( NEBRASKA OMAHA , NEBRASKA , PAID UT ? CAPITAL . . . . $250.000 SURPLUS NOV. 1,1884 - . I 23,000 orncEns : 8. W. YATJS , A. K. TOOZAMN , 1'rttident. Vice President. W.V.MoiWE , JNO S.COLMNS , Ijtwis 8. USID K. K.llaydcn , Ass't. and ActlnR Cashier. BANKING OFFICE : The Iron Bank , OOE , 12th A.ND FARNAM STS , A QKNKIIAL BANKING BUSINESS TRANSACTED. INTEREST allowed on time ilopoiita upon Iftvorablo terms nnd upon account * of banks nod banker * . FOREIGN EXOIIANGE , Government Bonds and County and City securities boucht and told , In its treatment of customers the most lib eral policy is punned consilient with safety and sound bunking , and wo Invite correspond- cnco or personal inquiry In connection there with. FIN/VNClATj YOBI , Juno 14. Moatir-E sy at 1 per cent. Prlmo mercantile paper 4@5 per cent. Foreign Exchange Doll , Governments Strong and unchanged. Tno now week opened at the Stock Ex change Trith a decidedly strong market. First prices wore about the lowest of the day nnd closing sales -wero inado at or very near the highest quotations reached ; the advance belhcr steady nn 1 without anv Important re action and ranging from | to J. oocroNS. 3's 1WJ IVs Coupons 1101 tf. 8. 4's 1233 PaciOoC'g of ' 90 127J STOCKS AND BONDS. Central PaclQo 303 Chicago & Alton 13C do do preferred 150 Chicago , Burlington & Qulncy 125 } Delaware , Lackawana & Western 103 $ Denver &Rlo Grande 5 Erio. 9J do preferred 19 Illinois Central 1251 Indlananolls , Uloomington & Western. . . 8 Kansas & Toxos 17 : Lake Shore & Michigan Southern 64 Iioulsvlllo& Nashville 33 Michigan Central 50. Missouri Pacific 95 NorthernPacitio do do preferred 381 Northwestern 93 do preferred 125 Now York Central 813 Oregon Transcontinental 131 PacIfioMail 54 Peoria , Decatur & Kvansvillo 9 Pullman 1'alnco Car Company. . . 118 Kockliland 1152 St. Loula & SauPrancisco 19 " do do preferred 32 Chicago , Milwaukee & St. Paul C8. do do do preferred. . 103 St. Paul & Omaha 20 do do preferred 71 Texas Pacific 11 Union Pacific 54 I Wnbash , St. Louis & Pacific 2 ; do do do preferred. . . 1- Western Union Telegraph G2 ; Ohio River & Nashville 73 GENEKAii OUIOAOO. CHICAGO , 111. , Juno 15. Kour Dull nnd unchanged. Wheat Fairly active , nervous unsettled , fluctuated frequently and rapidly ; opened weak , declined i&o ! , rallied jc , weakened , declined ic. advanced Ic , ruled easier , fluctu ated , and closed over Saturday ; 87 @ 87ic for caih : 8io for June ; 88J@88lo for July ; 903 ( g'JOjo for August ; 92Js for September ; No.L \ red. 93J@ 94c. Corn Slow but steady ; fluctuated within a range of 3@Ho and closed about the same as Saturday ; 47J@47io for cash ; 47Jo for June ; 46Jj@46ga for July ; 4UJo for August. Oats Quiet , steady and about unchanged ; 32go for cash ; 32J3322c for June ; 33e for July ; 27jc ? for August. Eye Dull at 6So. Barley Nominal. Timothy Seed- Quiet nod unchanged ; prime , 91.4301.50. Flaxseed Ur.chsnged ; No. 1,81 SO. Potk 1'airly active and Irregular within a small range early ; ruled 10@12Jo lower , rai led 7ilOc , and closed stead ; ; 510 25@ 10.27 } for cash , June , nnd July ; $10.3 © 10.36 for August ; S10.42J@10.45 for Septem ber. ber.Lird -Comparatively quiet and easy ; rnled 2i@5c lower nnd closed firmer ; SC.GO@G.82i for cash , Juno , and July ; SO U7&@G.70 & for August. Bulk Meats Shoulders , unchanged ; $3.80 @ 3.99 ; short clear , unchanged ; short ribs , * 5.S21@5.35. Whisky-Si. IB. Butter Fairly nctivo and firmer ; good to fine cmamery , 13J@17c ; good to choice tlai- iriCB , U@12c. Cheoao Unclmcged , Eggs Dull and easier at ll@2c. ' Hides Steady and unchanged Tallow Steady and unchanged , KeouliiU , Hhlp'ts. Flour , bbls . 11,0(10 ( 5,000 Wheat , bushela . 09,009 71,000 Dora , bushels . 195,000 313,000 Oats , bushels . 157,000 103,000 Rye , bushels . 3,000 l 0.000 Barley , bushels . . . . 3,000 2,000 MILWAUKEE 1'EOnDOll MILWAUKEI , WIs. , Juno 10. Wheat Irregular ; No. 2 Milwaukee , 88J@89c ; July , 7S = ; August , OOgc. Uorn-Stoady ; No. -17OI7io. . Oats Unchanged ; No. 2 , 35o. 1 lye-No. 2 , G 'a. Parley Nothing done. rrovisions Mess pork , S10,2Q. _ HEW TOIIS PCODC/Ofl. IS'BW YOEK , June 14. Wheat Receipt * , 230,000 bushels ; exports. 68,000 buthels ; spot lower ; options opened heavy : later ruled stronger , closing hrm ; ungradud rod , 89@97o ; No. 2 rod , nominal ; August closing at $1 02J , Cora Weak ) receipts , 120,00,1 bushels ; exports , If8 000 bushels ; ungraded , 61@5"4o : , No. 2 , BljJ65c store ; G5@55io elevator ; CUi @ 67o afloat , August closint ; at 5 to. Oats Dull ; receipts , 211,000 bushels ; ex ports , L 50 bushels ; mixed western , white , 40@1Sc , its-u. Pork Steady and quiet ; mesh spot , 811. 