Omaha daily bee. (Omaha [Neb.]) 187?-1922, June 16, 1885, Image 4

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OMAHA Qrnca No. 014 AND 016 FAHNAU ST.
erery mornlrg , except Runday. Tha
only Monday morning dalljr yubllihM Inlh - elite.
TRUS tr MAit >
Ont Yc . . , . , , , . , . ; aM IThrte Monthi t SM
'KlxJIonlhj ' 6.00 | On Month 1.00
The Weekly Boo , Published every Wednesday
naxs , rosrMiD.
OnoYekr , with premium. . . . I t CO
On Y r , without premium. , , . . , . 1 S *
nix Months , without premium V *
On * Month , on trt t , 10
All Communlfitloni relating to N wj nd EJIlorIM
mitten should tx iddrcued to the Emtot or mi
iroswm Lirmu.
All Duilneu Letter * and Itemlttancet ihould ha
uldrctsed to Tni DKI roBUimxd CourAirr , OHAIII.
prtftt.Checki and Port offloocrdtn to U nude pay *
ixble to the order of the company.
E. R03EWATER , Enron.
A. IT. Fitch , Manager Daily Circulation ,
I * . O. Box , 488 Onuhn , Nab.
TIJ.B probability la that Freddy's anil
ngninst Mr. James Orolghton will prove
a rale fit.
KEEP it before the city council thai
the oldowalka of Omnhi ore a dlsgrficolo
n well-p vod city ,
IK Gladatono had taken moro to budge ,
and lots to budget , ho might not have
boon consigned to his political bior. '
' OMAHA is ahead of Kansas Olty in the
f matter of manufacture * , bnt there is a
f great deal of room for improvement in
* this respect.
11 THE Pokin treaty hns bean ratified.
The frog-oators of Franco and the rat-
cntora of China can now shako hands and
swap dishes.
Tun fact that democratic editors nro
to bo specially favored frith federal pat
ronage , is raptdly producing an abnndant
crop of democratic papers In Nebraska.
THE French admiral , Ocnrbot , who
nmashed considerable Ohinavraro during
the recent unpleasantness , has surren
dered to the conqueror of all men. Ho
dlodon board of his ship , his death being
caused by prostration from ovcrrrork and
mental anxiety.
AMONG the witnesses named by Sena
tor Mandorson to appear before the inter-
atato commerce committee In Omaha next
week , arc the members of the Nebraska
railway commission. The cammltteo will
noir find out what a railway commission
does not know about railways.
THE Iron workers nro making headway
elowly bnt severely in their effort to In
duce the mill owners to accede to their
acnlo. The latest aignaturo to the scale
la that of Oliver Brothers & Phillips , in
Plttsburg , employing 3000 men , who ro
snmed work to-day. A conference is to
bo hold on Tnosday , and it is believed
that within fonr or five days all the mllla
will bo running aiain.
TIIE sanato committee on commerce
will reach Omaha next Monday or Tnes
day , and hold a session hero for the pur
pose of investigating the management of
railways and ascertaining the views of
business men and shippers generally con-
; corning their relations to public carriers ,
: - > and the necessity of legislation by con
gress to regulate railway traffic , and to
| ; encourage the improvement of the wat <
ways. Senator Onllom , chairman of this
sub-committee , has requested Senator
' Mandorsan to furnish to the committee
the names of prominent parties who
would bo likely to afford the desired in
formation. The committee has already
hold sessions in Now York , Boston ,
Philadelphia and Chicago. It will prob
v ably find Omaha ai good a field for in
formation as any it has so ia visited.
MAYOR BOYD , In his Chicago Inter
view , told a reporter that the Omaha
gambling houses are fined $30 a month ,
the fine operating as a kind of license ;
that the number of houeea had been reduced
ducod to five slnoo ho became mayor , and
that they are kept under strict survoll-
jj ; lance. The fact is that slnco Mr. Bojd
I' became mayor there has been bnt ono
house cloned , and that was ono In which
a brace game was being rnn. That ia all
the reduction that has been made in the
number of gambling houses in this city ,
and no stricter surveillance is kept over
them now th&n there has boon hereto
fore. The fine that is Impotod upon
them , if Mayor Boyd considers it in the
light of a llaouBo carrying with It u sort
of protection , is entirely too small. So
long aa gambling houses are permitted to
run in this city the fines Imposed should
bo made much heavier than they now are.
THE moss-backs and obstructionists are
etlll growling about reckless outlays of
money for public Improvements , If it
had not been for the expenditure of about
ono million dollars In paving , grading
and sewerage last year , Omaha wonld
have almost collapsed , but as it turned
out this oily weathered the terrible de
pression and in the most trying crisis
ehot ahead of all other western towns.
To atop now would simply bo suicidal.
Wo want moro pavements and more
sewers , and wo want to filvo employment
to workingmen In leveling the hills and
filling the gulleys. Wo want to spend as
much money In brick , mortar and utono
as wo can conveniently raise under our
restrictive charier. Omaha can be
made a city of one hundred then-
sand people by 1890 , every foot
of real estate can bo tripled in
value , if wo pursue a policy of enterprise
and public spirit. Wo must bridge over
( ho hard times by pushing ahead every
nterpriso that we can safely carry , Wo
want to exhibit to all comers on abiding
confidence in ocr future greatness. Lst
iho croakera and mots-backa howl. This
la a live city. I
Some interesting figures , relating to
cattle shipments from various parts of
Nebraska direct to Chicago , are furnished
us by a correspondent writing from Crete.
