla hand with a "billy , " disabling him. Jarnea Immediately telephoned to police headquarters for assistance. A policeman - man was dispatched to the scene of the trouble , but before ho arrived Lao was gone nnd conld not bo found. isor Liter , a warrant was swoin out for I : Leo'a arrest , and placed In the hands of Oflicor Oormlck for service. Officer Rorrloa accompanied him , and the two together went to the honoo of the Lee family whore they found the ! young belligerent hiding In the collar. ioA tough tussle ensued , bsforo the two officers succeeded In arresting Loo. Bo bit Rowlos eevorely on the hand , and in- jaroa him en otherwise that that officer : was compelled to use hla club vigorously. Finally ho was taken and placed in i a wagon and lodged in jail. The gant { which Infests this portion of Omaha Is certainly a toupjh OHO. Ra- i epeotablo people In the neighborhood are continually complaining of their lawless acts and depredations. It Is to bo hoped the police will make every effort to break it up. Dranitf adTtrtlied nbfolnteljr for * THE TE8TI rUoannniepdownon a liotitore until hciUdtb a r moT tnttoovtfrand mell. A cbenitit will not & r * * 4Ulr d to detect tb > pr e ncu ol amaioala. DOES NOT CONTAIN ABIMONIA. rrs tiEiLTuri-usu ius NEVER iren. In mlltU > n homes for quarter of c'ntory It bal I taoii lb coaiuniara * relUbla tcir , THESTESTJFTHE OVEH. PRICE BAKING POIVDER CO. , , Jr ) , Price's ' Special FlayoriDg Exlracls , Hit tlnnHtuo > td llci < uiaiilBalgr < IBa > orl Nud Dr. Price's Lupulln Yeast Gems - Dry FOR I3ALE BY GROCERS CHICAGO. V " ' - ST is. i PIED , BLOM , In this city June 1-1 , ' t 70 p. m. , Jotephlno , wlfo of 0. K. Blom , ftfod 25 yean. FnnerM yesterday t 3 Pm. . , from her l te res.deuco on South Clark itreet near St. Mary's avcnuo. Scttlliijfn Strike , NEW OASTLK , Pa. , Juno 15. Tha difficulty existing between the freight handlers employ ed by the Buffalo , New York & Thlladelphia railroad and tbnt company , terminftted yes terday by Superintendent Witter requesting the men to renime work at their former salary pending an Investigation of their grievances by higher officials , and promising the men they would bo given a decision by next Sat urday. The men accepted the proposition nnd "double-header trains were immediately put to work and have succeeded In rriovlne the larger portion of freight which was de tained along the route , " Queen Victoria has recently promoted Sir Anthony Muigravo to bo "knlht of the errand.cross of the order of St. Michael nnd St. George. " Sir Anthony Musgravo Is a son-in-law of Mr. David Dudlfy Field. ? e * This powder never viries. A marvel ot pnroty strength and wholoson : cnes ] , - Were economical than the ordinary klnds.and cannot bo sold In competi tion with the multitude of low test , short weight alrm of physohrto powders. Bold only In cans ROYA6 BAKING POWDER 00. . I0 Wall B > ; H.Y "TIMICEN SPRING VEHICLES. OVER 400,000 mm. IN USE. - 3 _ _ M V ItaftlcBt ItldlllB Vclilflo mndo. lUde oa easy with ono person as two. The SII-HK | | IciKJtbrnand Hlmrtcn according to tbe weight thi'j carry. Equally well ndripteU Io rnu li country ronrlH nnil Dno drives of citls * . Inniifnrturfu nml sola by all Icndlus C'lirriiiKO lliiilucru nnd Iculcr . Apollinaris "THE QUEEN OF TABLE WATERS. " " Use nothing but Natural Mineral Water , such as APOLLINARIS , free from all vegetable foisons" Boston Journal. ANNUAL SALE , 10 MILLIONS. Of all Grocers , Drag fists , & Mia. IVat. Oealtrs. BEWARE OF IMITATIONS. OMAHA INSTITUTE E MEDICAL AND SURGICAL. FUJI TUB 7IUUT9IEST OF ALL CHRONIC AND SURGICAL DISEASES. The largest Modloal Instltuto West of Mississippi Rlvor. Fifty rooms for the accomodatlon of patients. The 1'hyelcian onrt Burgeon In clmrso of the Initltnto has hau slitern years' of succc rul practice , nna Is aided by n Blitnnts ot rare experience us pccialUts In tfiPlr various departments. , . , _ WRITI ran cuicnLARon Utformltlrs and Brtces. DUKIS. * s or WOMEN. I'lloi , Tumort , Canctrn , Ciurrli. Bronchi , tli , Inlmlatlon , Kl etrlcltv , r rnly li. Kpllep r , Kidney , , JS e , I r.8kln n < l Blood I > f eani < 8 IVrllefor PRIVATE CIRCULAR JO MEN on PuHMrR. 8mciiL ud Mtiirocs Dlioaui , Bcmlnal Weakness , Snermntnrrhicn , SypMlls , ( Jlcoc , Hlrlctnro , Varl * cocclo and all dl euse of tha Urlnnrj nnd 8oiu l orRans. CB8estroatoUbycorr pondenceorPersonRllr Conndclitlat. liedlclnciiont by mill or e < prr without marks to Intll- catucotitftiti or Mender. Ailr Rsatllcttcrii Io . OJIillA MKDIIUI. AND SUHQICAL 1N8T1TOTB. 18tbHtreet.CornorofCapltolAvenm . OiUIIA. fKH SPECIAL JNOTiUES. Ml advertisements in the special columns mill bt charged at the rate oj 10 eenti per line /or the frit insertion , anil 7 centi per line for each subse quent insertion : Ko aJvertisement will be inserted for leu than ! 