50. Iisrd Siironiror but nuiet ; western eteam spat , $0.85 ; August , 50.y3iEG.95. Butter Quiet and firm ; western , 10@18Jc. uvxitroou Liverpool , Juno 15. Wheat-Quiet and Btealy ; holders ulfered freely. < Corn Steady ; demand poor , CINCINNATI , CINCINNATI. O . June 15. Wheat Dull nnd 3 nomlnaljNo , 'Jred , dull at 81.01A , Corn-Firmer ; No. 2 mixed , 48 , Oats Weaker ; No. 2 mixed , 201(3270. ( llyo-Dull ; No. 2. 7fl@71o , Barley Nominal. Pork-Quiet at 810.70. Lard-Fiiir demand and firm at ? G37i. Whisky-Steady ; fair demand at 81 , ly. TOLEDO , TOLEDO , O , June 15. Whe&t Dull nnd steady ; Nn , 'J red , caih and June , 92c. Corn Nominal ; No , 2 , cuh and June , 48c. OaU-Kasy ; No. 2. , 35c asked. HT , LOUIS FBOUCCK , Bl , TiOOlB , Mo , , June 13. Wheat Un settled and generally lower , clojjncr n ider Saturday ; 81.00 for No. 2 red oiuib ; ir July ; 81,0'J for August Corn- Opened a fr-ction better , but lower ; 44J'aUJo for No , 2 mixed cash ; J 3 for Julj:45o for August. Oats-Dull ; 3Kg34ja | for cash ; 3lo for Rye-Slow at 64c. Whisky Steady at 81.13. Porfc-Qnlet ) jobbing at $10.75. Lard-Small lots eold at 8G.30@C 35. Afternoon JUowd Wheat io higher } corn , unchanged. liIVK STOCK , OHIOAOO , CHICAGO , III. , June 1C. The Drovers' Jour nal reports : Cattle Receipts. 7,800 bead ; active ; na lives , Co higher ; shipping steers , 8.90@5.05 stockers and feeders , $3 CD@5 00 ; cow , bulls and mixed , 2 0@l.30 ! bulk S3.EO@3.70 slop fed iteers , ? 5.00@5.GO. Hogs Ilccoipts , 30,000 head ) slow and oa lower , closing firmf n rough and mixed , 83.71 © .03 : packing and shipping , $4.G@4.10 light , 3.90@4 20 ; skips. S3.25 ( < 3.GO. Sheep R ceinti , 1,000 head ; steady ; na tive , 32.40 ® 1.25 ; western , 83.00@4 00. 8T , LOUIS. Hi , Loom , Mo. , Juno ID. Cattle Re- ostpw , 1,300 head ; shipment' , COO head ! steady , good demand ; fair to choice native steers , 81.80@5.C5 ; butchers' steers , $4.C@ 478 ; mixed butchers' stock ? 3.00@4.20 , stockrrit and feeders , $3.CD@4.G.5grass ; Texans $3.00(33.80 ( Sheop-Recelpts , 1.40J head ; shipment * , 250 head ) good grades scarce : common dull ; common lo choice muttons. S2.2J@,00. ! KANSAS OITt LIVIt BTOOK , KAHBAB Cm , Mo. , Juno 15. Cattle Re ceipts , 1,100 head ; shipments , 700 head ; best grades firmi common , dull nnd weak : ex porters , $5.15(80.35 ( ; common to choice shipping $ I.GO@5.10 ; feeders , 81.27@0.5j cows , S3,00@4.00. Hogs Uocolpts , 0,000 head ; shipments , 3,000 head i weaker and Cs lower ; assorted , 83C5@3.70 ; medium. $3.00@3.00. Sheop-ltecelpts , 175 head ; shipments , 1,000 head ! quiet ; common to good , § 2.00@3.00. OMAUA. M/UIKETS. / OrriOB or THE OMAHA BED , I Tuesday Evening , Juno 1C , f The following prices are charged retailers by Jobbers , wholesale and commission mer chants with the exception of grain , which is quoted at the prlcoa furnished by the eleva tors and other locnl buyers : LITO atock Market , Hogs Receipts were light at the Union stock yards to-day , nnd the market 5@10o lower than Saturday's prices , owing to heavy receipts In Chicago. Common mixed pack * Ing , $3.25@3 35 ; and ] good to choice mixed packing , 83.45@3.G3. Common rough hogs nnd ski pa unsaleable. All sales of stock in this market nro made per cwt live weight unless otherwise stated. Dead hogs sou at IJo per pound for weights of 200 pounds and upwards , and lo for under 200 pounds. Pregnant sows are docked 40 pounds and stags 80 ponnds. Sheen S3.25.g3.7G ; a few wanted. Cnttlo Strong ; butchers' stock 83.50 ® 4.60 for good cows and heifers ; dressed beef steers steady at Saturday's prices ; averaging 1.100 to 1,200 pounds , 34 70@4 90 ; peed to choice , averaging 1,300 to 1,400 pound ? , S5.00@5.30. Grain Wheat Cash No. 2 , 71o. Barley 15@50c. Rye Cash No. 3. 