UAJLJLX 15JUST THE DAILY BEE . OOTJNOIL BLUFFS. Tuesday Morning , June 16 RATES By Oarrltt . > o eentar ! r wee a/Kail - - - I10.CO per yea MINOE MENTION , The young folks of the Drcsbytorlai church ro to have n picnic Thnrsda afternoon. The regular weekly entertainment c the young mon'a Christian association id bo omitted this week. It Isn't much o o night now that can' ' htvo at least ono storm. Juno ia bavin e good deal to blow about. Oul Wing , who was arrested for carryIng -Ing a Melican gun , is to liaro a hoarin bofoio Judge Aylesworth to-day. Ed and Frank Miller , two sons "Sport , " have boon taken In charge by the polieo , and will probably be eon to the reform uchool , they having th reputation of being hard boya. The district court was not in soisio yesterday. This morning the trial c criminal canes will commence , the cases o Connor and Wilson for bnrglarlzln Ooopor & McGeo's store being the firs to bo tried. Nick Oloary , well known among th railway men , and living In Strootsvlllo is reported as having boon missing fo over a week. It ia supposed that hi mind has got a little out of balance , anc that ho has thus wandered off. Dennis Downey was arrested at th instance of Dotoctlva Faro , of the St Paul road , on the charge of ozposlng hi person. It appearing that it was more carelessness than any evil intent , the ndgo dismissed him with a caution to b moro discreet. The platform for the dancing at the lawn party to bo given by the episcopal ian ladles next Thnnday evening , waa being built yesterday on Judge James lawnf and other arrangements nro going forward well , frith a very prospect of the affair being ono of the happiest and mos successful of any yet given by the so ciety. The opening of a medical and snrgica Institute hero by Dr. Palmer , with BOV oral other physicians associated with him , is now an assured fact , the lease having yesterday been made of the rooms over DoVol'a hardware store , No 501 Broadway , and they will bo fitted up at once and the business opened with the determination of making It a per manent ono. The residents in the vicinity of Broad way and Ninth street were aroused Sat urday night by the cries of a man who scorned to bo having a street difficulty with some ono. It seemed that there were same women mixed up in the attack on the man , and that after ha had been knocked down ho was picked up ant carried off , and nothing moro has boon learned as to how badly he was injured or what was the occasion of the outbreak. "Sport" Miller was nominally fined yesterday , but no attempt will be made to collect it. The follow who sold him the stuff should bo found oub and made to pay It , for all hero know his weakness , and that he is a mere wreck of a man and cannot control himself. The spectacle which ho made of himself on the streets on Sunday was a most Indecent ono , anc there should bo some way of reaching the really guilty party. The business men are to moot In the masonic hall to-morrow evening to decide whether they will submit to being taxed a license on their various enterprises. II was expected that the action of the coun cil would causa an indignation mooting to bo called by the citizens themselves , but In this the council mlesed their guess , and the council has called the mooting thenuolves. There should bo full turn out , and a free for all discussion of the various problems now puzzling the brains of the oldormanlc fathers. This morning at 10:30 : In the baptist church the council called for the recogni tion of the lately organized church will moot for business. This council will con slat of delegates from twenty or more churches of Nebraska and Iowa. In the afternoon the recognition service ] of the ohureh will take plsce. In the evening the recognition of the 'pastor will take I placo. The Kov. Mr. Watson will preach I in the afternoon