Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1885, Page 7, Image 7

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    B 1 J p K H B ! MMBBI
; Vf 1WW
Narrow 1'Jscnpo
* HocnxSTitR , Jnno 1 , 1891. "Ten
Teen tro I WM ttucked with the most
Intense and death ) ; ptlns In m > b ck nd
"Extending to the end of mytooa and
io my brainl
' | Whlch made me delirious !
From agony HI
"It took three men to hold mo on my
bed at timesi
"Tho Doctors tried in vain to relieve
mo , but to no purpose.
Morphine and other opiatosl
"Hod no effect !
"After two months I was given up to
"When my wife
heard a neighbor tell what Hop Bitters
had done for her , she atoncogot and gave
me some. The first dose eased my brain
and seemed to go hunting through my
system for the pa'n. '
The second Jose cuc < l mo no much tint I ricnt
two hours , BomctlilnR I hid not done for t o month !
Bcloro I hid used flvo bottles , I XM veil nnd t xsork
as lurd > s any man could , lor over tlirco weeks , but
I worked too hard for my strength , and Uklnff
li.ird cold ; I via taken with the most ftcuto and paln-
til rheumatism all tbrcugh my system tint ever \\M
"I tilled tlm doctor * B ln , &nd after several wocky
they left tno a crlptiloon crutcho ) tor life , M thco
B M. I met ft friend and told him my case , and Iu
etld DopBlttcrg had cured hlratndnouldeuro me. I
poohcd at him , 1/ut liowiaso cirncst 1 waa Induced
i tin lew than four weeks I threw a ay my crutches
and v en to uork lightly and kept on uilnjt the hitters
lor ( ho wcck. . until 1 became aa w ell M any man Hv-
ng , and have been so for six j otra since.
It has also cured my wifo.wbohad boon
sick for years , and has kept her and my
children well and healthy with from two
to throe bottles per year. There Is no
need to ba sick at all If these bitters are
csod J. J , BEIIK. Ex-Snporvhor.
"That poor invalid wlfe.Slster. Mother ,
"Can bo made tbo picture of health 1
"With a few bottles of Hop Bitters !
"Will you let them sufferllH"
Prosecute the Swindlers ! ! !
If when you call for Hop 13ittera ( see
cluster of Kopu on the white label ) tne drug ,
plat hands out nny stuffcallod C , D. Wnrner's '
Gorman Hop Bittern or with other "Hop"
n.imo , lofusfi it and nhun thnt druggist as you
would n viper ; and if ho has taken your money
for the stulf , Indict him for the fraud and sue
him for damages for the swindle , nnd we wil
reward you libornllv for the ocnviitlon ,
Washing & Bleaching
In Hard or Soft , Hot or Cold Water.
Sims LABOR , TIMS and SOAP AMAZIMHT , anil gives
onlroraalsatlsfactlon. No family rich or poor should
be without It.
SoIJ by all grocer * . HKwARit of Imitations veil do
algnol to mislead. FitARLiNKls the ONLY BAFB labor
Barlnc compound and always bears the nbo\o sym
bel and name of
&al worU. rai.t rijni > r | < tl. , ,
( Uolll raofIBJ l MU Or tnl. A f w drop * LnfwrulUllclaul UTO
fflu4 efthftmTkn * , uulll 1L tunmuf drinks. Try It , nail
MQUTftUk AikyoarrniMr nr 4rorcfa for Vu rr' ' " ' '
OU/KlulUkjD1L J.0. E. MkOEUl A COM3.
a , w. wurpunMAitii , OLB AastiTf
&i niiojjnrjiy : , y. r.
HoMctter's Stomach
ach Blttcrsoonqncra
and jirei cuts malt-
rial fercn , dj ( pep-
eta , clironlo consti
pation , a tendency
to kidney and bUtf.
der nllmenta and
rheumatism , and U
In canes of bjdlly
weakness. Old poo-
yitiu < lltUhlhly | !
\ltcablo to con-
valoeoonta and
laJioi In delicate
henl'n. It If , more-
< ner , au-cTul med-
Iclue ta tike u th
ono on loni ; Jour-
y end counter
acts the cffrUi i f mental exhaustion. For Bale by
all Ira ilbl9 anil doalcrv K
ran LAOIO , Miosis & CHILDRIN. PIb
b ]
CC )
IN PniCC. ti :
vf 'amt en tlte Sales ,
0 !
vonic. ID
18J anil 187 Wabaih Avenue , n
O 3EZ I O A. Gr O
. U ]
Hair Cloth and Wire li
Bustles , Hoop Skirts , ' I 91
Hair Clotli Skirt sf 91tl
tltl tlM
Thli cut reprv-wnt * TUt tra trh .
I iiictrr. the iiu t ) > onuUr
faiutliiiitl < .i > of ltiuil.1 and a
lloop bblrt ever maJi ! . A ladr
uo h worn ono will tyttr a
wtar ony oilier tyle.