According to hia statement 300 cars of
corn-fed cattle were shipped from Crete
to Chicago over the Burlington road
during the month of April , SCO cars
during the month of May , and 100 so
far this month. It Is estimated that
since January 1st 1,000 cara of live stock
have been forwarded from Crete , the
valno footing up to about one million
dollars , Thesa are figures for the bnst-
notfl men of Omaha , and particularly
for thosa interested in our sleek yards
and slaughter houses , to carefully study.
Why should all these cattle along the
line of the B. & M. bo permitted to go
direct to Chicago , as well as those along
the Nebraska lines of the Chicago &
Northwestern ? Is It not evident that the
Burlington and the Northwestern are do *
ing everything in their power to discrim
inate ngninst Omaha simply In order to
got the long haul ? It is certainly high
tlmo that some stops l > a taken to put an
end to a discrimination that Is not only
unjust but seriously damaging to ono of
the most imriorrant Interests of this city.
The products of Nebraska that naturally
should como to thla city will contlnuo to
bo hauled direct to Chicago unless our
business men take oomo decisive action
cither by a vigorous protest , or building
local lines of railways , terminating at
this point , and acting aa feeders from the
beat Eoctlons of the state , Ono of the
first steps to bo taken Is for our business
men and shippers to patronlzo only those
roads that are not inimical to our inter-
cstj. This should bo followed by some
action towards building a local road to
northern and northwestern Nebraska.
There Is no doubt that such a road would
not only pay , but It would put an end to
the discriminations of the Northwestern.
A road to the south nnd southwest
would have a nlmllar e fleet
upon the Burlington. It would aaem
that Omaha Is now of eufQclcnt Import
ance to command fair treatment at the
hauda of the railroads , but if It cannot
bo obtained In any other way then it can
bo secured by the building of such roads
as wo have suggested. Such enterprises
would , of course , involve the Investment
of considerable capital at first , bub that
would in the near future return a profit
able Interest. Wo believe that acch
enterprises on the part of Omaha would
bo substantially endorsed and aided by
tie- people of this atato who must
naturally take pride In the metropolis
of Nebraska , which , with properly di
rooted efforts , is destined to become
at no distant day , ono of the great cltios
of thla continent. Meantime , the live
stock buyers and shippers of Omaha
should offer ovcry inducement to the
producers to ship to this city , which
now possess commodious dockyards , an
extensive baef slaughtering establish
ment , and large pork packing houses , all
of which are contributing to the building
up of a market In which prices are of
fered that are equal to those of Chi
cago. It should bo remembered that by
shipping to Omaha and soiling here the
haul of 500 miles to Chicago Is avoided ,
resulting In a great swing in the weight
of animals. That Omaha will become
como a great livestock market
if the proper facilities aro'offorded there
can bo no question , and that her fnture
greatness depends largely upon her be
coming such a market ia a fact that no
ono will dispute. No time , therefore ,
should bo lost in shaping matters with
view of making the eutiro state tributary
to this city.
Secretary Lamar , who fs engaged in
Investigating frauds relative to the Crow
Crcok reservation , has already been re
warded with some rather startling dlscov-
orlce. It had been suspected that per
sona connected with the interior depart
ment were In collusion with outsider * ,
and suiliclent ovldcnco has been obtained
to confirm the cusplcion. The fraudulent
methods practiced in obtaining locations
by speculators BO as to defeat the honcot
settler out cf a fair show In selecting lauds
is thus described in a apodal Waehington
dispatch to the St. Louis Globe-Demo
crat :
Last February a lank president at Cham-
berllu , D , T. , went to the land offioi at
Mitchell nnd aald that he had received from
Washington advance Information of tbo opening -
ing of the reservation , and that an order di
rotting It was then awaiting Fxesident
Arthur's signature , and that It would bo pro
mulgated tbo following week. He wanted to
know from the register how to obtain certain
valuable lands adjacent in the town under
such an order , but the register refused to
give him any information , At the
eamo time a party composed of a rail
road attorney and certain government em
ploy es , ono of n horn was discharged to-day ,
started west and arrived at Mitchell In due
tlmo. The attorney Bought the regiiter and
unfolded a plan for taking advantage of the
expected order of President Arthur. The
register denounced this scheme and would do
nothing to help It on. Finally the Washing
ton patty , acting on telegraphic Informa
tion , offered a lot of securities and scrip for
certain lauds , but the register rejected their
entiles. The next day the news that tbo
president had signed the order was publicly
announced , Tha Crow Creek order took
effect immediately , but under the NIobrara
and Santee order , issued at the same time ,
patties were given thirty days to make a bona
fide residence.
Ic will bo foen th&t the dill'orenco in
time gftvu those operating in advance
through iquatteia the advantage over
honest settlers , Other developments are
expected at the interior department in
connection with thla operation. The
tame ring , it ii said , id now trying to get
possession cf the locil land cilice having
jurisdiction of thoto grants , but now that
its plans are known the probability Is
that It will not succeed. Whatever else
may bj said about Secretary Lamar , It h
but filr to ray that up to the present
time ho hai conducted the affairs of hii
department in a businesslike , honest aud
impartial manner. It is probable
his Intention to weed out all
the fraudulent * , land-grabbers on
the Crow Creek reservation , BO that
justice may be done to the honest settlers
tlors , President Cleveland has mean
time riitually suspended his' order com
manding the settlers to vacate , this step
no doubt being taken to glvo Secretary
Lamar tlmo to fully investigate the Crow
Creek difficulty , so that when congress
moots the matter can be intelligently and
satisfactorily acted upon.