5 centi or the first time. These advertisement ! tcillbe inserted in both Mom- ny and Jivenlny JiJitioni , representing a circula tion of over Eight Thousand. This clan of adver tisements mult positively be paid in advance , TO LOAN MONEY , MO.VF.T TO LOAN On real eetato In guiua of $ ' 0 and upward ? , tn any amuint. Oinalia Financial Exchange , 16C3 Farnam HI llonoy to loan On co'Ialcra'a In cumgof 825 and upwardr , toany amount. Oicaha Financial Exchange change , 1W1 Firnirabt. Money to loan-Ou chattel ! In sum' of $5 and upwards wards to anv amount , at low rates. Omabi Financial Exchange , 1603 Farnam St , Money to loan On good securities ot any kind l.ln any amount , t tbe Omaba Financial txcbancu , 1503 Farnaui St. , up-etairs. i2d-tf K/t OMIT to loin kt lowest rates f Interest by Domts iV'l ISthcndDjugbsatf. 078 tl TITOMIT to loin In uilinj of } 200 and upward * on 1 > J flist-cla'H rcalosUtessourlty , I'ottor Ji Oibb , lalSKarnauist. 019-tf H/fONUY / To loan on chattel * . Wo > lloy & Harrison , 'VI ' liootii 20 , Omiba National bank building 838 tf HJONHYTOI.OAN-On ' ! e.tate and ohattdls iYJ 1) . U Thoni&n. 837U. \f O.MT I IIO.NKY 1 1 HOSKT 1 1 1 Money to Loan -On iTl chattel eternity by W , It. Crcft , rnotn 1 , With * nell building , N , K , corner 15tn and Hircey Af'cr years of experience rd a careful ttudy of the busl utsacf loaning money on personal pioperty , I have at latt perfected a syaiem wliero < > y the publicity utual In such case * l < dnnnauay wltb.ind I am now In a poaltlnn tn meet the demand * of ill -ho become temporarily cmharraueil and dcslroto ralto money without deUykndln a qu'ct ' manner. Hnusoieep- cr > , pro'ccdouaj gentlemen , morhanlct and others In this city c nobt In advances from $10 to $1,000 i on luclnecurlty as houuhold frulture , pianos , mi- rlilnny , beree , wagons , * arehnus rrctlpts , eecur- tdiioto cf hand , tto. . with ut iciu' ' vmg tame from owners retldoi'ca or place of lnnlii'm ' , on a ef the adiantiicm lodor Ii ttat anv part of any lo i can b pall at any time which will reduce the Interest pie rat and all loans rei owrd at ths original r ' t- of Inforcs' . I hate no brokers In o"nnotrn | with my crUco. but penrnally superintend all lo mv n , I have | > rlvao ! olHcus ronneo'.fd with ruy general oflico o rla cuUoirtrs do not In coiro ooutict wltli / eirh fiber , oonwuuently rtaklrg all trans ctlor " Crptroonl ( Wlthnel' ' K. nr 1Mb H Harnny 637 - MONET L .ted uu th itjl * , cut ral It R ticket * M ultanltoM. A , Porman.SlS . . lath 81 -tf M" ° . ? ISr5)IOAH ! ln aTT. ' 'ivftTl1 "I0 Bt 810 x tf > * o H TONEY LOANED at a F. Heed ft Oo's. loan office IVI on furnlturs , planoo , horses , wagons , personal property of all kinds and all othe rittloles of value , without removal. Over lit National Bank.cornerlJth ind Farnam. All business strictly confidential WANTED FEMALE HELP. WAKTD-Olrl for general hsusewort : apply at once 10:0 : Farnam st. SK-lGp YT7Aar.D-Two ! good glrli at the Occident . WASTHD-A ( rood girl Immediately. Mrs. 3 , 11. Cornet , No' 881S Charles street , belwe-n Ireao and James J83-17p WiSiiD Olrl In small family , 1013 Chicago slT 317-17p T17AXTTD Acompstent girl t cook , waih and Iron W In finally cf three , no children. Wa stS. per week. Apply 18J4 Douglas St. B1217p TUTAHnsD-AtCanfleU IIoUl , dining room girls. YV None but experienced waiters nctd m > 'j' ' BOI-t A good woman cook for general cooklcp WAXTTD Capitol ave , for 2 days. 176-lCp WANtKD Work by a Ont-olass laundress ty the day or week In pth aU > family. Addre-a Cen- ralDliiIng 1111 , corner of 18th and Dodge. iOMp WANTKD-A good oompotent Gorman elil fcr EInctal housework ; none other need apply , 1017 Chicago street. 28311 _ _ Tt/ANrKD-Oood laundry flnlshcr , anrf number of V > gltls for general bouse work. Apply t the Old Uollabla Omaha Employment office , S17 No rth Iflth. 272-lfl WANTRD-OIrl far general housa wo7k ; small fam ily : Howard itrcct , Bth house absvo King. Mrs Wilfthl/ 286-lCp A good cook and a nurio girl to go to Cheyenne ; good wages , llrs. Towar , 714 N. 19th St. ne WP A girl for hsuso work. Inqulr * at 2311 California Ht , German pnferrtd. 219-15p WANiRD-Nurso girl Apply Mrs F. M. Howard , Canflcld Houso. 2C1-H hou8a i - - girl who Ihci In the city to corno WANTitD-Nureo In dattlmo and t ko care of Infanl. Apply 119 South 24th St. " * ' AXTKD Gill at 1510 Sherman avenue. W 189.11 J. Jt. Counsman. - First class cook end laundress , 2303 WANTED- . Mrs J. M. Thuraton , _ l"tf XNTitn Three dining ro'm glrlf , 2 laundry girls W 6 kitchongirls uicYdisbvt aShers' , 8 nurse"girls. . 