BUrf U lani | < l " th 01
liwih r.iioM ' " > XT. i 01d
Iii. 110,411. fiT.l"rone ( . U-
tntf "a" "itTliof b Jrt nol jo 1.
ataropcd , wl'J ' bo ' ' " 'VJ ' .iR
uccanllnir to law. Bald by all tl
tla tlH
I'rrmmuro II
I.o.t I'ow.-r , D Ueaieiof the Kidnem. Iliad
Ser. nnd rro tnlo ( Jlnntl CUUJJJJ l IIUout IItl
Htomnrh Medicines by luo Marstpn "ol tl
rfrocrlc cured w Ithout surgery. Trea tlr
ttinonlHM tree. All correspondence < -o"fi'JSA'Sj' ' tlM
Street NEW YORK , M
_ 49 West Hth ,
The Garden Region connecliDg St , Panl
Olimatio Conditions of Suinmor
Wonderful Growtli of the Cities
of the Northwest FnrmerB
nnd Farming.
FROM si.
St. I'AU ! Cor. of the Springfield Republican ,
"All aboard for Fergus Falls , Moor-
head , Fargo , Grand Forks and Winni
peg. " In response to this Bonorons call
which echoes through the union depot nt
St. PanI , Minn , , wo gather up onr re
spective grip-sacks and board the north
bound train of tbo St Paul , Minneapo
lis & Manitoba railroad for A trip across
the etato ot Minnesota and danrn the
fftmona Bed river valley. And if tin
eastern man hns an idea that the passen
ger Equipment of those far northwestern
rends Is Inferior to that of his own Bee-
lion of country , ho has only to take first *
olaas passage on either the Northern
Pacific or St. Pant , Minneapolis & Man
itoba railroads to discover his mistake ,
During the winter nil first-class cars are
prnridod with double windows and are so
well .boated that with the mercury 20
below zero the traveler Is as comfortable
ns thongh seated in his own parlor.
Bat whllo discussing the car service
wo have reached and crossed the Missis
sippi river and.ora in the city of Minne
apolis , a city of floar , lumber , and Now
England people. The writer visited
Minneapolis four years ago and in writIng -
Ing to an eastern friend elated that "this
: ity lisa now 45,000 inhabitants , and
with characteristic western boast claims
that she will contain 100,000 people be
fore the year 1890. " She has in this .
f oar of Rroco , 1885 , nlro&dy reached that
igure , and the ton mtloa which original-
y separated St. Anthony Falls from St. .
Paul no longer exist , and the southern
Imlt of Minneapolis joins the northern
Imit of St. Paul. The growth of theao
wo cities finds no parallel in this conn-
ry of rapid upbuilding and half a mil-
ion people will doubtless dwell within
heir limits before the closa of the * <
ucsont century. A glance at the map
rill shew vho magnificent stretch of
ountry tributary to these cities , through
rhoao portals flow a largo share of the
rade of Jha great northwest. The value
if the buildings erected in St. Paul dur-
og the year 1884 was nearly $18,000- ,
100 , exceeding Chicago by several mil-
ions , This increase in population and
rado has of course made many tnon
wealthy , and where a few yoara olnco
teed the red mans' dirty tepee is now
ocatod the millionaire's mansi n. Horace
3roeloy'a advlco to the young man waa
ortilnly worth hooding , provided the
forosald young man had built hla shanty
rhera the city of Minneapolis now ;
Oar train has recroBsod the river above
ho falls of St , Anthony , whoso waters :
ro utilized by the big flouring mills
rhlch have a dally capacity of over 20- ,
00 barrels of flour , a yearly output of
ioro than 8,000,000 barrels ; enough If
ach barrel was placed In line , end tend
nd , to roach from New York to San
'r&nclsco. Wo pasa through East Mln-
esota ( known in earlier days as 'St.
Jithony's falls ) with its immense piles of
imbor , and along the east bank of the 1
Ivcr through a pleasantly diversified
onntry. At St. Oloud , seventy-five ;
liles from St. Paul , wo part company
'Ith the "Father of waters , " and enter
be picturesque paik region of Minnesota
region of beautiful lakes , woods , well-
illed farms and thrifty towns. Look
gain at the map and ceo what a notworic
f lakes this state contains , and only the
xrger ones are shown. There la not
oem enough on an ordinary sized map
9 show the myriad smaller likes and
ends whoso waters tparkle throughout
bis sylvan land like diamonds sot with
moialda. This park region covering the
entral and larger part of the state In-
ludes within its limits 7000 lakes. It is
mphatically a sportsman paradise. To
be man who trampi six or eight miles
mong the hills of Now England after a
czsn or so two-ounce trout the expert-
nco ot rowing but a few rods on ono of
beso lakes and killing twenty or thirty
iko , pickerel or black bass each weighing
rom ono to eight pounds.comes as a lazy
ixury. Fish abound in all the watorsany BG
no , Including women and children , on
tch them , and it requires but little pis- tobi
atonal skill for successful sport. That bi
rinco among game fish , the black bus , ol
f course cannot always bo caught by an fa
nskllled angler , but other varieties are 01
tontifnl and easily caught. Wore wo lapi
ot not ticketed through wo would stop pi
ver at Alexandria , Osakls or Ashby , tea
w across the lake and anchor near the a\
ioro just under the overhanging forest , agl
fa cast our Hoes In these waters two la
cars ago in company with a Now Hamp- g (
ilro bay nnd a jolly follow from "My to i
Caryland , " and readily recall how the he
rlze for tbo biggest catch was scoured
y the Granite state representative , who co
kught thirty-four pounds in two hoars' he
Mag. And to fish successfully one th
oed not keep perfectly still to the on- yc
uragomont of cramps and stiff joints , fa
at can ttand or sit and call out to the th
lent wocds , hear the echoing answer , so
ad pall In a big pickerel at the same of 1
mo. Ono can row hundreds of miles fa
n these lakes and the connecting dc
Teams and in all the waters Trill find tb
oed fishing. Black , rock and silver hi
asa , pickerel , pike , perch and croppies Isce
re the most numerous and of these one ce
m catch enough to warrant telling so
ilghty fish stories. And fiehing is not fa
jo nitly sport to bo had , for 'in the fall go
ad spring immense numbers of ducks
od geese make a temporary homo hero ha i
their migration to and from the south , ai :
lecae , brant' , mallard * , teal acd other m
arlettcs abound and are shot in largo tuTl
umbers every season , the uar- Tl
ow posses between the lakes afford- ye >
g excellent cover for the hunter , th
n addition to the facilities for shooting seer
nd fishing tbo climate Is unsurpaieod , or
be days being generally clear and bright biTi
ud thu nights always cool. To bo sure , Ti
hero are aomo "mnskouters , " bat these of
lUiical pests are no more troublesome faof
.ere thin In other lands. Each season of
ids to the reputation of thii park region tu
i an attractive summer retort. The tb
onvontlonallties of fashlonablo society labi .