In the nomination of Jndgo Forakcr
the republicans of Ohio think that they
have pnt forward the strongest and most
available man that they could have se
lected as a candidate for governor. His
nomination on the first ballot Is an indi
cation of confidence in his ability to
draw the full party vote. The fact that
ho was defeated two yoara ago by Hoad-
ly has not weakened htm in the least
In the estimation of his supporters , who
will strain ovcry nerro to elect him.
The republicans in this campaign start
out with some advantage in their favor
owing to the annullmont of the Scott
liquor law , from which the state derived
an annual income of over $2,000,000.
This law , which had been pntsad by n
republican legislature , nnd which was
proving satisfactory to the mass of the
tax-paying people whoso burdens
It materially lightened , was declared un
constitutional by the supreme court , and
the responsibility for bringing nbout such
a result haa boon shouldered upon the
democrats. The defeat of the Scott law
will probably figure largely In the cam
paign in favor of the republicans in splto
of any representation ! ] that may bo made
by the democrats. In a presidential year
Ohio can bo counted upon as n republi
can state , but in an oil-year it is an liable
to go ono way on the ether , &a the local
Issues are brought to bear in every pojsl-
bio manner. It Is asserted that there are
now no factional divisions In the parly in
Ohio , which la Indeed a fortunate condi
tion of affalra. This Is berne out by the
unanimity of feeling displayed In the
state convention , whilj the earnestness
exhibited in the platform planks Is evi
dence of a determined spirit to make a
meat vigorous fight for the principles of
republicanism and loyalty. It baa already
boon called a bloody shirt platform , but
perhaps the waving of the bloody shirt
in Ohio at this time will cvisa moro en
thusiasm and unitad action in the repub
lican ranks than could bo created in any
other way.
DURING the trial of Olaus Spreckles
for shooting M. H. De Young , of the
San Francleco Chronicle , the defendant's
counsel endeavored to make a point
upon the fact that the Chronicle had republished -
published an editorial from a Chicago
paper relating to the case , and ho tried
to make it appear that It was a contempt
of court. The judge , however , did not
sustain him , but simply cautioned the
jury not to read articles bearing on the
case. Thereupon an honest juryman
admitted that ho read the dally papers ,
This naturally created some- surprise , as
a not generally the case that news
paper readers are allowed to act as jury
men in this Intelligent ago.
Now thht it has been proven by the
Kansas City Timea that ono of the most
eminent ministers in that city
was once a burglar , there is
como encouragement oven for
Frank James. The Kansas city minister
admits the charge , but cays that ho called
upon a bishop and asked him if hia crime
would be a bar to his entering the min
istry if he was thoroughly repentant , and
was told it would not. This Is a hint to
Mr. James.
IF Charles A. Dtna'a recent article on
Abraham Lincoln had been signed
anonymously It would have attracted
little or no attention. It Is clumsily
constructed , and Is not by any moons
equal to what people wonld expect from
the editor of the un. Mr. Dana , like
many an old actor who has eozn his best
days , ia evidently living on his pant
\ { SEOUETARY BAYARD soya that during
his recent weetorn trip ho endeavored
wholly to banish partisan politics , and
that hia tour was olmply a visit to the
educational centers of the west. As the
secretary is now making explanations wo
would like to know , in the face of this
statement , how ho came to overlook the
city of Lincoln and the Nebraska state
university ]
THE city of St , Lonls cares not a straw
how many of her eminent democrats got
loft in regard to cilices If she can
aocuro the ftst mail. St. Lonls will never
bo happy until she Is given better mail
facilities and put on an equal /acting
with Chicago. She proposes to leave no
stone unturned or ncive unstrained In
her effort to bring about such a result.
Miss CLEVJ LAND has an eye to bnii
ness , and knows a good opportunity whoa
aho sees it. Her book , it la predicted ,
will reach a sale of 50,000 copies. If her
brother were not the president of this
great American republic , her work would
probably not have a sale of over 500.
THE mcdlcil colleges , like all other
educational Institutions , are now turning
out ohcopaklns by tbo wholetalo , The
overproduction of doctors could readily
bo dlipoeod of In Spain , josi about thi *
time ,
A RUMOR was sot afloat a few days igo
that a newspaper was to b- started in
New York with acapital cf $1,000,000 for
( ho eiprets purpose of crushing the Her
ald and World. Such a papoc might
prove & EUCCOIS within Itself , but as n
crusher of oldcstabllthed journals It
would prove a failure , no matter how
much capital it might have at its back.
TIIE government entomologist haa given
a list Of the localities which the locust Is
likely to vlalt thla season. Wo are happy
to see that no olaco in Nebraska ia men
tioned in it.
GENERAL JAMES S , Butsnix will teen
be with us again. Ho ban been ordcrd
to rejoin his regiment , the Second cav
alry , In thla department.
llMhvny Gossip.
The following Items , culled from the Omabn
correspondence of the Des Moinei Hallway
Times , will ba found of interest to local train
men :
"Business on the line IB not very rushing ,
but there nro GO many of them laying off that
nil the extra conductors have been rnnmng.
nnd "Set-end Conductors" Catton. Miller nml
Leonard promoted to extra conductors , Of
course you know what ft "second conductor"
is. As I heard It told once , the first conduc
tor starts the train , and the "second cunduc
tor" stopi it ,
Conductor llogerr , of tbo Lincoln pnsscn
ger , haa gone out on a six weeks' visit. Con
ductor George Gordon Is running for him ,
Passenger Conductor llosa' little girl , abou
three months old , mot with n sad incident.