61rA Corn No. 3 , S3a. Oats No , 2 , 3Qo , Flour mna MIllHtufTo. SELLING ritlCES. Winter Wheat Firmjbost quality patent at S3.00@3.30. - Secoud nnality S2.7C@3.00. Spring Wheat Best quality patent'ot S3.10 , Second quality 82.40@3.00. Bran G5o per cwt. Chopped Feed Per 100 Ibs. , 90o@$1.00 Corn Meal SI.00@1,20 per cwt. Screening No. 1 , GOo per owt ; No1 2 , OOc. llominy $1.60 per cut. Shorts 7Co per cwt. fJraham S3.00 per owt. Hay S18.00@19.00 per ton. G on or at Prodnoo Butter The market remains in it ] dull con dition nnd prices have not changed any. The choice out of all receiptof fresh grass butter Is still gninj at Os , with fair qualities at 7@ 8c , and inferior at 3'iitic. Eggs-Steaiy at lOe , but ore a little moro active , and there is some prospect for an im provcment beforp long Candling is now neceesary , and shippers would find it to their advantage to do it before shipping , Instead of paying freight on rotten eges. Poultry Receipts of old chickena continue to be quite heavy and Bales are not very brisk at 3 00 per dozen ; spring chickens are less plentiful , but being mostly small sized , don't go above $3"0 , Lareor sizes are in strong re quest and will bring better prices. Potatoes Receipts have been heavier this last week , and show a good deal of inferior stock , spongy and sprouted ; mixed stock sells at GOe and peed quality at GO ( G5c , which Is the best price now obtainable. New potatoes are already coming from the south and Belling at 4 00 per barrel. Onions Now southern soil at $5 00 per barrel , California choice at Go per Ib , and Bermuda at 33.00 per bush crate. Beans In moderate demand ; navy , per bushel , $ l.60@l,60 ; medium , per bushel , § 130140. Fish MnrJcct. FISH No , 1 shore mackerel hall bbla. , 8 00j fat amily J bbla. , 4 00 ; No. 1 shore , kite. 93 : fat family , kite CGs : No. 1 whitefiih , half bbl , 0 75 ; No. 1 kits , 93a ; family half bbls. , 3 1C ; family , kits , BBc ; No , 1 trout , half bbls. , 460. Grocorit' Lint SndABS Powdered , 7ficcut ; loaf , 7gc ; gran ulated , 7jc | : confectioners' A , 7o ; Utandard extra O , OJc ; extra O , ( i : ; medium yellow , OJ ; dark yellow , 6 < jo. OorrBBa Ordinary grades , lOoj fair , 12 ; good , ll12a ; prime , 12@13o ; choico. 16@17c ; fancy green and yellow , lG@16c ; old government Java , 20@26o : Arbncklo's roast * ed , 14io ; MoLaughlin's XXXX roasted , WJo ; Imitation Java. 16jJ@181c. PIOBLE3 Hedlcm In barrels , G 00 ; do In half barrels , S 00 ; small , in barrels , G 09 ; do In half barrels , 3 60 ; gherkins in barrels , 7 00 do in half barrels , 4 00 , DRT FnniTS No 1 , quarter apples , bbls ClcN ; 0 sliced , boxes , GJo : evaporated , boxes , 8jcj blaokberrles , boxes llje ; poaches , { boiPR , 9Joj pnacties , evaporated , non9 in the market ] raspberries , 30i. OANDT Mixed , 10@11 ; sticlr , 9@llcj twist stick , 9o. CiiACKKia Garnoau'a soda , butter and plc > nio. 4J ; creams , 7i ; ginger snaps , 7J ; City soda , 6J. KOPB Sisal , ( inch and larger , 80 9 Inch , 8Jc ; i inch , 'Jj. SALT Uray loads , per bbl , 1 COi Ashton , In sacks , K 60 ; i sacks Ashton , 1 00 ; bbls dairy 26C@2 75. BPIOES Pepper , 18c ; iploo , 14c ; clove ? , SOo atiia , 16c. Brnup Standard Com. , 23a , bbli ; Standard do 4 gallon kege , $1,35. SODA In Ib papers S 25 per case ; keg , per Ib , 3c. VINEOAB New Tork apple , ICe ; Ohio ap ple , ICe , tJTABOH Pearl , 4)0) ) Silver Gloss , 8ci Corn Starch , 8c ; Excelsior Qloas , 7o ; Corn , 7gc. OANNIO Goons. Oysteia ; ( Htandanl ) per ease , 380 ; strawberries , 21b per case. 2 0 ; raipborrios , 2 Ib , per case , 2 C0 | California pears per case , 6 SO ; apricots , per cose , 6 CO ; peaches per case , 6 80 ; white cherries per case , 0 7fi ; plums per case , 4 CO ; whortleber ries per case , S 00 ; exg plums , 2 Ib , per MSB , 90 ; green gages , i ! Ib , per case , 2 VO ; pine aples , 2 Ib , per case , S 20@5 60. OANDLK9 Boxes , 40 Ibs , 16s , 12 0 , Bi , 13 Jo , boxws 401bs , 16 or , Cs , 12jc ; half box , 201bs , , 8s , 12io. MATCIUS Per caddie , R5c | ronnd.rl.case 265j square , cases , 170 ; Oohkosh , cases grl.20 TXAB Gunpowder , good 46@56ci choice , GO@7Co ; good ImMriaI , 10@43o ; choice , GO ® 65c ; Young Hyson , good , 3f@80o ; choice , C6 @ 100 ; Japan , natural leaf , 76c ; Japan choice , G0i' 7fic ; Oolonp good , 35@10c : Oolong choice 4faB5o ( | Souchong , good , BC40c ; choice , S6 @ 45c. KICK Louisiana , prime to' choiw , Cj@7Jc. WooncNWABK Two hoop pails , 185 ; three boon pailr , 2 10. Tuba , No. 1 , 8 50) ) pioneer washboards , 1 75 ; Double Crown , 1 00 ; well- buckets , 3 7B. Smrs Kirk's Savon Imperial ; S 16 ; KIri'a atinet , 3 30 ; Kirk's standard , 8 C5 ; Kirk'i White Russian , 4 85. POTASH Pennsylvania cans , 4 cans in case 85 { Babbitt's ball , 2 dot. In cue , 100 ; An mortal ! , 2 doz. in e&so , 1 CO. Tobacco. Fine cut-Hard to Be t , 70c ; Ohann of the West. GOo ; FounUIn , 74aj Ooldon Thread G7c ; Favorite , GOc ; Buds , GOc ; Rocky Moun tain , GOat Fancy , 45c ; Daisy , 40c. Plug tob cco Climax , 44o per Ib , : Ilorse shoo , 4Gc : Star , 48c ; Spearhead , 4Gc ; On Rope , GOc ; Piper llcidatck , G9c ; Punch , 40o. Smoking tobacco O , ti , , 22c ; Meerschaum , SOo ; Tx > ng Tom SOo. Blaekwell's Durham , 16 oz , , 51c ; 8 oz , , C5c ; 4 oz. , C7c : 3 or , GOc Seal of North Carolina , 16 oz. , 42o ; 8 or. , 45o 4 oz. . 