o not obtalp hpre , but to those who ire bi
ooklng for restful recreation away from tb
ho cares are frivolities of city life , where
man can rrcar a woolen shirt and 30 tliO
rlth his pants tucked in bis boots with- tliP
ut exciting remark , will find the park P '
oglou of Minnesota a delightful spot. hi
At Barnetvllle wo are out of this pic- iucl )
nretque region and strike the fatuous clQ
ted river valley , the land of No. I lurd clai
cheat and rich prairies stretching array ai
In an nnbrokon level ss far as the eye c\n
see , save where a fringe of timbo morks
the coarse of some creek , It ia land
where a furrow can bo plowed for many
miles without taking the plow ont of the
around , a land through which a river
flows "down" north , a land reaching
from Brcckonrldgo , Minn. , on the south
to Winnipeg , Man , on the north , cm *
bracing over 150,000 sqnaro miles , nearly
every aero of which is tillable probably
a larger area of fertile productlvo land
than can bo found together In any other
country , At Moorhoad wo cross the
tracks of the Northern Pacific railroad.
This ambitious city of about 4,000 inhab
itants situated on the east bank of the
[ led river styles itself the Key city , whllo
forgo , Dak. , on the west bank aspires to
jo the metropolis of the far northwest.
This is not really the far northwest ,
'or a mile post placed beiido of the
Northern Pacific track within a few rods
of the Red rlvor Informs us that Port
land , Or. , Is 1042 miles distant , so wo
are not quite half way cross the contin
ent. Wo have only to piss through Da
kota , Montana , Idaho and Washington
territories to roach the Pacific ocean , but
these are mighty tracts of land wherein
wo "hear the tread of millions yet to
bo. " Moorhoad and Fargo are situated
at the gate-way to the rich section of
country known as the Rod river valley ,
and In this early stage of tholr develop
ment , possess many of the modern con-
vcnlonclos and equipments of an eastern
city ef 50,000 Innabltnnte. The Fargo
electric light shines down from its tall
tower on a prosperous city of nearly 10-
000 people and Its farther rays reach
across the two handsome iron bridges and
faintly light the western suburbs of
Moorhoad. Theao cities have gotten
bvor the "bsom" of 1881-2 and naturally
thcro are some mourners who bewail the
leralao of that Inflated porlod. Many of .
.ho real-ostato speculators- these who
: amo attracted by the chance to make
noney without working'far It , luvo gone
o seek pastures nonr , whllo thoao remain-
ng are the ones whoso faith In this sec-
Jon of country holds good and who will
eap when the next harvest comes.