1120 Farnam Street. lOMf - good girls for nrst and second work In gocd families ; wages * 3. W and W-Dp , 1UO Farnam 8t. lofl-tf WANtiD-Good fcmalo cooks for hotels and prlvato boirdlng homes , oil 11SO Farnam st105tf 105-tf Three oiperlencod women canvassers , WiNTKD day , guarantees ; room 7 , llcdick block. 870-tf tIret-cloes dining room girl at the MetJ WAKTED ropolitan hotel ; none otner need apply. 824-tl WANTED MALE HELP. - shlpplrg clerk , one ial Eman , one WANTKD-A drl\cr , at Ifnrtin'a Installment store , 810-10 WAST8D-A watch maker and clock prcpatcr Kdholm & Etlckspn'g. 310-17 Ono or two good canvassers wonted for WANTED Musio Binder. John H. Cornoi. 2813 Charles street , between Irene and James et S07.17p TT7MSTKD A\v ltorj Scandinavian hoteljllthht TV 600 men and teams for new railroad WANTKD work. Free transportation to and from work. Apply at 1012 Barney St. F. E. Irwln ft Co. 2j7-15 Live a cnts to work Life and Accident WASTBD fdfa strong New Yorit company In every town In Nebraska and Iowa Good commis sion to workers Address E. C. Wllccx & Co. , Gen eral Agents , Kansas C.ty , Mo. 276.27 WAKTBD Immediately , 40 good strong men that aroustd to track wo/k , 1110 Farnam street No others need apply. z'8tl FOUR clgarmakeis wanted. Inquire of Ooo. B. Godfrey , Fi cmont , Nob. 3fl-ly ] 1 WANTSD-Flvo gocd paper hanger at 118 rjortL l th street. 837-tt SITUATIONS WANTED. IOR B reliable family seamstress , call on or addro > 8 F S. W. corner llth and PaclBo St. , Omaha , Neb . 30117 - In wholesale or retail drugs , WASTBD-Sltunlon F T books and stationery , or w.uwv. Five yfars exncrlonco In drues and stationery. Beet of icfer- ence . "N. A. E."Ueo offlco. S02-10p rpo IIOTZLS Situation wanted by an active young JL man who Is accustomed to right work ; have worked In office , lunch counter and bar. Address avaA. B. A. , Dee office. 271-1B WANTKD Situation. Young man of 28 years do- slrcs a position as collector or to do general outsldo work ; references and cash security. Ii. 0. B. Bee office. 270-16 WANTED-Situation ; middle ged man , anvthlng honorable ; boada and good referenccstad'lresss Vn , 010 S 14tn st. S30-17p l /'ANTBD-roaltlon to travel In Nebraskageneral ; dry W goods ; special line preferred from July lstUrge ; acquaintance In tateboet ; reference fromprcsent em ployers , Address box 45 , Wymoro , Nob. 156-Up MISCELLANEOUS WANTS. ASTID Mrs. JIary Grecnhood would like to find W. the whereabouts of her father ana motncr.iir and Mrs. Ausley Conen. Mr. Conen sells clothes pins and all wl'o soils lace An ? ono knowing their whereabouts will confer n favor on Jlrs. Greenhood by sending wcrd to her through the Omaha Post oUIco. 3C8 Up TTTANTED A. good reliable fimil- ) horse ; enquire YY 1818 Farnam et. 8H-17 WANTED Someone Io adopt a boy baby. Inquire 11 mother , at Poor Ilnueo. 290-17p _ WASTBD-Clcrks t'l learn Hhort hand Dy mall nnd till good p'jtng posltlons.whcn oamuotent. Sporl 0 low terms for tue Hummer. For circular & 3 , addrcsi Prof , debtors Blurt Hand Institute. P. 0. Box , St Louis. 205-15p WASTXD To buy a good hone rd iihacto-i ; par caihaud btlanco In monthly IrsUllincnts. Ad- drees with full particulars , K. 0 , D. " Bee office , TX7"ANTr < i > Ono good carpenter to rents rooms snd Y eteady woik. S , S. Hardy , 1010 S. Center St. , City. 282-lfjp WANTKD Oooil agents to sell booki and albums on monthly payments ; ealsry or commission ; call at or addro a aoi N 13th et..Ormha. 176-16p ips \ IT ANTED On I esponslble and well known person Y > In each ooun y North , West oi.d South , to manage - ago tbo Agencv far the ealo of the liouso hold PJior. macy.a family Drug stern and Ito'llcil Instltuto com. blood. Price ocly 10 dollire. A household neoessl'y and bofct Belling article ever In tbe market. No com petition ; ttca'ly employment all tbe year round For particulars aid clrculus addrras "Tlio Sun Chemical Co. , " Incorporated , 13 W. 4th St. , Cincinnati , 0. f03-Si > WANTED 3 unfurciihed rocma Hiltable for I'gbt ' house keotiliiB la a rrlvote hou o by a m and wife. Aiidfesi"TII O. " Hfe cinco , 130-lTp * A oBxrsvrAKTrii ) . Address St. Louia Eloctrla Lamp J\Co , St Louli for circular , cuts and tormiof the fl candle poaor Ha'nb Electric Limp. 311-JlylS ITirAKTKP Every tdy In need of A sawing maNe - VY chine , to see tlie now Improved American No , I' K. Klndm nCo. oii-ntii ; 220 N 18th. 830'f xvKNT HOUBK8 AND LOTH. Tpoa HINT 3 room rot'age ' at $10 per month. War- Ju renSwitzlor , 218 H. 14th HI. ill FOR l ! T A new convenient a room haueo i on Caldwcll