48c ; 3 or , , COo , Navy Clippingi , 2Cc , Killlkinlck , 4 oz. , 27c ; 2 oz , , 23c , Dncas AND UnivuoALn Acid , catbollo , 4 d acid , tartaric , G5o ; balsam copaiba , per Ib G5c ; b rk , nassafrM , per Ib , 12o ; c lomei , pe. Ib , 90c ; cinchonldla , per oz , , 80 60 ; chloro form , per Ib , 81 CO ; Dovcrs powders , per Ib 81 25 ; epsom saltii per Ib , Bio ) glycerine pure , per Ib. 25c ; lead acetate , jxir Ib , 20c ; ol castor , No.l j > fir caL. 81 GO ; oil castor , No. , per gnl , , 81 40 ; oil , olive , per gal. . Gl 40 ; 01 origanum , GOc ; opium , 84 GOt quinine , P. & W. , and R. & 8. , per oz. , 8100 ; potassium lodldo , per Ib. . 83 60 ; salir.in , per or. . 40c nul hate morphine , per oz. , 83 GO ; lulphnr pa b.to ; strychnine , per oz , , 81 80 I'Mnta OIlR and VitrnlBtioc. 110 carbon , per gallon , Hot 160 headlight , per gallon , He ; 175 ° headlight per gallon , IGc ; 160 ° water white , IGcj lln- teed raw. per gallon , 2a ; llnsood boiled , per gallon , 55cLard ; , winter str'd , per gallon , 70o No. 1 , GOc ; No. 2 , 50 ; castor XXX. per gal Ion , 1 60c ; No. 3,1 40 ; sweet , per gallon , 100 sperm W. B. , per gallon. 1 60 ; fish W. B. , per gallon , 65 : neatsfoot extra , per gallon , SOc No. 1 , 75c ; lubricating , zero , per gallon , 80c rammer , IGc ; golden machine , No. 1 , per gal Ion , 85o ; No. 2 , ? 8o ; sperm , signal , per gallon OOc ; turpentine per gallon , 49a ; naptba , 74c , rer gallon , IGc,1 Dry Goodfl BBOWN SHsmNQfl Atlantlo A , 7io | Allan tlo P , Go ; Atlantic LL , 5Jc ; Brunswick , 74o ; Beaver DamLL,51ci Lawrence LL , Glp ; Pa cific H , 7 c ; Royal Standard , 6Jo ; Indian Head A , 7c ; Wanchusett A , GJo , FINK BKOWN SiiKinNaa Argyle , 60 ; Pop perell R , 6c ; Salisbury R , Go , BLEAOHW ) COTTONS Ballon , 4-4 , 6\oi \ Bat Ion , 7-8 , 5ic ; Cumberland , 4-4,7c : Davoll DD , 8Jo ; Falrmount , 4o ; Fruit of the Loom 4 , 8o ; Glory of the West , Sic ; Golden Gate.SJc ; Hill 7-8. 7c ; Hill 4-4. 7Jo ; Lonsdale , 7Jo ; Now York Mills. lOJo ; Wam3Utta , IGJo. DUOKB ( Colored ) Boston , 8 oz. , lljoi Bos ton , 10 or , lOioBoston ) , 0 or. , 121o ; FaURiver ic.Dnozfl Dnozfl ( Gray ) West Polnt.Boz. , lie ; Wont Point 10 oz. , 12lc ; Point Boar , 8 oz. , lie. TIOKINQS Amoskeaft , ISo Continental Fancy , 9foi Oordls. 13c | Pearl River , 21c ; "ork , 124c ; Hamloton Awnings , 12Jc. DINIMB Amoske g , 13o ; Beaver Creek AA lie ; Beaver Creek BB , 10c ; Beaver Creek CO , 9c ; Haymakers , 8c ; Jaffrey D & T , 12Jc ; Jolfroy XXX , 12io Pearl Rlvor , 13c ; War ren AXA ( brown ) , lie ; Warren BB ( brown ) , lie : Warren CO ( brown ) , lOc. OAMBBICQFifth avouuo glove finish , 4Jc ; Keystone glove finish , Go ConsKT I _ JBANB Amory Tic ; Hancock , 8c ; earsaigo. 7ic ; Rockport , , Gjo. PBIOTD Aliens , 5Jc ; American , GJoi Arn- old's Gc ; Cochoco , Gc ; Harmony , 4&o ; Indigo , 7e ; Indigo 7-8 , Hie : Indigo 4-4 , lie ; Stool River , 6c : Charter Oak , 4&c. & PBINTS Smnimas American , 4ie0ocheco ; , 4io Gloncester , 4io ; Southbr'dgo , 4io > Waver- leys 4ic ; Rcscdalo , 4Jo. Spirits , COLOGNE SPIRITB 188 proof , 119 ; do , 101 proof , 1 20 ; spirits , second quality , 101 proof , 1 9 : do , 188 proof. 118. ALCOHOL 188 poool alcohol I 30 per wino gallon , WHISKIES Redistilled whiskies , 1 009 > 150 ; Fine blended , 1 60@2 00 ; Kentucky hour bens 200@600 | Kentucky and Ponnsylva nla ryes , 2 00gG ( 10. BRANDIES Imported , G 00@1G 00 ; domes tic , 160@.3 GO. GINS Imported , 4 D06 00 ; domoatlo , 1 GO © 300. ROMS Imported , 4 G0@8 00 ; Now England , 2 00@4 00 ; domestic , 1 G0@3 00. CHAMPAGNES Imported , per case , 23 00@ 34 00 ; American , per cose , 10 C0@16 00 Pry Paints White lead S8c ; French no , ( o ) Faih whiting , 2ic ; whiting gilders , ljo | whiting com'l , lo | lampblack , German town , 145G lampblack , ordinary , lOc ; Prussian blue , o ontramarine , 18c ; yandyko , brown , 80 ; umbe burnt , 4c ; umber , raw , 4c ; sienna , burn 4ctr slonno , raw , 4c : Pans green , genuine , 25o Paris greencommon,20c : chrome green , N. Y 20c ; chromo green , K. , 12c ; vormilllon , Eng 76c ; vermillion , American , 18c ; Indian , red lOc ; rose pink , 14c ; Venetian , red , Oookson'a 2fo ; Venetian , red , American , IJc ; red lead 7jc ; chromo yellow , genuinu , SOo ; chromo yel low , K. , 12c : ochre rochelloScochre , Frenh 2c ; ochre , American , 2o ; Winters mineral , 2Jc ; lehigh brown , 2ic ; Spanish brown , 2c ; rlnce's mineral , 3c. VABNlsuza Barrels , per gallon : Fnmlturo , extra , 81 10 ; furniture. No. 1 , 81 ; coach , ex tra , 81 40 : coach , No. 1 , 81 20 ; Damar , extra , $1 75 ; Japan , 70c ; asphaltnm , extra , 8Go , ehellac. 