Wo are now in latitude 47 degrees
lorth , on the same parallel as Quebec
.nd the northern part of Maine , and
nklng ono consideration with another
ho climate of this section is about ai
.no aa any portion of the United States
an boast. The winters , to bo sura , are
wo or three weeks longer than in Masaa-
husotts or Now York and the mercury m
pt to got nearer the bulb In the ther- Tl
lomotor , but these apparent drawbacks lo
ave tholr compensating features. The to >
an shines brightly about 350 days every th
car , and its rays como down through a in
tear dry atmosphere with ozonic propor- inm
ca and which docs not benumb ono if m
10 mercury is 30 or 40 degrees below ra
aro. It Is undeniably a rather frigid tiiwl
iimato which keeps the mercury below wl
3ro for thirty or more consecutive days an
ad nights , as was the case during the in ;
Inter of 188314. But the Inhabitants Ha
roparo for this low range of temperature ch
y unanimously clothing themselves In ho
irs ; buffalo , wolf , bsavor , otter , coon dr
nd dogskin overcoats are generally worn so
nd are a necessity for anyone who has
ay driving to do over the frozen prat pn
ies. But few southern people have em- ho ,
rated to this section , the population to :
elng mainly composed of these from the bu
orthorn tier of states , from Canada and ac >
om Norway and Sweden , to whom cold co
oather is no hardship. tal
However it Is not winter now , and as ell
0 resume oar northwest jonrnoy down
10 valley the air is llko auto that of th
inny Italy , minus the fragiance of frnlt rlc
ad ( lowers and the odor of garlic. Were th
ro fairly In the heart of the No. 1 hard sic
boat belt of north Dakota , and In the 4,1
sglon of the bonanza wheat farms. It rli
a fine sight to BCO a dczen self-binding fonc
nrvoitera at work , as they level the nc
anding grain and leave behind the inP
leaves , bound ready for stacking or the P *
iroshor. In the distance the smoke be
sos from a steam threshing machine oa
phlch separates in ono day 2,000 bushels vriw
I golden grain from the chaff , and piles w <
p a small mountain of straw to be burned of
10 next day , for straw is a drug In the rli
tarkot now. It will , doubtless , bo In bo
emand some day for the manufacture of pe
apor hero as In the oast. No. 1 hard fr <
heat , as it IB called , is nearly all raised tnM
orth of the 4Gth parallel of latitude , M
id a largo portion of the 2,000,000
nshols raised Is ground into patent pro-
3E8 flour by the big Minneapolis mills , loj
hero are however quite a number cf an
illls in the Red rlvor valley of from 75 cane
> 300 barrels capacity , which turn out ne
a excellent quality of ilour. This grade set
hard wheat brings the highest market Ini
rice , and a barrel of flour produced ral
lerefrom will make about 15 per cent th .
ioro bread than flour made from the an
iftcr varieties of wheat. At each town ac
eng the route are from ono ha
four elevator ; , tall , ugly-looking th
iiildtngs owned mainly by two th
evator companies thongh the largest
urns usually have a warohouaa of tholr
an. Wheat Is cash at the olevaror but
st season's crop brought tbo lowest ha
rlco ever paid for wheat in this section , as !
io low for any margin of profit to the en
rorago farmer who as a rule Is atrng- llo
Ing under a burden of mortgages on his nc
nd , chattels and in aomo cases on his yo
owing crops. The farmer Is tempted
buy ozpenalvo farm machinery because doHi 1
3 can get It by paying a small sum down Hi
avlng the balance to draw 10 or 12 per dr
int Interest , depending on a bountiful
irvoit and a good price therefor to meet
IB obligation. Few of the fanners as qu
it have sheds in which to store their tee
rmlng tools , BO for lack of such shelter liken
10 loss Is largo each year of solf-blndora ,
odors and other farm machinery. Time
course will correct this evil when the
rmer learns by dear experience to con- on i
ict bis farming operations in the same CO ]
irifty and provident manner aa does hami
s eastern brother. If only a fair crop mi
secured and the prlca dropa to 50 or CO foime
nts a bushel , wheat ra'slng for that me
ason does not pay and not only the wl ,
rmer but the merchants and business e
morally feel the e tress of hard times. CO I
The dweller In the Red rlvor valley do
, however , an exceptionally fertile pal
id easily tilled soil and if he'makoa no arj
oney in wheat raising ho can" profitably rei
irn his attention to other products , Pi
his is being done moro and more every So
ar. People are beginning to find out
tat stock can bo profitably railed and J
ion this part of the country will not 81Kt
ily be able to supply the homo demand , Pll
at will have oattlo and hogs to export , cet
ho objection that the winters are long Is act ;
fret by the fart that hay can bo put up
ir from $2 to $3 a ton President Hill
the St. Paul , Minneapolis and Manl- qn
iba railroad ha recently placed with an
IB farmers along the line of his road a
.rge number of imported , polled Angus
alls to Improve the stock and promote bai
10 Interest In stock raising.
Wp are traveling down the valley on
10 western or Dikota side of Red river , llv
in the eastern or Minnesota side the St ed
'aul , Minneapolis & Manitoba railroad
as a parallel track , both lines converg- ODfl
g at Winnipeg , Man. Wo pass the fl
liies of Illllsboro , in Trail I county ;
Irand Forks , In Grand Forks county , ac
nd Qrafton , in Walsh county. It
doesn't require Urga population to
make a city in Dakota. Ulllsbiro nnd
Orafton , with about GOO and 1,500 inhab *
Itanti respectively , are incorporated
cities. Daring moat of our journey since
leaving Fargo wo are ia sight of the
fringe of timber whloh marks the course
of the extremely crooked Red river. The
distance from Fargo to Grand Forks by
rail h 75 miles , whllo by river it Is nearly
250 miles , which illustrates the tortuous
coureo of the stream. The banks of the
numerous streams emptying Into the Rod
rlvor are lined by a growth of elm , ash ,
cattonwood and oak trees , which pleas
antly breaks the monotony of the level
landscapes , The Rod rlvor rises In west
ern Minnesota , flows south and westerly
for about fifty miles bofora making an
abrupt turn toward the north polo.