and Dr. Hnlbert , of Chicago , In the evening. Various other parts will bo taken by different ministers in attendance , Thoio services * ill bo of great interest. AH are Invited. The now city map has just been pub- lishcd by 0. R. Allen and In being dis tributed. The map Is certainly ono of the best of ibla kind over pat out by any publishing house , and reflects credit on the enterprise and accuracy of Mr. Allen. Council Bluffs folks should no ! only appreciate the map lor Ita many features of raorit , but should feel proud to bava such a publisher located in this < 3ity. There has been no map of this city iscaod for a loag time , and the need has boon great , tnd It Is a cause of congratu lation that the need has bean 10 nobly juot , aud that , too , by a Council Bluffs .publisher. Every offica should bo pro vided with one , and erery poislblo en- louragomcnt given toretiln the publisher It hero , and to inrthor his prosperity , as auch work is n credit to any oily. Wanted Immediately , brass band of about seven pieces on n tir months en gagement. Apply to Dr , J , Palmer , loiio Wolf , the medicine TOLD , nt the Sootthouse , Council Dluifc , lurra , Ccbi tt Gooice m ftton'i , 028 Broid vny. IloUor / eiforiuK great birzalui at hi merchant tailoring ratabllshraout. No .310 Broadway. Bee Mi ( goodi Mid gut Lii price * . HGE'fING SUSPICIONS , Mnfion Hliov Up Bis Inno- ccnco of tl o'Til.Trplnf- | The cjao of George Mnion , the young man who w a suspected of having taken money from the ofllco of Mr. J G. Mclntyro'fl coffee and splco home , has at. traded n good deal of attention , The father of the young man , Judge Mason , of Now York , on hearing of the affair came hero and has been Investigating all th details for several days , and erftleav- oring to h&vo the matter set right. Ho has succeeded In convincing nearly all who have had any knowledge of the facts that there Is no charge which can justly bo laid to the door of his son in connection with the losing of the money. The facts as they first appeared on the surface naturally pointed to young Mason as having been the offender , It was stated that after ho had been dis charged by Molntyro ho had boon soon in the vicinity of the store about the tlmo that the money was taken , and thai thorn were but two or three persons rh know where the money was , an ho waa ono of them. 1 was claimed that ho was coo in company with another young man 1 ; the vicinity of the rear of tbo store about the tlmo of tha robbery , and wa noticed by a servant girl in the cmploj of some neighboring house. It wai als claimed that before the taking of th money young Mason had no money , am that right away afterwads ho had $17 Soon after the occureneo ho was said t have loft the city , and that his where abouts were not known. The investigation of the facts indicate that the young man has boon at least th victim of nnfortunato circumstances. I appears that Instead of being out o money , as was supposed , ho had been paid money by his employer , and hat not spent it , which accounted for th money ho had with him. It was. als shown by the affidavits of reputable clti sens that his whereabouts wpro so ao counted for during the tlmo covering th taking of the money , as Troll as the tlmi immediately proceeding and following o as to make a complete alibi. 