Btrcct. one block VTcst cf Saunrters i Bt. Apply at 1807 Itard Bt. 28 ) ] 8p IT OK HUNT Furnished homo on car line , during L1 July and August , to family without children. S27.15 Bell&Shilur. i /on KK F 6 room cottage ou J'oietoui\cu ( | ( e I1 betutlful ( oration ; will tell tbe furnlti re un inn t hi v lajmcnti , or rent It furnished , or Bill the property on raiy paunectr , C ; K Mayne& ( 'o.,8. . W. coruor 15tl andJarnam , 82L16 _ v 'on * M A nuwhouee , corner Webnter ami ISlli street. ACdreas I. 1) , 'Ihomoi , Pott ofllce FORBRST Houuandbt im 22d near Clark with etaulx roomf > r 4 h"rsesSI5per mantb , Iaqnlrt < it E. A Marth , B01nort 18th , i 872-tf _ FOB I Hist Cottv/e robins and house roomi. J Pblppi Koe , 15 S S. 6th St 831-tf T7 < oi RiN'T rbreeitory brick store bullying ; en- F quire uf EJward Norrts SO ) . , room IP OrounH 'r Blnok Ml tf KOOMS FOK RENT. T70KRKKTIhrteofHre rn'rui onUr if baloets ; . J1 Farnam aad IBtb , otcr 1'iedf ricU' . Hit it ore. ' I J' 9 ' 6 H. t' , Pattoison , F I OR RIXT-A well farnlihed front r cm.lwo Mocks fiomraeirUilcpot , 8.17. corner llthanJ Pacific. JOO-1J OR KMT Fun Ished frcnt room 1809 Cnpltcl are. HU-JOp OR MNT I ) k room , In a tlct'y ftirnlihrd otfci. or om It , Crelghton block. 210-20 FOR KicjiT A handsomely fmntshod room , bath rcoa ; 1720 Capttnl AMI 200-lfJp FOR , Rn.iT-EI.'gnnt suite ot olio * rooms In Buih- mit/s b'ock. Apply to W. It. Ilasbman.lfllh and Douglas. 278-lSp If OR Rim Elegantly fornlihed front room sutt- 1" able for 2 gentlemen or man and wife , El * North 17th. 88M6p FOR RUST House cf 3 rooms , kitchen , cellar , at 003 North 13th St. 28MCp FOR Rixr Handsomely furnlsfced rooms suitable j * for | gtnllcman and wlfs cr two gentlemen at 2V09 - Dodge ft. 101-lOp F on KT-A nicely furnlshediind well vtntllaUd front room , wllh bath room attached , In private family : first-clan locution and rctldenoc. Apply to Paulson * Co. , No. IMS Fit asm St. ! 30-15p I OR RXTT Very plca anl unfurnished rooms inlYMohou'c,607N.lTth8t. , t3 - p IOR RUNT Newly ( urntihcd rooms 1701 Capitol avtnuc , corner 17tb. 215-17 | > PR RitNT-Furnlshod room 1017 Chicago St. 220-1 f T7IOR REST A 0 room house 722 south ICth Pt S74-10p < OR RK\T One large front alcove , room , ga , and JP evcryconvculence , H23 Farnam St. 10 > tf , - OR Riurr-Furnlshsd rooms , 18IB Dodge street , I ISO-July 0 _ _ _ _ _ fTlOR Rr.vr 2 nicely furnished rooml , suitable for Jp gentleman and wife or gtnllemoo. wllh or with out board | , fine location J020 St. Mary's a o. 182-18p RRVI 3 rooms furnished for housekeeping. FOR 1018 CallforuU St. 103-16. T7IOR RKNt-rurnlshed ami unfurnished rooms at F 1B10 IlatnoySt 7. F IOR R NT-KIcgant'y furnished room , gaj and n > f tflittth room sultible for two gintleincn , 1421 Jones ) st 18M5p 0RRKVT-Centrally located furnished rooms at F 023 south 1Mb 6t. 12'- " _ . § TI"OR REST For manufio'urlng purnosos or hall , X ? Urge room 44x76,3d floor , tto. 110 S. 14th et. , enquire at 1409 Dodge it. Slmtison. mix Largo hin-lsomclv furnished cool room FK modern oonvonlonce , with excellent board for two gentlemen ; alto lablo board , 1718 Dot'gn ' O37'tf TOR RRNT-Nioely furnished room suitable for two ? gentlemen , gas and batb , i25 ! Dodge. 054-tf T.IORRKNT-FurnUhol largofront room with alcove Jt ; groto bath , cto. , 1710 Cats street. 049'tf OR RKIT Room with board suitable for one or two I ? gentleman , 1812 Dodge St. 704-tf I'OR RUNT Largo front room on first floor with or 1 with board ; inquire at 1001 Farnam St. 3o7 > lf OOita Witti boird.dettiublefor summer. J\ 4 St. Charted Hotel. 833-If KENT Bovora flnocfflooaln Crouneo' block , FOU Inquire Ed. Norrln , room 19 Crounse bloot S34'tl FOR S A LE FARMS. | ? ori 8At.s-Impio\od farm 240 acres ; Cats Co.Nob. _ lAI Jtcn acres wllhln 3 blocki f Post offlco , Weeping Water. ; will fell or trade for Omaha prep- City. W. H. Croon , Omaha Neb. 2S3-tf TTOR BAIB Oood farm In Washington Ca ; 171 J ? acres ; 80 aorea cultivated ; good buildings ; flno orchard ; running water ; all foacod. EJward Norru Co.i room 10 Crounao Block. 835tl _ - feet oaCumlng between IBthandZOth FORBALB-3a , 82,700. Bedford & Soucr. 80-tf sAU-mlf a section of land In Loup Valley , FOR Co. , well lmpr ved house , good barn , corn cilb and growing crops ; also a good house and lot In Fullcrton. Apply to K. Brlngbam , Omaha , 135'16 OR SAMI i BOO acre stock and grain farm , all Im proved ; four hours' rldo from tbe Omaha Stosk Yards [ seven miles from the olty cf Fremont ; tw railroads within tnroa miles ; SOO acres under plow , the ro't In pasture ; board fonoo , runnlne stream through pasture ; house with ten rooms ; will bo sold chtaplf sold immediately ; on terms to suit For further particulars Inquire of Qoo. O. drodfrov. Fro- nt. Neb. 830 tt _ on HAtR-Uousa Bid lot a rooms. 