Emptying as It doen Into lake Winnipeg ,
In the province of Manitoba , the ice
usually breaks up first near the source ,
occasionally causing some overflow in the
upper or southern part of the valley ,
At Nccho wo cross the boundary line
and are out of Unolo Sam's jurisdiction
and in the land where Sir John A. Mao- '
donald presides by the grooo of Queen
Victoria and vex populi. Although
there many "Oanucks" in Minnesota and
Dakota , there are few Americans [ living
In Manitoba , and "English typoi'and
aharactorlstica now * begin to appear and
[ iredomlnato , A rldo of CO miles from
the boundary line brings us Into the city
if Winnipeg , whlco has at present about
25,001 inhabitants. In this city proparty
lold three years ago as high aa $2000 per
front foot. It anjoycd a roal-eatato
loom with vongaoncff. Speculation was
rife and the excitement ran high and
uoporty wont up with a rush beyond
ill rcaaonablo bounds , Every building :
ras crowded and the overflow lived in
onta which surrounded the city aa though
.n army was encamped roundabout. The
novitablo collapse came and the prospac-
Ive mlllionarlca now look scody and are
rilling to saw wood for a living , But
ho city Is bound to recover from the de- n
ression and continue to bo the motropo- r
s of this far northwestern country , the tiSI
olnt of distribution for SI
tupplios over a SIh
iotlou of country as largo as Now Eng- SId
ind and the Middle states combined. The d
auadian Pacific nilrcad. now completed T '
eyond the Rocky mountains , opens up tl
magnificent stretch of to-bo productlvo tlT
irritory which will ba largely tributary T :
D '
i Winnipeg and Insure its pornnnont
roffth and prosperity. Money la scarce lab3 .
3IT and the commercial lifo sluggish , b3
hero aeoms , however , to bo enough BU
3so change to enable the average Mani- th
bau to drink lots of whlaky. Go into fo
io Queen's hotel bar room in the ovon- feM
g and the bar will be lined by a row of M
en , each with a glass In his hand ; the stiVl
an standing at the head of the line will \Vl
Iso his glass to his lips , at the same
no giving vent to a prolonged ho-o , ue
hlch will bo taken up by the next man tO
id repeated all along the line with vary- th
g Inflection and tone , making a peon-
ir rythmlo sound , a sort of bibulous ar
.ant of good fellowship and fealty to the
use of bourbon. Manitobans , aa a rnle , so
Ink too much American whisky and on
oner or later pay the sure penalty. Win- " 1
peg justly boasts of the hospitality and he
iblio spirit of its citizens. The south all 1
,3 won a reputation for generously ea- of
rtalnlng the stranger within its borders , deCO
it up hero in the frozen north the duly CO !
credited traveler will meet with a moat po
rdial reception and handsome enter- pu
Inmsnt so long as ho remains in the bo
ly of Winnipeg. du
Wo return up the Rod river valley on 11
o eastern or Minnesota side through n all I
: h agricultural section of the country ,
o counterpart of that on the western
lo. At Orookston , a thriving city of
UOO Inhabitants , wo cross the Rad Lake Tl
ror , and at this point wo are within a
IT miles of the Immense forests of
irthorn Minnesota , which will afford an
exhaustible supply of fuel for thia
airlo land through which wo have
len traveling. About fifty miles north- to
at of Orookston lies Red lake , which iis
3 learn is the largest body of fresh of
ater In the United States , excepting , roi
course , the great lakes. The Red idi
for Is for steam-
navigable light-draft - sh
lats from Moorhead , Minn. , to Wlnnl- ac
g. Two lines of boats do considerable of
sighting business , and those , -with there ov
ro lines of the St. Paul , Minneapolis & .
anltoba railroad , afford at present full nil pa
cllitles for shipment of the valley's so
oducts. The soil of the Red river val-
y seems especially adapted to wheat-
id this la the principal crop raised , bo no >
use It po > s the best , but this la not in
icessarlly a one-crop country , and each to :
agon witnesses moro diversified farm- da
g , and especially an Increase of stock- at
tsing. Not moro than one-eighth of sh ,
.0 tillable land Is yet under cnltvatlpn , ac
id when a majority of the remaining 40
ros are made to yield their abundant
itvcsts , the valley of the Rod river of
o north cannot fall to become ono of
0 richest saclions In the United States. lit
H. J. L.
SICK. UKADACIIE. Thousands who mite
iv3 suffered Intensely with sick head-
he nay that Hood's Sarsaparllla has
.red them. Ono gentleman thus re
ived , writes : "Hood's Saraapatllla la ag
jrth Its wolpht in gold. " Reader , if Pli
u are a eufferer with tick headache * , StDi :
re Hood's Barsaparllla a trial. It will
ym positive good. Made by 0. I. In ;
oed & Co. , Lowell , Macs Sold by all lie
ugglsts. 100 doses Ono Dollar. W
Comment is excited ia England by the Is ce
con's ' ro&diness to accept Mr , Gladstone's
iignatlon. She hns never had the poreounl en
ing for him BUB felt for Disraeli.
An Important Arrest. lei
The arrest of a suspicious character up-
his general appearance. , movements or sei
mpanionshlp , without waiting until he ral
s robbed a traveler , fired a house , or no
urderod a fellow-man , is an Important ru
action of a shrewd detectlvo. Even foi
are Important is the arrest of a disease fai
ilch , if not checked , will blight and
attoy a human life. Tbo frequent eh
ughloss of appotlto , general languor or
blllty , pallid skin , and bed Ily aches and
ins. announce the approach of palmon-
f consumption , which Is promptly ar-
sted and permanently currd by Dr.
erco'a "Goldon Medical Discovery. " N.