83 60 ; bard oil finish 81 GO. PAINTS IN OIL White load , Omaha , P. P. 5fo ; whlto lead , St. Louis , pure , 6 GO ; Marseil les green , 1 to 5 Ib cans , 20c ; French zinc ; jreen seal , 12o ; French zinc , red seal , lie , French zinc , in varnish asst. , SOo ; French zinc , In oil asst , 15c ; raw and burnt umber , 1 'b liaru , lOo ; raw and burnt Sienna lOc ; vandyke trown , ISc ; refined lampblack , 12c ; coach black and Ivory black , IGc ; drop black , IGc ; Prussian blue , 40a ; ultramarine blue , 18c : chrome green , L. M & D. . IGo ; blind and shntt- green , L. M. & D. , ICc ; Paris green , 18o ; InJ.'anred , 15o ; Venetian red , 9o ; Tus can red , 22c ; American vermillion , I. & P- ; yellow ochre , 9c ; L. M. , O. & D , O. , 18o ; yellow ochre , 9o ; golden ochre , IGc ; patent dryer , 8c ; prnminK colors , light oak , dark oak , walnut , chestnut and ash , IGo Hardware feist. Iron , rates , 212 ; plow stool , special cast , 4c ; crucible , Goj oait tools do , Ioo20c ) wagon spokes , per net , 2 26a3 00 ; hubs per set , L 25 ; felloes sawed dry , 140 ; tongues , jach , 70o ; axles , each , 75c ; square nuts per Ib , 7allcj washers , per Ib , 8al8o ; rivets , per Ib , lie ; coil chain , per Ib , 6al2a ; malleable , 3c ; Iron wedges , Gc : crowbars , Get harrow teeth , 4o : spring steel , 7a8o ; Burden's ' horse shoes , 4 30 ; Burden's muleshoea , 5 30 , BARBED Wine In car lots , 4 00 tw > r ion , NAILS Rate ? , 10 to GC ; iron , 235 ; steel , .55. .55.SHOT SHOT Shot , 160 ; bnoksbot , 1 85 ; oriental owder , kegs , 3 50a4 00do ; , half kegs , 2 00 ; do quarter kegs , 1 CO bloating , kegs , 8 85 ; fucel per 100 feet , GOo. LEAD Bar , 1 65. COAL Cumberland blacksmith , 10 00 ; Mor ris run Blossburg , 10 00 ; Wbltebreost lump , 5 00 | Whitebraost nut , 6 00 ; Iowa lump , G 00 ; Iowa nut , 5 OOj Rock Spring , 7 ODj Anthra- dot , 11 JSsll CO ; Canon City , 7 00 per on , Dry Immuor. Wholesale On Board Cars at Omaha , DIMENSIONS AND TIIIBEES , 12 It. Uft. IS It 18 . 20 It. 22 It 24 It 10.60 18 CO 10.00 17.00 18.00 Iff 00 2C.OO 2x0 IB 00 15.00 16.0 } 10.00 17,00 10.50 1D.50 2x8 10.00 10,00 100 17.00 18:00 19.00 20.00 2x10 IB 00 16.0) 15.0 ] 10.00 17.00 18.00 19.00 160010.00 10.00 17.00 18.00 20.00 21.00 10 60 10.10 1060 17.60 18.50 19.60 20.69 BEADED OXILINO , 1st Com. 9 inch , Norway 16 GO 2dCom , g Inch , Norway 1460 BOABDS. No. 1 boards , 12,14 and 10 ft 816 76 No. 2boards , 12,14 and 10 ft 14 70 tfo. 8 boards , 12,14 and 16 ft 12 70 No , 4 boards , 12,14 and 16 ft , ( shipping cull ) 10 76 JfENOINQ , No , 1 , 6 inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough..817 GO So. 1,0 inch , 10 feet , rough 1760 No. 2 , C inch , 12and 14 feet , rough. . . . 14 GO No. 2. 0 inch , 16 feet , rough 1G GO No. 1 , 4 inch , 12 and 14 feet rough. . . . 17 K No. l,4lnch , 1C fee' , rough 17 GONe No , 2 , 4 inch , 12 and 14 feet , rough. . . . 14 CONe No , 2 , 4 inch , 10 feet , rough 16 60 BIDING , 1st Com. , 12,14 and 16 feet 82200 2d Com. . 14 and 10 feet 10 00 3d Coin. , 14and 16 feet. . 16 00 Fence , 14 and 16 feet 1100 VtOOBINO , 1st Com. G Inch , white pins , 838 GO 2dOom. Gicch , whlto plug. . . 35 00 Id Coin. Cinch , white pine 28 00 3el. Fence 6 Inch , white pine 19 GO 1st and 2d Clear yellow pine , 4-6 inch. 34 60 SHIP 1AP. No. 1 , Plain , 8or 10Inch , . . . , . , .81800 No. 2 , Plain , 10 inch 16(0 Nol , O. G 1UOO 1st , 2d Mid 3d Clear , 1J inch , , 2s. . , . $500C 1st , 2d , and 3d Clear. Hand 2 inch , s. 2s CO OC B Select , 1J , 14 and 2 inch , i. 2 8G OC lit , 2d and Sd , Clear , 1 inch , B. 2 45 OC A Select , 1 inch , § ,2 40 00 B Select , llnch , s , 2s SO 00 BTOOK BOARDS , A 12 Inch , s. Is , 12,14 and 16feet..45 00 B 12 Inch , s. Is , 12,14 and 16 feet..41 00 0 12 Inch , B. Is. 12,14 and 16 feet SG 00 D 12 inch , s. 1 s. 12,14 and 16 feet 23 00 No. 1 Com. 12 in. , B. 1 s. 12,14 and 16 ft 18 00 No. 1 Com. 12in , , 1.1 B. 10,18 and 20 ft21 00 No. 2 Com. 12 in.i. 1 s. 12,14 and 16 ft.lG 00 BATT1NB , WKLLIUBINO , PICKETS. O.G. Bats.Slnch 8 ,8T O. G. Bat * , ZJtnch 7G 1 inch Bats , R. 1 B.I 41 3 Inch well tubing , D. & M. . . 