1 Blso appeared that all the sorvan girl know about the matter was tha she saw two men in the viclnlt ; of the roar of the store , ono of whom was dressed similar to the way tha young Mason was , and carrying n umbrella , ho having had one with him that night. She could not identify either of the mon , and could not to ! whether they entered the storo. Th absence of the young man from the clt ; baa boon accounted for on the allowing that ho went on legitimate business , anc that ho made known his intention of do Ing so on that day to his employe and others several days previous and that there was no skipping out or attempt to got away from th charge , but on the contrary as aoon as 1 was made public ho presented an appearance anco , and began the task of clearing uj all suspicions. The affair has been an unfortunate ono and has caused some bad feeling on thi : art of some concerned. The case ha : lot reached the courts , and probabl ; never Trill , and the attempt of the fatho ind son to clear up the suspicions arousec } y the statements made has been a dlfli cnlt ono in aoma respect ? , and by no means on agreeable ono to those con cerned , but it has proved quiti successful and the public have learnot enough now to ba satisfied tc have the affair drop Into oblivion , and jive room for some fresh sensation There has been a rigid search for some proof of the young man's gailt , bu lone has been found , and the showing which is made in support of hia innocence conco has been sufficiently strong to do re away with the suspicions aroused by the 'act as they first appeared. ,5 Happy us a * Andy Nonly , one of the best known colored men In the city , almost every(1 body knowing Andy , by eight at least . was as happy as a lord yesterday , anc was going up and down the streets , glv Ing "Lone Wolf , " Dr. Palmer , the big gest sort of an advertisement. As moa know Andp has been having a great deal oil of trouble with ono of his hands , a felon being the start , and finally besides loting ( a part of his thumb , his fingers were so stiff , and his hand so swollen and palnfu that ho has boon unable to closa his lianc or ueo It much for over a year. Yesterday day morning ho had Dr. Palme JU give It a treatment , and ho say that in five minutes he had relief from pain , and was able to use his hand bettor than for over a year past Ha certainly has a grip now with tha hand that la strong enough to make any _ body wince , and thee who have been famllla. with ita previous condition , are sounding the praises of "Lono Wolf" In Tj the chorus , while ho gives the solo. On J1 of the prominent business mnn of the us city informed tbo BEE yesterday that the doctor had been treating his wife will 88 wonderful success , and ho was greatly J pleated with the speedy return of hli wife's health , she not having boon so wel for three years. Ho did not care to havi his name dragged Into notrioty , but wat glad to personally glvo duo credit to the skill of the doctor PS shown In this case I ) Substantial abstract s o title and rca estate loans. J. W. & L. Squlro , 10 ! atroot. la lai "XVontlers "Will Never Coaeo , Having heard considerable about a now ( llnument that Mr. J. M. Lancho ) Cc furnishing to DO many of onr citizens , a DEB man called on him to see irhat there < " was In Ir. Uo wai teen found attend ing to business , looking very difforen tli from an ordinary quack. Ho raised no objections to answering proper ques of ' ° tloni. Well , Mr. Lanche , what is there in it lo Oh , I don't wish to glvo the formula } but tbero ia magic in it for pain. What do you particularly recommend or for ? * Why , it will immediately relieve almost lisa most any pain caused by looil indamn. . tion , rheumatism , sprains , pleurisy , stiffness - and ness , etc. Will It euro all caios of rheumatism ? or You ia't expect an enternal applica tion to restore a lost limb , bat in oidl- nary cases it acts like miglc. When did you brgln to tnanufncturj ? About a year ago , and I have supplied A mndroda of people , and everyone is eat- B jfied with tbo loiulte. 