Id by druggists. clc
Mr. Ltbourchero hears from Berlm that It
doubtful whether any member of the
liier'a family will attend the wedding of
Ince.s Beatrlcn. It ! i said that the 1'rln-
IB Victoria of Hohenzollern was Invited to cs
as bridmuuid , and refused ,
Coughs and coldi can be readily con- 15 >
lered by Red Star Cough Curo. Sure
d haiiuless. fel
Charles Francis Adams is reported aa In bl
d condition mentally , He is 77 years old ,
For all diseases of the kidneys , and
rer , Physicians prescribe Hant'aRem- pj
The medicine that can search and root
it every park of kidneys or liver , is
unt's Remedy.
Hunt's Remedy cures bilious head-
she. costlveneM , and dyspepsia , and
arifies the blood.
A. Haunted Gar That Pti77to tlio Hoys
And Cuts Up Kouglily ,
"It' < i the etranpoit thing that I overheard
hoard of. It often starts off on a perfect
ly level ( rack and wo have to keep the
brake on all the tlmo In order tj keep It
quiet. "
The above remarks wcro uttered by
Jack Martin , a brakcinau on the San Pore -
] ro road , to a reporter of the Los Augo-
os Express. Martin was addressing a
"What's ' the matter with the car ? "
asked the person addressed.
"I think It is haunted. At loaat all
the boyo say It is. It may and it may not
be ; but It is certain that the car often
moves when no ono is near it. " Thn car
In question wai an old ono and stood on
a side track. It had just been brought
np from San Pedro , and had been emp
tied of six tons of Iron for the cable rail
road. Continuing , Martin said : "That
car has a strange history. No loss than
tbroo murders have boon committed in it.
Three years ago it was brought out from
Boston loaded with line furnlturo for a
hotel in Sacramento. Somewhere In
Nevada the door was broken open and
two tramps entered and closed the door.
They were anxious to got to 'Frisco , and
being supplied with food and water they
proposed to go through without change.
No ono knows how the deed was done ,
but whou the car was opened at Sacra-
nont the body of ono of the tramps was
liscovorcd. His throat was cut and an
igly wound was found on his right sldo.
Cho other tramp could not bo found. The
ar was side-tracked at Sacramento three
uonlhs and was then loaded with flour
or Stockton. Whllo at the depot at the
alter place a conpls of railroad hands ao-
iuplod it ono nlcht , and during a game of
ards ono of them named John Dawoy
tabbed his companion. He died in a few
lomcnts. The trial waa n long ono and IS
) owey was sentenced to San Queutiu for
wonty years. Ho claimed ho acted in
olfdofonce. When arrested , however , head
ad about $38 in his possession , whllo his
oad companion did not have a niokol ,
'hat looked lather suspicious. Well ,
10 next wo heard of No , 11,088 she was
10 scene of another mysterious affair ,
his waa about a year ego at El PASO.
'arlng a strike among a lot cf Italian
.borers at that place this car waa boarded
7 half a dczon of them. " A quarrel on-
led over some trifling matter and ono of
icm was beaten so badly that ho died bo-
ire medical aid could bo summoned. "
"The car mnstbe haunted , " remarked r :
'artln'o companion , who listened to the
ory with the closest attention , "and I iD i
onld not sloop in it for $100' " D
"All the train men sty it is , " oonlin in
id Martin , "end the fact that it will of- boA
n ! move on a level track is an evidence A
at something is wrong. "
"Do you over heir any atrango noises
onnd It ? " atikod the reporter. BeTH
"I fancy sometimes I hoar a moan or
mo indistinct mutterings , bntit maybe
ily Imagination , " replied the brakeman.
Fho engineer said yesterday that ho
tard a human voice In It , but on looking
around the car saw no one. The fact
the matter is. I do not have much to
with the old thing , and I wish the TH :
mpany would draw it off. " At this
ilnt in tha conversation Martin's train
tiled up from the now depot and ho
arded it and was soon engaged with the
itles attending his line of business. Oar
,088 is considered haunted by neatly
the railroad boys ,
lioy Barn Nearly Two Thousand
Five Hundred Tons of Coal on
Every Voyngo ,
"The chief reason why the European
kssengor steamship business has ceased
be profitable to some of the old-estab-
ihod companies , " said a shipping agent
long experience to a New YorkHoraid
porter , "is a very simple ono. This
ea of enormously larga and very fast
Ips has been well , no , you can't ex-
Ily say run Into the ground , speaking
nautical matters , can you ? has been
ordono. These now , fast boats do not
.y , and never will , becanao their rnn- 20' 20'
ng expenses are too high , and they use 10
much coal that It loaves very little 14
om for cargo. 10
"Take the Etrnrh , for instance , the big 7
v Onooder , She crosses the Atlantic Ilei
six days and a half , but she burns 350 IlOlc :
ns of coal a day , or 2,275 tons In eix
iya and a half , and of course must carry Id 13
least 3,000 tons ia her bunkers whou ISi ]
o leaves her dock , to bo provided for 20
cldonts. This leaves room for ouly 50 2
10 tons of car 'o , and at the very low 18
ices for ocean freights which have pro llci Pii
filed for a Ion ? time past there is very Io. !