The nurse girl had her out ia her little car
riage nnd went to puin the top up , when
Mils baby got her little firmer in Uio gearing
and cut it off at the fmt joint. While Hots
was off , Conductor Frank Kushon wora thi
blue clothes and gold bands.
Conductor M. Farrell , who 1ms tfoen hav
ing n tumor taken off his neck and h&s no !
been running for ( ho post three months , hat
resumed business ngain us good M now.
Goorpo Miller , our dude conductor , ( but
fine n boy as over totm a way car , ) is out with
thn signal tram putting up tbo now train
order elgnalt ,
Conductor Morohomo is off on n pleasun
trip , and that prince of good fellows , Kber II
Smith , batter kcown as Smithy , ia ofliclattug
with the punch and bell-cord in hia absence
, Too O'liyrne is running Btnlth'fl crew on tin
Columbus local , If you want to know a
dandy , right up-and > up fallow and n first
cla > s railroad man , get acquainted with Joe
The old reliable "Old Man Perrigo" Is run
ning Gortlon'd crew on the other local ,
Koboit Lumpklne. one of the oldest men In
the Omaha yard , end fireman of engine 010 ,
has taken n sixty days' leave of absence ti
visit Mexico' "
< liilclrcn's Pay ,
Children's day was was very npproprl
atoly observed at the So ward street M ,
E. church Sunday. In the morning
the pastor preached a children's sermon
from the text , "And let the beauty o ;
the Lord our God bo upon us. " Severa' '
lossona were taught by objects. Two
flowefa were exhibited ono a beautiful
well developed fuschla , the other f ided
crushed ono , and an application made to
character. Aho a rose was ahown , the
beauty and life of which bad been con
aumed by a worm , hidden among the
loaves. Near the oloaj of the dli ODUKO
two hearts were ehown , ono pure ana
white , the other discolored with stains ,
to illustrate the natural heart and one
purlfiud by grace.
The church was crowded to its utmost
capacity in the evening , and many could
not find sojxts. The children's concert
was carried out successfully and to the
delight of the andlcneo , although the
programme was curtailed somewhat , because -
cause of the storm which coemcd immi
The church was beautifully decorated
with plants and cut flowers , which wore
arranged with unusually good taste and
effect. Several singing birds added to
the joyonsness of the day. The cer
vices will bo long remembered by the
Sabbath school children.
Gen. HtrntiRo'd Adversary.
Big Bear Is a plain Oreo , a native of
the Oarloton region , and about sixty
years of ago , says the Toronto Mall. He
Is of short alaturo , thin and old looking
His appearance Is anything bnt impres
slvo. Ho speaks with a loud voice , but
Is short of breath , and is not an orator
by any moans. About twenty years ago
ho removed from Carleton to Pitt , and
became the head man of a small band of
his relatives wno resided at Pitt , num
bering about twelve tents or perhaps
twenty men. Ho never Ti as recognized
as a chief until after treaty six was made
and ho removed to Cyprcai hill ; . At
Fort Pitt be was frequently employed
by the Hudson Biy company as a buffalo
hunter , and ho had the reputation of
being a good Indian. His bind , howovcr ,
wore generally raicals , thn greatest being
his nephew named Little Poplar. During
a famine which occurred thirteen years
ago , caused by the buffalo leaving for the
south and the Indians being unable to
follow them , they began to kill the H
B. cattb , but wore prevented from con
tinuing the practice through , the efforts
of Big Bear. Ho nnd his band seldom
engaged In war , bnt they were notorious
for etualing horses from the Blackfeot.
Ho waa thought to bo rather cor/ardly.
On one occasion four Crcos were a ! ticked
nppoeito Fort Pitt by a largo band of
Blackfoot , while Big Bear wes in the
fort with eight men. Ho refused to go
to their assistance. The four Croes ,
however , succeeding In cscsplng , On
several other oos&sloDB his actions showed
that his courage woo not of the highest
order. At the making of treaty No.
G , In 1875 , Big Bear refused to tc-
ccpt thn terms offered to and ac
cepted by the rest. Ho wanted to see
first how the promises made by tbo gov
ernment would be carried out , PendIng <
Ing a decision ho removed to Cypress
hills , whore ho remained for alx or seven
yeors , gathering a larger number of dis
contented spirits t round him each year.
Between frequent spats with the Black-
feet and excursions Into the states , his
men became much moro export than formerly
morly in the art of-jvrar , and ho came to
bo looked upon aa a big
chief , equsl In importance to Ple-a-pot.
At last circumstances , in the shape
of few buffalo and many United Statoj
troops , coupled with profuse premises
from the Indian department , Induced Bit :
Bear to return to hfaoldstamping ground
near Pitt eoruo two yean ago. Although
ho took treaty money he refused to go oo
a reserve , always having an tscuoo roidjr ,
During the winter before last ho freighted
ono trip from Pitt to Edmonton , He
alwaja kept moving about , and foment
lag discontent wherever ho went , which
the management of the Indian depart
ment made easy , especially among the
Fort Pitt Indians , who never had a gooa
reputation , and of whom ho seems to
have secured control.