2 closets and 2 J pantries , collar fcjd cistern , nearly Improved ; good lee i tlon , cast trout . Call at 822 S. 18t St. 080 ISp Fen BALK Four lots on Georgia av.In nanscorn I > l ce , good location ; will sell In a body or sepa rately at bargain. Terms to suit Address " 0 A" Bee offlo. . - FOR SAIK Full lot on 16ta street , three c lt Ken en lot , 3 cisterns , well eta. , wou'd ' rent frr | 60 per mon'h ' ; if sold In SO days 85,259 , Potter & Cobb , 1516 Karnam etieet. 265-21 FOR BALK-Cheap lots on 21st elrcct la Millard Mice , eait front , only J1.200Potter and Oobb , 1615 Karnam St. 281-10 T7 < OR BALE Store and lot 12th and Wlll'ama ' street" Jt1 ono black from street car ; can bo used as dwell ing house. Gosd lee tlo- > ; terms easy. Inquire F. J. Rasper , 1122 South ISthsl. 25B-16p ON Bouth 10th street , corner lot 66x140 lea' , east front ; 7 room bourc , barn , all improvements , shrubery eta. , for $8,50) . Must bo sold. W. II Oreen , over 1st Not'l Bmk. 231-tf F on SAtK-Iarfte house , newly built , 0 roomB , all modern lmprocmcnts with i lot , at I71B Cass st ; Inquire at premises. 128tt Tfr OR BALK A. choice lot In Hanjcom Place on I1 Ocorina Avenue ; will sell at a bargain on term to suit ; address D 0. A , , Use olHco. IWtt T70R BALB-FivolotslTxlSO : together on Learon- 1 worthstreet ; boiutllul location , $1,000 One- fourth eash , bolanoj on long time , easy tormn. CrallofcJoneB. 210-tf Fen BAIK Three beautiful residence , sh'n" ' 3d add. Splendid view , 82753. Ecmlf , 16th and Douglas. - Fen BALK The oboioest lota in the cty only li mllcD north cst of the Test office , prices ranslog from 3155 to 91,003 cacb ; terms to suit. Ecmls , ICth aud noutlu. LntslnCiedltFiinclor add , and crnnd FonsAlR vlo * etc , near " . P. and B. & M , detol , ? 60 nnd upwards. liomls , 15th and DougUs. 978.H BALK -Bin'lncs ? lot on 18th street 125 feet cast Fen frowtago. 812,600 ; alsonwaro lioua' , lot near Nail workH 82 SOO. Ilomls , 16ih and Doujlas 078-tf FOR HALK-Lot and a half In Parker's add 81EDO or $50' ) for hilt lots ; two lots In Shlnn'a 2d addSOO ooch. Demls , 16tliand.Doug'a ' 8 078 " 7VR BALB-Tvva lots in lake's add Sl.OOOand $ l,8cO 1 each ; thrco lots on Hamilton , west cf founders street. 8510 , { 003 and $909 each. Uemls , oSth and Dorglojste. OT&tf roR HiLK-Acro lot on Cjmlug street frocti on s. ' threaitrceis , f4tOO. Tfcrco nuarterg ol an acre on California etref tno r Sicred Heart Aoidcmy , 82tOO. IJtmlJ , ISth aud Douglas. OT8-tr _ FOR SALK tots on Snundors street , 8I.OJO oich ; e iy terms , Bomls , 15th and Uouglaj. 078-1 f T7VJ * BALK Uemls1 new mops ol Omaha , $5 each t jfomltjj6th anil Dongl d. S7.8' ' - . iioctBof 4 ronros and stable with full lot on Hamilton , near30th ami west of 8aundrssroet ! , 81,200 ; evy terms to suit purohaajr. I1 MI * , Ifitn and Douglas streets. fcJS-tf d lots In Miy part ot Omaha , (1,100 to SltCO. Ilemls , 15ln aud DoujUs. fc78-tf T7oa BALK Oood 6 room house , lot 0x132 feeteast T front , CHOO ; 8100 rush , balance $15 per mouth. \V , H Oreoa , over 1st National bank. 8Mtt Fen SAW -House full lot , well , clitcrn , l > > rn , all In aoo'i oandltlon , one block from streetcars 11 000 eaiy terms. W II Omen , over 1st NaflDank. 663-tl tfon. BALKFrtv Ion for sa'e on Burt and Cumlni-B y bttwtenfDth and Slsl cheap , Inside property odford & Bou r. * i 1 tf T7V5R LKASB Best unoogupled grouod In the ty for I * waredome house , 87 feet front on Lotvenwjrth , north bet 10th and lltn.wll ! lease for OH years. Bud- ford & Soucr , C 5 tf BALK Twenty-two feet on F > rnam street FOR If taken lamedlately , W H Green ! J. FOR SALE MISCELLANEOUS. ( r CK F IOR SALE A fine Jetieycalt cheap ; e a quire 1318 Faruamst. Fo * saLK Hone , wagon and baincw.at a bargain ; enquire 1 > 18 Karnam it. 818-17 sin-One of the bsteilabli > > < ed cash grocery FOR ; will take city property In ex baone. Icy Address "Grocer" care Ibll olllsc. 3C6-U F ° Coetp , furniture to. , of boarding houie J. 10 'J I'AClflo ltre < t ; goo 1 location , t " > blocks S , of U , P , depot. AdlrMi "X Y 2" Bee office. lltt \ ITtoB SAH-T flna dr fi uiarfiwlth collf , 17lliaudq | < 47 tVilllaniltrMti. J Betinfy. JOHflp 1312 Merchant tailors misfits and uncalled for clothing io be sold nl garment ? , less than the cost o ranterial t the Misfit Clothing Parlora 1812 Douglas St. , TJ I Tl-cso garments are mndo from the latest style in fa'ir'cs ' , cut nud triramod in the highest art by only , , ho lending merchant tailors. Uelow is mad * mention of n Jew. This PRICE 3LIST 525 00 Mcrclmnt Tailor Made suit , to bo sold fo $12 20 00 " ' " 40 00 ' it u it 1C 35 50 00 r" itn it .1 18 CO itit .1n 23 00 CO 00 u it n 05 00 " ii 27 80 31 20 Was made up stairs for reasons . o IE located in economy. OS . ave s.juid never sell a G 00 Pair " Merchant Tailor Mndo Pantaloons for . & 3 00 750 " K . goo 9 00 " " 10 00 " . 