41 m ! Da you propoto to make a bnslneai of rtji : s Yet , tit ; la about a ninth I expect to bo Kblo to devote ayontlro attention to that business , and will bo able to supply It in largo or until quantities.Vhon that time comet , I will h&vo the BIG to help mo lot the public know of its merits. Mr § , George Radio and child returned yes terday from n visit to Buffalo , N. Y , F , Q , Baun has returned from his first trip on the road for Lantz Bros.'a soap homo. John Fcgly , clerk al the Creston house , hns rolvrned from Pennsylvania , where ho went to co his sick mother , Harry Cartii.'tlie secretary of tbo Young Men's Christian amociatlon , Is expected to at rlvo home with his bride the Utter part ol this week , Miss Amelia Poschol , while visiting friends in Logan mot with a painful accident , being thrown from a carriage and her acklo being 10 sprained aa to keep her confined to homo for some time. George Uudlo , who has boon awaiting the arrival of his wife and child from the cast , now starts out again with hii grip filled with fresh samples of soap that he will lay before the Nebraska trado. B. B , Mann , tbo well known life Insurance Man , Is spending a short tlmo In the city , Lbiking bands with his friends and policy holders , Ho goes from hero to Iowa City to take that place by storm. Mn. II. 0. Cook , of Lo Mara , Dakota or * rived in the city yesterday , on n visit to her many relatives and friend ) , Before her re turn to hor-Dakota homo she will visit her old homo in Weston , Missouri. The Kov. Crofts left last evening for Oro- tfon , 111 , , at which plaso no will deliver an ad dress before the graduates of the high school. He then goes to Sandwich , 111 , , where his daughter graduates In a few days. When ho returns to this city ho will bring his family with him , and they will make thla their future home. There will bo no services in the con- Krerational church until the repairs ore com * pletod , duo notice of which will bo given. XUcnraion Rates. General Agent Babcock , of the North western roads , Issued the following invi tation : "Pack your trunks and ho ready to leave Council Bluffs at 5:20 : p. m , , on the 18th Inst. , via the Chicago & North western railway for Portland or to any point you may wish to visit in Canada , Now England or Now York state. Tick- eta for the round trip $37.50 , good for thirty days , and will bo aold to any par son , regardless of BOX , color or previous condition of servitude. By securing your tickets via the Chicago & Northwestern , the best railroad In the world , passengers will have from two to six hours in Chicago cage going , with the choice of routes from there oast. The excursion train will be the finest ever run from the Mis souri river to Chicago , and will coat no moro than by inferior routes. For sleeping car accommodations and further Information , apply to or address W. N. Babcock , general western aqont , Omaha. There will bo Ice cream and straw berries and a good supper served by YtOman's exchange to-night. The woman's exchange serves a sup per to-night from 5 o'clock until II o'clock. Only twenty-five cents. Come with your family. At a mooting of the board of trade las Tuesday the plan for the now building was presented and $15,000 of stock wai subscribed by those present. A com mittco will start out to-day to secure ad ditional subscriptions. A telegram from Ida Grove states thai the storm of Sunday night blew dowi seven or eight buildings and did great damage. Read Jndd & Smith's offer of $1,000 , reward in another column. SPECIAL NOTICES NOTICE. Special a Tertlnementg , euo ai Lei found ' , To Loan , For Sale , To Bent , Want ) , Doard Ing , eta , will be Inserted la Iblf column at the low iato o ! TEN CENT3 PEK LINE ( or the first Insertion and FIVE CENTS PER LINE for each subsequent .rllon. Leave advertisement ! at onr offlM , Ho , rl Siroet. near Broadwav WAHTB. WANTDD Sltuttton to run etctlonary engine Tbreo years experience. Q. , DBH oltico , Coun Elufle. F > OIt SALE A stock ot general merchandise , In Oakdalo , Neb. I3uelno 8 well cstabllsted and a tooil , live point ( or trade. Bret reasons ( or seUlrj , ' A'jply or wilte to M. U Smith & Co. , or Uctcall Dies. , Counll Bluffp. WANTS TO TilADE.