23 00 3 Inch well tubing , Bnv 23 00 Pickets : D. & U. Flat , 82 00 ; D & II , Bqnaro , 24 00 BI1NOLE3 AND LATH. 16 Inch , Clear 8325 * A 8tandftrd 2 GO Cinch , Clear 1 G ] No.l. 1 JO Lath 2 CO White Cedar , G inch , halves 11 o Whlto Cedar , GJInch , halves 9' White Cedar , 8 inches , quarters ! ) . White Cedar , 4 inch , round 12 o LIMB , ETC , Qnincy white limo ( best ) 9Pc Cement $1,85 Platter ( Michigan ) 2.40 Tarred felt , per cwt 1.85 Straw board , per cwt 1.7C uiaco. Steady ; green butchers' Co ; green cnrod , 7Jodry ; flint , 12@14o , dry salt , 10@llc ; dam aged hides two-thirds price. Tallow-4i@5c. Grease Prlmo whlto , 31 @ 4o. Bhoop Pclts-25c@75. DENVER MA11KET. FLOUR-Colorado , 100 Ibs , 215@2 20) ) patent - ont , 100 Ibs. , 2 763 00 ; Kansas , 100 Iba , 2 75 @ 3 00 ; graham , 100 Ibs , 1 G ) ; ryp , 1 00 Ibi. 225. 225.GRAIN GRAIN , FEED , ETC. Wheat ! 100 Ibs , $135 corn , 100 Ibs , 115(31 ( 23oata | , Nebraska mixed,100 Ibs 1 C0@l G5t Nebraska oats whito. L G5@l 701 bran , ton , 17 00 ; chop , corn , 100 Ibs , 1 20@12576 ; : chop mixed , 100 Ibs , ICO @ 1 GO ; corn mo * ! , 100 Ibs. 1 4001 CO. HAt-Looac , per ton , 10 C012 CO ; baled , second bottom , 10 GO@ > 11 00 ; baled , upland , 12 00@14 00 ; alfalfa , loose , ton , 12 00@1C 00) ) straw , ton , 600(17 ( 00. BDTIEB Creamery , Cneit , Ib. 27@28c : creamery , Tgood , Ib , 24@25o ; Illinois and [ owa dairy , Ib , 18@2'Jo ; Kansas and No- iraaka dairy , Ib , 15@ljjo ; common , lb,6@8c ; jutterino creamery , Ib , 20@22c ; buttcrine dairy , Ib , lG@lgo. CHEESE Full cream , Ib , 13@15o ; half cream , Ib , 10@llo ; skim , Ib , 9o ; Swiss , Im ported , ! I2c ; Swias , domestic , Ib , 20@22 ; Llm- rargor , 20o. Boos State , fresh candled , 'doz , ll@lCc ; iresh ranch , doz , 15@lGc. POULTBYLive old chickens , doz , 6 EO@G 00 ; dressed chickens , Ib , 15@16o ; dressed turkeys , Ib. , 2022c , PoTATOEa 100 Ibs. I 6195 ! ; Salt Lake , 100 Ibs , 2 00 ; cow California , 10D Ibs , 2 JG@ 300. VEOETABLEg-Onlons , 100 Ibs , 400@425 ; turnips. 100 Ibs , 1 76 ; cabbage , now Calif or- nin , 100 lt , S C0@1 JO ; lettuce , doz , 60c ; raddisbes , doz , 40c ; yoong enions , doz , 20o ; parsley , doz , 40c ; pie plant , doz , 20c ; oyster plant , doz , f Oc ; spinach , doz , 8c ; asparagus , b , iOc. cnlifloiter , Ib , 18c ; cucumbers , doz , 150@175. GIIEEN FBUITS Apple B , hbl , 850 ; Messina oraona , extra , box , D 00@G 00 ; cranberriec , bbl , 12 00 ; Messina Granges , box , G 75@GOO ; California osauges , box , 2 25@2 75 ; bananas , Jtinch , 2 00 ® J DO ; pine apples , doz , 4 00@ r GO ; Strawberries , California , IGc qt , 3 00 ( * 25 box ; strawberries , eastern , crate , 3 60 ® CO ; cherries , California , 10 Ib box , 2 25 ® 3 00 ; plums , box , 2 25 ; apricots , box , 3 25. CUBED MEATS Hums , sugar cured , Ib , 10& lOfc ; bacon , breakf&at , Ib , 10g311c ! } ; salt sided , .b , 73@7 c ; Urd In palls , OJQ'Jc ; lard In tlorres , 8c. Fn < sH MEATS Dressed beef , Colorado , per 100118,7003725 ; hotpi. dressed , 100 Ibs , 6 25@6 75 ; mutton , 100 Iks , 6 10&G CO. LIVB STOCK Beef grwa cattle. 100 Ibc , 4 00 @ICO ; hogs , 100Ibs , 4 50g4 75 ; sheep , 100 bs , sheared , 2 75@3 DO. Hides. Dry Flint No. 1 , per Ib , lli13o ; o. 2 , Ib , 9@10o ; green steers and cows , b , 45o ; green calf , Ib , G@8c ; green : kip , Ib , G6c ; brandei calf , Ib , Go ; shearlings , Ib , LO&lGoi sheep skins , dry , Ib , 5gGodoer ; skins b , 12@1GQJ nntelope sla'ns , to. 12@1C ; elk skins , Ib , P@10c ; tallnw Ib , 4@4Jo WOOL Uolorado choice , per Ib. l 316ct leavy , 12@lSci ; Now Mexican , averacro , 7 ® 10o. FIDH Mnokorol , No. I. 140 , kit , 11C © LS5 ; me ft. 160(5)2 ( ) 00 ; California salmon , lalt bbl , 9 GOr Holland berrin * , keg , 1 35 ; resh lake trout , bbl , 15@16c , FRED W. GRAY , ( SUCCESSOR TO ) FOSTER & GRAY , WHITE TINE , YELLOW PINE , CALI FORNIA JIEDWOOD ASH , OAIC , BLACK WALNUT , SPANISH CEDAR. 9ear Creek Lime , Louisville Cement ttland Cement. Iowa and Michigan 1'las ter , Hair , Etc. Etc. P Cor. Gtli & Dour/las a HABUEG-A ] PACKET COMPANY : Direct Line for England , Fjrance and Germany. The sieamihlpe ol this well known line are bnllt ef Iron , In water-tight compartments , and art far- LljhoJ with every requisite to make the pn8 go loth eafo and agreeable , They carry tbo United Htites and European malls , and leava Saw York n Tnaadays and Saturdays for Plymouth ( LONDON Oherboug. ( PARIS and HAMDUIIQ. Rates , Flret Cabin , $30-8100. Bteeraee , to or rom Hamburg , $10. 0. 