4 30 i . 12 00 " ' ' . 5 00 . c 10 15 00 " " ' " . 7 CO rf We wish to make mention Spring Overcoats which are alike all others , made in-the highest art and must he to , seen be appreciated d can be found in such elegance and at such pr'ces at the , a 1312 DOUGLAS STEEET-UP-SfAIES - - , 1312. Open Evenings until 9 o'clock1 Saturdays until 10 o'clock JR RALK A first-class family horec. Inquire at Kdholm & Erlckeon , opp. P , 0. 30J-17 FOUBAI.K Jersey cows at auction. 18 bead. High class and reglsterd Jersey cons will bo sold at notion , Wednesday , July 1 , 18'6 , at 2 o'clock , with- sut limit or bv bid. Having concluded to sell my ntlro berd cf 18 cow ; , and give my whole attention o breedinghlgh bred native stock and Shetland po nies , Ii my cauie for selling. Terms cash N I. D. Solomon , Spring Valley Stock farm , Orrmhn , Nub. 282-July 1 FOR BALK Atll j r Croft's Stick yards , a car load cf flno graded cows with young calvos. Or ders taken for graded and full blooded young bulls and holfcrs. 273-lBp K ) STOCKSIEN-FOR SALE-A carload f > cry _ _ flno half Gallowaynnd half Shorthorn bull ] fcr sale at Union Stock Yards , by Wagner , Sav.iio i Sanders. 51S-15 OR SU.K A good horEo suitable for a lady to drive , cheap , as owner has no use lor him. C. J. Venters , 1411 Capitol ave. 243-18 WA.STXD A first dw < i fresh young milch cow , not over 4 years eld ; glvo breeding arid price , lock Box 517 , Oniabo. 210 tf Ai.n Valuable Chlckerlog grand piano nearly new and Iittlo used , at largo discount at 1718 COBS street. 049-tf s Wagon umbrella ) , flno new stosk at 140) and 1411 Dodge st. 72 tf [ TiOK HALR A four hundred dollar plan at P gain , 1618 CalllnrnU St. 61 R BAUt .Two No 1 phaetonone teconi band bug * gy. Aiiwv l 09 nd 1411 Droliro > t 825-tf REAL ESTATE. Tj'ORRALi ! Choice lots In _ Paulscu's add , on street 2 ten i era lots , 2 1-2 miles from city , 8125 per aero. 1U acres tcljoi lug fort , ? J,5CO. 112 miles from city , S8SO. B cro9 11-2 miles from fort , $000. 0 aircs4 in lies from city , wtlllmproml , 31 , S'O. 110 acre Impnncil farm , good orJurd , bearing , 2 miles from city , tl6 per aero. 6tcrc9 onKuuudcrsbt. , ncllimpro > cd , bcirlng cc- tbard , 63,00 . S.tOO acres , mpstly cult'vated ' ] nflno hsjland with tame gns > , Umber , good pasture , 10 mlloj fcnco two tenant hoaica , tno miles from Hlvor Sioux bUtlonln Hurlson aidMenoni county , Iowa , $25 per acre. Beat ttootc farm In Iowa. 53,000 acres wild land In C'dntral , Western Neb. , from 73 to $7,60 per acre ou cny termF. A lirfio uumborof impr.ncd farrrs InKirpy , Doug , Us and Wanhlngton Co. , at low ptlces. An excellent firm joining Bmcr crossing , n thrlv- Injr oountiy town In Sewanl L'o , oontalrilni > ! 49iitrci will tlmbcreit and watered and highly Improved , f7OOJ. for rent Dofk roomi No 1513 Farnam St , and a G roDUl house , PauUcn tCo. , 1513 Farnam Bt. F TenroUagci KtiJ flno rosHonces In dif ferent p rt4 of the city , frooi $1,690 , to 816.0W , eadi ; all on euy terms. Fur Sale Al a sacrifice , two ots In Slilmi s 3d ad dition. For Bale Four lots In Lono'siiddlllon.vcry cheap. For HiU Hlx bU'ina'slatH on 8. 13th etreet , lUtttrnon'iikUb-dtihlouhastheUrioU lots to the city at 8200 eich , < m monthly payments of glO each , I'd sons bujlog hero will be furnished money to tulld right w y. PAVH RKNT , buy In thin addition , and thin hiveour own homo Only a law lots lo't Fcr Kent Four houses at 80 ! , SW , ? 2G nnd 827.60 Tbreootli s to rout ; rail on or address It. 0. Iat- to-ean. ISthand Farnam. 28&-10 D } Dillou Bro , 317 S 13th Bt. FOKHALK lot with hernia ou Davenport St. , Corner tot with houii ? on Hurt at , 83,800. House and lot noir LongEchool , 91,500 House ard let on Dlt liloa M.,91,000. IIou o anil lot netr 23 > 1 and Lcavan'tli , ? 1 000. MOI.BO . and corner lot In I'rienect I'laco , $1,009 Fifteen lotsncarLcavcnwoitb and 1'ark Avc > cb 8000Fine Fine east front Uamooro Place lots , OOO. Ik lrablol9ta Ilort and Loire At . tV , For rtnt. 7 houses from 87.tOtoSZ5.00. 178-10 FOR * ALS-Onsouth22let , onelroomand one 6 rooujcot'ago , baru , w.ll , cU'ern , tf , on earao lot , rent for 835 permonth , rnly $3,100 ; would sell sei > rateU. I'jttirit Qahb , lilSKarmoi St. 050 tt T7WH flAtH. A full corner lot , two blocics weit of . redc rlme5WThis Is positively a bargain. . E. lllley & Co. , 116 " . 