-Uood Iowa or Nebraska land ( or a small stock of hardware or genera ! merchandise , well located. SWAN & WALEXR. Ij'Ott SLK A rarochnnco to got a line , well itu pro\ed ( arm of 400 acres , within a ( ew miles ol Council KluQd , at a bargain. Low price and easy terms. HWAN & WALKBH FOK SALE A good pa ) lnj { hotel property with llyery stable , ID one ol the best email towns In western Iowa will sell with or without furniture , or will trade ( or a small farm with ( took etc , SWAN & WALK IB. TT OK SALE Lands laipro\od aad unimproved T If you want a ( arm In western Iowa , Kansaa Nebraska or Dakota , let us heir from you. T SWAN Si WALKBU. 0 OU HALE A largo number o ( business and real 0y dence lots In all lurta of Cn-incll Dlaffa. See y before you buy , SWAN & WALKSE. FOH SALE I'artlcuw lulling to buy cheap lota to build OD can buy on monthly payments of ( torn to 810. SWAN 6 WALHKK ITlOIUlKNf Wowtllrcutyou a lot to buUd OD ? wftb the prlvllage to buy it jou wUh OD very liberal termn. SWAN & WALRXB. /i aciut * tlouaea , Lots and Laud , A. J , Ftcpkenson. 503 Hrst avenue. body in Council liluffs o taka WANTED TniBia , red by carrier at only iwenjy 4 week. FOR BJCHANOB NII , J69 , 10,1'CO acres land ten miles Boutho ( Mdney , Neb , , ( or Council No. 166. A good iteam flouring mill In Cedar Co , Iowa , ( or a stock of general merohandlso or bard- are i , vtluotfl.lOO No. 169 Hotel property In Tojlor Co. , lowt , ( or jood ( arm piopetty. value 81,000. , No 0. Linil In Hall and Lincoln Cos. , Neb. , ( or Council Bluff * propoty. No 101. Fine Improved ( arm ( or cheap western and. and.No , 19' . Ona of the best ( arms In I'cttawattamlo ojunty , Iowa , too acres ( or n lid Kansas or Nebraska and. and.No. . 1C3. Hotel In Pueblo , Col. , woith JD.COO , ( or Iowa , Kania , or Nebrotka land In par and long tlmo on baltnce. No. 171. flood ( arm , ( or ( took ol good ) or bard ware. No. 172. Wild land * In Rook i Co. , Neb. , ( or ( took dry goods. No. 176. House and lot la Clarlnda Tuge Co , , Iowa , ( or Ncbraika or Iowa Un ) ; value $1 , OJ. No 177 Hotel In on * ot UaKnta'n brit town value M.COO , ( i-r stock of drugs ( or pan and land Improv rd or unlmpiovvd No. 178. Splendid bargains In Klcth Co. , Neb. , I1J land ( or lairds In western low a or K ° od stock Ddtuior ) harduarn. No. 19) , A half Interest In flr t-cl sj plow works , ell located , ( or lands vtluod $ S,6CO. No , til. 200 tore Iton'ored farm In GIBS To. , Iowa ono In I'sli , Alt j Co , , of S16. for stock ( ( goods No. 183 , Moro bul.dlni ; and Block of geniral ucrcbandUo , la a Iho western to n ( or woeteru n , improve' or unimproved , value 9U,600 , Aud hurdred eo ether special rxcnauxa bargains partlculari , call and see or w rite to bWlN & fVALKER , Council Huflp , Ia. IFItUIT , AND GARDEN FARM FOR SALE , Blita-n aoioi , tun In dull , ilx In garden and nborlaud.alx raoui bouip , tUllu , ell , clstiro , tc. at In k'o.d onJlilon , or will trader Omaha [ iroji- r. 'KELLER , County Trsieurei'j office , Council rjuffi. CLOSING OUT SALE AT HARKNESS BRO'S Of their Entire Stock of Ladiefe' and Childrens' Hosiery , Tuesday , June 16tb. 20 to 50 Per Cent Keduction , New Lawns just received , and sutiable to wear , Ele gant Laces and Embroideries at greatly reduced prices CARPE Moquette , Body Brussels , Ingrain , Matting , Rugs , Etc. Curtains and Curtain Goods. Carpets Made and Laid by Skilled Workmen. IBIROTBIjElieS , LIVE STOCK. STOCKEItS AJW FEEDERS. Hclleri anil cowl of nil BROS lumlthod to any desired numbers ; ranchmen should correspond with bclcro purchasing elsewhere. WINDOW & ORAMPTON , Waverly , Iowa. Keep Horses and Muloo constantly on hand which wo will sell in retail or carload lots II Stock Warranted as Represented Wholoialo and retail dealers In . Grain and IMed Hay. Prices rea- eonablo Satisfaction Guaranteed. Cor. 5th Ar. and 4th St. , Council Bluffs. For any case of Kidney or liver dlsonso or dyspepsia , rheumatism , or any disease indndced ! > y a lack of native power , that cannot bo cured by the use of Dra. Judd & Smith's Electric Bolts nod Appliances. No. SO , Fourth St. , Council Bluffs. AGENTS WANTED. Waves , Langtry and Pompadour Frizzes.Switch es , etc , , ready made and made to order. 