IlarrJgau I'miiilncs to Keforin ,
8r. Louis , Mo , , June 1C. It appears that
the violation of rules of the polios dcpatt-
ment of which Chief of Police llarrfgau wa >
Saturday nislit found guilty by the board oi
pollen commissioners WBJ purely tech
nlcal , as tlie chiei retains the § 10
in question with the sanction of the 'ex
ecutive officer of the then fritting board , anr
in accordance , as the chief alleges , wllli *
custom which has long { ire-railed CMU
llarricen has been reinstated and iiai pledget
himself to the strictest observance of all the 1
m'ej oftia department boteafter.
TiicCoDYinclDg Atoss of tbe M.
Jam'csf , Savage to the Jniy
in me Libel Snit ,
Malioious Slano era"of " "Political
Enemies Effectually Kofuted.
ACnlnt , DlspntslotiAto Ilovlcw of the
Testimony In the Case Iho
Itccotil or a llusy Lllo In
"Wnr and 1'onco.
lion. J.V. . Savage said : May it please
the court , Gentlemen of the jury ; When tbo
court Adjourned last evening , you ware fresh
from the enjoyment of ono of the most elo
quent speeches I hAve over had the good for
tune to listen to. That it had nothing to do
with the cnio is a matter of minor importance.
It was an admirableaddresi , I have hoard
nothing but compliments of it since I left the
court room yesterday aud I feel nothing but
Rratlttulo towards n man who can excite my
admiration ns Mr. Thurston does , I may say
that If It were not for nn occasional nasal
twang in his volco which I think ho must
have learned at eomo camp meeting during his
youth , I ihould consider him the finest orate
that has over appeared in this etato , Ihnvoti
follow him ns best I can , To mo those grace.
of oratory nnd beauties of expression are un
fortunately denied ; but if I had them ; if
were able to appeal to ycur prejudices as my
friend did , I would not do it , It was hli
cue to do it. On hia side of the case
if I had possessed that power I would linv
exercised it. But I choose In my argument t
confine myself simply to the evidence in tb
caeo'nntt the law which bears upon it , I trus
I thall not go beyond It. And if I , gcntlo
men , on my part and you on yours confini
ourselves to the pleadings nnd the testimony
far the facts , nnd take the law from his honoi
who sits upon the bench , I shall retire fron
this court room with the consciousness tha
icy client has succeeded in getting a verdict.
It may eeem a truism nnd platitude to com
rnonco an address to n jury In a causeof this
character by saying that the love of countrj
is Innate in every animate thing , nnd yet lion
closely that consideration bears upon thi
case. Every animal lovns iho homo where I.
was reared , The domestic cat , driven from
its habitation , will return miles In search cf
it. Tbe cony , says Shakespeare , "dwells
where eho is kindled , " and wo see the
Enmo instinct in the dog , the cow nnd
thelhorso. Hieing from these animals Into thi
scale of human being ? , what do you sec.
32very man loving the country which gave
him biith , the homo of bli boyhood aud the
res'denco of his maturer years. The Irish
man , obliged by oppression to leave tbo land
which ho loves , may como to this country ,
but ho never forgets the green island which is
washed by the warm and [ pleasant waters of
the gulf stream. The Swiss soldlor , It ia said ,
carried into foreign lands , has Bomotimes been
fotblddeu to listen to tbe songs which the
herdsmen of the Alpine mountains sung , bo-
caueo it excites Buchn longing for his moun
tain home ns to produce disease. Prlsomrs
have died of homesickness In foreign lands.
The greatest of German poets , and ono of the
greatest poets in the world , has expressed this
feeling in a poem to plaintive and beautiful
and touching that the strongest man can
bardly read it without
emotion. If we BO
love our country then , gentlemen , with what
horror do we Icok upon tbo man who can bo
guilty of treason to the land that gave him
birth. It is a crime which stands at the head
of the calendar of crimes. Call n man thief ,
murderer , or villain as much ns you chooEo ,
but deny not his love for hia country. If you
do , indignation starts In every heart. If the
accusation Is believed it is indignation rgairst
tbe traitor ; if it is not believed , it ; s indigna
tion against the slanderer nnd libeler and fal
sifier who gives birth to so Infamous n.
charge. There Is no appellation
so odious as that of n traitor ,
and if in the whole catalogue of moan epithets
there is ono worse than "spy , " I beg to bo
lemindcd of it. Spy and traitor ; two of tbo
wont names that can be applied to a man.
Spy and traitor ; traitor , tbe first and t licet ;
spy the mcancet and lowest and most degrad
ed ; and when n man is called by a responsible
party "traitor and spy , " if ho bas never been
n traitor , if ho haa never been a spy , if he Is
an honorable and upright nran , every good
citizen applauds him when ho cays I will take
veng.'nca upon tbe man or the set of men who
have foUoded this scheme upon my character.