0. RIGQARD& CO..Gen eral Pass. Agents , 01 Broadway , New York and Voshlngton > n 1 La Sollo streets , Chicagoor Henry 'undt , ifark Hauien , F. G. Uoorei , llany Deuel In Omaha ; Orontwlg & Sohofncgen , In Council Ilia da UNITED STATES TJ , B , DEPOSirORY , S. W. Cov , Farnam and 12th Sts Capital , - $100,000.00 { 0 , W. HAMILTON , Pres't. K. T. BARLOW , Oathin DIBEOTOnst / 1 , M. OALDWOIL , B.-K. Sunn , 0. W. UAUILTOW , M. T , lUniow , O. Witi. HAUILIOK. Accounts solicited and kept subject to eight cheict. ) Certificates of Deposit Issued payable In 3 , and 12 months , bearing interest , or on de mand without interest. Advances inado to customers or approved securities at market rates of interest { The interests of customers are closely guard ed and every facility compatible with princi ples of sonnd banking freely extended , Draw sight drafts on England , Ireland Scotland , anif all parts of Europo. 8 U Kuropean passage tickets , Oolleotlons Promptly Made. E CHICAGO RAILWAY. THE BEST ROUTK AND SBIOIRT 3LIOSTE1 Omaha Council Bluffs and Chicago. Thsony lo take for Des Itolno. Marshall town , Cedar IlaptJs , Clinton , Dixie , Chicago , 1111 waukce ana all points cant. To tbe people ol Ne braskaColorado , Wyoming. Utah , Idaho , Nevada Oregon , Washington anil California It oners superior advantage ! not possible by any other line. Among a tew of the numerous points of tnperlor. Ity en Jot cd by the patrons of this road between Omaha and Chicago , are Its two trains day ol DAT COACHES which are theflnest that human art and Ingenuity can create ; Its PALACE SLUKFIKO CARS which are models of comfort nnd elegance , Its PAH LOR DRAWING ROOM OARS , unsurpassed by any and Its widely celebrated PALATIAL DINING OAKS the equal of which cannot bo fonrd elsewhere. At Council Bluff ) the trains ot the Union Pacific R- . connect In Union Depot with those of the Chlcn ro & Northestorn ItjIn Chicago the trains of thlf line make dote connection with those ot all eastern lines. For Detroit , Columbus , Indianapolis , Cincinnati , Niagara Falls , Buffalo , 1'lltsburg , Toronto , Montreal Boston , Now York , Philadelphia , Baltimore , Wath. ington and all points In the East , ask the ticket agent lor tickets via the -NORTU-WESTERrT , ' Ifvonwtintho boat accommodations. All ticket agents sell tickets via thli line , M.nuoniTT. R-snAin. Genera ] Manager. don. PJBS. Agent CHICAGOW.N. W.N. BMJCOCK , Gen 141 ! FarnnmSt , Omahn. No CHICAGO , & St. Paul THE SHOUT LIN And BEST ROUTE. rROJI OUAUA TO THE EAST , TWO TRAINS DAILY BETWEEN OUAHAAND Chicago , Minneapolis , Milwaukee , St. Paul , Cedar llaplda , Davenport , Clinton , Dubuque , Rockford , lock Island , Freeport Janesvillo , 3Igln , Madison , La Crosse , Molt. Winona , And all other Important points East , North * east and Southeast. Ticket offlco at HOI Farnam street ( In Paxton no cl ) , and at Union Paclflo Depot. Pullman Sleepers and the Finest Dining Cars In bo World are run on tnemaln lines of the CHICAGO JIMFAUKKS & ST. PAUL H'Y and every attention la paid o passengers by courteous employer of ( accompany. 3. 8. MERRILL , A. V. II. CARPKNTER , General Manager , Gcn'l Pansonecr Agent. B. MILLER , QEO. F. HEAFFOKD , Asa't Gen'l Manager. Aea't Oen'l Pass Agent _ J T. CLAUK , Oen'l Superintendent _ Bailway Time Table. InKffoot April 5th. 1885. Tht ktleatlon of th IrarelllcK pabllo h cilltd lo be fact that this Is the only complete and nboolnlely correct tlmo-tablo published In the city. All trains ariit o at and dopul from Omaha by lentral Standard Time. Trains of the 0. St. P. U. tt 0. anlve at sad d il Irem their depot , cornel of 14th and Wobitei troets ; trains ol the B. A M. , O , B. S ; Q. , and E , 0 It. J. & 0. B. from the B. J il , depot ) all others Iron the UnlonPaclflc depot a , Dally ; b , except Oatmday ; c , exoepl Bandar ) d , eictpl Monday. OMAHA BRIDGE TKAIMB Dummv Tralno I * .vo Omaha at 8 25,7 9 00,10 DO , 1115 a m.inO , Z 00. 