'Prices cheaper than ever. Call and see for yourself , HRS. C. JL. GILLETTE. Formerly MRS. J8 J. GOODE. 29 Main StreetCouncil Bluff. p. DeVOL , 504 Broadway , Council Bluffs. Wholesale and Retail nil wnvi lllilJ ulUiJ T I W W A. JE ? JM _ : Charter Oak and'"Acorn Stoves neea no comments. Lponard'a celebrated cleanable Dry-air Refrigerator. These Refrigerators excell all otho in cleanljness. A refrigerator which cannot bo cleaned becomes useless , it becomes a nui once instead of a benefit. fra'p flips $ WWW % $ Fl JLvJiQ 'U'aEw. ' ' A JcO 1I ? J i b < Pj , itulatstimweproY With this washer vve do not ask you to rif-k confidence or raonoy. We know that a 1 that is nucesary is a trial. TAKE ONE , and if after one or two fair tests you are not pleased return it and we will relund your money. SOLDII STAR GASOLINE RAMES. TJicse Xtanyes ore a complete departure from the rcyular 'Va per Stovef and possess tntmy new and val uable features that vill oe appreciated. Wo have the exclusive agency of the celebrated C-Mflefl Tfo POM Steel this city. Do not bo deceived by MISIIEI-RESENIATIONS. g and Job bottom prices. Mall orders solicited. P , C , DE VOLj COUNCIL BLUFFS. CHINA And other wares. Attend the At 23 Main St. , Council Bluffs. Ono tot handled cups and saucers sSo Ono sot knives and forks ! . . ' . . ' . ' G8c Ono bowl and pitcher ' ! ' . ! ! ! ! ! ! . 98c Ono G-bottlo triple plated cnstur . . . . . . . . . . . . . 1 1)8 ) Ono sot Rogerstriplo plated knives . . . . . . . ] _ 93 Ono decorated tea sot (56 ( pieces ) ' 4 go Quo decorated dinner set (08 ( pieces ) ' . . . . . . . 13 08 Ono decorated dinner tot , [ 131 pieces ] . . . . . . . .I. . 17 08 Call and sea : Yours very respectfully , HOMER , THE CHINA Sold by the leading dealer in everj city and town > 17 Main St. , Council Bluffs. HI. E > . _ _ Ixa. Graining , Gliding , Paper Hanging and Frescoing. 110 Main St. , Council Blutfe. W > P. A.YLESWORTH RAISED , Brick buildings of any kind raised or moved and satisfaction guaranteed , Frame bcus moved on Little Giant trucks , the beat In the world. W. P. AYLSWORTH. 1010 Minth Street , Council BlnBa Norene & Landstrom , Suits to order ia latest styles at cheapcet possib cos , No. 205 Main St. , Council Bluffs. SMITH & TOLLER , AGT3 , LEADING Merchant Tailors ! 7 and 9 Main St. , COUNCIL BIUFFS , - - - IOWA. A Complete Line of New Goods Always on Hand. IBIIB AND "THE ENGLISH" KITCHEN. " 605 Broadway , - Council Bluffs. The cnly all night houto in thocily. KvprythiDfr served in firnt dun etylo and onehor notice llotaud cold lunclieu nlwaia ready. rOK BALI BY S. A. PIERCE,1 00 Muni tit. . Council bluffs Iletall Hoot and Bboeutore where big bargainUQ way * be I tmnd. tmnd.Hf. Hf. 80HUBZ. MCI ) of to Peace. onrua ens AIIXRIOAV IOWA. Madame L -Balcear J , , Who ( or the rait 10 ycatshis been pracUBlci ; In Stn FrancUco Ii now located at No ill M. 6th Street , a oppoelto new Opera lloueo i Madaiio Balcear guarantees to reetora HAIR OR WHISKERS , i * Or taL-lveunjouoo luixli mustache or brln ? out a flno growth cl balr urburdln ( rouilourtoilxwcvki. Prlcui r a > enable and Batliartlon ( guaranteed , Otucitf , doafnossttutltBpeclilly rhoumatlim and all cbronlo cliuneu cuiel by auatuial gift o ( tlio doctrcu , / > r. JG7. .F. Jlalccav , 28NorthCthSt. , - - Council JJluir , Ia HANDSHAKERS & VAN , ARCHITECTS , CONTRACTORS AND BUILDERS. 201 Upper Eiw v vCtu