13th St. rorSale-IMMiUO , 2M St. , near Grio , 800. This Is also a btrgalo. J. K. Klley & Co.,215 S 13th St fcr Bale Thres lots 60x140 , south trout. 4 blocks from ( street c > -t350eacl > ; burfUns. J. K. Itiiey & Oo.H6fll3th8t. . , . , , For Bale Tolots on Heorjla av.Re-'IcV' ' * , dlea8t ( front , no ending , netr Faruam , 78x140-82000 etch , lbee are reasouabl * . J. K. lllley & Co,216 < t 13th Bt. ForBale Nine lot * on Virginia ave. , IsOO to J350 each. J. tf. niley & Co , 16 S 13tb et. For Bale Ten lots on Cumin ; St. , and nine on " Curt tit. , fourblocks from military bridge. J. K. Ill- fcro. , J15 H mil st For Sale Bghtecn lotn on Vlnton st. , one block from tormlnua 18th street car line. Positively cheap. K.IUI y& Co. , 215S ISth it. We desire to euy to our patrons tbtt In the above we can give insurance of safe and profitable In- \eitm Dt , tVe alee i ) vo property In almost erery nuaiterof the city worlby of Invettlgatlon. J. B , UILKY k CO. , J16 813th it. 8&'ti str FOR BALK 7 room cottage , wo'I barn mi'l c'etcrn ' , " ou iSih street 0 blacks from shops $2,5(10 , ( , on easy terms. Potter & ColiN. 1516 KarnamSt IT ; K OFPKR TOR SALE East half of block 3 Smith's rf add , coo fott front , two acre lots , nicest In Omaha , fU'l vlow of city > nd Bluffs , making 10 lots IG5 feet oich , will sell naif or all. Lots 44 and 80 , Nnlson's add , 8700 each or will sell half of cither ; lots 60x145 Kountz's Zd add. near Oth and Center , $ ' 00 each. Lot 6 , block ) , Knuntz'a-1th add , being store en 10th Bt , full lot.82,2CO , also lot 0 same block 81,360. Two lots In S.utb Omaha , by Goodman's , with house , orchard , cistern , and well , all 100. Id nvo acre lota in Vineland , G miles north city limits overlooking city and Bluffs , 835 per acre. Lots 10 and 11 , block ID , Hanecom plaoa very eighth81,200 | for both. Half acre 1EO foe t front block 6 , Park piano , with house , barn , well , and cistern. Corner , 2 lots in Hawthorne on Cess et , 9CO for both etc eto. btE Call and see us , Dox'er L. Thomas [ & Bro. , Peal Estate ; Koom B Cielghton Hock. 678-tf DOR SAL-By O. F , Davis & Co. , 1605 Farnam St H Omaha. _ House and lot on south Eighteenth St. , 81,000. " " ' ! Twentieth " 81,400. 2 homes " Dodge nrar 3Bth St , $2,200. S oU In Hansoom Place , each , 9 625. House and . lot on Park avenue , 84(00. ( u i. ii Davenport Bt. , 812 000 , ' ' " 8 . 2,000. " " " south ISth " 8 4.000. 15,007 aoica of land In Boons county , 87 to 910. 20,000 " " " Stanton " 87 to 912. Land in Madison , Woj ne , Ditto and llall counties on casytermr. t < ni rl > nl inlonz mo. 6B8- TfjonSAL Lots n Hlllsldo add cheapest and beet JD Inslda lo's ' In the city , ( ilO to $950 exclusive eeuta Potter & Cobb. 651-tf F Ion BALK - Three choicest lots In Ilaneosm place , est-tf Totter a Cobb , MARION rr/Acx 0 ( pod Iota In this addition with in 8 bUcks of street cars , can bo had on cosy terms. W II Green , ' . over 1st Nat'l Bank. 827-tf BUSINESS OHANOES. L AW PARISFMIIIP A hwycr cf several vears j > .ao- tlco In Pennsylvania , and fam'llar with tbo bus- IneBsInWoehlriKton I ) . 0 , veuld like to form a r'rtnorehlp with a lawyer In Nebraska , nhoae prao- tlco requires additional help. B st of r < frcncj Iv ou 08 to ability and character. Addrees "J. D " ill D. street , Washington , I > , ( J. 251 IBp T on BALK- One of tbobo t located moat markets. P Inqulraat Obcro , HoOblck k Co. , otQoo 618 South ] 3th St. VSB-lSp flT ANTKB Euslnej * , Actli-e vourg man -will Invest - VV vest frJiu 8200 to SIOJ , with ervl > 8 Jlv1)N payiofr luslioss ; addr.si U. B. O. , nooolllca. 2C5-1S VXTAKTED To exchange B60 cros good farm load VIn Cutter C. ) . . Neb. , for slock of general mcr- ' cbandlse. For full partlcultrs , addrcts "J W H1 Icck box No S , Wymi re , Neb. 231 22p F'on HALK Hotel ; a nice small hotel. Rood looitlon , cheap rent and long lease. Apply "I1 S"llou eftloo. . -At a bargain , on auxmut of my health _ . falling. 