llo margin for profit. 10G
"Now , compare a steamer like the Gcr- G G ! ;
snlc with the Ktrurla. The Germanic 10
akes the run In seven days and a half , 10 10 i
king a day longer than boats like the Lei
truria. But sbo consumes only 100 Na
ns of caal a day , or 70p tons , Na Flc
gainst the Etruria's 2,275. And in FlcLi
ace of 400 tons of cargo the White Li
ar steamers can cirry 2,200 tons.
on't yon sco the difference In the oarn-
g capacity of the two ? I think the
nit of speed consistent with economy
M reached in what have now become 20 :
o slower boats , of which the Germanic
a typo , although so far as I am con-
mud , I don't see why they are not fast
longh for anybody./ /
"But vessels llko the Etrnrla can D
rry moro passengers , and Is not the
SB of cargo made up in this way ? "
"No ; they can carry a few moro pas-
ngers , bat they can't got any higher
tes for thorn , and the difference does
it make up for the heavy Increase of
nnlng expenses. Youcan put It down
r a cgrtulnty that these new and very 1
st boats do not pay. oai
Gen. Hope Dick , who died recently In Kn- ut <
ind , clun ? to hia commission until he I
is 03 ,
Horaford'H Acid Phosphate. S :
12 :
Dn. JOHN P. WHEELER , Hudson ,
Y. , says : "I have given It with do- 0:2 7:2 :
Jed benefit in a casa of innutrition of 6:3 : :
10 brain , from abnsa of alcohol. "
0:2 :
Hoi ICutato TrAiiBfora. 6:2 :
The following are the transfer" of real
tate aa recorded in tbo office of the , ,
gistrar , and reported to the BEK by
J. Stepbenson , for Thursday , Juno
, 1885 : 2 :
Oharloj D. Wheeler to Eugene Stup. 8.
11 , part no 9 74-52-81,744.00. 7 : :
John Fosdtck to Andrew Laboll , lot 10 ,
ook 30 , Central sub $200.00. 10 ,
Henry Sarr to Wlllum tJaar , patt a 1 , B ! !
A , 9 74-42-$2,820.00.
Charles II. Wheeler to Henry Saar , 7:5 :
t 9 74-42 ? 0,200 00.
Total salea-$10,7i)0.00. )
A C * n p . To all w ho are luflorlng Irom error )
id ladlKcgtlona ol youth , uorvout weakncbi ud
cay , loea ot manhood , eta. I will eeud a recipe
iat 1U euro you FUEK Of CIIAUOE. Thlsj ( { rent
tmtdy was dlecoicriKi by a tolulouar to Uoutb
mcrlca. Send lelt-addrcuaed entelQpo Itiv. Jo ,
ecu T. iNUiM Station "D " Mew York
One of he Best and Largest Stocks to tlio United States
To Select From :
Remember These Important Facts
The luliial Life insurance Company
l.-It s the OLUE3T active Ula Inwaneo Comnany In tbli country.
2. It 1st ho \ltOhST Llfo Insurance Company by in ny millions ot dollars In the world
3. IU rates ol | ircmlumg nro LOWEU than thoeo of ny other company.
* It has no " tockholdors"toclatm any part ol It ) profits.
B. H offoiaiin 8CIIHIK3 under the narao of Insurance for speculation by special cUsws upon the
nslfortunes ol each titter.
' " " ' " " BAMMt CABU HESOtmCES exceed these of any othof tlto Jnauranca Company In tha
It hM received In onib fram ill sources , from Fobruary. 1843 , ( o January. 1SF6 , f270COr > c4.CC.
It has returned to the iieoplo , In cash , from February , 18)3. ) to Jiuuary , 1SSB , eilC,09JXliCr.
ItaoashAsaetsonthoHtot January , 18M , amount to rnoro tlian
General Apent for Gen. Agts. for
fobrnsltn , Dakota , Colorado , Wyoming and Michlgao , Itidmnn , Illinois , Wisconsin , lown
Utnli. nuil Minnesota ,
lilies Cor.Fnrnain nnd 13th St.Ovcr 1st Nat'l , Detroit , Michigan ,
Unnk , Onmlia , Neb M. P. ROI1UKU.
Special Afjcnt for Iowa , Council Bluffs , Iow
JPneitmon&a ,
Dyspepsia *
Toasting Diseases ;
rc'ltlvelV B " " 'ed * JTal W
a efffS&SSW
H K ajuflpy aastatccHnnatoringWtalpotcera
O NOT BB DECEIVED. Many Drueslsts find Grocers who do not hare Bull ' PnM
[ alt TFlilslccy In lock , attempt to palm off on customers , whiskey ot Uiolrownbottling , whlclj
Ingot an Inferior erode and adulterated , pays thorn a larger profit.
nd nsyonr oddresa and wo will mall bookcontalnlncvaluablo Information. Sample Quart Hottlet
nt to any address In the United Btatca ( East of the Rocky Mountains ) , securely jpacfcecM i > lalri
e , Expras charges prepaid on receipt of j&1.2Qy or Btr Bottles sent for } CS.C2 > C3
_ _ . , , . .
telling Agents. OniaJia , M. T. Clarlie Jtnig Co.
os. OFFIOEB . w. it. M. rusz
Officer & Pusev.