If ha is n ] aw-ablditg citizen , be comes be
fore a jury of his countrymen nnd soya to
them , "I am entitled to have nt your handa
this cutrnre redrCBfed. I ojl ) on you to soy
whether 1 have beau
n nnd a spy or
not. "
There cornea befoio you thi * nornlng , gen
tlemen , n man who lias been the victim of
inora abuse ; moro slander , moro hatred and
mora venom than any other man in the state
of Nebraska , I care- not who be ia or where he
is ; nnd I will go one step further and nav
that in this whole itate there la cot
a man who deserves it less , At tha
outbreak of tbo war the p'aintlff In
this cction was a boy of nineteen or twenty
years of age , dependent upon hia own personal
exertions for his support. His early poverty
had prevented hia acquiring any of tha higher
brunches of education beyond those which
were sufficient to make of him n competent
telegraph operator , An such In 1859 ho sought
tbo employment of a telegraph company. It
wes tbon owned nnd In the bands of men part
ly belonging to tbo northern toctlon of this
country and partly to the southern , Secession
bad not been declared , War had not yet
oomo. TUOJO who were who enough could
see tbe cloud no larger than a man's hind In
tbo distance , but tbo great majority
believed that it would pats
away ; that tbero would be
no war ; that wise counsel would prevail and
that tbo efforts of the true lovers of their
country would at hat provo successful , No
body believed oven when Suinter waa fired
upon that the war wss tfoiug to last any great
length of time. Ono of the wicest statesmen
that we had declared that ninety daya would
jee the whole thing ceded , Secession found
my client in the itato of Alabama , n state
which seceded if hia recollection Is correct , in
the mouth of December. 18G7 , and I pretnmo
that was tha tlmo , To Mr. Kouewnter , boy
aa he VIM , it eeeiced thut war waa Imminent
between between some of tbe utatea and tbo
general government , to lie determined to
leave Alabama for Tennessee. Mr. Thuriton
seems ts take preonal ofTenim at the fact timt
bo did not leave at once for the north. Where
wan the north J Who cpuld then tell what
northern btates would bo ongueed , or what
outbern states In this sontest ? It W B
thought by many that the west would improve
tbo opportunity to secede. It waa thought
that tome great nation might lisa which
nUhtboiouthorn confederacy wculd
nlljr claim the wettanu sprntn over tno east
nd malce new nation. Others laid that
there would bo no secession at nil ; that hot
headed Alabama , and vindictive South C.\r-
ollnix might attempt to withdraw , bnt they
wonld be btought into the union again by
means such ni Jackion employed in 1832 , So
It was difficult for Mr. Kosewnter to say
where ho should go , but ho went Into n ttato
which had refused to pass nny ordinance of
secession , and ho adhered as you or I
wonld have done to the employer who had
given him his brood nnd batter. As n skilful
nnd efficient operator lie devoted hlmtelf to
the telegraph company ; ns a patriot ho adhered
herod to the cnuso of his native land ; to the
CSURO of the union ; and so openly that they
called him an abolitionist , nnd the governor of
Tonncaeo , threatened him and said that sen
timents sucli ns ho was spreading abroad
would not bo permitted , An operator In i
Maryland oflico sent over the wires n tolo
grnm "HcnraU for Lincoln nnd the Union.
They said , "this won't do. Wo won't ha *
such sentiments as that spread abroad In oui
land ; you have got to keep your mouthoi
shut , " nnd that operator was instantly dis
charged from the service. Before Kosowat
know It , before Tenncsco hndi gone out _ .
the union Nashville was surrounded by robe
soldiery , although moro than ons-lmlf of ho
inhabitants were strong union men nnd I bo
Hove n larger portion of them remained tinio
until the close of the wnr. The homes
northern Alabama and eastern Tonuesaavcr
unionist ; , men only who took arms nm
fought for the union , but the men also in thol
homes remained peaceful If po
alblo , awaiting events , hoping nnd prayln
that the union might bq ro-optabhthcd , Who
within the sound of my voice , tried to otcap
during the war from the rebel prison at Sails
bury nnd reach the union linca ? If there i
ono who did It ho will remember how as h
approached tbo borders of eastern Tennease
or western North Carolina ho found &t cvcrj
crossroads some Samaritan who would giv
him food , drink and shelter , bind up bid lacer
Mod feet and eend htm forward two or thrc
or ten miles to tbo uext , union man , until nl
last ho came in safety within our lines. Before
fore Mr. llosewater know that wnr had como
almost all of tlo state of Tennessee wa :
surrounded. It was impossible- for him
then to get out of it. Ho rcmainet
up to the time of tbe riots continuing to per
form bis duties as an honest , mnn , nnd ns nny
man who , when bo makes a contract with nn
employer , regards that contract aa a sacrc
obligation , The riota in Nashville catno an
be waa obliged to cease bis nctlvo service
but waited until the stars nnd stripes ehoul
appear in sight of the city of Nashville ,
There came n day when across the Cumber
land liver they looked , and there flo&tod one
mors tha flag of tbo nnlon , Tbcro xven
troopa from the north , tjioro were tbe guard !
ana of the union. The troops of tbo eoutl
bad departed , and Mr. Rosownter Immodt
ately crossed the river and sought tbo cam ]
of the commanding general. That this wni
douo so scon , that ho oven took a ekiff nnd
crossed tbe river nnd hurried when ho saw
tbe old flag to bo once moro beneath the pro
tection of its folds , is charged against him
na nnj evidence of disloyalty. "Why , "
aayajlMr. Thuraton , "ho Etartcd at once ,
bo could not wait , ho had to takea skill , " but
how he could have got across that stream
without n skill Mr. Thuraton does not inform
us. Ho did take n skill , and If that ia against
him , gentlemen , if you punish him because
you think that he ought to bavo waited
larger , because when he saw the flag which
had last floated over him in Cleveland , Ohio ,
ho wanted to see it onca more and hastened to
it , then wo must submit ; but you won't do it.