1 wish to dlpiHo of my billiard hall , It is In tbo beet location In the city , nnd doing a good paj Ing business at all times. Far full particulars address 0 , L. Herman , Plattimouth. fob. D35.July2p fTlOR BALK Druz store In a doslrabla looUlty , 'wll J } In voice about Sl.600 KG Patterson , NE corner 13tu and Furnam 'BO-H 1 , 011 BAliiS Or vxohanve * full btoclc of clothing 1 boots anJshues , gent1 furolshlnggooJi , will ex. change for Nebraska Laud ) . U. Ll.futorSOD.SOi U 10th St. , Omaha , Neb. Clfl-tl FOR SALSIn Oakland Keb. first-clan meat market aljo tliu furnlluro of the Ht Paul hotel. Poi par. tleulars , luqulre or write Wlggom & UclJIng.Oakland Neb. PERSONAL. , builnosibihlbi J will correepom ) ltha ( icntlcman , not lew than It , whomuit betttlctly teraj era'o ' and moral Ad. dress - Tomperaiice , care cf Dee office , 29Mip ( -John Ifamlln , formerly Nebraska City , J ban opened reil uU'.o oillco at 811 fl. llth St , 252-Up PBRSOKifc Mrs. B. W. Hooter , tranoo clilrvoyant , and boallng medium , ov r 718 North idth St , C52-I81 Ioen a. A ciUBTBRHEtD Uignello phytlcltn , test and JLJ de"veiojfng medium , o > r Oil ) north HHli Ht , Htn HOTELS. at KariTinn Hotel , formerly Cre'irhtou ' hou e , newly JLTurnUhVJi'toruii moie'ratTe''lStti aiid CapjUl ve. at I IOK ORI5A-M. puitft , ilchent and best Ice cream tlnay freih Li Tin hand . . . _ ; nrdf n for pr'vate . ' . an-t . . boudlnT nou e rromptly delnered. Cjrl Scdoild , 108 * > outh JBth to ie' JjMermr.s. ,01 Jlv-1) BOARDING. N 'ORRIS'Parlor ! llcstaura' t. Board by tbo week , (3.29. Meal tickets , 83.60. Staple meals , 25 cents. 107 N. 16th street , near Dodge. 713-J CHIROPODIST. All ailments of the foot , sicoessfully treat eO. by Dr. Birry , 1612 Douglas street. Office for ladka. 7J2-jly8 LOST AND FOUND. STRiTEn One light bay horao with wnlte bind feet and whlto star In tbo head ; was lo't or Etolin last Saturday , In the vicinity of Ujjd'a lacking home. Any I fjrmktlon will he rocclrod at 1' . Smiths , 21st and Uumlng streets and bo rewarded. 311-17 | > A young Iron gray mare , Z white hind X legs ; enquire of Cm Istlan Thumjaon , uillkmai , P. 13th St. , just ontsldo city llmltn. 305-Up TAKIV UP A pilr if bay work hcreei. Tbo ooner can have tbo tame byol'Ing ' at Jamas F. Docley'8 ' ono rr.lla west cf the reservoir , on the HUIIary rotd , and paying charges. 80M7p I oar Ono bav pony anil one correll lioric. Re- J turn to l'aklng bouse , 18th and I ard , and gtt rtwird S07-l5p LOST A yearling Jorsar heifer , color Is dark tai , wltba Iittlo white ; Mrarcd away Into South Oma ha , Juno llth. I will glidly reward any one for In formation of her whereabouts J. W. Marshallcaro C. IS , Maine 4 Oo , S. W. cojnerlSth and Fur num. 260 1C oar largo red cow , T. Murray. 904-tf MISCELLANEOUS. FCIIHILK Handsome housonclil furniture ol 16 r < m house before July 1st. Parties going east , MB rioa aut8t. liS-lB ifrs U. 1' . I'ark loo.toil la mlUa S. W. ou 0. F. ICHI ) , Is now open to the public ] and can be rented far plc-nlci and social gM\ating . Special rates for faru given. Fur terms , call or aiUma u , V. Schw enck Fapllllon , Neb. B92-tt i JKOODUAKIS I'junei wbmn , { tn purcbaie bruott IJruarrs far ranch purposes plcaso call at Hainan's I.lvery ( .talilf , 418 noitli nthstreot , Omyha , 882-lf A HANixjvm MOnr.HiEiDH Noiv law. rerBOos who xLtook lioinutu * < ls In Western Kanais previous ! Jilou 16th , 1BEO , and aliandonoJ them without tnak- inK dial proof , will learn something to tholr advan tage bv addressing me by letter at onca. IsaiaUal- holUd , land attorney , Kenneth , SncrlJan Co. , Kan- las. . 0S-JljO / 1iiKweiiVBHTAO , noes njt give you noirt-hurn. Ol'ogB redeemed at ono cent , each by tbo dealers. 1'eycko Uroa. , Ageuti. fl33-tf ) AHiprtn On hlkborn and 1'UUe. T. Murray. /"tlinw BII.VKII TAO , Its fruit voreJ , tales redeemed Wat ono contcacJibytho dealers. I'oyclie Ilroe. ' 8S8-U on banjo glvou by O E Oellon IdSTRUCTios Capitol ave. , It doesnrit talut the breath , tort VAodeemedatoiioceit r,3b by io dealers. 1'cyok P1IIVY , vaults , alnia and octxpnols cleaned at th * shortest notlct and satisfaction ( 'uarantcod by f. Abel , 1' . < > , iluin J-m-.V H , Plntfsujouth , Nob. Breeder of thoroughbred and bi h grade Hereford and Jersey Cattle , And Jlnroo und .Toraoy IUxl Hwino. This Invaluable oofl3 ! rca'IIIy arid permanently . cureaall klnda of Aalhina , Tbo mofct obatlnate anJ lorg landlng oases i leld promptly to It * wpareriul eurlng proi.crtlci. . It i * keuwu tbrongbcut tbi worU for Id unrivaled illlc&oy. J L. CALUWP.U. elty Tlnooln , Neb ; writes , Jan 19,1831. b noa mlug lr ) , Halr'u A thm cure , fet more than one j oar , uiy wile his been entirely will , and not of the dliewo haj k ' even a ymptctn apptartd. f f' WILUA1I BENNETT , Hlali'and ' , IwawrltesNOT. BJ. 1883 lliavo been attlloted with Hay Kev r au4 Asthrat lnoo 1853 I followed > our directions au4 am hippy to say that 1 never slept better In tay life. am glad that I am among the many who can eptak fhtorably of your rvinedlM. A laluaUe 01 psge treatise containing slncllai pioof from every State in tbo U , B , Cans la and Great IlrlUlo : ; will be mailed upon application. Any druggist not having It In stock will procured , order. A.k for Pr. Hair ( Asthma Cure. fill. IS. W UAIK & EON. Prop'n Cla'tl , 0.