8 00. i 00 , 4 66 , 6 to 110pm. Ou Sundays the 7 tfl and 10 03 a m and ' 00 and i 00 p m tralna do not run , Anlve at trana- or depot U minutes liter : Broadway depot SO mln- ntes later , Leave Council Binds ( Do dvray depot ) at B BDT 65 , S3,10 80,11 tO a m ; 1 80 , S 80 , t SO. 123 , 5 2f. and 11 45 p m. On Sundays the 9 SO and 11 40 a B , nd 8 CO and 5 25 p m trains will not run. Arrive at transfer 7 minutes later , Omaha io minutes later. TrannforTrnlnB I ave Omaha a SU , 81 ! m , 12 89 , 2 20,120,0 00 and 7 OOn m , dally. Arrive al 9 SO and 11 CO a ei , 1 05 , 8 80 , 7 20 and 55 p , u. . _ _ _ _ _ SUNDAY TRAINS To and Irom Chicago via the Tripartite Alllanso Linos. SPHDAT MOiltilNO. | BITUEPAT BTT. Mil. | lt-1. I N.W | N-W | lt-1 | Ml February. . | IB 1-22 SI 81 7-23 U Match . . . . I 8-29 16 1-221 14 SI 7-ta April I IB 5-J8 1 ! I fi-25 11 18 Mty )10-ri ) 17 S-M I 1 1-23 e-to ttnnday ovenloKand Uonday mornlnfr trains aril oorroaponding order. C. B. it Q. trains rnn eve ay. STOCKYARDS TRAINS. bare Union Piclflo depot at 0 40 a m and B 15 Arrive from Stock Yards at 7 25 a la and C 6 f n , Seventeen years Experience. DR.G.W.PANGIiE eider otlJlseasoi ol Men anl Women. Electric , laguetlo and Herbalist I'byeklan. Now located at 1210 DoutlUn Bt Omaha. Neb. , up italrs. A-oorrect dlattnosls given ulthout any explanation Iom the patient. Consultation Ireo at ollioc. Treat the Following Diseases. Catarrh of the Head. Diseases ol tbe Eye and for. Heart Dlaeate , Liver Com | > lilot , Kidney Com- ilamt.Ncrious Debility , Mental Depression , Lwgcf lanliood , Dlabetm , llilk'ht's Dlstuo , Bt Vltuo oace , Ithcutnat'sin ' , IVraljdt , White Swellings crolula , Foier Sores. Cancers and Tumors rumo\o I \Utliout tbe knife , or tbe drawing of a drop cf ilood. Woman , with her delicate organ * , Iteetoredto lealtb. Dropsy Cured W tliout Toppli g , Sfocla ] Attention Given to Prltato and Veneical Utaoaien of II Kinds , Tare Worms Kcmoved In two or three loum or No Pay , Hcmmorrbolds or Piles Ccied ere o Chame ] Made , Tlioso who ate afflicted will sue live and liun- reds of dollars by calling on or using D1L a. W. PANOLE'8 Herbal Uedlclnea. S NerToiu l J I.o.t UtblUljr lUubood * uJJ . r AfiTorlte prcicrlptloa of a noted p cl llil ( uoirl- tiltt. ) DrueeUUruDlllt. Addrwi OR. WARD 4 < 2C. . J.U01SUH CHAS. FURNITURE UPHOLSTERY AND DRAPERIES , r songer Elevator to nil floors , 1206 , 1203 and 1210 I'ainam Street OMAIIA , NEBRASKA" SIARDWOOD LIMBER Air and Kiln Dried Walnut , Ohtrry , Ash , Butternut , Yellow Pop ! * ? i' r i . ---dwopd ana 1 opur PAD * ! , Hardwood Flooring , Wagon Stock , Stall nMaterial , Red Cedar Posts , Common Oak Dlmeniion nd Brldw "rimbort , Oedar Boards for moth proofclMatsEtc. Veneers , Fancy Woods for Scroll BawlSff.Kta.Et * PQUKlas. - - OmaIia.Nob. MAX MEYi ( ESTABLISHED 18G5. ) Only Importers in Omaha ol SMOKERS' ARTICLES , Guns , Sporting Goods and Motions FIREWORKS , FLAGS , BALLOONS Ease Balls , Fishing Tackle. ROLLER SKATES. 3E3ST3D LISTS. M IOC Meyer Co. , Omaha , Neb. T , CLARKE , frest.and Treat. A. CLARKSVict Presidtn JOHN T. CLAnKS , Secretary. H. T. CLARKE DRUG COMPANY. SUCCEEDING LEIGHTON o& CLARKE W T AROE3T Jobbing Drug homo between Chicago and San Francisco. CAPITAL STOCK , 1200,000. Ws U shall bo at the bottom of the mwkct at all times. NYH1 dnpllcato Chicago and St. Loula prices vrlth rolght added. Our specialty will bo P we Drugs , Paints , Oils and Winaotv Crlastf Es ImatoB given on plato glass. Tn thojo about to embark In the drug buslnoes will Jo well to 1111 rour Interest by wiling onus or eeiid for our prloo list which will appear boat January Bth , Hall orde lollcitcd. 114 UARNEV arBEET. G. B. GREEN. GEO. BURK ( Will pay customers Drait with Bill of Lading attached , for two-thirds value of stock , ) GREEN & BURKE. LIVE STOCK COMMISSION MERCH'TS UNION STOCK YARDS , ' JIBFEIIKNCES : Merchants & Farmer's Bank , David City.Neb. Kearney National Bank , Kearney , Neb , JolumbuB State Bank , Columbus , Nob. McDonald's Bank , North Platte , Neb. Dmahtt National Bank , Omaha , Neb. And Poultry Commission House. P. H. ALLEN , Omaha : Consiynments olicited. DEALERS IN e FIBE AND BUBQLAE PEOOF T < O SPECIAL NOTICE TO Growers of laive Stock and Others. WE CALL YOUR ATTENTION TO O u 'I ' ! ke It IB'I ho hoit nnd cheapest food for stock of any kind. One pound la oqnal to hroopotudaof orn. Stock fed with Ground Oil Qako In the Fall r.ud Winter nstead of down , will increase lunolght and bo In ( ; oed morlcoublo oondl- lon In lhn Dairymen , M wall MS others , who neo It , cna tojtify to Its mer le. Try It and d 'o for younfilvos. Prloo S24.00 per ton. No ohorgo for sacks. , Address WOODMAN LINHEED OIL WORKS , Omaha , Nob. THE < L. 3L STRAWG COMPANY ; Double and Singh Acting Powap at.d Kane Offll ! f Trlmmlnga , Mining Machinery , Bolting , Hose , Braes and Iron Fitting ! at wholesale or retail. HALLADAY WIND-MILLS , OHDRCH AND SCHOOL BELLS. Corner 10th and Paruam St. , Omaha Neb. . ( C. F. COflDMAN. 'V * Druggists AND DEALER IN OMAHA. NEB. M. HELLMAW & CO. Clothier 1301 AND 1303 FARNAM STREET , OOR. 13XH ,