I do not euro what your political sentiments
are or have bosn. I don't cam whether you
nre republicans or democrats , whether you
were during the war of the union , union men
or rebels , you won't blame- him for hastening
onca moro to place himself beneath thr protec
tion of the union arms. He avowed himself
a nnlou man , then as now , as a man who from
the time when ho could distinguish between
right niid wrong , between the lore
of country and disloyalty , had be
lieved in the union and sought to perpetuate it
when he ( aid to Gc-n. Mitchell , "I am n union
man , and I have been a union man over since
tbo commencement of these troubles , " ho wns
believed. There waa no venomour , vindic
tive and lying spirit to acy , "because you
bavo been within the confederate lines , and
because you did not 'tkln out of there , ' ( I be
lieve that was the elegant expression that
Thuruton used ) , because you did not 'akin out
of there' months rgo , wo believe you lied
when yen told us that you wore loyal nnd had
been true to the flag. " Gen. Mitchell was too
bonorablo n man for that. Ho took him by
tha hand and said , "como into our service ,
nnd rebuild the telegraph lines across the
river ; " and waa Mr. llosewater slow to do it ?
That very day ( I believe the testimony is ) bo
commenced work , and from that time uulil
the cloeo of the war , OB bad been the c.iso before .
fore , every heart-beat of his , every sentiment
of that bosom , then nnd now , waa for the
union , and for our ccmmon country. Soon
after ha made n brief viiit to his homo ,
and this visit ia made a charge
against him bymy friend Tbunton , No not in
bla life seems right in Thurston'a oyea nnd tbo
woret net that bo over committed , nccoirilcg
to Thuiatou , was the net of being born.
Thuistou did not eay that bo went east.
Thurjton'u languaga was that ho "aklnned
out" for Cincinnati where he was not known ,
and where be could hide himaoff , Aa there it
no testimony whatever tint ho went to Cin
cinnati , I will in charity presume that Mr.
Thurston meant Cleveland when ho aald Cin
cinnati , because tbo testimony was that bo
went to Cleveland where ho was known , not ,
where ha waa not known , That bo went
there to visit bla family , bnd friends and to
renew those aesociationa which were BO
plemnt , so cheering , nnd to Udlohtful
during the four years of war.
There are men within tbe sound of
my voice who can remember how cbaiming it
was to have a Httlo document which j ou tout
out in fear and trepidation weeks befoio ,
asking that you might go homo and too year
mother , nnd then como back ecdornad "tbla
application is approved , " Wo did not think
then that it would be brought cgnlnst ua ns
evidence of disloyalty that wa wanted to too
bister , mother or wife , once more before we
were engaged in some battle which in IK lit
take us off or before they bad yielded t ) the
advance of ago or disease , No body blamed .
us then , bnt now , when over the whole coun
try peace smiles oncu more ; when tha flag Is
borne fiom tba east to tbo wcit , and from tbe
norto to the acufh. It IB now that they soy ,
"KoBCV/ater waaditloyal because be wanted to
H9B fami y "
I nanicUod rs c ucli feeling existed then ,
for Mr , llonownter did eee hia family and aj
most immediately "indo ap. llcitlon to ba re-
jiivod Into the telegraph aerviceof the United
3tatoJi , Ho vr&t so receiver ] and served tbero !
He served honwtly. Ho waa no spy In the
service of the United States. lie was loyal
to the Government. Ho regarded nnd ob
served the oath which bo bad taken. Hut
Mr. Thuraton denies this and nays that the
[ net that Kcsewater WAS in the tervico of th
United States explain * why the daily order *
cf the secretary of war were known In the
rebel camp as soon M thny were known In
Washington. Now , in the first place , Tlmrs-
ton has drnwn upon his Imagination for that
statement. There is no truth In it I have
too much regard for my friend Thuriton to
charge him with stating n wilful fftltehood.
But it in far from the truth , In foot , tbo
shrewdness , care nnd wntchfulnesi of our gov
ernment In that regard precluded the possi
bility of inch treachery. True , there
was hardly n week Hint wo ( ltd not
hear that n projected attack upon tuch and
inch n point rmd boon frustrated by intclli-
gou.'o sent Into the robot army. But this
meant that the government b d no Intention
of attacking that spot andtiever had hnd , nnd
nny information that wns sent into tha rebel
lines wns cent there with the design to blind
thorn when the real attack WAS to b ) made
seine where else. Tbcro is not nn liut.tnco nl
nny Inforinntion Rotting into the robot linen
from the secretary of wnr nt Washington , un
less it may IIATO boon by tbo capture of some
ntdo-do-cnrnp who may bavo been curving '
orders on the field or from ono plnco to an
other. So I say that it Is not true thnt Hone-
water disclosed secrets of the government in
Wruhtngton. Hero wns this boy 21 or 22 yonrs
of ngo at thnt time , ono among fifty or 100
operators in Washington , ono of twelve or
fourteen In Iho wnr dcpattmont , ono of 1,200
in tbo union nriny , and my friend enya that
information ) oak d into the rabol lines and that
out of thoio 1,200 men Hoaowatcr waa the *
only man that disclosed thoiecrots of the gov- .
eminent. It la preposterous. I will not in
sult your Intelligence- dwelling upon it. It
waa not boliovcd at the time , or Mr. Koso-
wntcr would not came before you with this
document yellow with the stains of time ,
bearing still upon it the mnrka of the oflico
from which It omnnnted nnd bearing the aig- ,
nnturo of Thomas T. Eckcrt , whom you nil
heard of , whoso reputation ti not confined to *
nny ono town or ntato , but ia known nil over ,
the whole country. What docs ho say ? Ho ( *
cays that Mr. KosowAter wai not only n good t
operator , but that ho had "fulfilled every duty 4 ,
with entire satisfaction to Iho government , "
Does that mean what It sayt ? Is it trut ? Is It
a fact that ho aixtlaflnd the government ia tbo
sfrvico in which ho wns employed ? doea Mr ,
Eckert lie , or do toeso slanderers and fnlsifiera
lie when they nay llmt ho was
disloyal , n rpy , nnd violated the confidence
placed In him by the government ? But wade
do not need the toslimc .y of Eckert nlono.