Council Bluffs , Xowa.
Established - 1865
Dealers in Foreign and Domeatic Exchange
d Homo Securities ,
Office , Ualn Street , Rooms 7 and 8 , Sbngart'nnd
mo block. Will practice la Btateand tate courts.
)9 Broadway , Council Bluffs.
yards print . . . $ 1 00
' drcBS goods . l
1 rmblan gingham . 1
' good gingham . 1
' elle lrcho oits . ICO
' good phcetln ? . 100
' eutlolk Jeana . - . . . 1 00
at Jeana alluuol , SOc per yor.l.
ota and shoes at prli.cs aa luw aa any house Ia the
pound i oxO Btiirir . $ 1 on
pounds granulated iuar . 100
pounds confectionary A augtr . 100
bara white Russian aoap. Kirka . 100
bats Muo India soap , Kirka . . . . . 1 03
biral'Jma soap , Lautz Bro'il . 1 00
boxes matchoj . . 25
at Byiuii , per Dillon
at Borti'itni , ptr irallon . (0
t HnglUh currants 14 pounds . 103
boxed punuloo Ltwis I > o . ' 1 CO
2-pound cana itrawberrlci In ajrup . i 00
8-pound cnnai-iaches , Inajrup . 1 CO
8-pound cina tomatoes . 1 00
pounds Mlchigandrlid applca . l UO
pounpi evaporated arpluj . 1 00
rllard cllnnx tobacco per pound . CO
vy plURtobacco , par pound . to
< ur IIoif tobtcco , per pound . 40
) ur , all brands from $2.10 to S3 50 per cut.
ewer Than Any Other House
. . ,
3 Broad way , - - Council Bluffs.
Wo. 507 Broadway Council BlufTa.
Railway Time Table ,
rho follmrlDg are the tlmeo ol the arrival and de.
tturo ol t ruins by central ttandard time , at the
ml depots. Trains leave trangl r depot tea mla
it culler and arrive ten mlnutea later.
taiciooand BOBTnwiarnn ,
25AM Mall and Btpreas t'.O'ru
(0 r Accommodation 4:10 : r u
30 r > i Exurent 0,05 A M
5 A U Mill and Kxprcsa B.M r
5AM Accommodation D5 : r
0 ! M Kx.irc a B:00 : A
O'A u Mai ) and Express 6.M r u
S r U Expres' 0.05 A U
CBICAGO , BDftunatoil Am qouior.
0 A Mall and Kxpreai 7:10 : r u
r /ccoiomoJauon 2.00 > Cu
e Exprcui 6:5vA : u
vaua , BT. LOQII AHD rAoino.
16 p u Local St. Loulj Kxpresa Local
00 ru Transler " " TraDtlcr 2:20 : ru
i3 r u IiOCkl Cbloigo ll 8t L Kip Local btO : A u
85 ru Trantler " " " " TranilcrOHi5AU
.Oh A u Mall and Kxpresa 6:10 : r X
16 r u Kxprtca 0:25 : A it
noyx oiTT ABB rAcino.
lo A M JUil tor Sioux City tt : > o r M
to v u Lxpreta lor Ht l' ul 0:25 : A u
UMON rA irc : ,
:00 : A M Inver r.npresa 4:2i : r u
; 05 r u Lincoln 1'a O'a & II V 2:85 : r u
: S5 t u Otvrlir.d txprcea 8 0 A u
Leivo Council IBcBa - 0 S5-T:65-0SO-10SO- : : :
:40 : a. m , lSO : 8:80-8:80-4:28 : : : Sns5 : -
: t5 p , m. Leave Oniiht 0.25 7Z5 : tCO : 10
11:15 : a. w. li.50-3W-Jco-i : ; : 3i':6 : !
Curtains , Oil Cloths ,
Window Shades ,
Linoleums ,
Mattings ,
Rugs , Etc. , Etc.
Careful Attention Given to Ou
of Town Orders ,
Uphohtery and Drapery Work a
Specialty ,
Onr stock la the
Larpst in lie
and ia being continually replenished by
all the Incest and choicest novelties.
405 Broadway Council Biufts I
NO. 2 ,
Is the Highest Achievement in Writing
Machines in the World ,
With cnly 89 keyi to learn Ba
operate. H prints 78 characters
Including caps and email letters ,
imnctuatlous , figures , tlgnt and
( ructions. It Btlio simplest and
moat rapid writing machine
made an well utno rnoet durable
for free illustrated pamphlet.
Wyckoff Sereins & Benedict ,
Chicago , 111. , Solo Agents.
Agent ( or Western Io
: E. Eice M , B.
n I VflPnO 01 tiiii taaor * itntrU witboit ttl
lAfl UUlU ) , k Ut n < nwinf el U 4.
Over thirty T aii prattle:1. "autcMt JU
t , Pearl ilreel , Oooncll ElaflA ,
In Couno
And all modern Improvements , call bolla , fire
itlarm bolls , eta. , U tha
KOI. 21C , 217 nnd .MO , Main Street.
- I'KOl'ItlETOIt