Wo have other testimony. Wo have in the '
first pl.ico tbo books which have been pro
duced in ovidoncp , nnd which my friend
Thuriton says show only that ho waa em
ployed in the Ecrvico of the government ; that
ho ouco nppllcd for nn increase of pay , nnd
thnt bo wni once obliged to ' 'skin out. " leav
ing hia clothing bthiuJ bin ) , thus trying to * *
make you belief o that Edward llosowntoris "
n coward. You will never believe that gen- "
tlomnn , you may bolicvo that bo ia n slanderer - x
derer , n villain , or what you like , but yen will
never , if you know anything nbout him , any
that Edward Ilosewnter is a coward. And
yet Tburston trioa to make yon believe that
ho waa a coward , when the fact la that every
body olio had "ekinned out" but tbo operat
or ? , nnd ono train of cars , nnd thv were di
reeled to remain until the enemy should
nppenr in eight. Mr. Uosewaler need
not , however , hnvo loft bla clothing.
Ho could have got away with It but when
thpy were about to bo captured , Hosowater
jumped on to the trn'n nnd went off , Tbo
reason why bo lost his clothes was
that he waa attending to the dutica of the .
government. Why was it thnt ho hnd't time 4 ( w
to look out for a few shirts , or n pair of boots ?
It waa because tno interests of the govern
ment were at stnke , and though Thuriton
chooses to say bo "skinned out , " I any th&t
bo didn't ekln out until the Inat man bad left
the place , nnd tbo rebels were on the point of
taking it. It was true that Iloaowater wore
no shoulder straps. He waa not n high
officer. Theao two volumes nre not filled
with the courageoua nnd skillful exploits of
Rosewater , bnt ho Ia ono of thnt great nrmy
of more than n million men wboao names are
unknown nt large ; some of wnich nro Bleeping
In southern cemeteries , Dome of whom hnvo
never been taken from their dreamlars repose
by tbo wnytido ; some of whom still remain
irnonp ua , with their deeds untold
whether brave or cowardly , nnd of thosa
Hosowater ia contented to bo one. Wo any
that these booka provo that wherever ho waa / Abe
bo did bis duty Ilka n man , boy thoagh ho "
nay have been in years , nnd it ia nil wo can
lakof nny man ; nod it ia all bo neks of you
to day.
I must hniry moro rapidly over the reat of
ny argument ; but wo now como to his llfo in
.Ills state , aud that IB where Thurston ia nt
ilj beet. Hero la where Thurston elilnon ; here
a vi here he consents to do tbo work whlt/b hia
imployora have put upon him with a zeal nnd
: nergy and eloquence which leads mo to think
.hat perhaps ho baa eomo piivato piiovanco to
lir , and that it ia not merely nt the bcheat of
ila makers nnd employers that bo utters his
jitter language. I say that Itoeowater cnmo
icro at or Immediately after tbo cloao cf the
var , nnd has lived from llmt tlmo to this ns
lancet , ns pure , no reputable , aa good and ns
nofitnblo n life an nny man in the stale of
tfebrnskn. No man cm ray ono wrrd against
ilm except those that hive been hired by so-
icrioroflicsra to crush him. No ono heard ono
vcrd ngninot him during the years ho remained
n the cervices of tha telegraph company
toro , that telegraph company trusted him ; bo
fas well bnorfri na nn nctiro end akillful cm-
iloyo cf that company , rising from day to
lay , accumulating money nnd making hlia-
elf tieeful in nil these vnrloua ways in which
zealous employe can nid nn employer ,
rhut he waa not satisfied with the limited
leld which the science of telegraphy affords ,
think ia not against him. He was nnjdoua
o better hia condition. lie citabllthod Ilia
) mabft Evening BEB. It irna cot , however ,
mill bo bad received moro than ono mark of
onfidence , not only from hia employers , but
rom the people of the stato. Ho had served
a tha legislature. Ho had baon appointed
o offices of trust in vnilous departments ,
nd under various circumstances. Tbo BBK ,
iiJcrhia cara , bsoimoin tliu course of yearn
y his tnurgy , hia perseverance , hi ) induitry
nd IIB ! peculiar tnlenta and qualifications for
mblUhicg and editing n nourupaper In tbia
ountry , n power In the state. Just there ho
iaJo hi < ) grant mistake. Ju t when
.0 became Influential nnd powerful , ho
ared to uphold the cause of the worklngman
nd of labor against monopolies and oorporato
real tli. Thereupon the fiat went forth from
no of tbo firent corporations which ho was
Iwava ready to attack und chow up in its
me light , to cruth him. Whether bo Is
rushed or not will depend tomowhat upon
our vodict to-dny. Wo HO employee of
bnt great corporation , won who have been
onnected ulih It almost tince its icceptlon ,
icro BB defendant * , hero ua counsel , and here ,
was going to eoy , as witnesses , Lut I am
tot certain nbout that , end wo 'never can be.
t is B part of the sarno ring that was organ-
zed ten or fifteen years ago to cruth Edward
ioiuwater , and baa over since been worllcg
usldkuj nnd rutblees nltempU to dfciticy